
duffydackanyway I`m off to bed.. I always get headaches when dealing with the free b43 driver.. Its utterly useless afaic00:00
duffydacknever worked ever for me.. 3 different laptops with broadcom00:00
sabayonuserduffydack: that command dint work00:00
CyberJesuswentor: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-256.44-driver.html00:00
sabayonuserduffydack: ok.. thanks again..00:01
bobbytekin general, what's the difference between ctrl-v and shift-ins? or are they one in the same?00:01
* froggyman would really like some help with gparted00:01
DJAshnarWhat ya need, Froggyman?00:02
rahdukewhy doesnt the ubuntu main site even mention the fact that there are virtually no viruses and no spyware in linux (ubuntu)??00:02
rahdukeits a pretty big selling point dont y'all think?00:02
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:02
rahdukehiexpo: your a turd00:02
CyberJesusIt's generally a good idea to search for drivers on the vendor homepage, if you don't mind using propie00:02
CyberJesuspropietary drivers*00:02
bobbytekrahduke: you're00:02
froggymanDJAshnar: I'm trying to extend my linux ext4 partition by shriking my windows NTFS partition, but it doesn't let me do anything to the NTFS partition, but I know I have 135GB of free space on there00:02
rahdukeim asking why its not being advertised to solicit new users00:03
IdleOnerahduke: Please be polite00:03
DJAshnarDo you have the latest Gparted?00:03
sabayonuserhiexpo any reason why it work in opensuse00:03
rahdukebobbytek: so u read my comment... any thoughts?00:03
bobbytekno, just parsed it00:03
bobbytekdidn't pass the grammar check00:03
hiexposabayonuser,  different kernel and drivers install on it00:03
froggymanDJAshnar: no, 5.1 its the one on the 10.04 ubuntu disk00:03
DJAshnarDownload the LiveCD for Gparted and try that :)00:04
JuJuBeeI have larger music collection.  Want to make it available to my children via nfs mounting.  However, no good app to sync music to iPod and be player on linux so I use windows vm to sync iPod so music is currently on ntfs partition.  Suggestions?00:04
rahdukelol i dont use correct grammar for chatting in my personal life00:04
DJAshnarWorks WONDERS :)  Even tho I had to boot it in absolute safe mode LOL00:04
=== gartral_ is now known as gartral
hope_can anyone here help me get my could setup, i am new to this i think i have my Controler setup correctly and my node setup correctly00:04
rahdukeim not sure why ppl would00:04
samoangunnerhi is anyone having a problem with the desktop crashing all the time?00:04
hiexposabayonuser,  speaking of wifi light is the switch turned on   /00:04
hiexposabayonuser,  you have the switch off no wonder00:05
rahdukei finally did a fresh install of 10.04 for a comp i built for my buddy, boy o boy its a pleasure00:05
samoangunnerMy desktop crashes all the time. I have reloaded ubuntu so many time and still it crashes00:05
froggymanDJAshnar: okay, thanks. I'll give that a try00:05
samoangunnerI can still move my mouse around but no programs and most directories dont work.00:06
hiexpoi should have caught that before00:06
DJAshnaryw, froggyman00:06
rahdukeby ver 12.04 id say ubuntu will be the best OS hands down no argument possible00:06
samoangunnerAfter I reboot then its ok00:06
IdleOnerahduke: please take the chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic00:06
sabayonuserhiexpo: the switch doesn't do anything00:06
sabayonuseri tried several times00:07
hope_can anyone here help me get my could setup, i am new to this i think i have my Controler setup correctly and my node setup correctly00:07
samoangunneran ideas anyone?00:07
hiexposabayonuser,  what kinda laptop00:07
hiexpohp / compac00:07
sabayonuserhp pavillion zv600000:07
WinstonSmith_hi ppl :)00:07
sabayonuserin xp, opensuse the light comes on00:08
katoensamoangunner: not really. this is a clean installation? no other software/drivers installed?00:08
hiexpook listen do this again  then if the end is red click it and re enter the same command ok00:08
hiexpolspci -vnn | grep 14e400:08
sabayonuseri think in knoppix and/or mint.. not tried lately00:08
samoangunnerI had the same problem using mint900:09
samoangunnerI dont understand00:09
samoangunnerI have two laptops and one desktop all running linux and they all do the same thing00:09
sabayonuserentered it twice and still red00:09
|Kellan|are extended atributes enabled in 10.4 server for ext4?00:10
samoangunnerI wipe the harddrives clean and install from live usb and still they crash????00:10
hiexporight click on the network manager and see if networking is enabled00:10
hiexpoand wireless00:11
samoangunnerafter install I will update in the terminal00:11
katoensamoangunner: that's odd.. so you have 3 computers, tried 2 distros on the mand they crash in the same way?00:11
samoangunnerthe desktop is new and the laptops are about 1-2 years old00:11
sabayonuser yes.. all 3 have check mark00:12
sabayonusernetworking ,  wireless, notifications are enable00:12
hiexposabayonuser,  all 3 there are only 200:12
samoangunnerlike right now my laptop here is frozen00:12
samoangunnerI can move the mouse and nothing more00:12
sabayonuserthe icon on the panel has an "!"00:12
Te3-BloodyIroncan anyone here help me with a bluetooth daemon issue i'm having?00:13
samoangunnerthe taskbar is not there no more00:13
samoangunnerI can only see the background00:13
sabayonuserhiexpo: yes.. 2 for network00:13
CyberJesussamoangunner: Do you still have the iso image you are using?00:13
katoensamoangunner: can you replicate the 'crash'? or does it happen at random?00:13
samoangunnerctrl + alt + del does not work00:13
CyberJesusChecksum it with md5 or something, it might be corrupted00:13
katoendid you try ctrl + alt + f1 to exit the GUI?00:14
samoangunneryes I have the iso00:14
Azjohi, when starting up empathy, i cannot see irc main command list, how do i open that??00:14
WinstonSmith_!search boot00:14
ubottuFound: autostart-#kubuntu, grub, bootfloppy, bum, startup, ttyerror, unetbootin, dual-boot, bootoption, requirements and 26 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=boot00:14
hiexposabayonuser,  gonna have to sleep on this onebut i know it will work just not coming to me why00:14
baba_b00iecan someone tell me how to reset or remove the keyring password  (ubuntu 10.04 64bit)00:14
samoangunnerI have downloaded the iso three times00:15
Te3-BloodyIronis there a channel i can go to get help with the bluetooth daemon?00:15
jarritosDoes Evolution support composing plain text email with format=flowed?00:15
JuJuBeeAnybody able to help me figure out why nfs-kernel-server wont start?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/484232/00:15
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, is there a log in /var/log eg nfs.log ?00:16
katoenbaba_b00ie: move the files in .gnome/keyrings/ and next time it asks for entering a passphrase, leave it empty00:16
sabayonuserhiexpo: thanks a ton.. i'll check with you later.. i have to log off for a while00:16
hiexposabayonuser,  ya i will research it also00:16
samoangunnerwhen it freezes like this and I press the power button it would go to a black screen and have  * checking battery state.... and gets stuck there00:17
katoengood night ppl00:17
sabayonusercool.. take care..00:17
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_:  no log00:17
neil_dI am trying to use rdesktop to connect to a local server, I have xrdp installed on the server, but when I try to log in I get "connecting to 5910" "error - problem connecting" :(    this looks like a VNC port number.  what is wrong?00:17
wolfbikerhey guys, how do I get my webcam to work on ubuntu?00:17
* travisgriggs feels dumb and blind. Is there really no way to set the base font in gedit? I want some big ol characters...00:17
samoangunnerwith more errors00:17
zealiodI'd like to build a distro for myself that just runs stripped down gnome and firefox.... nothing else... can this be done?00:17
Te3-BloodyIronneil_d have you tried forcing 3389?00:17
octavianoHow CAN I DO to the ubuntu found a new tv capture usb pixel view PLAY TV ULTRA?00:17
Te3-BloodyIronoctaviano: that sentence does not make sense. please rephrase00:18
cordobestiaesto es en ingles?00:18
neil_dTe3-BloodyIron: what do you mean?   I am using the command "rdesktop <host>" on the remote.00:18
samoangunnerI have to hold the power button down to shut the computer off00:18
Azjoi have set up irc, but when is start up empathy again next time, i have no chance of finding anywhere to write commands. where on earth is it??00:19
Te3-BloodyIronneil_d: try rdestop host:338900:19
Te3-BloodyIronto force it to use 338900:19
octavianoI have a lot of problems with my PIXEL VIEW PLAY TV ULTRA (USB) to work with my ubuntu 10.0400:19
Te3-BloodyIronthe port number rather00:19
Te3-BloodyIronoctaviano: what kind of problems?00:19
cordobestiacomo me paso a un chat en español?00:20
FableflameI have a question. I've noticed the three extra virtual desktops at the bottom right hand corner of my desktop, and I was running if you could run multiple Desktop Environments? Like have Gnome on one desktop, Xfce on another, and KDE on another?00:20
geirha!spanish | cordobestia00:20
ubottucordobestia: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:20
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, try dmesg | grep nfs to see if there is anything related00:20
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octavianoit isnt work00:20
seekwillFableflame: Why?00:20
cordobestiathanks geirtha00:20
seekwillFableflame: Those are workspaces00:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:21
Fableflameseekwil: oh, so you can't do that?00:21
octavianoI saw anythings about my PLAY TV USB ULTRA , but there isnt tutorials about PLAY TV ULTRA ----USB-- to ubuntu 10.0400:21
seekwillFableflame: no00:21
seekwillFableflame: Bigger question, why?00:21
Fableflameseekwill: i just thought it would be cool if that was possible00:22
Indianoshey anyone into penetration testing?? i need a hand...00:23
Indianosi mean a bit of help here00:23
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/484236/00:23
Indianosi am talking about pure hacking of windows servers00:23
=== Guest11621 is now known as asig
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, can you pastebin /var/log/daemon.log plz00:24
cordobestiawhere I write! Spanish to change the channel?00:25
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .00:25
WinstonSmith_!conduct | Indianos00:25
ubottuIndianos: please see above00:25
cordobestiawhere I write !Spanish to change the channel?00:26
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:26
=== dad_ is now known as Guest97220
WinstonSmith_cordobestia, Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:26
ThePCKidSay "/JOIN #ubuntu-es"00:26
cordobestiagracias winston00:26
WinstonSmith_no problema hombre00:27
cordobestiasin comillas?00:27
cordobestiaah ahi lei jeje00:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:27
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_:very large, want me to grep for something to shrink?00:27
* blet Gets ThePCKid es <%)00:27
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:27
* blet Gets zfe it <%)00:27
zfewell, the italian version is much ruder00:27
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, try grep for nfs plz sry00:27
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/484238/00:30
FableflameHey, I installed Xfce via Synaptic, but when I rebooted it didn't give me the option to pick Gnome or Xfce when I logged in00:31
ThePCKidDoes it login into Xfce?00:32
FableflameNope, logs into Gnome automatically00:32
Milez5.1 chan audio via HDMI on a revo 1600 - anyone successful in this?00:32
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee,  do a netstat -anptu | grep 2049 plz00:33
WinstonSmith_and paste output00:33
ThePCKid@Fableflame: Does the "Session" option appear on the bottom of the screen when you're logging in?00:34
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: nothing00:34
FableflameThePCKid: I didn't see it. I saw the shut down button and the Universal Access button00:34
ThePCKid@Fableflame: Try double clicking your username00:35
ridinJuJuBee: go to user and groups and edit your user00:35
FableflameThePCKid, alright, brb00:35
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, nothing how exactly? no output at all??00:35
ThePCKid@Fableflame: Okay00:35
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: nothing at all, just prompt again00:35
JuJuBeeridin : why?00:36
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, hmmm thats really strange00:36
ridinJuJuBee: there's an option for auto-login and stuff00:36
JuJuBeeridin: think you meant Fableflame00:37
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, cause the error you posted indicates that u already have a service running at that port hence the : nfssvc: Address already in use00:37
sombrahola alllllgien abla español?00:37
WinstonSmith_k gimme a min00:37
WinstonSmith_!spanish | sombra00:37
ubottusombra: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:37
WinstonSmith_de nada00:37
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_:  got me... I don't know about that.00:38
FableflameThePCKid, that worked, but I think I like Gnome better00:38
FableflameHowever, I've yet to try KDE00:38
ThePCKid@Fableflame: Your welcome. To try KDE, install the kubuntu-desktop package00:38
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, try a sudo killall nfsd and then try to start the service again00:38
ThePCKid@Fableflame: From the Ubuntu Software Manager00:39
ThePCKid!es | Soraya00:39
ubottuSoraya: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:39
EastDallasI'm trying to back my home directory up to a Windows XP shared directory.  How do I mount the network share so I can use rsync?  I am unable to find anything on mounting cifs or smbfs without credentials.  Remember, this is an XP share, so it does not require a username or password.  Thanks.00:39
FredFlintstonepretty new to linux here, like it, just installed lucid , and vlc and xchat. What would be a few popular packages most people use, like 10 most installed on ubuntu or similar?00:40
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_:  no process found00:40
ridinFredFlintstone: maybe asking bestbot in #ubuntu-bots00:41
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server stop then start but it takes a while to start it...00:41
FredFlintstonethanks ridin00:42
EastDallasFredFlintstone: Docky, Gimp, Chromium, Alien Arena, Pidgin, Hulu Desktop, Amarok, Ardour00:42
hiexpoFredFlintstone,  sudo apt-get moo00:42
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, do u still have the error in /var/log/daemon.log ?00:42
FFForeveris there a simple way to remove the kde crud from gnome and vice versa?00:42
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome00:42
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »00:42
FableflameEmpathy > Pidgin00:42
Cassanyone know if sun-java6-jdk is still anstallable from apt ?00:42
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: nfs-kernel-server still starting...00:42
Casshaving issues doing so00:43
rwwCass: add the partner repository, it moved there.00:43
rww!partner | Cass00:43
ubottuCass: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:43
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee,  do a netstat -anptu | grep 2049 again00:43
Cassrww done that Err http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner sun-java6-jdk 6.20dlj-1ubuntu300:43
Cass  Bad header line00:43
Cassrww any ideas ?00:43
EastDallasCass: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk00:43
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/484244/00:44
rwwCass: which command did you issue that gave that output?00:44
FredFlintstonethat best bot channel isnt working , so ...00:45
FredFlintstonepretty new to linux here, like it, just installed lucid , and vlc and xchat. What would be a few popular packages most people use, like 10 most installed on ubuntu or similar?00:45
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, nfsd is running now as u can see : 2049  *               LISTEN      9647/rpc.nfsd00:45
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: BTW, nfs-kernel-server still starting00:45
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, how do u know?00:45
WinstonSmith_did u press enter in the terminal00:45
JuJuBeewaiting for the [ok] and prompt back00:46
WinstonSmith_try connecting with a client to the server now00:46
EastDallasFredFlintstone: Docky, Gimp, Chromium, Alien Arena, Pidgin, Hulu Desktop, Amarok, Ardour00:46
WinstonSmith_did u press enter in the terminal00:46
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: yes00:46
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Kirillhi! I installed a package and messed up its default config files that apt-get installed in my /etc/ dir. how do I restore those? running apt-get remote + install again had no effect.00:46
JuJuBeewhat command from a remote machine?00:46
Cassrww any ideas ?00:47
rwwCass: The various errors in that pastebin are generally caused by your internet connection not being reliable.00:47
geirhaKirill: purge, then install00:47
Cassrww my internet connection is fine00:47
Cassrww i can d/l other stuff no probs00:47
dudehello all, I am having major probs with my network. ISP updated me today with a new DSL modem and now one of my ubuntu boxs will not connect00:48
EastDallasI really thought this would be an easy one for one of the 1200 users in this channel...00:48
EastDallasI'm trying to back my home directory up to a Windows XP shared directory. How do I mount the network share so I can use rsync? I am unable to find anything on mounting cifs or smbfs without credentials. Remember, this is an XP share, so it does not require a username or password. Thanks.00:48
rwwCass: that's not what lines 5, 9, 17, 89, 91, 95, and 97 of the pastebin imply :\00:48
Cassrww ok .. how to prove it ?00:48
Kirillgeirha: thanks =000:48
AndorinSo it appears that sometimes, when I boot my Lucid box, USB devices will not automount when plugged in... and other partitions on my HDD don't appear in the Places menu. Any reason for this?00:49
WALoeIIII'm trying to build my own custom package for a PPA, I have figured out what all of the debian/ files in the source tree do and pretty much have it working. How do I manage the top level .dsc file though? I need that before I can debbuild -S00:49
dudeAlso, my netmanager applet is running but I cannot find it anywhere00:49
Kirillgeirha: actually that didn't work. any other ideas?00:49
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, sudo mount yourserver:/shareddirectory /wheretomountdirectory00:49
rwwCass: I'd probably do it by downloading a large file that has a known md5sum and then checksumming it.00:49
Cassrww http://pastebin.com/BTbR73zM00:50
BluesKajdude , type route into the terminal, your gateway IP probly changed as well as the IPs the router assigned the pcs on your network00:50
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: RPC Error: Program not registered00:50
piper69have a question folks00:50
Cassrww i could go on all night with that .. a 2k packet ping .. completly stable00:50
Azjoany idea what i can do with this problem? jonas@jonas-ubuntu:~$ xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1600x120000:50
Azjowarning: output LVDS not found; ignoring00:50
rwwCass: ping has nothing to do with download corruptions00:50
Cassrww no but it proves i can xfer larger packets than mu mtu is set at00:51
piper69when i do 'eho' it should show me who is logged in my system. but it doesn't show me sftp connections , why is that?00:51
dude<BluesKaj> destination is wrong, it shows
lysander89hi guys, I need information on sending mail from a terminal, google says use "mail" but I don't know where to specify the SMTP server to send mail via00:51
^james_foo^Azjo: why do you think you have LVDS? try 'xrandr' alone and look at the output for the name... maybe it's LVDS-0 or so00:51
geirhaKirill: Sure you're trying the right package? Maybe the config is installed by one of the package's dependancies.00:51
dude<BluesKaj> how do I change that?00:51
Kirillgeirha: perhaps =) how do I see the dependencies?00:52
BluesKajdude that's apretty standard IP address for a router00:52
piper69when i do 'who' it should show me who is logged in my system. but it doesn't show me sftp connections , why is that?00:52
Azjoi dont even know what LVDS is, the resolution guide just tells me that. what is LVDS anyway?00:52
^james_foo^Azjo: or use 'xrandr --output <TAB>' (the bash completion feature)00:52
geirhaKirill: apt-cache depends package-name00:52
dude<BluesKaj> when i do 'route' on this box, it shows a completely dif ip00:53
^james_foo^Azjo: LVDS is the name on *some* notebooks for the internal tft...00:53
FredFlintstoneEastDallas, thanks, gonna check them all out00:53
dude<BluesKaj> they both are on the same switch and router00:53
^james_foo^Azjo: or some other digitally connected tft... but it depends on the chipset00:53
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: "Starting NFS kernel daemon       [fail]"00:53
Kirillgeirha: hurray! thanks00:53
wombatguyok my laptop has one of those enable / disable wireless buttons and it was set to enable but still showing as the orange light signifying disabled (blue when enabled) in windows hps wireless assistant showed it as wireless off despite enabled. I tried to turn it "on" in linux using my normal known methods to no avail. The only way to switch this was through wireless assistant in win. Somehow...00:53
wombatguy...it was turned off by something in ubuntu any clues what00:54
Azjoi tried it without LVDS (only delete those 4) and then it gave me a long list of commands as far as i understand..00:54
Cassrww http://pastebin.com/83JUSzEr00:54
Cassrww that stable enough ?00:54
^james_foo^Azjo: 01:24 < ^james_foo^> Azjo: or use 'xrandr --output <TAB>' (the bash completion feature)00:54
Azjolets start over: it thinks my monitor can only do 1024x768. i want it to run at 1600x1200. how do i do that?00:54
EastDallasI'm trying to back my home directory up to a Windows XP shared directory. How do I mount the network share so I can use rsync? I am unable to find anything on mounting cifs or smbfs without credentials. Remember, this is an XP share, so it does not require a username or password. Thanks.00:55
Azjonvidia x server will only allow panning when i choose that..00:55
wombatguyifup and ifconfig didn't show wlan000:55
BluesKajdude , look into the router page , usually something like "mynetwork" in your browser address bar , you should find the new assigned IPs listed for your netwoked boxes00:55
wombatguywhen it was off00:55
FredFlintstonewhat about popular audio and/or video editing packages?00:55
wombatguyi was playing with openvpn before this happened but im not sure it was the culprit as i remember the wireless working after that00:56
wombatguyaudio would be audacity00:56
wombatguyfor linux I use whatever works the best for the task with video00:56
JuJuBeeI second that for audacity00:56
* Azjo is about to shove computer out of the window00:56
* ThePCKid wants to know why he's doing that00:57
^james_foo^Azjo: well with nvidia or ati 'drivers' in the way, there are several possibilities. still, xrandr should give you a list of outputs and modes.... find the output. if the desired mode isn't listed, you can use the cvt tool too calculate parameters to add it00:58
Azjohow do i get that list of outputs and modes?00:58
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: this is really frustrating.  I set up a fileserver in my classroom a few days ago using nfs-kernel-server and it took like 5 minutes start to finish AND it works.00:59
wombatguytype xrandr00:59
wombatguyin terminal00:59
FredFlintstoneok audacity for sure then, thanks for the tips folks00:59
wombatguywhat do you want to do with video00:59
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, try a apt-get purge nfs-kernel-server && apt-get install nfs-kernel-server. this will DELETE all nfs related config files01:00
wombatguythe options for free open video editors can be limiting unless you just want the basics and anything above that probably has some learning curve associated01:00
wombatguyif it's even available01:00
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: k, trying now01:01
WinstonSmith_JuJuBee, did u install portmap ?01:01
hiexpopure_hate,  howdy mate01:01
wombatguyI'm weird though I do most my most basic work with ffmpeg and other commandline options01:01
dude<BluesKaj> so, this computer that has internet connection wil not access router through browser...however, the computer that doesn't have internet connection will access router. Like I mentioned earlier, they are both on the same switch. Any ideas?? this is driving me crazy!01:01
pure_hatehola hiexpo01:01
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_:  already installed I believe01:02
kthomas_vhway to recover rm-ed files with filenames intact?01:02
melikis there any good GUI tools to build .deb packages01:02
BluesKajdude, same switch ?  pls explain01:02
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith_: Yes, already at newest version01:02
hiexpomelik,  alien01:03
JuJuBeeand nfs-kernel-server still trying to start01:03
dudeswitch, like router but not...just divides the signal. The network ran 100% before he installed the updated modem01:03
dude<BluesKaj> switch, like router but not...just divides the signal. The network ran 100% before he installed the updated modem01:04
=== demigod_ is now known as demigod
wombatguymelik: Alien converts package types like rpm to deb. What are you trying to create a package/deb for01:05
=== WinstonSmith_ is now known as WinstonSmith
dooglusguys, I just installed ubuntu on a new computer.  the mic works in sound recorder, but only there.  it doesn't show up in the sound preferences meter thing01:06
WinstonSmithJuJuBee, do u still have the error in /var/log/daemon.log ? and in dmesg?01:06
melikwombatguy: a tiny program i wrote01:06
dooglusI'm not understanding how the sound recorder program can be picking up the mic when nothing else done01:06
BluesKajok, dude , a router without a modem , then the modem is assigning the IPs to the b oxes , can you access the modem thru a browser?01:06
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:06
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: yes01:07
WinstonSmithjujubee try to share a different folder01:07
wombatguydooglus: what else doesn't it work in and what shows under input?01:08
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: my exports file is currently empty and NFS still trying to start01:09
wombatguydooglus: what else doesn't it work in and what shows under input in sound preferences?01:09
doogluswombatguy: i wanted it to work in skype  it doesn't01:09
mazda01anyone know why ubuntu after a fresh install of 10.04 from a usb stick would have a / partition that it's installed on FULL? 23 gb full????01:09
hiexpomazda01,  cause you installed it that way01:10
mazda01it was a fresh install ALONG SIDE WINDOWS option within installer. it left windows 60 some gb and allocated 22 to / and 1 gb to swap. what could be taking up 22?01:10
mazda01ubuntu doesn't need 22 gb!01:10
doogluswombatguy: in the input tab of sound properties, i see 'unamplified, 100%', not muted, and an 'input level' series of bars which stays blank no matter how loud i yell.  then a choice of 1 device to choose for sound input, called 'internal audio analog stereo'01:10
ZykoticK9mazda01, could you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" and "df -h"?01:11
doctorZeuscan anyone recommend a better system monitor program than "system monitor" that comes with ubuntu?  I'm trying to track down what's causing cpu spikes and the sys monitor is little help.  It shows me both cores are pegged but when I go to the processes tab it doesn't show me anything pegging the cpu01:11
WinstonSmithJuJuBee, try killall avahi-daemon and then try to restart the nfsd01:11
djonesukyou just installed ubuntu and the / partition is full?01:11
ZykoticK9doctorZeus, top in a terminal?01:11
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: need to wait for nfs to finish trying to restart01:12
jellowdoctorZeus: htop01:12
mazda01ZykoticK9, it's a friend computer that I am trying to convert, it's not mine. i issued that stuff already with him on the phone. fdisk shows sda1, sda3, sda5, and sda6. 5 being 22 gb and 6 being swap of 1 gb01:12
WinstonSmithJuJuBee, just killall nfsd01:12
mazda01convert him to ubuntu01:12
AndorinSo it appears that sometimes, when I boot my Lucid box, USB devices will not automount when plugged in... and other partitions on my HDD don't appear in the Places menu. Any reason for this?01:12
kthomas_vhquickest dumb way to establish daily backups of a large dataset?01:12
ZykoticK9mazda01, i think you had better "see" the situtation then.  Best of luck.01:13
mazda01ZykoticK9, 1 being where windows is installed and 3 being the ext partition01:13
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: nfsd: no process found01:13
mazda01im trying to, i just don't understand why / would be full?01:13
mazda01df -h shows 0% free for / and 100% full01:13
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: finished trying to start ... invoke-rc.d: initscript nfs-kernel-server, action "start" failed.01:13
doogluswombatguy: any ideas?01:13
WinstonSmithJuJuBee, then just killall avahi-daemon and then try to restart the nfsd01:13
doctorZeusZykotick9:  top seems to do exactly what I'm looking for.. thanks much01:14
wombatguynot past that01:14
ZykoticK9doctorZeus, glad to help01:14
doctorZeusjellow: htop needs to be installed.  Is it better than the regular top?01:14
wombatguyi don't get the unamplified 100%01:14
wombatguymaybe google that01:14
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: OK, trying to start...01:15
ActionParsnipmazda01: try removing old unused kernels, ubuntu-docs and replace openoffice with abiword if you only use writer. Saves lots of space01:15
jellowdoctorZeus: yes01:15
WinstonSmithJuJuBee, did it kill the avahi-daemon?01:15
the-ermanyone know a command similar to uptime, but shows when the machine was started?01:15
ActionParsnipmazda01: the ubuntu-docs package is 250Mb01:15
mazda01ZykoticK9, so that's it. you can't try to help or troubleshoot? he's stuck in a login loop and when he go's to tty1 and tries sudo service gdm stop, and then startx cause I know plymouth has issues, he gets errors about not having space on /tmp to write to.01:15
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: hmmm, looks like it didnt01:16
the-ermthat's a pretty long page01:16
ActionParsnipthe-erm: if you use the uptime, you can subract it from the current date / time and work it out easily01:16
n0a1ias!bot | n0a1ias01:16
ubottun0a1ias, please see my private message01:16
BluesKajdude check this out , http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/01:16
ZykoticK9mazda01, i'm sorry if you aren't actually at the computer - i don't want to help, with a IRC / phone-relay support.  Maybe someone else will.  but good luck.01:16
mazda01you're not getting it, this is a 100gb hdd and he has like 80 gb free, ubuntu lucid installer was suppose to install ubuntu along side windows and it failed in my eyes. im trying to help him fix it now01:16
the-ermActionParsnip: ok more work than I was hoping for.01:16
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: when I kill it, it restarts by itself01:16
mazda01ZykoticK9, understood.01:17
dudeBluesKaj , thanks for the link. I am trying to get ISP tech on the phone as I keep seeing more and more issues with this01:17
ActionParsnipthe-erm: its not that taxing, surely01:17
ThePCKidHow do you make the icons show up in the "System" menu?01:17
jribsuggestions on how to send a 2gb file from ubuntu to an os x user?01:17
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete01:17
the-ermActionParsnip: if it's so easy then give me 1 line of code that'll do it :)01:17
WinstonSmithJuJuBee, ok do : sudo service avahi-daemon stop01:17
ActionParsnipjrib: sshfs01:17
mazda01ActionParsnip, there are no old kernels, this is a fresh install01:17
maco!es | ubuntu01:18
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:18
ActionParsnipthe-erm: uptime; date      then use your brain01:18
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: ok, now it stopped01:18
ThePCKidHow do you make the icons show up in the "System" menu?01:18
jribActionParsnip: does that require me to give ssh access to the os x user?  I'd prefer not to01:18
BluesKajdude, what make and model of modem is it ?01:18
snadgeis there a graphical program which will display ludicrous amounts of information about wifi networks?01:18
ridinoh oops.01:18
ActionParsnipmazda01: ok then remove ubuntu-docs to free up the space. You should also remove openoffice.org to free up 300Mb and install Abiword which uses 12Mb01:18
mazda01ZykoticK9, heres one if you can answer it, can he do the install ubuntu along side windows again despite him already having a foobarred install on an ext4 partition?01:19
jribActionParsnip: maybe I'll just install apache :/01:19
WinstonSmithsnadge, try wifiradar01:19
ActionParsnipjrib: or you can run the ssh server on the mac side01:19
the-ermActionParsnip: So you can't do it.  I'd expect at least an awk.01:19
jellowsnadge: you an try iwlist , or airodump01:19
ZykoticK9mazda01, he could yes - but i'm not sure they'd want too...01:19
ThePCKidHow do you make the icons show up in the "System" menu?01:19
ActionParsnipjrib: you could also use dropbox if you have space on your account01:19
mazda01ActionParsnip, ok, will try that it's just baffling me that a fresh install along side windows using the installer would create a 22 gb partition and it would be full before he even logs in01:19
WinstonSmith!conduct | the-erm01:19
ubottuthe-erm: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .01:19
ActionParsnipthe-erm: you could ask in #bash    so much easier to just use your mind01:19
jribActionParsnip: thanks for the suggestions :)01:19
snadgecool thanks guys :)01:20
ThePCKidHow do you make the icons show up in the "System" menu?01:20
mazda01ZykoticK9, i meant, would it create a large mess or would it know to overwrite the foobared 22gb partition?01:20
ZykoticK9!repeat | ThePCKid01:20
ubottuThePCKid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com01:20
ActionParsnipmazda01: i'd check the space used with disk analyser. A stock install is around the 5Gb mark01:20
kalle_if i install php5 will that add the package php5-cli also ?01:20
the-ermActionParsnip: how many programing languages do you know?01:20
jribkalle_: no, don't think so01:20
dudeBluesKaj it is a Clearaccess smartRG, I have absolutely 0 experience with this type01:20
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mazda01ActionParsnip, he can't get in due to not being able to write to /tmp. im trying to help him from a tty1.01:21
ZykoticK9mazda01, i'm "guessing" there is something going on that isn't being communicated to you correctly - ubuntu doesn't take up 22GB!01:21
ActionParsnipthe-erm: i know a little bash, a little C / C++, a little pascal and a little BBC BASIC01:21
ActionParsnipmazda01: gotcha, i'd rip out openoffice as a start, lots of free space01:21
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: nfs still trying to start... :-(01:21
cbrinkerHello, does anyone know of an ubuntu package equivalent to the "dpkg-reconfigure locales" command?01:21
mazda01ZykoticK9, i know, that's what I said. I think the partition table got messed up somehow and or size is being incorrectly identified.01:21
undecimIs there some way to make preload never preload from a  specific directory? I think that preload in combination with ecryptfs is causing problems, and making it ignore /home/ would solve that. Better yet, can I make it ignore everything in home except .ecryptfs? Maybe with a regex?01:21
ZykoticK9ThePCKid, you can use System / Preference / Main Menu to add new items to the menus01:21
ActionParsnipthe-erm: why do you ask?01:21
cbrinkerI just want to install all supported locales without having to calculate them on each server.01:22
mazda01it was a 100gb hdd, he told ubuntu installer to install ubuntu along side windows automagically, and this is what he got. hard to trying to convert people when this happens.01:22
ActionParsnipcbrinker: could use localepurge and select all locales01:22
cbrinkerI have assembled my own package but it is colliding with the locales package as they overlap and dpkg does not like that01:22
ThePCKid@ZykoticK9: I didn't say anything about adding items to menus01:22
snow_usais there any real time editor support multiple users in ubuntu?01:22
jribsnow_usa: gobby?01:23
mazda01ZykoticK9, has gparted been known to mess up ntfs resizing and ext4 creation in any bugs?01:23
kalle_is there a command to find the latest version of any package ? like mysql-client5.1 which change often01:23
cbrinkerThe strange thing is that it exists in debian as "locales-all" why did we not port that package?01:23
kalle_i want my install script to not fail if the package version changes01:23
macomazda01: the installer uses partman, not gparted01:23
snow_usajrib, gobby ?01:23
Azjohi i have nvidia gfx. if i set it to 1600x1200 with xrandr, ill have to pan. how do i fix it to show 1600x1200 properly?01:23
mazda01maco, thanks for the clarification and not an answer to my question01:23
jrib!info gobby | snow_usa01:23
ubottusnow_usa: gobby (source: gobby): collaborative text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.12-1 (lucid), package size 524 kB, installed size 2192 kB01:23
JarlaxleNetwork Manager is no longer allowing me to click "Enable wireless". Does anyone know how I can resolve this?01:24
hiexpokalle_,  package -v01:24
the-ermJust curious.  Because I know php, python, javascript, modula-2, turbo pascal, bash and a bunch more.  Surely it's not that taxing isn't a really good answer.  The question was anyone know off the top of their head a similar program to uptime that gave you the date/time the machine was started.01:24
ActionParsnipkalle_: use an apt-cache search first and use the name found, put some logic in your script :)01:24
macomazda01: well you're asking whether there's a bug in gparted, but thatd be irrelevant if he used the thing in the installer, so what are you asking about?01:24
kalle_hm i try that , thanx hiexpo and actionparsnip01:24
mazda01anyway, thanks guys for trying to help. he's in a bad place in trying to convert him and i'll have to do the best I can to try to help over the phone. i just don't want to accidentally wipe out his windows partition.01:24
undecimnvm, this can't be the issue... mapprefix shows that it already ignores /home/...01:24
macomazda01: the last time i know of that the installer couldnt resize ntfs properly was 200601:24
snow_usajrib, is it lightweight ?01:24
jribsnow_usa: I have no clue01:25
mazda01maco, i was asking if the installer has any bugs about messing up ntfs resize and ext4 creation?01:25
mazda01k, thanks to all. gotta go01:25
WinstonSmithJuJuBee, does sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart work?01:25
cbrinkerActionParsnip, I have been able to install all Locales by copying the SUPPORTED file into locales.d. The problem is that I have 100 servers to run this on and the process takes 5+ minutes to complete.01:25
ActionParsnipthe-erm: you could write a bash script for it with some grep / awking but i'm at work so dont have time to hack out code, especially when you can simply run uptime and mentally calculate it01:25
andrew_708476Is there any IT people in here01:26
cbrinkerWas hoping to have a precompiled package that just cp-ies the data into the right spot01:26
andrew_708476cood with computers01:26
jribandrew_708476: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)01:26
ActionParsnipcbrinker: script it, you can copy the file to each server using sshfs01:26
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: yes01:26
n0a1iasanyone know how to set xchat to auto login to nickserv01:27
Bardologyafter updating resolv.conf, do I need to restart anything?01:27
cbrinkerActionParsnip essentially that is what I was attempting to do with my package, but 2 packages can't install the same file :(01:27
the-ermfor the record it was: cat /proc/stat | grep btime | awk '{print $2}'01:27
iluminator101i am trying to follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1364786 i cant find pdf2mp3.py ??? please help01:27
Agu10I can navigate the internet very fast with my iphone. How can I achieve the same with a pentium 3 computer? with chrome on ubuntu01:28
C_OkieI found the time and am ready to install Ubuntu and I have windows already installed. But, is there more options with mounting partitions and tricks you can do then what's stated on the help wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/switching/installing-partitioning.html? Beyond /root /home and the swap partition, is there more 'tricks' or impllementations you can do then simply having a root a home and a swap partition?01:28
Agu10can I make other tabs be not loaded, like on iphone? what else can I do?01:28
C_OkieMounting tricks that are usefull and something to consider that is?01:29
WinstonSmithJuJuBee, i am at the end of my knowledge and google-fu ... :( sry may ask in #ubuntu-server?01:29
JuJuBeeWinstonSmith: thanks for trying01:29
WinstonSmithnp sry i couldnt help :|01:29
n0a1iashow do i use empathy to connect to irc?01:30
ActionParsnipC_Okie: thats pretty much all I can recommend, seperate /home partitions are great01:30
WinstonSmithn0a1ias, edit>preferences>network ?01:30
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y00yMrMIMtc01:31
jellowI need some packaged from lucid but im on 9.10 can i add some sources from lucid ?01:31
Agu10is there any way?01:31
ZykoticK9n0a1ias, (my real answer is don't, use a real IRC client) BUT there seems to be a bug with Empathy where you need to add another type of account BEFORE you can add IRC - good luck.01:31
n0a1iasWinstonSmith, theres no network in prefs01:31
jribjellow: no, not supported01:31
bazhangjellow, very bad idea01:31
douglas_carmichajoin #eurix01:31
C_OkieActionParsnip:  oh someone told be to do some researching up on mounting w/ ubuntu... I figured they meant really "researching" and not just what the wiki help says01:32
WinstonSmithn0a1ias, yes there is at least in xchat-gnome01:32
jellowjrib: bazhang  what if i added it installed the few deb i need then commented it out?01:32
n0a1iaswell the reason i want empathy is so i dont have to type in /msg nickserv identify <password> every time i log in01:32
ActionParsnipAgu10: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-251509.html  use those seetings in /etc/sysctl.conf     you can also install dnsmasq to use a local DNS and make the web faster, you will need to edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf to tell it to listen to and then add in your list of DNS servers01:32
jribjellow: no.  Tell us what you actually want to accomplish01:32
bazhangn0a1ias, easy to accomplish with xchat01:33
ZykoticK9n0a1ias, xchat automatically does that for me01:33
n0a1iasbazhang, how? im in it now01:33
WinstonSmithn0a1ias, install xchat-gnome then u have networks in prefs goto freenode there u can define the nickserv passwd01:33
n0a1iasWinstonSmith, thanks a ton!01:34
bazhangn0a1ias, under xchat menu item, show network list ubuntu servers edit, put username:password in server password field01:34
mae_taehello people, how do i fix forbidden 403 error + apache01:34
jellowi want to install spirit but i need libimobiledevice-dev which is only in the repo of lucid and i'm on 9.10 , What can i do?01:34
bazhangn0a1ias, you can also configure your auto join channels there: separate #channel1,#channel too with a comma01:35
=== shubhkarman is now known as shubh
n0a1iasbazhang, so i put n0a1ias : <pass> in server pass?01:36
AndorinSo it appears that sometimes, when I boot my Lucid box, USB devices will not automount when plugged in... and other partitions on my HDD don't appear in the Places menu. Any reason for this?01:36
Italian_PlumberI just got a message from remote desktop viewer that someone was trying to view my desktop.  It was from an unknown IP.  I have it set so that I must confirm each remote request -- I denied it.  I didn't catch the IP.  Is there a log file somewhere where that might be recorded?01:36
bazhangn0a1ias, username:password  in server password field01:36
ActionParsnipjellow: youcould find a PPA for the deb for karmic01:36
ActionParsnip!ppa | jellow01:36
ubottujellow: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.01:36
ActionParsnipItalian_Plumber: possibly in /var/log  I hope you arent using VNC over WAN without an SSH tunnel01:37
shubhI have a problem....01:37
n0a1iasok I did it, thanks guys01:37
hiexposup ActionParsnip01:37
n0a1iasshubh, shoot01:37
shubhWhen I try booting off the Ubuntu Live CD, it says "Error: Reebot now?"01:38
huzubuhey, how do I kill pulseaudio without it restarting? I've disabled it under system-->preferences-->startup applications, but it still runs on startup and restarts when I kill it.01:38
huzubualternatively, how can I remove it without removing ubuntu-desktop?01:38
n0a1iasshubh, did you do an md5 check?01:39
mae_taeActionparsnip, are you there?01:39
ShinyDarknessHi, all. Is there any way to configure compiz to have a different desktop background in each virtual desktop.01:39
ActionParsnipmae_tae: sup?01:39
cablophi, huys... i need to put a folder to behave like a menu as a luncher in the bars, any idea?01:39
ZykoticK9ShinyDarkness, Yes - but see the note/warning at top!  http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/multiple-compiz-backgrounds01:40
mae_taeActionParsnip, how do i resolve forbidden 403 in apache2 (ub01:40
ShinyDarknessZykoticK9, ty!01:40
ActionParsnipcablop: if you right click a folder in the application menus, you can add it to the gnomebar and it will allow quicj access to that folder, if thats what you mean...01:40
mae_taeActionparsnip, *ubuntu01:40
cablopmae_tae: check permissions01:40
Italian_PlumberI was using VNC over WAN withouit SSH... but I just disabled it.  I have no need to access the machine remotely from outside my network...01:40
ActionParsnipmae_tae: I dont know, otherwise I would have answered earlier wouldnt I?01:40
mae_taei've already give chmod 77601:40
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
cablopActionParsnip: what i want is to click the icon and a menu appears and i navigate it as any other menu, i just want to place some sutom links inside to fit my needs01:41
ActionParsnipItalian_Plumber: good, because VNC is not encrypted so is not secure01:41
quentinsince HAL replaced Xconf, there is no way to configure XKBVARIANT to get dead keys activated, anymore. How to do now?01:41
shubhHow do you do an MD5 check? I am new to Ubuntu....01:41
mae_taecablop, what else?01:41
n0a1iasare you on the live cd now?01:41
Italian_PlumberActionParsnip: Thanks... acutally the machine in question is usually offf.01:42
cablopcheck folder permissions, they must havwe execute permission too01:42
n0a1ias!md5 | shubh01:42
ubottushubh: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:42
shubhNo I am on my other computer...01:42
huzubudoes anyone know how to stop pulseaudio from automatically restarting when it is killed? or to remove it without removing ubuntu-desktop?01:42
dwonanyone familiar with running lucid on xen?  I'm having trouble booting it; it seems to hang when the initrd runs /sbin/init  (dom0 is Debian lenny)01:42
mae_taecablop, including others?01:42
shubhDo I have to to do this check on the CD?01:42
FredFlintstone"choose a plugin for shockwave flash", what should i choose?01:42
=== FTF is now known as eXe
ActionParsnipcablop: make a folder with the launchers you require, you may be able to add that to the panel. If push comes to shove you can make a new folder in the applications menu then add that01:42
cablopmae_tae: yes, afaik01:43
huzubuis anyone here familiar with pulseaudio at all?01:43
=== eXe is now known as FTFx
ActionParsnipFredFlintstone: the adobe one01:43
mae_taecablop, k01:43
n0a1iasshubh, the link is in the ubottu message, also try cleaning the disk itself, when theres an error with a love cd, its normally just dirty01:43
Azjohi i have nvidia gfx. if i set it to 1600x1200 with xrandr, ill have to pan. how do i fix it to show 1600x1200 properly?01:43
=== Centurion210 is now known as C210|away
n1ckeycan somone help me with MySQL?01:43
FredFlintstoneActionParsnip, thanks01:43
cablopmae_tae, also owner must be www-data if you're using the apache from repos, if not you must use root owner, afaik, i never used an apache not-from repos in ubuntu01:43
the-ermn1ckey: #mysql might be a better room01:43
brandoneyHello...  What is the best procedure for installing and running Lucid on a usb stick and make it bootable?01:44
cablopthanks ActionParsnip01:44
mae_taecablop, ok01:44
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:44
n0a1iasbrandoney, use unebootto01:44
the-ermyou can add yourself to the www-data group, then make /var/www/ writeable to the group www-data01:44
Italian_Plumberhow do I uncompress the syslog.1.gz files01:44
shubhHow to check a Ubuntu Live CD's MD5 via win 7???01:44
n0a1iaswait, how is it spelled?01:44
macothe-erm, who aer you talking to?01:45
dwonItalian_Plumber: you could view it with zless01:45
the-ermwhoever wanted to know.01:45
n0a1iasmd5 | shubh01:45
macothe-erm: oh wait i see01:45
ActionParsnipItalian_Plumber: gunzip syslog.1.gz   is my guess01:45
Agu10can I do what iphone OS does? downloading only the active tab ? and unloading the others01:45
macomae_tae: if you make /var/www be group-owned by www-data, also make it sgid so that all files in it are automatically sharing that group-ownership01:45
n0a1iasclick the link01:45
Italian_Plumbergunzip doesn't work.... zless seems to have frozen my machine01:45
ActionParsnipAgu10: not heard of that, chrome precaches the DNS resolves of the links in the page while you read to make it faster01:46
Agu10anyways, this is slooow01:46
mae_taemaco, im not familiar with that, whats the exact command?01:46
Agu10I'm already using chrome, but iphone's safari is waay faster!01:46
ActionParsnipAgu10: well your chip is slow and the packets are coming in fast, so you are most likely disgarding a lot01:46
Agu10specially when scrolling01:46
the-ermItalian_Plumber: I think that less <filename> might do it automatically.01:46
macomae_tae: you'd want:  chmod -R 4775 /var/www01:46
macomae_tae: thatd make it setgid and give the group write permissions01:47
Agu10ActionParsnip: I'm talking more about the rendering...01:47
ZykoticK9!patience | shubh01:47
ubottushubh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com01:47
Italian_Plumberok zless works... it froze because my connection to my vmware server was borked01:47
ActionParsnipAgu10: the browser is optomised for the iphone hardware, try running Ubuntu on an xbox, you need a pretty light OS due to its poor specs, but the games are tailored exactly to the hardware so can run well01:47
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jribmaco: are you sure it's 4 for setgid?01:47
LinuxGuy2009How would I go about manually installing and activating (if it needs activated) the nvidia driver on an offline machine? Is this possible?01:48
bluezoneI'm reading an impressive guide to Linux and ubuntu in general called: Linux in easy steps by mike mcgrath, just throwing this out there if your new to linux, it's a great place to start01:48
macojrib: no... whoops. 4 is suid. except on directories, suid and sgid behave exactly the same on linux (but not  on....solaris i think it is)01:48
macomae_tae: sorry, 277501:48
mae_taemaco, thanks ill try it01:48
