
lfaraoneneeraj: did you apt-get update already? It's in multiverse I think, so make sure you have that enabled.00:08
neerajlfaraone, all sources are selected.00:10
lfaraoneneeraj: what dep is unmet on squeak-vm?00:11
neerajlfaraone, sugar-etoys-activity : Depends: etoys but it is not going to be installed00:15
lfaraoneneeraj: just run "sudo apt-get install -f"00:16
neerajlfaraone, Ok. downloading some packages now..00:17
neerajlfaraone, what was the issue? I mean I was only trying to install those packages as reported by apt-get00:18
lfaraoneneeraj: apt-get didn't tell you to do "apt-get install -f squeak-vm", it said "apt-get -f install".00:19
neerajlfaraone, ohh.. my bad.. :(00:23
neerajlfaraone, also, dfarning asked to add various activities as a dependency in usr-meta package, so that they can get installed along with usr. Now I am little confused here.00:25
neerajIn my opinion adding s-*-a as Recommends make more sense..00:25
lfaraoneneeraj: okay. why's that?00:25
neerajHmm.. I was actually thinking that if due to some reason, if any activity is failing to due to some dependency, then the usr-meta package will fail.. but..00:27
neerajnow I think for what we are for :P.. I mean we will keep adding patches acco. to bug/problems as they come..00:27
lfaraoneneeraj: well, our goal is that all activities we are shipping in USR are good activites we think showcase what Sugar has to offer.,00:30
neerajlfaraone, Ok.00:32
neerajEtoys working fine. I had requested sync for s-irc-a.00:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 625001 in ubuntu "FFe: Sync sugar-irc-activity 6-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New]00:32
satellitUSR-59ed2nd user on USB now have 2 users with useradd command....00:44
satellitUSR-59edlog out lets me switch to either one with their own password. Had to download IRC.xo from ASLO but surf-115.deb was on 2nd users f3 ring....00:45
lfaraoneneeraj: acked.00:48
neerajlfaraone, :) thanks. Filing ffe request for poll,etoys and record00:49
lfaraoneneeraj: hold a sec.00:52
neerajlfaraone, ok00:52
lfaraoneneeraj: don't file a FFe for poll, it's already in Ubuntu as "sugar-pollbuilder-activity", and it's up-to-date in Ubuntu under that name.00:54
neerajlfaraone, ok. and for logviewer|| log ?00:54
dfarningneeraj, got it figured out?01:00
neerajdfarning, yes. Stupid me. lfaraone helped in that issue. :)01:01
satellit_afksent surf -115 .deb errors from USB log application via e-mail to list01:05
lfaraoneneeraj: log, I'm not sure about.01:05
lfaraoneneeraj: the issue is with a rename is we have to preserve a transition path for users, which means that we need to deviate from debian in adding a transitional package which we then need to maintain until the next LTS (12.04)01:06
neerajlfaraone, yeah. Now me too.. so the conversation at motu01:06
lfaraoneneeraj: ah, you saw that :)01:06
lfaraoneneeraj: I think that unless sugar-logviewer-activity (v6) is badly broken, we can leave it in as-is for this release.01:07
neerajlfaraone, +1.01:07
neerajlfaraone, testing the package. Also will se *log* change log if there is ny major change.01:08
satellit_afklog-6 works  (sugar-logviewer-activity) installed in sugar from Ubuntu /usr/share/sugar.Activities01:08
satellit_afk s/" sugar/Activities"01:09
neerajsatellit_afk, thanks.01:11
satellit_afkboth users got it on f3 ring (useradd)01:12
neerajlfaraone, yes. its working fine. While initially packaging *log* for debian, we used logviewer as a name.01:12
lfaraoneneeraj: right, it's not your fault. "log" is just a more apt name :)01:12
neerajI installed s-logviewer-a-0.86. its working absolutely fine. butt I have one more doubt now.01:16
neerajread-0.86 was working in maverick.. right?01:17
neeraj* filing ffe for etoys and irc01:17
lfaraoneneeraj: no, it is not working in Maverick.01:18
neerajlfaraone, ok..01:18
lfaraonemanusheel: do you know if Neeraj will be back before 0h? (EST)03:43
ankuralsroot,  around?04:43
ankurhow does sugar calculate zoom level or scaling factor , any quick response?04:47
ankuri mean , just a  hint or so04:47
=== alsroot_ is now known as alsroot
lfaraone /j #ubuntu-mozillateam15:51
* dipankar says hello to all16:02
dipankardfarning, hi16:02
dipankarlfaraone, hellos :P16:03
dfarningdipankar, good morning.16:03
dipankardfarning, good morning16:03
dipankardfarning, had a chat with manusheel just right now16:03
dipankardfarning, thanks for the pointers on registration bug16:04
dipankardfarning, I wanted to share something about the bug too.16:04
dfarningdipankar, sure16:04
