
ultrazActionParsnip: I figured it out. It was under Setting/Behavior. I had to change it to always visible instead of panel mode.00:00
ActionParsnipultraz: glad you got the gold :)00:00
dominicdinadathune3: i am checking my rules right now because i dont have a keyboard on the other computer and well if i cant ssh in then im SOL00:00
duffydackcompiz + mouse gestures ftw.00:00
itsux2buwhere is LiveCD available?00:01
zerothissoreau: <http://pastebin.com/YJxJZRvb>00:01
nakhlawiAboALi: Please ask your question in the Arabic channel (ask me)00:02
zerothisduffydack: some of my customers are legally blind and find the compiz enhanced zoom to be indispensable00:02
soreauzerothis: Looks like perhaps you upgraded from jaunty to karmic?00:03
itsux2buwhere is LiveCD available? i can't find it on ubuntu.com00:04
duffydackzerothis,  its a nice easy tool..00:04
benbloomI'm having trouble with TTYs. F1-F6 just show a black screen with a blinking cursor. I have tried rebooting and done extensive research but with no solutions. Please help!00:04
nakhlawiitsux2bu: the CD you download contains an option to be run as LiveCD.00:05
benbloomi mean ctl-alt-F1-F600:05
zerothissoreau: no actually, this computer would not boot with lucid and I tried several older flavers until I got karmic to work. this karmic is straight from the CD00:05
soreauzerothis: Your gpu is on the lower end, and the intel driver is slowly dropping support for the 8xx chips00:06
nakhlawiitsux2bu: so when you first boot the CD you get the options of installing it, or running it as LiveCD00:06
pie_timeDoes lubuntu auto-install plugins and codecs when you can't play certain media like ubuntu does?00:06
sebsebsebpie_time: Lubuntu will install codecs, if you tell it to00:07
sebsebsebpie_time: just like Ubuntu will if you tell it to00:08
nejodezerothis, maybe this can help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes00:08
zerothissoreau: I seem to recall installing older intel drivers for a customer with intrepid (to enable S-Video out, don't remeber how I did it though) would this be a possible option for karmic as well?00:08
soreauzerothis: Even if you do get lucid working, the version of compiz lucid has is patched to blacklist your card with no simple workaround00:09
datacrusherhello everyone! iv installed ubuntu 10.04 at a friends notebook, but its getting VERY hot, and the battery takes much more time to charge, and less to vanish than in windows, wich its dual booted in this note. some specs - http://pastebin.com/Pij1erpt00:09
datacrusheris thie a know ubuntu issue? any clues about this?00:09
nakhlawidatacrusher: this is a hardware issue, AFAIK00:10
sebsebsebdatacrusher: it happens on some lap tops,  they seem to over heat when Ubuntu runs on them00:10
datacrushersebsebseb, can something be done about this?00:10
sebsebsebdatacrusher: It might just be an Ubuntu issue to do with how it deals with the hardware, or it might effect other distros as well00:11
benbloomI'm having trouble with TTYs. ctl+alt+F1-F6 just show a black screen with a blinking cursor. I have tried rebooting and done extensive research but with no solutions. Please help!00:11
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zerothissoreau: karmic is fine for now. I don't expect this machine will ever do any better00:13
TheEvilPhoenixquestion: i'm editing fstab to add an automount for a certain device to a specific folder.  When I get to the <options> part, do i need to provide any?  this device might be removed occasionally in future00:13
sebsebsebbenbloom: you mean Ubuntu doesn't boot up or?00:13
TheEvilPhoenixs/automount/mounting rule/00:13
lumoshi i have a problem with my nvidia graphics card on linux mint00:14
Karen_mdo any of you guys find that samba shares a lot better than the integrated sharing with nautilus?  I'm not sure why it is, but i have issues almost everytime00:15
FalsAlarmwhat is the default package manager for ubuntu when using the CLI?00:15
Simkinhey guys, when i boot from the ubuntu 10.4 "live" cd, the kb and mouse work, but after installing ubuntu the kb and mouse do not respond at all00:15
Simkinany ideas what i need to do to fix it?00:16
SimkinI expect it's something in my grub menu that needs to change. but i'm not sure00:16
lumosproblem here, any help please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9766384#post976638400:16
soreauFalsAlarm: apt00:16
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)00:16
nakhlawiSimkin: it seems you chose the wrong device drivers for them during installation00:16
Simkinnakhlawi: uh. no, that's not the problem.00:17
=== fork is now known as forkup
benbloomsebsebseb, I ubuntu boots and everything works fine, I just can't get TTY by hitting ctl-alt-F100:19
histobenbloom: what type of video card?00:20
zerothisbenbloom: Ctrl+alt+F2 fails also I assume?00:20
olskolircI can't log out with ctrl alt backspace how do i get this done please?00:21
olskolircim on karmic00:21
an0therus3rassuming going to space is cool, where would i donate? 'cause ubuntu ROCKS!!!00:21
histo!dontzap | olskolirc00:21
ubottuolskolirc: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap00:21
benbloomzerothis, yes F1-F6 all provide me with a black screen with blinking cursor only00:21
benbloomhisto, I can't remember what video card00:21
* olskolirc throws water on ubottu for making me rtfm00:21
histobenbloom: lspci  in a terminal will show you.00:22
benbloomit's ATI00:22
histoolskolirc: your not rtfm'ng it's a common question thats why we have ubottu00:22
benbloomhisto it's Radeon X120000:22
histobenbloom: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136742300:23
ShinyDarknessIs there any way to tell Ubuntu to open specific applications in specific virtual desktops?00:23
kalle_I run apache2 with php/mysql5 and an index.html with an a-href link til a php file, when i click the link firefox asks to save the file and it is not executed as php, any idea why ?00:24
benbloomhisto, I saw that. but my ttys are running according to ps aux00:24
olskolirchisto were is my lsb_release no command00:24
hikuShinyDarkness: try - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99803300:24
olskolircubuntu is getting on my nerves00:24
ShinyDarknesshiku: Thanks.00:24
jrib!lamp > kalle_00:25
ubottukalle_, please see my private message00:25
olskolircits not necessary to move everything around like this00:25
hikuShinyDarkness: your welcome00:25
jribkalle_: read the troubleshooting instructions there please00:25
RaceDrv709I am trying to install my Microsoft (yikes) MN720 PCI card in Ubuntu Lucid and I am getting an error stating that the input file cannot be opened. What am I doing wrong?00:25
benbloomhisto, I didn't mess with this solution because I assumed ps wouldn't show tty running if I had this problem. do you think I should try it?00:25
histoolskolirc: ???  cat /etc/issue???00:25
kalle_ok i study that jrib, thanx00:26
histobenbloom: I would atleast check if the conf files are there.00:26
jribRaceDrv709: you are using a microsoft product.  Umm, how are you tring to install it? Where exactly are you getting the error?00:26
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histobenbloom: they should be in /etc/init/00:26
Guest15596i am using ubuntu server and i want to know if i can block an IP address to have access on the server???00:26
RaceDrv709jrib:  I am using the b43-fwcutter00:27
=== Guest15596 is now known as theoo
histobenbloom: and you probably want them on runlevel 234500:27
ActionParsniptheoo: sure, use iptables00:27
benbloomThat's what they're set for histo00:27
histoGuest88149: for what access ssh?00:27
jribolskolirc: ubuntu has an lsb_release command00:27
FalsAlarmwhat does that 'headless' mean?00:27
nejodeolskolirc, this works for karmic too: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-in-ubuntukubuntu-10-04lucid-lynx.html00:27
jribFalsAlarm: no monitor00:27
histoFalsAlarm: no monitor00:27
hikuFalsAlarm: no monitor00:27
RaceDrv709I am getting the error message after typing sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o00:28
jribTOO SLOW00:28
FalsAlarmi just want the normal latest jre installed, which one should I choose?00:28
jribFalsAlarm: not the headless one00:28
jrib!java > FalsAlarm00:28
ubottuFalsAlarm, please see my private message00:28
histoRaceDrv709: can't you use the hardware drivers manager?00:28
histo!offline | RaceDrv70900:28
ubottuRaceDrv709: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD00:28
ActionParsnipFalsAlarm: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-install-sun-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html00:28
theooi am using ubuntu server and i want to know if i can block an IP address to have access on the server???00:28
benbloomhisto, http://pastebin.com/VA6C9pCm00:28
RaceDrv709Nothing shows up in the hardware driver manager.00:29
histotheoo: what kind of access are you trying to block?00:29
jribtheoo: sure?00:29
ActionParsniptheoo: yes, you can use iptables to block any and all traffic from certain IP addresses00:29
olskolirci get this when i type: lsb_release: No LSB modules are available.00:29
jribolskolirc: try: lsb_release -a00:29
histobenbloom: hrm... and they are running..  Thats odd. Perhaps a video issue with switching resolutions or something goofy with karmic.00:29
histobenbloom: maybe someone else may know more.00:29
olskolircoh thats right jrib thanks00:29
nejodeolskolirc, "lsb_release -a"00:29
ComradeHaz`Hi all, has a fix for the nvidia GT220 fan not being slowed by the drivers been found yet?00:30
theoohisto doesn't matter ssh, http, ftp.. all of them.. should i use iptables or some other command? my main question is that i want to see if the server is blocking some ip addresses....00:30
histoComradeHaz`: the fan is controlled by the drivers?00:30
ComradeHaz`On just about all nvidia cards, yes.00:30
=== MichaelSOG is now known as micke-away
jribtheoo: nothing is blocked by default00:30
jrib!away > micke-away00:30
ubottumicke-away, please see my private message00:30
histotheoo: well I use fail2ban for my ssh server00:30
=== Winston is now known as Guest8500
RaceDrv709I don't see anything in the hardware driver manager.00:30
histotheoo: but if someone is being blocked it may be in iptables00:31
[sleepy]Why did u deop urself?00:31
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: tried the 356 driver?00:31
jrib[sleepy]: only op for actions00:31
ComradeHaz`there's an app called nvclock that normally allows one to override them, but with the gt220 the fan runs at 100% all the time00:31
theoohisto thanks :) that was the right answer00:31
ComradeHaz`ActionParsnip, what do you mean by 356?00:32
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: sorry, 25600:32
ComradeHaz`do you mean256?00:32
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: ok, thats cool00:32
Guest8500 00:32
ComradeHaz`Not really. Still running at 100% :(00:32
benbloomhisto, I think it is a video issue. thing is, I had so much trouble getting this video card working, I really don't want to change it. perhaps I should just bite the bullet and make the switch to Lucid. thanks anyway00:32
=== Guest8500 is now known as WinstonSmith
=== knoppix_ is now known as realcoolguy_
histobenbloom: yeah why are you running karmic anyhoot?00:33
RaceDrv709I still can't get the input file opened. Where is apsta.o?00:34
histobenbloom: if you don't trust lucid you should check out Hardy then00:34
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: log a bug00:35
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: or you can try the driver from the nvidia site itself00:35
ComradeHaz`I have, ActionParsnip00:35
ComradeHaz`(got driver from nv site)00:36
_Lee_running into a weird error. I installed a graphics card today an Nvidia GeForce 6200 256mb PCI on a MS-6577 motherboard. When I try to boot I get tones of error, if I try to run a live CD, I click try ubuntu and it just hangs forever. Can I not use that graphics card with my motherboard?00:37
Sonjawhat does "could not connect to session bus" mean?00:37
Sonjamy computer has been acting weird00:37
histo _Lee_ can you boot in safe graphics mode?00:37
DrManhattan_Lee_, make extra special sure it is plugged in properly00:37
DrManhattanto the motherboard00:37
_Lee_its snugged00:37
_Lee_The motherboard detecs it.00:38
_Lee_Nope can't boot into safe mode00:38
DrManhattanyou can get into the bios just fine?00:38
_Lee_and I can get to the beginning of the live CD00:38
_Lee_when I try to do anything check the hard disk, try ubuntu it just hangs? weird.00:39
Sonjai was tring to boot from cd00:39
Sonjalive OS00:39
Falcon500Does anyone know how to INSTALL ubuntu off of a flash drive?00:40
DrManhattan_Lee_, I smell faulty RAM in your system.00:40
jrib!install | Falcon50000:40
ubottuFalcon500: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:40
RaceDrv709Can anyone help me with my wireless problem before I yank my hair out?00:40
jrib!helpme | RaceDrv70900:41
ubottuRaceDrv709: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:41
_Lee_Well if I don't have the card in my system and I reinstall it works. so it works with the onboard video card00:41
_Lee_I thought maybe my motherboard couldn't handle the graphics card.00:41
=== true is now known as WinstonSmith
benbloomhisto, I was happy with Hardy, but had some problems with the broadcom wifi support that was addressed with Jaunty. IDK why I upgraded to karmic -- probably because I think koalas are cute. I do trust Lucid, I run Lucid Kubuntu on my home desktop, I haven't had the time to fix my computer if the upgrade to lucid doesn't work on my laptop00:42
benbloomI will do it this week though.00:43
_Lee_Could the video card have some fault?00:43
estebananyone using rtorrent?00:43
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jrib!anyone | esteban00:44
ubottuesteban: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:44
estebanrtorrent and multible download folder issue00:45
jribesteban: you're still not asking an actual question00:45
estebancant get multiple downloads to work on rtorrent?00:46
estebancant get multiple download folders to work on rtorrent?00:46
mickster04esteban: thats not a question for this channel00:48
cromagHello, i am trying to get boxee running whilst no monitor is plugged into my Ubuntu box. I've tried a couple of small things with xorg.conf but i do not seem to be successfull. Is there a way to trick X (i believe the problem lies there) to think there IS a monitor and run in $resolution mode ? (does it all make sense ?)00:48
esteban@mickster thanx00:48
mickster04cromag: how do you expect that to work? what's not working?00:49
mickster04cromag: use remote desktopping?00:49
cromagmickster04: my x tells me it goes to failsafe mode00:49
cromagmickster04: i use wine for remote desktop, i got that working with tweaking xorg.conf - boxee just wont run.00:49
mickster04cromag: can you set up a remote desktop? and view the desktop to run boxee that way, and why do you wanna run it without a screen?00:50
cromagmickster04: it wont run, i tried that.00:50
mickster04cromag: wine? what?00:50
cromagmickster04: i want to run it because i'm at work, and the monitor is off now. (and wine = teamviewer IN wine sorry)00:51
cromagand i want to work with it00:51
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od3nanyone know how to get desktop effects working on 9.10 with in vbox00:52
mickster04cromag: well try getting a native thing going for a remote desktop server, and also boxee in work? I can't commend that...00:52
cromagi believe the problem is the lack of 3d or glx, which wont start without monitor.00:53
cromagthe remote dekstopping is not a need to have at this point00:53
mickster04cromag: can't you leave the monitor lugged in?00:53
cromagit's off, but plugged in.00:53
realcoolguy_how do I start a job if I suspended it with ctrl+z?00:53
mickster04cromag: when it says it goes into failsafe does it say why?00:54
cromagmickster04: yes, it misses a screen /device00:54
mickster04oh yeah...00:55
Falcon500Does anyone know where I can pick up some wifi drivers for a macbook pro 7,1? The 13 inch model?00:55
ActionParsnipod3n: you may need to install the gust additions00:55
od3nI have done that00:55
mickster04ermmm..thats beyond my capabilities..but it relates to how ubunbtu handles monitors turning off... its some clever stuff to make sure ubuntu doesn't craswh basically00:55
od3nand I still cant seem to get it to work00:55
ActionParsnipod3n: i'd ask in #vbox   why are effects so important?00:56
cromagmickster04: yeah, i believe thats why BulletProffX was invented :)00:56
razz1I am tryin to figure out why lot of users use thunderbird email client when it has no direct support for yahoo IMAP, I am looking at Zimbra and it supports all the free email clients. Is there something I don't know? Can someone enlighten me why thunderbird is better than zimbra00:56
cromagthanks for trying though :)00:56
mickster04ActionParsnip: surely they are one of the best things about ubuntu:00:56
Falcon500Does anyone know where I can pick up some wifi drivers for a macbook pro 7,1? The 13 inch model?00:56
ActionParsnipmickster04: hardly00:56
od3nwell I am using cario-dock and it looks a mess with out it00:56
ActionParsnipod3n: try this xorg.conf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77775900:56
ActionParsnipmickster04: effects can be enabled in any Linux distro with 3D acceleration00:57
Adriannomhi.  are there any potential problems with syncing the home dirs between 3 machines on an encrypted 3rd party cloud network?00:57
mickster04ActionParsnip: yeah but i mean they look awesome so if you have them in a vbox you want them to make it lookspretty:D00:57
Adriannomthat is, syncing hidden files, everything00:57
ActionParsnipmickster04: hmmm, thats debatable00:57
hikuAdriannom: shouldn't be an issue.00:58
jimi_After upgrading to Lucid, my wireless will not connect to devices any more. It says obtaining IP address forever, on any network, then times out.00:58
hikuAdriannom: how or what are you using to sync the files/dirs?00:58
Adriannomhiku, spideroak00:58
adacHow would you guys proceed if you would have found out that a root kit is running on your system?00:58
hikuAdriannom: oh, ok never heard of it. is it like rsync?00:58
drynishIs it a good idea to upgrade right now to maverick?00:58
ActionParsnip!maverick | drynish00:59
ubottudrynish: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:59
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+100:59
drynishOh :)00:59
hikuAdriannom: nvm, found the website.00:59
drynishsure ;)00:59
adacActionParsnip, ps aux | grep 153500:59
adacroot      1535  0.0  0.1   3108   268 ?        Ss   01:19   0:00 �6�00:59
jsolerahi, i have a question about ubuntu server. Am i at the right place ?01:00
thune3adac: i think most would reinstall01:00
ActionParsnipadac: ?01:00
adac^^ this is a trojan or a root kit01:00
Adriannomhiku, it sits on your machine and ecrypts everything before uploading.  very nice01:00
mickster04jsolera: #ubuntu-server01:00
adacIt did replace my sshd01:00
jsolerathaks a lot01:00
ActionParsnipadac: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-check-linux-rootkist-with-detectors-software/01:00
hikuAdriannom: yeah, very cool. rsync+ssh does the same thing =)01:00
hikuAdriannom: I'm just old school that way =)01:01
adacthune3, yes thats what i will do probably. Currently I'm just to curious to find some more things out about this thing01:01
Adriannomhiku, sounds good, except this needs 0 experience ;)01:01
hikuAdriannom: yeah I was just gonna mention that. =)01:01
windowxpuseri have a hp laptop that has broadcom builtin wireless.. that it does not recognize01:02
UnderSampledI'm installing kate on (gnome)ubuntu 10.04, and it seems to be stuck at: kbuildsycoca4(4788) kdemain: Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged ("servicetypes", "xdgdata-mime", "services", "apps")01:02
venzilhello ppls =D01:02
UnderSampledwhat does it mean?01:02
jimi_After upgrading to Lucid, my wireless will not connect to devices any more. It says obtaining IP address forever, on any network, then times out.01:02
Falcon500Anyone know where I can get a MBP wifi driver for ubuntu?01:02
JoeTheGuestNeed some support with ubuntu and opening a port01:02
UnderSampled!hello | venzil01:02
ubottuvenzil: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:02
razz1is there a live cloning application for ubuntu that I can use to save the image to a remote location?01:02
Adriannomhiku, however, don't suppose there's a good guide on doing it with rsync+ssh?01:02
RiddellUnderSampled: it's just updating the settings cache01:03
UnderSampledRiddell: why is it stuck there?01:03
Riddellyou can run kbuildsycoca4 manually if you want to check if it's running ok01:03
hikuAdriannom: just for starters. - http://troy.jdmz.net/rsync/index.html01:03
Falcon500Send me a PM if anyone knows about one.01:03
UnderSampledRiddell: can I just ^C out of it?01:03
hikuAdriannom: - secure way to do it - http://sial.org/howto/rsync/01:03
Adriannomhiku, thanks.  is rsyncing a home dir between machines better than using nfs?01:03
RiddellUnderSampled: I doubt that'll do anything, kate runs in the background usually01:04
windowxpuserone time it recognized the wireless but could not access.. the radio wireless indicator does not light up01:04
hikuAdriannom:  also at a command prompt type without "" "man rsync" it's an old, stable and proven tool01:04
=== dmiles is now known as shaggyoaf
rothamhey im trying to burn the ubuntu ISO to a cd and im getting this error log   http://codepad.org/X8Ft0gIo01:04
rothamany ideas on how to fix it?01:05
thune3adac: maybe "sudo lsof -p 1535" might give you some ideas01:05
windowxpuseriwconfig recognizes the wireless card..01:05
UnderSampledRiddell: I thought this was in the apt-get01:05
foul_owlwhy does uptime say three users logged in when I am the only one?01:05
adacthune3, I'll try that01:05
Adriannomhiku, know if rsyncing a home dir between machines is better than using nfs?01:06
UnderSampledRiddell: I can't check though, because it's filled the terminal's buffer01:06
venzildoes anyone know what is the best way to connect to a remote machine01:06
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jimi_I don't have a System->Administration->Networking only Network01:06
foul_owlvenzil: ssh01:06
RiddellUnderSampled: if you just press return do you get your prompt?01:06
UnderSampledvenzil: ssh for commandline01:06
JoeTheGuestSomeone I need some assistance.. my ubuntu vps won't accept incommming connections to any ports and with a netstat I can see that the ports I need have TIME_WAIT how do I fix this01:06
mickster04venzil: ssh imo01:06
UnderSampledRiddell: lol. I do01:06
UnderSampledRiddell: what''s that mean?01:06
hikuAdriannom: nfs is not rsync. you can rsync data over an nfs mount "man nfs", nfs is just a way to share a central set of data between computers.01:06
UnderSampledvenzil: and if you are connecting to a linux machine, ssh can forward the gui's of programs01:07
venzilok thanks so im guessing ssh is the ovious way but . is there a program i can use?01:07
ActionParsnipvenzil: there is no "best" way for anything, each way has its benefits and disadvantages. it also matters what you are connecting for01:07
jsolerahello, is there a room to discuss about asterisk?01:07
Adriannomhiku, yeah, i know that ;)  currently my home dir is on an nfs drive.  if the network goes down the relevant machines freeze.01:07
UnderSampledvenzil: ssh is two parts: ssh and sshd01:07
UnderSampledssh is the client, and sshd is the server01:07
windowxpuseri'm using debian live cd01:07
windowxpuserhow to enable wireless device01:08
venzilwell im trying to connect from a linux machine to a windows01:08
hikuAdriannom: how are you nfs mounting? async or the default sync01:08
RiddellUnderSampled: apt-get installed some files which caused kbuildsyscoca to go "ooh new files, best update myself" and it printed some debugging stuff while doing the update01:08
UnderSampled!ssh | venzil01:08
ubottuvenzil: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:08
windowxpuserlaptop has broadcom01:08
hikuAdriannom: hard mount or soft mount?01:08
Adriannomhiku, default.  will async fix my problems?01:08
cromagis there anyway to "trick" ubuntu into NOT care if a screen is attached ?01:08
ActionParsnipvenzil: you can use rdesktop to use RDP01:08
RiddellUnderSampled: you probably started a KDE app on the same terminal earlier so kbuildsycoca outputs to that terminal01:08
mneptokvenzil: you want VNC01:08
Adriannomhiku, whatever's default01:08
RiddellUnderSampled: I should fix it so it doesn't output needless debugging by default01:08
mneptokcromag: what do you mean "care?"01:08
hikuAdriannom: async tells the client that it has written data to disk, when it's really lieing01:08
mickster04venzil: or rpc01:08
willhi alol01:08
JoeTheGuestIs someone going to help me..01:08
UnderSampledVNC is a protocol, and is a replacement for RDP, not a client01:09
ActionParsnipvenzil: you can enable remote login on windows and login securely with RDP. VNC has no security01:09
cromagmneptok: i want to be able to unplug the screen and still run x just as normal.01:09
adacthune3, http://pastie.org/111668101:09
mickster04venzil: rdp is wat i meant01:09
hikuAdriannom: if you don't like your system to hang, I would get away from nfs mounting your home dir and just use rsync to sync changes back to the central data server01:09
venzili will use ssh but does the other computer need a program01:09
BrixSathello how do i uninstall a program? like complete remove so i can install it again and configure it01:10
ActionParsnipJoeTheGuest: have patience child, jeez01:10
Adriannomhiku, right.  just so i know i'm on the right track.  thanks a lot :)01:10
mickster04JoeTheGuest: what?01:10
JoeTheGuestI asked like 5min ago01:10
JoeTheGuestNo answer01:10
macoJoeTheGuest: try #ubuntu-server if its a server thing01:10
UnderSampledRiddell: cool.01:10
JoeTheGuestAgain no anser01:10
mneptok!caps | JoeTheGuest01:10
ubottuJoeTheGuest: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:10
hikuAdriannom: that's how I have my engineering department setup and after 6 years, nothing major has happened "knock on wood"01:10
macoJoeTheGuest: no answer often means "we dont know either"01:10
ActionParsnipJoeTheGuest: then wait longer, 5 mins is nothing at all01:10
hikuAdriannom: your welcome!01:10
WinstonSmithubottu : lol01:10
JoeTheGuestIts simple port issue I can't figure out01:10
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.01:10
Adriannomhiku, :D01:10
ActionParsnipJoeTheGuest: reboot the server01:10
JoeTheGuestI did01:11
foul_owlwhy does uptime say three users logged in when I am the only one?01:11
JoeTheGuestFirst thing I did01:11
macoJoeTheGuest: i would *guess* you have a hung process listening on a port since it says WAIT01:11
JoeTheGuestIv tied different ports01:11
JoeTheGuestRemade the conf01:11
BrixSathow do i uninstall a program? like complete remove so i can install it again and reconfigure it01:11
JoeTheGuestNothing fixes it01:11
jsolerawhat room is for asterisk ?01:11
ActionParsnipJoeTheGuest: is the server on some hosted service out on the web?01:11
razz1venzil: the fastest way to connect and least hassle free is to use a VPN that way you do not have to worry about portforwards, and security. try logmein hamachi. It also depends which way you want the connection. Ubuntu to windows or the other way around. SSH is a big security risk if you do not set it up properly and its not easy to setup01:11
hikuBrixSat: apt-get remove "package"01:12
JoeTheGuestThe ports are still refusing connections01:12
hikuBrixSat: sudo apt-get remove "package"01:12
WinstonSmithubottu : just thought you comment funny... and i do not use it on a regular basis. i quite enjoy refined language01:12
UnderSampledfoul_owl: I think that each terminal logs you in again01:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:12
JoeTheGuestActionParsnip: yes01:12
psilo2JoeTheGuest: what's the issue?01:12
mickster04BrixSat: sudo apt-get remove --purge program01:12
cromagwill that kill the configuration files to ?01:12
ActionParsnipJoeTheGuest: contact the provider then01:12
rothamif i make a usb drive into a startup disk will it delete everythign else on the drive?01:12
ActionParsnipJoeTheGuest: and get some pattience01:12
RiddellUnderSampled: bug 624348 filed01:12
foul_owlUnderSampled: That accounts for two of them, as I have one terminal open. But why three? It's driving me nuts01:12
UnderSampledRiddell: cool01:12
cromagmneptok: did you have a thought or just currious ? :)01:13
UnderSampledfoul_owl: do you have X running?01:13
UnderSampled!hello | windowxpuser01:13
ubottuwindowxpuser: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:13
foul_owli have x running with one instance of terminal running01:13
WinstonSmithrazz1 : is there a new version of hamachi for *nix? or still stuck at 1.x?01:14
BrixSatmickster04:  i have done the purge but when i install it i get no config files01:14
Agu10I have an i7 with gtx 260. I'd like to use it from school with VNC. the problem is it uses too much power so I don't want to leave it ON the whole day. What can I do?01:14
WinstonSmithAgu10 : hi01:14
windowxpuseri'm using debian live cd how to get the wireless going01:14
jsolerawhere can i get the whole list of rooms ? do someone know ? Im searching for asterisk rooms01:14
mickster04BrixSat: what are you installing?01:15
ActionParsnipAgu10: why are you connecting via vnc? What do you use the session for?01:15
macojsolera: /msg alis01:15
Picijsolera: #asterisk01:15
BrixSatmickster04:  freeradius01:15
rothamif i make a usb drive into a startup disk will it delete everythign else on the drive?01:15
windowxpuseranyone .. has any idea01:15
BrixSatjsolera: go to #help01:15
UnderSampledfoul_owl: running the command "who" will show you what terminals are logged in as what users01:15
ActionParsnipwindowxpuser: debian isn't supported here01:15
macojsolera: alis is a bot to search for channels01:15
edbianrotham, I believe it does.  But it warns you.01:15
Agu10ActionParsnip: I have programs at home that I want to access from school. For example for 3d rendering...01:15
razz1WinstonSmith:  no there is a new beta version, and it rocks. its command line only though but there is a very good readme file01:15
windowxpuserthanks for help01:15
mickster04BrixSat: humm... and why is that a problem anyway?01:16
foul_owlwho shows tty7 (assuming x) and pts/0 (assuming gnome terminal) but uptime still says three users. is there a bug in uptime?01:16
BrixSatmickster04:  i get no config files01:16
Agu10can I leave my computer suspended until I want to start remote desktop?01:16
Agu10or something like that?01:16
thune3adac: i'm not an expert in these things, i just was hoping that would give you further info. it is an sshd and not yours?01:16
mickster04BrixSat: right so run the program, it will auto generate prolly01:16
WinstonSmithrazz1 : which version ? cause i have since years running the same version which has timeout issues with the new logmein01:16
BrixSatmickster04:  wont start due to lack of config :p01:17
ActionParsnipAgu10: i see, then vnc is for you, vnc has no security so I hope you are using an ssh tunnel01:17
UnderSampledfoul_owl: try running "users" to see just the list of users01:17
edbianAgu10, You can't come out of suspend remotely.  On some computers though (with a wired nic) you can turn them on remotely using wake on lan (wol)! :)01:17
Agu10ActionParsnip: I'm not.01:17
mickster04BrixSat: check the -h command it may give you an optoin to generate the config01:17
kwikwagis this a good place to ask a question about problems connecting via samba/cifs to a windows vm?01:17
Agu10edbian: how can I set that up? do most modern computers have this feature?01:17
iConfusedthune3, I found out something about my audio troubles. I can keep the PCM all the way up, and just turn off the LFE completely. I just don't get the subwoofer. But, bam, no audio quality degradation :D01:18
foul_owljust two of them, both me01:18
foul_owli think there is a bug in uptime01:18
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adacthune3, well ps aux | grep ssh shows nothing. But still the ssh server is running. I noticed it because normally I run sshd on port 2222 then on one day it was not accessible anymore i realized it was accessibel over 22 again.01:18
razz1WinstonSmith: its ver 2, heres the link https://secure.logmein.com/US/labs/, you will be impressed01:18
edbianAgu10, Yes.  Most modern computer do.  Look in the bios for a WOL or Wake On Lan feature.  (like I said only on wired nics) then use a program like etherwake to send a magic packet to that computer(s IP address).  And the machine should turn on! :)  It's very cool.01:18
WinstonSmithrazz1 : THX man :D01:18
mickster04adac: ps aux | grep sshd01:18
adacthune3, so when i killthat strange process now, then also sshd dies. This must be a trojan01:18
adacmickster04, is the same01:19
Agu10edbian: also wake up from sleeping?01:19
adacs aux | grep sshd01:19
adac1000     26825  0.0  0.2   1772   564 pts/2    S+   02:19   0:00 grep sshd01:19
edbianAgu10, I don't think so.  Just wake from off ;)01:19
WinstonSmithrazz1 : cool ver 2.x01:19
Agu10edbian: I just have to send that package (even through the internet) ?01:19
edbianAgu10, Like I said you cannot return from suspend remotely. Not that I know of.  You can however from hibernation because that is essentially off to the hardware.01:19
edbianAgu10, Yes even through the internet.  Packet.  Not package ;)01:20
edbianAgu10, It's very simple.01:20
kwikwag(well then, I guess I'll ask) q: when trying to connect to a windows (vm) share I keep getting "permission denied" on the ubuntu side; i've tried via mount.cifs, smb4k and smbclient; the windows is vmed using virtualbox ose with a bridged network. no firewall is running. on the windows side i get: "Unknown user name or bad password"01:20
Agu10edbian: well, when I push the "power on" button, it wakes up from sleeping. :P I'd intuitively say it should wake up instead if it's sleeping01:20
thune3iConfused: cool, glad you found something that is satisfactory01:21
adacthune3, mickster04 additioanlly i cn't restart sshd anymore01:21
edbianAgu10, It's worth a shot.01:21
mickster04adac: sudo service ssh restart01:21
mickster04adac: use tab-complete to make sure you have the right service name01:21
Agu10edbian: yeah. I'm  gonna try it then. Thanks01:21
edbianAgu10, :)01:21
adacmickster04, sudo service ssh restart01:21
adacsshd: OpenSSH_3.9p1 on i686-pc-linux-gnu01:21
adacUnknown option -t01:21
Blue1adac: sudo service sshd restart01:22
cldrainhi all01:22
cldrainI was wondering if someone could help me with a wireless issue on my HP mini 103001:23
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adacBlue1, mickster04 sudo service sshd restart01:23
adacsshd: unrecognized service01:23
razz1WinstonSmith: its a recent update, i was getting frustrated with the old version, though its beta, its rock solid. other day all I had to do was forward couple of links for hamachi and tightvnc and I was able to control win 7 pc half way around the world in couple of mins. My only gripe is that I cannot use the network lock feature, its only for paid versions01:23
mickster04adac: have you installed ssh server?01:23
Blue1adac: means you probably don't have the openssh-server instealled01:23
kwikwagcldrain: it would help if you would specify the issue01:24
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adacmickster04, Blue1 it is installed. Ichecked everything cause I couldn't believe it neither01:25
cbrinke1Is there an ubuntu version of the locales-all pkg in ubuntu? I see it in debian01:25
cldrainI have an HP Mini and i just installed the latest version of the netbook remix - both the wired and wireless connection does not work -01:25
WinstonSmithrazz1 : yeah its really easy to use, been using it for years for games and to ssh into my server (dont like open ports) but since they updated th win client it started to timeout. found a fix for that but still it disconnected sometimes only to reconnect seconds later01:25
adacmickster04, Blue1 sudo dpkg --list | grep ssh01:25
cldrainlooks like the wireless is disabled and the hardware toggle does nothing to enable it01:25
adacii  openssh-client                            1:5.1p1-6ubuntu2                           secure shell client, an rlogin/rsh/rcp repla01:25
adacii  openssh-server                            1:5.1p1-6ubuntu2                           secure shell server, an rshd replacement01:25
adacii  ssh                                       1:5.1p1-6ubuntu2                           secure shell client and server (metapackage)01:25
mickster04adac: right sudo service ssh restart should work, try start instead of restart01:25
FloodBot3adac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:25
adacii  sshfs                                     2.2-1                                      filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer01:25
WinstonSmithrazz1 : what is the network lock feature?01:26
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adacmickster04, Blue1 http://pastie.org/111671101:26
craigbass1976I did a dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/dev/sdb1 bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror and now have the bunk drive copied over to a new one.  How do I get at the stuff when mounting gives me a "mount: /dev/sdb1: can't read superblock"01:26
mickster04adac: then you need to work out what is using the port01:28
kwikwagcldrain: this might be too simple, but it's always a good check for notebooks: there's usually a shortcut for disabling/enabling the wireless features of the notebook via the keyboard; is this what you're referring to when you say 'hardware toggle"?01:28
mickster04adac: what programs do you have running?01:28
adacmickster04, Blue1 see this: http://pastie.org/1116712 this Process �6�  is using it. If I kill it then sshd dies01:28
Agu10using VNC (with password) is not safe?01:29
razz1WinstonSmith: if you do not want to add any more users to you network, you can lock it down, its safe that way. But right now I just use a password and manual authorisation to allow users.01:29
cbrinke1anyone? locales-all? Is my only option here "dpkg-reconfigure locales" which takes 7+ mins01:29
mickster04adac: right so sshd is running?01:29
cldrain:kwikwag there is an on/off switch on the front - it seems to me that it is a driver issue but I can't get the driver without being online...01:29
adacmickster04, through this process named �6� yes01:29
ActionParsnipAgu10: the data transmitted is not encrypted and can be captured easily to see what you are doing01:30
mickster04adac: right well mayb it IS sshd01:30
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adacmickster04, but it shouldn't be.01:30
adacmickster04, see this http://www.randco.fr/?p=actualites&ID=48 let google translate it01:30
Agu10ActionParsnip: can they take control over my PC ?01:31
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edbianAgu10, They could see the password you sent.01:31
adacmickster04, it seems to be exactyl my problem01:31
mickster04adac: do sudo service ssh stop then see if its there01:31
edbianAgu10, So they could log in later.01:31
S4ryHello ubuntu01:31
edbianS4ry, Hi01:31
Agu10edbian:  how can I make it safe?01:31
edbianAgu10, By creating an ssh tunnel.01:31
jk_adac, that list you pasted shows an IP in the 172 area as the connection; that's NOT you so the concluision is that you have been invaded.01:32
Agu10is that any slower, edbian ?01:32
adacmickster04, still there01:32
edbianAgu10, No.  It isn't any slower: https://secure.jabsupport.com/support/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=13901:32
edbianAgu10, Just more steps.01:32
S4ryif lubotu3 , has been kicked .. how to invite the bot back01:32
mickster04adac: well then I guess it is extra-curricular.... I wouldn't know how to fix it:/01:32
edbianAgu10, It is significantly easier to just log in remotely using ssh in the first place though.  However you will be cli only (to some people that seems to be constraining but really it isn't).01:33
adacjk_,  (server internnal ip) (my internal ip)01:33
mickster04adac: kill it then manually restart sshd yourself01:33
adacmickster04, on the next restart it would be overwritten again01:33
Agu10edbian: it is in windows01:33
macoadac: try "ps -ef" to see the full path of that binary01:33
macoadac: then you can delete it01:33
_Lee_What directory is the video driver located?01:33
kwikwagcldrain: the only thing I can tell you is that it seems that other people are having issues as well (http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-wireless-networking-41/broadcom-802-11b-g-wlan-issues-339970/) I would try and hook up the notebook via a wired connection and see that it works, perhaps obtaining proprietary drivers from Broadcom01:34
edbianAgu10, What is.  The server or the client?01:34
Agu10edbian: and it is usually much slower... it depends on the use01:34
Agu10it's slower to use on CLI than it is on GUI sometimes, edbian01:34
kwikwagq: can anyone please assist me with my troubles in cifs/samba I mentioned above?01:34
edbianAgu10, Oh I see.  windows cli is slower.  Yes probably true :)01:34
edbianAgu10, Have fun! :)01:34
thune3adac: might also look at "cat /proc/1535/cmdline01:35
adacmaco, mickster04 http://pastie.org/111672501:35
_Lee_What directory is the video drivers located?01:35
S4ryany specific channel for Ubuntu bots !01:35
adacthune3, maco mickster04 cat /proc/1535/cmdline01:35
prince_jammysS4ry: #ubuntu-bots used to exist, iirc.01:36
George_eIs there a way to find out what process has a lock on /dev/rfcomm0 ?01:37
ActionParsnipAgu10: they will be able to see all keypresses in plain text so if you type any password etc they can be captured too01:37
prince_jammysGeorge_e: fuser, or lsof, maybe.01:37
S4ryprince_jammys, appreciate it01:37
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macoadac: mmm its not giving the path01:37
Agu10is there any built-in solution for VNC with ssh tunneling, ActionParsnip ?01:37
adacits hiding01:38
Agu10ActionParsnip: for windows too01:38
macoadac: at this point, i'd reinstall01:38
macoadac: hiding sounds like a rootkit to me01:38
George_eprince_jammys: "fuser /dev/rfcomm0" returns nothing - it's blank.01:38
prince_jammysGeorge_e: try ''lsof /path''01:38
adacmaco, sure i will do that. But sitll i want to learn more about this thng. And honestly... I relly really surprised that something like that could have happened01:39
George_eprince_jammys: "lsof /dev/rfcomm0" is blank too.01:39
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macoadac: run chkrootkit?01:39
macoadac: or rkhunter?01:39
razz1Agu10: most secure and easiest way is to try hamachi and vnc, i would suggest tightvnc. which system is going to be the server. windows or ubuntu?01:40
George_eprince_jammys: Whenever I try to open the port with BitPim, I get an error that the port is in use.01:40
prince_jammysGeorge_e: my guess is no-one has it open, then.01:40
George_eprince_jammys: "/dev/rfcomm0: could not open port /dev/rfcomm0: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy: '/dev/rfcomm0'"01:40
adacmaco, runned both. Nothing suspicious01:40
Agu10razz1: I will use both windows and ubuntu01:41
Agu10razz1: and clients too. windows and ubuntu :PÑ01:41
George_eIt's weird...01:41
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S4ryGuys , any clue about how to run your own IRC server on Ubuntu server01:41
macoS4ry: install dancer-ircd?01:41
razz1Agu10: still hamachi and tightvnc is the way to go. do you have physical access to both or tell me which one are you sitting in front of01:42
George_eprince_jammys: If I try to open the port in Bluetooth manager, it says "Connection Failed - port already in use."01:42
S4rymaco, Okay01:42
thune3adac: it's appearance after atd and cron could be unrelated but it's somewhere to look /etc/cron stuff and /var/spool/cron/ stuff. Also I would install debsums and run "debsums -ac"01:42
asaHow would I go about finding the names of all the files in a directory and echoing them into a file in bash?01:42
edbianS4ry, When you get it up tell me!  I'll join it to help test.01:42
prince_jammysGeorge_e: beats me01:42
TiKrazz1: does vnc spawn a new X session of does it use the exsisting one?01:42
George_eWeird... :P01:42
WinstonSmithrazz1 : do you know a GUI for hamachi2 ? haguichi only supports ver 0.9 :(01:42
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
Agu10razz1: I would like to have a portable client to run anywhere01:43
S4ryedbian, that whould be kind of ya :)01:43
Agu10I'm sitting on my laptop, which will usually be one of the clients01:43
S4ryStill , along way to go .. installing Ubuntu serve on Apple iMac01:43
WinstonSmithAgu10 : hamachi does not support portable clients01:43
adacthune3, ok. Its late I go to bed. Maybe we can talk tomorrow. A fresh installation will be done anyways. So good night channel and thanks for your help01:45
Agu10WinstonSmith: oh. what can I do?01:45
S4ryO' thats funny , i asked on ##Mac if it's okay to set an IRC Server .. they pointed me to do so using LINUX lol01:46
WinstonSmithAgu10 : well portable is hard. cant you install hamachi on all clients & server ?01:46
kwikwagok, I finally narrowed down the problem that I tried to access a hidden share (c$). Trying to access a normal share worked. Anyone has any idea how I can connect to a hidden windows share  (c$) if I wish?01:46
S4ryI mean , an IRC Server on Mac01:46
DJAshnarI have a Toshiba Satellite C655D S5057 unit which absolutely refuses to boot with ACPI ON.  Is there a fix for this in Ubuntu 10.04 or Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 3?01:46
macoS4ry: even apple doesnt use their own servers :P01:46
macoS4ry: i have a friend who worked there. its mostly solaris. i think he said a bit of red hat too01:47
WinstonSmithkwikwag : are you connecting as Administrator?01:47
S4rymaco, No ! .. thats a shame01:47
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S4ryWow , isn't that something :)01:47
kwikwagWinstonSmith: yes; and I actually finally solved this one as well01:47
razz1TiK: uses the existing one, for a virtualX session most recommended one is NX, but the freenx package is broken when i tried it last time. You can also use vncserver to create one. look at this http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Remote_Access_to_the_Ubuntu_Linux_Desktop, at the bottom01:47
macoDJAshnar: try it and let us know?01:47
rothamhow can I make an ubuntu live disk with broadcom drivers that will get my wireless card working properly?01:47
macoDJAshnar: if not, then file a bug01:47
kwikwagin nautilus I should specify c$ in the folder box rather than the share box01:47
rothamand preferably that will install those drivers when i install it...01:47
kwikwagproblem solved01:47
kwikwagthanks WinstonSmith and thanks to myself :)01:48
razz1WinstonSmith: i dont, but the command line is so easy, you will not need one01:48
WinstonSmithwelcome but i didnt do much01:48
dougskorotham: boot up a live cd, install to a usb stick, boot up the stick, and install the drivers you need.01:48
rothamahh ok itll save it to the usb card?01:49
WinstonSmithrazz1 : yes on the server i have everything on cli naturally but on the desktop the rightclick menu on the clients is quite practical01:49
DJAshnarmaco - Under Ubuntu 10.04, with ACPI=off it is fine, but then I seem to only be running single core >.<  Under Backtrack 4 (based on Ubuntu 8.04 I THINK) it is fine with ACPI=on01:49
dougskorotham: youll have already installed a normal instal to your stick. its just like any other harddriver01:49
dougsko*hard drive01:49
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macoDJAshnar: itd likely be a kernel thing since its acpi. try other versions in between there to narrow down which kernel broke it01:50
S4ryedbian, ..01:50
edbianS4ry, ..01:50
dougskorotham: so, just like any other install, youll be able to add packages and drivers as you see fit01:50
kwikwagciao for now01:50
DJAshnarWasnt there a kernel fix for 9.04 posted some time back?  Is there a way to incorporate that fix with a newer kernel?01:50
razz1Agu10: i do not know how you can achieve a portable solution that is secure with out having a portable system that is secure in the first place.01:51
macoDJAshnar: there are kernel updates every few weeks or so. only way to tell if a particular update fixes your issue is to try it01:51
TiKrazz1: oh ok I use x11vnc01:51
ActionParsnipAgu10: you will need admin access to install the software you need and I doubt you college will install it for you01:51
ActionParsnipAgu10: http://www.ytechie.com/2008/05/set-up-a-windows-ssh-tunnel-in-10-minutes-or-less.html01:52
asaHow would I go about finding the names of all the files in a directory and echoing them into a file in bash?01:52
macoasa: recursively?   find . -type f > list_of_files01:52
dougskoasa: ls >> file.txt01:52
mickster04asa ls -f | text.txt (i think)01:52
ActionParsnipAgu10: personally I only advise vnc over lan, although in most cases there are sleeker solutions, in your case you do need vnc01:53
mickster04which one then?01:53
DJAshnarMIGHT work!  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1301101&page=801:53
razz1WinstonSmith: actually I allow hamachi to run in the background all the time. Then there is not need to even touch it except to find out who is online01:53
macomickster04: | is wrong01:53
DJAshnarand I hate google since they inked a deal with the CIA01:53
mickster04maco: damn:(01:53
macomickster04: thats for going to another command. you need > or >> to put stuff in a file01:53
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
dougskoasa: the recursive form of ls is: ls -R >> file.txt01:53
mickster04maco: yes i see01:53
Agu10ActionParsnip: should I use other remote desktop solutions?01:54
razz1TiK: i use X11vnc as well, look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9707060#post9707060 make sure you use localhost option and ssh if not using VPN01:54
WinstonSmithrazz1 : yes you are right but you know about http://www.haguichi.net/ there you can rightclick on a network member and execute commands eg. RDP ping etc01:54
WinstonSmithi like that01:55
asdf-hi, I am trying to locate a free program for windows that will allow me to write the ubuntu netbook edition to a SD card. I do not have a USB drive right now... I cannot seem to find any solutions via google01:55
asdf-ubuntu netbook edition iso --> SD card bootable01:55
dougskoasdf-: netbootin01:56
WinstonSmithrazz1 : i love the CLI but sometimes a GUI is also practical ;)01:56
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
dougskoasdf-: i think that can run on windows01:56
mickster04asdf-: have you tried using alive disk? and installing it that way?01:56
asdf-dougsko, thank you01:56
mickster04a live disk*01:56
asdf-mickster04, never heard of alive disk... will try netbootin first01:56
asdf-thanks a lot01:56
WinstonSmithasdf : unetbootin FTW01:56
bazhangasdf-, its unetbootin01:56
asdf-WinstonSmith, thanks01:56
asdf-bazhang, thanks01:57
asdf-found it01:57
WinstonSmithmy pleasure01:57
Cl1FFwill installing kde-standard make it available to choose between KDE and GNOME at the login screen? Also, will it change anything in my GNOME?01:57
mickster04asdf-: a live disk (ubuntu sio3;2~)01:57
mickster04asdf-: a live disk (ubuntu iso)*01:57
bazhangCl1FF, kubuntu-desktop is the package01:57
quietonecan't boot fresh install of kubuntu.  syslog shows "X server died during startup"  what can I do?01:58
asdf-micker04, i have a 2GB sd card... I prefer to install without connecting to net so that I can make sure it has all of the updates before i do connect it01:58
asdf-thanks for the suggestion01:58
Cl1FFbazhang, ok, thanx. but will it change anything in GNOME or will it be like installing a new system?01:58
slyrusany davical users around?01:58
dougskoquietone: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors01:58
mickster04asdf-: how do you get all the updates without the internet?01:58
bazhangCl1FF, more crowded apps menu01:58
razz1WinstonSmith: i agree, but if something works for me, I do not waste any more time on it. if hamachi is running try sudo hamachi list and it should list all the networks and users. then you can use the IP to ping. I never used haguchi, but logmein has a nice GUI for windows. if it helps.01:58
dougskoquietone: error lines will start with: (EE)01:59
bazhangmickster04, point release cd 10.04.101:59
mickster04bazhang: ah ok01:59
Cl1FFbazhang, can I uninstall it safely afterwards? (like a synaptic package, perhaps?)01:59
mickster04asdf-: you can install without the internet using a live disk?01:59
WinstonSmithrazz1 : i know even wrote a couple webmin custom commands to use it in the browser01:59
bazhang!puregnome > Cl1FF02:00
ubottuCl1FF, please see my private message02:00
quietonedougsko, the first of 9 errors is open/dev/fb0: no such file or directory02:00
WinstonSmithrazz1 : cause a have a friend that also uses the server and he is not so CLI friendly02:00
razz1WinstonSmith: cool, what do you use it mainly for, games? if you dont mind me asking02:00
Cl1FFbazhang, ubottu: thanx 4 your help!02:01
asdf-im using a canon camera to connect the sd card... unetbootin doesnt show the drive02:01
asdf-any idea for solutions?02:01
=== S4ry is now known as S4ry|Away
WinstonSmithrazz1: couple of COD4 servers, Q3A server, homepage, a webcam, stats for the games02:01
mickster04asdf-: that sounds pretty convoluted, is the camera set to the right set up for being used as a card02:01
dougskoasdf-: youll need a regualr adapter, i reckon02:02
asdf-windows shows the drive02:02
quietonedougsko, "failed to open DRM device" "no /dev/agpart" "failed to init kernel memory manager"02:02
mickster04asdf-: can you write to the file just using windows?02:03
WinstonSmithrazz1 : see PM please02:03
dougskoquietone: the problem i believe is that your framebuffer device isnt being created properly02:03
asdf-mickster04, how do i make the sd card bootable then?02:03
quietonedougl, and it was booting yesterday and this morning. for various reasons I reinstalled.02:03
razz1WinstonSmith: tell me about it, I help my folks with their system. they have no computer knowledge. I agree GUI helps, but I guess for now CLI has to do02:03
dougskoquietone: please pastebin your grub.conf02:04
WinstonSmithrazz1 : CLI is tha shit02:04
bazhangWinstonSmith, watch the language please02:04
dougskoWinstonSmith: watch the language please02:04
mickster04asdf-: ermm...use a normal adapter and not a camera might help02:04
dougskobazhang: ;(02:04
thune3asdf-: are you expecting to boot from the camera ultimately?02:05
asdf-mickster04, im going to extract the iso to the sd's main directory02:05
asdf-thune3, no, using the camera as the sd adapter... booting the sd card in netbook02:05
quietonedougsko, where is grub.conf?02:05
WinstonSmithrazz1 : i have a couple of friends who do webstreaming and they had a problem some days ago where they had ~180000 files jpgs in 1 directory on a  mac... the finder just gives up there if you try to move the files around so a little mv *.jpg really helped :D02:05
mickster04asdf-: well that might work, but i dunno if the camera ill let you boot from the card02:05
mickster04asdf-: i thought more, burn the disk and install to the ssd card02:06
WinstonSmithsry for the language ppl02:06
=== S4ry|Away is now known as S4ry
puffI just installed amarok on lucid.  It doesn't show up on the Applications/Sound & Video menu, or for tha tmater on any of the other menus.  Where does it show up now?02:06
asdf-mickster04, not booting from the camera... booting directly in netbook from the netbook's sd slot02:06
mickster04asdf-: well use slot now?02:06
mickster04!ohmy | Pupuser40202:07
ubottuPupuser402: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.02:07
WinstonSmithpuff : have you tried system>preferences>main menu?02:07
LinuxFetusHey I am running Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit on an HP Compaq nw8440.  I have a 4.00 GiB partition formatted as linux-swap.  When my computer battery runs low, it will try to hibernate, but it will give an error message that it failed.  Can someone help me?  Thanks!02:07
mickster04asdf-: eitherway install ubuntu onto the drive rather than unloadiung the iso onto it, you will have to set the bootable bit etc02:08
LinuxFetusOh and I have 2 GB of RAM.02:08
mickster04LinuxFetus: you dont need the swap with that much ram really.... dunnpo about your problem, my asus eee with 1Gb wont hybernate either02:08
bazhangPupuser402, stop that02:09
mickster04Pupuser402: do you need help?02:09
LinuxFetusmickster04: I have PAE on my processor and I am planning on ultimately getting 4 GB of RAM.02:09
WinstonSmithi stopped using hibernate on ubuntu takes longer to recover from hib the just boot02:10
Pupuser402my keyvboard02:10
dougskoquietone: well, im not really sure the problem is there anymore. have you tried just reconfiguring X? this command will do it: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:10
mickster04LinuxFetus: then you really wont need the swap:p02:10
mickster04Pupuser402: oh yes, you just plug it in...02:10
quietonedougsko, I know next to nothing about x. I will try that.02:10
=== Guest99477 is now known as AlbertoP
razz1WinstonSmith: nice talkin to you man, hope you have no issues with hamachi. catch you later02:11
edbianLinuxFetus, Try installing the package uswsusp02:11
WinstonSmithrazz1 : same here cheers :)02:11
mickster04asdf-: so why were you using the camera when you have a sd slot?02:12
LinuxFetusedbian: I did, but I got an error message saying something like it couldn't find my swap space.02:12
quietonedougsko, no output from that.02:12
vavaHow could i start a daemon process with an Owner permissions02:12
asdf-mickster04, i don't have an sd adapter on my windows computer02:12
LinuxFetusedbian: And I didn't know what to do, so I just selected no.02:12
asdf-mickster04, i only have my camera as an adapter for windows. my netbook has a sd slot02:13
mickster04ooooh ok, well I wouldn't recommend just unzipping the iso to the disk, that probably won't work, but you may as well try02:13
mickster04asdf-: what is on your netbook atm?02:13
mickster04asdf-: OS wise?02:13
puffWinstonSmith: a) first I've heard of it, b) looks neat, c) according to it, amarok should be on the sound & video menu, but it isn't.  Maybe I'll have to restart or something (ugh, how windows-y :-)02:15
puffWinstonSmith: and d) thanks.02:15
dougskoquietone: well, do a startx or something and see if it worked. you might also wanna check if /dev/fb* exists02:15
WinstonSmithmy GnomeDo just start sometimes although its in system>preferences>startup applications. other apps work. any solutions?02:16
WinstonSmithpuff : :)02:16
quietonedougsko, startx fails, same error msgs, and there is no /dev/fb.02:17
WinstonSmithpuff : killall nautilus?02:17
dougskoquietone: well, thats the problem i think, but im not really sure the best way to fix it though02:17
asahttp://pastebin.com/yRJRq5TT I'm making a bash script to take the names of files and insert them as image sources in a HTML file but I've done something wrong. Can someone take a look for me/02:18
dougskoquietone: you could manually create the device, but that doesnt address the core reason that it doesnt exist in the first place02:18
n0a1iasnickserv identify Ye8@02:18
puffWinstonSmith: Uh... what would be the point of that? I.e. wouldn't it just trash much of my UI?02:18
Dr_WillisWinstonSmith:  could be its starting and crashing for some reason.  I tell it to always show a systemtray icon, i dont   see it crash/fail to startup here.02:18
n0a1iasBah! i forgot the / !02:18
quietonedougsko, thanks for trying. I been trying to use kubuntu since May .....02:19
asaI advise you change your nickserv password n0a1ias ._.02:19
WinstonSmithasa : look for dir2html. neat little program to make a html for file access . can be restricted to images02:19
excess^Can anyone help me with a RDP and VNC problem? When I connect using VNC the screen does not refresh past my the inital screen.02:19
n0a1iasyea im on it02:19
excess^So it basically doesn't update the screen02:19
n0a1iasthanks asa02:19
excess^And it doesn't register clicks.02:19
asaWinstonSmith: This is more a learning exercise, I need to learn to progress02:19
dougskoquietone: give this method of reconfiguring X a try, it might work out: sudo Xorg -configure02:19
prince_jammysasa: for filename in "$directory"/*; do02:19
WinstonSmithpuff : not if you restart nautilus after and the point would be to reload the menu02:20
vavahow could i start a deamon process as a owner before the system loging in page,anybody can help me02:20
ActionParsnip!boot | vava02:21
ubottuvava: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:21
WinstonSmithasa : learning by doing is the best there is02:21
=== patrick is now known as Guest67612
dougskoquietone: when youre done, give it a reboot and cross your fingers02:21
ActionParsnipvava: make a script to execute the app as the user then add that to the boot process02:21
n0a1iasalso, does anyone use Guarddog?02:21
Guest67612seeking help. how can i install 32 bit apps using getlibs????02:21
asaWinstonSmith: Yes, I'm attempting that but I've become stuck and I'm requesting assistance02:21
mda_I am running package "linux-rt" with ubuntu 10.04 LTS desktop x64.  I've tried to make the RT kernel the default in grub by many means...commands...editing the grub files....how do I do it?  The only thing that works now is holding down the left-shift key at startup and manually selecting each time.02:22
DJAshnarok... Ubuntu 10.10 A3 installing.  Resizing partition.  Stuck on 0% for 10 minutes...02:22
ActionParsnip!maverick | DJAshnar02:22
ubottuDJAshnar: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:22
excess^Can anyone help me with a VNC problem?02:22
bazhangDJAshnar, #ubuntu+1 for that02:22
=== mike is now known as Guest67690
WinstonSmithasa : did you install all the kde libs for amarok?02:23
Guest67612can someone help me with getlibs?02:23
WinstonSmitheg does it run?02:23
ActionParsnipWinstonSmith: apt will install all needed deps02:23
WinstonSmithActionParsnip : yes but he could have compiled from source02:24
Guest67612can someone help me with getlibs?02:24
asaWinstonSmith: I don't think I'm using Amarok02:24
PeterFAI have an ich10 device that does not work. The model is IDT 92HD73E1X5.02:24
PeterFAWhat should I do?02:24
vavaActionParsnip, thanks,should i use `su myusername` to change the role in the script02:24
mickster04good night all :D02:24
WinstonSmithmickster04 : cya:)02:25
WinstonSmithasa : sry got mixed up :|02:25
a5h15hint sudo umount /dev/sdxx what should be sdxx?02:26
a5h15hin... sudo umount /dev/sdxx what should be sdxx?02:26
quietonedougsko, the configure made /home/me/xorg.conf.new and then tells me to "X -config newfile". but that fails with 'invalid argument' do I need to sudo it?02:26
n0a1iashow do i change a nickserv pass?02:26
WinstonSmithmda_ : did you try to uninstall all other kernel versions?02:26
bazhangn0a1ias, ask in #freenode02:26
^4a656ea5h15h: df -k and figure out which one of those you want to unmount02:26
prince_jammysa5h15h: type 'mount' and you'll see the devices mounted. pick the one you want to unmount.02:26
^4a656emake sure you make the right choice...02:26
dougskoquietone: run 'X -config /home/me/xorg.conf.new'02:26
* mda_ back from afk02:27
thune3Guest88149: what do you want getlibs for?02:27
dougskoquietone: its telling you how to specify an arbitrary config file02:27
vavaubottu, thanks02:27
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:27
mda_WinstonSmith: I don't want to uninstall them, just make rt the default at boot02:27
quietonedougsko, yes, that fails, "Fatal server error:  Invalid argument for -config ...."02:27
Centurion210evening all02:28
thune3Guest67612: what do you want getlibs for? it might be easier to help with the root problem02:28
dougskoquietone: ok, just copy your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to something like, /home/me/xorg.conf.old, then copy /home/me/xorg.conf.new to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and reboot02:29
* mda_ afk for a while...will check log02:29
puffWinstonSmith: Okay, so how do I restart nautilus?  Just /usr/bin/nautilus?02:29
ActionParsnipquietone: dougsko: you can just restart the x server, no need to reboot02:29
WinstonSmithpuff : yes or ALT+F2 : nautilus02:30
dougskoActionParsnip: i know, but the problem here is a missing framebuffer device. i dont know if restarting X will create it02:30
dougskoActionParsnip: the problem might lie before X even enters the equation02:30
dougskojust a precaution anyway for the sake of completeness02:30
quietonedougsko, if it means anything, i don't have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf only /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe02:30
Centurion210ppl, just installed lucid on a 12TB array machine :P and i'm stuck with partitioning. i created tiny ( 20GiB for / and 25GiB for swap ) now i want to put the rest on /home, but cant create a 2+TB partition with *fdisk (cfdisk, etc too), i know this is because of the disk table, how can this be done without destroying everything in my disk ? or is it impossible ?02:31
Nerdy3_14159265I'm having difficulty installing ubuntu02:31
WinstonSmithmda : the default kernel is defined in /boot/grub/grub.conf02:31
dougskoquietone: oh. well then, dont worry about backing up your original, just copy over the new one to /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:31
=== Leif is now known as Leif_afk
excess^Can anyone tell me why went I connect through VNC, can I not interact with my Desktop??02:32
dougskoquietone: then try restarting X i guess before rebooting- leave that for if this fails02:32
quietonedougsko, all done. same errors.02:32
a5h15h^4a656e, thanks a lot02:32
quietonedougsko, that is, made the changes and then 'startx'02:32
a5h15hprince_jammys, thank you02:32
a5h15hhave a nice day all02:32
^4a656eno problema, you, too!02:33
puffWinstonSmith: Doh... okay, killall/restart nautilus didn't do th trick, but it occurred to me that I could uncheck/recheck amarok in System/Preferences/Main Menu,that worked.02:33
prince_jammysa5h15h: welcome02:33
WinstonSmithpuff : thats what i meant in the beginning sorry for not being clear :(02:33
dougskoquietone: unfortunately, i dont really know what else to tell ya at this point02:33
WinstonSmithmy GnomeDo just start sometimes although its in system>preferences>startup applications. other apps work. any solutions?02:34
Nerdy3_14159265Every time I boot ubuntu it plays the startup sound, sometimes repeating a portion and then crashes02:34
n0a1iasok so my account is safe again02:34
excess^Can anyone tell me why went I connect through VNC, can I not interact with my Desktop??02:35
quietonedougsko, thx for trying!02:35
n0a1iashow do i use Guarddog?02:36
asahttp://pastebin.com/b0bVZBVh Got a new problem. This time in the area I'm trying to display the filename it just returns everything on /02:36
excess^Can anyone tell me why went I connect through VNC, can I not interact with my Desktop??02:36
Nerdy3_14159265Anyone know how to fix my problem?02:37
thune3Centurion210: there appears to be a tool called gdisk that can convert your partition table, but i've never used it and can't speak to its safety. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/gdisk.8.html02:37
Centurion210thune3 thanks anyway, just decided to do everything again02:37
Centurion210using bootstrap is not that funny but i'll do it :P02:37
razz1WinstonSmith: just a quick qts, do you know how to setup empathy in a LAN/VPN environment. I heard it can be done but cannot find documentation anywhere. I do not want to go with mumble because its between just two systems.02:38
thune3Centurion210: starting over with GPT is the best plan02:38
n0a1iasi use gdisk, its good02:38
n0a1iasill take the blame if it screws u over02:38
Centurion210thune3 yeah, will do it, simply didnt remember MBR wouldnt support gigantic partitions02:38
WinstonSmithrazz1 : sry cant help u there :(02:39
WinstonSmithnot my field02:39
robertdneed to report a bug   with Update  Manager02:39
Nerdy3_14159265Can I get some help installing ubuntu?02:39
robertdlost link to paste bin02:39
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: sure, sup?02:40
ActionParsniprobertd: www.pastie.org02:40
n0a1iasnerdy3_14159265, yea im here, also u might wana change you nick its long02:40
excess^Can anyone tell me why went I connect through VNC, can I not interact with my Desktop??02:40
a5h15hquit Take Care02:41
Nerdy3_14159265Just call me nerdy02:41
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: use tab to complete nicks, makes typig easier02:41
razz1WinstonSmith: no probs, worth an ask. I have been using skype but it needs their servers. I was thinking there has to be a tool to connect two systems without any servers in the middle.02:41
WinstonSmithexcess : maybe u configured the vnc server for viewing only?02:41
n0a1iasActionParsnip, right02:41
excess^WinstonSmith, Its configured for interaction.02:41
WinstonSmithrazz1 : just for chat?02:41
Nerdy3_14159265I've been trying to install ubuntu but when I try and boot into it, the startup music plays and repeats. Then it freezes and just sits there02:42
n0a1iasNerdy3_14159265, what do you need?02:42
razz1WinstonSmith: voice chat02:42
excess^Oh wow!!!!!02:42
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: did you MD5 test the iso you downloaded? did you burn as slowly as you were allowed? Did you chec the CD for defects/02:42
excess^It was visual effects/02:42
excess^I had to turn it down to none.02:42
Nerdy3_14159265I don't know how to MD5 test it but it was from the ubuntu site02:43
WinstonSmithrazz1 : sry ive never done something like that.... maybe worth losing an afternoon (and night) tinkering heheheh02:43
n0a1iasNerdy3_14159265, are you using the 32 or the 64 bit version?02:43
Nerdy3_14159265I burned it at max speed but it was verified for errors02:43
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: doesn't matter where its from, if the data gets damaged in transit then you'll get issues02:43
Nerdy3_14159265It's 64 bit because that's what I have for a computer02:43
WinstonSmithexcess^, good for you02:43
n0a1iasNerdy3_14159265, and are you on the live cd right now?02:44
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: basically you have pulled down a file and not checked it, it could have errors in the data which you havent checkd for, md5 is a way to test the image BEFORE burning so you know the data is good02:44
puffWinstonSmith: no problem, thanks for the help.02:44
ActionParsnip!md5 | Nerdy3_1415926502:44
ubottuNerdy3_14159265: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:44
razz1WinstonSmith: mumble can do it, heard lot of gamers use it, it has a server and allows lot of clients to connect. for me its overkill.  i will keep trying. thanks02:44
poutchhi everybody02:44
poutchi've got a problem02:45
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: you can also boot to the CD, when the stickman appears, press spacebar, you can then check the cd for defects. This is also needed to be completed so you know the cd you burned with the good image isnt botched02:45
WinstonSmithrazz1, u could install teamspeak or ventrillo i installled teamspeak wasnt hard02:45
poutchi'd like to install some exe through wine02:45
n0a1iasNerdy3_14159265, if you ok with using another cd and on the live cd right now we can walk you threw the burn and md5 test.02:45
ChogyDanerm, help!  I can't get my the other person to hear me on google voice.  Any ideas to identify the problem?02:45
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: dont worry most users have the same "it'll be ok jack" attitude but the fact is that PCs arent perfect and errors can and do occur02:45
poutchbut i can't get through it02:45
Nerdy3_14159265I'm not on the live cd because it won't even boot off the cd, it plays the sound lets me move the mouse for awhile on a black screen then freezes02:45
ActionParsnippoutch: what app?02:46
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: then you still need to test the iso02:46
n0a1iasNerdy3_14159265, all signs point to a bad disk02:46
Nerdy3_14159265Okay now how do I do it02:46
ActionParsnip!md5 | Nerdy3_1415926502:46
Nerdy3_14159265Also I've burned 2 disks, one brand new and one that was used before02:46
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: ubottu gave you the ink earlier02:47
FrozenFire[work]How do I go about getting or building a deb file of a package that I can copy to a non-networked computer, to install it?02:47
Nerdy3_14159265I thought someone said they were going to walk me through02:47
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: doesnt matter, if your image is bad, ANY CD you burn willbe bad02:47
poutchoh don't worry in fact02:47
Nerdy3_14159265I'll check the iso02:47