Agu10ActionParsnip: so there's no way to improve this to work like an iphone?01:48
jribmaco: ah wasn't aware that setuid = setgid on directories, good to know01:48
ActionParsnipLinuxGuy2009: you can grab the packages from http://packages.ubuntu.com   I recommend strongly you hook it up, get the driver then detatch it. Life will be a lot easier01:49
jribmaco: wait, you said the opposite right?01:49
macojrib: on linux the creator and owner are *always* the same at creation time01:49
johngeetarDoes anyone know how to display if an apache server is running or not in conky?01:49
LinuxGuy2009ActionParsnip: Recomend I hook it up? What?01:49
ActionParsnipAgu10: you could tweak settings and ditch gnome / compiz and use LXDE + openbox. Your desktop will impact less on the system and it will be more responsive01:49
macojrib: so if you make a dir suid, and you create a file in it, you're still the owner since you're the creator, so itll act like sgid instead01:50
the-ermAgu10: I think if you install noscript, you may get better results in firefox.  The main reason being the iphone doesn't do flash, and that may be what's slowing down your experience.01:50
ActionParsnipLinuxGuy2009: get the system online, grab the driver. Then make it be offline again01:50
Italian_Plumberwhat is avahi-daemon?01:50
jribmaco: hmm01:50
macojrib: some unixes do allow the creator to give up ownership, but linux isnt one of them (you need to sudo to chown)01:50
n0a1iassorry, cat on keyboard01:50
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: please dont01:50
ActionParsniphahhaha, nm :)01:50
LinuxGuy2009Yeah thats the same answer all the other people that dont know give. Nothing new.01:50
Agu10the-erm: I already disabled flash, so No.01:51
brandoneyWhat is unbootto?01:51
kalle_never set a cat to admin servers...01:51
macobrandoney: ubottu is the friendly channel bot01:51
ActionParsnipLinuxGuy2009: you can get the debs online but you will have a tonne of back and forth, getting what is needed01:51
n0a1iasbrandoney, i dont remember the name exactly01:51
rwwbrandoney: I suspect n0a1ias meant unetbootin01:51
zeleftikam_whoops. i believe i disabled my Personal File Sharing abilities by removing some package, but I don't know what it is. When I try to turn on file sharing in the preferences, it tells me a required package is missing. Any ideas on what I should reinstall to get her working again?01:51
n0a1iasrww, yes thats it!01:51
kalle_speaking of cat how to extract words from cat and decide if they are there or not ? to use in scripting01:51
ActionParsnipzeleftikam_: sudo apt-get install samba01:52
thune3shubh: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM%20on%20Windows maybe01:52
n1ckeyappearntly i am banned from #mysql :\01:52
LinuxGuy2009ActionParsnip: I have this machine online so thats not an issue at all. But how would I activate the driver after I install with dpkg -i?01:52
the-ermn1ckey: what was the question?01:52
ZykoticK9kalle_, grep01:52
ActionParsnipkalle_: you can grep the output of cat using pipes to filter for certain things01:52
n1ckeycan anybody read and help me?01:52
kalle_so grep if word then ? something like that ?01:52
LinuxGuy2009ActionParsnip: Will it show up in hardware drivers window after I install the package you think?01:53
rwwn1ckey: to be specific, *!~root@* is banned from #mysql. If you changed your ident, you'd be able to get in there.01:53
ActionParsnipLinuxGuy2009: start with nvidia-current  you will need to then get its deps, then its deps deps if they are needed. It could get messy01:53
ZykoticK9kalle_, "cat /foofile | grep searchterm"01:53
ActionParsnipLinuxGuy2009: once you get all the packages in, you will have done the job of the hardware app, it wont be needed01:53
n1ckeyno its n1ckey01:54
venziligot some sound problems here .when i plug in my earphones on my laptop the sound is still heard on the speakers aswell as in the earphones any ideas? PM ME :)01:54
ZykoticK9kalle_, not sure how to tie it into if/then statements - perhaps you'd want to ask in #bash01:54
the-ermn1ckey:  sudo cat /etc/mysql/debian.cnf (get the password)01:54
LinuxGuy2009ActionParsnip: Ok Ill give it another go and see.01:54
the-ermmysql -u debian-sys-maint -ppasswordFromFile01:54
n1ckeyanyone, anyone can help?? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156187501:54
the-ermthat should get you in if it's on.01:54
ActionParsnipLinuxGuy2009: i'd hook it up, even on a wired connection. it'll be wayy faster and wayyyy easier01:55
rwwn1ckey: your nickname is n1ckey. Your ident is ~root, presumably because you're running your IRC client as root (which is not a good idea) or set it to give that ident.01:55
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com01:55
brandoneywill UNetbootin let me install and run a full persistent version from USB or just the LiveCD to install from?01:55
kalle_good that should be about half the scripted line01:55
LinuxGuy2009ActionParsnip: Yeah but that wouldnt solve my question.01:55
jribmaco: setuid just seems to be ignored on directories01:55
kalle_now to make it decide if the words are there already and only add them if not01:55
ZykoticK9kalle_, for scripting help i'd highly recommend #bash - they are hard core scripters there ;)01:56
WinstonSmithxchat just crashed on me :(01:56
kalle_great ill ask there ;=)01:56
dwonI'm attempting to get lucid running on a Xen domU, the initrd runs and mounts the root filesystem okay, but it seems to hang when it tries to run /sbin/init.  I tried booting with break=init, and I get a prompt, but running /root/bin/sh hangs.01:56
the-ermdwon: how about /bin/sh ?01:57
macojrib: ah you're right01:58
macojrib: and its apparently freebsd that makes setuid do what it sounds like01:58
dwonthe-erm: /bin/sh (the initrd's busybox) works fine.  some commands like "/root/bin/echo foo" work, too01:58
the-ermI have no clue.01:59
C_OkieI have windwos xp on my computer, if I install ubuntu can I resize the partition mounted for the xp os using a program on ubuntu?01:59
snadgeif your wireless router is set to mixed g/n .. and g devices connect to it.. does that mean, that no N devices can connect?01:59
snadgebecause i have an acer aod260, which supposedly supports wifi n.. but its only connecting to our n router, in g mode.. that blows chunks02:00
WinstonSmithC_Okie, yes during the install u can resize02:00
ActionParsnipC_Okie: yes, its part of the install. You can resize the ntfs. Make sure your backups are up to date in case of catastrophe02:00
ActionParsnipsnadge: possibly get newer drivers online. Do you only access the internet with the device? Do you access network shares with the laptop?02:01
wolfbikerhey guys, how can I get my webcam to work on ubuntu?02:01
ZykoticK9wolfbiker, does it work in cheese?02:01
the-ermC_Okie: I'd recommend only resizing from a live cd.  You can do it as root if your windows drive isn't mounted, but you can't resize the linux partition if it's being used.02:01
snadgeActionParsnip: its 10.04 (lucid) .. thats not necessarily the latest or best driver for my built in wifi?02:01
ActionParsnipsnadge: possibly not02:01
snadge*shakes fist at heavens*02:02
kthomas_vhkthomas_vh, :02:02
ActionParsnipsnadge: do you only access your router to get the internet or d you access nework shares on your LAN?02:02
snadgeits just internet access.. i do occasionally copy a file over the lan.. its more, it should work and doesn't.. its not a show stopper or anything.. i paid for n, i want n dammit. but g will do :)02:02
C_OkieI want to use a program while running ubuntu to resize the windows partition02:02
wolfbikerZykoticK9, what do you mean by cheese? I'm an ignorante bastard, sorry for that02:02
ActionParsnipsnadge: unless your internet connection is faster than 54Mbps, youwill notice VERY little difference in web speed02:03
ZykoticK9wolfbiker, Cheese is a program you should install from Ubuntu Software Center / Synaptic / or "sudo apt-get install cheese" and see if you webcam works in it.02:03
the-ermC_Okie: you can use the live CD while resizing, however ... I'm not sure I recommend that either :)  Sure it'll work but I get scared of the idea of some other program jacking things up.02:03
timh____My volume control disappeared from my upper panel.  Looking at the list of panel applets, I can't find the one to add it back.02:04
wolfbikerZykoticK9, haven't tried that indeed.02:04
the-ermC_Okie: You should be able to surf the web in firefox while resizing but I just don't recommend it :)02:04
the-ermI'm paranoid.02:04
C_OkieWell, f- windows02:05
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the-ermCheese does a pretty good job if you ask me.  It's worked out of the box on all my webcams.02:05
the-ermWhich is more than I can say for pulse audio ....02:05
the-ermAt least for recording.02:05
C_Okiethere stupid xp os  doesnt have a resize capability in disk management ;(02:05
cablopActionParsnip: hard to get that menu in a simple way :(02:05
ActionParsnipcablop: i believe you can add items to the gnome panel like file drawers etc, if you make a folder in $HOME someplace then reference it in the applet it may be able to be used02:06
dougskohas anyone ever seen a mounted drive like this? http://i.imgur.com/hsG5V.jpg02:06
C_OkieI am just scared my sizes are gonna be off and I am gonna run out of room some where with swap root and home for ubuntu and data and os for windwos02:06
Aemaetheverything i look up online is how to get the xbawx 360 controller to NOT work as a mouse, I on the other hand want it to be my mouse, and can't get it into this mode, does anyone have experience in this area?02:06
cablopActionParsnip: what is a file drawer?02:06
C_OkieI have 100g for windows and only 40 for ubuntu totoal02:07
zeleftikam_dougsko: hmm it's russian02:07
zeleftikam_dougsko: what's in it?02:07
ActionParsnipcablop: like a folder applet on the bar which displays the contents of a chosen folder. I made up the term "file drawer" dut you get the idea02:07
dougskozeleftikam_: yeah, but it came out of no where. i did not create it and when i try and explore it in gnome, it says its an invalid mount02:07
zzzedC_Okie, 40G for ubuntu is enuf02:07
dougskozeleftikam_: also, the mount command does not show it02:07
cablopActionParsnip: yup i found it! but i can't change the folder it is tied to02:08
ActionParsnipcablop: you can use this sort of thing, but make your own folder in the menu using alacarte: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/add-neat-little-wine-app-menu-to-your.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+d0od+(Omg!+Ubuntu!)&utm_content=FaceBook02:08
n0a1iashow do i get an alias of rm to be rm -i ?02:09
dwonthe-erm: ok, thanks anyway.  It looks like /root/usr/bin/strace works, so I might be able to figure something out02:09
ActionParsnipcablop: right click the folder ting you made and click properties / preferences02:09
the-ermn0a1ias: alias rm='rm -i'02:09
the-ermI think02:09
cablopActionParsnip: yes, it just have icon sizes and no more :( sadly... about alacarte i can't create th menu at the same level of top menus... this is frustrating :(02:09
n0a1iasthe-erm, i just wana make shure i dont screw my system over02:10
the-ermya that does.02:10
ActionParsnipcablop: then create it in a submenu, you can still add those, just like in the example02:10
n0a1iasthe-erm, oh, thanks02:10
wolfbikerZykoticK9, alright seems like cheese was exactly what i needed, thanks man!02:10
cablopActionParsnip: well, i want to minimize clicks... just to avoid some pain tin the writs and arms... usability issue02:11
SteelWingThis is odd. I plugged in a USB Flash drive and Ubuntu (10.04) just froze on me. Upon rebooting trash is gone I now have cd drive 0 permanently stuck in my places tab and computer,trash and most other things done with Nautilus are coming up as unsupported actions. Would anyone have any idea as to why this is happening?02:11
Azjohi i have nvidia gfx. if i set it to 1600x1200 with xrandr, ill have to pan. how do i fix it to show 1600x1200 properly?02:11
brandoneyUNetboot seems to fix every USB boot problem known to man, I wonder why it didn't come up once in all my searches.02:11
ActionParsnipAzjo: use nvidia-settings, it will setup the display just fine02:12
the-ermSteelWing: Were you using a live usb drive at the time :)02:12
AzjoActionParsnip: then i can only choose maximum 1360x768, and it stretches that too much for my crt monitor.02:12
cablopActionParsnip: nope, no way to drag and drop the menus from main menu02:12
brandoneyThanks yall02:12
the-ermAzjo: you may have to run that as root for the settings to stick ... I'm not sure why.02:13
joobieguys im tring to setup a dir so that if i create a directory within it (using mkdir), it inherits the uid of the parent directory.. i've tried setting the g+s bit on the parent dir, which makes the directory inherit the group, but it doesnt inherit the uid.. how can this be done? i tried also u+s which didnt work.......02:13
Jordan_USteelWing: Nautilus might have been writing to its configuration file when you (I assume) hard reset, and now it's corrupt.02:13
the-ermJordan_U: that sounds like a plausible theory02:13
jribhint about getting questions answered: do not ask question and leave 2 seconds later02:14
Azjothe-erm: but i dont want to pan. it is still virtually at 1024x76802:14
SteelWingthe-erm: No I was just plugging it in to grab a picture from this laptop and bring it to my desktop02:14
ActionParsnipAzjo: ok then run: sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings     set the res to 1024x768  and click "save to x config file"  you can now run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    scroll to the screen section and edit the resolution line to be the desired resolution. Reboot to test.02:14
SteelWingJordan_U Okay, how would I write a new one?02:15
the-ermAzjo: grandr is a pretty decent graphical program for setting the resolution.  There's another one that is a display applet as well.02:15
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1202:15
Dr_WillisIve not seen the 'paning the display' work in X in quite some time. I never was able to get it working on my netbook.02:16
Diveckshey, I've got a laptop running Ubuntu with some really bad speakers, but I have a desktop with Ubuntu that has really nice speakers. Is there any way I could "send" all my laptops audio through my desktop? Thanks!02:16
SteelWingActually nevermind I'll just try purging nautilus and reinstalling via package manager.02:16
cablopok, a dock could be another approach02:16
cablopany good dock for ubuntu?02:16
Diveckscablop, docky. it's the best, really.02:16
Jordan_USteelWing: That wouldn't help as it would be a config file in your home directory, which purging doesn't touch.02:16
jribjoobie: use ACLs02:17
Dr_WillisDivecks:  pulse audio has some features to let you do that.02:17
Diveckscablop, Others are more extensible and flexible, but docky is (imo) the most polished and functional.02:17
SteelWingJordan_U: Ack, Okay delete the config and prompt it for a new one then.02:17
ActionParsnipcablop: avant-window-navigator, simdock, docky02:17
the-ermSteelWing: the problem would like in a ~/.config file.02:17
Dr_WillisDivecks:  install paprefs and pavucontrol, set auth off in paprefs, then02:17
hiexpothat will work02:17
Dr_WillisDivecks: then use the pulse gnome applet to set default pulse server to the server ip02:17
jellowhow can i forse apt-get to remove a package and ignore unmet errors02:18
DivecksDr_Willis, Wow that would be awesome. I'll give it a shot!02:18
wombatguyDivecks: why do you say that? I've heard it's the most featured but what exactly am I missing with cairodock?02:18
Dr_Williswombatguy:  try them all. use what you like,02:19
Jordan_USteelWing: Try running "mv ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus/ ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus_corrupt"02:19
cablopwhat about cairo-dock?02:19
bunbundersoni need help with the very last part of getting my wireless card to connect. running through ndiswrapper, recognizes my SSID, prompts for password, but wont connect right02:19
hiexpohowdy Dr_Willis02:19
Dr_Willisoften 'features' = just more cluttered eye candy.02:19
Dr_Willishiexpo:  Moo!02:19
wombatguycairodock is good02:19
Diveckswombatguy, I, personally, find docky the most beautiful and I really like the way it integrates with Gnome, and the weather/sound/batrery applets. Personal preference, though. I also think that Cairodock has a bit *too* much eyecandy for me :D02:19
hiexpo^ no sudo apt-get moo Dr_Willis02:19
wombatguyi guess i can see that02:20
wombatguybut many people say it's the most fully featured (docky)02:20
SteelWingJordan_U: Done. I take it I reboot and watch nautlius reconfigure?02:20
the-ermActionParsnip: I would like to make a formal apology for being a dooshbag earlier.02:20
Jordan_USteelWing: Log out and back in again.02:21
AzjoActionParsnip: there is no resolution line?02:21
SteelWingJordan_U: be right back.02:21
ActionParsnipthe-erm: no probs mate, we all have days :)02:21
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wombatguyand i have used it briefly but didn't find any additional features that aren't part of other docks which are a bit more eyecandy02:21
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hiexpodocky  < yuk02:22
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wombatguyi do like a bit of eyecandy myself but not if it gets in the way of functionality and have found that it doesn't02:22
SuperSamI'm having problems getting "fn keys" working on my laptop , they are not registered as a keypress when I test them with xev. any ideas?02:22
bunbundersoni need help with the very last part of getting my netgear wireless card to connect. running through ndiswrapper, recognizes my SSID, prompts for password, but wont connect right...please!02:22
AzjoActionParsnip: take a look here: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ZztiAAUB02:22
SteelWingBack, no dice. Still no trash etc.02:22
hiexporarcrack  2 days now yikes i might lose02:23
bluezone /join #apache202:23
FloodBot3bluezone: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
Jordan_USteelWing: Can you log into the guest account and see if it has the same problem?02:25
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SteelWingJordan_U: Sure just a sec02:25
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Dr_Willisbunbunderson:  ndiswrappers can be tricky. you could test by temparly disabling the encryption for the wireless connection on the router  and see if it can connect then. Thats about the only trouble shooting advice i can give.02:26
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SteelWingJordan_U: Back same problem even on guest02:27
bunbundersonokay. thanks. my card is supposedly compatible with ndis..02:27
Dr_Willisbunbunderson:  i always considered ndiswrappers a bit of a dirty hack.   I dont even see it used much these days. Not near as much as it was used a few years back.02:28
wombatguyi upgraded my kernel so i could stop using ndiswrapper02:28
hiexpondis is junk02:28
bunbundersondo you have any other suggestions to be able to use this card??02:29
wombatguynever had that many issues as long as i set everything perfectly02:29
SmoodoHow's the stability of 10.10?02:29
bunbundersoni am super new to this whole world02:29
wombatguybunbunderson: did you try what he said already? It's worth trying02:29
hiexpowhat card02:29
bunbundersonNetgear WG51102:29
ActionParsnip!maverick | Smoodo02:29
wombatguybunbunderson: How new are you to setting up simple home wireless networks02:29
ubottuSmoodo: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:29
Jordan_USteelWing: Then it's not an issue with files in your home directory, and a purge and re-install might fix it.02:30
hiexpois that a router02:30
hiexpooh my bad tired02:30
SteelWingJordan_U: I'll try that now and get back to you then02:30
ActionParsnipbunbunderson: if you run:   sudo lshw -C network   you can see the product line for the device which will identify the chip which you need to know, the make and model are moot02:30
elitexraythe best thing about ubuntu is openoffice ;D02:31
bunbundersonI am working on it. My 16 month old makes it very difficult02:31
adv_i have 2 webcams on my laptop, how can i disable the 1st one so that i can use the 2nd one?02:31
bunbundersonnot new to setting up simple home wireless networks02:31
bunbundersonjust linux and ubuntu02:32
Te3-BloodyIronis anyone around that can help me with a bluetooth issue?02:32
ActionParsnip!ask | Te3-BloodyIron02:32
ubottuTe3-BloodyIron: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:32
Te3-BloodyIronActionParsnip: I asked it hours ago and nobody helped, so instead i'm trying to find someone to help me.02:32
Te3-BloodyIroni installed a patched version of the bluetooth daemon and didn't realize the fix was already in my version. as such i have pooched my bluetooth and the daemon won't start. i can't figure out how to fix this02:33
Te3-BloodyIronwhat should i do?02:33
ilovefairuzTe3-BloodyIron: how did you install it?02:34
Te3-BloodyIronmind if i whisper you the howto i was following?02:34
ActionParsnipTe3-BloodyIron: then ask now, hours ago there were different users on, somebody may know02:34
ilovefairuzTe3-BloodyIron: paste the link here02:34
Te3-BloodyIroni followed the second method at the beginning02:34
Te3-BloodyIroni got the patched version from the ppa source02:35
Te3-BloodyIronsince hten it has failed to start and i have tried to reinstall bluetooth so many times in different ways02:35
elitexrayBut isn't there just one way of installing a software?02:35
hiexpobunbunderson,  type in terminal lspci -nn02:35
Dr_WillisTe3-BloodyIron:  You purged what you installed via ppa with the 'ppa-purge' utility ?02:36
Te3-BloodyIronkind of, I tried just removing the package, but also did the remove completely, inlcuding configurations02:36
hiexpowhats the output02:36
Te3-BloodyIroni did not do ppa-purge, i manually removed the source from sources and removed the key02:36
Te3-BloodyIronand at one step i did an apt-get purge bluetooth02:36
Te3-BloodyIroner might have been bluez02:36
Te3-BloodyIronwhat does that do Dr_Willis?02:36
Te3-BloodyIronthe ppa-purge02:36
SteelWingJordan_U: I'm back, purged nautilus reinstalled nautilus and packages removed via purge and still no dice.02:37
ilovefairuzTe3-BloodyIron: remove the ppa entry from /etc/apt/sources.list and then: sudo apt-get update &&  sudo  apt-get install --reinstall bluez02:37
Dr_WillisTe3-BloodyIron:  totally cleans out things you used from a specific ppa.02:37
Dr_Willisppa-purge will reset all packages from a PPA to the standard versions released for your distribution02:37
Te3-BloodyIronilovefairuz: the ppa entry i added earlier is not in there now02:37
Te3-BloodyIronDr_Willis: is that just a simple command or should I use flags too?02:38
alazyworkaholicCan't get onto #android, so 1 quick question. Is a cellphone that comes with old android (e.g. v 1.5) usually upgradable to the most recent (v 2.2) or are you stuck with factory firmware?02:38
Te3-BloodyIronthx Dr_Willis:02:38
bazhang!ot | alazyworkaholic02:38
ubottualazyworkaholic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:38
Jordan_USteelWing: Does "nautilus --check" give any output other than "running nautilus_self_test_*"? If so, please pastebin the output.02:39
Dr_Willisalazyworkaholic:  most likely its 'registered nicks' required02:39
Dr_Willisalazyworkaholic:  i woudl say it totally depends on the phone. Its very likely you are stuck.02:39
Te3-BloodyIronalazyworkaholic: that depends on who makes the phone, they work with google to make sure it works "right". some phone manufacturers do upgrade it some dont02:39
SteelWingJordan_U: Just checked itself.02:39
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
max_how to remaster Ubuntu02:39
SteelWingJordan_U: it just did checking no errors.02:39
alazyworkaholicphone specific? ok, thanks. :)02:39
Dr_Willismax_:  depends on what changes you want to do.02:39
Dr_Willis!remaster | max_02:40
ubottumax_: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility02:40
=== sarah is now known as ^Sarah
AndorinSo it appears that sometimes, when I boot my Lucid box, USB devices will not automount when plugged in... and other partitions on my HDD don't appear in the Places menu. Any reason for this?02:40
ilovefairuz!register < alazyworkaholic, #android works fine02:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:40
Dr_Willismax_:  theres also the 'reconstructor' web site that can do some tweaks02:40
ilovefairuz!register > alazyworkaholic02:40
ubottualazyworkaholic, please see my private message02:40
Jordan_USteelWing: What is the exact error nautilus gives about "unsupported actions"?02:40
Dr_Willismax_:  https://build.reconstructor.org/#02:40
SteelWingCould not display "computer:". Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.02:40
Te3-BloodyIronuhh Dr_Willis: i don't have ppa-purge, is it part of a utils pack?02:41
max_Does the site provide complete detail how to remaster02:41
SteelWingJordan_U: Could not display "computer:". Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.02:41
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
Dr_WillisTe3-BloodyIron:  the urls i gave - explain that its  avail via deb/ppa.02:42
Te3-BloodyIronoh it's a script, my bad02:42
Te3-BloodyIroner package02:42
Dr_WillisI do belive ppa-purge is going to be in 10.1002:42
Dr_WillisTe3-BloodyIron:  also ubuntu-tweak i belive has support for ppa-purge now also02:42
Te3-BloodyIronahh nice02:42
Te3-BloodyIronhm okayu02:43
SteelWingJordan_U: Also, when I attempt to open trash it says Error while spawning nautilus:02:43
SteelWingOperation not supported02:43
ilovefairuzAndorin: did this happen now?02:43
FOCercan't find Alfresco package in Partner repo (Lucid), was it removed?02:43
Dr_WillisSteelWing:  as a test. you could make/try a new user and see if they work for them.02:44
Andorinilovefairuz: Ah, it happens sometimes when I boot.02:44
Dr_Willis!info alfresco02:44
ubottuPackage alfresco does not exist in lucid02:44
SteelWing2Jordan_U: And trash says Error while spawning nautilus:02:44
Dr_WillisDoes the !info even show stuff from the partner repo? ive never noticed.02:44
SteelWing2Jordan_U: Operation not supported02:44
BiggFREEis a cp can be done in from root ?02:44
BiggFREEis a cp can be done from root ?02:45
FOCerthx ubottu, Dr_Willis02:45
TheVenerableZDoes anyone know of free speech-to-text software for ubuntu?02:45
SteelWing2JordanU: Also I accidentally hit the wrong key combination and stopped the job of irssi so I'm stuck in here twice XD.02:45
bluezoneBiggFREE: yes it can02:45
Dr_WillisBiggFREE:  clarify what you mean.02:45
BiggFREEbluezone: Thanks02:45
Dr_WillisBiggFREE:  'sudo cp foo bar'02:45
SteelWing2Jordan_U: Also I accidentally hit the wrong key combination and stopped the job of irssi so I'm stuck in here twice XD.02:45
^james_foo^SteelWing2: you accidentally what?02:46
Dr_WillisSteelWing2:  bash job controll, 'bg and fg' commands02:46
S4ryGuys , this is the Ubuntu main channel in English  .. any chance to have one in Arabic !02:46
BiggFREEDr_Willis: cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/02:46
Dr_WillisS4ry:  there is one in arabic02:46
maco!sa | S4ry02:46
ubottuS4ry: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية02:46
S4ryLike : ubuntu-ar02:46
ilovefairuzAndorin: check if devkit-disks is running: ps aux | grep devkit-disks02:46
Jordan_USteelWing2: Can you pastebin the output of "mount"?02:46
Dr_WillisBiggFREE:  notice how i used the 'sudo' command  befor the cp?02:46
macoS4ry: read what the bot just said. #ubuntu-arabic02:46
S4ryDr_Willis, Yeah , thats may loco team :)02:46
Dr_Willis!sudo | BiggFREE02:47
ubottuBiggFREE: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo02:47
IdleOneS4ry: why are you asking us for the arabic channel when you know full well it exists?02:47
BiggFREEDr_Willis: thanks02:47
Andorinilovefairuz: Yes02:47
ilovefairuzS4ry: تعال على  #ubuntu-arabic02:47
S4ryIdleOne, i didn't know #ubuntu-arabic .. Exists , so chill02:47
BiggFREEDr_Willis: it is noted02:48
macoS4ry: i remember giving you that factoid before though...02:48
IdleOneS4ry: Have a nice day :)02:48
S4ryilovefairuz, got it02:48
S4ryIdleOne, You too :D02:48
SteelWing2Jordan_U: Done: http://pastebin.com/MLeugPEw02:48
S4rymaco, that never happened02:48
SteelWing2nick SteelWing02:49
macoS4ry: it was some time in the last 2 days, i believe02:49
C_Okiethanks zzzed the-erm WinstonSmith  and ActionParsnip !!02:49
=== SteelWing2 is now known as SteelWing
IdleOneSteelWing2: /02:49
ActionParsnipC_Okie: always a pleasure02:49
S4rymaco, okay :)02:49
Jordan_USteelWing: Ok, it appears that gvfs isn't running. What version of Ubuntu are you using?02:49
bazhangS4ry, ubuntu support question?02:49
SteelWingJordan_U: 10.0402:49
S4rybazhang, Nah02:50
bazhangS4ry, then chat in #ubuntu-offtopic02:50
S4rybazhang, am i chatting here right now !02:50
Te3-BloodyIronDr_Willis: the daemon still does not start :/02:51
SteelWingJordan_U: Should I just go and reinstall gvfs then?02:51
IdleOneS4ry: could you please join #ubuntu-ops02:52
S4ryIdleOne, sure02:52
Jordan_USteelWing: Maybe. Do you have anything in /usr/local/? (you shouldn't in a default install)02:52
SteelWingJordan_U: Apparently yes. I have the base folders: bind etc games include lib man sbin share and src02:53
SteelWingJordan_U: bin*02:54
Te3-BloodyIronDr_Willis: are you still there?02:54
hajmolaanyone know how to adjust scroll speed?02:55
Dr_WillisTe3-BloodyIron:  for another 4 min. yes02:55
tozahi guys, compizconfig doesnt show me 3d windows02:55
jojosiaoi have a problem with my Ubuntu 10.04.1 just installed using LiveCD it says Disabling IRQ and sometimes shows funny displays02:55
tozahow do i force it02:55
Dr_WillisTe3-BloodyIron:  what deamon?   I got the attention span of a newt.02:55
Te3-BloodyIronDr_Willis: bluetooth02:55
ilovefairuzIdleOne: pm?02:55
Jordan_USteelWing: Could you pastebin the output of "find /usr/local/"? (it may be quite a lot if you've installed a lot of 3rd party applications)02:55
jojosiaoanyone encounter this problem in 10.04.1 -- Disabling IRQ02:56
Dr_WillisTe3-BloodyIron:  cant really help. My Bluetooth has worked fine with the default stuff in 10.04 (for the first time)02:56
hajmolatoza, are you sure your hardware drivers are enabled?02:56
Te3-BloodyIronyeah mine was02:56
Te3-BloodyIronuntil i messed up my daemon install :/02:57
IdleOneilovefairuz: always02:57
Te3-BloodyIronand now it wont start and i can't find a log giving me an error02:57
ActionParsnipMSHughes: Azjo the same, if not try the other, in linux the keys are very different, just like the shift keys are different. In windows they are the same02:57
Te3-BloodyIrondo you know where the bluetooth daemon log is?02:57
SteelWingJordan_U: There is a problem. I may have too many packages. I've got maybe 2 programs though. Yet, it can't even finish displaying the shared folder.02:57
tozahajmola: yeah, i can do the cube and rotate it: also I love the candy that is your name02:57
wombatguytoza: check synaptic that you have everything from compiz extras02:57
hajmolatoza, yeah what he said :) (I love the candy too)02:58
hiexposimple ccsm02:58
wombatguyI'm not really sure where 3d windows is but by default some things aren't there for compiz02:58
SteelWingJordan_U: That or thats all there is...02:58
tozawombatguy: hajmola: installing compiz-fusion-plugins-extra now02:59
SteelWingJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/NvatGdxB02:59
jonas_hello, has anybody used unetbootin?02:59
wombatguysounds good02:59
ActionParsniptoza: also install compizconfig-settings-manager   you will get ccsm and you can enable stuff there02:59
li_baii have flash 10 in ubuntu 10 and i'm using firefox 3. for some sites, the flash player works, for other sites, there's a blank spot where the player should be02:59
li_baii've reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree several times. tried installing from the adobe site. made sure swfdec and gnash aren't installed02:59
tozaActionParsnip: already have it also adding the extras fixed it thanks03:00
=== larry is now known as explosivo2k2
=== mint is now known as mdg2
shro0msis it possible to mount the linux partition from windows?03:01
Jordan_USteelWing: Ok, that's almost certainly the problem. Your locally installed glib/gvfs is breaking things. Try "sudo mv /usr/local/ /usr/local_broken".03:01
mdg2hello!  I have fluxbox version of ubuntu running from 2 gig flash drive and an unable to get past log-in screen, but can log in a console.  How can I resolve this?03:02
SteelWingJordan_U: That would make sense.... How would I install it properly? XD03:02
ActionParsnipshro0ms: if its ext2 or ext3 then yes03:02
shro0msActionParsnip, yeah it is03:02
shro0msActionParsnip, how?03:02
Jordan_USteelWing: I'm not sure, it depends on what "it" is that added those files.03:02
ActionParsnipshro0ms: www.fs-driver.org03:02
explosivo2k2anyone here use an evo as their daily driver (not necessarily CM)03:03
ActionParsnipmdg2: you mean you instaled ubuntu and installed fluxbox on it...03:03
explosivo2k2i have a g1, contract up soon, thinking about moving to sprint for the evo..03:03
mdg2ActionParsnip: fluxbuntu03:03
bazhangexplosivo2k2, ubuntu related to that somehow?03:03
SteelWingJordan_U: My failed attempt at installing the latest version of Glib from ftp.gnome.org03:03
shubhkarmanSo I installed Ubuntu via Wubi, now whenever I try to start it up I choose ubuntu then I am taken to GRUB but I can't see the Ubuntu option. Anybody knows what's going on?03:03
ActionParsnipmdg2: its not supported here03:03
explosivo2k2sorry wrong chan :)03:03
mdg2ActionParsnip: so if it is ubuntu using fluxbox - that's different?03:04
ActionParsnipmdg2: its not a canonical release so isnt supported in the official channel03:05
hiexpomdg2,  but you can add flux to ubuntu and boot to it03:05
ActionParsnip!ultimate | mdg203:05
ubottumdg2: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition03:05
ActionParsnipmdg2: those are ALL based on Ubuntu and equally not supported here, just like fluxbuntu03:05
mdg2ActionParsnip: what about fluxbox specifically?03:05
ActionParsnipmdg2: there is #fluxbuntu03:06
mdg2ActionParsnip: where do I go to ask about ubuntu running from a flash drive?03:06
hiexpofluxbox is in repos03:06
shro0msActionParsnip, it doesn't work for Win 7. is there anything else?03:07
APJCould someone explain to me why ubuntu freezes while at school03:07
Ruumhey guys03:07
dcplaya_laptophas anyone has mic problems with google's new webchat plugin?03:07
ActionParsnipshro0ms: not sure, try asking ni ##windows03:07
RuumI made a file an executable by "chmod -x <file name.bin >03:07
shro0msActionParsnip, ok thanks03:07
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox03:07
mdg2ActionParsnip: can anyone tell me what is the minimum and maximum sizes of flash drive to be used for a USB install of ubuntu?03:07
OerHeksshro0ms, fs driver can handle ext 3, not ext403:08
Ruumand then I did this command "./file name.bin" and I am getting a "permission denied"03:08
Ruumwtf is going on?03:08
hiexpo!language | Ruum03:08
ActionParsnipmdg2: you can put the liveCD n usb for 700Mb. an installed system can range from about 2Gb upwards03:08
ubottuRuum: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:08
neil_dI am trying to use rdesktop to connect to a local server, I have xrdp installed on the server, but when I try to log in I get "connecting to 5910" "error - problem connecting" :(    this looks like a VNC port number.  what is wrong?03:09
Ruumbut I am no idea why ubuntu is behaving weird03:09
Ruumis it my error?03:09
bradyRecent versions of the kernel won't boot. I've tried to find (google) relevant information, but it appears that ubuntu's popularity has made for a high SNR. My guess it that it has to do with the X driver or the framebuffer, or both. Your thoughts?03:09
mdg2ActionParsnip: thanks :)03:09
wombatguyis anyone working on ext4 for windows03:09
jrib!permissions > Ruum03:10
ubottuRuum, please see my private message03:10
bazhangwombatguy, ask in ##windows03:10
wombatguyohh yea03:10
jribRuum: the command you ran does not do what you think it does03:10
ActionParsnipmdg2: if you want super tiny then install the minimal iso to the device then install fluxbox or openbox, will make a super tiny OS03:10
Ruumkk looking into that.03:10
Patric3hi there, I have a weird problem with an SRP527w.  After replacing a wrt54gl, I no longer have netbios/hostname resolution (or rather, it's patchy) on my lan03:11
ActionParsnipwombatguy: i think the fs-driver guys are, microsoft could do it but they are too ignorant or lazy03:11
Patric3windows machines have no issues -> can ping/resolve etc. netbios names from other machines.  OSX machines are fine for smb sharing, but can't ping the netbios names of other machines03:12
Patric3can ping the hostname of the srp527w no problem03:12
wombatguyyea I'm ready to abandon windows completely03:12
wombatguyi'll still keep a virtual machine but so far there's just no need for the outdated windows trash anymore03:13
wombatguybut i do have some terminal phobic friends who will always need a dual boot03:13
coz_wombatguy,  its called  "bashphobia" :)03:14
bluezonewombatguy: i wouldnt do that if your still a student though,03:14
=== Guest3549 is now known as Forairan
wombatguyI'm not really a student03:14
wombatguydo you mean school student?03:14
thune3brady: you mean updates within an ubuntu series, like 10.04? or updates as in "i can boot 9.10 but can't boot 10.04"?03:14
bluezonei mean someone who needs windows software 100% functional03:14
wombatguyi am that but have yet to come accross something I can't do with open software03:15
bluezonefor "conversion" issues03:15
hiexpowe are not here to bash windows at all  > just support linux / ubuntu :)03:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:15
Gendon la particion para datos envez use el  instalar estandard dedicando todo el disco de 8gb que siendo la version 4 final deberia ser mas que suficiente03:15
KB1JWQ!es | Gendo03:15
ubottuGendo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:15
bluezonethats italian03:15
Gendopero al bootear el bios me toma el disco sin problema pero queda como cargando03:15
bluezonei think03:15
bluezonenot spanish03:15
ShinyDarknessNo, it's Spanish.03:15
Gendohey ou want me to speak in english would that be better03:16
coz_bluezone,  no thats not italian its eithe spanish or portuguese03:16
bazhangbluezone, hiexpo wombatguy #ubuntu-offtopic for chat please03:16
jojosiaoplease help me ... i dont know whats going on... i used wubi to install ubuntu 10.04.1 and it gets stucked after saying Disabling IRQ03:16
bluezonefine :(03:16
Gendohey bluezone i was telling the rest of the guys that i tried to do a full installation on a 8gb sd card and now the card woin't boot03:16
hiexpoi am not chatting bazhang03:16
bradythune3, What I mean is that when I updated my 9.10 install to 10.4 (in-place), the only kernel that will sucessfully boot so far is 2.6.31-20-generic. All of the others boot until they reach the stage to start X or display the xubuntu message in a framebuffer (which, I'm not certain). At this point the machine hangs.03:17
bluezoneGendoL im not sure if putting an os on an sd card is a good idea, but don't ask my im not a pro when it comes to ubuntu03:17
jclark5093I have a question about ubuntu vs debian - anyone with knowledge here?03:18
Jordan_UGendo: What happens when you try to boot, has it ever booted?03:18
coz_jclark5093,  what is the question??03:18
hiexpoupgrading from one distro to another = train wreck i personally use a fresh install03:18
EbanSouldoes Pscx2 work with ubuntu 10.04 ?03:19
bazhang!who | hiexpo03:19
ubottuhiexpo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:19
xanguajclark5093: please don't do offtopic03:19
jclark5093coz: is there any difference between an Ubuntu minimal install and a Debian base system? If so, what?03:19
jclark5093xangua: what is the topic on this channel?03:19
xanguajojosiao: did the live version worked¿ try install ubuntu in it's own partition instead03:19
Jordan_U!topic | jclark509303:19
ubottujclark5093: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic03:19
IdleOnejclark5093: Ubuntu support, diffs between ubuntu and Debian are out of scope03:19
bazhangEbanSoul, the ps2 emulator?03:19
SteelWingJordan_U: Thanks the problem is solved, Now I'm going to go research installing/updating glib properly.03:20
jojosiaoxangua: i am on dual boot03:20
EbanSoulyes Ps@ emu03:20
ilovefairuzjclark5093: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic03:20
sacarlsonjojosiao: is wubi your only option to install ubuntu?  seems some people with cirtain video cards have problems with wubi.  can you try a live cd boot?03:20
bazhangEbanSoul, not really no, perhaps one or two games03:20
Jordan_USteelWing: You're welcome.03:20
coz_jclark5093,  well the minimal install...depending on what you choose is going to be either a very basic install or the complete install of ubuntu   or  edubuntu  or kubuntu   as far as debian is concerned... in my opinion  espeicially concerning applications like compiz...debian can be a bit painful  and   "old" in comparison03:20
jclark5093Ok, I'm looking for help with Ubuntu Minimal install.  The problem is that Debian doesn't seem to work on my box.  I see that as Ubuntu support - I wanted to make sure that it was not going to be the same as Debian - sorry for sounding off topic :-/03:20
jojosiaosacarlson: okay so you think livecd will work?03:21
sacarlsonjojosiao: more hope than wubi03:21
jojosiaosacarlson: okay03:21
bazhangjclark5093, just install the minimal iso and build from there. quite intuitive actually03:21
coz_jclark5093,  well try the  minimal install...that is what I generally use now... at one point you will see  a list of options for installation03:21
tedtedtedHello Everyone. Just downloaded 10.04. It starts up and I enter the Wireless WEP Password, then it asks for a New Keyring. Once I type a letter  it Immediately freezes.  any known fixes03:21
sacarlsonjojosiao: just do the live cd try first to see if there are other problems03:21
kalle_i have got my script to echo text to a file if it isnt there, but it also removes anything that was in the file already how to make echo append to file ?03:21
coz_jclark5093,  at that point the arrows scroll the list  and the   space bar chooses03:21
jojosiaosacarlson: if that works, how do i remove installed using wubi?03:21
jclark5093coz_ ncurses based?03:22
ActionParsnipjclark5093: you can make a very punchy OS with minimal rather than installing all the stuff a default ubuntu comes with03:22
coz_jclark5093,  yes03:22
Jordan_Ukalle_: Use >> instead of >03:22
gx110hello net world03:22
thune3brady: so you downgraded kernel. I'm suspecting intel graphics issue (for which the downgraded kernel is probably a good idea). What is the output of "lspci | grep VGA" ?03:22
kalle_k thanx jordan03:22
sacarlsonjojosiao: I guess you remove it the same as any other window program or just don't run it03:22
gx1101ghz optiplex here03:22
coz_jclark5093,  on top of which the most current updates are installed and no updating...well... generally no updating after you boot in03:23
jclark5093Yeah, I like crunchbang (#!) but it's either 9.04 or squeeze based, so I wanted to build my own but based on debain, and deb doesnt work so Ubuntu was my next stop :-)03:23
gx110old towers...03:23
bazhanggx110, support question regarding ubuntu?03:23
ilovefairuztedtedted: try not entering the keyring password03:23
gx110nope just running chrunchbang03:23
bradythune3, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)03:23
gx110it seems to work fine so far03:23
gx110testing it03:23
bazhanggx110, try #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, #crunchbang for that distro support03:24
jojosiaosacarlson: is there a difference if i install ubuntu on laptop or desktop pc/03:24
bradythune3, What is the recommended kernel for this then? Or, what is the url for such information?03:24
thune3brady: you are affected by https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes , sticking on old kernel may be the best idea if it is still working for you03:24
jojosiaosacarlson: coz, the screen is displaying out of this world03:24
jclark5093gx110: I have it on my laptop, but for my desktop I want something more stable, and I like things built by me - something to be proud of ;-)03:24
sacarlsonjojosiao: there's always a little difference in every computer that has different chips sets for different devices03:24
jojosiaosacarlson: ah ok03:24
gx110I was going to try debian03:25
jclark5093So will Ubuntu base (before extra pkgs) be *any* different than Debian base (before extra pkgs)?03:25
gx110but installation as we all know is sometimes difficult03:25
jojosiaosacarlson: sometimes livecd works sometimes not03:25
hiexpoubuntu is built on debian03:25
sacarlsonjojosiao: is that a question?  if so yes sometimes it works and sometimes not03:25
jojosiaosacarlson: okay... i understand now03:26
jclark5093but what extras does ubuntu have that are missing in debian (besides FF lol)03:26
tedtedtedilovefairuz: canceled when it asks for Wireless Password and it works.. but no wireless03:26
gx110I was going to try a base install of debian then build it up03:26
gx110using aptitude03:27
bazhang!ot | gx11003:27
ubottugx110: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:27
ilovefairuzjclark5093: different package versions/patches. it won't feel really different other than that.03:27
DivecksHey guys, I've got pulseaudio streaming between my two ubuntu computers, but the sound gets choppy every so often. I'm assuming that's because I'm using TCP (uncompressed) as opposed to RTP (compressed). But I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to set up an RTP server? I'm using the GUI for pulseaudio (padevchooser). Thanks!03:27
jclark5093I planned on using aptitude install for building up my Ubuntu, just not sure if it's already different from basic deb (kexts? repos? of course repos, but other than that.....?)03:28
coz_Divecks,  I dont know ...it gets choppy on my one machine regardless03:28
traskmindHow can I change my default file manager in GNOME from Nautilus to PCManFM?03:28
ilovefairuztedtedted: not the wireless password, you said it also asks for a keyring password03:28
Diveckscoz_, Regardless of RTP or TCP?03:28
traskmindI have it working for the Computer icon in the GNOME menu, but nothing else.03:28
coz_Divecks,  yeah it is choppy just on a single machine install03:28
coz_Divecks,  on my other machine however I compile alsa driver for my card and all is well03:29
jclark5093ilovefairuz: Really?  That's interesting... so Ubuntu is debian based in that it has it's own configured Gnome-Desktop and KDE-desktop in the repos?  Other than that its' the same?03:29
jojosiaosacarlson: then I have 2 options now since 10.04 doesnt work on my laptop, but previous versions did: 1st, get previous version; 2nd, dont put linux on my laptop...03:29
DivecksDivecks, Because I can stream 1080p video over samba/sshfs just fine.. So I don't get why pulse should be a bit choppy. I mean, it works 100% on the machine's local speakers. But over wireless.. it just is a bit laggy.03:29
Ruumhey what is the default root password for ubuntu?03:30
Jordan_U!root | Ruum03:30
ubottuRuum: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:30
sacarlsonjojosiao: so you laptop won't boot the live boot cd for 10.04?  how far into boot does it get?03:30
bazhangRuum, there is not one.03:30
ilovefairuzjclark5093: it boils down to a package-by-package finer details (for major packages anyway) but yes no "significant" changes in system overall structure and feel03:30
coz_Ruum,  all you really need to do is   sudo -i03:30
jojosiaosacarlson: livecd boots but screen is funny03:31
coz_Ruum,  then use your user password03:31
Jordan_Ujojosiao: What graphics card?03:31
jclark5093ilovefairuz: Thanks!  Finally an answer!  Exactly what I needed to know (one way or the other).  Much appreciated.03:31
thune3brady: since you have exact 855GM needed for GTT patch, you might have success with that one.03:31
Diveckscoz_, Yeah I'm pretty sure it's a bandwidth/compression problem. Both computers are essentially maxing their bandwidth doing just pulseaudio.. Do you think RTP would make any difference at all?03:31
Ruumkk thanks!!03:31
jojosiaosacarlson: livecd sometimes say disabling IRQ03:31
wombatguyjojosiao: nvidia?03:31
sacarlsonjojosiao: funny more specific?  maybe need to change rate on video03:31
jojosiaojust an old neo laptop03:31
coz_Divecks,  on that I dont think i could answer well...you could try the #pulseaudio  or #alsa channels:)03:32
tedtedtedilovefairuz: I entered the wireless password then it immediately asked for the keyring after that.03:32
Diveckscoz_, Will do. Thanks for the help mate! :)03:32
jclark5093Thank you all for the help!  And Ruum: ubuntu has no root pw ever.  There is no root account... (although I think you can still "su" from the command line............hmmm........) Anyway, Thanks again, and TTFN!03:32
TouristHow would one go about reseting their audio device?03:32
coz_Divecks,  no problem03:32
jojosiaosacarlson: do you think i can modify config on display on grub?03:32
tedtedtedbut when I canceled the typing in wireless it didnt ask for keyring03:32
jclark5093And thanks coz_ too!03:32
jojosiaoguys wait03:32
ilovefairuztedtedted: ignore the keyring password03:32
coz_jclark5093,  no problem03:32
bradythune3, I am attempting presently.03:32
jojosiaoafter 5 - 7 minutes of screen acting very weird, the display works back to normal03:33
tedtedtedi did03:33
sacarlsonjojosiao: wombatguy is asking if your video chips set are nvidia.  you can check with lspci,  if you can see the display good enuf you can change video setting in System>preference>monitors03:33
thune3brady: i think you will want to boot into 2.6.32 kernel first03:33
jojosiaosacarlson: okay please wait03:34
bradythune3: In "recovery" mode?03:34
jojosiaosacarlson: i was able to come to the point where user login window shows up but it hangs03:35
thune3brady: either that or you can use the instructions in section "From an installation:" from workaround A"03:35
sacarlsonjojosiao: there is also a way to force vesa  but I havn't used it in a long time by adding -vesa to the grub boot line03:35
jojosiaosacarlson: okay... hmmm just rebooted again to ubuntu03:36
Lucianocafboa noite pessoal03:36
bazhang!br | Lucianocaf03:36
ubottuLucianocaf: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:36
sacarlsonjojosiao: well at boot in grub2 you can hold shift and get the grub menu,  not sure how you add the -vesa  value to boot03:36
gimmicklessanybody else having overheating problems when playing YouTube?03:37
sacarlsonjojosiao: I asume your problem is in the video driver but it could also be in sound so you can also try disable sound drivers in the bios.  the sound is much less likly then video problem.03:37
jojosiaosacarlson:hmm even before i get to grub, it says Disabling IRQ #4, IRQ # 5 , IRQ # 1, and then hangs03:37
sacarlsonanyone know what irq 4 5 and 1 might do?  maybe in bios you might see what those are used for or maybe that's normal03:38
jojosiaosacarlson: i checked BIOS and i dont see IRQ there03:39
chisaipetecan anyone help me with install problems?03:39
bazhangchisaipete, ask a question03:39
coz_chisaipete,  what is the problem and what are you installing?03:39
sacarlsonjojosiao: not sure it's related to your problem.03:39
StepNjump2ActionParsnip: Thank you for helping me setting up my NVIDIA card. It worked! Thank you a million!03:40
chisaipeteso, I burned the latest 32-bit download to a CD, and when I boot to it, it redirects me to BusyBox03:40
thune3gimmickless: what's overheating?03:40
ActionParsnipStepNjump2: np man, simple stuff03:40
