
Hopsaion: The application itself is nicely written and will be the control panel for all the gadmintools apps.00:00
Hopsaion: http://mange.dynalias.org/linux/gadmin-control-panel/gadmin-control-panel-0.0.4.tar.gz00:00
HopsaNice to not have to write a password to open up the server control panels plus it saves space on the desktop etc00:01
HopsaSome people like to know what it does and what its good for etc so i wrote that down: http://mange.dynalias.org/linux/gadmin-control-panel/screenshots/gadmin-control-panel-features.txt00:02
Hopsaion: Checked the code ? / Made that partly in 2004 somewhere and finished it in 3 days now.00:03
HopsaThe hard part was sizing all images to fit and scale properly with eachother on the horizontal and vertical planes.00:04
HopsaI have noticed that the gadmin-dhcpd icon looks like crap. Its a very early icon i made in gimp (With arrows as cables pointing downwards) and the computer icon is yellow and the screen is black. I have told upstream or downstream Debian in my case to let the original .png files be .png and not convert them to .xpm and loose resolution or just use the real .png files.00:10
HopsaWell, i hope some of you enjoy the applications i made so far. Have a great time!00:11
HopsaDont hesitate to ask for help regarding any of the applications.00:13
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JontheEchidnaCould an archive admin please push muon 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 through approval queue please? It's in universe, and 0ubuntu2 fixes a missing dependency for the postinst script.03:24
HopsaJontheEchidna: Ask them to update dhcpd3 to something remotely new as well.03:57
pranay_09hi, i have build an application , in java and i want to make a .deb package of it,where can i find instructions on how to do it?04:01
persiahttp://wiki.debian.org/Java/Packaging has some pointers that may be useful.04:04
persiaIf you're using ant, it's easiest.04:05
pranay_09persia, thanks04:06
pranay_09how do i know the JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH?04:36
pranay_09i did gedit /etc/environment but didn't find them there04:37
persiaYou set the CLASSPATH you need to build.  You'll probably end up needing to list a few jars from your build-dependencies.04:40
persiaJAVA_HOME is tricky.  I've never had a good handle on it.  Try asking in #debian-java on OFTC (irc.oftc.org)04:41
pranay_09persia, i checked the link /usr/bin/java which pointed to some other link, and ultimately it's /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java  . I think this is correct?04:54
persiaThat works as long as you're using openJDK.04:55
pranay_09ya i have been using that only04:56
pranay_09any problem in it?04:57
persiaWell, there's bugs :)  Also, some folks like gcj.04:57
persiaAlso it doesn't handle some architectures.04:57
pranay_09persia, ok, so what's the alternative?05:04
* persia thought there was some smart JAVA_HOME path that did the right thing.05:05
persiaIndeed: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java05:06
persiahttp://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/docs/tutorial.html has lots of useful bits.05:06
pranay_09so should i include this path in my /etc/environment file for JAVA_HOME?05:08
persiaNo.  You don't want JAVA_HOME set in /etc/environment05:09
* persia doesn't remember why, precisely05:09
pranay_09ok, then that should be in the debina/rules file as shown in http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/examples/library-nodeps/ ?05:11
pranay_09ok, thanks :)05:12
JontheEchidna(thanks to whomever pushed muon through)05:17
pranay_09persia, i have basically two java programmes, one is the gui and other has some code, and this requires a package called "spd-say" (no library) so which option should i go for in this page http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/examples/   it's not clear to me05:24
persiaI'd probably use "Simple program using ant" for the gui, and "simple library using ant" for the code on which the GUI depends.05:25
pranay_09persia, i have made both the programmes in netbeans 6.8 and under the netbeans folder i have the programme folder ,"Application" (which itself has sub-folders of build, src,nbproject,test,and files build.xml,and manifest.mf). Now in the given example of Simple programme using ant what should be the foo.jar file? and what's the usr/share/foo?05:38
pranay_09persia, ping05:47
