
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm just about to upload now00:06
micahgchrisccoulson: k00:06
chrisccoulsonhave you tested the changes to the apparmor bits in the postinst script?00:06
chrisccoulsonjdstrand ? ^^00:06
chrisccoulsonok, uploaded now00:19
chrisccoulsonin time for the freeze ;)00:19
Dimmuxxis the ui freeze at the same time as beta freeze?00:51
micahgDimmuxx: yes, why?00:56
Dimmuxxmicahg: I was just wondering. I wanna see the final theme design :)00:59
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jdstrandchrisccoulson: I did test the postinst bits, yes. I assume you mean the ones I botched and then fixed ;)03:30
sugnanhello can some one please help, am trying to use the plugin https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4522/, but getting the following error Failed to load shared librararies and/or register XPCOM componenets for XML Digital Signature tool .08:44
sugnanMake sure that DLLs (shared libraries) from Apache Xerces-C++ and Xalan-C++ (for FF2 only) are in your PATH (LD_LIBRARY_PATH) environment variable08:45
sugnani have installed all xmlsec related librarie08:46
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gnomefreakmicahg: did you ever pushed the symlink patch to thunderbird daily PPA11:45
fta2chrisccoulson, d'oh! your last nss/nspr killed chromium13:07
chrisccoulsonfta2 - what did it break?13:07
fta2$ chromium-browser13:07
fta2[5855:5900:410194104:ERROR:base/nss_util.cc(149)] NSS_VersionCheck("3.12.3") failed.  We depend on NSS >= 3.12.3, and this error is not fatal only because many people have busted NSS setups (for example, using the wrong version of NSPR). Please upgrade to the latest NSS and NSPR, and if you still get this error, contact your distribution maintainer.13:07
fta2/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libnssutil3.so: undefined symbol: PL_ClearArenaPool13:07
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that symbol was added to the latest nspr version13:08
chrisccoulsonfta2 - you've not updated nss without nspr have you? (although, that shouldn't be possible anyway)13:09
fta2it's after a reboot of a fully updated maverick13:09
fta2libnspr4-0d 4.8.6-0ubuntu1 & libnss3-1d 3.12.7-0ubuntu113:10
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i wonder if it's picking up an older nspr from somewhere else. what is the output of "ldd /usr/lib/libnssutil3"?13:11
fta2        libnspr4.so => /usr/lib/libnspr4.so (0x00007f7a92944000)13:11
chrisccoulsonfta2 - is this a version that still has the LD_LIBRARY_PATH hack to /usr/lib/xulrunner-*?13:12
fta2oh, that damn openjdk workaround maybe13:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, i bet it's getting the older nspr from xulrunner13:13
chrisccoulsonwhich is missing that symbol13:13
chrisccoulsonit's strange that it doesn't get nss from the same place though13:14
chrisccoulsoni would try removing that and see if it works13:14
fta2correct, it worked without the workaround13:14
fta2how come i didn't catch that earlier13:15
fta2the workaround has been there for weeks13:15
chrisccoulsonfta2 - the new nspr version was only uploaded yesterday13:16
chrisccoulsonwhich xulrunner version do you have btw?13:16
fta2xulrunner- xulrunner- xulrunner-2.0b5pre13:16
fta2$ xulrunner --gre-version13:16
* gnomefreak misses Maverick13:16
fta2that's from umd13:16
chrisccoulsonah, so that must be shipping it's own nspr version for some reason. the in-archive version isn't doing that13:17
fta2i don't need xul 1.9.1, it's obsolete, right?13:18
chrisccoulsonnot quite obsolete yet, but you probably don't need it13:19
gnomefreaknevermind it cant be13:19
gnomefreakyou dont need it, well at least i dont have itinstalled13:19
fta2the question is, which is xulrunner still pointing at 1.9.1 and not 1.9.2?13:19
chrisccoulsonfta2 - ok, so is shipping it's own (slightly older) nspr, which is why you see the problem13:20
fta2shouldn't we drop the alternative?13:20
chrisccoulsonthat doesn't affect the in-archive version, but you probably want to drop the LD_LIBRARY_PATH change anyway (it doesn't seem to be needed now)13:20
fta2purged xul191 and it's fine now13:21
chrisccoulsonyou can update the link to point to 1.9.2 with update-alternatives. i've been thinking of using the link priority to migrate that automatically so that the latest stable version gets priority13:21
chrisccoulsonat the moment, all the xulrunner versions have the same link priority, so you end up with the link pointing to the older version when you install a new version13:22
fta2it should point to the version used by the supported firefox13:23
chrisccoulsonfta2 - that's why: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/xulrunner/xulrunner-1.9.1.head/revision/53713:28
fta2yep, but that's meant for xul/ff own needs13:29
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, can i have a USN for TB3.0.7 please?13:30
fta2workaround dropped from ch.head13:32
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: sure, hold on13:33
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: 978-113:34
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, thanks13:34
