
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks for sponsoring compiz00:02
seb128chrisccoulson: yw00:13
seb128robert_ancell, I forward you an email from vish as well00:14
seb128it lists the hundredpapercut bugs he spotted that could be easy to get fixed this cycle00:14
seb128ie things waiting for sponsoring or trivial00:14
seb128we got some of those in by now00:14
seb128but if you want are running out of easy bugs or small tasks you can probably pick some of those00:14
robert_ancellI think I've got a busy day :)00:15
seb128and we should make some software recommends libdconf000:15
seb128I changed the glib depends back to a recommends the day you broke glib on i38600:15
seb128it was creating a depends cycle00:15
robert_ancellseb128, like debian is?  I think it's better done at the high level, e.g. ubuntu-desktop should depend libdconf00:16
seb128libglib-bin depending on libdconf0 depending on libglib00:16
robert_ancellbecause no program truly requires it00:16
seb128well for now having one software recommending it would solve the default install issue00:16
robert_ancellwouldn't ubuntu-desktop solve that?00:16
seb128yes, until somebody sudo apt-get install empahy on a kubuntu install00:17
seb128or a xubuntu one00:17
robert_ancelloh yeah...00:17
robert_ancellI guess we need some dh magic for this.  It would be nice to depend on 'gsettings-provider' and have libdconf0 provide that00:18
seb128I'm thinking now that we should just recommends it in the few sofwtares using it00:18
seb128that will do for this cycle00:18
seb128libdconf0 | dconf-backend00:18
seb128ups yeah00:18
seb128it's getting late ;-)00:18
robert_ancellyeah, you should get some sleep! You work too hard00:18
seb128btw empathy needs to depends on telepathy-logger00:18
seb128we got some crash reports about it from people not having telepathy-logger installed00:19
robert_ancellis there a bug for that?00:19
seb128check the empathy bugs I don't have it in my bugboxes00:19
seb128I just ran accros IRC comments about it00:19
seb128it's the "gsettings exit if the schemas is not installed"00:19
seb128libtelepathy-logger tries to use the schemas I think00:19
seb128could be that the lib needs to depends on telepathy-logger00:20
seb128ok, enough for today, that was a crazy day00:22
seb128I think I cleaned my list of things for beta00:23
seb128robert_ancell, enjoy your busy friday, maybe see you at the end of your day or next week00:23
seb128bye ;-)00:23
robert_ancellbonne nuit!00:24
seb128bonne journée ;-)00:24
nessitabye all!00:26
* nessita is gone00:26
* nessita suis parti00:26
desrtso what's the story with the firefox postinst that tries to read from stdin?00:46
desrtubuntu_major=`cut -d '.' -f 1`00:47
desrtgood times?00:47
micahgdesrt: where is taht?00:47
micahgin maverick?00:48
desrtubuntu mozilla daily ppa00:48
micahgdesrt: what version?00:48
micahgthat should have been fixed already00:48
micahgdesrt: yeah, that's old...00:49
desrtah.  so it is. :)00:49
desrtthanks for the pointer :)00:50
micahgdesrt: np, you had me worried that got into maverick :)00:50
desrtmy girlfriend just updated her lucid install and that happened00:50
desrtnot sure why it was fresh-installing such an old version of the package00:51
vishrobert_ancell: hi, Bug #411559 already has your patch it is a simple one too ;) [we've missed since Karmic]05:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 411559 in policykit-gnome (Ubuntu) (and 4 other projects) "Unfriendly message upon typing incorrect password (Policykit-GNOME/GDM/gnome-screensaver) (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 30)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41155905:31
robert_ancellvish, yes, I'll upload that one.  There was a lot of upstream discussion about it, I don't think anyone came to a conclusion on it05:37
vishrobert_ancell: thanks, yeah they'll keep discussing it to no end ;)05:40
pittiGood morning06:41
and471hey mpt and vish07:36
and471mornin' mvo07:57
mvohey and471!07:58
and471mvo, does aptdaemon have any documentation?08:00
glatzorand471, of course!08:00
glatzormorning and471 and mvo08:00
and471glatzor, hehe good morning glatzor08:01
glatzor"pydoc aptdaemon.client" or "man org.debian.apt" "man org.debian.apt.transaction"08:01
glatzorand471, I am currently rewritting the documentation using sphinx in trunk08:02
and471glatzor, cool :)08:02
glatzorand471, where do you want to use aptdaemon?08:05
and471glatzor, I was going to start to see if I could get some parts working in the new software-updater08:05
and471glatzor, so I have the work already in update-manager08:05
and471glatzor, but I am going to need some other stuff08:06
glatzorand471, which new software-update?08:08
and471glatzor, one I am working on that follows https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdateHandling (for natty)08:08
glatzorand471, which code base do you want to use?08:15
and471mvo, glatzor, which is the easiest way to run the latest version of aptdaemon on lucid?08:15
glatzorthe debian or ubuntu update-manager?08:16
and471glatzor, well I started on the ubuntu one08:16
and471glatzor, I am really just using the backend stuff08:16
glatzorand471, bzr branch lp:~aptdaemon-developers/aptdaemon/0.3 && sudo ./aptd --td -replace08:16
and471glatzor, ImportError: No module named defer08:17
glatzorand471, why? This seem to be only incremental changes08:17
and471glatzor, mvo recommended we start from 'scratch'08:17
glatzorand471, don't use trunk. I move defer to a separate package08:17
and471glatzor, ah sorry ok08:17
glatzorand471, the debian update-manager has got a lot of abstraction, which would make it quite hard.08:18
glatzorand471, to modify it08:18
and471glatzor, 1) because the infrastructure of update-manager is quite different to software-updater, 2) there is a lot of old cruft in update-manager, 3) we want to start with TDD08:19
glatzorand471, TDD?08:19
and471glatzor, Test-driven development08:19
glatzorand471, what is the infrastructure change?08:19
glatzorand471, ah ok08:19
and471glatzor, in software-updater, it all happens from one dialog that will morph into others08:20