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM02:47
razz1WinstonSmith: heard about them, they are similar to mumble from what I understand. I read somewhere that ekiga can connect two computers using IP. If I cannot figure out soon, I guess I will have to use teamspeak or mumble02:47
n0a1iasNerdy3_14159265, i though you were on the live cd, i dont kow how to do it anyother way02:47
n0a1ias!md5 | n0a1ias02:48
ubottun0a1ias, please see my private message02:48
ActionParsnipFrozenFire[work]: build the deb, copy the deb to a removable media then insatll it with dpkg02:49
bigfishyi have a question regarding configuration of input devices, specifically mouse input devices.  My mouse will stop receiving inputs regardless if i reconnect it or not.  The only way to solve the issue seems to reboot.02:49
FrozenFire[work]ActionParsnip, Missing a step there :P. How do I build the deb?02:49
WinstonSmithrazz1, TS was quite easy to install its a bit overkill though just for 2 machines but you should have it running in 30 min02:49
n0a1iasNerdy3_14159265, the best way is to be pationt and have them mail you one, but I was to impatient myself...02:49
robertdhad sys lock and lost the copy of bug in Update Manager02:50
bigfishyi have a question regarding configuration of input devices, specifically mouse input devices.  My mouse will stop receiving inputs regardless if i reconnect it or not.  The only way to solve the issue seems to reboot.02:50
robertdran again and worked this time, error free.02:50
ActionParsnipFrozenFire[work]: use checkinstall02:51
WinstonSmithbigfishy, ur mouse receives input?02:51
bigfishyupon system start up yes02:51
robertdWas there a recent  Java update ,   as of today?02:51
ActionParsnipFrozenFire[work]: the way you were talking it sounded like you were ok with compiling02:51
bigfishybut after a variable amount of time it will no longer process any inputs02:51
robertdoops     10.04  x6402:51
FrozenFire[work]ActionParsnip, I am, but really I'm just looking for the most simple, non-complicated way to install networking drivers on a non-networked computer.02:52
robertdjust an FYI   ..     Where does on report bugs quickly?02:52
bigfishycan anyone help me configure a mouse input device?02:53
bootfaildood - my hp laptop dv9000 running 10.4 i386 freezes to needing hard reboot about every day.02:53
WinstonSmithbigfishy, sry cant help02:53
iflema!bugs | robertd02:53
ubotturobertd: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots02:53
Nerdy3_14159265I just checked the md5sums and they are the same02:53
bootfaildriving me nuts.02:53
bootfailquestion - when it appears frozen - what can I do to try to recover before holding the power button down for hard shutdown?02:54
n0a1iashow do i use Guarddog?02:55
WinstonSmithbootfail, is the fan free of obstructions? eg does it cool well?02:55
seth_I need help with graphics (resolution especially) in Ubuntu 10.04. I just clean-installed onto my desktop PC and the resolution is too low. Plus, the screen wraps around the side edges a few pixels, and the mouse clicks a few pixels off from where it points.02:55
shawnboyI just noticed my network manager in Lucid says "device not managed" for my wired connection. How do I fix it?02:56
iflemabootfail ctrl+alt+del for staters...02:56
bootfailiflema: doesn't work02:56
bootfailWinstonSmith: it does not cool well, but colling area free of obstruction02:56
ifleman0a1ias guardog is really for KDE(4)02:56
n0a1iasiflema, know of a good gnome one? and how does the desktop envoroment affect the programs?02:57
WinstonSmithbootfail, cause i had a lot of laptops at work locking up cause they get too hot cause there is no proper airflow anymore through the machine02:57
iflemabootfail Alt+SysRq+r wait a little the Alt+SysRq+s wait, the +e wait a few sec, the + i +u +b02:57
ifleman0a1ias gufw02:57
ifleman0a1ias define "good"02:58
bootfailiflema: lol you are just screwing with me, right? lol02:58
WinstonSmithbootfail, does it happen with heavy load?02:58
iflemabootfail no....02:58
* Blah slaps Nic46314962 around a bit with a large trout02:58
WinstonSmithbootfail, iflema is dead serious02:58
iflemabootfail Reboot System Even If Utterly Broken02:58
* Blah slaps Blah around a bit with a large trout02:58
Nerdy3_14159265So anyone able to keep helping me02:58
* Blah slaps Blah around a bit with a large trout02:58
bootfailWinstonSmith: it's doing an rsync command from one nas to another opn the network over a wireless connection - wonder if the wireless card overheating or something...02:58
WinstonSmithiflema, exactly02:58
n0a1iasiflema, gufw? good as in i want to be as secure as possible without going overboard, eg: no networking at all02:59
||\||iCo25SnAkEhi everyone02:59
zzzed_Nerdy3_14159265, download MD5SUM to same directory as iso, then type 'md5sum -c MD5SUMfilename03:00
ifleman0a1ias unless you have services actived to listern your pretty much good to go.... really... or just turn on gufw and block incomming only if it makes you feel better :). or does outgoing concern you =)03:00
WinstonSmithbootfail, u could try to open it up and look if there are hairs etc obstructing the airflow. but only if u are good at mechanicla things.. dismanteling laptops is a PITA03:00
Nerdy3_14159265I've already md5sum checked it03:01
Nerdy3_14159265it was a match03:01
seth_I need help with graphics (resolution especially) in Ubuntu 10.04. I just clean-installed onto my desktop PC and the resolution is too low. Plus, the screen wraps around the side edges a few pixels, and the mouse clicks a few pixels off from where it points. I also can't change the Visual Effects to Normal03:01
zzzed_Nerdy3_14159265, ok, boot the cd and run checkdisk03:01
seth_When I tried installing the proprietory driver, it blanked my screen03:01
Nerdy3_14159265okay, I'll be back in a few minutes then03:01
WinstonSmithseth_, what driver? ati nvidia?03:02
n0a1iasiflema, how do I turn on gufw?03:02
bigfishyi have a question regarding configuration of input devices, specifically mouse input devices.  My mouse will stop processing inputs regardless if i reconnect it or not.  The only way to solve the issue seems to reboot.03:02
ifleman0a1ias install the gufw package ufw is installed by default gut gufw is an easier way to configure ufw03:02
WinstonSmithseth_, sry ATI user here no expertise with nvidia03:02
n0a1iasiflema, thanks03:03
seth_Specifically, I had tried messing around with NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.22-pkg1 ; this is what made my screen blank03:03
imaddhattersup guys03:03
okapi14hi all03:03
ChogyDan1seth_: I don't think you can use packages from the nvidia website03:04
velociostrichI have a PDF document that is comprised of black and white scanned images that are rather noisy, so I'd like to clean them up. Thing is, the document is (as mentioned) in PDF form, which can't (to my knowledge) be opened by the GIMP, so I need to convert it to ordinary image files. I tried using ImageMagick's `convert' utility, but the end result looks /terrible/, not near as nice as the original PDF, making it even harder to read. I03:04
velociostrich tried passing a higher DPI to `convert', but all that did was make it blurry, as if I just scaled up the results from my first attempt. Is there a better way of converting PDFs to images?03:04
okapi14anyone know how to telnet to a specific virtual desktop?03:04
seth_ChogyDan1 what do I do, then?03:04
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seth_How do I get back normal resolution?03:04
ChogyDan1seth_: I dunno, why aren't you using the standard packages?03:05
ActionParsnipvelociostrich: could use printscreen and crop the images to just the individual pictures you require03:05
Guest96369is there a group here that is porting linux/unix to the ipad.. commands and etc03:05
seth_They didn't work03:05
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seth_How do I install them? The package that came with my ubuntu doesn't allow me normal screen resolutions03:05
velociostrichActionParsnip: True, but I need all of the document. It is only ten pages, so I guess I could do it that way (ugh)... thanks anyways03:05
ChogyDan1seth_: did you use the driver manager?03:05
WinstonSmithvelociostrich, GIMP can open pdfs03:05
lee_velociostrich, have u tried a screen shot / gimp / noise reduction..03:06
ActionParsnipvelociostrich: the guys in #gimp may know something03:06
zzzed_seth_, did you try System->Administration->Hardware Drivers?03:06
ActionParsnipvelociostrich: could try pdf2html too03:06
velociostrichWinstonSmith: it can?!?? I must try! thanks03:06
velociostrichActionParsnip: I don't know if that would do the images, though it's worth a try03:06
lee_gimp should open,, buh depends on format03:06
ChogyDan1seth_: make sure to uninstall the previous things installed before you try that03:06
seth_ChogyDan1:, how do I do that?03:07
bigfishywould anyone know how to fix an issue with my mouse input device?  it stops processing inputs i am not sure how to configure it.  i just bought a new mouse and have a driver cd if there was some way to run those drivers like ndiswrapper03:07
seth_Plus, if I uninstall a graphics driver, I won't have a screen to work with03:07
velociostrichWinstonSmith, ActionParsnip, lee_: The gimp imported the PDF just fine! thanks again03:07
ChogyDan1seth_: what did you install?03:07
ActionParsnipbigfishy: try i8024.reset or i8024.nomux=1 or irqpoll or a combination as boot options03:08
WinstonSmithvelociostrich : :D03:08
seth_nvidia graphics driver 9603:08
Diveckshey everyone03:10
ActionParsnipbigfishy: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/11519803:11
Diveckscan anyone help me set automounting of samba shares at login/boot? I'm following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba but i've run into some issues.03:11
okapi14anyone know how to telnet to a specific virtual desktop?03:11
ActionParsnipDivecks: this works for me: //fileserver/Leanne /home/andy/Fileserver/Leanne smbfs username=****,password=****,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0    That's in my /etc/fstab03:12
WinstonSmithDivecks, what exactly do you mean?03:12
WinstonSmithActionParsnip, u beat me to it :)03:13
Nerdy3_14159265I'm back03:13
Nerdy3_14159265I have the results of the cd check03:14
* ActionParsnip plays a drumoll03:14
Nerdy3_14159265it says it detected no errors on the cd03:14
DivecksActionParsnip, And that's essentially what I've got, except I have ext4 for the filesystem, the credentials in a file elsewhere, and i'm not sure about (and this is probably the issue) how exactly to format the fileserver. My samba server is Ubuntu Lucid with an external dyndns address. So what exactly would I put in for "//fileserver/Leanne", assuming my address was google.com? Thanks! :)03:14
ActionParsnipDiverdude: if its on a remote system it wont be ext403:15
DivecksActionParsnip, Oh, that's the problem then. Interesting. I'll change that up and see if I get it to work!03:15
ActionParsnipDivecks: you shouldnt access samba over wan, its not very suitable03:15
WinstonSmithDiverdude, u dont want to share smb over the internet03:15
Nerdy3_14159265Now not to be selfish, what's the next suggestion03:15
DivecksActionParsnip, suitable?03:16
n0a1iasiflema, whats the diff. between deny, and regect?03:16
DivecksWinstonSmith, why not?03:16
ActionParsnipDivecks: i suggest sshfs if you are accessing shares over wan03:16
ifleman0a1ias deny will just drop it cold and reject will send em a message saying no...03:16
n0a1iasok thanks03:17
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DivecksActionParsnip, Well, the reason I use samba like this because I've two ubuntu machines, one a laptop and one a desktop, and I'm trying to keep their Rhythmbox libraries sync'd. Would sshfs let me browse files in Nautilus and also stream back movies/music smoothly?03:17
puffWhy is amarok trying to get me to set up KDE Wallet?03:17
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WinstonSmithDivecks, not really secure... u want a vpn for that . look into hamachi and then mount the shares over that https://secure.logmein.com/labs/03:17
amadewshy can some one tell what this means >>usage: ./configure.pl {Linux BSDI Solaris OSX FreeBSD}03:18
ActionParsnipDivecks: yes nautilus can browse sshfs too03:18
ActionParsnipamadews: you need to run that command to use the software03:18
DivecksWinstonSmith, Okay, i'll look into that. But I was under the impression that Hamachi was windows only?03:18
valbacaamadews, you're supposed to call it using ./configure.pl Linux03:19
andypeaHi, is it still hug-a-bug day?03:19
n0a1iaswhy does Terminal think "Terminal is currently not installed"?03:19
amadews:) stupid me03:19
ActionParsnipamadews: navigate to the containing folder of that file and run the command03:19
DivecksActionParsnip, And would there be any issue with streaming large media files compared to samba?03:19
WinstonSmithDivecks, no there is a command-line only version for linux03:19
WinstonSmithDivecks, but u want to stream movies over WAN? got enough upload bandwith for that?03:20
ifleman0a1ias try gnome-terminal03:20
Nerdy3_14159265Do you know what could be wrong with this?03:20
ActionParsnipDivecks: wold be fine, you can even run both at the same time03:20
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: try some boot options03:20
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Nerdy3_14159265like what?03:21
amadewsActionParsnip, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/W4vEiXwz03:21
DivecksWinstonSmith, 110 up at home. I've streamed 1080p movies over samba using this system, but I was just looking for a way to mount automatically. However, I think that ActionParsnip's solution might be better suited for me.03:22
asaIs there a way of interacting with the xfce4-weather-plugin in terminal?03:22
DivecksActionParsnip, That sounds rad. Can it automount at login?03:22
WinstonSmithDivecks, way to go m8 hehehe03:22
MindSparkhi, any exim experts here ? I am not getting any answers on their channel03:22
DivecksWinstonSmith, Yup :D I thought so. It's making my System76 laptop with an SSD awesome because I can use the drive for essential stuff, not media.03:23
Nerdy3_14159265What boot options should I use?03:23
ActionParsnipamadews: yeah i only directed how to run the app you said. Doesn't mean I know anything about what it does does it03:23
MindSparkI need to allow sending of e-mails to the internet, but restrict usage to localhost, i.e. disallow open relay03:23
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | Nerdy3_1415926503:23
ubottuNerdy3_14159265: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions03:23
puffMan, the new amarok is a pain.03:24
Nerdy3_14159265How will that fix my issue?03:24
ActionParsnippuff: it also chews ram like a fat kid at a free pie buffet03:24
WinstonSmithpuff, do you need all the library stuff or do you just want an mp3 player?03:24
puffI just want to play my damn mp3s.03:25
Nerdy3_14159265I don't know which option could help03:25
puffI can't seem to get it to even *find* my mp3s.03:25
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: if the cd is ok then you need to tweak the kernel to run on your ram03:25
lee_lol at ActionParsnip03:25
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: not ram, hardware03:25
WinstonSmithpuff, try audacity03:25
spinningcompasspuff: find / | grep mp3 | grep -v "Tori Amos" :)03:25
Nerdy3_14159265And I don't have any idea how to go about that03:25
ActionParsnippuff: try deadbeef, its badass03:25
puffI tried settings/configure amarok to select my mp3 directory, clicked rescan collection button, nothing happens03:25
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: ready the factoid, it TELLS you03:25
disappearedng_Microphone not working, can anyone help? Just recompilled alsa and followed those instructions but still not working: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/ I am using Lucid on Sony VAIO03:25
puffI setthe jukebox directory, try tools/update collection, nothing happens.03:26
Nerdy3_14159265what factoid?03:26
puffI click on "Files:  browse  local hard drive for content", and it doesn't seem to have any way to get out of my personal directory.03:26
ActionParsnipdisappearedng_: you could just use this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/unstable    already compiled for you03:26
oldude67if i remember right its better to use the alternate disk when using an ati card right?03:26
puffI used amarok fine in the past, this is dead annoying.03:26
ActionParsnip(03:23:50) ubottu: Nerdy3_14159265: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions03:27
puffGuess I'll try audacity, then.03:27
puffSome day I want to write a CLI ipod manager.03:27
disappearedng_I don't thikn that's the main problem03:27
puffLess of a problem now, I guess, since I use my android and leave my ipod at home.03:27
disappearedng_ActionParsnip: When I go to sound preference I can't see ANY input sound at all03:27
WinstonSmithdisappearedng_, why alsa ? pulse is fine03:27
disappearedng_WinstonSmith: why is alsa bad?03:27
ActionParsnipalsa rocks03:28
WinstonSmithpuff, rythmbox manages ipods just fine03:28
disappearedng_anyway, I have no input03:28
disappearedng_what should I do03:28
excess^Does it manage iPhones nicely?03:28
WinstonSmithdisappearedng_, not bad pulse works fine normally03:29
vavastart a deamon process as a root does not mean the deamon run with a root permission,how can i understand this , anybody give me an example.03:29
disappearedng_well WinstonSmith how do I switch to pulse03:29
DivecksActionParsnip, Dude you are my hero. sshfs is the BOMB. Literally the most awesome thing ever. Time to shut down my samba server! :D But one thing.. how can I automatically connect at boot/login with sshfs?03:29
WinstonSmithdisappearedng_, did u try clicking on the volume icon near the clock>sound preferences>input and changed the input? worked for me03:29
acovrigcan I reverse ssh -L, meaning ssh into a server and have that server access ports of the client?03:30
disappearedng_I have 2 hardware, HDMI and analog stereo03:30
mae_taehello people, i encounter error in TFTP, log says "cannot bind to ipv4, address is in use" how do i resolve this03:30
ActionParsnipDivecks: add it in /etc/fsab03:30
disappearedng_WinstonSmith: I only see Internal Audio Analog Stereo, but then even screaming at the computer has no up03:30
WinstonSmithdisappearedng_, analog is the way to go but you should have a tab called input03:31
disappearedng_under tab, there is input level and then there is no wave03:31
Divecksright right. So the first bit would be //user@myssh/share /path/to/local/   ... right?03:31
disappearedng_how do I configure pulse's configuration for internal mic?03:31
WinstonSmithdisappearedng_, can u change the connector there?03:31
WinstonSmithdisappearedng_, on the input tab03:32
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disappearedng_There is no connector03:32
disappearedng_on my desktop there is connector03:33
disappearedng_why is this so03:33
WinstonSmithdisappearedng_, did u choose analog first on the hardware tab ? is it analog stereo duplex as profile?03:34
hiexpowhat is a connector03:34
lahwranwhat's the command for the gnome sound mixer?03:34
disappearedng_It is analog stereo duplex03:35
disappearedng_but then input has no connector03:35
DivecksActionParsnip,  right right. So the first bit would be //user@myssh/share /path/to/local/   ... right?03:35
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Geo|AndroidCan ubuntu burn iso files from a fresh install?03:37
WinstonSmithdisappearedng_, cant help u there... for me it was just choosing the right connector sry03:37
bigfishywhen i run the ubuntu update manager i receive an error this is it : W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9A06AEF9CB8DB003:37
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »03:38
WinstonSmithbigfishy, try http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/automatically-import-all-missing.html03:39
Geo|AndroidOoh better question.03:40
Geo|AndroidCan I use the live disc to burn an iso file?03:40
lahwranwhat's the command for the gnome sound mixer?03:40
rwwGeo|Android: only if you have a second CD drive. You can't remove the Live CD while you're using it.03:40
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:41
WinstonSmithlahwran, try gnome-volume-control03:41
Geo|AndroidI currently have no os. The iso file I burnt for linux was bad03:41
lahwranahhh thank you03:41
Geo|AndroidSo I'm on my phone lol03:41
dougb_freebsdanyone available for help with grub2?03:42
ActionParsniplahwran: gnome-volume-control-applet03:42
thune3vava: startup scripts are run as root, but root can switch to any user. rsyslogd is launched as root /etc/init/rsyslog.conf but switches to be user syslog internally according to $PrivDropToUser in  /etc/rsyslog.conf. For a user script, having startup script run su <targetuser> (as ActionParsnip recommends) before launching daemon is probably the ticket.03:42
ActionParsnipthune3: tru but if you include in your command to run as a different user, you can03:42
thune3ActionParsnip: whats the syntax on that?03:43
ridinhey guys, i'm on ubuntu 10.04 live cd, my internet is very slow, but it can be improved if linux-image-2.6.31-14 is installed, not the current one, but i don't see it in synaptic03:44
thune3ActionParsnip: your comment has multiple interps, sorry if i got the wrong one. i think i got ya now.03:44
bootfailiflema: alt+sysreq does a screenshot...03:45
n0a1iasRidin, i dont see it either03:46
dougb_freebsdI have the following partitions: Primary winxp; extended logical 1 fat32; logical 2 ubuntu; primary 3 freebsd1; primary 4 freebsd203:46
ridinn0a1ias, it's supposed to be in ubuntu 903:46
dougb_freebsdI created grub entries in 40_custom for my 2 freebsd paritions, and I can use it to boot the first one, but if I choose the second one in the grub menu it boots the first one again03:47
WinstonSmithridin, do a uname -a maybe u have a more recent kernel already03:47
dougb_freebsd(and yes, the root= lines are different)03:47
dougb_freebsdany suggestions?03:47
ridin ubuntu 2.6.32-24-generic, WinstonSmith03:47
thune3dougb_freebsd: can you pastebin the 40_custom file03:47
WinstonSmithridin, so u need an older kernel?03:48
ridinyes, WinstonSmith03:48
ridinWinstonSmith, linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic is what i need03:48
WinstonSmithridin, for what older wifi drivers or something similar?03:49
dougb_freebsdthune3: thanks ... http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/fFFVAkJZ03:49
iflemabootfail ok.... several screen shots.... sorry m8... works will every other distro ive ever used :|03:49
ridinWinstonSmith, yeah. i could download fast on the kernel i needed, but on this current kernel less than 1kb03:49
WinstonSmithridin, did u try to look if the driver u need is in the backports? linux-backports-modules-wireless-generic ?03:51
ridinWinstonSmith, do i need to restart for it to take affect? i'm in the livecd and i don't wanna install just to have my stuff not working03:51
dougb_freebsdthune3: fyi I also tried root=/dev/sda4 for the second entry, I got an error that said "no such disk"03:52
thune3dougb_freebsd: i don't see anything off hand, could you pastebin the sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda  output03:52
iflemabootfail hang on.... if it where fronen thereed be no screenshot...???03:52
WinstonSmithridin, if u know which module it is u can remove it with rmmod modulename and the load the new one with insmod modulename03:53
ridinWinstonSmith, how about just show me where the older kernel is, so i have 20 billion problems i have03:53
WinstonSmithridin, but i dont know about the livecd ... never tried to install anything on it03:53
dougb_freebsdthune3: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/hE6ZjH8V03:54
WinstonSmithridin, i have no idea if u can install such an old kernel on lucid03:54
iflemabootfail try alt+F1 then do ctrl+alt+del03:54
iflemabootfail ctrl+F1 i mean then ctrl+alt+del03:55
iflemabootfail one more tim =) ctrl+alt+F103:55
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WinstonSmithiflema, lol ... the keys wont stand still ;)03:55
dougb_freebsdthune3: also, freebsd and linux seem to disagree on the track/cylinder boundaries ... these partitions were made in the freebsd installer, which says that they are aligned, but if I do the partitions in linux (ubuntu 10.04) then freebsd says that they are not aligned03:56
egsomeHow should i get "perlcc" package in ubuntu ?, I can't find it in the repositories.03:56
dougb_freebsdthune3: the partition 2 that both freebsd and linux say IS aligned was created in win9503:56
bootfailiflema: i hard booted it then tried the sysreq thing after a reboot and it did a screenshot03:56
ridinWinstonSmith, bootable, but not sure about installing it03:57
dougb_freebsdI've been having a heck of a time trying to shoehorn everything in03:57
WinstonSmithegsome, install libperl-dev03:57
bluezoneegsome maybe google that and they have it on their website03:57
bluezonenvm :P03:57
bootfailcntrl+alt+del and cntrl+alt+f1 failed too - tried those.  cntrl+alt+backspace and cntrl+alt+esc failed too03:57
egsomebluezone, I can't find it on google03:58
egsomeWinstonSmith, Going to try that03:58
iflemabootfail no, ctrl+alt+F1 followed by ctrl+alt+del03:58
bluezoneegsome, install libperl-dev03:58
bootfailiflema: will try that next time03:58
bluezonethats whatwinston said03:58
egsomebluezone, Installed it now, and can't find that command also.03:59
bluezonehumm im not sure but i think theres extended unofficial ubuntu reps somewhere03:59
egsomeWinstonSmith, , Installed it now, and can't find that command also.03:59
bluezone1 min03:59
knightragei have an ATI video card. how do i know if im using the proprietary or open-source drivers?03:59
egsomebluezone, OK04:00
ShpookHello everyone. Just installed the latest ubuntu using wubi. Almost everything worked great right off the bat, except the graphics are odd. At first I was getting graphical anomalies when I would scroll in Firefox. Now the fonts are messed up throughout the system, with black boxes replacing random letters.04:00
WinstonSmithegsome, try installing perl_5.8.8-7ubuntu3_i38604:00
ridinWinstonSmith, http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/i386/linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic/download ?04:00
egsomeWinstonSmith, Can you run that command ? "perlcc" ?04:01
Nerdy3_14159265Back again04:01
bluezoneshpook: maybe ubuntu doesn't ship your video card driver... or a graphics card defect, what your graphics card?04:01
Nerdy3_14159265I messed with boot options a bit04:01
ridincan you use karmic kernel packages in lucid?04:01
victorhugoHi! I want to resize my linux partition. But I don't know if I do that I will lose my grub. Someone here can tell me if it will hapen?04:01
famicube64you shouldn't04:01
ridinvictorhugo, i haven't04:01
Nerdy3_14159265I disabled ACPI and it booted but I couldn't get my wireless to work04:02
acovrighow do I do reverse ssh, ssh into the client from the server w/out sshing into the client ip, but from an open connection04:02
Nerdy3_14159265also my computer has booted into ubuntu awhile ago, without messing with boot options and my wireless worked04:02
victorhugoridin, what?04:02
egsomeWinstonSmith, I asked now on #perl, they said that it has been deprecated, and PAR is the alternative04:02
egsomeWinstonSmith, Thanks for help anyway.04:02
Shpookbluezone, not sure, it's an ATI radeon mobile04:02
WinstonSmithegsome, im no perl freak sry04:03
ridinvictorhugo, i've resized my partition, and i didn't lose grub04:03
egsomeWinstonSmith, No problem04:03
bluezoneanyone know the command that shows you your harware model numbers etc?04:03
bluezoneshpook: one sec lol04:03
ShpookI was so hopeful that ubuntu actually installed without having to fight with drivers for days :-/04:03
Shpookbluezone, lol ok04:03
ridincan you use karmic kernel packages in lucid?04:04
victorhugothanks ridin!04:04
Nerdy3_14159265Anyone have any ideas about that?04:04
WinstonSmithbluezone, hwinfo04:04
intranutbluezone, hwinfo04:04
bluezoneshpook: hwinfo xD04:05
ActionParsnipridin: no as the kernel for karmic is a karmic kernel, you could maybe install the backports04:05
ridinActionParsnip, the karmic backports?04:05
bluezoneshpook: u can find your video card with that and google for a driver, i hope its not a defect though04:05
WinstonSmithridin, thats what i told u:|04:05
WinstonSmithwell ppl gotta go. cya all04:05
ActionParsnipridin: it will be the lucid backports but I believe they will install something karmic shaped (not sure though)04:06
bluezonebye win thanks04:06
Nerdy3_14159265Action, I did what you said and messed with boot options04:06
Shpookbluezone, I'll give it a shot. Graphics are perfect on Win6, it's only here on Ubuntu I have issues04:06
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: cool04:06
Shpookas usual :(04:06
TiKheh win604:06
ridinActionParsnip, ugh, i guess no ubuntu for me. anyway i can get linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic instead?04:06
TiKwin7? :P04:06
Nerdy3_14159265I disabled ACPI and it loaded but my wireless wouldn't work04:06
ActionParsnipridin: just use karmic, it's supported waaaay into next year04:07
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: then use a wired connection and get upgraded, it may help04:07
ridindarn, then i wasted a cd :(04:07
ShinyDarknessHello. Is there one way to tell Ubuntu not to open several instances of the same application, and bring the one that is already running instead?04:07
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: sure, the debs on the CD are not fully up to date. Upgrades may help the OS04:07
ridinwell, i have no more cds, i have no more money, guess no ubuntu for me. thanks ActionParsnip04:08
Nerdy3_14159265The only thing about that04:08
bluezoneShinyDarkness: thats usually automatic04:08
ActionParsnipridin: use usb04:08
ridini don't have any ActionParsnip04:08
ActionParsnipridin: or SD card etc (assuming your hardware can boot it)04:08
bluezoneShinyDarkness: for what application are we talking about04:08
Nerdy3_14159265is that on that one time that it booted without me changing anything, the wireless worked right away04:08
ShinyDarknessMy IRC client (XChat): I successfully opened a second copy of it in another virtual desktop.04:09
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: i'd test the ram then, the feature is on the livecd, wait for the stickman, spacebar, select test ram04:09
Nerdy3_14159265Why would the ram be the problem?04:09
ShinyDarknessAnd for a good while I thought someone had hacked my account.04:09
bluezoneShinyDarkness: you have 2 virtual computer with ubuntu on both?04:09
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: think about it04:09
Nerdy3_14159265I have no idea04:10
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: the livecd runs in a ram drive so as not to disturb the internal drive, if the ram is bad you ill get issues04:10
ShinyDarknessNo, no... I only have one virtual machine, but it has several virtual desktops.04:10
Nerdy3_14159265The ram shouldn't be bad this is a fairly new computer04:10
Nerdy3_14159265also it hasn't had any ram issues before04:10
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: means nothing. hardware can be DOA04:10
Nerdy3_14159265I'll run a ram test, but how would that explain the one time it booted from the disk04:11
n0a1iascan somebody hack me? im testing security04:12
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: wellif you didnt change something and it booted, then the other boots under the same situation were bad, something is amiss04:12
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: if your system is connected in some way to the WWW then its possible04:12
Nerdy3_14159265and would the ram explain that04:13
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: maybe, thats why the test exists04:13
n0a1iasActionParsnip, yes, but i want it to be hard enough to deter most people.04:13
Nerdy3_14159265whatever, I'll go test that04:13
Nerdy3_14159265but I can't for a little while first04:13
bluezoneShinyDarkness:not sure if you can change that i beleive its done automatically for people who want to run clones04:13
Nerdy3_14159265I'll report back after I've done it04:13
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: could be a dirty CD lens as well, or maybe the BIOS needs tweaking to be nicer04:14
ShinyDarknessbluezone: Okay. Thanks, anyway.04:14
bluezoneShinyDarkness: maybe another client wouldnt do it, not sure, but i couldnt find that in the options04:14
n0a1iasActionParsnip, what would be the right channel to ask that in?04:15
Nerdy3_14159265I'll run a cd cleaner then before the ram test but still later04:15
syn-ackn0a1ias: Nothing on this network04:15
n0a1iassyn-ack, do you know the right network?04:16
TiKI dunno man linux distros don't like my cd burer i get sr0 errors so I istall from a usb drive04:16
TiKits burns and reads fine though04:17
fishflyi try to compile WiMAX driver 1.3.2 on Unbuntu 10.04 , gcc version is 4.4.3 but failed it says cannot find ./tmp.config.mk  does anybody know where the problem is ? thanks04:19
ifleman0a1ias you got many enemies after ya?? You holding international secrets on that com of yours?? block all incomming and leave it at that. ALSO be careful where ya point ya browser and always use the packeges from the official Ubuntu repositories... and youll be sweet....04:20
thune3fishfly: you ran ./configure before make?04:20
Nerdy3_14159265I'm running the cleaner, I'll do the ram check later04:22
pseudosmartI'm running 10.04.1, and my screen resolution won't work. does anyone have any ideas?04:22
jb12hey all04:22
jb12whens ubuntu replacing windows??04:22
pseudosmartI have a nvidia geforce 9400M graphics card04:23
fishflythune3 there is no .configure file04:23
pseudosmartit just cuts off the right and bottom of the screen04:23
sebsebseb!ot | jb1204:23
ubottujb12: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:23
sebsebseb!windows | jb1204:23
ubottujb12: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents04:23
thetemhowdy folks04:23
jb12yes they should04:23
thetemi am trying something new and am having troubles04:23
jb12ubuntu rocks04:23
thetemit sure does04:23
thetembut i need an expert04:23
thetemis there an expert in here>04:24
thune3fishfly: i meant a configure script in the directory, do you have a direct link for the driver download?04:24
sebsebsebjb12: Ubuntu is ok, and many great distros out there http://www.distrowatch.com04:24
jb12they should replace windows for ubuntu04:24
ZiberWell, thats pretty cool. http://gcn.com/Articles/2010/05/17/Interview-Martin-Levy-IPv6.aspx?Page=104:25
thetemis there a Ubuntu expert in here?04:25
Nerdy3_14159265only if they get games working on linux04:25
jb12ok...got one sebsebseb ..how do i change the grub menu04:25
jb12i need a better looking boot screen04:25
jb12i got windows and ubuntu..04:25
thetemany Ubuntu experts?04:25
sebsebsebjb12: ah right yeah04:25
jribthetem: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)04:26
sebsebsebjb12: old Grub is really easy to  make better, Grub 2 no not quite04:26
sebsebseb!grub2 | jb1204:26
ubottujb12: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:26
thetemi am trying a new installation process of a dual boot system04:26
thetemi want to install Ubuntu first04:26
n0a1iasthetem, om not an expert, but ill help if i can04:26
sebsebsebthetem: uhmm04:26
jribthetem: (on a single line)04:26
sebsebsebthetem: better to install Windows first04:26
thetemthen XP on top of it so the windows bootloader is the default04:26
sebsebsebthetem: otherwise it will go over the Grub bootloader, when you put Windows on, and re installing the bootloader isn't that  easy04:27
thetemi installed Ubunt04:27
thetemreinstalling the bootloader is very simple04:27
thetemi have done it thousands of times04:27
sebsebsebthetem: anyway jrib is a sort of expert,  and there will be some others around04:27
thetembut the issure is that i want to use Microsoft's MBR for the default system bootloader04:27
thetemcan i not do this?04:27
n0a1iasthetem, ok now make the partion for windows04:28
Tempus_Fugitthetem: you cant install windows on top of linux have to install linux on top of windows to get the linux bootloader04:28
sebsebsebthetem: if you hack it you can use the Windows bootloader04:28
sebsebsebthetem: or if you use Wubi, which I woudn't normally recommend04:28
=== localhost2 is now known as localhost
sebsebseb!wubi | thetem04:28
ubottuthetem: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.04:28
thetemno no no04:28
dougb_freebsdthune3: no luck ... I tried hd0,4 and hd0,4,a, both of which were listed by ls, and it still booted into the first freebsd partition instead of the second04:28
ActionParsnipthetem: the windows boot loader is quite limited, grun is much more encompassing and can boot both OSes easil04:28
thetemi want to use the microsoft bootloader04:28
=== kt0sh_ is now known as Pepito
thetembut it confuses most of the people i work with04:28
thetemit confuses all of them04:29
jribthetem: why do you want to use the microsoft bootloader instead of grub?  With grub it will likely "just work"04:29
Tempus_Fugitnot sure why anyone would want to use a microsoft bootloader but to each their own I guess04:29
ActionParsnipthetem: once its installed and configured, you never have to touch it04:29
sebsebsebthetem: indeed @ jrib04:29
thetemthere is not a command i can just rwrite in by hand in the bootloader>04:29
thetemor do you simply just not know04:29
thetemwhat i am asking04:29
dougb_freebsdActionParsnip: that sounds great in theory, but I'm having problems configuring it :)04:29
sebsebsebthetem: the chance of Grub 2 messing up afer you have installed Ubuntu, is not that likely at all04:29
thetemoh my gosh04:29
ActionParsnipthetem: install windows and leave inpartitioned space. Install Ubuntu to the free space. You will NEVER have to touch grub04:29
sebsebsebthetem: unless you do something silly like putting Windows on after Ubuntu of course04:29
thetemso you have no clue what i am taking about04:30
thetemanyone else in here know what i am asking?04:30
Nerdy3_14159265I cleaned the disk drive04:30
thetemthat is just it04:30
sebsebsebthetem: you want to use the Windows bootloader to boot Ubuntu, well that is not so easy to do, and not standard04:30
Nerdy3_14159265I'll do the ram test in a minute04:30
thetemi want to install ubuntu fisrst, then windows04:30
ActionParsnipthetem: i'd ask in ##windows how to configure there bootloader to do it, you'll most likely find they tell you to use grub or lilo04:30
thetemoh man04:30
Tempus_Fugitthetem ....yes we understand what you want just cant figure out why???04:31
thetemi really dont wana do that04:31
jribthetem: seriously, just use grub04:31
ActionParsnipthetem: http://bkpavan.wordpress.com/2008/04/02/how-to-boot-linux-using-windows-bootloader-xp/04:31
thetemso the only solution is grub?!04:31
psilo2You want the Windows bootloader to boot Linux?04:31
ActionParsnipgod knows why, its soooo much harder04:31
jribthetem: it's the sensible solution04:31
thetemthat is exactly what i am asking04:31
psilo2And you think that's remotely possible?04:31
ActionParsnipthetem: you can use lilo if you like too, both are great bootloaders04:31
spinullanyone know anything about 3d accel with rs690m x1200 video04:31
thetemyes i do04:31
thetemi can get it to boot Solaris04:31
thetembut then again04:32
jribthetem: stop pressing enter.04:32
thetemsolaris is run by actual engineers04:32
sebsebsebthetem: oh you want to boot Solaris?04:32
psilo2I don't believe that to be honest.  Good luck.04:32
thetemi want to use Ubuntu04:32
thune3dougb_freebsd: i'm wondering if the boot flag thing is an issue04:32
ActionParsnipit can be done, its just not very graceful04:32
Tempus_Fugitthetem type ..../join #Solaris04:32
dougb_freebsdso I actually want to use grub2, but it can't seem to boot my second freebsd partition (the menu entry for it always boots the first one instead)04:33
n0a1iasthetem, is there a reason you need to use ms boot loader?04:33
thetemwhen i change the flag back  to the ex4, n04:33
dougb_freebsdthune3: ok, thanks04:33
ActionParsnipconsidering the flexibility of grub and the stagnant nature of the bootloader in windows. I'm suprised you want to use it but hey it's your blood pressure04:33
sebsebsebdougb_freebsd: not sure, but I think there may be some issue with the Ubuntu version of Grub 2 and booting up other OS's that aren't Windows.04:33
dougb_freebsdthetem: did you read the article that ActionParsnip pasted for you?04:33
sebsebseb!grub2 | dougb_freebsd04:33
ubottudougb_freebsd: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:33
thetemno i did not04:33
rrndmanhow can I disable those annoying black bubble notifications?04:33
ActionParsnipthetem: if you ask for help, try reading the links people give: http://bkpavan.wordpress.com/2008/04/02/how-to-boot-linux-using-windows-bootloader-xp/04:34
sebsebsebrrndman: I guess removing notify-osd is the easiest way to do that04:34
dougb_freebsdsebsebseb: I've read that one, thanks .... it got me as far as creating the menu entries, and the first one works04:34
thetemi missed it04:34
thetemi am pulling an all nighter04:34
thetemso my eyes are fussy and i am in a bitchy mood04:34
sebsebsebrrndman: I assume thats what your refering to, for example the black message when there are updates?04:34
ActionParsnipthetem: no worries, basically it makes a bin file of the grub stuff on the disk and tells the win loader to run it, it will then kick off linux04:35
ActionParsnipnot very elegant at all04:35
rrndmansebsebseb: yes... they aren't particularly useful for me04:35
sebsebsebrrndman: indeed they aren't really that great, they are ok though,  however upstream Gnome has a nicer notifcation bubble04:36
rrndmanreally? any screens?04:36
thetemthat might do it04:36
thetemi am not looking for eligance04:36
dougb_freebsdso a different grub question, how do I get it to choose the last OS that was selected from the menu by default? GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true doesn't seem to do it04:36
sebsebsebrrndman: not sure about having the Gnome thing instead, in Ubuntu04:37
thetemi am looking for something that wont freak out the morons in IT that cant use anything  but windows04:37
sebsebsebthetem: in IT?04:37
thetemthe "techies" that keep up the windows systems04:38
sebsebsebrrndman: most other distros using Gnome, will have it instead though, I guess04:38
trismsebsebseb: notification-daemon is in the repo if that is what you mean04:38
n0a1iasthetem, if you dont wana freak them out, linux may not be the best option...04:38
thetemseb: not from the US, eh?04:38
sebsebsebtrism: yeah thats probably what I mean04:38
thetemoh no no no04:38
thetemi know it is04:38
n0a1iasthetem, ok as long as you know04:39
sebsebseb!info notification-deamon04:39
ubottuPackage notification-deamon does not exist in lucid04:39
sebsebseb!info notification-daemon04:39
ubottunotification-daemon (source: notification-daemon): a daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.0-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 56 kB, installed size 396 kB04:39
thetemok, people... thank you very much for the read... i am gana read it now... and yes, i love Ubuntu!  The best Linux load out there04:39
n0a1iaswhats the name of the currant distro?04:39
sebsebsebrrndman: above ^04:39
thetem2nd... Puppy!04:40
sebsebsebtrism: thanks04:40
sebsebsebtrism: I guess04:40
sebsebsebrrndman: anyway you may prefer that its worth a try,  and thats the way it is meant to be done really :)04:40
rrndmansebsebseb, okay, I'll do that then :) thx04:41
sebsebsebn0a1ias: Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx04:41
dgc_Hi people, i'm trying to compile lame from source code but i'm getting those errors http://pastebin.com/vMJNGeNt any idea of how can i solve that ?04:42
jribdgc_: why are you trying to compile lame from source code?04:42
ActionParsnipthetem: in certain situations, maybe ;)04:42
dgc_i got that with a "make 2> error.txt"04:42
dgc_jrib: i have to04:43
jribdgc_: "why?"04:43
dgc_jrib: a project i'm working on04:43
jribdgc_: k... gl04:43
thetemAction: what, in yout opp, is the best Linux load for non linux user to migrate to?04:43
thetem*what is...04:44
jribdgc_: you really shouldn't need to compile things that are in the repositories04:44
sebsebsebthetem: depends04:44
thetemdont say MINT904:44
dgc_jrib: yep, but this time i have to :) any idea ?04:44
jrib!compile > dgc_04:44
ubottudgc_, please see my private message04:44
jribdgc_: but my idea is to not compile it04:44
thune3dougb_freebsd: i might look at this for the original issue (maybe, a long shot):http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#DOS_002fWindows04:45
sebsebsebthetem: Ubuntu is okish,  Mint can be ok,  and there are other distros that are quite user friendly as well and so on.  http://www.distrowatch.com04:45
thetemi know that site04:45
dougb_freebsdthune3: ok, I'm reading that, thanks04:45
hiexposup all04:46
thune3dougb_freebsd: the second half about multiple instances04:46
dougb_freebsdso, hrmm ... let me take a stab at a menu entry for that04:48
=== Chikin_ is now known as STiK
dougb_freebsdthune3: so, something like this?  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/4Vm2V5VA04:49
thune3dougb_freebsd: there is also information in that doc about bsd subpartitions, which that "a" thing makes me think you have. I don't know what difference it might make http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Device-syntax04:49
dougb_freebsdyeah, I was actually reading that doc when you pasted the other link, and I saw that reference to using ,a in other docs too, but I don't need it for the first menu entry, and when I tried it for the second entry it didn't help04:50
thune3dougb_freebsd: i think you have it backwards, hidden- means unhide and hidden04:51
thune3dougb_freebsd: hidden+ means hide04:51
Lock_drive_How to install google earth in ubuntu 1004:52
thune3dougb_freebsd: oops, this is for the sda3 version sry04:52
dougb_freebsdah, I misread the first/second in that link you sent04:52
daffyhey guys, im having trouble getting the wireless on my laptop to work04:52
dougb_freebsdthune3: ok, I'm going to give this a try, thanks again04:52
AndrewMCLock_drive_~ you can just download it from google04:52
thune3dougb_freebsd: and you might need the boot part04:52
valbaca!wireless | daffy04:53
ubottudaffy: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:53
AndrewMC!details | daffy04:53
ubottudaffy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:53
Lock_drive_no it did't work04:53
jrib!medibuntu | Lock_drive_04:53
ubottuLock_drive_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:53
johntramphi.  I am using ubuntu 9.10 and have a 10.04 cd and want to upgrade, but cant afford the bandwidth to download the updates.  how can i tell it to only upgrade to the packages on the cd?04:53
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
n0a1iasin windows theres ipconfig /all whats the equivalent in ubuntu?04:54
valbacan0a1ias, ifconfig04:54
kwabbles@johntramp you should just download a net install image and install from that04:54
valbacahighclasshole, what is UMBERTO?04:54
sebsebsebhighclasshole: right yeah04:54
Lock_drive_send me the link....so that i can download google earth through terminal04:55
sebsebsebhighclasshole: you can't just use Outlook in non Windows OS's however, there is some sort of Outlook web access, and rather good alternatives such as Evolution and Mozilla Thunderbird04:55
highclassholehow can my mom access her outlook e-mails from umberto linax?04:55
valbaca!evolution | highclasshole04:55
highclassholesebsebseb: thanks I will see if my mom can use outlook on the web04:56
johntrampkwabbles: i dont want to download04:56
thetemwelp... i'm back04:56
sebsebsebhighclasshole: and with enough RAM, a bit of a sucky way to do it04:56
johntrampkwabbles: and i already have a 10.04 desktop cd04:56
sebsebsebhighclasshole: ,but you can do a Windows virtual machine if you got install media for that04:56
sebsebsebhighclasshole: and run Outlook in that04:56
thetemand some good old brandy calmed me down but i am still at a loss04:56
Lock_drive_send me the link....so that i can download google earth through terminal04:56
highclassholesebsebseb: Do you think the runtime libraries provided by wine would be good enough to run outlook?04:57
sebsebsebhighclasshole: no04:57
sebsebsebhighclasshole: well maybe if you do some configuring04:57
sebsebsebhighclasshole: Outlook is pretty sucky anyway04:57
thetemhere is my situation.... i have to figure out a load to have Ubuntu, or Fedora, dualboot with XPpro, but use the microsoft bootloader, and not grub04:57
Tempus_Fugithighclasshole....why not just configure evolution so she can get her emails????04:57
thetemany ideas out there?04:58
sebsebsebhighclasshole: who is a troll?04:58
Lock_drive_send me the link....so that i can download google earth through terminal04:58
ActionParsniphighclasshole: you can extract the email to a pst and then import the pst to whatever client you like. The OS is called LINUX not linax, the distro is called UBUNTU, not umberto04:58
Lock_drive_send me the link....so that i can download google earth through terminal04:58
jribsebsebseb: he's such a bad troll he thinks he needs to tell us04:58
dougb_freebsdthune3: w00t!04:58
dougb_freebsdthat did the trick, thanks!04:58
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: PLEASE!?04:58
thune3dougb_freebsd: sweet04:58
sebsebseb!pm > Lock_drive_04:59
ubottuLock_drive_, please see my private message04:59
sebsebseb!earth | Lock_drive_04:59
ubottuLock_drive_: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository04:59
ashtrayURL: Download Google Earth04:59
dougb_freebsdany ideas on my "boot the last OS by default" question now? :)04:59
sebsebseb!medibuntu | Lock_drive_04:59
ubottuLock_drive_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:59
ashtrayURL: Medibuntu :: Multimedia, Entertainment & Distractions In Ubuntu04:59
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: cd ~; wget http://dl.google.com/earth/client/current/GoogleEarthLinux.bin; chmod +x ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin; sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin05:00
dougb_freebsdI have GRUB_DEFAULT=saved and GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true in /etc/default/grub but they do not seem to be working as advertised05:00
Nerdy3_14159265I'm back, probably to your disdane05:00
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: try some manners, you'll get further in life05:00
sebsebsebjrib: oh ok05:00
highclassholeDoes anyone know what I can add to my to my wmiirc file that will force a specific application to not open as a floating window. Somewhat like how in Xmonad you have to force applications not to loat05:00
deevzhow can I run a .run file as root?05:00
ActionParsnipdeevz: gksudo filename.run05:00
Guest3404wtf, ubuntu?  your testing sucks balls.  your bloody LTS release regularly breaks things with updates.  you suck.05:01
Nerdy3_14159265ActionParsnip: I tested the ram and cleaned the drive, the ram passed the test05:01
jribdeevz: what .run file?  What are you trying to do?05:01
Nerdy3_14159265I forgot to try and boot from the cd though05:01
highclassholesorry, in xmonad you have to force applications to float05:01
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: good stuff:)05:01
johntrampi see the alternate install cd can # upgrading from older installations without network access;   is this not possible with the desktop cd?05:01
Nerdy3_14159265but the regular boot still locked up and freaked out05:01
deevzjrib: installing development drivers for nvidia cuda05:01
Nerdy3_14159265when it tried booting ubuntu05:01
thetemidea.... can i install grub onto a USB flash drive insted of the hardrive, and have that USB flash drive boot up Ubuntu that is installed on the HD?05:01
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: do you have a USB stick you can use, and can your hardware boot usb?05:02
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highclassholethetem: you would probably want to use something like ultimate grub to do something like that05:02
ActionParsnipthetem: yes, you can install ubuntu and put /boot on the usb device05:02
Nerdy3_14159265I don't know if my hardware can boot usb, but I have ubuntu installed on the hard drive now05:02
deevzthx ActionParsnip, worked.05:02
ActionParsnipdeevz: sweet :D05:03
Nerdy3_14159265how can I put your name in front of easier, I thought I heard you mention a shortcut05:03
sacarlsonthetem: yes I think you can.  grub2 see's a usb flash drive the same as any other.05:03
BiggFREEIs the file Xorg.conf.new can be renamed Xorg.conf ? It is the output of sudo Xorg -configure.05:04
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: use tab to autocomplete05:04
thetemAction, and Saca: is that done during installation?05:04
Lock_drive_where do we find the downloaded items through terminals05:04
Nerdy3_14159265ActionParsnip: Thanks, now what do you think. It still freezes on startup off the hard drive05:04
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: not sure, does it just go to a black screen per chance?05:05
ilmenitein my previous sabayon install, (had it one week back, installed ubuntu this week), when i did ifstatus, it used to show me a graph in the terminal of the network, in ubuntu, it just shows me ppp0: link beat detected, how come? i want the graph... anyone nay ideas?05:05
Nerdy3_14159265ActionParsnip: All it is, is a black screen with the mouse pointer on it. The start up music plays and normally starts repeating part of it like a broken record (with no scratch noise) then it freezes along with the mouse05:05
BiggFREEIs the file Xorg.conf.new can be renamed Xorg.conf ? It is the output of sudo Xorg -configure.05:06
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265: try this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html05:06
Lock_drive_where do we find the downloaded items through terminals05:06
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: depends where YOU download them to05:07
prince_jammysBiggFREE: if you want to use it as your X config, move it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, after backing up any existing xorg.conf05:07
BiggFREEprince_jammys: Thanks05:07
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: browsers download to either the desktop or ~/Downloads05:07
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saltedanyone here?05:07
dendritehello. i would like to set a widescreen framebuffer resolution.  would this be a grub2 file? (i.e vga=0x0364)05:07
prince_jammysBiggFREE: xorg.conf , to my knowledge you can't capitalize it.05:07
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: the command I gave downloaded the file to $HOME05:08
saltedhey guys05:08
ActionParsnip!hi | salted05:08
BiggFREEprince_jammys: yes We can05:08
ubottusalted: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:08
Nerdy3_14159265ActionParsnip: Finally a solution thanks I'll try it promptly and get back to you. I'm trying solution 1.05:08
saltedmaybe someone can help me with installing ubuntu?05:08
sacarlsondendrite: to change resolution System>Preferences>Monitors05:09
ActionParsnipsalted: not if you dont ask05:09
saltedso I've never used linux before and I thought I would try installing it on an external hard drive tonight. I do the install, reboot and choose to boot from the external hard drive. I get the error "File not found" and then I get some kind of grub recovery prompt. Also its a brand new hard drive.05:09
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dendritesacarlson. I mean when i boot into console mode or press Ctrl+Alt+F1 I would like to see the text in a widescreen mode. not a stretched 1024x768 mode05:09
saltedI choose the option to use the entire drive in the install05:09
Blue1salted: how did you format the drive, or take the default?05:10
saltedI just did the option for use the entire drive05:10
saltedi don't know what it did to format it, but it took forever05:10
sacarlsondendrite: then sounds like you had it right,  not sure what numbers after vga=XXX part.05:10
Blue1salted: prolly defaulted to ext405:10
prince_jammysdendrite: you may set that in /etc/default/grub, and 'sudo update-grub' after you edit the file.05:11
dendriteah ty prince_jammys05:11
Blue1salted: please prepend message for me, with my nic, thanks.05:11
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saltedBlue1: okay, sure05:11
Blue1salted: thanks - what kind of drive, usb external?05:11
saltedBlue1: yeah, its a usb external drive05:12
prince_jammysdendrite: you're using grub2, right?05:12
saltedBlue1: its brand new so the drive shouldn't be a problem I hope05:12
dendritei believe so.  im on ubuntu 10.0405:12
Blue1salted: what error are you getting on boot? -- I have had new drives that were doa, so newness is im-material05:12
saltedBlue1: I think it said, File not found and then a grub recovery prompt shows up05:13
upgrdmanhow do i remove the panel applet in the upper right corner, the one that has my username listed and when clicked lets me set "away" "busy" etc...05:13
prince_jammysdendrite: i use these two lines: GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024 and GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep05:13
saltedBlue1: I've done the install twice now05:13
saltedBlue1: same error both times05:13
thune3salted: i assume you installed grub in the wrong place during installation, does you internal drive still boot correctly?05:13
Blue1thune3: that was my next question - I'll let you take over from here - sounds like exactly the problem05:14
sacarlsonsalted: did you modify you bios settings to boot from a drive other than /dev/sda1 ? like hd(1,1)?05:14
jadoe"gdm-control --shutdown" gives me "** (process:2516): WARNING **: Failed to establish a connection with GDM: No such file or directory", any ideas?05:14
saltedBlue1: yeah, the internal drive boots fine, if I don't choose the bootup drive in the bios startup it goes to the internal one with no questions and boots windows05:14
Geo|AndroidLol how do I navigate without a mouse :(05:15
S4ryGeo|Android, tried 'Tab ..05:15
dendriteprince_jammys: what does GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep do?05:15
Blue1salted: try doing a sudo blkid and pastebin the results - Ihave to leave atm - family emergency - but thune3 should be able to help you.05:15
deevzdamn, im still having the same problem with running a .run file in sudo05:16
Geo|AndroidDoes nothing05:16
deevzanyone knows how?05:16
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TiKdeevz: did you chmod +x it?05:16
xanguaupgrdman: right clic> remove05:16
S4ry deevz like , ./phenny05:16
saltedthune3: what is sudo blkid and pastebin? I've never used linux05:16
deevzTiK, it is an executable, except it doesnt have enough permission to do everything it needs to do05:16
saltedthune3: I thought it would be easy to install, lol05:17
S4rysudo = Super user05:17
dendriteanywho im trying tha right now. tyvm. brb05:17
thune3salted: when the installer had you install grub bootloader do you remember what you put?05:17
sacarlsonsalted: your changes in the bios settings has confused grub2 and has made it modify the mbr on the wrong drive.  you can manualy change grub2 to install on the disk you want to boot in bios or change bios to boot from the the mbr grub2 modifies by default /dev/sda05:17
ilmeniteso i've realised that ifstatus is another app whih comes installed with ifplugd, how do i get the one that graphs the network interface in the terminal?05:17
aslamHello #UBUNTU05:17
S4ry http://paste.ubuntu.com , past your long text05:17
deevzTiK, I checked the "executable" box in properties tho, didnt chmod +x it... Im not sure if it does the exact same thing05:17
S4ryaslam, Hello05:18
TiKdeevz: yah it does05:18
Geo|AndroidIs there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal window?05:18
TiKdeevz: i've never use a .run file before05:18
upgrdmanxangua, doing that remove the notification applet. tried that :(05:18
S4rydeevz, it does05:18
timewriteranyone knows how to fix this problem : after i activated the nvidia current driver , it seems like totem doesnt use vertical sync anymore05:18
TiKdeevz: you can try to chmod 770 it...05:18
aslamAny one developing android apps in ubuntu?05:18
saltedthune3: The stupid dell bios doesn't give me an option to boot from the external drive unless I select it in the boot menu after pressing f-12. So how do I change grub2 to realize its on the external drive thing?05:19
deevzwhen I type "sudo cudatoolkit_3.1_linux_32_ubuntu9.10.run", it says the command is not found05:19
Nerdy3_14159265_I'm back and I'm on ubuntu on my hard drive05:19
S4ryWB Nerdy3_14159265_05:19
MaRk-Ideevz: you need to prepend ./name-of-file.run05:20
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265_: is it ok then?05:20
sacarlsonsalted: grub2 doesn't need the root to be in the same place as the mbr,  but the mbr must be set as the point of boot in the bios05:20
S4ryMaRk-I, Exactly05:20
TiKMaRk-I: he is doing it in gui05:20
plouffeNerdy3_14159265_, try chairs sometimes. Much more comfortable05:20
TiKoh nm05:20
ActionParsnipGeo|Android: ALT+CTRL+T05:20
Nerdy3_14159265_ActionParsnip: It's working, only thing is how can I import stuff from firefox off windows?05:20
TiKi mssed that line05:20
deevzMark-I, my working directory is the one the .run file is in05:20
Geo|AndroidThanks ActionParsnip.05:20
Nerdy3_14159265_ActionParsnip: I saw that you can do it during install but I didn't do it because I thought it was the problem at a time05:20
timewritersalted , you can install grub on a different drive that can be the 1st boot device05:21
MaRk-Ideevz: doesnt matter... add ./ to it05:21
timewriteri got that accidentally05:21
prince_jammysdeevz: yeah, but the file is not in your sudo PATH, then.05:21
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265_: it should be the same kinda layout but I am not sure,the bookmarks are stored in a html file if I recall, there are guides around for that sort of thng05:21
deevzhey, it works...05:21
ActionParsnipGeo|Android: if you use terminal alot, youmay consider guake (gnome) or yakuake (kde)05:21
saltedtimewriter: what if the external hard drive I want to install it on can't be made 1st boot device cause its a stupid dell computer?05:21
Nerdy3_14159265_ActionParsnip: What does the install import then?05:22
bluezoneg2g hf all05:22
deevzmy sudo path eh?05:22
Geo|AndroidWell my problem right now is my mouse doesn't work :)05:22
timewritersalted , install grub on the internal HDD05:22
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265_: http://www.nirmaltv.com/2007/07/25/how-to-back-up-bookmarks-in-firefox/05:22
deevzso when I use a command I always need to use the absolute path?05:22
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265_: no idea, i havent used firefox for ages now05:22
sacarlsonsalted: grub2 it totaly automatic it maters not if the drive is external but the mbr must be set to /dev/sda05:22
saltedtimewriter: how do you do that without erasing the drive in the install?05:22
upgrdmanhow do i remove the panel applet in the upper right corner, the one that has my username listed and when clicked lets me set "away" "busy" etc...05:22
prince_jammysdeevz: not if the file is somewhere in the PATH used by sudo.05:23
Nerdy3_14159265_I wasn't looking for bookmarks necessarily but also add ons and stuff.05:23
Nerdy3_14159265_Doesn't matter then, I can figure it out now that ubuntu is working05:23
ActionParsnipdeevz: only with executable binarys like that, otherwise theinterpreter will chck $PATH only05:23
saltedI'm really new to all this05:23
timewritergrub doesnt erase your drive , if im not wrong05:23
deevzI see05:23
deevzand where is the sudo PATH defined?05:23
prince_jammysdeevz: i.e. if it's at say, /usr/bin, or /sbin, you can just invoke the command by name. that doesn't apply to all dirs.05:23
saltedI had the options to share drives, install on entire drive, or advanced, and I had no idea what to do in advanced05:23
Nerdy3_14159265_Hey, how can I edit grub because it thinks I have 2 vista's installed along with my windows 7 and I want to delete them05:23
timewriterwhen i installed ubuntu , i did it on my sata raid array05:23
spinullsoreau: got it05:24
xanguaupgrdman: right clic UNDER session applet (not motification area) > remove05:24
ActionParsnip!grub2 | Nerdy3_14159265_05:24
timewriterbut the grub was installed on the IDE drive i have05:24
ubottuNerdy3_14159265_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:24
spinullsoreau: thanks05:24
prince_jammysdeevz: it can be configured, and if it's not, i think it's hard coded in the prog.05:24
BiggFREEprince_jammys: I agree with you about Cap05:24
timewriterso i always have to boot the IDE drive first05:24
prince_jammysBiggFREE: me too.05:24
SeanInSeattle_Hey all.  How to configure VLC to play normal DVDs that I get from netflix05:24
timewriterand i had a lot of data on that IDE drive , and grub didnt erase anything05:24
sacarlsonsalted: grub2 just scans all drives hooked to your computer and creates a menu list to boot any of them external and internal including windows05:24
deevzcool prince_jammys, thx for the hint05:24
blackstarI have a rtl8192se wireless card on my laptop, any body know how can i get the mon0 to work with aircrack ?05:25
deevzim not really knowledful about all these PATH variables thingies.05:25
Nerdy3_14159265_ubottu: Thanks05:25
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:25
sacarlsonsalted: but if you don't tell your bios to  run the mbr that grub2 created it will never boot ubuntu05:25
timewritersalted , you can try something else : boot the ubuntu live cd , and reinstall grub , with your external drive plugged in05:25
Nerdy3_14159265_ubottu: What?05:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:25
timewriterit may fix the problem05:25
fugdnscerdwhats the difference between using apt-get dist-upgrade and the gui to do distro upgrade?05:25
prince_jammysdeevz: they're there so you can invoke commands by name, not having to type their full path. sudo uses a stripped down version of PATH, for security.05:25
ActionParsnipdeevz: if you run: echo $PATH    you can see the folders, the apps in there can be called from any pwd in the system05:25
saltedcool, well I'm gunna reboot and try that I guess, thanks, I'll be back if it al fails05:25
Geo|AndroidAlt ctrl T isn't working. I'm running some really old distro because it's all I could find lying around. [Sigh]05:25
deevzspeaking of which, the installer just told me "Please make sure your PATH includes /usr/local/cuda/bin"05:26
timewriterbtw guys i like 10.04.105:26
Nerdy3_14159265_That's convenient, smart idea setting up a bot guys to solve some of the simpler questions05:26
dosI love Linux!05:26
prince_jammysdeevz: set that in your .profile05:26
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ActionParsnipfugdnscerd: dist-upgrade installs sensitive stufflike kernels and libc etc, distro upgrade sounds like it will take you to the next release05:26
Guest93733hello there05:26
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Nerdy3_14159265_ActionParsnip: Thanks for the help, sorry if I was a bit trying05:26
timewriteri need a coffee05:26
deevzprince, is that in the etc folder?05:26
prince_jammysdeevz: [ -d /usr/local/cuda/bin ] && PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH  in ~/.profile05:26
prince_jammysdeevz: no, in your homedir.05:26
ActionParsnipNerdy3_14159265_: we got there in the ed and thats what counts,you also know your hardware is healthy05:27
fugdnscerdactionparsnip: is there any way to do a distro upgrade from cli05:27
sacarlsontimewriter: all salted had to do is put his bios back to default boot of the first disk /dev/sda  or sometimes call hd(0,1) or hd(0,0)05:27
ActionParsnip!upgrade | fugdnscerd05:27
ubottufugdnscerd: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:27
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:27
prince_jammysdeevz: you'll have to log out and back in for that change to take effect in every shell you open.05:27
deevzok prince, thx... trying to find profile in my home directory05:28
ActionParsnipprince_jammys: can't you use: source ~/.profile  ? to save a log off?05:28
wildbathi~ anyone know y if i change the MAC address of my wlan0 ~ it can't connect to my router(MAC filtering is off ), while i still can connect to other router ?05:28
prince_jammysActionParsnip: in every shell, yes.05:29
prince_jammysyou'd have to manually source it every time.05:29
ActionParsnipwildbat: you can in /etc/network/interfaces05:29
timewritersacarlson , if he has grub on the external drive , and the bios cant boot from external drives , now that may be a bit of a problem05:29
deevzI forgot '.' means the file is hidden... I had to check something to show hidden files05:29
blackstarI have a rtl8192se wireless card on my laptop, any body know how can i get the monitoring mode to work to work with aircrack to work under Lucid?05:29
MaRk-Iwildbat: macchanger05:29
gasullHi. I'm trying to install K-EncFS http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=54078 but because it's for KDE3 aptitude tries to remove most of my apps because of a conflict. Is there a way to solve this? With a chroot or something fancy? Is there an easier way? Thanks.05:29
timewriteri mean , bios cant be set up that way05:29
sduboiswhen i change an artist name in rhhthmbox, it changes but after a few seconds reverts to it's original name05:30
jellowblackstar: airmon-ng start wireless_interace?05:30
wildbatActionParsnip, huh?05:30
gasullwildbat: also: macchanger-gtk05:30
ActionParsnipsdubois: do you have write access to the partition storing the file?05:30
sacarlsonwildbat: it may be due to your ethernet switch that auto detects you mac address.  try unplug and replug you ethernet plug05:30
blackstarjellow yes it does, but it does not create the mon005:30
blackstarthanks fpr answering05:30
sduboisActionParsnip: yes, it's all in ~/Music05:30
gasullwildbat: you will have to run it as root with gksudo05:31
ActionParsnipwildbat: you can change the mac in the interfaces file, or you can use macchanger05:31
timewriteranyone playing world of warcraft on ubuntu ?05:31
sduboisonly seems to happen to one artist05:31
sduboisbut i made sure to 777 that directory just to be sure05:31
seidostimewriter, I'm playing chess05:31
ActionParsnipsdubois: try easytag, does it act te same05:31
gasullblackstar: try in #aircrack-ng channel05:31
timewriteri can play chess using a real table and pieces :)05:31
ActionParsnipsdubois: 777 is a REALLY bad idea05:31
jellowblackstar: Does it say monitor mode enabled on any of the interface or sipt out an error?05:31
timewritertoo bad i cant do the same with wow05:31
sduboisActionParsnip: it's just for one directory on my own computer05:32
timewriterwhats PlayOnLinux ?05:32
timewriterwine based ?05:32
ilmeniteis there a meta package to install all the devel packages? like g++, autoconf, etc?05:32
sduboisobviously not on anything important05:32
sacarlsonsdubois: I think the name you see in the music is not the file name but the tag3 in the mp3 file05:32
timewriterilmenite , maybe build-essential ?05:32
prince_jammysilmenite: doubtful. that'd be a ton of packages.05:32
ActionParsnipilmenite: build-essential05:32
prince_jammysah, took it too literally05:32
ilmenitethanks :)05:32
blackstarit say on enable05:32
gasulltimewriter: like wine, but it creates a .wine directory with its configuration for each Windows application installed05:32
timewriterthatnks gasull05:33
timewriterthanks* i mean05:33
timewriterim waiting for Valve to bring Steam to linux05:33
deevzprince_jammys, is there a way to verify if I correctly set up the path?05:33
timewriternow , how do i fix the v-sync issue i have ?05:33
prince_jammysdeevz: in a shell: echo $PATH05:33
timewriterafter i installed the nvidia-current driver , i have no v-sync05:33
MaRk-ITimeRider: not happening, no steam05:34
prince_jammysdeevz: you have to log out an back in if you want your new PATH available in every terminal you open. otherwise you'd have to manually source .profile every time you open a new terminal.05:34
deevzit hasnt changed yet05:35
blackstar_jellow it say rtl819xSE (monitor mode enabled)05:35
deevzbut the current path is weird: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games05:35
prince_jammysdeevz: your profile gets sourced once, on login05:35
ActionParsnipNo stem for Linux: Aug 22nd 2010: http://digitizor.com/2010/08/22/valve-puts-an-end-to-the-steam-on-linux-rumors/05:35
prince_jammysdeevz: looks like a standard ubuntu PATH05:35
deevzits like a very long recursive path or something05:35
prince_jammysdeevz: just a list of dirs, separated by colons.05:35
