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mtaylorI am getting package rejected emails and I do not know why00:31
wgrantmtaylor: What's the error message?00:33
mtaylorwgrant: dpkg-source failed for drizzle_2010.08.1717-3.2~lucid01.dsc [return: 29]00:34
mtaylorwgrant: quite possible that I've done something horribly horribly wrong ... but I hope not00:35
wgrantmtaylor: Looks like your package breaks our backported dpkg. Can you extract it locally on Lucid?00:35
mtayloruh - lemme check00:35
mtaylor(was built on a squeeze box - perhaps I should build these on a lucid box?)00:36
wgrantBonus points if you have a Karmic machine around on which to try it.00:36
mtaylorI do00:36
* mtaylor likes working for a hosting company ... :)00:36
wgrantSince we're running roughly Karmic's dpkg backported to Hardy.00:37
mtayloroh dear god00:37
mtaylorhardy is, um, old :)00:37
wgrantIt was the latest LTS when we did the backport :)00:37
wgrantI'm not sure when the DC is going to Lucid.00:37
thumperhi mtaylor01:05
spmwgrant: it's already started01:06
wgrantspm: Yay.01:06
parentelI'm trying to access staging.launchpad.net, and it says "Code Update In Progress", and to come here if the situation persists...  any news on that?01:14
mtaylorhi thumper01:16
thumperspm: ETA on staging coming up?01:16
spmthumper: when you guess how long this piece of string is <== vaguely related answer. :-/01:17
thumperparentel: perhaps another 10 minutes01:17
thumperspm: BTW, that piece of string is 26.35cm long01:17
spmmaybe. I've been saying 5-15 mins for 35 mins now.01:17
spmthumper: damn! you're *good*!01:18
thumperspm: I know01:18
* spm always forgets 'modest' when describing thumper01:18
parentelthanks for the information01:20
spmstaging codebrowse just went down, so must be getting closer...01:22
lifelessspm: echannel :P01:24
spmI am multi-channel confused01:24
lifelessøsomething something death star?01:27
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d1bhi um04:58
d1b http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/checkbox/maverick/revision/18 doesn't work :/04:58
thumperd1b: the code browser is undergoing rapid surgery right now04:59
d1bthumper: so why can't i see a more useful error message?04:59
thumperto pull its head out of its a#$%04:59
d1bsounds great04:59
thumperwhat are you seeing?04:59
spmd1b: try now?04:59
d1b  Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.04:59
d1bnow it works05:00
mtaylorthumper: yay head out of ass!05:35
thumpermtaylor: :)05:36
spmmtaylor: a shower, or at least a good hair wash may be in order???05:40
mneptokthumper: http://mneptok.com/launchpad_404.jpg <---- make it so05:43
thumpermneptok: nice!05:43
thumpermneptok: I'll pass the request to spm05:44
thumpermneptok: although since I am fake-flacoste for a few weeks05:45
thumperperhaps we should just ram it in (as they say)05:45
mwhudsonmore appropriate for 503s, surely?05:45
* spm may not be able to stop laughing long enough to actually get that image cherry picked into prod...05:45
mneptokthat's "faux flacoste" monsieur ;)05:45
mneptokOK, bbiab, time for yoga.05:46
mneptokerrr ... wait ... i ... uhhhh ....05:46
StevenK... so you can do that?05:46
spmI was NOT trying to think that....05:46
mneptokStevenK: mmmrmrmmfffmrmrmrffmrmfmfrrf05:46
StevenKOh, ew, I just saw "Rejecting telepathy-ring" on mawson05:47
mneptokspm: what you want to try to avoid thinking is seeing that picture and remembering the phrase "open Launchpad API"05:47
spmor menepolo... I still wait up screaming in the night from that one05:48
mneptok(API = Ass Phrenology Interface)05:48
mneptokspm: ooo! my friend sent another photo in that series.05:48
spmpls do share. /me rapidly puts kurt on /ignore05:48
* mneptok feels the love :/05:48
spmoh dear. nearly had a keyboard+drink incident...05:49
mneptokhow about something from the other end of the spectrum. this is a photo i sent to Linux Format to accompany an interview. they didn't run it. http://mneptok.com/bang.jpg05:49
spmsurely they'd realise by now that all linux folks are gun nutters?05:50
StevenKWe all aren't esr, thank you very much05:51
mneptokyet. but he's pretty sure it'll happen soon.05:52
mneptok(that's when i rotate that rifle 180 degrees)05:52
* mwhudson chuckles05:52
micahgI just got a google maps APi error on edge06:05
mtaylormneptok: bwahahaha06:10
mneptokmwhudson: http://mneptok.com/launchpad_503.jpg  <----- howzzat?06:19
mwhudsonmneptok: :)06:20
janimoAre the restrictions on packages in a PPA the same as for those in the official Ubuntu archives? I saw the policy https://help.launchpad.net/PPATermsofUse but does not explicitly mention patents. So would libdvdcss2 for example be unfit?08:58
