
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
FalsAlarmwhat is the default package manager for ubuntu when using the CLI?00:16
ChmEarlFalsAlarm,  dpkg|apt-get|aptitude00:18
FalsAlarmok, i use that apt-get since I know it00:19
FalsAlarmif I want to install jre on a production server, is that apt-get openjdk-6-dbg00:20
FalsAlarmor is it, openjdk-6-jre00:21
ChmEarlFalsAlarm, apt-cache search openjdk00:21
FalsAlarmfound this one, default-jre - Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime00:22
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FalsAlarmi dont want no debugging version of jre00:26
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jsolerahi, i just installed 10.04 and i would like install asterisk on it01:02
jsolerais better install it from ubuntu repository or from sources with maka01:03
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jsolerasome one here ?01:13
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uvirtbotNew bug: #624361 in openssh (main) "service ssh restart does not test the configuration file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62436102:11
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bcompfor some reason I can't access my website, which is on an apache2 ubuntu server i run02:26
bcompi can ssh into the server and it's clear the site is there, but I can't access it from a browser02:26
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ChmEarlbcomp,  /var/www ?02:31
ChmEarlbcomp, and what is the extension? non-standard?02:35
bcompChmEarl, yes02:35
ChmEarlhtml php shtml02:36
ChmEarlbcomp, telnet www.xxx.yyy.zzz 8002:38
ChmEarlbcomp, if that is blocked then its FW02:39
bcompoh i just realized what the problem is02:40
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bcompthe router the server's hooked to02:42
bcompthanks for the help02:42
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hallynzul: when i saw bug 624061 the _Description being bogus seemed plausible, but now i see the lucid package has that too03:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 624061 in bacula "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62406103:38
zulhallyn: yeah its probably a bug with the "_Description" but I would have to check more03:38
zulhallyn: or you could be on crack :)03:39
hallynzul: ok, on the one hand it seems nonurgent, but otoh if it's so trivial as to be s/_Description/Description/, then i wouldn't want to miss maverick freeze with that03:39
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zulhallyn: Ill do it first thing tomorrow03:39
hallynzul: thanks so much03:39
hallynwill buy you a red bull in orlando :)03:40
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sirsahi all..04:07
sirsaCould anybody help me regarding how to set up a private cloud?04:07
akioscar: So you are saying that virt stuff belongs in here>04:28
scaryep that's what jussi said04:29
akioSo I was wondering about the --location option with virt-install04:30
intellianttwb: hi!04:30
intelliantthe problem has re-surfaced04:30
akioCan we use that for a deb repo?04:30
akioI would assume rpm people stick to their rpmness.04:31
intelliantauth-client-config -a -plac_ldap is what i had executed04:36
intelliantclient auth was working fine04:37
intelliantnow after a few reboots it has again stopped working04:37
intelliantrather it does auth but logs me out04:37
intellianthttp://pastebin.com/kFJYrwFU - now again the login is stable and the user is not thrown out but i fail to understand the first and last line in this post04:42
intelliantcan anyone please help me diagnose the strange ldap client auth behaviour04:42
intelliantthis is pure ssh login04:43
intelliantno X04:43
intelliant[09:05] <intelliant> http://pastebin.com/Tib7A4nc  [09:06] <intelliant> auth-client-config -a -plac_ldap is what i had executed  [09:06] <intelliant> client auth was working fine  [09:06] <intelliant> now after a few reboots it has again stopped working  [09:07] <intelliant> rather it does auth but logs me out  [09:12] <intelliant> http://pastebin.com/kFJYrwFU - now again the login is stable and the user is not thrown out bu04:46
twb13:36 <intelliant> auth-client-config -a -plac_ldap is what i had executed04:53
twbintelliant: that is NOT what I told you to run04:53
intellianti did try with what you told me to do04:53
twbintelliant: you've borked your pam settings by running -a instead of -tnss04:53
intelliantit worked with that but was not creating the home directories04:53
intelliantand it was working yesterday absolutely fine04:54
intellianteven now it is working04:54
twbWell, I suppose it will work for most things04:54
intelliant10 mins back it was throwing me out04:54
twbIt'll bitch when you next update something that has pam integration, though.04:54
intelliantokay for that I can create a separate profile, right04:55
intelliantthe only thing i have done in between is installed a lot of applications04:55
