
* nhandler just filed a few bugs01:51
knomenhandler, http://iampaddy.com/lifebelow600/10:03
* newz2000 is on a conference call talking about mhall119's great django work15:10
newz2000hey Daviey and zematynnad15:18
Mezam I in trouble ? :P16:43
Mez(15:29 <Daviey> Can you join #ubuntu-website please?16:44
jpdsMez: True.17:05
DavieyMez, Oh you are :)17:06
Davieyin DEEP trouble.17:06
Davieydunno what for yet..17:06
knomeplease, no dirty details.17:06
DavieyMez, This is the place we should be having discussions about summit devel.. So useful for you to be here.17:07
knomeDaviey, is your warderobe purple yet?17:08
Davieyknome, getting there! :/17:08
knomei'd love to read a new post once you get there!17:08
Davieyknome, Give me a couple more months... Already have 2-3 x purple shirts and a couple of purple jumpers.  I visited my parents recently, and my father commented that it was an "odd" colour for a man :S17:10
knomeDaviey, ouch ;) well, you're a strong man and can wear any color, right? :)17:10
Daviey<-- king of cool. :)17:11
jpdsDaviey: Doesn't he use Ubuntu.17:11
jpdsDaviey: I thought popey was elvis?17:11
knomeDaviey, hehe. :D17:11
Davieyjpds, They do.. but they couldn't get used to the buttons on the left, so they are on the right :(17:11
knomewell the buttons belong to the right, so i can't blame them17:12
jpdsknome: We drive on the left side of the road.17:12
knomejpds, you're wrong. :)17:12
knomeeven if i envy you living in britain and even if i don't have a driver's license, i still think you're wrong in the driving side issue.17:13
mhall119newz2000: talkin about me?17:50
mhall119Daviey: sorry I didn't get your message until just now17:51
Davieymhall119, No worries...17:51
Davieymhall119, zematynnad has also been working on summit theme17:52
DavieyHe hasn't been working from your django theme17:52
DavieyI think he really wants to push his changes into your branch..17:53
DavieyI'm pretty sure he's going to be trying to do that, perhaps set a merge proposal against your branch17:53
DavieyWould you be able to help with that?17:53
Daviey( mhall119, BTW - this seems like a really good place to discuss summit, long term)17:54
mhall119Daviey: sure, I'll help however I can17:54
Davieymhall119, you rock!17:54
DavieyShame zematynnad is offline now :(17:54
mhall119so, not #ubuntu-uds for discussing summit?17:54
Davieymhall119, Well i really think we need to get better at generally cross-communication regarding ubuntu-websites.17:56
mhall119Daviey: I'd like to add a #uds microblog feed to summit, like we have #locoteams for LD17:56
DavieyProviding this channel doesn't get overloaded17:56
Davieymhall119, AWESOME!17:56
mhall119true, I don't think this channel get's used enough to be overloaded17:56
Davieymhall119, I think technically, this is a really good place to discuss devel17:56
mhall119okay by me17:56
Davieyand support/discussions could happen in #ubuntu-uds ?17:56
mhall119for summit itself?17:57
Davieywell yeah.. in previous UDS people have said whilst at UDS and planning.. XYZ doesn't work17:57
DavieyThat could happen in #ubuntu-uds17:57
DavieyBut talking about development of the site, could happen here?17:57
mhall119holding dev discussions in #ubuntu-locoteams has gotten us a lot of extra input and contributors I don't think we'd have otherwise17:57
Davieyvery good point17:57
DavieyPerhaps direct users here then... not being a long time lurker in here, i don't know how well that flows.17:58
mhall119Daviey: you should send an email to loco-contacts asking for ideas of new features18:49
mhall119and soliciting contributions while we're at it18:49
newz2000hey mhall119, Daviey was talking highly about your work with the django stuff for UDS18:51
newz2000I suggested he move discussions about actual implementation (html/python/etc) here18:51
newz2000it was starting to lean towards themeing related stuff and reducing duplication of efforts18:52
mhall119newz2000: I've been trying to keep my non-django parts identical to light-base-theme to avoid duplication18:52
mhall119and theming various Django apps has helped me stream-line the django part18:53
newz2000good plan18:53
mhall119though I don't think I'm taking advantage of all the visual styles that have been created in the new theme18:53
mhall119mostly I use main-content and minor-content article blogs18:53
newz2000That's a trick. You can make it fit your specific app better but then it's harder to re-use code for other apps18:54
mhall119well all the css and everything is still there, I'm just not familiar with it all to use it in things like locodir and summit18:54
mhall119but the more I use it, the more I learn18:55
mhall119and it does make some pretty Django sites18:56
mhall119except I still don't like the full-width header and footer18:56
mhall119and cjohnston is pushing me to change that for loco.u.c at least18:56
newz2000you are the community ;-)18:56
mhall119yeah, I just didn't want to deviate from light-base-theme that much19:00
newz2000I would like you to feel comfortable bringing light-base-theme with you if it is in the interest of the community.19:07
newz2000and with that, I will go foraging for sustenance.19:07

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