
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !torsasl is <alias> tor-gpg00:51
ubottufreenode blocks connections from Tor users on its regular servers. Users registered with nickserv can connect to freenode's Tor hidden service instead; see http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for instructions. For help, ask in #freenode.00:51
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, tor is <alias> tor-gpg00:52
Pici!torsasl is <alias> tor-gpg00:53
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici00:53
Pici!no tor is <alias> tor-gpg00:53
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm00:53
Pici!no tor is <alias> tor-gpg00:53
ubottuThe #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! We schedule themed quizzes, every Friday, to test your knowledge of your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and keep you exercising those cranial muscles.01:02
Picijussi: could you please rejoin lubotu3 into #ubuntu-sa, they accidentally kicked it.01:42
ubottuIn ubottu, ryanakca said: no, trivia is The #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! Join to test your knowledge of your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and to keep excercising those cranial muscles.02:09
Pici!no, trivia is The #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! Join to test your knowledge of  your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and to keep excercising those cranial muscles.02:10
ubottuI'll remember that Pici02:10
ryanakcabazhang: TheCore hasn't been around to schedule them in ages. I haven't seen jenda in quite a while either... the two of them used to run it and mail out the prizes.02:10
bazhangheh prizes02:11
Pici!no, trivia is <reply> The #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! Join to test your knowledge of your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and to keep excercising those cranial muscles.02:11
ubottuI'll remember that Pici02:11
Picithats better02:11
ryanakcaI got a stack of stickers once... I think they shipped out posters and what not too.02:11
ryanakcabazhang: Yep... and I'm still one of the "current winners" (we had tied), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTrivia ... Fun times :)02:13
bazhangryanakca, haha nice02:13
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !liveusb is <alias> usb03:41
bazhanghe called it! trolls go08:28
macohehehe yep08:28
macoFlannel: thats your cue!08:28
FlannelOh bother.08:28
FlannelI always forget that channel names at the beginnign get chopped off08:29
bazhanghe'll return in a moment08:29
jussi!liveusb is <alias> usb08:57
ubottuBut liveusb already means something else!08:57
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:57
ubottuliveusb is <alias> usb - added by nhandler on 2010-08-26 03:14:5708:57
jussinhandler: would be nice for tyou to add factoisds here so that everyone sees it gets done.08:58
bazhang* [webdesigner] (~prabinmet@ prabinmetals  ban dodging11:19
bazhang<webdesigner> what if I BANNED anyone here??11:21
bazhangasked him to join here and exit the channel via PM, no response11:22
ikoniahe's gone, no problem11:29
gnomefreakhe can ban people in #u* rooms :(11:41
gnomefreakno coffee yet11:42
knome3× belserusk* just joined #xub11:45
gnomefreakhow is that?11:46
knomei don't know, but it seems weird that somebody joins with 3 clients inside a few minutes11:47
knomenow they all quited.11:47
persiaThere are bundles of folks that have 2 relays, with scripts that ensure one is present when the other drops in netsplits.  3 is a bit excessive.11:52
knomehey persia :) i'm not sure if they were relays, the other two nicks seemed to have somewhat random numbers after the nick (23/1818)11:53
persiaHard to say.  Most folks I know that run relays tend to use ` or _, but numbers work.11:54
knomei've never seen anybody append their nick with a number, really11:54
knomewell, a secondary nick11:54
* knome could think that newz2000's secondary nick might be newz2001 though... ;)11:55
gnomefreak-ot is quite today12:13
knomecalm before the storm12:17
jussiknome: my secondary nick mis jussi01 :P12:32
gnomefreaktrue i just havent seen it like this often, it feels nice12:33
gnomefreakmine also has #s just dont remember it :(12:33
knomejussi, miss jussi 01 ? ooh shiny ;)13:36
IdleOne<Arcand> Sucez moi le zizi  << was removed for bad language17:06
jpdsIdleOne: It's only French.17:07
IdleOnewell I can read it and was insulted by the language, I suppose others can also17:08
knomejpds, french isn't bad language? ;)17:08
IdleOnenot the French but the meaning of the language17:08
jpdsIdleOne: So you don't like the French?17:08
IdleOnejpds: I have no problem with French I speak/read/write it fluently17:08
IdleOneand stop trolling me :P17:09
IdleOneSo calling it winbloze doesn't make me more leet?17:40
persiaAs long as you don't do so in French...17:42
=== apachelogger is now known as apache2logger
* Pici wonders if we should note something about freenode in !piracy18:29
IdleOneit si against freenode policy18:31
IdleOneI don't see why not18:31
PigeonClusterhey by the way, do you guys know about the captcha on the webchat? it's new, it's supposed to replace things like #ubuntu-proxy-users - just wondering if you guys have considered unredirecting the webchat18:37
PigeonClusterof course other proxy methods would still need to redirect ... but the webchat doesn't even make you anonymous anyway18:37
PiciPigeonCluster: We're actually using -proxy-users mainly to filter out users who may be trying to evade bans against their hosts from using the webchat and entering anyway.18:38
PiciThe bots do a check before inviting people from -proxy-users.18:38
PigeonClusterso it like checks their /whois?18:39
PigeonClustermakes sense. isn't there a way to re-redirect though, so it's automated?18:39
PiciIt sends an invite, which should automatically join #ubuntu18:40
PigeonClusterit doesn't, not in the webchat18:42
PiciI thought it did in the past.18:44
PiciMaybe not.18:47
PigeonClusterI have to /join to get in18:48
PigeonClusterwhich has to be throwing some people off18:48
marienzI would be a little surprised if the webchat auto-accepted invites19:32
marienzI haven't checked how easy it makes it to accept them though19:32
marienzI'd expect it to show them, with the channel name clickable19:32
PiciIt throws the message in the status window, as expected.19:32
* marienz tests19:32
marienzjust a thought, but perhaps mentioning in the message that "#ubuntu" is clickable would be nice19:34
marienz("try again joining #ubuntu (just click it here)..." perhaps)19:34
=== SportChick is now known as sportchick-
=== sportchick- is now known as sportchick
=== sportchick is now known as essy
knomesmallfoot- & bad language @#ubuntu-artwork21:37
gnomefreakanyone know what im missing in +121:44
* gnomefreak so confused21:45
guntbertsomeone might want to have an eye on Dark-Neo in #u (in connection with the tulutu spammer)21:49
gnomefreaki dont see him21:59
IdleOnehe left22:10
gnomefreakDark-Neo did?22:11
IdleOne082610-[16:51:22] * Dark-Neo (~qkjbrglkb@ALyon-156-1-19-96.w86-216.abo.wanadoo.fr) has left #ubuntu22:11
Tm_TI chased him away ):22:14
IdleOneu skered him22:15

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