
nigelbelky: heh, for the meeting?03:46
elkynigelb, yup03:47
nigelbelky: Did you figure out what you were looking for yesterday?03:47
elkynot yet03:49
svakshaYAY!!! DPL mentions UW: http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2010/08/msg00031.html04:37
elkymwahaha *cough cough* I mean Yay!04:41
pleia2thanks elky :)04:44
elkyIt's lovely to see that we did get attention in the wider foss community with those events04:45
elkysince it was kind of the point and all04:46
pleia2you really were right on with those contests, they were great :)04:48
elkynow we just need to get this mentoring stuff in to line04:54
* hypatia actually cooked up some ideas there, elky, will post shortly05:01
svaksha+1 for mentorin05:02
svaksha+1 for mentoring05:02
elkyhypatia, whee05:03
hypatiaelky: are you and pleia2 on the debian-women list?05:04
elkyhypatia, I am, yes05:04
elkyIf pleia2 isn't i'll be most surprised05:05
jamfish728Hey, if anybody is awake....is the meeting really at 10:00 UTC?06:20
rwwjamfish728: yes06:20
macoaustralia (by which i mean elky) is running the show06:21
jamfish728grrrr....it's at 3AM where I am.06:21
macoand the other meeting is at 3AM where she is :P06:21
rwwmy attempts to flatten the world have, thusfar, been unsuccessful :(06:21
jamfish728maco, you mean the previous one?06:22
macoyeah i think we're alternating between these times06:22
svakshawhich is today06:22
svakshameeting is today06:22
jamfish728yup :)06:22
jamfish728just wanted to confirm the time06:22
jamfish728I'm sorry for complaining(I shouldn't be anyways...considering I haven't been invovled as much)06:23
macothe eastern hemisphere is getting revenge :)06:23
elkyactually, the other one is more like bus-time, but the result is the same06:26
=== jamfish728 is now known as jamfish
elkyAlso, death to ie606:27
elkywhy does it have to still exist? whyyyyy?06:27
hypatiahey jamfish !06:28
hypatialong time no seeeee06:28
rwwpunishment for web designers abusing tables and flash06:28
hypatiawait what time is the meeting06:28
elkyrww, but i dont! :(06:29
rwwelky: you use PHP, don't you? almost as bad.06:29
jamfishelky: slowly but surely it will die06:29
elkyrww, at least I don't use java06:29
svakshahypatia: 1000 hrs utc06:29
hypatia5am eastern, right06:29
macohypatia: 5am06:29
hypatiaouch :s06:29
* svaksha runs away on hearing the j word06:29
macowait no06:29
macodaylight savings06:29
jamfish3am PDT!06:29
hypatia6am, ahh06:29
hypatiaok, i can do that06:29
* svaksha is confused with all the time zones06:30
hypatiai slept for like 13 hours last night06:30
rwwelky: you have a point06:30
jamfishyeah....you eastern North America people06:30
jamfishelky why does java get a bad rap(aside from being owned by oracle)?06:30
jamfishor so I've heard06:31
svakshajamfish: i dont find the language elegant as compared to say python or even ruby06:32
macohypatia: you see 6am? i only see it if i havent gone to bed yet..06:32
svakshamileages vary ofcourse06:32
jamfishhello jono06:37
jonohey ja06:38
jamfishja's fine too jono (one of my old bosses called me that)06:38
pleia2hypatia: yeah, I've been involved with debian women since before UW06:45
pleia2used to help out with the site some, I think I'm still in the alioth group for that in fact06:46
jamfishpleia2 do you know anymore details about when the training starts?06:48
pleia2jamfish: during PST it'll be 4AM! :)06:48
pleia2nope, right now they're just brainstorming06:48
jamfishalso, hello hypatia (sorry I didn't say it before, I'm a little distracted from being tired from work)06:55
hypatiajamfish: no worries, i totally understand :)07:01
hypatiajamfish: join #ubuntu-women for social chatter, too :)07:01
elkyleaving work now, should be home in time09:41
hypatiayay :D10:54
elkyhypatia, did you forget to hit send on an email today perchance?11:02
hypatiaelky: i did to the list!11:02
hypatia...like 10 minutes ago :s11:03
elkyit'll be comign in this batch of stuff then11:03
elkyOk, lets roll11:04
* elky hunts for mootbot instructions11:05
hypatiawill you chair?11:05
* hypatia is too sleepy11:05
hypatiayay thanks :)11:05
Mootbot-UKMeeting started at 10:06. The chair is elky.11:06
Mootbot-UKCommands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]11:06
elkyOk, then, who is here for the meeting?11:06
elky[LINK] http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/August2010/Agenda11:07
Mootbot-UKLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/August2010/Agenda11:07
svakshahi. /me will be dividing time between another meeting and this11:07
elkynigelb AlanBell vish?11:08
elkyI guess we'll start on the open items then while we wait11:10
hypatiaworks for me11:11
hypatiaif it's just us 4 it'll be a quick meeting :)11:11