twbintelliant: re. creating home directories, you will need to enable pam_mkhomedir.so in the appropriate /etc/pam.d/common-* files, which I recommend doing indirectly via /usr/share/pam-auth and running pam-auth-update.04:55
twbThe manpages for same should be pretty clear about it04:56
intellianti confess i have not yet read the man pages04:56
intellianti will do that today04:56
twbNote that if you have a client/server network, pam_mkhomedir will populate home based on /etc/skel of the host you log in on, NOT the server.04:56
twbSo if you're playing games with /etc/skel on the fileserver, that'll trip you up04:56
intelliantwill take care of keeping the /etc/skel on the hosts consistent05:00
intelliantbut is there anything to explain the random behaviour05:01
intelliantwithin last 15 mins nothing has changed05:01
twbAre you using plain ldap, or ldap/krb?05:01
intelliantplain ldap05:01
intelliantoff centos05:01
twbkrb and nfs4 are very antsy when clocks get out of sync05:01
twbI can't think of anything else offhand05:02
intelliantone thing i changed in the last 15 mins05:02
intellianti had /home nfs mounted05:02
twbI'd probably be using ldap-tools and/or packet sniffing to attempt to diagnose it, in discussion with #openldap05:02
intellianti removed it05:02
intelliantbut even after that it threw me out once05:02
twbAlso, obviously, looking at log files.05:02
intellianti will remount /home and try05:02
intelliantnothing in auth.log or messages05:02
twbOh, and if you're logging into a GUI, that will often hide important messages from pam -- try logging in on tty105:02
intelliantno gui as of now05:03
twbThe logs to read will mainly be the server's05:03
intelliantthis is all sssh05:03
intelliantgui demon is waiting to be tamed :)05:03
twbUh, so you're using LDAP for authentication of *sshd*?05:03
intelliantopenldap server, you mean?05:03
intelliantno i am using it for ltsp-clients05:03
twbYeah, slapd.05:03
intelliantltsp clients auth using ssh05:05
twbThis is an LTSP network?  You should've mentioned that up-front.05:05
intellianti think i mentioned it yesterday05:06
intelliantfirst post05:06
twbOK, I must have missed that.05:06
intelliantor may be not05:06
twbSo you have a CentOS server running slapd and sshd, and thinclients that netboot an Ubuntu-based LTSP image?05:06
intelliant^^ is my setup05:07
uvirtbotintelliant: Error: "^" is not a valid command.05:07
intelliant^ is my setup05:07
uvirtbotintelliant: Error: "is" is not a valid command.05:07
twbJust ignore him05:07
intelliantadd to it ldap auth and nfs mounted home05:07
intelliantldap auth as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication#Notes%20for%207.10%20and%20later05:08
intelliantsshd is being used from the ltsp-appservers05:08
intelliantand not from the centos server05:08
intelliantbut would ltsp make any difference in this case05:09
twbYour LTSP clients are operating in the default mode, where they use ssh -X (not XDMCP)?05:09
intellianthmm...i am lost05:10
intelliantshould i check lts.conf?05:10
twbOK, I have to do some work-work.  Try talking to #ltsp05:10
twbIn short, I suspect you need to fix *sshd* (the sshd LTSP is pointing at, probably the appserver) to auth against slapd.05:11
intellianti came here from #ltsp05:11
intelliantoh without ldap auth it was working fine05:11
intellianteach appserver's sshd is individually authenticating against the central slapd05:12
twbThat's all you should need05:15
intelliantit seems to be working for now05:16
intelliantalso one last thing05:16
intelliantlet me see when the problem resurfaces05:16
intellianthow to persist the changes in /etc/security/groups.conf05:16
intelliantshould i chattr +i it or there is another way?05:17
twbit's a conffile, so changes should be persistent automatically05:17
akioIf I was to set up several kvm virtual machines for testing, what arch would be the lowest impact you think?05:18
akioI was thinking there might be some advantages to using something like armel...05:18
intelliantthe changes are lost :(05:19
intelliantI am doing them again05:19
twbakio: kvm can't use hardware virtualization for armel, I think05:19
twbAnd then: Ubuntu only supports x86 and x86-6405:19
intellianttwb: thanks for your help05:24
intellianttwb: FYI, did a reboot of the appserver and the problem resurfaced05:35
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twbIs the appserver running lucid?05:35
twbPastebin the output of "auth-client-config --show-system" on the appserver.05:36
intelliantyes it is running lucid05:39
intelliant[10:06] <intelliant> Aug 26 10:06:43 ltsp-appserve01 ltsp-cluster-accountmanager: Killing user "shrenik.bhura" [10:06] <intelliant> ^ can anyone please explain this ? [10:07] <intelliant> found this in syslog of the appserver in an ltsp-cluster setup05:40
intelliantfound this in syslog05:41
intelliantit could be the ltsp-cluster components05:41
intellianthave been asking on the ltsp forums as well05:41
twbI can't explain that; ask ltsp-cluster-accountmanager people05:41
