
prepHaving issues with Jack17:48
holsteinhey prep17:50
holsteinwhats the trouble?17:50
prephey holstein17:50
prepcrashes on start17:50
holsteinwhat sound device are you using?17:50
preplet me get you the log17:50
prepjust the built in card, had it working once under Wubi, decided to do a complete Ubuntu install after grub failed17:51
prepI'm test driving to decide if I want to make the move to Linux, longtime Mac user, tired of the Kool-Aid17:52
prepHere's the log17:53
prepPlease check your /etc/security/limits.conf for the following lines and correct/add them:   @audio          -       rtprio          100   @audio          -       nice            -10 After applying these changes, please re-login in order for them to take effect. You don't appear to have a sane system configuration. It is very likely that you encounter xruns. Please apply all the above mentioned changes and start jack again! 11:52:317:53
holsteinwhat is the output of17:53
holsteinuname -a17:53
prepI'm sorry, I don't understand17:54
holsteinin a terminal17:54
holsteinrun that17:54
holsteinuname -a17:54
prepIn the Terminal, I get  "laptop 2.6.32-24-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 28 06:07:29 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux"17:55
holsteinstart jack control17:56
holsteinbut dont start JACK yet17:56
holsteinclick on 'setup'17:56
holsteinon the left side there is a checkbox for 'realtime'17:56
holsteinmake sure that is unchecked17:56
holsteindown in the lower right17:57
holsteinthere is latency in ms17:57
holsteinwhat is that?17:57
holsteinthats good for now17:57
holsteinclick OK or SAVE or whatever17:58
holsteinand close that17:58
holsteinand get back to the main JACK window17:58
holsteinand try starting it17:58
holsteinclose that17:58
holsteinopen a terminal17:58
holsteinsudo qjackctl17:58
holsteinand click start17:59
prepworking, what was the issue?17:59
holsteinso stop it17:59
holsteinand close that17:59
holsteinand lets troubleshoot some permissions17:59
holsteinyou should be in the audio group18:00
holsteinbut lets double check18:00
holsteinsudo adduser YOU audio18:00
holsteinfor me18:00
holsteinit would be18:00
holsteinsudo adduser holstein audio18:00
holsteinwhat did it say?18:00
prepuser added18:00
holsteinso that was probably it then18:01
prepwasn't added was I?18:01
holsteinif you were, it should have said18:01
holsteinuser is already a member of that group18:01
holsteinor something like that18:01
holsteintry starting jack control again18:01
holsteinand see if it starts18:01
holsteinyou might need to log out for that to take effect18:01
* holstein cant remember18:01
holsteinthere are a couple things we tweak18:02
holsteinstop JACK18:02
holsteinand open 'setup'18:02
holsteinyou see in the middle18:02
holsteinsample rate is usually cool at 4410018:03
prepI see all over, ha.18:03
holsteinbut the others18:03
holsteinand periods/buffer18:03
holsteinthose are the ones you can tweak18:03
holsteinto get you latency lower18:03
holstein*if needed*18:03
holsteinwith that internal interface and a generic kernel18:04
holstein46.4 is fine18:04
holsteinbut if you plug in a midi keyboard18:04
holsteinand try to play a soft synth18:04
holsteinyou hit a note18:04
holsteinand 46.4 msecs later18:04
holsteinyou hear the sound18:04
prepAh ok. Whole plan is to get a MSI, run Ardour Q Tractor, deciding on interface, just sold Apogee.18:05
holsteinthat can be annoying18:05
prepYes it can18:05
preplatency sucks18:05
holsteinwell, as you get furthing into it18:05
holsteinthis is how you tweak that18:05
holsteinyou can try other kernels18:05
preproger that18:05
prepWhat setup are you running?18:05
holsteinthere are 2 other lower latency ones in the repo18:05
holsteini have a presonus firepod18:05
holsteinworks great18:05
prepUse to have oe18:05
holsteinand resonalby priced18:06
holsteini run the realtime kernel18:06
prepKnow those guys well, near my hometown18:06
holsteinprep: AH presonus?18:06
prepWrapping my head around linux audio. Yes, Presonus18:06
holsteinprep: its a bit challenging to get started18:06
holsteinbut quite worth it18:06
prepI'm a recording engineer, work for Apple, getting jaded18:06
holsteinthere really is nothing like JACK18:06
holsteini use ardrou and JACK on OSX occasianally18:07
prepI've been reading on it for the last few years18:07
prepI like Ardour, but I need MIDI18:07
holsteinwell, welcome :)18:07
holsteinardour is going to get it18:07
prepwhat do you produce?18:07
holsteinsoon actually18:07
holsteinbut with JACK18:07
prepwhat I read, would be a godsend18:07
holsteinyou can use whatever you want with ardour18:08
prepFamiliar with MSI?18:08
holsteinim thinking MSI the computer company though18:08
holsteinlike the MSI wind18:08
prepLooking at a new laptop, i5 from them18:08
holsteinthats probably not what you are talking about18:08
holsteinprep: OH ok18:08
holsteinlet me throw a couple links at you18:09
prepJust sold my last Mac Book Pro, just too exensive to run Linux on a Mac, I love the hardware though18:09
