
jclark5093I have a question about ubuntu vs debian - anyone with knowledge here?03:17
persiaBetter to just ask: if someone knows, you may get an answer.  Some folk may take 12-24 hours to get back to a question.03:19
evokay, there appear to be two KDE bugs here.  The first is that the prepare page is trying to talk to upower over dbus, which doesn't exist on the KDE CDs.  The second is that adding a signal receiver is triggering a  segfault.09:30
CIA-71debian-installer: cjwatson * r1353 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20100211ubuntu2210:25
NCommandercjwatson: do you want me to do test builds on armel for d-i for Beta since we now have alternates up and running (and failing on omap)? I saw the last d-i upload is FTBS :-/10:32
cjwatsonthat type of build failure in d-i is trivial, it's just kernel versions out of sync10:44
cjwatsonI think I just never got round to retrying it once the armel kernel got round to building.  in general I don't necessarily wait for all architectures to become available before uploading d-i10:44
cjwatsonI do test-builds on kakadu when I'm making non-trivial changes to armel things10:45
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4235 trunk/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-language.py: Remove superfluous glib import in KDE code.10:47
ograNCommander, you are aware that alternates wont produce a proper install ?11:05
ograon omap311:05
persiaOn omap3, or on beagle?11:07
ograon omap311:07
ograand indeed on beagle too11:07
persiaOh, I thought it was just beagle.  My bad.11:07
ograwe have no way to handle bootloaders in alternates sinc ethat would require some hardcoded partitioning stuff11:07
ograeither do preinstalled or dont do images for omap11:08
ogra(or invent a hardcoded partitonning scheme the user cant break during install)11:09
persiaWell, stop making them if you think they cannot be useful.11:09
ograthey can but someone needs to work out a way for the bootloaders :) we're fully focused on preinstalled11:10
persiaI doubt it will happen in time for maverick.11:13
persiaCould they conceivably be used by advanced users for hacking on their own projects?11:13
ograthey would end up without bootloader installation11:13
ograi.e. *very* advanced users could do it11:13
persiaDunno then.11:14
ograyou need to stick to a certain partitioning scheme and need to set up and install flash-kernel manually11:15
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4236 trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs):11:19
CIA-71ubiquity: Do not set up the Qt DBus main loop twice. This was crashing on the11:19
CIA-71ubiquity: prepare page.11:19
cjwatsonyou could write a /lib/partman/check.d script that fails if the partition is not as mandated, and tells the user what they need to do11:21
cjwatsoni.e. the facilities to do what you want already exist11:21
persiaRight.  The blocker is more that we haven't figured out what to mandate.11:22
ograoem-config fails on armel11:41
ograand worse, i dont get a shell now but get gdm11:42
ograhitting shutdown in gdm i see the rootshell with the usual note that i need to set up a user manually11:44
ograand a trace from ubiquity-dm11:44
evogra: can't you switch to a VT to get the logs?11:47
ograwill try (i just shot down, booting takes a bit on arm)11:47
evsure thing, thanks11:50
ogragrmpf ... this boot it works11:54
ograthe slideshow being to big for the new window size is a known issue i guess ?11:58
ograi have scrollbars around it even though the screen size is 1920x120011:59
ograi.e. the window has a fixed size, the slideshow is bigger11:59
ograhmm, now it hangs after "getting time from a network server"12:00
* ogra clicks on the expander arrow12:00
ogra"can not open /ver/log/installer/debug for reading, no such file or directory"12:01
ograhmm, indeed, this is a preinstalled image12:01
ograoh, it was just slow, it moves \o/12:01
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4237 trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):12:02
CIA-71ubiquity: Stop Qt callbacks on the prepare and language pages once we have a12:02
CIA-71ubiquity: result, matching the GTK behavior.12:02
evcan someone remind me of the common case for not installing grub with Ubuntu?12:22
ogralilo users ?12:23
ogrado we still support them ?12:23
cjwatsonyes, it's in main12:23
cjwatsonor non-x86 architectures12:23
cjwatsondo you mean not installing grub at all, though?12:23
cjwatsonit's not a common case, it's a VOCAL case12:23
