
jjesse-netbookJontheEchidna: trying to install muon in maverick and receive the following error: /var/lib/dpkg/info/muon.postinst: 11: update-apt-xapian-index: not found01:22
JontheEchidnajjesse-netbook: ah, my mistake01:47
JontheEchidnajjesse-netbook: out of curiosity, search in muon wouldn't happen to be working for you, would it?01:48
jjesse-netbookJontheEchidna: let me check01:48
JontheEchidnaI don't think it can without apt-xapian-index01:48
jjesse-netbookno i cant find any packages with the search01:48
JontheEchidnaright, thanks01:48
JontheEchidnainstalling apt-xapian-index should fix things01:49
jjesse-netbookinstalling that also installs the package python-xapian01:50
JontheEchidnayeah, update-apt-xapian-index is a python script01:52
CIA-71[libqapt] jmthomas * 1168579 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/backend.cpp Versions of libapt-pkg < 0.8.x need apt-pkg/error.h explicitly included here, or else they FTBFS05:11
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
markeyanyone planning to make a Qt Creator 2.0.1 package?09:13
superflymarkey: I'm hoping someone is :-) 09:22
superflyIt's easy enough to install from the downloads on the Qt site, but I'd prefer a package09:25
yofel_  Installed: 2.0.1-0ubuntu109:26
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelit is already in maverick09:26
* superfly is not running maverick yet09:27
markeyme neither09:28
markeywould be nice to have it in backports09:28
markeythat said, 2.0.1 doesn't fix the editor sluggishness I'm seeing (just tried it from Nokia site)09:29
TheKrohi.  I'm getting patch failures, but I can't understand why they're failing10:34
* apache2logger is wondering if UPS really manages to get a box from CZ to upper austria in less than a day10:34
nigelbTheKro: Source might have changed perhaps?10:35
persiaSo, I *think* http://paste.ubuntu.com/484410/ fixes koffice/armel FTBFS : what's the best procedure to get it into the archives (I like debdiffs in bugs, but have heard there's a process used by Kubuntu folk)10:35
TheKronigelb: perhaps - but how do I debug the patch.  It seems like it should make the change if I look at the source, but I'm not very familiar with the patch format10:36
apache2loggerpersia: the best way is to find a sponsor and then follow his requests ;)10:36
TheKronigelb: does @@ -945,14 +945,11 @@ mean change the 14 lines ending at line 945 with the 11 lines?10:36
persiaapache2logger, OK.  Let me know if you see a sponsor around :)10:36
TheKronigelb: because that is still what should happen10:37
* apache2logger notes that Kubuntu usually also uses debdiffs in bugreports, or simply debdiffs, except for large stuff which is preferred to go to revu10:37
nigelbTheKro: that neans 14 lines removed from line 945 and 11 added.10:37
* persia files a bug10:37
TheKronigelb: starting at line 945?10:37
nigelbTheKro: yep10:37
nigelbgenerally it will all start to make sense when you look at line 94510:37
apache2loggeris mcafee security stuff any good for windows?10:39
TheKronigelb: so then the code has changed - but if I change the 945 to 929 (where that code is), that hunk of the patch still fails10:40
* apache2logger just received the new laptop for his mum and is wondering whether that default stuff is to be favored over microsofts security essential stuff things10:40
persiaI think most folks run both MS's stuff and someone else's.10:40
persiaAt least all the shops seem to normall upsell with a secondary scanner of some sort.10:40
superflyapache2logger: I don't know, my family doesn't use Windows10:41
apache2loggerwell, there is this malware protection thingy from microsoft that is on by default10:41
nigelbTheKro: you need to compare what the patch does in that lines to what is already there10:41
apache2loggerbut apparently they also have a proper virus protection now, just not installed for competition reasons10:41
nigelbTheKro: whats happening is, what the patch thing is there, isn't there10:41
apache2loggersuperfly: lucky you10:41
nigelbapache2logger: Just install fluffy ;)10:42
apache2loggerfluffy does not suite office needs :P10:42
persiaDepends on the office, really.10:42
TheKronigelb: i'm looking in the source file, and what the patch is being told is there, is there10:42
nigelbTheKro: ok, do you have a vcs link to what you're trying to patch?10:43
nigelbpersia: +110:43
TheKronigelb: what is vcs?10:44
apache2loggerhttp://www.microsoft.com/windows/antivirus-partners/windows-7.aspx silly microsoft does not help its users make decisions10:44
apache2loggerthey only add more things to not know things about10:44
apache2loggerpersia: the office where you need an office app :P10:44
persiaYou know, kubuntu is remarkably virus free these days...10:44
nigelbTheKro: er, forget I said that.  What are you trying to patch/10:44
* apache2logger notes that fluffy does not include a office suite by default, neither is it supported to use one10:44
apache2logger(theming wise that is ^^)10:44
nigelbapache2logger: Then Kubuntu ;)10:44
TheKronigelb: I'm trying to patch ktimetracker, using the patch from comment 7 of http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22691510:44