holsteinthat last one is a friends blog over in #opensourcemusicians18:09
holsteinhe does a ot of MIDI in linux18:09
prepsweet, thanks18:10
prepGlad you responded, big help18:10
prepThose links will come in handy in my journey18:11
holsteini get around 2 msecs latency with my firepod18:11
prepwhat! nICE18:11
holsteinthats with 8 tracks recording at once18:11
prepWhere you located?18:11
holsteinasheville north carolina18:12
prepI'm in Nashville18:12
holsteini got a friend up there18:12
holsteinjimmy dulin18:12
holsteinhavent talked to him in years though18:12
prepNot familiar18:12
holsteini went to school with brian sutton ;)18:13
holsteini think he would remember me18:13
holsteinwe used to play a little back then18:13
prepI'm looking for other users in my area, the whole idea of open source appeals to me. I'm from Mississippi originally18:13
prepI'm jaded on the whole Nashville scene18:13
holsteinis there a loco channel?18:13
holsteinfor nasheville18:13
prepfound one on Ubuntu, mostly older gents18:14
holsteinwell, that wont necessarily help with audio18:14
holsteinthe one here is great18:14
holsteinbut im really the only audio guy18:14
prepy'all have the whole jam band vibe going18:14
holsteinsome of us18:14
holsteini hardly ever play here18:14
holsteinits challening to make money in asheville18:14
holsteini drive to charlotte or greenville or where ever18:15
holsteinhavnet made it up to nashville yet18:15
prepI produce drum and bass. I dj'd years ago, tech house, switched recently to d&b.18:15
holsteini go up to NYC though18:15
holsteinthats more where jazz is happening18:15
prepWell, the live show scene is excellent18:15
prepyou play jazz?18:15
holsteinbut i hear nashville has a jazz scene18:15
holsteinwell, i play a lot of stuff18:15
holsteinbut thats what i get paid for mostly18:16
prepI like Miles, Coltrane, Chic, Herbie18:16
holsteinwe did a chick corea concert here18:16
holsteinit was great18:16
preplast year wasn't?18:16
holsteinhad an acoustic set and an electric one18:16
holsteinwell, a cover band18:16
prepah, Herbie played last Sunday night18:16
holsteini caught herbie here in ashevill18:17
holsteinit was just OK really18:17
holsteinthe first tune was great18:17
holsteinand then, because of the moog thing18:17
prepglad to meet someone finally that knows linux audio18:17
prepJaco's son lives here18:17
prepI want to come to moog Fest18:17
holsteinhe announced bringing an asheville native to the stage18:17
holsteinand it was a moog keyboard18:17
holsteinthat he did not no how to use18:18
prepnice one18:18
holsteinso we all paid to see herbie learn where the controls are on a moog18:18
holsteinwhile they played watermelon man18:18
prepweird, thought that was his thing18:18
holsteinand the hippies danced18:18
holsteinwell, he played an ARP18:18
holsteinon those old albums18:18
holsteinand the technolgy has changed a lot anyways18:19
prepyeah, he did, just thought he'd be well versed in analogue18:19
holsteini left18:19
holsteinbut that first tune was great18:19
preplol, I would have too18:19
holsteina 25 minute 'dolphin dance'18:19
holsteinterri lynn carington on drums18:19
holsteinshe rocked it18:19
prepI'm excited to see what linux audio has in store in the future18:20
* holstein too18:20
preptom tom club is here in Sept18:20
prepbreak out my best Byrne moves18:20
prepwell time for lunch, much obliged. Any more links to share?18:21
holsteini can find some for next time :)18:21
holsteinprep: IF18:21
holsteinyou install and boot a realtime kernel18:21
holsteinjust re-check that box18:21
holsteinand your good to go18:21
holsteinbut i would just 'kick the tires' as is18:22
preproger that. Take care man. I will be purchasing that MSI soon, and looking back at Presonus.18:22
prepthis is my GF's old ass Presario to kick tires with18:22
prepeasy killa18:22
prepone last question18:24
prepI fired up amSynth, made connections, getting no output18:24
holsteinyou got a MIDI USB keyboard?18:25
prepyep, korg NanoKey18:25
holsteinwhere did you make the connections?18:25
holsteinin that main jack panel18:25
prepNanokey out to amSynth In18:25
holsteinyou click 'connect'18:26
holsteinthen there are 3 tabs18:26
holsteinone is 'audio'18:26
holsteinand the other 2 are for midi18:26
holsteinit can be a little confusing18:26
holsteinmost of what i do midi-related is over in the alsa tabe18:26
holsteinprep: there are little + signs18:26
holsteinin there18:26
holsteinyou click those to expand everything18:26
holsteinyour used to a patchbay i bet18:27
holsteinso once you get everything showing up there18:27
holsteinan expanded18:27
holsteinyou'll make sense of it quick18:27
prepgot it working, MIDI channel was wrong18:27
prepKnow to get MIDI control over the parameters?18:27
* holstein rarely does midi18:28
holsteinbut the folks over in #opensourcemusicians know18:28
holsteinand are very helpful18:28
prepwell I have a bigger MIDI control with assignable knobs, ok, cool18:28
prepwill check, thanks again, later18:29
maheanuuIaOrana Ia Oe hello to all20:15
holsteinhey maheanuu20:16