intelliantjust FYI, want to be sure that there is nothing wrong with ldap-auth05:42
intelliantnow again the user is properly logged in05:44
intelliantso almost after 10-15 mins of a reboot05:45
intellianttwb: so i think you find nothing wrong with the current setup except the care i need to take for /etc/skel ? I also feel that it has something to do with the ltsp-cluster-accountmanager.05:48
twbIt looks like a conventional lac-style pam setup.05:49
twbFor lucid I'd be relying on the pam-auth-update style, but either should work.05:49
twbHaving said that, it's often VERY hard to see when pam.d is slightly misconfigured.05:49
intelliantwhat are the man pages i should be reading to understand this topic better?05:49
twbI'd be zeroing in on ltsp-cluster-accountmanager05:50
twbCuriously, that package is in Ubuntu, but not Debian.  That makes me even more suspicious of it.05:51
twbIt also hasn't been updated since it first arrived, in Karmic.05:51
intelliantmay be stgraber will help05:51
intelliantanything to explain the first line05:51
intelliantgoogle throws up many things05:52
intellianttwb: man page suggestions please06:00
twbSorry, I think I've spent enough time on you.06:00
intellianttwb: okay, thanks. sorry to bother you again.06:03
twbNo problem.06:03
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intellianttwb: found the cause and the solution here - https://answers.launchpad.net/ltsp-cluster/+question/101648 , running pam-auth-update auto-fixed it. That is th eonly piece you forgot to tell me yesterday. :) Will be testing with the real thin-clients in about an hour now that ssh login is persistent. Thanks again.06:44
twbintelliant: if you hadn't fucked up and ran -a instead of -tnss, you wouldn't hae HAD to run pam-auth-update manually06:44
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ttxDaviey: that's great !07:13
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uvirtbotNew bug: #624461 in tomcat6 (main) "package tomcat6 6.0.24-2ubuntu1.3 failed to install/upgrade: podproces zainstalowany skrypt post-installation zwrócił kod błędu 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62446107:46
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cemcis there a way to display the boot messages on 10.04 server, like in good old times? :) with quiet kernel option but the rest to show up, and no ubuntu logo etc?08:53
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uvirtbotNew bug: #624522 in postfix (main) "Postfix init.d script and populate chroot in multi-instance environment [debian bug #560682]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62452210:26
cemcI have an LTSP setup with 10.04. the clients are turned off a lot, without shutdown and I have a bunch of nbd-servers lying around10:29
cemcis there a timeout or something I can do to kill those?10:29
SpamapScemc: nbd ?11:05
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cemcSpamapS: yeah, nbd-server (network block device) exports the image file for clients (instead of NFS)11:08
SpamapSOh I didn't know LTSP worked that way. Interesting.11:10
SpamapScemc: according to 'man nbd-server' the '-a' parameter sets a timeout11:12
cemcSpamapS: hm, I don't see any mention of -a in this man page...11:13
SpamapScemc: heh, I was looking at an nbd-server man page from some other OS I guess..11:15
SpamapSlookup "timeout" ..  "Corresponds to the -a option on the command line"11:16
SpamapSweird, but this one doesn't mention it11:16
cemcyeah, it doesn't know about it. # nbd-server -a11:17
cemcnbd-server: invalid option -- 'a'11:17
BrixSati have installed freeradius and messed all the config, how can i remove and then install and have the default config again?11:40
sherrMaybe "purge" it? aptitude purge <package>. Then reinstall.11:48
BrixSatyes :D11:55
sherrYesterday, I installed 10.04 on a system with 2x disks (sda,sdb) and wanted RAID. I made 3 MD RAID-1 devices md0 (/boot), md1 (/) and md2 (for a PV). On reboot, the system has come up degraded and seems to have created partitionable MD devices i.e.12:31
sherrmd0 has 1x md2p1, md1 has 1x md2p5. Both md0,md1 degraded.12:31
sherrmd2 has sdb[1] sda[0] and is OK.12:31
sherrI might have messed something up, but am generally used to doing this sort of thing (usually Debian). There seem to be others reporting oddities installing 10.04 on RAID as well.12:31
sherrI think I'll have to try a reinstall tonight. Maybe I pressed the wrong button ...12:31
LHCis it possible to limit bandwidth on a dedicated server?12:35
patdk-wkuse tc12:36
thesheff17Can someone link me to how to setup Ubuntu 10.04 that have qlogic HBA attached to a SAN.  Has anyone done this before?12:38
