
akgranerjono, ping sorry had to run my daughter to band practice and stuffs - I'm back now00:37
akgranerI need 40 hour days again02:18
nigelbabuJFo-swap: now I've got the tune stuck in my head03:03
akgranernigelbabu - so do I - I told him I was going to kick him (literally) if he sings "it's a piece of cake to make a pretty cake" again04:52
nigelbakgraner: I totally cannot get it off my head now!04:52
akgranerI was at the grocery store buying baking ingredients singing that song  OUT LOUD....04:53
akgranerI have lost my mind or at least misplaced it04:53
nigelbI was singing on the way to work04:54
* JFo-swap spreads it around05:05
JFo-swapYou gotta do the cookin by the book05:05
nigelbJFo-swap: spread the SFW one around ;)05:06
akgranerJFo-swap, I hate you!!!!05:08
JFo-swaphee hee05:08
JFo-swapIt's a piece of cake05:08
JFo-swapto bake a pretty cake05:08
nigelbjust the way I like it....05:10
doctormoHey nigelb and JFo-swap05:10
nigelbhola doctormo :)05:10
JFo-swaphey doctormo05:10
* JFo-swap wanders off to watch a movie and sleep05:14
nigelbdoctormo: w're discussing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lqfQi7146U05:15
* nigelb is getting evil under the influence of JFo-swap 05:15
akgranernigelb, whatever you do - don't look him in the eye - you'll be lost forever if you do...05:17
nigelbakgraner: Now we know how we lost you....05:18
akgranerI found out that some guys on the Michigan LoCo team do a podcast... they interviewed me tonight on it  - it was fun05:20
akgranerI'll be adding it to UWN from now own as well05:20
akgranerit's lococast.net05:20
doctormonigelb: Interesting05:25
nigelbdoctormo: thanks to JFo-swap all of us have that song stuck in our heads05:26
dpmgood morning everyone!07:39
nigelbmorning dpm :)07:46
dpmheya nigelb :)07:46
doctormopleia2, maco: Comments like this are awesome: http://comments.deviantart.com/1/170743065/163590958307:55
nigelbmorning dholbach__ , kim0 :)08:03
kim0nigelb: morning :)08:03
* kim0 waves morning to all08:03
dholbach__hey nigelb, hi kim008:04
kim0dholbach__: morning man08:04
=== dholbach__ is now known as dholbach
dpmmorning dholbach, morning kim008:05
dholbachhey dpm08:05
dholbachhow are you all doing?08:05
kim0dpm: hey there .. morning08:06
doctormomorning dholbach08:13
dholbachhola doctormo08:13
duanedesignmorning all09:32
dpmhey duanedesign09:33
nigelbdholbach: LOL, your picture on LP is awesome10:48
dholbachthat's 5-6 years old10:49
dholbachI was still innocent back then10:49
nigelbJFo-swap: ^^ you have a victim :p10:50
dholbachbrb, compiz crashed11:09
dholbachand a new kernel11:09
akgranerwoo hoo - my interview with Stormy Peters is now up :-)12:02
akgraneron You-In-Ubuntu.  I like productive wee hours of the morning :-)12:03
Pendulumakgraner: I like sleep in the wee hours of the morning :P12:35
nigelbPendulum: I tend to agree.12:35
* dholbach moves back home and works the rest of the day from there13:02
dholbachsee you in a bit13:03
scott-workJFo-swap: when you get a few free minutes please ping me :)  it's about kernels for maverick13:39
dholbachhey jono15:49
jonohey dholbach15:51
dholbachhave a great UGJ weekend everyone!15:55
dholbachI'm off to a BBQ with the openismus people15:55
* dholbach hugs you all15:55
dholbachsee you next week15:55
duanedesignmmmmm, BBQ16:01
nigelbpaultag: poke?17:08
duanedesigngood day nigelb17:22
nigelbhello duanedesign :)17:22
duanedesigni just uploaded the translation template to Launchpad for clicompanioin17:23
nigelbI talked about git at work today17:23
nigelbIt was fun teaching about version control to a group of people who've never used it17:23
nigelbOne of times I'm happy I contribute to Open Source :)17:24
duanedesigni am excited for the Jam tommorrow17:25
nigelbTomorrow should be fun.17:25
nigelbI'm organizing and I have Debian.17:25
nigelbI might end up doing a general "how to triage" thingy17:25
duanedesignthe LoCo has been getting a little active lately. I am hoping that means some people turn up17:25
duanedesignnigelb: I was thinking that too17:26