evunchecking the box12:23
cjwatsonfor people who have seriously custom bootloader arrangements and don't want them broken12:24
* cjwatson looks through bzr blame to check12:25
michaelforrestev: my suggestion re: bootloader is make it a command line switch and add a row to the gfxboot screen with 'install without bootloader'12:26
evcjwatson: ^ that sounds entirely reasonable to me, what do you think?12:26
cjwatsonlet me complete looking through bzr blame first12:26
evit wouldn't handle picking a specific device to install it to, but is that even that necessary anymore, given that we've largely solved the USB disk issue?12:26
evsure thing12:26
cjwatsonpicking a specific device to install to is actually more necessary12:27
cjwatsonsome people have custom bootloaders in the MBR that they don't want disturbed, and instead want to install grub to a partition12:27
michaelforrestso let's include that dropdown in the partitioning page12:27
michaelforrest'bootloader will be installed to: [dropdown]' inline12:27
cjwatsonfailing to include that option has got us bad news publicity in the past12:28
evokay, works for me, and understood12:28
cjwatson(we didn't let you select that in 6.06 LTS)12:28
cjwatsonthe bootloader checkbox was added in response to bug 13044512:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 130445 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "grub failure with gpt formatted disk (heat: 3)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13044512:29
cjwatsonI think that might be adequately handled by the bootloader installation failure dialog?12:29
michaelforrestev: if we could get the more descriptive device description in that dropdown (instead of just '(hd0)')12:29
evmichaelforrest: we already have them, that screenshot is a bit old12:29
cjwatsonthough a command line option would be useful too12:29
cjwatsonI don't think it needs to be exposed in gfxboot since the use case in 130445 is actually fairly limited12:30
evso you're happy making it a command line switch?12:30
cjwatsonit's the install-to-partition crowd who are moderately numerous and extremely vocal, thinking about it12:30
evand not present in the UI12:30
cjwatsonyeah, given that the bootloader-install-failed dialog lets you continue without a boot loader12:30
evI'll make that change and file a freeze exception12:31
evthanks guys12:31
* persia has found that behaviour frustrating a couple times, ending up with an unbootable device post-install12:31
cjwatsonBTW (noting your comment that the screenshot is old), any case where we show (hd0) nowadays is basically a bug12:31
cjwatsonindependent of design concerns12:31
evmichaelforrest: thoughts on where to put the rest of the dialog? (proxy options, popularity contest)12:31
cjwatsonwhen we need to show device names, they should be OS-style device names, e.g. /dev/sda12:32
evcjwatson: indeed, grub is sane now12:32
cjwatsonNCommander: re armel: should I switch d-i over to the linaro mx51 build?12:38
ogracjwatson, rather a linaro question12:38
ograi think their way of image building is very different from ubuntus (tarballs etc)12:39
cjwatsonogra: it's relevant for Ubuntu because the imx51 flavour in linux has vanished.12:39
cjwatsonlinux-linaro delivers udebs12:39
ograif linaro wants it ubuntu-arm wont stand in the way, we dont need it though12:40
persiaPoint of Order: linaro is a participant in Ubuntu.12:41
ograand afaik their imx51 support is only what upstream has, very sparse12:41
cjwatsonogra: you aren't listening12:41
cjwatsonmy point was that there are no imx51 udebs in the archive from the main linux package right now12:41
persiacjwatson, If we want imx51 support, the linaro imx51 build is the only source of udebs.12:41
cjwatsonthe correct answer would have been "no, cjwatson, you idiot, they're just still building"12:41
cjwatson(and somebody NBSed out the old ones)12:42
ograNBSing them was on purpose12:42
ograsimply because they were several versions behind on security updates12:42
persiaBut they had an rdep on d-i12:43
cjwatsonanyone who NBSes kernels without checking d-i's status is not doing it properly12:43
* ogra didnt NBS them but acked that we dont need them in ubuntu when he was asked about the existing packages12:44
cjwatsonok, so the linux-fsl-imx51 package is gone permanently?12:45
cjwatsonsee, that's not a linaro question. :)12:45
cjwatsondo we want to build d-i for imx51 in maverick?12:45
ograno, but the new imx51 binaries are :)12:45