persiapranay_09, Hrm.  I haven't worked with new code in netbeans for too long to be sure.  Sorry.  The folks in #debian-java can probably give better advice, but it will be quiet there for a couple more hours.06:11
pranay_09ok, :)06:12
graphitemasterthis endless parade of joining channels is like a quest for the holey grail.06:30
persiaWhat do you seek?06:31
ebroderNo, no, no - the first question is "WHAT....IS YOUR NAME?"06:32
graphitemastera developer of ubuntu :P06:32
graphitemasteroh right, Dale06:32
KE1HAgraphitemaster:  when you joined the channel, looks the links it listed, there's allot of info there about the teams.06:32
persiaIRC handles that question :)06:32
persiaSo, why do you seek a developer of Ubuntu (there are many here)?06:32
pittiGood morning06:38
pitticnd: mtdev> argh, why is this so resilient? I promoted it twice now06:38
pitticnd: ah, it's probably because the binaries are out of date; promoting again06:40
graphitemasterI want to join the dev06:40
KE1HAJust FYI, that fella graphitmaster wanting to join, just got banned from ubuntu channel.06:43
graphitemasteryeah after I was about to explain what the bash does.06:43
graphitemasternever give me time to explain, and not run it, just make me look like some bad person :/06:43
KE1HADude, it's a fork bomb, they know it, you know it, get over it.06:44
graphitemasterthe ban was kinda dumb06:44
graphitemasterit's not like I told them to run dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/zero06:45
graphitemasteror rm -rf /dev/sda06:45
graphitemasterit's a forkbomb, the worst it does is crash the pc06:45
graphitemasterand a properly configured linux should not crash from a fork bomb06:45
KE1HAThere's allot of new users in that channel, they dont need that kind of help, they have enough troubles as it is. That's all I have to say.06:45
ebroderGuys, this is off-topic for this channel06:46
pittiyou know, rm -rf /dev/sda causes no noticeable damage :)06:57
pittiand cat'ing /dev/sda to /dev/zero even less so06:58
graphitemasterptti dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/zero causes a lot of damage06:58
persiaJust makes the machine sit on IO for a bit.06:58
pittigraphitemaster: like, eating some I/O resources?06:58
RAOFgraphitemaster: You've got if and of around the wrong way.06:58
graphitemasteroopsy :P06:58
pittior are you afraid of filling up your zero device?06:58
persiaNo.  That's definitely the right way.  the other would be unfortunate.06:59
pittiyou can buy a new one for $10 or so06:59
pitti(and get a bigger one while you are at it)06:59
RAOFpersia: Well, if he wants to cause a lot of damage he's got them around the wrong way ;)06:59
ebroderDepends on whether you're testing read or write performance!06:59
RAOFpitti: Do you have a lucrative sideline selling /dev/zero devices? :)06:59
persiapitti, A bigger zero device?06:59
graphitemaster/dev/urandom is better06:59
pittiRAOF: get a 2 TB SSD one, it rocks! but *shhhh*07:00
pittipersia: yeah, got fed up of -ENOSPC on dd'ing to /dev/zero :)07:00
RAOFpitti: Can I get a desktop-team discount from you? :)07:00
pittiRAOF: they come in pairs with null devices, too07:00
persiaWow.  I always used a grounding wire.  hadn't thought about buffering.  Way to reduce entropic decay!07:00
graphitemasterso the LTS releases means more time for parties for you guys or what?07:03
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ttxHopsa: dhcp 4.x was in debian experimental until July 2010 (package is called isc-dhcp). The dhcp3 package tracks the 3.x series. We mostly follow Debian there. We'll get isc-dhcp in universe for Natty Narwhal07:41
ttxNot exactly sure what the plans for transition would be. That's part of the minimal seed, so it's mostly a question for the Foundations team.07:42
persiaCould someone give-back nautilus on amd64?  I get no "implicitly converted" messages in a local build on amd64. : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/1:2.31.90-0ubuntu2/+build/193586408:04
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dholbachpersia, retried it08:05
persiadholbach, Thanks.08:05
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pittipersia: converted pointers? that's an additional check that the buildd does08:21
pittipersia: it only manifests as warnings usually08:21
pittibut try to build with -Werror, then you should get the same08:21
persiaAh, ugh.  Oh well.  nautilus needs help then.08:22
persiaI did some greps on my build-log, hoping to catch them, but didn't see any.08:22
gesercould someone please give-back php5 on amd64? libsnmp-dev is installable again. thanks08:25
