
=== ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris
robbmunsonI love the knowledge ive gained through y'all and the forums! =D01:57
aveilleuxIt's what we're here for, robbmunson01:57
robbmunsonJust made a script that saves my freaking butt 30 minutes or so of work if I ever blow the gnome panels to bits :)01:58
robbmunsonaveilleux: I was actually one of the "we" you speak of a few months back, but....life happened :P01:59
robbmunsonof course, dont use this unless you absolutely mean business.02:01
stlsaintrobbmunson: sup man02:04
robbmunsonstlsaint: not much, doing a little bash scripting obviously.02:05
stlsainti see02:05
stlsaintthats some stuff i need to get my hands on (bash)02:05
nUboon2Agerobbmunson: when circumstances would you use the script and what is it doing?02:06
robbmunsonif you totally "mess up" your gnome panels and wish to restore them back to their default settings you can use this script.02:06
robbmunsonas in you remove things from the panel that you just cannot get back, all attempts fail.02:07
robbmunsonresets the panels :)02:07
nUboon2Agerobbmunson: ty02:07
robbmunsonlike I said....dont mess with this unless you are in dire need.02:07
nUboon2Ageokay. will do02:08
pseudosmartDoes anyone know how I can install ./nvidia-linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run02:18
pseudosmartin Terminal02:18
robbmunsonchmod +x nvidia-linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run02:19
robbmunsonand then ./nvidia-linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run02:19
pseudosmartIt says no such file or directory, but I just downloaded02:20
pseudosmartand I'm in the Downloads directory02:20
aveilleuxpseudosmart: sudo chmod +x02:20
pseudosmartnow it says chmod: missing operand after `+x'02:22
aveilleuxpseudosmart: sudo chmod +x nvidia-linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run02:22
aveilleuxpseudosmart: then sudo ./nvidia-linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run02:22
pseudosmartI still get no such file or directory02:23
* robbmunson has one of those "naughty" distros that im automatically root...sorry :(02:23
robbmunsonpseudosmart: CaSe SeNsItIvE, remember this....02:24
pseudosmartyeah, I copy and pasted the code02:24
robbmunsonis it visible in nautilus? can you find it?02:25
aveilleuxpseudosmart: paste the output of ls02:25
aveilleuxsudo chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run02:26
aveilleuxsudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run02:26
robbmunsonsuo chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run | ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run02:26
aveilleuxpseudosmart: Linux is very case-sensitive02:26
robbmunsoncopy and paste my line into the terminal if youre in the folder the files in.02:26
aveilleuxrobbmunson, pseudosmart: make sure you spell "sudo" right ;-)02:27
robbmunsonaveilleux: good man, LOL!02:27
pseudosmartokay, now it tells me I'm running x server, please exit x before installing02:27
robbmunsonerrr....thats an odd one pseudosmart02:27
aveilleuxpseudosmart: Okay, this is going to be difficult. Write the command down *exactly* correct02:28
aveilleuxpseudosmart: then hit Control+Alt+F1... that will drop you into a command-line login02:28
aveilleuxpseudosmart: Once you're done with the install, or if it fails, hit Command+Alt+F7 to come back here02:28
robbmunsonpseudosmart: dont start any of this till aveilleux finishes telling you....just a small clue in....02:29
robbmunsonoh, wow....im SLOW today, slow and full of failure :P02:29
aveilleuxNot Command+Alt+F702:29
aveilleuxpseudosmart: I assume by your silence that means you've started already. Let me know when you're back here.02:31
* robbmunson twiddles thumbs....02:34
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
pseudosmartwell, it keeps asking me for my password, and when I enter my password, it tells me its wrong02:42
pseudosmartbut I know it's not02:42
pseudosmartI mean, I used my password to login to Ubuntu just fine02:43
aveilleuxpseudosmart: Hm. What is your username?02:44
aveilleuxpseudosmart: Then do this.02:44
aveilleuxpseudosmart: sudo su02:44
aveilleuxcd /home/rob/Downloads/02:44
aveilleuxthen the other two commands, without sudo02:45
aveilleuxthen come back here02:45
pseudosmartkay, be right back02:45
pseudosmartokay, sorry, I'm back03:12