ubottuKDE bug 226915 in general "manually edting task times is a pain in 4 4 (regression ?)" [Normal,New]10:45
TheKronigelb: I've downloaded the source of kdepim10:45
nigelbapache2logger: kde uses svn?10:45
apache2loggernigelb: that for sure10:45
apache2loggerbut not primary10:45
apache2loggerbut not only10:45
apache2loggernigelb: yes, but not for long10:45
TheKronigelb: and i'm sitting in the ktimetracker dir running patch < timetracker.patch (cut and pasted from the comment)10:45
apache2loggergit migration efforts are under away10:45
persiaapache2logger, Wouldn't the theme work with webservice-office-zoho (essentially launches a browser)?10:46
nigelbTheKro: doh, you might be going wrong with patch levels.  I'm not good at explaining that.10:46
apache2loggerpersia: I dunno10:46
nigelbapache2logger: I hate svn browsing :x10:46
nigelbI wonder if we have a patch level documentation somewhere...10:47
apache2loggerMicrosoft’s competitors will argue that it’s less secure and doesn’t have as many features, but they should be worried. Overall, Security Essentials is excellent and I highly recommend it.10:47
apache2loggerthat is all bogus10:47
TheKrowell, first output is: 10:47
TheKropatching file taskview.cpp10:47
TheKroHunk #1 FAILED at 929.10:47
TheKro1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file taskview.cpp.rej10:47
nigelbTheKro: can you bin the code?10:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:47
TheKronigelb: ^10:48
nigelbTheKro: um, no.  THe taskview.cpp file.  10:49
nigelbPaste that file10:49
TheKronigelb: sorry for the delay - this problem came with a lucid upgrade, and now my vim yank to clipboard isn't working either10:51
nigelbTheKro: heh, no probs10:51
TheKronigelb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484417/10:52
yofelTheKro: which revision of kdepim did you download? form what I see the patch is already applied to svn10:53
TheKroyofel: I did an apt-get src10:54
yofelah, 4.4.5 then?10:54
TheKroyofel: kdepim-4.4.210:55
nigelbyofel: I'm not sure all of it is applied yet10:55
yofelTheKro: why not 4.4.5 ?10:55
TheKroyofel: erm, 4.4.2 are what's in my repo?10:56
nigelbTheKro: we always fix the development version, not current one10:56
yofelcan you install 4.4.5 from the kubuntu updates ppa and see if that helps?10:56
nigelbso first in svn, then backport it 10:56
TheKronigelb: if you tell me how...10:56
TheKroor point me somewhere10:57
nigelbwhere are minions when you want them :p10:57
nigelbAh, shadeslayer is away for a week10:57
yofelas I see it's fixed in svn10:57
nigelbTheKro: if its already fixed in svn as yofel assures me, you don't have to do anything10:58
TheKronigelb: i need to do something - the program isn't working for me now10:58
nigelbyofel: side note, how do track history in svn from the web interface/10:58
nigelbTheKro: yofel did tell you how.  Install the ppa for the newer one10:58
TheKronigelb: i don't know how to do that10:59
yofelmeh, doesn't seem to be fixed in 4.4.5 :/ let me try to apply the patch10:59
* nigelb kicks yofel 10:59
yofelas for web interface, no idea, I rarely use it11:00
nigelbyofel: you clone the repo and then cmd-line?11:00
yofelright, note that kde svn is HUGE (I build it from svn sometimes, that's why I have it here)11:01
TheKrohow do I install from the kubuntu updates ppa? I have lucid-updates in my sources.list but don't know about the ppa11:02
TheKroor is it pointless to bother if 4.4.5 is broken as well11:02
TheKroyofel: any luck with the patch?11:05
yofelyes, give me a moment11:06
TheKronigelb: (by the way, yank to clipboard wasn't broken, I was just yanking to root's clipboard instead of the user with the browser open)11:13
Sputhmm. what are the rules for stringfreeze? is it ok to mark a string as translatable that wasn't translatable before (i.e. got overlooked in the source)? this technically introduces a new string, but it's not worsening the situation11:19
* persia would recommend checking with the translators to ensure it won't make them scream in frustration before doing so11:20
jussidpm: ^^11:20
TheKroyofel: still busy?11:39
yofeltest building in pbuilder, should finished in less than 5 min11:39
yofel*should be11:39
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827104216-0v4eq7hn38ga309g * src/ (Dialog.cpp Error.h) change marshalling order11:42
TheKroyofel: where will I be able to get it when you're done? I've got to leave in a minute11:49
yofelTheKro: for now I'll put the binaries to http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/kdepim-4.4.2_patched/  I'll upload it to one of my ppas later maybe11:49
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827105105-m7endpqqngf7jxs1 * src/ (4 files in 2 dirs) type all dbus errors to Error and add registerMetaType() func11:51
TheKroyofel: thanks11:51
dpmSput, I'd recommend checking with translators first by sending an e-mail to ubuntu-tranlators (at) lists (dot) ubuntu (dot) com. If the change is absolutely necessary, you should also notify translators to give them a heads up to translate the string. There is nothing more frustrating than completing a translation and then noticing on release that it is in fact not translated   (thanks for the heads up jussi)12:11