deevzill have to find an article on the subject05:35
jellowblackstar_: Then what is the porblem , just use that interface ?05:36
deevzsounds fair05:36
timewriterwhats the best temperature monitoring app for ubuntu ?05:36
ActionParsniptimewriter: there is no best app, for anyting05:36
blackstar_when i try to deauthenticate, my cel phone it does not work05:37
prince_jammysdeevz: when you type say 'ls', bash will scan every dir starting with the first, looking for a file 'ls' to run. that's basically how it works. in that same terminal, bash will remember 'ls' after that.05:37
ActionParsniptimewriter: there is no best anything for anything in life05:37
deevzwhy is it I have to end my declaration in ~/.profile with the $PATH variable tho?05:37
timewriterok , but we are talking about practical things , not phylosophy :)05:37
deevzits a little weird PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH05:37
blackstar_the interface mon0 is not created05:37
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ActionParsniptimewriter: even life is't best for some people05:37
timewriterso whats the best in the opinion of a developer , for example05:37
ActionParsnip!sensors | timewriter05:37
ubottutimewriter: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.05:37
prince_jammysdeevz: "path is the same as the current path, with the new dir prepended"05:38
dougb_freebsdso I have GRUB_DEFAULT=saved and GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true in /etc/defaults/grub.conf, but it's not working as advertised ... any ideas how to get it to boot the last OS chosen in the menu by default?05:38
timewriteri brought gkrellm05:38
deevzdoesnt the $PATH at the end return the value of what I see in my terminal when I write echo $PATH?05:38
ActionParsniptimewriter: you are using an OS which gives freedom and choice, then you ask some complete strangers what you should use on your system. Sound familiar?05:38
deevzlooks to me like there should be some recursion05:38
ActionParsniptimewriter: smacks of microsoft doesnt it05:38
deevzI must be confused somewhere05:39
timewriterActionParsnip , considering that your way better than me with ubuntu , id like your advice05:39
timewriterthats why i ask05:39
prince_jammysdeevz: no. you need the "$PATH" because you don't want to lose what's already in it.05:39
deevzmakes sense05:39
ActionParsniptimewriter: search around dude, there are tonnes of temp monitoring solutions05:39
Jordan_Udougb_freebsd: What is happening?05:39
DLIndyHey, I just reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04 and was having some issues with network manager. It is now not showing up in the top right, nor starting when I run nm-applet05:39
timewriterwhy bother to search when you can get the best answer from a ubuntu guy ?>05:39
deevzthats where my logic failed, I thought for some reason it was getting appended twice05:40
dougb_freebsdJordan_U: it continues to show ubuntu as the default05:40
DLIndyI want to get on wireless, but do not know how now05:40
prince_jammysdeevz: the system-wide PATH is already set higher up, before your profile gets sourced. you're just modifying it for your user.05:40
deevzyes, I understand now05:40
greezmunkeytimewriter: it's always best to double check any advice, especially if it comes for free!05:40
deevzbtw, what does this line do: . "$HOME/.bashrc"05:40
prince_jammysdeevz: sources the file ~/.bashrc05:41
timewriterim not that paranoid , greezmunkey , and i trust those guys05:41
deevz"sources" uh? new concept to me, Ill have to look into that :)05:41
dougb_freebsddeevz: man bash05:41
ActionParsnipDLIndy: if you run: sudo lshw -C network   you will see the wireless device identified. Websarch for that product line and you will find guides05:41
timewriteri have nothing special on my machine , and as long as they cant steal components via WAN , its ok for me05:41
prince_jammysdeevz: this is a file that gets sourced every time you open a terminal. typically contains aliases, shell settings, your prompt string ...05:41
Jordan_Udougb_freebsd: Can you pastebin your /boot/grub/grubenv? Is your /boot on RAID/LVM ?05:42
dougb_freebsdlots of useful information there, even if you don't grasp it all in the first go05:42
DLIndyThank you05:42
timewriterhow do i install grub on my raid array ?05:42
deevzcool dougb05:42
dougb_freebsdJordan_U: does lvm == logical volume? If so, then yes05:42
deevzI still have much to learn05:42
greezmunkeydeevz: Specifically, the variable $HOME calls out your home directory, but is written that way to be useable for any user that is logged in, and running the script.05:43
dougb_freebsddeevz: we all started somewhere :)05:43
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deevzline when I write [ -d /usr/local/cuda/bin ], feels weird to me because -d looks like a command parameter, and theres no command :O05:43
deevzlike when**05:43
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prince_jammysdeevz: there is a command, '['05:43
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prince_jammysthat is a command, believe it or not.05:43
deevzthats weird05:44
prince_jammysso you're right, it's a command argument.05:44
deevzand ] is a command too then I guess05:44
dougb_freebsdJordan_U: well, that was anticlimactic ... /boot/grub/grubenv has nothing in it05:44
timewriterActionParsnip , and another think you get from asking profesionists , is that you can learn a lot :)05:44
DoubleStringhey all05:44
prince_jammysdeevz: no, ] is the last arg :)05:44
deevzsuch a confusing command then05:44
prince_jammysdeevz: if you really want to learn bash, /join #bash and read the guide in the topic.05:44
Jordan_Udougb_freebsd: Savedefault doesn't work with LVM. GRUB2 does not write to LVM because it's complex enough that it can't be done completely safely.05:44
rawfodogHi guys I was wondering if I can boot my ubuntu live usbkey in virtua box ? Im at an internet cafe right now and I dont think they want me turning off this computer. Im basically allowed to download anything I want though.05:44
deevzok thx prince05:45
deevzyou helped me a lot05:45
timewriteranyway , same data transfer rate on windows 7 = 40 mb/sec , ubuntu 85 mb/sec05:45
timewriteri love this car05:45
Geo|AndroidLol this device cannot do calls on its own. It is no modem05:45
dougb_freebsdJordan_U: ah, crap ... well thanks for the definitive answer anyway :)05:45
dougb_freebsdI guess that means I'll have to be more-than-usually-awake when I first power up the laptop in the morning05:46
Atomshipis there a uPnP server and client type software that works on ubuntu?05:46
Jordan_Udougb_freebsd: You can still use grub-set-default, just not savedefault.05:47
Jordan_Udougb_freebsd: You're welcome.05:47
deevzwhat about the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, do I declare that in .profile too?05:47
Geo|AndroidUm how do I get out of ctrl f2 or whatever05:47
prince_jammysdeevz: yes05:47
ilyekkakaiHow do I use a crossover cable to transfer files from my imac to my ubuntu pc?05:48
dougb_freebsdJordan_U: I read the stuff about grub-foo but I was a little fuzzy on it ... is grub-set-default something I run at the command line in ubuntu to set the default for the next boot?05:48
Geo|AndroidSudo reboot?05:48
Jordan_Udougb_freebsd: Yes.05:48
prince_jammysdeevz: make sure you export it. 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=whatever'05:48
prince_jammysdeevz: PATH is already exported, so you didn't have to bother with that.05:49
timewriteri love the super nintendo emulator05:49
deevzprince, I dont see the export keyword in front of path tho05:49
ilyekkakaihow do I use a crossover ethernet cable?05:49
timewriterand i also love my 128 kbps line05:49
dougb_freebsdJordan_U: ok, that's what I thought, that's just not what I was looking for05:49
deevzanyway, do I have to use the keyword everytime I redefine LD_LIBRARY_PATH?05:49
greezmunkeyilyekkakai: hub to hub, PC to PC...05:50
Lock_drive_how to install the downloaded item using terminal05:50
jr1looking for a rootkit for freebsd05:50
ActionParsnipilyekkakai: you will need to set each PC with an address as there is no dhcp server05:50
greezmunkeyilyekkakai: like interface to like interface, get it?!05:50
prince_jammysdeevz: not if you export it in your profile.05:50
timewriterLock_drive_ , it is a .deb package ?05:50
StepNjumpHi guys, I would like to download the drivers for my NVIDIA GeForce 7, Would you mind telling me know how to do that please?05:50
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dougb_freebsdI'll have to experiment with setting the default in the config file, I'm not quite ready for ubuntu to be my primary desktop yet :)05:51
ActionParsnipilyekkakai: something like   and  will be fine, with the same netmask of
ilyekkakaiHow do I setup the interface on the Ubuntu side?05:51
Lock_drive_if we have extension .bin than ?05:51
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prince_jammysdeevz: you're doing fancy GPU stuff?05:51
ActionParsnipilyekkakai: you can now communicate between the two using the IP addresses (as there is no DNS server)05:51
timewriter.bin may be a disk image extension05:51
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Geo|AndroidSrsly is sudo reboot the only way to get out of alt f2?05:52
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: mark it as executable and run it. If you are STILL on about googleearth then the whole command I agave you will make it work05:52
prince_jammysGeo|Android: you mean you want to go back to an X session?05:52
deevzprince, im trying to get started with cuda05:52
Geo|AndroidI want my gui back even if I don't have a mouse05:52
Geo|AndroidYessss please.05:52
prince_jammysGeo|Android: ctrl-alt-f705:52
ActionParsniptimewriter: file extensions mean very little in linux05:52
Geo|AndroidOh you win at life05:52
Geo|AndroidBless you05:52
deevzim not deep into linux and programming in general, but I know a bit of java05:52
prince_jammysGeo|Android: your X session runs at tty7 in ubuntu05:52
timewriterActionParsnip , indeed05:52
Lock_drive_which command05:53
deevznow im trying to learn linux and c to code in cuda, I need to do stuff that java would be too slow to do05:53
timewriterthats why i said that it may be05:53
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: are you trying to install googleearth still?05:53
timewriteranyway , im gonna play donkey kong country , right away05:53
ilyekkakaiActionParsnip, how do I configure the IP address on the Ubuntu side? At the moment when I put the plug in, the ubuntu network manager thing tries to automatically connect, then after a while fails.05:53
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: i gave a big command earlier to download the .bin and install it, all you had to do was copy and paste it to terinal05:53
dougb_freebsdif I want to play flash in firefox, which plugin should I choose?05:53
ActionParsnipilyekkakai: use network manager05:54
dougb_freebsdadobe, swfdec, or gnash?05:54
ActionParsnipdougb_freebsd: i'd go with the adobe one05:54
prince_jammysdeevz: install the one from the repositories.05:54
iherdsumthingsthis crap is so illegal05:54
prince_jammys(which is from adobe)05:54
Lock_drive_if don't mind please send it to me once again05:54
dougb_freebsdok, thanks05:54
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: jeez.....ok05:54
iherdsumthingsyou are all stealing from microsoft05:54
deevzprince_jammys, install what from the repos?05:55
prince_jammysiherdsumthings: no trolling.05:55
Lock_drive_I am sorry to bother you05:55
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: if you ask a question, in future do us all a favour and READ the replys05:55
prince_jammysdeevz: wrong nickname.05:55
deevziherdsumthings, you sir are funny05:55
deevzoh good, he left05:55
prince_jammyss/he left, amazingly05:55
anthonyldebian ! http://www.youtube.com/robotsluvme#p/u/43/Bo0boGylJfY05:56
anthonylis back05:56
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: cd ~; wget http://dl.google.com/earth/client/current/GoogleEarthLinux.bin; chmod +x ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin; sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin; rm ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin05:56
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: copy all that and paste it to a terminal, it will then setup everything for you. I gave you the exact same command earlier05:56
greezmunkeytroll and run???05:56
prince_jammyswould be nice if it were always like that.05:57
hiexpowow gave it to you easy way05:57
deevzprince_jammys, is there a way to list all the env variables in my terminal?05:57
Lock_drive_Thank you very much Axtion.....05:57
prince_jammysdeevz: 'env'05:57
thune3dougb_freebsd: you can also change the filename numbering in /etc/grub.d to change boot order, like renaming 40_custom to 09_custom would put those entries before the ubuntu ones in 10_linux05:57
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: use tab to complete nicks, its easier05:57
Tempus_Fugithey does anyone know any free usenet or newsgroups i can get to ??05:57
Lock_drive_how do u do that05:57
dougb_freebsdthune3: yeah, that bit of the docs I actually understood, but thanks :)05:58
Geo|AndroidSo angry!05:58
Lock_drive_actually I want to learn ubuntu like anything but I am not being able that is why I am asking you all the silly questions05:58
Lock_drive_hope you all guys won't mind05:59
timewriterLock_drive_ , youre able to learn anything05:59
deevzI feel like linux must be very fun when you can use bash to its fullest potential05:59
Geo|AndroidWhen I type stuff in ctrl alt f5 it says it can't open gui displays05:59
dougb_freebsdso what are my chances of mounting a freebsd ufs partition in ubuntu? what I've read so far has not been encouraging05:59
MeXTuXI'm using Lucid with two monitors and Ubuntu notifications are appearing on the right screen and I want the notifications to appear on my left screen for example when I'm using rhythmbox. IS it possible??? Tnx in advance :)06:00
psilo2deevz: absolutely.  some people will even tell you zsh/korn are more powerful than bash06:00
timewriterMeXTuX , maybe on the dual screen configuration06:00
Tempus_Fugitfor some reason using the tab to complete a name doesnt work in empathy??06:00
Lock_drive_how do we learn about the terminal commands06:00
dougb_freebsdLock_drive_: man pages are a good start06:01
timewriteryou can set your left screen to be the main display , if not using clone06:01
Tempus_FugitLock_drive_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:01
dougb_freebsd... or that06:01
timewriterLock_drive_ , i dont know , ubuntuguide.org maybe can help06:01
Geo|AndroidI'm going to have to install winxp and I was really hoping to avoid that.06:01
Tempus_FugitGeo|Android: just install a dual boot06:02
timewriterwhy Xp06:02
Geo|AndroidIs there no way to open a terminal window without a mouse so I can try to find the drivers for it?06:02
greezmunkeyLock_drive_: check this: http://www.linux-books.us/ubuntu_0002.php06:02
prince_jammysGeo|Android: alt-f2, and type 'xterm'06:02
greezmunkeyLock_drive_: there are many many resources available! :) enjoy!06:02
Geo|AndroidDual boot still lands me with no mouse.06:02
Tempus_FugitLock_drive_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:03
Geo|AndroidThank god. I've been trying to do that for like 2 hours.06:03
rj1so I changed my mac address and got kicked off my home network for ARP spoofing06:03
prince_jammysGeo|Android: what's going on?06:03
Lock_drive_you people here are too good, Now I believe that Good  and helping people are still alive on this earth...that is why earth is tolerating the sins06:03
Geo|AndroidI have no mouse06:03
ActionParsnipGeo|Android: CTRL+ALT+T06:03
rj1how do I fix this?06:03
Geo|AndroidIts really really annoying06:03
Geo|AndroidI said ctrl alt t did not work06:03
timewriterARP - armor penetration ?06:03
greezmunkeyGeo|Android: what type of mouse? USB?06:03
Lock_drive_you all here have the tendency of helping eachother06:04
Geo|AndroidA long time ago06:04
Lock_drive_I feel really Gud06:04
foul_owlhow do i format my ipod?06:04
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: yes, its a community06:04
rj1Geo ctrl alt f1 and then try and restart x server using a terminal06:04
Geo|AndroidYes usb microsoft sidewinder x506:04
prince_jammysGeo|Android: you mean, you have a mouse, and it doesn't work?06:04
ActionParsnipLock_drive_: we arent douchy windows users06:04
Geo|AndroidI see it. It no movey06:04
ActionParsnipfoul_owl: use a big heavy rock from about 3 metres, should do it06:04
Tempus_Fugitrj1: how did you change a mac address?? I know you can create a static IP to get back into chat rooms and such but usually a mac ban sticks??06:04
Lock_drive_we are now proving this06:04
timewriterGeo|Android , i have a Logitech G3 and i have no problem with it06:04
foul_owlActionParsnip: Awesome thanks! :)06:04
Geo|AndroidNot logitech. And I'm on ubuntu 5.1006:05
Geo|AndroidBecause that's all I could find06:05
rj1Tempus_Fugit: macchanger-gtk06:05
rj1not trying to avoid a mac ban06:05
prince_jammysfoul_owl: sorry, typo.06:05
ActionParsnipfoul_owl: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/sync-iphone-and-ipod-touch-in-ubuntu.html06:05
rj1trying to get into my home network XD06:05
rj1eset firewall banned me06:05
prince_jammysGeo|Android: that's olde, sir.06:05
timewriterthats a problem :)06:05
Geo|AndroidMy 10. Disc has a bad iso06:05
prince_jammysor mam06:05
deevztimewriter, that would be ARPEN :P06:05
Geo|AndroidEOL old. I know.06:05
Tempus_Fugitrj1: nice!!!...good to know06:05
dougb_freebsdrj1: have you tried rebooting the router?06:05
ActionParsnip!ipod | foul_owl06:05
timewriterdeevz :)06:05
ubottufoul_owl: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod06:05
foul_owlthanks again!06:06
timewriterits a world of warcraft acronym , for armor penetration :)06:06
OvermindDL1Greetings.  I am having issues Google'ing for help for getting a Gateway Tablet PC touchpad and buttons working, does anyone have experience with this?06:06
ActionParsnipGeo|Android: then redownload and reburn, or use usb06:06
deevzI know it is06:06
ActionParsnipOvermindDL1: do then create vents in xev06:06
Tempus_Fugitdoes anyone in here play nexuiz??06:06
timewriternice :)06:06
deevzMy warrior was in full T10, you know :P06:06
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Geo|AndroidI am trying to reburn! I have no mouse!06:06
OvermindDL1ActionParsnip:  Create vents in xev?  Elaborate please?06:07
Geo|AndroidI had no os. I had to install something06:07
timewriteri have a full wrathful doorf warrior06:07
Geo|AndroidUbuntu 5.10 is all I have lol06:07
Geo|AndroidIf I had a mouse I could reburn06:07
deevzyea, dwarf warrior, same here. sold it tho06:07
timewriterGeo|Android , why not download the 10.0406:07
netriderhi, somebody knows about this error unimplemented function msvcrt.dll ??06:07
Geo|AndroidBut nooooo 5.10 doesn't support it.06:07
deevzfull wrathful and everything, maybe you bought it? :P06:07
ActionParsnipOvermindDL1: run a terminal, run xev, press buttons06:07
greezmunkeyGeo|Android: It looks like that mouse can be used, but needs tweaking to make it work. Is it the only mouse you have available right now?06:07
Geo|AndroidHow to open browser with no mouse?06:08
StepNjumpDoes anyone here know how to install the NVIDIA drivers please?06:08
ActionParsnipGeo|Android: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning   shows terminal burning06:08
timewritermine is prot06:08
ActionParsnip!nvidia | StepNjump06:08
ubottuStepNjump: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:08
Tempus_FugitGeo|Android: sometimes the tab key works to scroll thru the items on your screen06:08
StepNjumpActionParsnip: Thanks!06:08
ActionParsnipnetrider: i'd ask in #winehq  if its a wine issue06:08
Geo|AndroidTried tab. You are 75 minutes too late.06:08
OvermindDL1ActionParsnip:  No response when I press the screen buttons, plenty of responses if I press anything else06:08
OvermindDL1And they do work fine in windows06:08
timewriterTempus_Fugit , do you play world of warcraft ?06:09
ActionParsnipOvermindDL1: ok then they dont make events, have you checked the hcl?06:09
dougb_freebsdGeo|Android: just install xp, you'd be done by now :)06:09
livingdaylighthiku, looking for the Ubuntu version of "Remote Desktop Connection" in windows. Places > Connect to Server give me lots of options, but which one?06:09
Tempus_FugitGeo|Android: lmao ...umm ok well i tried...sorry ill go sit back on my yellow bus06:09
jellowGeo|Android: does alt-f2 work , to launch firefox06:09
Geo|AndroidLol that's what I said dougb06:09
Geo|Android5.10 doesn't have firefox lol06:09
timewriterGeo|Android , order a ubuntu 10 cd06:09
timewriterjust to mock microsoft06:09
jellowGeo|Android: what about elinks ;P06:09
prince_jammysGeo|Android: 'www-browser' in a terminal06:09
deevzif I log out from my session, do I lose all active windows?06:09
timewriterdeevz , yes06:10
timewriteruse lock instead06:10
OvermindDL1ActionParsnip:  I am used to working on SCO Unix at work, so, elaborate 'hcl'?  Hardware Compatibility List?  On the ubuntu wiki or so?06:10
deevzno, I need to log out in particular for something06:10
bigfishyActionparsnip: I tried renaming the syntax on that particular code segment with no luck.06:10
ilyekkakaiActionParsnip, I found the solution - on Ubuntu go to Network Connections > Add > IPv4 Settings > Method Link-local only. Then get the IP address from terminal with ifconfig. Then on the imac configure a corresponding IP address on the ethernet interface. Plug in the crossover cable and the imac automatically appears under the Network folder on the Ubuntu machine - no further configuration required.06:10
rj1dougb_freebsd: no I havent06:10
dougb_freebsdrj1: that'll probably do the trick, unless you can log into the router (like dd-wrt) and flush the arp cache06:11
timewriterdamn this 3G connection :(06:11
dougb_freebsd... but reboot is probably your best bet06:11
Geo|AndroidLemme read this terminal burning link......06:11
ActionParsnip!hcl | OvermindDL106:11
ubottuOvermindDL1: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:11
timewriteri found a very nice icon theme for gnome06:12
ActionParsnipOvermindDL1: its not an ubuntu specific term, there is a windows hcl and a VERY limited mac hcl06:12
timewriterits called Aw0ken06:12
OvermindDL1ActionParsnip:  Heh, yeah, as I guessed what it was, checking those links, thanks.06:12
ilmenitetimewriter, can i have a link to it?06:12
timewriterilmenite , i cant open any browser due to a download i cant interrupt , but you can do a search for it on www.gnome-look.org06:13
timewriterits there06:13
ilmeniteokay, looking for it right now06:14
timewritergo to icon themes , and sort to highest rated06:14
bigfishyi am having issues with my mouse usb input device.  After variable times the device stops responding.06:14
netriderhi, somebody knows about this error "unimplemented function msvcrt.dll" ??06:14
Geo|Android[Sigh] wodim command not found.06:14
ilyekkakaiI rock! :D :D :D :D  I copied my 2Gb file in under a minute with crossover cable instead of the 6 hours it was going to take over the slow wireless network ;)06:14
prince_jammysGeo|Android: install it06:14
prince_jammysGeo|Android: are you able to install stuff?06:14
livingdaylightlooking for the Ubuntu version of "Remote Desktop Connection" in windows. Places > Connect to Server give me lots of options, but which one?06:15
ilmenitetimewriter, you just made my day! their awesome!06:15
Geo|AndroidI dunno. I would suppose. Apt-get wodim?06:15
prince_jammysGeo|Android: yes06:15
prince_jammysGeo|Android: sudo apt-get install wodim06:15
timewriteri love the ubuntu drivers for Creative X-Fi06:15
abhinav_singhwhere to get opera web browser for ubuntu06:15
timewriterilmenite , arent they ?06:15
Geo|AndroidInvalid operation wodim06:15
timewriterbest ive seen06:16
ilmenitetheir totally awesome :)06:16
ActionParsnipabhinav_singh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser06:16
deevzI cant find it, timewriter06:16
ilmenitethey beat my current one, eco from bisigi themes06:16
Geo|AndroidOh I probably need to open repositories since this is a fresh install06:16
deevztheir search tool sucks I guess06:16
Geo|AndroidCouldn't find package.06:16
sikunugh... so.. i had my hard drive fail today, lost my ubuntu install cd, so i had to go over to a friends house burn a cd, came back replaced the drive... the cd is messed up won't boot, all i have other than my desktop is a netbook so no burner, so i installed XP back on it, well of course it didn't have the drivers for the nic, nor do i have a flash drive i can find for the life of me... grabbed a vista upgrade disc, upgraded it, dow06:16
sikunnloaded the ubuntu iso burned another cd , went to install, half way through the install THAT cd is messed up also somehow, both brand new and different brands actually burned on different burners... I am about to go crazy.. haha, is there a way to do a net install from a half working ubuntu disc?06:16
timewriterdeevz , just a sec06:16
mae_taewhats the possible caused of transfer time out in tftp? how do i fix this?06:16
ActionParsnipmae_tae: it uses UDP instead of TCP so there is no guarantee of delivery06:17
deevzoh nm, it was an O, not a zero06:17
deevzfound it06:17
timewriterdeevz http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/AwOken+-+Awesome+Token+icon+set?content=12634406:17
timewriteri thought it was a zero , my mistake06:17
ActionParsnipsikun: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?06:18
MrBIOShi folks, does Ubuntu 10.04 have a text install mode at all, these days?06:18
ActionParsnipsikun: did you check the CD for defects once initially booted to?06:18
sikunActionParsnip, no, i didn't :(06:18
timewriteri use them with Ambiance theme06:18
ActionParsnipsikun: then how do you know the iSO isn't bad?????06:18
Geo|AndroidI guess I'll have a friend order a disc for me and I will be without a computer for months while I wait for the disc.06:18
FlannelMrBIOS: you're looking for the 'Alternate CD'06:18
timewriterMrBIOS , the alternative install cd06:19
Geo|AndroidThanks for the help06:19
timewriteror the server06:19
sikunwell not the iso is bad, the cds i'm using are bad is what i'm saying06:19
ilmenitewow, its a huge set of icons!06:19
chu_Hey guys; anyone experienced much with bash? I'm interested in launching an application (GNU Screen) whenever I open gnome-terminal - I added "screen" to my ~/.bashrc file earlier, but rather than doing what I hoped, it just kept creating new screen sessions. I tried an "exit 0" following the call to "screen" in the .bashrc but it didn't make a difference. Any ideas?06:19
timewritersikun , you can create a bootable USB drive06:19
MrBIOSah, thanks. Ye Olde "Alternative Lifestyle" Installre06:19
* ActionParsnip uses elementary theme with a different background and the default decorator06:19
sikuntimewriter, yeah, if i could find my flash drives.... just finished moving and can't find a single thing of mine06:20
macochu_: you'd want screen -r to reattach to a session06:20
ilmenitechu_, make your default profile screen06:20
ActionParsnipsikun: if you dont check the iso files, it could be a corrupted or incomplete download06:20
prince_jammysi have an idea, type 'screen'06:20
timewriteri always have a 4GB usb drive tied to my house keys06:20
timewriteryou never know when you need it06:20
AshDragoninstalling win7 on an intel ssd raid0 :D06:20
timewriterAshDragon , i have the same06:21
AshDragonwhich raid drivers do you use?06:21
chu_maco, the problem is, I don't always detach a screen session before leaving the terminal, so I don't quite think that's what I'm after (though I did consider it earlier).06:21
timewritersingle SSD give better performance than RAID SSD06:21
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bigfishyi am having issues with my mouse usb input device.  After variable times the device stops responding.06:21
chu_ilmenite: How does one go about that? I'm rather daft :)06:21
bigfishyActionparsnip: I tried renaming the syntax on that particular code segment with no luck.06:21
mae_taeActionParsnip, what do you mean? result of typing netstat -a | grep tftp is     0    0     *:tftp         006:21
prince_jammyschu_: that's why you can just type 'screen' and move on with your merry life.06:21
timewriterAshDragon , i was wrong , i dont have ssd , just WD sata drives06:21
prince_jammystrust me.06:21
AshDragoni googled it for awhile, but the only drivers i found with trim support were the '06 MS ones.  are there any better? @timewriter06:21
feodoris there a good guide for setting up neverwinter nights on lucid lynx?06:21
presariohow can a single ssd give more perfomance then raid timewriter06:21
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pythondoes  anyone know how to erase a corrupted file06:22
deevzThere should be a terminal at the bottom of file browser, like it can be done in gedit... is there any way to do that?06:22
feodorunless there are no special steps required to get it to work06:22
timewriterpresario , its proven06:22
presariofeodor use play on linux06:22
pythonit tells me input output error06:22
timewriterAshDragon , you need the Intel Rapid Storage Technology06:22
chu_prince_jammys: Yeah, but it's tedious to type screen everytime I start a terminal session. I know this has to be possible.06:22
pythonwithout formating the drive06:22
feodorpresario, eh?06:22
timewriterpresario , raid arrays are different with SSds06:22
prince_jammyschu_: and you _will_ get upset when you chose to open a term without really wanting to run scren.06:22
presarioum timewriter have u not seen samsungs 6 TB 24 ssd raid setup that transfers 2gigaflops/s06:22
prince_jammyslisten to the voice of reason! :)06:23
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timewriterno , i cant afford it06:23
feodorpresario, play is for playing sound. what are you talking about ?06:23
feodoror did you not mean the command06:23
AshDragoni'm using a 780i evga mobo which has native raid support.  i'd prefer to get a raid controller, but meh.  i'm doing with with what i have atm.  @ typewriter06:23
pythonDoes anyone know how to erase a corrupted file06:23
JoeTheManI just installed 10.04 a few weeks ago (first Linux for me) and have been having issues with Compiz ever since, and it seems to be getting worse recently. Every once in a while, at seemingly random times, everything on my screen freezes up except for my mouse (well, it doesn't freeze, I get something like 1 frame every 3 seconds). To fix it, I have to open terminal, kill compiz, and restart it. Sometimes this can start happening every 06:23
presariotimewriter if you beleave so06:23
chu_prince_jammys: Nah, I always want to run screen :)06:23
presarioplay on linux06:23
pythonits saying input output error06:23
timewriterAshDragon , doesnt that mobo use a Nforce controller ?06:23
mae_taeActionscript, so how do i solve it?06:23
presariofeodor play on linux06:23
ActionParsnipmae_tae: the packet got lost as it uses UDP which does not have all the extra functionality of TCP but is faster as it has less overhead06:23
StepNjumpHow can I tell which kernel version I am running?06:23
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ActionParsniptimewriter: http://s270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/andrew_woodhead666/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png  ;)06:24
macoStepNjump: uname -a06:24
prince_jammyschu_: then do what i do, have a term open full-time, running screen, in a workspace, and set that to start at startup.06:24
AshDragontypewriter: yes, but you can swap drivers from within win7 to the MS ones that support trim, which is what i'm going to do.06:24
intokAnyone here use SeaMonkey 2.0.6? For some reason if I so much as look at it wrong it crashes06:24
pythonDoes anyone know how to erase a corrupted file when it says input output error06:24
bigfishyi am having issues with my mouse usb input device.  After variable times the device stops responding.06:24
bigfishyActionparsnip: I tried renaming the syntax on that particular code segment with no luck.06:24
pythonwithout formating drive06:24
timewriterpresario , i got 3GB/sec transfer on my raid 0 sata raid06:24
prince_jammyschu_: but i _do_ type 'screen' the *first* time, and never close it.06:24
mae_taeActionParsnip, so what do you suggest? how will i fix? what config file will i modify?06:24
timewriterActionParsnip , its opening06:25
presarioand do u really think you would get that with only 1 ssd drive06:25
timewriterway better06:25
presariowhat does a single drive data transfer at then timewriter06:26
timewriterbut i cant afford to buy SSD yet06:26
chu_prince_jammys: But even that first time is tedious!06:26
prince_jammyschu_: hehehe06:26
thune3bigfishy: not that i can help, but what kind of mouse is it? ps2/usb/usb-bluetooth/bluetooth?06:26
StepNjumpmaco I did a apt-get install on inux-headers-2.6.32-21 2.6.32-21.3206:26
StepNjump and just found out it should have been a different version I should have installed. How could I uninstall the current version please?06:26
presariotimewriter u have never had a ssd drive06:26
deevzcan I exit X and still access a terminal to install a video driver?06:26
timewriterpresario , you can check the charts and do a comparison , using HDDtach06:26
prince_jammyschu_: problem is that screen may already be running, maybe more than one06:26
timewriterActionParsnip , i use the same decorator , but with awoken icons06:26
AshDragonthe intel ssd drives are 3gb/s individually.  if you have two and the i/o requests are sent to separate drives, that should be a 100% improvement; of course with misaligns where the data is on separate drives, the performace goes down, but the overall should be substantially higher than a single drive.   on paper this should work perfectly, in practice.. i'll see in a few days.06:26
StepNjumpsorry.. linux-headers-2.6.32-21 2.6.32-21.3206:27
timewriterpresario , no , but i read articles06:27
timewriterpractice is different :)06:27
StepNjumpGuys, how could I uninstall file: linux-headers-2.6.32-21?06:27
bigfishythune3: its a usb mouse06:27
timewriterits also a matter of the raid controller06:27
AshDragontrue; but even with a crappy one, it should be a performance improvement.  especially with a high stripe size06:28
timewriterStepNjump , apt-get autoremove may fix it06:28
timewriterperformance is better with smaller strip size06:28
timewriterlike 64kb better than 128kb06:28
ActionParsnipStepNjump: sudo apt-get install headers-2.6.32-21-generic06:28
timewriteron raid 006:28
ActionParsnipStepNjump: oops06:28
prince_jammyschu_: folks at #screen may assist you with magic to deal with different screenish scenarios.06:28
chu_prince_jammys: Cheers06:29
ActionParsnipStepNjump: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.32-21-generic06:29
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timewriterhe wants to remove them :)06:29
StepNjumpActionParsnip so I just install the correct one on top of the wrong one?06:29
ActionParsnipmae_tae: use ftp instead of tftp and it will use TCP and give guaranteed delivery once the connection is made06:29
timewriterActionParsnip , didnt see the awn-dock06:29
AshDragonlarger, not smaller; the smaller stripe size means data is read and written to/from both drives; you want to maximize the number of i/o requests that get data from a single drive, meaning the drives cann work independantly on separate queued requests.  if they're both working on the same request, there's much less of a performance improvement.06:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:30
ActionParsniptimewriter: yeah i'm lazt, thats all the apps I ever used so figued I may aswell06:30
intokAnyone here use SeaMonkey 2.0.6? For some reason if I so much as look at it wrong it crashes. The only addons I've got are Adblock plus, better privacy and optimize google06:30
timewriterAshDragon , i did 2 tests on same drives , first 64kb , second 12806:30
sikunok, what i am trying to ask... is, currently i have two ubuntu cds i have burned that will not work, one will get me to the live enviroment but will not install, i do not have any flash drives, can i do a net install from a live boot?06:30
StepNjumpActionParsnip: My kernel version is 2.6.32-24 4106:30
timewriter64 kb was faster06:30
bazhangtimewriter, AshDragon please take hardware chat to #ubuntu-offtopic06:30
StepNjumpSo do I need to uninstall the one I installed in error first?06:30
jamie__so...I want debian, but I'm lazy.  What will I gain/lose from using Ubuntu and stripping down the features? (i.e. gwibber, make my own themes, etc, etc. basically use Ubuntu as a Debian installer...)06:30
ActionParsnipStepNjump: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic linux-headers-generic06:31
AshDragoni'm done :) @ bazhang06:31
chu_Ahhh, can't send to #screen :(06:31
SomethingElseCan someone please tell me how to find out how much ram I have?06:31
macoSomethingElse: free -m06:31
Flanneljamie__: Get the alternate CD, it uses debian-installer (and will save you the effort of having to strip stuff out)06:31
timewriterbazhang , ok06:31
StepNjumpActionParsnip thanks!06:31
prince_jammysjamie__: you may install ubuntu from the alternate/minimal cd.06:31
mae_taeActionParsnip, i see, actually what im trying to do is implement that THIN client, the client side is actually recieve already its DHCP IP but have an error in TFTP - File Not Found06:31
jamie__Flannel: really?06:31
ActionParsnipjamie__: you can use ubuntu minimal if you wish and build up06:31
Flanneljamie__: Yes.06:31
bigfishyi am having issues with my mouse usb input device.  After variable times the device stops responding.06:31
ActionParsnipmae_tae: then i'd look at the config of the pxe server06:32
RokyUbuntu minimal is awesome! Just so people that are thinking about using it know ;)06:32
prince_jammysjamie__: though this is very similar to installing debian from a netinstall, so if you're lazy ...06:32
Flanneljamie__: by default it installs a full desktop, but if you choose a "command line" install, you'll just install a base system06:32
jamie__flannel: will anything be missing?  Will it have Gnome, etc?06:32
ActionParsnipbigfishy: when it drops press CTRL+ALT+T and run:  dmesg | tail    it will give clues06:32
coz_Roky,   ubuntu minimal or minimal install cd?06:32
jamie__Flannel: nm I type slow lol06:32
Rokyjamie__: You choose what you want.06:33
Flanneljamie__: You can install gnome afterwards from the repositories, of course.06:33
thune3bigfishy: the only thing i know along those lines, is that some devices have problems with usb suspend. you could try disabling it for all devices (as a test), and if it works then disable it on mouse only later. sudo bash -c 'echo "-1" > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend'06:33
Rokycoz_: minimal install cd.06:33
coz_Roky,  yes I agree06:33
ActionParsnipbigfishy: make sure the usb is set to legacy, this can help usb mice and keyboards06:33
jamie__flannel: is it much/any different from a Debian netinstall?06:33
SomethingElseI would like to use a USB key as the swap file. Is that easy to do?06:33
Rokythe ncurses based synaptic app is sweet.06:33
Tempus_FugitSomethingElse: free -m06:33
bigfishyactionparsnip: i will save a log of those clues thank you06:34
Flanneljamie__: it uses debian-installer.  Alternate CD doesn't need the internet, minimal CD does (same installer, one has packages on the CD, the other doesn't and needs the internet to download them)06:34
ActionParsnipSomethingElse: sure, just partition and format it as swap then add it in fstab as your swap space06:34
StepNjumpActionParsnip: I get this error message when I attempt to install the correct package: /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission non accordée)06:34
StepNjumppermission not granted06:34
jamie__Roky: aptitude>apt-get as well - keep that in mind ;-)06:34
ActionParsnipStepNjump: do you have software centre open?06:34
ActionParsnipjamie__: both are equally good06:34
StepNjumpI can do that06:34
thune3SomethingElse: my usb flash drive has random write performance in the 20kB/s range, i would NEVER consider it for flash duty with that performance06:34
prince_jammysjamie__: that's what s/he meant by the "ncurses synaptic", aptitude.06:34
ActionParsnipStepNjump: no, its a question, do you have it running?06:34
StepNjumpyou are right06:35
StepNjumpI were06:35
FloodBot3StepNjump: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:35
ActionParsnipStepNjump: thats why then, the software centre was locking the packages06:35
jamie__Flannel: Will I end up with a basic Ubuntu or will I end up with basic Debian though? (debian seems to not like my graphics card.... can't even login once installed)06:35
thune3SomethingElse: *for swap duty06:35
Flanneljamie__: Ubuntu.06:35
SomethingElsemy system is running so slow now for some reason.. I'm sure its becasue the main HD is full all the time.. I was thinking that would fix it..06:35
jamie__prince_jammys: lol oopses - I meant also that "sudo aptitude install foo" > "sudo apt-get install foo"06:36
coz_SomethingElse,   how big is the hard drive and what do you have on it ?06:36
prince_jammysjamie__: can't argue with that06:36
jamie__Flannel: Thanks for the help!  Only took me 3 minutes to get the info off this channel!  I'll definitely be back here!06:36
ActionParsnipSomethingElse: remove old kernels, remove ubuntu-docs (if you never use it (likely)), remove openoffice and install abiword if you only use writer06:36
SomethingElsethat drive is 200 gig.. and I use it as the down load drive..06:37
Rokyjamie__: Both really esentually do the same thing. And it is a base of ubuntu. But if you have installed debian, you will recognize some things and the default wallpaper if you install the gnome-base ;)06:37
mae_taeActionParsnip, actually when i type tftp localhost it returns tftp> (console) but when i type get test.txt example, it return transfer timed out06:37
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coz_SomethingElse,   ActionParsnip 's suggest is valid  and wouldnt it be more efficient to back up some of that stuff onto that flash drive?06:37
RokyBut the core still remains ubuntu.06:37
ActionParsnipmae_tae: then you have isolatedthe issue some.I havent setup a pxe server but there are docs around for it, or maybe someone else can contribute06:37
jamie__****Thank you all who answered my question(s)!  Fastest help on IRC I've ever seen! Thanks, and props :-D****06:37
RokyI still don't use it because I can06:37
Rokycan't seem to get sound working for it on my laptop. Only one thats ever worked has been arch :x06:38
prince_jammysRoky: tell us your specs, and /msg ubottu sound06:38
feodorswfdec vs gnash vs adobe. which is currently superiour ?06:38
StepNjumpActionParsnip: How can I tell which version of linux-restricted-modules I am running?06:39
prince_jammysfeodor: likely adobe's. you can install via repositories.06:39
dougb_freebsdfeodor: I just asked that question and adobe was recommended, which seems to be working fine06:39
feodorhmm ok06:39
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:39
ActionParsnipSomethingElse: you can also run bleachbit as user and as root (close as many apps as you can to increase effectiveness, miss the commands which say they will take a long time and watch the browser settings or it'll clean settings you want to keep)06:39
SomethingElsefrom the download drive I then sort stuff to the other drive.. I guess I could move the downloads to it, but I kinda like forcing myself to have to sort stuff to get it off the download drive.. my other drive is 11 TB.. :-)06:39
Rokyprince_jammys: give me about 25  min to reinstall it on the laptop? :D or will you be here tomorrow? hehe, I would love to try it.06:39
prince_jammysfeodor: see what ubottu said.06:39
OvermindDL1ActionParsnip:  Greetings again.  I have determined that the pen has to be out for the touchscreen to work, and I see plenty of output when doing 'cat /dev/ttyS0' so it seems it is internally serial.  How can I turn this into a touchscreen then?06:39
timewriterActionParsnip , you might like this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza?content=12814306:40
ActionParsnipStepNjump: dpkg -l | grep modules | grep restr06:40
feodorprince_jammys, I asked which flash plugin is more stable not how to install it06:40
ActionParsniptimewriter: saw that, makes your desktop look like a crappy ipod, no thanks06:40
prince_jammysfeodor: how silly of me to assume that you'd want to install it.06:40
songerhello i'm having trobles cconverting  some videos this is the type: MPEG-2 transport stream (video/mp2t)06:41
timewriterwell , you already have the dock :)06:41
livingdaylightlooking for the Ubuntu version of "Remote Desktop Connection" in windows. Places > Connect to Server give me lots of options, but which one?06:41
ActionParsnipOvermindDL1: not sure, i've never used one06:41
presariofeodor just install plugins thru firefox and use adobe06:41
songereny help ?06:41
SomethingElseis there anyway I can limit the size of a dir?06:41
OvermindDL1Anyone else might know how to get a touchscreen on a tablet working in Ubuntu through /dev/ttyS0 on a Gateway tablet.06:41
ActionParsnipSomethingElse: 16Tb06:42
songercan not convert: MPEG-2 transport stream (video/mp2t)06:42
SomethingElseActionParsnip: Sweet!!06:42
ActionParsnipSomethingElse: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext406:43
Tempus_FugitDifference between LINUX and WINDHOES......you actually want updates from linux!!!!06:44
ActionParsnipTempus_Fugit: why do you want updates?06:45
timewriterbecause its not cracked and you dont get any "advantages from microsoft"06:45
prince_jammysyou generally don't have to supply your passport and blood-type to get an update in linux.06:45
timewriterActionParsnip , i know a lot of windows users that are affraid to update windows06:45
livingdaylightTempus_Fugit, I prefer Linuxhoes too06:45
ActionParsniptimewriter: i just kick em in.06:46
SomethingElseOk, this is going to make me seem really stupid, but how to I reply to someone without PMing them?06:46
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:46
livingdaylightSome_Person, like this?06:46
prince_jammysSomethingElse: type 'prin<tab key>', for example.06:46
ElTimodoes anyone have ubuntu running successfully on a laptop using the dell 1520 wireless mini half-card?06:46
chu_Bah. Stupid bash06:46
SomethingElseOhhhh... ok.. thanks..06:47
ActionParsnipElTimo: can you run:  sudo lshw -C network | grep -i product     what is the product line for the wireless06:47
Tempus_FugitActionParsnip .....I am saying you want updates in linux cuz usually linux updates make things better....WINHOES updates make things worse...as in consuming more mem and resources to slow down your system...so you go out and buy the next episode of a crappy system06:47
ElTimoActionParsnip: I actually can't right now. I'm on windows because that's the only way I can get wireless06:47
rwwTempus_Fugit: Call it "Windows", please. Deliberate misspellings reflect more on you than on Windows.06:48
ActionParsnipTempus_Fugit: ive seen people have tonnes of issues with upgrades, sound going on the frits, no x server due to failed dkms on proprietary drivers...06:48
ActionParsnipElTimo: i suggest you use a wired connection and get updated06:48
ActionParsnipElTimo: you may also be offered the driver06:48
prince_jammysupgrades are scary in any OS, tbh.06:48
ElTimoActionParsnip: I don't have a wired connection available to me. and I have the driver installed. networkmanager says that wireless is disabled, and doesn't give me an option to reenable it06:49
timewriterim not affraid of updates06:49
Tempus_Fugitrww: sorry you feel that way but i kinda get the feeling if more people on the planet knew there was a better alternative alot less people would be using "windows"06:49
ActionParsnipElTimo: i recommend you use one. routers have 4 connectors on the back you can easily use06:49
prince_jammys#ubuntu-offtopic is the venue.06:49
rwwTempus_Fugit: I imagine you're right. No need to harm Ubuntu advocacy by making yourself sound silly.06:49
umcTempus_Fugit: it's not that bad, if you look beforehand, you can avoid installing 'genuine' stuff06:50
songery made upgrade o lucid and i was without internet my wireless card  i thoght lucid does not support it06:50
umcI have a win machine too and didn't have any problems with it06:50
Tempus_Fugityes I am a n00b but so far all my linux updates have made things better..I.e flash and codecs to make things work the way they should!!06:50
songer but i just have to selct  it06:50
intokAnyone here use SeaMonkey 2.0.6? For some reason if I so much as look at it wrong it crashes. The only addons I've got are Adblock plus, better privacy and optimize google06:50
ElTimoActionParsnip: I leech off my neighbor's wifi. it would probably be kind of awkward to knock on their door at 2 in the morning asking if I can plug my laptop into their router :P06:51
prince_jammysElTimo: give it a try.06:51
SomethingElseThanks everyone for your help.. I'm off to see if I can understand this link I've been sent..06:51
ElTimoactually I think they're on vacation...06:51
prince_jammysElTimo: do they have a guard dog?06:52
ElTimoprince_jammys: if you count a yorkie as a guard dog, then yes06:52
ElTimoI'm just not very good at picking locks06:52
ActionParsnipElTimo: nice, then you may have an issue, if its one of those cheap broadcom 43xx things (probably is, dell are pretty cheap) then the driver is on the live CD too)06:52
lophtedHey folks... i was wondering if anyone knew of a good standalone Calendar for ubuntu (not by Mozilla).06:53
ActionParsnipElTimo: otherwise you will need a connection to download stuff06:53
ElTimoActionParsnip: wireless worked when I first installed, but once I updated the kernel it went kaput06:53
ActionParsnipElTimo: boot to the old kernel and see what makes it work, then transfer settings to the new06:54
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mneptoklophted: Google Calendar?06:54
ElTimoActionParsnip: also, rfkill says that eth1 is hard blocked, which I assume means that it thinks the switch is turned off06:54
ActionParsniplophted: qOrganizer maybe06:54
sacarlsonlophted: I just click the one where the clock is in the top panel.  it opens to a calender.  but maybe you want more.06:54
ActionParsniplophted: rednotebook prism-google-calendar06:55
ElTimobrb I'm going to play around with it a little06:55
lophtedmneptok: Thanks, but isn't Google's dependant on the cloud? I wanted to use something you could install.06:55
umclophted: do you also have apache installed ? if so, maybe you should check also webcalendar06:55
ActionParsniplophted: when06:55
ActionParsnip!info when06:56
ubottuwhen (source: when): tiny personal calendar. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.12-1 (lucid), package size 41 kB, installed size 164 kB06:56
lophtedActionParsnip: Thanks. I'll check it out06:56
lophtedumc: thanks. Looking for something desktop based.06:56
lophtedActionParsnip: Thanks again. Will look into those.06:58
mneptoklophted: own a cell phone? if so, what model?06:59
mneptoklophted: Google Mobile App may be available for it. so if you have a data plan, you'll want to use GCal. ;)07:00
lophtedmneptok: thanks again. Like i said, i'm looking for something Desktop based. I appreciate the input.07:01
nikolamWhy there is stated "Not recommended for daily desktop usage" beside 64-bit desktop ubuntu image download link??07:01
netbkneutrino1is it a problem if grub always starts up07:02
nikolamI use it happily as a desktop for.. several years on 64bit07:02
nikolamand especially now, I have no as of any problem at all07:02
prince_jammysnetbkneutrino1: no, that's normal.07:02
umcbecause probably some people don't know if they have 32 bit or 64bit nikolam07:02
joebobjoewhich high end graphics are the best for *nix, ati or nvidia?07:02
crazyhello world07:02
netbkneutrino1thanks prince jammys07:02
umcand 32 works on all machines, vice-versa not always07:03
nikolamumc, that does not sound as good answer. They sure will discover if 64bit disc does not work and they will realize that they made mistake not distro.07:03
lophtednikolam: i believe the reason 64bit is not recommended for daily desktop usage is because proprietary flash is not officially supported on the 64bit version of ubuntu.07:03
umccrazy, I've never had problems with ati, can't speak on nvidias behalf07:03
sacarlsonnikolam: ever use google earth, a canon printer,  skype , ruby watir?  the list goes on that don't support 64bit yet.  I lived with it for 2 years.  without more than 2gig don't bother.07:04
dougb_freebsdI was curious about that as well ... is the 64-bit version generally safe?  I have a core 2 duo and 64 bit windows works fine07:04
nikolamlophted, that also is not good reason, since I use 64bit flash, like.. for a long time now and it is there automatically and.. working rather well, too07:04
nikolamsacarlson, yes, I use skype on 64bit for a LONG time, google earth, too, ever since 10.04 i used it on 64bit without problem..07:05
nikolamAnd beside list, I AM using it with no problems..07:05
lophtednikolam: Check your version of the driver you have.07:05
nikolamlophted, what driver you are reffering to?07:05
sacarlsonnikolam: that's only one of the many that are starting to support 64bit they still don't all support it.  I'm sure there will be a day when they all do but just not yet.07:06
nikolamI am thinking, memory is VERY cheap now. People are going outside shops with machines that have 4GB+ ram these days. Telling people it is not OK to use 64bit Ubuntu is ridiculous07:06
lophtednikolam: i'm sorry i meant plug-in. In all likelyhood, you have the proprietary version of the flash 32bit plug-in, which works fine with 64bit ubuntu.07:06
nikolamlophted, nope, you are wrong. there IS 64bit flash07:07
nikolamfor linux at least07:07
sacarlsonnikolam: they also have kernels now that support 4gig+ with 32bit07:07
maconikolam: adobe killed it07:07
nikolamBut nevermind, it works well thats my point07:07
ElTimonikolam: they discontinued it because they're lazy07:07
maconikolam: the last version is from before a major security update07:07
lophtednikolam: i never said there wasn't a 64bit version of the plug-in.07:07
sacarlsonnikolam: well take a look at the long list of people 1000's with just the problem of no canon printer.  that alone is enuf for me.07:08
lophtednikolam: i said you most likely have the 32bit version. The 64bit version is at what stage of development?07:08
nikolamand 64bit linux had always edge over windblows, etc. Point is. 64bit works VERY well for Years for  me and I see absolutely no reason to fear people07:08
=== Weretiger is now known as Tricia
macolophted: 64bit flash was alpha, maybe beta, and was killed. a few weeks later a new version of flash 10 came out that fixed a major security vulnerability07:08
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nikolamsacarlson, like, I don't care at all about Canon if they don't want to support their hardware.. their choice and I also don't think that support for one manufacturer of printers is valid reason for scaring people of Good-working 64-bit Ubuntu for desktop07:09
nikolamOK. Will not push further. i think still there is no valid reason not to use 64 bit on recent machines, when memory is so cheap07:09
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nikolamlophted, i used 64bit for years now.07:10
sacarlsonnikolam: so have I07:10
nikolamand yes, flash is no valid reason not to use 64bit ubuntu.07:12
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sacarlsonnikolam: I had 32bit flash running in 64bit with the 32bit libs no problem only took 2 extra hours to install.07:13
VegasMikeHi Ubuntu Gurus. I try to install gnome desktop and I get: Depends: swfdec-mozilla but it is not going to be installed. Then I install swfdec-mozilla, try to install Gnome and I get: Depends: epiphany-extensions but it is not going to be installed. I, then, install epiphany-extensions and I get: Depends: swfdec-mozilla but it is not going to be installed. This endless loop is frustrating. I just want Gnome. Any insight?07:14
UbuntuNoobwhats up07:14
itsux2bui have 100+ linked html webpages locally on my computer.. can FF print them all in order?07:15
Tempus_Fugithas anyone else tried the new 3.0 gnome-shell and have it configured so that I might see a screen shot of what is possible??07:15
prince_jammysVegasMike: how are you installing gnome?07:15
sacarlsonitsux2bu: you can export them into html and print that in openoffice07:15
nikolamsacarlson, i think it took me no time at all and that I ahd it installed from medibuntu or whatever, right after install07:15
VegasMikeSynoptic package manager07:16
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prince_jammysVegasMike: what package?07:16
sacarlsonnikolam: most these people aren't experts like you07:16
itsux2busacarlson, they are already html07:16
sacarlsonnikolam: including myself07:16
VegasMikeI mark gnome etc.07:16
sacarlsonitsux2bu: then open it in openoffice and try printing it07:16
prince_jammysVegasMike: sounds not right, but the usual way to install gnome is by installing 'ubuntu-desktop'07:16
nikolamsacarlson, I think regular user should not be an expert to add repository, and click search for installing apps. That is actually basic functionality i suppose, everyone get used to under Ubuntu desktop, sooner or later when he/she wants more apps.07:17
VegasMikeLooked for ubuntu desktop... didn't see it in synaptic07:18
sacarlsonnikolam: is medibuntu enven releated to ubuntu? I think they are like ubuntu and debian  different07:18
prince_jammys!info ubuntu-desktop07:18
ubottuubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.197 (lucid), package size 31 kB, installed size 60 kB07:18
prince_jammysVegasMike: look again07:18
nikolamsacarlson, well, yes, but also it is So easy to add and use it. It is best to be in separate repo.07:19
VegasMikeok... hold...07:19
sacarlsonnikolam: well I could go ahead and start mixing my repository with debian then and hope that won't cause any problems07:19
sacarlsonnikolam: what do I do when I upgrade?07:20
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nikolamsacarlson, that is not mixing with debian. who told you that. Everu repo and PPA I added is strictly for Ubuntu version I use. Medibuntu , Getdeb and all PPA and other sources, too07:20
sacarlsonnikolam: ppa is where I started getting my original upgrade problems.  that's why I asked.07:21
VegasMikeOnly have ubuntu-xen-desktop... using netbook edition of Ubuntu07:21
nikolamsacarlson, nothing, usually you remove packages from, like getdeb when upgrading and re-add them later. rest of them are there to stay and need mostly no intervention. If you are also on LTS for long installation, some people even stay on LTS for some time and they are happy07:21
zzzed_nikolam, what is Getdeb?07:21
macozzzed_: a third party source of debs that have not been reviewed by ubuntu developers07:22
nikolamzzzed_, repo /site with newer apps for current ubuntu releases, see #getdeb (getdeb.net)07:22
sacarlsonnikolam: wow easy for the experts.  but poor not so smart people like me give up and reinstall and loose stuf.  but that's just me.07:22
shawn146good evening07:22
zzzed_thx all07:22
VegasMikeThanks for helping Prince07:23
nikolamsacarlson, anyway, If one have new machine he should use 64bit and thats it.07:23
shawn146how do i start up compiz?07:23
prince_jammysVegasMike: welcome. i don't know about netbook remix07:23
dougb_freebsdso I'm poking around in the gnome menus, and under Applications > Other there are a bunch of my windows apps07:24
nikolamshawn146, eve searched synaptic with the word `compiz`? :)07:24
VegasMikeS'ok. You're cool07:24
dougb_freebsdbut when I click them, I get at thing in the taskbar that says "Starting foo" but then it dies07:24
dougb_freebsdno windows ever open (pardon the pun)07:24
VegasMikeSeen alot about this bug online but no successful solutions07:25
nikolamshawn146, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion07:25
shawn146i already isntalled it with terminal07:25
shawn146sudo apt-get install compiz07:25
soreau! compiz | shawn14607:26
ubottushawn146: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz07:26
abhinav_singhhow to install opera on ubuntu07:29
xanguaabhinav_singh: go to opera.com and download it07:30
abhinav_singhafter that xangua:07:30
xanguainstall it07:30
xanguadouble clic in the .deb file07:30
abhinav_singhok xangua: i am downloading it07:31
SwedeMikeabhinav_singh: google for <how to install opera in ubuntu 10.04> and you'll get plenty of guides.07:31
onur_heil hitler07:32
onur_heil führer07:32
macoonur_: stop that, please, and speak english07:33
onur_germany power07:33
Koalabearany utility on ubuntu that can show me the amount of data transferred over network on particular port??07:35
sacarlsonKoalabear: you can setup wireshark to do that but I'm sure there are others07:36
deevzI think I set up my LD_LIBRARY_PATH wrong, because ld cant find some of my libs, how do I define my variable correctly?07:36
Koalabearsacarlson: yes right now am using wireshark but am looking for application like itrans...07:37
sacarlsonKoalabear: I looked up itrans  and it seems to be a language translator.07:38
sacarlsonKoalabear: maybe iftop07:40
bazhang!cn | ylmf07:40
ubottuylmf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:40
Koalabearsacarlson: mybad, i was saying like htop , it can show what process hogging how much CPU, I want like that what port is using how much data transfer..07:42
sacarlsonKoalabear: I think your looking for iftop07:42
Koalabearsacarlson: hay thanks... precisely...07:42
dougb_freebsdIs there any reason not to install the linux thunderbird 3.1.2 from mozilla's web site?07:43
sacarlsondougb_freebsd: I think it's aleady installed by default,  but that one might be newer and better07:43
chris_AM i in the right place to ask about a Evolution question?07:43
* Harry_Slaughter is now going to be messing with iftop all night.... you had to mention it.... <sigh>07:44
dougb_freebsdI installed from the latest 10.04 cd, and I don't see it ... nor does the command line bring it up07:44
sacarlsonHarry_Slaughter: wireshark is even cooler07:45
Harry_Slaughtersacarlson, NO stop, i need sleep, but i can't help play with all these damn toys07:45
dougb_freebsdthe one in the ubuntu software center is 3.0.x07:45
chris_What i'm looking for is a translator within Evolution email, rather than copying and pasting into Fire fox07:45
piyushmishrahi has anyone installed and used matlab and simulink on lucid lynx ?07:46
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shawn146does ubuntu support Conexant audio?07:48
shawn146on a toshiba07:48
shawn146xp time07:48
chris_Anyone know if there is a Evolution Chat and if so what is the irc?07:51
sacarlsonshawn146:  you would have to lookup the values returned from lspci or lshw  to lookup supported devices in ubuntu.07:51
xanguachris_ try the gnome irc network07:52
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presariopatching the wirless b43 driver for packet injection any help07:53
shawn146now i need to find a better graphics driver07:54
shawn146that doesn't look crappy on compiz wobbling windows07:54
presarioshawn146 what video card u got07:54
sacarlsonpresario: lucky you have it working at all,  I did some packet injection with my rt73 wifi some time ago07:55
shawn146ATI RADEON® X200M 32MB-128MB07:55
presarioi dont have packet injection working yet sacarlson07:55
greezmunkeypresario: have you seen this thread?: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/130580-packet-injection-b43-driver.html07:56
xanguatried the propietary drivers shawn146¿07:56
presariosacar;son can u help me install the patch i get a hunk failed error07:56
shawn146-ubuntuxangua, how07:56
sacarlsonpresario: well good luck on that.  only way I could break into my own network was if I setup a large data tranfer between two other computers.07:56
presarioyou have a mobile chipset not much power you may not get good compiz07:57
xanguashawn146-ubuntu: sudo apt-get install fglrx07:57
sacarlsonpresario: seems the new wifi access points detect injection and start to stop them07:57
presario you have a mobile chipset not much power you may not get good compiz shawn14607:57
presarioi thought they would start doing the protection on there side sacarlson07:58
shawn146now my laptop's monitor will not start07:59
presarioi dont htink fglrx will work on the x200mobile07:59
ChrisNZnixthis working?07:59
shawn146after closing the lid07:59
presariosudo apt-get install purge fglrx shawn146 in safe mode terminal08:00
shawn146and opening it it wont start08:00
shawn146the lcd is blank08:00
sacarlsonpresario: I'm not sure I understand your last responce protect on there side?08:00
presarioctrl alt f1 shawn14608:00
shawn146nvm crashed it08:00
nikolamAnyone tried to add new storage volume in Virtual machine manager, under Ubuntu 10.04, lately? Finish button stays grey and you can not add a volume to newly-made kvm/qemu based Virtual machine..08:00
ChrisNZnixEmail translation packs anyone??08:00
presariologin user name and password08:00
presariosudo apt-get install purge fglrx08:00
presarioshawn146 if u can enable compiz your useing the correct driver and thats what the card is capable of08:01
sacarlsonnikolam: is that the same a virtualbox?  I have it running on 10.04 ok08:01
presarioa ati cad will only output 60% of its real power in linux08:01
presarioa nvidia will output 80% of its true power under linux08:02
presarioat present08:02
nikolamsacarlson, no it is NOT virtualbox. Pay attention to what is said. Virtual Machine manager is GUI for qemu/kvm native Linux virtualization solution.08:02
TheMusicGuyI'm trying to reset Evolution to its factory defaults, including deleting all email accounts, but no matter what folders I delete I can't seem to reset it to its initial state.08:03
TheMusicGuyI tried this command: for f in `find ~ -name *evolution`; do rm -r -v "$f"; done08:03
presarioshawn146 so i would sugest not to even use compiz with a grapics card like that think of it like having a game running all the time its 3d08:03
presarioshawn146 its good that your card is using the 3d drivers but stay without compiz and you will find your system to have alot more performance08:04
jellowTheMusicGuy: run dpkg -L evolution look for config files , also look in home for .evolution08:05
shawn146-ubuntu9E: Couldn't find package purge08:05
timewriterwhat is ubuntu one ?08:05
bazhang#ubuntuone can assist timewriter08:06
macotimewriter: for syncing data between systems08:06
timewriterthank you08:06
ChrisNZnixCan anyone here advise on inbuilt translation software for linux?08:06
timewritercloud services ?08:06
shawn146-ubuntu9whats the driver?08:07
ReadPleaseif i'm going to be running a testing environment for a web server on a personal computer where I do some other stuff, like word processing, is it better to start with desktop or server edition?08:07
rwwReadPlease: desktop08:07
ReadPleaseCause I was thinking of going with server edition and then just installing a desktop on top of it08:07
shawn146-ubuntu9oh nvm thats zbffer from the window border08:07
ChrisNZnixI dont want to change my system just read email's08:07
EksraSo is there any difference between a minimal Ubuntu install and Debian (Lenny, Squeeze, whatever 10.04 is based on)?08:08
shawn146-ubuntu9from between the top of the window and the file, edit bar08:08
presarioshawn146 read pm08:08
StepNjumpGuys, I had my NVIDIA drivers installed and everything worked great then I wanted to get the cube. Found on a website I had to do some apt-get install on something like compiz then i lost part of my windows. When I rebooted, my system would only boot up in bash, no more X. I know in Linux there is no system restore. Not knowing what I did exactly to crash my system, is there a way to revert back to the original drivers I used to use for ub08:09
StepNjumpuntu that came pre-installed? I can't even remember which bash command I issued now that the computer is down08:09
ReadPleaseI'm trying to install using a USB drive....08:09
ReadPleaseI already downloaded the file.  Do I need to run the Universal USB Installer's download function?08:09
TerrenceKJHi all08:09
TerrenceKJI need some help with wxWidgets on codelite08:10
ReadPleaseIt's kind of lame.  Step 1, download.  Step 2, download again and install....  I should read all the steps, first, next time. :>08:10
TheMusicGuyjellow, I ended up apt-get purge-ing evolution from my system, then reinstalling it. That seems like it did the trick.08:10
Eksraany knowledge on min install and deb netinstall diff?08:10
EksraTheMusicGuy: aptitude>apt-get every time.08:11
TerrenceKJMy wxString assignments throw an error saying 'use of = operator is ambiguous' - any help08:11
TheMusicGuyEksra, why?08:11
TerrenceKJWhats the command to show the channels08:12
Eksrancurses based, gives more information, has more flags available.  More robust, and probably more stable08:12
psilo2TerrenceKJ: first of all, totally wrong channel.  secondly, wxWidgets is fucking evil.  thirdly, it's because you're assigning a string on the rhs and wx isn't sure how to cast it.  Explicitly cast it for wx.08:12
timewriterTerrenceKJ , /list08:13
TheMusicGuyEksra, kind of unnecessary if you already know exactly what package names you want and what you want to do with them.08:13
EksraTheMusicGuy: old habits die hard, I suppose :-) Aptitude has been around for, what, 15 years now?08:13
TheMusicGuyemacs has been around longer than me. But I still don't use it. :)08:14
RumsOkay, just gonna throw this question out there because googling is gaining me nothing.08:14
EksraTheMusicGuy: hehe some actually have legit reason to use emacs over vi/vim, but I see your point.  When was Emacs released, anyway?08:15
RumsI'm installing ubuntu off a USB drive (Universal USB creator). I'm putting it on my netbook. Boots and installs okay. Reboot to finish the installation and I get a blank screen with a blinking cursor. Nothing else. Anyone?08:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:15
Eksra***Any help with MinInstall Ubuntu 10.04 vs Debian Squeeze Netinstall?  Any difference???***08:16
TheMusicGuyI'm just saying, there's no point mucking around in menus of any kind, whether graphical or terminal-based, if you can just type exactly what it is you want to do.08:16
TheMusicGuyMenus are for when you _don't_ know exactly what you want.08:16
EksraTheMusicGuy: I know, I just type "sudo aptitude install foo" or "sudo aptitude update/upgrade" etc.08:16
uncle_sini hare menus08:16
acidim having something funny going on my ubuntu server08:16
presariorums sounds like the xorg is not configuring08:17
acideverytime i try to do something i get an error message saying "a read only file system"08:17
acidi googled with no luck08:17
Eksrauncle_sin then why do you use X server?08:17
timewriterwhats chmod -R ?08:17
TheMusicGuyEksra, also, I want to say emacs has been around for about ~40 years, but I'm probably wrong about that.08:18
TerrenceKJthanks Timewriter08:18
TerrenceKJtimewriter: thanks08:18
timewriterTerrenceKJ , youre welcome , but what for ?08:18
uncle_sinwhen i deal with programmes that need X08:18
Rumsany thoughts on my completely blank boot?08:18
TheMusicGuyI probably ought to learn how to use emacs just so I can see what all the fuss is about, but that would be like learning a new language...08:19
Eksrathemusicguy: hmmm... that's around the time my mother was working on the VR training for what was *then* the M1X Abrahms tank for the Army (X was bc it was x-perimental at the time ;-)08:19
dougb_freebsdmore like a new operating system :)08:19
sacarlsonRums: but it worked in try mode from the usb boot disk?08:19
Eksrauncle_sin: like a DE?08:19
AshDragonemacs is nice.08:19
Rumssacarlson: yea, installed from the live USB08:19
bazhangTheMusicGuy, Eksra please take editor chat to #ubuntu-offtopic08:19
AshDragondoesn't mean i like using it, but it is nice.08:19
sacarlsonRums: try shut off and on again?  any sign that grub2 started?08:20
TheMusicGuyAh, I'm probably going to lose all my time to this discussion...sorry, but as much as I'd like to continue I must leave08:20
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uncle_sinmy KDE in ubuntu 10.04 got crashed08:21
Eksrauncle_sin: you have no DE? just a WM?08:21
Rumssacarlson: nope, just get the HP splash screen and it goes right to the blinking cursor08:21
timewritergnome for the win08:21
uncle_sinspecially logoff and turn off button08:21
presariorums start in safe mode and try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg08:21
sacarlsonRums: well the splash screen means it got part way into grub08:21
presariorums or ctrl alt f108:21
sacarlsonRums: did you unplug the usb disk yet?08:21
RumsNo, I mean the HP splash screen. For the laptop.08:22