bazhangmd5 the iso then reburn at low speed and do the disk intregrity check chisaipete03:40
jojosiaosacarlson: hmmm i think this is a bug in 10.04 ubuntu03:40
coz_chisaipete,   try  at the busy box prompt  type    exit03:40
LinuxFetusI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit.   am following a guide... and I'm supposed to edit my ~/.bashrc file... I'm trying to make a backup.  "cp ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile.bak" isn't working , though.   It tells me "cp: cannot stat `/home/jared/.bash_profile': No such file or directory"  ... what am I doing wrong?03:40
StepNjump2Yeah maybe but my desktop runs so much faster now (looks better too). Makes it much more fun to be on Linux.03:41
zeleftikamis Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 not supposed to be able to run on Atom D510 based systems? my install fails03:41
sacarlsonjojosiao: so you can't even get to the grub2 menu when you hold shift at boot time?03:41
jojosiaosacarlson: yeah sometimes...03:41
jojosiaosacarlson: consider me lucky if i was able to get to the login window03:41
LinuxFetusThe guide didn't tell me to back it up... but when I edit system files that I'm not familiar, I always like to make a backup.  In case something goes wrong and I compromise my system I can boot from a live CD and restore the files.03:42
kasunHello, I'm experiencing a terrible error. I was using "password not asked on login" setting and I want to change it back to "ask" mode. I changed it from "Users Settings" dialog but it still does not ask for the password03:42
sacarlsonjojosiao: well maybe you didn't hold the key at time needed,  but when you do see about adding -vesa to the boot line.  anyone know how to add to the boot line in grub2?03:42
kasunCan anyone help me on this?03:42
sacarlsonjojosiao: the grub2 menu is before the login window so it must get that far.03:43
jojosiaosacarlson: yeah03:44
chisaipeteso, I tried typing exit at the BusyBox, no dice-- it says "can't open /root/dev/console: Input/output error   Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!03:44
bazhangchisaipete, bad burn/corrupt iso03:44
Nic_Finally, thank goodness :\03:44
Nic_I really need help03:44
jojosiaosacarlson: most likely, i get IRQ problems before getting to grub and then the login window03:44
thune3LinuxFetus: if you are trying to back up .bashrc, why are running command to back up file  .bash_profile?03:44
gimmicklessthume3, I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop that overheatts constantliy03:44
chisaipetehmm bazhang03:44
Nic_My computer won't start at all03:44
Nic_It starts, but stalls at the startup screen03:45
gimmicklesslooking at playing with the ACPI03:45
Nic_Can someone talk me through this, please?03:45
chisaipeteare there any logs to confirm before reburning?03:45
sacarlsonjojosiao: well worst case with less interupts is just less hardware is supported03:45
Nic_I am really stressed out because of this :(03:45
LinuxFetusthune3: Oh wow... that was probably the problem.03:45
Nic_Come on, somebody?03:46
jojosiaoif i boot using wubi, Microsoft boot loader comes in first then grub, then sometimes, complains about IRQ03:46
LinuxFetusthune3: That was the problem... Thanks!03:46
Nic_This computer is really important, its my school :\03:46
Nic_Somebody please help me :(03:47
bazhang!helpme | Nic_03:47
ubottuNic_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude03:47
sacarlsonjojosiao: add -vesa to the linux line in grub2 edit mode see this for details on edit mode in grub2 http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2%20Edit%20Mode.html03:47
Nic_That sucks...03:48
Nic_Would more information help?03:48
bcbc2Nic_: yes03:49
jojosiaosacarlson: okay will try that thanks03:49
coz_Nic_,  as much info as you can give is always helpful however... dont paste more than a few lines in the actual channel go to pastebin.com for that03:49
bazhangNic_, and keep it all on one line03:49
chisaipetewhere can I find the md5 hashes for the new isos?03:49
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coz_chisaipete,  hold on03:49
sacarlsonNic_:  did you try a live boot cd.  all I see is you computer is stuck no details for me to help you any more without details03:50
thune3gimmickless: so your fan control isn't working correctly, the heatsink/airflow path is blocked, or fan is failing.03:50
Nic_I just updated yesterday, and restarted tonight, and now it just goes to the startup screen and doesn't go anywhere after that. I am running ubuntu studio, if that helps at all. I have tried pressing escape at boot startup and trying a different version or "recovery mode", but all of them stall at some point03:50
coz_chisaipete,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes03:50
traskmindHow do I start MPD at boot in 10.04?03:50
chisaipetethanks coz03:51
sacarlsonNic_:  you can try the live boot cd if that works I would try boot the older kernel with the grub2 menu options03:51
thune3gimmickless: or you have notebook that normally gets kinda hot under load03:51
Nic_Wouldn't that make me lose all information I have on my computer from before?03:51
sacarlsonNic_ no you can boot a live cd and run in try mode without damage to your original data03:52
Nic_But what would I do from there? And I don't even have a CD at the moment, except an old one for 8, I think it is03:52
chisaipeteso, the md5 matched on the iso03:52
bazhangchisaipete, good. now reburn iso at low speed, and then do the disk integrity check03:53
sacarlsonNic_:  that depends on if it boots or not.  maybe your problem is hardware.  maybe you have to install another kernel.  just one step at a time.03:53
chisaipetewhen I burned it originally using imgBurn, it verified fine too03:53
bazhangNic_, download a newer version03:53
chisaipeteokay bazhang, i'll try it03:53
bazhangchisaipete, then try the alternate installer if all else fails03:53
Nic_That is going to take a long time, wont it?03:53
Nic_I have to be sleeping now :\03:54
bazhangNic_, depends on your net connection03:54
sacarlsonbazhang: she just upgraded that may be what caused her problem,  sometimes newer is not better03:54
bazhangsacarlson, she being whom?03:54
Nic_Let me do a pastebin of what it is like at startup03:54
rpcesarhello. I am not sure the best place to look for this, so ANY information (including redirecting me to another room) I would appreciate. My problem is that I am trying to get a copy of CIV-IV to run using Wine. I have tried the usual wine install (including the newest version (.3), as well as the latest distro version (.2)03:54
sacarlsonbazhang: whom?03:54
fixermarkGreetings all! I have a question regarding window managers in gnome. I've been trying to get XMonad running with gnome-session. I've got it working and am 95% happy; just trying to nail down the last 5%.03:54
gimmicklessthune3, only seems to shut off when browser is on YouTube (downloaded FLV files work fine in Movie Player) or when Wesnoth is running.03:54
bazhangrpcesar, check the appdb and join #winehq03:55
rpcesarthe problem is it crashes at the very launch (can tell by doing winedbg). however I am not sure how to even get windbg working with PlayonLinux (something I am trying)03:55
bazhang!appdb | rpcesar03:55
ubotturpcesar: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:55
rpcesarthanks bazhang, is that on this network?03:55
bazhangrpcesar, yep03:55
rpcesarthanks so much bazhang03:55
gimmicklessHave tried using CPU utility to run conservatively.03:55
fixermarkHere's the issue: I used gconftool-2 to set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager xmonad. That worked, but it appears to have changed the setting for all my sessions.03:55
bazhangsacarlson, you said she, don't know which nick that refers to03:56
fixermarkIs there a way to set the wm to xmonad for my XMonad session but not, for example, my Ubuntu Netbook Edition session?03:56
arcane__hell oall im having a heck of a time trying to install software on this it wont let me undo the unviersal etc to use .exe like flashget03:56
thune3gimmickless: so you are getting errors (crash) when cpu utilization is high. you have any fan control settings in bios?03:56
arcane__cant seem to install anything03:56
bazhangarcane__, that is a firefox plugin. install via extensions03:56
gimmicklessthune3, have not looked for that, honestly. i can be back in 5 minutes and let you know03:57
arcane__i mean ican install deamon tools or anything i download with a .exe extension03:57
bazhangarcane__, that's not how to install software in ubuntu03:57
arcane__i need to use the synaptic package i know but i cant seem to disable the unviersal03:58
thune3gimmickless: make sure any air ports are free of dust while you are at it03:58
WinstonSmitharcane__, instead of daemontools have a look at cdemu03:58
bazhangarcane__, what is the unviersal03:58
simone_ço para instalar o media mobile converter no ubuntu03:58
arcane__no idea somthin in the sourcelist it told me to disable03:58
WinstonSmith!pt | simone_03:59
ubottusimone_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.03:59
bazhangarcane__, pastebin the exact error message at paste.ubuntu.com03:59
arcane__mulitunviersal and universal im so confused lol03:59
kalle_howto echo all output to screen and to a logfile ?03:59
WinstonSmithsimone faz /join #ubuntu-pt04:00
=== sshc_ is now known as sshc
arcane__look how do i install a download software in unbunto ? such as somthing with a .exe extension i tried the synaptic package manger it wont pull up the download file04:00
Nic_Ok, did a quick pastebin04:00
arcane__u can see it its just grayed out04:01
bazhangarcane__, that doesnt make sense. try rephrasing04:01
arcane__do i use the synaptic package manger to install software?04:01
arcane__start one part at a time04:01
coz_arcane__,  that is one way yes  and i prefer that if possible04:01
ActionParsniparcane__: what are you trying to install?04:02
bazhangarcane__, you should really have a read of the ubuntu manual for such basic stuff04:02
bazhang!manual | arcane__04:02
ubottuarcane__: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:02
Nic_Any idea after reading the pastebin? I hope it helped at least a little :\04:02
arcane__i understand that aspect of installing software i cant seem to get the .exe to load in the manger04:02
arcane__its hows the file but its grayed out04:02
bazhangarcane__, no need for exe04:02
sacarlsonNic_: I think you should try a live boot cd I can also tell you that I run 2.6.32-24-generic if that is one of them try that.04:02
bazhangarcane__, please have a look at the manual first04:03
Nic_I will check real quick...04:03
arcane__i will go read it thanks for the help04:03
sacarlsonNic_: and what did you upgrade from?04:03
Nic_I dont have time to download the live.cd, it is past my bedtime :\04:03
jojosiaosacarlson: i think this link will help ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154792104:03
sacarlsonNic_:  not a new live cd try one you already have is better since you know that worked04:04
Nic_It was just a routine update (not upgrade), and after it was done it said it did not complete entirely...04:04
chisaipetei'm going to burn the alternate installer at low speed as soon as it finishes downloading04:04
Nic_I am going to try one of the "recovery modes"04:05
jojosiaosacarlson: this link works for me : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154792104:05
piper69how do i know if there is sftp session still running please04:05
gimmicklessthune3, no fan settings in BIOS.  Only able to set CPU to work at half-speed.04:05
=== lance_ is now known as Guest18666
jojosiaosacarlson:  thank you very much for the help!04:05
Nic_I see a lot of white text on a black screen, looks like it is moving along which is a good sign04:05
gimmicklesswhich I have done04:05
Guest18666hi everyone04:06
sacarlsonjojosiao: noapi thing is normaly just mean that the computer can't shutdown power with software you might have to power down manualy no big deal04:06
Guest18666i just installed ubuntu04:06
jojosiaosacarlson: but i was able to login without any problem04:06
sacarlsonjojosiao: it might also have to do with some bios support from ubuntu I'm not sure04:07
sacarlsonjojosiao:  ok fixed case closed04:07
Nic_It just stopped. It is stuck on this "ata6: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xfed1c800 port 0xfed1cb80 irq 28"04:07
Nic_Not going anywhere...04:07
sacarlsonNic_: that's your boot cd?  make sure you setup that it boots the cd first04:08
Nic_I haven't got a CD yet, remember?04:08
jojosiaosacarlson: i still want to say that i appreciate your assistance04:08
Nic_I don't have time to download one04:08
jojosiaosacarlson: so thank you very much04:08
Nic_I tried booting from one of the "recovery mode" options on that list04:08
sacarlsonjojosiao: no problem glad to have helped if I really did anything I'm not sure.04:09
niglopis blender under linux the same as windows?04:09
jojosiaosacarlson: :D04:09
RandyRKellyhello im trying to  install aosp but having issues04:09
bazhangniglop, try in #blender ?04:09
=== confused is now known as tico
sacarlsonNic_:  no I seemed to have missed that line about not having a cd drive,  oh you don't have the original cd you installed.  how did you install it the first time?04:10
fixermarkOkay, so quick question: Does gnome-session still understand a WINDOW_MANAGER environment variable as of 2.30.0 ?04:10
Andrezaoola amigos04:11
no_u0i tried to upgrade to alsa 1.0.23. synaptic said it installed fine. it shows that version in the list, but when i check /proc/asound/version, it still says 1.0.20!? \04:11
sacarlsonNic_: do you boot of network or something?04:11
Nic_sacarlson: I used a liveCD for version 9.0404:11
ubuntu_n00bhey guys... I have a REALLY weird problem with my system... I can't see the lowercase letter "M"! how do I fix this? It's a really annoying problem, and it makes the interface really confusing.04:11
Nic_Would it make sense to use that?04:11
sacarlsonNic_: yes were is that 9.04 disk?  boot that04:11
Nic_It is in my hand right now! :P04:12
Nic_I will give it a shot04:12
ubuntu_n00bThis sounds crazy, but it's totally true04:12
sacarlsonNic_: YES plug it into the computer where that round thing goes.04:12
Nic_Hehehe, mr sarcasm :P04:13
ubuntu_n00bthis is kinda important to get fixed :(04:13
gimmicklessubuntu_noob, is this true for all fonts?  check your character map04:13
ubuntu_n00bgimmickless: it doesn't happen in the chat window, but only after I send the message.04:13
sacarlsonubuntu_n00b: you can't see it or you can't type it?04:14
ubuntu_n00bI didn't change any settings since I got Ubuntu, and it just started doing this today04:14
Andrezaoalguem pode me ajudar??04:14
ubuntu_n00bI can type it, but I can't see it04:14
Nic_It isn't booting from my liveCD04:14
ubuntu_n00bI couldn't see _anything_ until I pressed enter on that line04:14
gimmicklessdoes this problem only happen in IRC, or is this also in text documents04:14
sacarlsonubuntu_n00b: well seems the key works I see mm does everyone else?04:14
WinstonSmith!pt | Andrezao04:14
ubottuAndrezao: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.04:14
ubuntu_n00btext documents, and _all_ of the menus...04:14
sacarlsonNic_:  with the same problem?  make sure bios is set to boot cd first04:15
WinstonSmithAndrezao, faz /join ubuntu-br04:15
gimmicklessTry looking at Applications > Acessories > Character Map04:15
ubuntu_n00bthe "m" is there.04:15
ubuntu_n00bboth of them04:16
ubuntu_n00bbut when I type in the character map input box thing, I can't see the "m"s I type04:16
Nic_It is booting from the CD04:17
=== confused is now known as tico
Nic_"Try ubuntu without any change to your computer"?04:17
gimmicklessWow.  That's.  Wow.04:17
ubuntu_n00bI'm so confused... I don't know how I broke it...04:17
sacarlsonNic_: try mode04:18
AndorinSo it appears that sometimes, when I boot my Lucid box, USB devices will not automount when plugged in... and other partitions on my HDD don't appear in the Places menu. Any reason for this?04:18
dwonSo, to answer my question from a few hours ago, the trick is to install linux-image-ec2 instead of linux-image-generic-pae.04:18
fixermarkubuntu_n00b: A screenshot might help.04:19
sacarlsonNic_:  ok so if this boots ok we should try mount the disk that has your normal boot partition and see if that is mountable.04:19
Nic_It looks like it is starting, but the CD is making a lot of noise04:19
itsux2buso differences or simularities between  apt-get vs dpkg vs aptitude vs tasksel?   i have been using apt-get mostly.. dpkg some (dpkg = debian packager).. haven't used aptitude or aptitude yet..04:19
Nic_Oh, looks like it is starting now04:19
itsux2bu*so what are04:20
sacarlsonNic_:  it probly has some bad sectors and will retry till it hopfully reads it.  it's also slow to boot cd's04:20
UnderSampledI added this to my /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-wacom.conf: /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-wacom.conf04:20
Nic_Sorry for being so noob, I am really tired04:20
Connor1Awesome window manager, internet will not connect, but it works fine in Gnome. Any way to get NetworkManager running in awesome?04:20
Connor1Running NetworkManager isn't fixing it.04:20
UnderSampledit doesn't seem to do anything though04:21
sacarlsonNic_:  you should come sleep with me then we can wake up and fix it in the morning when you fresh.04:21
UnderSampledhow do I trouble shoot it?04:21
Nic_I have a mouse, but the screen is blank04:21
Nic_Ooh, startup noise04:21
prince_jammysConnor1: install network-manager-gnome, and try running 'nm-applet' in the background.04:21
Nic_Aaaaaand we are on ^_^04:21
prince_jammys!info network-manager-gnome04:21
ubottunetwork-manager-gnome (source: network-manager-applet): network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 461 kB, installed size 4832 kB04:21
Nic_Ok, it is on now04:21
Connor1That was what it was04:21
Nic_But yeah, I should go to sleep soon04:21
ubuntu_n00bfixermark: I'll get you a couple of screenshots. coming right up!04:21
Nic_But first, lets see if this works04:21
Nic_It is running of the CD now04:22
sacarlsonNic_:  try places>comptuter and see if you can mount the disk that normaly boots04:22
qiyongwhat's the standard tool to configure rc.d ?04:22
Nic_So try mounting "310.9 GB Media"?04:22
tonysanI can't connect to my remote desktop with vnc, how to enable/fix it in console?04:22
qiyongrcconf isn't shipped04:22
sacarlsonNic_: was that last one a question?  yes its running off the cd now.04:22
kasunCan anyone help me on this?04:22
kasunHello, I'm experiencing a terrible error. I was using "password not asked on login" setting and I want to change it back to "ask" mode. I changed it from "Users Settings" dialog but it still does not ask for the password04:22
qiyongwhat's the standard tool to configure rc.d ? rcconf isn't shipped. so what tools else?04:23
Nic_Know, I know it is now04:23
Nic_sacarlson: Mount "310.9 GB Media"?04:23
sacarlsonNic_: try that in fact try them all if you have more than one to be sure they are all mountable04:23
ubuntu_n00bfixermark: http://www.filedropper.com/problem_304:23
Nic_There is that, Filesystem, Cd drive, and Usb drive04:23
Nic_So I will try 31004:23
ubuntu_n00bhave you ever seen anything like that before?04:24
ubuntu_n00bI have NO IDEA how to fix this... :(04:24
Nic_I am trying to mount it now04:24
sacarlsonNic_:  oh you had a usb drive pluged in?  well try them all.  later we will unplug that usb disk if it's not needed.04:24
Nic_No USB plugged in04:24
prince_jammysitsux2bu: dpkg is lower level, used to install individual .deb files and to query packages, among other things. 'aptitude' has a text-mode interface and at one point used to be smarter about handling removing that were automatically installed. i think nowadays there are fewer differences between apt-get and aptitude. If you have both the latter installed, i recommend aptitude.\04:24
Nic_It just says that...04:24
tonysanI can't connect to my remote desktop with vnc, how to enable/fix it in console?04:25
Nic_I picked mount, but nothing is really happening, sacarlson04:25
ubuntu_n00bAlmost every single lowercase M on the screen appears as a space04:25
prince_jammys*removing packages04:25
sacarlsonnic_: when I say mount normaly all that is required is to double click the disk icons to get them to mount and open04:25
Nic_Alright it is mounted in that case!04:26
SunderphonI don't have a "Network" option under places, how do I add it to that menu?04:26
fixermarkubuntu_n00b: Hunh. So specifically, it's your gnome desktop apps. Your taskbar, the various dialogs, etc. Your chat client is fine.04:26
Nic_I can see inside :)04:26
PeterFAI just installed Ubuntu and I don't have sound. I tried to remove Pulseaudio and that didn't work.04:26
ubuntu_n00bnot the little box I type in...04:26
Nic_I see my normal home folder here04:26
PeterFAI mean, I did successfully remove it but it didn't fix my sound.04:26
ubuntu_n00bI can't see the lowercase ms I type04:26
sacarlsonNic_: ok you can see inside all of them?04:26
Nic_And I can see my music and stuff, etc04:26
fixermarkubuntu_n00b: My guess is that something bad happened to whatever default font your gnome session is using. I'd recommend zeroing in on that possibility.04:26
fixermarkUnfortunately, my knowledge of how to diagnose / repair font issues doesn't go far past "try re-installing the font."04:27
ubuntu_n00bI didn't change any settings though... with the exception of the volume occasionally04:27
sacarlsonNic_: well seems that the disk aren't corrupted then.  must be in the kernel or something in the xserver setting then04:27
Nic_So what should I do?04:27
Nic_This is good news, though :)04:27
fixermarkubuntu_n00b: I believe you. But I'm out of other ideas. ;)04:27
kasunHello, I was using "password not asked on login" setting and I want to change it back to "ask" mode. I changed it from "Users Settings" dialog but it still does not ask for the password. can someone help me?04:27
Nic_I am glad my stuff isn't destoyed :)04:27
fixermarkThe fact that the 'm' characters do show up in the chat output points the finger at a font issue.04:28
SunderphonI don't have a "Network" option under places, how do I add it to that menu?04:28
sacarlsonNic_: well it gets to how far in the boot with the harddisk?  not even to login screen?04:28
Nic_It normally skips login since I am the only one who uses it04:29
ubuntu_n00b:( does anyone here know why I can't see the lowercase letter "M" on my screen? I have no idea how to fix this, so unless someone else tells me, It'll never get fixed :/04:29
Nic_But yeah, it only gets to the "Starting Up ..." screen, sacarlson04:29
sacarlsonNic_:  oh ok it auto logs in04:29
Nic_It just doesn't go anywhere after that04:29
santobobalgum brasileiro na rede04:29
fixermarkubuntu_n00b: If you're not interested in investigating the font issue, you could always move your data someplace safe and re-install from scratch.04:29
sacarlsonNic_:  well now we should go and look on that disk that normaly boots and look in /var/log04:30
prince_jammys!es | facu__04:30
ubottufacu__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:30
fixermarkSorry, but disappearing 'm's is not a common problem. It's unlikely someone will be able to magically gin up a solution for this very unusual issue :(04:30
Nic_Ok, I will take a look sacarlson04:30
sacarlsonNic_: there we might find clues as to why it didn't boot so we can find a solution04:30
PeterFAI have an ICH10 sound card with ALSA. I don't have sound. What should I do?04:30
ubuntu_n00bHow do I reinstall only the fonts... I don't want to bother reinstalling from scratch, it's a pain.04:30
SunderphonI don't have a "Network" option under places, how do I add it to that menu?04:30
Nic_sacarlson: I am in var/log, now what?04:31
fixermarkYou'll have to figure out what the default system font is. Then you can check online to see what package it lives in and try re-installing that package.04:31
ubuntu_n00bThis is a fine example of one of the things you expect to "just work"...04:31
Nic_I see a few text files and folders04:31
LoshkiMy 10.04 install is spending a lot time installing language packs (it never asked if I want them, and never asked if it was ok to web access). If I press "skip" will it break something? It never offered to explain exactly what would be skipped. Bad job ubuntu installer developers....04:31
fixermarkI agree!04:31
SunderphonCan someone help me add Network to the places menu?04:31
ubuntu_n00bevery other letter works perfectly...04:31
sacarlsonNic_: media/xxxxxxx/var/log/syslog04:31
sacarlsonNic_: media is where it probly mounted you normal boot disk04:32
fixermarkYour default font is likely "Sans", if you haven't changed it.04:32
ubuntu_n00bcomputers suck :( Something is _always_ broken except when it comes right out of the box04:32
Nic_I found the syslog, sacarlson04:32
=== confused is now known as unogame
Nic_It is just a big ol' text file04:32
sacarlsonNic_: xxxx is some big number or something you labled you disk with04:32
fixermarkTry going to the "System" menu, pull up "Appearance", and select the "Fonts" tab. Type in the text box and see if 'm' appears.04:32
Nic_sacarlson: I am already there :)04:33
PrincepsRegulushello all04:33
itsux2buso does anyone know if Mark Shuttleworth ever comes in the channel?04:33
Nic_Just a textfile called syslog04:33
SunderphonCan someone help me add "Network" to the places menu?04:33
PrincepsRegulusneed some noob-ey help04:33
sacarlsonNic_:  ok paistbin that and the xorg.0.log also04:33
Nic_Oh man, let me try connecting to the internet first, one sec04:33
ubuntu_n00bthere is no text box under system > preferences > appearance > fonts04:33
Loshkiubuntu_n00b: your computer is probably the single most complex thing you own. Little wonder it's always broken. It's a miracle it ever works, frankly....04:33
sacarlsonNic_:  yes internet will also work if you use dhcp04:34
fixermarkubuntu_n00b: What is at the bottom, under the "Preview:" label?04:34
Nic_Ok, I am online04:34
PrincepsRegulusI'm having trouble getting ubuntu to start, could anyone help?04:34
Nic_Let me pastebin those for you04:34
SunderphonI don't have a "Network" option under places, how do I add it to that menu?04:34
TiKPrincepsRegulus: http://catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html04:34
ubuntu_n00bthere is no "preview". just "rendering"...04:35
ubuntu_n00boh.. you have to click on the font... ok04:35
Nic_sacarlson: I am starting with the syslog04:35
fixermarkOh, yes, sorry. Left that step out.04:35
sacarlsonNic_:  ok04:35
ubuntu_n00btyping m in the sans font shows nothing in the box04:35
fixermarkWhile we're on the subject though, what is selected for your Application font?04:35
ubuntu_n00ball other characters work fine04:35
PrincepsRegulusSorry, I'll rephrase that04:36
ubuntu_n00bapplication font is "Sans"04:36
Nic_sacarlson: pastebin.com/vWaj4QLS04:36
ubuntu_n00bm works fine in sans bold04:36
Nic_That is the syslog04:36
fixermarkOkay. Check another font as well. Non-sans.04:36
ubuntu_n00balso works fine in monospace04:36
fixermarkHow about Serif?04:36
sacarlsonNic_:  in the future please add http:// stuf so I can just click it04:36
ubuntu_n00bserif works fine...04:36
PrincepsRegulusAfter looking around a bit for a solution, I keep getting a black screen when I try to boot. Many people have the same issue, but mine doesn't make the drum sound and doesn't respond to anything I do save turning off the computer.04:37
Nic_Oh, alright, sorry about that, I had to type it in from my laptop04:37
SunderphonI lack a "Network" option under "places". I've searched for a while for answers on how to add this but searching "add network to places menu ubuntu" doesn't bring anything helpful. If I can't find the network places area without the places menu, how am I supposed to add it?04:37
ubuntu_n00bso far only seeing the issue on the sans font.04:37
Nic_Ok, here is the xorg04:37
fixermarkOkay. So you now have a workaround; choose another font. ;)04:37
PrincepsRegulusis that less stupid?04:37
Nic_sacarlson: http://pastebin.com/gDSqeX9t04:37
fixermarkAnd you've got the problem isolated to your Sans font. You can reinstall that at your leisure. No, I don't know what package that is. But the internet does, I"m sure.04:37
Nic_There is both of them04:37
ubuntu_n00bhmm... I guess I could live with the seriff font, but sans might be used by something even though seriff is default now... does anyone know how to reinstall just the "Sans" font?04:38
unogamei'm trying to set up an ldap server with ubuntu 10.04 and my domain contains three parts dc=cs,dc=lab,dc=com but is there any reason why cs why cause some comflicts?04:38
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TiKPrincepsRegulus: sounds like your video drivers .. dunno why you don't head drums you should hit alt control f204:38
PrincepsRegulusAlright, thanks04:39
ubuntu_n00b... wtf it's only the "Sans" font, at size 10.04:39
ubuntu_n00bsize 11 works fine04:39
SunderphonCan someone help me add Network to my places menu?04:39
ubuntu_n00bthat makes no sense at all04:39
sacarlsonNic_:  what you think I am a speed reader04:39
Nic_sacarlson: Sorry :(04:39
sacarlsonNic_:  I don't see any major problems04:39
TiKPrincepsRegulus: if that works its your video drivers... there is something you can add at boot but I don't know what it is04:39
prince_jammysubuntu_n00b: i'm guessing the package ttf-dejavu, though it'd be surprised if that's the problem.04:40
SunderphonCan someone help me add Network to my places menu or should I go to bed and hope for a reply tomorrow04:40
TiKSunderphon: you've beenasking the same question forever.. hold on04:40
Nic_sacarlson: You don't?04:40
TiKSunderphon: ill check right now04:40
WinstonSmith!ask | Sunderphon04:40
ubottuSunderphon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:40
PeterFAAnyone know how to fix choppy playback?04:40
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PeterFAI get a bit of sound every 3/4 second.04:40
SunderphonWinstonSmith: I *DID* ask my question, several times04:41
WinstonSmithSunderphon, sry wrong factoid :(04:41
SunderphonI've googled several different terms for it and nothing helpful came up04:41
SunderphonFor some reason there's never been a Network option under that menu and I've come to needing it recently04:41
prince_jammysSunderphon: i'm guessing this has to do with editing a gconf entry.04:42
SunderphonNo, I've not touched anything04:42
ubuntu_n00bprince_jammys: it says ttf-dejavu is already installed...04:42
sacarlsonNic_: from what I see here the computer thinks it's in perfect health.  so the problem must only be in the display04:42
SunderphonWell, I installed xubuntu-desktop and xfce04:42
TiKSunderphon: i dunno man04:42
Sunderphonthat may have caused it to disappear04:43
Nic_sacarlson: So what should I do?04:43
TiKPrincepsRegulus: any luck?04:43
fixermarkubuntu_n00b: You may also want to gifve your /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file a poke... See if anything in there makes no sense.04:43
sacarlsonNic_: like you said the screen goes blank.  I also see this must be an apple?04:43
PrincepsRegulussorry, tik, alt-ctrl-f1 or alt-ctrl-f2? I want to make sure before I restart my comp, because everyone else says to try f2 and that didnt do anything04:43
fixermark... or if you have a ~/.fonts.conf file that could be interfering.04:43
PrincepsRegulus*to try f104:43
Nic_sacarlson: Huh, nope, this was a windows 704:43
PrincepsRegulussorry XD04:43
MTecknologyAny ideas why I'm not able to install gnash? http://dpaste.com/234671/04:44
Luckshello all04:44
sacarlsonNic_: I guess it has an intel graphic card from seeing i965_dri.so04:45
Nic_sacarlson: Seems that way...04:45
TiKMTecknology: no sorry but what does gnash do? Ive never heard of it04:45
MTecknologyTiK: open source flash04:45
sacarlsonNic_:  we could try two things first we could try to force -vesa graphics some how  by adding line in grub2 boot or maybe by modify the xorg.conf04:46
TiKMTecknology: ooh i use flashplugin-nonfree04:46
TiKMTecknology: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:46
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UnderSampledubuntu is stuck on 5 red dots while loading04:46
MTecknologyTiK: I tried it and it doesn't suite me04:46
Nic_sacarlson: And what is the second option04:46
WinstonSmithgoodby ppl cya :D04:47
sacarlsonNic_: I'm not sure but did you have the propriatary video drivers enabled?04:47
UnderSampledwhat do I do?04:47
Nic_I don't think so04:47
Bridge|hi all just upgraded to 10.01, prob ismy cpu may have turned off before the install completed cuz when I turned it back on after assuming it finished cuz it was off, the ubuntu 10.01 loading with dots appear and there now ubuntu graphic logo its just text then i hit a command promt promting me for user name and pass i login and just have a unix like interface its just one big terminal/console no GUI04:47
TiKMTecknology: have you tried sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash ?04:47
Bridge|i just upgraded from 10.04 all was working fine04:47
sacarlsonNic_: the secound was the xorg.conf change04:47
MTecknologyTiK: yup - and it pukes - which is why I tried the dpkg --configure04:47
Nic_sacarlson: Ohh04:47
TiKMTecknology: hm04:48
WinstonSmith!maverick | Bridge|04:48
ubottuBridge|: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:48
MTecknologyTiK: I just figure dpkg makes prettier output for seeking help :)04:48
sacarlsonNic_:  I haven't done this in some time so I'm not sure what things may have changed04:48
TiKMTecknology: no it actually says nothing04:48
johnnymozetti200anyone having problems upgrading ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 on striped array?04:48
MTecknologyTiK: well. line 4 is the issue04:48
Nic_sacarlson: Do you want to give it a shot?04:49
TiKMTecknology: hold04:49
Nic_sacarlson: It is getting late... I am just afraid you might not be here in the morning or something04:49
sacarlsonNic_: it's your shot,  try the grub2 add -vesa to boot line04:49
TiKMTecknology: can you use www.pastebin.com it cuts off04:49
Nic_I don't know how to do that :\04:49
itsux2butasksel is cool..04:49
sacarlsonNic_:  you seem to know how to get to the grub2 menu go to edit mode edit the linux line add the the end of it -vesa04:50
TiKMTecknology: brb04:50
Nic_I will try...04:50
sacarlsonNic_:  this may only effect the grub boot section I'm not sure.  if this fails then we need to boot the cd again and try modify the Xorg.conf04:51
MTecknologyTiK: id doesn't cut off - it's 8 lines04:52
UnderSampledhow do I get to a terminal when ubuntu hangs at the loading screen?04:52
Nic_sacarlson: I am in the boot menu, it says "press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands before booting, or 'c' for a command line04:53
sacarlsonNic_:  well this is my morning so you might get someone else to help you in the moring04:53
mtx_initUnderSampled: boot into the recovery mode on your grub menu04:53
sacarlsonNic_:   select e04:53
UnderSampledmtx_init: I don't get a grub menu04:53
UnderSampledmtx_init: otherwise I would04:53
sacarlsonnic_ arrow to the linux line  then not sure what to do to edit04:54
Nic_sacarlson: Alright, I pressed e, and I have a list of four options: the starting of which are 'uuid', 'kernel', 'initrd', and one just says 'quiet'04:54
Bridge|okay someone tell me how to atleast continue/resume a ubuntu upgrade from command line/terminal/console or will "sudo update-manager -d" resume it if it didnt finish?04:54
mtx_initUnderSampled: Sometimes Pressing F2 upon initial boot will put the user into the terminal.  But uive never actually seen that in Ubuntu, give it a try.04:54
sacarlsonNic_:  oh here is it the grub2 edit docs http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2%20Edit%20Mode.html04:54
TiKMTecknology: back04:55
TiKMTecknology: no 8 lines but look at the ending of those lines.. it cuts off04:55
sacarlsonNic_:  I guess it's the line with kernel then,  in this line it says linux vmlinuz should look like04:56
MTecknologyTiK: you scrolled to the right?04:56
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Nic_sacarlson: I don't totally follow you04:56
Nic_sacarlson: I can edit the kernel though, just add -vesa at the ending?04:57
TiKoh I wa tring to do it with my mouse.. now i feel stupid04:57
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sacarlsonNic_:  add to that line that has the work vmlinux at the end -vesa  if you need info to edit look at the link above04:57
Nic_sacarlson: I dont see any that end with "vmlinux"04:58
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sacarlsonNic_:  not end in vmlinux,  one that contains vmlinux... add to the end of that line -vesa04:58
basncyExcuse me,I make a C deamon Programe,and added it to /etc/rc.local  to run when the system start up,the question is that can the C deamon excute the C code like system("mv /file1 /file2")?04:59
Nic_sacarlson: I don't see 'vmlinux' anywhere...04:59
TiKMTecknology: just create the symlink yourself?04:59
sacarlsonNic_:  try the kernel line then04:59
TiKbasncy: thats not C codethat is BASH sripting04:59
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
sacarlsonnic_ did you look at the grub link above?04:59
MTecknologyTiK: which would mean making that whole directory structure too05:00
Nic_sacarlson: Ok, I added -vesa, now just run that option?05:00
Nic_sacarlson: I did, I understand how to edit it though05:00
sacarlsonNic_:  seems by the link I sent you that I also have to read it says Press 'ctrl' + 'x' to boot05:00
basncyTiK, C code has the system function(man system) that can excute BASH scriping05:01
UnderSampledmtx_init: it seems to restart the load05:01
Bridge|anyone if i'm stuck in a non-gui ubuntu cuz of a ubuntu upgrade fail or to resume upgrade or atleast start it over05:01
TiKbasncy: as long as it works when executed then yes05:01
Nic_sacarlson: I only had to press "b"05:01
Nic_sacarlson: But it is again stuck at the "Starting Up ..." screen05:01
mtx_initUnderSampled: Im not sure then, id just use a livecd and enable the time for grub2, so you can get into recovery.05:01
sacarlsonNic_:  maybe you run grub lagacy?05:02
TiKNic_: take off quiet mode05:02
FyreFoXis there any benefit of turning on HT (hyper-threading) ?05:02
Nic_TiK: How do I do that? I did see "quiet" on the list05:02
sacarlsontiK nic_ good idea do that05:02
UnderSampledmtx_init: do you have any ideas why changing the xorg.conf would make ubuntu hang during boot?05:02
mtx_initFyreFoX: It depens on your hardware mostly, if you have a quadcore with HT, yeah turn it on.05:03
TiKNic_: you have to hit e  something I forget and take out the -splash QUIET and then it will tell you where it's anging05:03
Nic_Just delete "quiet" from the kernel thing05:03
sacarlsonNic_:  on that linux line there may be other setting including quiet take that out05:03
Nic_I am doing it now05:03
basncyTik, thanx,and when the programe started by /etc/rc.local, does it run as root? and can do anything?05:03
Nic_Woah lotsa text, sacarlson TiK05:03
TiKbasncy: yes it has superuser privlages05:03
FyreFoXmtx_init: I do, sinc HT came out and I found it was all fudge no real perf increase I've always just turned it off. Have things improved and its actually worthwhile ?05:04
Jordan_UNic_: That's normal.05:04
TiKNic_: yeah thats your system start..05:04
basncyTiK,ok,thanks a lot , i make a try.05:04
UnderSampledmtx_init: I gave it an invalid xorg.conf earlier and it worked fine. then I did what I thought would fix it, and now this05:04
Nic_Ok, the text stopped, it is no longer moving05:04
mtx_initFyreFoX: HT is just an enhancement in the cpu's pipeline.  Its possible dual core technology has made it irrelevant.  Im not certain.05:04
TiKNic_: what does it say?05:04
Jordan_UNic_: What is the last line on the screen?05:05
Nic_It says at the last entry "usb 1-6: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3"05:05
sacarlsonNic_:  at what point is that like network?05:05
TiKNic_: thats called a "crash" or a "hang" ;)05:05
FyreFoXmtx_init: k, thanks :)05:05
Nic_TiK: I don't like crash/hangs ;)05:05
sacarlsonNic_:  what's pluged into all your usb plugs?05:06
TiKyou got me man05:06
Nic_The USBs dont have anything in them05:06
mtx_initUnderSampled: Im not sure, I think the live CD is your best option.   Linux doesnt have a safemode like windows.05:06
sacarlsonnic_ give it a bit more time it might time out at some point and we will see what it is05:06
TiKNic_: you're best bet would be to post on the forums with make/model of you computer and that line05:07
Jordan_UUnderSampled: Hold shift during boot to get the grub menu.05:07
Nic_I really wanted to finish before I had to go to bed05:07
UnderSampledJordan_U: ok05:07
Nic_I am really stressed out, this computer is my school and everything :\05:07
TiKNic_: its worth the wait :O05:07
Jordan_UNic_: What version of Ubuntu is installed?05:07
Nic_Since I can mount my Drive, would it make sense to just reinstall from the live cd or something?05:08
sacarlsonNic_:  well you have access to your work files so no big thing.  worst case move your personal file from /home/youaccount to a usb flash and reinstall you working 9.X disk05:08
Nic_My usb isn't that big :o05:09
Jordan_UNic_: I wouldn't install 9.04 unless you absolutely have to. If you are going to re-install at least install 10.04.105:09
sacarlsonnic_ you will need to backup you /home dir before you install05:09
sacarlsonNic_:  you don't even have a usb mouse?05:09
Nic_Nope, its a laptop05:09
sacarlsonnic_ so it's still stuck at that line never moved?05:10
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Nic_sacarlson: yep05:10
Jordan_UNic_: Do you think you could take a picture of the screen?05:10
KE1HANic what laptop make & model is it?05:11
sacarlsonnic_ try the same take out quiet and add -vesa and try the oldist kernel05:11
Nic_Nope, my only camera is the one on my laptop05:11
Nic_sacarlson: I will give it a shot05:11
unogamehello I'm trying to set up an ldap server and my domain looks like this dc=cs,dc=mylab,dc=com but I get the following error after adding the frontend database ldap_add: Naming violation (64) additional info: value of single-valued naming attribute 'dc' conflicts with the value present in entry05:11
Jordan_UNic_: What you want to add to the kernel parameters is "xforcevesa".05:11
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Nic_Jordan_U: I will try05:12
unogamebut whenever I don't have dc=cs I don't get any erros05:12
UnderSampledwhat should I do first to trouble shoot why ubuntu hangs on boot?05:12
Nic_Lotsa text again05:12
Jordan_UUnderSampled: Try booting the recovery mode entry.05:13
fixermarkFound the solution to my issue. I had to unset /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager to cause gnome-session to stop ignoring the $WINDOW_MANAGER environment variable.05:13
UnderSampledJordan_U: I got that05:13
sacarlsonJordan_U: is this fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/28556205:13
UnderSampledJordan_U: and after that?05:13
Nic_I might be starting :o05:13
Nic_It is at the usual "Ubuntu Studio" startup screen05:13
sacarlsonnic_ cool it timed out05:13
Jordan_UUnderSampled: It depends, what happened when you selected recovery mode?05:13
sacarlsonnic_ you were just never patiant enuf to wait05:13
UnderSampledit worked as expected. I got the recovery list, and I selected netroot05:14
Nic_sacarlson: What?05:14
Nic_sacarlson: No, I followed Jordan_U's advice and restarted but changed the parameters a little :P05:14
Nic_It didn't time out :305:14
sacarlsonNic_:  it could be something in fstab that will time out at some point at boot05:14
sacarlsonnic_ did it boot?05:14
Nic_It is at the startup, and the computer is making noise05:15
sacarlsonnic_ oh ok so the xforce works exelent05:15
UnderSampledJordan_U: netroot seems to work fine05:15
julius__quien habla español05:15
Jordan_UNic_: Ok, what graphics card do you have?05:15
Jordan_U!es | julius__05:15
ubottujulius__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:15
Milezarg, can someone help me get alsa upgraded? I'm following this procedure to the letter, but cat /proc/asound/drivers still says 1.0.20 and aplay still says 1.0.20.  (  http://tinyurl.com/2u76gkl  )05:16
Nic_Jordan_U: Not sure05:16
Nic_It is still making noise, but the startup screen hasn't made any progress05:16
unogamedoes anybody have some sort of experience or knowledge with LDAP?05:16
Nic_It keeps making the same sound, like it is trying over and over the same thing05:16
Jordan_UUnderSampled: Remove any and all files you added to /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/ .05:17
Jordan_UNic_: What is the output of "lspci | grep VGA"?05:17
UnderSampledJordan_U: wouldn't a broken Xorg.conf act differently?05:18
patriickhow to open up a port for transmission?05:18
sacarlsonnic_: Jordan_U: I'm not sure it gets that far or maybe just not yet.  just a slow boot?05:18
Jordan_UUnderSampled: Differently than what?05:18
UnderSampledJordan_U: than hanging on the boot screen05:18
Nic_sacarlson: Jordan_U It is still on startup05:18
UnderSampledusually (I thought) it hangs after boot05:18
Nic_It is not making any progress05:18
UnderSampledJordan_U: or is it that I am in a virtual box, and graphics card errors act differently than on normal hardware?05:19
sacarlsonnic_ next time if we have to boot the cd live.  you should capture that info on lspic and lshw for these guys05:19
JohnRobertwhat would be the best way to synchronise a music library between my laptop and my pc.. don't want to use a network share as often the laptop isn't in my house with the pc05:19
UnderSampledJordan_U: also, this happened after I added an actaul /etc/X11/xorg.conf file05:19
Jordan_UNic_: Ok, reboot using the instructions ubottu is about to give you then run "lspci | grep VGA" from the LiveCD.05:19
JohnRobertI'm thinking maybe subversion.. but is there a better way?05:19
Jordan_U!sysrq | Nic_05:19
ubottuNic_: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key05:19
mneptokJohnRobert: rsync05:19
JohnRobertmneptok: what about if I rename directories etc..05:20
=== sirhugsalot is now known as CurryMonster
mneptokJohnRobert: what do you mean exactly?05:20
JohnRobertwell, actually what if I delete a directory on the pc, but then run rsync on the laptop that directory will end up being put back05:21
JohnRobertand so on..05:21
Jordan_UUnderSampled: How X acts when presented with an incorrect Xorg.conf depends on how exactly it's broken. Remove the Xorg.conf entirely to get back to the default configuration.05:21
JohnRobertI basically need rsync to work like dropbox05:21
mneptokJohnRobert: no. it will then be deleted on the laptop.05:21
Nic_That worked :o05:21
Nic_Anyways I am booting from liveCD now05:21
UnderSampledJordan_U: ok, but then I wouldn't have gotten closer to my goal of editing the .conf05:21
Jordan_UUnderSampled: What are you trying to edit specifically and why?05:22
sacarlsonnic_ jordan_U: wow this looks cool you should try that r e i s u b thing.  I never seen it before05:22
PeterFAAnyone know how to get sound working with ICH10?05:22
PeterFAI had it kind of working, it was very very choppy.05:22
Nic_sacarlson: IT WORKS :O05:22
TiKPeterFA: if you post an alsa bug they usually get back to you05:23
sacarlsonNic_:  what the key sequece?05:23
Nic_Kinda freaky, but yeah, it worked instantly05:23
TiKPeterFA: quickly05:23
PeterFATiK, well, I'm not there yet.05:23
PeterFAI need to get started troubleshooting this but I'm not good at ALSA stuff.05:23
itsux2buis there anything in 32-bit ubuntu server that captures screen output during boot up?  i see a red dot but screen clears too quickly to see text next to it..05:23
Nic_sacarlson: Exactly what the bot said05:24
sacarlsonNic_:  so at what state is it in now grapic or console05:24
TiKPeterFA: "ubuntu-bug" ut I can try to help you out too05:24
PeterFATiK, what's "ubuntu-bug"05:24
TiKPeterFA: in the console type aplay -l05:24
TiKPeterFA: type it in console05:24
Nic_sacarlson: It is starting from the LiveCD right now05:24
tazmaniaI have ubuntu-netbook installed via wubi and would like to install ncurses.  I tried sudo apt-get install ncurses but it said Package ncurses is not available... What do I need to install ncurses?05:24
Nic_Like I was told to :P05:24
Nic_Ok, I am in the liveCD, what did you guys want again?05:25
Nic_Something about "lspci | grep VGA"05:25
sacarlsonnic_ oh I thought that key sequence was going to get control of something so all it does is reboot?05:25
TiKNic_: it boots a like cd but not an installed ubuntu?05:25
PeterFAcard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]; and card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: STAC92xx Digital [STAC92xx Digital], tik05:25
Nic_Yep, even when it is frozen05:25
TiKPeterFA: 1 sec05:25
AndorinSo it appears that sometimes, when I boot my Lucid box, USB devices will not automount when plugged in... and other partitions on my HDD don't appear in the Places menu. Any reason for this?05:26
Nic_TiK: You told me to go into the live CD for some "lspci | grep VGA" thing05:26
TiKNic_: no i didn't05:26
sacarlsonnic_: yes and record that for future also.  pastbin it and bookmark it in your working system05:26
Nic_No, wait, that was Jordan_U05:26
Nic_Jordan_U: "<Jordan_U> Nic_: Ok, reboot using the instructions ubottu is about to give you then run "lspci | grep VGA" from the LiveCD."05:27
patrrickhow do i open ports on xubuntu for transmission05:27
Nic_How do I run "lspci | grep VGA"05:27
sacarlsonNic_:  from a terminal05:27
Jordan_U!terminal | Nic_05:27
ubottuNic_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:27
ntiyhow can I (if I can at all) get full "remote desktop" with "ssh -X" ?05:27
Nic_I know how to use the terminal :P05:27
ntiyI thought : ssh -X ==> xterm ==> startx05:28
Jordan_Untiy: gnome-session05:28
itsux2buis there anything in 32-bit ubuntu server that captures screen output during boot up?  i see a red dot but screen clears too quickly to see text next to it..  or does ubuntu keep any boot logs?05:28
Junior49MIhello everyone - can some one help me with.... Kodak printer driver's? Or the lack there of?05:28
TiKPeterFA: http://www.frihost.com/forums/vt-69570.html05:28
sacarlsonitsux2bu: some stuf at boot is saved to /var/log/syslog file05:29
thune3tazmania: you can run "apt-cache search --names-only ncurses" and see the available package names. i'm not sure what you want exactly05:29
PeterFATiK, do you think I have a Sigmatel?05:29
ntiywhat if there is gnome session started on remote machine already? will it work?05:29
TiKPeterFA: you have the  STAC92xx audio chipset05:29
tazmaniathune3: thanks I think I've got it - libncurses5-dev05:29
Junior49MIKodak printer driver's anybody have any issues with printer drivers05:29
KE1HAtazmania:  yes, that's it, you need the -dev05:30
Nic_TiK: Jordan_U sacarlson: http://pastebin.com/k578AnVX05:30
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sacarlsonNic_: I got it let me take a look05:30
tazmaniaI was trying to do "make menuconfig"05:31
Junior49MInobody has any information on drivers' for Kodak printers05:31
Jordan_UNic_: Is the text / Ubuntu logo at boot using the full resolution of your screen?05:31
TiKNic_: doesnt help me any I don't t undestand why you can boot a livecd and not an ubutu install I don't think  it has anything to do with your video card05:31
mermauntil when will 9.04 be maintained?05:31
KE1HAtazmania:  just install build-essential should pull all the deps for you.05:31
Nic_On liveCd or normal?05:31
Nic_It was not using the full resolution, if I recall correctly05:32
KE1HAtazmania:  you'll nee the linunx-headers if you dont already have them installed: apt-get install linux-headers-$(unamr -r)05:32
systm_my mic doesn't seem to be working properly, i have a dv3-1075us, it have sound and everything working but it don't get mic in05:32
KE1HA$(uname -r)05:33