dipankardfarning, Sometimes (rather rarely), the "registration failed" showed up while trying to register.16:05
lfaraonehi dipankar16:06
dfarningdipankar, I guess displying a failure notice is the right action.16:06
lfaraonedfarning: Firefox.activity has *zero* Sugar intergretion. I tried it out, and if the app worked in the past with the journal, it doesn't now :)16:06
kandarpklfaraone, dfarning : I am getting 'fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly'16:07
kandarpkon $ git push git://git.sugarlabs.org/devtutor/mainline.git16:07
dipankardfarning, ohk. so what you suggested is calculate a lag, after which I should consider that the site is down and registration can't be completed16:07
lfaraonekandarpk: okay. did you get anything before that?16:07
kandarpklfaraone: No.16:07
lfaraonekandarpk: I don't think that's the push URL that you're supposed to sue. What did gitorious tell you to push to?16:08
dipankarlfaraone, I will upload the patch for gsm bug on sl.o soon16:08
dfarningdipankar, yes, and check the code so that something a little more helpful than a big grey rectangle is display while the user waits.16:09
kandarpklfaraone: this is git repo. I created16:10
dipankardfarning, so we want that, no rectangle should appear while waiting. make sense16:11
lfaraonekandarpk: there should be a "push URL" listed.16:11
dfarningkandarpk, see http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/devtutor/repos/mainline16:11
lfaraonedfarning: so I'd recommend against Firefox.activity unless we're forced to. Plus, we'd need Trademark approval from Mozilla / Canonical prolly.16:12
dfarningkandarpk, the push url is git push gitorious@git.sugarlabs.org:devtutor/mainline.git16:12
kandarpkdfarning: OK.16:12
dfarninglfaraone, the trademark issue has been resolved. So that will not be a problem. but the journal thing is bigger.16:13
dfarninglfaraone, so we focus on surf.16:13
kandarpkdfarning, lfaraone: thanks.16:14
dfarningkandarpk, YW16:15
lfaraonedfarning: re trademark, the Mozilla trademark policy says "if you didn't talk with us, and you modify Firefox (by say, adding themes or extensions) then you're not in compliance"16:19
kandarpkdfarning: I've uploaded the activity16:19
lfaraonedfarning: the logo is free, but the trademark is not freely vended.16:19
dfarninglfaraone, that policy has been updated.  -- but it has not been communicated clearly everywhere.  Technically Debian can now ship firefox as freesoftware.....  It is just going to take awhile to flow downstream.16:22
lfaraonedfarning: sure, as free software, since everything in it *including the marks* are under a liberal copyright license. In terms of *trademark*, that does not seem to be the case per http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/policy.html , which I'd hope would be up to date. :)16:31
lfaraoneif you've read otherwise I'd bow to that , of course.16:31
dfarninglfaraone, it is not up to date:(16:32
lfaraonedfarning: ah, thsy'd just confusing <_<;16:32
dfarninglfaraone, but let's lets avoid that tar pit if we can.....16:33
ishanlfaraone, hi16:40
ishandfarning, hi16:42
dfarningishan, good morning16:42
ishandfarning, good morning16:42
ishandfarning, i have been assigned to package squeak activity but i am not able to find the source ball for it16:43
ishancould you suggest me where can i find the source ball for the squeak activity16:44
ishan_dipankar, hi16:48
=== ishan_ is now known as ishan
dipankarishan, hey16:48
dfarningishan, ok squeak is a bit odd in that it is not a sugar labs project.  it has a seperate upstream.16:49
ishandfarning, okay16:49
dfarningishan, upstream is at http://www.squeakland.org/16:49
ishandfarning, thanks16:50
lfaraonedfarning: is there a separate squeak activity?16:50
=== ishan is now known as ishan_
dfarningishan, can you work with lfaraone on figureing this out.  The whole squeak-vm, squeak, etoy relationship will need to be determined.16:53
ishan_dfarning, sure16:54
ishan_dfarning, It seems that etoys is based on squeak17:03
dfarningishan_, yes it is.  how do the pieces fit together? and what do the diffent pieces do?17:04
ishan_dfarning, need to search more to understand it completely17:05
* ishan_ is away17:13
* lfaraone -> lunch.17:14
ankuralsroot,  what does toolbar actuyally refer to in control panel?17:27
alsrootankur: could you elaborate?17:29
ankurwell , in gui.py i was confused regarding the code when they refer to setting up of toolbar .17:29
ankuri mean set_toolbar17:29
ankurfunctions sets or remove toolbar. but what are we referring to when toolbar is being set or removed.17:30
alsrootankur: not sure..17:31
ankuralsroot,  np :)17:31