Sputdpm: well, currently the string isn't marked as translateable (missing tr())12:12
Sputso it won't be translated without the fix either...12:12
dpmSput, ah, right, then I'd just suggest going ahead with the changes and send a brief heads up to translators. They don't mind these fixes, but it's good to keep everyone up to date to make sure they don't miss them and the string gets translated12:20
Sputal: ^^^ you'd like to organize that? :D12:21
dpmSput, if you or al need help with the announcement or need advice, just give me a shout12:21
alSput: just leave it out :>12:28
ScottKtxwikinger: Sput has a testing request you could take up for your global jam list of stuff:13:15
ScottK[05:10:05] <Sput> ScottK: if you could have people test if quassel-qt4 and -kde both integrate properly into kubuntu and ubuntu, with all the new-fangled stuff like dbusmenu, appindicators, message indicator, unified menubar etc, that would be great13:15
ScottK[05:10:11] <Sput> ScottK: we should be fully supporting all that now13:15
dantti_workRiddell: to run a script when a new version of a package is installed we need a trigger in the new package right?14:09
ScottKNew grantlee release.14:10
shadeslayerThe following NEW packages will be installed:  hplip kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts openoffice.org-calc rekonq << rekonq?!!!14:11
shadeslayeraha! kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts pulls that in ^_^14:11
txwikingerok.. ScottK got the message.. will put it on my list... Thanks!!!14:27
ScottKSput: ^^^ testers.14:28
ScottKqt4-x11 4.7 rc1 is in Debian Experimental.  We can't upload to the archive until after beta, but it would be worth merging and putting in a PPA probably.14:44
TheKroyofel: sorry, do I need to install all the .deb's in the kdepim-4.4.2_patched directory?14:45
yofelTheKro: probably not, the ktimetracker one should be enough14:47
TheKroyofel: nope - needs exact version of libraries, and it seems to be cascading14:51
TheKroyofel: ok, only needed 3 libraries14:52
TheKroyofel: Thank you!!!14:53
agateauRiddell: ping14:55
agateauRiddell: I messed up with my MPRIS patch for Amarok, there is a new one on Launchpad, can you update the package?14:55
ScottKagateau: Is this critical for Maverick Beta?  Riddell is away until Monday.14:58
agateauScottK: oh14:59
agateauScottK: it would make Amarok work with the Sound Menu on gnome14:59
ScottKSounds worthwhile.14:59
ScottKapache2logger, JontheEchidna, some other kubuntu-dev ^^^14:59
agateauScottK: it should be quite safe: just an update of an existing patch, not a new patch14:59
ScottKPlease have a look at agateau's patch.14:59
ScottKagateau: If I upload it, then I can't be the reviewer for the release team.15:00
ScottKWith Riddell away, we don't want that.15:00
JontheEchidnaI can take a look15:00
agateauScottK: JontheEchidna: ok, thanks a lot15:00
JontheEchidnabug 617367?15:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 617367 in VLC media player "mpris2 feature exception" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61736715:00
agateauJontheEchidna: yes, that's it15:06
SputScottK, txwikinger: thanks :)15:06
Mamarokhm, so a DVD only has more language packs, nothing from universe?15:22
Mamarokhow disappointing15:22
ScottKIt also has some additional stuff from Main too.15:40
ScottKIt should have koffice, for example, but I will confess I didn't look.15:40
JontheEchidnait should have most of KDE  on there too15:51
ScottKDid anyone try the updated Ubiquity yet?16:08
debfxScottK: is it possible to download packages from Debian NEW?16:15
ScottKdebfx: No.16:15
ScottKIt's not public.16:15
* debfx downloads a snapshot from git16:20
shadeslayerwho messed up my kopete-gcall package! :(16:21
shadeslayeri demand you fix it now :S16:21
ScottKdebfx: If it's qt4-x11 you can get the packaging from qt-kde git/svn (don't recall which)16:21
shadeslayerapparently someone/something removed the binary 16:22
debfxScottK: they switched to git16:22
shadeslayer GAH!!!!16:23
debfxthat reminds me, I wanted to move rekonq to git16:24
shadeslayerdebfx: do give me the link as well... ( mail it to me :P )16:24
shadeslayerRiddell: no kopete gcall, for some reason the binary got removed 16:25
aldpm: are translation changes made using launchpad accesible via bzr?16:25
shadeslayerdebfx: care to fix kopete gcall and get it uploaded?16:26
shadeslayeroh wow... crappy timing to break kdenetwork.. just read the topic :(16:27
alguess i'd at least need to change the branch to "Hosted"16:29
dpmal, it depends. When we set up quassel for translation in Kubuntu, we only set it up for the source packages. In that case, translation changes are not available via bzr. However, if you've got a bzr branch already, you can set up a project, enable translations there and enable automatic translation commits, which will put all translation changes in a branch of your choice for you16:30
dpmIt's actually quite neat16:30
debfxshadeslayer: why don't you fix it? :P16:30
alif it would just support git ;)16:30
ScottKal: I understand git-bzr (or bzr-git, I forget which) works well.16:31
shadeslayerdebfx: exams!!16:32
shadeslayeri dont have the time.. itll have to wait for a week ...16:32