cjwatsonagain not a linaro question12:45
persiaRather, there was nobody currently interested in maintaining it.  This may not be truly permanent.12:45
ograit is a linaro question since they a) maintain the kernel that would be used and b) would be the only user of it12:46
cjwatsondoes the ubuntu-arm team want to build d-i for imx51 in maverick?12:46
* persia disagrees with b) based on various folks trying to get newer software on netwalkers12:46
evactually, I can make the proxy option a command line parameter as well, and the popcon stuff you wanted to fold into that eventual "let me help make Ubuntu better by providing usage data" option.12:47
cjwatsonogra,persia: I'm finding the twenty-questions game kind of frustrating.  I've gone and asked #linaro in the hope that I can get a straight answer there.  If you want me to do things in d-i's build for ubuntu-arm, then I need straight answers12:48
cjwatsonotherwise, those who give me straight answers are going to win. :)12:49
persiacjwatson, The only folks currently actively maintaining support for imx51 within Ubuntu are those maintaining the linaro imx51 build.12:50
cjwatsonthank you, that is a straight answer12:50
persiaNeither ogra nor I know of anyone who is actively testing i.mx51 images, but we suspect that the maintainers of the linaro imx51 build likely would know of such folk.12:50
persiaThere exist a number of interested parties external to Ubuntu who would like to see i.mx51 support, based on various trees, but I don't believe you can help them until they generate udebs you can use.12:51
cjwatsonok.  I'll nuke it.12:52
persiaNote that none of the above is intended as an abrogation of support terms for any previously released images.12:52
cjwatsonof course12:53
cjwatsonogra,persia: thanks for the answers.  ogra's answers above make more sense in retrospect given the later clarifications.  I apologise for being snappy12:55
ogracjwatson, well, i could have expressed myself better12:56
ograor could have taken the task to just ask linaro12:56
cjwatsonwell, no harm done, I'll try this test-build against linaro-mx5112:56
cjwatsonif it just works then might as well use it12:56
persiacjwatson, apologies for the confusion.  There's a bit of contention between Canonical's "Ubuntu ARM" team, Linaro's "Integration" team, and random folk who care about armel in terms of who "represents" Ubuntu's plans for ARM.  Please be patient as we develop an identity.12:57
CIA-71debian-installer: cjwatson * r1354 ubuntu/ (build/config/armel.cfg debian/changelog):14:04
CIA-71debian-installer: Disable imx51 armel flavour for now; linux-fsl-imx51 is no longer in the14:04
CIA-71debian-installer: archive, and linux-linaro's i.MX51 support is still quite minimal14:04
CIA-71debian-installer: according to Oliver Grawert and Loïc Minier.14:04
evcjwatson: any objection to me moving the grub comboboxentry back to a regular combobox?  I'm concerned that if we're going to make this visible by default, showing a linux device file in the field, rather than the friendlier description used in the drop down, is a bit scary.14:08
evGiven that we don't support (hdX,X) anymore, I can't see what use case would require manual entry.14:08
cjwatsonyes, that sounds probably ok14:14
evokay, cool, thanks14:14
CIA-71debian-installer: cjwatson * r1355 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20100211ubuntu2314:15
davmor2ev, cjwatson:  I'm going to try a wubi install in a bit if the images were okay this morning14:17
evkde is broken, but ubuntu should be working14:21
evgah, this is going to require considerable more thought.  Partitioning could completely invalidate the list of devices used for the grub drop down.14:25
evI'll have to move it to both the automatic and advanced pages, and update it based on the choices made on those pages.  Ugh.14:26
evare we sure we can't just relegate this to a command line option? ;)14:30
cjwatsondevices?  I really don't think so14:33
cjwatsonwe'd be excoriated14:33
* cjwatson went through this once already and has little desire to do it again14:34
evfair enough, I'll get started on this.  I have a call at 4, so it will probably be a weekend thing.14:39
evmichaelforrest: I never got that generic operating system icon from Otto.  I don't suppose you have a local copy?14:40
evget started> re-jig14:40
michaelforrestev: I'll have to jump into photoshop14:45
davmor2ev, cjwatson:  Wubi still drops straight into grub shell on first reboot :(14:47