and471glatzor, update-manager does this completely different, it would take more effort to port update-manager to software-updater (and it would be less 'clean') than to start afresh08:21
and471glatzor, aptd: error: no such option: --td08:21
and471glatzor, ok I have it working, but I am getting segfaults from aptdaemon08:24
and471mvo, could you help? I am using the aptdaemon code from update-manager, but I get a segfault when calling get_backend().update()08:25
and471mvo, actually it is when I call apt_pkg.PkgSystemUnLock()08:26
mvoand471: latest maverick?08:26
and471mvo, no lucid08:26
mvoand471: try "apt_pkg.init()" after the import of apt_pkg08:27
and471mvo, yup it works now :)08:28
and471mpt, "Authentication is required to query the software repositories for installable packages" yuck!08:28
and471mvo, after the policykit dialog, I get http://pastebin.com/341GMgtb08:35
and471mvo, could it be becuase of running a newer aptdaemon (from the bzr branch) than is installed on the system?08:35
mvoand471: yeah, it looks like its because you use the client part of the old while running the new08:39
dpmhey good morning pitti!. I'm looking at the language pack updates, and I still haven't seen any. According to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+language-packs and since last time you activated automatic uploads, we should have at least had an upload yesterday, shouldn't we? Or am I misunderstanding something?08:39
mvoand471: probably best to install the aptdaemon from the software-store-devleopers ppa or use bzr-buildpackage to build a new one08:39
pittihey dpm08:39
pittidpm: lemme check08:39
pitti-rw-r--r--  1 langpack langpack 121341939 2010-08-25 00:29 ubuntu-maverick-translations-update.tar.gz08:40
pittiso, something ran08:40
pittidpm: ah, found an error in the log08:41
pittiKeyError: 'getpwuid(): uid not found: 2009'08:41
seb128hey pitti mvo08:44
pittihey seb12808:44
and471_mvo, hmm, didn't work, I am using the aptdaemon from the ppa and I get the same error08:44
pittidpm: btw, right now is actually not a very good time for langpack updates08:45
pittidpm: for the beta release we either need to keep the current ones, or rebuild the -base ones (full export)08:45
pittiotherwise the CDs will overflow due to the big update packs08:45
dpmpitti, but having had a recent full export, the deltas shouldn't have grown too big, should they?08:46
pittidpm: right, but even if they are small, it means that we have to remove a language08:47
mvoand471_: oh, ok. let me upload a newer version into the ppa, just to be sure its not releated to the oldish version we have in there08:47
and471_mvo, ok08:47
=== and471_ is now known as and471
glatzorand471, what kind of error? sorry I had network drop08:49
and471glatzor, http://pastebin.com/341GMgtb08:49
dpmpitti, it's probably me, but I'm not sure I understand. Why is now a worse time than other? Is there anything special going on apart from the beta being soon? And why do the deltas affect CD size, don't we just put the -base langpacks in the CD?08:50
and471glatzor, sorry I didn't need to run from the bzr branch, I have the ~software-store-developers ppa08:50
pittidpm: it doesn't matter much if a daily CD overflows08:50
pittidpm: but for an official release, we want the update packs to be empty, so that we can fit more langpacks on the CDs08:50
pittidpm: it's not such a big deal for alphas and betas, it's just very important for the final08:50
pittidpm: so, I'm fine with having those uploaded now, and we'll just chop a language if necessary08:51
pittidpm: no, we can't just put -base on the CDs, we always need the -update due to the dependencies08:51
seb128pitti, will you review uploads today?08:51
seb128pitti, or if not is there anybody in our timezone who does?08:51
and471glatzor, mvo, it all seems related to the run_in_dialog08:51
pittiseb128: Colin is in our TZ; but I can review some as well08:52
and471glatzor, however I don't really need this function, so I wouldn't worry08:52
seb128pitti, ok thanks, I might ping you for some08:52
and471glatzor, so am I right in thing that a basic aptdaemon method is:08:52
and471client = AptClient()08:52
and471trans = client.update()08:52
and471glatzor, ?08:52
glatzorand471, right08:52
dpmpitti, ok, I understand, thanks for the explanation :) So to be clear, we can have delta automatic uploads (except for freezes), but I should simply take care of requesting a full export before beta and final.08:53
glatzorand471, this way you only make synchronous calls08:53
glatzorand471, so dbus will block your application08:53
and471glatzor, ah08:53
pittidpm: right08:53
and471glatzor, a better way?08:53
pittidpm: and for those we should also stop the cronjobs (done now)08:53
pittidpm: to ensure that we don't get unexpected out of date packages or size increases on urgent respins08:54
pittidpm: I uploaded the lot now08:54
glatzorand471, you can either use the reply_handler/error_handler of the client methods or the inline_callbacks of the defer package08:54
dpmpitti, which cronjobs are stopped now?08:54
pittidpm: maverick08:54
and471glatzor, so for software-updater, I need to run this transaction, and then get replies based on what is happening08:54
and471glatzor, (so which repository it is checking)08:55
and471glatzor, so would this use the reply_handler?08:55
mvoand471: upoaded new version08:55
and471mvo, thankyou :)08:55
mvonp :)08:55
glatzorand471, hm. it is just about the way to programme and not about the basic functionality of aptdaemon08:55
dpmpitti, are the cronjobs now stopped for the automatic delta uploads? I understood we said it should be fine to have them as long as there are full exports before milestones. That's how translators test their translations during development cycles.08:56
and471glatzor, sorry? I don't understand08:56
pittidpm: right, but we can't risk automatic uploads one or two days before a release; we need the CDs to be current wrt. the archive, and not change unexpectedly08:57
glatzorand471, one moment08:57
pittiwe can reenable them immediately after the release08:57
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