alvinsherr: Some of these might have more information. bug 27037, bug 599135, bug 469574  or bug 532960 auto-assemble doesn't always work on Lucid, although I have not seen these problems on md devices that contain root12:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 27037 in linux "mdadm cannot assemble array as cannot open drive with O_EXCL" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2703712:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 599135 in mdadm "mdadm cannot assemble array" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59913512:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 469574 in mdadm "[->UUIDudev] new array not assembled correctly after reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46957412:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 532960 in mdadm "[->UUIDudev] mdadm.conf without ARRAY definition breaks reboot of new arrays" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53296012:39
sherralvin: Thanks. Yes, I saw some of that, but have not read through all of it. This is all via the installer (server). No manual creation at all, so a bit surprising.12:41
alvinI also used the installer to create an array that always breaks at reboot12:42
sherrGreat :-(12:42
sherrI have a server at work running 10.04 but using h/w RAID (Dell R410). So I didn't see this problem. If I had, I would hav freaked out :-O12:43
alvinIt's possible to reassemble the array (even RAID 0) without data loss, but yes, it's a bit scary.12:44
LHCpatdk-wk, whats tc?12:44
sherrI might just make a normal install (1 disk) and convert to RAID-1 after.12:44
LHCfound it http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man8/tc.8.html12:45
LHCpatdk-wk, what happens when they extend the set limit?12:45
blucreatorhello everybody12:47
blucreatorsomeone could help me with my lan?:D12:47
thesheff17blucreator: ask away12:50
twb"ask", not "go"13:03
_rubeni guess he only read the "away" part...13:09
kuttan_Any good command line tools to find duplicate files , by comparing there md5 sums ..13:10
alvinkuttan_: fdupes13:12
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zoopsterthesheff17: you asked about ubuntu server and san...there's really not much to it, it just works like any other disk AFAIK13:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #374067 in clamav (main) "9.04 boot process hangs when using clamav-freshclam with pam_mount" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37406713:57
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disposablewhat's the best way to keep certain config files synchronised across multiple machines? e.g. hosts.deny and firehol.conf14:03
hallynkirkland: heh, all well and good to file a bug against casper, but has 70, count 'em, 70, new bugs  :)  that poor bugger needs a maintainer :)14:04
kirklandhallyn: :-(14:05
kirklandhallyn: well, make sure it's triaged, importance set, and give 'er an owner14:05
hallyncjwatson you think?14:06
hallynmaybe i'll make it myself14:06
zoopsterdisposable: have you looked at etckeeper?14:15
SpamapShallyn: ouch! casper definitely needs some triage love. :-P14:29
smoserhggdh, woohoo (regarding --use-loader)14:34
mkortelaI'm doing a migration from VMware Server to KVM and have a problem with one virtual machine. Starting up there's only a process '/usr/lib/libvirt/virt-aa-helper -c -u libvirt-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx' hanging, no kvm process started. Virsh commands jam, also virt-manager. Any suggestions?14:35
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mkortelavirt-aa-helper takes 100% cpu constantly14:39
sherrmkortela: How did you create the problem VM?14:41
mkortelait is an old VMware .vmdk file - I have started up several of those successfully, but this one fails14:42
mkortelahmmm... qemu-img convert gives a segfault when converting the image to raw format14:48
hallynSpamapS: yeah.  i'm getting to know the code a bit so i may take it upon myself, once some other stuff clears off my plate14:55
hallynbut right now, every time i think i'll get some time to work on what i NEED to be working on, kirkland and ttx assign new bugs to me :)14:55
pmatulis!info vim maverick14:56
ubottuvim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:7.2.330-1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 844 kB, installed size 1672 kB14:56
kirklandhallyn: sorry about that :-/14:57
SpamapShallyn: I just triaged 6 of the 70 .. ;)14:57
SpamapShallyn: a few intrepid bugs.. vague reports..14:57
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hallynSpamapS: you rock15:00
ttxhallyn: yep, today is my big HIGH/MED release management bug review !15:14
ttxhallyn: for the record, if the bug is not targeted to a specific milestone, it's a "good to have" that doesn't take precedence on spec work.15:14
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Kaffienis there a util in ubuntu that can chkdsk a fat32 / ntfs drive?15:31
Kaffienor do a sector by sector analysis?15:31
mathiazttx: o/15:31
mathiazttx: reviewing my WIs for different blueprint15:31
mathiazttx: what's the next milestone if I wanna postpone some WI?15:32
ttxmathiaz: o/15:32
mathiazttx: ubuntu-10.10/15:32
mathiazttx: ?15:32
mathiazttx: is there a milestone for rc/15:32