* gnomefreak getting really pissed off with tb now15:39
gnomefreakit is failing to connect on more than one address it worked fine yesterday morning than later it was 1 address now 2+ address' are haivng the password errors15:42
gnomefreaksame problem in safe mode15:48
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, for seamonkey updates, we're currently doing a rebuild after the official release, just to add MFSA numbers to the changelog16:21
chrisccoulsonwhich seems a little crazy16:21
chrisccoulsondo you think there would be any issues with just having a link to something like http://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/seamonkey20.html ?16:21
chrisccoulson(in the changelog)16:22
jdstrandchrisccoulson: in the past we have referenced MFSAs. That said, seamonkey is in universe and you could probably figure something out that would better utilize your time than spelling all that out in the changelog and leaving the link.16:23
jdstrandchrisccoulson: that said, MFSAs are preferred, but I'd take the link-- just be clear that it fixes everything after the previous version16:23
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, yeah, i'll ty and find a link to a page which makes it more obvious what issues are fixed (perhaps the release notes?)16:25
chrisccoulsonit just seems a little wasteful to do a whole rebuild just to add information to the changelog16:25
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, perhaps we could maintain our own page with the information on?16:26
jdstrandchrisccoulson: we have the ubuntu-cve-tracker for that16:27
jdstrandchrisccoulson: the changelog really does need to say that it is a SECURITY UPDATE. spelling out the MFSAs in the changelog or pointing to the upstream link is up to you16:27
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, yeah, the issue is that we don't have visibility of the CVE's when we do the initial build, unless there is some way we could make use of that without intially having that information16:28
jdstrandchrisccoulson: people make decisions based on the changelog -- if it isn't clear it is a security update and what is fixed, they might not upgrade16:28
jdstrandchrisccoulson: this is why we assign USNs for firefox and tbird16:28
jdstrandchrisccoulson: seamonkey doesn't get a USN so we are kinda stuck16:29
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, yeah, so we should make clear it is a security update. but the situation is similar for firefox (in that the changelog doesn't really say anything, other than give a USN)16:29
chrisccoulsonso people still need to find the USN before making a decision on what to do16:29
chrisccoulsondo people read changelogs though? ;)16:30
jdstrandchrisccoulson: it is precisely the same as for firefox, but seamonkey doesn't get a USN, so we need to do something else. providing the aforementioned link is fine. in the past, seamonkey builds lagged, so it wasn't a problem16:30
chrisccoulsonmy GF doesn't even upgrade - she just closes update-manager without even acknowledging it!16:30
jdstrandchrisccoulson: update-manager can display them and there is also apt-listchanges. it is really all anyone has for universe stuff16:30
jdstrandchrisccoulson: well, your GF notwithstanding, we need to provide the info to those who are looking :)16:31
chrisccoulsonheh ;)16:31
chrisccoulsonshe needs re-educating really ;)16:31
chrisccoulsoni wonder how many other people just close update-manager?16:31
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I suggest you set her up to install security updates automatically in the background16:34
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I started doing that with all my non-technical users16:34
jdstrandthey don't get -updates, but they are safe16:35
chrisccoulsonyeah, i suppose i could do that16:35
glassresistordoes anyone else have issues with ff4 in gmail where when you try and send an email it says SENDING up at the top and never thinks it got sent, it does get sent but the page basically freezes16:39
chrisccoulsonglassresistor, no, that seems to work ok here17:21
micahgchrisccoulson: why is xulrunner building its own nspr?17:21
chrisccoulsonmicahg, because you bumped the minimum version to 4.6.8 in .head ;)17:22
chrisccoulsonmicahg - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/xulrunner/xulrunner-1.9.1.head/revision/53717:23
glassresistorim having other issues as well i can't load this one page other people on my network can, its worked in ff4 but not ff3 then its stopped working in ff4 after an update17:23
glassresistorand by page i mean anything from one domain17:23
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, I'll revert that :)17:24
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yes please, if you don't mind17:24
chrisccoulsoni'll get 1.9.1 in to the security PPA then as well17:24
chrisccoulsonthat will just leave 1.9.2 then17:25
chrisccoulsonthunderbird and seamonkey are in the PPA17:25
micahgchrisccoulson: which we still have to wait on upstream for a decision on nspr17:25
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's why i've left that one for now17:25
