
falktxi'm doing some experiments right now17:03
falktxwhat do you guys think about an ubuntustudio live dvd ?17:03
falktx(2.6.33-rt kernel)17:04
holsteinfalktx: i failed building a few17:04
holsteini have a friend in town here17:05
falktxholstein: i just make a testing kxstudio build now17:05
holsteinhe said he would help me17:05
holsteinwe just havent had time to get together17:05
falktxholstein: bad thing my laptop... cant boot USBs...!17:05
falktxi made a 64bit iso and now I can't test it17:05
* falktx needs to buy a dvd-rw17:06
holsteini got a light-scribe external one17:06
holsteinhey guys17:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562706 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "On i386, selecting the ubuntu studio packages fails to install" [Critical,New]17:13
holsteinthis *has* been fixed, correct?17:14
holsteini'll mark it so...17:14
persiahas it?17:14
* persia knows GrueMaster is currently around, so may be able to replicate on whatever hardware was used, or share more information.17:16
holsteinpersia: i was assuming this it the installer bug17:17
holsteinif you select a certain pacakge the installer fails17:17
holsteini bet i can find that one17:17
holsteinand mark it a duplicate17:17
holsteinat least17:17
persiaOh, maybe.  But the installer team hates it when folks merge bugs, because lots of times very similar things are different bugs (there are a lot of little sneaky bugs in the installer)17:18
holsteini'll just email the list with a link17:19
holsteinand let the chips fall where they may17:19
persiaI'd just catch GrueMaster in #ubuntu-bugs, and ask if he can still replicate it, and close it if he can't.17:19
holsteini can replicate it17:22
holsteini havent chosen any of those packages at install in years ;)17:22
persiaSo the default tasks for studio break?  We probably ought change the task to not include them.17:23
holsteinwhatever it takes17:24
holsteinlast time i brought it up in here17:24
holsteinit seemed like a well known issue17:24
holsteinand a fix was in place for maverick17:24
persiaDo the packages only not install in tasksel, or do they also not install with apt-get install?17:24
persiaWell, maverick is what needs testing now.17:24
holsteinafter the install of the OS17:24
holsteineverything seems fine17:25
holsteini did test it with an early maverick17:25
holsteinand it was still doing it17:25
holsteinbut since then, i had mentioned it in here17:25
persiaOh, if it was broken, and now works, then it's probably fixed.17:25
* persia apologises for the noise, and shuts up until common understandings are absorbed through idling a bit more17:26
holsteinpersia: nah17:27
holsteinim glad your here :)17:28
holsteini havent had a successful test of it functioning as it should17:28
holsteinso its really more of a question17:28
holsteinif its fixed in maverick17:28
holsteinwe can mark that bug accordingly though17:28
falktxlast time I tried, the ubuntustudio installer complained about not finding the kernel17:29
persiaReally?  That shouldn't happen.17:29
falktxthat was some weeks ago though, in virtualbox17:30
persiaeven so, but sometimes the dailies are unstable.17:31
holsteinfalktx: maverick?17:32
holsteinOH yeah17:32
holsteindaily issue probably17:32
holsteinpersia: i think we should have a live disc17:32
holsteini went on about it in bugs just now ;)17:32
persiaI saw.17:33
persiaThe fear has always been that the latency is so bad that audio folk will say US isn't any good.17:33
persiaBut talk to ScottL17:33
holsteindid you ever check out the old dyne-bolic?17:34
holsteini was always surprised at the performance from it running live17:34
holsteini know we arent going to get that kind of performance17:35
persiaCertainly not.  they stripped that down quite a bit to achieve that, and the software was all less bloated back then.17:36
falktxholstein: yes17:40
holsteinhggdh: hey17:41
falktxwe could have a dialog pop-ing up in the live dvd, saying like: "this will get slow, install to get full-speed"17:42
holsteinis there a dev mailing list?17:47
* holstein found it17:48
troy_scrimsun_: If you are around, I'd love to hear your thoughts on ratelimit.c supressed events and the correlation with a stuttery laggy system during those log postings.19:10
troy_scrimsun_: I don't think it is a culprit (although likely gets blamed) but certainly correlates with log outputs on supressed events... perhaps because of some other lag up?19:12
scott-workhi holstein , persia , troy_s  :)19:42
holsteinscott-work: :)19:43
troy_sscott-work: Greets. How goes it.19:45
scott-worktroy_s: 'tis okay, but work is making me slightly insane :/   grrrrrrrr19:46
troy_sscott-work: I believe that is the second Universal Truth(TM). It is slightly less well-known than it's brother... ;)19:47
scott-worktroy_s:  i'm beginning to wonder if all the improvements we make at work to help people isn't causing them to be lazy and stupid19:48
* scott-work realizes that is a slightly pessimestic viewpoint19:48
troy_sscott-work: Is it lazy or busy? Most people are busy trying to do other things.19:52
troy_s(Which has a side tangent about bug reporting in Libre. It's goofy to assume that someone is going to put down _work_ and set aside _what they are doing_ to report a bug. Goofy. Stupid. Ridiculous. It is a problem that needs a well designed solution.)19:53
scott-worktroy_s:  the more we make standardized drawings and designs the more simply studid and inattentive mistakes seemed to be made20:07