persiaYou beat my test build :p08:26
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pittigeser: kicked08:34
pitticnd: doing some binNEWing for the utouch stuff, should help more08:55
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Gwhats the policy for creating an SRU candidate if the package has no patch system, should I add the patch system used in newer releases or use someother patch method?10:03
GI'm assuming just implement the patch system used in maverick but I just want to be sure10:04
persiaGenerally one tries to use the patch system preferred by the maintainer.  that one was added in maverick makes that a good choice.10:04
Gpersia: cool, was just checking :)10:05
persiaIf there's no obvious choice, the patch is typically carried directly in diff.gz or debian.tar.gz10:05
Gpersia: okay then, thanks10:05
mvoRiddell: I fixed bug #624599 in u-m, testing now, a rather silly bug on my part :/10:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 624599 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "KDE frontend crash during doPostUpgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62459910:28
DktrKranzmvo: gdebi upload in Debian would require a python-apt one too, do you know if it's planned?10:50
DktrKranz(and if it can migrate into Squeeze?)10:50
mvoDktrKranz: the new version is in debian already, no? the new python-apt I mean, got uploaded yesterday iirc10:52
mvoDktrKranz: and it should be fine for squeeze10:53
DktrKranzmvo: oh, I probably missed that10:54
mvoDktrKranz: np, might not have hit all mirrors yet or something like this10:54
DktrKranzI'll see whether both can migrate10:55
DktrKranzI owe some favours from some RT guys ;)10:55
mvoheh, cool :)10:56
* mvo hugs DktrKranz10:56
persiaCould someone please give back gnome-games/powerpc?  It builds now : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-games/1:2.31.90-0ubuntu1/+build/192172910:56
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pittipersia: kicked (not that you couldn't do that yourself, but always happy to do a favor)10:58
persiapitti, I don't believe I can.  Mustn't one be core-dev?10:59
persiaAnd thanks :)10:59
pittioh, you aren't?10:59
pittithen that is the bug :)10:59
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pittiso, sorry for the false statement10:59
persiaheh.  I'm currently working on main stuff to meet my own criteria, and will try to change that.10:59
cjwatsonanyone who can upload a package can retry builds for it11:00
persiaThat matches my understanding11:00
cjwatsonoh yes, and gnome-games is in main11:00
pitticjwatson: right, I just falsely assumed that persia had been a core dev for ages11:04
tjaaltonpitti: hey, are you still tending cups? I filed bug 612578 couple of weeks ago, and would like to know what to do next11:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 612578 in cups (Ubuntu) "Printing fails unless the IPP's are purged, but fails again after "some time"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61257811:08
pittitjaalton: I'm not usually reading bugs, tkamppeter does a fine job of it11:09
tjaaltonpitti: ok. tkamppeter ^^11:10
pittitkamppeter: "cached IPPs"? you mean auto-discovered printers?11:10
tjaaltonpitti: no, they are all in the printers.conf11:10
tjaaltonbut the ipp's get recreated after a purge & restart11:11
tjaaltonand they work fine for a while11:11
Gkirkland: if/when you are around in the next few hours, could you ping me about testing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seabios/+bug/589063 and getting it ready for a potential SRU11:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589063 in seabios (Ubuntu) "Windows Server 2008 won't boot with more than 4 vCPUs" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:21
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Gis it me or does the owner for qemu-kvm look wrong?11:54
* persia doesn't see "owner" on that page11:57
Gerrr sorry, meant Maintainer11:58
persiano, that's correct.11:58
persiaThere are no individual maintainers in Ubuntu.  Collaboration is a key component of our philosophy.11:59
Gso there is a difference between "Ubuntu Developer Team" and "Ubuntu Developers"?12:02
persiaCould someone please give-back libgweather/powerpc and libunique/powerpc?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgweather/2.30.2-1ubuntu1/+build/1915522 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libunique/1.1.6-1ubuntu3/+build/191422212:02
G(i.e. the 'Maintainer' for qemu-kvm & packagekit)12:03