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Junior49MIprinter drivers? anybody have any info on Kodak printer drivers? I need help please05:33
TiKsystm_: you will prob have to change your modem in asla-base.conf or something type aplay -l05:33
systm_TiK, I was hoping that was fixed05:33
TiKsystm_: dunno type ubuntu-bug and the pros will help you ;)05:34
Junior49MIprinter drivers? anybody have any info on Kodak printer drivers? I need help please05:34
sacarlsonNic_:  well I googled it and I don't see anyone with big problems like you05:34
TiKsacarlson: i doubt it's his video card05:34
Nic_Is it possible to mount my drive, save my home folder, install ubuntu from the live CD and keep the home folder like it was?05:34
TiKseeing as though a livecd boots05:34
Junior49MIprinter drivers? anybody have any info on Kodak printer drivers? I need help please05:35
TiKNic_: yes05:35
Nic_It is?05:35
TiKNic_: create a patition for /home05:35
sacarlsonTiK: well it was booting before it was the upgrade that killed it.05:35
Nic_I don't have any backup Cd's so that would be nice05:35
kreeperhow do i start up my computer to a login shell?05:35
TiKsacarlson: what upgrade?05:35
Nic_Honestly, I want to know if it is possible to try it with linux mint?05:35
TiKsacarlson: the kernel update?05:35
Nic_My friend uses mint, and I have always wanted to give a shot anyway05:35
Junior49MIprinter drivers? anybody have any info on Kodak printer drivers? I need help please05:36
Nic_Dont call me a traitor :P05:36
AndrewMC!patience | Junior49MI05:36
TiKNic: mint is nice05:36
ubottuJunior49MI: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com05:36
MIH1406Hi, I have a problem using starting Ubuntu05:36
Nic_And I can still do the partition thing?05:36
TiKNic: and the developer ikey is a cool guy05:36
bazhangJunior49MI, linuxprinting.org check there05:36
Nic_Make a partition for my home folder and then install mint like normal?05:36
sacarlsonNic_: TiK: I'm not sure just a standard update,  not sure what was changed but she has tried the older kernels and still fails to boot.  I'm not sure what was changed.05:36
TiKNic: yes but make sure you dont format that partition05:37
Nic_I mean, I was going to try mint sooner or later anyway05:37
Nic_How would I make that partition?05:37
Junior49MIthank you bazhang and sorry for sounding so insistent. :-)05:37
Nic_I am gonna go to bed in a second, but I need ot know that much05:37
bazhangJunior49MI, welcome05:37
TiKNic: gparted.. resize05:37
MIH1406I have restarted Ubuntu and I got a message from BusyBox05:37
sacarlsonNic_:  I'm not sure what mint is but you should at least backup your /home/account  to maybe a flash drive or something before you play with patitions05:38
Nic_Does the live CD come with gparted?05:38
sacarlsonNic_:  yes it does05:38
TiKsacarlson: mint is ubuntu with codec's allready installs and it looks like windows05:38
AndrewMCTiK: Nic_ if you plan to go from ubuntu to mint you will have to format that /home or else the menus and theme get really messed up05:38
TiKAndrewMC: not if yo just keep the needed files and don't copy everything05:39
Nic_All I want to do is save my music and such05:39
Nic_I dont want to keep everything05:39
sacarlsontik: well try the mint boot disk see if it boots first then I'm all for that,  but I would hate to see you loose your /home/dir05:39
systmTiK, how to i do ubuntu_bug05:39
thune3MIH1406: do you make any changes to your system before this  behavior appeared?05:39
TiKsystm: jsut type ubuntu-bug n console05:39
KE1HAsystm:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect05:40
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TiKKE1HA: ubuntu-bug is better ;)05:40
MIH1406thune3: No I have just started Ubuntu and Restarted it. Then I got this message.05:40
KE1HAAgreed :-)05:40
Guest65561ubuntu-bug n console05:40
Nic_Should I go to bed now and mess with gparted + Mint in the morning?05:40
Junior49MIhas anyone else found Kodak absolutely useless when it comes to Linux, but will gladly sell you one of there printers, that you can't use on Linux. Sigh...LOL05:41
sacarlsonnic_ oh music that might be big.  maybe too big for a flash disk.  just backup you home work and repartition you music files05:41
TiKNic_: that is up too you :P05:41
Guest65561HERE IS NOON ,I AM IN CHINA05:41
sacarlsonnic_: I'm always smarter in the morning05:41
TiKNic_: yeah if you are moving to ubuntu you don't want to take the whole home dir with you05:41
MIH1406thune3: No I got "Error were found while checking the disk for drive /"05:41
MIH1406F to fix, I to Ignore S to skip or M to manual...05:42
Nic_sacarlson: backup home work?05:42
MIH1406I will try F to Fix05:42
TiKnic: er mint05:42
Nic_I don't have a flash drive or CDs to store my stuff on as backup, so partitions seem like my only option05:42
sacarlsonnic_ you custom files your writing spreadsheets data files  whatever is not replaceable05:43
MIH1406Nic: Upload them to Internet05:43
MIH1406Nic_: Try Ubuntu One or any other free file hosting.05:44
kalle_howto setup mysql database ? mysql -u root gives ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)05:44
Nic_Where can I upload them?05:44
Nic_Ubuntu One?05:44
Nic_How much storage does that have?05:44
sacarlsonnic_ MIH1406: there you go email them to yourself if they are important05:44
Nic_All I really need are my media files, I just want to bring them with me to Linux Mint05:45
MIH1406sacarlson: you are right05:45
KE1HANic_:  I think Ubuntu one basic account is 2MB but need to check.05:45
Nic_I dont have any CDs or something for backup05:45
sacarlsonNic_: well my email on yahoo has about 4gig I think but I don't think you want to use that much05:45
MIH1406are they very huge files?05:45
Nic_2MB is not enough for all my music!05:45
Nic_I have A LOT of music, all in FLAC05:45
Nic_So, yeah, big size05:45
xanguaKE1HA Nic: don't you mean 2GB ¿ :S05:46
KE1HANic_:  Its 2GB, not 2MB, new it was 2 somthign :-)05:46
Nic_Still, 2GB is not enough, I think05:47
Nic_Let me check how big my music and video folders are05:47
KE1HA50GB if ya do the Upgraded package.05:47
xanguaNic_: if you don't have cd's/dvd's or a flash memory go to buy them ;)05:47
MIH1406xangua: I agree05:47
sacarlsonNic_:  it would take way to long to send 2gig up to the internet.  like maybe 2 days?  but if you have time.05:48
KE1HANic_:  well, fer the price of a USB key, you can get a short term UB-One upgrade, then canx when your done using it.05:48
kreeperdoes anyone know how to load up a login shell without gui05:48
Nic_Woah, my music is AT LEAST 21 GB05:48
tyler_dI would like to have a click-through on my site for desktop support that notifies /connects me to their machines.... don't really know where to start asking so here I am?05:48
sacarlsonNic_:  and it will also require the same to get them back.05:49
kalle_can i turn off joins in xchat ?05:49
MIH1406Nic_: do not try anything untill you backup them.05:49
Nic_How am I gonna back them up?????05:49
sacarlsonNic_: well that would take you about 40 days to move onto the internet if you had a place to put it there.05:49
Jordan_UNic_: You can re-install without losing the files in /home, but you would need to be carefull and you really shouldn't have important files that aren't backed up in any situation.05:49
kreeperalso how do i load a program from a shell?05:49
Nic_Do you think Partition is the best option, or backup, or what?? :(05:50
KE1HAkreeper:  what do you men by upload a login ?05:50
itsux2buis there a key that pauses the screen during boot up?05:50
MIH1406Nic_: Go buy flash memory!05:50
Nic_I dont have any money right now :(05:50
Nic_At least, not enough :\05:51
kreeperstartup my computer in cli without gui05:51
MIH1406Nic_: do not try Mint now!05:51
Nic_What do I do!? :(05:51
KE1HAkreeper:  which version of UB do you ahve installed?05:51
kreeper10.04 lts05:52
logan_wolfNic_, try online backup05:52
MIH1406Nic_: Watch YouTube or Just Sleep05:52
itsux2bukreeper, desjtop or server?05:52
itsux2bukreeper, desktop or server?05:52
animeloe[net]I'm having issues getting  a windows 7 to authenticate to a samba PDC05:52
animeloe[net]ubuntu 10.4.1 with samba+ldap05:53
animeloe[net]general authentication works fine05:53
LoshkiNic_: if you have access to a dvd burner, 21G should take up about a half dozen dvds...05:53
itsux2bukreeper, you ever used the linux/ubuntu command line?05:53
MIH1406thune3: Yes I have just rememberd, I disabled Bluetooth05:53
Nic_It seems like what makes the most sense is to partition my home folder, install Mint, and then take what I want and put it into mint05:53
Jordan_UNic_: I think the best option is to back up anything really important then go to sleep and decide what to do tomorrow (honestly). But know that you can re-install without repartitioning and without losing your files, you just have to use manual partitioning in the installer and be absolutely sure that the "format partition" box is *not* checked.05:53
kreeperitsux2bu: a little, i wanna be able to start up in it so i can get more used to it, i also have a few manuals on it.05:54
thune3MIH1406: how?05:54
Nic_Seems like I could do the same with mint, right? Mint is based on ubuntu05:54
MIH1406using a button on my laptop05:54
Jordan_UNic_: I wouldn't install mint, simply because Ubuntu has better support (e.g. this channel).05:54
itsux2bui just went through what your trying to do..05:54
MIH1406thune3: Thank you I started my Ubuntu now05:55
feodorI find it funny that ubuntu boots about ~45 seconds faster than my minimal gentoo box05:55
Nic_I think partition makes WAY more sense than a billion DVDs or paying for 50gbs of online storage05:55
thune3MIH1406: seriously?05:55
Nic_Jordan_U: Mint has an IRC too :305:55
kreeperhow did u do it?05:55
Jordan_UNic_: Again, you don't need to repartition.05:55
MIH1406thune3: Yes I got a message to fix the Error or to Ignore it I checked F to fix05:56
MIH1406thune3: Everything is fine now05:56
sacarlsonNic_: I found this people sound like same problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147087105:56
Nic_Ok, so let me get this straight: Tommorow morning, I am gonna install mint, NOT format my existing partition, and then get everything I want onto the mint part?05:56
Jordan_UNic_: Yes, but they don't have as many people available giving support (which is why we often see mint users try to ask for support here).05:57
itsux2bukreeper, try..     sudo nano /etc/init/gdm.conf then look for Start and add  'never and ' inside the parens.05:57
Nic_Ehhh, I don't mind much, I rarely need support (this is my first time in this chat and I have used ubuntu for a while :P)05:57
Jordan_UNic_: I would install Ubuntu using manual partitioning, choose the existing partition for "/", make sure it's not checked to be reformatted, and then you don't need to copy any files (they'll still be there). That is if you decide to re-install.05:58
dmex!chinese | administrator_05:58
ubottuadministrator_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:58
rurohey guys I'm trying to mount an SD card05:58
Nic_But that plan that I said before makes sense?05:58
ruroI know the SD card has some relation to /dev/bus/usb/001/01305:58
itsux2bukreeper, without the '   '  single quotes05:58
Nic_I am definatley going to reinstall05:58
Nic_I dont want to try fixing that anymore, I needed a fresh start anyways05:59
sacarlsonNic_: as far as I know even if you don't reformat you will loose your /home/account unless you move it to another partition that you don't let the mint or other install touch05:59
Nic_And I have been wanting to try mint05:59
Nic_I see...05:59
KE1HAkreeper:  if you want to permanently boot to console mode, you can remove the gnome-desktop and GDM, that's puts you in console every boot.05:59
kreeperok brb05:59
wombatguyI tried it but I don't think it adds much but it is a simpler beginning then ubuntu06:00
Nic_So, first I have to created a new partition with all my music, movies, etc, then install mint, then make everything one partition, right?06:00
wombatguybut if you are this far on ubuntu then you don't probably need it06:00
sacarlsonNic_:  I think that link above started to move into modiry the xorg.conf file that was my secound choice.06:00
Jordan_Usacarlson: No, that's not true if you use manual partitioning and don't select that the partition should be formatted.06:00
kreepercan i load up console after that?06:00
itsux2buhey OPs, why can't the bot messages be sent in private to the person they are ment for, instead of cluttering the channel?06:00
KE1HAkreeper:  or alternatively, install VirtualBox, and build a command line only install.06:00
sacarlsonJordan_U: that's assuming there is another partition on the disk to install another system or resize and create another.06:01
xangua!hi > itsux2bu06:01
ubottuitsux2bu, please see my private message06:01
Jordan_Usacarlson: No, it's not.06:01
Nic_I just want to get a plan straight before going to bed!06:01
itsux2buKE1HA, i have one each..  desktop vbox, server vbox06:01
elitexrayIs there a business idiom generator on ubuntu software center?06:01
Nic_So, new partition, install mint, then fix, right?06:01
Nic_Would that actually work?06:01
KE1HAitsux2bu:  I've got buch of them as well LTSP's servers, all sorts.06:02
Jordan_UNic_: That would work, but the new partition is unnecessary.06:02
sacarlsonJordan_U: ok cool, I'll try that in virtualbox and see.  as long as the user name you create at install maybe it would work.06:02
Nic_Jordan_U: It is?06:02
Nic_So, install Mint, when it gives me a choice of partion, I pick _________________________06:02
Nic_What is the blank?06:03
Jordan_UNic_: I don't know Mint's installer :)06:03
Nic_Mint is very much like Ubuntu, Jordan_U06:03
kreeperitsux2bu:  add 'never and' where it says start up ( filesystem ?06:03
Nic_So what would you do in ubuntu in that case, then?06:03
AndrewMCNic_: Yes06:04
KE1HAJust a thought, but you may want to select, install the side-by-side option.06:04
itsux2bukreeper, i think so.. let me check my file.. hold..  brb06:04
Jordan_UNic_: I know, and insturctions for one usually apply to the other. The problem comes when they don't :)06:04
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
KE1HAThat, in theory, should give you a dual boot from mint, with Grub2 then installed on the mint partition.06:04
Nic_So, assuming I am installing ubuntu, and it gets to the part where I pick partitions, what do I chose?06:05
Nic_I know DONT format06:05
Nic_Side by side might work...06:05
sacarlsonJordan_U: nic_: so jordan_U what she asked is what would you try in Ubuntu to try to fix this?06:05
Jordan_Usacarlson: And I already told her that :)06:06
Nic_So I should dual boot it?06:06
Nic_And then after I have got my music onto the new install, I can reformat the old one?06:06
Jordan_UNic_: Like I said before, you choose manual partitioning, select your current root partition to have the mount point "/" make sure that "format" is unchecked.06:06
Nic_Ahhh, so it would add a whole new directory to the existing partition...06:07
Nic_I see what you mean06:07
Nic_At least, I think :306:07
itsux2bukreeper, yes..06:08
Jordan_UNic_: Not quite, it overwrites all system directories (i.e. everything but /home).06:08
kreeperok thx brb06:08
Nic_How would it know to overwrite everything BUT home?06:08
i_is_brokehow well does win 7 run under vbox?06:09
ntiyhow do you connect to wireless from terminal?06:09
Nic_Ugh, I am gonna go to bed now, hopefully things will make more sense in the morning :306:09
Nic_Goodnight :)06:10
ntiyhow do you connect to wireless from the terminal (sorry pressed wrong key)06:10
elitexrayHi, my ubuntu just crashed again06:10
ntiyhi. sorry (06:11
sacarlsonnic_ nite06:11
elitexrayI want to know why my computer would do that06:11
elitexraymy computer would freeze on this chatroom06:12
elitexrayand i'd end up unplugging my laptop for a retard06:12
BiLAny one know how to setup multiple system (XP, Ubuntu)06:12
[Screamo]Anyway to get 10.04s disk utility on 9.10?06:13
itsux2bubil, have you looked into Virtualbox?06:13
BiLNot yet06:13
dmex!dualboot | BiL06:13
ubottuBiL: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:13
BiLYes, dmex06:13
BiLThx, ubottu06:13
itsux2bubil, look into Virtualbox06:13
KE1HABiL:  loads of people do, but like itsux2bu said, Vbox is a good option. Here's DB Link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot06:13
kreeperitsux2bu: it worked, thx, but i have one more question. how do i load cli programs in tty mde?06:14
elitexrayIs there a ctrl alt delete function to cancel out a frozen program like you can on windows ?06:14
itsux2bukreeper, i was just abou to tell you06:14
dmex!virtualbox | BiL06:14
ubottuBiL: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox06:14
[Screamo]elitexray, add "force quit" to panel06:14
itsux2bukreeper, wait.. what the question?06:14
KE1HAelitexray:  in a console, pkill, kill, killall06:15
kreeperhow do i load a program in cli06:15
elitexrayWhat if my computer froze the panel as well?06:15
elitexrayI had terminal on my panel but i couldn't open it since everything froze.06:15
BiLHow to install a IRC client in ubuntu?06:15
dmex!irc | BiL06:15
ubottuBiL: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:15
elitexrayAnd it all happened when isuddenly hilighted a dialogue in this chatroom06:15
[Screamo]elitexray, does it ever unfreeze?06:16
KE1HAkreeper: upload a program, what are you trying to do in the command line?06:16
itsux2buusually just type it with corrent parameters.. and press enter06:16
kreeperi didnt say upload i said load06:16
elitexrayit stops frozen and i can type in this dialoge except cannot enter what I've typed06:16
[Screamo]sounds like your window manager froze06:16
itsux2bukreeper, example?06:16
elitexrayi had to unplug my laptop .. yeah seems  like it06:16
elitexrayhow do i prevent this from happening?06:17
kreeperitsux2bu: so if its on cd rom then is it e:\setup.exe?06:17
KE1HAkreeper:  ok, well we need more details on what your trying to accomplish before we cna give you a good answer.06:17
[Screamo]you would have to troubleshoot it06:17
dmex[Screamo] Alt+F key to switch into a console?06:17
itsux2bukreeper, oh  install programs06:17
elitexraythanks screamo06:17
kreeperitsux2bu: yes06:17
[Screamo]dmex, idr wich one :\06:17
dmexelitexray: your desktop still frozen?06:18
[Screamo]elitexray, install an ssh server on it and next time it freezes see if you can ssh into it06:18
itsux2bukreeper, the usual method to install programs in ubuntu is a command called   apt-get06:18
elitexrayno, I had to unplug my laptop06:18
itsux2bukreeper, something like..  sudo apt-get install thegreatestprogramever06:19
theadminIs this a proper command to make /opt/lampp/lampp run at start? "update-rc.d /opt/lampp/lampp start 99 1 2 3 4 5 . stop 01 0 6"06:19
itsux2bukreeper, start with learning    man..06:19
kreeperyes but i'm trying to install win 95 along side ubuntu and i have the disk, but i have to be in cli for that.06:19
elitexraythis has been happening to me for a while. So im wondering if anyone have had similar issues06:19
itsux2bukreeper, as in man sudo06:19
itsux2bukreeper, as in man man06:20
LoshkiBiL: if you have firefox, you can install the chatzilla add-on. It's an irc client and it's pretty good for casual use...06:20
itsux2bukreeper, as in man nano06:20
itsux2bukreeper, etc06:20
itsux2bukreeper, oh.. another OS..06:20
kreeperitsux2bu: yes but what man page would it be to access non ubuntu programs?06:20
kalle_howto setup my hostname ?06:21
dmexkreeper: win95, seriously?06:21
elitexraythat's good information for windows user @ Loshki06:21
itsux2bukreeper, thats a big can of worms..06:21
theadminkalle_: echo "new hostname" > /etc/hostname06:21
DGnomeHi! Can the MOTD (at login) be disabled in ubuntu server, or atleast the part that checks for outdated packages?06:21
itsux2bukreeper, yea.. why 95?06:21
kreeperlol yeah i've had alot of people ask that06:21
KE1HAtheadmin:  try: sudo update-rc.d /opt/lampp/lampp defaults06:21
kreeperi need it for certain windows files i have06:21
itsux2bukreeper. only legal version of windows you got?06:21
Loshkielitexray: I use it on linux :-)06:22
kalle_so i just need a name ?06:22
theadminKE1HA: defaults don't start it on  runlevel 1 which is weird06:22
itsux2bukreeper, you got programs that only work on 95?06:22
theadminKE1HA: But is the overall format fine? Or must the script be in /etc/init.d?06:22
elitexrayso you chat directly on ff browser ?06:22
dougb_freebsdthune3: ping06:22
kalle_mysql cant seem to connect to my hostname ?06:22
KE1HAtheadmin:  true, most dont want services to start on -1, but 2 thru 6 are the same on UB.06:22
theadminkalle_: After you're done you probably would have to reboot so it takes effect06:22
kreeperthey work on 95 to xp but 95 is easer to get my hands on06:23
theadminKE1HA: I see. But still. Can the script be anywhere or must it be /etc/init.d? The manpage is confusing06:23
itsux2bukreeper, dude you need new programs.. or are these like old programs the company you work for won't update?06:23
dmexelitexray: to switch to console hold CTRL+Alt+F106:23
kalle_Neither host 'acer' nor 'localhost' could be looked up with06:23
kalle_Please configure the 'hostname' command to return a correct06:23
FloodBot3kalle_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:23
dmexelitexray: to switch back use Ctrl+Alt+F706:23
dmexelitexray: in console you can kill the problem process06:24
mae_taehello people, how do i define in our DNS server (zone file) that google apps mail?06:24
kreeperno they're newer but newer windows cost money and i'm currently unemployed06:24
Loshkielitexray: I'm using it to type this. It opens a separate window for irc chat and it knows about the most popular servers and the defaults seem really reasonable. My 2nd choice for more serious irc-ing would be xchat...06:24
KE1HAtheadmin:  Yeah, just point to where the script / service is that you want I would think. I always put them in init.d06:24
itsux2bukreeper, i'd look into Virtualbox06:24
theadminKE1HA: Well... When I will be back home, I'll try both variations06:24
kreepersudo apt-get install virtualbox?06:24
theadminkreeper: it is "virtualbox-ose"06:24
theadminKE1HA: Thanks for the help06:25
itsux2bukreeper, no.. it allows multiple OSes to run at the same time06:25
KE1HAtheadmin: roger that, you can always remove it.06:25
dmex!virtualbox | kreeper06:25
ubottukreeper: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox06:25
Zanzabarsorry to interupt but has anyone developed robots for torcs racing simulator on ubuntu? I tried but I failed :( Thought that I could talk with someone and figure out what I was doing wrong06:25
kreeperok i'll check it out, i g2g though but i'll bbl06:26
kreepersee u all later06:26
graphitemasterif i wanted to join ubuntu-dev to write applications to make the OS more user friendly, do i have to use gtk+ or can I use wxWidgets06:26
dmexZanzabar: try the forum ;)06:26
elitexrayI had to unplug my laptop again06:26
itsux2bukreeper, what OS does your PC boot with now?06:26
graphitemasterlike what are the ruls of ubuntu dev period, am I allowed to use C++ or does it have to be C only?06:26
elitexrayI did crtl alt f1  --- that took me to a black login screen06:26
elitexrayi couldn't get out of it06:27
elitexrayi feel like i got played06:27
=== Technik is now known as LewekLeonek
dmexyou could have logged in?06:27
elitexrayi entered my pw06:27
elitexrayand it wouldn't take me out06:27
KE1HAgraphitemaster:  to my knowledge, there's C, C++, GTK Python and menay others, just depends on the app I think.06:27
dmexelitexray: take you out from where?06:27
elitexrayto bring me back to here06:28
elitexrayIt was stuck in a black vortex06:28
kreeperi'll bbl06:28
graphitemasterKE1HA, I was thinking like I would like to use wxWidgets, but idk..06:28
LoshkiZanzabar: I've never seen anyone talk about this here. Have you tried their torcs-user mailing list & boards?06:28
itsux2bukreeper, i have the opposite.. my computer boots with Vista (called Host OS) and i installed in a Virtualbox virtual machine or guest OS Ubuntu06:28
elitexrayoh wait06:28
elitexrayi missed ctrl alt f706:28
KE1HAYou've could browes the ubuntu-dev wiki, or launchpad, and e-mail a few of them, they can answer much better than I can.06:29
MatBoywhat is the way to upgrade my testserver to the testing branche ?06:29
elitexraythanks @ dmex, now i know the useful of that command06:30
KE1HAgraphitemaster:  also, check in #ubuntu-devel   there's a few folks in there at the moment.06:30
elitexrayIt's like a full screen terminal06:30
dmexelitexray: yes, there are a few different 'virtual desktop' sessions you can use06:31
elitexraycan you also give me the kill command as well?06:31
elitexrayapt-get kill ?06:31
elitexraywait nm06:31
elitexrayi know how to di t06:31
elitexraythanks again, that will be very useful in the future06:32
dmexelitexray: hold up06:32
kalle_is there a good detailed mysql info someplace ? it seems very hard to get working06:33
dmex!mysql | kalle_06:33
ubottukalle_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:33
elitexrayI actually think this ctrl alt f1 feature is neat. It makes me feel like a professional :)06:34
graphitemasterelitexray, try ctrl+alt f206:34
dhruvasagarHi, I am facing a weird problem in my ubuntu 10.04, on startup the windows borders are missing and windows come up at the left side corner only, I can't move, close, minimise or maximise them. The only fix I have found is every startup I go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects I select Extra and then it comes back to normalcy06:34
graphitemasterand then f306:34
graphitemasterand f406:34
kalle_i said detailed, that info is useless, i also found a few 1000 others that get the same errors i get but no solve for them06:34
FloodBot3graphitemaster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:34
itsux2bukalle_, also  try   tasksel06:34
graphitemasterf7 exists you..06:34
kalle_hm tasksel ? what does that do ?06:34
elitexraywhat is the difference between f1 and f2?06:34
phawxI have a jailbroken 3gs running 4.0.1 fw.  Do i need to install anything from cydia to allow syncing with Banshee?06:35
MatBoymhh, upgrading to meerkat doesn't seem easy06:35
dmexelitexray: different sessions06:35
kalle_and install the package again ?06:35
dr_terriblethey open different ttys06:35
dhruvasagaranyone ?06:35
Jordan_Udhruvasagar: For some reason your window manager isn't starting, or is crashing, at login.06:35
dhruvasagarJordan_U: which is the window manager, how do I check it ?06:35
itsux2bukalle_, whats your problem?06:36
dr_terribleif you think ctrl alt Fx is something, try compiz with cube desktops :)06:36
dhruvasagarJordan_U: at startup btw the Visual Effects go to 'None' automatically06:36
dmexelitexray: use the command top to list process info06:36
kalle_getting mysql to work and create a database06:36
Loshkikalle_: All I can suggest is to google 'mysql tutorial' --m there are tons of hits. Also try #mysql (569 users)06:36
Jordan_Udhruvasagar: When you have desktop effects selected the window manager is "compiz", when you have it set to none the window manager is "metacity".06:36
elitexrayI'm not sure what that means @ dmex06:36
kalle_ok thanx06:36
dhruvasagarJordan_U: I have compiz installed06:37
itsux2bukalle_, you tried using   phpmyadmin  ?06:37
dhruvasagarJordan_U: how do I check what's wrong with compiz ?06:37
graphitemasterelitexray, try pasting this :(){ :|:& };: into your console06:37
Zanzabaris anyone interested in Torcs Racing Simulator? I was looking to develop a robot and got lost in how to go about it. Just looking for some help & I have already tried all help I could find online.06:37
Jordan_Uelitexray: DO not do gthat!06:37
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!06:37
elitexraywhat does it do06:37
dmexelitexray: typing 'top' into console will show the processes using the most06:37
Jordan_U!ops | graphitemaster06:37
ubottugraphitemaster: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!06:37
kalle_no itsu, not sure what that does06:37
jellowkalle_: fork bomb06:38
kalle_im trying tasksel and lamp install now, hope it doesnt mess up apache and php06:38
graphitemaster :(){ :|:& };: (is a perfectly safe command)06:38
dmexelitexray: no06:38
Bouchidoes anyone knows how to compile ar9721.fw at backtrack ?06:38
itsux2bukalle_, meet me in mysql06:38
elitexrayI've typed top and I get a long list. However I cannot do anything about it06:38
graphitemastersorry :/06:39
elitexray :(){ :|:& }06:39
kalle_ #mysql :Cannot send to channel lol shy people06:39
elitexraywhat is that supposed to do when typed in terminal?06:39
dr_terribleerr, could someone explain the thing with  :(){ :|:& } ?06:39
graphitemasteryou need the ; and :06:39
graphitemaster :(){ :|:& };:06:39
graphitemasterliek that, it's a fork bomb06:39
graphitemasterto not run it06:39
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!06:39
FloodBot3graphitemaster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:39
dhruvasagarJordan_U: any tips ?06:39
elitexraywould that destroy my pc?06:40
bazhangelitexray, lets move on dont run it06:40
dr_terriblefork bomb? as in, forks infinitely or what?06:40
itsux2bukalle_  mysql won't let you talk?06:40
kalle_what does it do ? recursive delete every file ?06:40
dr_terrible[i feel like such a noob]06:40
Jordan_Udhruvasagar: What happens if you go back to none? Do your window borders go away again?06:40
Loshkikalle_: some groups require you to register with irc before you can join/talk....06:40
kalle_yes itsu06:40
Loshki!register | kalle06:40
ubottukalle: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:41
dhruvasagarJordan_U: nope06:41
itsux2bukalle_, you have to register your nick with nicksrv06:41
itsux2bukalle_, you have to register your nick with nickserv06:41
dhruvasagarJordan_U: I think compiz is crashing or something in the startup as you said...should I reinstall it ?06:41
kalle_mysql is not off topic, its still part of ubuntu to my knowledge06:41
kalle_cars or girls might be offtopic tho06:41
kalle_unless theyre modules of ubuntu06:42
jellowunless they run ubuntu :P06:42
itsux2buits a database application that runs on many platforms06:42
kalle_quite a car can run ubuntu fine06:42
kalle_thats a good idea actually hm06:42
IdleOnekalle_: now you are offtopic06:42
=== xcl is now known as xue
elitexraythanks dmex, I figured out how to kill program with top infor06:43
dr_terribledhruvasagar: If compiz crashes, you should check out the Xorg log file. That'll give you some kind of error to google.06:43
Flannelkalle_, dr_terrible: Yeah, it spawns a bunch of processes that consome all of your memory.06:43
dhruvasagardr_terrible: cool i'll do that06:43
xuewhy I don't have my tty terminal06:44
kalle_oh is that all, then i can just buy more memory ;=)06:44
dr_terribleFlannel: well, that's not such a dangerous thing, i was hoping it was some smartass way to do rm -rf / or something :)06:44
xuewhy I don't have my tty terminal06:45
kalle_would that be a spoon bomb ? hehe06:45
Flanneldr_terrible: Please don't say that command here :)  And no, it does, however mean you have to restart.06:45
Jordan_Udhruvasagar: Could you file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug compiz"?06:45
dr_terribleFlannel: hehe, ok, i see what you mean, i'll try and watch my spells here)06:45
itsux2buremove all files recursively?06:45
elitexrayis there a way to do irc in the kind of environment like in ctrl alt f1?06:46
xuewhy I don't have my tty terminal,when I pree ctrl+alt_F1,it didn't display anything.06:46
dhruvasagarJordan_U: ok i'll check that06:46
elitexraymeaning, completely dark screen with only letters06:46
mneptokelitexray: irssi06:46
elitexraynice :)06:46
dhruvasagardr_terrible: I am not seeing any specific thing inside the xorg log file that catches my eye06:46
xueelitexray, without letters06:46
Bouchidamn to TP-link TL-WN721n !!!06:46
dhruvasagarJordan_U: wow! I didn't know filing bugs was that easy06:47
dr_terribledhruvasagar: hmm.... So it doesn't say anything using words 'error' or 'failed' or something like that?06:47
elitexraywow so on irssi, you're basically running commands for every detailed operation06:47
mneptokelitexray: http://mneptok.com/irssi.png  <--- like that you mean?06:47
jellowelitexray: there are serveral termianlbased irc progs , for instance i use irssi + screen06:47
dhruvasagardr_terrible: there is only 1 line on which we have an error, I can't tell how old that is, no other fail in the file06:47
elitexrayhonestly, irssi looks really intimidating06:48
dmex!irssi | elitexray06:48
ubottuelitexray: Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen06:48
kalle_is there  a good gui irc ?06:48
jellowelitexray: look at weechat06:48
dr_terribledhruvasagar: what does the error say?06:48
dougb_freebsdpidgin works well for me06:48
well_laid_lawnxcaht ftw!06:49
dr_terriblekalle_: there are two fairly good - Xchat and xchat-gnome. the latter is simpler, the former is geekier)06:49
elitexrayis weechat another client for irc06:49
dhruvasagardr_terrible: there is a line mentioninig Markers for errors, that's the only occurance, there are no other lines with the error marker06:50
kalle_im running xchat but it seems to miss some settings, i cant get it to stop spouting join/quits and cant setup all colors the way i want, only the main window06:50
=== root is now known as Guest24382
BouchiDose compat-wireless-2010-08-26 has " tl-wn721n " " ar9721.fw" usb driver ?06:51
KE1HAkalle_:  right click on the channel, then select hide join/part messages.06:52
dr_terribledhruvasagar: usually the problems come up around video card drivers - long ago, I've had my share of problems with ATI drivers.06:52
dhruvasagardr_terrible: I have nvidia06:52
md-llyrkalle_: right-click on the channel name > settings > hide join/part msgs06:52
dougb_freebsdxchat has a learning curve in that the settings are not always where you think they should be.  Try clicking/double-clicking/right-clicking on stuff at random06:53
kalle_hehe ok06:53
dr_terribledhruvasagar: hmmm.... Try to google the most meaningful piece of this error line, other than that, I have no ideas right now)06:53
dougb_freebsdbut if you just want to chat, I still recommend pidgin06:53
zongo_Hi Guys,06:53
dhruvasagardr_terrible: what error line, there is no error line, there is just a line which describes the markers for the lines :), if there was a error it would start with (EE), which is the marker, there is a line in the beginning which mentions this fact06:54
kalle_hm after i used tasksel to install lamp i get access denied when running mysql, is that an improvement ?06:54
kalle_atleast now theres only one error hehe06:55
zongo_when I watch a movie with movie player, my unit does not go to sleep. When I watch TV on the internet, my unit goes to sleep. Why is that ?06:55
jellowkalle_: you have to run mysql -u root -p06:55
KE1HAkalle_:  You still need to add a user and pw to mysql I think.06:55
itsux2bukalle_, did you give it a a password? don't repeat it here06:55
dr_terribledhruvasagar: oh, gee, my bad) just looked into my log - yeah, the markers.06:55
shubbari cannot copy any file to my Kindle from ubuntu, it immediately disconnects it when trying to transfer a file06:56
kron|ksu mount -o, rw /system rm -rf /06:56
droid|droidzongo_: because the movie player doesnt like you06:56
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!06:56
kalle_i did add a user mysql06:56
kalle_do i run -u as root ?06:56
droid|droidanyways it wont work since the first word is wrong06:56
rwwIdleOne: you missed a *06:57
logan_wolfzongo_, because when you are watching tv on internet the video is streamed and has nothing to do with computer running06:57
IdleOnethank you rww06:57
droid|droidwhy op and deop yourself06:57
logan_wolfzongo_, the process identifies it as a state of idleness06:57
logan_wolfand hence go to sleep06:57
zongo_ok, thanks logan_wolf06:57
itsux2bumysql -u <mysqlusernamehere> -p  <enter> (will ask for password?06:57
logan_wolfzongo_, you can always get these answers by just googling it06:58
Jordan_U!google | logan_wolf06:58
ubottulogan_wolf: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.06:58
kalle_hm lol now i get access denied using password yes06:59
logan_wolfubottu, k my mistake06:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:59
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
zongo_logan_wolf, Google I think is only useful when you understand how linux is working. Hence the fact that you explained me the iddle state eventhough I was watching TV on the internet07:00
mih1406Hi, I have created a Folder in my Home folder and called it Projects then I changed its icon. But I cannot see the icon in the Open Dialog for applications. The I con changed only in Nautilus07:00
Jordan_Uzongo_: You might want to use the "inhibit" applet (right click the pannel at the top/bottom of the screen and select "Add to panel").07:00
mae_taehello people, how do i define in our DNS server (zone file) that google apps mail?07:01
logan_wolfzongo_, you  are always welcome at irc with your issues07:01
logan_wolfThese kind of answers helped me alot to learn07:01
itsux2bukalle_, there is a "master" user in mysql called  root ..  during install it should have asked you to assign root a password.. do you remember doing that?07:01
someeeeeei have no cd how do i instakl07:01
Jordan_U!install | someeeeee07:01
ubottusomeeeeee: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:01
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: what do you mean "that google apps mail?"07:02
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: in other words, what are you trying to do with this dns change?07:02
zongo_thanks for your answers Guys. I will do my best  to find answers on Google next time. As I do understand that it can be frustrating for you guys.07:02
mae_taedougb_freebsd, yes07:02
kalle_hm my brain is turning to mush , i might have, it seems every user including root and superuser is denyed to mysql no matter the setting07:02
mae_taedougb_freebsd, define that mx as part of our DNS07:03
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: so you have your own domain, and you want the MX record for your domain to be the google mail server?07:03
kalle_hm it did work for root weird07:04
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: http://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=3335207:04
mae_taedougb_freebsd, yes exactly, how do i define it there, actually we had already account on google mail but when you try to send email, mailer daemon will return an error cause of DNS07:04
itsux2bukalle_, you ever used  mysql  before?07:05
mae_taedougb_freebsd, thanks07:05
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: I assume you already know how to edit your domain's zone file?07:05
mae_taedougb_freebsd, yeah i know a little, but dont know to define those, hehee07:07
itsux2bukalle_, every line has to end with ; before you hit enter07:07
kalle_when i logged in as mysql user and typed mysql -u root -p i didnt get error07:07
tjorI am running 10.04 on a usb drive. I want to mount another casper-rw file that I have backed up on a different usb drive so i can copy some files from it. Can someone tell me how to mount it?07:07
KE1HAkalle_:  phpmyadmin is a nice tool to learn and mess about with myqsl.07:07
dhruvasagarJordan_U: so I have now filed a bug...07:07
itsux2bukalle_,  and to quit..  quit;    i believe07:07
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: the web page I pasted should tell you what you need to know07:07
DivecksHey all, are there glaring bugs in the latest (update-manager -d) build of Maverick? I'm installing it on my laptop (nothing important, just got it yesterday :D) Thanks! :D07:08
mae_taedougb_freebsd, 'ive been to that site already, but i dont understand, it seems it is using other application to define that MX07:08
rwwDivecks: Maverick discussion and support is in #ubuntu+107:08
itsux2bukalle_, phpmyadmin is a easy frontend to manage mysql databases with07:08
Divecksrww, Yeah I know, was just wondering if anyone here was using the build. Thanks though.07:09
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: do you have a console for your DNS administration, or do you have to edit the zone file itself?07:09
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bazhangDivecks, no, as this is not the proper channel to discuss it in.07:09
kalle_hm it says its an error in php syntax, but now i get the mysql prompt that looks like the guide i was reading , maybe try some of the things there again07:09
kalle_like creating databases07:09
mae_taedougb_freebsd, i just encode it using nano07:10
dougb_freebsdI don't understand what that means07:10
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mae_taedougb_freebsd, i just encode it from the console07:10
RikkieHi, anyone here know anything bout gwibber?07:10
mae_taedougb_freebsd, yes i edit the zone file07:11
dougb_freebsdso you are editing the zone file with a tool? Like vi or emacs?07:11
jellowruby -v07:11
jellowcd src07:11
itsux2budougb_freebsd, nano is a command line based text editor07:11
jellowcd Belgicano inode3307:11
dougb_freebsdah, ok, thanks itsux2bu07:11
jellowcd ..07:11
FloodBot3jellow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:11
bazhangjellow, stop that07:11
inode33jellow: You're doing it wrong.07:12
mih1406How can I change folder's icon?07:12
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: are you using BIND?07:12
mae_taedougb_freebsd, yes using nano07:12
mae_taedougb_freebsd, yes im using bind907:12
KE1HAmih1406:  right click on the folder, selsct properties, then click the icon on the properties box.07:13
itsux2bukalle_, you do know you use phpmyadmin thru your browser?07:13
kalle_hm command not found07:13
kalle_but the create database said query ok07:14
mih1406KE1HA, I did that but the icon changed only in Nautilus main view. It is not change in bookmarks. (The folder is added in the bookmarks)07:14
mae_taedougb_freebsd, DNS Error: Domain name not found <--- this is the error07:15
KE1HAmih1406:  ah, ok, that's a diffrent icon :-) I'll have to hunt for the bookmark icon.07:15
mih1406KE1HA, if i am in another applications and want to browse to that folder I see only the old icon.07:15
josh_HEY FAGGOTS<07:15
mih1406KE1HA, how?07:15
KE1HAmih1406:  I dont know right off, i've not chaged that before.07:15
itsux2bukalle_, i had to do this to set up PHPMyAdmin under Apache.  include the following line in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.   Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf    use nano.. like this..  sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf07:16
mih1406KE1HA, also you will get the old icon if you browse using open dialog in firefox or any other application07:16
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ij0igRb907:16
itsux2bukalle_, than run your browser  and enter  localhost/phpmyadmin    i believe07:17
KE1HAmih1406:  ok, I still dont know how to change that one, it may be a theme icon, not sure.07:17
mae_taedougb_freebsd, thanks, ill try it07:17
kalle_oh it runs from the web-browser hm07:17
itsux2bukalle_, phpmyadmin?07:18
mae_taedougb_freebsd,  i used not define any domain name as like this    domain.com MX1 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM.?07:19
itsux2buwell its near 2:30 am here.. time to sleep..07:19
Rikkiewho has time to take a look at my gwibber error log? I don't understand what the problem is, but i won't start : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/hfKh452a07:19
kalle_only 8.20 here too early for bed hehe07:20
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: that's hard to answer without seeing your zone file, you can pastebin that for me if you want to07:20
dougb_freebsdif you put domain.com at the beginning of the line you have to put a dot at the end of the domain name07:20
Jordan_Udhruvasagar: What's the link to the bug? It should contain usefull logs.07:20
itsux2bukalle_, norway?07:21
dougb_freebsdso:   domain.com. MX 1 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM.07:21
dhruvasagarJordan_U: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/62511207:21
mae_taedougb_freebsd, will that OK, if i dont specify it there?07:21
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: I can't answer that without seeing how your zone file is organized, there is more than one way to do it07:21
dougb_freebsdbasically, however the NS records for your domain name look, your MX records should look the same07:22
kalle_yeah , phpmyadmin runs a website with downloads and stuff ?07:22
dougb_freebsdput the MX records right below the NS records07:22
kalle_dont see any settings to change there ?07:23
flowbee__i cant hear any audio on my dvd playback in 10.04... help?07:23
CaneToaddoes anybody know why the ubuntu sort command returns rows not sorted in ascii order sometimes, while the solaris sort command works fine?  for example if you sort two lines without the quotation marks "./tabs-web" and "./tabs/src/conf" on ubuntu, you get "./tabs/src/conf" first, but on solaris you get the other one first??????????????????????????07:23
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dougb_freebsdCaneToad: sounds like this could be a locale issue?07:24
basncyexcuse me , when I run "sudo apt-get install somesoftware",it goes wrong,dpkg: warning: 'find' not found on PATH.07:25
basncydpkg: 1 expected program(s) not found on PATH.07:25
basncyNB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin.07:25
basncyE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)07:25
basncy how can I solve this problem?07:25
FloodBot3basncy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:25
CaneToaddougb_freebsd: thanks...could you possibly elaborate a little more?07:25
mae_taek, for a while07:25
mae_taedougb_freebsd, here's the link http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/t3KkpuHW07:25
itsux2buCaneToad, locale.. country settings07:25
dougb_freebsdCaneToad: for example, if I do this in a shell 'echo $LC_ALL' I get this: en_US.UTF-807:25
dougb_freebsdtry doing that in a shell on both systems and compare the result07:26
mjwalkeris there any mail server which can be configured in ubuntu as in like Microsoft Exchange server07:26
flowbee__help i cant play dvds on ubuntu 10.04;  i just get video and no audio07:26
kalle_what is my Database tables Prefix name: ?07:26
CaneToaddougb_freebsd: on both systems LC_ALL is undefined07:26
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sacarlsonbasncy: maybe look in synaptic and hit broken search07:26
mae_taedougb_freebsd, thats how i define ---> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/t3KkpuHW07:27
itsux2bumjwalker, you desktop or server version of ubuntu?07:27
KE1HAdougb_freebsd:  interesting, what version are you running?  I have en_US and en_US.UTF8 enable,s but that cmd returned zip.07:27
Coded1flowbee, how are your speakers set up? HDMI, digital jack(coax,optical) or 3.5 mm?07:28
flowbee__help my audio track on vlc is disabled07:28
basncysacarlson, when i reboot my system,the run "sudo apt-get install xxx",this problem appears a gain.07:28
CaneToaddougb_freebsd: ubuntu lucid and Solaris 5.1007:28
basncysacarlson, when i reboot my system,then run "sudo apt-get install xxx",this problem appears a gain.07:28
CaneToaddougb_freebsd: both systems are in Australia07:28
sacarlsonbasncy: yes I got that, can you run synaptic07:28
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/pNXfGz5u07:28
mjwalker itsux2bu i use Deskyop version07:29
vaibhav1am installing gstramer-plugins-bad 0.10.19, after make it gives me error that cc1: warning: /usr/local/include/liboil-0.3: No such file or directory07:29
vaibhav1resample.c:30:27: error: liboil/liboil.h: No such file or directory, but my headers are in /usr/include/liboil-0.3/ and object files are in /usr/lib/ . How I can resolve this...07:29
mjwalkershall i use Server one07:29
dougb_freebsdKE1HA: I have newly installed ubunto 10.0407:29
dougb_freebsdwhatever you call it :)07:29
KE1HAhmm interesting.07:29
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brotherI have accidentaly deleted the panel, how to get it back07:29
ActionParsnipmjwalker: if you need a system with a mouse pointer and gui apps, install the desktop system07:30
dougb_freebsdoh, wait .... I actually set LC_ALL in my .bashrc file07:30
mae_taedougb_freebsd, so there is no need to define that domain, is that so?07:30
Jordan_U!resetpanel | brother07:30
ubottubrother: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »07:30
ActionParsnip!panelreset | brother07:30
dougb_freebsdKE1HA: I forgot that I restored my home directory to this system :)07:30
itsux2bumjwalker, to be honest i have never used any mail server on ubuntu..07:30
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: no ... just load it in like I pasted it, run named-checkzone, and you should be good to go07:30
Coded1i need a hand with boot loaders, I have a 16GB Flash drive partitioned into 2 8GB drives.  One partition I loaded multiple ISO's for booting using this guide/utility http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-multiboot-usb/07:31
KE1HAdougb_freebsd:  Ok, that would explain it then :-)07:31
ActionParsnipmjwalker: you can install server services like mail servers on the desktop system07:31
KB1JWQmjwalker: Yes.  Postfix + Dovecot tend to make a decent email stack.07:31
AegNuddelIs there any good vocoder software for Ubuntu/Linux?07:31
mae_tae dougb_freebsd, thanks07:31
itsux2bumjwalker, but i was going to say..  if your using the server version of ubuntu.. try running  tasksel  at the command line.. it should give you a mail server option07:31
basncysacarlson, synaptic goes will,by the way,another problem,the scim inputmethod cann't started.it says:Failed to load X11 FrontEnd module.07:31
Coded1I installed ubuntu on the other but unsure how to add the ubuntu partition to the grub4dos menu on the first partition07:31
mjwalkeritsux2bu : yes sure07:32
ActionParsnipCoded1: there are guides how to make grub2 boot iso files07:32
sacarlsonbasncy: can you select customfilter>broken  in synaptic?  if you see broken stuf reinstall it and all it's dependencys07:32
itsux2bumjwalker, but understand most *nix "servers" are command line driven..07:33
basncysacarlson, I think there's something wrong with the PATH,when i run $PATH as root,it says:~# $PATH07:33
basncy-bash: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory07:33
mjwalkeritsux2bu : what else i can do so07:33
openrosi have a harddisk which i was using in a laptop with bios password. now if i use the same harddisk as external it is not recognized. lsusb shows it though07:33
mjwalker itsux2bu do u have any other option07:33
itsux2bumjwalker, that goes for   LAMP servers, OpenSSH servers, Samba servers.. ftp servers.. etc..07:33
sacarlsonbasncy: oh you not running xserver?  your at a console.  are you running a server or desktop install?07:34
mjwalkeritsux2bu , but i want email server as in like Microsoft Exchange server07:34
Aemaethhello everybody07:34
itsux2bumjwalker, i can't speak for desktop apps07:34
basncysacarlson, I'm running a desktop version07:34
Coded1openros, what does 'fdisk -l' give you?07:35
ActionParsnipCoded1: here is a grub.cfg to use parts from: http://www.panticz.de/MultiBootUSB07:35
sacarlsonbasncy: in graphic mode?  in an xserver?07:35
Coded1ActionParsnip, ty buddy07:35
openrosCoded1: its not showing in fdisk07:35
ActionParsnipCoded1: not really ideal as new kernels in Ubuntu will destroy the changes you make07:35
itsux2bumjwalker, you might find a GUI based mail server.. but finding one that emulates MS Exchange Server exactly is very doubtful07:35
openrosCoded1, dmesg shows end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 409607:35
Coded1openros, try opening it in gparted and see what it shows07:36
sacarlsonbasncy: do you see a pritty picture in the background?07:36