noodles775janimo: I'm not sure, but I assume the rule would be: If its published in main/universe then it's OK, if it's not published there (for legal reasons) then not.09:26
noodles775bigjools: ?09:26
noodles77509:58 < janimo> Are the restrictions on packages in a PPA the same as for those in the official Ubuntu archives? I saw the policy  https://help.launchpad.net/PPATermsofUse but does not explicitly mention patents. So would libdvdcss2 for example be unfit?09:26
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bigjoolsthe only restriction I know of is that it's covered by a recognised open source licence09:27
persiaHrm?  So I can't release it under "Persia's License", which is a modified ISC to replace "The Copyright Holder" with "Emmet Hikory"?09:28
* persia has seen *heaps* of software in PPAs that have that level of modification.09:28
janimobigjools: besides the license the policy text says it should distributable by Canonical, but that is vagie09:28
bigjoolsthe actual line says "released under a license permitting redistribution free of charge"09:29
persiaThat makes more sense.  That's Canonical refusing liability for redistribution costs.09:29
bigjoolsjanimo: that does seem a little vague09:29
wgrantIt's not actually terribly vague.09:29
janimoanyway thanks. I was wiondering if libdvdcss2 which is FOSS but patent encumbered I guess as most distros shy away from distributing it09:29
persiaIndeed.  It's fairly standard language.09:30
janimopersia: yes, standard legal langues, thus vague :)09:30
persiaMerely technical, much as smalltalk is not always readable to the layperson09:30
bigjoolsI know next to nothing about licensing/patents so I'll wait for someone who does09:31
persiaUnofficially, the key bit is that the software be licensed to Canonical in a way that allows Canonical to allow arbitrary folks to download it however they like.  The rest is just preferred social engineering, and perhaps unacceptable terms.09:32
dholbachcan somebody explain to me what's up with bug 625120? :)09:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 625120 in loco-directory "Wrong Launchpad ID when changed "name" (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62512009:54
Stefyycan you tell me how to see videos from youtube?10:08
noodles775hi dholbach . From what I can make out on the bug, it looks like the loco APP stores the LP username. When the user updates their name in LP, and they login/logout of SSO, the signing showns the new username on SSO, but the loco app still has the old...10:11
janimoStefyy: ask in the #ubuntu channel next time (but probably you need to instal the flashplugin-installer package)10:12
einstein1969hi to all10:13
noodles775dholbach: can you check the admin interface for the loco app, and check for both usernames?10:13
dholbachnoodles775, the LD updates information about the admins and owners of LP teams in a cronjob10:14
noodles775dholbach: Yep, but he's still being shown his old username once redirected back to loco isn't he?10:15
dholbachyeah, I just don't know why10:16
noodles775dholbach: Do you have access to the admin site for loco? if so, the data may reveal all :)10:16
dholbachnoodles775, hang on for a sec, I need to dig it out again10:17
dholbachnoodles775, just chatting with stuartm from isd, he might have some code for me to fix it10:19
dholbachthanks a lot noodles77510:19
noodles775dholbach: great.10:19
dholbachnoodles775, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bug/625120/comments/9 - thanks again10:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 625120 in loco-directory "Wrong Launchpad ID when changed "name" (affected: 2, heat: 14)" [High,Confirmed]10:24
noodles775dholbach: great!10:25
einstein1969I am following a bug (623450) on "zenity" and "gnome system monitor". But it's' been placed in state "invalid". Now I have found a way to reproduce and I updated the bug. With this state, will ' considered?10:33
noodles775Hi einstein1969, best to check with the zenity people, but given that you've both commented that you are able to reproduce, I think it is safe to set it back to New.10:38
einstein1969noodles775: can " i " set back to new?10:43
einstein1969noodles775: where i find the zenity people or "gnome system monitor" people?10:45
noodles775einstein1969: All the relevant people are subscribed to the bug, so they will have received your update (and Muflone's).10:48
noodles775einstein1969: regarding setting it back to new, what happens when you click on 'Invalid' at the top of the bug?10:48