persiaProbably just someone typing something slightly different for Maintainer.  We probably ought clean it up, but it's never been a priority.12:03
Gahhh okay, yeah, was just curious12:04
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sistpoty|workpersia: given back (I still love that button *g*)12:07
persiasistpoty|work, Thanks !12:07
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ogracan someone let u-boot-linaro out of NEW please12:09
ograwe need the omap4 binary for omap4 images12:09
tkamppeterpitti, tjaalton, this seems to be a completely new problem. It seems that a new feature (not known which one) in CUPS has torn down other parts of CUPS, as usual.12:12
Gbtw, I take it as we are in FeatureFreeze there is no real use of doing Merge requests, or does that not apply to Universe?12:13
tjaaltontkamppeter: "as usual"? :)12:14
persiaG, Depends on the merge.  http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/maverick/ has a rich set of potentially useful merges in need of review.12:15
cjwatsonG: it shouldn't be a priority simply because it's a merge; if it's a priority, it should be because it fixes a bug12:16
tjaaltontkamppeter: I could try backporting the maverick version (1.4.4) and see what it feels like12:17
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Gpersia: so the ones on that list are the ones that are most important to do12:17
tkamppetertjaalton, pitti, CUPS has a cache in /var/cache/cups/. Here it caches things like list of available PPDs and also the remote printers discovered automatically via IPP. Looks like a bug in the writing of the info into the cache or the readback out of the cache, so that wrong info gets supplied if CUPS relies on the cache, but CUPS has correct info if it obtains it directly.12:17
tkamppetertjaalton, good idea, perhaps it got fixed.12:18
persiaG, No.  The ones on that list are packages where Debian fixed a bug that Debian declared Release Critical.  In many cases, Ubuntu needs to fix the same bug, and can use the solution from Debian.12:18
persiaThe nice thing about that list is it includes bugs *AND* potential solutions, as opposed to many other sources of important bugs, that may not come with solutions.12:18
tkamppetertjaalton, with the "as usual" I mean that it often happens that if a new feature gets added in a new version, regression bugs occur.12:19
tjaaltontkamppeter: ah, ok12:19
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cndpitti, thanks, I'm starting to see some packages now :)12:57
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cndpitti, can you restart xserver-xorg-input-evdev now that utouch-grail is built?12:59
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pitticnd: retried13:40
tjaaltontkamppeter: bah, build failed: http://pastebin.com/YzBRjWtv13:50
tjaaltontkamppeter: i'll try to work around it on monday13:50
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cndpitti, looks like evdev failed becausee it couldn't find libutouch-grail-dev13:56
cnddoes that need to be newed as well?13:56
pitticnd: nothing utouchy in https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+queue?queue_state=013:57
cndpitti, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54494596/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.xserver-xorg-input-evdev_1:2.3.2-6ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:58
cndmaybe it just needs more time?13:58
pittilibutouch-grail-dev | 1.0.11-0ubuntu1 |      maverick | armel, i386, powerpc13:58
pittilibutouch-grail-dev | 1.0.11-0ubuntu1 | maverick/universe | amd6413:58
pitticnd: right, seems the amd64 one came too late and was mis-NEWed13:58
* pitti promotes13:58
cndthanks for looking into it13:59
pitticnd: nice timing, 4 mins before publisher13:59
pittiso, we can retry that one in an ohur13:59
amikropHi, is there an available update for fixing this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/544139 ?14:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544139 in consolekit (Ubuntu Maverick) "Active VT tracking can fail at startup" [High,Triaged]14:19
amikropOr will you wait for 10.10?14:19
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cjwatsonamikrop: nothing yet, it's in my queue.14:22
cjwatson(asking here won't make it happen faster)14:23
amikropcjwatson: OK. (That was not my purpose, anyway, in the first place). Thank you.14:24
ogracjwatson, remind me (i always forget since i do it so rarely) changing platform.maverick/supported-hardware-common will be automatically picked up with the next publisher run, right ?14:28