uncle_sinthey're not responding08:22
RumsYea, USB is removed08:22
sacarlsonRums: oh the bios screen08:22
Eksrauncle_sin: Wow, for someone who hates menus, you used Kubuntu???? lmao.  noob.  and @timewriter +1 gnome=ftw.08:22
RumsYea, sorry. No grub08:22
RumsIs there another way to start it in safe mode?08:22
EksraSo NOBODY can help me with the install differences?  Alot of info in this room.  I'll be sure to be back.  Thanks, useless.08:22
thune3acid: if filesystem errors are encountered, your system may be set to drop to read only. You can check the logs. You might need an fsck08:22
timewriterEksra , thanks for calling me a noob .08:23
maco!noob | Eksra08:23
ubottuEksra: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.08:23
timewriteroh , sorry , my english is bad Eksra08:23
sacarlsonRums: ok boot from usb boot again and mount the location you installed it to see if it installed.  if it's there then reinstall grub208:23
presariofrom start up use grub to select safe mode08:23
psilo2Eksra: give me a break.  run a tiling window manager before you run around calling people noobs.  I like XMonad.08:23
acidthune3, i did fsck -y /dev/sda108:23
macopsilo2: xmonad++08:23
timewriteri apologize08:23
FlannelEksra: There are differences, yes.08:23
acidand waiting for the results08:23
uncle_sinfirefox in ubuntu 10.04 always crash08:23
RumsOkay, I'll go back into the USB, one second.08:23
uncle_sinafter update firefox, it still happen08:24
macouncle_sin: you can start up the plasma-desktop by running that command in your terminal08:24
acidthune3, but what causes this kind of error regularly ?08:24
ShinyDarknessWhat were you doing to make it crash?08:24
sacarlsonRums: oh and did you change the bios to boot from a different location?  if so put it back to boot default for /def/sda08:24
macouncle_sin: alt+f2 (krunner) should still work after plasma-desktop or plasma-netbook crashes too08:24
psilo2This channel has a stifling official policy, I have to say.08:24
EksraOk, everybody flame Eksra after people use the work "fuck" in the room, for calling someone out on saying their KDE crashed after they said they don't use DEs.  I guess that'll teach me to try Ubuntu lol.  I just wanted Aptitude.  Oh well.08:24
bazhangpsilo2, please stay on topic08:24
macoEksra: watch your langauge08:25
psilo2I think we'd be a lot better off without ubottt.08:25
SebbieWow. This is intense.08:25
Eksramaco: scroll up and read other peoples writing before telling me off.08:25
thune3acid: sometimes it's random, sometimes it's that a series of unclean mounts without automatic fsck takes its toll, sometimes its a hardware connection/power problem.08:25
macoEksra: im seeing misbehaviour right now, so im saying something right now08:25
psilo2bazhang doesn't even contribute anything, he just waits vigilantly for someone to go off topic and then sics a bot on us08:25
macopsilo2: bazhang and i are both ops08:26
acidohh so its nothing to worry about08:26
psilo2maco: ok?08:26
acidi thought someone was trying to mess around08:26
macopsilo2: we're like the channel police08:26
Flannelpsilo2: Please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.08:26
psilo2That's kinda my point.08:26
Rumssacarlson: only boot option is hard disc, I manutally selected it.08:26
psilo2Open my ass.08:26
srvi want to download files to my PC from a remote system. how can i do it08:26
RumsOh wow, third restart it booted in.08:26
macopsilo2: language...08:26
presarioOMG who cares about the language08:26
TerrenceKJHi all08:26
uncle_sini'll try08:26
mneptokpsilo2: if you have a better suggestion on maintaining channel order, i'm sure the IRC Council would like to hear it.08:27
Rumsi'm going to reinstall grub for the hell of it08:27
psilo2I have been on IRC for ~10 years so I know the norms.08:27
psilo2This channel is broken.08:27
Rumsis it just sudo apt-get install grub2?08:27
Flannelpsilo2: Again, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic08:27
AshDragonweb server, remote desktop, etc @ srv08:27
srvI am able to login to the remote PC, and ftp works within that pc. however if i try to download from my laptop it is not working08:27
Eksramaco: I guess I should have called <<<psilo2>>> for saying "TerrenceKJ: first of all, totally wrong channel.  secondly, wxWidgets is fucking evil.  thirdly, it's because you're assigning a string on the rhs and wx isn't sure how to cast it.  Explicitly cast it for wx."08:27
sacarlsonRums: if it's not installed yes08:27
srvAshDragon: i have ftp installed08:27
kasunHello, how do I know the whether my device sound uses ALSA or PulseAudio?08:27
psilo2mneptok: trolls go.  spam goes.  everything else stays.  It works for every other channel in history.08:27
timewriterRums , i guess you have to boot the live cd08:27
srvAshDragon: ftp works locally on that PC. when i try to download from a remote pc. it does not work08:28
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macoEksra: yes, if you see someone swear, feel free to tell them off or call the pos08:28
AshDragoncan they ping eachother?08:28
mneptokpsilo2: go ask Linux questions in ##windows and see if your sentiment is true.08:28
RumsNo, I restarted it a third time and manually selected the hard drive, and it booted, but I know it was going this before because I did this on the first boot. Not sure what's going on.08:28
psilo2Forget the useful info I provided.  I said a naughy word!08:28
srvAshDragon: yes08:28
pie_timei'm installing from the ubuntu minimal CD. what do i need to install besides "gnome-core" to be able to boot into the gui?08:28
srvAshDragon: i get connection time out08:29
=== MichealH is now known as Guest34964
AshDragondoes the ftp have proper rights to the files?08:29
psilo2mneptok: "off-topic" exists on a sliding scale.08:29
srvhow can i check that?08:29
Flannelpsilo2: Please take non-support discussions to #ubuntu-offtopic.  This channel is purely for Ubuntu support.08:29
timewriterpie_time , it may be ubuntu-desktop08:29
timewriterand also xorg08:29
psilo2windows and linux are antithetical08:29
srvi can do a local transfer using ftp08:29
timewriterfirst xorg08:29
sacarlsonRums: I think there is also sudo grub-install /dev/sdX  X being the disk number08:29
timewriterthen bring the ubuntu-desktop08:29
=== Guest34964 is now known as MichealH
psilo2Flannel: I am discussing the channel itself.  There cannot be any better forum.08:29
mneptokpsilo2: you're now officially "off-topic" for this channel.08:30
psilo2This channel it utterly broken.08:30
Flannelpsilo2: There is, it is #ubuntu-offtopic.08:30
macoFlannel: or -ops for discussing policies08:30
presarioI aggre psilo208:30
presariothe moderaters are lame08:30
psilo2Someone kick me again I have better channels to help.08:30
psilo2and next time someone has that wx question08:30
srvAshDragon: any ideas?08:30
presariodont go psilo208:30
bazhangpresario, please stop08:31
industrialI want to remove gedit from ubuntu. I don't care that I won't have a notepad-ihs editor. vim is all I ever needed. ubuntu-desktop relies on it. How do I do this (without removing ubuntu-desktop?)?08:31
EksraWell, psilo2, myself, and TheMusicGuy are not welcome here.  Flannel is a good guy - I've seen him before, and helpful.  Too bad he's not in charge here.  I feel like Vanilla WoW in the Barrens General chat...... I'll be leaving now.  This has been a wonderful waste of my time.  Thanks for nothing guys.  Enjoy your **noob** distro.   If you don't want a DE, then get slack sans kde or LFS/Arch for that matter.08:31
AshDragonnot right off.  can you view the ftp log and see if the remote system actually connects?08:31
ReadPleaseAh, I see.08:31
Flannelpresario: Once again, this channel is for Ubuntu technical support.  If you'd like to discuss the channel itself, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic.  Thank you for your help in keeping this channel useful.08:31
presarioyou asked me nicely bazhang why do u want me to stop08:31
AshDragonit could be an authentication issue08:31
ReadPlease'twas auto-selecting the download.08:31
bazhangindustrial, sage to remove its a metapackage08:31
Eksrapeace be with you.08:31
ReadPleaseBaibai.  sankyu.08:31
bazhangindustrial, err safe, sorry08:31
ReadPleaseI mean08:32
sacarlsonRums: opps and that should have been sudo grub-install /dev/sda   a=the leter not number of drive you want to install mbr on08:32
industrialbazhang: okay08:32
ShinkaI have two hard drive, I want to have Ubuntu on both (I need one to stay at 10.04, the other will be updated to 10.10 and new versions). When I use update-grub, will it include the new options for both Ubuntus ?08:32
uwjweqHas Ubuntu the option to install a minimalistic system?08:32
* AshDragon lols at the drama.08:32
bazhanguwjweq, sure via alternate or minimal installer08:32
srvAshDragon: i understand, but to change that08:32
mneptokuwjweq: try the server version or JEOS08:32
maco!mini | uwjweq08:32
ubottuuwjweq: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:32
srvAshDragon: i love drama08:33
uwjweqSo no way to do this with the "normal" cd?08:33
bazhanguwjweq, the live one? no08:33
AshDragonsrv: look at the ftp log if you have access.  if the remote computer doesn't connect at all, it's a networking issue on either end.  if it doesn't authenticate, that's easy enough to fix.08:33
bazhang!alternate > uwjweq08:33
ubottuuwjweq, please see my private message08:33
srvAshDragon: where can i find ftp log?08:34
RWHRHi everyone, before I upgraded to Unbunto10, I saved the background images from 9, how can I now extract those files into that directory, it says I don't have the right permissions.08:34
timewriterhow do i install grup on my raid array ?08:34
TrerotI cant ping my windows machines from this ubuntu one, what can i do? thanks =D08:34
presarioRWHR chmod777 the floder08:35
smittixHello all08:35
industrialbazhang: if I want to remove more stuff that I don't use (I am a little OCD on this), how can I see what is a meta package and not (using apt-get or synaptic?)08:35
RWHRpresario: So I open up a terminal window to do this?08:36
rrohitiithii all08:36
presarioRWHR se pm08:37
AshDragonsrv: i'm not sure right off.  (sorry, distracted)08:37
shawn146-ubuntu9how do i install the GTK+ theme?08:37
bazhangindustrial, the various -desktop packages are metapackage; there are others as well.08:37
pie_timei'm installing from the ubuntu minimal CD. what do i need to install besides "gnome-core" to be able to boot into the gui?08:37
uwjweqshawn146-ubuntu9: sudo "apt-cache search GTK+"08:37
dvz-why does it seem that definition lists don't work in wiki.ubuntu.com ?08:38
timewriterpie_time , you need xserver-xorg08:38
industrialbazhang: is there a (visual) tree somewhere of package deps in ubuntu?08:38
bazhangindustrial, visual? like at packages.ubuntu.com ?08:38
q_a_z_steveokay so I really just have one question. What happens if I want to install eucalyptus and have only one machine in the whole process? Node, cloud controller... one box08:38
timewriterpie_time , and you also can choose your desktop environment08:39
timewriterlike ubuntu-desktop for gnome , xubuntu-desktop for xfce , etc08:39
shawn146-ubuntu9sudo: apt-cache search GTK+: command not found08:39
ReadPleasehowdy, again.  -- does anyone know what a WAN PPPOE mini port is?08:39
industrialbazhang: no, like a tree structure you can see/browse through :P I'll go look around08:39
timewritershawn146-ubuntu9 , maybe its libgtk08:39
pie_timetimewriter, both mentioned are installed08:39
bazhangReadPlease, hardware?  try in ##hardware08:40
shawn146-ubuntu9in ubuntu's file browser how do i activate the adress bar?08:40
timewriterpie_time , type startx08:40
ReadPleaseIt's the software I'm worried about.08:40
LinuxPhreakneed help setting up mediamate on ubuntu server 10.04. I did apt-get install mediamate and I can't access via firefox08:40
ReadPleaseIt's some kind of... possibly DSL connection?08:40
ReadPleaseI can't actually read it because it's in some pretty complicated kanji.08:40
qUaNtiC_how do i know my kernel?08:40
bazhangReadPlease, a physical hardware port?08:40
ewookqUaNtiC_: uname -a08:41
industrialbazhang: eg http://neidetcher.com/ubuntu_package_dependency.html08:41
intok1Anyone here use SeaMonkey 2.0.6? For some reason if I so much as look at it wrong it crashes. The only addons I've got are Adblock plus, better privacy and optimize google08:41
CryophileqUaNtiC_: uname -a08:41
ReadPleaseIt was very difficult to install in Windows, and since I'm going to be reformatting, I thought maybe I could mine out some data in advance.08:41
shawn146-ubuntu9wow thats a lot it lists08:41
shawn146-ubuntu9i had to delete the quotation mark08:41
qUaNtiC_i cant install my internet jey, any help? it's an onda 825up08:41
industrialwould be more awesome if it wasn't an image so I could search through text :P08:41
timewriterReadPlease , a wan ppoe port is for certain internet providers that use a sort of dsl , xdsl08:41
ReadPleaseThe drivers for the modem are Win drivers.  So, if I don't have a CD burner...08:41
timewriterits called PPPOE08:41
timewriterand it uses a username and password to connect to internet08:41
bazhangReadPlease, no drivers needed for that08:41
ReadPleaseRight.  That's probably it, timewriter.  It does require that.08:41
timewriterthen you need to provide the username and password in order to connect to the internet08:42
ReadPleaseThat was the annoying part.  The username is some kind of strange code.08:42
ReadPleaseDrivers won't be a problem, though?08:42
ReadPleaseCool. Good to know.08:42
bazhangReadPlease, none needed08:42
timewriterno drivers problem , just grab the in ternet contract or call provider08:42
ReadPleasenow I just need to go to ##windows and see if they know how to get the username? :D08:42
ReadPleaseorrrrrr maybe someone here knows?08:42
timewriteryou get the username from the internet provider08:43
bazhangReadPlease, windows issue? sounds like router issue08:43
timewriterthey give it to you when you sign for the contract08:43
ReadPleaseI'll just disconnect and reconnect until I figure it all out.08:43
timewriterReadPlease , my internet provider uses PPPoE08:43
ReadPleaseIt's wierd.  BigLobe - pain.08:43
timewriteri know how this works08:43
ReadPleaseThe username is half 1 thing  and half another, and I'm not even sure I can find the paperwork. :p --08:44
ReadPleaseAnyway, thanks for the guidance.08:44
bazhangat any rate, nothing to do with Ubuntu, just connect to router and set it.08:44
timewriteryes , its a sort of SB_18129373208:44
timewriterand a numerical password08:44
FloodBot3timewriter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:45
timewritersorry mr bot08:45
mxe5ReadPlease, Depending on who you're Internet provider is - sometimes the main registered email that is used for internet to work is listed on your Internet bill you get in the mail.08:45
timewriteranyway , if you lost the usernamr and/or password , you can call support08:46
Lazy^Any nice tool to query dns server so i could see list of some domain public names / addresses + A-recods. Basicly i want to see all the domains which are mapped to specified ip-address08:46
industrialI have installed and compiled vim to ~/Applications/vim-7.3. I source it's bin/ dir in my bashrc. My gnome session does not recignize the program vim and it is not in the path there. How do I make it so?08:46
q_a_z_stevehiku: have you ever dealt with eucalyptus ?08:46
timewriterindustrial , try vi08:46
ReadPleaseThis channel is pretty nice.  I wish my website looked like this.  Thousands of visitors all happy.08:46
dougb_freebsdLazy^: are these name servers you control, or someone else's name servers?08:46
industrialtimewriter: what now? that's not really helping is it?08:47
timewritervi works for me08:47
bazhangindustrial, why compile?08:48
timewriterno need to install vim08:48
industrialso? vim 7.3 compiled just fine08:48
industrialI have path issues08:48
industrialvim > vi08:48
industrialany day :P08:48
timewriteryoure a big text editor , arent you ?08:48
macotimewriter: vi is an alias for vim on ubuntu...08:48
timewritermaco  , i know :)08:48
timewriterbut vi works out of the box08:48
bazhangindustrial, its in the repos, no need to compile08:48
industrialbazhang: because it is not updated in the repo and I want the Lua programming API that the new vim 7.3 provides08:49
simoncpuhello. what is desktopcouch-se?08:49
simoncpuwhy is it opening lots of sockets and why is it eating up my cpu?08:49
timewriterindustrial , are you sure youre not on Mac Os ?08:50
timewriterthe /Applications folder confuses me08:50
industrialmkdir ~/Applications08:50
droesDoes anyone use mindless automaton? I can't seem to find out what cardbase to load.08:50
industrialbazhang: I still see vim 7.2 in synaptic08:50
industrialstill, I'd love to know how gnome-session loads the PATH (and apparently doesn't source my .profile or .bashrc, which is weird because it's a session right? :S)08:51
industrialthis won't be the first or last thing I compile myself either08:51
Vbitzalso can gnome-terminal extend it's shorthand to other therminals08:51
mxe5Is there a way to check and see if someone else is using a Nickname that you in mind you would like to register ? ?08:52
Vbitzhaving a little problem with X, while using X to view a file the netbook crashed to low graphics mode08:52
Vbitzmxe5, really a question for #freenode08:53
simoncpumxe5: just change your nickname08:53
simoncpuand if it complains that it's already registered, then it is08:53
rwwmxe5: /msg nickserv info usernamehere, see also http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userexpirations08:54
mxe5simoncpu: I registered this one (mxe5) and it went through ok - So guess I'm good to then.....08:55
mxe5rww: Thanks08:55
dreamorI'm setting up a raid 1 data volume with LVM and encryption. Should I put the encryption at the mdraid mirror volume layer or the lvm (vg) layer?  Does it matter and why?08:56
mneptokdreamor: i'd use dm-crypt at the LVM level. and be sure /boot sits outside that.08:57
mxe5rww: So you could run - /msg nickserv info (Nickname I want use ) and this would give results if it's taken correct ?08:57
XimalI can't get any games I download from the ubuntu software center to run . I downloaded open arena and alien arena and neither will work . What am I doing wrong ?08:57
dreamormneptok, I'm only encrypting the data volume.  Why did you choose the lvm layer?08:58
XimalIt sure would be nice if someone had the time to help me trouble shoot this crud08:58
rwwmxe5: correct. It says it's not registered if it isn't.08:58
mneptokdreamor: i trust the kernel's dm-crypt and LVM support more so than RAID08:59
mxe5rww: Ypu just did it with this Nick that I regetered and am using.08:59
mxe5rww: Is it ok to have more than one NIckname registered ?09:00
dreamormneptok, Thanks, is dmcrypt different than the luks base encryption on the raid device?09:01
rwwmxe5: see "/msg nickserv help group" for the preferred way of doing that.09:01
TrerotI cant ping my windows machines from this ubuntu one, what can i do? thanks =D09:01
castorI have some questions about connecting my ipod to my xbuntu machine. wich channel should i go to ?09:01
mxe5rww: Thanks will do and also look at other post earlier09:01
Trerotwait, dont answer09:01
Treroti think i found something ?=D09:02
jcpennersonhey i have a question about modifying the grub file...it wont let me save the modifications..what do i do ?\09:02
topylicastor: this channel isn't a bad choice, but there is also #xubuntu09:02
castor@jcpennerson, make sure you edit it as root user maybe ?09:02
castoroke thanks :)09:02
ripehi i have amplified sound on ubuntu. how should i fix it?09:03
XimalTopyli : You busy ?09:03
mikunosHi guys09:03
jcpennersonedit it as root ? how/what do you mean ?09:03
sacarlsonTrerot: I'll bet it was the problem I have where windows won't respond to pings.  I use arping to force windows to respond.09:03
jcpennersoni just found the grub file using file finder, opened it and tried to modify it but it wont save09:03
topyliXimal: not too busy, but i can't help with your games either :)09:03
mikunosI'm trying to create a VPN connection using the pptp protocol09:04
mikunosI get this error: http://pastie.org/111741209:04
KE1HAjcpennerson:  which grub files are you trying to edit?09:04
mikunosdoes anybody help me, please?09:04
castormy Ipod won't show up on my desktop. I have installed libimobile and alot of other packages Ideviceinfo gives all the info but it wont show up on mu desktop09:05
KE1HAjcpennerson:  [ sudo /etd/default/grub ]09:05
castoranyone knows how to fix this ?09:05
KE1HAwhoo /etc/derfault/grub sri09:05
jcpennersonkeiha: using the terminal ?09:05
KE1HANVM :-) I have a KB issue BRB09:05
rad_sci_guyanyone know how to sync up galaxy s vibrant with evolution contacts, mail, calendar?09:06
sacarlsonmikunos: I've never used pptp or maybe I should say never got it to work.  I use openvpn instead.09:06
KE1HAjcpennerson:  there KB issue fixed .. Yes, and after editing what you need, run [ sudo update-grub ]09:07
Trerotsacarlson: it responds if i use IP adress and not if i use computer name.09:07
castorMy ipod won't show up on my desktop. ideviceinfo regonizes my ipod but it just won't show up09:07
castoranyone knows how to fix the ipod problem ?09:08
sacarlsonTrerot: oh09:08
sacarlsonTrerot: I guess our dns isn't using windows methods09:08
itsux2budoes *nix have a html tag striper?09:08
Vbitzhaving a little problem with X, while using less in a gnome terminal to view a file on my netbook it crashed to low graphics mode, after flicking from tty to tty09:09
sacarlsonTrerot: you could add the name manualy in /etc/hosts file if you have them set static only.09:09
KE1HAjcpennerson:  also here's a real good article explaining all the functions of Grub2, and what too-do & what not too do: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527509:10
Strashniq2hello can someone tell me where i can find this file :xf86_ansic.h09:10
godbodHello everybody, how can I create a repository of my Ubuntu packages ?09:10
bazhanggodbod, how large a repo09:10
XimalIs there a way to see what kind of errors the games I am trying to start in linux are giving my computer ? like a forced log ?a debug mode ?09:10
macoStrashniq2: apt-file's not coming up with anything in a search09:10
bazhanggodbod, just your machine? aptoncd then09:11
dougb_freebsdXimal: have you tried starting them in a terminal?09:11
KE1HAgodbod:  you want a download script, ot a list of files installed ?09:11
Strashniq2maco I`m not using ubuntu actually but i got no other place to ask09:11
macoStrashniq2: yes i see you in that channel too09:11
Ximalhmm doug ... be back momentarily..09:12
bazhang!aptoncd | godbod09:12
ubottugodbod: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline09:12
Strashniq2well i`ve been told the driver`s sorce code needs to be update09:12
godbodokay, but how is it possible that only some packages appear...? not all as far as I am concerned.09:12
bazhanggodbod, not installed via package manager then?09:12
godbodwell...okay, I understand, thanks09:13
sacarlsonKE1HA: I just checked your link after I just wrote this one so I added yours to it http://paste.ubuntu.com/483850/09:14
XimalUmm .. How do I start these games in the terminal if they are not even in the user bin files ?09:15
KE1HAsacarlson:  tnx, I've got a bucn of Grub2 links, been doing script testing on mods for it.09:15
tarzeauXimal: /usr/games ?09:16
Lazy^dougb_freebsd: someone elses09:16
Lazy^dougb_freebsd: but then it might be impossible right ?09:16
dougb_freebsdLazy^: then the answer is, "you can't"09:16
KE1HAsacarlson:  SUM does ok for basics' but lacks many of the features grub2 can do.09:16
Strashniq2can someone help me make a script that starts with the X and changes my resolution to 800x600 and then to 1024 x 7**09:16
macoStrashniq2: just ask in ##slackware. we've established you dont use ubuntu :P09:17
Strashniq2well slackware people are all dead09:17
Strashniq2and slackware and ubuntu are almost identicle09:17
sacarlsonKE1HA: SUM?  is that a different bootloader?09:17
bazhangStrashniq2, its offtopic here. try in ##linux perhpas09:17
KE1HAsacarlson:  and just FYI all the hard drives are looked at as (hdx,x) even thought they are sda devices, like /dev/sda would be (hd0,1)09:17
Ximalhttp://pastebin.org/774203 <--- this is the error I get when I try to start my game .. I would like to know where to start with the errors here as I am unsure what I would search for in the forums to read up on so I can fix this issue ?09:18
macobazhang: im talking to Strashniq2 in ##slackware too09:18
bazhangmaco, nice09:18
macoStrashniq2: i think slackware people would be offended by that second statement09:18
KE1HAsacarlson:  Start Up manager09:18
Strashniq2maco if the true hurts them - it`s their problem09:18
sacarlsonKE1HA: on my newer bios it calls out /dev/sda  sdb  some bios call out different09:18
Ximalslackware is NOTHING like ubuntu .. it's more bsd style man09:18
XimalSlackware is closer to ARCH Linux In My Humble Opinion09:19
Strashniq2what is ARCH Linux ?09:19
Lazy^dougb_freebsd: ty09:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:19
RWHRNow that I have copied the images into the background directory, when I look in there they don't appear, is there something special I have to do now to get them to appear when I "Changebackground"?09:19
Strashniq2another Distro ?09:19
macoStrashniq2: yes09:19
dougb_freebsdLazy^: sorry that's not the answer you wanted09:19
logan_wolfRWHR, have you set the permissions???09:20
KE1HAsacarlson:  that depeds on how many drives you have, 1x sata = sda, 2x sata sdb and so on.09:20
Ximalhttp://pastebin.org/774203 can anyone tell me anything about the bottom section of this error report ? I am really dying without my unreal tournament let alone my dang linux based games09:20
Ximalsomething about to many lines for the xlib ?09:21
sacarlsonKE1HA: I think a whole nother doc could be writen on just all the different bios versions and how they call out disks and the order of boot.09:21
RWHR>logan_wolf: More than likely not, I've just done the "sudo chmod 777 backgrounds" command and then copied the files across.09:22
KE1HAsacarlson:  also, the BIOS can name the differently due to the port they are physically attached too, but the OS sees it as sda sdb sdc etc09:22
jcpennersongoddamn ubuntu! argh09:22
Ximal!languange jcpennerson09:22
rwwneeds more pipe09:22
Ximali spellt it wrongt .. againt09:23
sacarlsonKE1HA: yes but to simplify for the layman I just tell them to give it the smalist number.  what more can you do to make it simple?09:23
jcpennersoni am having quite the problem with ubuntu09:23
KE1HAjcpennerson: are you trying to do ?09:23
sacarlsonKE1HA: by default grub2 installs on the smalist sda09:24
jcpennersonThis is my problem : I have a Dell Pavillion dv9500 with nvdia graphics card. when i try to install ubuntu (or even, try the 'use ubuntu without installation' mode), it crashes 90% of the time. So i read up on it, apparently its a driver problem and i need to add the line i915.nomodeset=1 to my etc/default grub file. is this correct ?09:24
KE1HAsacarlson:  it installs where ya tell it too /dev/sda or hda or you can selct another first part from sdc is you have 3x drives09:25
macojcpennerson: you can test this by hitting any key while at the "install or run without install" screen and then going to options and setting that as part of your boot line09:25
sacarlsonKE1HA: yes but without telling it (and that's what many people do) it goes to sda  so in hopes that's what they did maybe it will fix it.09:26
jcpennersonyea i read that in one of the paste-bins but when i hit any key, it does take me to the command line where i can see what packages are being loaded or not but i cannot type anything there.09:26
KE1HAmaco:  IS THAT NOMODSET 1 OR 0  though I can't remember.09:26
macoKE1HA: 109:26
KE1HASRI abt the caps09:26
macoKE1HA: well actually....09:27
macoKE1HA: i think its i915.modeset=0  ... not nomodeset09:27
KE1HAyes, thats what I though, was 0 ..09:27
RWHRlogan_wolf: More than likely not, I've just done the "sudo chmod 777 backgrounds" command and then copied the files across.09:27
KE1HAjcpennerson:  also are you using the Desktop ISO or the ALT ISO ?09:28
sacarlsonKE1HA: one of the problems I found is that if I give someone more than one solution they just get confused and don't know what to do.  the problem with ubuntu and linux is there is always another way.09:28
shawn146-ubuntu9ubuntu crashes09:28
jcpennersoni have no idea Ke1Ha- i downloaded ubuntu on a disk from the website and installed it09:28
=== elk is now known as elk1988
jcpennersonso if i go to terminal, modify the grub line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.modeset=0", it will solve all my problems ?09:29
=== Routers is now known as Rou
shawn146-ubuntu9whats the gtk command for installing gtk?09:29
KE1HAjcpennerson:  another option, that scan help get you though the install, if it's a graphivs crash, is using the Alternate ISO, which is the debian-installer.09:29
fanjabiwhenever i install or remove something i get an error: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:30
jcpennersonso how do i use desktop ISO ?09:30
KE1HAjcpennerson:  the i915 hack solves some problems, not all.09:30
castoranyone else has problems with ipod touch09:30
jcpennersonu mean i gotto re-download ubuntu desktop installer and do this all over again ? *gasp*09:30
castoridevice info will show all info but ipod wont show up on desktop09:30
KE1HAI wish I could solve the bug between my brain and my keyboard though :-)09:30
logan_wolfRWHR, try sudo chmod -R 777 backgrounds09:31
elk1988hello all09:31
jcpennersonke1ha so do u think i should try this ?09:31
KE1HAjcpennerson:  Yes, it's the alternate ISO , same arch, i386 or AMD64 whichever you need / want.09:31
Strashniq2hello ,how can i revert to Xfree86 4.5.0 ?09:31
elk1988what help my please09:31
logan_wolfelk1988, dont ask for help just float your query09:32
jcpennersonso should i re-download ubuntu desktop ISO and do this all over again or try the i915 hack ? what do u recommend ?09:32
bazhangjcpennerson, no. the alternate iso09:32
logan_wolfelk1988, if anyone is having a solution you will get it09:32
shawn146-ubuntu9terminator :D09:32
bazhang!alternate | jcpennerson09:32
ubottujcpennerson: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal09:32
KE1HAjcpennerson:  sure, you can try it, if it fails on install, then id' go the ALT-ISO route.09:32
RWHRlogan_wolf: Shares have changed but I still can't see the files when I want to change the backgrounds, I think it would just be easier if I store them in a folder and point to them via the "ADD" button..09:33
elk1988can anyone help me configure ejabberd09:34
logan_wolfRWHR, ok that would certainly be a work around09:34
jcpennersondo u see my HP Pavillion vd9500 with nvdia graphics card having installation problems with the alternate iso ? does anyone know if this line of laptops work with the latest ubuntu ?09:34
logan_wolfRWHR, try ls -la once in background dir09:34
logan_wolfthat will certainly tell you what the issue is09:35
bazhangjcpennerson, should do. try the alternate cd09:35
GG19sup everyone :)09:35
jcpennersonok thanks a lot bazhang/ke1ha. you guys have been very helpful09:36
anubhav_abhinav_singh: i think its /proc/acpi/battery09:37
RWHRlogan_wolf: done, I get a list of attributes, owners, etc.09:37
GG19Anyone know a good free dvd maker software, I'm looking for something that can make custom menus and maybe even custom buttons?09:37
abhinav_singhwho are you brother anubhav_:09:38
KE1HAbazhang:  I guess he's gone, Im not finding allot of links fer that model he said.09:38
bazhangGG19, from what source? something like devede ?09:38
koolhead17adious ppl09:38
RWHRlogan_wolf: My name is on the list of images you are not able to see, while root is on the others.09:38
anubhav_GG19: devede09:38
GG19My sister is over with her baby or my nephew and I took lots of vids and pics and want her to have a dvd09:38
bazhangKE1HA, likely it will work09:38
KE1HAI think so.09:38
logan_wolfRWHR, there are permissions at the beginning of each line09:38
GG19doesnt matter the sorce just need to know good software thats free09:38
KE1HAwe'll see :-)09:38
* koolhead17 bows to logan_wolf 09:39
bazhangGG19, then try devede , if you mean to burn for standalone dvd players09:39
RWHRlogan_wolf: -rwxrwxrwx09:39
logan_wolfRWHR, hmm09:39
GG19Yeah just to take vids and put them on a dvd for a dvd player along with custom background09:39
bazhangGG19, nearly every bit of Ubuntu software is free09:39
wangyulin-REBOOT   YOU09:39
yypidgin stopped working for Lcid Lynx, how can I make it work again09:39
logan_wolfRWHR, is this the permission with the files you added09:40
GG19I'm still a n00b to linux lol, I'll give that a try thanks Bazhang :)09:40
bazhangwangyulin, support question?09:40
RWHRlogan_wolf: They're both the same...09:40
RWHR-rwxrwxrwx   1 root    root      14620 2006-05-18 11:53 space-05.jpg09:40
RWHR-rwxrwxrwx   1 rwhr   rwhr  175058 2009-09-25 16:53 Sunset.jpg09:40
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logan_wolfRWHR, what is the present working directory09:41
KE1HAthere not the same, one is roots, and one is the users.09:42
RWHRlogan_wolf: "/usr/share/backgrounds"09:43
fanjabihi everyone, whenever i install or remove something i get an error: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) . how can i fix it?09:44
logan_wolfRWHR, change the ownership of the files you added to root09:44
logan_wolfRWHR, you will most probably be able to view the files then09:45
KE1HAfanjabi:  have you updated first with sudo apt-get update?09:45
gary_inNYChow can i get Empathy to do google voice & video chatting?09:45
RWHRlogan_wolf: I can see the files on the CLI and also when I go there via places, just not when I "Change desktop background"09:46
Phylocki have created a new user, but he has no sound(cant see the sound card), he is added to the sound group is there anything else i can check/have to do??09:46
m4Fis there any like gyache ?09:46
fanjabiKE1HA: yes09:47
logan_wolfRWHR, once you change the ownership of the files you will be able to see them on GUI as well09:47
m4Ftell me which is available like gyache ?09:47
KE1HAfanjabi:  what package is it failing on ?09:47
fanjabiKE1HA: any package09:47
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fanjabiKE1HA: i get an error even installing through software-center09:48
KE1HAfanjabi:  from both command line and the package manager ?09:48
m4Fi m not getting gyache package for me09:48
fanjabiKE1HA: yes09:48
fanjabiKE1HA: synaptic or software center09:48
m4Fis there any package like gyache then tell me09:49
KE1HAfanjabi:  are you sure don't have a package process hung up in the background somewhere then?09:49
fanjabiKE1HA: not sure, but i have restarted several times, but the problem remains09:50
shawn146-ubuntu9whats ubuntu's file browser?09:50
Vroomfondleshawn146-ubuntu9: nautilus09:51
RWHRlogan_wolf: I can see them via the desktop if I go Places > computer > file system, etc.... Do I do this by a "sudo chown root:root"09:51
logan_wolfRWHR, yup ;)09:52
sacarlsonfanjabi: but even with that error your applications still install?09:52
marek_hi, i have on my PC two ubuntu installations - one 10.04 and other 10.10, on 10.04 i have encrypted home partition, how can i "enable" it on 10.10 installation?09:52
m4Fis there any package like gyache ?09:52
fanjabiKE1HA: yes, they install and run09:52
shawn146-ubuntu9and is their an address bar for nautilus09:53
KE1HAfanjabi:  aside form forcing the package ( which is normally not a good idea) then, update and try reinstall again, not sure where the issue could be. you could try cd /var/lib/dpkg/info  nd look for any bad packages and remove them, but that can be dangerous.09:53
sacarlsonfanjabi: I had that problem before I don't recall what application it was I had to remove it or reinstall it to fix.09:53
RWHRlogan_wolf: Didn't work :(. I tried using "." at the end when I was in backgrounds and also tried "backgrounds" while I was in the share directory09:54
mathkdoes anyone know a good chess game that we can play in a lan?09:54
bazhangmarek_, #ubuntu+1 for maverick support and discussion09:54
mathkand that is compatible with windows?09:54
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anubhav_Phylock: add the new user to 'audio' group09:54
Phylockhe is09:54
bazhangmathk, checked apt-cache search chess   yet?09:55
Phylockand i have restarted09:55
mathkbazhang: yeap09:55
m4Fis there any package for chat with yahoo server ?09:55
KE1HAfanjabi:  calso look at cleaning out /var/cache/apt/archives  then make a /partial dir and update again, sometimes things get hung on the cache, but that's a long shot.09:56
anubhav_Phylock:  what do u get in "id username"09:56
sacarlsonfanjabi: I also recall living with it for sometime before I fixed it.  it didn't cause any real problems just confused me and make me think I had a biger problem.09:56
bazhanghttp://blog.sudobits.com/2010/07/06/how-to-install-gyachi-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/ m4F09:56
Phylock..., 29(audio) ...09:57
FalczHi, I have been trouble installing ubuntu 10.04 with my nvidia 6600 plugged in, so i installed using my integrated gfx and it worked. I plugged my gfx card back in hoping ubuntu would work, but im getting this error:  http://i.imagehost.org/0741/Error.png. Any help would be much appreciated09:57
Phylockor do you need more the that ?09:57
m4Fthnx man09:57
fanjabithe problem i get in software-center is09:57
fanjabidpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of texlive-binaries:09:57
fanjabi texlive-binaries depends on tex-common (>= 2.00); however:09:57
fanjabi  Package tex-common is not configured yet.09:57
fanjabidpkg: error processing texlive-binaries (--configure):09:57
fanjabi dependency problems - leaving unconfigured09:57
FloodBot3fanjabi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:57
logan_wolfRWHR, Kindly check the manual the only hint I can give you right now is try changing the owner of the background folder recursively to root09:57
bazhangfanjabi, paste.ubuntu.com with the entire output please09:57
fanjabibazhang: ok, sorry for flooding09:58
anubhav_Phylock:  no looks good09:58
brorjonasWhat does "read: 9: Illegal option -e" means?09:58
ubuntuvm1could anyone please tell me how to wget chrome09:58
KE1HAfanjabi:  put the output here in pastebin: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/09:58
bazhangubuntuvm1, chromium? its in the repos09:58
sacarlsonfanjabi: that brings some memorys but not the same application for me.  did you do some ppa software install?09:59
fanjabisacarlson: i'm using apt-get09:59
fanjabibazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/483861/09:59
KE1HAfanjabi:  also, do you use Tex fer writing docs with? you can remove them, and redo the updates and re-install Tex again after.10:00
bazhangubuntuvm1, no need for caps10:00
sacarlsonfanjabi: ppa is the repositorys not part of ubuntu.  did you modify your repositorys?10:01
ubuntuvm1i'll wear a hood then10:01
bazhangfanjabi, what was the command used to get those errors10:01
m4Fsat sri akal g10:01
ubuntuvm1could anyone please tell me how to wget chrome10:02
icerootubuntuvm1: wget url10:02
ubuntuvm1what url10:02
bazhangubuntuvm1, there is a google repo for chrome.  no idea why you would want to wget it10:02
fanjabibazhang: sudo apt-get install any_app10:02
ubuntuvm1what's the url10:02
ubuntuvm1because i have no browser10:03
bazhangubuntuvm1, this has nothing to do with Ubuntu support10:03
KE1HAbazhang:  hes tripping first on python.10:03
ubuntuvm1yes it does10:03
ubuntuvm1im using ubuntu now10:03
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icerootubuntuvm1: use lynx or w3m :) then you have a browser10:03
bazhangubuntuvm1, chrome is not a canonical ubuntu product10:03
ubuntuvm1ok tell me how to get chromium then10:03
bazhangfanjabi, that particular error string10:03
bazhangubuntuvm1, its called chromium-browser, install via package manager10:04
icerootubuntuvm1: start a browser and download chrome10:04
ubuntuvm1i have no browser10:04
icerootubuntuvm1: ah if it is in the repos use apt-get10:04
icerootubuntuvm1: sure you have a browser10:04
icerootubuntuvm1: lynx or w3m10:04
shreei need help to connect my tata photon to ubuntu 10.410:04
bazhangsudo apt-get install chromium-browser ubuntuvm110:04
KE1HAyou need the PPS's for chromium dont you ?10:05
bazhangKE1HA, nope10:05
sacarlsonfanjabi  I have tex-common version 2.06 installed on my ubuntu 10.04  so what version of ubuntu do you have installed?10:05
FalczHey, could someone please help me. I am having trouble booting ubuntu since I started using my nvidia 6600.10:05
bazhang!info chromium-browser10:05
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.375.125~r53311-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11559 kB, installed size 38424 kB10:05
peter--I just installed 10.04 and I got a bad screen resolution on the 19'' LCD. The display settings dont offer me the native resolution. where do I change that? Do I need a different video driver?10:05
shreeubottu: i need help to connect my tata photon to ubuntu 10.410:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:06
castor anyone has any knowledge about (x)ubuntu and ipods ?10:06
bazhangcastor, connecting with which musicplayer10:06
KE1HAbazhang:  well done, thought there was a PPA, maybe it's the codecs Im think'en about.10:06
bazhangKE1HA, likely is, for the more recent versions10:06
shreei need help to connect my tata photon to ubuntu 10.4, can any one??10:06
castorthats the problem, it won't show up in any music program10:06
castorand on my desktop10:06
bazhangshree, no need to repeat every few seconds10:07
castoronly ideviceinfo shows all info about the ipod10:07
shreebazhang: u  have solution?10:07
minimecMaybe someone can enlighten me. I am living in Switzerland and I am not member of last.fm. So normally I shouldn't have access to the member features... Now the interesting thing: WIth Rhythmbox I have full(!) access to these features, with banshee I don't. How can that be?10:07
bazhangshree be patient10:07
fanjabisacarlson: i removed tex-common, did update, and installed it again, and my problem is gone10:07
KE1HAfanjabi:  you get you probem sorted ?10:07
shreebazhang: ok..10:08
fanjabithanx to everyone10:08
sacarlsonfanjabi: very good10:08
bazhangfanjabi, nice10:08
KE1HAfanjabi:  well done !10:08
Phylockanubhav_: I removed the user and added it again, restarted and now it works :/ , but thanks for your time .10:08
bazhangcastor, using rhythmbox? gtkpod? more details please10:08
fanjabibut my actual problem remains10:08
fanjabii thought that this will do with it10:09
bazhangfanjabi, then pastebin the errors10:09
shawn146-ubuntu9how do i change the size of my desktop icons?10:09
shawn146-ubuntu9make them smaller10:09
sacarlsonfanjabi: no it's one of those fake problems we think we fixed10:09
fanjabii can't seek through a song on any player10:09
KE1HAfanjabi:  same problem is back ?10:09
fanjabii use rhythmbox10:10
anubhav_Phylock: glad to know it works10:10
sacarlsonKE1HA: no it just wasn't related to his real problem with sound I guess10:10
elliot98does ubuntu support UDF 2.50?10:10
KE1HAsacarlson:  Oh, ok10:10
fanjabii think that i have problem with codex10:10
flupkewhat is the ubuntu way of setting ssh-agent up for non gnome sessions ? (e.g. with awesome wm)10:10
castorbazhang, i can't use any music program, it wont show up on my desktop. ideviceinfo shows all infor about my ipod and says it is connected though10:10
shawn146-ubuntu9everybody always ignores me :(10:11
sacarlsonfanjabi: well if it plays at all then it's probly not codec.  does it do it in all players like mplayer10:11
bazhangcastor, that's odd. my touch works fine here10:11
castorbazhang, i have read alot of tutorials and how-to's about this subject. i think i've installed all the needed packages and such. i know (x)ubuntu should support ipod touch right out off the box10:11
castorbazhang, but i seem to have alot of problems with it10:12
bazhanghttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/suse-novell-60/desktop-icon-size-in-gnome-configurable-381182/ shawn146-ubuntu910:12
sacarlsonfanjabi: oh any player and seek do you mean you just can't fast forward?10:12
fanjabisacarlson: yes10:12
sacarlsonfanjabi: but it does play10:13
bazhangcastor, simple usb connection? not firewire or such?10:13
elliot98does ubuntu play dvds burnt by Vista?10:13
fanjabisacarlson: yes, it plays, but cant fast forward10:13
bazhangelliot98, should do10:13
aperson!panel > aperson10:14
shawn146-ubuntu9-_- a link10:14
shawn146-ubuntu9i can't open a browser right now10:14
bazhangshawn146-ubuntu9, read it yet?10:14
elliot98I saw discussion of Vista using a new version of UDF 2.50, so wondering if Ubuntu supports that10:14
brontoeeecan evolution sync with google calendar?10:14
KE1HAflupke:  have a look at this, may be of use: http://www.docunext.com/blog/2009/10/xdm-libpam-ssh-awesomewm-gnome-keyring-daemon-gentoo-keychain-nm-applet-almost-perfect.html10:14
sacarlsonfanjabi: with all forms of music and video? like ogg  files do those work?  you can find them in ~/.examples10:14
fanjabisacarlson: the remaining time is always unknows10:14
castor bazhang, yep usb10:14
castor bazhang, tried other calbe also10:15
bazhangcastor, odd. sorry not to be able to help10:15
bazhangshawn146-ubuntu9, no browser?10:15
shawn146-ubuntu9i do have one10:15
castorbazhang, to bad. thanks anyway10:15
shawn146-ubuntu9but i can't open it10:15
bazhangshawn146-ubuntu9, then bookmark and read later10:15
shawn146-ubuntu9i just need directions to do it10:16
bazhangshawn146-ubuntu9, cant open it because..10:16
shawn146-ubuntu9it is very late10:16
shawn146-ubuntu9i just want to do this then get to bed10:16
bazhangshawn146-ubuntu9, then bookmark and read later10:16
sacarlsonfanjabi: well you thought it might be codecs  so it can't hurt to make sure you have this installed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats10:16
shawn146-ubuntu9its just a simple thing to do10:17
flupkethanks KE1HA10:17
bazhangshawn146-ubuntu9, very10:17
shawn146-ubuntu9but i don't know how10:17
fanjabisacarlson: i tried oggs... no problem... only w/ mp3s10:18
bazhangthen read the link. not much point in pasting it all in here when there is a link. shawn146-ubuntu910:18
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RWHRlogan_wolf: OK, thanks for your help :)10:18
shawn146-ubuntu9links have taken away social support -_-10:18
macoshawn146-ubuntu9: right click the icon you want to resize and i think there's an option to resize it10:19
renderhyhello everybody10:20
sacarlsonfanjabi: cool then maybe you were correct try the restricted formats then10:20
shawn146-ubuntu9oh why thank you maco10:20
ReadPleasemy computer doesn't boot from USB....10:21
ReadPleaseand my dvd burner is busted.  any other options?10:21
ReadPleaseI might have an old version of ubuntu lying around.  would it upgrade itself?10:21
shawn146-ubuntu9but that doesn't affect the actual item10:21
fanjabisacarlson: i already had them, removed them, updated, installed again10:22
shawn146-ubuntu9its stll like 1 inch by 1 inch10:22
fanjabisacarlson: but the problem remains10:22
bazhangReadPlease, what version of ubuntu currently10:22
shawn146-ubuntu9i'd like it a little smaller10:22
shreei need help to connect my tata photon to ubuntu 10.4, can any one??10:22
ReadPleaseawww crap.  it's the 64 bit version.10:22
bazhangReadPlease, ie 10.04 etc10:22
sacarlsonReadPlease: your bios won't support usb boot?  and no cd rom?  do you have another computer with ubuntu or windows installed?10:22
ReadPleasethe one lying around won't work because it's 10. something 64 bit10:23
sacarlsonfanjabi: I'm clueless then10:23
ReadPleaseThis computer has windows installed. :D10:23
ReadPlease:{ Oh yeah.10:23
fanjabisacarlson: i reinstalled some other codecs (gstreamer ugly or s/th like that) but nothing happened10:23
terrence_Hi all10:23
bazhangReadPlease, what version do you have installed on your system currently10:23
sacarlsonReadPlease: I mean another as in two different computers10:23
ReadPleaseButno.  No other computer lying around.10:24
fanjabisacarlson: thanx anyway :)10:24
KE1HAReadPlease:  is Wubi an option?10:24
sacarlsonKE1HA: ya wubi  ReadPlease  how about that?10:24
ReadPleaseMaybe.  I have the drive space.  I worry about the partition tables.10:24
ReadPleaseI don't want all my data to get corupted, you know?10:24
KE1HAfanjabi:  wiht the issues you had in upgrading, you may consider un-installing one player, then re-installing it again to test one of them.10:24
sacarlsonKE1HA: didn't someone tell us that was broken?10:25
bazhang!wubi > ReadPlease10:25
ubottuReadPlease, please see my private message10:25
terrence_In which grub config file can I set the font and highlighting of my boot menu - Grub210:25
ReadPleaseThanks.  I'd like to get rid of windows, too....10:25
KE1HAsacarlson:  it worked on the 10.04.1 for most, but didn't on my only WiDoze box, but that the i855 issue.10:25
WWWthank you10:26
fanjabiKE1HA: tried this already... no result10:26
vencacive got a problem with ubuntu waking up from sleep on a laptop, could someone help me please?10:26
shawn146-ubuntu9good night -_-10:26
KE1HAfancybit:  ok, was jsut a thought.10:26
* dreamtraveler geia10:26
sacarlsonKE1HA: ok cool they be in biz then10:26
terrence_which file do I edit to change the font and hoghlight styles of my grub2 menu10:27
ReadPleaseDo you guys think my harddrive is going to go to waste pretty fast if I try to install wubi?10:27
ReadPleaseOr is that an irrational fear --?10:27
KE1HAReadPlease:  you dont have allot of options, it's either Wubi or a Netboot situaiton.10:28
KE1HAReadPlease:  Unless you can get som sort of external media access.10:28
ReadPleaseOr neither and just wait until another option becomes available.  If I've got to worry about my hardware, of course I'll do that.10:28
terrence_Hello again - need some help with grub 210:29
terrence_I'd like to change the font sizes and highlight styles- anyone??10:29
ReadPleaseI mean, I'd be happy to go for wubi..., I just don't wanna make any sparks fly. :D10:29
gabrielhello everyone10:30
sacarlsonReadPlease: go for it10:30
KE1HAReadPlease:  those are prtryy much the standard options for any OS, CD/DVD, USB (either Key or Drive) or a Netboot / PXE, well, floppy I guess too.10:30
ReadPleasei have floppy.10:30
KE1HAReadPlease:  to be honest, I've not installed UB form floppy drive :-)10:31
ReadPleaseMaybe I could rip the harddrive out of my old laptop, plug it in as a ... slave..., mine off the old data10:31
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ReadPleaseinstall onto that harddrive.10:31
KE1HAin fact, I dont own a floppy drive.10:31
ReadPleaseIs there a dos-like linux?10:31
KrisDouglashello, is there any reason why when i go to share a folder to ubuntu one, nautilus crashes?10:31
ReadPleaseSomething I could fit on the 1 floppy disk I've got and install ubuntu from USB10:32
Guest84652i don`t konw10:32
Guest84652bey bey10:32
madf0xReadPlease: well I suppose you could use DamnSmallLinux10:32
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bigmahatmahello. I changed id_rsa and id_rsa.pub for my ssh connection, and copied the content of id_rsa.pub in authorized_keys of my remote PC. What else should I do for being able to connect to it?10:32
madf0xthatd fit on a floppy10:32
KrisDouglasReadPlease, if your pc doesn't USB boot, why not get a USB CDROM? they usually show up a sstandard pata drives10:32
sacarlsonKE1HA: there is a grub supperdisk I'm not sure but it might even fit on a floppy.  dont' know anyone that has tried it.10:32
KE1HAReadPlease have a loook at this, may work: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-ubuntukubuntuedubuntuxubuntu-without-cdrom-drive.html10:33
KrisDouglasDamn small linux is 50 meg!10:33
madf0xKrisDouglas hmm yeah I suppose that be a bit of a problem, nvm10:34
ReadPleaseTrade ya: http://kempj.blogspot.com/2007/09/wubi-dangers.html10:34
sacarlsonKrisDouglas: ya it works too10:34
ReadPleaseUSB cdrom might be a good idea.  DamnSmallLinux sounds more 'now'.10:34
madf0xits been so long since Ive seen anyone need a floppy disk that I had to check my old floppys to remember how small they really are10:35
cutoutIs it possible to install oracle 10g enterprise on ubuntu 10.04 (all the tuts. on web are 64-bit)10:35
madf0xReadPlease is a network boot possible?10:35
KE1HAReadPlease:  Here's a methign to Use Wubi to Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/the-extremely-simple-guide-to-installing-ubuntu.html10:36
nano_I want to install fortran compiler for ubuntu 10.04 but in installing I was faced with a Error"Missing critical pre-requisite10:38
nano_-- 32-bit libraries not found".someone can help to me?10:38
FIGHTER`Hi, is it possible to create a new user account that has access to reload nginx?10:38
madf0xReadPlease yes? no? do you think you could try a networked install? like connecting to a network and installing from another comp?10:38
ReadPleaseI should put context in.  I'm kind of new.  Not a CIS major or anything.  I'm really just trying to confirm this because I heard it from a friend.  I think Wubi is a great option, but is there a huge--like 99.9%--risk of watching my harddrive corrupt?10:38
sacarlsonnano_: are you running a 64bit system?10:39
ReadPleasemadf0x, I don't have another computer.10:39
ReadPleaseWait, maybe I can network connect to you.10:39
sacarlsonnano_: then I guess you can install the 32bit libs10:39
madf0xReadPlease Well, to be honest I wouldn't know if thats possible or not. I just know the option exists to be explored10:40
DJNomadhi all I need a walkthrough on how to install a program (minitube) from the archive10:40
sacarlsonnano_: you would have to link them into your compile.  but why don't we already have a fortran compiler?10:40
madf0xReadPlease plus i'd probably have to mess with a bunch of port forwarding and crap x.x10:40
ReadPleaseMaybe the linux channel will know.  I'll ask them and see what they have to say.  Hopefully, good news. :)10:40
KE1HAnano_:  sudo apt-get install ia32-libs10:40
erUSUL!software | DJNomad10:40
ubottuDJNomad: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents10:40
ReadPleaseThat would be a Hell of a project, to try to do a network install over the internet. ^^ lol10:41
sacarlsonnano_: what about gfortran  sudo apt-get install gfortran10:41
madf0xReadPlease well one option would be to download the file, use a virtual CDrom and then run it right inside the HD I THINK ubuntu supports this with windows10:41
fancybitwhere is the config file about networks on ubuntu?10:42
cjsSo, with one of the Japanese mirror package servers I'm getting a lot of messages about untrusted packages....10:43
cjsfancybit: /etc/network/interfaces.10:43
cjsMore or less. If you can tell me just what you want to do or see, I can provide more precise instructions.10:43
DJNomadthanks erUSUL  but that page didnt get me much closer,sorry for my ignorance lol10:43
FIGHTER`Hi, is it possible to create a new user account that has access to reload nginx?10:44
erUSULDJNomad: Aplicatios>Ubuntu Software Center. search for minitube. mark to install10:45
DJNomadk thanks erUSUL10:45
erUSULFIGHTER`: you can tweak sudoers to add that command and only that. « man sudoers »10:46
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KE1HADJNomad:  you may also want to check out Chromium and HTML5 works good with youtube.10:47
FIGHTER`erUSUL: ok thanks, ill take a look10:47
gavrielhey guys10:47
gavrielcould you give me a helping hand? :D10:47
madf0xAsk away10:48
DJNomadKE1HA,  I am on a ancient system is chromium light weight?10:48
KE1HADJNomad:  yes.10:48
DJNomadI am kinda fond of google toolbar and I dont think it is on chromium10:48
DJNomadalthough much of the things I like about the toolbar are on chromium10:48
KE1HADJNomad:  it's not Chrome, it's Chromium.10:48
DJNomadyes I know but forgot lol10:49
BelseruskHi guys. My theme has a panel size of 31 pixels. It wont allow me to decrease it. I'd like to change the panel to 23 pixels as I like the theme Moomex. Can I force the panel to be smaller?10:49
DJNomadI have been bouncing back and forth between linux and windoz and being a hastle setting up10:49
KE1HA:-) no worries, works well on my netbook, and it's as powerful as a burned out light bulb.10:49
FIGHTER`erUSUL: if i add the user account to the sudoers list, once the user is logged in, will they have to enter anymore usernames/passwords to execute the commands?10:50
DJNomadKE1HA,  733 with 512 ram here,onboard vid lol10:50
karlowhere I can modify options so screen saver can't run wail I'm watching flash (on youtube or page like that) ?10:50
intokWeird networking issue, I can get on any chat network, pings are successful, no packet loss, typical latency, but firefox and seamonkey time out on any site unless I am currently pinging it, stuff loaded from other servers times out as well. if I download something from the repos the file downloads at normal speed. Tested with 2 different modems10:51
erUSULFIGHTER`: you can tweak sudoers so it have to use password or not. is NOPASSWD keyword or some such10:51
madf0xintok sounds like something is f0ing with your outgoing port 8010:51
DJNomadkarlo good question my "movie player" needs to keep my screensaver from activation as well10:51
presariokarlo u can go to system/prefrences/screensaver10:51
minimecDJNomad: You can have a working machine. I would say xubuntu or ubuntu with fluxboe or e17 would do...10:52
minimecDJNomad: fluxbox10:52
DJNomadminimec, I am running xubuntu,others are to foreign for me right now10:52
madf0xintok check your gateway and see if anything is interfering with http I messed with a friend once by blocking access for a few minutes :)10:52
KE1HADJNomad:  yeah, thats' pretty lite, FF I'd stay away from them. Epiphany is another option for a browser.10:52
DJNomadI play a facebook game nearly all the time so that factors into it aswell,chromium seemed laggier in it10:53
acidi did fsck but i still get the error message "failed to open /var/webmin/miniserv.error : Read-only file system "10:53
erUSULFIGHTER`: found an example line --> « your_user_here ALL=(root)NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/nginx restart »10:53
DJNomadalso another question ...is anyone familiar with conduits toolbar where you can make your own ?10:54
acidi did fsck but i still get the error message "failed to open /var/webmin/miniserv.error : Read-only file system "10:54
erUSULFIGHTER`: check with docs. to edit sudoers use « visudo »10:54
acidsorry for the repeat mistake10:54
erUSULFIGHTER`: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113282110:54
KE1HADJNomad:  just guess, I'd say, Epiphany, then Chromium, then FF in weights.10:54
acidanyone has any idea?10:54
DJNomadanyway using the toolbar for some reason the "radio player" part of it does not show up using linux10:54
pie_timehow does the "purge rm" command work? i cant seem to get it working10:54
presariowhat are u trying to purge or remove pie_time10:55
DJNomadI am assuming there is a plugin I need to get it to work but I do not know what to get10:55
murlidharpie_time: sudo aptitude purge <package name>  ?10:55
KE1HADJNomad:  plug-in for which one ?10:55
presarioi concur with murlidhar pie_time10:55
DJNomadKE1HA, the toolbar is a ie and firefox only toolbar10:56
presariothe rm is a complete different command eg sudo rm filename10:56
DJNomadso firefox10:56
KE1HADJNomad:  ahh ok, and it's a radio plug-in / extension ?10:56
elliot98how do get more info about the cdrom I am using?10:57
DJNomadKE1HA, yes it is a lil player in a toolbar that you can "tune" in net steams10:57
KE1HADJNomad:  I just goggled it there's several, don't know which one you need, but here's one" https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4392/10:58
aziis there any graphical interface for adminstrating grub? I would like to add a menu at boot so that I can choose to boot other os-es10:59
DJNomadthats the link to mine but you can make your own on conduit.com10:59
presariohelp with the b43 wireless driver please10:59
KE1HADJNomad:  I dont use FF, was just looking fer you.10:59
DJNomadkk thanks10:59
presarioinstalling the injection patch provides a failed at hunk error10:59
DJNomadany firefox users have a clue on what I may need for my condiut toolbar to work ?11:00
ectospasmpresario: in general, that usually happens when you're trying to patch the wrong version of code11:00
tarzeaui'm a glad chromium browser user11:00
DJNomadsorry all,I am a man of many questions on many subjects and I have a touch of adhd lol11:00
presarioectospasm yes i was thinking this but i cannt confirm the versions myself11:01
ectospasmpresario: it depends on how you obtained the code11:01
presariowhat version patch i have you mean ectospasm11:02
ectospasmpresario: no, the version of the base source code11:02
ectospasm...and the version of the patch11:02
zeleftikamjust installed ubuntu for the first time, installed the nvidia gpu driver, the settings application says my GPU is at 94C, seems hot, it doesn't look like it's dropping down into lower performance modes. ideas?11:02
presariob43-injection- ectospasm11:02
tarzeauzeleftikam: is it really that hot? fan broken? open the thing look inside?11:03
presariowere is the base code version found ectospasm11:03
ectospasmpresario: what's the version of your base kernel source?11:03
presariois base the current or the original installed11:03
zeleftikamtarzeau: it is reporting fan speed 100%. the fan is physically running11:03
webdesignerhow to compile to install programmes?11:03
ectospasmpresario: usually in the /usr/src11:03
ectospasmpresario: uname -a11:03
ectospasmpresario: what does uname -a say?11:04
tarzeauzeleftikam: strange, and you run 3d rendering stuff?11:04
presarioLinux presario-laptop 2.6.32-24-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 19 01:12:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux ectospasm11:04
zeleftikamtarzeau: no, i just installed ubuntu, haven't installed any other graphics software or tinkered with it at all. it is just sitting there idle11:04
ectospasmpresario: heh, you're trying to patch an older version of the linux kernel, 2.6.24 vs. 2.6.32 (which you've got)11:05
tarzeauzeleftikam: so you are using which x driver? nv? nouveau? nvidia?11:05
zeleftikamtarzeau: i think that's the real temperature... it just dropped one degree11:05
presarioso the 24 in the patch and the 32 i the kernel are different ectospasm11:05
FIGHTER`erUSUL: ok ive just added to command to the sudoers list, and now i get this error - [emerg]: bind() to failed (13: Permission denied) - where do i give the user permission to bind to network ports11:05
presariook so i need to find the right version ectospasm11:05
zeleftikamNVIDIA Driver 195.36.2411:05
ectospasmpresario: it may already been included11:05
zeleftikamfrom Ubuntu's Drivers utility11:05
webdesignerhow to compile to install programmes?11:05
ectospasms/y b/y have b/11:05
denysoniqueI just received 10 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS CD's from Canonical ;)11:06
XimalIs there a link to a post on the forum or some one that can explain to me how I can use brand name drivers for my ati radeon 4350 hd video card rather than the one the restricted hardware gives that is the generic working fgxlr or whatever it is called ?11:06
tarzeauwebdesigner: url?11:06
tarzeauwebdesigner: about your work11:06
ibrahim-kasemhow can i convert vob dvd files to 3gp ?11:06
presariohow already included ectosplasm11:06
presariojust try commands with correct kernel version then ectospasm11:06
webdesigneri downloaded Httrack. but only the source file. i need to compile it to run.11:06
kke_has someone managed to get juniper vpn working? is there some alternative to the java thing?11:06
ectospasmpresario: what are you trying to install the patch for?11:06
erUSULFIGHTER`: maybe you need to add nginx itself to sudoers. becouse sudo with shell script may not work that well ?? really dunno. never attemped this11:06
tarzeauwebdesigner: there's a package for httrack11:07
sorin7486I just installed 10.04 and my sound doesn't work ... it worked fine on the 64 bit version but it doesn't on the 32 bit one11:07
tarzeauwebdesigner: just say aptitude install httrack ?11:07
sorin7486I keep hearing clicks in the headphones but nothing else11:07
webdesignerwhat is the code to compile using the terminal?11:08
presarioectospasm so i can test the security of wep passwords11:08
webdesignerI got set of code to compile but didnt work11:08
Vroomfondlewebdesigner: compile what?11:08
Vroomfondlewhat language?11:08
logan_wolfibrahim-kasem, try winff11:08
ectospasmpresario: aircrack-ng?  does airodump not work for you?11:08
webdesignerthe software Httrack was for Linux...11:09
presariono not without the injection patch unless im doing somthing wrong but it doesnt monitor mode11:09
ibrahim-kasemlogan_wolf, thank you i will11:09
presariono not without the injection patch unless im doing somthing wrong but it doesnt monitor mode ectospasm11:09
Vroomfondlewebdesigner: why are you compiling it? Why not just use the Ubuntu package?11:09
logan_wolfibrahim-kasem, :)11:10
ectospasmpresario: you'd have better luck on a aircrack-ng channel11:10
ectospasmpresario: it just works for me11:10
webdesignerthere is no Install icon.11:10
fancybitI see so many scripts in /etc/init & /etc/init.d  what sequence they'll exec at system startup?11:10
ibrahim-kasemectospasm, can you help me with aircrack-ng please ?11:11
danny_Hi, I have ubuntu set to my taste, I wondered how you could make a backup or a live cd with all configurations for when the worst happens.11:11
Vroomfondlewebdesigner: eh?11:11
Vroomfondlewebdesigner: use the package manager11:11
Vroomfondleapt-get install webhttrack11:11
ectospasmibrahim-kasem: no, I'm not an expert11:11
Vroomfondlesudo apt-get install webhttrack11:11
fancybityou can search the airstrom11:11
ibrahim-kasemectospasm, thnx11:11
tarzeaudanny_: is that gnome settings?11:11
tarzeaudanny_: gnome configuration files are not compatible between different gnome versions. so just forget about it :)11:11
tarzeaudanny_: kde isn't better a penny on that either11:11
ectospasmfancybit: you'll need to look at all the links in /etc/rc?.d which will tell you the order they'll be run in.11:11
Ruthgarddanny_, you could try backup your home folder11:12
nikolamSo actually, Ubuntu DVD 10.04 is the same as 10.04.1 so no need to re-download.11:12
spermcubeanyone here experienced with lvm? i tried to add a disk to a new lvm pool, didn't work as i expected it to and now i cant mount the volume even as a normal drive.11:12
webdesigneranyways..   the codes are :  ./configure && make && make install11:12
Ruthgarddanny_,  As long as you install the same version of ubuntu it should all go back to how it was11:12
Ruthgarddanny_, apart from any extra packages you had installed11:12
tarzeauspermcube: hej hej11:12
Vroomfondlewebdesigner: try "sudo http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/im-twelve-years-old-and-what-is-this11:13
Vroomfondlewrong paste11:13
spermcubewhen i try mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mount/whatever it just complains about it being the wrong fs11:13
Vroomfondlesudo apt-get install webhttrack11:13
ectospasmspermcube: what order of commands did you use to try and set up the physical volume?11:13
danny_Ruthgard: yes, but the packages and everything else?11:13
webdesignerhaha ok ok11:13
spermcubetarzeau: hej hoj11:13
ectospasmspermcube: you've got to format it, if it was a PV earlier11:13
webdesignerthanks! a lot11:13
spermcubei followed this guide http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm11:13
Ruthgarddanny_, whast is everything else? You mean the entire system?11:14
tarzeauspermcube: where in sweden are you?11:14
spermcubei did not format the drive though since it had some data on it already.11:14
webdesignerVroom: can u help me to fix my mouse problem??11:14
spermcubetarzeau: sthlm11:14
danny_I want to make a backup of the entire system11:14
ectospasmspermcube: when you ran pvcreate on the physical HD, you destroyed the data on it. )-;11:14
tarzeauspermcube: i was there this summer and last september :)11:15
spermcubedamn :/11:15
erUSUL!backup | danny_11:15
ubottudanny_: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:15
spermcubesomeway to revert this?11:15
Ruthgarddanny_, have you installed ubuntu? there is a good help topic about backup in the help system11:15
spermcubeso i get my data back?11:15
webdesignerVroom: My laptop's mouse pad stops working after logging in UBUNTU 1011:15
danny_thanks to all11:16
ectospasmspermcube: nope, next time read through the instructions BEFORE you run data-destructive commands on your hard drives.  And back up before you do ANYTHING!11:16
Macpetersenis there a specefic ubuntu server channel ??11:17
denysoniqueMacpetersen, what is the problem?11:17
Ruthgarddanny_, read about it here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/SimpleBackupSuite11:17
pie_timehow do you search for packages without synaptic nor ubuntu software center?11:17
bazhangpie_time, apt-cache search package11:18
webdesignerwhat if I BANNED anyone here??11:18
bazhangwebdesigner, what?11:18
webdesigneri mean..11:18
webdesignerWhat will happen to me if I BAN anyone here11:19
madf0xyou cant11:19
madf0xthe option is there but you dont have ops11:19
madf0xit wont do anything, maybe yell at you for trying lol11:19
webdesignercan i try11:19
ibrahim-kasem #ubuntu :You're not channel operator11:19
ibrahim-kasemwebdesigner,  u will get this  #ubuntu :You're not channel operator11:19
purveshhow to open .cdr file in gimp any plugin needed or what ?11:20
yangWhich is the "stable" branch of ubuntu Lucid or Maverick ?11:20
bazhangyang, the released version latest is lucid11:20
SardinianHI ALL!11:21
IStormAlright, question, to anyone, why would a standard update press the fact that certain things are "not authenticated"?11:22
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RuthgardIStorm, becouse you have not added the certificat key for a repoistory that has an update for you. ie, you added a repo but not their keys.11:23
IStormRuthgard : odd that I didn't hit this with my xubuntu so far, but that's how things go. How do I "key-up" as it were. LOL11:24
RuthgardIStorm, you should check your software sources11:25
RuthgardSystem->Administration->Software sources11:25
notmeUbuntu Server 10.04, when I 'ls /' or 'ps ax' or 'top' my session hangs, how can I troublehshoot this?11:26
RuthgardIStorm, under the second tab11:26
RuthgardIStorm, Crossreference that tab with the tab Auzentication11:26
leveneI know I can convert jpg files to a pdf file with convert -compress jpeg *.jpg output.pdf but that seems to recompress the jpeg files, which I guess is lossy and slow. Is there a way to convert jpeg files to pdf without recompressing them?11:27
RuthgardIStorm, I have another language in my Ubuntu so the names may vary from what I called them here11:27
IStormRuthgard : I'm with you, and there, gimme a sec to examine. I would have thought all sources would have been in place on install.11:27
RuthgardIStorm, maby you added them yourselfe :)11:27
dearbasheerIs there a way to stop my screen from going dark en am watchin movies?11:28
IStormRuthgard : Unfortunately a big nada on that one.11:29
Ishwondisable screensaver...11:29
duffydacklevene, dont use --compress ?11:30
[edge]dearbasheer what is your movie player?11:30
RuthgardIStorm, Then I am afraid I dont know :/11:30
=== timmillwood_ is now known as timmillwood
rookswhen playing movie i only have audio on remote pulseaudio machine, when playing stuff via totem movie player, when playing via vlc and mplayer its deaf even when explicitly stating to make vlc and mplayer to use pulse audio11:32
IStormRuthgard : It's quite alright, it smells like virus, and I'm fearful of it. One of the updates is the whole linux image, so I think I'm screwed.11:32
rooksvlc and mplayer both register as apps that are using audio on remote pulseaudio server, but still no sound :(11:32
=== veovis__muaddib is now known as veovis_muaddib
yangCan you tell me , what is11:35
yangroot     11641  0.0  0.0   1828   564 ?        S    10:34   0:00 /bin/sh /etc/init.d/ondemand background11:35
yangroot     11644  0.0  0.0   1768   440 ?        S    10:34   0:00 sleep 6011:35
FloodBot3yang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:35
ectospasmIStorm: no, you're probably using a repo that hasn't updated its keys properly, or you haven't imported the keys for11:36
duffydackyang,  manages your cpu speed11:36
yangand why doesn't "dmesg" work ?11:36
ectospasmyang: are you root?11:37
ectospasmwell, scratch that, dmesg can run as a normal user11:37
ectospasmyang: did you run dmesg -c?  Do you get an error when you run dmesg?11:37
yangdo I need to install some additional programs for "dmesg" to be displayed11:37