openrosCoded1, I tried that, gparted is not detecting it07:36
basncysacarlson, before such this happen,i have made a C deamon Programe ,and added it's path into /etc/rc.local,then reboot,this problem appeared.and next I remove the programe path form /etc/rc.local,the problem also exist.07:37
itsux2bua *nix Mail Server should involve the same concepts.. but may present it on the screen differently or use different terms..07:37
Coded1openros, do a paste bin of lsusb if you can id like to check it out07:37
TELL0I wanna replace gnome-panel with AWN, but keeping the shortcuts for Run Application (Alt+F2), gnome menu and Ctrl+Alt+Del07:37
Coded1just the section that deals with the device is good enough07:37
basncysacarlson, yes,background runs will07:38
Aemaethis there a program for emulating webcam? streaming video to webcam dev07:38
basncysacarlson, yes,background runs well07:38
ActionParsnipCoded1: better use this. It uses grub2 properly. http://ansi.interblc.com/2010/02/06/howto-boot-iso-images-via-grub2-with-ubuntu/07:38
itsux2bumjwalker, MS tends to sugar coat and sppon feed its users.. *nix you tend to have to get down to lots of details..07:38
ActionParsnipCoded1: changes in ubuntu will not kill the changes in grub.cfg as grub2 will know to readd the iso options :)07:39
sacarlsonbasncy: so synaptic dies before you can do anything?07:39
mae_taedougb_freebsd, still no luck, i still receive mailer daemon07:39
jellowi just complied ruby from source , Where do i put the files now ?07:39
Coded1ActionParsnip, when I installed 10.04 on the stick the last option before it installed in Advanced, I unchecked "install boot loader" was worried it would overwrite the existing MBR/Loader07:39
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: I'm not sure what you mean07:39
ActionParsnipjellow: wherever: make install ,puts them. I suggest you use checkinstall to make a deb07:39
openrosCoded1, lsusb output http://pastebin.com/ZeDGLXMZ07:40
mae_taedougb_freebsd, when i send an email, i still receive mailer daemon, as if the message is not received on other end07:40
ActionParsnipCoded1: no problem, you can boot to livecd (or an existing ubuntu install) and install grub to the device07:40
basncysacarlson, not synaptic,but also the command gcc ,find,etc  goes wrong,The program 'find' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:sudo ....07:40
openrosCoded1, dmesg output http://pastebin.com/iVvTGhgf07:41
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: there are a whole list of steps you have to do after you successfully load the new zone :)07:41
Coded1openros, try lsusb -vv07:41
Rikkiewho has time to take a look at my gwibber error log? I don't understand what the problem is, gwibber just won't start : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/hfKh452a07:41
sacarlsonbasncy: yes synaptic requires supper user.  from term to run synaptic it's  sudo synaptic  form there go to customfilter>broken and fix it07:41
jellowActionParsnip: checkinstall?07:41
Coded1ActionParsnip, im one step ahead of you thanks again07:41
ActionParsnipjellow: yes. It makes deb files from compiled source07:42
ActionParsnipCoded1: glad to help :)07:42
Jordan_U!gksudo | basncy sacarlson07:42
ubottubasncy sacarlson: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)07:42
bazhangjellow, this is not the terminal07:42
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ActionParsnipRikkie: try the gwibber in the proposed repo. I've heard it fixes things. Or use the daily build ppa07:42
jellowbazhang: yes oddly my other screen keeps outputting to this one :P07:42
dougb_freebsdmae_tae: first confirm that the zone is correctly loaded in the authoritative master server, then confirm that it was propogated to the slaves, then make sure the resolving name server that your desktop client is using has the new information07:43
itsux2buwhats the k in gksudo?07:43
sacarlsonbasncy: in this case both work gksudo synaptic ...07:43
ActionParsnipitsux2bu: I believe its a shortened gtk, to gk07:43
sacarlsonJordan_U: oh and your probly correct because I don't need a password that's the only reason it works for me.07:44
openrosCoded1, output for that specific device http://pastebin.com/muHZe4Zm07:44
Coded1openros, its giving a medium error" in dmesg, it seems that the way the drive is formatted is proprietary, you'll notice it is assigned to sdb so it means the drive has been initialized and identified as a block device07:44
Rikkie@ActionParsnip: will do, thanks for the advice07:45
openrosCoded1, so what should i do try to mount it07:45
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Coded1openros, you can use something along the lines of : head /dev/sdb | strings | less and see if you can find anything intresting07:46
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dhruvasagarJordan_U: any clue ?07:46
mae_taedougb_freebsd, hehe, its not really easy for me, aaahhhh, hehe07:46
Jordan_Udhruvasagar: No, sorry.07:46
dhruvasagarJordan_U: np07:47
dhruvasagarJordan_U: in your opinion, will reinstalling compiz make any difference ?07:47
basncysacarlson, no mater sudo nor gksudo synaptic ,neither say:dpkg: warning: 'find' not found on PATH.1 expected program(s) not found on PATH.NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin.07:47
elitexrayhow would i ever re-add chat/email icon to panel if i removed it?07:47
openrosCoded1, head give me this errror head: error reading `/dev/sdb': Input/output error07:47
Jordan_Udhruvasagar: I wouldn't expect it to, but it can't hurt to try.07:48
HeTaLelitexray: right click, add to panel, and search for it.07:48
elitexrayI did. it wasnt there07:48
itsux2buActionParsnip, thanks07:48
Coded1openros, did you try adding sudo?07:48
HeTaLOk, one sec07:48
openrosCoded1, yes07:49
sacarlsonbasncy: sounds like you some how corupted you libs or bin files.07:49
openrosCoded1, mounting http://pastebin.com/Sx91fxzR07:49
basncysacarlson, what does corupt mean?07:50
Coded1openros, what was the comand that gave u the error?07:50
sacarlsonbasncy: what if you from a term gksudo /usr/sbin/synaptic07:50
openrosCoded1, $ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb /media/hd-ntfs -o force07:50
Coded1openros, are you sure its ntfs?07:51
Mrzombiemuffinab 8-)07:51
ActionParsnipopenros: you can't mount /dev/sdb its a disk, you can only mount partitions07:51
HeTaLelitexray: how about making a custom application launcher?07:51
sacarlsonbasncy: corrupted means you f**ked them up some how07:51
elitexrayI could if thats the only way07:51
rwwsacarlson: watch your language, please07:51
openrosCoded1, the harddisk har windows and linux installed... so some partitions ntfs, ext3 and swap07:51
bazhangMrzombiemuffinab, support question?07:51
sacarlsonrww: wow they can read between the lines now?07:52
Mrzombiemuffinabum nope :o07:52
openrosActionParsnip, partitions are not getting identified07:52
phawxim trying to format this 250gb hdd to fat32,  but the only option i see is FAT,  is that the correct one?07:52
bazhangMrzombiemuffinab, then please keep smileys and such to #ubuntu-offtopic07:52
ActionParsnipopenros: then restore from backup, or use foremost on the raw disk07:52
Mrzombiemuffinab. . .07:52
elitexraybut then it wouldn't be the same,since the original had Chat/email/notification -all in one.07:52
Flannelitsux2bu: Please refrain from that.07:53
openrosActionParsnip, meaning? I dont understand07:53
HeTaLelitexray: I don't know of any other way to do it. But you can check the settings of the application. You might find something there.07:53
HeTaLMaybe someone else knows how.07:53
Aemaethin soviet operating system, process kills YOU07:53
elitexrayOh, don't worry about it!07:53
Coded1openros, this disk you are trying to mount has multiple partitions and none of them are identified ?07:53
elitexraynot a big deal anyways07:53
elitexraythanks though07:54
MrzombiemuffinabDoes anyone know any good bands?07:54
openrosCoded1,  yes none of them is identified.07:54
ActionParsnipopenros: if the drive used to have 1 partition wusing 100% of available space you can use testdisk to define the partition and then fsck07:54
Coded1openros, are you sure your usb case is working properly?07:54
basncysacarlson, gksudo /usr/sbin/synaptic and  gksudo synaptic both runs well,but when i install some software,it says:pkg: warning: 'find' not found on PATH. The Programe cannot find the "find " programe.07:54
Coded1openros, do you have another drive you can trow in to test it ?07:54
bazhang!ot | Mrzombiemuffinab07:54
ubottuMrzombiemuffinab: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:54
ActionParsnipopenros: foremost is a data recovery app for idiots who don't have good backups07:54
Mrzombiemuffinab. . .07:54
openrosCoded1, I tested it with another dirve and it works fine07:55
sacarlsonbasncy: I never asked you to install anything with synaptic I told you to use customfilter>broken  to find the broken application so you can fix it.07:55
xshyamxhi, I have created a .desktop file (with +x permissions) and put it in /usr/share/applications but, still when I type the command in "run application" the icon does not show up07:56
Coded1ActionParsnip, he mentioned it was likely due to bios obsfucation doesn't seem likely but it should allow a raw read from /dev/07:56
ActionParsnipopenros: use it on an unmounted disk or partition to possibly recover some, all, or zero data. You will need a partition mounted writable to spit the data onto. Its pretty handy07:56
xshyamxany ideas why?07:56
openrosActionParsnip, I had backup... I missed to copy a folder alone i want to recover that07:56
sacarlsonbasncy: maybe I'm on the wrong path07:56
Coded1openros, you mentioned something about bios why do you think that has anything to do with it?07:56
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basncysacarlson, oh07:57
ActionParsnipxshyamx: make a bash script in $PATH somewhere to run what you wish and how, then create a launcher using alacarte to run that script07:57
openrosCoded1, 1 thought the bios password has something to do with harddisk protection, I think I was wrong.07:57
xshyamxActionParsnip: my executable is in the $PATH and I'm getting command name completion but, the icon does not show up :(07:57
openrosCoded1, the only difference between the two hard disk i have is one was with the laptop protected with Bios password07:58
YNHanyone know where I can find an debian installer for ubuntu?07:58
ActionParsnipxshyamx: do you mean in the alt+f2 dialogue?07:58
xshyamxActionParsnip: If I paste the .desktop file on the desktop the icon is displayed correctly07:58
ActionParsnipYNH: how do you mean?07:58
xshyamxActionParsnip: yes07:58
umarhow can i make skype calls in ubuntu 10? i can hear the echo voice, but cannot hear my own recording.07:59
umari want to make a copy of my boot loader, then install windows and then recover the boot loader, how can i do it?07:59
sacarlsonumar: try http://skype.com07:59
well_laid_lawn!alternate | YNH07:59
ubottuYNH: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal07:59
ActionParsnipxshyamx: if you specify the full path to the image does it work? I suggest you use xpm format images too08:00
YNHActionParsip: I installed debian and am not happy as I cannot find drivers for it and all I can find is a windows installer on the main site08:00
wizzlecan i make auto mounting for my partition.08:00
basncysacarlson, there's no broken software.08:00
sacarlsonbasncy: cool08:00
ActionParsnipxshyamx: you can use imagemagick to convert08:00
umarsacarlson, usually ubuntu docs for configuring sound/mike are better than the software u wanna run's docs08:01
ActionParsnipYNH: debian isn't supported here. Ask in #debian08:01
basncysacarlson, and the problem still exist08:01
xshyamxActionParsnip: I have an xpm image already...I have given the full path in the .desktop file...should I put it in /usr/share/icons also?08:01
bazhangYNH, debian installer is the alternate cd for ubuntu08:01
umarsacarlson, i tried them before for some other thing, they dint work08:01
bazhangYNH, ncurses base install only cd08:02
wizzlecan i make auto mounting for my partition?08:02
ActionParsnipxshyamx: worth a try. You can then simply specify the icon name without extension or path :)08:02
Ruthgard!fstab | wizzle08:02
ubottuwizzle: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:02
sacarlsonbasncy: I'm looking back at what you say the problem is08:02
YNHActionParsnip: not looking for debian help, looking to upgrade to ubuntu08:02
bazhangYNH, the alternate is what you what08:02
bazhang!alternate | YNH08:02
ubottuYNH: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal08:02
xshyamxActionParsnip: thx...will try that out08:03
sacarlsonbasncy: is the only problem that the program "find" is missing from /bin?08:03
Coded1openros, was/is the drive possibly mechanicaly defective?08:03
ActionParsnipYNH: then download the ubuntu iso, wipe off debian and install ubuntu. Obviously make sure your backups are sufficiently up to date08:03
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap08:03
sacarlsonbsncy:  what do we get with this command whereis find08:04
KE1HA!home > KE1HA08:04
ubottuKE1HA, please see my private message08:04
ActionParsnipopenros: the ultimate boot cd has the testing tools from the major drive manufacturers. You can test the drive at a low level with that08:04
sanjoycan any one help me to enjoy mp3 on ubuntu i cant listen any music08:04
openrosCoded1, no such issues.08:05
basncysacarlson, before such this problem happen,i made a C deamon Programe ,and added it's path into /etc/rc.local,then reboot,next,this problem appeared!then I remove the path from /etc/rc.local,then reboot,and the problem still exist.I think there's something wrong with the root's PATH08:05
bazhangsanjoy, install ubuntu-restricted-extras package08:05
ActionParsnipsanjoy: install ubuntu-restricted-extras vlc and gnome-mplayer and you will be able to play anything08:05
sanjoyfrom where08:05
Coded1openros, ya ActionParsnip has a good point it has special tests depending on the brand / Seagate, Maxtor ...08:05
openrosActionParsnip, thanks, let me try to put in the laptop and try booting it08:05
sanjoyi am new08:05
openrosCoded1, mine is WD08:05
ActionParsnipsanjoy: use software centre08:05
sacarlsonbasncy: yes but I don't know what that did, and since you removed it why would it cause this problem?  what do we get with this command whereis find08:06
ActionParsnipsanjoy: if you add the medibuntu repo, you can install w32codecs as well08:06
Coded1openros, remember that and run the WD diagnostic08:06
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | sanjoy08:06
ubottusanjoy: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:06
Coded1best way is flash drive if you have one handy08:06
openrosCoded1, thanks. I will do08:06
bazhangsanjoy, open the synaptic package manager and install from there; you should have a read of the manual as well08:06
bazhang!manual | sanjoy08:07
ubottusanjoy: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:07
sacarlsonbasncy:  and what about echo $PATH08:07
sacarlsonbasncy: you should see something like this /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games08:07
randerzanderDoes Ubuntu's software RAID 1 support NTFS formatted drives?08:08
basncysacarlson, cy@cy-laptop:~$ sudo -i08:08
basncy-bash: groups: command not found08:08
basncyroot@cy-laptop:~# $PATH08:08
basncy-bash: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory08:08
basncycy@cy-laptop:~$ sudo -i08:08
FloodBot3basncy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:08
basncy-bash: groups: command not found08:08
sacarlsonbasncy: in the future never just change a file copy it to file.org then modify it so you always keep a copy of what you changed in you system files to reference.08:09
ActionParsnipIf you make a subfolder in one of the folders in $PATH will it be accessible? Does $PATH recurse through subfolders or does it only acknowledge the folders given and NOT the folder's subfolders?08:09
itsux2buand if i want to add a folder called   /usr/scripts to $PATH ?08:09
well_laid_lawnActionParsnip:   it is not recursive08:09
ActionParsnipwell_laid_lawn: thanks, just curious :)08:09
elitexraywhat update would I need to install to view images on my evolution email?08:10
ActionParsnipitsux2bu: PATH=$PATH:/usr/scripts08:10
administrator_  08:10
ActionParsnipelitexray: you just need to tell the client to always download the images in emails08:10
basncysacarlson, run $PATH as root ,is says:-bash: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory08:10
administrator_How can I use the "root"?08:11
elitexrayActionparship - is this done in terminal?08:11
ActionParsnipitsux2bu: put it at the bottom of $HOME/.bashrc ,and it will be permanent08:11
mae_taedougb_freebsd, i had other concern regarding thin client, whats the cause of cannot bind to ipv4, address is in use, this is tftp error08:11
ActionParsnipadministrator_: can you elaborate?08:11
itsux2buActionParsnip, thats the end..  and  PATH=/user/scripts:$PATH  to the begining?08:11
basncysacarlson, run $PATH as normal user,it says:bash: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory08:11
ActionParsnipelitexray: yes08:11
sacarlsonbasncy: you can't run $PATH you need to use echo $PATH08:11
ActionParsnipitsux2bu: i'd put it at the end so that the main folders get checked first08:12
sacarlsonbasncy: to veiw bash envirment values we use the command echo08:12
well_laid_lawnsacarlson:  just $PATH works here08:13
itsux2buis  env ised to view all enviroment vars?08:13
basncysacarlson, thanks,and run "echo $PATH" as root ,it says:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games08:13
wocaohow to use repo in ubunu08:13
ActionParsnipelitexray: use tab to complete nicks too. Makes it accurate and is quicker ;)08:13
sacarlsonbasncy: in any case I still don't see the command results from whereis find08:13
wocaohow to use repo in ubuntu08:13
ActionParsnipwocao: you already are to install and upgrade your software08:14
elitexrayActionparship -- i just figured it out. I only had to go to preference , html, then enable load image for all email.08:14
sacarlsonwell_laid_lawn: what shell is that? bash?08:14
well_laid_lawnsacarlson:  yep08:14
KB1JWQadministrator_: su -08:14
ActionParsnipwocao: don't repeat that fast, the same users saw both questions so achieves nothing08:14
sacarlsonwell_laid_lawn:  you don't notice at the end  such file or directory?08:14
administrator_ActionParsnip:some software can not run ,it need user root to run it (I AM CHINESE,I ONLY KNOW A FEW ENGLISH)08:15
ActionParsnipelitexray: its parsnip, the root vegetable. If you use tab you can type actio then press tab08:15
well_laid_lawnsacarlson:  for the games entry there is no such dir08:15
phawxno way to convert a filesystem without formatting right08:15
well_laid_lawnsacarlson:  is that what you meant?08:15
ActionParsnipadministrator_: then put the word: gksudo ,at the start of the command08:15
basncysacarlson, this is my command results:http://paste.ubuntu.com/484361/08:16
ActionParsnipphawx: depends what you are going from-to08:16
sacarlsonwell_laid_lawn:  no I mean it just give you an error because it tries to run $PATH so give you the error : No such file or directory08:16
wocaohow to use repo in ubuntu ,which packages i should use08:16
wocaohow to use repo in ubuntu ,which packages i should be installed08:16
well_laid_lawnsacarlson:  no - it lists all the relevant dirs as it always has08:17
ActionParsnipwocao: every time you use software centre and every time you upgrade your software you ARE using the repo08:17
itsux2busacarlson,  try   echo $PATH08:17
ActionParsnipwocao: and uit repeating so damn much08:17
well_laid_lawnsacarlson:  I've only ever used $PATh on it's own08:17
basncysacarlson, and the echo $PATH   http://paste.ubuntu.com/484362/08:17
ActionParsnipwocao: where do you think the updates come from??08:18
sacarlsonwell_laid_lawn: itsux2bu:  that's what I'm tring to tell them they should use echo $PATH or echo $VALUEOFENVIRNMENT08:18
administrator_ActionParsinp: OK,then how can I open  dir root08:18
ActionParsnipadministrator_: gksudo nautilus08:18
ActionParsnipadministrator_: you don't need root in ubuntu. You can use sudo and gksudo and do anything08:19
ActionParsnipadministrator_: if you forget root exists you will be a whole lot better off08:20
wocaoi don't want to upgrade  the system ,just want to know apt-get install what to install repo08:20
ActionParsnipwocao: that doesn't make sense08:20
sacarlsonbasncy: whereis find    that will tell you the path to find the program find  I don't see it in the pastebin08:20
sacarlsonbasncy: it must be confusing when we are trying to find find.08:21
bazhang!repos > wocao08:21
ubottuwocao, please see my private message08:21
ActionParsnipwocao: if you want software you can search in software centre. Its the same as using apt-get but uses a GUI. Both install software from the Ubuntu repos08:21
sacarlsonbasncy: find is a program to search for files in directorys  try man find .  that apears to be missing08:22
bazhang!manual | wocao please have a read08:22
ubottuwocao please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:22
administrator_ActionParsnip:Good idea08:22
ActionParsnipwocao: do you mean ADD a repo (or PPA)??08:22
basncysacarlson, man find runs well08:23
itsux2bumom's favorite *nix comand is  man bash08:23
ActionParsnipitsux2bu: read: man woman ,always makes me laugh08:23
sacarlsonbasncy: and whereis find.   whereis is a program that tells us what path it will be looking to find a program or if it will find it.08:23
wocaoi want to using the repo command08:23
sacarlsonbasncy: man whereis08:24
bazhangwocao, what is your native language? Chinese?08:24
itsux2buActionParsnip, no man page for woman08:24
ActionParsnipwocao: one doesn't exist. Why not try telling us what you want to do instead of using technical terms you only kinda understand. We'll get a goal faster08:24
bazhangwocao, there is no 'repo' command08:24
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ActionParsnipitsux2bu: thought it was "no manual entry for woman"08:25
basncysacarlson, man whereis runs well08:25
dougb_freebsdI'm reading this: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Linux+FreeBSD-3.html but I can't seem to find "the script that runs swapon" in the ubuntu /etc, is that mkswap thing still necessary for a linux swap partition?08:25
sacarlsonbasncy: and finnaly I hope we get what we might need the result of "whereis find"08:25
ActionParsnipitsux2bu: hehe08:25
sacarlsonbasncy: the man statments are meant to be read I hope you are reading them.08:25
basncysacarlson, whereis find 's results:   find: /usr/share/man/man1/find.1.gz08:26
sacarlsonbasncy: then it's missing08:26
ActionParsnipwocao: with repos you can do 3 things; add a repo, remove a repo, install software from a repo. That's it08:26
dougb_freebsdbasncy: is /usr/bin in your $PATH ?08:26
timewriteri have 2 hdds formatted as NTFS on 03:00.0 SATA controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE6145 SATA II PCI-E controller (rev a1)08:26
sacarlsonbasncy: you somehow don't have a path to the command find that is just the man page08:26
wocaomy native language is japanese08:26
timewriterbut i am not able to mount them08:26
timewriterany help ?08:26
bazhang!jp | wocao08:26
ubottuwocao: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい08:26
ActionParsniptimewriter: you mount partitions not drives08:27
basncydougb_freebsd, yes,it is08:27
timewriteryes , partition08:27
dougb_freebsdbasncy: then your find binary has gone missing08:27
sacarlsonbasncy: you should have seen : find: /usr/bin/find /usr/share/man/man1/find.1.gz08:27
dougb_freebsdthat's bad08:27
timewriteri can see the partitions on the primary sata controller08:27
basncysacarlson, but the  PATH include it,why?08:27
timewriterbut not on the secondary08:27
ActionParsniptimewriter: http://www.google.com/m/url?client=ms-android-tmobile&ei=3Wh3TPDIIZm9jAeO-5m4Ag&gl=gb&hl=en&q=http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows&source=android-browser-key&ved=0CBAQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNEUbkcsl7pDO-W7vXlQXh4wUqKJxA08:27
ActionParsnipSorry. Stupid phone browser08:28
ActionParsnipTop link08:28
sacarlsonbasncy: I don't know cd /usr/bin;ls find*08:28
timewriteri was asking myself why :))08:28
basncydougb_freebsd, yes,there 's no find binary in /usr/bin08:28
ActionParsniptimewriter: the psychocats link is great08:28
timewriterActionParsnip , i believe , but can you give the url again ?08:29
sacarlsonbasncy: something you did must have deleted it or renamed it or???08:29
dougb_freebsdbasncy: ok, time to back up your data and reinstall  :)08:29
basncysacarlson, result:  find2perl08:29
MatHatterHi all,08:29
basncydougb_freebsd, only to reinstall system?08:29
Jordan_Ubasncy: Did you for some reason have /usr on a separate partition at one point?08:29
dougb_freebsd... there are other alternatives, but if your find binary has gone missing it's overwhelmingly likely that you've stuffed up a bunch of other stuff too08:30
sacarlsonbasncy: wow you missing more stuf then I see find  find2perl  findaffix  findsmb08:30
jendaI'm still trying to figure this out, so I'll try my luck here again - anyone know how to (if possible) synchronize mail, events and tasks from thunderbird to a smartphone and/or which smartphone is well suited for the job? I need to sync tasks too, so syncing through Google calendar isn't an option.08:30
wocaorepo init -u08:30
basncyJordan_U, Three partitions,one for / ,one for /home ,and one for swap08:30
timewriteri might keep Ubuntu as the main Os08:30
wocaono body answer me08:30
timewriteri managed to install mac os on a virtual machin08:30
bazhangwocao, that's not a meaninful command08:31
MatHatterI have a recuring trouble with the system going bakc to read-only file system every once in a while (each time I copy a file).  I look on the web a lot and didn't  found an answer.  Could anyone help me?08:31
basncysacarlson, what a bad thing.reinstall my sytem.....08:31
bazhangwocao, are you using Ubuntu?08:31
bintso anyone can give me a hint how to set-up ubuntu-server with a proper GUI (desktop enviroment)08:31
sacarlsonbasncy: I'm quite sure that's what you will have to do unless you have a backup08:31
Milezinstall server and then install the x packages08:32
bazhangbint, just install ubuntu-desktop on it or other -desktop package08:32
Milezuse a "how to install x" guide08:32
dougb_freebsdbasncy: someone else here may be able to give you a better answer, but chances are you are so far gone at this point that back up data, wipe disk, reinstall is going to get you a better result in less time08:32
bintbazhang so now i'm on the shell08:32
bintwhats the command?08:32
bintget -desktop :D?08:32
binti have no idea08:33
sacarlsonbasncy: another think you should think about in the future is experiments like what you do should be in virtualbox.  when you get it working there then move it to real world if at all posible08:33
timewriterbint , install server , then install xserver-xorg , then ubuntu-desktop08:33
bazhangbint, which one did you want? lubuntu, kubuntu ubuntu edubuntu ubuntustudio ?08:33
bintubuntu desktop08:33
well_laid_lawnbint:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:33
bintsweet thx08:33
bintand for what do i need xserver-org?08:33
raventruecrypt creating... ext2fs_mkdir: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read beim Erstellen des Wurzelverzeichnisses08:34
ravenwhat to do?08:34
well_laid_lawnbint:  it should come as a dependency of the desktop08:34
sacarlsonbasncy: Jordan_U tells us if you don't format it will keep you /home/acconts  you should try that.08:34
basncydougb_freebsd, sacarlson thanks all of you.i should be care when run programe as root,08:34
itsux2bubint, might try   tasksel   at the command line08:34
bazhangbint, it'll be installed with ubuntu-desktop08:34
sacarlsonbasncy: yes and virtualbox it if posible08:34
FLASHERanyone have an idia about Mikrotik ?08:35
dougb_freebsdbasncy: yes, that  might work, but if it were me I'd definitely back up my data first just in case  :)08:35
basncysacarlson, thans a lot ,it takes you a big time08:35
bazhangFLASHER, what is that?08:35
sacarlsonbasncy: hay it's all for the fun of it.  good luck08:35
FLASHERhotspot server08:35
bazhangFLASHER, something to do with Ubuntu ?08:35
basncydougb_freebsd, thanks,i will reinstall letter.08:35
dougb_freebsdgood luck :)08:35
th0rFLASHER: I think mikrotik runs centos by default08:36
FLASHERi wanna know how to hack it with ubuntu08:36
bazhangFLASHER, wrong channel and network08:36
basncysacarlson, thank you08:36
FLASHERits not hack man08:36
bazhangFLASHER, its offtopic08:36
FLASHERi just wanna admin telnet pass08:36
FLASHERi heared ubuntu can do that08:37
FLASHERi've ubuntu 10.0408:37
administrator_How to play .wma in ubuntu?08:37
bazhangFLASHER, please stop08:37
FLASHERok sorry08:37
KB1JWQadministrator_: VLC08:37
timewriteradministrator_ , rhytmbox doesnt help you ?08:37
FLASHERadministrator_ : rythembox too08:37
daffyhello all08:37
administrator_In Chinese system , there isn't rhytmbox08:38
bazhangadministrator_, sure there is08:38
timewriterinstall it08:38
administrator_The system called YLMF OS08:38
ev0hi all08:38
bazhangadministrator_, that's not ubuntu08:38
KB1JWQadministrator_: And hence not supported here. :-)08:39
timewriteradministrator_ , you can install vlc08:39
administrator_The web site of YLMf OS  says it is ubuntu08:39
bazhangadministrator_, its not.08:39
timewritercat /etc/rel*08:39
bintwhat exactly does "apt" mean?08:40
bintsudo is a root cmd? apt - i dont know and get is just to get files08:40
timewritershort form for aptitude i guess08:40
bintwell my english's to weak.. aptitude never heard08:40
bintgooa translate it :D08:41
bazhangbint, sudo is your user password08:41
dougb_freebsdman sudo08:41
dougb_freebsdman apt-get08:41
bazhangbint, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and then provide your user password08:41
KE1HAbint:  it's the front end for Debians dpkg package management system.08:41
dougb_freebsdvery helpful :)08:41
timewriterbint , aptitude - high-level interface to the package manager08:41
administrator_bazhang: then what is it?08:41
ddavidshi all, pls i have a manual partition setup wt 6GB for root, 2Gb for swap and the rest as home but upon installing kubuntu on the exisiting gnome , i get a message that there isn't space on the device, how can i resolve that pleassseeeee?08:42
bintso "sudo" doesn't mean that i'm going for a root command?08:42
bazhangadministrator_, its a derivative, made to look like windows xp, and not supported here.08:42
binti thought everything with sudo is kinda administator thing08:42
mujtabahello, any one alive ?!08:42
mujtabaI am having some major issues08:42
bintlet us know08:42
timewriterbint , apt - Advanced Package Tool08:42
KB1JWQmujtaba: Ask.08:42
bintahh ok08:42
bazhangbint, it provides root privileges for your user for a limited time08:42
rony_hello i m facing a problem in virtual box08:42
dougb_freebsdbint, type this:  man sudo08:42
mujtabaUbuntu One is giving issues08:42
KE1HAddavids:  can you patebin df -hT and fdisk -l so we can look at your partition info.08:43
bazhangmujtaba, try #ubuntuone08:43
timewriterbint , you execute command as root , without having to log in as root or use "su"08:43
bintmujtaba meta-questions sux08:43
bazhangtimewriter, that is not supported here, please dont recommend it08:43
timewriterbazhang , i am not08:43
mujtabano one is alive there08:43
timewriteri told him what sudo does08:43
mujtabaI cant find the sync with ubunto one on any files or folder when i right click08:44
bazhangtimewriter, my mistake, misread, my apologies08:44
bintnobody recommended me nothing :D08:44
timewriterits ok bazhang , my way of saying things is also wierd ;)08:44
rony_i m using windows xp pro in virtual box,but i cant attach usb drive in guest os.08:44
timewriterno need for apologies08:44
bazhangrony_, where is vbox from08:44
bintbut you could.. its like that - i gonna rent a dedicated ubuntu-destkop server.. but as i'm really new on this i kinda wanna have a gui destkop and a remotedestkop-tool installed08:45
bazhangrony_, vbox-ose has no usb support08:45
timewriterrony_ , you can manage removable devices from the top window08:45
bintso i can go on the server with a graphical interface08:45
bazhangrony_, installed the guest additions? there is also #vbox08:45
zfehello folks08:45
timewriterbazhang , i can use usb devices on virtualbox08:45
th0rbint: you might want to investigate X-forwarding via ssh for access to the server08:45
bintfor me it works with the guest addidions08:45
zfehow can i remove that weird interface from my netbook remix08:45
administrator_bazhang:look like windows xp that is right, but the system check it is ubuntu system08:45
zfeand use a normal interface?08:45
rony_i already installed guest addition.08:46
bazhangtimewriter, yes from the website, the repos -ose has no usb support08:46
bintth0r do you mind if i PM you?08:46
administrator_bazhang:where do you get  YLMF OS?08:46
timewriterrony_ , open the virtual machine , then you see a tab called Devices , on the top08:46
th0rbint: np08:46
mujtaba_pls some one help me with ubuntu one == ppl in that chan are sleeping :S08:46
timewriteryoure right bazhang , i downloaded it from vbox website08:46
bazhangadministrator_, not a debate. ylmf os is not supported here. so please dont ask08:46
timewriterim afk for 15 mins08:47
=== timewriter is now known as timewriter[afk]
mujtaba_help me any one08:47
bazhangmujtaba_, ask a question08:47
mujtabaThanks for booting me :(08:49
dougb_freebsdmujtaba, actually IRC booted you :)   mujtaba left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 255 seconds).08:49
mujtabaI just asked for help. at one time you guys are not assisting08:50
dougb_freebsdbut you have 2 clients in here, you should be able to see that for yourself08:50
mujtabaanyway can any of you help me in ubuntu one ?08:50
mujtabacuz ppl there are sleeping !!08:50
bazhangmujtaba, ask a question08:50
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kazagistarI want to create an ftp server for annon downloads ONLY, but I have tried like 4 tutorials and nothing even remotely works08:52
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netbkneutrinomy track pad in 10.04 sometimes acts like i just pushed it when I move it from one window to another. is there a fix for this08:52
mujtaba_ I cant find the sync with ubuntu one in any files or folder when i right click08:53
ddavidspls someone help me look at my partition table and see if anything is wrong http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/LLk0dZwv08:54
ddavidsmy system is telling me no space08:55
peepsalotis there an app for graphing wifi signal strength.  i want to test out some antenna configurations, and see how the average signal changes across a graph, since there are large fluctuations.08:55
x-Naddavids, your root partition is full08:55
ddavidsx-Na: pls what do u suggest?08:55
x-Naddavids, free some space08:55
ddavidsx-Na: how?08:55
x-NaJust by deleting the stuff you don't need, or uninstalling packages you don't need08:56
well_laid_lawnddavids:  in terminal do   ls -lh /var/log   and look for large files08:56
x-Naddavids, and run 'apt-get autoclean'08:57
o2oohi, who knows ubuntu linux programming?08:57
ddavidswell_laid_lawn; and when i find them?08:57
well_laid_lawnddavids:  5.6Gb isn't really large enough these days for the os08:57
crazy2k_There's something I'm evidently not understanding. I have two processes. One is a real-time process with 99 priority using SCHED_FIFO policy (it's a while(1)). The other is a normal process. For some reason, when I run both the normal proces can print, so it's executing. Why?08:57
well_laid_lawnddavids:  you could remove them if they're the old ones08:57
ddavidsisn't there a way to increase the size?08:59
ddavidsi just did autoclean but im not sure that did any magic09:00
sacarlsono2oo: I know ruby, perl, some C, bash. very little java,  what is it you are looking for?09:00
pinPointim curious, can a live cd run on a computer without a hard disk?09:00
zfecan anybody tell me how to remove the interface of netbook remix09:00
well_laid_lawnddavids:  you could try to resize it from the live cd09:00
zfeand use a normal desktop?09:00
ddavidswell_laid_lawn; im using a netbook, so its live usb09:01
o2ooanybody know how to get a sorted list of files in a directory?09:01
well_laid_lawnpinPoint:  yep - just nothing you do will be saved between reboots09:01
o2ooanybody know how to get a sorted list of files in a directory? (using linux C API)09:01
sacarlsono2oo: sorted by time size....?09:01
pinPointwell_laid_lawn: but you can save a file on the desktop so you can attach it to email?09:01
well_laid_lawnddavids:  it will have the partitioner in the menu09:01
sacarlsono2oo: try man ls09:02
well_laid_lawnpinPoint:  I would think so09:02
dougb_freebsdo2oo: also, man 2 stat09:02
pinPointwell_laid_lawn: nice09:02
* dougb_freebsd waves09:03
o2oohi, I mean using linux C programming, not shell command09:03
o2oosacarlson, , I mean using linux C programming, not shell command09:03
sacarlsono2oo: if you want to look at recusive dirs also man find09:03
sacarlsono2oo: those programs are writen in C so you can get the source and look at them09:03
dougb_freebsdo2oo: read that man page, and do your own homework :)09:04
o2oosacarlson, I want to know which C api could get files in sorted size or filename09:04
o2ooI want to know which C api could get files in sorted size or filename09:04
sacarlsono2oo: the ls program as stated09:04
itsux2bui just figured how to have combine both ubuntu server and desktop on the same computer09:04
bgoguys can you recommend me how to learn sys programming09:04
o2oo"ls" is a shell command, not a C api09:05
sacarlsono2oo: ls -S for size sort ls -t for time sort  just ls for alpa sort09:06
well_laid_lawno2oo:  they are recommending you read the source files for ls so you can learn what you want - do that or /j #programming pls09:06
sacarlsono2oo: no it's write in C09:06
itsux2buo2oo, you can sort a file list in whatever order you want without having to write programs in C09:06
mujtaba_any one here who can help me out ?09:07
sacarlsono2oo: C programs can be ran from the shell09:07
welewhat the best player for vedio?09:07
o2ooitsux2bu,  how?09:07
wizzlehow to make my partition automaticly mounting in start up?09:07
itsux2busee what sacarlson said above09:07
o2oosacarlson, I would read the source code of "ls" command later09:08
well_laid_lawn!fstab | wizzle09:08
ubottuwizzle: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:08
sacarlsono2oo:  sure you can write them in ruby or java or anything else but the stadard ls program the we run is writen in C09:08
itsux2buo2oo,  also try   man ls09:08
zfecan anybody tell me how to remove the interface of netbook remix and use a normal desktop?09:08
marsfligthis it possible to insert more than one source path using 'rsync'?09:08
o2oohmmmmm, thanks !!09:09
well_laid_lawnzfe:  you can install ubuntu-desktop and select it at login09:09
o2oothank all of you.09:09
zfethanks well_laid_lawn09:09
daffythats what im workig on, i have not found a way to do so. there use to be a settings but i cant find it09:09
itsux2buzfe, you might want tp try running..   tasksel09:10
well_laid_lawnitsux2bu:  why do you keep suggesting that to newbies?09:10
itsux2buzfe,  it gives you a list of what is installed and what you can install09:10
abountu1where does the PATH get set in ubuntu?09:11
itsux2bui have used it and its eqasy to use09:11
zfei think i'm fine09:11
zfewith apt-get09:11
itsux2bueverytime i try to use apt-get i have to find the exact name of the app i want to install..  like.. apache2.. not just apache.. mysql5.. not just mysql... tasksel.. it says  LAMP and it knows the details of that..09:13
weleis there any program like frontpage to edit website and diesgn?09:13
well_laid_lawnitsux2bu:  I use   apt-cache search   for that09:14
Belgicanowele: just editing and seeing the result?09:14
itsux2buwell_laid_lawn, good point.. as a newbie i didn't know that existed.. but with tasksel i didn't need it..09:15
Belgicanowele: which languages? just html?09:15
welehtml and php09:15
Belgicanodo you know html or dou you want to have the program writing the code for you?09:15
well_laid_lawnitsux2bu:  there's   apt-cache policy   if you need to know about versions or if somethings installed09:16
itsux2buwele, you heard of  LAMP  ?09:16
Belgicanowele, if you want php, you'll need a full environment, LAMP (linux-apache-mysql-php)09:16
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:16
welei know html but if there a program help me to writing will be better09:16
Belgicanowele: for php you'll be on your own, i don't think there is any program that will write it for you...09:17
weleitsux2bu: am new in linux09:18
jca1981hi, can i get help here with some apt-get problems09:18
weleBelgicano: ok how about the html09:18
itsux2buwele, i'm a little new myself..09:18
thulstrupwele: if you are looking for editors - you can consider eclipse or netbeans - there are many others of course09:18
weleeditors and viewers for html09:19
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
well_laid_lawnfirefox is good for viewing html...09:19
sacarlsonwele: with openoffice writer you can export in html but it never seems to come out the same as I see it in the writer.09:19
bintso i instalelled a gui (ubuntu-desktop) on my server but i somehow what to deinstall it again09:20
bintis this possible?09:20
bintif its really complicated i could just reinstall ubuntu-server i dont really care09:20
bintbut since i wanna learn new stuff.. the correct way might be good to know09:20
well_laid_lawnbint:  it is a meta package so you can't uninstall all it brings in in one go atm09:21
sacarlsonwele: you can edit a document jast as you would in word for windows with pics and links and export that into html to put in your appache2 page09:21
KE1HAbint:  just do in reverse: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop09:21
well_laid_lawn!info ubuntu-desktop09:21
ubottuubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.197 (lucid), package size 31 kB, installed size 60 kB09:21
bazhang!purekde | bint this might do it (dont install kubuntu-desktop though)09:21
ubottubint this might do it (dont install kubuntu-desktop though): If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »09:21
binti kinda found interesting stuff09:22
bazhangubuntu-desktop itself is a metapackage so removing it will do nothing09:22
Belgicanowele: kompozer could suit you...09:22
bintwell i'll just reinstall ubuntu-server so its proper again09:22
bazhangbint, no need, just follow that guide09:23
KE1HAbazhang:  I need to check on that one.09:23
welekompozer ist editor and veiwer in the same time09:23
thulstrup!kompozer | wele09:23
ubottuwele: kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project.  It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.  Note that there is a GTK incompatibility in !Intrepid and !Jaunty, so users of those releases should use the !PPA at https://launchpad.net/~giuseppe-iuculano/+archive/ppa instead.09:23
iseepackets1anyone in computer repair?09:23
bintbut let me explain what i want to do: i want to have a proper LAMP server to host some pretty primitive websites, i wanna host an FTPD and i want to be able to have a graphical interface to connect to the server (GUI)09:23
binti foud a link for ssh x-forwarding09:24
bazhangiseepackets1, try ##hardware09:24
bintthat seems to be pretty interesting for me09:24
iseepackets1k thnxx09:24
KE1HAbazhang:  if I remove the desktop, then autoremove all the packages no longer required right09:24
welethanks guys09:24
bazhangKE1HA, just removing the -desktop package will do nothing.09:25
well_laid_lawnthe -desktop package is 60kB09:25
bazhangthe pschocats link has it09:25
bazhangerr psychocats09:25
iseepackets1how do it registrer my name09:26
KE1HAbazhang:  yet installing ubuntu-desktop installs all the pkg's09:26
bazhang!register | iseepackets109:26
ubottuiseepackets1: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:26
bazhangiseepackets1, /join #freenode for assistance09:26
bazhangKE1HA, /msg ubottu metapackage09:26
KE1HAbazhang:  Im gonna go mess with that, as somehting isn't right there09:27
kazz_Does anyone know where (what package) the virtio_net kernel modules are for ubuntu 10.04 server?  They don't seem to exist for kernel >= 2.6.32-22-server.09:27
ddavidspls i have a flash drive tht is not mounting but i can see it using lsusb, how can i repair it?09:27
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:27
=== iseepackets1 is now known as iseepackets
iseepacketshmmm its still saying i need to egister09:29
well_laid_lawniseepackets:  they send an email as confirmation09:30
vargashello, what's up everyone...09:30
sinister-nationhi everyone09:30
welehow about visual studio compiler what program can be help09:30
iseepacketso ok thank you09:30
itsux2buwele, i believe that is a windows program09:31
=== Patric4 is now known as Patric3
sinister-nationI have a question, I have ubuntu install well dual botting with windows 7. but i decided to use kubuntu instead. so how do i remove ubuntu from my system?09:31
welethere is no way to use it in ubuntu09:31
itsux2buwele, you understand linux doesn't run windows programs09:31
itsux2buwele, ubuntu is a linux opersating system..09:32
welewhat can i use for c++ / c09:32
CHAodzipitsux2bu:may can use wine09:32
iseepacketsi didn't get a e-mail how can i get a resend?09:32
well_laid_lawniseepackets:  check in the #freenode tab09:33
BelgicanoAnyone familiar with ncmpcpp? I'd like all the colors to be the defaults, so I set [colors_enabled = "no"] in my .ncmpcpp/config, but the statusbar, header and progressbar (in short the 2 topmost lines and the 2 bottommost lines) keep appearing in cyan, any idea?09:33
sed`What's the official way to turn off services like sshd with Ubuntu 10.04's upstart system?09:33
wizzlehow to make my partition icon disappear from desktop even when it active?09:33
itsux2buCHAodzip, yea.. but thats mostly for advanced users.. he don't seem to be..09:33
jrib!icons | wizzle09:34
ubottuwizzle: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)09:34
sed`wele: Eclipse (with CDT)09:34
well_laid_lawnsed`:  you can try   sudo service ssh stop09:34
wizzlejrib, thanks.09:34
jribsed`: you mean forever?09:35
sed`jrib: yes. my solution so far was to rename /etc/init/ssh.conf to, for example, /etc/init/ssh.conf.disabled09:35
sed`i just want to start it manually when it's needed09:35
sed`which works fine the old-fashioned way, /etc/init.d/ssh {start|stop}, but only if upstart doesn't respawn it09:35
iseepacketsok im there now what lawwn :)09:36
jca1981im getting this on apt install "Depends: libc6 (>= 2.11) but 2.10.1-0ubuntu17 is to be installed"09:36
sed`wele: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-cc-developers/heliosr09:36
jribsed`: that's one way, but then you can't use the nice "service" command and friends.  I prefer to just add "never" as a condition for the service to start.  Or, if you'll never use the service at all (i.e. you never want it to start manually), you can just uninstall itt09:36
sed`jrib: the condition is configured in /etc/init/*.conf, right? I'm not yet familiar with upstart very well.09:36
well_laid_lawniseepackets:  one of the last messages there to you should be about the email being sent09:36
jribsed`: right09:37
jribsed`: my gdm.conf: http://pastebin.com/f6dyjv5m09:37
jribsed`: I haven't found anything more official than some mails on a mailing list though...09:37
jribsinister-nation: you know you can easily install the kubuntu packages on ubuntu and then have the choice between gnome and kde at the login screen?09:38
jrib!kde | sinister-nation09:38
ubottusinister-nation: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde409:38
sed`jrib: that's good enough. what I think is not good is that Ubuntu has "rcconf" and "bum" in its repositores which don't play well with upstart at all. for example if you disable "ssh" in rcconf, it will still run.09:39
jribsed`: keep an eye on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/94065 I suppose09:39
sinister-nationI would do that but I don't have the room to spare on my hdd for both09:39
sed`looks good, jrib09:39
jribsinister-nation: really?  How much room do you have, it shouldn't occupy that much...09:40
sed`upstart and classical init.d tools like “rcconf” or “bum” should block each other. maybe i'll file a bug.09:40
jribsed`: some packages still use the old init scripts though09:42
sinister-nationwindows 7 consume majority of my hdd. I need to get use to using linux before I have a pure linux computer first. So right now ubuntu is on a 3GB partition09:42
jrib!purekde | sinister-nation09:43
ubottusinister-nation: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »09:43
jca1981can you help me? im getting this when i try to install virtualbox via apt get "Depends: libc6 (>= 2.11) but 2.10.1-0ubuntu17 is to be installed"09:43
sinister-nationk thanxs ubottu09:43
jribjca1981: apt-cache policy virtualbox09:43
jribjca1981: (or whatever the name is for the package you are attempting to install)09:44
sinister-nationk every have a nice night or nice morning whateever the case is for you. :)09:44
=== iseepackets is now known as ICPACKITS
agusanyone can suggest me which player I should use09:45
bazhang!players > agus09:45
ubottuagus, please see my private message09:45
jca1981jrib, Candidate: 3.2.8-64453~Ubuntu~lucid09:45
p0pc0rnwhere do you set your dns servers in ubuntu09:45
agusanyone can suggest me which player I should use to play hd video09:45
jribjca1981: please paste full output in a pastebin09:45
agusis there something left with library so I cannot see my video picture is not good09:47
jca1981jrib,i think i found the problem im still running older version of ubunto and trying to use newer package :)09:49
jribjca1981: indeed09:50
=== MichealH is now known as Guest79288
jca1981jrib, im updating me dist to newest now :) thanks hehe09:50
GuitarShredderHow to set permissions? numbers 775 or so os09:50
GuitarShredderso so09:50
jrib!permissions > GuitarShredder09:51
ubottuGuitarShredder, please see my private message09:51
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=== kappawhat is now known as kappaccino
tensorpuddingis there any way to bring back empathy's contact list after it closes itself?09:53
tensorpuddingfor that matter, is there any way to quit empathy if you delete all its windows?09:53
BelseruskHi. Is it possible to customise nautilus just like dragging icons in Firefox? I notice that nautilus has a lot of wasted space.09:53
Fudgehi when you need to install grub for a dual boot windows/ubuntu, which partition do you have to isntall it to. i do the grub, find /boot/grub/stage1 which it doe09:54
GuitarShredderSetting permissions is related to internet also? I mean, can internet users see my files if permission is given? like localhost.09:54
jribGuitarShredder: not unless you install some service to let them09:54
andreiutzhello, where can I show my output errors ? I found out rafb.net is discontinued09:54
jrib!grub > Fudge09:54
ubottuFudge, please see my private message09:54
Fudgethankyou for grub info09:55
GuitarShredderif a beginner sets permissions randomly and unknowingly, then is my computer on internet risk?09:55
KE1HAFudge:  unless it's a non-standard install, typically Grub should be installed to the first device /dev/sda or /dev/hda09:56
jribGuitarShredder: not unless you install some service to let them09:56
jribGuitarShredder: though you'll probably end up breaking your system if you mess with permissions you don't understand09:56
GuitarShredderso, those services need to be downloaded??09:56