mathiazttx: ?15:32
ttxno there isn't15:32
ttxas rc is supposed to be ~final.15:32
mathiazttx: ok15:32
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mathiazttx: for server-maverick-uds-seed-review15:33
mathiazttx: Investigate printer drivers usage of desktop and update corresponding packages on the -server iso15:33
mathiazttx: what does that mean?15:33
ttxmathiaz: on a call, brb15:34
mathiazttx: ok15:34
hallynttx: ok, thx.  yeah i've been trying to get things out the door before today15:35
hggdhsmoser: hy-ho15:39
hggdhwhat can I do for you?15:40
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ttxhallyn: in fact having bugs nominated to Maverick actually allows you to submit fixes post betafreeze, so you're doing it right :)15:49
ttxmathiaz: back for 2 min15:56
mathiazttx: for server-maverick-uds-seed-review15:56
mathiazttx: Investigate printer drivers usage of desktop and update corresponding packages on the -server iso15:56
mathiazttx: what does this actually mean^^?15:57
ttxmathiaz: I think this can be considered done with the unseeding of hplip15:57
mathiazttx: ok15:57
ttxDid I write that ?15:57
mathiazttx: that = ?15:57
ttxInvestigate printer drivers usage...15:58
mathiazttx: I don't know - it came out of the UDS session...15:58
mathiazttx: I've marked the WI as done and assigned it to you15:59
ttxmathiaz: cool, thx15:59
mathiazttx: and "Review ubiquity-frontend-debconf" ?15:59
mathiazttx: what's that about?15:59
ttxmathiaz: no clue.16:00
mathiazttx: ok thanks16:00
ttxis that in the server seed ?16:00
mathiazttx: it's on the iso: /pool/main/u/ubiquity/ubiquity-frontend-debconf_2.3.7_all.deb16:02
ttxmathiaz: I think that's what it is about then. Answer the why16:03
mathiazttx: probably because of oem-config-debconf16:04
SpamapShmm.. its fairly difficult to see a list of things I have waiting on sponsorship...16:05
SpamapShallyn: down to 60!16:37
SpamapShallyn: I feel a bit silly commenting on / triaging 2+ year old bug reports. ;)16:39
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raubvogelWhat is the default syslog in ubuntu server 10.04 LTS?16:46
hallynSpamapS: sigh - might be worth adopting that package.  at the very least i'll subscribe to all bugs for it16:46
hallynraubvogel: looks like it's rsyslogd16:47
SpamapShallyn: seems like a cool package. I'm surprised at how many bug reports have been allowed to just sit and rot :-P16:48
guntbert!info rsyslog16:50
ubottursyslog (source: rsyslog): enhanced multi-threaded syslogd. In component main, is important. Version 4.2.0-2ubuntu8 (lucid), package size 271 kB, installed size 712 kB16:50
SpamapShallyn: well, about 60 minutes of triaging got it down to 58. Throw an hour at it every week and it'll be triaged completely by UDS-N16:56
hallynSpamapS: the problem is, that's only one package :)  I'm wondering how many more there are like that17:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #624739 in tomcat6 (main) "/etc/tomcat6 is created with the wrong permissions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62473917:11
savidIs there a way to have a directory where any file that's created in that directory assumes the group of that directory?    For example, if I have a dir with a group of "users",  and someone creates a file in that group, there file is owned and grouped by that user, so other users cannot overwrite that file.17:13
JasonMSPIm running VSFTPD and when you FTP in by typing the ftp address in firefox rather than keeping the user jailed, they can .. all the way up to the root.  How do I prevent this?17:27
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sherrsavid: g+s (see : man chmod)17:30
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constantin_mikehello, with the ubuntu server 10.04.1, if i ping www.google.com, it says ping: unknown host www.google.com, but if i ping an ip, it works. i need to make it ping names, since apt-get won't work this way. can anyone help?17:49
constantin_mikeanother thing is that i cannot start bind9 server, it says failed. could it be a connection between the 2 problems?17:49
SpamapSconstantin_mike: what does /etc/resolve.conf look like? (maybe put it in paste.ubuntu.com)17:51
thesheff17constantin_mike: set your dns /etc/resolve.conf17:51
constantin_mikeSpamapS: search gazduire4you.ro17:51
SpamapSconstantin_mike: if resolve.conf is pointed at the local server, then the ping problem is caused by bind9 not starting, most likely17:51
SpamapSconstantin_mike: thats it?17:52
constantin_mikeSpamapS, i guessed that, but what can i do? it is not my server ... i am helping out someone else17:52
SpamapSconstantin_mike: is the server using DHCP?17:52
constantin_mikei followed a guide for installing/reconfiguring bind9 (http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-9.10-karmic-koala-ispconfig-2-p4) but it did not work17:52
constantin_mikei don't think so ... how could i check it?17:53
constantin_mikealmost surely it isn't dhcp, but still, how do i check?17:53