cjwatsonimmediately - it's not in a task14:30
ograso i just have to wait for jdstrand to get up and let the package out of new :)14:31
hallynDaviey: around?14:40
Davieyhallyn: sadly :)14:40
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hallynDaviey: i added a quilt patch to xlc which wasn't using quilt before14:41
hallynDaviey: should i only have to add 'include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make14:41
hallynto debian/rules?14:41
hallynand then the patch should get applied during build?14:42
hallynor is there more todo?14:42
Davieyhallyn: hmm.. what package is this?14:42
hallyn(like call dh_patch)14:42
hallynDaviey: https://launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/+archive/lxc-lucid-lazyumount14:42
hallynDaviey: there is no 'build:' rule in debian/rules...14:46
hallyndoes there have to be?14:46
Davieyhallyn: just looking at your PPA package source14:46
Davieyhallyn: There is a commented out dpatch include, right?  That is from upstream Debian?14:46
hallynyes it is14:47
cjwatsonlxc uses cdbs, so you need to use cdbs-appropriate patch handling14:47
cjwatson(not disagreeing with Daviey - just to explain why /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make won't cut it)14:47
cjwatsoncdbs supplies the build: rule14:47
hallyncjwatson: ok, that was the first q:  *does* quilt.make cut it :)14:48
Davieyhallyn: I might suggest using dpatch (although i prefer quilt, and it's a defacto standard) submitting it to debian would be easier if you follow upstreams preference14:48
jdstrandogra: hey. I haven't looked at it yet, but how will this kernel impact beta?14:48
hallynso dpatch will apply the quilt patches though?14:48
ograjdstrand, kernel ?14:48
ograjdstrand, i only need u-boot-linaro :)14:48
Davieyhallyn: dpatch is an equivilant patch system14:48
hallynok, thanks cjwatson and Daviey14:48
ograjdstrand, especially the omap4-panda binary14:48
hallynthat explains why mypatch didn't fix it :)14:48
Davieyhallyn: hope that helps :)14:48
jdstrandogra: oh, heh. I just assumed it was a kernel since it seems I always have an arm kernel on fridays :)14:48
cjwatsonif you wanted to use quilt, you would need to include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk instead, but I agree it's better to go with what's already in debian/rules - use dpatch-edit-patch to create the patch file14:49
hallyncjwatson: well i don't care what it uses to stack the patches, so long as it is using quilt format14:50
cjwatsonwhy does it need to use quilt format?  as Daviey points out, submitting it to Debian will be easier if you use the patch system that the Debian maintainer seems to prefer14:50
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cjwatsondpatch has its own format - it's still basically a patch, just different wrapping14:51
cjwatsoneveryone has their own preferences, but when working on existing packages it's best to fit in14:52
hallynDaviey: heh, I'd reserve my +1 for cdbs using git, but...14:52
Davieyhallyn: Opening a whole can of religious worms there :)14:55
hallynDaviey: so, apart from opening the resulting binary in a dissassembler,14:55
hallynis there any way for me to tell if i now have it right???14:55
Davieyhallyn: he build log, should show the patch being applied14:55
hallynthe build log for the binary build, but not for the source build?14:55
DavieyIf you really want to see if the patch is applied, i guess you could experiement with adding a string change that is viable.. then remove it before upload? :)14:56
* hallyn figures he'll brush up on his assembly reading skills, it's been af ew months by now14:56
Davieyhallyn: The source package should normally not have the patch applied for debian/patches/ packages.14:57
* Daviey has been spoilt, mainly working with debian source package 3 packages this cycle.14:58
hallynDaviey: oh well, it appears to *not* be being applied during binary build :(  back to the cdbs docs.  thanks.14:58
Davieyhallyn: edit-patch is a pretty nifty tool, i don't know if you've tried that yet?14:58
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diwichmm, any ideas why I can't find the correct Lucid version (1.0.22-0ubuntu5) of alsa-utils-dbgsym on ddebs.ubuntu.com?15:04
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tkamppetertjaalton, please contact pitti about your build problem. He did the symbol table stuff.15:10
hallynDaviey: yeah, edit-patch was kinda fun to use  :)  (the end-result isn't the prettiest patch, but the build environment was cool)15:26
