
jfihum, the 3 orange circles of the new default wallpaper is a bug?00:35
coz_jfi,  you mean this one ?  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/Warmlights.jpg00:41
jficoz_, no, this one: http://i.imgur.com/YCn7C.jpg00:42
coz_I hope that is a bug :)00:42
jfiI hope too, but I don't see any report on launchpad (yet?) :-)00:42
coz_jfi,  check in /usr/share/backgrounds and just open the image in image viewer to see if those ugly oranges are gone :)00:42
jfiAt least I am not the only one: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/ubuntu-1010-default-wallpaper.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28Omg!+Ubuntu!%2900:43
danyRjfi: I so want to see a bug report on the default wallpaper :D00:43
coz_jfi,  do you want the original withouth the oranges?00:43
coz_mm actually lucid one has one orange dot00:44
coz_jfi,    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/warty-final-ubuntu.png00:45
jficoz_, well, I am usualy using a solid back background, so I don't really care about the default background but.....00:45
coz_jfi,   good thinking :)00:45
jfiwell the lucid one does not hurt me, but the new one sounds like if a gimp newbie has quickly tested the brush button :)00:49
FFForeverHi ya00:53
FFForeveris there an easy way to separate gnome/kde menu items?00:53
SmoodoHow are things with 10.10?  Coming along pretty well?02:32
IdleOneX is broken for some02:32
IdleOneI would wait for release if I was you02:32
SmoodoI've been subscribed to Webupd8 and trying backports of some of the software included in 10.10.02:33
SmoodoDidn't know the state of things on the whole 10.10 enchilada02:33
SmoodoThanks for the heads up IdleOne.02:35
IdleOneSmoodo: I am running maverick as my main OS and really haven't had any major issues I was not able to recover from.02:36
IdleOneI don't recommend it02:37
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charlie-tca+1 for "don't recommend it" yet02:39
IdleOneNow if you got a spare computer and you don't mind it not booting more often then not..go for it.02:41
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=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
MarkDudeIs there a reason that Ubuntu One keeps repeatedly crashing?04:04
MarkDudeI mean it is dying like a few times every few minutes04:04
* MarkDude is not even using it04:04
MarkDudeHow can I shut it off?04:04
MarkDude& does it relate to PolicyKit preventing a normal shutdown04:05
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
Bridge|hi all just upgraded to 10.10, prob ismy cpu may have turned off before the install completed cuz when I turned it back on after assuming it finished cuz it was off, the ubuntu 10.01 loading with dots appear and there now ubuntu graphic logo its just text then i hit a command promt promting me for user name and pass i login and just have a unix like interface its just one big terminal/console no GUI04:49
Bridge|i just upgraded from 10.04 all was working fine04:49
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=== Bridge| is now known as Bridge|A
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Ian_corneBridge|A: what do you want us to say05:21
Ian_corneIf your computer turns of during a crucial update, it will break :p05:22
MarkDudeFedora is the only Distro I have ever used that *might* be able to survive an interupt like that05:26
MarkDudeIts one the reasons their package manager take *forever* to do anything05:27
MarkDudeBridge|A, rescue what you can with a liveCD, if you have enough space use it to create another partition and copy your /home in to it05:28
MarkDudeIf your goal is to save bookmarks etc, stuff tht you can get later05:28
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DanaG!find QDialog06:04
ubottuFile QDialog found in libball1.3-doc, libqt4-dev, qt3-doc06:04
DanaGQDialog: No such file or directory06:06
DanaGah, never mind... the part of the thing I really cared about, worked.06:13
Ian_corneheh, an update, clearing 2gb of space :D06:48
Ian_corneremoving all my old kernels at once06:48
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DivecksHey all, are there glaring bugs in the latest (update-manager -d) build of Maverick? I'm installing it on my laptop (nothing important, just got it yesterday :D) Thanks! LD06:59