alScottK: yea, i was planning on using that to merge launchpad changes back to the git repo. but as it seems now, i'd also need to do the forward merging, which is currently done by launchpad16:32
aldon't know if i really want that16:33
dpmal, Scott will be able to answer much better than me on that, but why wolud you need to do merging from git to bzr? Why would a mirrored branch from git not work?16:35
aldpm: i have a mirrored branch right now and i don't see any changes made in launchpad translations in that bzr branch16:36
dpmal, let me see, have you enabled automatic translation exports?16:36
dpmwhere is the branch?16:36
allp:quassel/i18n-master - maybe i'm doing it wrong16:36
almh, "Currently not exporting translations to a branch. Choose a target branch."16:37
althat sounds wrong16:37
debfxshadeslayer: problem is, that I have no idea which files should be in the kopete-gcall package16:39
shadeslayerdebfx: just usr/bin/googletalk-call16:39
al"There is 1 error. - Invalid value"16:39
shadeslayerit got removed with the last upload .. 16:40
* shadeslayer points to kdenetwork diff16:40
almaybe i can only choose lp hosted branches as export target branch?16:41
almeh, back to square 1 :>16:41
dpmal, let me ask an LP developer that, but first let's take it by parts, I've got a question: what's the difference between the 'trunk' and 'i18n-master' series?16:42
aldpm: i18n-master is where i do the translation stuff on launchpad and transifex16:42
aldpm: trunk is the official upstream repository16:43
alwell, a mirror of16:43
alnot actually in use for anything on launchpad16:43
shadeslayeryeah, basically theres a plugin called bzr-git which imports git repos to bzr16:44
shadeslayerjelmer @ #launchpad can help you understand :P16:44
dpmal, so you are using both LP and Transifex? Obviously I'm a bit biased for which translation system to use, but I'll just comment on the fact that using two different sources for translations will make your life more difficult and possibly create conflicts between translators16:44
aldpm: just solve me the launchpad problem ;)16:45
dpmal, so i18n-master is mirrored or not?16:45
aldpm: it is16:45
dpmI'm not sure you can do your exports on the mirrored branch then. Let me check that again with an LP developer if that's possible...16:47
shadeslayerim pretty sure you cant16:48
EagleScreenis the KMix.desktop file special?16:50
dpmal, yeah, I just got confirmation that they are read-only. You'll need to create another branch for translation exports16:51
aldpm: ok, thanks :>16:51
altwo-way git-bzr gateway it is then16:51
dpmal, why two way? Can't you just have git -> bzr as mirror, then a Launchpad-only branch to fetch automatic translation exports, and then manually do bzr->git to merge that branch upstream?16:53
EagleScreenI try to figure out why all .desktop files in ~/.config/autostart are autostarting except kmix.desktop16:54
dpmapache2logger, thanks a lot for your answers, even though WP doesn't love me :)16:54
JontheEchidnaagateau, ScottK: ack, I apt-get source'd amarok and then forgot about it for a while and then $WORK called. I've just uploaded it now, though16:55
agateauJontheEchidna: thanks!16:55
aldpm: hmm, yea, possibly16:55
ScottKJontheEchidna: Thanks.  I'll have a look.16:56
Mamaroksmall question: how should I understand this version: lbmtp8 1.0.2-1ubuntu1 16:59
Mamarokit reads 1.0.2, but the current upstream is 1.2.1, so this is 0.2, right? oh my...17:00
apache2loggerdpm: doesnt love me either, the third example I had in my original reply was supposed to present the filename tag ^^17:01
Mamarok"upstream is 1.0.12, typo17:02
dpmapache2logger, yeah, anyway I understood how the markup works now17:02
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827160215-9ugz19dbl0oc3ixl * src/ (BaseWidget.cpp BaseWidget.h CMakeLists.txt) basewidget deriving from qwidget with a pure virtual setErrorMessage func17:02
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827160423-ouo7ds4wrih6rdeh * src/ (LoginWidget.cpp LoginWidget.h) port loginwidget to basewidget, setErrorMessage is a dummy currently17:04
shadeslayerMamarok: quite simple : 1.0.2 is upstream version17:05
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827160457-t581wh0t23j16ho3 * src/Error.h make error marshalling a bit more verbose17:05
shadeslayerthen 1ubuntu1 says that there is 1 package in debian17:05
shadeslayer( the first 1 )17:05
shadeslayermore like 1 rev. upload of package in debian17:05
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827160509-e2jkwburq7m1r0ap * src/ (Dialog.cpp Dialog.h) implement generic gotError func in Dialog, qobject casts currenPage's widget to BaseWidget and calls setErrorMessage17:06
shadeslayerand ubuntu1 says that we took debian package > modified it for ubuntu > uploaded it17:06
shadeslayerso packages syncd from debian will have 1.0.2-1 whereas ones with ubuntu specific modifications are called 1.0.2-1ubuntuX17:06
debfxshadeslayer: kopete-gcall is fixed in bzr17:07
shadeslayerand when debian goes to rev. 2, we will have 1.0.2-2ubuntu117:07
* shadeslayer hugs debfx 17:07
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827160706-dbc623qkzse4rivk * src/Dialog.cpp do no check for busyoverlay since it is a QPointer anyway17:07
