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apacheloggergood morning Ubuntu One08:57
ajmitchor evening, in this case :)08:59
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* ajmitch wonders when rodrigo will be around11:15
duanedesignmorning all11:48
ajmitchhi duanedesign11:49
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jdstrandrodrigo_: hi. I'm pinging you directly since you did the last couple of rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store downloads. I'm having several problems with rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store on maverick and wanted to see if you were aware of them14:33
jdstrandrodrigo_: (we haven't met-- I'm on the ubuntu security team :)14:34
jdstrandrodrigo_: first with rhythmbox 0.13.0git20100819-0ubuntu1, the plugin won't display in rhythmbox anymore, but it does allow me to check the plugin in Edit/Plugins after today's upload14:35
rodrigo_hi jdstrand14:35
rye_jdstrand, bug #619005  or bug #62365514:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 619005 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (Ubuntu) "Ubuntuone music store plugin breaks importing for rhythmbox (dup-of: 618945)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61900514:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 618945 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Maverick: with the ubuntuone store plugin enabled Rhythmbox can not import files or folders (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61894514:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 623655 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Error prevents enabling store plugin (affects: 5) (heat: 26)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62365514:35
jdstrandrodrigo_: ok, good that you know about those14:36
rodrigo_jdstrand, yeah, other people are having similar problems, can you run rhythmbox on the command line and see what it outputs?14:36
jdstrandrodrigo_: sure14:36
rodrigo_jdstrand, and add it to the bugs rye_ just pasted, please14:36
jdstrand(I have another issue with the previous rb that I can bring up after this)14:36
jdstrandrodrigo_: ok, added to 62365514:43
jdstrandrodrigo_: the other part was that if I use 0.13.0git20100715-0ubuntu* then the plugin shows up, but it always shows as 'Connecting' to UbuntuOne. I tried 'u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c' to no avail14:44
rodrigo_jdstrand, it shows 'connecting...' when you try to buy music, or when opening the 1st page?14:45
rodrigo_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/+bug/618945 seems to have been fixed by the latest update14:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 618945 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Maverick: with the ubuntuone store plugin enabled Rhythmbox can not import files or folders (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [High,Fix released]14:46
rodrigo_but not for jdstrand, it seems14:46
jdstrandrodrigo_: this was over the weekend. at first I was able to browse and add things to my cart fine, and it was when I went to buy music that it stopped at Connecting (with the progress bar at the bottom at halfway and never moving)14:46
jdstrandrodrigo_: but, after that whenever I started rb (even after disconnecting/reconnecting with uone) it was always at Connecting14:47
rodrigo_jdstrand, did you have u1 authenticated already when you did so?14:47
jdstrandrodrigo_: I haven't been able to browse music since then14:47
jdstrandrodrigo_: the first time over the weekend? no-- it sent me to login. after that I was logged in14:47
rodrigo_jdstrand, make sure you install the latest ubuntu-sso-client (0.99.3), which has just been uploaded14:47
jdstrandrodrigo_: ok. I still have 0.99.2-0ubuntu114:48
jdstrandI noticed today I lost the UbuntuOne from the Me menu. let me make sure I am 100% up to date14:48
rodrigo_right, it's a problem in our server, it doesn't recognize the new SSO tokens yet14:49
rodrigo_it should work, if you have existing tokens14:49
jdstrandrodrigo_: that is fixed in 0.99.3?14:49
jdstrandwait, that is probably different14:49
rodrigo_jdstrand, no, needs an update on our server14:55
jdstrandrodrigo_: ok, I installed 0.99.3 and then downgraded rb to the previous version that worked with the music store14:56
jdstrandrodrigo_: I double click on Ubuntu One in rb and I get 'Connecting'14:56
jdstrandrodrigo_: with the progress bar halfway14:56
jdstrandrodrigo_: actually, it seems the ubuntu one client in System/Preferences no longer works... :(14:58
jdstrandit crashed14:58
jdstrand(talking about ubuntuone-preferences)14:58
rodrigo_rb segfaulted?15:00
rodrigo_if so, can you run it under gdb:15:00
rodrigo_$ gdb rhythmbox15:00
rodrigo_(gdb) r15:00
rodrigo_then make it crash, and when so:15:00
rodrigo_(gdb) thread apply all bt15:00
jdstrandrodrigo_: no ubuntuone-preferences15:04
jdstrandhuh, now it is working... weird15:05
jdstrandI got it to crash twice by clicking the Devices tab, but now it is ok15:05
jdstrand$ u1sdtool -s15:13
jdstrandState: AUTH_FAILED15:13
jdstrand    connection: With User With Network15:13
jdstrand    description: auth failed15:13
jdstrand    is_connected: False15:13
jdstrand    is_error: True15:13
jdstrand    is_online: False15:13
jdstrand    queues: IDLE15:13
jdstrandwonders if ^ is due to the server needing updating15:13
rodrigo_jdstrand, yes, if you didn't have the old tokens, it won't work yet15:26
rodrigo_we are working on fixing it on the server15:26
duffydackhello people.15:35
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rye_anybody else using nokia s60 devices with funambol syncml client here?16:14