pseudosmartafter running those commands in the command line, it still told me that the x server was running03:12
pseudosmartthat I needed to stop the x server before installing03:12
aveilleuxpseudosmart: I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but oh well. Go here:03:15
aveilleuxpseudosmart: Follow the directions under "Using GNOME"03:15
aveilleuxThen, logout of the graphical environment (eg. you will need to quit IRC to do this)03:16
aveilleuxThen, hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to kill the X server03:16
aveilleuxThen hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to go to the console and do the commands I wanted you to do before.03:16
aveilleuxOnce you're done, run "sudo reboot" and it'll restart into grahical mode03:17
aveilleuxThen come back here03:17
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
smeag0lhello PrincepsRegulus04:39
PrincepsRegulustrying to get help, but I know nothing about ubuntu04:39
PrincepsRegulusnot sure where to go04:39
smeag0lokay maybe i can help ?04:39
smeag0lthis is the place for ubuntu newbee s04:40
PrincepsReguluswell, when I boot up, It shows the loading screen for a second or two and then just cuts to a black screen04:40
PrincepsRegulusI looked around on google04:40
PrincepsRegulusmany people have this issue, but they all hear the drums04:40
PrincepsRegulusmine never plays the drum sound and doesnt respond to any of the suggested key combinations (alt-ctrl-f1)04:41
PrincepsRegulusIf I try to turn off my computer, It shows the loading screen again and then shuts down04:41
smeag0li have encoutered that problem begore but right now it's 05:41 am here so my thoughts aren't that clear :(04:41
smeag0ldoing my morning routines cigarets coffee and rock n roll :)04:43
Abhijeetlease help regarding the ttf mscorefonts04:47
smeag0lAbhijeet, just ask ! don't beck04:48
smeag0ldon't get me wrong Abhijeet04:49
smeag0lunfortunately you're problem is out of my league :(04:49
smeag0lunfortunately you're problem is out of my league :( Abhijeet04:50
Abhijeeti was installing the wine software all was good but lastly the terminal window started to download the ttf mscorefonts but the fonts are not downloaded therefore i cant start the synaptic package manager becuase it says to run the dpkg package04:50
smeag0ldid you use the command line ? or synaptics ? Abhijeet04:51
Abhijeeti used the command ,line to install wine04:51
smeag0lgood thank you04:51
smeag0li'll try and google it ! Abhijeet04:52
aveilleuxAbhijeet: Run sudo dpkg --reconfigure04:53
smeag0lhm some people don't have much patience :(04:54
Abhijeetthe command specified by the 'aveilleux' is not working04:55
aveilleuxAbhijeet: What command is it telling you to run, exactly?04:56
Abhijeetit doesn't recognises the command04:56
aveilleuxAbhijeet: Just tell me what command it's telling you to use04:56
AbhijeetIt says please run  sudo dpkg --configure -a04:57
aveilleuxAbhijeet: What happens when you run that command?04:58
smeag0lcyal ;)04:58
aveilleuxBye, smeag0l04:58
smeag0lbye aveilleux and Abhijeet04:58
smeag0lreal life waiting04:59
Abhijeetthe ttf mscorefonts installer starts but it fails to download and repeatedly requests the sourceforge.net site04:59
aveilleuxAbhijeet: have you downloaded winetools?04:59
Abhijeetpresently im unable to run not even the update manager becuase it says that some packages are not installed correctly. how to cancell the ttf mscorefonts installer please help me05:01
aveilleuxAbhijeet: What package is it getting stuck on, again? Exactly what is the name of the package05:02
nUboon2Ageso Abhijeet did you run  sudo dpkg --configure -a?05:03
Abhijeetit says the index is broken05:04
aveilleuxAbhijeet: I can't help you if you won't answer my questions.05:05
Abhijeeti did run the dpkg command but it is not going to complete for even 4 hours becuase  it repeatedly requests the sourceforge.net website to download the ttf fonts and fails to download05:05
aveilleuxAbhijeet: What is the exact name of the package that the updater is getting stuck on05:06
Abhijeetit says to run apt-get install -f but when i use the command  the terminal replies to run the the dpkg --configure -a05:07
aveilleuxAbhijeet: That still doesn't answer my question.05:08
Abhijeetthis is the screen shot http://imagebin.org/11157305:10
aveilleuxAbhijeet: So what happens when you run Synaptic?05:11
Abhijeetit is not opening before that a window  popups and says to run the dpkg --configure -a05:12