MarkDudeDivecks, the biggest issue I have seen is policykit stops a normal shutdown07:02
MarkDudeYou just have to tel it to shut down anyway07:02
Ian_cornemy NM crashes sometimes07:03
Ian_corneon my laptop07:03
MarkDudeThe tabs render funny on Chromium if you have a few of them open07:03
MarkDudeOh, Ubuntu one crashes every few minutes, and I am nt even using it07:03
DivecksWell I don't really use Ubuntu One (not until it's much more polished anyway), but I do like using Chromium. Perhaps that bug has been fixed in a newer build? Does update-manager -d pull the latest daily build or an alpha snapshot?07:06
DivecksI don't think drivers should be a problem, this is a System76 laptop, so I'm going to assume the hardware should work pretty nice with Linux in general.07:07
MarkDudeRight on which model?07:10
DivecksMarkDude, It's the new Lemur Ultrathin (lemu2)07:11
* MarkDude works for Zareason, they have some cool hardware also07:11
MarkDudeThat machine looks cool07:11
DivecksAhh but Zareason does things differently.07:11
MarkDudeEven tho they are competitors of ours, we like them07:12
DivecksOf ours?07:12
MarkDudeIts not a duel to the finish :)07:12
DivecksForgive me :D07:12
MarkDudeI am ZA's Community Manager07:12
DivecksAh right I totally missed your comment about that.07:12
DivecksYeah, and System76 doesn't diss you either. I was talking to them on the phone before I got my laptop, and they spoke well of you guys.07:13
MarkDudeOf course, we have been pondering the best way for us to have an alliance07:13
DivecksYou guys should really "get out there" more. Like system76 has a bunch of ads and (I think) a bigger name in the Ubuntu world.07:14
DivecksEspecially with them being part of the Ubuntu Forums mainland.07:14
MarkDudeWhen we deal with the manufacturers, its good to be able to havea solid FOSS friendly deal07:14
* MarkDude totally agrees. I am relatively new, we need more visibility07:15
MarkDudeWe have been working on closer relationships with those nice Canonical folks07:15
DivecksAnother thing I should add, is your website needs some work. Not saying that the System76 website is fantastic, far from it, and lots of it is out of date, but I almost dismissed your website as one of those "squatter-spam" sites.07:16
DivecksThe layout feels very generic, if you know what I mean.07:16
MarkDudeI do07:16
DivecksAnd it's a shame though,07:16
Divecksbecause you have a really impressive selection of computers.07:16
MarkDudesucks is another words that could be used07:16
MarkDudeCan I use your quote to show Cathy & Earl?07:17
DivecksSo who's bigger, you or System76? You've got lots more laptops then them.07:17
DivecksNot sure who they are :P07:17
MarkDudeI dont know, they are much bigger as far as nationwide awareness07:17
MarkDudeWe are more known internationally07:18
MarkDudePlus they just offer Ubuntu, we offer quite few Distros in addition07:18
DivecksI suspected. And checking you and sys76 out on youtube, I was really shocked to find literally one video for each of you basically.07:18
DivecksOh I didn't know that.07:19
DivecksWell that would make sense since you guys do the hardware+linux vanilla support thing.07:19
MarkDudeBe prepared for some videos from us soon07:20
MarkDudeDid you get the SSD for your machine or  regular hard drive?07:21
Divecks:) I'd be really interested.07:21
DivecksMarkDude, For the longest time, I really thought I was going to get the SSD.07:22
DivecksBut I called them up and they said that I could upgrade it later should I choose to (and that's a major plus, SSDs are MAD expensive, and theirs are no exception). Plus, I honestly don't think i'll need the speed.07:22
DivecksI'm a 9th grader and I'll (in theory =D) mainly be using this laptop for school work and stuff.07:23
dartafter a update to usbmodeswitch yesterday, my card stopped working. The data card appears as a mass storage device but for only a second and then it disappears. Everything was working fine before the update.07:23
MarkDudeAt 1st I had one of them, I could reboot in less than 10 seconds07:23
DivecksI've got an iMac running Ubuntu that works very well, and that's what I do most of my "stuff" on.07:24