chrisccoulsonFF3.6.9 is built on all releases too17:25
micahgchrisccoulson: k, reverted17:27
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks17:27
micahgchrisccoulson: TB 3.1.3 should wait as well for the NSPR outcome17:27
chrisccoulsonyeah, no problem17:27
glassresistor>im getting a file not found when trying to manage profiles jar:file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.6.10pre/chrome/browser-branding-en-US.jar!/locale/branding/browserconfig.properties17:31
glassresistorits seems like something about the dailybuild ppa is messing with my profiles, cookies, and cache17:33
glassresistorgonna pop out and restart17:33
chrisccoulsoni didn't realise 1.9.1 was that out of date on karmic17:45
chrisccoulsoni thought we were on at least. i'm not sure what happened to that though17:45
micahgchrisccoulson: nope :)17:50
micahgwe skipped it in the rush to get 3.6.4/6 in17:51
chrisccoulsonyeah, that was a bit of an oversight. i even tagged the branch for (and i've got a build of it here too)17:52
chrisccoulsonwe just must have forgotten to publish it ;)17:52
chrisccoulsonurgh, the xulrunner-1.9.1 builds are failing to upload after building18:41
chrisccoulsoneasy fix though :)18:42
chrisccoulson2010-08-26 17:35:41 WARNING xulrunner-dev_1.9.1.12+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1_amd64.deb: Version older than that in the archive. <=
chrisccoulsoni need to drop the xulrunner-dev binaries from this update18:42
chrisccoulsonit sucks that it waited until they were built before telling me that18:42
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fta626 jobs (17 hours)...19:29
chrisccoulsonhmmm, where did all those builds come from? :/19:45
micahgchrisccoulson: lack of PPA builders, so the queue builds19:47
ftanot entirely, as there are on 6 packages in q for amd6419:49
micahgfta: yes, but arch all packages build on i386 so the queue is inherently longer19:50
micahgchrisccoulson: any chance of being able to push thunderbird crashes to mozilla as well?20:57
chrisccoulsonmicahg - possibly, although only when i no longer have to push symbols over my own connection ;)20:57
micahgchrisccoulson: k :) that'll reduce the number of bugs greatly :)20:58
chrisccoulsonmicahg - have you upgraded to maverick yet?21:01
micahgchrisccoulson: nope, will do next thursday after beta release21:01
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's normally when i upgrade my stable desktop too21:01
chrisccoulson(my GF wouldn't be too happy having to run the alpha's)21:02
chrisccoulsonbut she probably won't even notice if i upgrade after beta ;)21:02
micahgI only have one machine I use at the moment, after I upgrade my server to lucid, I'll start doing most of my packaging work on it21:02
micahgI use xfce, so not much will change on the desktop, but at least I'll get a lot of updated apps and can quite backporting stuff to lucid :)21:02
chrisccoulsonooh, my wallpaper just changed21:03
chrisccoulsonpresumably the new default ;)21:04
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gnomefreakok it is thunderbird that is causing the password incorrect errors21:42
gnomefreakits failing on 3or4 of 821:43
micahggnomefreak: BTW, well, I'm waiting for upstream before I can fix teh current FTBFS for TB21:43
gnomefreakmicahg: ok didnt know there was a FTBFS21:43
micahggnomefreak: yeah, there's a discussion of what the required NSPR version for the 1.9.2 branch is ATM21:44
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micahgoh right, it builds on maverick :)21:45
micahggnomefreak: you should be using thunderbird from the daily PPA if you're on maverick21:45
gnomefreakmicahg: using it on Lucid atm i wont have a woprking maverick until nvidia gets fixed21:46
gnomefreakother wise thunderbird is usless to me21:46
micahggnomefreak: ah, ok, so the latest version is FTBFS21:46
fta(nvidia is fine on maverick)21:46
gnomefreakno it isnt21:46
ftai'm using it21:46
gnomefreaknvidia-current is broke21:47
micahgfta: probably depends on which chipset, the newer ones probably are, but the older ones are broke I thought21:47
ftawas broken for a day or two 2w ago, but fixed since21:47
gnomefreaksee bug 61602321:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found (affects: 73) (dups: 3) (heat: 400)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602321:47
gnomefreakas well21:47
gnomefreakother bugs too but trying to get my emails atm21:47
ftawith IgnoreABI=True, it's fine21:48
gnomefreaknot here21:48
gnomefreaknot for a few people that i have spoke to21:48
ftawfm on 3 boxes with different nvidia cards21:49
gnomefreakmake that 5 of 821:49
gnomefreakfails here on the 5200 and the 620021:49
micahgfta: we just got back some PPA builders :)21:50
micahg5 hrs now21:50
gnomefreakmicahg: the FTBFS is in reguards to the symlink patch21:55
micahggnomefreak: no, that's fixed for thunderbird, thunderbird-3.1 won't be updated anymore, but I won't delete it until thunderbird builds properly21:56
gnomefreak3.1 wont be updated?21:57
micahgthunderbird is 3.1 ATM21:57
micahgthudnerbird-3.1 won't be updated21:57
gnomefreakmicahg: the dailies wont get updated21:57