scott-workinterestingly we have a bug report system also called Action Items20:08
scott-worksince i'm in charge of the detailing department (and to a lesser degree the engineering department as a whole) I get to answer these20:08
troy_sscott-work: Personally "Bug Report Systems" should be an anachronism.20:08
scott-workLOL  i mispelled stupid earlier....is that meta-stupidity?20:09
troy_sHyperreality perhaps.20:09
scott-workpersia: as far as the live disc, i talked to luke about it as well, he seemed to think it would present some obstacles from a ISO building aspect20:27
scott-worknot that it couldn't be done but that it might be putting additional work load on other peoples20:27
scott-workfalktx builds his images himself, possibly with remastersys or something similar i believe20:28
scott-workholstein might be in a better position to explain how falktx builds his ISOs though than i20:28
holsteinim taking it on as a learing project20:31
holsteinso theres going to be an ubuntustudio live CD20:31
holsteinand i'll put it up somewhere20:31
holsteinand i'll be able to link to it in the support channel20:32
holsteinscott-work: if you dont want to have it officially integrated, thats cool20:32
holsteini just know there is a need for it where i am20:32
holsteinin the irc channel20:32
holsteinso i dont have to say 'just blow out a partition, install, and some back in a couple hours, and we'll see if that device works for you'20:33
holsteinOR suggest other live distros20:33
scott-workholstein:  i'm not really terribly adverse to it as i've mentioned before...i think it's a great PR aspect20:34
holsteini want to know how to make iso's anyways20:34
scott-workbut i'd rather focus first on tightening up the distro first20:34
scott-workas i mentioned to you before as well ;)20:34
holsteinthen you guys can do your thing20:34
holsteinand the live disc is a community project20:35
holsteini totally dont want to pull any resources away to make it happen20:37
scott-workthat would be sweet actually20:52
scott-workabogani: are you around?21:30
persiascott-work, Building a LiveCD only requires additional work from other folks if we don't have someone doing it.  Needs work in casper, ubiquity, livecd-rootfs, ubuntu-cdimage.  At least casper and ubiquity are fairly fast-moving targets: I know they consume about 50% of one of the Kubuntu folk.21:53
persiaIf there's a volunteer who's sufficiently dedicated, that becomes manageable.21:53
persiaOh, also requires slightly more than twice as much work from the testers.21:54
scott-workpersia: and luke also mentioned that it would requires more time and load on the ISO building machines, i don't have a framework to quantify this though21:55
persiaIt does: and nobody except the cdimage folk can quantify that.  That said, we can always ask about space there: if we're serving a sufficient number of users, there may be space.21:56
troy_spersia: Some issues there - not the least of which is quantifying "sufficient number". Posting on touch points (Forums, UbuntuStudio.org, etc.) would probably be a good bit of research. Of course, people that answer polls tend to be of archetypes that answer polls so your data is biased out of the gate. Alas, that's the realm of sociologists.22:10
persiaSince there are know sociologists among the cdimage folk, it tends to be based on having a sufficient subset of user who volunteer to take care of testing agressively :)22:11
* scott-work is going home...yay!22:29
troy_spersia: Not so much the testing, but whether there are numbers to support it. I sincerely doubt, given the current state of uS, that there are.22:48
troy_spersia: I'd be most interested in some actual quantifiable bits of data regarding how many installs there are at the moment anyways. And within that, how many are just hobby installations and how many are people trying to create something.22:49
troy_spersia: As there is a huge gap there. If I had to wager 99% of most installations of _Desktop Linux_ are hobby / in-passing / non primary. 22:50
troy_s(Or at least a ridiculously high value there)22:50
persiaI'd agree that 99% of folks installing fall into that category, but I know folks that do >5000 installs daily, and I know that's not for hobby purposes.22:51
persiaSo I have no idea of the percentage in terms of number of users.22:52
persiaErr, number of installs.22:52
holsteinpersia: im into learning and being that person23:18
persiaOK.  You probably want to idle in #ubuntu-install, and start investigating the casper and ubiquity codebases.23:19
persiaThere should be a process to request stuff sanely by the time you get comfortable there.23:19
persiaGiven beta freeze, it's unlikely anything official can happen before natty opens, but you can at least start playing around with the code, and seeing how it works.23:20
holsteinpersia: i just want to do one for the LTS really23:21
holsteinbut id like to learn23:21
persiaNo chance of that, officially.23:21
persiaBut if you get one working in natty, you can then refine it so it's not unpleasant to use for natty+1, and probably have something in good shape for the next LTS.23:22
holsteinthat works23:22
holsteinis it #ubuntu-install?23:22
holsteinpersia: i'll find it23:24
* holstein gotta go to dinner23:24
persiaErr, #ubuntu-installer23:25
holsteinpersia: AH23:25
holsteinim there now23:25
persiaYeah.  Time for food :)23:25

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