aveilleuxAbhijeet: Can you show me a screenshot please?05:12
Abhijeetplease sea http://imagebin.org/11157405:15
Abhijeetaveilleux are u onliine05:22
nUboon2AgeAbhijeet: aveilleux is probably researching you problem right now05:23
aveilleuxAbhijeet: I really need to know what package dpkg is trying to configure.05:30
Abhijeetttf mscorefonts05:31
aveilleuxAnhijeet: That's not a package name'05:31
Abhijeeti was downloading the wine package after downloading and installing all the wine files the terminal automicaly started to download the ttf ms corefonts and the all bad things are happening05:33
* nuboon2age slaps forhead. i've got a kernel panic (first time experience) and my computer "cannot open root device..." help!07:40
nuboon2agei've logged on from another computer.07:41
nuboon2agetenach: ping07:44
tenachnuboon2age, pong07:45
nuboon2agehey tenach, i'm on webchat.freenode.net instead of my normal irc client so i can't tell who's away and who's here -- just names listed.  anyway do you see what i wrote above? tenach07:46
* nuboon2age slaps forhead. i've got a kernel panic (first time experience) and my computer "cannot open root device..." help!07:47
nuboon2ageI'm not quite paniced by my computer's kernel panic but close. :-)07:48
nuboon2agethe other computer i'm on is quite slow, not well-suited for web searches and such.07:49
nuboon2agei was using my Lucid laptop when i lost power and when i rebooted i got this.  i've got a Lucid LiveCD that allowed me to get on, and even cd over to the HD and see that the files were all still visible and all.  i just have no idea where to start.  tenach07:53
SojikariIt's too bad "Sudo behave yourself!" is not an acceptable code.07:55
Sojikari((I've tried it a couple times in my 5 days of Ubuntu-hood.))07:55
nuboon2agetenach i'm using the 'rescue' mode of the LiveCD and mounted the HD, went to /var/log and am trying to figure out of one of the dmesg logs will give me a clue.  any ideas?08:10
nuboon2ageanyone else feel free to chime in too. :-)08:10
nuboon2agedmesg looks like boot with the LiveCD shifted the earlier failed boot further down in the stack, and if so i'll have to reboot to catch it again on dmesg.  tenach i don't think this is directly it, but the kern.log  shows a segfault on rhythmbox earlier.08:16
nuboon2agerebooting tenach08:18
nuboon2agetenach: looking again at dmesg08:26
nuboon2ageoh, it looks like the kernel panic happened (maybe before or in such a way that) dmesg didn't record the failed booting attempts because the last one in the log is from the last successful boot tenach08:31
nuboon2agetenach or anyone, any ideas of where to start?08:32
* nuboon2age slaps forhead. i've got a kernel panic (first time experience) and my computer "cannot open root device..." help!08:36
* Sojikari is too noobish to help. :(08:36
nuboon2agethanks anyway Sojikari08:37
Sojikarinuboon2age: Gotta stick together ^.^08:37
nuboon2age:-) Sojikari08:38
nuboon2agekermiac /me slaps forhead.  i've got a kernel panic (first time experience) and my computer "cannot open root device..."   help!08:41
kermiacnuboon2age: hang on pls mate... i'm recovering from some major issues here atm08:42
nuboon2agehmmm... i'd done an upgrade earlier this evening. tenach, kermiac08:48
nuboon2agea few things in the dpkg.log of interest include an upgrade to ureadagead, udev, libudev, mountall, linux-libc-dev, aptdaemon, python-fuse, initramfs-toos, libc-bin tenach, kermiac08:56
kermiacok nuboon2age, I've recovered (sort of) enough to hopefully get a stable connection here now mate... give me a few mins to try to find you some step by step instructions or a tutorial or something09:00
nuboon2agetenach, kermiac: some good news: i held down the shift key while booting (bringing up the GRUB menu) and successfully booted off of the previous kernel version,
kermiacnuboon2age: did it say anything after cannot open root device, like sda1 or something similar?09:02
nuboon2agegave uuid # "or unknown-block(0,0)09:03
nuboon2agePlease append a correct "root" boot option: here are the available partitions09:04
nuboon2agefirst one is:09:04
nuboon2age0800 156290904 sda drever: sd09:04
kermiacusually the 'cannot open root device' type of error means that something has changed your uuid09:05
nuboon2age0801 152547328 sda109:05
nuboon2age08-2 1 sda209:05
nuboon2age0805 3740672 sda509:05
nuboon2age0b00 1048575 sr0 driver: sr09:06