DivecksMarkDude, yeah, so I've heard. But really, the main slowdown on that machine, I think, is the processor/graphics. Even though it's dualcore AND hyperthreaded, with that new intel HD chipset, it still has like little lagspikes which I don't know if they are Ubuntu's problem or the gfx card.07:25
DivecksBut I can play Nexuiz suprisingly well, and I can stream 1080p video via my SSHFS/SaMBa cloud thingy.07:25
MarkDudeGood call, unless you need to do lots of reboots, the larger and more affordable drive is the best choice07:26
MarkDudeThe hyperthreading can cause some weird issues depending on what is happening with you ACPI07:27
* MarkDude has a small bug I have been trying to solve for one of our machines07:27
DivecksMarkDude, Right. But actually, in preparation for soon-to-be SSD, I set up a DynDNS account a bajillion servers on my iMac.. So I essentially save all my work on the laptop and stream all my media from my iMac. It's cool stuff, even though nautilus gives me 300 bugs/hr working with samba shares.07:27
DivecksMarkDude, Interesting. Any odds that Maverick will clean that up?07:28
MarkDudeAfter doing some research , I found that 76 is having a simlar issue07:28
DivecksHmm. What *exactly* is the issue? :P07:28
MarkDudeMeerkat solve most of everything07:28
DivecksAh that's good. The papercuts project for Meerkat is looking REALLY sharp.07:29
MarkDudeThe matching of C states with your system calls07:29
DivecksMarkDude, Oh it's that low level. And what would be the side-effects?07:30
MarkDudeC0 C2 C3 C4 can be not fully C0 in that Intel's chips can require *two* inputs to make it step down to proper state07:31
DivecksI see.07:31
MarkDudeUnder some conditions, it can make the the computer think it needs more power thn it does07:33
* MarkDude has not seen the power issue yet, that part is just a theory07:33
DivecksAnd linux has enough problems powermanaging as it is lol07:34
MarkDudeExactly, see if you can try other graphics options07:34
vishbooooot you crazy iso...! dont be afraid its a VM!07:35
DivecksMarkDude, What do you mean?07:35
MarkDudewhat driver is your machine using?07:36
DivecksMarkDude, I really don't know to be honest. It ships with System76's custom driver pack preinstalled, and nothing shows up under hardware drivers.07:36
MarkDudeOh, I forgot they use custom drivers07:37
MarkDudesudo lspci -vnn07:39
MarkDudeIf you use that in terminal near the top will be the driver used07:39
DivecksOkay so it finished installing and I've rebooted it.07:42
DivecksIt can't connect to my wireless interestingly enough07:42
Divecksthough it sees the name07:42
MarkDudeDo that lspci command07:42
MarkDudeSee what it says for your wireless driver07:43
MarkDudeWith your other machine google for that card & options07:43
* MarkDude guesses you have Intel based wireless07:44
DivecksI think so.07:44
MarkDudeand that your issues lie in its ability to not talk to your router07:44
Diveckscan't see anything in lspci really.07:44
Divecksperhaps a fresh install of maverick would be better?07:44
Divecksthough I'd lose the System76 driver.07:44
DivecksNot sure how much that's actually doing for me though.07:45
MarkDudeUh, without knowing if it is customized , I would not do that07:46
MarkDudetry it somewhere else if you can07:46
MarkDudeThat is part of the reason that my bosses decided to make sure everythng we sell is upstream compatible07:47
DivecksYup policykit DOES prevent reboot.07:47
MarkDudeBut, the downside to that is that 76 has their fingerprint reader working, unlike ours, they have a beta driver they did07:48
MarkDudeDo they have an IRC channel?07:48
DivecksDon't think so.07:48
DivecksBut they're active on facebook, twitter, and the forums.07:48
DivecksI think 10.04 is better to stick with for now.07:49
DivecksA reboot fixed the wifi07:50
MarkDudeSo you have no connection issues with your machine before?07:50
DivecksNone before Maverick07:50
MarkDudeCheck again just using lspci07:50
Divecksand apparently none now.07:50
Divecksah i got it07:50
DivecksIntel corp Centrino Advanced-N 6200 (rev 35)07:51
Divecksthat;s actually an upgrade from the base config.07:51
Divecksfor like 10 bucks more, it's a much better card.07:51
MarkDudeGood call07:51
MarkDudeGood deal also07:52
DivecksUbuntu REALLY needs to work with Gnome upstream on Appearance Prefs.07:52
DivecksThere's some major leak or something in the Background tab07:52