jribGuitarShredder: typically you would install them through a package manager...09:56
GuitarShredderok ok. So i will read first.. thanks09:57
GuitarShredderhow to check PHP version?09:58
=== OffTopicGuy is now known as Guest8320
jribGuitarShredder: apt-cache policy php5 ?  Or you can create some php page with that php command that gives all the info about your install09:59
ikoniaGuitarShredder: phpinfo as a php function, or look in synaptic at th epackage version you installed09:59
GuitarShreddernot   PHP -v  ??10:00
=== tanzhongyi_ is now known as tanzhongyi
ubudekstopread on the docs that view.yml is deprecated in favor of using helpers directly in the template...does anybody knows why?10:00
andreiutzHi, I need to install a Canon LBP2900 printer on my Ubuntu 10.04. I have the drivers but I get this error when I try to install them. What is the problem ? http://dpaste.com/234744/10:02
ubudekstopsorry wrong room10:02
Jorici dont get how to disable X, i've disabled gdm in sysv-rc-conf but it keeps starting!10:04
Trerotwhere do i change the time it takes for the "computer is locked" picture comes up?10:04
iflema!nox | Joric10:05
ubottuJoric: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode10:05
itsux2buGuitarShredder, try this..    create a text file with     <?php phpinfo(); ?>    in it and call the file something like phpinfo.php  and put it in your /var/www folder..  load your browser and type..   localhost/phpinfo.php10:08
botcityi get "Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".RandR extension missing" when i type xrandr in the terminal yes this is a duel monitor problem, would any of you busy guy's shed some light on the problem?10:09
Trerotfigued it out10:09
Trerotnvm =P10:09
Timburrhow do i connect to shared folders in a Linux virtual machine in vbox ?10:12
andreiutzHi, I need to install a Canon LBP2900 printer on my Ubuntu 10.04. I have the drivers but I get this error when I try to install them. http://dpaste.com/234744/10:12
ikoniaTimburr: exactly the same as on a physical machine10:12
Timburrmy host i running Win 710:13
itsux2bui'm desktop using gedit.. i just tried to save a text file in /var/www and said i don't have permission to save file there..  is this where i would use gksudo?   how can i do that without losing the file i created?10:17
rich97Hey, does anyone know of a way I can download old messages using evolution?10:17
itsux2bu*i'm in desktop..10:18
Chipped_Cpuwhoa alot of ppl10:18
ikoniarich97: are they pop3 ?10:18
Chipped_Cpuwhat up guys10:18
ikoniarich97: then they are gone off the server once they are downloaded10:18
well_laid_lawnitsux2bu:  save the file in your home dir then use   sudo mv10:18
itsux2buChipped_Cpu,  so your a "chipped chip" ?10:18
rich97ikonia: I selected leave messages on server though10:18
ikoniaChipped_Cpu: welcome to #ubuntu, this channel talks about ubuntu support issues only10:18
ikoniarich97: then just download them again10:19
rich97ikonia: Well, clicking send / recive does nothing does nothing.10:19
arvind_khadriHi, which package provides check_nt ?10:19
Chipped_Cpucheck this out...i got 10.04 working on a pentium 3 and 256 mb of ram10:20
Chipped_Cpuand it's still not too bad10:20
Chipped_Cpuno compiz10:20
ikoniarich97: then you need to talk to your mail host provider10:20
ikoniaChipped_Cpu: that is not suprising10:20
jribChipped_Cpu: buy some ram10:20
=== Andorin is now known as AK|offline
itsux2buChipped_Cpu, desktop?10:20
Chipped_Cpui have 6 gigs in my desktop...i just found this laptop laying in my closet and wanted to try it10:21
botcityandreiutz: im no expert but it looks like your missing some cups files libcupsys2 have you read the read me file or the documentation on the site?10:21
Chipped_Cpui think it belong to jesus...very old ibm thinkpad10:21
arvind_khadricheck_nt is used to check the nagios clients, specifically windows10:21
Chipped_Cpunagios is good10:22
Chipped_Cpuserver monitoring10:22
itsux2buChipped_Cpu, is there a crank shaft sticking out the side?10:22
Chipped_Cpuyeah...how'd you know?10:22
simion314hi, i want to convert videos to 3gp, and the ffmpeg in the repos is striped of some codecs, googling i find many solutons, compiling from source, other application, what do you think is the simplest way to do it?10:23
andreiutzbotcity, it is installed10:23
jribsimion314: I think you just need to install the unstripped packages, no?10:24
Chipped_Cpuwhat's botcity?10:24
botcityit my name10:24
* Chipped_Cpu not paying attention10:24
arvind_khadriikonia, you know of it? the alternative for check_nt, nagios ?10:24
Chipped_Cpudoesn't someother repo have it?10:24
andreiutzbotcity, it says this: libcups2 is already the newest version10:25
ikoniaarvind_khadri: what's the issue with the nagios client ?10:25
Chipped_Cpumaybe you need an older version10:25
jribsimion314: maybe now, they're called "-extra"10:26
botcityandreiutz well line 9 says  Package libcupsys2 is not installed.10:26
arvind_khadriikonia, the server is not getting the correct information from the client. -l parameters are missing. but it is present10:26
itsux2buChipped_Cpu, i recently figured out how to use  tasksel  to create as combo  ubuntu  desktop / server..10:26
Chipped_Cpuwell then install libcupsys210:26
Chipped_Cpuit should be in the repo10:26
Chipped_Cpusudo apt-get install libcupsys210:26
Chipped_Cputry that10:27
ikoniaarvind_khadri: that's odd, not seen that10:27
Chipped_Cpuwhat's tasksel10:28
arvind_khadriikonia, ohh, so do you know how do i use check-nt?10:28
itsux2bui guess a command line utility that installs apps..10:28
Chipped_Cpua cli to install apps.  yum/apt/pacman10:29
ptptaylorhey quick question10:29
Chipped_Cpunow tasksel10:30
ptptaylorhow do i register my nick name?10:30
ptptaylori'm lost...10:30
jrib!register | ptptaylor10:30
ubottuptptaylor: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:30
itsux2buChipped_Cpu, when i installed ubuntu server.. it showed a list of server apps to install.. without needing to know the exact name of the package..10:30
jribChipped_Cpu: except tasksel really works with apt...10:30
simion314jrib: aptitude search ffmpeg, i can't find any extra or unsuported version or plugins10:31
Chipped_Cputhat's why i love youtube and irc...i'm always learning about new linux stuff10:31
itsux2buits a frontend to apt-get?10:31
Chipped_Cpudid you try medibuntu?????10:31
itsux2bume? no..10:31
well_laid_lawn!who | Chipped_Cpu10:32
ubottuChipped_Cpu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:32
jribsimion314: I wouldn't expect you to... look for libavcodec for starters10:32
Chipped_Cpuno, the other guy looking for the ffmpeg plugins10:32
Chipped_Cputhanks ubottu10:32
jribitsux2bu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel10:32
itsux2bui read it10:32
Chipped_Cpuhey ubottu10:33
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins10:33
Chipped_Cputhought so10:33
well_laid_lawn!lol | bugger me10:33
ubottubugger me: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.10:33
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itsux2bujrib, i used today to create a hybrid Ubuntu  Server / Desktop  system for myself10:33
ikoniawell_laid_lawn: please control your language10:34
itsux2bu* used tasksel10:34
Chipped_Cpukeyboard yeehaa10:34
well_laid_lawnnp :]10:34
Chipped_Cpuwow info bot your a nerd10:35
Chipped_Cpuno lol? seriously10:35
Chipped_Cpul o l10:35
itsux2budoes desktop have a file manager?10:35
Chipped_Cpuwhat up10:36
ranjanHi all,10:36
ubuntuwhere are you froms?10:36
ranjandoes mono help spread virus as it is able to run exe files?10:36
ikoniaranjan: no10:36
Chipped_Cpuwell my ip from the vpn i'm using is from minnesota10:36
ikoniaubuntu: chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is just for support issues please.10:36
ranjanikonia, how is it different from wine?10:37
ptptaylor\join #freenod10:37
sed`Chipped_Cpu: people rarely laugh out loud when they write "lol". LQTM is often more appropriate.10:37
ptptaylor\join freenode10:37
ptptaylor\join #freenode10:37
well_laid_lawnptptaylor:  use the /10:37
ikoniaranjan: ask the mono guys to explain, it's not really an ubuntu issue10:37
Chipped_Cpuforward slash10:37
ptptaylorahh for goodness sake, so used to using the backslash!10:37
Chipped_Cpuyeah i see that10:37
ubuntukto polak;d?10:37
ranjanikonia, do you know about the fire raising against mono?10:38
itsux2bucan i use the desktop to move a file?  or do i just open a terminal window and use mv?10:38
sed`itsux2bu: if you're using Gnome, just drag & drop10:38
ikoniaranjan: I have no idea what your talking about, however again, this isn't an ubuntu issue10:38
erUSULitsux2bu: drag and drop ?10:38
Chipped_Cpuwhat are you talking about itsux2bu?10:38
well_laid_lawnitsux2bu:  depends on the permissions needed10:38
erUSULitsux2bu: cut and paste also works10:38
ranjanikonia, then just shut your mouth,.10:38
well_laid_lawndon't poke the bear :]10:39
itsux2buwell, i don't hasve permission in the destination folder10:39
Chipped_Cpusudo nautilus is what i think you want10:39
ikoniaChipped_Cpu: gksudo nautlius10:39
Chipped_Cpusu -c "nautilus"10:39
well_laid_lawnitsux2bu:  you can do   gksu nautilus   to use the gui or   sudo mv   your choice]10:39
Chipped_Cpuwill work also10:39
ikoniaChipped_Cpu: no, thats no correct, you need to use gksudo10:40
Chipped_Cpufor what?10:40
ikoniaChipped_Cpu: sudo won't setup the graphical environment for graphical apps, so they will get written as "root" you should use gksudo for graphical apps10:40
Chipped_Cpui use sudo nautilus all the time...and on fedora I use su -c "nautilus"10:40
itsux2buChipped_Cpu, gksudo is safer than sudo when using the desktop GUI10:40
Chipped_Cpuk good to know10:40
ikoniaChipped_Cpu: you're not using fedora here, the correct option is gksudo for graphical apps on ubuntu10:41
Chipped_Cpui use all10:41
itsux2buthere's a page explaining it.. too10:41
StaRetjiHello there folks. Would someone help me out changing splash boot logo on Ubuntu live on usb stick with permanent storage (casper-rw) Thx.10:41
Chipped_Cpusu -c "command" works in all distros buddy10:41
itsux2bu!gksudo | Chipped_Cpu10:41
ubottuChipped_Cpu: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:41
itsux2buhey thats the first time i used the bot10:42
ikoniaChipped_Cpu: I'll say again - in ubuntu gksudo is the correct command so that the graphical enviornment is setup correctly for graphical apps10:42
Ghostlyis it possible to install programs in a different location?10:42
ikoniaGhostly: not really, application paths are set with the deb file10:42
Chipped_Cpuare we arguing about a command?  wow good job guys10:42
itsux2bualt-f2 is run box?10:42
well_laid_lawnGhostly:  if you build from source yes10:43
ikoniaChipped_Cpu: no, you're being told the correct command so that you don't use the wrong command or offer the wrong command to other users10:43
well_laid_lawnitsux2bu:  yep10:43
StaRetjiI can't updateinitrframs etc. Help needed10:43
Ghostlyikonia: aha, then i have a problem since my harddrive is prettey full10:43
Chipped_Cpuman gksu vs man sudo10:43
ikoniaChipped_Cpu: that has nothing to do with it10:43
itsux2buChipped_Cpu, they are very serious in here about being exact.. with 1300+ users in here at any given time you have to be10:43
valdur55what kernel Ubuntu 10.04.1 uses?10:44
itsux2buChipped_Cpu, right now its very slow.. but i been in here when  text scrolls by real fast..10:44
KuriKaiAnyone know what happened to the windicators?10:44
ikoniavaldur55: 2.6.32-24 is current10:44
well_laid_lawnChipped_Cpu:  sudo will work with graphical apps until it breaks - then what do you do10:44
ikoniaok - I think we've got the point, the command for graphical apps is "gksudo"10:44
Chipped_Cpuwow okay10:45
itsux2buyea.. kinda beated that like a dead horse10:45
Chipped_Cpuno sudo use gksu so your computer doesn't hit you in the face with a hammer10:45
itsux2buhey.. he was ok..10:46
ptptaylorOh being hit with a hammer is not wise10:46
Ghostlywell_laid_lawn: any tips on building from source doing that or a good site you know of?10:47
Sc00t3ritsux2bu: This is a support channel, not a channel to fool around like he was.10:47
ikoniaGhostly: I strongly advise you not to build from source10:47
ikoniaGhostly: if you can clean your hard disk up, or buy additional storage,10:48
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well_laid_lawnGhostly:  normally in   ./configure -help   it gives the option to set a diff install path and there is10:48
ikoniaGhostly: building a package from source can have a lot of long term issues on the stability and supportability of your ubuntu install unless you know exactly what you are doing10:48
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:48
itsux2buok... but i didn't think he was that bad10:48
=== SWFu64 is now known as SWFu
sanjoyhow to upgrade firefox in ubntu10:48
tempihow can i forward the output of time call in a file? time sleep 1 >> /tmp/foo doenst work10:48
ikoniagoat-re: you don't have to change your nickname - you're not banned. Welcome back10:49
Ghostlyikonia: then installing ubuntu on a netbook on a 4gb ssd wasen't such a good idea -.-10:50
goat-rehow'd you mean gksudo will not break your app10:50
well_laid_lawntempi:  I think time uses standard error so it would be   time sleep 1 2> /tmp/foo10:50
ikoniaGhostly: that is a bit tight on space, yes10:50
ikoniagoat-re: it can break your application as the graphical environment will be used as root, rather than the user with root permissions10:50
ranjanikonia, who are you to ban me?10:50
sanjoyhow to upgrade mozilla firefox ??10:50
ikoniagoat-re: eg: using the config files in root's home directory10:50
SlartGhostly: with 4GB of space I would either be very very careful with what programs I install10:50
Sc00t3rGhostly: To be honest, it's an okay idea, but only if you are looking at only doing web surfing and such.10:51
ikoniagoat-re: gksudo will use your personal users config files, but as root10:51
SlartGhostly: you can always start with the minimal install and choose carefully from there.. think twice about installing openoffice and other large packages10:51
bogdomaniacheers guys.. no luck on the forums so i`ll ask here: after installing 10.10 and upgrade it, i don`t have the external usb drives(flash drive in vfat) auto-mounted.. it is listed with lsusb. hal is installed, but hal-device-manager is not available in repos.. any ideas?10:51
ikoniagoat-re: it's more of an issue with applications that are used as root AND as non-root users10:52
Slartbogdomania: I think 10.10 support is in #ubuntu+110:52
tempiwell_laid_lawn, it doesnt work...10:52
sanjoycan ne1 help me ?10:52
ikoniagoat-re: if the application is a "root only" application, you can normally get away with it10:52
bogdomaniaoh, sorry.. thanks for the tip10:52
fastaCan I tell Ubuntu to preload certain applications into memory without starting them?10:52
ikoniafasta: not really no10:52
ikoniafasta: pre-linking does that to a certain level with the libraries automatically though10:53
Sc00t3rFasta: Applications are loaded into memory to be run. It wouldn't be the best idea to pre-load them.10:53
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sanjoypls help me10:53
fastaSc00t3r, I have 4GB of RAM, I never use it.10:53
=== AndresE is now known as AndresEr
ikoniasanjoy: ask a question then10:53
Ghostlyok thanks for all the advice, if i run into space problems i will probably reinstall it on the other harddrive instead and use the ssd for extra storage10:53
ikoniafasta: it is used for file system caching10:53
ikoniaGhostly: that's a good call in my opinion10:53
fastaSc00t3r, it's the same thing for when I plugin in an USB key, I want all the stuff on the USB key automatically copied to memory.10:53
fastaplug in*10:54
Sc00t3rGhostly: If you get desperate for space, you could set up a network storage.10:54
sanjoyhow to upgrade firefox ?10:54
fastaSc00t3r, it seems it only caches stuff you have actually read from the device.10:54
ikoniasanjoy: you don't - ubuntu will offer you an upgrade when one is available10:54
Slartsanjoy: upgrade from what version to what version?10:54
Sc00t3rfasta: That would actually be a slight lengthy process whenever you plugged things in and would most definitely bog down your system with side-applications to keep it loaded.10:54
sanjoyi have 3.5.310:54
fastaSc00t3r, it should run with the lowest priority.10:54
sanjoyi want 2 upgrade 3.610:54
well_laid_lawntempi:  you're right - I can't get it to redirect... :|10:54
Slartsanjoy: which version of ubuntu are you running?10:55
fastaSc00t3r, the very moment I actually do something, it should immediately abandon these kinds of operations.10:55
tempiwell_laid_lawn, ok... but thx for your help10:55
goat-reor off their website10:55
Sc00t3rfasta: The thing is, each time you plug in the device, it would suddenly move its priority to moving those files over into your RAM. not only would this take up bandwidth, but all other applications would temporarily be slowed down.10:56
Slartsanjoy: have you tried just running the update-manager?10:56
fastaSc00t3r, I also think even the Ubuntu kernel optimizes for throughput, since sometimes I cannot even see my desktop for a few seconds when I am doing a lot of harddisk operations.10:56
Sc00t3rFasta: In the end, it's best to just wait for applications to load. It's not that long of a procerss.10:56
fastaSc00t3r, the GUI should run at a higher priority, imho.10:56
sanjoyhow will i do that?10:56
Slartsanjoy: I think 3.6.8 or something is the version in the repos10:56
Slartsanjoy: system, administration, update-manager   I think10:56
fastaSc00t3r, if I use less than 100% CPU, why would things slow down?10:57
fastaSc00t3r, it's not like all my wires are full of data all the time either.10:57
=== goat-re is now known as Chipped_Cpu
Sc00t3rfasta: This is going to be a very long and lengthy discussion. I don't know how to do what you want to do, and in my opinion, it's not that useful.10:58
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Sc00t3rfasta: If you're looking into having key applications loaded quickly, buy yourself a SSD for those applications, or set up a RAM drive (which I don't know how to do).10:59
sanjoythere is no mozilla upgrade option10:59
Sc00t3rSanjoy, are you trying to update your Mozilla firefox?10:59
fastaSc00t3r, I suppose I have to write the feature myself if I really want it then.10:59
dksoba88Hi. Running Karmic Koala (2.6.31-21-generic). 6gb RAM, Core2Duo E8400. Multiple SATA drives. Problem: I put a 2.5" SATA drive into this desktop to make a copy of the data on the drive. In each case, the transfer speeds are super slow. From NTSC partitions, I've had transfer speeds around 8-10 MB/s. For ext3 partitions, however, I'm only getting 1-3 MB/s, which is VERY slow. Note, the transfers are from drive to drive (sda->sdb). Anyone h11:00
dksoba88ave any ideas or things I can check?11:00
Sc00t3rdksoba, Is the 2.5" using USB?11:01
Slartsanjoy: can you pastebin the output from "apt-cache policy firefox"11:01
Sc00t3rSlart, are they trying to update firefox?11:01
dksoba88Sc00t3r, No. Directly connected via SATA (to clarify: opened up case, attached SATA cable to mobo, etc)11:01
Slartscoopex: yes11:01
Slartoops.. sorry scoopex11:02
SlartSc00t3r: yes.. on 9.10, he/she is running 3.5 for some reason11:02
Slart!info firefox karmic11:02
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 (karmic), package size 10954 kB, installed size 29484 kB11:02
Sc00t3rSlart: sudo apt-get install firefox11:02
Sc00t3rSlart: It will install the latest version of firefox11:02
Sc00t3rdksoba: To be honest, I am not fully sure of this. Is the partition you are moving files to/from at the end of the hard drive?11:03
SlartSc00t3r: yup.. but I figured it would be wise to know why the updates hasn't worked so far..11:03
KuriKaianyone know what happened to the windicators?11:03
Sc00t3rSlart: I find it best to trust a single-ended update to something. Update Manager might not update Firefox itself, only certain key features.11:04
erUSULdksoba88: how are you making the copies ?11:04
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dksoba88Sc00t3r, actually, I'm copying entire drives. In this particular case, I have 3 100GB partitions (320gb drive), each is more than 90% full11:04
dksoba88erUSUL, Nautilus11:04
dksoba88erUSUL, maybe this is the problem...?11:05
erUSULdksoba88: dunno tried with plain old "cp" ?11:05
Sc00t3rdksoba88: At the end of hard drive spindles, transfer rates get extremely slow. I drop down to 30MB/s on larger, 500GB drives on large file transfers. It seems pretty normal for that to happen.11:05
mikebeechamhi guys...I'm trying to understand why, when I set a CIFS command up in fstab, I then get duplicate mounted shares under 'places'....can anyone help?11:05
FloodBot3Guest83799: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:05
dksoba88erUSUL, wouldn't be able to get transfer rate. 30 MB/S would be awesome. I'm getting 2-3mb/s.11:06
Sc00t3rdksoba88: I would say, after transferring all the files, do a nice benchmark on your drives to ensure they are okay. Then, do a fragmentation/disk error check.11:06
Sc00t3rsanjoy: You have been successful in updating firefox?11:06
dksoba88Sc00t3r, I know how to use hdparm -Tt, but what about fragmentation/disk error check?11:06
sanjoyim able to upgrade it11:06
sanjoythanks to all who helped ^_^11:07
dksoba88Oh yea, forgot to mention a lot of files are around 17-20 megabytes... not sure if this is considered "small" though11:07
dksoba88and I'm transferring to a 2TB WD drive11:07
pat_Hello everyone11:07
Sc00t3rdksoba88: You can use Disk Utility to check your disk for errors, and to benchmark the disks. Also, with large amounts of files, they can be fragmented, and thus cause low transfer rates.11:07
erUSULdksoba88: suppose you are on the dir you want to copy « tar cf - . | pv | ( cd destination/ && tar xf - ) »11:07
dksoba88But I'm pretty sure the 2TB WD drive is not the bottleneck, since I get fast transfer rates from USB and fast transfer rates in Windows (using the same set of drives)11:08
itsux2budksoba88.. the wd 2tb black with 64mb cache?11:08
pikpik warszawa.irc.pl11:08
dksoba88itsux2bu, yes11:09
pat_I have a quick question...for some reason when i go to start up firefox it automatically closes...ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling with a reboot in between and it still crashes...just wondering what i could have messed up lol11:09
fastadksoba88, at random times I have the same problem even with larger files.11:09
itsux2budksoba88, how much you pay for it?11:09
Sc00t3ritsux2bu: This is a discussion for another place. He is looking for support.11:09
fastadksoba88, it might be some signal interference thing.11:10
itsux2buok.. i'll just repeat in private.. loose up guys11:10
fastadksoba88, you need professional tools to really know, though.11:11
Sc00t3rfasta: Transfer rates are not affected by signal interference.11:11
fastaSc00t3r, if I cut the cable, there is a lot of interference.11:11
Sc00t3rfasta: There is a difference between signal obstruction and signal interference. He is using a cable; if there were interference, he would be getting transfer loss, and therefore, he would be getting drive errors.11:12
fastaSc00t3r, maybe he gets those?11:12
Sc00t3rfasta: Disk Utility does a quick check on all disks and gives you a heads-up error on the screen if a drive is failing as such.11:12
erUSULSc00t3r: fasta dksoba88 he can easily check in dmesg or /var/log/messages for those11:13
dksoba88itsux2bu, 2TB Caviar Sata 3 64MB 3.5IN Green, $119.83 shipped11:13
Sc00t3rerUSUL: He can also use the disk utility GUI.11:13
dksoba88fasta, I've got a nice o-scope11:13
erUSULSc00t3r: that shows SMART info; no kernel/libata issues11:13
mkulkehello, i use a lenovo netbook with ubuntu 10.10, i wonder wether there is a plugin for chrome/firefox which zooms to textblocks with doubleclicks like on the iphone/android browser11:13
fastaIf you are not doing anything on your machine and you cannot copy something big with let's say 20MB/sec and there are no errors on the software side, then I suggest you should contact your vendor.11:14
dksoba88erUSUL, what should I grep for in dmesg?11:14
Sc00t3rmkulke: I can almost guarantee you that your answer is going to be no. Look on a plugin discussion board for something on the such.11:14
dksoba88fasta, I think there are errors on the software side11:14
dksoba88fasta, different software, and I don't have this problem11:15
fastaDoes it matter where you read something of a disk, btw?11:15
erUSULdksoba88: grep ata11:15
mikebeechamcan anyone tell me how I can find the correct 'SDxx' of a shared folder that I have created under, /media/shared_folder11:15
dksoba88fasta, I only have this problem in ubuntu11:15
mkulkeSc00t3r: strange, this is so practical. i guess i'll have to code something then :)11:15
Sc00t3rfasta: Very much so. The farther it is to the end of the platter, the more slowly the disk is going to be read (Read/write speeds decrease the closer the data is to the end of the platter)11:15
erUSULmikebeecham: what is SDXX ?11:15
mikebeechamerSUL, like sda1, sdb1, etc11:16
Sc00t3rerUSUL: They are revering-- to that.11:16
fastaSc00t3r, ok, so could that explain my 5.4MB/s reads from a >100MB file in some cases?11:16
mikebeechamI'm trying to resolve a duplicate share in places11:16
erUSULmikebeecham: so the folder  is mount point?11:16
geirhamikebeecham: df /media/shared_folder11:16
zeleftikamI have an Intel Atom D510 machine. Does anyone know of a utility to read the CPU temp?11:16
Sc00t3rfasta: Are you transferring the said files within the drive, or to a drive seperate of the reading drive?11:16
erUSUL!sensors | zeleftikam11:16
ubottuzeleftikam: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.11:16
dksoba88erUSUL, Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/iubt5X9H11:16
fastaSc00t3r, separate.11:16
mikebeechamerSUL yeah11:16
zeleftikamerUSUL: will try. thanks!11:17
dksoba88Seems to me that BIG files shouldn't be a problem. It's the small ones that might cause a problem11:17
fastadksoba88, small ones are a FS issue.11:17
mikebeechamI have a shared folder on my mac, I have created an fstab entry to that I can auto mount it....however, it is displaying twice under 'places'11:17
Sc00t3rfasta: I can't really explain in-depth, but if the reading disk is the OS disk, then naturally it will have low read/read speeds.11:17
erUSULdksoba88: nothing special there... tried copying with the tar pipe ? to discard a nautilus problem ?11:17
zeleftikamerUSUL: i get the message "No sensors found!"11:17
dksoba88erUSUL, not yet11:18
fastaSc00t3r, the reading disk is some external disk.11:18
fastaSc00t3r, and what you say is false, AFAIK.11:18
Sc00t3rfasta: What is the writing disk?11:18
erUSULdksoba88: pv is not installed by default11:18
fastaSc00t3r, nothing, I am only talking about reads.11:18
dksoba88erUSUL, I'll do this now11:18
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fastascoopex, oh, sorry, yes, OS disk is the target.11:18
Sc00t3rfasta: I honestly could not explain. It could easily be the SATA controller, the motherboard, or the disk itself.11:19
dksoba88erUSUL, woah... read the 1st sentence of PV description... why haven't I used this before!11:19
fastaSc00t3r, are there no tools that show you in your face what's wrong?11:19
fastaSc00t3r, otherwise we continue to have broken components.11:19
Sc00t3rfasta: Not that I have used/know of. Sorry.11:19
Sc00t3rfasta: I make a point of purchasing higher-quality components with good reviews. I never have these problems.11:20
fastaSc00t3r, the state of computing is pretty bad, IMHO.11:20
zeleftikamerUSUL: erp ignore my last. didn't follow some of the steps. now i got it to the point where it detects and reports some ISA sensors (whatever those are?) but says ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp1_input: Can't read11:20
fastaSc00t3r, but that's another topic.11:20
erUSULzeleftikam: it does not show any info ?11:21
dksoba88erUSUL, this is going much faster... I think11:21
fastaSc00t3r, I generally also don't have problems, but this was my first external harddisk and you know people only look for failure rates and GB/$.11:21
Sc00t3rfasta: I run a larger, 4-disk setup, and I average around 70-120MB/s between the two 500GB drives. It drops to 20-30MB/s on my 2.5" drive and my OS drive.11:21
erUSULdksoba88: pv should tell11:21
zeleftikamerUSUL: it shows 4 of these isa coretemps. two of them are 0C and two of them are 10C. Neither plausible11:21
fastaSc00t3r, without raid?11:21
Sc00t3rfasta: All external hard disks using USB2.0/1.1 are going to have transfer rates below 20MB/s. Generally around 8MB/s.11:21
dksoba88erUSUL, well...there's 3 partitions and they're all mounted to /media/[random ass number]11:21
Sc00t3rFasta: Yes, without RAID.11:21
applecrumble Lubuntu - I got the wireless working in live mode using my normal ndiswrapper trick. but there seems to be no ndiswrapper installed after installing Lubuntu. I have compiled Ndiswrapper from source before so it's not the end of the world. I was just wondering why there is no ndis installed??11:21
dksoba88erUSUL, not sure if I'm comparing apples to oranges or not11:21
fastaSc00t3r, I get 26MB from mine, max.11:22
fastaSc00t3r, (external)11:22
Sc00t3rfasta: That is a burst rate, the maximum speed for USB 2.0 transfer rates. The average, sustained rate will be around 8MB/s.11:22
fastaSc00t3r, no, that's what I actually get.11:22
fastaSc00t3r, average is maybe 22MB/s or so.11:22
Sc00t3rfasta: I consider you extremely lucky then. USB 2.0 is limited to those speeds, usually.11:22
Sc00t3rfasta: Then again, the controller could be higher quality. That could lead to your results.11:23
well_laid_lawnapplecrumble:  try installing ndiswrapper-common11:23
fastaSc00t3r, the device itself is (ignoring the fact that the screen was probably broken from the start (but it got repaired)) great.11:23
dksoba88erUSUL, how can I see what filesystem each partition is using from command line?11:24
applecrumblethat is cool. But i have no net on machine - only wireless possible -11:24
erUSULdksoba88: sudo blkid11:24
Sc00t3rfasta: I'm looking at getting a 64GB SSD for this netbook (that I'm using right now), or for my OS on my computer. Not sure which I will use it for.11:24
erUSULzeleftikam: no sure maybe you have to modprobe some driver? try "coretemp"11:25
JiveTurkehIf Ubuntu is for human beings, what distro is for martians ?11:25
zeleftikamerUSUL: will try that. thanks for your guidance11:25
Sc00t3rJiveTurkeh: Fedora.11:25
fastaJiveTurkeh, Windows?11:25
dksoba88erUSUL, (was just looking through df... you can also do df -T it turns out... didn't mean to ask you for help then tell you a way to do it though lol!)11:25
fastaSc00t3r, do you use your netbook in practice a lot(assuming you already own a laptop)?11:26
dksoba88erUSUL, blkid has other good uses it appears tho11:26
Sc00t3rfasta: I only own this netbook and a pretty high powered computer. The netbook, I use with linux (and will use it for school).11:26
erUSULzeleftikam: i meant "sudo modprobe coretemp"11:26
erUSULdksoba88: sure; in linux there is allways more than one way to do something11:27
erUSULzeleftikam: then try sensors again11:27
Sc00t3rfasta: We should move to #ubuntu-offtopic11:27
erUSULdksoba88: so what did you get from the tar copy ?11:28
Makelinfrom irclog2html i want to generate html log, but unable to get previous and next links11:28
dksoba88erUSUL, so, if I type df -T, I get "fuseblk" for type for partition1 (blkid shows NTFS), and "ext3" for partition2. Using tar+pv, I get 30+ MB/s for partition1, and less than 3MB/s with 5MB/s spikes for partition2.11:29
Makelinhelp me to fire a right command11:29
m2rtHey! What the deuche is my problem? My latest ubuntu server edition won't normally boot up. It boots to some busybox and won't start its services before I type exit and leave the busybox.11:29
dksoba88erUSUL, partition1/partition2 names are arbitrary. How can I find out the physical disk area assignment of these partitions?11:29
erUSULdksoba88: fuse ( for ntfs ) can be the botleneck here. being a filesystem in userspace makes it slower11:30
zeleftikamerUSUL: oh, well, same output. http://pastebin.com/F2YyDUiV11:30
erUSULdksoba88: "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/"11:30
dksoba88erUSUL, okay... that partition was transferring something like 11 MB/s from Nautilus. But my ext3 partition transfers ~3MB/s from both Nautilus and tar+pv11:31
aurilliance:( I don't want to loose my 13day uptime, but my wifi doesn't turn on when I press Fn+Wifi :/11:31
aurillianceAny suggestions?11:31
erUSULdksoba88: from ext3 to what fs?11:31
dksoba88dksoba88, NTFS. the 2TB WD drive is NTFS11:31
erUSULaurilliance: use rfkill? « sudo rfkill unblock all »11:32
dksoba88erUSUL: wait a minute.... ext3->NTFS... could that cause slowdown?11:32
erUSULdksoba88: as i said the botleneck can be in the ntfs writting through fuse. fuse is inherently slower as a userspace program11:32
steelbakI have a linksys E3000 w/ 1.5 Seagate USB attached to it working but stalls out. A reboot of router, drive & sytems fixes (usually). Using 10.04. Sling files w/ Dolphin & Krusader. Can I refresh router from system? Any ideas?11:32
aurillianceerUSUL: no luck11:32
erUSULaurilliance: reload the driver? « sudo modprobe -r driver && sudo modprobe drver » ?11:33
aurillianceerUSUL: I think it has something to do with ubuntu having updated, and now wanting me to restart...11:33
mikebeechamerSUL - found a fix!!! yay!11:34
aurillianceerUSUL: thanks for thw suggestions, ill just cut my losses and restar ;)11:34
RobertVany idea how i would chain these two commands? (1) ls -d */ (2) rm -rf  [delete all -- and only -- directories in the current directory]11:34
dksoba88erUSUL, maybe I don't understand userspace. Does this mean gui/nautilus?11:34
mikebeechamcan anyone tell me how I can get rid of an entry within Places, where the source is no longer present?  The share it refers to is now gone, as is the entry within fstab.  I cannot unmount it or delete it.11:35
erUSULdksoba88: no; fuse let you write filesystem drivers in userspace as oposed to write a real kernel driver ( like the ones for ext jfs xfs hfs ufs etc ...)11:35
erUSULdksoba88: the ntfs kernel driver only let you read ( not writte) ntfs-3g the fuse based driver let you read an writte but it is slower11:35
mgjAnyone know of an application which can record a video of what is being shown on the screen? Something similar to fraps in windows11:36
mikebeechamWhen I try to umount I get this "Could not open location 'file:///media/Albums' - error stating file '/media/Albums': No such device or address11:36
erUSUL!screencast | mgj11:36
ubottumgj: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.11:37
Makelinfrom irclog2html i want to generate html log, but unable to get previous and next links11:37
Makelinfrom irclog2html i want to generate html log, but unable to get previous and next links11:37
Makelinfrom irclog2html i want to generate html log, but unable to get previous and next links11:37
FloodBot3Makelin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:37
mgjerUSUL, thanks11:37
dksoba88erUSUL, can I switch it to ntfs kernel driver?11:37
dksoba88erUSUL, or is this not recommended?11:37
m2rtHey! What the deuche is my problem? My latest ubuntu server edition won't normally boot up. It boots to some busybox and won't start its services before I type exit and leave the busybox.11:37
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erUSULdksoba88: yes you can; but you can not write anything with it. it can only read ( is read only )11:39
aruntomarhi! i want to run a particular script, every time after my wireless network gets connected, where should i put up that script11:39
erUSULm2rt: maybe adding rootdelay=[some seconds here] to kernel parameters ? or rootwait ( would have to check docs )11:40
erUSULaruntomar: /etc/network/if-up.d/ ?11:40
dksoba88erUSUL, :(... this won't work for  me then11:40
erUSULdksoba88: http://www.tuxera.com/products/tuxera-ntfs-commercial/performance/11:40
aruntomarerUSUL: ok, i'll try it11:40
m2rterUSUL, even though I understood nothing you said, I will google it :)11:41
erUSULm2rt: modify /etc/default/grub and add in the kernel parameters variable the parameter rootwait ot rootdelay=5 ( to wait for root to appear )11:43
erUSULm2rt: the var is GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT11:44
dksoba88erUSUL, If I install ntfs-3g I won't be able to do writes, though11:44
m2rtThanks erUSUL! Will try this.11:45
erUSULdksoba88: ntfs-3g is what you are curently using and is the one that is slow11:45
dksoba88erUSUL, or is NTFS kernel driver, FUSE, and NTFS-3g three completely separate things11:45
dksoba88erUSUL, oh, hrmm11:45
erUSULdksoba88: NTFS kernel driver is one thing. ntfs-3g + fuse is another11:45
dksoba88erUSUL, so the current theory is that transfers are slow because I'm going from ext3->NTFS. They're slightly faster from NTFS->NTFS. But it should be blazing fast (or normal, for most people) if I do ext3->ext311:47
erUSULdksoba88: correct.11:47
dksoba88erUSUL, ...testing11:48
dksoba88erUSUL, our theory is wrong... it's still quite slow... maybe it's getting faster11:49
dksoba88erUSUL, I need to low pass this damn pv output!11:49
Jenny-ukhi i want to ask does anyone know if there somewhere is some  gnome applet to monitor ati gpu ?11:49
dksoba88erUSUL, okay, god awefully slow from ext3->ext3, with some large spikes (typically 1-3 MB/s, but there are spikes of 20 MB/s for one "pv frame")11:50
erUSUL!sensors | Jenny-uk11:52
ubottuJenny-uk: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.11:52
erUSULJenny-uk: and there is a sensors applet11:52
Jenny-uk<erUSUL> i have it but and i can just see cpu and hdd no fan no gpu11:54
erUSUL:/ then i dunno, sorry11:54
Jenny-uk<erUSUL> could u write a new applet to monitor ati gpu ?11:55
Jenny-ukmaybe in python or something?11:55
ravenhow to mount a SAMBA folder?11:55
erUSULJenny-uk: too much for my skills11:55
Jenny-uk<erUSUL> so what can you do ?11:55
erUSULraven: Places>Network>Windows Network ? Placces > Connect toserver11:56
ravenerUSUL, by command line11:56
erUSULraven: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=xxxxx,password=xxxxx,etc ///serveriporname/sharename /mount/point11:57
erUSULraven: see "man mount.cifs"11:57
Jenny-uk<erUSUL> why are u so quiet ?12:02
erUSULJenny-uk: becouse i can not help you further. sorry12:02
erUSULJenny-uk: i did a quick google search and it seems that you can not monitor ati gpu temperatures12:03
Jenny-uk<erUSUL> dont worry12:03
Jenny-uki can always check it from a shell12:03
Jenny-uk<erUSUL> hows everything ?12:04
Jenny-ukwife kids dog ?12:04
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erUSULJenny-uk: if you can check it from shell with the sensors command. then the sensors applet can show it in the panel. just tweak the preferences of the applet to onlyshow the ati temp.12:05
Jenny-uk<erUSUL> i dont know how to tweak sensors do you ?12:05
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Jenny-uki have ati hd4850 and when i type aticonfig --odgt  i can see the temp12:05
erUSULJenny-uk: no wife no kids no dog ;) but averything's ok thanks. right click on the applet choose preferences. go to the second tab ( sensors ) only tick the ones you want to show up12:06
dksoba88erUSUL, Thanks for the help. I appreciate it. I'll let you know if I learn anything more about the problem.12:06
dksoba88erUSUL, time to sleep. goodnight12:06
erUSULdksoba88: no problem. nite12:07
Jenny-uk<erUSUL> no gpu over there just hdd acpi and libsenrsors12:07
erUSULJenny-uk: and in libsensors ? no gpe there either ?12:08
Jenny-uklibsensors = temp1 cpu1 cpu2 cpu3 cpu412:08
Jenny-ukno gpu12:08
erUSULJenny-uk: i know it does not help but my nvidia card shows up...12:09
erUSULJenny-uk: ok; another death end. sorry12:09
Jenny-ukits ok ati always had problems :)12:09
hubi123hello, how to connect two computers where one is Win7, and the second Ubuntu?12:10
hubi123 of course, the connection is run through the router12:10
hubi123 Win7 where there is the cable connected, and where ubuntu is the wifi.12:10
jca1981Hi i need Urgent help, i was updating to Lucid via do-release-upgrade via ssh and my internet connection died. i was at configuring sysctl.conf part of installation. what can i do? :(12:11
logan_wolfhubi123, what is the problem12:11
jca1981my connection just got up and i can ssh into my box again12:11
emjI have a .xsession error that has grown to 2GB and I don't know how to free that space in anyway. Any tips? (besides log out)12:12
hubi123logan_wolf: In Ubuntu, in the "network" I do not see the computer to which I would like to connect.12:13
logan_wolfjca1981, just run the command again12:13
erUSULemj: echo -n "" > ~/.xsession-errors12:13
jca1981logan_wolf, i just get a "no new release found"12:13
hubi123of course, I'm going to copy the data over the network [movies, programs]12:14
jca1981logan_wolf,i still need to configure the new installed packages! how do i do that now ? :)12:14
logan_wolfhubi123, is wireless turned on12:14
emjerUSUL: Nice one.. :-) thanks12:14
erUSULemj: no you have to go for the root cause. what is spamming that log ?12:15
emjadobe flash.. :-)12:15
emjor rather the wrapper12:15
logan_wolfjca1981, what do you want the access for12:16
logan_wolfjca1981, like do you want to copy some content from win7 to lucid'12:16
emjerUSUL: there are two root causes, 1. something is spamming the log 2. the log can't handle that gracefully.12:16
logan_wolfhubi123, what do you want to access win7 for, accessing files on win7 box?12:16
logan_wolfjca1981, sorry man that was not for you :)12:17
emjerUSUL: 2. could be fixed if it was syslog that handled it. at least in this case since all the lines were the same.12:17
jca1981logan_wolf,?, no i just wanted to upgrade my distribution12:17
Benwahi, how to flash a bios of an eeepc 1005pe ?12:17
Benwai cannot find anything inthe bios options12:18
Cinux`Hi there, I have gcc on my ubuntu but not g++ can he be named differently?12:18
logan_wolfjca1981, you can do the same by just sudo apt-get dist upgrade12:18
StaRetjiI'm having problem with ubuntu losing sound after reboot :/ Each time I reboot my sound is muted. It's hda intel. Any thoughts?12:18
hubi123logan_wolf: yes12:19
jca1981logan_wolf, "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)"12:20
jca1981logan_wolf, "old ssh sesion is still active"  "/usr/bin/python /tmp/tmp2MrIAm/lucid --mode=server --frontend=DistUpgradeViewText"12:20
logan_wolfjca1981, try killall -w aptget12:22
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logan_wolfhubi123, try this man http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116914912:25
logan_wolfit may help you12:25
jca1981logan_wolf, "aptget: no process found" can i jump into the other root session12:25
kingflossi want server tools to be installed on my ubuntu pc12:26
logan_wolfjca1981, have you typed sudo before apt-get dist upgrade12:27
logan_wolfjca1981, what is other root session12:27
jca1981logan_wolf, yes, but im logged in as root so no need. and its dist-upgrade12:28
logan_wolfjca1981, yeah that was a typo12:28
kingflossalso whats the root password of my system as iam only the user for this syste,12:29
logan_wolfjca1981, are you on a desktop or are you connected remotely to a server12:29
ortsvorsteherkingfloss, which server tools you mean? if you dont gave root a password, there is no one.12:30
ortsvorsteher!root | kingfloss12:30
ubottukingfloss: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:30
fengshaunI have installed ubuntu on a Sony Vaio VGN-FJ270 laptop, and whenever I change the brightness level, the screen flashes!  (i.e. if I'm changing the brightness from 20% to 25%, the screen goes from 20% to 100% and back to 25% in a moment)12:32
StaRetjiFolks, what could be the reason I'm hearing sound in web browser but not in xbmc for example, sound is disappearing after reboot and if I switch PCs. (using casper-rw on usb stick). I really need help! Thx in advance.12:33
fengshaunI haven't had any luck with searching around!12:33
jca1981logan_wolf,im on ssh from work. ive just tried restarting12:33
sanderj_How come my resolv.conf is blank when I reboot.. I've but "dns-nameservers  dns-search domain.com" into /etc/network/interfaces12:34
kingflossiam seeing in ubuntu there isnt support for LVM and ACL OR even quotas12:34
jribkingfloss: umm, can you be more specific?  All of that stuff should work...12:35
jca1981logan_wolf, ahh its dead now. have to go home check up on it now. buy12:35
sacarlsonsanderj_: If you want to setup a static address I think you need to setup the values in /etc/resolv.conf manualy.12:36
kingflossall it says is i need to download those required packages like for example acl12:36
kingflossi need acl package12:36
jrib!who | kingfloss12:36
ubottukingfloss: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:36
Cinux`cc: error trying to exec 'ccplus' execvp: No such file or directory. Can anybody help me ?12:36
jribkingfloss: and I have no idea what "it" is in your sentence nor what you are doing to make "it" say something12:36
jribCinux`: what are you trying to do?12:37
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kingflosswell i mean the command line aka the terminal says....@jrib12:37
sanderj_sacarlson, Got it working now.. Just had to make sure I put the lines in both resolv.conf and interfaces12:37
jribkingfloss: please reread what I just said12:37
Cinux`jrib: I'm trying to compile a c++ hello world :/12:37
jribCinux`: did you install the "build-essential" package?12:37
Cinux`jrib: Don't know... How can I see that ?12:38
jribCinux`: if you didn't do it, then run: sudo aptitude install build-essential   to install it now12:38
kingflosswell the command line/the terminal reports me that i need to install packages to enable well iam contrasting with Redhat12:38
kingflossiam i wrong .....jrib12:39
jribkingfloss: it's hard to understand what you are saying.  I still have no clue what you are doing.12:39
kingflossbasically iam learning linux administration so i need to understand how linux works as a server so i wanted to run programs to make it act like server....should i install ubuntu server12:40
jribkingfloss: what *exactly* do you want to do?  What *exactly* are you typing into your terminal?  And please address me if you want my attention12:41
sacarlsonkingfloss: what kind of server?  a web server ssh server mysql server?  there are many kinds12:41
m2rtHey, what was the command to reload the list of commands after installing a new program?12:41
jribm2rt: hash -r12:42
aeon-ltdkingfloss: dude ubuntu server and ubuntu is basically the same just that one doesn't have all the X crap12:42
m2rtthanks! jrib12:42
kingflossi am also getting problem with ubuntu add user command....i can only create user with no permission and no home directory for the user from command line if anybody can provide me help that would be gr812:42
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aeon-ltdkingfloss: man adduser12:42
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jribkingfloss: you should try to solve one problem at a time...12:42
kingflossya at present iam downloading packages that are required for administration12:43
* jrib sighs12:43
sacarlsonkingfloss: you may be installing things you don't need. if you just told us your final goal we could be of much more help to you.12:45
senidahi everyody12:45
treenesteranybody gettin an internal dial-up modem working in 10.04?12:45
jrib!dialup | treenester12:45
ubottutreenester: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up12:45
senidaI would like to know if it exists any distribution for my grands parents ?12:46
kingflossiam learning all of server stuff so iam not aware of which server application i need12:46
gnomefreaksenida: ubuntu?12:46
treenesterthank you12:46
kingflossi probably want all kind of server tools on my pc12:46
kingflossis there a specific package for server tools?12:46
jribkingfloss: let me recommend you read the server guide at help.ubuntu.com12:46
sacarlsonkingfloss: what does a server do?12:47
senidayep, but i'm looking for an ubuntu  customized for grandparents12:47
jribsenida: customized in what way?12:47
robertm85kingfloss - if you wanted a windows style server install windows server else read the server guide and start with a plan12:47
lee_who from  Rizhao?12:47
kingflossserves the client needs like database or webserver or print server12:47
gnomefreaksenida: without telling us what you mean by customized its linux you can cusomize it as you need it12:47
senidaeasy menus, easy desktop, automatic mount, etc.12:48
jribsenida: idk, isn't that regular ubuntu?12:48
gnomefreakour menu is not much different than WIN. it lists the apps you can run in the menu12:48
kingflosswell can anybody tell me whats the difference between redhat and ubuntu12:48
sacarlsonkingfloss: then maybe you want to install something like lamp.  apt-get install lamp.  to me you not near ready to be an admin.12:48
senidanot really really12:48
jribkingfloss: they are different distributions, it's not really a topic for this channel12:48
gnomefreakkingfloss: yes redhat is a different flavor of linux12:48
Dilbertoi beeez ballin wid muh free operatin systems  brah12:48
aeon-ltdkingfloss: package manager and documentation12:49
Dilbertothanks ubuntu g!12:49
bintwhat effect has "clear cmos" to my computer? (sorry offtopic)12:49
aeon-ltdbint: reset system clock and other bios settings12:49
Dilbertoiz gots ta aks yall a cuestyon12:49
bintits because i can't shut down my computer12:49
bintmaybe this could help12:49
bintit always restarts12:49
jribDilberto: please speak english12:49
Dilbertoi be speekin english12:50
bintshuts down - electrictiy and everyhting goes off for 2 seconds and then it restarts12:50
kingflossas i see most of stuff that are implemented in ubuntu like usb and cd burning are still not there in redhat 512:50
jribDilberto: I'm serious, speak english if you want help here12:50
Dilbertoize speekin english12:50
Dilbertowut u sayin i don be speekin no english?12:50
aeon-ltdDilberto: stop trolling please.12:50
kingflossalso ubuntu doesnt support LVM in basic installation...12:50
Dilbertotroll?  i a human beein  not a troll12:51
gnomefreakDilberto: what lanugage do you prefer because you are not comming across in the spelling you are using12:51
Dilbertodats raycis12:51
senidanobody has an idea ?12:51
Dilbertoblack people be human not troll!12:51
jrib!helpme | senida12:51
ubottusenida: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude12:51
kingflossadduser command should have been more easy to implement in ubuntu12:51
Dilbertowhy they call me a troll?12:51
aeon-ltd!ops | Dilberto12:51
ubottuDilberto: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!12:51
gnomefreakeveryone with redhatvs ubuntu please join #ubuntu-offtopic12:51
jribDilberto: move on to your support question12:51
gnomefreakaeon-ltd: taken care of12:51
DilbertoI habs this problem with my open office12:52
Dilbertoin ubuntu12:52
aeon-ltd!details | Dilberto12:52
ubottuDilberto: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:52
Dilbertowont open up properly word worksheets12:52
gnomefreakDilberto: you have not asked your question12:52
DilbertoHow do I get a word document that uses some sort of worksheet format to open up properly?12:52
Dilbertoit opens12:53
aeon-ltdDilberto: use csv files they transfer better nicely12:53
gnomefreakDilberto: like a spreadsheet?12:53
Dilbertobut the fields wont work12:53
Dilbertonah its a word document12:53
Dilbertowith some sort of dropdown boxes12:53
Dilbertofor choices between 1 - 512:53
Dilbertoon a list of quesitons12:53
Dilbertothen it tallys12:53
jrib!enter | Dilberto12:53
ubottuDilberto: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:53
FloodBot3Dilberto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:53