kermiacnuboon2age: I would try  'sudo update-initramfs && sudo update-grub'09:06
nuboon2ageKernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)09:07
nuboon2agePid:1, comm: swapper Not tainted #36-Ubuntu09:07
nuboon2ageCall Trace:09:07
nuboon2ageblah blah09:07
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:07
nuboon2agei can't because its on a different computer kermiac09:08
kermiacnuboon2age: did you see the suggestion ^^09:08
nuboon2ageyes, but i'm not sure how to apply it.  should i do that booted from the earlier kernel?09:09
kermiacnuboon2age: you can't boot into the newer kernel, right?09:09
nuboon2agebecause i can't get the kernel started (its the one that's panicing)09:09
nuboon2ageso reboot to the 21 kernel and run that command kermiac?09:10
kermiacnuboon2age: i would try it in the kernel you can boot into and if that doesn't work you might have to chroot into it09:10
nuboon2ageokay rebooting now...09:11
nuboon2agewhile that's happening... i'll say my already shakey belief in laptops is being futher tested by this.09:12
kermiacnuboon2age: it could also possibly be a regression in the updated kernel... I've got a couple of machines that don't like anything after the '2.6.32-18' kernel09:14
nuboon2agein addition to the previoiusly-made-infamous power and battery trouble i have with this computer, i've got a key that popped off09:14
nuboon2agei just think laptops are too fragile to be used as the main workhorse.09:14
kermiacI use laptops as my main pc's, it really varies with different models... some are good, some are not so good09:15
kermiacalso, a lot of the time newer laptops start out with poor support but it improves with time09:16
nuboon2ageokay i'm on..09:16
nuboon2agethis one is a dell, which i think should be decent.09:17
nuboon2ageokay the update-initramfs wants me to specify an option09:18
nuboon2agecreate new, update existing, remove existing, take over a custom, set alternate boot directory, specify kernek version or all,09:19
kermiacnuboon2age: update-initramfs -u (that updates an existing initramfs)09:21
kermiacthen you can run the second command (sudo update-grub) seperately09:22
nuboon2ageboth done09:22
kermiacnuboon2age: ok, give it a reboot and cross your fingers hehe09:22
* nuboon2age praying09:23
* nuboon2age 's prayers unanswered. ;( still panicking.09:24
kermiacnuboon2age: not good mate... you could try chrooting in, but I'm not sure that would help.09:27
kermiacnuboon2age: maybe try the steps listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelBoot first?09:27
nuboon2agehow do i go about chrooting it?09:27
nuboon2agetried removing 'splash' as that page suggested.  no dice.09:31
kermiacnuboon2age: the process is outlined at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD (do the steps up to and including $ sudo chroot /mnt )09:32
duanedesignmorning all09:33
nuboon2agere: the other page i'm not dropped into an initramfs shell, so i'm not sure the rest applies09:33
kermiacnuboon2age: what other page mate?09:34
nuboon2agealso i was able to look at /var/log but couldn't find anything applicable.  dmesg seems to not be written to.09:35
nuboon2agethe first one you provided09:35
nuboon2agemaybe the debug mode...09:35
nuboon2agetried with kernel 'debug' parameter on .  still panicked (though maybe it wrote a log somewhere).09:41
nuboon2agedebug=vc, no help09:46
nuboon2agekermiac, which kernel are you on?09:47
kermiacnuboon2age: on this machine I'm on '2.6.32-24-generic-pae'09:51
nuboon2agekermiac the one i'm having trouble with it 2209:51
kermiacnuboon2age: is that karic, lucid, maverick??09:54
kermiacbah  s/karic/karmic09:54
nuboon2agebut remember i had that problem with 23 so i deleted it (or something) and i guess my system didn't reupdate to it or 2409:55
kermiacok, i forgot about that09:56
nuboon2agei did something kinda drastic just now.  i removed and then reinstalled 2209:56
kermiacnuboon2age: so that means it's most likely a regression on your hardware09:57
kermiacnuboon2age: but I'm not a kernel hacker/triager mate... I would suggest filing a bug with 'ubuntu-bug linux' and then adding any relevant info you have... you could also see if the issue occurs when you use the 'mainline' kernel09:58
nuboon2agekermiac: which thing indicates that its a regression?  you mean just the fact it happened after this update today (actually yesterday now)?09:58