alsrootankur: got it, well, it's just name clash, CP aslo uses toolbars :)17:32
ankurwell , in CP case , that is ?17:33
kandarpkI'll be back in 25-30 min.17:35
alsrootankur: yup17:38
dipankaralsroot, hi good morning18:04
alsrootdipankar: hi18:04
dipankaralsroot, I am looking for the code for 'register' in Sugar18:04
dipankaralsroot, I am working for the registration bug18:04
alsrootdipankar: what bug url?18:05
dipankaralsroot, just a sec18:05
dipankaralsroot, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/61781318:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 617813 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "sugar freezes when register widget is clicked (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed]18:06
alsrootdipankar: heh, it should be something schoolserver related, didn't look at this place at all. You can grab some info about schoolserver on wiki.laptop.org by seraching for string schoolserver18:08
dipankaralsroot, actually dfarning had come up with some other opinions18:08
dipankaralsroot, Initially we all thought that it is school server related issue18:09
dipankarbut it is now taken as inability of Sugar to handle an unavailable website/server18:09
dipankaralsroot, what dfarning suggested was to set a lag head so that it can check automatically that server is down or inaccessible18:10
alsrootdipankar: well, the thing is that sugar doesn't interact w/ external resources directly(except schoolserver), not sure if schoolserver is useful in ubunut case at all, if not, you can just hide this button at all18:11
dipankaralsroot, +1, I came across this request just now.18:11
dipankaralsroot, btw what exactly is the purpose of the registration at schoolserver? Is it something related to XO only feature?18:13
dipankarso that tech support can be made available easily18:13
alsrootdipankar: yup, it is XO/OLPC related, /me knows nothing about it18:14
dipankaralsroot, so in your opinion the button should be made invisible?18:14
dipankar*button -> register option18:14
alsrootdipankar: not sure, you can recheck(on wiki.laptop.org) how schoolserver can be useful in ubuntucase18:15
* dipankar looking at wiki.laptop.org18:15
mukulhi kandarpk , dipankar sir18:27
dipankarmukul, hey :)18:27
mukuldipankar sir: I was packaging the sugar-calculate-activity.Its previous version was upload by Jonas.Now there was an update.I have to package with the update. Can you verify the steps followed by me. I'll mail you what all I followed. I am able to build the package but am not able to resolve some warnings.18:30
dipankarmukul, paste the warnings, I will try my best to help you out18:31
mukuldipankar, kandarpk sir: I have earlier resolved the first three warnings previously  and I know how to but it doesn't seem to work here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/484587/18:40
mukulmanusheel sir: The surf activity was packaged 2 weeks ago by Luke18:49
mukulmanusheel sir: Am I required to package that again?18:49
mukuldipankar sir: I have earlier resolved the first three warnings and I know how to but it doesn't seem to work here. dipankar, kandarpk sir: I have earlier resolved the first three warnings previously  and I know how to but it doesn't seem to work here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/484587/18:56
mukuldipankar, kandarpk sir: I have earlier resolved the first three warnings previously  and I know how to but it doesn't seem to work here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/484587/18:56
dipankarmukul, I as far as i remember: line 5 was discussed sometime back19:02
dipankarmukul, ohk. this is strange. they all should work19:03
manusheelmukul: Not required then.19:04
manusheelmukul: You can work on the bug assigned to you soon.19:04
mukulmanusheel sir: Ok19:07
dipankarmanusheel, sir, then what shall I collect from alsroot's suggestion?19:08
mukuldipankar sir: when i do dch -i,it shows me the version 30 only while I'm actually updating it to 32. So I change it. Thus the error19:08
dipankarmukul, dch -i will increase the revision no. , it will shift you from 30-ubuntu0 to 30-ubuntu119:09
manusheeldipankar: I think you should re-phrase the use-case correctly.19:10
dipankarmukul, as far as I remember, you have to manually change the version number, to 32-119:10
manusheeldipankar: It is not school server. It is jabber server.19:10
dipankarmanusheel, ok sir19:10
dipankarmanusheel, sir, I wasn't successful in finding the code for registering19:11
dipankarmanusheel, any pointer? I followed the amateur's method19:13
manusheeldipankar: Let me check.19:14
