
evas it turns out, the kde frontend doesn't really do recursive main loops.  Bah.00:01
CIA-71ubiquity: jriddell * r4224 trunk/ubiquity/plugins/ (ubi-language.py ubi-prepare.py): Add network check to KDE ubi-language for release notes label01:47
Riddellev: I'm not convinced at that ^^ it hides the release notes widget if no update is available, doesn't it want to show it if release notes are available?01:48
evRiddell: if memory serves, this was the condition handed down by sabdfl, but yeah, it makes sense to show the release notes URL if a network connection is available.01:49
Riddellok, fixing01:53
evcool, thanks01:58
superm1ev, is the intention of that prepare widget to really check for ethernet (and it's just checking for internet access at this point), or is it misworded right now?02:02
evit's checking for Internet, but michaelforrest wanted to suggest to users that they use an ethernet connection02:03
evI'm cool with us changing the text to Internet connection02:03
superm1cool, i think that's probably a good idea then02:34
CIA-71ubiquity: jriddell * r4225 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/plugins/ubi-language.py):02:34
CIA-71ubiquity: In ubi-language.py check if release notes can be accessed as well as checking02:34
CIA-71ubiquity: for upgrade available and show correct label as appropriate02:34
Riddellev: dare I ask how the KDE frontend controlling is going?02:36
evRiddell: got it getting to the slideshow and mostly handling the parallel stuff (building on your work), just need to fix some progress bar stuff and a race condition02:37
CIA-71ubiquity: superm1 * r4226 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs):02:39
CIA-71ubiquity: Don't use "Ethernet" when indicating a user is connected to the network.02:39
CIA-71ubiquity: (LP: #615104, #615035)02:39
* Riddell snoozes02:39
evRiddell: goodnight02:40
evsuperm1: thanks!02:40
superm1sure np02:41
superm1ev, have you and michaelforest discussed transitions between pages at all?02:52
evI brought it up, but I think he wanted to largely leave it alone for now02:52
evGTK unfortunately makes life quite difficult here02:52
superm1dang. my primary concern is that now that so much is going on at once, some of these pages take a noticeably longer time to load, and if widgets are still left sensistive, there isn't an indiciation that it's chugging along necessarily02:54
superm1setting the whole notebook page unsensitive while switching pages doesn't seem too difficult, but might not give a very pretty effect02:55
evyeah, that might be the best option though02:56
evwe already make the navigation buttons insensitive02:56
superm1what you think about doing that for beta and seeing what people's reception is on it then?02:57
evhrm, actualy02:59
evdon't we already switch to a spinning cursor?02:59
superm1yeah it looks like it actually03:00
superm1so maybe that's sufficient on it's own03:00
evI think so03:04
evit'll be quite clear that they're waiting if they can't interact with anything, due to the spinning cursor03:04
superm1well not necessarily can't, but shouldn't :)03:05
evI thought the spinning cursor blocks click events, no?03:06
superm1doesn't seem like it to me03:07
superm1otherwise you wouldn't be able to expand that expander you put on the bottom03:07
evyay, race condition fixed03:09
evsuperm1: I cannot recall what the UI looks like here, but my thought was that we use the full spinning cursor (not the arrow plus spinner) and make the UI insensitive to input without greying everything out.03:15
superm1that sounds like the most ideal scenario03:16
superm1is that just removing the notebook page from the focus chain?03:16
evnot sure03:17
superm1ev, it seems just changing the focus of the page itself doesn't do it, probably have to do it to all widgets in the chain.  here's what sensitivity looks like: http://people.ubuntu.com/~superm1/sensitive.ogv03:41
evah, that is a bit scary03:46
evincidentally, what did you create that screencast with?03:46
evI've been struggling to find good tools03:47
superm1lets you just pick an area of the screen to do it from03:47
evcool, thanks03:47
superm1it's a huge CPU hog though if you do too big an area or try to narrate with sound03:47
evah, yikes03:48
superm1you use KVM though don't you?  I thought it spit out VNC, which you can probably do pyvnc2swf03:48
superm1i'm a virtualbox person myself, so it only spits out RDP03:49
CIA-71ubiquity: superm1 * r4227 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs):03:50
CIA-71ubiquity: Make sure finished_label reflects the derivative name rather than03:50
CIA-71ubiquity: hardcoding to "Ubuntu".03:50
evindeed I do, I'll have to give both approaches a try03:50
CIA-71ubiquity: superm1 * r4228 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/plugins/ubi-partman.py):04:02
CIA-71ubiquity: Set the buttons on the second autopartitioning screen appropriately04:02
CIA-71ubiquity: to the choices on the first.04:02
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4229 trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs):06:08
CIA-71ubiquity: Add parallel operation support to the KDE frontend, with help from06:08
CIA-71ubiquity: Jonathan Riddell.06:08
