
ComradeHaz`Seems a lot of people are finding this00:07
ComradeHaz`Not managing to find anyone that's fixed it tough :S00:07
Gibbyhow did the noveau driver work?00:07
ComradeHaz`I don't think I used it.00:08
ComradeHaz`It asked me during install if I wanted to use nVidia and I said I did00:08
ComradeHaz`I have just installed the latest offering from nvidia's site and it's made no difference.00:08
ComradeHaz`Is nvidia-glx available for ubuntu?00:08
* ComradeHaz` tries00:08
ComradeHaz`H,,. seems not.00:09
ComradeHaz`Noise really is driving me mad.00:09
ComradeHaz`There must be a way to sort this out :/00:10
Gibbyyes it is00:10
ComradeHaz`Ah, I probably need ot enable some repo's00:10
ComradeHaz`Which is it in?00:10
superm1ComradeHaz`, it's called "nvidia-current"00:10
superm1it was offered during install00:10
superm1and it's available after install in the hardware drivers tool00:11
ComradeHaz`So I've tried that.00:11
ComradeHaz`that was being used.00:11
ComradeHaz`So does this mean I have to put up with a very noisy card?!00:11
superm1there are third party tools that might be able to download it00:14
superm1i think nvclock is one of them00:14
superm1or you can replace your fan if the fan is dying00:14
ComradeHaz`nvclock reports it is unable to change it00:14
ComradeHaz`card is brand new00:14
ComradeHaz`it's just the fan is being thrashed at 100%00:14
superm1is it getting poor airflow in your case?00:14
ComradeHaz`No, it is controlled as other nv cards by the drivers00:15
ComradeHaz`no driver loaded => 100% fan speed00:15
ComradeHaz`but on this occasion even when the drivers are loaded it still sits at 100%00:15
superm1is the driver telling you there are errors with the fan speed control in the Xorg log then?00:16
superm1i mean how do you know it's sitting at 100% fan speed?00:16
ComradeHaz`Because I can hear it!00:16
ComradeHaz`One can just tell!00:17
ComradeHaz`(also, a bit of googling yields others reporting the same issue00:17
superm1but you can't hear a percentage, and you have no way of measuring the RPM audibly :) i'm just saying, it might yes be working hard, you can't quantify that as 100%..00:17
superm1anyhow, if others are reporting it, have they found solutions at all?00:17
ComradeHaz`Well, OK, I would expect it to get faster when I kill X if it's being controlled correctly.00:18
ComradeHaz`It does not.00:18
ComradeHaz`And no, no solutions it seems.00:18
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].01:35
zuixroI have a NAS set up, and I have Mythbuntu recording to it. I'm having some problems though, so I'd really like to have Mythbuntu record to it's local drive, then copy the shows to the NAS after they've been transcoded. I have a "Transcoded" storage directory setup, and I thought I could tell the transcoder to save shows there, but apparently you can't (or I'm missing something).02:14
GibbyComradeHaz`: How is diskless going?02:19
Shadow__Xare others unable to issue shutdown now successfully on their machines05:51
Shadow__Xeverytime i issue sudo shutdown now the machine goes into failsafe mode and does not actually shutdown05:53
Shadow__Xpoweroff works05:53
Gibbytry shutdown -h05:53
Shadow__Xyeah that worked05:54
Shadow__Xshutdown now used to work what happened05:54
Gibbydo you upgrade any packagse lately?05:54
Gibbyi have always used shutdown -h now05:54
Shadow__Xactually a few days a go i even tried shutdown now on a 9.10 machine and it didnt work05:55
Shadow__Xor perhaps it was 8.04 i dont remember05:55
Shadow__Xi guess i should just use shutdown -h now05:55
=== mvetketel is now known as bogus-
ComradeHaz`Hi guys, how do I go about getting my remote control working?20:31
ComradeHaz`I have a Hauppauge one.20:31
ComradeHaz`If I go to cusomize keys and attempt to map a new key nothing happens20:31
ComradeHaz`(when I press a remote contol button)20:32
totalanniDoes the hvr-950Q work out of the box with mythbuntu with the latest 10.04?21:23
* tgm4883 shrugs21:23
tgm4883totalanni, I doubt it. Last I checked it needed proprietary firmware21:24
tgm4883I could be wrong though, I haven't checked in awhile21:24
totalanniis the kernel >2.6.26?21:27