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827160815-ci9an8gylbnw4fl3 * src/Dialog.cpp ensure busyOverlay is deleted in dtor17:08
shadeslayerQuintasan: hey17:08
Quintasanshadeslayer: how is kdesupport import?17:08
shadeslayerlook at my discussions with yofel in #project-neon and decide what is to be done17:08
shadeslayernot good... still failing17:09
ScottKJontheEchidna: Looking at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54502404/amarok_2:2.3.1-1ubuntu6_2:2.3.1-1ubuntu7.diff.gz I'm reasonably sure ebian/patches/debian-changes-2:2.3.1-1ubuntu7 is not what you want.17:09
shadeslayeror last time i checked it was at that17:09
ScottKI can reject it so you can reupload.  Let me know.17:09
EagleScreenkmix.desktop des not run by the %i argument17:09
EagleScreenkmix: Unexpected argument '%i'.17:09
EagleScreenkmix: Use --help to get a list of available command line options.17:10
EagleScreenI dont know what is this %i argument for17:10
EagleScreenand I dont know why it seems not to affect KDE users17:11
EagleScreenbut someone mat want to user kmix in a non-KDE desktop17:11
apache2logger%i expands as per fdo spec17:12
apache2loggerI am the operator with my pocket calculator!17:12
EagleScreenand the %i is as unknown in the command shell and in the ~/.config/autostart and braeaks the kmix autostart in a non-KDE desktop17:12
apache2loggerEagleScreen: that is nonesense17:13
* shadeslayer wonders if Mamarok got scared by ubuntu versioning17:13
apache2loggerenvironments that implement .config/autostart must implement the desktop entry spec since .config/autostart is dependent on desktop files17:13
apache2loggershadeslayer: who didnt? ;)17:13
EagleScreenwhy kmix dont know the &i argument in the terminal?17:14
EagleScreenis it a KDE specific thing?17:14
apache2loggerEagleScreen: read what I wrote17:14
apache2loggerif you do not understand it ask google17:14
apache2loggerthere is no issue 17:15
EagleScreenthere is issue but it may not be your 17:15
apache2loggerbash does not implement either spec17:17
apache2loggerbash does also not do autostart17:17
apache2loggerbash hence does not have a problem with %i17:17
shadeslayerMamarok: id suggest #ubuntu-packaging for starting out in packaging17:17
EagleScreenthen who do autostart in .config/autostart ? 17:17
shadeslayerapache2logger: ^ hang out in that channel and help new people :P17:17
shadeslayerin case your not already on there17:18
debfxwe might want to add "abort-on-upstream-changes" to debian/source/format as I have seen too many uploads with unwanted automatically created patches17:18
Mamarokshadeslayer: how can upstream be 1.0.2 when this website says 1.0.1? -> http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/download.php17:18
apache2loggerdebfx: alternatively people could just use bzr-buildpackage :/17:19
Mamarokshadeslayer: I don't want to package anything, I want to know the version number, and apparently there is no 1.0.2 upstream17:19
apache2loggerMamarok: in fact upstream is at 1.0.317:20
shadeslayerMamarok: http://packages.debian.org/source/experimental/libmtp 17:20
Mamaroksorry, my reference is the upstream website, which says 1.0.117:20
* apache2logger uses the upstream tarball pool as reference ^^17:20
shadeslayerjust pointing out that they have a 1.0.3 release17:20
apache2loggerpeople always forget updating websites ^^17:21
Mamarokyeah, seen that now, they really should upgrade their website17:21
apache2loggerMamarok: yep, actually if they were smart they would just embedd that sf page into theirs, since they have release notes on that sf page anyway17:22
apache2loggersince the page looks like crap anyway that is ;)17:22
* shadeslayer installs playonlinux to checkout steam17:27
ScottKshadeslayer: Don't we have Linux steam packages?17:28
shadeslayeri dont think so17:28
* ScottK thought so.17:28
superflynot yet, I don't think they've been released yet17:28
shadeslayertheres a article on phoronix17:28
ScottKOK.  Having to click on a link exceeds the amount I care.17:29
shadeslayerwhich is pretty much i could find for steam on ubuntu17:29
shadeslayerhehe :P17:29
EagleScreenokay, then some .desktop files that complain with freedesktop specs can not be autostarted in ~/.config/autostart, is not this a bug? where must I report this?17:30
debfxshadeslayer: http://www.engadget.com/2010/08/23/valve-denies-having-a-linux-version-of-steam-in-the-works/17:32
shadeslayerdebfx: saw that too17:33
shadeslayerim being optimistic :)17:33
Quintasanno steam for u :P17:33
* shadeslayer shoots neon lights in face of Quintasan 17:33
alwhen i create a bzr branch on launchpad, do i have to wait for it to become usable?17:34
shadeslayerQuintasan: anyways we have wine17:34
QuintasanI'm neon immune shadeslayer 17:34
shadeslayerill survive17:34
shadeslayerQuintasan: this is the KDE neon.. no one survives17:34
ScottKal: A minute or two, IIRC.17:34
alScottK: hm, ok17:34
shadeslayerQuintasan: btw ask sheytan to make a new icon for us :P17:35
alfingers crosse17:35
Quintasanwill spam him17:35
shadeslayercya laer17:39
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you see my ping about amarok?17:41