elky[TOPIC] Blueprint progress: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/community-m-ubuntu-women-project-m-goals11:11
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  Blueprint progress: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/community-m-ubuntu-women-project-m-goals11:11
elkyWho owns this one?11:11
vishelky: oh hey! i did think about a few ideas for the pollka logo [one! ;p]  i was thinking of "Speak UP, let your voice count!" ,i'm still looking for an inspirational quote that fits that  :)11:12
czajkowskiI *think* pleia2  but not certain11:12
elkyvish, that item isn't up yet11:13
czajkowskiI'm just down as an assigne which you have to do when creating a bp11:13
czajkowskithere is no asignee11:13
vishelky: oh! k.. confused by the ping.. ;)11:13
elkyczajkowski, should we be assigning to the leadership group?11:13
czajkowskiwe didnt at the time have one11:14
elkySure, but what about now that we do?11:14
czajkowskiif you've created the leadership team I'm sure you can just assing it there11:14
hypatiathat seems like the right place to assign it11:14
elkylyz created it since the last meeting iirc11:14
czajkowskiok let me  go and assing it so once I can find the name11:14
elky(the iirc being the timeframe, it definitely exists)11:14
czajkowskiany idea of the name ?11:14
czajkowskishold be saving11:15
czajkowskisorry slow here fixing broken pc11:15
elkyKnowing launchpad it might be done by the time the meeting finishes :)11:15
elkyI'm slow because I'm trying to navigate launchpad11:16
czajkowskitis done11:17
elkyok, so the thingies on that list11:17
elky[lyz] Produce the documentation for Mentoring Program: INPROGRESS11:18
elkyI believe I saw some prodding in the past fortnight, so it is still progressing11:18
elkypendulum's item depends on that, and so does akgraner's i think11:19
czajkowskiwell I guess they'll be at to do till pleia2 is done11:20
czajkowskias they're both pending on that action item11:20
elkyI'm still yet to start on [Melissa] Re: Ubuntu-Women.org - Work with the design team to define the design direction: but I have now seen the guts of the wp theme11:20
elkyI don't know where lyz is with  [lyz] Re: Ubuntu-Women.org - Identify content to be re-developed: TODO but i think that which is on the site but not on the wiki is probably a good shortlist11:21
elky[topic] Follow-up on fixed election dates - elky11:22
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  Follow-up on fixed election dates - elky11:22
elkyThe wiki page is currently accurate.11:22
elkyAlanBell? around?11:23
czajkowskinot seen him this morning11:23
elky[topic] Pollka - what happened next with the UW photo competition code - AlanBell/elky if awake11:23
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  Pollka - what happened next with the UW photo competition code - AlanBell/elky if awake11:23
elkyAlan mentioned this last meeting, but for those who missed it; the code we used for the polling has been made in to a project: https://launchpad.net/pollka11:25
elkyAny questions?11:26
elky[LINK] https://launchpad.net/pollka11:27
Mootbot-UKLINK received:  https://launchpad.net/pollka11:27
vishelky: oh ! i did think about a few ideas for the pollka logo [one! ;p]  i was thinking of "Speak UP, let your voice count!" ,i'm still looking for an inspirational quote that fits that  :)11:27
* hypatia would love to do a security review on it and help people learn how to do that11:28
vishelky: what do you think of that idea ?11:28
vishelky: http://www.theinsider.com/photos/1233584_Jessica_Alba_Hannibal_Lector_Ad11:28
vishthat ^ was the starting point , when i was looking around for ideas..11:29
vishelky: we wont use that of-course ;p11:29
elkyWe'll think about it. DoctorMo is also working on ideas too, so we'll definitely get something that fits one way or the other.11:31
vishwfm .. :)11:31
elkyOk moving on.11:32
vishelky: sry, i didnt have much free time to think either, nigelb had poked me the other day for a pollka logo , and i came up with the initial ideas..11:32
elky[topic] Proposing a new blueprint - Proposal for a Mentoring Partnerships framework11:32
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  Proposing a new blueprint - Proposal for a Mentoring Partnerships framework11:32
elky[link]  http://www.geekosophical.net/?p=504 for background11:33
Mootbot-UKLINK received:   http://www.geekosophical.net/?p=504 for background11:33
elky[link]  http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/MentoringPartnersSpec for the spec11:34
Mootbot-UKLINK received:   http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/MentoringPartnersSpec for the spec11:34
hypatiaso i guess i wanted to clarify whether my addition was in the right direction, elky11:34