yangno error, no output11:38
yangbut this is a VPS11:38
ectospasmyang: dmesg is probably cleared11:38
ectospasmif you run "dmesg -c" you'll display, then it will clear the kernel ring buffer11:38
ectospasmyang: try unloading a kernel module which you know writes to dmesg11:38
ectospasmthen check dmesg to see if its unloading gets written there11:39
anubhav_yang: whats VPS?11:40
ectospasmanubhav_: virtual private server11:40
opensuseadminAny ideas to build router with packet layer7 shaping, is there is only way to write iptables script " iptables -m layer7 --l7proto" ?11:40
anubhav_yang: maybe dmesg is not installed11:40
SoyoIs ntp.ubuntu.com working? I cannot update my time with it11:40
yangthere are only these processes started - http://pastebin.com/jiwEDYp911:40
ectospasmanubhav_: dmesg is installed by default, d'oh11:41
abliHi! Any idea what might be causing the directory where I am mounting a remote dir with sshfs to get '?' permissions / other metadata? I.e. 'ls -l' says "d?????????  ? ?      ?        ?                ? dirname"  (I am using an older sshfs, the one in intrepid with a karmic server)11:41
ectospasm...on most Linux systems11:41
yanganubhav_: I didn't know that it requires additional install11:41
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)11:41
anubhav_yang: its in util-linux11:41
ectospasmanubhav_: which is installed by default in Ubuntu11:41
Guest6960Can anyone here, talk to me privately, I need help editing the ubuntu bootloader.11:42
=== MichealH is now known as Guest82927
Status0hellow all11:42
Soyocan someone please try 'ntpdate -u ntp.ubuntu.com' and tell me if it is working right now?11:43
Status0How can i join to ubuntu community ?11:43
=== Guest82927 is now known as MichealH
ectospasmStatus0: you just did (-;11:43
yangSoyo: try <country_code>.pool.ntp.org11:43
Soyoyang: thanks11:43
ectospasmStatus0: or go to ubuntuforums.org11:43
mikebeechamquick question - I'm on 10.04 at the moment, but I'm seeing all these lovely new things arrive on 10.10.  If I upgrade am I likely to be spending most of my time trying to sort out bugs?11:44
SoyoStatus0: welcome!11:44
logan_wolfkoolhead17, you there?11:44
mikebeechamor is it a good release already?11:44
Status0Thanks all, i mean actually doing some developments11:44
ectospasmmikebeecham: I haven't had too many problems doing an in-place upgrade11:44
anubhav_yang: do you have some daemon reading /proc/kmsg?11:44
Status0help and give a hand to community11:44
yanganubhav_: I have no idea11:45
Soyolol sudo fixed the problem11:45
Soyontp.update.com is working [facepalm]11:45
koolhead17logan_wolf, tell me11:45
mikebeechamectospasm, too many problems?  Are the problems you've had in the 'need sorting out' realm?11:45
SoyoIts 6:45 in the morning time for some tea11:45
anubhav_yang: ps aux|grep kmsg11:45
ectospasmmikebeecham: Only problem I've had on this machine is a nagging I/O problem I haven't been able to track down.11:46
ectospasm...but that's probably hardware related11:46
mikebeechamectospasm, lag in apps?11:46
yanganubhav_: look at my previous paste, those are allthe processes I have11:47
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ectospasmmikebeecham: HDD light goes on, all input seems to block until it's done.  iotop is too broken to be of use, iostat and top show a lot CPU processing I/O Wait context11:48
mikebeechamectospasm, hmmm, that is a little worrying?11:48
ectospasmmikebeecham: like I said, it's a problem with my *hardware*11:48
abliabli: (replying to self:) apparently I needed to use the '-o allow_other' option (and to enable it in /etc/fuse.conf)11:49
mikebeechamwould anyone else advise upgrading to Meerkat at the moment?11:51
anubhav_yang: what does "which dmesg" give?11:53
yang /bin/dmesg11:54
atcho i want to combine different format video(.flv) using `mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -o ../01-all.avi *` , but it failed, who can help me?11:54
=== Rou is now known as Routers
purveshhow to open .cdr file in gimp any plugin needed or what ?11:55
atcho`mencoder` said:11:55
atchoAll files must have identical audio codec and format for -oac copy.11:55
logan_wolfpurvesh, STFW11:57
purveshlogan_wolf, STFW ?11:58
=== obadiah is now known as Vivek
madf0xShut The Front Window? Sharks Take Free Weekends?11:59
mikebeechamguys...I think I'm going to upgrade to 10.10.  Is there a way that I can backup my current Ubuntu setup, just in case 10.10 doesn't work for me?12:00
koolhead17Vivek, supp man12:01
logan_wolfpurvesh, search the fantastic web12:01
Status0Hi guys how do i create my personal wiki page ?12:01
purveshlogan_wolf, from where can i get that plugin ? any link u have12:01
Vivekkoolhead17: I am fine.12:01
Status0where do i create ?12:01
purveshlogan_wolf, bro but it is plugin or what ?12:02
logan_wolfpurvesh, just read it man12:02
logan_wolfeverything is available12:02
jamwSTFW is a polite way of suggesting that a search engine might have been a suitable first port of call12:02
logan_wolfJamw, ha ha ha12:03
purveshlogan_wolf, sry then m noob.... now i get it ... let me search12:03
skumarahow to recover forgotten password in freenode?12:03
jamwskumara, go to #freenode and state you need your password reset12:04
BatchHey, Today my wireless decided to stop working so I looked in dmesg and here is the log: http://pastebin.com/qsFq2eTG I tried uninstalling network-manager and using wicd to no avail.12:06
Name141Is wipe the 'best' thing to use to blank a whole hard drive/partition before selling/tossing in garbage ? or is shred?12:07
rockhopperBatch, is your network device detected?12:07
Batchrockhopper, yeah, i think so12:07
bartjhow do I know how much time a process is running for ?12:08
BatchThe problem came out of the blue which was odd.12:08
rockhopperBatch, did you check if its detected?12:08
rockhopperrun "lspci"12:09
rockhoppersee if its listed12:09
duffydackName141, not used shred.. i`d just dd urandom and dd zero it12:09
BatchYeah, it is12:09
Batch@ rockhopper12:09
Batch02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)12:09
Name141duffydack come again12:11
Batchrockhopper, It can detect all the wireless networks around me however it won't connect to any of them.12:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:11
duffydackName141,  dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda12:11
fooey_anyone know where the read about the formal process of submitting a package to ubuntu?12:11
nesbittcan someone please help me: i had apt-cacher-ng set up on an old computer running ubuntu server, but that computer is out of action. i removed the file i added in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ and now apt-get works fine.  the gui program 'update manager' however doesn't work and gives an error message declaring it failed to find my server.  i can't find any file configuring it to use my server.  where is the setting for this?12:12
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duffydackName141,  then dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda .. i`d be confident enough after that, personally.12:12
rockhopperdid you reinstall the driver?12:14
Batchfooey, simple googling shows results12:14
anubhav_Batch: can you see if you can reset the device using iwpriv?12:14
Batchfooey, *12:14
BatchDropped out12:15
duffydackName141, might wanna add bs=1M to speed it up a bit..12:15
fooey_your're right, but finding the search terms is a far different matter. I was using "how to submit a package to ubuntu", when I should have been using "ubuntu new package"12:15
Batchrockhopper, Any ideas?12:15
Soyofooey_: launchpad.net12:16
Batchfooey, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment12:16
fooey_just figured it out... and I just successfully built my first PPA package12:16
fooey_that took awhile12:16
rockhopperBatch, Uhm.. thinking12:16
rockhopperBatch, Are the networks running dhcp server?12:17
BatchEveryone else feel free to join in and solve my problem!12:17
rockhoppercheck the network settings.12:17
fooey_this is what I was looking for: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages12:17
BatchThe DHCP is auto assigned12:17
BatchEverything was working until this afternoon.12:17
=== nakee__ is now known as nakee
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.12:18
Status0Any body?! how do i create personal wiki page to get answer "Requirements for Membership"12:18
nakeewhat does one needs to do to get dolphin-emu packaged ?12:19
einohow can I make a program start when I start my xubuntu? I downloaded a .sh file to the init.d directory, chmodded it and did the update thingy, but it still wont boot when my cmputer boots, any ideas what is wrong?12:19
SPM_eino: there should by symlink in /etc/rcX.d to the init.d/script12:21
einoSPM_ I did that update.rc thing that created the links12:21
SPM_eino: and symlink is existing now?12:22
treeshoeHi I am trying to compile the linux kernel, but I get the following Error:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/uBCUUCHx12:23
einoSPM_ I'm not sure, how do I confirm that? :)12:23
doktoreashello everybody..I'd like to stop using proprietary nvidia driver, but If I remove them my max resolution is 800X600. Is there a way to reasch 1280x800?12:24
SPM_eino: try ls -l to /etc/rcX.d (X can be 2 and other run levels for start time)12:24
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=== castor is now known as castor[NL]
castor[NL]i finnaly got my ipod touch to work12:26
castor[NL]but there is one more problem; the ipod won't show up on my desktop12:26
castor[NL]i can add and remove music but it just doesn12:26
castor[NL]t show up on my dekstop12:26
einoSPM_ no such directory12:26
einois that X a number?12:27
SPM_eino: yes, X is number of run level. Which update command have you used for add this script?12:27
sacarlsoneino: you can also use crontab to start a program at boot,  I noticed there has been changes in boot start configs in the last releases12:27
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einoSPM_ update-rc.d scriptname defaults12:28
einosacarlson: you think that would be easier?12:28
sacarlsoneino: you can see this for an example to setup scripts in cron at boot http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/crontab.htm12:28
einosacarlson do I need X to be running in order to use that?12:29
sacarlsoneino: well nothing is too dificult if you know how to do it.  this is just my prefered method12:29
Dr_WillisYou could just start a command from /etc/rc.local12:29
sacarlsoneino: is the program you run an x program?  if so then yest12:30
SPM_eino: ok and have you symlink /etc/rc2.d/S20<scriptname> ?12:30
Dr_WillisUbuntu  uses Upstart these days. the 'rc.d' (sysv) method is slowly getting phased out.12:30
sacarlsoneino: if not then no you don't need xserver to be running12:30
SPM_then it's better run program with xsession or similar..12:31
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot12:31
einosacarlson: no it is not, ok12:31
einoSPM_ no, what is that?12:31
sacarlsonSPM_: seems some of the startup sequence has moved from /etc/init.d to /etc/init  with some if then stuff added.  I don't have a full understanding of it yet.12:31
CkhiKuzadMy ipod was recently completely corrupted by GNUpod, and i cant seem to format it because gnome keeps trying to mount it, but it causes it to instantly disappear. how would i be able to force-format it?12:32
Dr_Willissacarlson:  what remanes of /etc/init.d is actually (for the most part) upstart scripts that just look like the old sysv system. Upstart is the  way ubuntu is heading12:32
SPM_sacarlson: hmm, I now tried update-rc.d command and it only create symlinks in rcX.d...12:32
einooh yea and I'm using the 9.04 version12:32
einoif that changes anything12:32
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sacarlsonSPM_: I think they are like running parts of both upstart and sysv but at some point I think it will all be upstart so you might be better off moving to cron that I guess might continue to be supported.12:33
SPM_Dr_Willis: behavior of update-rc.d is updated automatical or I need to change anything?12:33
Dr_Williseino:  what exactly are yoy trying to startup?12:33
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einoI followed a guide at their website but I guess I failed12:34
Dr_Williseino:  i would just start it from /etc/rc.local and be done with it.  :) Unless you really want it to work as a 'service'12:34
eino"rtorrentcommontasks" @ google12:34
ximalI accidentally turned on my hdmi output and now when I turn on mycomputer I can see the login screen and I hear the sounds @ login but I can't move my mouse . Can anyone help with that ?12:34
einoDr_Willis: allright, I'll try that12:34
einoDr_Willis: what do i type in it? :D12:35
SPM_hmm, it will be hard to forgot init scripts :)12:35
ximalIs there a way to reset your xconfig file or to reset your video output on ubuntu 10.04 while you are using the live cd ?12:35
Dr_Williseino:  whatever command starts the progam12:35
einoDr_Willis: okay12:35
einobut hmm12:36
Dr_Williseino:  put them befor the exit statement with & at the end..12:36
sacarlsoncool thing with crontab is you can start your program at boot without being a super user.12:36
Dr_Willissacarlson:  rc.local is ran as root.. at boot.12:36
Dr_Willisstarting things at 'boot' via crontab seems.. awkward12:36
einoDr_Willis: can I put "screen rtorrent&" before the last line and it'll work?12:36
Dr_Williseino:  proberly. Try it and see..12:37
sacarlsonDr_Willis: don't you need to be a supper user to modify the contents of rc.local then?12:37
einookay :P12:37
Dr_Williseino:  you mey need to read up on the screen docs.12:37
SPM_sacarlson: for running cron jobs as root you have to be root too... I think12:37
Dr_Willissacarlson:  rc.local is ran when the system boots befor users login. You could set up  a command to run an app as a user if you wanted.. it does Not run apps at set time.. just once at bootup.12:38
sacarlsonSPM_: yes true but any user can have a cron that he can modify without becoming root that's all I'm saying.12:38
sacarlsonDr_Willis: user cron is also started before users login but never require supper user to modify or start them.12:39
SPM_sacarlson: yes... but if user has root account on his computer, is maybe better to use rc.local or similar..12:39
einodidn't work12:39
mstaceyneed help with lock screen12:40
Dr_Williseino:  then you need to use a proper command and read up on screen12:40
einoscreen -r nor screen -rd nor sudo * those wont work12:40
einowhat do you mean proper?12:40
SPM_eino: you have to type screen -r as root12:40
einoSPM_ I did12:40
SPM_with sudo, ok..12:40
Dr_Williseino:  figure out how to do it from a  terminal. i do Not think 'screen whatever' runs whatever in screen.. try it from a terminal12:41
mstaceywhen the screen is locked the dialog that pops up has an "unlock" button that bypasses entry of the login12:41
sacarlsonSPM_: they can both do almost the same thing if the user that has the cron has sudo rights he too can start a root event.  not saying it's wrong to do it your way just providing another way that you never require to be root.12:41
einoDr_Willis: if I type screen rtorrent its starts up fine12:41
Dr_Williseino:  then whats the issue?12:41
Dr_Willissaying 'it dont work' dosent tell us much. :)12:41
einoI would like it to start automatically when I boot my computer :P12:41
einoI put it in that rc file and rebooted, no screen to be resumed12:42
einoI'm sorry if this is frustrating, I'm a newbie with linux :D12:42
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
Dr_Williseino:  whats the exact command you put in rc.local ?12:42
einoscreen rtorrent&12:43
einoexit 012:43
Dr_Williseino:  there ya go.. thats the issue12:43
Dr_Willisits screen rtorrent &12:43
Dr_Willis'spaces are imporntant'12:43
einooh okay :D pardon me12:43
einoreboot, sec12:43
pieroi want website i can download games for ubuntu12:44
pieroi want website i can download games for ubuntu12:44
jribDr_Willis: point eino to "man screen"/startup<enter>12:44
Dr_Willispiero:  try the getdeb or playdeb web sites fotr startersd.12:45
Dr_Willispiero:  or check teh package manager for lots of games12:45
doorknobEvery time I upgrade the kernel my graphics and sound drivers get screwed.. is there a fix to this?12:45
einoodd, still doesn't work12:45
eino"no screen to be resumed/detached12:45
jribeino: use crontab and read "man screen"/startup12:45
hirenhi all12:45
Batchrockhopper, If you recall our last conversation I believe this is the problem: "wlan0: deauthenticating from XXXXXX by local choice (reason=3)"12:45
coz_doorknob, which video card do you have?12:45
BatchAlthough I have no idea how to fix it12:46
einojrib isn't rc.local crontab?12:46
jribeino: no.12:46
Dr_Williseino:  you do realize that  rc.lcoal is getting ran as root.. so your torrent app is getting ran as root. this may not be what you want12:46
Dr_Willisrc.local has nothing to do with crontab12:46
hirenhi daviwy12:46
doorknob(running ATI catalyst drivers with ATI sound onboard)12:46
einoDr_Willis: it doesn't matter if it runs as root12:47
Dr_Williseino:  it can matter.. its a serucity risk12:47
Dr_Williseino:  screen  has command line options to start detached.. you proberly need to use12:47
rockhopperBatch, Lol i dont know as well. But, if you have set the settings up correct, it shud connect12:47
coz_doorknob, mm  I am not sure about ati situations when kernels get updated  however  ... I assume you rebooted when there were kernel updates...yes?12:47
Batchrockhopper, Well it was working easiler, I don't know what to do/say D:12:47
rockhopperBatch, Lol, weird12:48
BatchThrow the bitch out the window I reckon.12:48
jribBatch: that's not appropriate here12:48
rockhopperBatch, are the settings in that router changed?12:48
Batchjrib, Neither is wireless decided to kill itself.12:49
Batchrockhopper, Nope.12:49
jribBatch: glad we agree12:49
Batchjrib, Want to have a stab at my problem?12:49
jribBatch: nope12:49
XimalWhat is the command to use cli to reconfigure xserver and X11 etc ?12:49
Ximalplease ?12:50
jribXimal: why?12:50
Ximaljrib: I am stuck on my hd screen only after attempting to enable hdmi output12:50
jribXimal: how did you attempt to enable it?12:50
BatchXimal, yes `yes`12:50
Batchrun that.12:50
Ximaljrib: i set the hd monitor on and the regular monitor off12:50
jribXimal: do not run that12:51
Ximaljrib: i know not to listen to batch12:51
jribi'm trying to decide on ban or kick.  Are you going to never do that again Batch ?12:51
johngeetaranyone use conkyForecast?12:51
Ximaljrib: i tries sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it brought me back to the command line12:51
Ximalerr tried .. my bad jrid12:52
Ximaljrib ... ughh I can't spell for jack .. been at this for over 3 hours now12:52
Belgicanojohngeetar: I do.12:52
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johngeetarhave you ever had it return abnormally high values?  I just logged into X today to find that it was 165 degrees outside??12:52
BatchMy wireless decides to deauthenticate straight away, Started happening out of the blue. Error that I think is causing it is; wlan0: deauthenticating from XXXXX  by local choice (reason=3)12:52
Ximalsorry jrib12:52
jribXimal: how did you turn the monitors on and off?  Using a gui tool?  Anyway, I don't think the dpkg configure script does much nowadays.  But by default xorg.conf should be empty or even non-existent.  Try that.  Also you can pass some switch to Xorg to generate some kind of configuration file.  I'd try just deleting xorg.conf for starters12:53
Belgicanojohngeetar: nope, never noticed anything like that, are you living on Mercurius? lol...12:53
pranay_09i have downloded the package "festival" which coverts text to speech but when i run it i get the error: festival> (SayText "Hello world") Linux: can't open /dev/dsp#<Utterance 0xb6a87d08>12:54
Batchpranay_09, Contact Cow.12:54
madf0xpranay, why use festival?12:54
Belgicanojohngeetar: which version are you using? and how did you install it? Repos?12:54
johngeetarlol, actually I was messing with the positioning settings and out of the blue, it was apparently REALLY hot outside and was going to be hotter the next few days12:54
pranay_09i want to use a text to speech convertor for an application i am developing12:55
madf0xMy install came with spd-say which does text to speech just fine12:55
johngeetarso I installed ircII to come in here and ask around and it just sort of fixed itself by the time I finally got in here12:55
e3c333hello there is there any internal mail server in ubuntu like exchange server12:55
madf0xpranay, just asking why festival(never used it mind you, not a rhetoric question)? Cause if you dont NEED it you can avoid the problem :)12:55
Belgicanoweird, could it heve been some "appending" of data due to positionning of objects?12:56
sipiore3c333: yes, several. postfix is quite capable, for example.12:56
jribe3c333: there are several.  postfix that sipior mentioned is good, there's also exim...12:56
johngeetarBelgicano: I have no idea.  It's been working fine, then out of nowhere it was giving me wrong values12:57
zeleftikamHey all. Problem with 10.04 with nVidia GeForce GTS 250 card running dual displays. If I disable the second display, it works fine, but if I enable the second display using TwinView, the Adaptive PowerMizer setting becomes ineffective, the GPU and RAM run at full clock speed, and the GPU temperature reaches 102C while the computer just sits there at the desktop with interface effects off. Any clue where to start troubleshooting this skyrock12:57
zeleftikameting GPU?12:57
sorin7486can somebody help me ? my sound doesn't work !!!12:57
jrib!sound > sorin748612:57
ubottusorin7486, please see my private message12:57
Ximaljrib: ok .. that sudo mv command is done ... next ?12:57
e3c333<jrib> if there is a stable one like exchange server12:57
jribXimal: restart your X12:57
sorin7486no it's not muted12:58
pranay_09madf0x, i just need something which converts text to speech ,googled it and found it also it can be used as an argument to runtime command in java in which i am developing the app , can you please suggest some alternative,12:58
sipiorzeleftikam: interesting. i assume you're running the nvidia driver?12:58
Ximalummm i' honestly don't remember that command right now ...12:58
zeleftikamsipior: yes sir12:58
jribe3c333: I don't know anything about exchange.  You mean you want something that acts /like/ exchange or what?12:58
sorin7486but thanks for the links12:58
johngeetarlike an SMTP server?12:58
e3c333jrib: microsoft exchange server12:58
jribe3c333: repeating things does not help me understand12:58
Belgicanohow long did it take to set back to normal?12:59
e3c333jrib as in with gud user friendly admin console and all !12:59
pranay_09madf0x, java has a freeTTS but for some reasons it is not working in my system so i am looking for an alternative12:59
sipiorzeleftikam: might be useful? http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=976146112:59
ubottuMail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com13:00
Dr_Willisno mail server factoid. :)13:00
jrib!mailserver | e3c33313:00
ubottue3c333: Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html13:00
Dr_Willismailservers/exchange - one of those things ive never really messed with. (and dont care to) :)13:01
leveneis there a problem with flashplugin-installer? when I apt-get --reinstall it, it says "download failed", "The Flash plugin is NOT installed"13:01
leveneI'm behind a proxy but wget can download the file it tries to fetch13:01
leveneso I don't understand it13:01
leveneit tries to get http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_10.1.82.76.orig.tar.gz13:01
Dr_Willislevene:  ive seen that happen if adobe changes  the file/updates it in the past  the version # can change.13:02
leveneDr_Willis: is there a fix?13:02
stackensomebody can help me?13:02
Dr_Willislevene:  never noticed. I always install it on new installs and rarely have issues.13:02
coz_stacken,  sorry i didnt see your question13:02
leveneDr_Willis: although this seems not to be the issue. it's a download from archive.canonical.com that files when the script tries to fetch it, but I can access it with wget from the same machine13:02
madf0xlevene well if it says its not installed then the obvious answer is to install it instead of --reinstall :)13:02
Dr_Willislevene:  ages ago they had to update teh flash-installer package. but ive not heard of any othe rissues with flash lately.13:02
stackenhow can u install the teamspeak 3 client?13:03
stackenim a newbie13:03
stackencan i-13:03
levenemadf0x: the flashplugin-installer package is already installed. it's an installer script. but the script fails13:03
stackenhow can i* sry13:03
coz_stacken,  ah ok .. mm I installed that last week to test  hold on13:03
zeleftikamsipior: hmm. well my problem is the opposite of what they are trying to solve in that thread. i have full power all day, i want it to throttle back and cool down13:04
coz_stacken,  ok  open system/administration/synaptic package manager13:05
coz_stacken,  tell me when that is opened13:05
crackguyi've got a domain name. what settings do i have to set in dns in order to make my domain http://domain.com and http://www.domain.com to another website url..13:05
stackenkay i was opened it13:05
perlsyntaxHow do i install emacs from source on ubuntu>13:06
coz_stacken,  ok hit the  Search button and type in    teamspeak13:06
Dr_Willis!compile | perlsyntax13:06
ubottuperlsyntax: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:06
coz_stacken,  when that comes up you will see both the teamspeak server and client13:06
kuttan_Any good command line tools to find duplicate files , by comparing there md5 sums ..13:06
stackenseach button ?13:06
Dr_Willisperlsyntax:  shall we ask why you are compiling emacs?13:06
stackenwhere is it?13:06
perlsyntaxi know that what lib do i need for it13:06
coz_stacken,  where is the "Search" button?13:06
Dr_Willisperlsyntax:  emacs proberly uses a lot of differnt libs.13:06
stackeni dont find it13:06
perlsyntaxbecuase i want the news one.13:07
fancybitI want to study how to write startup script in /etc/init , any docs or suggestion?13:07
jribperlsyntax: why don't you use the packages...?13:07
jrib!upstart | fancybit13:07
ubottufancybit: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:07
coz_stacken,   if synaptic is opened it should be a big  button at the top  with "search" just below the icon13:07
perlsyntaxi want to try to build my own.13:07
coz_crackguy,  if no one can answer here try the ##Linux channel13:07
sipiorzeleftikam: but surely the post on page two of that thread is relevant, with the RegistryDwords entry in xorg.conf. can you try specifying a different value for PowerMizerEnable? (it's entirely possible that it is incompatible with twinview, as suggested later in the thread)13:07
coz_stacken,  did you find it?13:08
Batchrockhopper, Fixed it.13:08
Dr_Willisperlsyntax:  you can use the   ->    sudo apt-get build-dep PACKAGENAME      To pull in all the depenedencies needed to compile somthing13:08
Dr_Willisperlsyntax:  you NEED a newer emacs? or are you just learning how TO compile as the goal?13:08
stackenthanks guy :D13:08
coz_stacken,   ok  hope that helps13:09
mjtunesis there a xchat channel here13:09
coz_mjtunes,  yes just type   /join  #xchat13:09
Ximaljrib: sir ?13:09
jribXimal: yes?13:10
zeleftikamsipior: it is definitely set to Adaptive. i can reboot and it still says Adaptive. but even though that is true, it chooses the fastest of the three adaptive modes to stick in when i'm using TwinView13:10
ahmed_any one here/join #xchat13:10
Ximaljrib: it's telling me no monitors found when i try to go to the safe graphics mode and to fix the graphics selection13:10
Ximaljrib: that is the fatal error i am receiving clearly read now sir13:10
jribXimal: after renaming xorg.conf and restarting X it takes you to safe graphics mode?13:12
Ximaljrib: no sir . It pauses and then freezes after i hear the ubuntu login bonging sound13:12
Ximaljrib: well not freezes .. I just lose use of my mouse and keyboard and my NUM LOCK KEY will not illuminate at login after i hear the sounds and the screen appears13:13
jribXimal: did it used to work?13:13
Ximalyes sir jrib13:13
XimalI'm thinking I'll go to the live cd .. backup the important junk i've gotten in the past 24 hours be it only a few tv shows and ecw films13:14
Ximaland then reinstall using only the hdmi cable now that I know the hdmi output works.. if that doesn't fly then I'll just give up on the hd output13:14
Ximalthough I hate to handicapp ubuntu when I know it's capable of much ore13:15
Ximalerr much more13:15
jribXimal: hmm, that shouldn't be necessary, but I also don't know much about what's going on so it may be the quicker route13:15
Ximaljrib: thank you and i'll see you later if I survive the move13:15
Dr_Willisthatst weird. I use hdmi or my dvi and swap them about on my nvidia system13:15
Ximalthank you13:15
leveneDr_Willis: seems that the proxy settings in /etc/wgetrc needed editing13:15
Dr_WillisI am using a dvi -> hdmi converter gizmo.13:15
SteveThingAnyone familiar with Nessus on 10.04? Having issues with installing and SSL certs13:15
XimalDr_Willis: it's all good willis I'm just reinstalling over 10.04 to get the hdmi from the start ;)13:16
fabi_an_hi, i'm not able to boot my fresh 10.04 server installation on lvm+raid. I get the busybox prompt and "/dev/mapper/LVM-root not found" message. any thoughts?13:16
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
zeleftikamsipior: http://pastebin.com/t4ksRSUx13:16
SPM_fabi_an_: have you installed raid modules and lvm utils in this system?13:17
fabi_an_SPM_: i did a standard install with the 10.04 server cd. I used the installer to setup raid+lvm. no manual installation of anything13:18
fabi_an_SPM_: i wasn't able to boot in the system after the installer completed13:19
SteveThingCan someone help me with Nessus 4.2.2 and fixing SSL cert issues?13:19
fabi_an_SPM_: by holding the shift key I got in the grub2 (1.98) menu, the configuration appears to be valid (insmod raid5, raid5rec, mdraid,lvm,ext2)13:19
fabi_an_SPM_: and my root partition (no separate boot) is ext413:20
SPM_fabi_an_: hmm... this can be bug... but now I would try to boot from live cd, chroot into installed system, try to install raid and lvm utils, update initramfs and reboot13:20
fabi_an_SPM_: can I do that with the server cd? or do I need the desktop cd?13:21
SPM_fabi_an_: I think that server cd should bu sufficient13:21
fabi_an_rescue mode?13:22
SPM_try it... if it boot into terminal it will be good :)13:22
fabi_an_SPM_: it just doesn't seem to load raid+lvm in the terminal :(13:23
SPM_fabi_an_: hmm, md devices doesn't exist? :/13:23
SPM_try modprobe raid1 (or raidX according to level...)13:24
fabi_an_there is md013:25
sdkI normally use Eterm or rxvt for a terminal, usually Eterm with Escreen, but I just got a really hi res monitor and now the fonts are too small, so I've been spending hours trying to nagivate the morass that is the font management system in Linux13:25
SPM_fabi_an_: vgscan should map lvm devices13:25
sdkSo, I'm tring to find a terminal that is as powerful as Eterm or rxvt but is more simple to configure.13:25
sdkAnd am here looking for suggestions.13:26
=== undifined_ is now known as UndiFineD
fabi_an_SPM_: false positive, the md0 says "no such file or directory" (if i triy mdadm --start /dev/md0)13:26
fabi_an_SPM_: vgscan gives no output aparat from "this may take a while"13:27
SPM_fabi_an_: look in fdisk if partition types are raid auto detect...13:27
dpjust recently, all flash videos started playing at 3-4x, with no sound.  the same thing happens with pianobar.  does anyone have a suggestion on where I could start?13:27
fabi_an_SPM_: yes, all of the 413:28
sdkideally, a term that will minimize screen real estate, use transparency and have a decent tabbing system (Escreen is *awesome*) but will have a straightforward method of setting fonts and sizes on the commandline.13:29
DoubleStringhey all13:29
SPM_fabi_an_: hmm, maybe some more special live cd found drives correctly :/ but it's weird, I mount lvm drives from normal desktop install cd...13:30
fabi_an_SPM_: i will use another cd13:30
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=== saeras_ is now known as saeras
stackeni have a problem guys... how can i install an op system without CD/DVD writer?13:38
imanchey ubuntu chaps13:39
imancI hvae installed navicat via wine and it has installed into ~/.wine/c_drive/Program Files/premiumsoft/navicat.exe13:40
duffydack!usb | stacken13:40
ubottustacken: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:40
imancI need to create a link - so I right clicked on the exe file and selected "make link" then moved the link to the desktpo13:40
imancbugt when I run it, it says "cannot find DLL" so there appears to be a path issue.   Any ideas how to get around this problem?13:40
_silentAssassinstacken, which os are u using now .. i guess windows?13:41
_silentAssassinif so .. then u can use unetbootin ..... requiring ubuntu os image and usb drive13:41
imancany ideas aboutthe path issue?13:43
RainRainlooking for a different "show desktop" button, or some way of changing the action to like on xp ... the current button seems to represent a desktop on or off state, whereas the button on xp simply toggles the current state and is much better - any ideas13:43
frxstremare there any good alternatives to GNOME Terminal and xterm?13:43
BadJokeWhat ?13:43
nakeeI found a ppa of dolphin how can I request it to become an official maintained program?13:43
BadJokei am speak english so so13:43
briellehi i just installed updates now i don"t have wifi :( 10.04 on acer aspire13:43
=== kuroi_ is now known as rockhopper
sacarlsonbrielle: well you can tell grub2 to boot with your old kernel to get wifi working again or you can find the needed driver to compile into your new kernel.13:46
briellei tried booting older kernel... didn't work...13:46
rsvHow can i download files from one ubuntu machine to another other than ftp13:46
sacarlsonbrielle: oh13:46
jribrsv: scp?13:47
brielleit kept complaining about some lib i'll find out exactly what it is...13:47
rsvi have 39G to transfer and using ftp it is very slow13:47
Tonus!rsync | rsv13:47
ubottursv: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync13:47
Tonus!cn | abc_13:49
ubottuabc_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:49
sacarlsonrsv: two local computer?  how slow is slow?13:49
=== livid123 is now known as Livid
rsvlocal computers in 4 hours i have copied only 9G13:49
rockhoppercan smeone suggest me a download manager, which we can set a proxy setting to be used for the downloads?13:49
rsvusing filezilla13:50
sacarlsonTonus: good pick for rsv: rsync13:50
sipiorrsv: how are the computers connected?13:50
rsvlocal network13:50
sipiorrsv: 802.11b? g? 10Mbit ethernet? gigabit ethernet?13:51
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sipiorrsv: ip over carrier pigeon?13:51
sipiorrsv: you might check the interfaces with ifconfig: look to see if there are a large number of collisions detected. or are these both plugged into the same switch?13:53
rsvthey are plugged into the same switch13:53
rsvCollisions are 013:54
ilmenitewhat runs on port 34008 ? i just opened http://localhost:34008/ (one of the two only open ports my system has) and it prompts for a username and password, root's credentials doesnt work13:54
=== PsyTrance_ is now known as PsyTrance
sipiorrsv: is scp any faster? you might even have a go with netcat...13:54
rsvokay, let me continue with ftp13:55
sacarlsonrsv: what does that add up to about 900kb/sec?13:55
ilmeniteis there a gui to chkconfig?13:55
rsvsacarlson: i havent computed the speed yet13:55
sipiorilmenite: try "sudo netstat -antup | grep 34008"13:55
sacarlsonrsv: that was my ruff estimate13:56
moobydoes ubuntu lucid use grub or grub2 ?13:56
rsvits okay, its around 9GB now i have to wait13:56
ilmenitesipior: weird, i have python there as well as something called beam.smp13:57
ilmenitewhats beam.smp?13:57
rsvdoes rsync overwrite the files if it already exits?13:57
sacarlsonrsv: I normaly get about 5meg/sec about with windows and ubuntu over samba13:57
=== booboo is now known as coz_
rsvTell me about samba13:57
rsvi have 2 ubuntu machines13:57
rsvlaptop and desktop13:57
sacarlsonrsv: with 100meg ethernet13:57
rsvtaking backup13:57
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:57
rsvi have 100M ethernet13:57
rsvPici: sorry13:58
sacarlsonrsv: maybe you could get about 5X faster with some other method13:58
sacarlson!samba | rsv14:01
ubottursv: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:01
coz_hey guys...has synaptic freezing the system been reported at all?  I have had the same problem with lucid from day one... also on lucid edubuntu.. synaptic will freeze the system... text console...as root... killall synaptic ...log in   open software sources first then open synaptic for it to work14:06
coz_clean installs by the way14:06
A71KR117coz_ IDK, maybe check google?14:07
UndiFineDcoz_, how much memory do you have ?14:07
rsvwhen i try rsync, it just lists the file, it wont download it14:07
aeon-ltdcoz_: hdd full?14:08
coz_aeon-ltd,  no not even close14:08
coz_i did find a report on ubuntu forums just now14:08
sipiorcoz_: you get the console by logging in remotely, or via alt-f1?14:08
sipiorctrl-alt-f1, rather.14:09
UndiFineDcoz_, you may want to remove the *.bin files from /var/cache/apt, they will be rebuild on update14:09
A71KR117coz_, try emptying out the cache, in the console type this in: sudo apt-get clean14:09
coz_sipior,  well I have to use  ctrl+alt+F1  after the system freezes14:09
sipiorcoz_: so the system doesn't actually freeze...14:09
coz_sipior,  in the stricktest sense   no   but nothing including cursor input is available14:10
sipiorcoz_: but keyboard input is. did you notice any other processes running whilst in console?14:10
coz_sipior,  yes14:11
Routershow to kill all the pid from a specified user in ubuntu ?14:11
coz_sipior,  but no applications are available14:11
sipiorcoz_: sorry? which processes did you notice?14:11
coz_sipior,  none14:11
sipiorcoz_: so when you said "yes" just now...14:12
Routersits has 7000 processes14:12
Routersi want to kill it all by one command14:12
Routershow ?14:12
RainRaincould someone explain what launchers are - i have tried making a launcher on the desktop to both a script and a folder(location) and neither work at all14:12
sipiorRouters: check out the "-u" switch to killall14:13
WinstonSmithhi ppl14:13
aeon-ltdRainRain: launchers are the equivalent of shortcuts to apps14:14
A71KR117RainRain: a launcher is like a shortcut on windows. Right click on the menu bar (the one with apps, places, system) and click new launcher.14:14
sacarlsonRouters: try this and see if it works sudo pkill -u username14:14
RainRaincan i not just put a launcher on the desktop ?14:15
A71KR117RainRain: oops, click edit menu, then click new launcher14:15
RainRaini was right click on dtop >> add new launcher >> fill in the bits = nothing happened14:15
A71KR117RainRain: you can right click on it in the menu and then click add launcher to desktop14:15
RainRainwhich menu again14:16
Routerssacarlson : its says invalid passwd sudo for me14:16
A71KR117RainRain: just right click on any14:17
sacarlsonRouters: what does that mean you don't have sudo privliges?14:17
Routersi must root first ?14:17
A71KR117sacarlson: Routers: maybe you misspelled the password14:17
jinxxUbuntu keeps breaking my triple-boot configuration (Sabayon, Fedora, Ubuntu) -- currently Ubuntu is only recognizing Fedora and doesn't add Sabayon to grub.  Is there some way to fix this automatically or do I have to keep modifying my grub.cfg every time ubuntu updates it?14:18
RainRainA71KR117: doesnt work --- the option comes up but nothing happens14:18
sacarlsonRouters: no but your user must be in the sudoers list and yes maybe you misspelled your password14:18
A71KR117RainRain: what doesnt work?14:18
Routerssudo pkill -u routers <- like this rite ?14:18
RainRainadd this launcher to panel works but to desktop just does nothing14:18
sacarlsonRouters: looks right to me14:18
sacarlsonRouters: can you sudo ls14:19
Routerswait pls14:19
RainRainA71KR117: yes - weird right clicking and then clicking add this launcher to dtop literally does nothing for some reason --- i did an update earlier and need a restart maybe that could be the problem14:19
A71KR117RainRain: Hit ALT-F2 and paste this in: gconftool-2 --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop --type bool 114:20
coz_UndiFineD,  that may have worked  at least for now ... i will continue to test this though ...14:20
Routersrouters@Central-Server:~$ sudo ls14:20
Routers[sudo] password for routers:14:20
RainRainA71KR117: was there supposed to be some effect - didnt notice14:20
A71KR117Routers: the password isn't suppose to show up for security reasons14:21
sacarlsonyes so you need to enter your password,  don't you know what it is?14:21
A71KR117RainRain: try logging off, then logging on again14:21
aeon-ltdtcha: hi14:21
tchaI can't activate my touchpad with a dell latitude 13 on ubuntu, got some ideas ?14:21
A71KR117RainRain: after doing what the earlier message said14:21
RainRainok - thanks14:22
Routerswhat should i do now14:22
lap_dragonwill open office work on ubuntu linux?14:22
sacarlsonRouters: wo is that no?14:22
Picilap_dragon: openoffice comes default with the desktop install.14:22
aeon-ltdlap_dragon: yes its in the repos if you don't have it14:22
Routerssacarlson : im a root .. i try sudo pkill -u routers14:23
lap_dragoncan you give me the command to install it? is it sudo apt-get install openoffice ?14:23
aeon-ltdlap_dragon: should be might be open-office though14:23
lap_dragonhmm then I am thinking of something else.14:23
A71KR117RainRain: did it work?14:23
Picilap_dragon: the package name is openoffice.org14:23
lap_dragonWhat is the free program that is just like microsoft word?14:24
Picilap_dragon: Thats it.14:24
lap_dragonisnt it openoffice writer?14:24
aeon-ltdlap_dragon: open office writer14:24
sacarlsonRouters: well the other think I note is your killing yourself  not sure what that will end up with.14:24
jinxxUbuntu keeps breaking my triple-boot configuration (Sabayon, Fedora, Ubuntu) -- currently Ubuntu is only recognizing Fedora and doesn't add Sabayon to grub.  Is there some way to fix this automatically or do I have to keep modifying my grub.cfg every time ubuntu updates it?14:24
Picilap_dragon: openoffice.org-writer if you just want that.  I don't know how much of the suite it pulls in though.14:24
eugenejvri'm new to ubuntu does ubuntu have mailing lists for support?14:24
muthui  can't copy or cut the any documents from  system to pendrive.. may you heip me please.....14:24
Pici!lists | eugenejvr14:24
ubottueugenejvr: Mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com14:24
RainRainA71KR117: yes something happened alright - now i've got tons of launchers - thanks for your help --- what would the problem have been do you thinkg14:24
tchaso nobody can help with the touchpad ? I tried tpconfig but nothing works14:25
A71KR117RainRain: an update probably changed the GConf settings.14:25
=== muthu is now known as vairam
RainRainA71KR117: thanks again14:25
UndiFineDcoz_, I do that once in a while14:25
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A71KR117RainRain: ur welcome14:26
Mimohi i want to share a drive (samba) and a fat partion is not really working for me cause i get files over 13 gig and fat doesn't know how to handle14:26
MimoNTFS is the next best sollution?14:26
Routersits done14:26
jribMimo: ask #samba14:26
aeon-ltdMimo: does windows need it? if not ext2/3/4 might be better14:27
WinstonSmithtcha, try installing gpointing-device-settings14:27
tchaWinstonSmith: ok thank you I look that14:27
Mimoaeon-ltd: it's in a way they.. it's just an ordanairy file server14:27
coz_UndiFineD,  it makes sense ... but not in the long run... and I recall having to do this a while back on a previous version...but i do really appreciate the reminder :)14:27
aeon-ltdMimo: ok ext2/3/4 will be better (choose depending on what kind of hdd it is)14:28
WinstonSmithMimo, if u share over samba the underlying partition type does not matter14:28
tarzeaui'd use xfs14:28
vairammay you any one heip me14:28
aeon-ltd!ask | vairam14:28
ubottuvairam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:28
Mimoaaah okej tought so but was just curious14:28
Mimomerci all14:29
tchaWinstonSmith: it is done, but it only detects the usb mouse14:29
Mimoaeon-ltd: will try EXT thanks14:29
iEatChildrenIm trying to make it so when i play an mp3 gmail voice chat thinks its my mic...how would i go about doing this?14:29
sacarlsonMimo:  I guess there is fat32  how big can those get with fat32?14:29
WinstonSmithtcha, what type & model ol laptop?14:29
A71KR117vairam: what is the problem>14:30
tchadell latitude 1314:30
CorpusCallosumhi i searched on web a little but i just want to ask you too. I have ubuntu 10.04 and i installed vmware player on it. However my guest XP freeze after for a while. 3GB RAM and COREDUO processor. any idea ?14:30
tchaWinstonSmith: dell latitude 13, synaptics touchpad14:30
lap_dragonOk is it possible to get my external audio card to work with the built-in speakerS?14:30
lap_dragonIt is a usb audio card14:30
spermcubejust to let u guys know i solved my problem with lvm and restoring a pvcreated volume.14:31
thesloblap_dragon: soldering iron !!14:31
spermcubemk2fs -n /dev/sdc114:31
spermcubethen e2fsck -b "backupblock" /dev/sdc114:31
lap_dragonAnybody have any serious answers?14:31
spermcubeworked a charm14:31
karlohow I can instal XVID ?14:32
karlo.. for firefox14:32
thesloblap_dragon: you'll need to solder the speakers only to the audio aut port of the laptop, then connect external soundcard with a wire to the port, should work fine14:32
WinstonSmithtcha, do a xinput list |grep -i touchpad please14:32
vairami can copy the documents from pendrive to system.. but,i can't copy any kind of documents including videos  from system to pendrive14:33
A71KR117variam: where are the documents located? can you move them to 1 folder?14:33
|GaiJin|Anyone having issues with having to restart the network after disconecting from a router? I cant reconnect to it after I have dissed. thoughts?14:33
tchaWinstonSmith: the result is empty14:33
|GaiJin|vairam permission problem?14:33
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sacarlsonMimo: ya seems fat32 has a file size limit of no biger than 4gig so if your files are that big 4gig or the total size of partition will need to be biger than 32gig then ntfs will be you next option to support windows over samba to ubuntu14:34
aeon-ltdlap_dragon: speakers built in to what?14:34
lap_dragontheslob, are there any diagrams you could link me to of a VGN-N320E vaio?14:35
lap_dragonBuilt into my laptop14:35
robert99hey, have specific problem with scim-anthy under lynx, want to type japanese but can't input hiragana n . checked all the online resources and they all tell me to type double n as usual but then i get a hiragana nya. Who can help me with this? Thanx Rob14:35
aeon-ltdlap_dragon: no. (short answer) without modding14:35
Mimosacarlson: but i just heard that ext3 will do as well cause  if u share over samba the underlying partition type does not matter14:35
thesloblap_dragon: its only 2 wires so you don't need a diagram14:36
aeon-ltdlap_dragon: experimental but you could use a 3.5mm jack going out of the usb audio card to the input jack of your laptop then output using built in speakers(although imo built in speaker suck for notebooks)14:36
sacarlsonMimo: oh I thought you needed windows support,  yes ext3 would be better if you just want ubuntu to access it.14:36
aeon-ltdlap_dragon: kind of a dirty workaround though14:36
Mimowell i use win7 and have a fileserver (ubuntu)14:36
theslobaeon-ltd: danger, might damage internal audio or both14:37
Mimoso still need ntfs?14:37
aeon-ltdMimo: does windows need to mount it?14:37
sacarlsonMimo: oh I see,  ya ext3 then is better14:37
imfedebig problem: i've just installed ubuntu 10.04 and it works perfectly but, when i plug my wireless belkin card, everything crashes and i need to shutdown manually my pc. what can i do?14:37
Mimono no need for mounting14:37
ximaljrib : you there ?14:38
sacarlsonaeon-ltd: I guess windows can mount ext3 also with 3rd party software added.14:38
jribximal: yes14:38
aeon-ltdMimo: then no, you don't need ntfs14:38
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jrib!away > alex88[away]14:38
ubottualex88[away], please see my private message14:38
lap_dragonI am going to open up my laptop and see if I can figure anything out.14:38
aeon-ltdsacarlson: yeah but i've found those kinds of software to be quite buggy14:38
lap_dragonI hope I don'tbreak anything14:38
Mimook  great sparing with you guys thanks14:38
lap_dragonWish me luck14:38
aeon-ltdlap_dragon: good luck14:38
tchaWinstonSmith: what is strange is that tpconfig detects it14:38
sacarlsonaeon-ltd: good to know,  but I never used them and not sure I will.14:39
aeon-ltdlap_dragon: note: ground yourself first14:39
tcha"found synaptics touchpad"14:39
lap_dragonI am turning it off14:39
ximaljrib : check private msg friend14:39
imfedebig problem: i've just installed ubuntu 10.04 and it works perfectly but, when i plug my wireless belkin card, everything crashes and i need to shutdown manually my member:pc. what can i do?14:42
LordDoskiasis there a tutorial how to make an ubuntu install into a hotspot14:42
LordDoskiaswithout using any of the captive portal software packages14:43
LordDoskiasi mean i wanna manually sort of do it14:43
pie_timewhat is the easiest method for filesharing in a LAN between ubuntu computers?14:43
aeon-ltdpie_time: samba, nfs14:44
pie_timeaeon-ltd, someone told me it was sshfs14:44
pie_timeand that it was safer14:44
WinstonSmithtcha, try this : gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/touchpad_enabled true14:44
aeon-ltdpie_time: if you've got a firewall they're pretty much the same, yeah ssh keys might be slightly safer but not significantly better14:45
jribpie_time: you asked "easiest" not "most secure", do you need the transfer to be encrypted on your local network?14:46
pie_timejrib, bo14:46
pie_timejrib, no14:46
aeon-ltdlawl :)14:46
jribpie_time: then use samba or nfs as aeon-ltd suggested.  You can use samba by just right clicking on a directory in nautilus and sharing it14:47
pie_timejrib, it's not working in my bridged virtual machine though14:47
WinstonSmithimfede, try booting with the card already plugged in?14:47
fabi_an_SPM_: still there?14:47
fabi_an_SPM_: i'm not able to mount lvm on raid in the live-cd14:48
imfedefabi_an_: it crashes when the desktop finish loading... :(14:48
tchaWinstonSmith: thank you, but it didn't work :(14:48
tchaWinstonSmith: touchpad still inactive14:48
LinnkIf i wanted to start python scripting what programs would you recommend?14:48
aguitelimfede, what chipset use this card?14:49
SPM_fabi_an_: hmm - and see you the md devices or not?14:49
jribLinnk: python and your favorite editor14:49
fabi_an_SPM_: yes, the md0 is there. (and is resyncing)14:50
fabi_an_SPM_: but vgscan doesn't output anything. new ideas?14:50
imfedeaguitel: i don' know but on ubuntu 9.10 it works...14:50
aguitelimfede, look in terminal:type lspci14:51
WinstonSmithtcha, did it never work? do u have a button on your keyboard to disable the TP?14:51
imfedeaguitel:  without the card?14:51
aguitelimfede, with the card14:51
imfedeaguitel:  if i plugged it the whole computer crashes...14:52
tchaWinstonSmith: yeah it used to work, and I have a button looing like the touchpad on the keyboard, but it doesn't activate it14:52
jribLinnk: also, #python is a very helpful place14:52
LinnkGotcha thank you very much14:52
tchaWinstonSmith: Fn+F614:52
aguitelimfede, if you use 9.10 live cd or usb14:52
imfedeaguitel:  ok i will try with a livecd14:52
Sid123i have recently installed mysql and lampp,whenever i try to open the query browser ,admin window opened and ask for server hostname,username,pasword.I just want to learn sql.What should i do?14:52
aguitelimfede, this information is neccesary to provide the solution14:53
muthuhow will be run the c,c++ and java programs after compiling on unbuntu14:54
imfedeaguitel:  i'm doing it14:54
imfedeaguitel: it's a bit slow14:54
=== muthu is now known as vairam
tchaWinstonSmith: I also tried gsynaptics, but it displays an error message "gsynaptics couldn't initialize, you have to set 'SMHconfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86CONFIG to use gsynaptics"14:55
stanmancanI need to upgrdae my php from 5.2.1 to 5.3.3 and i'm hoping there's an automated way14:55
stanmancanCan you guys help me with that since it's distro depenant or is thatup to the php guys?14:55
WinstonSmithtcha ; what is the output of : gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/touchpad_enabled14:56
sacarlsonSid123: I'm not sure what your missing.  did you forget the default password?  I normaly use myphpadmin with mysql as far as setup.14:56
frecuenciaderesedios! cuanta gente14:56
twig_this is a bit offtopic and if someone knows a better chan to ask in thats fine,  had a win comp hooked up to my network that i was working on, transfered some files for storage to my ubuntu box and run clam to be sure, found some worms and now i want to scan the two laptops that use the network to make sure the crap didnt spread.  looking for recomendations for a livecd or online av scanner14:56
tchaWinstonSmith: true14:57
jribtwig_: these are windows systems?14:57
WinstonSmithtcha, have to look something up 3 min14:57
Sid123<sacarlson>while installing i have not given any password(for client)14:57
twig_jrib: yes, it was a palevo worm that when i looked up said it attacked registry14:58
tchaWinstonSmith: ok thanks14:58
jribtwig_: ##windows14:58
twig_jrib: k thanks14:59
sacarlsonSid123:  i Can't remember but it seems at install of mysql it requires you to enter a admin user and or password.  if you don't remember I think I might just reinstall mysql.  there must be other ways if you forget the password.  I'm just not sure14:59
twig_jrib: even though it makes me feel dirty to type that word14:59
=== randy is now known as Guest21717
tieinvtwig: try trinity rescue kit  live cd15:00
jribtwig_: copy and paste :)15:00
sacarlsonSid123:  I think this might be a better solution http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html15:01
twig_tieinv: will look into that thanks15:01
frecuenciaderesepara ayuda en español?15:02
stanmancanWhats the easiest/safest way to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 ??15:02
datacrusher!es | freaky[t]15:02
ubottufreaky[t]: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:02
datacrusher!es | frecuenciaderese15:02
ubottufrecuenciaderese: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:02
jrib!upgrade | stanmancan15:02
ubottustanmancan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:02
=== robin is now known as Guest92161
imfedeaguitel: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/raw.php?i=r9ASbVgR15:03
stanmancanjrib: Thought so, but I did that this morning and got an unbootable box15:03
mandravelIs there a way to automatically install all updates without requiring user input?15:03
=== brett_ is now known as Guest56780
jribstanmancan: did what exactly?15:04
stanmancanjrib: the sudo do-release-upgrade15:04
steveireHow do I install java? http://dpaste.com/234338/15:04
jribstanmancan: you're on a server?15:04
gasullmandravel: some updates require user input15:04
jellowmandravel: look at apticron15:04
aguitelimfede, wait15:05
tishammeri have to add an entry to fstab for /dev/sdb1. how do i discover the UUIDs for my partitions?15:05
stanmancanjrib: yup15:05
imfedeaguitel: what also can i do? :) thx15:05
tishammermaybe there's a gui for adding entries to automatic mount?15:05
duffydacktishammer, sudo blkid15:06
stanmancantishammer: !blkid15:06
stanmancanhm, no bot15:06
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:06
jribstanmancan: do-release-upgrade did it's thing with no interesting output?  What happens on boot now?15:06
gasullmandravel: try apticron as other suggests.  I tried this other thing time ago and didn't work: http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/schedule_automatic_updates_on_ubuntu/  I'll try apticron myself now.15:07
stanmancanjrib: let me run through it again now, and let you know, i have a full sytem inages i can restore to when things go awry15:07
stanmancan!blkid | tishammer15:07
ubottutishammer: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:07
stanmancanahh thats how it works15:07
RandyRKellywhos runnin 10.1015:07
mandravelok thanks15:07
jellowmandravel: Probally little complex for what you want15:07
mandravelwill try15:07
bazhangRandyRKelly, people in #ubuntu+115:07
jribstanmancan: out of curiousity, what do you use to do that?15:07
WinstonSmithtcha, do a apt-get purge xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and the apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics plz15:08
mandravelWell there should be an easy option since they already offer the possibility of automatically installing security updates without requiring anything from the user15:08
aguitelimfede, you read spanish ? because i find solution in some spanish blog15:08
imfedeaguitel:  just a bit15:08
imfedeaguitel:  link it plz15:08
BelseruskHey guys. Since Ubuntu 10.04 is a LTS edition, would Kubuntu 10.04 & Xubuntu 10.04 also be LTS?15:09
stanmancanjrib: I'm running on a VPS hosted with linode.com and for $5 a month you get an autmated monthly, weekly and daily backup image, and one you can do manually, and you can restore at any time15:09
jribBelserusk: yes15:09
WinstonSmithBelserusk, yes15:09
jribstanmancan: oh I see15:09
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datacrusheranyone suggests a temp monitor for ubuntu?15:10
duffydacktcha, have you tried gpointing-device-settings15:10
aguitelimfede, or make this steps :1)connect your pc with network cable (no wireless card inside) 2)make in terminal :sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install bcmwl-kernel-source15:10
WinstonSmithduffydack, yes i told him that to no avail :(15:10
vairamhow to link the local drivers to virtual box on ubuntu ...? please anyone help me...15:10
tchaWinstonSmith: ok it is done, and now ?15:10
vairamhow to link the local drivers to virtual box on ubuntu ...? please anyone help me...15:10
vairamhow to link the local drivers to virtual box on ubuntu ...? please anyone help me...15:10
tchaduffydack: yeah it only detects the mouse15:11
WinstonSmithtcha, reboot15:11
aguitelimfede, and then restart with wireless card inside15:11
stanmancan!rules | vairam15:11
ubottuvairam: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:11
WinstonSmithvairam, drivers or drives?15:11
jellowmandravel: look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/automatic-updates.html15:11
aguitelimfede, http://www.ubuntu-es.org/node/13353315:11
tchaWinstonSmith: ok see you in 2mn, thanks a lot15:11
WinstonSmithtcha, np15:11
mandravelok , jellow15:12
sacarlsonvairam: I know it can be done but I just use samba to share with virtualbox.  I think the oem version won't support what you may want but the version direct from oricle will.15:12
mandravel... that is a server guide.... think it works the same for standard?15:12
imfedeaguitel:  ok i will try15:12
imfedeaguitel:  thx15:13
WinstonSmithvairam, u can use virtual folders for that15:13
jellowmandravel: don't see why not15:13
vairamhow do run the java programs on our ubundu after compile that program without error...?15:13
tchaWinstonSmith: it worked, thanks a lot :)15:14
jribvairam: how do you normally run them?  don't you java -jar whatever?15:14
sacarlsonvairam: I just double click them in nautilus the file browser15:14
WinstonSmithtcha, ur welcome :D15:14
tchabye !15:15
Biomechdi need a bit of help getting something to run. i'm not very fluent with ubuntu.15:18
Vroomfondlefire away15:18
Biomechdwhat i need help with is setting up the World of Minecraft client15:18
mandravelok then... easy question... how to modify my user password... the one i use when i login and when ițm asked for when i install something15:18
pure_hatemandravel, sudu passwd <username>15:19
Vroomfondleerm, no sudo15:19
Vroomfondlejust type "passwd"15:19
mandravelsudo passwd mandravel  ?15:19
Vroomfondleyou don't need the sudo or the mandravel15:19
switch10_mandravel: just passwd mandravel15:19
pure_hateIf you want to modify root you need sudo so there is no harm in using it anyway15:19
VroomfondleBiomechd: never heard of that15:20
Vroomfondlewhat's it not doing? is there an error message?15:20
mandravelwhat is the minimum length of the password?15:21
BiomechdVroomfondle, i'm not surprised. but i need help with getting the scripts set up so i don't just get a flash of the terminal without the program coming up15:21
gasullHi. I'm using encfs but every time I enable the line <volume user="gasull"... at http://dpaste.com/234340/ my system cannot boot up.  I don't get any error message.  It just pauses with the Ubuntu logo splash and never boots up.  Any idea how to fix this?  I was following this directions: https://pragmattica.wordpress.com/2009/05/10/encrypting-your-dropbox-seamlessly-and-automatically/15:21
VroomfondleBiomechd: I see they have their own IRC channel. Have you tried there?15:22
Biomechdpeople aren't responding15:22
imfedeaguitel:  it works! thx a lot!15:23
Biomechdi'm in the minecraft help and wom channels15:23
imfedeaguitel:  retreat it does'nt15:23
adv_anyone can tell me why this is happening? http://pastebin.ca/192591615:23
aguitelimfede, all is ok ?15:24
gasulladv_: because byacc isn't GPG signed15:24
sacarlsongasull: it apears to be some kind of encypted install?  can't you just install a ubuntu live cd and encypt it later?15:24
adv_gasull, why ?15:24
gasulladv_: at least the one you're trying to install15:24
adv_gasull, the official repos :/15:25
imfedeaguitel:  it seems it works now...15:25
RandyRKellyhello van anyone tell me how i can remove hte old kernel image from  my boot loader?15:25
aguitelimfede, are you with wireless card now ?15:25
enzotibRandyRKelly, remove the corresponding linux-image-$something package15:25
AsMiTa#j ubuntu-translators15:25
adv_gasull, do you get the same warning?15:25
imfedeaguitel: this is another pc...15:25
dcplaya_laptopis anyone having problems with gmails new linux plugin for webcam support? my mic is now acting weird15:26
gasulladv_: I don't know it happens sometimes.  look at your /etc/apt/sources.lst and be sure you trust the repos there.  *.ubuntu.com, canonical.com and launchpad.net are OK15:26
imfedeaguitel:  i'm triyng to un-plug and re-plug the card now15:26
phixxorhey is it still better for compatibility to prefer new Nvidia cards over new ATI ones?15:26
phixxorwhen buying15:26
RandyRKellyok  i need to do that in terminal enzotib15:26
gasullsacarlson: I was able to boot my system commenting that line out.  But I wonder why I cannot boot up with that line.15:27
shumanshould apache2 be run by www-data user and group? or nouser or other?15:27
adv_gasull, i meant for byacc . do you get the same warning?15:27
enzotibRandyRKelly, you can also use System->Administration->Package Manager15:27
gasulladv_: no, I don't get it.  I think you are missing the keys15:28
adv_gasull, which ones?15:28
imfedeaguitel:  if i un-plug and are-plug the card it doesn't crash but it don't find the connection even if i think this is another problem15:28
* gasull have to go for a few minutes15:28
cousteauhi, should I install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound? would that help reduce the huge audio latency?15:29
aguitelimfede, better for you speak with erUSUL ,15:29
stanmancanjrib: doing the upgrade now, first question is "Configuration file '/etc/securetty' has been mofidfied, package has shipped and updated, do i want o install the packages version, keep my own?15:29
sacarlsongasull: I just setup an encrypted account today, it's built in on 10.04,  just create an account an select encypt box.  keep on account unecrypted so you can still do repairs and run your user as encypted.15:29
imfedeaguitel:  who is?15:29
aguitelimfede, the best guy in this channel15:30
imfedeaguitel: :)))15:30
fif0where can i See my chipset?15:30
_silentAssassinfif0, which chipset are you talking about ?15:31
aguitelimfede, go to system---administration and then to hardware drivers and look if all is enable here15:31
fif0no, motherboard15:32
imfedeaguitel:  now it works.... what is the best irc client for linux?15:32
aguitelimfede, xchat15:32
aguitelimfede,in gnome xchat15:33
imfedeaguitel:  to install it? sudo apt-get install xchat?15:33
FalczHey, does anyone know why a nvidia card would cause ubuntu to not boot and throw an error?15:34
imfedeaguitel:  i found a software modem not activated...15:34
kokomedel hey guys15:34
aguitelimfede, if the pc is working ,do nothing15:34
kokomedel i have a cuestion15:34
imfedeaguitel: ok i will thx for your help15:34
kokomedel i need to install my usb tv in ubuntu 10.415:35
kokomedelcan you help me ??15:35
sacarlsoncan xchat send files to pidgin with that direct send thing?15:36
Agionzhey, can anyone help me installing ubuntu 10.04?15:36
BelseruskAnyone know how to solve this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156026415:37
duffydackAgionz, any part in particular15:37
Agionzduffydack: I'm stuck at 'prepare partitions', it doesn't find any.15:38
sacarlsonin pidgin I can select a user in this room and right click and drops a window down with one with send file.  will that work to send to any irc client or just another pidgin users?15:38
duffydackAgionz, any other OS installed?15:38
Dingofest2what's the difference between 'sudo -i' and 'sudo -s' ?15:38
Agionzduffydack, I just removed everything.. :D15:38
Azerusmy d-link dwa-110 isnt working and im stuck on patching it, any idead?15:38
duffydackAgionz, you have to make at least / and swap15:39
jellowsacarlson: should work for everyone but you can test it on me if you want :P15:39
jack_sparrowi want to try out sql,so i installed xampp,apache,mysql etc.i start xampp and somehow be able to bring the mysql promt in terminal.But it always ask me connect to database.My question is that can i do sql offline as i dont have permanent network connection??15:39
sacarlsonDingofest2:  I found that sudo -i  changes the directory you are in to /root were as sudo su leaves you in the room you started in.15:39
Agionzduffydack, what do you mean?15:39
whileimhere231Hi. I was wondering if anyone knows why a wireless  connection would be working great and then about 10 minutes into using the wireless it would reduce the download and upload speed to almost nothing. I would then disable and re enable the wireless conecction and once more be up to my real speed for another 10 minutes.15:40
duffydackAgionz, just let the installer do the work15:40
sacarlsonjellow: what do you have xchat?15:40
fortranHow declined swap partition?15:40
jellowjack_sparrow: irssi15:40
ncfi1013_hi everybody. can anybody tell me the simplest way possible to convert video_ts files to a .iso image in karmic?15:40
jellowsacarlson: irssi15:40
stanmancanI'm using a VPS and when I do my system upgrade (sudo do-upgrade-release) it seems to install okay, but at the end it tells me to reboot and i can't ssh in anymore, the lish console says: https://gist.github.com/17874f6059959acedd7f15:40
jack_sparrow<jellow>irssi means what.can u pls elaborate15:40
sacarlsonjellow: ok I'll send a short test txt file.15:40
duffydackncfi1013_, think there is sometihng about it in man mkisofs15:41
Dingofest2sacarlson: thanks15:41
jellowjack_sparrow: sorry mt tabs messed up , Did not mean to msg you15:41
Agionzduffydack, it doesn't just find any partition, that's my problem.. It can't go on :/15:41
duffydackAgionz, you have to create them.....15:41
sacarlsonjellow: it's a 2k file and it's not starting15:42
ncfi1013_duffydack where do i obtain mkisofs?15:42
jellowsacarlson: words quick grub fix15:42
Agionzduffydack, how can I create it if it doesn't see my hard drive?15:42
duffydackAgionz, you should have the option to have it auto create them15:42
Agionzduffydack, I don't have any options.. that's the problem.15:42
sacarlsonjellow: yes but it's still says waiting for something15:42
duffydackAgionz, ah ok.  what hardware is it, ide/scsi/sata ?15:42
jellowsacarlson: i probally have to accepte or something i have no idea how to :P15:43
Agionzduffydack, I think it's ext2 or something..15:43
slaytonhey all!15:43
sacarlsonjellow: so it must be broken.  on mine a popup comes up and you just hit the accept botton in pidgin.15:43
jack_sparrowwhen i start xampp it says that another web server is already running.what does it mean?15:44
jellowsacarlson: Wait i'll try in xchat15:44
duffydackAgionz, no, what is your hd.. IDE or what.15:44
slaytonI currently am recording video from a old camera using a dvd player that records to disk, off of a coax input. I would like to move the recording to my computer so i can deal with video files instead of stacks of dvd's, does anybody know what programs could be used to record a live video stream?15:44
sacarlsonjellow: I just stoped it15:44
Agionzdaffyduck, I completely deleted the hard drive and then made it ext2 with Gparted (which sees the drive)15:45
duffydackAgionz,  ok..  does it see the partition now?15:46
Azerushey wonderin if some1 could help me with my wireless card, im unable to inject packets15:46
sebsebseb!wireless | Azerus15:47
ubottuAzerus: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:47
Agionzduffydack, Gparted does, installation doesn't.15:47
madh2oratWhat card and driver are you using?15:47
Azerusd-link dwa-11015:47
madh2oratDo you know what chipset it uses?15:47
duffydackAgionz, hmmm.  I`m not familiar with that problem.  Have you tried the alternate installer? It has more support15:47
Azerusim not well aware of the chipset15:48
Azerusany way to find out?15:48
sacarlsonAzerus: lsusb15:48
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Agionzduffydack, I remember trying it some time ago, didn't work either.15:48
Azerusisnt there any patch for it?15:49
sacarlsonAzerus: assuming it's a usb wifi if not then try lspci  and or lshw15:49
X_Tech__How to delete the temp file15:49
AzerusBus 002 Device 009: ID 07d1:3c07 D-Link System Wireless G DWA-110 Adapter15:49
fidelixPLEASE, can someone talk to me for 30 seconds on PVT? Please!15:49
X_Tech__or how can we see the temp files15:49
jrib!pm | fidelix15:49
ubottufidelix: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:49
duffydackAgionz, odd..  are you running the installer from a live session (actually logged into gnome with the live user) or just the installer only15:49
sacarlsonjellow: kind of a big file15:50
fidelixjrib, this has to be on PM. Its not general ubuntu help. I wont take more than 30 seconds, please!15:50
jellowsacarlson: hmm find you something smaller15:50
Azerusit is a usb wifi15:50
VigliteX_Tech__: ls tmp,,,hold on ,that looks tooooo easy15:50
jribfidelix: this channel is for ubuntu support only please15:50
Agionzduffydack, I'm at the moment on the live user. But I've tried the pure installer too.15:50
fidelixjrib, ok. Thanks for nothing.15:50
duffydackAgionz, is this 10.04.1 or the older release15:51
X_Tech__please answer me15:51
naoshigeIn w3m - how do I see what the URL of the page I'm on is?15:51
jrib!helpme | X_Tech__15:51
ubottuX_Tech__: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:51
Agionzduffydack, 10.04 it says on the disc. Other ubuntus have worked, but 10.04 hasn't15:51
sacarlsonjellow: I accepted but it's not coming in at all zero bytes so far.15:51
VigliteX_Tech__: Here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto15:52
X_Tech__Oh Sorry15:52
Azerusso is there anyway to patch the d-link dwa 110 driver to support injection?15:52
VigliteX_Tech__: There are a few ways, that Apt page shows one way,15:52
duffydackAgionz,  when did you download the iso15:52
Agionzit came with linux magazine I suppose.15:53
AgionzJuly, it says.15:53
slaytonI currently am recording video from a old camera using a dvd player that records to disk, off of a coax input. I would like to move the recording to my computer so i can deal with video files instead of stacks of dvd's, does anybody know what programs could be used to record a live video stream?15:53
ayam_jagohelo, ive problem with my firefox @ ubuntu 10.0415:53
ayam_jagoit wouldnt start15:53
sacarlsonjellow jellow_ so I guess it's broken I accepted the short 13 byte also zero movement15:53
ayam_jagobut if run from terminal by $sudo /etc/bin/firefox it works fine15:53
duffydackAgionz, right, well there is a newer release (10.04.1) so I`d try that..  means downloadin the iso and burning it to cd or usb tho.15:54
cousteauayam_jago: the problem is that you have run a graphical app using sudo, that's not save15:54