Diveckstakes like07:52
Divecks10 seconds to query background.07:52
DivecksChrome seems to render multiple tabs OK07:53
Divecksbut i'm using a bleeding edge build from a PPA07:54
Divecks(which, by the way, is awesome.. nice GTK+ integration improvements)07:54
MarkDudeiwlagn is your driver07:56
Divecks1 sec, i'm switching to IRC on my laptop07:56
MarkDudeThat iwlagn driver is weird07:59
MarkDudeI have not been happy with it08:00
MarkDudeI have it on my machine also08:00
DivecksBut its now working flawlessly.08:00
MarkDudeThats it , its not reproducible08:00
MarkDudeI put an Atheros card in mine to see if I had any errors, NONE08:01
MarkDudeProblem was the range was horrible08:01
MarkDudeWould work at less then half of the range08:02
MarkDudeLenovo machines are producing a similar issue with their wireless08:03
MarkDudeIf it happens again save your relevant logs08:03
MarkDudeEvery papercut like this could turn away potential new users, I dont like that, I should get in touch with 76 next week08:04
MarkDudeIm glad it works now. Try administration >> System Testing  and see what it says before you decide to go with Meerkat08:06
MarkDudeAnd remember that the Intel graphics driver can say that you have more resolutions available than are actually usable,08:09
dartusb-modeswitch has stopped working after an update yesterday and i cant downgrade....someone else facing this problem?08:25
hosokawhen updating the test version it gives me a message Package dependencies cannot be resolved due to libgirepository1.0-108:45
hosokawhen I upgrade that libgirepository1.0-1 it removes the whole ubuntu-desktop08:46
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jca1981can you help me? im getting this when i try to install virtualbox via apt get "Depends: libc6 (>= 2.11) but 2.10.1-0ubuntu17 is to be installed"09:40
yofeljca1981: erm, which release are you using? libc6 2.10 is from karmic09:47
bogdomania cheers guys.. no luck on the forums so i`ll ask here: after installing 10.10 and upgrade it, i don`t have the external usb drives(flash drive in vfat) auto-mounted.. it is listed with lsusb. hal is installed, but hal-device-manager is not available in repos.. any ideas?10:52
vega_i thought hal was deprecated since 10.0411:06
vega_that's why it is not in the repos..11:07
bogdomaniayeah, well i don`t know what changed in ubuntu, since i didn`t use it for a long time.. i was switching from SuSE... but still, in 10.04, the automount feature was functional..11:11
vega_well, 10.10 is not even beta11:12
bogdomaniabtw.. the kernel was upgraded too.. with the prior version, automount was working fine.. damn..11:13
bogdomaniai just remembered :D11:13
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nigelbIs there a known issue with d-i? I find that alternate Cd for lucid 10.04.1 doesn't work.12:38
nigelbit would be nice to know if it was something at my end only.12:38
gnomefreaknigelb: please see #ubuntu for your issue12:44
amikropHi, is there an available update for fixing this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/544139 ?14:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544139 in consolekit (Ubuntu Maverick) "Active VT tracking can fail at startup" [High,Triaged]14:18
amikropsorry, wrong channel14:19
jfiHello, I have a compatibility issue concerning ApplicationIndicator and maverick/lucid that I reproduce with a small C code, can someone confirm it before I open a bug? It requires gcc and some dev packages14:22
jfithe C code can retrieved from: http://pastebin.com/8PxKgYTB14:22
jfito compile it: gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0 appindicator-0.1` main.c14:23
jfiissue is that the icon does not change when you click on the menu of application indicator, nok with mavercik, ok with lucid14:24
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vishdoes anyone know the bug# for Ubuntu not booting in VM?14:58
visherr, Maverick* not booting14:59
penguin42vish: I have 2 mavericks booting in KVM14:59
vishpenguin42: tried with the latest iso? i mean they boot if already installed , but not if we want to boot and install a fresh one15:00
penguin42oh, no I haven't tried an iso for a while15:01
vishyeah , i made the mistake of deleting the old VM before installing a new one, and i cant create a new install :(15:03