Davieyhallyn: yeah.. i think there is an open bug about using it with a VCS, it doesn't give you a chance to edit the patch boilerplat headers before promting you to commit15:32
Davieybut just hacking on the code, typing exit.. and getting a patch is really awesome.15:33
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hallynttx: mathiaz: I can't remember, did either of you say you'd tried out rememberthemilk.com?15:37
ttxhallyn: I'm using it15:37
mathiazhallyn: ttx is15:37
ttxhallyn: mathiaz used to use it.15:37
mathiazhallyn: I tried it a couple of years ago as well15:38
hallyn(the mapping feature is making me think it's worth a try :)15:38
mathiazhallyn: SpamapS is also using it IIRC15:38
hallynttx: and you still like it?15:38
hallynmathiaz: why did you stop?15:38
mathiazhallyn: required to be online15:38
hallyn(I'm using ubuntu one mainly, but i guess i feel like "mixing it up" a bit :)15:38
ttxhallyn: yes, I had to trick it though :) but its flexibility allows for it15:38
ttxhallyn: http://fnords.wordpress.com/2010/01/25/gtd-with-rtm/15:39
hallynoh, right, so i tried to login last night for the first time an di t wanted javascript :)15:39
hallynttx: will read that, thx15:39
ttxhallyn: also allows nice tricks like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ttx/%2Bjunk/scripts/annotate/head%3A/gtd15:40
ttxhallyn: I slightly evolved my setup since that article15:40
ttxhallyn: let me know if you want to go further in that direction15:41
ttxmathiaz: I use my iPod touch RTM app for offline work :)15:41
hallyni'll have to see if there's an n900 app15:42
bigonslomo: hi, any reason you removed gir on libgee in debian? http://packages.qa.debian.org/libg/libgee.html15:42
slomobigon: yes, to do it properly there has to be a package for the typelib too and i don't want to add new GI packages to anything until their ABI is stable15:43
bigonmmm could you add it in experimental? I really need it15:43
slomono, it doesn't make sense to go through NEW only to go through NEW again in 2-3 weeks15:44
bigonempathy need folks that need libgee and I really want to upload it in experimental15:45
slomobigon: yes, GI ABI changes... i won't touch any GI packaging stuff until it's really declared as stable and they use correct versioning (i.e. change the version in the paths and stuff when changing the ABI)15:45
bigonmmm ok15:46
bigonlet's see if I can build folks without introspection15:46
slomothe situation is simply unacceptable as it is now *shrug* also, which version of GI do you need to folks?15:46
bigon0.6.7 I think15:48
cjwatsondoko: I can't seem to reproduce the configure test failure in bug 60103015:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 601030 in gcc-4.4 (Ubuntu Maverick) "broken configuration test with fortify source " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60103015:56
cjwatsondoko: can you check whether it's still failing in the current test rebuild (I don't have the necessary URLs to hand) and post a build log URL?15:57
dokocjwatson: ok, will do. is there a test rebuild running?15:59
cjwatsondoko: AFAIK you're the only one who's been doing test rebuilds of late16:00
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smosercjwatson, ping. re bug 623609. I think that if I could seed: 'grub-pc grub-pc/install_devices multiselect NONE' or something like that to indicate "dont bother installing bootloader", I would be good.16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 623609 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-pc needs some help in uec instances" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62360916:07
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smoserthat would fix all the uec situations. but for ec2 i still need to work around grub-probe not functioning.16:09
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Gkirkland: unping, I'm just going to update the bug if you could take a look at it when you've got a chance (589063)16:38
superm1pitti, cjwatson; sigh, still hitting the hash sum mismatch on today's (http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/mythbuntu/maverick/daily-live-20100827.log). can one of you manually rerun so that we could produce an image to regress the new ubiquity from yesterday?16:39
pittiI'll trigger a new build16:39
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ograjdstrand, anything holding up u-boot-linaro ? anything i can do ?17:21
jdstrandogra: no, just got tied up. I'll do it now17:22