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JamesTaitrye_: I was, but not since last week.16:40
JamesTaitrye_: I don't know if it'll still work without a SIM, but I can try it over wifi if it'll help?16:40
rye_JamesTait, well, i suspect that either firmware upgrade broke funambol client or the server side is not happy. The client thinks it has synced fine, but the contact list is empty16:41
JamesTaitrye_: Lemme grab my phone and see what happens.16:42
rye_JamesTait, are you using android-based phone now?16:42
JamesTaitrye_: What's your handet, btw?16:42
JamesTaitrye_: Yeah, since last week I upgraded to HTC Desire.16:43
rye_JamesTait, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic16:43
JamesTaitrye_: OK, I've got a Nokia E71 here.16:43
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JamesTaitrye_: Sorry, my credentials have changed now I switched phones... bear with me.16:47
rye_great, nokia own sw says 'System error'16:47
JamesTaitWow, going back to the E71 after a week on the Desire really reminds me how clunky it is.16:50
JamesTaitrye_: Sync completed OK.16:51
rye_JamesTait, wow, that's reassuring16:51
JamesTaitrye_: Not exactly what you wanted to hear. :S16:52
rye_JamesTait, ok, on android emulator funambol sync client tells me about GenericError16:53
JamesTaitrye_: I have a development sync client on my Android at present, so my experience will be different, I expect.16:55
rye_JamesTait, i guess i will need to dig into server logs16:55
JamesTaitrye_: Last time I tried it, I got a network error from the phone.16:56
JamesTaitrye_: But it was sending some ridiculous number of contacts and took a long time, so my gut feel was network timeout.16:56
beunoandroid and iphone send contact sin batches17:00
beunonokias send all of them at the same time17:00
beunoor, larger batches like 20017:00
beunoso they are more likely to timeout17:01
beunocouchdb &*(%^17:01
JamesTaitbeuno: You love it. :)17:02
beunoyes, universal symbols for love17:03
rye_beuno, the server says com.funambol.json.exception.BadRequestException whiel trying to authenticate my android emulator17:05
Chipacabeuno: When you love someone, you should totally &*($^17:05
Chipacabeuno: see?17:05
JamesTaitOh that so has to be quoted. :)17:06
beunorye_, that is new I think17:08
beunoChipaca, well said17:08
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trichardhey, for some reason the ubuntuone syncdaemon doesn't listen to it's throttle limit. Anybody knows what might cause this?17:36
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H1n1can you please add english bg to the language choices online - i object to being accused of being an american for merely speaking english17:47
dobeywe have language choices?17:49
rye_H1n1, https://login.ubuntu.com/set_language?next=/ ?17:51
dobeywhere are you seeing that?17:51
H1n1Americans dont speak english anyway17:52
H1n1they speak American17:52
H1n1those who speak true english have signed the human rights act etc17:54
H1n1long story17:54
H1n1and off topic17:55
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megamacedhi i purchased some music and it was delivered to cloud but not downloaded to computer19:20
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ajmitchrodrigo_: so I found the problem with the mono bindings20:31
rodrigo_ajmitch, yeah, saw your branch20:32
ajmitchrun away screaming?20:33
ajmitchI don't like it at all but adding in the dummy code makes it build, at least until the broken parser could be fixed20:33
rodrigo_ajmitch, I have a branch that I started last night, when I talked to you, to try fixing it, if I can't, I guess we'll merge your branch20:36
rodrigo_ajmitch, but why does it need that?20:36
ajmitchbecause the parser is broken - it used to skip the syncdaemon code, I suspect something in the ugly perl code is grabbing too many lines & skipping over the struct20:37
ajmitchwhat were you trying in your branch?20:39
dobeyajmitch: i just don't see what your branch even does, aside from add a file that doesn't get included, or disted, or anything?20:53
ajmitchdobey: exactly20:53
ajmitchbut the gapi parser for the mono bindings looks at all code in that directory20:54
dobeyhow does a file that is never referenced from anything, alter the build?20:54
dobeyajmitch: except that file wouldn't be there when the packages get built, since it's not in EXTRA_DIST in Makefile.am20:54
ajmitchdobey: ok, then that would need to be added, I guess20:55
ajmitchI was adding it in on top of the 0.3.4 source tree for the package20:55
ajmitchas I said, I don't like this way of doing it, but the dummy file causes it to not break for now20:56
ajmitchI need to run off, I'll be back in ~30 minif you want to talk about a better way of fixing it quickly20:58
dobeyi don't know what's wrong exactly, but hopefully rodrigo_ will know something20:59
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ajmitchthe right way would appear to be fixing gapi2-parser in a way that doesn't break existing users of it21:23
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dobeyajmitch: so all existing users ship arbitrarily used headers with the same content as you propose we put in libu1?21:29
ajmitchI haven't had time to check what others do, but I suspect that they don't have valid code that otherwise breaks the parser21:30
ajmitchwhat I'd prefer is a proper fix, what I proposed was something that would get it to build for now & would prefer didn't go in as-is21:31
ajmitchI probably shouldn't have done a merge proposal, it was just the most convenient way to show the workaround21:32
dashuaAny chance of U1 Music Store syncing in webOS?22:18
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