dpmpitti, yeah, but the next release (beta) is in ~3 weeks. I'd expect we stop the automatic delta uploads and generate full langpacks before the freeze period, not just now. (I'm not being picky, just trying to understand)09:00
pittidpm: no, it's next thursday according to Robbie09:00
pittiwe are already in beta freeze09:01
dpmpitti, ah, sorry, that's what confused me, I misread the schedule!09:01
dpmpitti, sorry, I got you now09:01
pittidpm: no problem :)09:01
* pitti hugs "translation masterÄ dpm09:02
dpmpitti, thanks for the patience09:02
* dpm hugs pitti :)09:02
pittidpm: sorry that release procedures are a bit bureaucratic and complicated09:02
dpmpitti, no worries, it would have helped if I could read properly... :)09:03
glatzorand471, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/484380/09:04
glatzorand471, this is how you can use different programming styles with aptdaemon09:04
pittidpm: CDs currently have some free space, so the updates should be fine; I guess they'll add about 2 MB09:04
pittiit's sooo good to see dailies actually shrink each day!09:05
glatzorand471, if you want to monitor the transaction you have to connect to its signals. but there are also some high level gtk widgets available09:05
glatzorand471, see aptdaemon.gtkwidgets09:05
dpmpitti, ok :). Do you think I should request a full export instead, rather than having those extrea 2 MB of updates?09:05
pittidpm: not this time09:05
and471glatzor, yeah I saw those, but I don't think any of them are like what is in the spec09:05
pittidpm: in general, we should aim for having a full export/rebuild about a week before beta and final09:06
dpmpitti, ok, thanks. /me adds this to calendar09:06
glatzorand471, a progress bar and a status label?09:06
and471glatzor, which widget is like this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdateHandling?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=check-manual.jpg09:06
and471glatzor, (it needs to be embeddable)09:07
and471(in our window)09:07
dpmhey mvo, morning, what do you think of bug 572919? Do you think we could just make the changelog message translatable by putting it into a python module as per last comment, or do you have any other ideas?09:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 572919 in update-manager (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Translatable ubuntu changelog (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57291909:08
and471glatzor, ah so would AptProgressBar and AptProgressBar do the job?09:08
glatzorand471, AptCancelButton, AptProgressBad09:09
* and471 is starting to like aptdaemon :)09:09
and471glatzor, so I would just call AptProgressBar(trans) and pack it into my application?09:09
glatzorand471, take a look at AptProgressDialog on how to make use of the widgets09:09
glatzorand471, right09:10
and471glatzor, cool, you and mvo have done some great work here :)09:10
mvoall kudos to glatzor09:10
glatzorand471, and you would have to listen to the finished signal of the transaction object to morph to the next screen09:10
* mvo hugs glatzor09:10
and471glatzor, ok cool, well thankyou VERY MUCH for your help :)09:11
and471glatzor, I shall try to get on myself now and leave you alone :D09:11
glatzorand471, and add the error handling ... and .. and .. :) still some work to do :)09:11
and471glatzor, yes yes yes :)09:11
glatzorand471, but basically the AptProgresDialog already contains all the code - you can just reuse it.09:12
glatzorand471, the gtk-demo.py is also a good example09:12
glatzorand471, but if you want to map downloaded files to human readable repositories you have to write your own progress label.09:13
and471glatzor, yes I thought this might be an issue09:13
and471mvo, and this is the same issue as with software-properties XD ^09:14
mvoI get back to this, keep poking09:14
glatzorand471, you have to monitor the Downloads property of the transaction, it will provide you the urls09:15
glatzorwhich you can then map to ppas09:15
mptand471, good morning, I fixed that string a week ago in <https://code.launchpad.net/~mpt/aptdaemon/language-fixes>, and glatzor merged it six days ago09:20
and471mpt, ah good, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw it09:21
glatzorand471, I am the co-founder of the blatant errors and awkward grammar team :)09:22
and471glatzor, hehe I was looking at that team the other day :D09:22
and471glatzor, is this becuase I need to use a newer version? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/484385/09:23
glatzorand471, no.09:25
glatzorand471, you are using the deferreds in a wrong way09:25
mvokiwinote: thanks for your fixes branch, I'm merging that now09:25
and471glatzor, I don't really know what deferreds are09:25
kiwinotemvo: thanks, just updated it a minute ago09:25
glatzorand471, a deferred is the promise of a result :)09:26
* glatzor has taken this sentence from the Twisted documenataion09:26
mvompt: hello, quick question. for ppa names, should we uppercase all word (e.g. Apt Test Repo) or just the first one (Apt test repo) for multiple words?09:26
mvokiwinote: cool, will have a look now09:26
kiwinotemvo: no exciting changes, only resolveing a trivial conflict ;)09:27
mvokiwinote: haha, ok09:27
mptmvo, I don't know for sure, but Title Case would be consistent with the existing "Canonical Partners".09:27
mptand "For Purchase"09:27
mvompt: ok, thanks09:27
mvompt: yeah, I thought the same09:28
mvokiwinote: I make a trivial change in the merge (using string.capwords), just fyi09:28
kiwinotempt, mvo: that would give 'Provided By Ubuntu', which we may not want?09:28
glatzorand471, the deferred allows to chain callbacks and errbacks09:29
mvokiwinote: I moved it to only apply for sources that do not have a translation. if we have translations then the transltors will do the right thing09:29
kiwinotemvo: ok, great!09:29
glatzorand471, do you already have got any code on launchpad?09:29
and471glatzor, yup let me just push my changes09:30
mptkiwinote, title case doesn't mean that every word is capitalized. It means that the first word is capitalized, and every other word except for conjunctions, prepositions, or articles that are three letters or shorter.09:31