evright, bed.  I'll be back up in a few hours to finish the missing hostname (you convinced me, I'm adding it back), grub, and proxy options, as well as fix the UI nits (missing size and icon) on the automatic partitioner.06:08
evI'm tempted to put the advanced button back on the partitioning pages, to the left of quit, back, next, instead of the original plan of putting the grub box on the manual partitioner page, with its setting remaining even on going back to the automatic partitioning page.  Opinions definitely welcome on that one.06:08
CIA-71ubiquity: superm1 * r4230 ubiquity/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-partman.py: hide the two extra text labels in auto partitioner mode if use entire disk was chosen07:02
Riddellgosh ev, you're my hero08:55
* ogra hugs ev09:13
evRiddell: do you want a feature freeze exception bug for this ubiquity KDE stuff, or am I okay to upload as-is?17:52
ScottKRiddell asked sheytan to test the ubiquity updates for Kubuntu that ev worked on last night.  After clicking on "Try Kubuntu" he gets a black screen after ksplashx.  Would someone be able to help us troubleshoot it (we need the Ubiquity fixes for Beta since Kubuntu is uninstallable at the moment)18:35
superm1ScottK, at that point is ubiquity even running though?18:36
superm1i thought clicking the try *ubuntu will request ubiquity to  close, and let the kdm upstart script take over18:36
superm1so I would believe the bug is further into your stack18:36
ograScottK, welcome to the club :)18:36
ScottKsuperm1: The odd thing is that an existing system fully up to date boots.18:37
* ogra also awaits the ubiquity upload eagerly for armel18:37
superm1ScottK, if you boot directly into live mode does that happen (eg press a key at splash and pick live session)18:37
ScottKsheytan: ^^^18:38
sheytanHey guys, i'm sorry for trouble. I think the that happen cause i made 64bit machine and tryied to run a 32 kubuntu18:39
sheytannow it works fine :)18:39
sheytanScottK ^\18:39
ScottKsheytan: OK.  That's really great news.18:40
sheytanYep ;D18:40
sheytanScottK now ill install the packages from Riddell18:40
ScottKsuperm1: Thanks for helping.18:40
superm1cool, sounds good18:40
evScottK: so am I safe to upload?19:44
ScottKev: Not sure.  Having some other problems.  I'd say it's unlikely to be worse at this point.19:44
evthat was my thinking as well19:44
ScottK(since it doesn't install at all at the moment)19:44
evcool, I'll upload then19:45
ogrago go go19:45
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4231 trunk/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):19:46
CIA-71ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: debian-installer-utils19:46
CIA-71ubiquity: 1.79ubuntu1, flash-kernel 2.28ubuntu8, partman-auto 91ubuntu4,19:46
CIA-71ubiquity: partman-uboot 4, user-setup 1.28ubuntu8.19:46
superm1ev, i'm a little confused by this "entire partition" button.  what exactly is it supposed to  be doing?19:46
evsuperm1: it uses the entirety of the partition that's selected for resize, rather than resizing it19:46
superm1so if someone starts out at entire disk, then ideally entire partition should actually be greyed out then19:47
superm1and only shown as available if they choose "split partition" or start out in resize mode19:47
evyeah, it should match 3.2.3 in the design spec19:49
evand indeed19:50
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4232 trunk/debian/real-po/ (78 files): debconf-updatepo19:50
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4233 trunk/ (155 files in 3 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.20:01
ScottKev: Once Ubiquity binaries are in the archive, would you poke someone to respin Kubuntu so I can get someone testing?20:07
cyphermoxis there a way to memory dumps or something from grub? I'm getting into an issue where only in the case of PXE booting to the hard drive (e.g. localboot 0, 0x80, etc.) the system hangs somewhere at grub before getting to load the kernel20:32
evScottK: sure thing20:50
ScottKev: Thanks.20:50
evand actually, I'll just respin them myself20:50
evas I'd like to do ubuntu as well20:51
ScottKev: Even better. I'll be offline this evening, so if you could poke someone in #kubuntu-devel to get them a test when they're done, I'd appreciate it.20:54
evwill do!20:55
Riddellev: FFe approved21:49
Riddellev: so I got a crash when I installed the debs I build locally on my virtual machine22:01
evRiddell: you've accepted it in the queue?22:01
evRiddell: can you pastebin your logs?22:01
Riddellnot yet22:01
Riddellthe very unhelpful http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/p2u1009J22:02
Riddellso I wonder if it's just because of my local build being funny22:03
Riddellev: I take it you've run it without crashes at startup22:05
evRiddell: yes, but I've run it via some special bootstrapping over NFS22:06
evI can't see how it would be any different, but I'll build a package now and give it a go22:06
Riddellyou haven't changed any of the startup bits22:06
Riddellshrug, I'm just going to accept it and we'll see what happens22:07
RiddellI'm away until monday afternoon though, hopefully others can test22:07
evI'll be around tomorrow, so I can fix anything that arises (hopefully)22:09
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4234 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.3.822:09
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