hypatiawithin this framework do you see us doing the actual "matchmaking"?11:34
elkyI'm onluy just getting a chance to look at it now11:34
elkyWhat I'd put down was just my POV and I was hoping people would chip in and build upon it11:35
* hypatia nods11:35
elkyI think the asking for qualifications is going to turn some potential mentees off11:36
* svaksha suggests asking mentors (hint, motu's) to list themselves and the kind of mentoring they have time for, teh skill level they expect , etc...11:37
hypatiaelky: i'd want to note them all as optional11:37
hypatiavery clearly11:37
elkysvaksha, you mean like we already have?11:38
svakshayes, we do11:38
hypatiaor, we can just ask for a freeform "experience level" field that includes education/quals11:38
elkysvaksha, this isn't to replace what we have, it's to add on to what we have :)11:38
hypatia(keep in mind that the form i linked to was for career, not necessarily technical, mentoring)11:38
* svaksha was not suggesting a replacement11:38
hypatiawe'll definitely be re-asking folks11:39
elkyhypatia, i'd avoid asking mentees at all. people often don't fill forms out because they can't fill in the optional fields; thinking that if they're there then it's important even if not essential11:39
elkysvaksha, but we don't want to be maintaining 2 lists. we already have that list :)11:40
hypatiahmm, good point11:40
elkyhypatia, and we're talking people who Don't Know How To Ask :-/11:40
svakshaelky: then all is well11:40
elkysvaksha, cool11:41
hypatiaso, action item - talk moar, maybe decide on a platform for taking mentee requests?11:41
elkyhypatia, I'd like it to propose it for discussion at UDS too11:42
elky[Action] Discuss the blueprint more! -- EVERYONE!11:42
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  Discuss the blueprint more! -- EVERYONE!11:42
elkyhypatia correct me if I'm wrong, but neither you nor lyz can make it this time unfortunately?11:43
hypatialet me noodle on it a bit more, but i think it conflicts with my school stuff11:43
hypatiai am le sad11:44
hypatiai'd really love to go to the next one11:44
hypatiaand will for sure attend this one remotely11:44
elkyWhich in theory will be somewhere in the depths of .EU11:44
hypatiayay :D11:44
* hypatia misses her german friends11:44
czajkowskiaye every 6 months it changes from USA to EU11:45
elkyczajkowski, we're still taking bets on when it ends up somewhere classified as Asia11:45
czajkowskialso to note deadline for applying for sponsorship is soon11:46
czajkowskiThe deadline for sponsorship closes on 8th September 2010.11:46
elkyI'll be applying tonight if we agree to put the blueprint forth for uds-n :)11:46
czajkowskiyou dont have to have a bp to go to UDS11:47
czajkowskibut sure just apply11:47
czajkowskibut also do a bp, bp are not dependant on UDS or not11:47
elkywell, i wanted to mention it in the form if it was ok to propose it :)11:47
czajkowskican tbe done either way11:47
hypatiaoh yeah, it's a whole week, i for sure can't go :(11:47
elkyhypatia, :(11:47
czajkowskiso I dont get the saying ppl will apply to uds pending a bp11:47
hypatiaczajkowski: she meant the specific bp we were talking about11:48
elkyczajkowski, putting it in the  form that asks what you'll do at uds Id guess11:48
czajkowskielky: ok I take that point, but ya don't have to is my point.11:48
czajkowskihypatia: aye got ti11:48
elkyI know I don't have to.11:48
elkyIt won't be my first UDS11:48
elkyNow however, does anyone object to me putting it forth as a UW thing?11:49
elkywhich is what I was tryign to ask up there11:49
* hypatia thinks it's a great idea11:49
czajkowski as I said, it can be done either way, so yeah no problem11:50
svakshaelky: put what forth as a UW thing? mentoring?11:50
* svaksha thought mentoring was always a UW thing :)11:51
czajkowskisvaksha: a lot of loco teams do it11:51
elkysvaksha, the blueprint11:51
hypatiathe inter-org mentoring cooperation stuff, svaksha11:51
svakshaczajkowski: yup they do but mentoring was one of the core things with UW11:51
svakshayeah , we should see how we can collaborate more11:52
elkyOk, i'll action it then11:53
elky[action] propose the mentoring partnerships blueprint for UDS-N - elky11:54
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  propose the mentoring partnerships blueprint for UDS-N - elky11:54
hypatiamay i go to sleep now :)11:54
elkylet me consult the agenda :P11:54
elkyAny further announcements?11:55
Mootbot-UKMeeting finished at 10:56.11:56
elkynini hypatia11:56
svakshaciao all11:57
hypatianite folks!11:57
* hypatia falls over11:57
* AlanBell points to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/maiatoday21:03
vishAlanBell: and at the cake too? :D21:09
vishthat looks yummy!21:09
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