noodles775If nothing happens, then you can't update it (but it's not yet been a day, give them some time :) ).10:49
einstein1969thanks noodles775 :)10:51
noodles775no problem.10:52
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bencercan i copy binaries from partner repository to my ppa without rebuilding11:04
bigjoolsbencer: why do you need to do that?11:05
bencerbigjools: on eBox Platform we use PPA as the main repository, and now we have a module for zarafa11:06
bigjoolsalso see https://help.launchpad.net/PPATermsofUse11:07
bencerwe would like to avoid people having to add two repositories more11:07
bencerand currently, launchpad is taking so many ours to build our packages ...11:07
bigjoolsthat will improve, there was a problem with a new kernel breaking xen11:07
bigjoolsthe builders are all back up now11:07
benceralso I ask myself if launchpad could give more building priority to native ubuntu projects11:08
bencerto other "normal" users11:08
bencerwe are releasing on 1st, and with current building times, we need the final release ready 2-3 days in advance ...11:08
bigjoolseveryone who uses the build farm thinks their builds are more important than everyone else's :)11:09
bigjoolsanyway, copying partner packages to a PPA would break the terms of use11:10
bencerbigjools: i know :)11:10
bencerbigjools: we are using zarafa open source version11:10
bencerabout building priority, imho its not the same building a custom package that an ubuntu native project11:11
bencerand would be very sad for us, moving away from launchpad because we can't deal with that build times11:12
benceranyway, good to listen that's going to improve back11:12
bigjoolsbencer: yes, the current queue is less than an hour11:16
bencerbigjools: that's good enough, thanks :)11:17
benceran other feature request that we have raised a couple of times before is ppa statistics11:17
bencerwe know how many people download the installer, but not how many uses the ppa11:18
bigjoolsbencer: it's in progress - we found some problems with the script that's supposed to produce them (in that it eats all the server memory)11:18
benceroh that's great news!11:18
bigjoolstalking of which, noodles775, did you file another bug about that?11:18
bencerbigjools: is there any estimated date for it ? could we help with something ?11:19
noodles775I did... looking11:19
bigjoolsbencer: if you want to help code on the bug, you can!11:19
noodles775bug 62276511:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 622765 in Launchpad Foundations "apache-log-parser should parse one file at a time (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62276511:20
bigjoolsthanks noodles77511:20
bigjoolsbencer: let me know if that's something you want to help fix11:21
benceri'll send a message to all the guys here asking for a volunteer, otherwise i'll try to have a look at that myself next week11:21
bencernow all our efforts are on the release, which is next week :)11:22
bencerbigjools: noodles775 i will come to you about this bug next week, thanks dudes11:23
Laneyis it just me or did various text on edge get huge recently?11:43
jpdsLaney: Ubuntu font?11:45
Laneyjpds: For example changelogs and bug comments11:45
Laneyhttp://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/huge.png somewhat like that11:49
maxbLaney: It's not just you12:38
Laneymaxb: is there a bug?13:11
maxbNot that I know of, but it has been mentioned here13:11
maxbthe problem that is, not a bug13:12
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weather15Hello Everyone13:32
weather15Anyone know why I can't seem to delete a recipe and a branch on edge?13:32
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AJenboWhy are all bugreports i make marked as privat?16:04
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jpdsAJenbo: Are they apport bugs?16:07
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AJenbojpds, yeah i think so.16:16
jpdsAJenbo: Those are private by default, the collected files attached can potentially contain private data.16:16
AJenboThe last one i just sendt in was done from a fresh live CD where ubiquity crashed16:16
AJenbojpds, ok, makes sence16:17
AJenboi'll have to take note next time i report some thing manually16:17
AJenbojpds, is this a new setting (with in the last 6 months or so)?16:17
jpdsAJenbo: I think it has always been that way.16:18
AJenbook, i never noticed it befor i reported on a U1 account issue16:18
AJenboand then sudenly every thing seamed to be private16:19
AJenbomaybe just a change of habits :)16:19
bsaibesIs the Staging server up? I have been trying to use it since yesterday, it err with staging server is currently getting code  update16:21