and471glatzor, bzr branch lp:~and471/+junk/software-updater09:31
and471glatzor, I hope it is pretty self explanatory09:31
mptkiwinote, for example, "Bookmark This Page" and "Organize Desktop by Name".09:31
kiwinotempt: yep, although we don't have a python function to do that ;)09:33
mptkiwinote, no, why would we want a Python function to do it?09:34
mptmvo, what exactly did you mean by "we" in that question?09:34
mptWere you suggesting that USC should change the capitalization of repository labels it receives?09:35
mvompt: "we" as in "should software-center" do that09:40
mptmvo, sorry, I thought you were talking about archives we were setting up. I don't think USC should alter them.09:42
mvompt: not alter them at all? or just capitalize the first word ?09:43
and471glatzor, is everything in order?09:43
kiwinotempt: the aim was to avoid the names starting with lowercase letters as seen in http://i.imgur.com/ddgvj.png09:43
mptmvo, not alter them at all. For example if I set up a PPA named "Dumas d’Artagnan’s Desiderata", capitalizing that second "d" would be incorrect.09:44
glatzorand471, you don't need to create the widgets every time you run an update09:44
glatzorand471, the aptdaemon widgets should be part of the normal window09:44
glatzorand471, you can connect them to a transaction by calling set_transaction09:44
mptkiwinote, that's a job for the caption below the Launchpad form field that asks you to name your PPA. It's not USC's job.09:45
glatzorself.install_backend.update() in line 140 will always return a Deferred since the inline_callbacks decorator is used09:46
glatzorand471, in the first run I would recommend you to avoid the defers. just use the reply_handler and error_handler09:47
mvohm, we can not replace update-manager, its at rev1900 now, we need to hit r2000 before ;)09:52
kiwinotempt: ok, thanks, mvo's reverting the change. Just for clarity: in the original branch I only touched the first letter of the string, not of each word. But yes, ideally it is (and should be) down to the caption in the lp form09:52
and471glatzor, bah sorry, my internet connection sucks09:52
and471glatzor, I got up to self.install_backend.update() in line 140 will always return a Deferred since the inline_callbacks decorator is used09:52
mvo^--- see above ;)09:52
and471glatzor, but if I don't call AptCancelButton() without the transaction, I get an error09:56
glatzorand471, perhaps it makes sense to not use deferreds in the first run. you could just use the reply_hanlder and error_handler as in normal dbus.09:56
glatzorand471, indeed09:56
glatzorand471, but this can be fixed easily09:56
and471glatzor, do tell :)09:57
seb128pitti, I've uploaded trivial gnome-panel and nautilus changes if you feel like reviewing those09:57
seb128pitti, gnome-panel to drop the documentation launcher from the default configuration09:57
glatzor AptCancelButton.__init__(self, transaction=None) :)09:57
seb128pitti, nautilus to fix the amd64 build issue due to implicit pointer conversions09:57
and471glatzor, grr, I just reliased my stupidity when looking at the source :)09:57
glatzorand471, the fix is now in the 0.3 branch09:58
and471glatzor, the fix for?09:58
glatzorThe cancel button09:58
pittiseb128: oh, sweet, thanks09:58
and471glatzor, ah ok09:58
pittiseb128: will do in a sec09:58
seb128pitti, danke09:58
glatzorand471, just use the second style from http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/484380/10:01
mvoand471: latest aptdaemon is in the ppa10:01
and471mvo, thanks10:01
mvoand471: if you run lucid, could you do me a favour and run bzr-buildpackage and see if the current trunk work on lucid? if so, I will push it to the ppa as well10:01
and471mvo, for SC or AD?10:02
glatzorand471, add the widgets to the normal dialogs at init time and call their set_transaction methods in the reply_handler of the client.update call10:02
and471glatzor, ok will do10:02
glatzorand471, in the same reply handler you call the run method of the transaction10:02
glatzorand471, finally connect to the finished signal of the transaction to get notified when to switch to the next step10:03
and471okey dokey10:03
glatzorand471, the finished signal also gives you the exit state of the transaction (if it was successful or failed)10:04
* and471 thinks why does anyone need aptadaemon docs when you have glatzor :)10:04
glatzorand471, in the case of a failure you can get the exception from the error property of the transaction10:04
mvoand471: software-center10:06
mvodocs scale better than glatzor ;)10:06
mvoaptdaemon == beauty10:07
and471mvo, one of the tests fails, so it doesn't build10:07
and471GError: Failed to open file '/usr/share/software-center/icons/software-center-installed.png': No such file or directory10:07
mvoand471: ok, does it build with disabled tests (.bzr-builddeb/default.conf has the config for this)10:08
and471mvo, how do I run with disabled tests?10:08
mvoand471: just edit .bzr-builddeb/default.conf and remove the pre-build hook10:09
and471mvo, sorry, just figured it out10:09
* glatzor is getting red10:10
and471mvo, yup it all worked (except the signing) :)10:10
mvoand471: and installing the deb and running it works as well?10:10
and471mvo, how do I run without signing? it fails without your key10:11
geserand471: pass -us -uc to your debuild call (if I got the context right)10:13
and471geser, well I am using bzr-buildpackage, but I suppose I could just debuild instead10:14
geser"bzr bd -- -us -uc" should do it10:16
mvothanks geser10:16
and471mvo, I have to wait a min, my messing aroudn with aptdaemon means the database is locked :)10:17
mvoand471: no rush10:19
and471mvo, software-center depends on ubuntu-sso-client (>= 0.99.2); however:10:20
and471  Package ubuntu-sso-client is not installed.10:20
and471dpkg: error processing software-center (--install):10:20
and471 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured10:20
mvoand471: aha, right. thanks. so at least buy will not work :/10:20
and471glatzor, do I set the transaction of the widgets in the reply_handler of transaction.run() or client.update_cache() ?10:22