penguin42how far does it get?15:04
vishwell , it sometimes goes until i hit 'install now' , and then just hangs. or sometimes it just hangs before that too15:05
vishi heard on -devel that it is a known bug, but cant seem to find it..15:05
kklimondadamn, ubuntu is getting crashy lately :/15:06
gnomefreaki have had a few crashes since breezy devel cycle but it was X and only maybe 2 times in all that time15:09
gnomefreakvish: i should have it in email but seems thunderbird cant connect to that accout or 4 others15:10
kklimondagnomefreak: well, by Ubuntu I actually mean everything - ubuntu and applications :)15:11
kklimondabut I've also had a few freezes in the last week or so related to nouveau15:11
gnomefreakwe should be posting tb 3.2 and 3.3 IIRC :)15:12
vishis anyone running on btrfs? especially their /home?15:12
kklimondapoke bugabundo once he's online15:12
gnomefreakkklimonda: nautilus + nouveau?15:12
* vish looking reinstall and to migrate /home to btrfs..15:12
gnomefreakis nvidia working on upgrade from Lucid?15:12
gnomefreakor is it still not being held back?15:13
kklimondagnomefreak: I think the freeze is related to firefox15:13
kklimondaI can't, for example, browse google images at all15:13
kklimondaI can barely do ctrl+w when I open it15:13
gnomefreakkklimonda: happens but for me 4.0 freezes sometimes 3.6 not so much15:13
kklimondaand sometimes while I'm browsing  random pages I get a full freeze and nothing helps - I can only do REISUB to reboot15:13
kklimonda(sysrq+k doesn't work :/)15:14
gnomefreakthats new15:14
kklimondayeah, I should boot with debug and report it15:14
kklimondabut the problem is it's rando15:14
kklimondahmm.. what's the status of xen inclusion into mainline?15:15
gnomefreaknot sure15:15
yofelvish: tried if ubuntu-vm-builder works?15:19
vishyofel: hmm , nope.. never tried that before..15:20
* vish searches for instructions15:20
yofelvish: you'll get instructions with 'ubuntu-vm-builder kvm --help'15:21
vishyofel: ah.. thanks.15:22
penguin42ah great, the set gfxmode stuff has finally gone; now the only grub change I have to make is the no intremap15:54
DrHalanoh ambience beta finally made it into main...15:56
penguin42anyone else seeing ~30 second boot pause just after loading the Radeon module?15:57
patdk-wkI have no radeon's though15:58
Picipenguin42: I can check after I get home from work.15:58
penguin42anyone seen gnome-terminals not starting up with previous session position/size/instances?16:51
DivecksMarkDude, You there?17:56
MarkDudeYes, how goes it Divecks ?17:57
* MarkDude is waiting in a DR office :)17:57
DivecksMarkDude, Not so good. I wake up today to find my laptop's monitor FULL of garbage17:57
christian_lappyguys, mx xserver crsashes at the first login17:57
christian_lappysecong login works17:57
DivecksMarkDude, And it's a hardware thing, because the garbage is persistant at BIOS.17:57
DivecksMarkDude, Luckily Sys76 didn't give me any hassle about it and a prepaid shipping label is on its way to me.17:58
MarkDudeWow, have you tried another live CD?17:58
penguin42christian_lappy: When it starts up OK the 2nd time if you're lucky there will be a log in v/ar/log/Xorg.0.log.old17:58
MarkDudeHm, make sure to remind them to save the logs if they can17:58
DivecksMarkDude, No it's def.  not a problem like that. 10.04, maverick, or a livecd, the problem is still there. I know it can't be a software thing because it happens before Ubuntu even loads.17:59
MarkDudeOn the off chance Meerkat did something to it,17:59
christian_lappypenguin42: yep, it is :)17:59
DivecksMarkDude, I think their plan is to try and replace the needed parts, not wipe it.17:59
MarkDudeWas it doing it before the upgrade?17:59
christian_lappypenguin42: Backtrace:18:00
christian_lappy[    63.708] 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x80e83bb]18:00
MarkDudeVery cool, I have heard they are pretty good about working on stuff18:00
penguin42christian_lappy: Put it in a pastebin18:00
christian_lappypenguin42: the complete log ?18:00
penguin42christian_lappy: Yeh or put it in a bug report and then point us at that18:00
MarkDudeIsnt it nice to deal with a company that does not make you spend hours & hours arguing over whether yu have an issue or not:)18:01