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serfushey guys, i'm trying to add a related FAQ to a question on launchpad but seem like no matter what i do i get error "You didn't modify the linked FAQ."16:47
serfuswhat do i need to do in order to post that FAQ ?16:47
dpmabentley, rockstar, henninge pointed me to you guys as the experts on this. Are mirrored branches read-only? I'm wondering if a mirrored branch can be used as the source for automatic translation exports16:49
nigelbIt might be protected.16:49
nigelbserfus: I think somone here would help you with that :)16:49
nigelbi.e. you can say what needs to be added16:49
abentleydpm, mirrored branches are read-only for users.  They are written to only by the mirroring process.16:49
dpmok, thanks abentley!16:50
alyea, thanks :>16:50
serfusnigelb, i'm trying to add to this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+question/122944 question a link from the ubuntu wiki16:54
ari-tczewI have a problem with launchpad - browser firefox. Every visited launchpad's page giving an error about API server refused. 'client parametr is not valid'.16:54
ari-tczewmicahg: ^16:54
serfusari-tczew, https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/12300416:55
serfusthat's a problem with google itself16:55
nigelbari-tczew: google maps something?16:56
abentleybigjools, which ppa is breaking this? http://librarian.dogfood.launchpad.net/51750858/buildlog.txt.gz  Is it because there are no bzr-builder packages for dapper?16:57
ari-tczewnigelb: perhaps, because 'bugs' page doesn16:57
ari-tczewdoesn't give an error16:57
bigjoolsabentley: I don;t know, the build URL is more useful16:57
abentleybigjools, https://code.dogfood.launchpad.net/~abentley/+recipe/wakeonlan-lucid/+build/28616:57
bigjoolsoh wait - bzr-builder-dev16:57
bigjoolsbzr-builder-dev is not set up for dapper16:58
abentleybigjools, okay.  Can we disable using that PPA?  This version of launchpad-buildd runs bzr-builder in the host.16:59
bigjoolsabentley: just upload a dummy package to dapper in that PPA17:00
bigjoolsor, don't build recipes on dapper ...!17:01
abentleybigjools, you say that like I should know how to create a dummy package.17:01
abentleybigjools, I'd like to be able to build recipes on dapper if the technology permits.17:01
bigjoolsabentley: copy something then17:01
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micahgari-tczew: I had that last night I wasn't sure if it was an LP issue or Google issue17:09
micahgari-tczew: are you on edge.launchpad.net?17:09
ari-tczewmicahg: no, normal launchpad.net17:09
sinzuiI am going to remove maps from user and team pages. I think we will cherry pick this into production17:10
micahgari-tczew: I would guess it's a google issue then17:12
micahgwait, it seems they might have added a new parameter (sensor)17:13
sinzuiGoogle's SSL map server is broken, or more likely that data about paid clients is broken17:13
micahgsinzui: have you seen this: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/#GeocodingRequests17:13
nigelbmicahg: the sensor thing has been there for a looong time17:14
nigelbI think its from 1.317:14
micahgnigelb: oh, ok, nm then :)17:14
nigelberr s/1.3/v#17:14
sinzuiI have not.17:14
nigelbGah, typing fail17:14
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exarkun'The Google Maps API server rejected your request. The "client" parameter specified in the request is invalid.'17:43
komputesSPAM FOUND: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntfs-3g/+bug/175503/comments/2717:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 175503 in ntfs-3g (Ubuntu Jaunty) "User-friendly automounting of ntfs partitions with an unclean logfile (affected: 2, heat: 7)" [Wishlist,Fix released]17:55
nigelbkomputes: could you open a question?17:56
komputesnigelb: sure, for which project?17:56
sinzuiexarkun, see bug 62498117:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 624981 in Launchpad Registry "The Google Maps API server rejected your request (affected: 11, heat: 60)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62498117:57
exarkunAh.  Thanks.17:57
nigelbkomputes: LP would do :)17:58
komputesnigelb: done - https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/12301617:59
nigelbI hope one of the losas take a look soon :)18:00
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sorenIt seems Launchpad's Google Maps API key expired or something.18:31
sorenIf I go to e.g. https://edge.launchpad.net/~openstack I get an error:18:31
sorenUm... it's in Danish, so it'll probably not be very useful :)18:32