and471mvo, np problem10:22
glatzorand471, I would recommend update_cache, to make sure that you don't miss any early signal from the transaction10:36
pittiseb128: hm, do you know whether these ugly orange buttons will stay the default?10:43
seb128pitti, I guess they do10:45
pittiseb128: and my windows lost their frames10:46
mptmat_t, bug 62126910:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 621269 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) ""Hide location bar" doesn't do anything (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62126910:46
seb128pitti, talk to ivanka I guess10:46
mat_tmpt: thx10:46
pittiivanka: hm, now how am I supposed to change the size of my windows if they don't have a real frame any more? hitting that 1 pixel is utterly hard10:46
pitti(well, *I* know that alt + middle mouse + move trick, but my mum doesn't)10:47
mvoand it does not work if middle button is mapped to something else (like scroll)10:49
mvoso pitti++10:49
pittiand laptops often don't even have a middle mouse10:49
pittiI guess I won't start arguing about the bright orange default buttons :)10:50
pittiseb128: do you know which package is responsible for the borders? is that light-themes?10:51
seb128pitti, yes10:52
pittiseb128: thanks; will file a bug and subscribe UX10:52
chrisccoulsonpitti - the window resizing issue is quite a long-standing problem. there's already a bug report somewhere with a lot of comments on11:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - bug 16031111:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 160311 in metacity (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "Resizing windows by grabbing window borders is difficult (affects: 204) (dups: 4) (heat: 1010)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16031111:11
chrisccoulsonoh, but it's even worse now, i just noticed ;)11:12
chrisccoulsonheh, i actually cannot resize window anymore :/11:12
pittichrisccoulson: that's what I meant11:14
mptmvo, sorry if I've asked you this before, but: Is there any reliable programmatic way of distinguishing transitional packages from all others?11:34
mptGood morning devildante12:01
devildantegood morning, mpt, mvo, kiwinote ;)12:01
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devildantemvo: what is "update-software-center-agent" supposed to do?12:07
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mvompt: yes and no, we can check section: trasnlations, that is a good one, but e.g. thunderbird-mail-de does use "mail" as section12:12
mvompt: I would argue that is a bug though12:13
mvompt: there are some corner cases like the dictionaries that are usually part of "section: text"12:14
mvohey devildante12:14
devildantemvo, hi :)12:14
mvodevildante: that util gets the latest information about sofware availalbe for sale12:14
mptmvo, I was more wondering how we could stop "Transitional package for firefox-kde-support" from showing up as an add-on for Firefox.12:15
chrisccoulsonmvo - is there a section we should be using for transitional pacakges?12:15
mptmvo, or from showing up in searches, for that matter.12:15
chrisccoulsonwe have a lot of them in mozilla-land ;)12:15
mvochrisccoulson: traditionally oldlibs is used12:16
mvochrisccoulson: but I think there is justification for a new "transitional" section, but let me double check12:16
mvompt: let me have a look12:16
chrisccoulsonmvo - yeah, a transitional section would be nice12:16
mvowe are ubuntu, we can just start one ;)12:17
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mvompt, chrisccoulson: in the case of kmozillahelper its just a matter of removing the suggests from the firefox package12:18
mvochrisccoulson: do you want a bug for this s/kmozillahelper/firefox-kde-support/ ? or is it trivial enough to just add into bzr?12:19
chrisccoulsonmvo - i think the suggests is there for a reason12:19
mvochrisccoulson: but why on the transitional one ? and not on the one that the transitional points to?12:19
chrisccoulsonprobably because we use the same packaging for the daily builds, which are building for lucid (which still has kmozillahelper)12:20
mptdevildante, bug 625252 covers what we talked about last week with the Provides:12:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 625252 in software-center (Ubuntu) "BibleTime shows no add-ons (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62525212:20
* devildante forgot the Provides discussion :p12:20
chrisccoulsonmvo - i could fix that now because i actually just branched off for maverick12:21
mvothanks, that would be nice12:21
devildantempt: what are we doing wrong?12:22
mptdevildante, I haven't looked at the algorithm, but I guess probably not taking Provides into account12:23
devildantempt, will fix this, unless chrisccoulson wants to ;)12:23
chrisccoulsonfix what?12:24
chrisccoulsonmvo - ok, fixed in bzr now12:29
* devildante has been beaten :p12:32
devildantechrisccoulson: are you not talking about bug 625252?12:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 625252 in software-center (Ubuntu) "BibleTime shows no add-ons (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62525212:32
chrisccoulsondevildante, no, we were talking about showing "Transitional package for firefox-kde-support" for firefox12:34
chrisccoulsoni have nothing to do with bibletime ;)12:34
devildanteah, sorry :)12:34
* devildante will go fix it12:34
devildantempt: could you update the spec to include packages that enhances a package provided by the app?12:37
mptdevildante, it's already there: "A Enhances X (or Enhances a virtual package that X Provides)"12:39
devildantempt: okay, sorry for that12:40
devildantempt: could you move the add-ons section to the main spec?12:40
mptdevildante, yes, sorry I hadn't done that yet, I'll do it in four hours after I've prepared for and had a meeting12:40
devildanteokay :)12:41
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mvodevildante: if you add it, please update the tests in test/test_addons.py :)12:44
mptmvo, will the OneConf stuff remain a plug-in indefinitely? If so, I'll move it out of the main spec12:45
mvompt: it will stay as  a plugin for maverick12:45