aldoes this branch work for anyone?  lp:~quassel-dev/quassel/quassel-i18n-lpexp18:01
ali created it half an hour ago but maybe i need to wait longer?18:01
JontheEchidnaScottK: no, I must have confused quilt18:09
JontheEchidna(was out for lunch)18:09
ScottKJontheEchidna: I'll reject it then and you can reupload with the save version number.18:09
jtechidnaScottK: sorry, was out to lunch18:10
jtechidnaScottK: yeah, looks like I confused quilt pretty good18:10
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
apache2loggeris it just me or does that hello widget there look completely stupid18:26
* apache2logger was thinking about using it for notifiying the user about errors 18:27
apache2loggerin oxygen it seems even worse18:28
apache2loggeral: branches should be published almost instantly18:29
apache2loggeral: does not work here though18:30
superflyapache2logger: are you writing a web app or a desktop app :-P18:47
Nightrosewrong channel...19:04
apache2loggersuperfly: a desktop app to replace a web app19:07
ScottKjtechidna: Did you already reupload amarok and someone else accepted it?20:28
* ScottK was out for awhile.20:28
jtechidnaScottK: no, the patch doesn't apply20:28
jtechidnaand no frenchman in sight20:29
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
ScottKAs long as we get it on Monday, it'll be fine.20:29
superflyapache2logger: I just ask in jest, because that looks very much like what a web app would do20:38
apache2loggersuperfly: I do not even quite understand why we cannot have the existing web interface do it21:12
superflyapache2logger: as far as I can make out (from the Ubuntu documentation, anyways), that is what Ubuntu does21:13
apache2loggeryes, I am replicating their UI for the KDE platform21:14
superflyI think it's cool, but I completely see your point21:14
* apache2logger still does not know where to put error messages21:15
apache2loggermaybe I should just abuse the overlay21:15
apache2logger"Our webserver exploded, please try agian [Ok]"21:16
apache2loggeractually that might not be the worst idea21:16
JontheEchidnaKRatingPainter is inefficient: http://imgur.com/q4tzF21:16
JontheEchidnaIt creates a new KIconEffect class every paint to make a disabled pixmap21:17
apache2loggerrenders my earlier changes to a BaseWidget useless, but...21:17
JontheEchidnaIt's about twice as expensive as the already somewhat-expensive KIcon(QString) lookup :s21:18
superflyJontheEchidna: I have to ask... how did you get the menu bar in the panel at the top of your screen?21:18
superflyI've played, and I can't figure it out :-/21:18
* apache2logger notes that kicon(qstring) lookups are not that expensiv because they usually have high cache hit rates21:18
JontheEchidnasuperfly: I'm using plasma-widget-menubar in maverick21:19
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: how would you fix the ratingpainter waste though?21:19
apache2loggerstatic global instance of iconeffect?21:19
JontheEchidnaapache2logger: create the pixmap once in the constructor maybe?21:20
apache2loggeroh, hold on21:20
* apache2logger needs to look what that class actually does ^^21:21
JontheEchidnahmm, no good. the pixamp it applies the affect to is dynamic21:21
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: you cannot avoid the painting21:21
apache2loggeryou could reduce the amount of painting by storing previous state information (parent size constraint, visibility etc..) and make painting dependent on that21:22
apache2loggerbut that is bound to fail21:22
JontheEchidnafor this snippet here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484643/21:23
JontheEchidnacouldn't we just create one KIconEffect object and let hoverPix and disabledratingpix share it?21:23
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: I do not think so21:24
JontheEchidnaif we could that'd cut KIconEffect constructions in half21:25
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: it however makes me wonder why apply is not some static thing21:25
ScottKIn Soviet Russia, KIconEffect constructions cut you.21:26
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: now I am a little tired but from my POV it looks to me that the usage there is wrong21:29
apache2loggerinstead the static functions of KIconEffect should be used21:29
JontheEchidnae.g. KIconEffect::disabled, etc?21:30
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: yeah21:30
JontheEchidnafrom the looks of it they aren21:31
JontheEchidna't using the static ones because the mess with the effect strength21:32
apache2loggerthen it calls for global static instance of KIconEffect21:32
JontheEchidnaoh, but that's not really an excuse because deSaturate takes a strength argument21:32
apache2loggersince it essentially calls upon static stuff just that it requires effect strength help21:33
JontheEchidnaer *toGrey()21:33
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: well then...21:33
JontheEchidnathose calls should be replaced by toGray(pixmap, strength)21:33
JontheEchidnaresulting in not having to construct thousands of KIconEffects and all their configy needs21:34
JontheEchidnaand probably resulting in some nice painting optimization for dolphin and gwenview when using the rating widget21:34