maheanuuI installed US over Lucid 10.04 and now am re installing a lot of the apps that dropped off the ends of the earth and also am having a devil of a time trying to rip and convert audio files20:16
maheanuuHello Holstein20:17
holsteinin the future20:17
holsteinyou can just add the studio apps the lucid20:17
holsteinor maverick by then :)20:17
holsteinor whatever20:17
holsteinrip from CD?20:17
holsteinthere are some questionable codecs you need20:18
holsteinif your working with mp3's20:18
maheanuuMy major problem is that I am in the middle of the south pacific 5000miles from any help or anyone that uses Linux20:18
holsteinyou can run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:19
holsteinwell, your here now :)20:19
maheanuuI ripped about 20 discs yesterday and then found Asunder was only ripping and storing in the AVI format and I cannot find how to get in and configure it or Gnac correctly20:20
maheanuuAnd I am gonna book mark you....    I am not at the end of the world, I am over it20:21
holsteinso your ripping DVD's20:21
holsteinyeah, i just get netflix these days20:22
holsteinand comply with the US laws20:22
holsteinpretty much20:22
maheanuuthat is what I am working with, I finally weaned myself from lil bill and his printing press (for him) and I am spending a lot of time learning and learning and learning20:22
holsteinwell, it can be done, im sure20:22
holsteindid you install that package?20:23
maheanuuI have cds that are getting to the point of not playing and i cannot replace them as I am here forever20:23
maheanuuthat is where I am headed now20:24
holsteinwell, try installing that stuff20:24
holsteinand restarting20:24
holsteinacutally you shouldnt need to restart or logout20:24
holsteinanyways, if that doesnt do it, you need to check on what your grabbing from20:24
holsteinand what your converting to20:25
holsteinif the cd's are damaged, thats about all you can do20:25
holsteinmaybe too damaged to read20:25
maheanuuI am running it now and it is going to take awhile as our DSL here is about as a 28k modem20:25
holsteinits a lot of stuff too20:26
holsteinbut you can get it sorted out20:26
holsteinubuntustudio wont help you with that though20:26
holsteinthe studio packages are for pro audio and video20:26
holsteinand graphics20:26
maheanuu am just trying to save what I can and also I am going to be putting about 5k of cassettes on mp3 also before they go bad also20:27
holsteinnothing special or different by the way of codecs in it20:27
maheanuuI know and that is why I am presently trying to learn it...   I live on the island of Raiatea and I am trying to get the locals interested in using something worth while and seperate from Windoze20:28
maheanuujust checked my download speed according to our post office I am getting 58kbps20:29
maheanuuI have been using Gimp for years and love it20:29
maheanuuI haven't had to do very many restarts unless it was fooling with the kernel20:30
maheanuuI used to be (eons ago) a field engineer for Sperry Univacd20:31
maheanuuI moved here to French Polynesia and now I am playing ketchup....   and am older than dirt among other attributes20:32
maheanuuI have been studying and learning all my life and that is a long long time.....  I find that I can't seem to find it in me to let go and quit...  I am always trying to learn something20:34
holsteinthats great :)20:36
holsteini feel the same way20:36
* holstein is a tinkerer20:36
maheanuuOk am in the installation mode now.....20:37
maheanuuwhere are you located holstein?20:38
holsteinashville north carolina US20:38
maheanuuOk, that is a beautiful place I passed thru there way back in the 50's on my way to Cecil field in Jax fla20:39
maheanuuI spent most of my navy career in Asia, did a 2 month stint at Cecil and was transferred back to Japan20:40
holsteinyeah, i like it here20:40
holsteinjust got a place downtown this year20:41
* holstein was living up in the woods20:41
holsteinthat was nice too20:41
maheanuuI retired out in 74 and became a sperry univac field engineer and rite back to the Navy this time as a LCDR equiv and a lot better pay20:41
maheanuuI immigrated here in 77 and became a citizen in 84 when my mil obligations were fulfilled20:42
maheanuuOk, I am done and now I will go to asunder and Gnac and see if I can configure them and get them to play nice with me......   Thanks much for your time and I WILL be back....20:44
holsteinmaheanuu: anytime20:45
prepI cannot get Bristol to load properly. Some GUI's open, others, black box, then shuts. No sound ever.21:57
holsteinprep: bristol only?23:14
holsteinyou might need to relax your JACK settings more23:15
holsteinsome of that might be bristol23:15
holsteinsome of it might be the generic kernel23:15
* persia never had much luck with running bristol23:15
holsteini was going to say, i havnet tried bristol in a while, but when i did, i quickly found other soft synths i liked better23:16
holsteinzynaddsubfx or yoshi23:16
persiawhysynth is nice23:17
prepcool, thanks for the 41123:53

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