dipankarmanusheel, sir, I found something regarding register() - sugar/src/jarabe/view/launcher.py19:21
dipankarline 17519:21
dipankarmanusheel, It is a launcher actually19:21
ishanmukul, dipankar: check http://pastebin.com/aW4gkZ8g19:25
ishanwhen i commit and make package for the first time and then run DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 fakeroot debian/rules clean and the git status then the .py file also gets modified19:26
ishancant figure out how?19:26
mukulpastebin your rules file then19:26
dipankarmanusheel, *ping*19:27
ishanmukul, http://pastebin.com/sSDhiVq119:27
dipankarishan, run ' fakeroot ... clean'19:27
dipankarthen check the git status19:28
ishanjust run fakeroot debian/rules clean19:28
ishandipankar, still the same19:28
ishansir i dont understand how the .py file is being modified19:29
ishanalso why are the unwanted files also being deleted by fakeroot ...........19:29
ishan*not being19:29
dipankarishan, this is really confusing19:30
ishandipankar, it works only if we make all changes at first and build package and push it19:31
manusheeldipankar: Back. Sorry, got a call.19:31
ishanonce the fakeroot command is run it starts showing the above git status19:31
mukulishan, I think we need to check cdbs/1/rules/buildinfo.mk which contains the rules file if in case the clean function is not properly defined19:31
dipankarishan, strange indeed19:32
ishanmukul, thats fine but what about the .py file19:32
dipankarmanusheel, no problem sir. just that i will be leaving in 10 minutes19:32
manusheeldipankar: Sure.19:32
mukulishan, I mean it contains the 'clean' function. If that is creating the .py file it must be present by somewhere19:33
ishanmukul, the .py file is already present19:33
manusheeldipankar: I think we need to drop in an e-mail asking on the source code for the same.19:33
manusheeldipankar: Not very trivial.19:33
ishanmukul, a new file is not being created19:33
dipankarmanusheel, if we can only track model.register_launcher()19:34
manusheeldipankar: Yes, that would help. But, how about the time lag?19:34
mukulmanusheel sir: I am able to build the calculate activity but am getting some lintian errors. I had earlier resolved some of them but this time something strange is taking place.19:34
manusheelmukul: Ok. Can you elaborate?19:35
mukulmanusheel sir: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484587/19:35
ishandipankar, manusheel: is it possible to build a new browse package19:36
dipankarishan, why would you want to do that?19:36
dipankarishan, something wrong with the existing repo?19:36
ishandipankar, this is what i think19:36
ishanbut since Jonas is maintaining it I dont think there should be any19:37
dipankarmanusheel, about the time lag. I wanted to track the series of functions called, before reaching to the network part19:37
manusheelmukul: It looks like some dependency issues. Kandarpk, can you help in resolving it? I think you encountered similar issues.19:37
manusheeldipankar: +119:37
manusheeldipankar: Right. That is what is required.19:38
kandarpkmanusheel sir: let me see if I can help.19:38
manusheelkandarpk: Sure.19:38
mukulmanusheel sir: The first 3 warnings I had resolved earlier. I am making the same changes here this time too. According me to the problem maybe because the rules file was different than what we used to use uptil now.The activity was previously done by Jonas.The changes that I am making to the rules file do not seem to be reflected once I have build the package.19:38
manusheeldipankar: Did we get hold of register functions?19:38
ishanmukul, for the first W add the python-dev suppress line19:39
manusheelmukul: Ok.19:39
ishansorry no add the dependency python-dev19:39
ankurmukul : update standards to 3.9.119:39
ankurmukul : is your package on git?19:40
mukulankur: yes19:40
ishandipankar, sir what should i do with browse19:40
ankurand was that up to date?19:40
ankurmukul,  can you give me the link19:40
kandarpkmukul: I think you need to add rule to drop override on python dev to resolve first warning.19:40
dipankarankur, could you help ishan too. I am in the middle of some search19:41
mukulishan, kandarpk sir: I had done that. As mentioned I hv removed the first 3 warnings before but19:41
ankurdipankar,  np19:41
ishanankur, sir check http://pastebin.com/aW4gkZ8g19:42
dipankarankur, I think ishan is upadting the package19:42
ishandipankar, +119:42
mukulkandarpk sir, ishan , ankur :The problem is that any changes made to the rules file don't seem to be reflected once I build the package.19:42
ankurwell what changes?19:42