Dilbertobut it isn't excell12:53
Oli```Can anybody suggest how to find out why my Alt+Printscreen isn't working?12:53
aeon-ltdDilberto: use open formats like csv txt rtf12:53
jribOli```: does just printscreen work?12:54
Oli```jrib: yup12:54
jribOli```: is alt-printscreen supposed to grab a window?12:54
Oli```jrib: yeah12:54
jribOli```: does the cursor change so you can select a window?12:54
senidaok no probleme bye bye12:54
Oli```jrib: it *used* to just grab the output of the current window and pop up a window like normal printscreen does12:55
jribsenida: honestly, I'd use regular ubuntu and sit down with a couple of sessions with them.  Then I'd add icons and such that would seem helpful12:55
jribOli```: oh, but is that a "no" to my previous question?12:56
Oli```jrib: yeah, I've never had it give me a window-select-style option - even when it worked12:56
Cinux`jrib: my g++ works now. Thank you!12:56
gnomefreaksenida: might i suggest moving your topic to #ubuntu-offtopic since it is not a support question12:56
Oli```(yes, that's a no)12:56
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jribOli```: k, try executing « gnome-panel-screenshot -w » and see if that works12:57
senidajrb: i know perfectly well ubuntu (i use debian since 2001) ands i know that will be too difficult for  them (like xp would be also)12:57
gnomefreaksenida: please join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support related topics12:58
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Oli```jrib: both that and gnome-screenshot --window work fine. I say the other command because I've just had a look at my compiz gnome-compat settings and that's what it lists for the window screenshot command.12:58
jribCinux`: no problem12:58
jribOli```: I see12:58
=== pranay_09|away is now known as pranay_09
Oli```jrib: it's like something's overriding the keypress because other compiz-set keys are working12:59
jribOli```: does it work if you bind it to a different key combination?12:59
Oli```jrib: yes12:59
jrib!away > pranay_0912:59
ubottupranay_09, please see my private message12:59
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»13:00
jribOli```: k, well now we know the issue... Maybe try #compiz?  Did it used to work?  What changed?13:00
TiK(i wanted to read it13:00
Oli```jrib: when I try and set it back to <Alt>Print it can't "hear" the key combination. As I say, it's like something else is listening to that event and stopping anything else hear it. Is there any way to see what's responding to a keypress?13:01
jribOli```: not that I know of13:01
Oli```jrib: same applies to gnome's own keyboard shortcuts window (can't hear it). I'm in metacity now and the same is happening.13:02
jribOli```: check what programs are running13:03
jribOli```: you can also create a fresh new user and verify the key shortcut works there, then you would only have to login with the user for which it doesn't work and list running programs by that user13:04
Oli```jrib: good plan. I'll try the guest session13:04
sztomihi, could someone help me with reinstalling grub2?13:06
jrib!grub2 > sztomi13:07
ubottusztomi, please see my private message13:07
sztomithanks jrib, Im aware of that13:07
jribsztomi: then you need to ask a more specific question13:08
sacarlsonsztomi: how bad is it?13:08
FloodBot3fanqiang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:08
sztomiI repartitioned the harddrive and install windows on another partition13:08
LjL!cn | fanqiang13:09
ubottufanqiang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:09
wastlfanqiang: this is an english speaking channel..we don't understand you13:09
sacarlsonsztomi: so you plan to install ubuntu after windows? or has windows caused a problem with a preinstaled ubuntu?13:09
sztomithe later13:09
sztomibut simple restoring the original installation is not working because I repartitioned the disk13:10
sacarlsonsztomi: then boot a ubuntu live cd and install grub2 from there13:10
sacarlsonsztomi: it will still work fine13:10
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sztomiis there a way to autodetect installed OSes and install automatically? I'm on the live cd right now13:11
sacarlsonsztomi: even if it moved from sda to sdb with grub2 it will scan find the new location of your old ubuntu and make it bootable13:11
sacarlsonsztomi: yes that's what grub2 does automagic13:12
relachshello, i want to install mysql-server via apt-get13:12
=== Tijuanense is now known as MexicoLindo
relachsbut i get: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)13:12
relachsE: Unable to lock the download directory13:12
relachswhat should i do now?13:12
Rob235good morning13:12
sztomisacarlson, do I grub-install or update-grub?13:12
Rob235is there a way to install ubuntu over an existing install? i know its sloppy but i really messed something up13:13
sacarlsonsztomi: for more details look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/484461/13:16
sacarlsonsztomi: or !grub213:16
relachsafter restart: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:16
zzzed_Rob235, just reinstall, but be sure and reformat your partitions13:16
sztomithank you13:17
Rob235zzzed_, i said i didnt want to format...13:17
gnomefreakrelachs: run the command sudo dpkg --configure -a13:17
zzzed_Rob235, no you didn't say that13:17
bazhang!home | Rob23513:17
ubottuRob235: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome13:17
Rob235i said install over an existing install, i thought that was obvious but i guess not13:17
relachsgnomefreak ok after a restart and trying again it asked me to do so and then i tried again and it seems to download it13:18
bazhangRob235, move home to a separate partition then install13:18
gnomefreakrelachs: than the problem is fixed?13:18
Rob235i still have to reinstall everything though, right?13:19
relachsgnomefreak for now i think , thanks13:19
bazhangRob235, just the OS home wont be touched13:19
Rob235all my programs13:19
gnomefreakrelachs: np. the error gave you the fix i just helped you see it :)13:19
relachsgnomefreak but only after i restarted and tried again13:20
gnomefreakrelachs: you could have ran sudo apt-get update first i would think but i didnt know the whole story13:21
bintyou guys think that 60° celsius coretemp in a shuttle barebone is too high (bios in idle)? should i clean the cpu and add some new heatsink-paste?13:22
logan_wolfjca1981, bye13:22
relachsgnomefreak do you know where mysql is being installed to? because in my have to set a path to the location13:24
relachsin book the location is /usr/local/mysql13:24
relachsbut i dont see it there...13:24
lanceburrows_hey [22:21] <lanceburrows> can anyone help me with this error installing 10.04 [22:21] <lanceburrows> NoneType object has no attribute Get_Info, Any help?, I cant install, im using wubi to duel boot, I have downloaded kubuntu 3 times same error13:25
gnomefreakrelachs: not off hand. why /usr/local? are you installing it from repos?13:25
lanceburrows_I know it isnt ubuntu but there os no covos going on in kubuntu13:25
jriblanceburrows_: did you check the cd for defects?13:26
jriblanceburrows_: or whatever the checksum is called nowadays13:26
lanceburrows_I tried with and without cd13:26
jriblanceburrows_: did you check the md5sum?13:26
lanceburrows_i dont usually use cds13:26
lanceburrows_how do i check it it is there13:26
relachsgnomefreak i don't know why the book says so, the book said i should do an apt-get install mysql-server what i did13:26
jrib!verify | lanceburrows_13:26
ubottulanceburrows_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:26
relachsand now a "sudo gem install mysql --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql13:26
gnomefreakshoudlnt it be in /etc/ somewhere13:26
jribrelachs: things you install with APT do not go into /usr/local/13:27
sacarlsonlanceburrows_: your the secound person today that fails to get ubuntu to install with wubi.  you can also try live boot with usb flash disk if you have one.13:28
relachsi don't know if that line of code belongs to the mac os x part or if i have to do it on linux too13:28
lanceburrows_i dont want to do it without wubi because i dont want to acidently over write windows13:28
bill__hallo, i installed ubuntu 10.04 and i have a problem . when i go to read a .txt file which is writted in greek i see some very weird letters which are definetely not greek ... please someone help me ... this is an example http://news.in.gr/files/1/2010/AEI-Hmerisia-90.TXT13:29
kaushikbill__, do you the fonts?13:29
kaushikbill__, you need to install fontsfor it in13:30
bill__but the same happens when i download another txt file13:30
cmpsalvestrinibill__: Seems to me you have Cyrillic fonts and not Greek fonts13:30
bill__not reading it in firefox13:30
kaushikcheck it in that dir once13:31
sacarlsonlanceburrows_: well it apears wubi is some what broken so I guess your stuck with windows then.13:31
wastlbill__: hence this is a text file it doesn't know fonts nor formatting. What it does know is encoding...13:31
lanceburrows_hey is there any kubuntu hashs13:32
cmpsalvestrinisacarison: Not really, he could backup all the Windows documents and take the dive to an all-ubuntu install13:32
LjL!ops | MexicoLindo's quit message13:32
ubottuMexicoLindo's quit message: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!13:32
wastlbill__: if I set my firefox to open that textfile using ISO-8859-7 (i.e. ISO Standardencoding for Greek) it looks greek to me13:32
sacarlsonlanceburrows_: oh one more solution you can run ubuntu under windows with virtualbox.13:32
lanceburrows_hashes sorry i need kubuntu hash codes13:32
wastlgna now hes gone13:33
cmpsalvestriniGuys: beware of MexicoLindo he's a troll13:33
kaushikbill__, i think that doesnt matter  even if its a txt it has to show13:33
wastlkaushik: he left....13:34
kaushikwastl, :)13:34
lanceburrows_im going to try copy the 9.10 wubi to the 10.04 installer13:34
TiKlanceburrows_: why 10.04 comes with wubi..13:35
jrib!sums | lanceburrows_13:36
lanceburrows_is there a way i can use the 9.10 files13:36
jrib!md5sums | lanceburrows_13:36
ubottulanceburrows_: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.13:36
lanceburrows_to install 10.0413:36
jriblanceburrows_: you could install 9.10 and upgrade if that's the route you wanted to take...13:36
lanceburrows_mine are different to them13:36
lanceburrows_i only have an hour13:36
jriblanceburrows_: that's likely why you are having issues.  You need to redownload the iso13:36
lanceburrows_then im going on a plane13:37
lanceburrows_i downloaded it 3 times13:37
jriblanceburrows_: use a different mirror?13:37
lanceburrows_i used one from ubuntu site then from an educational mirror then another through torrent13:38
iria89sombody speak spanish??13:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:38
bazhangiria89, /join #ubuntu-es13:38
sacarlsonlanceburrows_: in virtualbox you can install the iso without burning the cd.  maybe your problem is bad cd burner13:38
jriblanceburrows_: what md5sum did you get on the iso you downloaded?  Which iso did you download?13:38
lanceburrows_kubuntu 10.0413:39
lanceburrows_08-27 21:00 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 === 08-27 21:00 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\users\lance\appdata\local\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log 08-27 21:00 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="E:\\wubi.exe"', '--cdmenu'] 08-27 21:00 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\Users\Lance\AppData\Local\Temp\pylA5.tmp\data 08-27 21:00 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\Users\Lance\AppData\Local\Temp\pylA5.tmp\bin\7z.exe 08-27 21:00 DEB13:39
lanceburrows_hold on i will upload the log13:39
lordleemojrib: cant he just dl the wubi installer from http://wubi-installer.org/ rather than dl the iso maybe helps13:40
sudobathi everybody13:40
jriblordleemo: I don't know13:40
sacarlsonwith wubi  do they create new partitions or are they running ubuntu inside windows patitions?13:41
lanceburrows_heres the link to the log13:41
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lanceburrows_scarlson the easy way is to make your own partion then install to that13:42
jriblanceburrows_: no, please do not use annoying services like sendspace.  If you want to show us the log, use a pastebin.  But at the moment, I'm just asking for the md5sum13:42
sacarlsonlanceburrows_: I have to pay money to see your logs?13:42
lanceburrows_oh ok13:42
lanceburrows_really thought it was fre13:42
StaRetjiFolks, what could be the reason I'm hearing sound in web browser but not in xbmc for example, sound is disappearing after reboot and if I switch PCs. (using casper-rw on usb stick). I really need help! Thx in advance.13:49
TiKif you switch PC's they prob have different soundcards...13:50
StaRetjiTiK, thx for reply, thay are identical13:50
StaRetjiit's intel d945gsejt with intel hd audio13:50
TiKStaRetji: hmm13:51
TiKStaRetji: 1sec13:51
StaRetjiso, when I put it back, no sound. The thing is, there is a sound in ubuntu, but xbmc no sound, weird, and it was working before reboot13:51
TiKStaRetji: A shot in the dark would be to try model=auto and see if13:52
TiKthat makes any difference. (add "options snd-hda-intel model=auto" to13:52
ozzieburrHi all, I am trying to install amazonmp3.deb on ubuntu 10.4. It requires a file Dependency is not satisfiable: libboost-filesystem1.34.1 but in Synaptic it has libbost-filesystem 1.40 if someone could help me I would appreciate it13:52
TiK/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and reboot)13:52
StaRetjiTiK, will do that, thx13:52
pc_alguien sabe donde puedo encontrar la libreria mplex para el grabador de discos brasero??13:52
TiKStaRetji: ok...13:52
TiKStaRetji: let me know.. we can try different models13:53
ShinyDarknessHello, all. I have a MacBook, an Ubuntu virtual machine and several Windows machines in a network, and I cannot get them to see each other.13:53
TiKStaRetji: aplay -l and google your codec13:53
StaRetjiTiK, currently its set options snd-hda-intel model=6stack-dig probe_mask=113:54
StaRetjibut I'll put auto13:54
ShinyDarknessActually, the Windows machines see each other perfectly.13:54
TiKShinyDarkness: are they set to bridged?13:54
TiKStaRetji: auto reads from the bios13:54
ShinyDarknessYes, I set the network configuration to bridged.13:54
ShinyDarknessAnd I installed Samba.13:55
StaRetjiTiK, nope, I've setit13:55
carlosgaldinoCould someone create an account for me? On X10 hosting.13:55
TiKStaRetji: doesn't work?13:55
StaRetjiTiK, few minutes ago, didn't help, I will try auto now13:55
TiKStaRetji: oh ok13:55
ShinyDarknessTiK: Yes, I set the network configuration to bridged.  And I installed Samba.13:55
TiKShinyDarkness: is samba running?13:56
ShinyDarknessI don't know. How do I test whether it is running?13:56
wastlShinyDarkness: do a ps aux | grep smbd on a shell?13:56
TiKShinyDarkness: ps aux | grep samba ?13:56
wastlShinyDarkness: if it outputs just itself there is no samba running13:57
TiKShinyDarkness: or smbd ;13:57
TiKShinyDarkness: I dont use it myself...13:57
ShinyDarknessTiK: According to this, samba is running.13:57
ShinyDarknessTiK, wastl: Can I use samba to get the MacBook and Ubuntu to see each other as well? Or do I have to do something else?13:58
TiKShinyDarkness: are you sure? if there was only 1 listing then its pob you looking for it13:58
StaRetjiTiK, nothing, sound works, but no sound in xbmc :/14:00
TiKStaRetji: ubuntu-bug14:00
StaRetjiTiK, could it be coz I have alsa and pulseaudio14:00
TiKStaRetji: nah14:00
StaRetjiTiK, why do I need pulse audio14:00
abhijithello all!!!14:00
abhijitjust connected mobile and my lovely ubuntu 'just detected and connected me!!! :)14:00
alienseer23DVD's are not mounting at all, neither data dvd's with info, nor video dvd's with movies. It was working fine a few days ago and just stopped with the last round of updates...14:01
TiKShiney: type smbstatus14:01
Regeneratingi have reboot problem :( , i can only hardreset14:01
StaRetjiTiK, what is it for, I didn't have it on older ubuntu, and no sound problems. aplay plays sound just fine, could it be that xbmc uses pulseaudio and that is the problem?14:02
TiKStaRetji: pulseaudio is just the defualt.. you can try another14:05
TiKStaRetji: aplay -l just lists your codec's14:05
StaRetjiaplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front....something.wav plays sound14:06
StaRetjiwould I harm something if I uninstall pulseaudio, it confuses me that I have hda intel and pulseaudio in mixer settings14:07
StaRetjiwhich one is relevant for what?14:07
TiKStaRetji: idk14:08
_L30_how can i remove the purple ubuntu screen during startup and just get the text startup14:09
bazhang!nox | _L30_14:09
ubottu_L30_: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:09
TiK_L30_: remove quiet...14:09
_L30_ooh got it that :)14:09
_L30_got it*14:09
x-ipHi, i downloaded the iso 32 bit  from ubuntu 10.04 and when it tries to boot i'm getting a uncompression error system halted, any ideas ? :)14:10
bazhangx-ip, md5 the iso ? burn at low speed then do the disk integrity check?14:11
x-ipbazhang, the md5 is fine, and i tryed to use it with virtual box (to discard the burns erros) and getting the same error14:11
poziduxhi every body! i have a question14:13
poziduxanybody can help me?!14:13
=== z is now known as Guest15908
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1547521 x-ip like this?14:13
Routersjust ask .. some one will help u if they are available to help14:13
poziduxi want to remaster debian... where should i begin?!14:13
bazhangpozidux, ask a question14:14
jribpozidux: #debian :)14:14
bazhangpozidux, ask in #debian14:14
Routers#debian pls14:14
poziduxi asked before. nobody answered!14:14
bazhangpozidux, so be patient ; offtopic here14:14
x-ipbazhang, yes, the difference is that i'm not upgrading, =)14:15
doktoreashello everybody..do you know if evolution has got an archive function for gmail?14:15
carlosgaldinoCould someone create an account for me?14:15
davidwhi - I seem to have lost auto-mounting of usb devices - what service should I restart to see if I can get it back?14:15
bazhangcarlosgaldino, what?14:15
carlosgaldinobazhang: I need to create an account for free web hosting but due to my country's IP I'm not able, so I'm here asking for help of some foreign14:16
bazhangcarlosgaldino, that has nothing to do with ubuntu. please dont ask14:17
carlosgaldinobazhang: I know. I came here just to find someone to help14:17
bazhangcarlosgaldino, its offtopic here. please dont14:18
amikropHello. Is this bug fixed with an update, yet? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/54413914:18
AxzGuys Spotify for Ubuntu works? because i have it installed cant logon14:18
Axzanyone has same problem and how to solve it?14:19
feodorcarlosgaldino, #defocus14:19
carlosgaldinofeodor: oh, good. thanks. i didn't know about it. see bazhang, it's just help, i don't wanna mess with this channel.14:20
GRANDx86i have backtrack 4 and i have problem with shift key - they don't work14:20
GRANDx86how to map Windows key as Shift key14:20
bazhangGRANDx86, #backtrack-linux for support14:20
GRANDx86i try but i'm banned there...14:21
GRANDx86backtrack is on ubuntu14:21
bazhangGRANDx86, your ident is root. change it14:21
bazhangGRANDx86, no, its not. and not supported here14:21
imfedehow do you know if someone is a root?14:21
bazhangimfede, check his ident. its banned in certain channels14:22
castimfede: you can't.14:22
jribimfede: why?14:22
imfedebazhang: what is the ident and how can i check it?14:22
bazhangimfede, you mean you as a user? or a irc ident14:23
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imfedebazhang:  does exist a irc root?14:24
bazhangimfede, ident = root@IP address when they join the channel14:24
hugoshican someone help me understand ubuntu boot up configuration, I installed openssh serverbut i don't want it to start on boot.  I looked at sysv-rc-conf and ssh isn't selected to startup in any runlevel - yet it starts up on boot anyways?14:25
imfedebazhang: when someone join i don't see ident=root@ip14:25
cjxjmanQuestion for the masses. I get a "you don not have permission or rights to access this file or folder" when I try to open a folder on an XP machine over my network. Its a public folder on the XP box. Shared so everyone can use it.14:32
yonahw|awayHi, I am running 10.04 within a vm using vmware. In general all works well and is nice. Sometimes when I leave the vm open and running overnight the sound no longer works in the morning. Has anyone ever seen this problem. Google mainly returns results where sound never works.14:33
bazhangcjxjman, connecting from ubuntu?14:33
cjxjmanyes. going to the XP box over the net14:33
cjxjmannetwork not internet14:33
themanhello there...I have a question...14:33
themanI have a 4core laptop, and I want to install ubuntu 10.04.114:34
yonahw|awaycjxjman: check the actual permissions, sometimes it seems like its available but actually is inheriting more restrictive persmissions14:34
demoHey I'm working with lucid lynx how do I move the close, hide and maximize window buttons to the other side of the window title bar?14:34
themanwhich version do you suggest 32, or 64 bits?14:34
bazhang!controls | demo14:34
ubottudemo: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side14:34
demotheman: sounds like 6414:34
yonahw|awaycjxjman: sorry I meant effective permissions14:34
afeijohi guys :)14:35
afeijoanyone using virtualbox with dual monitor?14:35
themanubuntu.org says"Not recommended for daily desktop usage"14:35
cjxjmanok will do that.14:35
theman64 bit Not recommended for daily desktop usage14:35
bazhangtheman, its poorly worded. its fine14:35
cjxjmanI'm running the 64bit version on my Desktop and its nice and fast14:36
emjtheman: yeah for me flash sucks more on 64 bit14:36
=== yonahw|away is now known as yonahw
yonahwI am running 64 bit on my home machine as well and also am experiencing some flash issues. Other than that it runs nicely14:36
chrometigeris there an easy way of tranfering files between 2 pc's, one on wired connection and the other on wireless    "same router"14:37
themanemj. I have already installed the 32 bits version...and is fine...I was just wandering why ubuntu.org says "Not recommended for daily desktop usage"14:37
TiKyonahw: flashplugin-nonfree ?14:37
Nwabhi i try to make an iso for flashing my bios, i did this : 'sudo mount -o loop -t vfat DRDOS703.IMG tmp' and it worked. But i've got a problem when i try to do this : 'sudo cp AWDFASH.EXE biosupdate.file tmp'. I've got this error : 'not enough space ...' why ?14:37
casttheman: probably because of non-free software having bad 64 bit support,14:37
erUSULboth ubuntu?14:37
yonahwTiK: indeed the nonfree14:37
casttheman: it's almost like they're advocating non-free...14:37
erUSULchrometiger: both ubuntu?14:38
TiKyonahw: works for me on 64bit14:38
themancast, ahaaa14:38
Buffalo66How do i know what ubuntu iso to download14:38
chrometigererUSUL: one is   one is winxp14:38
chrometigererUSUL: wireless is ubuntu14:38
wer_Internet is not working on my dell laptop with Kubuntu 10.04. I looked over the net found that I need to install a driver for my system. I need to install build-essential first. How can install it without a net connection ?14:38
TiKBuffalo66: depends if you are running 32bit or 64bit14:38
Buffalo66i have a intel mortherboard14:38
erUSULchrometiger: share a folder in winXP then in ubuntu use Places>Network>Windows Network14:38
yonahwTiK: for me it kind of works. Most things work but some don't. Youtube plays videos but I can't use any of the controls like full screen or close the ad14:38
themanI have matlab 64 bit version, and I wanted to try it...14:38
emjtheman: yeah what cast says, if you can live commercial applications  then it's ok..14:38
Buffalo66but how do i make sure im running 3214:38
* emj falls asleep14:39
TiKyonahw: yeah. thats why I switched too chrome..14:39
themanno, I can't live with comercial apps...I want free apps14:39
casta lot of the world has been running 64bit for a long time14:39
TiKyonahw: firefox and the plugin sucks14:39
yonahwTiK: are you saying that you had the same experience in Firefox and switching to chrome firxed it?14:39
wer_Internet is not working on my dell laptop with Kubuntu 10.04. I looked over the net found that I need to install a driver for my system. I need to install build-essential first. How can install it without a net connection ? Is there a solution ?14:39
yonahwah I see14:39
erUSULwer_: what driver ?14:40
yonahwTiK: thanks for that tip I'll be sure to check it out.14:40
chariotwinnerintrestingly vim is not installed by ubuntu14:40
TiKyonahw: :P14:40
theman32bits apps, do run on 64 bit ubuntu?14:40
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wer_erUSUL: the ethernet driver of my laptop is new for which drivers are not in kubuntu as of now14:40
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD14:40
themanbecause in windowz 7 64 bit, many apps have trouble...I can't run my usb tv app anymore...:(14:41
RobertVhas this bug been fixed in the latest ubuntu: panel-autohide leaves a one-pixel line on the desktop14:41
yonahwtheman: I would say that very few apps have trouble running in 64 bit windows 7 since it has the whole wow64 but there are drivers which have issues14:42
RobertVbasically, when you autohide a panel, it doesn't completely autohide it -- it leaves a one-pixel border line14:42
arnorhsfreckin wubi14:43
yonahwanyone ever experience ubuntu running in a vmware player vm losing sound? anyone know what I should be looking into? A restart of the host fixes it but I don't really want to go that route if it can at all be avoided?14:43
arnorhsi installed wubi 2 times yesterday night, both installations got destroyed14:43
RobertVis a vmware player different from vmware workstation?14:43
themanyonahw, maybe, but in ubuntu 32 bits there is no need for drivers, kaffeine has everything...so, If I move to 64 bit ubuntu will I face troubles? or there will be only commercial apps?14:43
TiKRobertV: yes sort of player is the shareware version14:44
wer_erUSUL: that doesn't solve the problem. Theweb link says error:14:44
arnorhsfirst try ubuntu didn't get added to the bootloader, second time i managed to start ubuntu but after an hour of use I tried to install xchat.. which froze the computer, and the root.disk got ruined14:44
arnorhsfun times :)14:44
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arnorhswill probably try to do it the good old way instead14:44
wer_erUSUL: ApTonCD won't work as I don't have build-essential on my system as of now14:44
erUSULwer_: and synaptic script?14:45
MicrosoftBilfinally cracked and hacked the wifi!!!14:45
yonahwtheman: I can't tell you what will happen on your machine but I haven't had any driver issues with 64 bit.14:45
bazhang!ot | MicrosoftBil14:45
ubottuMicrosoftBil: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:45
themanok...thanx dude14:45
wer_erUSUL: No internet connection on kubuntu so how would I get build-essential ?14:45
wer_erUSUL: There's no network connection at all on kubuntu14:46
ewookwer_: get the meta-packets on another machine.14:46
erUSULwer_: you use synapti to generate the script then on another linux machine you run it. then yu copy the deb over to the offline machine14:46
wer_ewook: how ?14:46
RobertVcould someone autohide their taskbar panel and see if it leaves a 1-pixel border?14:46
wer_erUSUL: and I don't have another machine except a dual boot system with win714:47
ilovefairuzRobertV: it does14:47
sdkwer_: Get it from another computer w a connection, put it on a dvd, put it in the system, mount the CD then do dpkg -i build-essentiai(rest of teh name).deb14:47
bazhangRobertV, no border here14:47
sdkdvd or usb drive  or whatever14:47
erUSULwer_: maybe in windows you have a download manager that can take url's from a text file ? the script it is just a text file with lines « wget url_here »14:48
TiKsdk: how would you tell  to install onto the cd/usb14:48
sdkIf you plan on doing much work on the system w/ no connection, I suggest you get the entire DVD collection and add it to your sources.list14:48
MicrosoftBilbazhang: Are you always present??14:48
ilovefairuz!ot | MicrosoftBil14:49
ubottuMicrosoftBil: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:49
bazhangMicrosoftBil, stay on topic please14:49
MicrosoftBilok ok14:49
TiKsdk: chroot?14:49
sdkTiK: you're copying the .deb to thumb and sneakernetting it to the destiination machine.  That was for wer_, sorry for confustion.14:49
MicrosoftBilif I want to talk about webdesign, which chat room should i go?14:50
kaushikhi can anybody tell me  how to make a multi os  bootable dvd ,i read somewhere that it was done for 7 different os14:50
TiKsdk: i know14:50
erUSUL!html | MicrosoftBil14:50
ubottuMicrosoftBil: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/14:50
bazhang#web or #html MicrosoftBil14:50
TiKsdk: but doesnt -i install?14:50
wer_sdk: entire DVD ? doesn't it have language packs only as a difference ?14:50
sdkHe's trying to install build-essential onto a system w/ no internet connection, is he not?14:50
* erUSUL fail14:50
TiKsdk: yes14:50
TiKsdk: but i dont follow your logic14:50
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TiKerUSUL has a better solution, dk14:51
TiKsdk: doesnt dpkg -i install. how would it put the deb onto cd?14:52
sdkthen, on a system w/ connection, get the .deb from packages.ubuntu.com.  copy it to thumb, walk it to the other computer, put in the thumb drive, copy the .deb to the HD and do dpkg -i build-essential*.deb.. and automagically it will iontall.14:52
TiKsdk: ooh now i see :P14:52
arvind_khadriHi, I am unable to find check_nt used in nagios, it is in nagios-plugins-basic, but am not able to use it.14:52
ewooksdk: build-essentials is a meta-package.14:52
ewooksdk: thus, not a real .deb.14:52
TiKsdk yah that would work14:53
MicrosoftBilanyone private chat on CSS???14:53
bazhangMicrosoftBil, try ##css14:53
sdkewook: point taken.. in that case... look at the files in build essential on packages.debian.org and copy them manually.14:53
Molfarhow can I add path to open_basedir directive globaly to all virtual hosts?14:53
sdkerr.. ubuntu.com14:53
crazierno,I dont do that14:53
ilovefairuzkaushik: the root filesystems for live cds are now usually created of squashfs image files, so by adding the squashfs images for all the distros you want to boot and adding entries for them in the bootloader config file (syslinux or grub) you can boot mutiple OSes off the same CD or USB pendrive14:53
sdkor like I said, get the whole DVD set and add them to your sources.list14:54
MicrosoftBili went to #php and it is empty14:54
yonahwdid something replace alsa-utils in 10.04? I am trying to manually restart my sound and get cannot find job alsa-utils?14:54
wer_sdk: erUSUL Is the option for generating script there in kpackagKit ? I don't have synaptic in kubuntu ?14:54
ewookwer_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/build-essential14:54
Nwabi cannot put some files in a folder to make an iso : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-9602314:55
sdkewook: Sorry, brain fart there.  :-/14:55
itsux2buMicrosoftBil, try  ##php   with 2  #14:55
mrDEMONÏîäñêàæèòå êàêóþ âåðñèþ ëóòøå ïîñòàâèòü?14:55
itsux2buMicrosoftBil, there is 555 users in there14:55
ilovefairuzmrDEMON: what's your native language?14:55
bazhang!ru | mrDEMON14:55
ubottumrDEMON: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:55
sdkwer_: I've no idea.. never use synaptic.  Eterm and apt-get.14:55
ewooksdk: no, aacctually....14:55
ewooksdk:  pool/main/b/build-essential/build-essential_11.4_i386.deb14:56
ewooksdk: my bad.14:56
erUSULwer_: i dunno; maybe in #kubuntu they know14:56
wer_sdk: erUSUL ok14:56
ewooksdk: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/b/build-essential/build-essential_11.4build1_i386.deb14:57
erUSUL!ru | mrDEMON14:57
ubottumrDEMON: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:57
mrDEMONíî òàì íå êîãî14:57
bazhangmrDEMON, /join #ubuntu-ru14:57
wer_ewook: Are those 5 package enough to install build-essential as I think the 4 packages on which buildessential depends might have other dependencies14:57
ewookmrDEMON: hush, please.14:57
ewookwer_: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/b/build-essential/build-essential_11.4build1_i386.deb14:57
MicrosoftBilin #php?14:57
kaushikilovefairuz, is there any place where an example is set up?14:57
chariotwinnermy totem doesnt play avi files which are quite some old14:58
ewookwer_: that should be enough, the meta should contain the referred packs as well14:58
chariotwinnercan any 1 help14:58
itsux2buMicrosoftBil, there's difference between  #php  and ##php14:58
ewookwer_: and I am guessing you were using 10.04 ?14:58
wer_ewook: yes14:58
sdkKk, so now to my question... trying to get soem terms to start on workspace3 on login.  It used to be that the -D switch for Eterm would work fine, then I had to move to wmctrl, but now wmctrl is no longer working .. so.. how would I get a terminal to load on login in a paerticular workspace?14:58
maritz_Hi, I've got an ubuntu on my netbook (acer aspire one) and the battery charge is sometimes randomly registered as <1.0% (when it really isn't.) then 10-30 seconds later snaps back to the real value. this often leads to ubuntu setting my brightness to lowest and warning me of hibernating soon. is there a way to fix this? (issue is not present in windows, so it's not the battery)14:58
MicrosoftBilwho is the father of UBUNTU?14:59
Kitar|stI'm hosting a Ceriatone Forum Donation Drive!!! You Can Win A Hand Wired Prinzetone Guitar Amp!!! http://ceriatoneforum.com/index.php?topic=1841.msg12851#msg12851 Check it out :)14:59
FloodBot3Kitar|st: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:59
bazhangKitar|st, not here please14:59
itsux2buMicrosoftBil, freenode has this silly rule that is the channel isn't an officially supported by the maker of that product.. then it has to have ## in instead of #..15:00
ilovefairuzkaushik: It's pretty simple if you understand how a linux system is initially booted (a kernel +and initrd file) Look at the files comprising ubuntu livecd, especially the bootloader config15:00
bazhangitsux2bu, he's gone15:00
nooby-doofirefox doesnt play flash video anymore, i get a black box and nothing happens on youtube, is there a fix? i cant seem to find a forum either15:00
wer_ewook: just to confirm before I reboot my system to install that. The link you gave just now downloads 7.1 kb while the one on http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/build-essential also is of 7.1 KB. Any problems  ?15:00
TiKnooby-doo: what flash are you running15:00
sdkmaritz_: I'd suggest that is may be your hardware connection, still.  Microsoft (I believe) only polls the battery ever couple of minutes, whereas (again I believe) Ubu is set to poll much more frequently.15:00
sdknooby-doo: get the plugin from adobe.15:01
bazhang!cn | gong15:01
ubottugong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:01
chariotwinnertotem in ubuntu 10.4 is corrupt15:01
bazhangwer_, that's a metapackage only15:01
maritz_sdk: do you know how i can change the polling frequency?15:01
kaushikilovefairuz, thank you15:01
nooby-dooTiK:     File: libswfdecmozilla.so15:01
nooby-doo    Version:15:01
nooby-doo    Shockwave Flash 9.0 r99915:01
TiKnooby-doo: I think the latest flash is 10 something15:02
sdkmaritz_: No idea, sorry man, I remember reading it in a forum somewhere.15:02
wer_bazhang: no dependencies at all then ? I need to do dpkg -i path/to/.debfile15:02
ilovefairuzgong: write: /join #ubuntu-cn15:02
nooby-dooTiK: how do i update this?15:02
maritz_sdk: i read of a few people with very similar problems but absolutely no solutions were offered. :(15:02
sdkwer_: Really, man, FTP the whole Ubuntu install.  You're goign to be MUCH b etter off that way.15:02
bazhangwer_, quite the contrary; check them at packages.ubuntu.com  (red for depends iirc)15:02
wer_bzrk: ewook Am i Right ? only dpkg -i path/to/.debfile needs to be done to install it ?15:02
TiKnooby-doo: tools/add-ons/update15:02
gongjoin #ubuntu-cn15:02
sdkmaritz_: Hrm.. one sec.15:02
wer_sdk: how ?15:03
bazhangwer_, do you have an ubuntu machine now? ie one online?15:03
ilovefairuzgong: /join15:03
wer_bazhang: no :(. Can be on a kubuntu one in 2 minutes15:04
bazhangwer_, same thing, use aptoncd15:04
bazhang!aptoncd | wer_15:04
ubottuwer_: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline15:04
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wer_bazhang: but that would be 32 bit machine and I need to run it on 64 bit15:04
wer_bazhang: ah but I have installed a 32 bit OS only15:05
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD15:05
sdkwer_: wow, not easy.. debian has the whole thing. Oh, there you go.. :)15:08
sdkmaritz_: Still checking.15:08
itsux2bui'm liking this ubuntu.. after figuring out how to make, by myself mind you, a hybrid server/desktop version of ubuntu.. i now have the best of both worlds.. hey you never know i might make ubuntu my main OS..15:08
julius__quieor entrar en una sala en español15:09
ilovefairuz!es | julius__15:09
ubottujulius__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:09
sdkmaritz_: Sorry man, looks like a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upower/+bug/55553115:10
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maritz_okay, thanks :)15:10
sdkitsux2bu: That's great.  Proud of you.  Keep plugging away.15:11
sdkI may have missed a response, so I'ma repost, sorry for spam:15:11
sdkKk, so now to my question... trying to get soem terms to start on workspace3 on login.  It used to be that the -D switch for Eterm would work fine, then I had to move to wmctrl, but now wmctrl is no longer working .. so.. how would I get a terminal to load on login in a paerticular workspace?15:12
wer_ewook: erUSUL its blank: http://sourceforge.net/projects/aptoncd/files/15:12
wer_bazhang: http://sourceforge.net/projects/aptoncd/files/  it's blank15:12
bazhangwer_, aptoncd from the repos15:13
nooby-dooya dude somethings seriously wrong with firefox .. now it hangs everytime theres a flash video15:13
erUSULwer_: aptoncd wont help you if you do not have access to another ubuntu machine15:13
erUSULwer_: with inet conection.15:13
peaceshow can i change the default editor to vim in a non-interactive way (for a bash script)? sudo update-alternatives --config editor does it interactively...15:13
bazhangwer_, if you have a net connection on another ubuntu/kubuntu/etc machine you can use it15:13
wer_erUSUL: Now I have access to another kubuntu machine with an internet connection. So do I need to sudo apt-get aptoncd ?15:13
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bazhangwer_, with the install15:14
erUSULwer_: yes;15:14
bazhangwer_, sudo apt-get install aptoncd15:14
wer_h ok15:14
bazhangwer_, then install build-essential on that machine15:14
bazhangwer_, and use aptoncd to create the repo from what you have installed15:15
peacesfound the answer to my question: export EDITOR=/usr/bin/myeditor http://superuser.com/questions/168702/how-do-i-change-the-default-text-editor-in-ubuntu15:16
sdkpeaces: I misunderstood you.. the easiest way is from teh CLI - set -o vi15:16
sdkor if you want it permanent, set it in your .profile or /etc/profile same line set -o vi15:17
sdkOh, sorry I ws still misunderstanding you.. ignore me.15:17
imfedei need help. when i plug in my wirless belkin card the whole ubuntu crashes and i need to restart the whole computer. with ubu 9.10 it works but when i upgrade to 10.04 it begins to crash :( help me!15:18
bazhangimfede, hotplug? while computer is turned on? usb or pcmcia15:18
smallfoot-luckily in two months there will be a 10.1015:19
bazhangsmallfoot-, ?15:19
smallfoot-bazhang, if 9.10 works, 10.04 broken, then maybe 10.04 fixed again15:19
imfedebazhang:  really idk its a belkin F5D701015:20
chariotwinnerwhat is alternative for gdmflexiserver15:20
chariotwinneror how could i install gdmflexiserver15:21
bazhangimfede, is it an external or builtin15:21
imfedebazhang:  external...15:21
qwdHi, I want to install Ubuntu to a laptop without a cd drive. I have a desktop with Debian Squeeze and a partition with Windows 7 (with no network). What would be the easiest way?15:22
bazhangimfede, paste.ubuntu.com with the output of lsusb and give us the url15:22
bazhangqwd, can boot from usb flash?15:22
wer_ewook: erUSUL I have synaptic on another machine(kubuntu) so generating a script from there and installing the deb on my machine would work ?15:22
wer_or would I need aptoncd only15:22
erUSULwer_: aptoncd only should work. they are alternative methods15:22
imfedebazhang: i have the lspci output... its not an usb key15:23
wer_erUSUL: ok, well I generated the script also. it's of no use then ?15:23
bazhangimfede, its external and pci?15:23
qwdbazhang: not sure. I thought the instructions for usb install seemed a bit complicated but if that's the easiest way I guess I need to go for it.15:23
erUSULwer_: yes; if you use aptoncd you do not need the script15:23
bazhangqwd, most recent computers can, unetbootin can do that15:24
wer_erUSUL: ah I meanI generated the script on another machine using synaptic15:24
bazhangqwd, quite straightforward actually15:24
sdkbazhang: Can't he just run the installer from within windows and choose to isntallnext to the W7 install?15:24
imfedebazhang:  i know that is external and someone has asked me a lspci output...15:25
bazhangsdk, I dont recommend wubi installs15:25
gravyfaceanyone running 10.04 LTS?15:25
sreejui have downloaded google earth. but it is .bin file .. how to install?15:25
sdkbazhang: Kk, just asking, nevr done myself..15:25
qwdbazhang: Ah, thanks, I was going to try usb-creator mentioned in the wiki but that's not in the Debian repo. unetbootin is though.15:25
bazhangimfede, both then please  lsusb and lspci15:25
sreejuplease help15:25
bazhang!googleearth > sreeju15:25
ubottusreeju, please see my private message15:25
imfedebazhang:  wait a min i restart the pc with a live cd15:26
MasterRoothello, is there anyway to change the buffer size for track playback in rhythmbox?15:26
sreejuyes i have downloaded . but how to install?15:27
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository15:27
sreejuplease tell how to install from the bin file15:28
sdksreeju: from terminal: man man, man chmod, man chown15:28
sreejuwhat to type in terminal15:29
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bazhangsdk, thats not needed15:29
bazhangsreeju, just a moment15:29
MasterRoothow about the buffer/cache size that samba client uses?15:30
imfedebazhang:  http://imfede.pastebin.com/bYe2ezyd it's the lspci15:31
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bazhangimfede, and lsusb please15:33
acidflashext 3 data=writeback and ext 4 data=writeback15:33
acidflashis there an improvement in performance from 3 to 4 with this same command ?15:34
sreejuanswer me15:34
imfedebazhang:  okok15:34
wer_ewook: erUSUL bazhang I tried aptoncd, but it doesn't show build-essential in package list15:34
afeijoanyone using virtualbox with dual monitor?15:35
bazhanghttp://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/08/install-google-earth-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/  sreeju using the medibuntu repos15:36
BluesKajwer_, enable other software sources and canonical partners in your package manager then sudo apt-get update in the terminal15:36
bazhangsreeju, see that link?15:36
djshotglasshi, i installed wicd because i wanted better wireless managment but only to find out it sucks even more than what comes with 10.03 so i removed wicd and now have nothing how to i get the default back?15:36
sreejuok wait15:36
Nic_I wanted to know how to create a separate partition for my music and videos and such while reinstalling ubuntu?15:37
wastlsreeju: to run a binary file it has either to be executable for you or to be capsulated in a shellscript15:37
indigoupdate-manager, on my upgrade to 9.10, is stuck at "Processing triggers for menu ..." Any idea how to get it unstuck?15:37
bazhangNic_, separate home?15:37
wer_BluesKaj: they are already selected15:38
bazhangindigo, let it run; how long has it been15:38
jendaNic_: don't do it :) I've had that on a previous installation and it's just too inconvenient.15:38
indigobazhang: about 90 minutes.15:38
Nic_bazhang: I suppose, I just want to use the partition as a "backup" that will be removed later15:38
indigobazhang: also, there is no CPU or disk activity.15:38
wastlsreeju: if so you coud run it with ./binaryfile  (if executable binary) or sh binfile.sh (if a shellscript encapsulated one)15:38
jendaNic_: sooner or later, you will need some of that HDD space for something else, or your music/videos won't fit there, and you won't be able to reassign those gigabytes.15:38
bazhang!home | nic_ check this then perhaps15:38
ubottunic_ check this then perhaps: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome15:38
imfedebazhang:  http://imfede.pastebin.com/VJ5m3F5Z lsusbi15:39
BluesKajwer_, try sudo apt-get install build-essential15:39
wer_BluesKaj: says already installed15:39
jendaNic_: of course, if it's for backup, or if you want to have your entire /home on a separate partition (which is more than reasonable) see the link from ubottu.15:39
Nic_jenda: I dont really have any other choice. I need to reinstall, and I cant afford any other means of backup, but I want to keep my home folder15:39
Nic_Oh, I see15:39
Nic_'Let me try15:40
afeijomy ubuntu isnt loading, how can I abort the graphic mode and load the text mode?15:40
bazhangRaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01)  imfede checked in hardware drivers for a driver for this?15:40
BluesKajwer_, so what are you trying to do then ?15:40
wastlafeijo: if it automatically goes to graphical mode you have to force it into text mode15:41
wer_BluesKaj: I want to include buid-essential to my apton cd image15:41
imfedebazhang:  well in 9.10 it works without the installation of any driver... where i can check the list of drivers?15:41
afeijowastl: yes how?15:41
wastlafeijo: you have to edit the grub settings at runtime since this can only be forced via kernel parameter15:41
sdkapt-file build-essential15:41
djshotglasshi, i installed wicd because i wanted better wireless managment but only to find out it sucks even more than what comes with 10.04 so i removed wicd and now have nothing how to i get the default back?15:41
sdkwhoops, sorry.15:41
afeijowastl: any key to make it wait for my choice?15:42
bazhangimfede, that's odd does ifconfig show wlan0 or ra0 ath0 or something similar?15:42
indigoafeijo: or maybe, depending on what you mean by "does'nt load", you can just hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a tty.15:42
wastlafeijo: however is it just X.org not working properly? Then you could just use ctrl+alt+F1 to change to tty1 to get a shell15:42
wer_sdk ?15:42
gionnicodamn safely remove hardware!!15:42
gionnicoyou should redirect me to the right place15:42
afeijowastl: I had no xorg.conf, I created it and rebooted15:42
gionnicoi think it's gnome-2.30?15:42
Nic_jenda: It isn't giving me the choice to resize the partition15:42
gionnicoor is it new udev?15:42
Nic_It is all blanked out15:42
gionnicothat introduced the "safely remove hardware" for USB sticks, memory cards, cd roms?15:43
BluesKajdjshotglass, did you remove network manager when you installed wicd15:43
gionnicoyou have now 2 choices: safely remove or eject15:43
imfedebazhang:  ifconfig shows a lot of thing... want to pastebin even the ifconfig output?15:43
wastlafeijo: no chance except having several grub entries with several parameter configs15:43
bazhangimfede, please15:43
djshotglassBluesKaj, no15:43
gionnicothat is nonsense. eject usb pen drive??! safely remove "cd rom?" "cd hard drive?!"15:43
afeijowastl: ctrl+alt+F1 didnt work15:43
imfedebazhang:  ok15:43
gionnicoi really feel bad for those regressions that always occour15:43
TiKNic_: you cnt mount a hard drive that is inuse boot from a livecd to resize15:43
bazhang!enter | gionnico15:43
ubottugionnico: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:43
BluesKajdjshotglass, then it should be listed in apps15:43
TiKnic: sorry its early15:43
Nic_TiK: I am running from a live CD15:43
SuperMiguelwhich DE or WM do you guys recommend when running ubuntu on a Virtual Machine, or a 13 inch laptop?15:43
Nic_TiK: I am using Gparted15:43
TiKNic_: make sure its not mounted...15:43
Nic_TiK: And it wont let me change anything15:44
wastlafeijo: then its obivously stuck somewhere...you may have to force it then15:44
TiKNic_: make sure you chose the right partition15:44
Nic_Ahhm that might be it15:44
Nic_One sec15:44
gionnicoBEFORE there was umount (right click). or you could click the eject icon in nautilus: it still was the SAME FKN cmmand: umount15:44
afeijowastl: how can I force it ? :)15:44
sdkwer_: just trying to see what debws are in build esential so you can download them individuallly..15:44
bazhanggionnico, watch the language15:44
gionnicoNOW right click on media (nautilus) tell you so ** many options15:44
sdkwrong termknal15:44
bazhanggionnico, file a bug then. complaining will get you nothing15:44
wer_sdk: ok, thanks15:44
gionnicobazhang: i'm asking redirect me to the right place plz15:44
wastlafeijo: get into grub menue (shoud work by pressing ESC on bootup if its not displayed by default)15:44
gionnicoi dont know who to get angry with15:44
bazhang!bugs | gionnico15:45
ubottugionnico: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:45
Nic_What the heck?15:45
Nic_I can't unmount it15:45
qwdWhich version should I choose in UNetbootin if I want to install ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-i386 ? There's only 10.04_Life 10.04_HdMedia and 10.04_NetInstall. Does it matter?15:45
wastlafeijo: then higlight the entry you want to boot and press 'e' for edit15:45
bazhanggionnico, this is the wrong place. file a bug.15:45
Nic_It says "error org.freedesktop.hal.device.interfacelocked.15:45
Nic_The hal freaks me out 0_o15:45
BluesKajwer_, you shouldn't worry about not have build-essential unless  your gonna be without internet access15:45
bazhangBluesKaj, he is15:46
wastlafeijo: then find the line including root=/somepartition15:46
imfedebazhang: it restart autmoatically!15:46
bazhangBluesKaj, trying to get build-essential15:46
gionnicobazhang: ok thanks15:46
wer_BluesKaj: I want to install build-essential on a machine that's without internet connection.15:46
Nic_I can't unmount this drive for some reason15:46
wastlafeijo: edit this line and append 'init=3' to it and then boot15:46
tynotgreetings! can anyone advise how to install a gui, ala kde, onto unbuntu server 10.04.1? we've someone offsite who wants to use terminal services into our server. does kde, or a reasonable equivalent, come with the ubuntu server iso?15:46
SuperMiguelwhich DE or WM do you guys recommend when running ubuntu on a Virtual Machine, or a 13 inch laptop?15:47
qwdSorry, I didn't read the install notes, it says I should use HdMedia. Shame on me.15:47
Nic_In the "details" it says "the enclosing drive for the volume is locked"15:47
TiKNic: i think yo chose the wrong one..15:47
Nic_No, that is the main one15:47
TiKNic_: /dev/sda ?15:47
Nic_It is where my existing stuff is15:47
afeijook esc helped, it offered to restore and restarted X, it worked :) thanks wastl15:48
afeijonow I need to make it use my 2 screens, I'm using a virtual ubuntu with virtualbox15:48
afeijodo I need to edit xorg.conf ?15:48
Untouchab1e_So, Ive been googling this and no one seems to have a good answer..15:48
TiKNic_: ?15:48
Nic_I got it unmounted15:48
Untouchab1e_Why do you need both "Eject" and "Safely Remove Drive" on a USB memory stick in Ubuntu 10.04?15:49
TiKuhm ok15:49
Untouchab1e_is there any difference between them?15:49
TiKUntouchab1e_: not really15:49