apache2loggergood catch21:34
JontheEchidnaThis could have been done also: KIconEffect *effect = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect();21:44
JontheEchidnaI just might have to blog about this one.21:50
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: what do you think about http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/015.png for errors?21:53
* apache2logger thinks that the overlay somehow must be made overlap the buttonbox21:54
apache2loggerI do not realy feel like manually setting and unsetting enables there ^^21:54
apache2loggergetting the overlay down there is gonna be tricky though, since it is outside the baseWidget and only a part of the windowing widget21:55
* apache2logger is scared21:55
JontheEchidnaholy code duplication batman: http://lxr.kde.org/source/KDE/kdelibs/knewstuff/knewstuff3/ui/ratingpainter.cpp21:56
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: must be from the days when nepomuk did not live in libs I suppose21:57
apache2loggergood thing whoever put it there did not bother to get rid of it again :P21:57
* apache2logger scratches head21:59
JontheEchidnagaze at the expensiveness: http://imgur.com/0E1Js22:00
* apache2logger is wondering if one can get the relative position of a widget inside another widget22:01
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: needs to go on a diet clearly22:02
apache2logger    QSize baseSize = m_baseWidget->size();22:16
apache2logger    int heightBelowWidget =  window()->size().height() - baseSize.height() - parentPos.y();22:16
apache2logger    baseSize.setHeight( baseSize.height() + heightBelowWidget);22:16
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827211950-89neb97ppcrpinh4 * src/ (5 files) get rid of stinky old basewidget - we shall favor overlays muhahahah22:20
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827212710-v8olhqddkwa6jrpk * src/ (5 files) overlay expands over button box, overlay is now a stacked widget, overlay can show error with ok button, that foo get used for errors now22:27
* apache2logger notes that now there is more designer ui file xml than cpp in this project :P22:28
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827212905-dxj3oe6t45bajxx1 * src/BusyOverlay.cpp reorder error showing22:29
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827213334-nhip5ocktu0c52cc * src/Error.h use first line of error reply as message, everything else is pyth0rn junk22:34
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827213535-cd9e6lpf9i2pzdvu * src/RegisterWidget.ui default register checkboxes to checked22:35
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827213622-b02sgv6n73m6i0h0 * src/RegisterWidget.cpp make checked terms checkbox condition to register22:36
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827213722-3ml2alazw2kn6ygt * src/Dialog.cpp remove ktitlewidget22:37
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827214229-d6qk8igkrrzbva7d * src/RequestPasswordWidget.ui make request description string more useful22:43
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827214117-1cqd7enrpfe1ckw8 * src/RegisterWidget.cpp upstream says the helps&tips stuff does currently not have any function -> hide22:43
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827214809-d5edfhdl29hx7ak7 * src/LoginWidget.cpp run login email address through emailhelper22:48
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827215057-im99w2m011zf0wwy * src/main.cpp set organization domain to you bun too dot com22:51
debfxapache2logger: even on arm qt4-x11 uses lzma for compression, is that intentional?22:52
debfxwhy is it disabled for kde packages anyway22:53
apache2loggerdebfx: if it got hardcoded lzma foo in the rules ... port it to --with-lzma22:53
apache2loggerdebfx: time outs22:53
debfxif qt works fine I imagine kde packages do as well22:53
apache2loggerdunno if that is still valid, even then I would argue that it should be done per-package22:53
apache2loggerdebfx: bindings is quite the beast, kdepim too...22:54
ScottKInstaller fixes in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ need testing.22:54
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827215438-382zmkx5hpjgl58v * src/main.cpp remove client suffix from name22:54
ScottKAnyone around that can test the new ISOs?22:56
JontheEchidnaI thought we enabled lzma for all kde, and only disabled it for Qt on ARM22:56
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827215651-14rsyguru8znw312 * src/Dialog.cpp when on success page -> only show close button22:57
CIA-71[muon] jmthomas * 1168921 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/src/DetailsTabs/MainTab.cpp Hide the purge button when installed, since we already have the purge action as a menu item of the remove item when the package is installed22:57
debfxJontheEchidna: well currently it's the opposite ^^22:58
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827215756-7tseiqsy61h9xruc * src/SuccessWidget.ui mark placeholder labels in success ui not translatable22:58
JontheEchidnaare you sure?23:01
JontheEchidnalzma.pm should enable it for everything kde, except when on arm and when DEB_NO_LZMA is true23:01