nuboon2agei'm not sure what about the update could have triggered it.09:59
kermiacnuboon2age: yes, because it happened after an update... but your case is a little strange as you are not using the latest kernel10:00
nuboon2agei mean i listed some possible suspects, but i don't really know what's going on10:00
kermiacnuboon2age: mountall &/or nitramfs-tools might have something to do with it... but it's just a guess10:01
nuboon2agequestion: how do i get it back on track for the main kernel?  I already have 'Always prefer the highest option" already on Synaptic.  What else is needed?10:02
nuboon2ageits on "Smart Upgrade"  also10:03
nuboon2age(whatever that means)10:03
kermiacsorry nuboon2age, I've got to deal with kids.... I can only suggest trying the mainline kernel (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds)10:11
nuboon2agekermiac: thank you sire10:11
nuboon2agein looks like the way to get on the upgrade path to the lastest kernel is to install linux-generic (and linux-headers-generic) which 'always depend on the latest generic kernel'  available10:28
nuboon2age22 didn't work even after remove, reinstall.  tried 23 and i get "error: cannot read the Linus header.  error: you need to load the kernel first.  Failed to boot both default and fallback entries.  Press any key to continue.  if you press a key you get the same thing again.10:41
nuboon2agei tried to install linux-generic (ie. 24) but it failed the same as above.11:03
nuboon2agewell in my newbiness it makes sense to me to just remove all the kernels except the ones that are working.  i don't know how later i'll get these kernels reinstalled and working though.  :(11:08
nuboon2agei'm down to 2.6.32-21 and 2.6.31-11-rt11:08
nuboon2agei'm going to go to sleep now, but if anyone has ideas, please add them here and i'll check the log for them later.11:10
serfushey guys, i seem to have a problem with launchpad13:24
serfushow do i add an related FAQ to a answer?13:24
duanedesignhello serfus13:39
xzachcould anybody help with a problem? i'm trying to install ubuntu on my computer for the fyrst time and after install finishes it doesn't boot up :S14:11
xzachit won't even let my install windows 7 again :(14:13
duanedesignxzach: what happens when it boots?14:19
duanedesigndoes it boot to a command line prompt?14:20
xzachno it just says it failed to start windows14:21
geirhaDid you install ubuntu inside windows, or by booting the cd?14:22
xzachby booting the cd14:22
geirhaDo you have more than one harddrive?14:24
geirhaMight be ubuntu installed the bootloader on one disk, while the bios tries to boot another14:25
xzachi'm installing ubuntu on the same disk as the windows was on14:26
geirhaUbuntu and the BIOS might still disagree on what the "first" harddisk is.14:27
geirhaEnter the bios and change the boot order14:27
xzachi've spilit my first disk into 2 partions ext2 /boot and ext4 /14:28
xzachi'm starting from scratch btw if i did something wrong the first time14:28
geirhaWell, unless you told the installer not to install the bootloader, it has installed it on one of the disks; the one Ubuntu thinks is the "first" disk.14:32
geirhaTry booting from each of the three disks from the bios and see if you get the grub boot loader.14:32
xzachwhen i choose destination fro the boot loader it won't let select a partion just the disk as whole14:33
geirhaOh, so it's only ONE disk, but 3 partitions?14:33
xzachno...1 disk with 2 partion and 2 disks that are not split up14:34
geirhaRight, then try booting each of the three disks, from the BIOS.14:34
xzachwill do when the install has finsihed ....again14:35
geirhaUbuntu didn't necessarily install the bootloader on the same disk as it installed the system.14:35
geirhaWhat name did the disk you installed to have in the installer?  sda? sdb? sdc?14:35
xzachit had "s" as a first letter :D14:36
geirhaThe bootloader will typically be installed to sda, regardless of where you install the system.14:36
xzachthink it was sda14:36
toadinthehole I am trying to get ndiswrapper on my fresh install of Lubuntu 10.04 . It worked on the Live CD but I have had to download it from the repos. But cannot get it working. I can install the driver but I cannot "modprobe" it. When I modprobe it says http://pastebin.com/cCjgeA7r14:41
geirhatoadinthehole: aptitude search ndis14:43
geirhaI don't have any experience with ndiswrapper though, so I'm guessing here.14:44