DivecksMarkDude, So I should hope :D And I'm 99.999% sure meerkat had nothing to do with it.18:01
DivecksMarkDude, Yeah, like Apple in recent years.18:01
MarkDudeNothing against Dell, but I have heard horror stories about people having to argue with them18:01
DivecksYeah so i've heard.18:01
DivecksI will say though, that Chrome works AMAZING under Maverick.18:02
DivecksDivecks it opens before my dock icon even starts to jump lol.18:02
DivecksBut this is a daily build.18:02
* MarkDude still thinks it is great Dell offers Linux, but, the customer support leaves much to be desired18:02
DivecksMarkDude, Do they? I thought their linux lineup was more  of a "showoff" type thing.18:02
MarkDudeYep, Meerkat connects via wireless real quick18:03
DivecksMarkDude, Once the beta hits, I think I'm going to upgrade my main computer. You don't think the beta will have that policy kit problem, do you?18:03
MarkDudeThat may be , I still think anytime Linux gets even a token effort, it helps at least with *awareness*18:03
penguin42their kit gets used a lot for server sutff18:04
DivecksYes totally.18:04
MarkDudeThat policykit is just a small roadbump18:06
MarkDudeIts not really an issue, unless you have something that requires it18:06
christian_lappypenguin42: #62543918:08
penguin42bug 62543918:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 625439 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Xorg crash at first successfull login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62543918:08
DivecksMarkDude, I don't actually even really know what PolicyKit does, exactly.18:08
penguin42christian_lappy: Hmm htat backtrace is unusually sparse18:09
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christian_lappypenguin42: yup18:11
penguin42christian_lappy: You mgith try installing xserver-xorg-dbgsym to get a bit more info from the debug18:12
penguin42and you're on common hardware18:12
christian_lappylaptop with intel igp18:13
christian_lappylenove thinkpad18:13
christian_lappyworked until yesterdays updates or so18:13
christian_lappybtw, how can i test thre new ubuntu font ?18:14
MarkDudeDivecks, but since the bug happens on shutdown, I am guessing that authentication then will not cause issues18:14
* MarkDude is leaving the Dr officce18:14
IdleOnechristian_lappy: it is still in beta testing, not open to public yet18:14
* MarkDude will be back for commute & once I am at the shop18:15
christian_lappyIdleOne: oh..so no way to get ?18:15
penguin42hmm Maverick seems to have gained a bug in the last week or two where I ahve to unlock my crypted drive twice for it to mount18:30
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siegieI have think adblock in rekonq doesn't work, although it's enabled in the config menu20:26
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lontrahi, i have a couple of quick questions re: maverick. 1) is the intel driver 'better' in maverick than lucid? i occassionally get screen flickering. 2) are the daily ISOs installable. 3) has maverick been relatively stable? I'm use to running debian sid so i can handle instability but prefer having some stability20:31
jfilontra, maverick is alpha, so not stable20:33
lontrajfi: well yes i know that it's stable because it hasn't been released and is in development20:34
lontrajfi: i wonder if it'll be an improvement for me regardless because of the intel issues20:34
penguin42lontra: Still quite a few issues20:36
jfimaybe the best way to know it, is that you give it a try with a livecd, stability may depend on your hardware20:36
lontraok i'll take a look ... i've got everything backed up, i have some time, i can always install maverick, if it doesn't pan out well i can, reinstall lucid20:37
ali1234about that warning in the topic... is it the usual binary driver problems? what hardware does it apply to?20:37
jfiali1234, nvidia is broken (at least for me)20:37
ali1234nvidia always breaks :)20:37
jfiit works with a ABIIgnore in the xorg.conf but that's not very convenient:)20:38
jfilontra, if you can, I think that it is better to install maverick aside lucid and not instead. It will allow you to switch to lucid if there is an update which break too much the system. In alpha stage, there is often updates which break the system and is fixed in the coming hours/days20:43