pranay_09hi, is the language option in spd-say package not active?17:23
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ograjdstrand, thanks a lot17:23
pittisuperm1: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/daily-live/20100827.1/17:24
pranay_09i mean i tried to change the language as spd-say -s -l it "Hello" but i hear it in english only17:25
superm1pitti, great thanks! and finally these images aren't oversized too :)17:25
pittisuperm1: I guess it also picked up the OO.o fix now?17:26
pittiah, no OO.o on there17:26
superm1pitti, well i committed a  bunch of fixes like 4 days ago, but haven't been able to see if they fixed it17:26
superm1mostly pool/ stuff17:26
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pittilifeless, james_w: wow, vcs imports in LP are really awesome these days! Just tried th "import now" button, and I can watch it getting updated17:30
pranay_09well it's working for some language codes17:30
ograpitti, could you promote u-boot-linaro now that the binaries are out of NEW ? MIR is at bug 61323017:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613230 in u-boot-omap4 (Ubuntu) "MIR for u-boot-linaro-omap4-panda because u-boot-omap4 fails to load new kernel after kernel update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61323017:31
pittiogra: oh, it's literally called "u-boot"? I thought its name was "uboot"17:32
pittiogra: source promoted17:33
ograpitti, upstream calls it "das u-boot" :)17:33
ograno idea how they got to that :)17:33
* pitti promotes binaries to main in the accepted queue17:35
pittiwhat a package name!17:35
ograblame slangasek17:35
ograi think he made that up17:36
pitti"I need a package name". "Lets put my cat on the keyboard and see what she comes up with"17:36
slangasekhey now17:36
slangasekI didn't name it, I would've left the 'linaro' out of the package name ;)17:37
pittiogra: is the u-boot-omap4 task relevant? the package already produces a u-boot-linaro-omap4-panda binary, after all?17:38
pittithe maverick task is "wontfix", but I'm not clear whether we need a separate source at all now17:38
ograpitti, i want to recycle the bug for u-boot-omap4 rempoval request later17:38
ograwe wont need it anymore if the linaro one works17:39
ograthat bug evolved quite a lot ... its started with a breakage of u-boot-omap4 the research showed that the old source we have from TI is unfixable and the the linaro one has no such issues which produced the other task17:40
ograthen we turned it into a MIR :)17:40
ograand if the build sctipts are changed i'll turn it into a removal17:40
pittiogra: so, want me to remove u-boot-omap4?17:44
ograpitti, only after i changed the build scripts ... and i need a break first17:46
pittiogra: ok; don't worry, just asked if I should clean that up, but it's not that urgent17:47
cndpitti, I just did a apt-get update, but libutouch-grail1 amd64 still seems to be in universe17:58
cndshould it be in main by now?17:59
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james_wpitti: nothing to do with me :-) jelmer and the launchpad-code and bzr teams did that18:14
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SpamapSanybody know a simple way to tell that a conffile has been changed or not?19:23
sorenSpamapS: Well, it's neither simple or elegant, but grepping for the conffile's name in /var/lib/dpkg/status gives you the md5sum of it at install time. You can use that for comparison.19:26
SpamapSsoren: I want something I can ask a user to do (so I can see if they've editted it...)19:26
sorenSpamapS: Ah.19:27
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lanoxxis a lock-file considered a cache-file? xdg_spec wise19:42
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ScottKdoko: Is there an approved FFe somewhere for dehydra?  There isn't one referenced in debian/changelog.20:32
dokoScottK: yeah, I know, one day late. I assume I have to write one20:34
ScottKdoko: Feature freeze was last week, so a week and a day.20:34
dokook, ok20:34
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glicksteri dont get it mod-wsgi 2.8 has major bugs in it, why wont ubuntu upgrade it to 3.2 in lucid?20:59
ScottKglickster: We virtually never do major version upgrades post release.  It might be suitable for backports though.21:00
ScottK!backports | glickster21:00
ubottuglickster: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging21:00
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dokoScottK: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/62553221:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 625532 in Ubuntu "FFe: new package dehydra, taken from experimental and updated" [Undecided,New]21:33