duffydackAgionz, it will also save you getting a LOT of updates after installing :)15:54
Agionzduffydack, I tried usb but it didn't start.. Well, I guess I have to get a dvd :D15:54
ayam_jagocousteau, how do i fix this firefox?15:54
cousteaumaybe you can do something like   sudo chown -R youruser:youruser firefox-config-folder15:54
jellowsacarlson: Yes very possible or a firewall issue15:55
duffydackAgionz, a cd is enough15:55
duffydackAgionz,  what did you use to make the usb15:55
sacarlsonjellow: yes I just fully opened my firewall but the only thing I now I filter is samba15:55
Vigliteslayton: Have you looked at Pitivi?15:55
cousteausudo chown -R youruser:youruser /home/youruser/.mozilla15:56
cousteauayam_jago: ^^15:56
Agionzduffydack, I just moved the files to usb drive.. It probably doesn't work like that, does it? :D15:56
duffydackAgionz,  nope.15:56
=== PsyTrance_ is now known as PsyTrance
duffydackAgionz, what os are you running now15:56
Agionzduffydack, just realized it.. well thanks :) I'll try that out.15:56
Agionzduffydack, this is mac.15:56
ayam_jagocousteau, thanks it works now15:57
duffydackAgionz, try unetbootin15:57
sacarlsonjellow: ok try that 13 byte one again.  I have wireshark running to see what it tries to do.15:57
jellowsacarlson:  ok ill send again15:57
Agionzduffydack, this is a different computer though..15:57
cousteauayam_jago: cool... now, if you want to run a graphic app with admin privileges, use gksudo instead15:57
X_Tech__how can I work in terminals....some links or tips15:58
Azerusguys in the ubuntu forum the dwa-110 exists and works fine but i dnt know how to configure it please advise15:58
duffydackAgionz, umm.. there is no unetbootin for mac.15:58
duffydackAgionz, do you have another windows/linux system?15:58
SPM_fabi_an_: I don't know if it printing output... But if it is working, it should create devices under /dev/mapper/15:58
Agionzduffydack, did, until I remove it just recently.15:58
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:59
duffydackAgionz, well just grab the newer iso and burn it..  md5 check it before you burn it.15:59
=== me is now known as Guest48047
X_Tech__how can I work in terminals....some links or tips15:59
Azerusduffydack, please advise what should i do with my d-link dwa 110 its supported and working in the ubuntu forums16:00
sacarlsonjellow: I don't see any other ports active but ircu active so not sure how it is suposed to work.16:00
sid123whenever i start xampp it says another web server daemon is running,and when i open localhost in my web browser it shows nothing.How to stop the web server daemon  and start apache and restart it when i am done?16:00
Azerusbtw its ralink chipset16:00
gasullsacarlson: sorry, I had to go for a few minutes.  I have my hard drive encrypted, that secures it from being stolen.  But I'm using DropBox for online backups, so when I travel I have my docs there if I need them and there's a problem (it already happened to me). I want to have my docs encrypted in Dropbox with EncFS.16:01
VigliteAgionz: For Mac:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick16:01
madh2oratX_Tech__: type your command followed by  --help to see the help for the individual command, also, pressing tab will autocomplete files/folders so you don't have t type the whole name.16:01
DivecksHey, is someone able to help me with setting up automounting of an SSHFS folder at boot/login? Thanks =)16:01
Agionzviglite, duffydack, thanks to you both, I'll try that out.16:01
duffydackViglite, it says on there "There is an unresolved issue in that you cannot create a bootable USB stick from within Mac OSX. You must create the stick in Linux or Windows."  is that still a problem16:02
sacarlsongasull: well it's easy to setup with just your personal home dir encrypted.  just create a new account that's encrypted.  on 10.04 it's built in16:02
avisif i run windows 7 under is it virtualbox would i be able to use that magicjack applicance within lucid ?16:03
Vigliteduffydack: I think is resolved in 10, but the info and other data needed is linked on that official page.16:03
sacarlsongasull: if you want to change the encryption method I guess you can do that.  but I would setup a secound account to encrypt and keep a usable unencrypted account for service and repair.16:03
duffydackViglite, is there a "dd" for mac?16:03
duffydackcould just use that, it works for ubuntu isos 9.10 and later as i recall.16:04
ZiaeonI'm tring to do MAC address filtering on my machine but it wasnt working, so I ran tcpdump to see if I see MAC's being passed in the traffic and I don't.16:04
ZiaeonAny insight into this?16:04
gasullsacarlson: how is the home dir encrypted? with encfs?16:05
gasullsacarlson: are we talking about the same thing?16:05
sacarlsongasull: yes I think so16:05
Vigliteduffydack: Yes:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles16:05
=== emc_ is now known as emc
X_Tech__how to do that16:07
X_Tech__the tab thing16:07
slaytonViglite, yes I have, but it does not support video capture, at least according to the manual16:07
acovrighow do I fix E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)?16:07
sacarlsongasull: take a look https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome  I was about to try this in a test account to find it was just one box to set at user create to have it all done for you.16:07
Vigliteslayton: Ok, VLC?16:08
acovrigI'v tried sudo apt-get -f install with no success16:08
zzzed__!tab | X_tech16:08
ubottuX_tech: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:08
sacarlsongasull: it defaults to use AES256 encryption16:08
Vigliteslayton: The docs say gxine and stuff, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html16:10
cousteaushould I install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound? would that help reduce the huge audio latency in Flash? it's sometimes around 1 second or so16:11
=== phnom_ is now known as phnom
Vigliteslayton: The page before that and that one also mention VLC, still looking,,,16:11
Viglitecousteau: Or gstreamer 'ugly'16:12
tf2ftwI've set up a server running a LAMP, SVN, and proftpd. I have 2 users that i want to be able to access the SVN and the FTP. I need them both to have read write in the www folder. Do I add the users to the www-data group, or do i make a new goup that ows the www folder and add www-data to it?16:13
cousteauViglite: was that for slayton?16:13
gary_inNYCi installed a newer version of empathy from ppa and now it's no longer in the unified message indicator applet.  what can i do to put it back?16:13
Viglitecousteau: No, you asked about Flash Plugin, you can do that Adobe 10 or use the gstreamer from the 'ugly'  or 'bad' set, see wich one works best with your hardware.16:14
slaytonViglite, thanks for the heads up on VLC I thought it was just a player16:14
FalczHey, it would be awesome if someone could check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9767934#post9767934. I am really at a dead end. thanks :)16:15
ShinyDarknessHello, is there any official/suggested/prefered tool to develop programs for Ubuntu?16:15
Vigliteslayton: You are quite welcome, I thought so also for a long time.16:15
FalsAlarmhow often should a production server do a apt upgrade16:15
FalsAlarmif ever?16:15
jellow_sacarlson, i managed to make it work from my server to me , want to try again ?16:16
gasullsacarlson: I'm reading about it, but I still don't get if this will encrypt /home/myuser or /home/myuser/Private16:16
cousteauViglite: ok, but I don't see what has flash to do with codecs16:16
guntbert!here | Falcz16:17
gasullShinyDarkness: An IDE, you mean?16:17
ubottuFalcz: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com16:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:17
cousteauViglite: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly already installed16:18
gasullgary_inNYC: My 2 cents: empathy it's a pain.  I prefer Pidgin for IRC + IM, and Ekiga for SIP.16:18
ShinyDarknessPerhaps an IDE, perhaps just an editor and a compiler.16:18
WinstonSmithFalsAlarm, is the server online?16:18
ShinyDarknessPerhaps an IDE, perhaps just an editor and a compiler.16:18
gasullShinyDarkness: If you are relatively new to programming, try Eclipse.  What language do you program on?  Any preference?16:19
FalsAlarmWinstonSmith, yes it's online and it's running as my web server16:19
FalsAlarmonly port 88 and my ssh port are open currently and I'm wondering if I should ever apt upgrade on it, ever?16:19
sacarlsongasull: it can do eather but I setup so that is encrypted /home/myuser dir16:19
guntbertFalsAlarm: you are probably asking about "sudo apt-get update   and    sudo apt-get upgrade" or (IMO better) "sudo aptitude update    and   sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" , I'd say run the "update" part once a week and look what it is offering, when you feel comfortable do the "upgrade/safe-upgrade"16:20
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WinstonSmithFalsAlarm, i have a webserver online too where i do updates like once a month. its still running 8.0416:20
WinstonSmithFalsAlarm, until now nothing ever broke except VBOX but thats another story16:20
gasullsacarlson: I see16:21
FalsAlarmya mine is Ubuntu 10.04 LTS16:21
FloodBot3fabi_an_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:21
sacarlsongasull: takes about 3 minits to setup a complete new account with fully encrypted /home/mydir  System>Administration>User groups>add >click encrypt botton box.16:22
Gaurav_Butolahow to use emathy irc16:22
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WinstonSmithFalsAlarm, or do like guntbert says once a week but i wouldnt ever do a dist-upgrade16:22
FalsAlarmis that 10.04 that i'm using good to run as web server or should I use another version maybe?16:22
Dug_does anyone know why all of a sudden my laptop using ubuntu has No sound at all :s i click on sound preferences go to hardware tab and it shows no hardware :s i had sound just yesterday now i cant get any at all :S16:22
Dug_i cant understand why my sound would suddenly disapear and why it would stop picking up my sound card16:23
WinstonSmithFalsAlarm, no 10.04 is good since its a LTS16:23
=== Dynamic-Fail is now known as x-_---_-x
Dug_anyone ?16:24
guntbertFalsAlarm: dis-upgrade is entirely different, what I told you gets you only (mostly security) updates, what updates you get you can set in your /etc/apt/sources.list16:24
Paf1Hello all, could anyone help with with a sound issue?16:24
sacarlsonjellow: what did you do to make it work?  did you use pidgin on your other box?16:25
WinstonSmith!helpme | Dug_16:25
ubottuDug_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude16:25
guntbertFalsAlarm: please see https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/package-management.html16:25
samkrajudoes anybody know how to edit mp3 file's artist, album and other details16:25
Paf1Hello all, could anyone help with with a sound issue?16:25
WinstonSmith!helpme | Paf116:25
ubottuPaf1: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude16:25
jellowsacarlson: i used irssi on my vps16:26
x-_---_-xDoes anyone know of a way to record video streams (udp/rtp/rtsp/http) to disk in chunks without losing any of the stream?16:26
WinstonSmithx-_---_-x, with vlc maybe16:26
sacarlsonsamkraju: the tag3 info?  you can use rythumbox to edit them16:27
Dug__Can somebody give me some help with a sound problem i have please ?16:27
sacarlsonjellow: ok but did it go from irssi to pidgin?16:27
gary_inNYCis there a way to add my install of empathy back into the unified message indicator applet where it belongs?  my empathy tray icon has gone rogue ever since i updated it from a ppa.16:27
FalsAlarmI got another question regarding my web root directory. currently, by default it's owned by root and no other users can create/edit files there(i also do not have any other users)16:27
samkrajui tired with rhythmbox but the files are not updated16:27
Dug__anyone please ?16:28
sacarlsonjellow: ok it worked that time16:28
FalsAlarmshould I leave it that way or should I chown it to the www-data user?16:28
FalsAlarmor maybe ubuntu user16:28
WinstonSmithsamkraju, try easytag its in the repos16:28
sacarlsonjellow: so the prolblem was on your side?16:28
FalczHey, ubuntu refuses to boot and giving an error. Any help would be much appreciated.16:28
duffydackFalsAlarm, that happened to me as well.   you could remove it, remove the ppa and install again16:28
DangerfaceHello ! :)16:28
jellowsacarlson: think so my router probally16:29
WinstonSmithFalsAlarm, www-data16:29
duffydackFalsAlarm, sorry wrong person.16:29
DangerfaceI just installed my Linux BackTrack416:29
duffydackgary_inNYC,  that happened to me as well.   you could remove it, remove the ppa and install again16:29
sacarlsonjellow: so you changed your router settings?16:29
Dug__any help for a Ubuntu noob please ? :(16:29
duffydack!backtrack | Dangerface16:29
ubottuDangerface: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:29
x-_---_-xWinstonSmith, vlc has to close the stream16:30
jellowsacarlson: no i connected to a server (vps) and sent it from there16:30
gary_inNYCduffydack: will removing the ppa uninstall empathy as well?16:30
sacarlsonjellow: I have nat forwarded to this box so do I need that to make this work?16:30
samkrajuthanks, i will try easytags16:30
duffydackgary_inNYC, no.16:30
Dug__is their anyone willing to help or am i supposed to go back to windows ? :S16:30
gary_inNYCduffydack: ok thanks16:30
bindi!ask | Dug__16:30
ubottuDug__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:30
Dug__ive tried asking a question16:31
jellowsacarlson: no idea sorry16:31
Dug__it just gets ignored unless i get somones attention first16:31
DangerfaceHow do I take sound VOLUME up on linux ? XD16:31
=== x-_---_-x is now known as x-----x
sacarlsonjellow: ok well I was tring this earlier today with someone and it didn't work then.16:31
Dug__ive left posts on forumns and stuff....no one ever wants to help linux noobs....16:31
Dug__im finding it impossible16:31
=== x-----x is now known as x-x---x-
WinstonSmithDug__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question u want help with16:32
duffydackDug__,  what problem are you having.  If no one responds, its possible no one knows.16:32
WinstonSmithduffydack, he didnt state his question yet :|16:32
sacarlsonjellow: seems you should always be able to send without nat so I'm not sure what you did to make it work.  you must have went around some firewall they have there.16:32
Dug__i know, but some sort of feedback would be nice to know i wasnt ignored :(16:32
shumanDangerface: try alsamixer16:33
Dangerfaceok thanks :)16:33
Dug__but basically i had sound on my laptop yesterday i turned it on today and... no sound at all i click on sound preferences go ot hardware tab...it doesnt see my sound hardware anymore16:33
Dug__and i dont know why or what happened and i cant get my sound bacl16:33
arvind_khadriHi, I am running samba, when I try to login, it asks me for a password. I want anonymous login, how do I achieve it? I have tried setting user = share, but it doesnt help16:33
duffydackDug__, what version of ubuntu16:33
Dug__64 bit16:33
WinstonSmithDug__, did u reboot ? update something?16:33
Dug__yesterday it updated a few things using the update manager16:34
duffydackDug__, lspci -vv | grep Audio16:34
Dug__but sound was still working16:34
DangerfaceIs it possible to create multimedia shortkeys ?16:34
Dug__ok i done that and i get16:34
kifferyou know i have a stupid question but it will be great fun16:34
Dug__00:0f.0 Audio device: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Azalia Audio Controller16:34
kifferis it possible to get paperclip working in openoffice16:34
kifferjust for the fun of it16:35
WinstonSmitharvind_khadri, did u sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart after that?16:35
caropHello. I have two linux machines in a network, one running Ubuntu. How can I open a remote Gnome session on the ubuntu machine (so I am sitting in front of the other machine) ?16:35
arvind_khadriWinstonSmith, yes16:35
guntbertkiffer: I don't know what paper clip is, but you should ask in #openoffice.org16:35
Dug__so where would i go from there ?16:36
shumanDangerface: yes it is possible ;) just give google a try and look for answers yourself :)16:36
WinstonSmitharvind_khadri, go to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38741116:36
duffydackDug__,  sudo lshw -C sound    and pastebin it16:36
jellowsacarlson: possibly , Perhaps you could use irc with a proxy?16:36
DangerfaceOk :):)16:36
DangerfaceJust testing the helpulator in here ^16:36
FalczHey, ubuntu refuses to boot and is giving an error. Any help would be much appreciated :)16:37
TerrenceKJHi all - I can't get DBDesigner to run on Ubuntu 10.4 - any help?16:37
kifferguntbert it is this annoying thin in mcwords you know the paperclip given you advices you don't ask about16:37
kifferi would like something like that in my openoffice just ebcause it is so stupid16:37
Dug__here you go duffydack http://pastebin.com/TBhdgEFS16:37
shumanDangerface: if the keys are recognized by system, then you can add them functionality from KDE/Gnome ;)16:37
guntbertkiffer: ask in #openoffice.org please16:38
WinstonSmithkiffer, thats part of the M$ office suite...so probably not16:38
strashniqcan someone help me to make a script to change my resolution 2 times after i startx16:38
sacarlsonjellow: I'm more familure with vpn16:38
Dangerfaceshuman: thanks16:38
sacarlsonjellow: you can use vpn with no encryption also16:38
jellowsacarlson: come to think of it vpn would be alot better seen as irc is all plain text :P16:38
FalsAlarmhow do I check if mysql server is running on my ubuntu?16:39
x-x---x- Anyone know how to take a video stream (udp,rtp,rtsp, or even http) and save it to disc in linux (ubuntu 10.04) in specified file chunks (size or length) without interupting the video stream (vlc doesn't work)16:39
sacarlsonjellow: and seeing that security is not needed you could quickly setup a nonencrypted vpn  link16:39
Dug__any ideas on whats wrong ? :(16:39
duffydackDug__,  hmm, try sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel16:40
WinstonSmithsudo service mysqld status or so16:40
gasullTerrenceKJ: you should be more explicit and post the error somewhere, like dpaste.com16:41
FalsAlarmhow to see the full output of top linux command, it's too much for screen?16:41
duffydackDug__, then have a look in your sound applet16:41
Dug__i get this duffy http://pastebin.com/LgvA3gM2 :s16:41
Dug__a fatal error16:41
strashniqduffydack can you help me a little ?16:41
WinstonSmithFalsAlarm,  sudo service mysql status16:41
=== x-x---x- is now known as b0ot
Dug__and sound preferences still show no hardware :(16:42
Dug__dunno if this will have anything to do with it but last i used it with sound working i installed updates using the update manager and then i uninstalled Virtualbox to install a different version of virtualbox16:44
FalsAlarmmysql: unrecognized service16:44
livingdaylightguys, I got 4 .m4 files. Anyone know how I can string them together so that I have 1 movie rather than 4 parts?16:44
duffydackDug__,  cat /proc/modules       and pastebin it16:45
FalsAlarmya ok16:45
WinstonSmithFalsAlarm, ?16:45
WinstonSmithFalsAlarm,  sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status maybe?16:46
blinkhi. i have too much free swap memory. my system uses high amounts of ram. how can i increase my rams and decrease my swap? i did 'free -m' in the terminal firstly.16:46
Dug__duffydack, here you go http://pastebin.com/bfHFU3sE16:46
jbwiv_is anyone aware of a tool that lets you watch the network connections (and their content) opened by a particular process? I know lsof will list the connections, but i need something that will list and also allow inspect of the packets16:46
FalsAlarmhow can i see the full output of top command, then i can just browse it16:46
WinstonSmithblink, u want to use all ur memory and no swap...swap just slows things down16:46
jellowjbwiv_: wireshark listening on localhost ?16:47
blinkWinstonSmith: yeah i got 0.98GB ram and 2.86 swap. it would be extremely good if i switched both amount.16:47
jbwiv_jellow, but can wireshark trace all connections initiated by a particular process id?16:47
jellowjbwiv_: Don't think so :P16:48
WinstonSmithblink, u cant switch that since ur amount of ram is physical.... what exactly are u trying to accomplish?16:48
duffydackDug__,   run alsamixer     from terminal16:49
WinstonSmithblink, and linux will try to use all ram there is normally also for the disk cache16:49
seekwillblink: Paste the output of free -m16:49
sacarlsonjbwiv_: I guess you would need to look at it with two peaces of software,  wireshark for the content,  another to find the process to find the port it used that you will watch from wireshark.16:49
blinkWinstonSmith: i am assuming that i can't increase my rams without installing a new chip, so what am thinking of is to take certain amount of my swap and put use it for ram16:49
Dug__im guessing i type in "alsamixer" if so im getting "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory" whcih is weird becuase it was working the other day :s16:50
Piciblink: Thats what swap is though....16:50
WinstonSmithblink, no the system handles that for u....16:50
blink             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached16:50
blinkMem:          1000        712        288          0         31        27816:50
blink-/+ buffers/cache:        401        59816:50
blinkSwap:         2928         14       291416:50
FloodBot3blink: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
Diverdudewhat command can i write to see the version of an installed program16:50
Dug__even going Applications, Sound&Video and trying to open the gui version of alsamixer wont work :s16:50
seekwillblink: Basically, the 401 number is your "magic" number. That's how much RAM you are really using16:51
guntbertblink: swap space is on the HD16:51
delinquentmeSo im trying to join a channel in IRC ... when i connect up i get this error:      #web :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services .... how do i "identify" with services???16:51
Pici!register | delinquentme16:51
ubottudelinquentme: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:51
ChogyDanDiverdude: apt-cache policy <package>16:51
Dug__you think i need to reinstall gnome alsamixer ? :s16:51
sacarlsonjbwiv_: and the other software needed to find the process ID to port would be sudo netstat -pant16:51
blinkseekwill: guntbert: WinstonSmith: Pici: so.. is there a way to accomplish what i really want?16:51
WinstonSmithDiverdude, try programname --help?16:52
guntbertblink: buy more RAM16:52
seekwillblink: You don't know what you really want :) Your system is fine.16:52
delinquentmePici ... how do i do that for a specific channel?? for example #web16:52
duffydackDug__, I`m stumped.  try sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload16:52
Piciblink: I think you may be confused as to what swap actually is.  Take a gander at 11:44:16 <hiku> LzrdKing: atleast my wife loved it anyway16:52
blinkseekwill: heard if you had more ram your system will run faster.16:52
Diverdudenone of those worked16:52
Piciblink: argh, wrong paste... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq16:52
DiverdudeChogyDan, i didnt install it using packet manager16:53
seekwillblink: It will. So you have to buy more RAM, not swap16:53
duffydackDug__, and try alsamixer again.  if not, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base16:53
Dug__i just get a ton of warnings :s16:53
Picidelinquentme: You don't.  you register/identify for the whole irc network.16:53
blinkseekwill: i am saying that i want to reduce swap if possible16:53
seekwillblink: It'll run faster depending if you need it. So far, you don't seem to be pushing your system very hard (you're not using swap)16:53
WinstonSmithDiverdude, try programname --help?16:53
seekwillblink: You're not really using it though...16:53
Dug__and alsamixer still wont open lol, ill try the dpkg thing then16:53
FalczHey, ubuntu refuses to boot and is giving an error. Any help would be much appreciated :)16:53
gary_inNYCblink: it won't run "faster" rather more efficiently by enabling you to run more applications and programs simultaneously without relying on slow swap16:53
blinkseekwill: assuming i need more ram, i figured that i take some from swap and put it in ram16:54
delinquentmePici, im already registered :D16:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:54
=== Guest58787 is now known as LjL
seekwillblink: no :D16:54
Picidelinquentme: You aren't identified.16:54
Dug__duffydack, sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base didnt do anything :s well atleast in terminal it didnt look like it did i tried to open alsmixer again though after still no luck :(16:54
blinkseekwill: that's all i wanted to know :)16:54
WinstonSmith!ask | Falcz16:54
ubottuFalcz: please see above16:54
duffydackDug__, its hard to know what the update broke.......   try sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset      and reboot16:55
blinkhow to check the ram speed on my system?16:55
Diverdudei need to install a package which for some stupid reason does not exist in a repository: http://www.cendio.com/downloads/clients/    Can anybody give me some help on this?16:55
=== delinquentme is now known as delinquentme_
seekwillblink: :)16:55
Dug__i will try that and reboot and log in and let you know hwo it went, if we cant get it working though, thanks for your time :)16:55
blinki am running a desktop and planing on buying a good laptop with specific specs.16:55
FalczWinstonSmith: Isn't that what I did?16:55
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famicube64yar har16:56
WinstonSmithFalcz, no u should specify ur question a bit :) u are being really vague16:56
Dug__hmm duffydack, i get "sudo: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils: command not found" when i try your sudo command xD16:56
Scunizisomething just changed in my system.... if I open a terminal and type any command the cursor drops to the next line and sits there without initiating the command.  Audio in the main system has suddenly stopped playing *but* audio in my VM on this machine works.. What's going on?16:56
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=== delinquentme is now known as delinquentme_
Dug__dont suppose there is anyway to undo the update ? xD16:58
DangerfaceWhere can I learn to like linux16:58
FalczWinstonSmith: Ok sure :). Since I started using my nvidia 6600, ubuntu no longer boots and gives this error http://i.imagehost.org/0741/Error.png16:58
Dug__buy cedega so you can play your windows games :P16:58
b0ot Anyone know how to take a video stream (udp,rtp,rtsp, or even http) and save it to disc in linux (ubuntu 10.04) in specified file chunks (size or length) without interupting the video stream (vlc doesn't work)16:58
Diverdudei need to install a package which for some stupid reason does not exist in a repository: http://www.cendio.com/downloads/clients/    Can anybody give me some help on this?16:59
WinstonSmithFalcz, boot with a livecd and do a fsck -f /dev/sda517:00
X_Tech__Where can I learn to like linux ?17:00
delinquentmePici, am i identified now?17:00
intel_Where can I learn to like linux ?17:00
Dug__duffydack i think im gonna try and reinstall my sound stuff like alsamixer etc and reboot see if that helps but then i hve to log got some stuff to do17:00
Dug__but thanks for your time duffydack :)17:00
duffydackDug__,  if you know what was updated, then you can run synaptic and force version17:00
famicube64@intel_ http://www.linsux.org/17:00
Picidelinquentme: No, please ask in #freenode for further help17:01
Dug__i didnt look t what was in the update list i just pressed update :(17:01
ubun00b1st use live USB Lucid17:01
jellowDiverdude: Just downoad the debian package and run with dpkg -i file17:01
IdleOneDiverdude: that page has a download link for .deb17:01
FalczWinstonSmith: Unfortunatly the livecd doesn't work either :/17:01
Dug__dont suppose there is an update log anywhere that shows what was updated on last update ?17:01
WinstonSmithFalcz, how do u mean? does not boot?17:01
ubun00bHow do I run a .run script in terminal?17:02
duffydackDug__,   try /var/log/apt17:02
Dug__ok thanks17:02
WinstonSmithubun00b, ./scriptname.run17:02
ubun00bRunning latest Lucid LTS live from USB17:02
duffydackor look in your /var/cache/apt/archives/ folder for the saved debs..17:02
jellowubun00b: chmod +x script_name and then ./script_name17:02
Dug__found a history log here :)17:03
FalczWinstonSmith: I see the grub, run ubuntu and then the screen goes blank and that error comes up. Sorry, I should of specified the OS doesn't boot.17:03
Scuniziwhy would "sudo apt-get update" on cli hang and the package manager not hang?17:03
ArcandKikou \o17:03
ArcandI ate a cake17:03
duffydackDug__,   duh..... synaptic, File - History17:04
Dug__do you wanna see the section for my update that may have broken it ?17:04
duffydackDug__,   ok then17:04
Dug__ill pastebin it17:04
ArcandSucez moi le zizi17:05
Dug__duffydack, here you go http://pastebin.com/VfbKnSuc17:05
tishammerit's pretty weird. I have a dir /a/b which is owned by user b. in fstab i have options users,owner but when i mount it it's owned by root. any ideas?17:06
Dug__i mean, i look at that list of updates... i dont know what could or would even effect my sound :/17:06
duffydackDug__,  might be the kernel update17:06
Dug__which one in that list is the kernal update ?17:06
DangerfaceIn console.17:06
Dangerface jed ./test17:06
Dangerface copy all script17:06
Dangerface save script17:06
Dangerface chmod u+x ./test17:06
Dangerface ./test17:06
FloodBot3Dangerface: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
Dug__is it the ghostscript ?17:07
duffydackDug__, if you know what driver it uses you can modprobe it...17:07
WinstonSmithFalcz, just to be clear it gives u the same error trying to boot from cd?17:07
intel_how can I learn About Ubuntu from ABC....17:07
Dug__hmm the driver for my sound card ?17:07
vigge_sWewhy is the 64-bit ubuntu not recommended for daily use?17:07
Dangerfacewhy can't I do command: jed ./test ?17:07
Dug__and whats modprobe ? :s17:07
duffydackDug__,  the module it loads yes17:07
Dug__hmm im not sure on that :s17:07
FalczWinstonSmith: Its a busybox error when I try to boot using the live cd with my nvidia card in17:07
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jellowvigge_sWe: some files have bad support for 64-bit , flash for example17:08
duffydackDug__, do you have more than 1 kernel to boot from at boot ?17:08
vigge_sWebut I have 64-bit on my laptop and flash worsk as it should17:08
intel_do we have restore point in ubuntu17:08
Dug__erm ... :s17:08
Dug__i dunno17:08
vigge_sWedoesn't it depend on if the browser is 64-bit or not?17:09
WinstonSmithFalcz, 64 bit or 32?17:09
gary_inNYCintel_: you can use "Back in Time" and back up your home and etc directories17:09
Dug__how would i know if i have more than 1 kernel to boot from ?17:09
FalczWinstonSmith: 32bit 10.0417:09
intel_how to do that17:09
duffydackDug__,  do you get a grub menu ?17:09
Diverdudeis there something about having to install a shared clipboard application in ubuntu before copy/paste works properly?17:09
arvind_khadriWinstonSmith, was able to get it :) thanks, now I want to get back to password prompt, but its not happening, lol :)17:09
Dug__im 100% Ubuntu on here nothing else17:09
gary_inNYCintel_: install back in time from software center or synaptic17:10
duffydackDug__,  reboot and press shift just as its gonna boot.. it`ll give you a menu.. there might be an older kernel you can boot to, to see if it is the kernel update.17:10
iRydoes somebody has experience with alsa?? audio device changes after every song17:10
ubun00bFollowing your example...17:10
ubun00b chmod +x NV.run17:10
ubun00bdidn't work, got "no such file" for NVidia Linux drivers package just downloaded and listed under dir command17:10
FloodBot3ubun00b: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
welewhere is the nick list17:10
Dug__ok so shift just as its booting and look for a kernel menu and select an older one17:10
iRywele to your right.17:11
Piciubun00b: filenames are case-sensitive on linux.17:11
Dug__if i do this though, will it always use the kernel i select in this menu ?17:11
duffydackDug__,   no17:11
Dug__so i woul dhave to remove the newer one if sound works with the old one17:11
welei dont have it17:11
DangerfaceI found out the jed command meself, I just had to install it17:11
weleleft side there is channel name17:11
duffydackDug__, not really, just see what happens17:11
ubun00byes, that's the exact case sensitive name I shortened it to17:11
Dug__ok, ill be back in and let you know how it goes :) thanks17:11
Dug__ill brb17:11
Diverdudei can only copy text from thinlinc to ubuntu, not the other way. What is the cause of that?17:12
WinstonSmithFalcz, Have you tried using the safe graphics mode when booting from the CD17:12
FalczWinstonSmith: Yep17:12
welehow i can change the veiw in here17:13
iRyhave problems to integrate surround in alsa17:13
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iRywhich tool do you use wele?17:13
Diverdudei can only copy text from thinlinc to ubuntu, not the other way. What is the cause of that?17:13
ScuniziDoing a "ls .bash*" gives me 5 files all relating to bash.  Opening a file manager and un-hiding hidden directories then looking in ~... there is nothing bash related that shows up as a dot file.  What's going on?17:13
IdleOnewele: if you are using xchat, the nick list is to the right but you have to expand it, it is hidden by default17:14
Scunizitake that back.. files are there..17:14
weleam new in ubuntu17:15
delinquentmeanyone know of any approximate SAFARI engine browsers for ubuntu???17:15
weleand i down load xchat from terminal17:15
Dug_your a genius!17:15
ChogyDandelinquentme: google-chrome?17:15
Dug_i have sound again :P17:16
tishammerwhy would a partition owned by user-a change owner to root, after mounting a partition over it, even if in fstab i have options users,owner ?17:16
duffydackDug_,   hmm ok...17:16
iRydoes somebody has knowledge about alsa??17:16
duffydackDug_,  cat /proc/modules  and pastebin it17:16
weleis there any irc program better and easy then xchat17:16
duffydackDug_, probably just not loading the module.,.17:16
delinquentmeChogyDan, i thought so ...  but ive got some stuff thats just destroyed in chrome but is beautiful on safari17:16
IdleOnewele: on the right hand side of you xchat window you will see a vertical border with 3 short horizontal lines in the middle of it, click on it and drag it to the left17:17
Dug_so is there a way round this or i have to delete new kernel and go back to old ?17:17
BluesKajwele, yes , it's called knonversation17:17
Dug_here is the pastebin btw http://pastebin.com/9RZrP4W317:17
iRywele: using empathy is quite easy to use17:17
ChogyDanwele: there is also pidgin17:17
gasullsacarlson: My understanding is that eCryptFS won't help in this scenario: My laptop is broken or I don't have it with me and I am travelling. I can access my encrypted documents in Dropbox. If I was using eCryptFS, can I decrypt them?17:17
Dug_also emesene thats m favourite :P17:18
ubun00biRy: http://alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page17:18
duffydackDug_, I can see right away there are other modules used now....17:18
Dug_so im guessing it definatly was the new kernel...17:18
Dug_the update broke my sound :O17:18
weleIdleOne there is nothing on the right all i have name of channel in the left side and down there is users 145717:18
weleBluesKaj how i download it?17:19
duffydackDug_,  reboot into the new kernel17:19
iRyubun00b: i know this side but i have a special problem, everytime a song ends alsa kicks out my usb sound device and rythmbox brings up an error and skips to the next song, then alsa loads my usb device but the settings are wrong17:19
Dug_ok so just reboot or do i need to use shift again and select new one ?17:19
duffydackDug_, just reboot17:20
Dug_brb then17:20
BluesKajwele, in the terminal , sudo apt-get install konversation17:20
constantin_mikehello. i have a problem with bind9 on a ubuntu server17:20
constantin_mikei cannot start it, it says failed17:20
vingiandoes anyone know how to prevent ubuntu from shutting down if its been idle for sometime?17:20
ikoniavingian: disable sleep17:20
vingianikonia: how?17:21
WinstonSmithFalcz, sry m8 could not find any info related to ur problem and im a ATI user so cant help u there :(17:21
constantin_mikeif i do status on bind9 service, it says could not access PID file for bind917:21
Dug_back duffydack17:21
gasullvingian: System -> Preferences -> Screen saver -> Power management17:22
FalczWinstonSmith: Np, thanks for taking the time anyhow :)17:22
sajishi have an 47gb partiton free on my HDD, can i able to merge it with my ubuntu installed drive ?17:22
WinstonSmithFalcz, welcome :D17:22
constantin_mikecan anyone help me?17:23
gasullsajish: I think so.  Google gparted.17:23
constantin_mike[repeat] i have a ubuntu 10.04.1 server, with bind9 that would not start17:23
zatansajish,  its going to take you ages to merge 47gb17:23
ubun00bhow to run a .run script in terminal that "must be run as root"... how do I change to root?17:23
dmex!gparted | sajish17:23
ubottusajish: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php17:23
WinstonSmith!ask | constantin_mike17:23
ubottuconstantin_mike: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:23
vingiangasull: not using gnome - using lxde - however already checked gnome-power-preferences17:23
Dug_you need me to pastebin anything again duffydack whilst in the new kernel ?17:23
gasullubun00b: sudo ./script.run17:24
vingianinactive sleep has been disabled17:24
WinstonSmithsajish, u could try this : http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/17:24
ubun00byes, i did that and got window saying script.run must be run as root17:24
duffydackDug_,  try sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec_si305417:24
IdleOne!sparatehome | sajish17:24
IdleOne!separatehome | sajish17:24
ubottusajish: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome17:24
duffydackDug_,  check your sound17:25
jellowubun00b: run as root using sudo17:25
Dug_hmm i get a warning then fatal error when i run that command :s17:25
duffydackDug_,  alsamixer and/or sound applet17:25
vingiangasull: how/what monitor's system inactivity?17:25
ubun00bok, now it says "you appear to be running an x server. exit first"17:25
duffydackDug_,  sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec_realtek17:25
tishammerwhy would a partition owned by user-a change owner to root, after mounting a partition over it, even if in fstab i have options users,owner ?17:26
Dug_still no sound ill try the last sudo command you gave17:26
sajishany in-detail precedure to do the same with gparted ?17:26
elitexrayI get loading errors when I'm browsing either google chrome or ff. Is this related to ubuntu?17:26
sajishi mean with the screenshots & stuffs17:26
gasullvingian: paste the error. I need some context17:26
duffydackDug_,  sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel17:26
Dug_i get the same again :(17:27
jellowubun00b: what are trying to run anyway?17:27
WinstonSmith!separatehome | sajish17:27
ubottusajish: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome17:27
Dug_still getting fatal errors :(17:27
WinstonSmithsajish, read the link17:27
duffydackDug_,  pastebin  cat /etc/modules17:27
Dug_with sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel17:27
ubun00bin GNOME Terminal 2.29.6 trying to run fresh nvidia driver install package from downloaded .run file that apparently is a shell script17:27
duffydackDug_,   maybe there is a bug in the latest kernel...17:28
Dug_not sure if i done this one right :s http://pastebin.com/9UBQ5eHM17:28
ikoniaubun00b: it's a binary file17:28
ikoniaubun00b: I strongly advise you not to use it17:28
Dug_hmm maybe i dunno :s17:28
jellowubun00b: you can try and kill Xorg and run from tty17:28
ubun00busing sudo it complains about an X server running that needs to be exited first "before installing"17:28
ikoniaubun00b: use the drivers out of the ubuntu drivers tool17:28
WinstonSmithubun00b, system>administration>hardware drivers17:29
jellowubun00b: listen to ikonia :P17:29
Scunizisudo apt-get update results in a hung terminal window17:29
WinstonSmithjellow, i concur :)17:29
duffydackDug_,  pastebin cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf17:29
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Dug_here you go duffydack, http://pastebin.com/jkThVaUf17:30
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vingiangasull: there is no error17:31
ubun00bikonia: I am running the video (nvidia) drivers I installed last night from the ubuntu drivers tool, which said to get full features I need to install the latest updates from nvidia which I am trying to do.17:32
mcl0vinhowdy folks, have a n00be question here, so i am running 9.10 on my mini hp notebook and i want to change it to remix..is there a way i can do this without loosing my data ?17:32
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duffydackDug_,   hmm I dont know if this will work but  edit /etc/modules17:32
vingiangasull: as i said i already disabled the sleep on inactivity - however if i leave machine on and step away for >30 minutes, my machine has shutdown17:32
ikoniaubun00b: which full features are you missing, and what said that17:32
duffydackDug_,  and put these, 1 per line     snd_hda_codec_si3054     snd_hda_codec_realtek   snd_hda_intel17:32
IdleOneubun00b: Do the drivers provided by Ubuntu work ?17:32
ubun00bthese startup drivers work ok, but don't provide 3D or animations in GUI, so it says17:32
gasullvingian: sorry, I don't know17:32
duffydackDug_, reboot17:32
ikoniaubun00b: so what says17:33
Dug_ok in terminal "edit /etc/modules" or go to the actual location myself and edit ?17:33
ubun00bThe ubuntu drivers list that shows "this driver is not activated" and Activate button17:33
duffydackDug_,     gksu gedit /etc/modules17:33
ubun00bbut it's running anyway17:33
ikoniaubun00b: it's not17:33
ikoniaubun00b: if it's not active, it's not using the nvidia driver17:33
mori64when i run pidgin it doesn't active up to i deleted my account and add new account ! what can i do?17:33
ikoniaubun00b: I'll ask 1 more time17:33
vingiangasull: i am thinking perhaps its whatever process that acts upon these settings is not behaving correctly and was wondering what manages the power settings and behavior on ubuntu?17:33
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ikoniaubun00b: what tool keeps telling you to update your nvidia drivers17:33
ubun00bok, but when i clicked activate, nothing seemed to change17:33
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ikoniaubun00b: what tool keeps telling you to update your nvidia drivers17:34
ubun00bi'll try to refind the tool I first encountered last night on 1st use of Ubuntu Lucid17:34
ikoniaubun00b: once you click activate, you'll need to reboot17:34
ikoniaubun00b: once you've rebooted, you need to check using the same tool if the driver is now marked as "Active"17:34
Dug_duffydack you mind i pastebin what i have to you before i save it and reboot ? just incase it screws up on me if i done it wrong :P17:34
IdleOneikonia: in the Hardware Drivers it says that Ubuntu does not provide support for those drivers ( can't update them)17:35
mcl0vinhowdy folks, have a n00be question here, so i am running 9.10 on my mini hp notebook and i want to change it to remix..is there a way i can do this without loosing my data ?17:35
IdleOneikonia: I think he is misunderstanding what that means exactly17:35
ikoniaIdleOne: what ?17:35
ubun00bit was the Hardware Drivers icon in top upper right bar that I first opened to install drivers when Gnome desktop first loaded from Live USB flash drive.17:35
ikoniaubun00b: are you using a livecd ?17:35
ubun00bOK, this a.m. I have totally rebooted and autologged in as live user (default) and will recheck the tool17:36
Dug_ok here you go duffydack http://pastebin.com/5kgRtKF617:36
duffydackDug_,  just 1 more thing.   ls -al /lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/kernel/sound/pci/hda/       is there an sis one there?17:36
Dug_ok ill check17:36
ubun00bLive USB thumbdrive boot that works nicely, created with pendrive17:36
ikoniaubun00b: ok - you won't be able to do that17:36
duffydackDug_, your other pastebins are saying the files arent there or something else...17:36
IdleOneikonia: when you use the hardware drivers tool there is a "warning" about the drivers being supported by nvidia and not by Canonical or something to that effect. I don't remember the exact wording17:36
ubun00bdo what exactly?17:36
Dug_oh :s17:36
ikoniaubun00b: the reason is, to activeate the propriatary drivers, you need to reboot, but the livecd is not stateful, so it won't allow that17:36
duffydackDug_,  is snd-hda-codec-si3054.ko     or snd-hda-intel    there?17:37
ubun00bso since I now love Ubuntu/linux I should proceed with a real install to HDD of Lucid LTS?17:37
IdleOneubun00b: yes :)17:37
ubun00bwill that allow the proprietary nvidia drivers to run & persist?17:37
Dr_Willisubun00b:  Thats how it normally works.17:37
Dug_snd-hda-codec-si3054.ko is there17:38
ubun00bNokay guys thanks loads, I can't wait to finally ditch Windoze Pista after I learn this for 1 week.17:38
Dr_Willisubun00b:  you can set up a persistant-save file on a usb 'pendrive' live type install and get them working. but a 'real' install is thebest way17:38
mcl0vinDr_Willis: will you be able to help me please17:38
Dug_and so is snd-hda-intel but it has .ko at the end so snd-hda-intel.ko17:39
Dug_is that good or ?17:39
ikoniaubun00b: it's called "windows Vista" please use it's proper name rather than stupid attempts to be derogatory17:39
duffydackDug_,   pastebin    cat /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf17:39
ubun00bok, so sorry17:39
ubun00bany ref for creating a persistant -save file on the usb boot pendrive?17:40
Dug_here you go http://pastebin.com/ncxL9BsN17:40
IdleOne!usb | ubun00b17:40
ubottuubun00b: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:40
IdleOneubun00b: see the second link ubottu just gave you17:40
Dug_should i save my gksu gedit /etc/modules you told me to add ?17:40
Dr_Willisubun00b:  the usb-disk-creator tool on the live cd. can do it automatically17:41
duffydackDug_,  not sure it`ll work but yeah.. you can always undo it later17:41
Dug_ok saving it now17:41
ubun00bwill do, thanks, over & ouch17:41
Dug_should i reboot now or is there anything else you need me to do first ?17:41
duffydackDug_,  reboot17:42
DangerfaceI hear from my friend, phpbb3.0.7 is injection-able, I search on internet and I found the possible injection in site/download/file.php - its possible to run a shellcode, but what can a shellcode do to my phpbb forum ?17:42
Dug_ok ill brb17:42
mori64when i run pidgin it doesn't active up to i deleted my account and add new account ! what can i do?17:43
Dug_duffydack, still no sound :(17:44
Dug_and i checked the hardware tab in sound preferences nothing there :(17:45
constantin_mikehello, with the ubuntu server 10.04.1, if i ping www.google.com, it says ping: unknown host www.google.com, but if i ping an ip, it works. i need to make it ping names, since apt-get won't work this way. can anyone help?rn17:45
FloodBot3constantin_mike: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:45
duffydackDug_,  ok, edit /etc/modules again and remove those lines17:45
constantin_mikeoops ...17:45
duffydackDug_,  1 more thing to try... after your reboot into the working kernel.17:45
duffydackDug_, if all else fails, just use the older kernel... maybe a kernel update will fix it..17:46
Dug_so what should i do now reboot ?17:46
Dug_fter saving17:46
FloodBot3Dug_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:46
Dug_once i have rebooted could you help me revert to the older kernel please ?17:47
Dug_thanks :) ill brb gonna reboot17:47
Dug_ok im back duffydack17:49
ubun00bYes, success. After rebooting PC to Live USB pendrive Lucid LTS, the System-Administration-Hardware Drivers tool, on fresh start, now does show NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 176), "Tested by the Ubuntu developers" proprietary license, "This driver is activated and currently in use."17:49
duffydackDug_,  right see what it says when you sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel17:50
WinstonSmithconstantin_mike, try reading : http://linux.about.com/od/ubusrv_doc/a/ubusg16t03.htm17:50
Dug_i get a fatal error again :s17:51
ubun00bthanks to all.  and why did someone reply that the .run shell script downloaded from nvidia "is a binary"? I thought binaries were .bin files. ~n00bly17:51
duffydackDug_,  hmm, and sound works17:51
Dug_did i need to boot up in the old kernel ? with shift ? :s17:51
Dug_oh... crap sorry :/17:51
Dug_ill brb again then lol sorry about this17:51
duffydackI just wanted to know if that error was there in the working kernel as well17:52
Freudlundif a software i'm installing on lucid is asking for the folder where openoffice is installed(it's gonna headless convert documents on a server basis), what folder should i put in?17:52
FreudlundOr is the OpenOffice that ships with lucid not capable of running headless(which my noob thinking interprets as "in the background")?17:54
mcl0vinis it possible to go from karmic koala 9.10 to remix on a mini HP notebook without losing my data17:54
xanguamcl0vin: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook17:54
mcl0vinxangua: will it install it on top of the 9.10 or overide it17:55
Dug_ok im back duffydack in the old kernel with sound working17:55
Dug_what was the command you wanted me to do ?17:55
sirlarkHi, I've just taken over the admin of an oldish server (circa 2004) It has an intel hardware raid controller (PCI addon card)17:55
duffydackDug_,  right see what it says when you sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel17:55
c3lhow do I use two monitors in console?17:56
Dug_i get this17:56
sirlarkone of the drives in the raid 5 has failed, and I was wondering if there are any software tools that could talk to the controller, or do I have to reboot all the time to manipulate the raid through the bios console?17:56
Dug_WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/sound, it will be ignored in a future release.17:56
Dug_no fatal error though17:56
lool_the french ?17:57
WinstonSmithmcl0vin it will install on top17:57
Dug_so is that good or ?17:58
duffydackDug_,  ok..  it might be possible to copy the good files to the bad kernels files..  a dirty fix but might work. or just stick with the old kernel..17:59
Dug_hmm i think id like to lay it safe and stick with the older kernel for a while and maybe try update when a newer kernel comes out18:00
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duffydackDug_,  uname -r18:00
Dug_since my laptop is mega cheap and its hard to get certain hardware in here working properlly lol xD18:00
Dug_thats all uname -r and its done ? xD18:00
elitexrayhow cheap is cheap18:01
mcl0vin'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook says can't find pkg18:01
ryanrhee901i'm trying to set up postfix, but i messed up and installed sendmail to see how it'd be. Now, even though I removed sendmail, telnet-ing to localhost @ port 25 shows me "ESMTP Sendmail 8.14.3/8.14.3/Debian-9.1ubuntu1;". Can you help me remove the remnants of sendmail?18:01
n0a1iaswhat kernal does ubuntu use?18:02
Dug_after uname -r i get "2.6.32-21-generic" so is it done already ?18:02
Migi32hi everyone, I have this: A 9.04 CD and a working 10.04. Is it in any way possible to use these 2 to get a new 10.04 working without downloading anything?18:02
Migi32I mean, without downloading anything on the new box18:02
duffydackDug_,  no.. just wanted to know what kernel version it was18:03
Dug_oh xD18:03
Dug_was gonna say was easy xD18:03
sproatyHi, I resized my ubuntu partition (10.04, 64b) using GParted live CD (really cool..) - and then installed Windows 7 on that resized partition. This overwrote my boot loader now - and it'll only boot into Windows. How do I go about dual booting it18:03
sipiorryanrhee901: how exactly did you remove sendmail?18:03
duffydackDug_,  thats the kernel at lucids release.. hmm..18:03
Dug_is that a problem ? :s18:03
n0a1iashow do i make an alias so that rm is replaced with rm -i ?18:04
chetnickis there like emerald theme pack? When I install emerald on other distro/OS (Gentoo, FreeBSD), emerald is by default installed with a dozen of themes.18:04
ubun00bikonia: (as Monzy rapped "so much drama in the PhD") now finding new menu item, System/Administration/Nvidia X Server Settings and running it first time gets Error popup box sez: 'Could not launch Nvidia X Server Settings' Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/nvidia-settings" (No such file or directory), with Close button to exit. Searching that path I find /usr/bin/nvidia-xconfig link to executable, but cont the specified tar18:04
ubun00bget. Any suggestions?18:04
Migi32hey everyone, can I "export" the packages I have installed on this ubuntu to another?18:05
preetamplease help my blueZ deamon is not starting so unable to run blueman18:05
IdleOne!clone | Migi3218:05
ubottuMigi32: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate18:05
ikoniaubun00b: are you running from a proper install now ?18:05
duffydackDug_,  just sayin.   when did you install ubuntu18:05
Dug_erm cant quite remember think it was like begining of this month18:05
Dug_or atleast 2 weeks ago18:05
chetnickubun00b: try reinstalling nvidia-settings, It looks like it's not installed.18:06
ubun00bno, the live usb but it seems to have persisted the drivers install from earlier after rebooting.18:06
Dug_but i havent used this laptop that much since installing ubuntu tbh18:06
ubun00byes, it's not, but all I did was the recommended hardware drivers tool activation then reboot, how would i reinstall the nvidia-settings child process?18:07
Migi32IdleOne, sorry I'd like to export the full packages, not just a list of their names18:07
timewriteranyone can help me with a display issue ?18:07
chetnickubun00b: I'm not on Ubuntu now, but I belive apt-get install nvidia-settings would do it.18:07
guestdoes anybody know how to promote an idea to 'Ideas in development' in ideatorrent?18:07
duffydackDug_,   just wondering if reinstalling that newer kernel might fix it..18:07
IdleOneMigi32: doing it that way you would also have to export the package dependencies...lots of packages but see !aptoncd18:08
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline18:08
timewriteri have activated the nvidia-current drivers , and it seems that vertical sync isnt enabled anymore18:08
ubun00bsince nvidia sez it's an X Server is there a simple way to stop/restart that nvidia X Server settings?18:08
Dug_how would i do that ?18:08
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD18:08
chetnickubun00b: nvidia-settings is just graphical front end (configuration tool) for nvidia-drivers.18:09
duffydackdug hangon18:09
chetnickubun00b: now i'm not even sure what are you trying to accomplish.18:09
ubun00byes, trying 1st run Settings GUI after tool installed the correct tested proprietary nVidia drivers18:10
ubun00bfrom clicking menu item:  System/Administration/Nvidia X Server Settings18:10
chetnickubun00b: Ok once you install nvidia proprietary drivers, run sudo nvidia-xconfig, that will create new xorg.conf and backup old one. Restart X (log out, or reboot) and then try.18:11
duffydackDug_,   just stick with the working kernel18:11
Dug_ok i will18:12
chetnickubun00b: make sure you have nvidia-settings install before you try to run it.18:12
Dug_how do i remove the new one so that i always boot on the older one instead of having to shift on bootup ?18:12
duffydackDug_,  run synaptic18:12
chetnickis there like emerald theme pack? When I install emerald on other distro/OS (Gentoo, FreeBSD), emerald is by default installed with a dozen of themes.18:12
Dug_synaptic is open now18:13
JackyAlcineExcuse me, I need to reset my audio configuration; how do you do that?18:13
duffydackDug_,  click search  type  2.6.32-2418:13
duffydackDug_, the 3 files marked green (installed) just right click them and remove18:13
Dug_ok then i should be always running of the old kernel once they are removed ?18:14
duffydackDug_,  just reboot and press shift, should be only one there.18:14
Dug_ok :)18:14
p1und3rhey all, is there any way I could secure a Windows formatted drive with Ubuntu18:14
Dug_i have a quick question about the "shift" on boot thoug if you dont mind ?18:14
duffydackDug_,  have you not updated the kernel before now?18:14
Dug_apparently not :s18:15
Dug_i dont read the updates when i do them lol18:15
duffydackDug_,  so there are only 2 to choose from at boot18:15
Dug_if i remove this im guessin gi should have the working kernel showing with another option in safe mode ?18:15
duffydackDug_,  ye18:15
Dug_ok, so am i right in thinking each time there is a kernel update they all display in there so if i update my kernel 4 times it will give me 4 options on shift boot ?18:16
duffydackDug_,   only for newer versions..18:16
Dug_so it iwll show the old and new version it wont store the version before last ?18:17
Dug_so at most it will show 2 at all times ?18:17
=== Nwab is now known as Benwa
duffydackDug_,    it will show any version thats different18:17
DarsVaedahi i installed sun java 6, but in firefox icedtea is still used, how do i change it?18:17
Dug_oh ok :)18:17
duffydack2.6.32-21 is 1 version18:18
HamidRezaI can't set up my wireless modem18:18
duffydack2.6.32-22 is another18:18
HamidRezaplease help me.18:18
drzinWikileaks.org site is down???18:18
duffydackDug_,  newest is 2.6.32-2418:18
HamidRezaI can't set up my wireless modem.18:18
* elkclone sounds alarm18:18
Dug_im gonna go remove these 3 things in synaptic you told me to then and reboot and see if it worked :) thanks a lot for your time ill be back to let you know if it worked :)18:18
boritowhat apt sourse do l use for getting the newest gnome ?18:18
DarsVaedayep is down18:18
sipiordrzin: welcome to the internet. did you have an ubuntu-related question for us?18:18
duffydackDug_,   there can be updates to those too, which just replace the existing one as its the same branch18:18
elkclonehamidreza: its a card18:18
HamidRezayes in laptop18:19
Dug_ahh ok18:19
ubun00bchetnick: and ikonia: I successfully ran this command in terminal: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings and part of the script included lines: Unpacking nvidia-settings (from .../nvidia-settings_195.36.08-0ubuntu2_i386.deb) ... ... cp: cannot stat `/vmlinuz': No such file or directory18:19
ubun00band after it completed, now the new Nvidia X Server Settings runs, and appears it will let me tweak video settings. Thanks.18:19
duffydackDug_,   dont worry about it.  just use older kernel for now18:19
Dug_ok :)18:19
elkclonehamidreza: you can run an app from gnome.18:19
HamidRezaI have Atheros AR5007eg but lspci -v show Atheros AR242X. ubuntu 9.0418:19
mikebeechamguys...how do I begin a .run file from within ttyl?  I'm in the required folder,...I cant remember what to put before the filename?18:19
duffydackDug_,  you could file a bug report somewhere, I dont know where.. tbh...18:20
elkcloneyou got gui?18:20
duffydackikonia,  dont happen to know where someone would file a bug in ubuntu kernel?18:20
ikoniaduffydack: launchpad.net in the linux-image package18:21
duffydackikonia,  thx18:21
mcl0vinok using remix on a mini notebook when i RDP to a windows teminal server the windows is cut at the bottom , what shall i do please18:21
elkclonehamidreza: go system admin search for hardware drivers18:21
Dug_ok i have removed them 3 files in synaptic now im rebooting to see if it boots into the old kernel :)18:21
mcl0vinhow do i fix this were it fix my screen18:21
HamidRezawho ?18:21
strashniqhello i want to ask something -i have a sound that plays whenever my X loads18:21
Dug_hmm ok i will look about to see where to file a bug report :)18:22
elkclonein gnome desktop18:22
elkclonemenue at top18:22
duffydackDug_,  <ikonia> duffydack: launchpad.net in the linux-image package18:22
elkclonesystem>admin>hardware drivers18:22
elkcloneit will do a search18:22
Dug_ahh ok thanks :) ive used the launchpad before for help didnt know i make bug reports to there :P18:23
duffydackDug_, thing is, you might need to be running that kernel to get info from it to post :)18:23
duffydackDug_,  like the error message when using modprobe18:23
PiciDug_: run: ubuntu-bug linux   and it will automatically add debug information to a bug report and let you fill in a description.18:23
duffydackcan tell how often i do bug rerports lol18:24
HamidRezathere was one thing. Alternate Atheros "madwifi" driver18:24
mcl0vinok using remix on a mini notebook when i RDP to a windows teminal server the windows is cut at the bottom , what shall i do please? how to fix this my mini is set to 1024x576(16:9)18:24
strashniqi want to make a script that changes my resolution to a defined by me after the X server loads all its modules18:24
elkclonehamidreza: give it a try18:25
Dug_oh ok, thanks Pici :)18:25
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strashniqelkclone can you help me with such script ?18:26
Dug_but brb im going to test if it uses my older working kernel now when i restart18:26
Dug_will let you know how it goes :)18:26
HamidRezaI had active that . but nothing18:26
elkclonestrashniq: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/bash-script-for-changing-screen-resolution-441864/18:27
elkclonethat would be a good start18:27
HamidRezathat dosen't work18:28
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:28
elkclonehamidreza: pull the card and clean it. lol.18:28
HamidRezaelkclone:how? what does your mean?18:29
tew88Hello. My USB wireless adapter, which shows as a 'Ralink 3370' via lsusb does not work out-of-the-box. It's up and running on my Windows 7 install, but I've no idea how to go about installing drivers for it in Ubuntu (10.04) - any ideas?18:30
elkclonehamidreza: could the card be faulty?18:30
ubun00bFolks, every install event I've done in past 24 hours on this fresh 1st ever Lucid LTS system has apparently succeeded with programs runable and drivers installed, yet every install ended with the standard installation failed box, and all scripts end up reporting "... returned an error code (1)". That seems contradictory, why is Ubuntu reporting "failed" installations, when they have all apparently succeeded (dozens of them)?18:30
Dug_duffydack ?18:30
Dug_it worked :)18:30
Dug_Thanks for your time and help i would never had been able to figure that out myself xD but i got it all written down what i had to do so i can fix this problem if i ever get it again :)18:31
cix0nevening all18:31
HamidRezaelkclone: no. because I have windows XP beside this . and it works18:32
HamidRezaI have Atheros AR5007eg but lspci -v show Atheros AR242X18:32
cix0nhow do i enable identd within xchat? cheers..18:32
ubun00bmikebeecham: did anyone reply to your question about ttyl? I was hoping to learn the same answer to same question.18:32
mcl0vinanyone having this issue with Terminal Server client in mini notebooks were the screen is cut off at the bottom18:32
Dug_but i gotta log now i got some stuff to do was gonna log earlier but wanted to fix my sound lol :P Thanks a lot cya :)18:32
elkclonenot sure what else to try. keep asking. someone will be able to set it right.18:33
strashniqmcl0vin when you change resolution -does it fix ?18:33
guest1hello people18:33
mcl0vinstrashniq: no18:33
mcl0vinstrashniq: i am on tsclient 0.15018:34
guest1Will some one help me with this ubuntu 10.4 nsamba?18:34
strashniqmcl0vin i`m sorry but i can`t help you-i just have similar problem18:34
gabahi, im trying to see why my ubuntu freeze sometimes without any reason18:34
CodeWeaverhow can i allow any user on my machine to use scanimage. i do not have a scanner group to add the users to18:34
gabamaybe when the computer tries to hibernate... but i dont know18:35
mcl0vingaba: logs are your firend18:35
gabaif i want to see why it freezes do you know which log i can read?18:35
elkclonehamidreza: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros18:35
gabayes yes18:35
gabadmesg maybe?18:35
tew88Hello. My USB wireless adapter, which shows as a 'Ralink 3370' via lsusb does not work out-of-the-box. It's up and running on my Windows 7 install, but I've no idea how to go about installing drivers for it in Ubuntu (10.04) - any ideas?18:35
mcl0vinis tsclient 0.150 the latest version , how could i tell please18:36
guest1Any takers on helping on ubuntu 10.4 and samba18:36
imanchey what do I need to do to get flash working on ubuntu 10.4?18:37
trismimanc: generally just: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer; in a terminal18:37
imanctrism - thanks!18:38
deadishHello! :D18:38
PigeonClusterhey all, I want to set up so that there is an option in grub in which all of the filesystem but /home is Copy-On-Write to /tmp - how would I go about this?18:38
deadishI got a question18:38
Strife89I'm looking for Fabio Marconi.18:38
iRycould somebody help me on a ./configure problem installing alsa-utils1.0.23?18:38
trismdeadish: just ask your question, someone will generally reply if they know the answer18:39
PigeonClusteriRy: same to you, just ask18:39
binthi there18:40
bars0Hello everyone. I have a question. How to configure my Ubuntu 10.04 ro boot into text mode?18:40
binti'm really new on ubunutu18:40
PigeonClusterStrife89: I'm not finding him.18:40
bintjust installed ubunutu-server on a virtual pc18:40
bintbut i kinda wanna have a desktop enviroment18:40
binthow can i install a desktop18:40
PigeonClusterbint: ask all in one line please, this channel can get busy and it's hard to read18:40
iRystarted ./configure normaly for alsa utilities and it stops like this: checking for curses header name... <ncurses.h>18:40
iRychecking for curses compiler flags... -I/usr/include/ncursesw18:40
iRychecking for curses NLS support... yes18:40
iRychecking for sys/types.h... yes18:40
iRychecking for sys/stat.h... yes18:40
FloodBot3iRy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:40
iRychecking for stdlib.h... yes18:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:40
xoverukwhat is a good gnome cd ripper to mp3?18:41
imancif dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu - does ubuntu auto mount the C: drive of windows, and if so where does it put it?18:41
bintso anyone can give me a hint how to set-up ubuntu-server with a proper GUI18:41
Strife89PigeonCluster: As in, he's not on, or you're not about to look for him?18:41
PigeonClusterbars0: eh heh ... the desktop edition is designed to not boot into text mode. personally I would install the server edition and convert it to a specialized desktop setup.18:41
guest1Hellooooo any one???? here that can help me iron out 10.4 and samba in a domain envnt????????????????18:41
PigeonClusterStrife89: as in, I don't see him. (I was making a joke.)18:41
Strife89PigeonCluster: Ah. :)18:41
tuxifierimanc: /media18:42
imanctuxifier: thanks!18:42
sipiorguest1: the usual pattern is: you give us all the data you can, and then we try to answer your question.18:42
Strife89PigeonCluster: He seems to be the only active poster on this bug aside from me, and I wanted to discuss the behavior of my computer. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/38280618:42
tuxifierimanc: but it doesn't automount18:42
kifferby connecting to it18:42
PigeonClusterah. try messaging him on the bug system, eh, Strife89?18:43
kiffersorry wrong channel18:43
tuxifierimanc: but u should see it in your gnome file manager18:43
Strife89PigeonCluster: .... I completely forgot the bug tracker had a PM system. >.<18:43
WinstonSmithxoveruk, u can use rythmbox for that18:43
iRysorry here again my failure: started ./configure normally and this failure came up http://paste.ubuntu.com/484065/. i don't have a idea what to do.18:44
Strife89Then again, it's related to the bug, so perhaps I should just write a long-ish comment.18:44
imanctuxifier: so the media dir is there, but the C: drive needs mounting manually?18:44
tuxifierimanc: yepp18:44
guest1My bad 1st time here.  Here it goes fresh install of Ubuntu server 10.4, like wise open and then samba last just like the docs say to do.  Install of server ans like wise went well. I can ssh to the server with doman account. I can also log in w/ domain account 2 console.  its the dang samba thats getting me.  I can not browse the file server from a win machine.18:45
TetracommI can't find an autopsy channel and autopsy GUI won't load.18:45
imancwhat is the ubuntu equivalent of winamp?18:45
PigeonClusterso, anyone with experience with AUFS copy-on-write or such?18:45
tuxifierimanc: and you need ntfs support installed (ntfs-3g)18:45
RobertVis there an equivalent mv syntax to do this: ren /really/long/directory/file.ext newfilename.ext18:45
PigeonClusterimanc: there are many music players, but xmms is the closest18:45
RobertVmv puts it in the current directory18:46
sipiorguest1: which docs were you following?18:46
ubun00bOn fresh install, what was program .../vmlinuz and where did it go? Why did it poof when some install scripts still look for it?18:46
Strife89Ah, yes, I was wondering about that .... I recently installed Ubuntu in a dual boot setup and wish to automount my NTFS partition on startup (currently it must be mounted manually).18:46
trismiRy: looks like you need libncurses5-dev18:46
JackyAlcineExcuse me, I need to reset my audio configuration; how do you do that?18:46
guest1sipior the docs directly from the ubuntu server 10.4 docs18:46
iRynormaly type sudo get-apt libncurses5-dev?18:46
PigeonCluster!who | Strife8918:47
ubottuStrife89: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:47
guest1Samba as domain member18:47
trismiRy: sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev; yes18:47
=== zach__ is now known as sticky
Strife89PigeonCluster: Anyone, in the case of that last sentence.18:47
iRytrism: ok will try18:47
PigeonClusterStrife89: but I can't tell what you were responding to.18:47
Strife89PigeonCluster: <imanc> tuxifier: so the media dir is there, but the C: drive needs mounting manually?18:48
sipiorRobertV: mv /really/long/directory/{oldname,newname} (that's bash doing the work, of course, not mv proper)18:48
Strife89PigeonCluster: That line made me think about it.18:48
PigeonClusterahhh. I can answer that.18:48
PigeonClusteradd the partition to /etc/fstab - you'll have to be root - and make sure to have an empty directory to mount it on.18:49
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:49
Strife89PigeonCluster: Would a manually-made directory in /media remain after a reboot?18:50
sipiorguest1: can you browse the volume from another linux box?18:50
Strife89Works for me, then. :)18:50
guest1Sipior nope18:50
guest1Sipior I can see the box but when i try to browse i get prompted for credentials18:51
sipiorguest1: and which credentials do you attempt to use?18:51
Strife89PigeonCluster: Should I use the UUID instead of the /dev/x path? If so, how do I retrieve it?18:52
guest1Sipior I use the same as I used to ssh to the box and loged into the console  domain credentials that work18:52
sipiorguest1: by the way, are these the docs you were using? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba18:52
imancPigeonCluster, tuxifier, Strife89 - thanks for your help18:52
* Strife89 didn't actually help, but you're welcome, imanc. :)18:53
PigeonClusterStrife89: uuid is preffered, I don't remember off the top of my head how to retrieve it, maybe gparted or fdisk18:54
PigeonClusterimanc: you're welcome :)18:54
guest1Sipior this is it           https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-ad-integration.html18:54
iRytrism: still here?!18:55
trismiRy: yes, did it work?18:55
iRytrism: yes but next problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484070/18:55
sipiorguest1: you'18:56
=== Nwab is now known as Benwa
Strife89PigeonCluster: gparted shows the UUID in the Information window. :)18:57
sipiorguest1: sorry. you've successfully added you linux box to the domain?18:57
sipiorguest1: via domainjoin-cli, i mean.18:57
trismiRy: looks like you need libncursesw5-dev too18:57
guest110-4 domain account work fine @ the console and when I ssh to the box!18:57
iRytrism: ok will get it18:57
ubun00bwhat is program .../vmlinuz ?19:00
sipiorguest1: could i get you to pastebin your smb.conf?19:00
guest1Sipior---- maybe this will help from the log files in /var/log/samba/log. ===== the win nachine i try to browse from .19:00
sipiorubun00b: that would be the operating system kernel.19:00
guest1sorry about that     root@blackbird:/var/log/samba# tail log.