xzachworked changing boot priority in bios :D14:46
xzachfinaly i have an operatin system :D14:50
geirhaBoth Ubuntu and Windows boot now, right?14:52
xzachi removed windows14:52
geirhaOh, going all in :)14:54
xzachyeah got sick of windows14:56
xzachand didn't see why i should have 2 systems14:57
=== jain_akshat is now known as ssj6akshat
Mohan_chmlxzach: you completely shifted in a day?15:41
serfushey duanedesign, sorry i wasn't here but forgot to /away ...16:09
Mohan_chmlhey brackenn16:28
brackennHi. I'm a clueless beginner. I have 9.10 and In trying to change my password I goofed up my ICEauthority.16:29
brackennIt won't let me log in in my profile.16:30
brackennany ideas?16:30
Mohan_chmlbrackenn: you can try using recovery mode for that16:31
Mohan_chmlgive me a second16:31
Mohan_chmlbrackenn: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7034547&postcount=616:33
Mohan_chmlthat will help you :)16:33
brackennOkay. I look into it. thanks.16:36
Mohan_chmlhave a nice day brackenn16:36
serfusokay, so on a question on launchpad i'm trying to add a related FAQ, no matter what i do, i seem to get "You didn't modify the linked FAQ."16:39
serfusi don't understand what i need to do...16:39
Mohan_chmlserfus: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/12300416:40
Mohan_chmlI think there is a bug today16:40
Mohan_chmlor if thats some other issue, idk about that16:40
serfusno, it's dosn't seem to be related to my issue but thanks Mohan_chml  :)16:42
=== uRock is now known as Need4Feed
bobo123is it just for me that it take horribly long time to get the mini-screenshot for programs in Synaptic?18:31
bobo123That it is needed to press a [Get screenshot] button when looking at the package description to get the image is of course stupid in itself, but why it takes so long time is strange... in 'Programcentral for ubuntu' you get the big screenshot directly without any noticeable delay18:37
FanshaweHey all. I keep getting false suspend errors. Recorded here (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/89983) and in other places but without solution. Can anyone help with the annoyance?19:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 89983 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Feisty reports suspend failed after resuming from suspend (affects: 1) (dups: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:15
=== simar__mohaar is now known as simar
hobgoblinanyone seeing this - if I need to make any sort of input in an app - this is xchat, firefox does the same thing - instead of it being a small window as it was it takes same size as app currently uses - http://i.imgur.com/hDDwU.png20:04
kedarmDoes anyone know how I can create a Keyboard shortcut for taking screenshot of a particular area? (Print does entire screen, Alt+Print does the window with focus).20:15
kedarmMac has a nice shortcut for this (Cmd+Shift+4)20:16
hobgoblinI'd use scrot - then set a shortcut from the kbd shortcuts in sys pref menu - assuming you can get it to work20:18
hobgoblin2 secs - I'll try it out20:18
aveilleuxkedarm: The Terminal command "gnome-screenshot -a" makes a selectable-area screenshot. Bind that command to a key combination in System > Preferences > Keyboard Shotcuts20:20
aveilleuxThis applies to hobgoblin too20:20
hobgoblinI don't need to do it :) I was just looking20:20
aveilleuxkedarm: To directly answer your question: no, not by default. But you can se it20:20
aveilleuxset it*20:20
kedarmaveilleux: ah, that would do it. I was tinkering with gnome-screenshot --interactive.20:21
aveilleuxkedarm: Yeah, the gnome-screenshot manpage is really out of dat.20:21
=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne
paultagaveilleux: put a patch together20:27
paultagaveilleux: I can help you send it upstream20:27
aveilleuxpaultag: I don't know how to do that20:27
paultagaveilleux: sounds like a good learning deal to me20:27
paultagaveilleux: apt-get source gnome-utils20:28
paultagaveilleux: it uses quilt, apt-get install quilt, and man quilt20:29
paultagaveilleux: your file you need to edit is in gnome-utils-2.30.0/gnome-screenshot/gnome-screenshot.120:29
aveilleuxpaultag: Not on Ubuntu at the moment, but I'll write this down20:34
paultagaveilleux: I'll help you if you need it20:34
paultagaveilleux: but it would be good to send that patch to those guys :)20:35
kedarmpaultag: is this regarding adding this shortcut by default?20:37