micahggnomefreak: that's not what I said21:57
micahgthe source thunderbird-3.1 will be deleted shortly21:57
micahgthunderbird is 3.1.x21:57
gnomefreakyou said 3.1 wont be updated anymore. you have 2 builds going stable and daily21:58
micahggnomefreak: tb-stable isn't at 3.1 yet, I will try to update that soon21:59
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gnomefreakoh its just your PPA than21:59
micahgI meant the thunderbird-3.1 source won't be updated in teh daily PPA21:59
ftamicahg, btw, I deleted tb-3.1 from umd yesterday21:59
micahgfta: oh, ok then :)21:59
ftawas tough because of stupid lp timouting on everything22:00
gnomefreakis 3.2 going to replace 3.1 umd?22:02
micahggnomefreak: no, I'm going to create thunderbird-trunk (3.3a1pre ATM), and thunderbird-next (3.2a1pre)22:03
micahggnomefreak: that way we don't have to renumber everything when there's a major version bump22:04
micahglike chromium with the channels22:04
gnomefreakthey will still be daily time PPA though?22:04
micahggnomefreak: yes22:04
gnomefreakok that makes sence22:04
micahgthunderbird-next might not always exist though in the dailies if trunk is the current next22:05
gnomefreakcan i rename .thunderbird-3.1 to .thunderbird and use it with your PPA thunderbird?22:07
micahggnomefreak: you'll be prompted to import 3.1 profile when you launch thunderbird the first time22:07
micahgoh, I didn't push that to my PPA...22:08
micahgthat woudl be in the dailies...22:08
micahggnomefreak: I can push an update to my PPA if you want of the version from maverick, I can't upload to tb-stable w/out fixing the wrapper script for TB2 updates22:09
gnomefreaki thought i got thunderbird when i added it for enigmail22:09
micahggnomefreak: yes, but I didn't have the wrapper script updated when I pushed to my PPA initially22:09
gnomefreakoh ok22:09
micahggnomefreak: so, should I push an update?22:09
gnomefreakno need22:10
gnomefreakas ong as it works im good22:10
micahggnomefreak: well, the current version in my PPA wont' import the 3.1 profile from .thunderbird-3.1, daily PPA and maverick version will22:10
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gnomefreakit seems the version of thunderbird i have is from daily and the version of 3.1 i have is from dailies. on eis 3.1.2 and the other is 3.1.322:11
gnomefreakthunderbird: Installed: 3.1.2+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~lucid22:12
micahggnomefreak: yeah, I didn't think it would push 3.1.222:12
micahggnomefreak: so that version should prompt to import the 3.1 profile22:12
gnomefreaklets try :)22:13
gnomefreak" do you want to import your mail and other settings from thunderbird 3.0, replacing your sttings from thunderbrid 3.1 beta"22:14
gnomefreakwhere did 3.0 come from22:14
micahgthat's the default assumption now that 3.0 was the previous version22:14
micahgso you don't want to "import" you want to use the beta settings22:15
gnomefreakand yet still it doesnt work22:16
micahggnomefreak: which part?22:16
gnomefreakal though only 3 failing22:17
micahgoh, ok, well that could indeed be a bug, but when 3.1.4pre builds you'll get a bunch of fixes, but idk about this one22:18
gnomefreaki can log in to web address just tb wont connect due to wrong password22:18
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micahgchrisccoulson: is xdg-open the standard now for the default?23:02
micahg*default browseR?23:02
micahgI'm won't fixing bug 538912 and I want to suggest what needs to be done for other apps23:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 538912 in links2 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "xlinks shouldn't replace Firefox as /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser (affects: 4) (heat: 28)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53891223:02
ftaoo opens firefox even if it's not my default browser :(23:32
micahgfta: I'd say that's a bug, the only thing that should do that is apport23:32
chrisccoulsonmicahg - xdg-open isn't a good way either23:33
chrisccoulsonfor GNOME apps, it's done via gvfs23:33
micahgchrisccoulson: so how does an app use the setting of deault rbowser on the desktop23:33
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it happens automatically for apps that are opening URI's via glib calls23:34
chrisccoulsonthere's a gvfs module that gets the user configuration for URI handlers23:34
micahgchrisccoulson: sounds like we need a platform wide reliable way of doing this23:34
micahgwhich I guess is what the alternatives system and xdg-open were attempting23:35
chrisccoulsonthose both predate the current ways though, and they're pretty limited with what they do23:35
chrisccoulsonupdate-alternatives doesn't allow any per-user config, and xdg-open is really only there for applications that don't actually want to integrate in to the DE23:36
chrisccoulsonwhich i suspect is what OO is using, which would explain why it opens firefox for fta ;)23:36
micahgwell, what do we do for apps that shouldn't integrate into the desktop (do they really need code for KDE/GNOME/Xfce?)23:37
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