duanedesignnigelb: our LoCo monthly meeting is the same day. So I scheduled the Jam immediately after17:26
duanedesignit is my month to give a demo/talk at the meeting so I thought I would either do wiki/documentation or bug triage how to17:27
nigelbduanedesign: I'm leaning to a triage how-to17:28
dpmhey duanedesign, I've just had a quick look at clicompanion. If you rearranged the layout in the locale/ folder you'd be able to use automatic translations exports. Let me know if I can help you in any way18:04
paultagnigelb: ouch18:16
jonoJFo-swap, the cake song...it still haunts me....19:04
=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne
paultagczajkowski: hai there :)20:41
paultagczajkowski: we've got pending mail from nigelb -- can you approve? I forgot / don't have access to the ml admin20:41
czajkowskiI cant not till tomorrow20:43
czajkowskinot on the machine with listadmin20:43
czajkowskiis it urgent ?20:43
paultagczajkowski: popey'll get to it20:43
paultagczajkowski: I don't know. He filed a queue on it so I'd guess, but I'm not sure. I've not read it / got more details20:44
czajkowskifolks know if it's urgent to pm one of us.20:45
paultagczajkowski: aye20:45
paultagvish: are you around, my friend?20:53
czajkowskihttp://www.drinksmixer.com/drink10320.html  is what we drank from 2am till 5am20:58
czajkowskiand the reason IU just deleted a job spec off my server20:58
Pendulumczajkowski: so fat frog makes for fat fingers?21:02
czajkowskior the sugar made it impossible for me to sleep21:05
czajkowskidrive from galway up here took forever21:05
czajkowskiadd 3 monkies21:05
vishpaultag: hey21:06
czajkowskimonkies are very cute just 3 of them jumping on you after 2 hours sleep tends to really break you21:07
paultagvish: Heyya, one of my buddies filed something against 100 paper cuts, and it pisses me off too -- any chance I could have you look at it and see if it'll apply?21:09
vishpaultag: sure.. :)21:10
paultagvish: bug 62551821:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 625518 in hundredpapercuts "Add a keyboard shortcut by default for take screenshot of a selection" (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62551821:10
paultagvish: real low hanging :)21:10
vishpaultag: hehe! good that you dint complete that line ;p21:11
vishpaultag: Alt+PrtSc already does that21:12
* paultag hugs vish 21:12
vishwell , atleast its supposed to do :)21:12
paultagvish: no, that does it21:13
paultagvish: feel free to slam that bug to invalid :)21:13
vishpaultag: yay! that was a quick fix :)21:13
paultagvish: woo!21:13
paultagvish: thanks again :)21:13
vishpaultag: np. :)21:14
czajkowskiprawn crackers are addictive21:14
paultagvish: wait a sec, I'm geting word back that I'm mis-uderstanding what he meant21:17
* vish lift finger off the button! ;)21:17
paultagLet me make sure I don't make the same mistake twice, one sec21:17
AlanBellalt+prtscrn does a screenshot of the window with focus21:19
paultagI think he's talking about selection21:19
paultagAye, yeah21:19
vishyeah , the blog seems a bit more detailed..21:19
AlanBelland yes, gnome-screenshot -a does the right thing and it does seem papercutish to define a key combo for it21:23
paultagAlanBell: Aye, that's why I had him file it there :)21:23
AlanBellpretty cool trick that, didn't know it could be done, I normally use gimp if I want to do that21:24
vishi guess that the 'Select area to grab' we get from Accessories > Take Screenshot21:26
AlanBellactually gnome-screenshot --interactive is pretty cool, it has everything there21:26
AlanBellwhich is what accessories-take screenshot does21:27
czajkowski 21:30
czajkowski  21:30
vishczajkowski: blank thoughts? ;)21:31
czajkowskivish: meh21:31
czajkowskimovde latop to rest on top of me and curled up on couch21:32
czajkowskiSpring Cleaning the wiki over UGJ Weekend - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/08/27/spring-cleaning-the-wiki-over-ugj-weekend/21:56
jonohey Lauree_ :)22:24
jonoback soon22:30
jonoheading to the global jam22:30

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