cjwatsonI can't do anything about it right now, no current Windows system14:48
evmichaelforrest: thanks14:56
evdavmor2: if you can convince grub to print debugging information, that would be a helpful start, but I'm afraid I have 0 free time to look at this at the moment14:57
davmor2ev: unfortunately not it drops straight into grub shell from selecting Ubuntu and there is no useful info.  I've "set debug=all" on the top line of grub in /ubuntu/install/boot/grub/grub.cfg no difference I'm open to offers on advice though.15:04
kirklandwhat's the magic kernel parameter to tell the installer that i have a preseed file on a boot floppy?15:41
kirklanddoes url=file:///path/to/preseed ?15:42
kirklandcjwatson: ev: ^15:43
evkirkland: file=/path/to/preseed15:45
kirklandev: cool15:45
kirklandev: thanks15:45
evremember that if this is the alternate/server CD and you want to preseed the language and keyboard questions, you'll need to put the preseed file in the initrd.15:46
kirklandev: got it...  using: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484511/15:46
kirklandev: I'm working with the kvm-autotest upstream community, to help them automate the testing of Ubuntu guests in KVM15:47
kirklandev: one more question ... is there a magic location, where if you put a preseed, it will magically be picked up?15:47
kirklandev: without adding the url=... param?15:47
ev /preseed.cfg in the root of the initrd15:47
kirklandev: hmm, okay, let me get this straight ....15:48
kirklandev: i want to boot a stock Ubuntu ISO with kvm -cdrom ...15:48
kirklandev: and then i want to give another parameter to KVM, -hda, or something15:49
kirklandev: that has a preseed15:49
kirklandev: i'd like the ubuntu installer to just "find" this preseed in some magic location, and do its install automatically15:49
kirklandev: to get it into the initrd, i would need to modify the iso, no?15:50
kirklandev: okay, any way of avoiding rebuilding the iso?15:50
evnot that I can think of.  Perhaps through some magic with kvm's -kernel and -initrd options?15:52
cjwatsonev: are you still planning to look at bug 613008?15:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 613008 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "failed to install oem-config from CD (affects: 1) (heat: 144)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61300815:59
evah, that fell off my radar.  Sorry.15:59
evyes, I'll take a look at it on Monday.  I've added a note to my calendar.16:00
everr tuesday16:00
cjwatsonhm, Monday bank holiday16:01
cjwatsonTuesday may be too late for beta CDs; I wonder if I'll need to look this afternoon16:01
cjwatsonI'll ask about it in the rel meeting16:01
kirklandev: i have a bit more info, and another question16:15
kirklandev: so let's say i do this ...  qemu-img create -f raw floppy.img 1M # create a 1M floppy image16:16
kirklandev: mount -o loop floppy.img /mnt # mount up the floppy16:16
kirklandev: cp preseed.cfg /mnt; umount /mnt # copy the preseed, unmount16:16
kirklandev: and now i boot the server ISO16:17
kirklandev: with kvm -cdrom ubunut.iso -fda floppy.img16:17
kirklandev: doesn't look like that floppy is automounted or anything, so i can't really use url=/media/floppy/preseed.cfg16:18
kirklandev: any ideas?16:18
kirklandev: oh, i have another idea ....16:22
cjwatsonyou must only use url= with actual http or ftp urls16:23
kirklandcjwatson: ev: could we add a preseed/kvm-autotest.seed that does a completely automated, minimal install?16:23
cjwatsonI'd prefer not, too many variables16:23
cjwatsonI don't want to be responsible for automated disk overwrites16:24
kirklandcjwatson: okay, i'm working with the upstream kvm-autotest community16:24
kirklandcjwatson: they want an automated way of installing ubuntu, for the sake of doing automated regression testing against kvm, with ubuntu guests16:25
kirklandcjwatson: i have a preseed file that can do this, of course16:25
kirklandcjwatson: but i'm trying to marry that with their framework16:25
kirklandcjwatson: for fedora, they just add a kernel parameter, ks:floppy, which tells the redhat/fedora installer to look for a floppy, with a kickstart file of a certain name16:26
kirklandcjwatson: if found, use it16:26
kirklandcjwatson: since it's a floppy, it's easy to modify16:26
kirklandcjwatson: best i can tell, we support something similar, in the initrd, but that would mean modifying the initrd to insert my preseed, then remastering the iso16:26
kirklandcjwatson: a little heavy weight for their need16:26