mukuldipankar sir: yes he is. and so am I?19:42
dipankarmanusheel, sir, as of now I could track only the launcher of register19:42
ankurishan,  what's the problem?19:43
dipankarmukul, ishan: can you explain the steps that you have followed to update, that may help a bit19:43
ishanankur, kandarpk: when i build package for the first time and run fakeroot.................. and then check git status i get http://pastebin.com/aW4gkZ8g status.19:44
kandarpkmukul: not sure what you mean by changes not being reflected19:44
ankuryou run fakeroot and ..... ?19:44
ishanankur, kandarpk:i am not able to figure out why .py file is being changed and also even after running fakeroot........... the unwanted files havent been removed.19:44
ishani ran fakeroot debian/rules clean19:45
ankurhave you used DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 as well19:45
mukulkandarpk sir: I added the line to suppress the dependency of python-dev to the rules file. Even then I am getting the same error19:45
ishanankur, sir i have tried with both but the result is same19:45
kandarpkmukul: you said you resolved the first 3 ??19:45
ankurwhat changed does it show in webactivity?19:46
ankurcan you paste your  rules file?19:46
ishanankur, http://pastebin.com/sSDhiVq119:47
mukulkandarpk; Ok, I meant I had resolved the first three with my previous packages and was applying the same procedure to this too but this time the warnings was not resolved19:47
kandarpkmukul: OK.19:47
kandarpkmukul: can you paste your rules file ?19:48
ishanankur, my changelog filr sir http://pastebin.com/hQm4mF8B19:48
ishanif this could help19:49
* ankur is looking into it19:49
mukulkandarpk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/484609/19:49
ankurishan,  it was python dev it was sugar_python19:50
ishanankur, sir the status was coming even without adding the dependecy part19:50
ankurask luke to confirm as in jonas later mails he told that19:50
ankuri was just teling you about change log19:50
mukulankur sir: if you are looking for the clean command in the rules file it is present at cdbs/1/rules/buildinfo.mk19:51
ishanankur: didnt get your point19:51
ankurishan,  i was just telling that the the point you mentioned in changelog might be wwong19:52
mukulmanusheel sir: regarding the bug. The source packages for this bug are very old 0.73. Do I make the changes in that?19:52
ankurpaste ls locale/19:53
ishanankur, i corrected the first warning that mukul is getting19:53
ankurishan, ^^19:53
kandarpkmukul: you should ask Luke. I dont have much idea.19:53
manusheelmukul: Yes, absolutely.19:53
manusheelThey are indeed very old.19:53
manusheelmukul: Can you send us the link?19:53
mukulmanusheel sir: Ok19:54
ankurmanusheel,  sir why are we packaging browse?19:54
ishanankur, ran ls locale/19:54
mukulmanusheel sir: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar19:54
ishanankur, http://pastebin.com/4JsHVSUs19:55
ankurishan,  leave untracked files as they are19:56
ishansir what about .py file19:57
ankuradd webactivity.py if there are no major changes19:57
ankuri dont know the changes it or wat made in it19:57
ankurtry build19:57
* ishan i am still not able to understand the changelog part19:57
ankurishan : we have not suppressed the pyton-dev19:58
ishanankur, okay19:58
ankurishan,  need to cross check it19:58
ankurbecause as far as i remember19:58
ankuri can at19:58
ankur*say only that19:58
ankurneed to ask luke that as well19:59
* ankur is going to sleep . Good night.19:59
ishanankur, please do sir because we r suppressing the dependency for python-dev as displayed in the warning19:59
ankurishan,  or may be mail luke about it. or i will drop one on your behalf19:59
ankurwhat do you prefer/20:00
ishanankur, later one would be better20:00
ankurif you mail your problems20:00
ankurthat is much better IMHO20:00
ishanankur, okay20:00
ishani will do that20:00
ankurcopy manu sir on that :)20:00
ishanankur, sure20:01
manusheelishan: You are referring to python-dev20:01
ishanmanusheel, yes sir20:01
ishanjust need to crosscheck what has to be written in changelog20:01
manusheelishan: Let me check. I think we had an e-mail on it.20:01
ishanmanusheel, okay20:02
manusheelishan: Got hold of the e-mail. Forwarding it to you. Luke, very well mentioned about that in the e-mail.20:04
ishanmanusheel, sure sir20:04
mukulmanusheel sir: please forward the mail to me too.20:13
manusheelmukul: I did that.20:15
mukulmanusheel sir: I am not able to understand what exactly I am required to do in this feature request- Sugar Suite needs man pages. Are the man pages available somewhere or if they are to be created? Can you help me understand exactly what the feature request exactly is?20:16