mptmvo, sure, but I meant beyond that12:45
mvompt: we can discuss it for N, but it would be nice to have it optional as it means we have less dependencies and its only useful for a subset of users12:46
devildantemvo: sure thing :)12:46
mvompt: I see no real downside in keeping it as a plugin12:46
* devildante excuses himself for disconnect12:46
mptI just saw the interface for the first time and had a minor rage at how sloppy it was12:47
mptIt manages to call "Ubuntu One" both "Ubuntu one" and "Ubuntu On"12:47
mptin the same window12:47
mvompt: I see. didrocks is on vac, but I'm sure he will fix it at once12:47
mptyeah, I'll report lots of bugs later :-)12:48
mvois the sync actually working for you? desktopcouch was broken for ~2 months or so in maverick so I have not seen a successful run yet12:48
mptmvo, I haven't tried, I don't have an Ubuntu One account12:48
mvounfortunately as I like the idea/feature a lot12:48
mvoaha, ok12:48
devildantemvo, mpt: it seems python-apt doesn't want to show provides for bibletime12:56
devildantemvo, mpt: can you tell me what I have done wrong: max(cache["bibletime"].versions).get_dependencies("Provides")12:57
mptno idea, sorry12:59
mptI are just a UI designerrr12:59
devildantempt: np ;)12:59
mvodevildante: hm, let me have a look, might be a bug13:00
devildantemvo, in apt-cache, bibletime provides sword-frontend13:00
chrisccoulsonwhat defines the ordering of the addons in the firefox pane?13:00
devildantechrisccoulson: as far as I know, the add-ons aren't ordered13:01
chrisccoulsoncool, i just noticed that my extension appears near the top of the list here13:01
chrisccoulsonwhich is nice ;)13:01
devildantechrisccoulson: scratch that, recommended add-ons are shown first, then suggested add-ons13:02
devildantehi pedro_ :)13:03
pedro_hello devildante13:03
chrisccoulsondevildante, recommended how though? firefox only recommends ubufox, and suggests firefox-gnome-support and firefox-kde-support13:04
chrisccoulsonand the two suggests aren't actually shown here either13:04
chrisccoulsonoh, actually13:05
chrisccoulsonfirefox-kde-support is ;)13:05
chrisccoulsonbut it's in the middle of the list13:05
devildantechrisccoulson: see the spec here: wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#add-ons13:05
devildantenp, you're welcome ;)13:05
chrisccoulsondevildante, so, firefox-gnome-support isn't shown possibly because it's suggested by more than one package?13:09
chrisccoulsonit seems like i should make it enhance firefox13:09
chrisccoulsonof course, it's receommended by ubuntu-desktop13:10
chrisccoulsonthat package is actually pretty useless for people already running gnome anyway, as it doesn't ship anything13:10
seb128tseliot, hey13:11
tseliothi seb12813:11
seb128tseliot, do you know what is the status of bug 616023:nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found13:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found (affects: 73) (dups: 3) (heat: 400)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602313:11
seb128tseliot, is that going to be fixed for maverick?13:11
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i should fix the latex-xft-fonts suggests as well13:12
tseliotseb128: it's (kind of) fixed if you use Jockey to install the driver13:12
tseliotas it sets the ignoreABI option13:12
seb128tseliot, will we get an updated driver in maverick which doesn't require that?13:13
seb128tseliot, what about upgrades? is something going to set that option?13:13
seb128chrisccoulson: hey13:13
seb128chrisccoulson: you are on bug #623509 right?13:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 623509 in firefox (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Firefox is creating empty crash reports due to ptrace restrictions (affects: 1) (heat: 3140)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62350913:14
tseliotseb128: I think we should discuss this in private13:14
seb128tseliot, ok13:14
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i have written a patch already, i'm just getting it reviewed by the google breakpad guys13:14
chrisccoulsonbut i switched off the crash reporter for beta in the meantime13:15
seb128chrisccoulson: do you have any eta for fixing?13:15
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it will be most likely next week13:15
chrisccoulson(or just after beta)13:15
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chrisccoulsonmvo - i dropped the transitional suggests on latex-xft-fonts from firefox too13:17
mvodevildante: use "cache["bibletime"].candidate._cand.provides_list for now please, I will see that this gets added ot the normal api13:27
devildantemvo, it works! thanks a lot :)13:29
mvodevildante: cheers :)13:31
devildantempt: can I get your opinion on bug 322314?13:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 322314 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) ""Automatically connect on startup" setting confusing - users may expect this to run Empathy on login (affects: 40) (heat: 197)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32231413:31
devildantewhoops, he's away13:43
ronocbl8: hey13:46
ronocbl8: any chance you could upgrade to maverick ?13:46
ronocbl8: that means I can then get rid of that ppa, its always just a temporary measure until maverick became established13:47
bl8ronoc: Hey, I think I'll do my testing in a VM, so you can remove that PPA if you want13:48
ronocbl8: okay cool, any reason why you don't upgrade?13:48
bl8ronoc: I need a stable desktop for Banshee and stuff, I don't want to spend time tracking down distro bugs ;)13:49
devildantemvo: how can we get renhances for a virtual package?13:50
devildante(self.cache[virtual_pkg] will raise an exception)13:50
ronocbl8, fair enough, although it seems pretty good now ...13:51
mvodevildante: there is a get_providing_packages("virual-pkg-name")13:53
mvodevildante: that will give you a list of apt.Packages13:53
devildantemvo: cool, but not what I wanted13:54
devildantemvo: for example, bibletime provides sword-frontend. I want the packages that enhances sword-frontend13:55
devildantemvo: is that a good explanation?13:55