sorenShort version: Google Maps server rejects the request saying the "client" parameter is invalid.18:33
Ursinhasoren, there's a bug for it18:37
Ursinha(not sure I'm online now or if anyone else already replied you)18:38
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sorenUrsinha: I read you loud an clear, and no, noone responded yet.18:40
sorenUrsinha: But ok, cool, if someone's on top of it, that's great.18:40
beunosoren, it's a known issue from Google18:41
beunothe bug has been reported and we're waiting on them18:41
beunosinzui, are there any plans to cowboy a fix?18:41
sinzuibeuno, I just confirmed I cannot trust the feature flag.18:42
sorenbeuno: Oh, wow.18:42
sinzuibeuno, the issue is not just turning it of, it is being able to turn it on when google fixes its issue18:42
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dakeri have a problem18:59
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goundystill no coming projects wiki support ?20:45
lucidfoxHow do I add a download to a Launchpad project?21:08
james_wlucidfox: you need to create a release first21:14
lucidfoxjames_w> How do I do that, assuming the project doesn't use bzr?21:14
james_wlucidfox: nothing to do with bzr here21:14
lucidfoxAh right21:15
lucidfoxI see "Create release" no21:16
lucidfox* now21:16
lucidfoxjames_w> Found it, thanks, made a release. Is it possible to link different git branches to different bzr branches?21:27
james_wlucidfox: link in what way?21:27
lucidfoxthrough the VCS import system21:27
james_wah, I see21:28
james_wno, not yet21:28
james_wthough work is in progress I think21:28
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lucidfoxjames_w> also, it turns out that the git branch I'm trying to mirror is already linked to a different LP project21:32
james_wlucidfox: is your project more "correct" for it?21:35
lucidfoxI'd assume so - the project is gtkpod, the git repository in question is gtkpod's upstream git, and the other project is gpod-sharp, which is now merged anyway21:36
lucidfoxinto libgpod21:36
james_wsounds about right21:36
james_wif you file a question on LP explaining that then someone should be able to move it over21:36
vishthe lp fonts just switch to Ubuntu fonts?  or is that something my system is doing now?21:50
* vish thought lp fonts were hard-coded21:50
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MichealHThe google Maps thing has broken for he22:00
MichealHIs it broken for everyone?22:01
kklimondawith a nasty error22:01
UrsinhaMichealH, yes, it is22:01
Ursinhait's a known bug22:01
MichealHAhh Okay22:01
* Ursinha goes find the number22:01
UrsinhaMichealH, bug 62498122:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 624981 in Launchpad Registry "The Google Maps API server rejected your request (affected: 13, heat: 70)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62498122:02
MichealHCan I say the bug affects me?22:02
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: "The Google Maps API server rejected your request" is a known bug and it's being worked on: bug 624981 | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
UrsinhaMichealH, sure22:03
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aaronfournierI'm having trouble posting a bug on Launchpad due to not being able to send a referer. I installed the Firefox add on that should let me send one, but it's still giving me an error :/22:04
aaronfournierIs there something I should be doing to be able to send one?22:06
aaronfournierI did look through the above links (and Google) and didn't find anything that could help. I'll search more if I have to, but I was hoping someone here could help me.22:12
aaronfournierIs there anyone who can help me with referer headers in Launchpad?22:22
aaronfournierFixed it...22:31
pmatulisi cannot view an attachment i uploaded to a (private) bug today ("file not found").  when i download it i can view it.  anyone?22:34
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aaronfournierpmatulis, can you view attachments from public bugs?22:41
pmatulisaaronfournier: can you point me to one?  :)22:46
pmatulisaaronfournier: actually, yes, just found one22:46
pmatulisaaronfournier: now i'm trying to find another private one22:46
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aaronfournierpmatulis: well I was looking around hoping to find a way to help you, but I'm not sure if I will be able  to, sorry :|22:53
KruyKazehi everyone23:34
KruyKazeis there an easy way to take my lucid PPA's and use them on Maveric ?23:35

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