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100827220142-a4jd5an22rrnczkd * src/ (RegisterWidget.cpp RegisterWidget.ui) move busywidet into a widget with layout rather than a layout alone, so it can be hidden properly23:02
apache2loggermy new laptop is still in frankfurt -.-23:05
* apache2logger will not be able to sleep properly until monday23:05
debfxJontheEchidna: lzma is disabled if on arm OR DEB_NO_LZMA=123:06
JontheEchidnayeah, that's what I meant23:06
JontheEchidnathe latest muon build from yesterday is lzma'd: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54471545/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.muon_1.0.1-0ubuntu2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz23:06
JontheEchidnaas is kde4libs: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53747391/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.kde4libs_4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz23:06
debfxyes, but not on arm23:07
JontheEchidnaI thought you meant that all KDE on all archs was disabled when you said [17:53:16] <debfx> why is it disabled for kde packages anyway23:08
debfxah no, I was only talking about arm23:10
JontheEchidnayeah, just a misunderstanding on my part23:11
debfxhm I should have uploaded qt from a server ^^23:11
debfx200MB with 1 MBit/s takes a while ...23:12
ScottKGot spare download bandwidth to grab the latest ISO for testing while you wait?23:12
* yofel just uploads 230MiB of kdesupport to neon ppa over 1Mbit23:13
yofelI feel with you...23:13
debfxdput needs a bandwidth limitation option23:14
JontheEchidnameh, KIconEffect::toGray won't operate on QPixmaps, only QImages :(23:22
JontheEchidnaoh well, at least I can use the global KIconEffect instance to avoid two constructions on every paint23:22
yofelScottK: current maverick amd64 iso gives me the violet ubuntu splash after selecting start kubuntu, is that known? (KVM)23:25
ScottKyofel: There is a bug on that, yes.23:26
ScottKyofel: Can you install?23:26
yofeljust trying, installer looks nice :)23:26
yofelbtw, does anyone else get 'Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close'" in <function terminate at 0x229bde8> ignored' from dput in maverick?23:28
yofel(using sftp)23:28
ScottKyofel: Excellent.  If it installs that will be a huge piece of good news.23:29
yofelwell, it seems to do something while I'm currently at the keyboard configuration23:29
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: QPixmap::toImage()?23:30
ScottKIt's supposed to start installing right away, so that's expected.23:30
JontheEchidnaapache2logger: might be just cheaper to get a pointer to the global KIconEffect instance23:30
ScottKThe idea is to minimize total time required by doing stuff that doesn't need your input while getting input from you on the stuff it does.23:30
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: I doubt apply() does it otherwise23:31
yofelright, seems to work fine so far, where did the advanced tab go btw? or did I just miss that somewhere?23:31
debfxyofel: dput works fine for me23:31
apache2logger    else if ( effect != NoEffect )23:31
apache2logger    {23:31
apache2logger        QImage tmpImg = pixmap.toImage();23:31
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: ^23:31
JontheEchidnawhat if effect == ToGray?23:32
yofeldebfx: it works fine too, but after it finishes uploading it prints that error. I guess I should suspect that bzr sftp plugin it's using23:32
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: it does that and then passes the image to a QImage version of apply23:32
apache2loggerand so forth23:32
JontheEchidnaso we'd just be doing the convert 1 step earlier23:33
apache2loggerfrom what I see the apply qpixmap foo is even more expensive than you would think23:33
apache2loggerif you call the qpixmap apply version with least arguments you will need at least 3 function stacks to get anywhere23:33
apache2loggeronly to end up with23:34
apache2logger    case ToGray:23:34
apache2loggertoGray(image, value);23:34
ScottKyofel: There's some hidden way to get to it.  IDK what.23:34
apache2loggerwhere image is the image created as per above23:34
ScottKyofel: Let me know when it finishes please.23:34
apache2loggerand once a QImage gets out, what do you think gets used to convert back to QPixmap?23:34
apache2loggerresult = QPixmap::fromImage(tmpImg); :P23:34
yofelScottK: I'll look for it later, expected it to be in the 'Install' tab, but that seems to only show the slideshow now23:34
yofelsure (currently 51%)23:35
ScottKI'll accept a basic install as working as big progress for the moment.23:35
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: so the gain is little but you save a couple of function calls which with a lot of calls to the ratingpainter will probably make more a difference23:37
* apache2logger pays his bed a visit23:40
yofelconsidering that the progress bar resets for the different installation phases an overall progress bar would be nice :/23:43
yofeloh great, ubiquity was killed by OOM23:57
yofelmost of the memory was used up by 147 instances of 'plugininstall.p' where each uses 10MiB23:59
yofelScottK: ^23:59

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