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Shadowwwhi there, on ubuntu 10.10 with latest drivers nvidia kernel breaks and complains about ABI revision. any way to fix this? maybe another nvidia driver?21:32
Shadowwwnvm, just noticed topic.21:36
ali1234apparently it works if you put ABIIgnore in xorg.conf21:37
ali1234but this happens every time with the new xorg21:37
ali1234takes a while for the binary only drivers to catch up21:37
urthmoveris there a way to dist-upgrade to maverick?  Is it smarter to do a fresh install though?21:38
ali1234urthmover: sudo update-manager -d usually does it21:39
ali1234the -d is for development version21:39
urthmoverahh  genius   thanks ali123421:39
ali1234can't tell you which way is best i didn't try it yet21:39
ali1234they're both likely to make your computer catch fire21:40
Shadowwwanother question.. vmware workstation 7.1.1's vmmon doesn't builds on kernel 2.6.35-19 complaining about 'error: implicit declaration of function iommu-unmap-range'21:40
Shadowwwis this known bug or it's a problem with my configuration?21:40
ali1234the vmware modules have to build against the kernel headers, they probably changed21:40
ali1234this often happens with 3rd party kernel modules21:40
Shadowwwso I have to wait for patch from vmware?21:41
ali1234there's probably already a patch on vmware forums or something21:41
ali1234yeah or go in and patch it yourself, it is probably quite easy21:41
ali1234they probably just renamed some function21:41
Shadowwwwill try, thanks :)21:41
ali1234that's what usually happens21:41
ali1234renamed in linux that is21:41
jfi<Shadowww> hi there, on ubuntu 10.10 with latest drivers nvidia kernel breaks and complains about ABI revision. any way to fix this? maybe another nvidia driver?21:41
jfiShadowww, add this in xorg.conf:21:41
jfiSection "ServerFlags"21:41
jfi    Option         "IgnoreABI" "True"21:41
ali1234i have had this problem with virtualbox and nvidia dkms stuff when using newer kernels21:41
ali1234it was always quite easy to fix21:42
burnerhelp... my nvidia is all b0rked and i only get X through nv!!!!21:50
penguin42heck this needs topicing21:50
penguin42burner: Read the last 10 or 20 lines - it's just explained the same problem21:51
jfiburner, you can test by adding this in xorg.conf:21:51
jfi<jfi> Section "ServerFlags"21:51
jfi<jfi>     Option         "IgnoreABI" "True"21:51
jfi<jfi> EndSection21:51
burneri mean, thanks mucho21:51
vishis anyone able to notice the odd fonts in launchpad or is it just me!?21:52
DanaGfsck: Error 2 while executing fsck.btrfs for /dev/sde121:52
DanaGfsck.btrfs: not found21:52
burnerw00t, back to 3D compizy goodness, thanks again!21:53
charlie-tcavish: isn't it showing whatever is selected as fonts in the browser?21:53
vishcharlie-tca: nah , actually lp fonts are hard-coded21:54
vishthey had something else earlier21:54
vishthere was a bug about it too.21:54
charlie-tcaThey are?21:54
vishyeah , they seem to have just switched to Ubuntu fonts..21:54
* vish looks for bugs21:55
charlie-tcaI see UbuntuBeta on almost everything there21:55
BUGabundome what ?21:56
vishyeah , they seem to have just switched and the comments are using HUGE fonts! :/21:56
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: about the antenna - I am sorry, but I really needed it. Mine was stolen and I needed the replacement. Thanks for understanding... ;-)21:57
* BUGabundo /kicks charlie-tca where it hurts21:57
charlie-tcahmm, well, at least I can read the comments now...22:00
BUGabundowhat comments ?22:00
vishcharlie-tca: yay! its back to normal! :D22:02
vishlooks like we caught them in the middle of testing ;p22:02
charlie-tcaSo I won't be able to read it easily again?22:02
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: launchpad22:03
vishcharlie-tca: odd! i cant find the bug about lp fonts being hard-coded! :(  sladen was the one who had filed it, but the beta fonts project name has changed and it seems lost.. :S22:13
kklimondahihi, the funny bug with google maps is a good example why including a 3rd party code you have no control over into your code is stupid..22:14
MarkDudepenguin42, is there a pastebin of the common problem?22:15
