
mikebeechamok knome00:00
knomecontributing to ubuntu is possible, but as thorwil said, canonical is putting a lot of money in design, so they'll probably want to use what they pay for ;)00:00
knomeof course, there are open positions now and then...00:00
mikebeechamsure, I guess if they're pouring money into it then they will want to get thier money's worth00:02
=== ian_brasil__ is now known as ian_brasil
kklimondahey, can circle of friends in logo be in any way modified? for example adding a national flag into it?14:14
vishkklimonda: if its not meant for 'Ubuntu' , but rather for a LoCo , yes..14:19
kklimondavish: hmm.. how to distinct one from the other?14:24
kklimondavish: by LoCo you mean all sites that are related to our local community and by Ubuntu... sites not related to the community? ;)14:25
kklimondavish: so for http://www.dell.com/ubuntu you can't modify logo in any way but in the LoCo case you can.. add some local flavour? :)14:26
kklimondavish: do the rest of guidelines are still in effect?14:26
vishkklimonda: well , does the symbol refer to the Ubuntu OS , then guidelines apply , if not.. we can go crazy as we please ;)14:28
vishkklimonda: yeah , like the dell example they have to use the Ubuntu logo as prescribed :)14:29
=== ian_brasil_ is now known as ian_brasil
mikebeechamwas thinking about incorporating Ubuntu somehow into my artpiece: http://img683.imageshack.us/f/lostw.png/17:20
darkmattervish: thorwil: how does the tip of a paint brush (just the bristles/small part of the handle showing) blending through like, maybe 2 or 3 different colors of paint splatters sound for a new gimp app watermark? in color for the toolbox, greyscale (so its recolorable) in the image windows. instead of googley eyes that have shit to do with image editing/composition17:20
* vish tries to comprehend that^17:23
* darkmatter is working on a gimp theme (icons and gtkrc) along with some new defaults, mainly for personal use, but thought I'd drop it off in a few suggestion boxes for kicks17:25
darkmattergonna keep the utility windows separate but de-wharf them (they are huge by default after all). turn the toolbox into an actual toolbox (have only the most essential tools shown by default) blah blah17:27
darkmattersomething more beginner friendly and polished feeling17:28
vishdarkmatter: how about first changing the name? :)17:28
darkmatterI've seen users (mostly clients) almost shit a brick the first time they crack the beast open17:28
darkmattervish: that too :P17:28
darkmatterfun name or elegant name? we could just rebrand it as Pixel Pusher :P17:30
darkmatterfork/branch it in a non retarded way with gimp proper and be nice and friendly and sharing with the gimp devs. you know. since it takes them 10+ years to implement interface bugs and the like :D17:31
darkmatterstill compatible way*17:32
darkmattervish: I actual kinda think Pixel Pusher _would_ be fitting (reasoning(s) are obvious enough). but anything is more fitting than The GIMP17:37
vishyeah , the Double P  !17:38
thorwilit think it should be renamed into something less plurivalent. like Rubbersuit or Limp :)17:45
thorwildarkmatter: you could as well dance to describe music. gotta see that17:46
darkmatterthorwil: bah.17:54
darkmatterhow about a branch/fork name "Inosukliekdad" then? :P17:58
troy_sthorwil: How goes it thor? Greets to the rest of the droogs.17:59
thorwiltroy_s: heh, excellent timing, as i'm gone for dinner now :)18:00
troy_sthorwil: It's YOUR timezone18:02
troy_sthorwil: NOT MINE18:03
troy_sthorwil: Got it pal?18:03
darkmattervish: the actual root of my reasoning is thus. I have some design ideas for a graphics editor and would actually like to test them out (as many as I can at least, some will have to remain conceptual for the time being). the easiest way to do that in a reasonable fashion is to reconfigure an existing app, and the only one flexible enough in terms of ui setting we have is the gimp. that can be either a bane or a boon, depending on how y18:48
darkmatterI mean. I _could_ just do some .ui files, but you can't actually interact with those18:49
thorwiltroy_s: actually no19:49
troy_sthorwil: Lol.19:51
troy_sthorwil: How are things?19:51
thorwiltroy_s: fine. payed project running well, will have some time during the weekend to take on other stuff. and you?19:52