guest1[2010/08/26 11:54:40,  1] smbd/sesssetup.c:342(reply_spnego_kerberos)19:00
guest1  Failed to verify incoming ticket with error NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE!19:00
guest1[2010/08/26 11:55:02,  1] libads/kerberos_verify.c:336(ads_secrets_verify_ticket)19:00
guest1  ads_secrets_verify_ticket: failed to fetch machine password19:00
FloodBot3guest1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:00
guest1[2010/08/26 11:55:02,  1] smbd/sesssetup.c:342(reply_spnego_kerberos)19:00
guest1  Failed to verify incoming ticket with error NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE!19:00
strashniqcan someone explain me how can i execute a shell script put into /etc/xdg/autostart ?19:00
sipior!pastebin > guest119:01
ubottuguest1, please see my private message19:01
iRytrism: thx all went fine19:01
iRytrism: what did i install19:01
joker__can't install d-link airplus g dwl-g650 +a driver in ubuntu 10.04.1 .. . .can anyone help me.. i am new to Linux19:01
guest1sorry guys. will do!!19:01
kyle_anyone have an idea: i have a 3g modem thing. i can only use it if i boot with it plugged in19:01
strashniqcan someone explain me how can i execute a shell script put into /etc/xdg/autostart ?19:02
trismiRy: the ncurses dev libraries, they are for creating graphical menus/interfaces in the terminal19:02
sipiorguest1: no worries, i had forgotten that you had mentioned you were new to the channel, or i would've been a bit clearer :-)19:02
iRyoh ok... just install ubuntu few days ago19:03
joker__can't install d-link airplus g dwl-g650 +a driver in ubuntu 10.04.1 .. . .can anyone help me.. i am new to Linux.. plz PM19:03
iRytrism: but thx to you19:03
polteranyone running Awesome WM who knows how to get mod4+o to work?19:03
kyle_anyone have an idea: i have a 3g modem thing. i can only use it if i boot with it plugged in19:03
trismiRy: you're welcome19:03
Migi32if I download an ISO from ubuntu.com (wtf? .com=company), will it be fully upgraded?19:03
trismMigi32: 10.04.1 will be pretty close, but there are still several updates since then19:05
North_Italian69how to create a list of installed packages?19:05
ZykoticK9_nothom!clone | North_Italian6919:06
ubottuNorth_Italian69: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:06
guest1Siprio did that help???19:06
LiquidDemocracyCould someone please invite me to channel #hardware?19:06
sipiorguest1: i think i missed the link you posted19:06
PigeonClusterhow do I check if I have a kernel module (aufs) that I don't know where it's filed?19:07
guest1No i just dont know how to use this chat.19:07
LiquidDemocracyDo USB 3.0 drives have the same cables as USB 2.0? I am thinking about buying an USB 3.0 external hard disk but I my PC is already a few years old.19:07
ZykoticK9_nothom!register > LiquidDemocracy19:08
ubottuLiquidDemocracy, please see my private message19:08
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning19:08
polterI know repeating ones self isn't a good thing in IRC, but I really can't figure out why some of the mod4 keyboard shortcuts in Awesome doesn't work, so if anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated19:09
joker__can't install d-link pcmcia WLan.. can anyone help? Plz PM19:10
guest1Ok back to the books!!!!  thanks guys19:10
PigeonClusterpolter: actually it's fine if there has been enough talk19:10
Migi32why is 64-bit "not recommended for daily usage"?19:10
polterPigeonCluster: well.. sure, but I'm always a bit careful not to be someone who keeps shouting the same stuff into the IRC over and over again19:11
aeon-ltdMigi32: incompatibility and bugs19:11
sipiorMigi32: out of date information, frankly.19:11
PigeonClusterpolter: of course. there are reasonable limits. no need to apologize while you're under them, though.19:11
ZykoticK9_nothomMigi32, see the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/58594019:11
ActionParsnipMigi32: 3rd party company's still support 32bit better than 64bit. Company's like brother and lexmark only make 32bit drivers. Its to avoid disappointment19:12
PigeonCluster!msg | joker__19:12
ubottujoker__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:12
ActionParsnipMigi32: if you have more than 3gb ram then i'd shoot for 64bit but pae is one way around it19:12
PigeonCluster!ask | joker19:12
ubottujoker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:12
PigeonClusterjoker: whoops sorry19:12
PigeonClusterjoker__: that was for you19:13
infidhow can i hide desktop icons?19:13
=== Benwa is now known as Princesse
joker__PigeonCluster, i have d-link airplus g dwl-g650 +A.. Ubuntu won't even detect it19:13
ActionParsnipMigi32: if you have less than 3gb ram and only need web browsing and suchlike then 32bit is an excellent choice19:13
PigeonClusterjoker__: well first things first; will other OSes detect it?19:14
ActionParsnipinfid: there's an option in gconf-editor19:14
joker__xp did19:14
strashniqhello, i want to create a script that starts after the KDE-to change my resolution!19:14
=== Princesse is now known as Benwa
ActionParsnipJoker__: xp has different support19:14
joker__PigeonCluster, XP did19:14
polterdwl-g50 should work with madwifi19:14
polterg650 I mean19:14
infidActionParsnip: any places for ubuntu to just let you right click the desktop and click 'hide/view icons'19:15
ActionParsnipJoker__: if you run: sudo lshw -C network ,do you see the wireless chip?19:15
PigeonClusterjoker__: ok, do an 'lspci' in the console19:15
polterif madwifi is even used anymore, I don't do a lot of that stuff19:15
joker__polter, wats madwifi?19:15
Migi32ActionParsnip, aeon-ltd, I've been using 64-bit for a year now and have yet to have a problem with it. I was just surprised to see that message (without explanation!) there19:15
strashniqsomebody has played with Backtrack !19:15
PigeonClusterpolter: madwifi is old iirc ... they change that crap so much I have no idea19:15
PigeonClusterstrashniq: I'm sure somebody has!19:15
strashniqyeah i did19:15
ZykoticK9_nothom!backtrack | strashniq19:15
ubottustrashniq: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:15
ActionParsnipinfid: not that I know of. There is an option in gconf, probably under nautilus as it draws the icons19:15
ActionParsnipMigi32: don't worry , it gets asked a lot19:16
strashniqubbottu i got nothing from what you said19:16
polterjoker__: madwifi was/is a collection of drivers for wifi chipsets from atheros19:16
PigeonCluster!ubottu | strashniq19:16
ubottustrashniq: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Using19:16
ActionParsnipstrashniq: backtrack is offtopic for the channel19:16
strashniqi know19:16
joker__PigeonCluster, i do see19:16
strashniqActionParsnip this was the only way i can draw your attenstion so you can help me19:16
PigeonClusterstrashniq: well, if you just want to chat, see #ubuntu-offtopic19:16
strashniqi need help19:17
strashniqi ask for it 15 min19:17
PigeonClusterwith backtrack? then see #backtrack-linux19:17
ActionParsnipstrashniq: I haven't seen your question dude. Sorry. Sup?19:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:17
strashniqActionParnsip i want to make a script that changes my resolution after the KDE finishes its loading stuff19:17
sipiorstrashniq: passive-aggressive behaviour is generally a great way to get yourself ignored.19:18
strashniqsipior i guess its partially due to staying here asking my question for 15-20 min ?19:18
ActionParsnipstrashniq: ok I see it now. You could have a script use xrandr to set the res after logon. If you are using kde, put the script in $HOME/.kde/Autostart19:18
strashniqat last19:18
sipiorstrashniq: oh wow! fifteen minutes! you must be a really important and busy person!19:18
strashniqActionParnsip Thank you19:19
joker__ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/484082/19:19
strashniqsipior the question i asked was answerd in less than 10 sec - don`t be rude19:19
ActionParsnipstrashniq: if you use an xorg.conf file you won't need the script, both are fine solutions19:19
joker__PigeonCluster, http://paste.ubuntu.com/484082/19:19
sipiorstrashniq: bye now.19:19
WildI've got an issue with Google earth. It opens..and within a few seconds closes itself automatically19:19
Migi32also, ActionParsnip, what is it with this "3GB"? 32-bit OS systems should be able to address 2^32 addresses = exactly 4GB of ram.19:20
Wildanyone know what the issue might be or how I could fix this?19:20
ActionParsnipJoker__: ok it has a driver. If you run: sudo iwlist scan ,do you see access points?19:20
ZykoticK9_nothom!pae | Migi3219:20
ubottuMigi32: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info19:20
PigeonClusterMigi32: probably his mistake. last I checked, my ubuntu 32bit non-pae can see 4G of ram on my 8Gig machines19:21
ActionParsnipMigi32: it will only see 3.4Gb under 32bit. I just round off19:21
polterWild: run it from terminal and paste output to paste.ubuntu.com19:21
Wildok thanks.19:21
polterWild: maybe there and error to be found in that19:21
PigeonCluster3.4Gb (powers of 10) == 4G  (powers of 2)19:21
amokpauleHello, i have an wireless keyboard and mouse from logitech which does not work anymore. I coneckted another wireless keyboard and mouse set which works now.19:22
joker__PigeonCluster, http://paste.ubuntu.com/484083/19:22
ledoktreAnyone in here know about pulseaudio and Intel ICH7 controllers?19:22
ActionParsnipMigi32: but I agree. 64bit is fine as long as the support you need extends into 64bit19:22
ActionParsnipamokpaule: run: dmesg | less ,and read the boot messages. It may give clues19:23
WinstonSmithwild : install the older version19:23
infidActionParsnip: you cant do it from gconf, have to use a script like http://www.ivy.fr/blog/index.php/2008/05/08/85-from-macos-to-ubuntu-show-hide-desktop-icons-on-gnome19:23
WinstonSmiththe last one crashes19:23
Migi32well, I think saying 64-bit is "not recommended" => most people use 32-bit => applications are developed/tested mainly for 32-bit => 64-bit is "not recommended".19:24
Migi32we need to break out of that19:24
Migi32but anyway I gtg19:24
WinstonSmithgtg cya all :D19:24
vivek312where do i can get free projects??19:24
ActionParsnipinfid: run gconf-editor and look at how the script relates to the structure in gconf. You CAN do it in gconf19:25
botcityi want to shh into my laptop via wired connection and be able to use internet at the same time through my wireless card but network manager only allows one connection at a time is there a work around?19:25
joker__PigeonCluster, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/484083/19:25
PigeonClusterjoker__: that's nice.19:26
amokpauleActionParsnip: ty19:26
Wildthe older version?19:26
joker__PigeonCluster, : i downloaded linux driver from its official site but don't know how to install?19:27
ActionParsnipbotcity: 2 options, use wicd which will allow both. Or (my choice) configure the wired in /etc/network/interfaces and use network manager to manage the wireless19:27
PigeonClusterstop directing your questions at me, I don't care about your problems. I only help when I find it fun.19:27
steedhello all.19:27
ActionParsnipbotcity: if you connect both interfaces to the same subnet the you will get issues19:27
ActionParsnipJoker__: did the cli scan not find APs?19:28
joker__PigeonCluster, : it has 2 folders : (1)Module (2)wpa_supplicant-0.4.919:28
vivek312IdleOne: u there now?19:28
st_ironcould I install ubuntu on an offline box with alternate cd?19:29
joker__PigeonCluster, : i downloaded linux driver from its official site but don't know how to install?19:29
steedhey, i had a networking question, i want to make my wireless connection come out my ethernet port. would i have to set up a bridge?19:29
ActionParsnipst_iron: sure. You can install offline with the desktop iso too19:29
joker__PigeonCluster, : it has 2 folders : (1)Module (2)wpa_supplicant-0.4.919:29
m0ggjoin #xda-devs19:29
joker__how to install19:29
ActionParsnipst_iron: the alternate iso will allow offline upgrades to the next release too19:30
PigeonCluster!atroll | joker__19:30
ubottujoker__: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel19:30
st_ironActionParsnip: thank you19:30
horimhi all19:30
gauravhow can install gnome shell 3 in my ubuntu 10.0419:30
=== jennifer is now known as michael2
_eXeCuTeRhow can i make pidgin appear where xchat appears when it's running? (upper panel, right side)19:30
kiffercan i get paperclip ?19:30
horimcan anyone kindly help me make the wireless ipw2200 in this laptop work?19:30
zeleftikamholy crap printing is PAINFULLY SLOW. the document is sent to the printer and it just sits there, HP LaserJet 1200. What to check?19:30
horimI am using ubuntu 10.419:30
ZykoticK9_nothomgaurav, install the gnome-shell package?19:30
poltergaurav: gnome-shell is in the 10.04 repositories19:31
sipiorzeleftikam: how big is the document?19:31
zeleftikamsipior: hi again :) it's a 251k shipping label19:32
gauravhow i install gnome shell 3 in ubuntu 10.0419:32
zeleftikamprinted from Firefox19:32
zeleftikamunder Mac OS X it would print in 10 seconds19:32
zeleftikamthe printer is flashing, the gates are down, but there ain't no train19:32
m0gggaurav: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell19:32
poltergaurav: you can use Ubuntu Software Centre. Search for gnome-shell. If you want the latest greatest version you might have to find another source to use'19:32
ActionParsnipzeleftikam: grab the latest hplip from the hplip site. May help19:32
zeleftikamActionParsnip: do you mean hplib?19:33
sipiorzeleftikam: nice metaphor :-) might be worth saving the file and then printing it without involving firefox.19:33
=== MichealH is now known as Guest42052
tew88My USB wireless adapter isn't working in Ubuntu 10.04. It shows up as a "Ralink 3370" with lsusb. Anyone recommend a solution?19:33
ActionParsnipzeleftikam: no. Hplip. What macos does is entirely moot as its a different OS with different support19:33
steedis there a channel for questions and help?19:34
zeleftikamwell, i understand that OS X is completely different, but the point of me telling you that is to show that it's not a pre-existing issue with the printer itself19:34
NikieHelp needed...All of a sudden...the icon that dipicts the battery charged stopped showing the status "charging". How do i fix it ?19:34
zeleftikamsteed: i think you're here!19:34
Picisteed: You're in the official Ubuntu Support channel, were you looking for something else?19:35
botcity if  i configure the wired in /etc/network/interfaces will this bypass network manager ? is there some kind of how to or guide out there?19:36
=== Guest42052 is now known as MichealH
=== hacker is now known as Guest30788
NikieHelp needed...The icon that depicts the status of the battery stopped showing the status "charging". How do i fix it ?19:37
ZykoticK9_nothombotcity, as soon as you specify a device in /etc/network/interfaces Network Manager will be disabled "not managed" for that device.  Good luck.19:37
PigeonClusterNikie: I would make sure it isn't actually the hardware19:37
gauravis gnome 3 is relases19:37
marcuyNikie, maybe it has already charged ;)19:37
Picigaurav: no.19:38
alex88hi, si've unistalled kvm and now my user is still in the groups and on login i get "groups: cannot find name for group ID 117"...but i've deleted it..some other places to check?19:38
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:38
Craig`hey guyhs.19:38
Craig`is there an easy command to find out what wireless adapter i'm using?19:38
marcuy!hello | Craig`19:38
ubottuCraig`: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:38
botcityZykoticK9_nothom thankyou !19:39
marcuy!wireless | Craig`19:39
ubottuCraig`: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:39
botcityZykoticK9_nothom i'll give it a go19:39
ecivoHi, if my harddrive has bad sectors and routinely produces errors, which tool do I use to transfer a drive image to a new drive, even if the new drive has a diffrent size?19:39
marcuyCraig`, you should try iwconfig19:39
m0ggecivo: simply us dd19:40
m0gguse *19:40
michael2hi; can i someho restore screen settings for a user externally? i tried rotation and everytime i login the screen is fully black19:40
ecivoThere are multible partions on the old drive, including win & linux partions19:40
marcuy!display | michael219:40
ubottumichael2: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:40
ecivom0gg, I thought of that... So simply connecting the new drive as slave and copying from the old one, then replacing old with new?19:41
NikieMarcuy - Am a newbie to linux & ubuntu...:) So, Unlike in windows, if the battery is fully charged, wouldn't it show that the battery is charging ??19:41
michael2well; it works until i login to my gnome desktop; so there should be some user settings i have to remove19:41
marcuyNikie, if it's charging it won't show when charged19:42
m0ggecivo: sent you a dialogue19:42
marcuy!welcome | phil_iph19:43
ubottuphil_iph: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:43
phil_iphIs greasemonkey extension for Firefox open-source ?19:43
marcuyphil_iph, depends on what extension19:44
marcuy!welcome | sluther19:44
ubottusluther: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:44
North_Italian69how to list the packages installed by user, not the default system one?19:44
phil_iphmarcuy:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greasemonkey it writes Expat License . what that means ? we cant know if we use open source plu-gins on firefox :(19:44
=== art_ is now known as greennode
openofficefailanyone know how to fix openoffice (which doesn't start anymore) after a recent upgrade yesterday?19:45
marcuyNorth_Italian69, you can't know that19:45
NikieMarcuy - oh! cool...Thanks a lot :)19:45
zeleftikamopenofficefail: heh love your nick19:45
marcuyphil_iph, google expat licence19:46
ZykoticK9_nothomopenofficefail, if you run "oowriter" in a terminal do you get an error?19:46
North_Italian69marcuy: i think hat is possible19:46
phil_iphmarcuy:  ? which means open-source ?19:46
marcuy!hello | kej19:46
ubottukej: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:46
openofficefailZykotick9_nothom: no, but it doesn't finish starting (no gui)19:47
phil_iphmarcuy:  nothing here : http://www.google.com.tr/search?hl=tr&safe=off&q=%22expat+licence%22&btnG=Ara19:47
marcuyphil_iph, basically you can see source code from software19:47
marcuyphil_iph, depends on license type19:47
michael2hmm.. even the wiki won't help; i just need to know where the screen rotation for a user is stored19:47
phil_iphmarcuy: i know it depends on extension licence. but i asked for this extension : greasemonkey19:47
marcuyNorth_Italian69, you can search what packages comes by default and compare with all your installed ones19:48
Piciphil_iph: What does this have to do with Ubuntu?19:48
openofficefailZykotick9_nothom: i can't even startup soffice in terminal, no gui appears19:48
phil_iphi asked maybe someone knows. many of them use it. Pici19:48
marcuyphil_iph, may be #greasemonkey be better to find out that19:49
ZykoticK9_nothomopenofficefail, sorry without any output i can't even search for the issue.  I have no idea's man, best of luck.19:49
phil_iphmarcuy: ok. tahank you!19:49
Piciphil_iph: #ubuntu-offtopic may be able to help explain the difference between licenses as well.19:49
openofficefailZykotick9_nothom: i tried with soffice --debug, is there a way to run that that will show me the debug as the flag debug doesn't work19:49
marcuy!paste | openofficefail19:49
ubottuopenofficefail: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:49
marcuyopenofficefail, you can paste output there19:49
phil_iphPici: ok sorry and thank you!19:50
openofficefailmarcuy: there is no output, i am trying to locate debugging output, then i will pastebin19:50
ZykoticK9_nothomopenofficefail, sorry i really can't help ya - good luck19:50
marcuyopenofficefail, you can launch open office from xterminal it will generate output if fails19:50
openofficefailmarcuy: it is not generating any details in terminal when i do oowriter or soffice in terminal, and no gui appears19:50
marcuy!hello | NEXUS-619:51
ubottuNEXUS-6: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:51
openofficefailmarcuy: is there a metapackage i can try to reinstall for openoffice?19:51
RenatoSilvadoes anyone know some gui tool for creating deb packages?19:51
arekCannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services  <----- what is actually the problem here19:52
marcuyopenofficefail, openoffice is present on ubuntu repositories so you can reinstall it19:52
ZykoticK9_nothom!register | arek19:52
ubottuarek: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:52
openofficefailmarcuy: do you know the name of the metapackage to reinstall?19:52
almoxarifeis there a way to use (ST) streaming torrent without involving wine?19:53
openofficefailalmoxarife: Geekcast / Peercast packages support p2p streaming19:53
openofficefailmarcuy: after the last update, openoffice went corrupt, apt-get says i have it installed but Ubuntu Software Center says I do not19:55
almoxarifepeercast is a server I assume. I want to specifically have a client for any ST streaming torrent, opensource of course, it is possible to use windows to achieve same19:56
marcuy!hello | DoubleString19:58
ubottuDoubleString: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:58
marcuyopenofficefail, what fails?19:58
openofficefailalmoxarife: ok, client software, does http://trial.p2p-next.org/ work?19:58
GuitarShredderdo you know Acoustic MixCraft??19:59
openofficefailmarcuy: all of them fail, I am reinstalling with Ubuntu Software Center and will see if that fixes it19:59
marcuyopenofficefail, ok go on19:59
openofficefailmarcuy: no, it still fails20:00
maheanuuOK, finally!!!   I am Not at the end of the world, I am over it.....   sure need a guiding light or helping hand if possible20:00
maheanuuI installed Gnac and Asunder and now I am fubar20:01
alexisrHello, anyone knows how install ubuntu in command line ?20:01
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=== GuitarShredder is now known as Bilgates
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:02
transom324hi  can't boot into x using hardy on my laptop when pcmcia nic is inserted20:02
openofficefailalexisr: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:02
alexisrempty HD, new ubuntu install20:02
jon_high9000is there a way to save themes and engines from intrepid and install them into karmic?20:03
IdleOnevivek312: you pinged me?20:03
mgolischalexisr: what for?20:03
openofficefailalexisr: oh, then you can run ubuntu-server cd for your architecture and then in terminal sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:03
mgolischalexisr: you can use the alternate cd it provides a textbased installer for ubuntu20:03
VCooliojon_high9000: engines you can install on karmic too; find your themes in /usr/share/themes or ~/.themes and make a backup20:03
Rob235i did something stupid20:03
kejdoes anyone know how to use scanimage to scan as a jpg? TIFF is working fine for me now, just need to do jpg20:04
arielCoHello everyone! I just configured my router with Static DHCP, so that my machine always gets ''. BUT, when the interface comes up, dhclient issues a DHCPREQUEST, and the router complies. I expected dhclient to send a DISCOVER, because otherwise it won't get the assigned address until I type 'dhclient -r wlan0; dhclient wlan0' to force it.20:04
openofficefailmarcuy: any suggestion on how to debug openoffice?20:05
Arimotois Selinux enabled by default on 10.04?  I'm confused because I have the /selinux path, but no /etc/selinux.20:05
BilgatesarielCo: get an artifacet20:05
Rob235i ran a system update in ubuntu and for some reason a new kernel was listed but im pretty sure it was the one i already had installed, 24-32 or the other way around, either way, i installed it and decided id upgrade my graphics drivers at the same time, so i installed the nvidia drivers before rebooting and when i rebooted i cant use the graphics drivers, some kernel problem20:05
maheanuuI am running Ubuntu Studio 10.04 on this laptop  and since I installed it over Lucid I need to re do all my audio and video ripping and conversion stuff and now I am in a hole that just keeps gettin deeper and help is continents away20:05
Rob235i tried reinstalling the drivers20:06
openofficefailarielCo: you could always remove the package dhclient?20:06
jon_high9000VCoolio: there are additional engines and themes that was dropped when jaunty came out to my knowledge. i am not sure.20:06
Rob235but it keeps booting up in safe graphics mode or whatever it says20:06
Rob235any ideas?20:06
geirhakej: Easy to do afterwards though; using imagemagick and a shell one-liner.  for f in ./*.tiff; do convert "$f" "${f%.tiff}.jpg" && rm "$f"; done20:06
mgolischarielCo: what did you configure in networkmanager? or do you configure your wlan interface using interfaces?20:06
Bilgatesgive me your hotmail password first!20:06
transom324hello all, need help with my laptop not booting into x when i insert my pcmcia nic card20:06
IdleOneBilgates: Please stop that. BTW how are things at ESSPl20:07
Bilgatestransom: give me your credit card number first20:07
transom324bilgates: funny20:07
arielCoopenofficefail: and hardwire the address?20:07
arielComgolisch: networkmanager, everything automatic20:07
IdleOnetransom324: he's gone.20:08
openofficefailarielCo: yeah20:08
mgolischarielCo: so it doenst read dhcp with static ip there?20:08
VCooliojon_high9000: don't know; just copy the themes; if karmic complains about a theme missing, try 'apt-cache search <engine>' or google it; some engines are on gnome-look.org, you can compile those; it's not a reason not to upgrade anyway20:08
arielComgolisch: it asks for instead of discovering. The router obliges with DHCPOFFER
jon_high9000VCoolio: thanks :)20:09
ubun00bdoes anyone know what program vmlinuz is?20:09
m0ggoooh, bad viruz20:10
transom324idleone: can u help me?20:10
m0ggnaah, vmlinuz is the Kernel for your LiveSystem20:11
marcuy!hello | Andrezao20:11
ubottuAndrezao: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:11
Andrezaoalguem do Brasil?20:11
esde`Hi all, my goal is to setup a Linux PXE Boot Server to run virus scans, and other diagnostics from in my shop. I have Windows XP Pro as my host machine, and Oracle VirtualBox with Ubuntu 9.10 running inside. I would ideally like ot set up a PXE server inside of Ubuntu, that I can boot my clients PC's to and allow me to run a virus scan, or even better, run diagnostics as well. One issue I think I may have however is that in our network there is alread20:11
esde`y a DHCP server running on our Small Business Server 2003 (Broadcasting a Class B ip, 172.16.17.XXX). Will this make my goal unattainable? If not, how may I work around this? Any help is appreciated.20:11
IdleOnetransom324: not really sorry but provide a little more details and someone should be able to20:11
openofficefail!br | Andrezao20:11
ubottuAndrezao: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:11
transom324idleone: i will thx20:12
Andrezaocomo faco isso... sou novo em xchat20:12
marcuy!thanks | openofficefail20:12
ubottuopenofficefail: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:12
openofficefail!br | Andrezao20:12
ubottuAndrezao: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:12
arielComgolisch: http://pastebin.com/hah8RHn620:12
IdleOneAndrezao: exscribe /join #ubuntu-br20:12
mgolischarielCo: arielCo do you see any lease files in /var/lib/dhclient?20:12
anavarro1972Hi everybody!! I'm facing a wired problem mounting an usb disk. It's not allowing case-sensitive folders and files20:13
anavarro1972can anyone help me?20:13
maheanuuI am having a real problem with Gnac and Asunder installed in Ubuntu Studio 10.04, I am a Noob...  and know enought to be dangerous, very dangerous to myself and my equipment <grin>20:13
anavarro1972this is my mount command20:13
anavarro1972UUID=4A75-97DA  /media/passport vfat    user,noauto,exec,utf8   0       020:13
anavarro1972any thought?20:13
Picianavarro1972: vfat isn't case-sensitive.20:14
IdleOnemaheanuu: try #ubuntustudio20:14
arielComgolisch: lots of files, and there's a /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases which shows one for each interface. I don't think it's a malfunction as such, but a very inconvenient behaviour.20:14
maheanuuthanx IdleOne20:14
transom324Hello All I'm having trouble with my laptop using hardy. it won't boot into x when my cisco air-352 nic is inserted. my laptop is a dell inspiron 110020:14
ubun00bHigh. Does anyone know what program vmlinuz is?20:14
anavarro1972but why ubuntu mount it automatically and it works?20:14
mxe5I have the latest netbook version of 10.04 on this Dell netbook with a dual boot to Lucid & Windows - What would be the easiest way to change the 1st boot OS to Windows instead of Lucid ? ?20:14
anavarro1972any idea?20:14
erUSULubun00b: is the kernel20:15
m0ggubun00b: Thats ur Kernel20:15
openofficefailmarcuy: any suggestion on how to debug openoffice? even abiword doesn't open docx yet for the ubuntu package of it?20:15
ubun00bis it a VM on the live pendrive?20:15
anavarro1972the problem is that ubuntu is mounting on /media/My Passport20:15
mgolischit cant work20:15
anavarro1972with space in the name20:15
arielComxe5: do you want it to boot Windows by default?20:15
m0ggubun00b: No its, the "base-system" of your Distributeion20:15
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JaSeRhi, I have the problem below: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/484119/20:16
mgolischanavarro1972: and whats so bad about that?20:16
esde`Thanks for the help guys, ttyl20:16
mgolischanavarro1972: you can just change the label to something without a space in it20:16
mxe5arielCo: Yup - I have to use Windows for my business more then Ubuntu...20:16
anavarro1972it's very annoying20:16
transom324i get a could not start the x environment due to some internal error message20:17
mgolischanavarro1972: why? it shouldnt matter in nautilus20:17
anavarro1972How can I do that?20:17
m0ggubun00b: you want an explanation? sent you a dialogue20:17
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anavarro1972but it is in eclipse and other ides20:17
arielComgolisch: what I pasted is the default behaviour.20:17
openofficefailtransom324: you could try installing another manager besides the default gdm, such as xdm with sudo apt-get install xdm and run xdm in terminal after installation20:17
arielComxe5: take a look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg. It's quite visible.20:18
JaSeRanybody knows what can be wrong?20:18
anavarro1972The problem isn't the label20:18
transom324openofficefail: i'll give it a try thx20:18
mgolischarielCo: it will use request the same ip again if the lease has not run out yet20:19
anavarro1972is the directory in which it is mounting20:19
madbuntu1984anyone here able to help write files to a usb raw partition?20:19
mgolischarielCo: tried removing the existing lease?20:19
JaSeRhi, I have the problem below: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/484119/20:19
arielComgolish: yup, that's what I wrote first. I have to do 'dhclient -r; dhclient' to force it to release and discover.20:20
JaSeRthanks you20:20
mgolischanavarro1972: you realise that ubuntu creates a directory as mountpoint thats equal to the filesystem label?20:20
mgolischanavarro1972: so changing the label will change the name of the created directory20:20
anavarro1972so it will use the label as directory name?20:20
horimcan anyone kindly help me make the wireless ipw2200 in this laptop work?20:20
horimI am using ubuntu 10.420:20
anavarro1972and how can I do that?20:20
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anavarro1972without mounting it20:21
anavarro1972I mean20:21
openofficefailhorim: wireless drivers for the ipw2000bg should automatically be installed in ubuntu 10.04, what issues are you experiencing?20:21
mgolischanavarro1972: you can change the label with dosfslabel20:22
anavarro1972mgolisch: thanks!!20:22
anavarro1972mgolisch: I will try this!20:22
mgolischhope there is nothing important on that drive20:23
anavarro1972mgolisch: Where I should do that?20:24
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JaSeRDoes anybody know what can be wrong? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/484119/20:24
mgolischanavarro1972: do what? changing the label? you would run dosfslabel in a terminal20:24
anavarro1972mgolisch: I mean20:24
anavarro1972mgolisch: I dont want to do it any time I mount the device.20:25
anavarro1972mgolisch: Is that possible?20:25
pyTopherA wireless network I have been connecting to for over a year is now ignoring my attempts to connect to it,   any Ideas?20:25
arielCoanavarro1972: it's persistent20:25
mgolischanavarro1972: you dont have to, it will change the filesystem label , thats a permanent change20:25
coz_pyTopher,  this is just on ubuntu ?20:25
coz_pyTopher,  not sure then... I have noticed many of the same issues here for that paste few weeks20:26
openofficefailpyTopher: change your mac address with macchanger?20:26
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coz_pyTopher,   have there been updates recently?20:26
m0ggwhat wifi adapter do u user?20:26
pyTophercoz_: My system is up to date20:27
coz_guys  it is way easier if you include the name of the person you are talking to / with20:27
anavarro1972mgolisch: you mean that it will be mount with that label every time I plug it in on my computer?20:27
pyTopherm0gg, i don't know20:27
coz_pyTopher,  I was wondering if any updates recently have caused this issue20:27
pyTophercoz_: is there a way to find out what updates I've recently added?20:28
coz_pyTopher,  ah did you update via synatpic package manager?20:28
m0ggpyTopher: lshw -c network     thats the command which says everything about your network-hardware20:28
mgolischanavarro1972: yeah20:29
anavarro1972mgolisch: Thanks!!!20:29
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anavarro1972mgolisch: Sadly it doesn't happend.20:33
mgolischanavarro1972: what did you run?20:33
Tweakyanyone successful at hooking up a blackberry to ubuntu 10.0420:33
mgolischanavarro1972: it would be dosfslabel /dev/something new_lael20:33
anavarro1972mgolisch: sudo dosfslabel /dev/sdb1 passport20:34
mxe5arielCo: I found this doing a Google search (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1440635) Worked great ! Thanks much.20:34
mgolischanavarro1972: and it still mounts using that old name if you unmount it and then replug it?20:34
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anavarro1972mgolisch: yes20:35
anavarro1972mgolisch: I will try again20:35
openofficefailopenoffice fails to start, even after purging and reinstalling, any suggestions anyone?20:35
arielCoanavarro1972: maybe you have to unmount it before changing the label (?)20:36
anavarro1972arielCo: I did that20:36
arielCoopenofficefail: try 'soffice' in a terminal window. Paste the output in http://pastebin.com and post the URL here20:36
arielCoanavarro1972: hmm... any funny messages from dosfslabel ?20:37
openofficefailarielCo: it gives no output upon failing, how do i make it output data in terminal window?20:38
anavarro1972arielCo: nothing20:38
mgolischanavarro1972: nothing is usualy good you can verify the label with dosfslabel /dev/yourdevice20:39
anavarro1972arielCo: is there any command to see all devices mounted?20:39
mgolischanavarro1972: this will read the label and output it20:39
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anavarro1972ok guys20:39
TetracommHow do I set the time zone in Ubuntu GUI?20:39
jackuk1yo chatters..lol20:39
arielCoyou can also use 'Disk Utility', aka Palimpsest. Pretty nice.20:40
mneptokTetracomm: System > Admin > Time and Date20:40
openofficefailarielCo: soffice gives no output upon failing, how do i make it output data in terminal window?20:40
pyTopher_openofficefail: launch from command line?20:42
anavarro1972mgolisch: If I run sudo dosfslabel /dev/sdb120:42
arielCoopenofficefail: try mv ~/.openoffice.org/ ~/.openoffice.org.old/20:42
anavarro1972mgolisch: I get "passport"20:42
openofficefailarielCo: the purge did that in apt-get purge openoffice*20:42
arielCoanavarro1972: then it worked. Unplug it and plug it back in.20:42
anavarro1972mgolisch: but I still the device mounted on the old directory20:43
openofficefailpyTopher_: openoffice fails in commandline without debugging, i was trying to get debugging to show in terminal20:43
deoxxawhen i boot from the ubuntu 10.04 install disc, pressing a key is supposed to bring up the keyboard selection menu, followed by the short menu asking if i want to boot the live cd or install ubuntu, right?20:43
anavarro1972arielCo: ok, I will try it again20:43
deoxxai mean, pressing a key when the little keyboard and person thing is at the bottom of the screen20:43
arielCoanavarro1972: I tried it with an SD card in a USB reader and it worked20:43
pyTopher_openofficefail: oh sorry20:44
guntbertdeoxxa: after pressing a key you should get the language selection, the the main menu20:44
deoxxaas i thought20:44
deoxxastupid laptop20:44
mcl0vinhow do i show a list of user account from shell prompt20:44
openofficefailmcl0vin: who shows who is logged in to your computer20:45
mcl0vini want to give my friend access to my box but only to upload a files for me..he is using windows20:45
mcl0vinso scp is not an option for him20:45
deoxxait sure is20:45
anavarro1972arielCo: I have done it20:45
anavarro1972arielCo: but still get the same issue20:45
arielComcl0vin: 2. he could use a windows scp client. Google 'PuTTY sftp'20:45
random222Hi everyone, I have a remote machine running ubuntu - all I have is terminal access to this machine and x-windows is known to work. How do I view the remote desktop from my local machine (also running ubuntu)?20:45
anavarro1972arielCo: very wired20:46
mcl0vinarielCo: ok, but how do i creat and account for him20:46
RyanPHow can I move an LDAP database from one server to another?20:46
arielCoanavarro1972: odd, lemme grep around a bit20:46
mcl0vin** i mean i can do adduser blah blah blah , but how do i make sure that he only have access to upload20:46
anavarro1972arielCo: yeah, thanks20:47
arielComcl0vin: in traditional Unix filesystems, I don't think you can20:47
mcl0vinarielCo: ? how come20:47
sirjehi, would like to get some guidance about ubuntu display settings. i'm new user and my native language is not englis so plz dont hit me hard :)20:48
arielComcl0vin: permissions are read, write, execute/chdir20:48
arielComcl0vin: write is just that, whether to create, rename or erase20:49
mgolischdelete is the same as write20:49
Tibmanhello, has anyone in here been able to install the latest ATI drivers from the ATI website?20:49
mcl0vinarielCo: ok, so how do i know what permisions he got20:49
guntbertsirje: nobody will hit you, just ask your questions (all in one line if possible)20:49
sirjeso the situation is like this: i have ubuntu 10.04 installed on my laptop Dell Vostro 1015 with integrated intel graphics card20:49
arielCosirje: what's your graphic card?20:49
Tibmanmy gcard is 577020:49
arielComcl0vin: by default he can only write to his home directory and a few others20:49
sirjeand the picture displayed by screen is with bad quality20:50
mcl0vinarielCo: how do i know what are the defaults20:50
sirjehow can i change it better?20:50
sirjeresolution is ok, but colors are not displayed very well20:51
arielComcl0vin: basically, /var/tmp, /var/ and most FAT/NTFS drives have public permissions20:51
arielComcl0vin: sorry, scratch the "FAT/NTFS drives" part20:52
mgolischopenssh supports chrooting sftp clients20:53
arielComgolisch: nice! :)20:53
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Tibmannever mind, i got it20:54
urthmoverI have a problem that did not exist in 9.10 but now exists in 10.04.  I use a laptop with an external monitor.  I like to leave the laptop closed and use the ext monitor along with ext keyboard/mouse.  The problem is this...the power management does not shutoff the display during idle.  It does however shutoff the display when idle if the laptop is open.  Where do I begin to troubleshoot this?20:54
arielCo!bug 4199420:55
sirjeany info about my problem with laptop display?20:56
arielCosirje... kinda busy, will try to help you when I get a chance20:56
arielCourthmover: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/4199420:56
sirjeok, cool20:56
urthmoverarielCo: awesome  I'll start looking at that now  thanks20:56
openofficefailopenoffice fails to start, even after purging and reinstalling, any suggestions anyone?20:58
urthmoverarielCo: that one is not really what is happening for me....the problem I face is that with the laptop closed  my monitor does not enter powersave when I lock or let my computer go idle20:59
AimeeHi. I'm currently trying to access my desktop (10.04 32bit) from my laptop (10.04 64bit) over a wired network. the connection is successful and i can see an initial screen (which is my main desktop) but when I click on anything I don't see any changes.20:59
kifferhow does i make >20:59
openofficefailAimee: are you connecting through vnc?21:00
AimeeYeah, through the Remote Desktop Viewer21:00
openofficefailAimee: have you tried a vnc server and client through tightvnc?21:00
AimeeThat's what I'm USING to connect21:00
hiku!ask > kiffer21:00
ubottukiffer, please see my private message21:00
rrndmanwhy is mouse in ubuntu so imprecise? can I make it behave more windows-like? for example, in windows I can move mouse perfectly horizontally and vertically, while in ubuntu I can't21:01
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Aimeerrndman, does it move really fast or erratically all over the screen?21:01
duffydackrrndman, play around with the accel and sensitivity21:02
DJAshnarthe ubunutu-kernel channel is oddly quiet.  Aimee, did you kill all the people in that room?21:02
DJAshnarun kill em!21:02
AimeeSystem -> Preferences and the controls you're looking for is under the General tab21:02
rrndmanAimee, no, it's just that it doesn't feel right, it's hard to explain... it's just very awkward and uncomfortable, I have difficulties aiming the right window controls or selecting text21:03
Anonissimusis there a way I can make my machine reboot and force a boot from the cd drive?21:03
Aimeerrndman: Weird21:03
AimeeAnonissimus, well21:03
rrndmanduffydack, I tried, but it still doesn't work as I want it to21:03
* duffydack thinks its a problem between the chair and keyboard21:03
arielCoopenofficefail: what if you run /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin ?21:03
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Wickedhello all. im using ufw and ipv6. On some irc servers if i connect using ipv6....the irc server probes some ports and ufw blocks them...but if i connect to the same irc network using ipv4...i get probed..but ufw does not block them.21:03
AimeeI don't think you can tell the machine what to boot from from the OS, but if you reboot then (on most computers) hit a button like F1221:03
Wickedany ideas what i could do21:03
duffydackI up the accel a little and its perfectly fine for me21:04
AimeeAnd select the boot device from there (@ Anonissimus )21:04
openofficefailarielCo: same thing, no debug data in terminal21:04
arielCoopenofficefail: pgrep soffice.bin ?21:04
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AnonissimusAimee: problem is this is a virtual machine21:04
Anonissimusso I dont get the boot menu21:04
AimeeWhat software are you using21:04
openofficefailarielCo: no data from that command either in terminal21:04
AimeeAnonissimus, I think you can do it uh21:05
AimeeStop your VM, open up the settings, and change it there21:05
AimeeI don't think you can force a reboot to a different device though21:05
AnonissimusAimee: I am pretty sure I can, but I cant find it otherwise I wouldnt ask21:05
AimeeThe only way I know how to do it in VMWare is to change your VM settings21:05
CyberGabberrrndman: Did you just installed linux, and using it (the mouse) for first time? Is it USB-mouse? Try reboot or place mouse on other usb-connector21:05
VindiceIn any terminal (virtual, xterm, gnome-terminal), typing M-1 (i.e. ALT + 1), the line of text is displayed after "(arg: 1)". It's the same for other numbers too. What does this mean? Is it a standard emacs key-binding?21:06
VindicePlease let me know if I haven't explained myself well there21:06
AnonissimusAimee: found I can get into the boot menu by checking a box21:06
arielCoopenofficefail: openoffice is [in]famous for profile locking issues. Did you double-check that apt-get purge deleted ~/.openoffice.org ?21:06
Anonissimusthanks for helping me out21:06
AimeeNo problem Anonissimus21:06
kifferhow does i make ?21:06
arielCoopenofficefail: also /etc/openoffice.org21:06
tonytris this on?21:06
arielCoopenofficefail: also /etc/openoffice21:07
openofficefailarielCo: when apt-get purge is run, it runs dpkg --purge, which deletes user profile data in both locations, i'll try manually and reinstall21:07
HopsaAre there any devel folks that wants to test a possible bug in dhcpd with me on Lucid ? / Invalid read of size 4 segfault..21:07
arielCo!ask > tonytr21:07
ubottutonytr, please see my private message21:07
AimeeOk, so, openofficefail, do you have a preference of server package I should install21:07
Aimeefor VNC21:07
openofficefailAimee: i think tightvnc is the most user-friendly21:07
tonytrhow does one see ubottu's private message?21:08
Aimeetonytr: It should be right there21:08
arielCotonytr: you should have another tab21:08
hikutonytr: what irc client are you using?21:08
AimeeHe's using qweb21:08
arielCotonytr: anyway, the message was 'just ask'21:08
xanguatonytr: if yo uare using gnome-xchat better install xchat21:08
Aimeexangua: Ew, gnome-xchat21:09
AimeeI actually installed that once by mistake... Eh21:09
littlepenguinhi i need some assistance with shell scripting...i want to start 2 programs simultaniously..i tried with app1 && app2 but app2 only starts when app1 is closed21:09
arielColittlepenguin: app1 & app221:09
tonytrinstalling ubuntu 10.0.4 on SATA DVD drive. Install works, but get errors that end install.21:09
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arielColittlepenguin: the & pertains to the 'app1' command, telling the shell to run it in "background mode"21:10
arielColittlepenguin: app1 && app2 means "run app1, then if it exits successfully run app2". Very different.21:10
littlepenguinthanks arielCo21:12
littlepenguinhave confused some things..21:12
arielColittlepenguin: go read http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/21:13
littlepenguinvery nice..but this will take some days to get clearly through ;D have saved it..21:14
paca-vacaHi everyone. Tell me please, I have an error Method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/htt not found, what's a is this ?21:14
arielColittlepenguin: it's a fully-featured programming language. That always takes time.21:15
tynotgetting installation errors after 10.0.4 downloaded and burnt onto CD. The drives are all SATA. 8 TB total. please help.21:15
libiheroi need help editing a gtk theme, anyone know how to do it?21:15
aeon-ltdlibihero: sudo (editor of choice) name of gtk config and path21:16
paca-vaca...sorry - this error displayed when I type sudo apt-get update21:16
duffydacktynot,  did you md5sum the iso21:16
libihero@aeon-ltd i know how to open the file, but i don't know how to edit the code21:16
aeon-ltdlibihero: in the gtkrc file the options are pretty much self explanetary21:17
tynotduffydack, good question. what might that be?21:17
aeon-ltdlibihero: what variable are you having trouble with?21:17
duffydack!md5sum | tynot21:17
ubottutynot: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:17
libiheroi'm trying to make it so the dropdown menu color is black21:17
libiheroi was able to edit the color21:18
libiherobut now the panel text is black21:18
tynotyeah, the install runs fine. looks like everything's goin' groovy and then then message at the end. yeah, guess we should MD5?21:18
libiherothe dropdown menu bg color black, sorry21:18
duffydacktynot,  yes21:18
duffydacktynot, what message is it21:19
libiherohold on lemme type out everything21:19
aeon-ltdlibihero: random speculation here, but thats the beauty of gtkrc's you can edit save and reload, and keep trying- changing #colors and experimenting, all in all this is the very basics of hacking and modding21:19
AimeeHey there, me again. Wanted to ask a different question as well21:19
AimeeThis laptop is an Acer Aspire 5810TZ21:19
libiheroI want to make the background color for the dropdown menu's light while their text stay black.  the theme i'm using, impression, has the menu as black and the text as white.  i was able to edit the theme and make the menu how i wanted it.  however, i cant edit the dropdown menu text color without editing the panel text color21:19
AimeeThe DVD drive on it is a TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-U633A, and I can't get it to work21:20
arielCopaca-vaca: maybe your apt package is damaged. Get it from http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/apt and install it with 'sudo dpkg -I apt*.deb'21:20
libiheroi want to make the panel text color white, while making the dropdown menu from the panel text black21:20
duffydackAimee, define 'get it to work'21:20
aeon-ltdlibihero: to keep conisistencies some gtk libraries do that21:20
Aimeeduffydack: In other words, I insert the DVD, it does not come up on screen21:20
AimeeI've tried mounting manually21:20
tynotduffydack, "a component of the installation failed," or something along those lines. then, when I tried to setup users and passwords, that failed as well. sound like MD5?21:21
Aimeethe only way i've gotten anything to show up is to boot up with the dvd in the drive already21:21
libihero@aeon-ltd is there a way to work around it?21:21
duffydackAimee, ah.. ive heard of that workaround before... hangon...21:21
Aimeeduffydack: And even then it doesn't work21:21
duffydacktynot,  not sure.  md5 check it anyway21:21
AimeeActually, if you'll hold on for a moment21:21
arielCosirje: did you check your current resolution? It should match the LCD's native (physical) one21:22
piecesI have a blue tooth dongle that was working last night but now when I go to use it it says there is no bluethooth device recognized any help please21:22
duffydacktynot, and also the files burned to disc.  (cd to the drive (cd /media/ubuntu for example) and run md5sum -c md5sum.txt))21:22
mcl0vini keep getting this when i ssh to my boxConnection closed by server with exitcode 121:22
sirjearielCo: yes, its native21:22
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* duffydack gets put on hold :|21:22
aeon-ltdlibihero: use a library that doesn't do that (sorry, but thats all i know to keep the variables separate)21:22
libiherokk thanks21:23
tynotduffydack, just copied the last line your posted. don't know what it means now, but I'll figure it out. thx.21:23
sirjei mean it matches it's native resolution21:23
andrew_708476Does anyone know how to register in irc21:23
Aimeeandrew_708476, /ns REGISTER PASSWORD EMAIL on the nickname you want to register21:24
Aimeereplace password and email with the password you want to use for the nickname and email with your email address21:24
arielCosirje: exactly how does it look bad?\21:24
sirjearielCo: it seems it is something to do with color depth, but i cant change it anywhere. maybe it is not the issue, but i think it might be.21:24
piecescan anyone help me with blue tooth adapter not working?  It was working just fine yesterday21:24
tynotI can't even get Debian installations to boot with SATA DVD drives.21:24
ThaxllHi  here, is there a way to enable icons on the top left of each windows?21:24
mcl0vini keep getting this when i ssh to my boxConnection closed by server with exitcode 121:25
duffydacktynot, I dont have a problem, I have sata21:25
andrew_708476yes but I find it hard to figure out21:25
andrew_708476how to riegister21:25
arielCosirje: do you see "dithering" ?21:25
duffydackAimee,  have you checked any messages when inserting a disc?  (tailf /var/log/messages021:25
hikuhow do I find out if I have the latest iptables version? with apt-cache show iptables?21:25
duffydackArghh /var/log/messages)21:25
Aimeeduffydack, one second, i want to try it'21:25
aeon-ltdpieces: try unplugging then replugging then reloading the module(s)21:25
tynotsee, that's what's frustrating as hell. the ubuntu CD at least booted and ran the install, while Debian just laughed at me.21:26
duffydackAimee, run the command, then insert disc.21:26
piecesaeon-ltd how do I reload the modules?21:26
sirjearielCo: no dithering. text on black or white background looks almost fine. pictures are not.21:26
duffydacktynot, well if it runs, something is maybe wrong with the burn or the iso21:26
aeon-ltdpieces: sudo modprobe (name of module)21:26
Aimeeduffydack, that produces a no such file/directory error21:27
duffydackAimee,   tailf /var/log/messages     ?21:27
Aimeeyou said messages021:27
duffydackAimee,  typo, I corrected later on :)21:27
Aimeeso you did21:28
tynoti should try another burn and verify it this time? No hope for Debian. I;ve tried several ISO burns to no avail, while I did at least get the SATA DVD to acknowledge the Ubuntu burn.21:28
andrew_708476Aimee can I ask you a question21:28
Aimeeandrew, go ahead21:28
duffydacktynot,  verify the iso first21:28
piecesaeon-ltd I am assuming the module is blooth, that did not work21:28
piecesaeon-ltd I tried restarting the computer as well21:28
andrew_708476have you figured out how to regidter21:28
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tynotwith MD5?21:28
Aimeeandrew_708476, i told you how21:29
duffydacktynot,  yes21:29
aeon-ltdpieces: oh, did you update or something yesturday?21:29
arielCosirje: what does 'xwininfo' say about color depth?21:29
sirjearielCo: didnt find better word to describe it, but pictures look farinaceous. hopefully you understand :)21:29
iRyhi can i only use the xmlto package for the xmlto command or can i use also a other one??21:29
tynotthx, man21:29
Aimeeandrew_708476, the command is /NS REGISTER (PASSWORD) (EMAIL)21:29
piecesaeon-ltd no updated today but it wasn't working before then21:29
duffydacktynot, find the md5 on the ubuntu hashes page and verify it matches what your file gives back after an md5sum21:29
AimeeOr. If you want help, /ns help register21:29
tynotduffydack, been a pleasure. i'm out. thx.21:29
sirjearielCo: it shows 24.21:30
duffydackAimee, so anyway.   tried adding a line to fstab?  like  /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom iso9660,udf user,noauto 0 021:30
Aimeeyeah i've done that too21:30
duffydackAimee, any errors or "wth" in your messages?21:30
andrew_708476doesnt work21:30
aeon-ltdpieces: what notable things did you do to change your system yesterday?21:31
Aimeeyes actually21:31
duffydackandrew_708476,   #freenode21:31
Aimeei have some errors21:31
Aimeehold on21:31
andrew_708476Im trying but I cant figure it out21:31
Aimeei'll connect my laptop to the internet and pastebin21:31
duffydackAimee, have you tried different discs, different formats ....21:32
Aimeeduffydack, yes21:32
piecesaeon-ltd installed wii remote stuff so i could use the wii remote over bluetooth.  It worked fine, turned off the computer turned it back on and bluetooth wasn't working21:33
AimeeI just tried using my official Ubuntu 10.04 disc21:33
arielCosirje: did you by chance fiddle with /etc/X11/xorg.conf or anything like that?21:33
Aimeethat and I used a dvd movie21:33
arielCosirje: I'm running out of ideas :(21:33
duffydackAimee,  errors?21:33
Aimeeyeah, hold on21:33
Aimeei'm connecting my laptop to the net (wireless)21:33
duffydackAimee,  just google the errors...21:33
svendHave any of you had any luck, with getting gnome-do to search in your chromium-bookmarks?21:33
sirjearielCo: nope, after distro upgrade i got this problem. Haven't change that file.21:34
iRyfor what do i need xmlto??21:34
TonyTHi, brothers, is there anyone know about LDTP? I got problem to make it work21:34
mickster04TonyT: what about the sisters?21:34
mcl0vini keep getting this when i ssh to my boxConnection closed by server with exitcode 1 what does this mean21:34
sirjearielCo: i would have changed it if i could have known how :)21:34
duffydackAimee,   is this an upgrade from 9.10 ?21:35
Viglitepieces: Is bluetooth running?21:35
BelgicanoHi everyone, someone uses ncmpcpp?21:35
TonyTis there anyone know about LDTP? I got problem to make it work21:35
aeon-ltdBelgicano: yes21:36
hikuhow do I find out if I have the latest iptables version? with apt-cache show iptables?21:36
BelgicanoHi there, does someone knows how to change the color of the slider, the titlebar and the "dash-line" (the one that holds the repeat and random markers) in ncmpcpp? I have them all in cyan, but it's annoying and I'd like to have them in the default-color. Thanks21:36
Waterfowlduffydack, http://pastebin.ca/192622721:36
sirjearielCo: any chance that graphics card driver is not working properly? how to find it out?21:36
piecesViglite; I believe so I am checking by opening the bluetooth option in preference and it says no bluetooth adapters installed21:36
aeon-ltdBelgicano: why can't you just edit the config file?21:37
duffydackAimee, Waterfowl  hmm  what does sudo hdparm -I /dev/sr0    give21:37
cityLightshi all21:38
majeszkoHi my terminal after command asking me for password and then I can't paste or write anything, help21:38
Belgicanoaeon-ltd: well normally, it is said not to use custom colors, all the rest works fine, but these keeps coming in cyan.21:38
cityLightscan anyone pls tell me why I can't connect to any wifi ?21:38
Viglitepieces: That sounds like an error or the error. I do not do much Bluetooth stuff, let me look at the boards to see what CLI shows that...21:38
piecesViglite: ok21:38
sabayonuserhell.. my laptop (broadcom wireless) will not get recognized in ubuntu21:38
Waterfowlduffydack: my terminal is hanging21:38
duffydacksabayonuser,  install the STA driver.21:39
aeon-ltdBelgicano: check your xdefaults21:39
aeon-ltdBelgicano: it could be overriding your colors21:39
duffydackWaterfowl,  it should just display output about your drive.  If it cant then its not detecting your drive at all properly.. hmm21:39
piecesviglite: I think I found it21:40
duffydackWaterfowl, is it an upgrade or fresh install?21:40
cityLightsI just can't find any menton of wireless issues on google in 10.421:40
awilsonHas anyone tried 10.4 on Asus N73Jn Hybrid video with Optimus? Can't get the analog audio to work and no luck with using the Nvidia geforce 335m video. Restricted drivers lock the box.21:40
Waterfowli got it, i had to press the button to open the cd tray though21:40
Viglitepieces: I just did also...21:40
aeon-ltddrit0r out21:40
piecesViglite: usb wasn't working correctly21:40
aeon-ltddrift0r out21:40
Viglitepieces: lsusb output?21:40
Petrovhow can i change the speed of my ethernet card? I did "sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full" but nothing changes. In windows my speed is 1 gb (dual boot)21:41
piecesViglite: well i wiggled it and now it seems to work21:41
Belgicanoaeon-ltd: I don't have any xdefault file in my system... should it be in my home, or do you mean .bashrc?21:41
Waterfowlduffydack, http://pastebin.ca/192623121:41
piecesviglite thanks for your help, I appreciate it21:41
paca-vacaThank you. but this is didn't work. I'm just rename /usr/lib/apt/methods/http to in /usr/lib/apt/methods/htt ))21:42
duffydackWaterfowl, well I suggest googling ubuntu SOLVED TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-U633A21:42
SunderphonHow do I find new screensavers for linux21:42
Viglitepieces: My pleasure, I am happy that you solved it.21:43
Waterfowlduffydack: I'll try this fix that I found21:44
mcl0vini can login to my box with user1 fine, but when i try user2 which i just created i get 'Connection closed by server with exitcode 1'21:44
duffydackWaterfowl, ahhh....21:44
nakhlawiSunderphon: You can visit http://art.gnome.org/21:44
duffydackWaterfowl,  I helped someone else once with a TSSTcorp drive same problem21:44
Dark-Neotulutu !21:45
Waterfowlwell... i'm going to reboot the laptop and see if this works21:45
duffydackWaterfowl,  well not here, on *hides* fb.21:45
Dark-Neotulutu !!!21:45
FloodBot3Tulutu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:45
mcl0vini can login to my box with user1 fine, but when i try user2 which i just created i get 'Connection closed by server with exitcode 1'21:46
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sabayonuserdaffydack. will that be on the livecd or do i hvae to update the repository21:47
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duffydacksabayonuser,  its available in the hardware drivers tool21:48
sabayonuserok.. will that be true for all debian based distros?21:49
Dark-Neou'r distros caus u use linux x)21:49
arielCosirje: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:49
Sunderphonby default, where does xscreensaver reside on my system?21:50
Waterfowlduffydack, sadly, nothing21:50