SpamapSconstantin_mike: cat /etc/network/interfaces17:53
thesheff17constantin_mike: /etc/resolv.conf should contain the DNS servers you get from your ISP.17:53
SpamapSconstantin_mike: if it says 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' .. then the DNS server is set by the DHCP server. Otherwise, you can edit /etc/resolve.conf directly...17:54
constantin_mikenope, it isn't dhcp (iface eth0 inet static)17:54
SpamapSconstantin_mike: ok, then try adding 'nameserver' to /etc/resolve.conf (warning: that is google's nameserver, they may track you ;)17:54
constantin_mikei know ... but i don't care about that right now17:55
SpamapSconstantin_mike: why do you want bind9 ?17:55
constantin_mikei edited it, now do i have to restart a service or it will simply work?17:55
constantin_mikeSpamapS ... it was installed already, i don't want it right now. i would be happy to simply have apache2 and mysql, and apt-get17:56
constantin_mikebut apt-get won't work since ... it only works with ips17:56
constantin_mikeyeeeey it just worked17:56
constantin_mikesilly me17:56
constantin_mikethanks. the ping problem was not from bind9 but from resolv.conf17:56
constantin_mikenow, how could i fix bind9? i couldn't find the log files in /var/log17:56
constantin_mikeSpamapS, could you tell me where they are?17:57
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SpamapSconstantin_mike: you may want to ask your ISP what their DNS servers are, as google's may not be fast in your area (though in my experience, they're faster than most ISPs'). As far as BIND9, well, you need to have a *reason* to run a DNS server. ;)17:58
constantin_mikewell, the reason is that the owner of the server wants to host some websites under a domain name17:58
constantin_mikei may not understand what bind9 does exactly ;))17:59
patdk-wkthat isn't much of a reason17:59
thesheff17constantin_mike: I just let godaddy take care of DNS and just do hostname -> IP...an then you don't need local bind.17:59
patdk-wkusing local bind to serve dns info isn't a good idea17:59
patdk-wkif the webserver goes down, website is down17:59
constantin_mikeokay, i understand that. but what does bind9 do exactly?18:00
patdk-wkbut if you do dns on it to, and only on it, then it will be down much much longer, even when it comes back up18:00
patdk-wkconverts names to numbers :)18:00
constantin_mikeokay, so bind9 is a nameserver?18:00
constantin_mikeoookay, he probably does not need it right now18:00
constantin_mikei'll stop it18:00
patdk-wknow, you might want to install it anyways, depending on what the server does18:00
patdk-wklike if it does lots of dns lookups, converting ip's to names, or checking rbl's18:01
constantin_mikethanks for all the help. it was really useful.18:01
SpamapSconstantin_mike: bind9 is a DNS server. You'll need *at least* 2 to have any kind of sanity. You're much better off just using DNS from a free/cheap provider (most of the time your registrar will do DNS for you for free)18:01
patdk-wkjust to cache the results, but not really serve requests18:01
SpamapSdnsmasq or dnscache are better for pure caching though18:01
constantin_mikeokay guys, i understand. if i'll really need it, i will come back :))18:02
SpamapSusing bind9 as a purely caching nameserver is like getting groceries in your M1A1 Abrahms tank.18:02
patdk-wkI ran my normal load through pdns-recursor, and it works great for me18:02
* ScottK likes unbound.18:02
SpamapSBeen a while since I cared. Will have to check out unbound18:03
* yann2 lights a candle in memories to #ubuntu-virt18:06
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constantin_mikehello. i came back with another problem ...18:22
constantin_mikeif i do sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start18:22
constantin_mike(this is on my local computer), it says /etc/default/rcS: 1: [Desktop: not found18:23
constantin_mikei have never seen anything like this ...18:23
constantin_mikethe thing is that i cannot do anything with apache2 right now. start/stop/status wont work, will result in the same error, that i cannot understand where it comes from. Just a few hours ago, it worked perfectly18:34
smoserconstantin_mike, what release is this ?18:35
constantin_mikeit's not ubuntu, but it's sidux (still debian)18:35
constantin_mikei thought that maybe it's not something ubuntu-specific, but debian-specific18:35
smoserconstantin_mike, you might benefit from 'sudo sh -x /etc/init.d/apache2 start'18:36
smoserand debugging from there.18:36
constantin_mikeit ends up here: + [Desktop Entry]18:37
constantin_mikeand then it says : /etc/default/rcS: 1: [Desktop: not found18:37
smoserwell, wht is going on before that ?18:42
constantin_mikesmoser: http://pastebin.com/sf9XxNx618:44
constantin_mikethis is all the output18:44
smoserconstantin_mike, it would appear to me that your /etc/default/rcS is hosed18:50
constantin_mikeaaah ... i have no idea about it. how can i fix it? i have never met this problem before18:52