paultagkedarm: I just saw that aveilleux saw it was out of date20:37
paultagkedarm: I was not reading back. Is your issue resolved?20:37
kedarmpaultag: oh yes!20:37
paultagkedarm: awesome :)20:38
paultag^5 a20:38
paultag^5 aveilleux20:38
paultagfriken tab key20:38
kedarmpaultag: I thought you were discussing whether Ctrl+Alt+PrtScr should be added by default in future Ubuntu distribution to mean (take a screenshot of a selection).20:38
kedarmI guess you guys are discussing the out-of-date help on gnome-screenshot, IINM20:38
paultagkedarm: Oh that would be interesting20:39
paultagkedarm: raise a bug on it20:39
kedarmpaultag: ok, on launchpad, right?20:39
paultagkedarm: yessir/ma'am20:39
kedarmok, will do. Thanks! It would be an RFE, I suppose though.20:39
paultagkedarm: yeah, it will get sorted wishlist, but see if you can file it against the 100 paper cuts for 10.1020:40
paultagI mean 11.0420:40
kedarmaveilleux: paultag: http://kedarm.posterous.com/ubuntu-linux-adding-a-shortcut-to-take-screen20:50
kedarmI hope you guys are ok with publicizing it thus. Let me know if you would want me to remove your IRC nicks20:50
paultagkedarm: bah, no problems here20:50
paultagkedarm: thanks :)20:51
paultagkedarm: that could really help someone with the same issue later20:51
kedarmpaultag: right, that was the idea.20:51
kedarmAnd yes, I will create an enhancement request.20:51
paultagkedarm: awesome. One sec, let me find you the 100 paper cuts deal20:51
paultagkedarm: file the bug aginst this project -- https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts20:52
paultagkedarm: CC me on the bug report20:52
kedarmpaultag: awesome. 100 p c seems like a good thing. I shall cc you.20:53
paultagkedarm: cheers20:53
kedarmpaultag: here you go: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/62551820:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 625518 in hundredpapercuts "Add a keyboard shortcut by default for take screenshot of a selection" (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]20:57
paultagkedarm: cheers, thanks!20:57
paultagkedarm: I'll let the right people know ;)20:57
kedarmpaultag: thank you!20:57
paultagkedarm: no problem, thanks for the report20:59
kedarmpaultag: Thank you for helping me do it (and thanks to aveilleux)20:59
paultagnp, it was all aveilleux21:00
aveilleuxIf you insist, paultag21:00
paultagkedarm: that bug will be marked invalid, I was getting it applied -- Alt+PrtSc does that21:12
aveilleuxpaultag: Alt+PrtScr apparently only takes a screenshot of the current window in focus21:16
paultagthat's what he wanted, right?21:16
aveilleuxpaultag: No, he wanted to take a screenshot of any area on screen21:19
paultagthanks aveilleux21:24
paultagGetting confirmed now21:24
paultagHopefully it'll be sorted21:24
kedarmpaultag: thanks for confirming that bug.22:07
drubinpaultag: is there even a standard way to do that in ubuntu? (base install) screen shot of a selection22:08
zkriesseWhat's up kids22:09
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zkriesseH1n1: Don't give it22:19
H1n1ibroke-rhythmbox@ubuntu1004 $ rhythmbox -d (22:11:52) [0x99a0028] [rb_debug_init_match] rb-debug.c:213: Debugging enabled (22:11:52) [0x99a0028] [main] main.c:177: initializing Rhythmbox 0.12.8 (22:11:52) [0x99a0028] [rb_threads_init] rb-util.c:482: GMutex isn't recursive (22:11:52) [0x99a0028] [main] main.c:185: going to create DBus object (22:11:52) [0x99a0028] [main] main.c:352: THE END22:20
H1n1just hangs there and does nothing22:21
geirhaBug 12346022:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 123460 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Rhythmbox:Error while saving song information:Internal GStreamer problem (affects: 15) (heat: 92)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12346022:30
geirhaH1n1: See that bug report ^  seems to be a problem when parsing metadata of certain files. One of the last few comments has a possible work around.22:31
H1n1when i remove the ipod i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/484670/22:33
geirhaH1n1: Does it work then?22:38
H1n1the pc or ipod?22:38
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pseudosmartMy speakers don't work, but my headphones do in 10.0423:32
pseudosmartany suggestions?23:32
stlsaintsorry man im worthless with sound issues23:38

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