OinsHi. During mysql-server installation i get "/etc/init.d/mysql: WARNING: /etc/mysql/my.cnf cannot be read." what could be wrong? Using Ubuntu 9.1021:50
duffydacksabayonuser,  I dont think debian has a hardware driver tool (jockey)  I might be wrong tho...21:50
VCoolioSunderphon: in a terminal, do   which xscreensaver21:50
voxcroixanyone from malaysia pls..21:50
duffydackWaterfowl, time to buy a new drive.. get a pioneer, they only cost like £2021:50
Waterfowlduffydack: pfft21:51
duffydackWaterfowl, not ideal I know :)21:51
Tm_TDark-Neo: this is Ubuntu support channel (see topic), you can talk about else in, for example, #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks21:51
SunderphonOins: Are you running the installer as root?21:51
Waterfowlit works fine but just not on ubuntu -.-21:51
nakhlawiSunderphon: you can use dpkg -L21:51
OinsSunderphon: yes, did it as root, apt-get install mysql-server21:51
mcl0vini can login to my box with user1 fine, but when i try user2 which i just created i get 'Connection closed by server with exitcode 1 and 'Fatal: unable to initialise SFTP on server: could not connect Could not connect to server please help21:51
duffydackWaterfowl, try a maverick daily live,  see if its gonna work...or not21:51
mcl0vini should say sftp to my box21:51
sirjearielCo: what should i look there?21:52
sudobatOins, look at permissions on the /etc/mysql21:52
blinkis there a way to clear old messages in gwibber?21:52
sudobatls -l /etc/mysql21:52
Oinssudobat: it has drwxr-xr-x21:52
nakhlawiblink: I don't use gwibber, but I think if you go to its . directory, you can delete the logs.21:53
Oinsalready tried an apt-get purge mysql-server and removed /var/lib/mysql and /etc/mysql. then i reinstalled with apt.. but same problem21:53
sudobatmy.cfg exists?21:53
duffydackWaterfowl, I had a problem with mine in lucid before it was final, ended up getting fixed.. its never the end.21:54
Oinsnope, the install process does not create my.cfg21:54
duffydackWaterfowl,  have you tried applying a newer firmware , if one exists?  Thats what broke mine actually...21:54
Waterfowlduffydack: this hasn't worked since install21:54
Waterfowlit's a fresh install21:55
sirjearielCo: (==) intel(0): DPI set to (96, 96)21:55
sudobatOins, maybe touching my.cfg would be enough, or maybe you can copy the configuration from the internet21:55
duffydackWaterfowl, did you use it to install ?21:55
WaterfowlOf course :p21:55
sirjearielCo: something important?21:55
duffydackWaterfowl, thats what I cant grasp...21:55
arielCosirje: dpi is informative - only for showing pictures with a known physical size (inches / cm)21:56
gasullHi. I'm following the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHomeDirectoryHowto .  Now I can't umount/delete nor do anything with /home/jail/ .  ls -l /home shows the line  d??????????  ? ?       ?          ?                ? jail/    .  How can I delete /home/jail ?  Thank you.21:56
duffydackWaterfowl,  are you upto date?21:56
sudobatsorry I have to leave21:56
mcl0vini can sftp to my box with user1 fine using filezilla from windows machine, but when i try user2 which i just created i get 'Connection closed by server with exitcode 1 and 'Fatal: unable to initialise SFTP on server: could not connect Could not connect to server please help21:57
Waterfowlgasull: just try sudo rm -rf /home/jail21:58
sirjearielCo: there is a lot of info. any guidance where to look?21:58
duffydackscupper, no one leaves irc...21:58
Waterfowlif it's already unmounter21:58
arielCosirje: grep -i depth /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:58
gasullWaterfowl: I did.21:58
arielCosirje: Google Is Your Friend ;)21:58
Waterfowlgasull: you used it as a mountpoint?21:58
=== CN_ is now known as CN[]
gasullWaterfowl: rm: cannot remove directory `/home/jail': Device or resource busy21:58
gasullWaterfowl: yes, for EncFS21:59
CN[]hi, i'd like to ask for some help. sound issues.21:59
sirjearielCo: (**) intel(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 3221:59
sirje(==) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp21:59
arielCosirje: otherwise, http://answers.launchpad.net. Find xserver-xorg-video-intel and post there, attaching your xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log21:59
sirjearielCo: i have googled all day long :)21:59
seekwillHi. Is there a panel that will show network activity as a numerical value vs. a graph?21:59
erUSULseekwill: netspeed21:59
erUSUL!info netspeed22:00
ubottunetspeed (source: netspeed): Traffic monitor applet for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15.2-1 (lucid), package size 348 kB, installed size 1344 kB22:00
arielCosirje: how about Compiz? is it on?22:01
gasullWaterfowl: any idea of what to do or where to ask?  rebooting doesn't fix the problem22:01
sirjearielCo: i installed it, but turned it off. no use.22:02
sirjearielCo: thanks for a lot of effort. really have to go now. definetly check your links. gl!22:02
Waterfowlgasull: I'm not quite sure... Is the directory empty atm?22:02
gasullWaterfowl: yes22:03
seekwillerUSUL: Perfect!! Thanks!22:03
^james_foo^hey! in NBE i have som graphics card problems, which meant i had to remove the netbook launcher or whatever it's called... now i 1 don't have a menu in the panel, don't 2 have desktop icons, 3 (unrelated) cannot add things to the panel. how to cure? ad 2 i thought 'nautilus' does those. doesn't, even if i start nautilus manually22:03
nakhlawigasull: you can use lsof22:03
nakhlawigasull: lsof | grep jail22:04
ZikeyHi, I just did apt-get update & dist-upgrade and there seems that there is a problem with linux-image-2.6.24-28-server, anyone has it too ?22:04
gasullWaterfowl: I managed to do it:  sudo fusermount -yu22:04
Waterfowlgasull: Awesome22:04
gasullWaterfowl: I meant:  sudo fusermount -u /home/jail22:04
gasullWaterfowl: thanks22:05
CN[]alsa isn't working anymore after last update, i'm on jaunty. alsaconf finds my soundcard, but when i run alsamixer it acts like it doesn't see one22:05
^james_foo^or alternativly how do i install the normal (not NBE) desktop, but, if possible, keeping the feature of the fullscreen windows with their title embedded in the panel?22:05
VigliteZikey: Dist Upgrade?22:05
CN[]listing for soundboards gives a --no devices found--22:05
ZikeyViglite: yup to install the updates22:06
WaterfowlCN[], what device22:06
Waterfowlwhat sound (card?) do you have installed22:06
CN[]it was working perfectly prior to last kernel update22:06
CN[]it's some intel hda one22:06
WaterfowlOh ok22:06
Waterfowlso yours is pretty much the same as mine22:06
CN[]probably it's a very generic onboard card22:07
Waterfowli'm assuming a laptop, right22:07
Waterfowloh wow22:07
djznupon a CLEAN install... which file is the file who is going to preserve ubuntu's understanding of renamed home folders..... and make it respect it (without adding new Images, and Documents, etc folders)22:07
Waterfowli had a problem similar to yours\22:07
Take0nIs there an app or something that will disable the mousepad on my netbook when a mouse is connected to it? (There is a tool avaiable from HP for windows but I need it for ubuntu lucid)22:07
Waterfowli solved it by downloading my drivers22:07
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openofficefailCN[]: have you tried compiling the latest version of pulseaudio?22:08
CN[]but it worked before, with the same drivers, Waterfowl22:08
WaterfowlCN[], interesting22:08
VigliteZikey: What does CLI output say lsb_release -a?22:08
CN[]pulseaudio? but for it to work wouldn't i need alsamixer to work too?22:08
VCooliodjzn: .config/user-dirs.dirs  ?22:08
CN[]well, i'll take a look at that22:08
AGTRIXc'è qualche italiano?22:08
openofficefailCN[]: i don't believe you need alsamixer if you compile it from source, only when installing from ubuntu repos as it is a dependency for the ubuntu repos22:08
Tweakyhi. i just installed the latest (todays) updates in ubuntu 10.04 64 bit and now after login it freezes. however i am able to boot in recovery move safe graphics mode works. any ideas?22:08
katoenTake0n: hmm, how about unloading the corresponding kernel module for your mousepad? maybe there's a nicer way22:08
openofficefail!it | AGTRIX22:09
ubottuAGTRIX: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:09
ZikeyViglite: 8.04LTS, I think they messed up with the update...22:09
nitr0xI love ubuntu.22:09
djznVCoolio: true...!!!22:09
^jude^I have just installed kubuntu 10.04.1 - how can I stop X on startup? I just want it to boot to a terminal so I can run X only when I need it22:09
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djznVCoolio: but upon a clean install... will installation preserve them then...22:10
^jude^I can't see an entry for kdm in /etc/init.d - how is it started?22:10
VigliteZikey: There is update && upgrade, but dist is a LARGE step.22:10
openofficefail^jude^: comment out the /etc/default-display-manager22:10
^jude^openofficefail: thanks22:11
katoenTweaky: try to reconfigure the video drivers, you might try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-video in a console22:11
katoen^jude^: change default runlevel to one that doesn't start kdm22:11
^jude^katoen: is that in grub?22:12
openofficefailkatoen: whats wrong with the comment out idea, its always worked for me fine22:12
VCooliodjzn: the folders will be there; the file may be overwritten, so make a backup22:12
mgolischhow do i disable a service? service doenst seem to have a disable command22:12
katoen^jude^: no, you'll have to look at upstart22:12
Tweakykatoen : thanks i shall try22:13
zeknoxwhat directory do I need to put a binary in on ubuntu 10.04 to be able to tab complete the command?22:13
IdleOnemgolisch: sudo service SERVICE_NAME stop22:13
guntbert!runlevel | katoen22:13
ubottukatoen: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.22:13
RobertVanyone know what's in PATH by default? (i messed mine up)22:13
^jude^man upstart22:13
mgolischIdleOne: but that doenst seem to disable it it just stops it22:13
VCooliozeknox: to find out: echo $PATH22:13
gary_inNYChow can i set empathy to do google voice chat?22:13
^jude^wrong window, sorry :)22:13
katoenubottu: you're right22:14
Tweakykatoen: lol says xserver0xorg video is not installed22:14
zeknoxVCoolio: thanks man, exactly what I needed!22:14
mickster04gary_inNYC: i don't think that's implemented yet22:14
guntbertkatoen: she is always right :-)22:14
CN[]reinstalling pulseaudio didn't help22:14
CN[]and alsa is still crazy22:14
gary_inNYCmickster04: k thanks22:14
katoenTweaky: investigate which ones are (dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg)22:14
CN[]does anyone have some other idea? :/22:14
VCooliozeknox: you can add folders to PATH in your .bashrc if necessary22:14
nakhlawigar_inNYC: google voice is now officially supported in firefox on linux22:14
mickster04gary_inNYC: it's only jut been added to google chat...empathy won't have that for a while yet..but keep an eye on its news feed22:15
nakhlawigary_inNYC: google voice is now officially supported in firefox on linux22:15
zeknoxVCoolio: basically I have metasploit located at ~/bin/metasploit/ and I want to be able to execute msfconsole from anywhere on the system, so I was thinking about adding a sym link?22:15
katoeni hope i wasn't the first thinking ubottu was a human being22:16
Tweakykatoen : http://paste.ubuntu.com/484177/22:16
IdleOnekatoen: and probably not the last :)22:16
mickster04katoen: nope22:16
Dontuta!seen Lomax22:16
ubottuI have no seen command22:16
mgolischzeknox: how about adding that dir to your PATH?22:16
Dontuta!join #helpdesk22:16
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zeknoxmgolisch: is that considered best practice?22:16
FlawITScan anyone pm me with how to change my monitor refresh from 60hz to 50hz, its somewhat working on 60hz but its tricky to read.22:16
IdleOne!botabuse > Dontuta22:17
ubottuDontuta, please see my private message22:17
gartralzeknox: it would be better too add /home/<username>/bin/metasploit to PATH22:17
VCooliozeknox: nah, just keep ~/bin for executables like that and add ~/bin to path, but isn't it by default?  anyway, in ~/.bashrc a line: PATH=$PATH:~/bin   and a line: export $PATH22:17
mickster04Dontuta: try / rather than !22:17
katoentweaky: hmm i'm actually not sure which you should reconfigure to get your graphics working22:17
gartralFlawITS: what graphics card?22:17
zeknoxVCoolio: I can just add that stuff at the bottom of the file?22:17
Dontuta!join #NewbieHelp22:17
VCooliozeknox: oh, a subfolder; then maybe a symlink yeah, or like gartral said; yes, add it anywhere22:17
Dontutaor this?22:17
katoentry dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:17
Dontuta!join #NewbieHelp22:17
FloodBot3Dontuta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:18
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erUSULVCoolio: yes ~/bin is added to path if it exist. see ~/.profile22:18
mickster04GENERAL QUESTION: Is ATI or Nvidia better supported in Ubuntu 10.04 ?22:18
mickster04(as of)22:18
zeknoxVCoolio: nice, thanks for the help not sure which I will do, but both sym link or .bashrc will work just fine I'm sure22:18
gartralFlawITS: eww... ATI cards are a #&^%$22:18
Tweakykatoen : the command worked. i will reboot and see thank you22:18
katoenTweaky: hope it works22:18
FlawITSand linux is a pain to configure, but here we are regardless :)22:19
zeknoxFlawITS: that is because linux is superior22:19
mickster04zeknox: complexity is proportional to awesomeness22:19
reya276Can anyone help me un blacklist my video card so I can use compiz22:19
reya276I have an Nvidia card22:19
zeknoxmickster04: absolutely, and isn't it great to go in public with you lappy and no one has a clue what you are doing?22:20
reya27600:02.0 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)22:20
reya27601:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] (rev a1)22:20
zeknoxmickster04: cause your not running winblows!22:20
IdleOne!ot | zeknox22:20
ubottuzeknox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:20
mickster04zeknox: oh definatly. the looks I get using the cube with a terminal as the background using irssi :D22:20
zeknoxIdleOne: really?22:20
mickster04sorry IdleOne22:20
IdleOnezeknox: yes really22:20
^jude^openofficefail: commenting out the display manager leaves me with the kubuntu boot screen permanently - I shall have to find out how to set runlevel in upstart22:21
gartralFlawITS: no.. you dont understand.. the drivers for ATI are in blob form, meaning theres no source, and extreamly little.. useless documentation. ATI are inheriently worse that NVidia.. for amny reasons.. bt for your case.. i dont think theres an override.. when the card is in fullspeed 2/3D accellerator mode, the refresh rate is software controlled.. when it's not.. it's locked to 60.22:21
zeknoxIdleOne: lame22:21
erUSUL!runlevel | ^jude^22:21
ubottu^jude^: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.22:21
IdleOnezeknox: We separate the social chat so that there is less scroll in this channel22:21
MarkSSI seem to have locked myself out of Ubuntu after doing advice to harden it.  Windows won't let me burn Ubuntu to a CD and my USB doesn't seem to have the LiveCD function available or even as an option.22:21
FlawITSgartral: Im not using the closed source drivers as far as i can tell22:22
LukaszTarkowskiHi people how is everyone?22:22
MarkSSI keep getting a message that it must go into low graphics mode22:22
erUSULMarkSS: you can not boot into recovery mode ?22:22
sabayonuseri tried to install the b43 driver but it failed22:22
MarkSSNo options I choose seem to fix it22:22
MarkSSI tried recovery mode and I still get the low graphics option22:22
VigliteMarkSS: BIOS setting?22:22
reya276this is what I get after doing a compiz check22:22
gartralFlawITS: ok.. what's your screen's native res? i forgot about the radeonhd drivers22:22
erUSULMarkSS: well you can begin explaining what you did22:22
MarkSSI have tried all radio buttons available and it just keeps refreshing the menu.  One of them makes me the superuser permanently22:22
MarkSSBIOS setting?22:22
^jude^so how do I set the runlevel for upstart then?22:23
MarkSSAll I did was change my resolution in Windows and then restart into Ubuntu22:23
zeknoxIdleOne: I help out a ton of ppl in here, and the min I make a comment, I get the book thrown at me, I love it22:23
FlawITSgartral: 800x60022:23
erUSUL^jude^: yu don't. what are you trying to do ?22:23
reya276I also installed the proprietary Nvidia drivers but it wont enable me to turn on the effects22:23
MarkSSWhenever I change my resolution in Windows I have a graphics message problem with Ubuntu22:23
IdleOnezeknox: if you helped out so much you would already know the rules. Please just follow the channel guidelines.22:23
zeknoxIdleOne: pshh...just cause I help doesn't mean I follow22:23
^jude^erUSUL: I want to boot to a terminal - no X22:24
VigliteMarkSS: Just check the BIOS to see if x or y is still set as First Boot device, is worth a shot, at least good to check out.22:24
thieusoaiwhen I hit the Alt key,  the application is Maximized ---  what can I do to unset this behavior ?22:24
reya276it says that I have a black listed card how can I unblack list my card22:24
MarkSSx or y?  I don't follow.  Forgive my ignorance22:24
sabayonuseranyone know how to get the broadcom wireless working in ubuntu22:24
dludldinis there a way to test our hardware. sometimes my computer need to work a while without the graphic card22:24
erUSUL^jude^: you have to disable gdm. edit /etc/init/gdm.conf file comment out from start on to stop on lines22:24
zeknoxsabayonuser: did you check out System -> Admin -> Hardware drivers yet?22:24
IdleOnezeknox: Don't follow the rules and I will be forced to remove you. I and all the other users in here appreciate you helping but we also ask that all users follow the guidelines.22:25
gartralFlawITS: this will either work (if you are indeed on the radeonhd drivers) or completly blank your screen (binary blob) if the latter happens, just reboot.. run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xrandr grandr -y && grandr22:25
VigliteMarkSS: First Boot Device: Floppy? CD-ROM/USB etc.etc.etc.22:25
zeknoxIdleOne: creating alot of scrolling with all that bicker...22:25
gartralFlawITS: once grandr is open, try and override your refresh rate22:25
sabayonuseryes.  when i ran it it said about the b43 and it failed on installation22:25
MarkSSI changed it to USB cuz I install Linux through USB and it works...but LiveCD/Password reset is not an option22:25
MarkSSIt just takes me straight into the install screen thingy22:25
majeszkoHi I can't open java because files are not executable, is there a way to make them executable? help!22:26
njainHi all, I am facing some problems realted to hostnames on my machine22:26
erUSUL!details | majeszko22:26
ubottumajeszko: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:26
amikropHello. At random boots, I have no sound and I my USB hard disk cannot be mounted because it says I have not permissions. At the rest boots, everything is fine.22:26
amikropAny help, please?22:26
^jude^erUSUL: I'm running KDE, so I've changed kdm.conf - robooting now...22:26
duffydacksabayonuser, cant you hook up an ethernet cable and install it?22:26
amikropIs that a known isse?22:26
mickster04majeszko: in terminal locate the file and do "sudo chmod +x filename"22:26
amikrop* issue22:26
VigliteMarkSS: Yes, that is set, did you want to install or just Live Session?22:26
FloodBot3amikrop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:26
njainI posted it to ubuntuforums22:26
sabayonuserzeknox; i checked the log but it is large and complicated.. i see where the fwcutter is installed but don't understand the rest22:27
dludldinsometimes after my computer crash i need to take the graphic card out restart it without the card then shutdown put back the graphic card and only then its ready to rock for a while22:27
MarkSSI keep powering off my computer with the poweroff switch.  No other option.22:27
MarkSSNo other way to get out of it22:27
sabayonuserduffydack: well the driver is there on the cd but fails to install22:27
gartralMarkSS: wait, what's the issue?22:27
MarkSSI tried restarting x...that never goes well.  Reconfiguring is weird22:27
FlawITSgartral:m E: Package xrandr has no installation candidate22:27
FlawITS expected?22:27
mickster04majeszko: you may be able to right-click and do it that way though22:27
SunderphonI'm using xscreensaver, where are the screensaver files kept? I downloaded some and I'd like to install them, but I don't know where to place them22:27
MarkSSI forgot the password so I can't use the terminal option22:27
duffydacksabayonuser,  install the STA driver.  I have nothing but problems with the 'free' driver22:28
NixGeekI now this is an ubuntu irc, but does anyone know if i can use a x64 vista product key on a x32 install in virtualbox22:28
gartralFlawITS: whoops. meant to delete that.22:28
sabayonuserhow do i do that22:28
gartralFlawITS: this will either work (if you are indeed on the radeonhd drivers) or completly blank your screen (binary blob) if the latter happens, just reboot.. run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install grandr -y && grandr22:28
MarkSSI have two admin accounts.  It only asks me for the first admin account and not the second which is the one I know22:28
IdleOneNixGeek: it won't work. ##windows for more help22:28
sabayonuserworks great on opensuse dvd22:28
duffydacksabayonuser, does hardware driver offer you 2 choices?22:28
NixGeekokay then, how can i fix this: VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration has been enabled, but is not operational. Your 64-bit guest will fail to detect a 64-bit CPU and will not be able to boot. Please ensure that you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V properly in the BIOS of your host computer.22:28
^jude^erUSUL: that's exactly what I wanted, thank you :)22:28
dludldinsometimes after my computer crash i need to take the graphic card out restart it without the card then shutdown put back the graphic card and only then its ready to rock for a while. anyone know something about it?22:28
erUSUL^jude^: no problem.22:28
duffydacksabayonuser, well hook up a cable, and choose the STA22:29
NixGeekI'm use A11 bios22:29
mickster04dludldin: what graphics card22:29
reya276Can anyone help me un-blacklist my card please22:29
MarkSSNutshell: Low graphics mode.  Must reconfigure graphics, restart X or make new configuration.  Low graphics mode options menu keeps looping and does nothing.  Can't go into terminal because I don't have first admin account info.  Only second.  Second is not an option22:29
sabayonuserhold .. what two choices22:29
dmex04NixGeek: yes.22:29
sabayonuserlet me go check.. laptop in another room :)22:29
duffydacksabayonuser, in hardware drivers tool..Broadcom STA proprietary driver22:30
FlawITSgartral: ok that seemed to work but its only giving options of 640x480 at 60hz or 800x600 at 60 hz22:30
dludldinmickster84 : it is a xfx geforce 5200 256 mb using ubuntu 10.0422:30
hopewhere do i go to get help with a cloud i am trying to set up22:30
duffydacksabayonuser, basically just installs bcmwl-kernel-source and bcmwl-modaliases22:30
busi /msg NickServ identify <password>.22:30
dludldinmickster04 : it is a xfx geforce 5200 256 mb using ubuntu 10.0422:31
VigliteI have to re start22:31
elitexrayIs there a stock-watch software on ubuntu for professionals?22:31
dludldinmickster04 : it is a xfx geforce 5200 256 mb using ubuntu 10.04 it happens in windows too22:31
mickster04dludldin: i can't help you but more information would be useful22:32
hopewhere do i go to get help with a cloud i am trying to set up22:32
reya276this is weird because I can run glxgears with no problem22:32
dmex04dludldin: thats a hardware problem, sounds like overheating... nothing you do in ubuntu or willdows will help solve it.22:32
reya2766368 frames in 5.0 seconds22:33
dludldindmex04 : that s a good idea the board aint got a fan22:33
Tom-BIs there a dedicated help channel per chance?22:33
dludldindmex04 : thanks22:34
katoenTom-B: help for what?22:34
Tom-BI'm running ubuntu on a linode22:34
sabayonuserduffydack: when i launch the Hardware Drivers from Systems.. i get 2 choices. (1. Broadcom b43 wireless driver and 2. Software Modem) and the option to "Activate"22:34
dmex04dludldin: your welcome, just drop around your local comp store and explain the problem and ask for one ;)22:34
Tom-BI install ubuntu-desktop and I have vnc server working on it, I can VNC into the terminal window22:35
sabayonuseri'm using a live ubuntu cd22:35
hopeAnyone here22:35
Tom-BWhen I type startx it says: Fatal server error: no screens found22:35
monochromaticHi. I have a question. I'm trying to boot ubuntu from an external flash drive on my Mac Book Pro. I burned the .iso from http://www.ubuntu.com to a dvd and used that to install. It installed successfully, but it does not show up when I start the computer with the option key held down. You anyone might know the problem?22:35
Tom-BWhich I believe is because my config is telling it to use a physical adapter that is not present22:35
dmex!ask | hope22:35
ubottuhope: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:35
duffydacksabayonuser, you havent actually installed ubuntu yet?22:35
hopecan you tell me where i can get help setting up a cloud22:35
Tom-BI guess what I am asking is how do I chnage my setting?22:35
sabayonuserno.. using a live cd22:35
stuckeyhi all22:35
sabayonuseri mentioned that earlier22:36
stuckeyDoes anyone know how to play radio? I have a tv card with fm and the antenna attached, and I have /dev/radio022:36
duffydacksabayonuser,  install it first. then worry about wifi22:36
dmex!ubuntuone | hope22:36
ubottuhope: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone22:36
majeszkoOk, I'm running ubuntu 10.4.1, I've got some problems with java, an I need to install diffirent version, I downloaded it but with commands I found "sudo update-alternatives --config java" I switched them but there is no effect, I found out that they are not executable, maybe this is the problem, help22:36
njainubottu: I posted it to ubuntuforums22:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:36
njainubottu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9702275#post970227522:37
monochromaticHi. I have a question. I'm trying to boot ubuntu from an external flash drive on my Mac Book Pro. I burned the .iso from http://www.ubuntu.com to a dvd and used that to install. It installed successfully, but it does not show up when I start the computer with the option key held down. Might someone know the problem?22:37
katoenstuckey: 'apt-cache search radio fm' seems to give useful results, such as "fmtools: Utility for managing FM tuner cards"22:37
sabayonuserwell.. this is a borrowed laptop with xp.. i don't have to option to install .:) at the moment22:37
stuckeykatoen: installed already22:37
dmex04njain: ubottu is a bot, not human.22:38
sabayonuserwhen i do lsmod  i see the b43 attached to some stuff.. (same thing in opensuse which works like a charm)22:38
FlawITSok, how would one configure xorg, using the open ATI drivers, to set change (or force) refresh rate?22:38
njaindmex04: yeah I was sensing that22:39
amikropOK, is there any solution to this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/consolekit/+bug/54413922:39
amikropIt destroys my system22:39
=== empi_ is now known as empinator
njaindmex04: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9702275#post970227522:39
njaindmex04: could you please suggest me something for this?22:39
monochromaticHi. I have a question. I'm trying to boot ubuntu from an external flash drive on my Mac Book Pro. I burned the .iso from http://www.ubuntu.com to a dvd and used that to install. It installed successfully, but it does not show up when I start the computer with the option key held down. Might someone know the problem?22:39
Nerdy3_14159265Hey guys, just wondering why .bin files don't run?22:40
=== asig is now known as Guest11621
VCoolioNerdy3_14159265: maybe make them executable first? chmod +x file.bin22:40
erUSULNerdy3_14159265: they are not marked as executables ?22:40
OerHeksamikrop, answer 15 ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/consolekit/+bug/544139/comments/1522:41
gartralmonochromatic: you completly screwed up the computer you used too install Ubuntu on's bootloader...22:41
=== d123 is now known as dylanza
Nerdy3_14159265VCoolio: I'm just wondering why you have to do that22:41
katoenNerdy3_14159265: what .bin files. perhaps you need to set the execute bit?22:41
monochromaticgartral: what?22:41
dmex04njain: no idea, never had a problem like that.22:41
gartralmonochromatic: you *DONT* install dvd too usbdrives... that is a Bad Idea.22:41
Nerdy3_14159265katoen: Adobe Reader22:41
monochromaticgartral: then what?22:42
VCoolioNerdy3_14159265: to execute a file it needs that, or execute the shell instead: sh file.bin    works without chmod-ing22:42
gartralgartral: you use unetbootin.. install the iso too the pendrive, then install from ram back too that pendrive making sure the MBR is written too it as well22:42
Nerdy3_14159265why couldn't they just make ubuntu do that automatically?22:42
FlawITSlets try something else then, how would one modify xorg.conf (or whatever) in 10.14?22:43
monochromaticgartral: hm.22:43
erUSULNerdy3_14159265: executing things automatically is what makes windows a virus festival22:43
monochromaticokay thanks, I'll look it up.22:43
Nerdy3_14159265I don't mean execute the file but make it so that you can execute the file22:43
gartralmonochromatic: what you just did was replace someone's bootloader and took the installed os with you :P22:43
sabayonuserduffydack: any thoughts22:44
monochromaticgartral: it is an empty drive22:44
monochromaticgartral: and it's my mac, so no damage done22:44
amikropOerHeks: so, since I don't want to keep logs to debug, I just have to disable "console output" (the 1st step only)?22:44
dmex04gartral: deleting a bootloader doesnt delete the data ;)22:44
katoenNerdy3_14159265: so one can specifically allow users or groups to allow execution of a file.22:45
OerHeksamikrop, yes, as i read it, add init='/sbin/init --verbose'22:45
Nerdy3_14159265katoen: I don't think I follow22:45
duffydacksabayonuser,  im not sure tbh.  tried adding the drive as a repo ?22:45
Nerdy3_14159265katoen: Also where is a good place to install all my programs to?22:46
duffydacksabayonuser, the package itself is in ubuntu/pool/main/b22:46
glicksterhey how can i find out what version of a package i have installed?22:46
amikropOerHeks: ok, thanks22:46
katoenNerdy3_14159265: you can tell the system that certains users can not execute your program.22:46
njaindmex04: thanks anyways22:47
Nerdy3_14159265katoen: Okay I guess, now where should I install all my programs?22:47
katoenNerdy3_14159265: i suggest sticking to your package manager as much as possible. it will keep track of your installed files and you don't have to worry where they're located in teh filesystem22:47
Nerdy3_14159265katoen: If you can't tell I'm a linux n00b22:47
Nerdy3_14159265what package manager?22:48
hikuNerdy3_14159265: the ubuntu software center22:48
marmaladecan anyone read me22:48
marmaladecan anyone read me now22:48
hikumarmalade: yes22:48
njainNerdy3_14159265: aptitude ot apt-get22:48
njainNerdy3_14159265: synaptic from the system tab22:49
marmaladeboth times?22:49
hikumarmalade: yes22:49
marmaladeoh okay22:49
njainNerdy3_14159265: if you prefer a gui package manager22:49
katoenNerdy3_14159265: from the GUI: applications -> ubuntu software center22:49
katoenNerdy3_14159265: or from the command line: aptitude or apt-get22:50
sabayonuseri see it in the hardware drivers.. but when i go to activate it it fails22:50
DJAshnarscary Q.  How do I REMOVE an Ubuntu install from my laptop without killing the other OS installed?22:50
Nerdy3_14159265katoen: I got it open, then I can just search for adobe reader and the such?22:50
duffydacksabayonuser, can you hook up a cable for internet access at all?22:50
sabayonuseri guess i could bring the laptop over here ..22:51
duffydacksabayonuser, what version of ubuntu are you using.22:51
FlawITSwhy does gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf present me with a blank document in 10.1422:51
mcl0vinhow can i change the way remix shows the menu with icon on the workspace please22:51
erUSULFlawITS: becouse Xorg does not need it anymore in recent versions22:51
erUSULFlawITS: if one is present is obeyed22:51
duffydacksabayonuser, cd or usb22:52
amikropOerHeks: this bug should be fixed, though, right?22:52
sabayonuserwhat would connecting an ethernet cable do..22:52
sabayonuserlive cd22:52
katoenNerdy3_14159265: you can give it a try. you might need to add a source from adobe to the package manager, so that it knows where to downlaod your reader, when updates are available etc.22:52
=== mikebeecham-2 is now known as mikebeecham
joshjoffrionplease help: i just installed 10.04 and i get a blinking cursor that will not go away on boot22:52
Nerdy3_14159265katoen: How do I go about adding adobe?22:52
Nerdy3_14159265katoen: As a source22:52
duffydacksabayonuser, System/Admin- Software sources22:52
duffydacksabayonuser, "other software" and add cdrom22:53
FlawITSerUSER: whats the correct why to configure x then?22:53
hiku!adobe | Nerdy3_1415926522:53
katoenNerdy3_14159265: System -> Administration -> Software sources22:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:53
sabayonuserok.. trying22:53
hikuNerdy3_14159265: sorry, wrong command22:53
katoenNerdy3_14159265: then Other Software tab, then enable the partner source, i think22:54
katoenNerdy3_14159265: then let it reload the sources and search again for adobe22:54
=== marmalade is now known as macrocat
RobertVguys, to apply this patch, do i extract the bzip2 sources and run this command in the sources root directory? patch -p1 < bzip2-1.0.5-install_docs-1.patch22:55
sabayonuserduffydack: i did that nothing showed up in the list22:55
systm-[school]where do i find the gnome do banshee plugin? i've searched all of the sites for the launchpad but i cannont seem to find the actual download link22:55
duffydacksabayonuser, what about sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter22:55
Nerdy3_14159265katoen: I don't get what source to enable, do I need to add adobe to the list?22:56
sabayonuserok.. under ubuntu software tab the cd is showing up22:56
sheenobusomeone said my name22:56
katoenNerdy3_14159265: well i just checked myself if i can install adobe reader, and its there. I did not add any adobe source, so it must be part of the sources you can enable in that menu22:57
sometuxduffydack, if you want drivers for b43 wireless just install kernel >= 2.6.3322:57
Nerdy3_14159265katoen: I searched for adobe in the software and I could install it but it didn't say it was from adobe22:58
duffydackNerdy3_14159265, ubuntu already has pdf viewer installed, it shows pdf`s..22:58
hikukatoen: yea, and the flash plugin is there too without muckin with the sources22:58
erUSULkatoen: acroread is in medibuntu; probably you added it for codecs/dvd22:58
duffydacksometux, I`m not the one with the problem.  And I have my driver installed in lucid with 2.6.32 fine.22:58
Azhhi guys, anyone know if the ubuntu live cd comes with an ftp client?22:59
Nerdy3_14159265duffydack: Why didn't someone just tell me that, what about flash and java?22:59
Azhwhats it called?22:59
Azjohi, i have installed ubuntu 8.04. i want to find grub etc menu.lst but its not there?!?!?!? i know it has put grub loader to start on windows which is on first drive but i cannot see any change there... what do i do?22:59
njainNerdy3_14159265: they are there too22:59
erUSULAzh: nautilus? Places>Connect to Server22:59
katoenerUSUL: i don't think i have, actually23:00
duffydackNerdy3_14159265, need the partner repo for that.  flashplugin-installer and sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jre23:00
Bull3tTry bit torrent.23:00
gartralhow do i install a deb from bash? my gdebi wont load23:00
Bull3tOr download FileZilla23:00
mickster04Azjo: cd /boot/grub/23:00
erUSULkatoen: apt-cache policy acroread23:00
AzherUSUl, it doesnt give that option23:00
erUSULgartral: dpkg -i file.deb23:00
hikugartral:  dpkg -i *.deb23:00
Azjono such file or directory23:00
katoenhttp://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Packages23:00
gartralerUSUL: TY23:00
erUSULAzh: are you sure?23:00
mickster04Azjo: well use the tab key to auto complete use the correct case23:01
katoenso it's part of the partner source as i thought it was23:01
Azjoforgot / before boot sorry23:01
jk_Azh, Try gFTP and note the case...23:01
sabayonuserduffydack: ok.. this time the green light came on and showed that the driver is active but i still have the ! on the wireless indicator23:01
erUSULAzh: then install whatever ftp client you like. filezilla for instance23:01
Nerdy3_14159265duffydack: It won't let me install flash23:01
Azjomenu.lst does not seem to exist23:02
erUSUL!grub2 | Azh23:02
ubottuAzh: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:02
erUSUL!grub2 | Azjo23:02
ubottuAzjo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:02
erUSULAzh: sorry not for you23:02
sabayonuseriwconfig is showing interface wlan0 ESSID:off/any23:02
mickster04Azjo: cd /; ls -R | grep menu23:02
Azherusul it says open location23:02
sabayonuserAccess Point: Not-Associated23:02
Te3-BloodyIronim trying to get my ps3 remote working with my mythbuntu installation and i'm pretty sure i pooched my bluetooth. the daemon wont' start. can someone help me with this please?23:03
Azjoso according to your link, what number should i start at?23:03
Azjocant be 1 because its working..23:03
mickster04Azjo: 10.04 is the latest LTS23:04
Azjoi mean, which step?23:04
njain!hostname | njain23:04
ubottunjain, please see my private message23:04
sometuxsabayonuser, just run lspci -nvv and take note of the numbers [xxxx:xxxx] and go to kernel wireless drivers web page to know the status of your wireless device23:04
Te3-BloodyIroncan i get some help with bluetooth please?23:05
hiku!patients | Te3-BloodyIron23:05
Azjoso according to this guide, i have to assume there is no grub, even tho i have grub?23:05
StepNjump2I lost my menus at the top of DOLPHIN. How could I get it back please?23:06
erUSULAzjo: what are you trying to do ?23:06
mickster04Azjo: yeah, but install 10.04 anyway, the version you are using is very out of date23:06
erUSULStepNjump2: ask in #kubuntu23:06
hiku!patience | Te3-BloodyIron23:06
ubottuTe3-BloodyIron: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com23:06
Azjo? didnt i write 10.04?23:06
sometuxsabayonuser, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4323:06
StepNjump2erUSUL ok thanks23:06
mickster04Azjo: no, you wrote 823:06
Te3-BloodyIronubotto: i've searched the internets high and low, that's why i come here :/23:06
Azjooops sorry, i am using 10.0423:07
mickster04Azjo: then you dont have a menu.lst23:07
Azjoi am trying to edit grub because it has hijacked control over sda with windows 723:07
mickster04Azjo: you are using grub223:07
sabayonuserduffydack: i did that but it is a huge list23:07
Azjoi just want to manually boot hd after preference, but when i pick sdc (ubuntu) it will NOT load23:07
Azjogrub2? how do i find out?23:07
Azjoall i know is that it came with ubuntu and there is no information for the newb in gui23:08
mickster04Azjo: "grub-install -v" in terminal23:08
Azjo-v means?23:08
mickster04Azjo: version23:08
mickster04Azjo: tell us what it says23:08
mickster04Azjo: thats grub223:09
mickster04now run update-grub and see if it mentions windows23:09
Azjoso how do i access menu.lst ?23:09
sabayonuserduffydack: when i did sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter b43-fwcutter is already the latest version23:09
AkihikoI got a problem.23:09
mickster04Azjo: "update-grub"23:09
Azjoi tried vi menu.lst but it says it is new file23:09
mickster04Azjo: there isnt one23:09
duffydacksabayonuser,  is wifi enabled, I guess it is23:10
erUSULAzjo: if you are using grub2 ( since 9.10) you do not have that file anymore23:10
mickster04Azjo: gryb2 doesnt use a menu.lst23:10
njainwhen i modify /etc/[anyfile] it says No protocol specified23:10
sabayonuserhow do i know that23:10
Te3-BloodyIronso uhh anyone know where the bluetooth daemon log is?23:10
AkihikoI burned the ISO to a cd, yet whenever I try to install it it is stuck at the loadign screen.23:10
AkihikoWhat am I doing wrong?23:10
sabayonuseri don't see the light on laptop is lit23:10
njainI have to add add xuser:SI:..23:11
Azjoso i want it to disable ANY relation to other harddrives, so i can boot when picking that harddrive23:11
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duffydacksabayonuser, does network manager pick anything up?  other stations.23:11
tortoise7hi folks, amd64 fails to wake up..... hardware issue? or a  known s/w issue?     suggestions?23:11
Azjoand nothing on sda so i dont get grub there either23:11
Azjodo i just delete sda and sdb ?23:12
coz_Azjo,   I am not up on all of grub2 settings  however  you might want to try the #grub channel :)23:12
mickster04you cant23:12
mickster04!grub2 > Azjo23:12
ubottuAzjo, please see my private message23:12
sabayonuserno .. the wireless indicator on the panel has an "!"23:12
coz_Azjo,  however that looks pretty normal to me23:12
sabayonuserwhen i connect the ethernet it connects immediately23:13
Azjocoz_ also if u do not want grub to boot up when booting from sda?23:13
sabayonuseri tried playing with the wireless button.. nothing23:13
duffydacksabayonuser, sudo modprobe b4323:13
hiexpodifferent card23:13
coz_Azjo,  as I said   I would check with the #grub  people  they are by far more knowlegeable than I am on this23:14
Azjoalright ill give it a shot23:14
thune3Azjo: what are you tring to do. you want normal windows bootloader on sda and sdb, but grub bootloader on sdc?23:14
Azjothune3: yes23:14
sabayonuserduffydack: is that supposed to do anything.. i just got the prompt back.. is that suppose to light my indicator?23:15
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Azjoi dont want grub to interfere with my windows OS's23:15
Azjowhen i pick sdc manually to boot, it will not boot23:15
thune3Azjo: then you need to install the grub bootloader on sdc (not sda). You can pick sdc from bios?23:15
Azjoyes i can23:15
duffydacksabayonuser, try network manager now23:15
Azjoso it is installed on sda?? where? i cannnot see any files23:15
sabayonuserduffydack: "no network connection"23:16
mickster04Azjo: it is on whatever one you currently boot from?23:16
sabayonuserstill has the "!"23:16
Azjothat is sda, and i see NO files.23:16
thune3Azjo: i believe you installed the grub on sda, where it seeks out the grub config files on sdc to boot.23:16
Azjoso what folder should it be in, on sda?23:16
Azjowhich is ntfs23:16
mickster04Azjo: is there a /boot/grub folder?23:16
Azjono and thats not possible because its on ntfs, windows 7?23:17
learstarIs it worth upgrading from 9.10 to 10.0423:17
sabayonuseron lsmod i see one of the entry "cfg80211...126485...2...b43,mac8021123:17
mickster04well then you aren't booting from sda23:17
mickster04 Azjo well then you aren't booting from sda23:17
Azjowell i cannot boot when i manually pick sdc. and i do get grub loader when i pick sda.23:17
thune3Azjo: if i'm understanding correctly, it's on the boot sector (mbr) of sda23:17
Azjo..u mean MFT i assume?23:18
mickster04master boot record23:18
Azjoi really hope it doesnt kill my w7.23:18
Azjoso how do i uninstall from sda and install it on sdc?23:18
FlawITSin lucid how would one use xrandr to change refresh rate?23:18
Te3-BloodyIronanyone around that can help me with the bluetooth daemon?23:19
mickster04Azjo: ask in #grub23:19
duffydacksabayonuser, personally, Ive installed the STA driver, logged out/in and installed it over wifi with ssh -X before.  So I dont know whats wrong there.23:19
sabayonuserduffydack: with the lspci -nvv i see one entry "Kernel driver in use: b43-pci-bridge23:19
Azjoalright ill try23:19
thune3Azjo: i could to what I can in pm if you wish23:20
cfeddecan I teach apt to see debian squeeze or sid packages?23:20
erUSULcfedde: no23:21
sabayonuserduffydack: you say i should get the option of the STA in "Hardware Drivers"?23:21
AkihikoCan somebody help me?23:21
sabayonuserbut i don't see that23:21
katoenAkihiko: just ask23:21
erUSUL!ask | Akihiko23:21
ubottuAkihiko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:21
duffydacksabayonuser, what broadcom is it23:21
rwwcfedde: Mixing repositories from different distributions is likely to cause horrible breakage, and isn't supported here.23:21
mickster04Akihiko: if you ask for it maybe23:21
njainerUSUL: Hi, I am facing troubles with the multiple hostnames on my machine23:21
erUSULnjain: multiple hostnames ?23:22
njainerUSUL: when I login to my machin23:22
njainerUSUL: and it is disconnected23:22
learstarlearstar has joined #ubuntu23:22
njainerUSUL: the hostname is localhost, all apps work fine23:22
thune3cfedde: there might be an "ubuntu way" of doing what you are trying to ultimately do. You could give us the original problem.23:22
AkihikoWell, I burnt Ubuntu to a CD, and I get to the selection screen. After selecting a language, I select "Install Ubuntu". But here's the problem: It stays at the loading screen. I've waited three hours so far.23:22
Azjoso, since i am waiting for them to help me. can you tell me how i force a resolution in ubuntu? it can max do 1024 but i want 160023:23
njainerUSUL: apps like rhythmbox, xserver23:23
duffydacksabayonuser, no, its not for 4306 chipset23:23
maco!resolution | Azjo23:23
ubottuAzjo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:23
njainerUSUL: but when  I am connected23:23
sabayonuserduffydack: you mean the STA?23:23
duffydacksabayonuser, I dont know then.  Until the OS is installed properly, I`m lost23:23
learstarIs there any big advantage upgrading from 9.10 to 10.0423:23
duffydacksabayonuser, yes23:24
Ntemisi need some help with a broadcom card23:24
Ntemisit installs the driver23:24
njainerUSUL: the hostname changes to user-laptop23:24
Ntemisifconfig sees the card23:24
hiexpolearstar,  i have stayed with  9.10 myself but personal prefs i guess23:24
seekwillNtemis: I _highly_ suggest swapping out the Broadcom card to something like an Intel nic23:24
Ntemisbut i cannot connect to wifi23:24
sabayonuserwhen i did an lsmod in opensuse the same entries showed up and it was working fine there..23:24
njainerUSUL: and then, No protocol specified error comes23:24
Ntemisnetwork manager dont have the wifi loaded23:24
Ntemisit installed fineand activated23:25
cfeddethune3: the sysetm I'm running is an 8.04 LTS could I get packages from 10.04.  I suspect it would be better to upgrade.23:25
sabayonuserthe reason why i'm trying to get it done is some other ubuntu based distros have the same issue23:25
hiexpoenable networking23:25
Ntemisbut doesnt work23:25
duffydackseekwill, nothing wrong with my broadcom.. had one since 8.0423:25
learstarthanks hiexpo, learstar23:25
erUSULnjain: set a hostname for the machine? instead of leaving it to some automatic thing.23:25
Ntemishow i enable networking?23:25
njainerUSUL: can you help?23:25
erUSUL!hostname | njain23:25
ubottunjain: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.23:25
njainerUSUL: ci did23:26
seekwillduffydack: They have issues under load :(23:26
hiexponp learstar23:26
njainerUSUL: but that is temporary23:26
Ntemisi can connect with lan23:26
erUSULnjain: you modify the two files ?23:26
Daekdroomcfedde, given both are LTS releases, you can do a direct update from 8.04 to 10.0423:26
duffydackseekwill,  'they' must be other people then.23:26
erUSULnjain: see the ubottu message23:26
cfeddeDaekdroom: interesting23:26
zfehi all23:26
njainerUSUL: saw23:26
Ntemiswhat i must type in terminal to enable wifi?23:26
Ntemisdrivers are installed23:26
Ntemisbut wifi not up23:26
duffydackI admit, for me, the b43 driver is complete and utter pants.  The STA driver is perfect.23:27
thune3cfedde: downloading and installing packages from 10.04 could get into dependency issues very quickly. is there a specific package?23:27
erUSULNtemis: sudo ifconfig wlna0 up23:27
seekwillduffydack: Yep. Under pretty consistent load, they tend to just stop accepting new connections. Has occurred at a number of our clients' servers23:27
learstarlearstar had quit23:27
sabayonuserduffydack: is the light not coming on dependant on the driver?23:27
erUSULNtemis: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up23:27
hiexposabayonuser,  what other ubuntu based distros you having problems with it   < backtrack23:27
cfeddeDaekdroom: given that the system is a VM it might even be easier.23:27
cfeddethune3: specificly apache223:27
Ntemisok is up23:27
duffydackseekwill, I use usenet, 10mb/s for a few hours at a time.  no problems here.23:27
Ntemisstill nothing23:27
njainerUSUL: some other idea?23:27
seekwillduffydack: oh, hehe Ok :D23:27
njainerUSUL: or suggestion?23:27
duffydackseekwill, if thats not under load...what is :)23:27
seekwillduffydack: An Intel 1000bt nic... is like $3023:28
Ntemisifconfig wlan023:28
erUSULnjain: no; sorry. if you are using network manager see if it has an option to not change your hostname23:28
zfehello, i installed ubuntu 10.04 on my new netbook, a Packard Bell dot s2, the trackpad is just crazy and there is no wireless connection available, how can i fix it?23:28
sabayonuserhiexpo: i've been distro hopping to see which one works the best on the laptop. but i think backtrack also has the same problem23:28
NtemisLink encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:25:56:b7:72:de23:28
Ntemis          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:123:28
Ntemis          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:023:28
Ntemis          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:023:28
sabayonuserbut i have tried that in the past few days23:28
FloodBot3Ntemis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:28
Ntemis          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100023:28
Ntemis          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)23:28
FlawITSusing sudo xrandr -r 50, i get in return Rate 50.0 Hz not available for this size, is there a way i can attemp to force this change anyway?23:28
joejoebobguys i have a question, im installing ubuntu netbook onto my asus netbook. there is a 20mb unkown partition...can i format over it?23:28
njainerUSUL: are you sure this a hostname issue only23:28
hiexpothey all will with broamcom23:29
njainerUSUL: i think this hostname thingy is the effec of some other cause23:29
delinquentmejoejoebob, id check to make sure its not a backup partition23:29
sabayonuseri tried the UltimateEdition too23:29
njainerUSUL: something like which sets the local user right23:29
erUSULnjain: no; but you say that problem only exist when hostname changes. and you have not give any other info. what programs error out? what are the exact error messages ?23:29
Ntemisso what is the nextstep to make wifi work?23:30
sabayonuserduffydack: does the light depend on the driver?23:30
hope_i am haveing a issue with my netwrok interface settiong on my ubuntu 10.4.1 install23:30
duffydacksabayonuser, what light23:30
Ntemisclearly ubuntu can see the wifi card23:30
njainerUSUL: rhythmbox, xserver stops working23:30
sabayonuserthe wireless radio light on the laptop23:30
Ntemisbut cant use it23:30
njainerUSUL: No protocol specified23:30
joejoebobdelinquentme: what do you mean a backup partition? its of an unkown format23:30
duffydacksabayonuser, lights on keyboards are a different matter.23:30
FlawITSsod it, winxp lite time23:30
hiexpothe light don't mean squat23:30
sabayonuserit lights up when the wireless is working in xp, opensuse etc23:31
duffydacksabayonuser, doesnt mean its not working..23:31
njainerUSUL: rhythmbox says audioplayer not found23:31
hope_i keep getting a interface called virbr0 and it has the ip address of my routers gateway how do i disable tha tprmintally23:31
sabayonuseri was talking about the "radio" button23:31
njainerUSUL: and it works when restarted23:31
hiexpomine is always red now23:31
hiexpowhat is it a bcm4323:32
duffydacksabayonuser,  if you wanna try out distros, dont just go by the live version, do it for real.23:32
Azhyay i did, god I love it when something works on ubuntu23:32
duffydacksabayonuser, backup your current distro.. then just flatten it or dual boot.. do it properly.23:32
Azhubuntu is the best os ever23:33
zfehello, i installed ubuntu 10.04 on my new netbook, a Packard Bell dot s2, the trackpad is just crazy and there is no wireless connection available, how can i fix it?23:33
erUSULnjain: well google tell me that it is an authentification error. xauth does not know you for some reason. but i dunno what is cousing it23:33
sabayonuserduffydack: i have ubuntu installed on one machine but that is not at this location.. and here i have limitation in the hardware.. i have to return the laptop so cannot install it on there..23:34
erUSULnjain: when it happens run in a terminal « xhost SI:localuser:youruser » and see if that helps23:35
sabayonuseri'm basically testing/learning what to do if something doesn't work in linux23:35
hope_ i keep getting a interface called virbr0 and it has the ip address of my routers gateway how do i disable that permintally, i have 2 identical servers and this is only running on one of them fresh install ddint solve it23:35
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erUSULhope_: that's for kvm/qemu23:36
sabayonuserdesktop has Ralink and that works great with most distros23:36
hiexposabayonuser,  type in terminal lspci -nn23:36
hope_well its keeping me from getting on the internet23:36
hope_how do i make it go away  forever23:36
duffydacksabayonuser, I see.  Ive only had experience with bcm431x drivers.23:36
hope_i am also tryign to run a cloud node off that server23:36
njainerUSUL: yeah that helps23:38
linxeha cloud node?23:38
njainerUSUL: thats how I have been doing things yet23:38
linxehoh, an internet host23:38
smittixAnyone know of any good Ubuntu themes?23:38
njainerUSUL: but thats not the permanent solution23:38
linxehsmittix: yeah, the one it ships with23:38
hope_erUSUL, any ideas?23:38
sabayonuserhiexpo: broadcom corporation  bcm4306 802.11b/g wireless lan controller[14e4:4320] (rev 03)23:38
erUSULnjain: sorry i can not help further. dunno what is cousing all the mess.23:39
sabayonuserduffydack: i know you have tried to help me. thanks a ton for that23:39
njainerUSUL: thanks anyways23:39
njainerUSUL: :)23:39
erUSULhope_: i am looking to see where the iface is set up23:39
hope_ok thankyou23:39
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sabayonuserwhat's strange is that it works great in opensuse without me doing anything.. and the lsmod is the same23:40
hiexposabayonuser,  type in terminal lspci -vnn | grep 14e423:40
erUSULhope_: /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml and /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/autostart/default.xml23:40
duffydacksabayonuser,  its an old chipset not supported by the proprietary driver.. Dont know what else to say really23:40
erUSULhope_: edit it to use another subnet ( or you could do the same in your router )23:40
PurpleMrNiceGuywats up yo23:41
sabayonuserduffydack: i know.. old laptop..23:41
sabayonuserhiexpo: i did that23:41
hiexpook what the output23:41
sabayonusernow the 14e4 is in red23:41
hiexpoone sec23:42
hope_erUSUL, willthat affect my ability to use that node on my cloud23:42
duffydackmaybe it needs the b43-legacy23:42
erUSULhope_: well know vm will have another ip range afaics23:43
sabayonuseri see that 4320 is supported23:43
hiexposabayonuser,  type in terminal sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter23:43
zfeanybody to help me? :(23:43
duffydackhiexpo, did that.23:43
erUSULzfe: what wifi chip does the laptop have?23:44
sabayonuserhiexpo: i did that earlier and it says i have the latest version23:44
zfeerUSUL, atheros23:44
hope_ok so thats jsut the range for the vm's?23:44
zfethe point is that with another distro, based on ubuntu, everything worked23:44
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erUSULzfe: System>Admin...>hardware drivers offers something about the wifi ?23:44
hiexposabayonuser,  have you rebooted since23:44
UnderSampledI added this to my /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-wacom.conf : http://www.pasteall.org/1527623:45
sabayonuserhiexpo: :).. i'm using a live cd23:45
duffydackhiexpo, he`s using a livecd.. he wants it all to work with live...  its a bcm430623:45
UnderSampledit seems to do nothing. How do I trouble shoot this, and how do I fix it?23:45
zfeerUSUL, my main concern was about trackpad actually23:45
duffydackhiexpo, STA doesnt support it23:45
zfeand somehow in jolicloud everything worked fine23:45
sabayonuserbut the reply is "b43-fwcutter is already the newest version"23:45
hiexpoduffydack,  ya i know its a 4306 and itwill work23:45
erUSULzfe: well i do not know about trackpads :(23:45
zfewhile in ubuntu, during the install the mouse wasn't working at all, after the install just working really weird23:46
duffydackhiexpo, help him out then..23:46
octaviano somenoe  could help me to install PIXEL VIEW PLAY TV ULTRA (USB) in UBUNTU 10.04?23:46
sabayonuserzfe: tired mouse :)23:46
hiexposabayonuser,  http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Known_PCI_devices23:46
advwhat do i need to install in order to get apache2 and php5?23:47
sabayonuseri see here http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 that 4320 is supported23:47
erUSUL!lamp | adv23:47
ubottuadv: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:47
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mickster04adv: just sudo apt-get install apache && sudo apt-get install php23:47
advi installed libapache2-mod-php5 but a php script wont run23:48
mickster04adv: or that23:48
duffydackadv, apache2 libapache2-mod-php523:48
froggymanhello, I'm trying to resize my linux partition (ext4 on sda5) with gparted but it won't allow me to reduce the size of my windows NTFS partition to make the linux one bigger.23:48
advit will download the php file as a regular file23:48
hiexpogo to the link i posted23:48
advwhen i type it on the address bar23:48
duffydackadv,  clear your cache23:48
katoenmickster04: fyi; you can give 'apt-get install 'more than one package name23:49
advduffydack, hm? how23:49
duffydackadv,  your browser cache23:49
mickster04katoen: oh yeah i forget these things... old habits by now :( it seemed like multiple commands is all...23:49
froggymananyone got any ideas on how I can resize them?23:49
duffydackadv, thats why it downloads as file23:49
sabayonuserduffydack: hiexpo when i do the iwconfig i see that the ESSID:off/any..... Access Point: Not-Activated23:49
erUSUL!fstab | hope_23:50
ubottuhope_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:50
trevorI AM THE WALRUS23:50
hiexpoone sec gotta blacklist it i think23:50
Sunderphonwhat is "scp" ?23:50
UnderSampledoctaviano: I don't know if it works for the USB version, but: http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Prolink_Pixelview_PlayTV_Pro23:50
advduffydack, nope23:51
froggymanNone of the partitions are mounted23:51
advduffydack, wont do it23:51
mickster04Sunderphon: in what context23:51
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/23:51
duffydackadv, what have you installed23:52
advi installed libapache2-mod-php5 duffydack23:52
duffydackadv, and you refreshed23:52
advduffydack, yes23:52
froggymananyone got any ideas on how to resize that partition?23:52
duffydackadv, try restarting apache23:52
advit's at localhost anyway23:52
octavianohumm I will seach about this ;)23:52
UnderSampled!tv | octaviano23:53
ubottuoctaviano: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out23:53
hiexposabayonuser,  modprob b4323:54
octavianolets see about this ;)23:55
hiexposabayonuser,  did you try installing any other drivers like ndis wrapper etc23:55
katoenfroggyman: it seems you're on your own :/23:55
Azhanyone use xubuntu?23:55
coz_!hi  | wentor23:56
ubottuwentor: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:56
sabayonuserhiexpo: did try any other drivers23:56
froggymankarthee: yeah... unfortuantely23:56
wentoris there a driver for the geforce 820023:56
sabayonuseri did the modprob b43 like duffydack suggested23:56
wentori m using ubuntu 10.0423:56
hiexpodid you try any other drivers ?23:56
duffydackmaybe try wicd and kick network-manager ..23:57
sabayonuserduffydack: huh23:57
duffydackor setup the interfaces file23:57
duffydackthats what I use..quicker to connect.23:58
wentori think nvidia doesnt have ubuntu drivers, i have an ecs gf8200 mobo23:58
sabayonuserhow do i do that?23:58
hiexpoduffydack,  sabayonuser  i think the problem is that yorur running off live cd and its not able to unload other driver23:59
sabayonuseri have to install wicd?23:59
duffydacksabayonuser, need a working driver first..23:59
duffydackmodprobe -r /  rmmod23:59

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