smoserwell, what is in that file ?18:53
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/484069/ is what mine looks like18:54
smoseri might try: apt-get install --reinstall --purge initscripts --dry-run18:54
smoser(and then remove the dry-run)18:55
constantin_mikeahh ...18:56
constantin_mikeit says i should do apt-get -f install18:56
constantin_mikebut when i do that, it gives me an error for the libmysqlclient15off package, which is a dependency for mysql-workbench-oss (which gave me headaches to install on sidux )18:56
constantin_mikeyes ... it says the same18:57
constantin_mikethen, when apt-get -f install ... it wants to remove mysql-workbech-oss, but i need it ...18:57
hallynman, virt-viewer is horribly unstable under maverick atm18:57
hallyntime to gather some strace output18:58
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constantin_mikesorry ... my ayttm crashed18:58
constantin_mikecan you give me that pastebin.com address, where you posted your file?18:59
nxvlzul: btw, new augeas just came out, i'm uploading to debian in a bit19:00
zulnxvl: cool...lemme know so I can ask for a FFE after beta19:00
Danawar1(18:54:22) smoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484069/ is what mine looks like19:01
constantin_mikeokay, thanks19:02
constantin_mikei'm still trying to figure out what is happening, because it is really weird19:02
constantin_mikecrashed again19:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #624820 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62482019:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #624823 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: s'està intentant sobreescriure «/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.16.0.0», que també està en el paquet mysql-cluster-client-5.1 0:7.0.9-1ubuntu7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62482319:06
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mamachi there, is the official ubuntu server book a good documentation ?19:22
mamacor do you have any other documentation to recommend like the one above ?19:23
SpamapSmamac: please, tell me you googled for "Official Ubuntu Server Book" ;)19:23
SpamapSmamac: also the Ubuntu Server Guide is pretty good. :)19:24
mamacor just tell me if it's not the right chan here, I googled this but would like to have experts opinion19:25
SpamapSmamac: on Amazon.com, that book has 4 "5 star" ratings, and 4 "4 star" ratings. Seems to be popular. :)19:25
SpamapSmamac: not having read it, I don't know. The server guide, however, I have read some of, and its excellent.19:25
mamacSpamapS, thanks, I'll give The server guide a try19:26
alex88hi, si've unistalled kvm and now my user is still in the groups and on login i get "groups: cannot find name for group ID 117"...but i've deleted it..some other places to check?19:31
RyanPI have an LDAP database on a Ubuntu 8.04 server. I'd like to move that data to a 10.04 server, but I'm not sure how, with the differences in slapd. How can I do this?19:36
kirklandsmoser: hey19:49
kirklandsmoser: i was just talking with zul19:49
kirklandsmoser: i'd like to rename https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Boto19TestCoverage19:49
smoserdon't believe anything he says19:50
kirklandsmoser: to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Euca2oolsTestCoverage19:50
smoserthats fine19:50
kirklandsmoser: at the time, it was about verifying boto1.919:50
zulsmoser: i get that alot for some reason19:50
kirklandsmoser: i'd like to do the same now, against Maverick UEC in general19:50
smoserwe need a euca2ools test suite basically.19:52
kirklandsmoser: ack20:00
Psi-JackHeh, I'm guessing pacemaker-mgmt got left out of 10.04 eh?20:14
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RyanPHow can I move an LDAP database from one server to another?20:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #458707 in samba (main) "question #86419 /  bug #456213 / can not see network of shared computers" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45870720:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #624898 in openssh (main) "ssh client hang for prolonged connections" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62489820:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #624900 in authbind (main) "Authbind not binding WINE to" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62490020:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #618880 in samba (main) "Update manager stalls at samba post install screen with no way to continue or exit" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61888021:18
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BrixSatanyone with pptpd server? i cant connect to mine http://pastebin.com/zfV0fZSx22:07
BrixSatanyone with pptpd server? i cant connect to mine http://pastebin.com/zfV0fZSx22:09
keessay, can someone confirm for me if this affects anything in the Ubuntu archive? It's not clear to me:22:26