manusheelmukul: Sure. Can you send me the link to the bug?20:16
manusheelI'll give you a call.20:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 292700 in sugar (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Sugar suite needs manpages (heat: 4)" [Wishlist,Triaged]20:19
ishanmanusheel, i just checked the mail but there is no mention on what to be written in chnagelog file20:22
manusheelishan: Ok. In that case, I think we can send the activity for review.20:22
manusheelPerhaps, it was for non-Sugar packages.20:23
ishanmanusheel, browse isnt complete sir20:23
ishanchangelog part was not a problem its just a correction20:23
mukulmanusheel sir: sure20:24
manusheelmukul: Calling you in 2 minutes. Did you look at http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/892320:25
manusheelishan: What is not complete in browse, Ishan?20:25
manusheelCan you elaborate?20:25
manusheelWill be back in 5 mins.20:26
ishanmanusheel, sir first there are some files automatically generated which i am able to remove20:26
mukulmanusheel sir: I will do it now20:26
ishanmanusheel, second webactivity.py file is being changed -dont know how20:26
ishanthird sir i havent been able to update the package yet due to these problems only the warning has been removed which was coming in the earlier version20:27
manusheelishan: These are not very trivial problems.20:33
manusheelishan: Can you report about them at debian olpc mailing list?20:34
ishanmanusheel, yes sir but these problems shoudnt come up20:34
manusheelishan: Yes, absolutely.20:34
manusheelThere must be some package issue.20:34
ishanmanusheel, i am trying for the last time20:34
manusheelishan: One strategy.20:34
ishanmanusheel, yes sir20:34
manusheelishan: Try creating a temporary package separately to see if these issues persist in that.20:35
manusheelIf not, we can report this part.20:35
manusheelThat for a new package, we don't face such issues.20:35
ishanmanusheel, when mukul and I created a new package it worked fine20:35
manusheelishan: Great.20:36
manusheelWe should report this too.20:36
ishanmanusheel, sir i am also receive a error while building package after upgrade20:37
ishansir there is a error in a patch as well20:38
ishanmaybe thats what creating all the problem20:39
ishanbut for sure the package has some problems20:39
manusheelishan: Sure, Ishan.20:42
mukul<mukul> alsroot: hi21:13
mukul<mukul> manusheel sir: I have a doubt21:13
mukul<mukul> manusheel sir: The bug points to the 0.83 package. How am I to test the changes when I have 0.88?21:13
alsrootmukul: whats the name of that package?21:13
mukulalsroot, actually I have been assigned the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar/+bug/29270021:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 292700 in sugar (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Sugar suite needs manpages (heat: 4)" [Wishlist,Triaged]21:15
mukulalsroot, Could you help me know whether man pages is installed in sugar and if yes where it is21:15
alsrootmukul: I never created man pages, but you can just ask google :)21:17
alsrootmukul: e.g. http://www.fnal.gov/docs/products/ups/ReferenceManual/html/manpages.html21:17
mukulalsroot, http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/892321:19
mukulalsroot, it is mentioned that it is blocked by individual binaries21:20
alsrootmukul: not sure what ticket author meant21:21
alsrootmaybe just that at that time he waited for sugar packages release to create man pages21:21
mukulalsroot, ok21:21
alsrootmukul: btw, about searching for particular HOWTO, you can all time start w/ http://tldp.org21:24
alsrootmukul: e.g. http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Man-Page/21:24
mukulalsroot, ok21:26
mukulalsroot, I think I am not required to create manpages but am required to enable them for viewing21:27
alsrootmukul: but before viewing you need to create them :)21:28
mukulalsroot, manpages must be created by respective authors of different packages. Isn't it?21:28
alsrootmukul: yup, but authors didn't create them21:28
manusheelalsroot: Thanks a lot for the pointers.22:32
manusheelShould be good for solving the issues.22:32
lfaraonealsroot: they aren't created, but we can cheat a little and use help2man. I wrote a detailed page on the Debian wiki about it. Really, there's no excuse not to do so :)22:44
alsrootlfaraone: help2man's output could be a good start for creating regular man pages ;)22:46

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