kirklandcjwatson: can you advise me on a better step forward?16:27
cjwatsoner, so you're comparing apples with oranges here16:32
cjwatsonFedora's allowed to add a kernel parameter16:32
cjwatsonUbuntu apparently isn't?16:32
cjwatsonfile=floppy://preseed.cfg should mount a floppy16:33
cjwatsonev: do today's daily desktop images work for you?  they just seem to hang at the desktop here16:52
evcjwatson: Ubuntu works, Kubuntu is broken, though fixed in trunk16:52
evwell, mostly fixed16:52
evI think there's an issue with Kubuntu at ubiquity-dm, which I'll tackle in a moment16:52
evcjwatson: by hang at the desktop do you mean Ubiquity or something else?16:53
cjwatsonshows ubiquity, mouse won't move16:53
cjwatsonjust curious whether it was happening to more than just me16:53
cjwatsonsame as bug 62493016:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 624930 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "maverick desktop installer freezes (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62493016:54
evcjwatson: can you get to a VT? magic sysrqs?16:58
evI'm not seeing that at all16:58
evsounds like you need a serial cable :)16:58
cjwatsonVT> testing.  magic sysrq maybe hard given kvm16:58
cjwatsononly thing odd was that I'm using -net none, trying without16:59
evsendkey alt-sysrq-? should work, no?17:04
cjwatsonhm, there's an invisible zenity process showing ubiquity/install_failed17:05
cjwatsonand OOM errors in syslog (but 512MB RAM in this VM)17:06
evperhaps we're doing something mental in the no-network case17:07
cjwatsonhappens without -net none too17:07
cjwatsonkvm -monitor stdio -m 512 -cdrom maverick-desktop-i386.iso -hda oem-613008.img -boot d # oem-613008.img is a fresh 10G disk17:07
evI'll give it a shot with 51217:09
evI've been using 76817:09
cjwatsonubiquity is at virt 129m res 39m17:12
cjwatsonhowever, bootchart is running17:12
cjwatsonI just disabled that in the live-common seed and I think that will help17:12
cjwatsonit was the top memory user, so I wonder if it just pushed the kernel into oom-killing ubiquity17:12
cjwatsontrying with bootchart=disable17:13
cjwatsonstill really slow to draw the first page17:18
cjwatsonthis is just in "install Ubuntu" mode - at least I assume it's drawing, it has just "Welcome", the language list, and the action buttons up, and it's not responding when I hit Forward17:19
cjwatsonit seems to be trying to talk to ibus and not getting very far?17:20
cjwatsonit's sitting in localechooser at 'INPUT critical localechooser/languagelist', and the last four lines in the debug log are:17:21
cjwatsondebconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/only-show-installable-languages17:21
cjwatsondebconf (developer): --> 1 false17:21
cjwatson(yes, last line is twice)17:21
cjwatsonah, works better when I change language and then change back, maybe a focus bug17:22
cjwatsonok, so that's working17:23
ev512 worked fine for me17:25
evit was an am64 CD, but I don't see how that would make a difference here17:26
cjwatsonhopefully the bootchart removal will basically clear it up17:28
ograhmm, do we restart syslog after the hostname was set by ubiquity/oem-config ?17:32
* ogra was just told the old name shows up in the logs all the time17:32
superm1cjwatson, what would your thoughts be on something like this to replace oem-config-remove (at least in the GTK case) http://pastebin.com/QSgyuW6H17:39
cjwatsonsuperm1: I'm OK with it if it works17:42
superm1cjwatson, okay cool. yeah i did some brief tests with it yesterday.  probably needs a UI freeze exception or so17:43
superm1i'll wait until after beta to commit it and file the exception in  case there has to be any more ubiquity stuff committed before then17:43
cjwatsonUI freeze is basically for stuff people might be taking screenshots of; seems unlikely in this case17:44
evIf Qt is creating files in ~ on load, I'm going to stab someone at Nokia in the face.17:46
everr kdelibs, but my threat still stands17:47
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4238 trunk/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog):19:02
CIA-71ubiquity: Drop privileges before setting the background in the Qt portion of19:02
CIA-71ubiquity: ubiquity-dm, otherwise .kde/share/config will be created as root.19:02
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4239 trunk/debian/changelog: Beta freeze exception (LP: #625472).19:13

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