devildantemvo: nvm, I found how... but thanks for trying to help me :)13:57
sachithhi.. anybody here who contributes to ubuntu? iam just curious and want to contribute14:13
devildantesachith: what do you want to contribute to?14:14
sachithi have enough free time in the weekends and i love to use linux, also i know programming.. so want to use my skill14:15
devildantesachith: usually, you have to concentrate on a specific area that you are really interested in14:17
sachithdevildante: can u tell me which r the areas i can look in to?14:19
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devildantesachith: Do you know C, C++, Python... (not all of them)? Do you know how to program in GTK+ or Qt?14:20
vish!development | sachith14:21
ubot2sachith: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment14:21
devildantewow, super ubot2 came to the rescue :p14:21
vishsachith: that has a few useful links too , but some might get overwhelmed reading that page too :)14:21
sachithdevildante: i know c, c++, python but don't know gtk and qt14:21
devildantesachith: I think you'll be fine reading the page above14:22
devildantemvo: can you merge https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ilidrissi.amine/software-center/addons-provides/+merge/33903 ?14:22
devildanteplease :)14:23
sachithdevildante: ok.. i will look in to that page. but its there r lot of things.. confused what to start with14:24
sachithvish: yeah.. lot of things there :)14:24
sachithubot2: thanks for the link14:24
ubot2sachith: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:24
vishsachith: think of it the other way, a lot of ways/options for you to contribute ;)14:25
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, my patch for bug 623509 has been committed upstream now (http://code.google.com/p/google-breakpad/source/detail?r=673), so i'll upload it to maverick after beta14:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 623509 in firefox (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Firefox is creating empty crash reports due to ptrace restrictions (affects: 1) (heat: 3140)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62350914:25
seb128chrisccoulson: is there any reason to not do it now?14:25
devildantesachith: you can begin with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Development/Devbeginnings14:25
seb128chrisccoulson: seems we could benefit to get crashes on beta report14:26
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i was going to wait until we upload 3.6.914:26
chrisccoulsonbut, if the builders aren't too busy,. i suppose i could do it now14:26
seb128well, would upstream have use for 3.6.8 bugs?14:26
seb128or do they are focussed on 3.6.9 now and the old version one are not useful?14:26
seb128it's your call I guess14:26
sachithdevildante: thank you.. :)14:26
sachithvish: usually i feel like doing everything and ends up in doing nothing :)14:27
seb128chrisccoulson: ^14:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, they would be more focused on 3.6.9 bugs now14:28
mvodevildante: sure, doing that now14:28
seb128chrisccoulson: buildds are not an issue they are empty out of langpacks14:28
chrisccoulsonalthough, i suppose i could upload 3.6.9 ;)14:28
* devildante is happy14:28
seb128chrisccoulson: ok, so let's wait for 3.6.9 then14:28
chrisccoulsoni've not seen any blockers from the first build yet14:29
seb128chrisccoulson: oh? you have it ready? go for it I would say ;-)14:29
seb128or maybe check with r-t first14:29
seb128do you want me to ask during the r-t meeting later on?14:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, if you don't mind14:29
seb128ok, will do that14:29
seb128you think you would have an upload ready for maverick today?14:29
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's already in the PPA for all the other releases14:30
seb128ok, thank you14:30
seb128chrisccoulson: hum, would an update require new langpacks?14:31
chrisccoulsonseb128 - we wouldn't need new langpacks14:33
seb128ok so that'd doable14:33
sachithvish: are you a contributor to ubuntu?14:34
vishsachith: well , i think so ;)14:37
sachithvish: nice.. :)14:38
mvodevildante: merged, thanks (and added a test ;)14:40
devildantethanks for the merge, mvo :)14:41
devildante(and sorry for not adding a test :p)14:41
devildantemvo: what about https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ilidrissi.amine/software-center/fix-conflicting-packages/+merge/33818 ?14:42
mvodevildante: still on my list14:42
devildantethanks a lot :)14:43
mvoyour welcome!14:44
sachithdevildante: you are like project manager here? :)14:45
devildantesachith: not at all :p14:45
devildantesachith: but you could say mvo is one :)14:45
sachithdevildante: oh.. i see :) i never contributed anything to open source.. now thinking seriously abt it..14:51
devildantesachith: yeah, I was pretty much in the same situation as yours14:52
devildantesachith: but you'll see, the ubuntu dev community is very helping :)14:52
sachithdevildante: thats great.. :)14:55
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and471glatzor, hey, what signal is emitted when updating the cache, that tells me that the repository it is checking has changed?16:23
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and471glatzor, you said to monitor the 'Download' property of the transaction, but it doesn't seem to change and it is always an integer. Is this the right property?16:38
seb128kenvandine, can you let me know what the status is on bug #522538 when you are back?16:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 522538 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "gwibber-service crashed with error in connect() (affects: 699) (dups: 179) (heat: 3024)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52253816:51
and471mvo, I think glatzor is away, do you know the answer to this - for software-updater I need to know when the transaction switches to a new repository (to update the label - 'Checking repo x'), do you know which signal this is?16:54