vishlp and its blackholes! , change a project name and all the closed bugs are lost :/22:15
penguin42MarkDude: Don't know, I'm not an Nvidia user - I just lurk here22:15
MarkDudeIts the X fix - correct?22:15
* vish points finger a penguin42 and yells stranger danger! :p22:16
* MarkDude is at a bug jam right now, I just wanted to share info with the folks here :)22:17
ZykoticK9am i alone in feeling the new default wallpaper is a fail?22:27
charlie-tcatoo early to tell.22:27
MarkDudeZykoticK9, its not really good, but the art deadlines are not yet22:28
BUGabundowhich one is it ?22:28
ZykoticK9MarkDude, well I hope that it's changed then ;)22:28
* MarkDude also22:28
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: purple with orange dots22:35
charlie-tcaNot the prettiest one I have seen, but if you like those colors ...22:36
ZykoticK9with the new Volume control have others lost the album art from Rhythmbox recently?22:47
jfiI have lost it even in rhythmbox since the upgrade to maverick22:50
ZykoticK9jfi, rhythmbox and even the ?popups have the album art - it's only missing from volume for me?  i don't see it as a bug for indicator-sound22:51
ZykoticK9jfi, the thing in the top right corner that appears?  sorry don't remember what they are called.22:54
jfiI have just a panel in bottom left corner of rythmn with cover art which is always the default one for all my soungs22:54
jfiwith lucid it works22:55
jfimaybe a configuration issue on my side, I have never search the reason22:55
BUGabundowhat was that parameter to place on boot/installer, when screen went black ?23:05
patdk-wkafter grub?23:05
patdk-wkthere are two ways, depends on what did it, linux kernel option, nomodeset23:06
patdk-wkor grub command, set gfxmode=text23:06
penguin42those are separate things23:06
penguin42and the set gfxmode one has just gone away in the latest grub/kernel/something23:06
BUGabundoyou know, all those users that couldn't boot the installer23:08
BUGabundojust got one, and I can't remmember how we did23:08
BUGabundolucid was soooo long ago23:08
penguin42oh, the set gfxmode is a maverick alpha only thing23:08
yofelnoapic? I can't really remember it either23:08
penguin42nomodeset as patdk-wk is always a good one; especially for Radeon HD5xxx series on Lucid23:09
patdk-wkoh, lucid, nomodeset23:09
BUGabundono yofel, not that one23:10
BUGabundowill try nomodeset23:10
patdk-wkit fixs the old intel video card thing23:10
patdk-wkatleast for my older servers :)23:10
KruyKazeHow do i migrate my favorite PPA's from lucid to Mav?23:24
jjcmHey bestest of friends,23:25
jjcmSo just did an upgrade to 10.10a3,23:25
jjcmusing nvidea drivers, which after reading online I've found that they fail if you bump up23:26
KruyKazebump up?23:26
jjcmI take it a switch to nouveau will fix it, but we'23:26
jjcmll see here in a sec23:27
KruyKazeI love nouveau23:27
jjcmKruyKaze: bump up to 10.1023:27
ZykoticK9jjcm, you need a 256 version kernel and to add a couple lines to xorg23:27
KruyKazeif you don't use 3D23:27
ZykoticK9jjcm, see bug 616023 for details23:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Maverick) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602323:27
jjcmZykoticK9: Alreayd have it up :D23:28
jjcmGood to hear that I'm on the right track23:28
jjcmBut first, lunch and I gotta figure out why my computer smells like burning plastic now23:28
ZykoticK9jjcm, sorry didn't mean "kernel" above but "driver"23:29
jjcmZykoticK9: I figured23:29
charlie-tcahmm, last one I had smelled like burning plastic spit fire out the back to go with the smell23:29
jjcmcharlie-tca: Bonus points for style.23:30
KruyKazecan any one tell me how to easily use my ppa's on a new ubuntu rellease?23:32
charlie-tcaMaybe #launchpad would give more results on that?23:33
KruyKazeoh thanks23:33
Shadowwwhi there. What section of xorg.conf I should add Option "IgnoreABI" "True" to? Device, ServerFlags or ServerLayout?23:49
Shadowwwthanks ali1234 :)23:50
jfiSection "ServerFlags"23:51
jfi    Option         "IgnoreABI" "True"23:51
ali1234too slow :)23:51
jfiali1234, yes, but mine is complete! :-)23:51
ali1234well, he'll be back if it doesn't work :)23:51
jfidepends whether he has a text irc client:)23:52
ali1234i'm sure he can just back out the change23:54

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