uvirtbotkees: Apache CXF 2.0.x before 2.0.13, 2.1.x before 2.1.10, and 2.2.x before 2.2.9, as used in Apache ServiceMix, Apache Camel, Apache Chemistry, Apache jUDDI, Apache Geronimo, and other products, does not properly reject DTDs in SOAP messages, which allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files, send HTTP requests to intranet servers, or cause a denial of service (CPU and memory consumption) via a crafted DTD, as demonstrated by an entity decla22:26
qman__kees, my guess would be no, since a quick check says I'm running apache 2.2.1422:34
qman__though I'm not sure what version hardy is on22:34
keesqman__: it's not apache httpd, but rather the CXF element in geronimo. I think this is java goo22:35
gholms|worksmoser: ping22:38
lamontis there an undo function for dpkg --set-selections?22:49
hopecan i get some help with installing a ubuntu cloud22:52
glicksterhey is there anyway i can get a deb of the latest mod_wsgi?22:54
glicksterlucid comes with 2.822:54
glicksterbut 3.3 is available22:54
glicksterhow would install that?22:54
qman__glickster, you could check if maverick has it, search for a PPA, or compile it yourself22:58
qman__none of which I would recommend running production22:59
glicksterqman__, i installed it, but it didnt seem to replace the existant one, just installed it side by side...i think23:06
hopecan i get some help with installing a ubuntu cloud23:08
glicksterwhats the difference between libapache2-mod-wsgi and libapache2-mod-python?23:09
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SpamapSglickster: AFAIK, mod_wsgi has some performance advantages.23:28
glicksterSpamapS, im trying to get 3.3 for lucid but it doesnt exit,23:28
SpamapSglickster: even maverick only has 3.223:30
SpamapSglickster: you can try and build the one just uploaded to Debian unstable...23:31
hope_i keep getting a interface called virbr0 and it has the ip address of my routers gateway how do i disable that permintally23:32
hope_i keep getting a interface called virbr0 and it has the ip address of my routers gateway how do i disable that permintally, i have 2 identical servers and this is only running on one of them fresh install ddint solve it23:34
CppIsWeirdi made a syntax error in /etc/network/interfaces and now when my server starts up it says init: eth0 pre-start terminated with 1, init: eth0 post-stop terminated with 1, and it just stops there forever.23:37
CppIsWeirdany way to fix this without livebooting? even safe mode kernel doesnt seem to get me anywhere.23:37
MatBoyI wonder if I can get the gitolite package from debian sid to install it23:38
SpamapSCppIsWeird: what version of Ubuntu? You should get a login screen on the console almost immediately on 10.04 and later23:40
SpamapSMaybe Karmic too, not sure when it started the tty's23:40
CppIsWeirdyeah, thats what i expected but no. using 10.0423:40
CppIsWeirdit just stops right after those messages and stays there forever (or at the very least 15+ minutes)23:40
SpamapSCppIsWeird: very odd, because thats part of networking, which is started as soon as udev and local filesystems are up.23:41
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Psi-JackAnyone happen to know if there's a pacemaker-mgmt deb package for 10.0423:43
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
SpamapSCppIsWeird: if you can get into the grub menu, you can boot in single user mode.23:45
CppIsWeirdok, i'll give that a shot, whats the hotkey for that again?23:46
SpamapSPsi-Jack: looks like it was just recently added to Debian ... not likely to be in 10.0423:47
Psi-JackBlah. That bites.23:47
SpamapSPsi-Jack: you can always request a backport https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports23:47
SpamapSPsi-Jack: and you can certainly try building it on Lucid23:47
Psi-JackYeah, I tried building it, from straight source but it fails with stuff from glib23:48
Psi-JackMaybe I could try the deb-src from debian. heh23:48
SpamapSjust use 'dget' to download that and the orig+diff23:49
SpamapSdpkg-source -x file.dsc23:49
SpamapScd into the dir, and look at debian/control to see what build dependencies you need23:49
SpamapSActually I'll try uploading it to a PPA and see if it builds23:50
SpamapSPsi-Jack: dget just grabs the files so you don't have to fetcht hem individually23:50
Psi-JackHmmm, what's dget? heh23:52
Psi-JackAhh, found it, in devscripts.23:53
CppIsWeirdSpamaps, how is the single user mode going to help me if i need to modify a file on a hard drive? i dont see mount as a command23:54
RoyKCppIsWeird: using uml?23:57
hope_can anyone here help me get my could setup, i am new to this i think i have my Controler setup correctly and my node setup correctly23:58
Psi-JackSpamapS: Okay. All dependancies for build are met.23:59
SpamapSCppIsWeird: mountall23:59
RoyKCppIsWeird: just saw something earlier about usermode linux23:59

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