thorwilnice to have online translation: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntulife.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F08%2F02%2Fnuevo-logo-para-full-circle%2F&sl=es&tl=en19:58
troy_sthorwil: That's one of the reasons I use Chrome. It integrates into translate.20:37
troy_sthorwil: I wish cm would get solved.20:37
troy_sthorwil: Color management20:38
troy_sthorwil: Sadly lacking in it currently (in Linux and suffers with various pipeline design mistakes on other platforms)20:38
troy_sthorwil: What face is that full circle?20:39
troy_syour creation?20:40
thorwiltroy_s: custom, yes. i had to see once again how geometric constructions tend to end up somewhat brutal :)20:41
thorwilthe new Full Circle logo will be based on the middle one on http://thorwil.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/full_circle_magazine_set_03.png20:43
thorwilready, but under wraps until then20:43
troy_sthorwil: Brutal is probably an execution thing. The first e in your samples for example, isn't necessarily brutal or otherwise.20:44
troy_sthorwil: Which leads me to the idea that it is probably the collection as a whole and less the individual parts. Might have gotten somewhere just focusing on the type...20:44
troy_sthorwil: The 'safe' choice isn't really an awful one anyways.20:45
troy_sthorwil: Although that tagline is more of a bookline.20:45
thorwili shortened it later on, but don't know if the magazine will follow there20:46
troy_sthorwil: There is likely a better phrasing that turns it into a proper tag. Two lines is hardly a tagline.20:47
troy_sthorwil: Have you seen the new alternate wallpaper selections (contest driven rubbish aside - another topic worth looking at)?20:59
thorwiltroy_s: yes. i also saw and still try to forget the new default (hoping it's temporary)21:00
troy_sthorwil: Oh it's just a 'test' I'm sure ;)21:02
troy_sthorwil: I'm very impressed with the selection. Whoever did it deserves kudos.21:02
thorwiltroy_s: yes, at least 2 steps up from last time21:03
troy_sthorwil: It is the most cohesive set I have seen yet in Ubuntu proper. Solid photography and a very well planned mixture of tone / subject.21:03
troy_sthorwil: Very impressed.21:03
thorwilthough this one would drive me insane on my desktop: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/THbTNrSvERI/AAAAAAAAJaY/4x3nHIE4fTk/s1600-h/Blue_box_number_2_by_orb9220%5B3%5D.jpg21:04
thorwilhttp://lh3.ggpht.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/THbTdUGPaFI/AAAAAAAAJbk/5veZoNIyrl4/s1600-h/Primer_Amanecer_2010_by_letoloke%5B3%5D.jpg  makes me wonder if the bend shouldn't be in the other direction or be eliminated to have a flat line21:05
troy_sthorwil: Maybe. I find the second rather... meh, but it has a pretty solid purpose in the set.21:07
troy_sthorwil: I tend to view those as a mise-en-scene - a contextual set.21:08
troy_sthorwil: And in that light, it has a pretty darn compelling reason to be there. It is a variant on subject _and_ fills a tonal need (to break up the monotony)21:08
troy_sthorwil: I suppose there is a question 'how to improve the set' which is a cool question to ask.21:08
troy_sthorwil: Because it isn't an easy answer. Do you try to hint at an overarching thematic (and yeah, the vast bulk of the contribution would be probably hammer-over-head heavy)? Or is there something more clever to play with there?21:09
thorwilwell, one could add race stripes and a spoiler to http://lh6.ggpht.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/THbTMCUzGGI/AAAAAAAAJaQ/ROgmSmbAzsQ/s1600-h/Aeg_by_Tauno_Erik%5B2%5D.jpg21:09
troy_sthorwil: It would be a lovely thing to actually _discuss_ with a group of clever minds really.21:09
troy_sthorwil: He's cute enough without racing stripes.21:09
troy_sthorwil: It's a great set. I applaud whoever issued the selections.21:10
troy_sthorwil: No complaints there. The default wallpaper on the other hand...21:10
thorwili have to make such a comment right before you mention "to actually discuss" and "group of clever minds"!21:10
troy_sthorwil: Nothing short of a monumental misstep and ridiculous design context. I can't exactly fault someone for sad execution as there isn't anything being executed. Well... maybe the person that uttered the mandate to deliver that piece of work.21:11
thorwilgood night! :)21:14

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