
akgranerHi all!04:28
akgranerDang it's almost midnight here :-(   sorry I wasn't around much today...04:29
highvoltagehi akgraner!04:57
akgranerhighvoltage, hey!04:58
akgranerseems like forever since I said hi to ya04:58
akgranerare you all settled in and unpacked04:58
highvoltageditto. are you doing ok?04:58
highvoltagekind of, I have around 5 boxes that still need to arrive04:59
highvoltageI guess they're stuck at customs or something :)04:59
akgranerI hope they show up soon04:59
akgranerdo you remember what is in them04:59
akgranerI unpacked last summer and went "Oh wow I forgot about that"05:00
akgraneror "oh that is where that went"05:00
highvoltageyep. nothing too important at least. stuff like my CD collection, a hi-fi, wii fit and wii accessories, lcd displays, oh and one computer I actually care about. and I think then one more box with a bunch of other misc electronics05:00
highvoltageshould I start adding some links for the planet section so long?05:01
highvoltageyeah I'm sure I'll get some surprises in the boxes at least :)05:01
akgranerhighvoltage, sure - remember for the Planet  - if it's about a LoCo team just drop the link and title into the LoCo section05:02
akgranerif it's about Canonical specific - like landscape or something then it goes into In Other News05:03
akgranerthe planet is tricky sometimes as those can go in a lot of other places in the news letter05:03
highvoltageI noticed last week :)05:03
akgranerbut don't sweat it b/c I'll move stuff around05:03
highvoltagethat I've noticed, too!05:04
akgraneralso it needs to have been posted between August 22 and 28th05:04
highvoltageare you going to UDS?05:05
highvoltagewell, at least we're slowly but surely getting in the habbit of starting earlier05:05
highvoltagerome wasn't build in a day!05:05
highvoltageI think if you keep running things like you do, it will just be a short matter of time before things run like a smooth running engine05:05
akgranerhighvoltage, thanks!  it's you all who do the work  -  I just rearrange things05:07
akgranerhighvoltage,  I put in for sponsorship - I hope I get it05:07
highvoltageI'll hold thumbs!05:08
akgraner:-)  thanks05:11
akgranerwill you be there?05:11
akgranerhighvoltage, do you know JFo?05:13
akgranerhe and I are doing a podcast now05:14
akgranerthe 1st Episode was full of mistakes with sound and stuff05:14
akgranerbut we had a blast doing it05:14
highvoltageakgraner: I saw your blog entry about it, I've been meaning to give it a listen05:14
akgranerI would advise listen on your computer as I forgot to equalize the sound05:15
highvoltageakgraner: I also found a whole bunch of cool edubuntu videos on youtube this week, I guess I'm going to buy a nice video camera and start a show or somwthing soon05:15
highvoltageheh, ok05:15
akgranerand in addition I am on the right speaker and JFo is on the left I think05:15
akgranerhighvoltage, awesome  - video tutorials seem to be very popular these days05:16
akgranerI am playing around with a UWN Live Video Cast05:16
highvoltageyes, we always have documentation problems, but it seems like more people are willing to make videos on how to do something than actually type out a howto05:16
akgranerI've almost got the background drape finished05:16
highvoltagepreviously I thought that videos would be more work, but it seems these days they've become quite easy05:17
akgranerseems that way05:18
akgranerI still find it not as easy as people make it out to be but not impossible either05:18
highvoltageakgraner: I also want to make little short stories promoting free software. if I could make even just one as cool as this one I'd be very, very happy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbk980jV7Ao05:20
* akgraner looks05:20
akgranerhighvoltage, hahahahahaha05:22
akgranerthat is great05:22
akgranerhi everyone I am *finally* back online and I have power once again at my house!  woo hoo!!!  Now to get caught up on everything18:58
holsteinakgraner: :)18:59
holsteinWB to civilization18:59
akgranerI am like 7 hours behind schedule18:59
akgranerholstein, thanks19:00
holsteini heard it got crazy some places19:00
holsteinit wasnt that bad here19:00
akgranerwe had a guy take out a power pole19:00
akgranerhe tried to take a 90 Degree right turn at 70mph19:00
holsteinwell, at least you know who to blame, and throw eggs at this halloween19:00
akgranerthey called in the lifeflight for him but then canceled it19:00
akgranerI don't think he made it :-(19:01
holsteindrag :/19:01
akgranerThat will be the 4th death here in 3 days19:01
* holstein feels bad for making a joke to quick19:01
holsteinthat sux19:01
akgranerall car accidents19:01
holsteinthe way i drove when i was a kid was stupid19:02
akgranernope   - but and elder couple who were friends of my parents got t-boned by a guy in an intersection they were killed instantly19:02
akgranerthat was Wednesday19:02
holsteinwow akgraner19:02
holsteinsorry to hear that19:02
akgraneryesterday a girl on her way to marion via 74 lost control of her car and didn't make it19:03
akgranerand now today this accident..19:03
holsteinwe got some crazy road ways around here19:03
akgranerthat we do19:03
holsteini bet you let your kids getting their permits at 21 ;)19:04
holsteinmy little sister started driving19:04
holsteinmakes me nervous19:04
akgranerhehe nope becca starts actual driving on Monday19:04
holsteini totally get what my mom was talking about when i was a kid19:05
akgranerand the following Monday will get her learners permit19:05
holsteinbecca seems like a sharp one though19:05
akgranerI think she is :-)19:05
akgranerok so does everyone have a handle on their sections19:05
holsteinakgraner: we're editing the Gdoc?19:05
holsteinfor adding summaries?19:06
akgraneryou can add where ever you are comfortable19:06
akgranerit's only on Monday's I ask people not to add to the wiki19:06
akgranerb/e I am in and out of it so much19:06
* holstein looking here19:07
holsteini'll keep an eye there19:07
holsteinas the 'in other news' section develops19:07
akgranerlet me see if the wiki has the sites listed on it now19:08
akgranerholstein, and internalkernel  - chan has added a ton of sources to the wiki under in the press  - you can check those sites to see if there is anything from the 22-24th19:09
holsteinakgraner: ok i can do that19:11
holsteinand i copy them over to the Gdoc if so19:11
holsteinin the same section, with the usual formatting19:12
akgraneryep title and link19:12
akgranerand summary if you can write them19:12
akgraneror don't mind writing them19:12
akgranerit's easy to move stuff around later19:13
holsteini'll get on that19:13
akgranerand better to have an not need than to need and not have19:13
holsteini think we need the UMN19:16
holsteinubuntu *monthly* newsletter ;)19:17
internalkernel:P +119:17
holsteininternalkernel: im looking at OMGubuntu19:17
akgranerholstein, the thing would be huge19:18
internalkernelIm just getting down to some work... but I'll dig through those links this evening.19:18
holsteinyou want internalkernel i'll let you know what ive gotten to19:18
akgranerthanks guys!19:19
holsteinakgraner: and it would take a week solid to get it together19:19
internalkernellol... work work work19:19

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