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steve|mhmm, gcalctool crashes with a Segmentation Fault when entering 26^16022:11
Neo--hey guys, anyone knows when do we get to know whether or not our UDS sponsorship request had been approved or denied?22:15
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chrisccoulsonhi, is someone able to approve firefox-3.6.9 for me please?23:05
sistpotychrisccoulson: the release-team tried to hide so far from reviewing (me included :P)23:10
chrisccoulsonheh ;)23:10
ScottKable != willing23:11
cjwatsonI realise it's a bit late, but merges.ubuntu.com should be working again now (thanks to some advice from Keybuk on safe ways to free disk space)23:25
Hopsacjwatson: Are there any bugs filed againt dhcpd3 ? Its giving me a segfault on Lucid. "Invalid read of size 4"23:26
Hopsacjwatson: Whatever i do to the configuration it segfaults and it doesnt do that on any other of the dists i use.23:29
ScottKcjwatson: That's good news.  There's one bugfix merge I've been procrastinating because manual merge would be painful.23:29
HopsaIts a whole mayor version behind schedule23:29
HopsaRemove patches and release a newer binary.23:30
HopsaAlso: I noticed that Firefox stopped working on Ubuntu 8.04. -safe-mode would only show a the clear cookies etc things and then it would leave a zombie Firefox.23:32
HopsaIts got something to do with ns_loginit()23:33
HopsaSwitching xulrunners made no difference and reinstalling firefox did likewise23:34
cjwatsonHopsa: it's not usually a good plan to grab the last person who happened to talk in the channel in the assumption they'll know ;-)23:37
cjwatson"Remove patches and release a newer binary" <- no, patches would have been there for a reason, it requires slightly more checking than that particularly in a stable release23:38
cjwatsonbut I know very little about that package in particular23:38
HopsaI know that dhcpd should never need to be segfaulting. Please check this.23:39
HopsaIt does this on startup for me on Lucid with all current updates23:40
cjwatsonI'm afraid I have too much else to do right now23:40
cjwatsonplease simply file a bug23:40
HopsaSo servers are not a priority. hmm..23:40
cjwatsonnot my priority != not Ubuntu's priority23:41
cjwatsonI personally do not do much server work23:42
cjwatsonthis is why you generally shouldn't try to grab people personally on IRC until you're quite familiar with the project, but instead go through the bug tracking system23:42
HopsaSo ubuntu will only care about desktop things like openoffice and stuff ?23:42
cjwatsonnon sequitur23:42
cjwatsonyou asked me personally23:42
cjwatsonI do installer and bootloader stuff23:43
penguin42Hopsa: People care about servers, there is a #ubuntu-server I think23:43
HopsaFelix sit annus noctus23:43
HopsaOh, thanks penguin42 !23:43
penguin42Hopsa: It's just some people deal with different bits of stuff and the people who know about your problem might not be around23:43
penguin42Hopsa: File a bug against the package and they'll get told23:43
Hopsapenguin42: Thank you for your help. Ill keep an eye out for people in the know.23:48
chrisccoulsonHopsa, rather than "keeping an eye out", you should just file a bug on launchpad23:50
Hopsachrisccoulson: No, id rather get a hold of persons in the know. But thank you.23:51
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that's not the way to do it. imagine if every user did that? it would be chaos. the bug tracker exists for a reason23:51
penguin42Hopsa: File the bug anyway, it'll collect a load of stuff and backtrace and stuff which if you are lucky to find someone (which may be rare) it'll help them23:52
Hopsapenguin42: I need the unstripped libs for dhcpd to do so. How can i install those ?23:54
penguin42Hopsa: You can file the bug anyway - just run  ubuntu-bug dhcpd (or whatever the package is called)23:55
chrisccoulsonwell, you don't need them if you use apport. however, you can find the information you need here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash23:55
chrisccoulson(which you would have been told by someone else if you reported a bug)23:55
HopsaNope, i need to get the debug info or i cant pinpoint the error. Im developing stuff etc on Ubuntu and most other dists.23:56
chrisccoulsonok, so you sound like you don't really need any help then23:58

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