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kenvandineseb128, unfortunately i don't know anything more than what is in the comments from that bug report, since chad's work around to force a reconnect from desktopcouch, i haven't been able to reproduce it18:21
CarleasI have a powerbook g4 that I want to convert to Ubuntu desktop, but I don't have any DVDs.  I have another Mac and lots of cables (USB to USB, Firewire to Firewire, ethernet).  Can I remote install?18:21
kenvandinethe underlying problem is the python-httplib2 bug18:21
seb128kenvandine, is that on track for maverick? it has been added to the r-t meeting agenda on our items now18:22
kenvandinewhich chad has also spent lots of time on trying to fix it18:22
seb128should that rather be assigned to u1?18:22
seb128chrisccoulson: hey18:22
kenvandineit is definately u118:22
chrisccoulsonhi seb12818:22
seb128kenvandine, ok thanks18:22
seb128chrisccoulson: you can upload firefox 3.6.918:23
kenvandinethe package bug is assigned to me so i can try to track it18:23
chrisccoulsonseb128 - cool, thanks18:23
seb128chrisccoulson: since monday is a holiday for you would be nice to upload today18:23
kenvandinebut it needs dc or python-httplib2 fix18:23
seb128kenvandine, ok18:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can do that today18:23
kenvandineseb128, however, it doesn't affect gwibber anymore :)18:23
kenvandineyay for sqlite :)18:23
seb128kenvandine, ok, I just wanted a status update since it landed on my bugslist18:23
seb128kenvandine, ;-)18:23
kenvandinegwibber was the most visable failure18:23
CarleasIs there a better channel to ask?18:23
seb128kenvandine, does it affect anything in the default install?18:24
seb128Carleas, #ubuntu18:24
kenvandineCarleas, try #ubuntu18:24
kenvandineseb128, it could18:24
seb128Carleas, sorry that channel is to discuss work we do not for user support18:24
james_wseb128: hey, is the retracer issue worth me looking for a workaround so that we don't have to wait for LP to fix it?18:24
seb128kenvandine, so it should still stay on our maverick list?18:24
kenvandineevolution-couchdb perhaps18:24
CarleasMy bad.  Keep up the good work!18:24
james_wseb128: there probably isn't one, but if you want the retracers I can spend a few minutes looking.18:24
seb128james_w, hey, they said they would have a workaround earlier next week18:24
kenvandinerodrigo_, does evolution-couchdb talk to desktopcouch or couchdb directly?18:24
kenvandinei think it is desktopcouch18:24
kenvandineCarleas, thx :)18:25
seb128james_w, so maybe let them monday and they we will see?18:25
james_wseb128: ok, let me know if you want me to take a look18:26
seb128james_w, thanks18:26
seb128james_w, if you are bored and want to try to workaround it you are welcome but maybe don't waste time on it before monday in case they do manage to workaround it18:27
james_wyeah, I won't do it if they expect to have a fix that soon18:27
james_wI suspect that there is no workaround that we can do anyway18:27
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chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm just doing a test build of ff3.6.9 before i upload. i guess i should do that if i'm not going to be around on monday ;)19:20
chrisccoulsonand i only tested the change with 4.0 so far19:20
devildantedoes anyone now how to use a GTK+ version built in /usr/local?19:23
devildanteis LD_LIBRARY_PATH enough?19:23
chrisccoulsondevildante, should be19:24
chrisccoulsonor add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf19:24
rodrigo_kenvandine, it talks to couchdb directly19:31
kenvandinerodrigo_, ok, thx19:32
kenvandineso i wonder if that means desktopcouch can come off the CD19:33
kenvandineoh, i guess it can't19:33
kenvandineoh, no it can...i think19:34
rodrigo_kenvandine, couchdb-glib needs to talk to desktopcouch to get the port19:34
kenvandineok... so it can't19:34
kenvandinehow does it handle resuming from suspend?19:34
kenvandineif it fails, does it call desktopcouch again to get the new port?19:34
rodrigo_kenvandine, couchdb is stateless, so every request is new, so it should be ok19:37
kenvandinewell it's a problem for python apps19:37
kenvandinecouchdb seems to go away or crash on suspend19:37
kenvandineso desktopcouch loses it's connection and has to reconnect19:37
kenvandinebut it think that problem is limited to things that use python-httplib219:38
kenvandineso it should be fine19:38
rodrigo_hmm, but if desktopcouch restarts, it will use a different port, so evo-couchdb won't work, I guess19:40
kenvandineit does... the port changes19:42
kenvandinenot always19:43
kenvandineit first tries to reconnect internally to couchdb19:43
kenvandinebut sometimes it crashes and restarts with a new port19:43
kenvandineseb128, did you see libutouch-grail1 amd64 is in universe and i386 is in main19:44
kenvandineblocking the unity build for amd64, has anyone promoted it yet?19:44
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* devildante hates it when he changes one C header and he has to re-compile everything21:21
gambsIs GDM meant to have a flower background? Or is it just me? :S21:27
devildantegambs: no, it must have the purple ubuntu background21:31
devildanteor rather aubergine :p21:31
gambsYeah, that's what I thought... Any idea of what I should do?21:31
devildantegambs: file a bug? (if you didn't change it, that is)21:32
gambsThanks devildante21:32
devildantegambs: np :)21:32
gambsOh, also, my U1MS has completely disappeared. I tried disabling and re-enabling it... restarting, etc.21:45
nessitagambs: what's is your "U1MS"?21:46
gambsUbuntu One Music Store21:47
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devildantevish: here?23:00
devildanteoh my, it's 03:49 AM at vish's home! better not bug him :p23:20
nessitakenvandine: hello mister!23:32
nessitakenvandine: may I ask you to sponsor a package?23:32
nessitacould anyone sponsor a new package for ubuntu-sso-client? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/maverick/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-0.99.4/+merge/3396923:37
nessitaok, I'm off, I'll check back later23:41
nessitabye all!23:41

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