totalannisorry for the n00b like questions21:28
totalannihauppauge's website says "Linux support for the WinTV-HVR-900 series will be in the upcoming kernel 2.6.26 release."21:28
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Hauppauge WinTV HVR-950 - MythTV21:28
totalannii have the 950Q21:29
totalanniand have read different things...21:29
Shadow__Xi would trust the mythtv page21:29
totalannii guess ill just try it...if it doesnt work, ill take it back21:29
Shadow__Xor a linuxtv page21:29
ComradeHaz`Guys, what is the standard mce remote refered to on teh remote control list during setup?21:44
tgm4883ComradeHaz`, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MCE_Remote21:45
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] MCE Remote - MythTV21:45
ComradeHaz`Don't quite see how that answers my question...21:47
tgm4883ComradeHaz`, maybe I don't understand your question?21:49
ComradeHaz`There's a list that comes up during install that allows one to chose their remote control so that it is configured automagically.21:53
tgm4883ComradeHaz`, yes21:53
ComradeHaz`However, I cannot see which of the plethora of options shown there is the 'Standard MCE remote'21:53
tgm4883ComradeHaz`, look under Windows21:54
ComradeHaz`Ah. 'Windows Media Center Tranceivers/Remotes (all)' I guess is the kiddy.21:55
ComradeHaz`Cool, thanks.21:55
ComradeHaz`While I'm bothering you; 'Generate dynamic mappings' does what?21:55
ComradeHaz`Further; 'Generatte frontend restart mapping (Power followed by Clear)'. What does that mean?21:56
tgm4883If you select that, then if you hit Power followed by Clear it would restart the frontend application (not the machine)21:56
rhpot1991the restart one will make an entry that restarts your frontend, hitting power then clear21:57
tgm4883thats what it is suppose to do, i haven't tested it21:57
rhpot1991tgm4883: it works :)  on my system at least21:57
ComradeHaz`And the former?21:57
rhpot1991I thought someone else tested it out at the time21:57
ComradeHaz`'dynamic mapping'?21:57
tgm4883rhpot1991, I think i tested it, but not from an install standpoint21:57
tgm4883just manually adding the entries21:57
rhpot1991tgm4883: sounds about right21:57
ComradeHaz`Dynamic mappings?21:59
* tgm4883 shrugs21:59
tgm4883I *think* it means it checks what applications you have installed and adds a mapping for them if there is one22:00
tgm4883ie. if you have xine installed, then the remote works with xine as well22:00
tgm4883but thats just a guess22:00
tgm4883I usually have that checked when I install22:00
* tgm4883 checks the code22:01
ComradeHaz`I don't suppose either of you have used the android phone remote 'Mythmote'?22:02
ComradeHaz`Oooh? Is it any good?22:02
tgm4883I think so22:03
tgm4883rhpot1991, ^22:03
ComradeHaz`Is it configured like other remotes?22:03
rhpot1991it runs MLG on your remote and generates mappings for mythtv, xine, vlc, etc I do believe22:03
tgm4883rhpot1991, ^^ mythmote22:03
rhpot1991I used one of the android apps22:03
rhpot1991the one that wasn't in the app store at the time22:03
ComradeHaz`Not seen that one.22:04
ComradeHaz`Man, there's so much to learn!22:04
tgm4883I don't see exactly what that is doing22:06
tgm4883superm1 or foxbuntu would be better to ask regarding the dynamic mappings22:06
ComradeHaz`Sure, no worries. Just going through another install22:07
ComradeHaz`and thought I'd ask as I was there22:07
ComradeHaz`Ultimate goal is to get a diskless install done.22:07
ComradeHaz`Then it'll be time to drop the machine into the living room and let the familly lose on it.22:07
ComradeHaz`Guys, can I make it such that when back in gnome pressing the 'Windows button' launches the front end again?22:23
tgm4883ComradeHaz`, not automatically, but yes22:47
tgm4883although power then clear should launch the frontend as well22:47
ComradeHaz`Which is clear?22:48
ComradeHaz`And how do I make it restart front end with some keyboard shortcut22:49
ComradeHaz`It's frozen on me already just by hitting live tv as I have no capture cards yet22:49
Te3-BloodyIronanyone here able to help me with a bluetooth issue?23:12

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