wastlafeijo: Splitscreen is a setting of the graphics driver....for my Nvidia card the nvidia setup gui does that15:49
Untouchab1e_TiK: then it seems redundant to have them both15:49
indigotynot: what do you mean by "terminal services"?15:49
TiKUntouchab1e_: w/e15:49
OerHeks Untouchab1e_ safely remove, it checks if any files are open15:49
afeijowastl: but to virtualbox that should not be the case... its probably manual15:50
Untouchab1e_Microsoft had them both back in the day too.. while Ubuntu didnt.. now it seems the tables have turned >_<15:50
spunkHello! Are there any available on-line defrag tool for ext4?15:50
BSaboiahi guys15:50
Untouchab1e_OerHeks: so why use "eject" then?15:50
SpeirosFor fucks sake15:50
bazhangspunk, not needed15:50
bazhangSpeiros, watch the language15:50
spunkbazhang, sure?15:50
BSaboiaI've just installed Ubuntu server, annd I'm struggling to configure SAMBA15:50
OerHeksUbunturific, only if you are sure there is no file/window using it.15:50
tynotindigo, advice on virtual GUI shell (ala kde) for ubuntu server. does the server install iso come with a desktop package?15:50
imfedebazhang:  http://imfede.pastebin.com/e7nN8KG615:50
BSaboiaI can create a share, but can't set permissions15:50
BSaboiaat leas WRITE permissions15:51
BSaboiaI can read the folder, but can't Write to it...15:51
wastlafeijo: you mean virual desktops in your X.org?15:51
mayhewif im updatinog from 9.10 to 10.04 will my setings and programs be messed with?15:51
afeijowastl: no, 2 monitors, 2 screens15:51
indigotynot: whether the iso comes with it or not, kde is downloadable and installable with whatever package management tool you like. Not sure kde is what you want, though.15:51
afeijowastl: but I just found out that virtualbox dont support it to linux yet, only windows :(15:51
sdkspunk: EXT4 is VERY good at avoiding disk fragmentation.  every 40 reboots or so, your system will do a check disk automagically.  Otherwise google e[3~d15:52
oliver_i installed a nvidia card in my ubuntu computer that had a ati before and i remove the ati drivers and installed the nvidia but it laggs little when i move windows and so.... heeelp15:52
sdkgoogle fragmentation ext415:52
imfedeafeijo:  my vrtualbox run ubuntu perfectly15:52
=== sdk is now known as sdk_away
Nic_Isn't it telling you to rm -rf here http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome ?15:52
afeijoimfede: your ubuntu is the guest or host?15:52
Nic_At the end15:52
TiKoliver: tweak your refresh rate and set vsync on....15:52
afeijodual screen works only for windows guest, I'm runing ubuntu guest15:52
tynotindigo, we just would like a gui for someone offsite to remote into the ubuntu server. I'm sure I'm not explaining it well, bear with me, please. appreciate your assistance.15:52
oliver_TIK: how will i do that?15:53
mayhewif i'm updating from 9.10 to 10.04 will my settings and programs be messed with?15:53
imfedeafeijo:  host i think15:53
indigotynot: in that case, first i'd ask if that someone can run an X server on his machine15:53
coz_oliver_,  which nvidia card  and is compiz running?15:53
afeijoimfede: yeah, virtualbox dont support my scenario yet15:53
TiKNic_: after you resize your partition just mv the music files onto it15:53
Nic_TiK: That is what I was thinking I would do15:53
TiKNic_: you are not making a seperate home partition that would mess mint up15:53
hate1need help i must be a retard ... i can't past from a webpage into vi15:54
indigotynot: if that someone is running Mac OS, Linux, BSD, or pretty much any Unix, the answer is yes. If he is running windows, the answer is yes, but maybe for a fee.15:54
oliver_coz_ nvidia gefore 240 gts 1gb zone edition15:54
TiKhate1: use pico/nano ;)15:54
Nic_Then I can install mint and move the music/media into mint, then delete that partition?15:54
mayhewif i'm updating from 9.10 to 10.04 will my settings and programs be messed with?15:54
coz_oliver_,  and is compiz running as well?15:54
oliver_coz_ yes15:54
wastlI am running an Nvidia 9500GT here with compiz on using dualhead with two displays and several compiz effects and it runs fine :)15:54
coz_oliver_,  did you choose the   "nvidia_current"  driver when you installed it?15:55
hate1never used nano or pico15:55
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/539794 imfede its a bug15:55
oliver_coz_ yes i did15:55
TiKNic_: well you can delete the files off the partition but you will just have unused space if you delete the partition15:55
tynotindigo, as callus as it sounds, that's not my concern. I'm not terribly concerned who or how they'll access it virutally. I just need to set it up so that someone can use Xwindow.15:55
coz_oliver_,  and I assume you already rebooted the system after you installed the driver ...yes?15:55
tynothope that made sense, indigo.15:55
oliver_coz_ yes15:55
TiKNic_: its useful for backups though15:55
Nic_TiK: Cant I just delete that partition and resize the mint one?15:56
oliver_coz_ put compiz off and it runs very smooth... something wrong with compiz?15:56
imfedebazhang:  so no solution?15:56
coz_oliver_,  no  we probably have to tweak a few things hold on15:56
bazhangimfede, you read the link?15:56
indigotynot: well then, just install whatever graphical programs you want, and tell "them" to install an X11 server, and you are done.15:56
oliver_coz_ alright :)15:56
spunksdk, I recon system disks will stay unfragged easily, but with a media disk or a disk with virtual machine disk images that are frequently created and deleted will get fragmented...15:56
grawityWhich package contains the "human" theme for notification-daemon?15:57
barberanIs there a sense to have the ubuntu on the desktop instead of having win-7 ?15:57
guesthow do I found out why my hard drive is not mounting properly?15:57
gueston start it says "the disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present"15:57
imfedebazhang:  im reading... i find no slution... only a problem15:57
BluesKajwer, the only thing I can suggest is to use a live cd as a source for build-essential , but I'm not sure it's even included15:57
tynotCool. I'm a Mac user. Is there errata somewhere for me to remote gui into this server, once I've finished installing it?  Something akin to Remote Desktop (tsc) in Windoze?15:57
guestbut SMART passes, and  mount -o rw,remount /dev/sda1 works15:58
guestbut on start it mounts as read-only15:58
bazhangimfede,  a couple of workarounds though15:58
TiKNic_: ?15:58
indigoguest: perhaps /etc/fstab is not accurate?15:58
mayhewif i'm updating from 9.10 to 10.04 will my settings and programs be messed with?15:58
TiKNic_: i guess15:58
guestindigo, it is.. UUID=bla / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 115:58
guestindigo, is there a way to know why it is mounting as readonly?15:59
grawitytynot: either VNC (Vino) (which is quite like RDP) or X11-over-SSH (which integrates quite closely with the client desktop)15:59
guesti.e. what is causing the error?15:59
coz_oliver_,  meet me in #compiz   maybe one of us can help there15:59
tynotindigo, and more importantly, does ubuntu server 10.04.1 come with any graphical packages?15:59
hate1ok im lost how do you paste from clipboard in nano15:59
Nic_TiK: I think that makes the most sense instead of keeping a big ol' empty space on my computer once I have mint15:59
Nic_It is making the partitions now, by the way15:59
imfedebazhang:  someone suggest to change kernel...how can i do it?15:59
Nic_It takes a looooooooooong time 0_o15:59
tynotgrawity, thanks. i'll look into it.15:59
WinstonSmithhate1, try shift+insert15:59
sdk_awaywer_: FTP the Debian testing images, I believe they have the full DVD set, and add them to the sources.list  You can use the ubuntu Admin -> software sources tool for that.. it's at least worth a try.15:59
TiKNic_: yeah well I just having 2 partitions15:59
oliver_coz_ ok :)16:00
sdk_awayI really have to do.. Peace.16:00
TiKNic_: s/just/like16:00
indigotynot: like i said, what's on the ISO is really not important, if you have internet access. The only difference between the server and not-server flavors of ubuntu is the packages they install by default. Once they are installed, they get the same package list online, and can install the same things.16:00
mayhewNeed Help with upgrading Ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.0416:00
wer_sdk_away: ok16:00
wer_sdk_away: I am trying sudo apt-get remove build-essential and then again used aptoncd. it detectedit now16:00
wer_sdk_away: I am trying sudo apt-get remove build-essential and then again used aptoncd. it detected it now16:01
TiKNic_: good luck! bbl16:01
Nic_TiK: Thanks :D16:01
mayhewif i'm updating from 9.10 to 10.04 will my settings and programs be messed with?16:01
Nic_TiK: You really have helped, thanks a bunch ^_^16:01
TiKmayhew: no one is going to help you if you keep repeating yourself try google or forums16:01
tynotindigo, can you tell I'm not a Linux god? I'd have to research how to do that from  linux's command line. I've gotten so far away from it, I've forgotten how to do most of that, although I could at one time. :)16:02
indigomayhew: yes, they will be upgraded. You have a backup of anything important, right?16:02
TiKNic_: i run mint on another computer and I like it16:02
wer_sdk_away: how do I use apton cd on my system wothout internet connection now16:02
mayhewthats all ineeded to know. thanks.16:02
guestindigo, the drive also passes fsck.. this issue only occured after upgrading to lucid16:02
TiKnic: afkerz16:02
imfedebazhang:  and here it says that he can't found any network... but my problem is not the same. my pc crashes when i plug the wireless card. it reonigze the network, it tried to connect and then it freeze16:02
Nic_TiK: My friend uses it, so I wanted to try it anyways :)16:03
indigotynot: well, you didn't ask about how to do anything. Easiest way to install packages is with "apt-get install <package>". See the man page, and also apt-cache.16:03
TiKNic_: its just ubuntu with codec's an a windows feel.. my parents use it16:03
indigoguest: hm, i really don't have any more ideas then16:03
corpsicleim having some problems with svn and gnome-keyring, it just tells me "could not authenticate to server" ... could it be it has saved my IP somwhere and it has changed ? and thus it cant identify me16:03
guestindigo, i guess i'll just make the failsafe load it as read/write to workaroudn it :_\16:04
lunganIf I _never_ have wrote a program in my life, and want to learn how to use c++ (or what ever name it is) which is the first book I may read?16:04
jetsaredimif i'm using vnc to connect to my desktop - is that enough reason for vino-server to be consuming nearly 50% cpu?16:04
tynotindigo, ha! right? one more thing... do we essentially get the same rudimentary server functionality with ubuntu enterprise cloud plus cloud operability than just a simple ubuntu server build?16:05
indigotynot: i've no idea.16:06
wer_So finally I am leaving ubuntu forever as there doesn't seem to be a solution at all16:07
bazhangwer_, to what16:07
indigoSo, anyone have an idea how to get my 9.10 upgrade unstuck from "Processing triggers for menu ..." ?16:08
tynotindigo, thx anyway. all of our servers are in an existing cloud offsite, but it may be nice to have that functionality down the road, which, again, could be another package install. thx again for the syntactical refresher. peace.16:08
uRockdon't be a troll16:08
wer_bazhang: may be suse. Even if I use apton cd. How do I get that image working on my instllation without Internet16:08
bazhanguRock, what?16:08
uRocknot u16:08
bazhanguRock, not needed nor appropriate here16:08
GreenDotQHi all16:08
smarkysome one here?16:08
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:08
BluesKajwer_, use the full dvd as sdk_away suggested16:09
GreenDotQcan i ask one question about ubuntu?16:09
bazhangwer_, aptoncd is quite simple to use16:09
WinstonSmith!ask GreenDotQ16:09
wer_bazhang: would require another 12 hours to do that then16:09
Nef1yes tell me16:09
bazhangwer_, well easily doable. your choice really.16:09
uRockthe problem with aptoncd is the fact you need internet to install it on the machine before you can use it to install everything16:09
GreenDotQhow to made smaller icons on desktop?16:10
wer_bazhang: I wrote the image to a cd, but wondering how would I restore that on another machine without apton cd ?16:10
bazhangwer_, add it to your repos list in the other machine. simple.16:10
hasanibrahimhello i am in ubuntu-live-cd16:10
wer_bazhang: you mean the cd ?16:11
uRockhasanibrahim, and?16:11
hasanibrahimi want to reedit grup menu but when i try16:11
tynotindigo, thx!16:11
hasanibrahimto enter sudo grup command on terminal16:11
wer_bazhang: can you please tell how do I do that ?16:11
bazhangwer_, the one that aptoncd generates and you burned yes16:11
GreenDotQPeople! It's real to make a small icons on desktop?16:11
hasanibrahimubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub sudo: grub: command not found16:11
wer_bazhang: I remember something sudo nano sources.lst but what to add there ?16:12
bazhanghasanibrahim, grub? or grub216:12
wer_bazhang: I never added a cd to a repo16:12
bazhanghasanibrahim, read the wiki yet?16:12
hasanibrahimi need to restore it. i have just installed windows so i lost16:12
uRockwer_, you can add a cd via the Software Sources application in the menus16:12
hasanibrahimbazhang: i read16:12
hasanibrahimalso i printed it16:13
wer_uRock: ah yes16:13
GreenDotQWho here have Ubuntu 9x?16:13
bazhangwer_, did you install build-essential on the kubuntu machine? as well as aptoncd?16:13
hasanibrahimbut the first stage must be `sudo grub`16:13
hasanibrahimbut its not working16:13
uRockGreenDotQ, I have it on one machine, what's up?16:13
WinstonSmithhasanibrahim, shouldnt that be grub-install?16:14
zimnyxUbuntu server installer doesn't install Grub in last step if I got hardware raid enabled. I checked and root partition created on RAID has bootable flag set. Any ideas?16:14
wer_bazhang: build-essential was already there so I did sudo pat-get remove build-essential and then reinstalled it( don't no if it removed all dependencies also) as initially apton cd didn't show up build-essential in package list16:14
wer_*sudo apt-get16:14
uRockhasanibrahim, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:15
bazhangwer_, and created a cd with aptoncd?16:15
wer_bazhang: is there a way to remove all dependencies of build-esential also and then reinstall it16:15
wer_bazhang: yes16:15
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em brasileiro. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:15
hasanibrahimWinstonSmith: i have installed ubuntu; than installwindows ON ubuntu; so i lost grub16:15
WinstonSmithhasanibrahim, look the link uRock gave you please16:16
CyberCr33pI have an Ubuntu VPS and every time I reboot it the settings on /etc/network/interfaces get lost. Any idea how to fix it ?16:17
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/create-backup-of-all-installed-packages-using-aptoncd-in-ubuntu.html wer_ here is a guide with pictures etc16:17
bazhangWinstonSmith, /msg ubottu please16:17
DoubleStringhey all16:17
* wer_ looks16:18
WinstonSmithbazhang, with what plz?16:18
bazhangWinstonSmith, all the !ping etc16:18
WinstonSmithahh ok so its a PM sorry16:19
WinstonSmithwont clutter again :O16:19
met_I'd like to replace °C with "degrees" in the variable, but "$current_temp = [` echo $current_temp | sed 's/\°C/degrees/g' `]" doesn't work16:19
wer_bazhang: thanks but still the problem remains that whether remove build-essential removed all dependencies16:19
bazhangwer_, just reinstall it then to make sure?16:20
wer_bazhang: I reinstalled it using apt-get but it installed build-esential only and not its dependencies g++ etc16:21
blackdoggycan any one help setting up thundre bird16:21
hasanibrahimWinstonSmith: please check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/484536/16:21
wer_bazhang: so probably it installed that 7.1 KB only and not it's dependencies16:21
hasanibrahimwhich one must i mount16:21
Polysicsanyone knows if wget has an option to report file size only, without download?16:21
uRockblackdoggy, what email host do you have?16:22
wer_bazhang: I mean its dependencies are still may not be in aptoncd image16:22
newuserXhi every16:22
uRockwon't work16:22
cryptideif i have a rsync command running in a script, and it is still running, how do i tap into what it is spitting out to console?16:22
JanhouseHow can I disable incoming connections (make myself passive) on some ports using iptables?16:22
uRockYahoo blocks it unless you have a paid account, blackdoggy16:23
qwdI'm trying to install Ubuntu to a laptop with usb memory. I used UNetbootin but when I try to boot from the usb memory I get the message "Missing operating system". The usb drive uses FAT32 and has the bootable flag activated. Do I need to format it in any particular way or enable any other flags? What's wrong?16:23
blackdoggyu rock,  i  m in australia16:23
hasanibrahimuRock: please check this; i will do the directions on the URL16:23
hasanibrahimbut which one mut i mount16:23
newuserXis there a language converter software??16:23
blackdoggyand it should be free here16:23
WinstonSmithhasanibrahim, as / for ubuntu?16:23
wer_newuserX: for what ?16:23
newuserXlike translate.google.com16:24
uRockthe free version doesn't work with t-bird16:24
Nic_Is it weird that my partitions are still resizing?16:24
newuserXfrom Eng. to Italian16:24
Nic_It has been a while16:24
WinstonSmithnic_ it takes some time depending on the amount of data present16:25
hasanibrahimWinstonSmith: i want to have a grub which must show ubuntu and windows on the grub16:25
wer_bazhang: let me reframe my question: Is there a way to remove a package completely along with its dependencies ?16:25
blackdoggyso  is there any option?16:25
wer_newuserX: Google Translate ? not a s/w though16:25
bazhangwer_, not sure what the issue is. just try reinstalling build-essential and see what the download size is.16:25
Kebai am attempting to save a mail account using imap and evolution, after setting up this mail account in evolution, downloading the mais and clicking on each mail folder, i have lots of folders in ~/.evolution/mail/imap/$username@$mailserver/folders/ -- but these folders do not contain mails, only a 0 byte big "journal" file16:25
newuserXSoftware to convert language .16:26
WinstonSmithhasanibrahim, maybe join #grub for that16:26
Kebawell, and there is a sqlite file (1.3 mib) entitled "folders.db", but i don't believe all mails are saved in this small db? how to save mail using imap and evolution while keeping the folder structure??16:26
SCD[Eire]Offtopic: What channel would I go to for help with a banner design?16:26
Nic_WinstonSmith: In that case I am going to go eat breakfast, hopefull it will be done by now16:26
wer_bazhang: ah 48 KBs16:26
eLdiaBL0newuserX , you need software?16:26
WinstonSmithnic good idea bon apetite :)16:26
uRockhasan, in the LiveCD does running the sudo update-grub work?16:27
wer_bazhang: rebooting my system for giving it a try. would be back soon :)16:27
azarethif I have a bash script16:27
azarethhow can I see are there any errors during its execution16:28
WinstonSmithazareth, instead of bash in the beginning put bash -x16:28
WinstonSmithon the 1st line of the script16:28
newuserXya. on ubuntu16:29
CyberCr33pI have an Ubuntu VPS and every time I reboot it the settings on /etc/network/interfaces get lost. Any idea how to fix it ?16:30
newuserX[##overflow] You've reached this channel because the channel you tried to enter has been configured with join throttling (+J). There may be a clonebot attack in progress there, or simply unusually heavy interest. Please leave this channel and try again. Your channel may also be "identified-only" (+r); join #please_register for more information. If you need help, message a freenode staffer or email support@freenode.net .... Thanks!16:30
uRockazareth, add 2> "filename" to the end of the commands and the error will be sent to the file16:30
newuserXwhat is this message?16:30
eLdiaBL0newuserX , why you wont use an online translator ?16:30
azarethuRock : thanks16:31
eLdiaBL0newuserX , it seems that some kind of script has redirected you to an other channel16:32
newuserXya. but why??16:32
uRock1 out of 3 startings of xchat changes #ubuntu to #ubuntu-unregged16:33
newuserXI want to join ##php but can't.16:33
eLdiaBL0newuserX , because of a script16:33
jrib!register | newuserX16:33
ubottunewuserX: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:33
newuserXso i need to register for it.16:34
eLdiaBL0newuserX , probably...16:34
uRocknewuserX, they like to do that so it is easier to k-line people16:34
=== marcuy is now known as marcu_y
zebul0nis someone running a webserver on localhost ?16:36
jrib!anyone | zebul0n16:36
ubottuzebul0n: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:36
craigbass1976Isn't there some command to install a lamp server all in one go, rather than the individual packages (apache, php, mysql, etc)16:36
jrib!lamp | craigbass197616:36
ubottucraigbass1976: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:36
wer_nazhang: I added apton cd as a repo16:37
zebul0nu are right :) I went to salestank.com and it displays my localhost directory ! How is that possible ?16:37
Te3-BloodyIronhow do you check from the CLI which groups a user is a member of?16:37
wer_bazhang: but isn't able to install build-essential from there16:37
newuserXuRock: what is k line?16:37
jribzebul0n: check your /etc/hosts?16:38
wer_bazhang: I did sudo apt-get update and them sudo apt-get install build-essential16:38
zebul0nalready checked16:38
jrib!who | zebul0n16:38
ubottuzebul0n: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:38
uRocknewuserX, it is a permanent ban of the registered IP from being able to sign into freenode16:39
jribzebul0n: well I see a parked domain here.  Maybe it's your router16:39
newuserXSo I may be baned permanently??16:39
uRockthey can if you are being bad16:40
wer_bazhang: it says: Err cdrom://[AptonCD for ubuntu lucid - i386 CD1]/packages/linux-libc-dev_2. File Not Found16:40
zebul0njrib, I saw as well, that's why I asked for someone running a webserver localy to check as well16:40
gionnico!bug #62538016:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:40
gionnico!bug 62538016:40
newuserXo.  so if i register then can i enter??16:40
jribzebul0n: what?  What is your question?16:40
blue_annais ruby 1.9.2 getting a deb package soon?16:40
gionnicowell here it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/62538016:40
gionnicogood readin'16:41
* gionnico 's weight has gone a little, now :)16:41
jribnewuserX: yes...16:41
hasanibrahimhello again i got this error when i try to rrestore grub16:42
hasanibrahimubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda6 /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR.  This is a BAD idea..16:42
newuserXthat was crazy16:42
uRocknewuserX, also after registering, you can have your IP cloaked, so that it doesn't show your IP in the channels when you sign in16:42
peaceshow can i install sun-java6-jre in a script - i am supposed to accept the license interactively, but that's not an option it has to be fully automated. ?16:42
zebul0njrib, can someone running a webserver on localhost check the url salestank.com on his browser to tell me if it displays his local directory, just like it does for me ?16:42
ZykoticK9_nothomhasanibrahim, sda woule be the MBR of your first drive16:42
mickster04hasanibrahim: it means it wont get picked when the computer boots up? unless you have another bootloader that can select sda616:42
jribzebul0n: it does not.16:43
blue_annapeaces, check out expect16:43
jribzebul0n: why would it...16:43
ZykoticK9_nothompeaces, others have asked the same question - i've never seen an answer16:43
zebul0njrib, i don't know but it does for me, and I can't understand what's goin on16:43
hasanibrahimmickster04: /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: if you really want blocklists, use --force.16:43
jribzebul0n: what does « host salestank.com » return for you?16:43
hasanibrahimthis is the other error.16:44
uRockis for horses16:44
mickster04hasanibrahim: just type in setup-grub, you shouldn't nned the /usr/bin/16:44
newuserX #css :Cannot send to channel   . what is this?16:44
jribnewuserX: general channel administration questions are offtopic here, try #freenode16:45
zebul0njrib: salestank.com has address
zebul0nsalestank.com has IPv6 address ::116:45
zebul0nok !!!! it must be an ipv6 problem then !16:45
hasanibrahimmickster04: i dont want to lost windows on boot. i only want to restore grub2 than i could choose windows and ubuntu16:45
jribzebul0n: indeed, note "host" returns the same info for me16:46
wer_iit really sucks to use ubuntu without an internet connection. We should make this task rather more easy16:46
wer_uRock: How do I run the script generated by synaptic for package dwnload ?16:46
outer_spacehow do i configure chrome to use open source java or sun java?16:47
jribzebul0n: that might be a configuration issue on their end?16:47
newuserXall these chat suck!16:47
peacesblue_anna: ZykoticK9_nothom: looks like expect will work, found some more info here fyi http://superuser.com/questions/116014/automatically-agree-to-license-agreement-when-using-apt-get-install-sun-java6-jr16:47
zebul0njrib: ok, I understand, it only do that whit firefox, not chrome ! that's definitely an ipv6 problem as ::1 is localhost16:47
mickster04hasanibrahim: well you can install grub onto the normal MBR then it can boot into windows16:47
mickster04!grub2 | hasanibrahim16:47
ubottuhasanibrahim: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:47
jribzebul0n: you can disable ipv6 in about:config if you want16:47
blue_annapeaces, god luck :)16:47
blue_anna* good16:47
blue_annais ruby 1.9.2 getting a deb package soon?16:48
uRockwer_ I haven't used aptoncd in a long time and I had an internet connection16:48
=== ishan_ is now known as ishan
mickster04NewaWrk: that doesn't make sense...16:48
zebul0nwell, i won't, but you helped me figure out what was goin on, thanks a lot !16:48
rothamhey... will virtual box let me run xp inside of ubuntu?16:48
wer_uRock: ah I am niot asking for aptoncd, I wanted to know how to run the script I generated using synaptic fir build-essential16:49
AndrewMCrotham~ yes it will16:49
mickster04NewaWrk: sorry wrong guy16:49
mickster04rotham: yes16:49
wer_uRock: I don't the exact thing to run for downloading .deb via script16:50
wer_uRock: I have the script ready16:50
zebul0njrib: thank you, see ya16:51
uRockwer_ I've never done that16:52
guest_is there an alternative to errors=remount-ro in fstab? to remount as rw?16:52
lunganHow do I get the buttons on the window boarder on the right side instead of left?16:52
mickster04lungan: gconf16:52
ZykoticK9_nothom!controls | lungan16:52
ubottulungan: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side16:52
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d3v0my ubuntu password has been changed16:53
d3v0can i get some help in finding out what it was changed to16:53
mickster04d3v0: not without you chnging it it hasn't16:53
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords16:53
Te3-BloodyIronhow do you check from the CLI which groups a user is a member of?16:54
d3v0i'm pretty sure someone has changed it16:54
chrisbuntunerdHello Guest6669 and welcome to #ubuntu16:54
outer_spacehow do you make chrome use sun java or open source java if you have both?16:54
wer_So no other option but to remove kubuntu and move back to windows16:54
OerHeksd3v0, maybe caps-lock is presssed ?16:54
chrisbuntunerdHello subqq and welcome to #ubuntu16:54
chrisbuntunerdHello subqq and welcome to #ubuntu16:54
d3v0tried all that16:54
chrisbuntunerdhey! peace and welcome to #ubuntu16:55
chrisbuntunerdHello peace and welcome to #ubuntu16:55
chrisbuntunerdHello peace and welcome to #ubuntu16:55
mickster04chrisbuntunerd: what are you doing?16:55
FloodBot3chrisbuntunerd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:55
Picichrisbuntunerd: Please disable that.16:55
wer_Really tried hard to get it work, but no success, i can't believe it's so difficult to install a single package without internet connection'16:55
chrisbuntunerdhey! GORE-Daddy and welcome to #ubuntu16:55
chrisbuntunerdHello GORE-Daddy and welcome to #ubuntu16:55
chrisbuntunerdHello GORE-Daddy and welcome to #ubuntu16:55
wer_in ubuntu16:55
FloodBot3chrisbuntunerd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:55
chrisbuntunerdhey! medfly and welcome to #ubuntu16:55
chrisbuntunerdHello medfly and welcome to #ubuntu16:55
chrisbuntunerdHello medfly and welcome to #ubuntu16:55
mickster04lol chrisbuntunerd fail16:55
peacehi ubuntu16:55
medflyhow do I restart X? alt+ctrl+backspace doesn't seem to work.16:55
ZykoticK9_nothommedfly, alt+sysrq+k is the new way16:56
d3v0disregard that16:56
FloodBot3d3v0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:56
mickster04medfly: it's changed... I can't remember the bot shortcut16:56
qwdTo anyone curious, I had a problem with booting a USB memory for installing Ubuntu. It was created with UNetbootin and when trying to boot from it I received the message: "Missing operating system". I changed the partition scheme on the USB memory from GUID to MBR, that seems to have done the trick. I also changed file system from FAT32 to FAT16, but I don't think that's what solved anything. Hope this helps someone else.16:56
medflyZykoticK9_nothom: ugh -.-16:56
medflyZykoticK9_nothom: that's really stupid.16:56
medflyZykoticK9_nothom: are you sure that's the way?16:56
ZykoticK9_nothommedfly, it was changed for "accessibility" reasons actually16:56
OerHeksqwd use Fat32 for unetbootin.16:57
chrisbuntunerdsorry everybody about that16:57
Picichrisbuntunerd: Thank you for disabling that.16:57
jk_Te3-BloodyIron, use "cat /etc/group|grep user" with user's name instead of user.16:57
ZykoticK9_nothommedfly, from cli you could use "sudo service gdm restart" if you prefer16:57
medflyZykoticK9_nothom: doesn't seem more accessible to me :P16:57
chrisbuntunerdwas just trying script16:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:57
mickster04chrisbuntunerd: that was a bad script to run on #ubuntu16:57
medflyZykoticK9_nothom: ok, thanks16:57
chrisbuntunerdmickster04 sorry16:57
Te3-BloodyIronjk_: thx16:57
chrisbuntunerdubuntu-offtopic we go16:58
mickster04chrisbuntunerd: :D tis ok...just be a bit more careful in future16:58
qwdmedfly: go to System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts -> Options -> Key sequence to kill X Server16:58
medflyok so unfortunately that doesn't seem to help. I have these really random issues, and I'm sure it'd be resolved if I just reboot it'd work fine...16:58
medflybut I'm not used to needing it on linux! :P16:58
qwdOerHeks: Is there a particular reason I should reformat the usb memory and do it again? It booted up fine, I didn't start the install though since I need to backup everything on the laptop first.16:58
OerHeksqwd did you check the .iso with Md5Sum before using it ?16:59
vicpengTe3-BloodyIron, just use groups16:59
medflyqwd: thanks16:59
OerHeksqwd, yes, unetbootin requires Fat3216:59
medflyI sure hope a reboot magically fixes this.16:59
qwdOerHeks: Nope. The problem is solved though, I just shared my solution. From a quick google there doesn't seem to be any problem with FAT16 and UNetbootin17:00
* peaces > peace17:00
qwdmedfly: that's not really a reboot though, only restarts the x server17:00
chrisbuntunerdhey! milan and welcome to #ubuntu17:01
chrisbuntunerdhey! Ralfi and welcome to #ubuntu17:01
chrisbuntunerdhey! Kitr88 and welcome to #ubuntu17:01
mickster04chrisbuntunerd: !!!!17:01
jribchrisbuntunerd: ...17:01
chrisbuntunerdhey! Maletor and welcome to #ubuntu17:02
sdasda hello I am newbie for lubuntu and have the following problems 1) I have connected my old laptop to my LCD via the s-video and the picture is jittering and almost can't see a thing 2) how do I enable remote desktop in lubuntu ?17:02
eugbhi all.  i'm having an issue with xorg in ubuntu 10.0417:03
eugbjust installed a new microsoft wireless optical mouse; and it's behaving strangely and causing xorg CPU to spike17:03
mickster04sdasda: you have to enable remote desktop on your pc, though i can't remember where those settings are, not sure about the s-video problem17:03
medflyqwd: I know that, but restarting X didn't work.17:05
=== medfly is now known as medfly-
sdasdaanyone know how to enable remote desktop in lubuntu ???17:07
xzil0hi guys im trying to install ubuntu 5.04 in vbox for testing. it wont make partitions. any1 had same problem?17:08
rethushave 10.04, how can i install php4 and php5 on my apache? I didn't found any php4-packages17:08
jpdsxzil0: Ubuntu 5.04 ?17:08
jpdsrethus: PHP4 is dead.17:08
xzil0jpds, yeah :)17:08
rethusthats not the question, but i need it for development of older applications17:08
jpdsxzil0: I..... really don't think that's supported anymore.17:08
jribxzil0: ubuntu 5.04 -- also dead :)17:08
mickster04sdasda: system>admin>remote...17:09
kickingintenderhey whos talking about ubuntu 5.0417:09
xzil0tnx for respond ;)17:09
xzil0kickingintender,  me17:09
jribxzil0: why do you want 5.04 as opposed to 10.04?17:09
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:09
hydra__where is the best place to go for help on a network routing problem i am having under 10.0417:09
kickingintenderis there no x server in ubuntu server17:09
mickster04sdasda: sorry opreferences not admin17:10
xzil0jrib, i want to try some buffer overflows17:10
mickster04kickingintender: no..17:10
mickster04kickingintender: its all CLI17:10
jribkickingintender: not installed by default, correct17:10
d3v0im trying to reset my password17:10
d3v0but grub doesnt load in xubuntu17:10
jpdsjrib: Thank God for that!17:10
d3v0do i have to install something else17:10
fanjabihi everyone, i experience tearing watching video, can someone help me?17:10
hydra__fanjabi check if your video driver has a sync to vsync option or something like that17:11
d3v0i cant seem to change my password in xubuntu, when i press esc during the reset, nothing happens17:11
kickingintenderhow does ubuntu server contest in the world of servers versions like suse enterprise and RHEL17:11
jk_d3v0, press left shift during the boot sequence to get the grub menu17:11
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
d3v0ok thanks17:11
kickingintendersolaris etc.....who is the winner here17:11
=== dmart_ is now known as dmart_|invisible
jrib!ot | kickingintender17:12
ubottukickingintender: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:12
fanjabihydra__: how can i do this? i can't find these settings17:12
majuk_Hey all. Trying to get a USB serial port working. When I modprobe usbserial, the one device comes up as two separate TTY's and when I screen into either, I get a stream of bits, but it's all nonsense.17:12
rethushave 10.04, how can i install php4 and php5 on my apache? I didn't found any php4-packages17:12
hydra__fanjabi what video card you using17:12
mickster04kickingintender: I use ubuntu server but like said, thats not in this channel17:12
sdasdamickster04: don't have preferences->admin17:12
fanjabihydra__: ati mobility radeon hd 565017:13
jellowhtop shows lots of instances of mysql running , Do i need all of them or just one?17:13
cryptide /join #ubuntu-offtopic17:13
FloodBot3cryptide: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:13
cryptidefuck off floodbot17:13
fanjabirethus: you want only php?17:13
rethusfanjabi: i need php4 and php5 on same server, but i can't find php417:14
hydra__fanjabi you should have "system -> preferences -> ati catalyst control center (administrative)"17:14
rethusfor 10.0417:14
jpdsrethus: Because it's dead and not supported-upstream; thus it's not in the archives.17:14
rethuswhere can i get it17:14
jpdsrethus: You'll have to go back and grab a package from an older release.17:14
mickster04rethus: i would have thought php5 does all the stuff php4 did?17:14
=== dmart_|invisible is now known as dmart
jpdskickingintender: FWIW, for it's young age, Ubuntu is pretty popular on the server.17:15
haylothrat246free smarties17:15
jpdsmickster04: There are some changes which break things.17:15
rethus mickster04: no it doesn't ... it doesn't have the incompatibility to the cms-systems that i have to fix :D17:15
haylothrat246get my17:15
mickster04haylothrat246: can we help you?17:15
Nic_It is still resizing!?17:15
rethuscan i use older packages, or have i to compile it myself?17:16
Nic_I am trying to shrink my partition and create a new one for backup, but it has been at least an hour and it still hasn't resized :(17:16
Nic_Holycrap, it JUST finished :o17:16
n0a1iashey, is wine the program i would use to install crisis?17:17
Nic_Ok, at least I know it is moving along now :)17:17
hydra__can anyone tell me why ping -I google.com would send packets out eth0 when eth1 has the interface address and eth0 is
Nic_n0a1ias: Good luck with that ;)17:17
jpdsrethus: Only one way to find out if older packages work... trying them. :)17:17
n0a1iasnic, is it possible?17:17
mickster04rethus: http://www.icewalkers.com/Linux/Software/56910/PHP4.html will this help?17:17
CyberCr33pdoes the vncserver on ubuntu 9.x replaced by vnc4server on ubuntu 10.x ?17:17
mickster04rethus: its 4.4.9?17:18
rethusyes, thanks17:18
hydra__rethus you might be better of getting php4 as source and building it, that way you wont have library dependency problems17:18
mickster04n0a1ias: ermmm. kinda of yes, but wine is more of an emulator and as such isn't that good at games... the specs required by crisis are high on a native OS...so through wine it will be vrey slow...17:19
n0a1iasmickster04, hmm, is there any other way?17:20
spunkanyone tried e4defrag with success?17:20
sdasdaanyone know how to start vnc server in lubuntu ?17:20
mickster04spunk: if you use ext4 formatting for your hd you wont need a defragger17:21
mickster04sdasda: system>preferencecs>remote...17:21
spunkmickster04, really? Will any sort of defragging take place in the background?17:22
_chunIf I have a package installed on a networked machine, is it possible to install it from there rather than re-downloading it?17:22
n0a1iaswhat does catman do?17:22
n0a1iaswait, nm. ill use man17:23
mickster04spunk: it's a journalling file system, so it looks after the stuff itself..every so often you get a consistency check when you boot ubuntu, thats when it does it17:23
=== uRock is now known as Need4Feed
spunkmickster04, I see. So bringing a disk offline and then perform a fsck will effectively defrag an ext4 partition?17:24
mickster04spunk: well i dunno how it does it. but you should google ext4 for more understanding, ubottu doesn't know anything about ext4 and has little to say about ext317:25
n0a1iasok so the man page on catman is nonsense.17:25
=== Andrew_ is now known as Guest11860
spunkmickster04, ok, thanks.17:26
mickster04n0a1ias: what do you do with catman?17:26
n0a1iasmickster04, i'm not shure, i saw it on a tab list and im trying to lean17:27
tynotanyone, please, the syntax to download a kde xwindow package for ubuntu server? or, at least... the command line syntax to search the local or online package directories?17:28
mickster04tynot: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop (i think)17:28
mickster04tynot: if you use the tab key it can autocomplete to things that excist17:29
adalalhey, i'm trying to get acpi information to show, but i realised that my cpus doesn't show any cpufreq details.. i've got a desktop and laptop both running on AMDs17:29
jwx9jplease tell me how to manualy mount my second hard drive17:30
adalaljwx9j: from the commandline, sudo mount /dev/<drive> <location to mount>17:30
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount17:30
=== argonaut_ is now known as argonaut
jwx9jadalal,  I tried that mount /dev/sdb1 /storage but it said I need to specify a file type17:31
mickster04!mount | jwx9j:17:32
ubottujwx9j:: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount17:32
adalaljwx9j: what's the filesystem?17:32
tynotmickster04, thx, but not working. logged in as root, so sudo not necessary. have another admin acct i could use, but that's another issue. please provide syntax for package search?17:32
Jordan_Ujwx9j: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid"?17:33
Nic_I need some help again :(17:33
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)17:33
jwx9jroot@jim-desktop:/# sudo blkid17:33
jwx9j/dev/sda1: UUID="f11f5b7a-4868-447a-89f4-68f4131d5356" TYPE="ext4"17:33
jwx9j/dev/sda5: UUID="cb7557f1-306b-41e6-9af1-31ed095ef035" TYPE="swap"17:33
FloodBot3jwx9j: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:33
adalalanyone knows why I can't get any cpufreq information on my computer? nor are the acpi utils working.. the comp is runnin on AMD17:33
Nic_I have the new partition and the old one mounted as /new and /old17:33
Nic_But I can't add or remove files from either17:34
adalaljwx9j: is the external connected?17:34
jwx9jFloodBot1, if I knew what you where talking about, I would not be heare asking questions17:34
Nic_How could I copy folders into the /new folder?17:34
fanjabii'm experiencing tearing playing videos, can someone help me?17:34
jwx9jadalal,  yes it is now. it was working before, but i upgraded my system and now it would not mount, I have all my data on that drive17:35
n0a1iasanyone know of software that displays your temps, like cpuz?17:35
null__hello. is there a problem with msn? empathy gives "network error "when connecting to msn with a @hotmail.com account ?17:35
adalalnull__: msn servers have been doing that to me as well17:37
adalalnull__: but they seemed to have autocorrected for me17:37
adalalanyone knows why I can't get any cpufreq information on my computer? nor are the acpi utils working.. the comp is runnin on AMD17:37
fanjabii'm experiencing tearing playing videos, can someone help me?17:38
mcl0vinany one here familiar with 'ed' editor17:39
CyberCr33pdoes the vncserver on ubuntu 9.x replaced by vnc4server on ubuntu 10.x ?17:40
fanjabihydra__: i opened ati ccc but cant see a setting for vsync17:40
mickster04CyberCr33p: maybe whats the problem?17:41
CyberCr33pI try to find which vnc server I should install17:42
mickster04CyberCr33p: either? it doesn't matter, the mostt recent is always recomended17:42
Strife89Hello, I got a reply on the bug tracker, but I'm not exactly sure what the writer is suggesting I do. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/382806/comments/1717:43
tynotpor favor, the syntax to get kde desktop for ubuntu server?17:43
jbuncherHow do I remove the evolution config files?  My setup got messed up somehow, and I want to remove everything and re-set up all of my mail accounts.  Can someone help me accomplish this?  (rm -r .evolution did not work)17:43
mickster04tynot: ask in #ubuntu-server17:44
rethusk, i see now, i didn't need php4 php from version 5.1 is old enough.17:44
rethushow can i downgrade to 5.1 on ubunt 10.04 ?17:44
tynotmickster04, thx. how does one get there from here?17:44
bazhangtynot, install kubuntu-desktop17:45
mickster04tynot: /join #ubuntu-server ?17:45
itsux2butynot you want kubuntu desktop on a server version of ubuntu?17:46
tynotnew or very old at irc. apologies17:46
bazhangtynot, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:46
mickster04bazhang: yeah tried that, apparently it didnt work17:46
itsux2butynot, you could also try..   tasksel17:46
tynotbazhang, I've tried that, but it errors out17:46
itsux2butynot, very easy to use17:46
bazhangtynot, pastebin the errors17:46
tynoti can ping the hell out of things17:46
itsux2butynot, tasksel.. at command line..17:47
itsux2bugives you a menu to pick from17:48
tynotError: "Couldn't find find package kubuntu-desktop". I know I can ping public IP's offsite.17:49
tynotError: "Couldn't find find package kubuntu-desktop". I know I can ping public IP's offsite.17:49
denysoniquetynot, emerge kde17:50
DivecksHey, how can I mount an ISO as a CD?17:50
Picidenysonique: Er, thats not going to work in Ubuntu.17:50
mickster04Divecks: burn it17:50
Jordan_U!iso | Divecks17:50
ubottuDivecks: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:50
oCean_Divecks: mount -o loop blah.iso /mnt17:50
mickster04Divecks: oh wait17:50
Divecksmickster04, Yeah :D That17:50
mickster04darkjoker: yeah that17:50
mickster04darkjoker: sorry wrong guy17:50
DivecksOkay thanks guys will do.17:51
tynotdenysonique, que? "emerge kde"? that a command? what's the proper syntax?17:51
Picitynot: Its not a valid command for Ubuntu.17:51
Picitynot: What version of Ubuntu are you running? Have you run   sudo apt-get update   lately?17:51
Nic_I am trying to format this disc, but windows is telling me it is "write protected"17:52
tynotno, pici17:52
tynotdoing it now17:52
DivecksWow that worked impressively well. Thanks oCean_ mickster04 Jordan_U17:52
mickster04Divecks: tis ok17:52
mickster04Divecks: :P17:52
tynotthink I see the issue...17:53
tynotcan't resolve security.ubuntu.com17:53
wx9jI get an error trying to run fsck on a second drive, here is the output. The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext217:53
wx9jfilesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext217:53
wx9jfilesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock17:53
wx9jis corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:17:53
wx9j    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>17:53
FloodBot3wx9j: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:53
VanessaEhi all.  I finally moved my last machine to Lucid a few days ago (clean install on a freshly formatted disk) and am getting kernel panics now - can't call it "frequent" as the time between them is quite random.17:54
wx9jcan anyone help me besides the hall monitor telling me what not to do ?17:54
DivecksInteresting.. but now the .exes (this is a windows disk for use with wine) aren't "+x'd", and therefore Wine can't execute them. And I can't chmod/chown the files because it's a read only FS.. Hmm.17:54
tynotI setup DNS, but it doesn't seem to be running properly. we're pulling it from our provider, at the moment.17:54
bazhangwx9j, then pastebin the errors17:54
mickster04Divecks: copy paste17:55
tynotifconfig doesn't reveal dns settings, only IP and subnet mask17:55
wx9jbazhang, not sure what that means, I tried pasting the output before17:55
Divecksmickster04, I was afraid of that. :D But I'll do it.17:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:55
mickster04tynot: /join #ubuntu server17:56
mickster04tynot: /join #ubuntu-server17:56
tynotyup, mickster04, doing it now. thx.17:56
Jordan_UDivecks: Wine should still allow you to run "wine /path/to/exe" even if it doesn't have execute permissions.17:56
Nic_I need some help: I am trying to format a disc so I can write a live CD to it, but it is telling me that the CD is "write protected"17:57
wx9jthe superblock on my second drive is not able to be read ? can I correct this without loosing all the data on the drive ?17:57
itsux2buNic_, is it cd-r or cd-rw?17:59
Nic_itsux2bu: I am not sure :(17:59
Nic_It came from ubuntu, though17:59
Nic_The CD17:59
itsux2buNic_, ou know the difference?17:59
Duke_Harrishey guys, I have a problem on ubuntu lucid. I deleted the generic linux-headers folder in /usr/src because I messed up some files in it. I thought after reinstalling linux-headers-generic the folder would appear again, but it doesn't. How do I get the generic linux headers folder back?18:00
itsux2buNic_, you have a ubuntu cd?18:00
Nic_itsux2bu: It is a LiveCD for an old version of ubuntu, and I am trying to format it18:00
Nic_But it is saying it is "write protected"18:00
itsux2buNic_, you shouldn't need to format it18:00
trismDuke_Harris: linux-headers-generic is just a meta package, you would need to reinstall the actual headers package for your current kernel18:01
mickster04Nic_: its not rewriteable18:01
Nic_itsux2bu: I want to clear it so I can add the LiveCD image for Linux Mint18:01
itsux2buNic_, why format it?18:01
Nic_I thought that clears it?18:01
Nic_So I need to buy a blank CD18:01
mickster04Nic_: no you can empty a cd which does the same thing18:01
itsux2buNic_, its most likely a cd-r18:01
Duke_Harrisah ok i'll try that @trism18:01
mickster04Nic_: yeah, cd-r is once write cd-rw is multiple writes (afte ryou clear it each time)18:02
itsux2buNic_, cd-r can only be written to once18:02
Nic_I don't have any CDs :(18:02
mickster04Nic_: unlucky18:02
itsux2bucd-rw = r=read, w=write18:02
trismDuke_Harris: such as linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic if you have an up-to-date lucid install18:02
Nic_That stinks :(18:03
itsux2buif cd-r, read only or "write protected"..  if cd-rw, read and write18:03
mickster04trism: try running update-grub18:03
Nic_I have a USB drive, can't I use that as a LiveCD?18:03
mickster04Nic_: yes18:03
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:03
trismmickster04: why?18:04
Duke_Harristrism, thanks, worked well18:04
x-ip10.04.1 is the beta version from the next release ? :)18:05
duffydackI just upgraded my xorg and fglrx from the xorg ppa but I`m not sure if its using the newer fglrx.. CCC says software driver version 8.723 but the newer one, which is there  in dkms is 8.762.  how can I verify the driver loaded is the newer version..18:06
trismx-ip: no, 10.04.1 is the first maintenance update to the 10.04 lts release, I don't know why they list it on the maverick schedule18:07
x-ipthanks trism  =)18:09
Nic_That worked! :O18:09
Nic_Thanks! :)18:09
x-ipso its stable and safe to install 10.04.1 right ? :)18:09
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StaRetjifolks, after reboot, my sound is muted, both alsa and pulseaudio18:10
=== Guest89172 is now known as Jubei
StaRetjihelp please18:10
StaRetjiI max it, but after reboot, muted again18:11
Sunderphonis it possible to adjust volume via terminal?18:11
jellowJust compilied latest verion of ruby on jaunty , When i run gem i get this error http://pastebin.com/YFGbEp8318:13
Fredrickhow do i configure this ubuntu as a proxy server?18:14
jellow!squid  | Fredrick18:14
ubottuFredrick: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org18:14
grayhanethe superblock on my second drive is corrupt, I really need that data, how can I fix this without losing everything ?18:15
mickster04is there a non-caching proxy for ubuntu?18:15
kthakoremy wireless is showing disabled18:15
kthakoreand the button to enable it is not working18:15
Jordan_Ugrayhane: Have you tried fsck? There should be back up super blocks to restore from.18:15
Fredrickno, the kind of proxy server that lets me check my email at work.18:16
kthakorelshw shows *-network DISABLED18:16
grayhaneJordan_U,  I ran fsck, it says block cannot be read,18:16
mickster04Fredrick: that doesn't make sense18:16
Jordan_Ugrayhane: Can you pastebin the exact error?18:16
jellowFredrick: This is what squid enables you to do also there are ssh tunnels18:17
mickster04Fredrick: a proxy is a proxy18:17
Fredrickoh, thanks18:17
jellowFredrick: also openvpn but this is over kill :P18:17
grayhaneJordan_U, it told me to run a command and the result was null. is there any disk utility programs that might help me ?18:19
jellowFredrick: i recommend you look up the ubuntu documentaion and come back with any problems , Good luck ;P18:19
Jordan_Ugrayhane: Can you pastebin the exact error?18:19
Fredrickso i can download this, then at work go to a website and use that to check my email with out it being able to be seen?18:19
blackshellhow do i automate a task in ubuntu?18:20
mickster04Fredrick: what email site are you after18:20
IdleOne!cron | blackshell18:20
ubottublackshell: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm18:20
jellowFredrick: Your network admin will be able to see what you are doing of course18:20
grayhaneJordan_U, not sure how to do that, each time I past here a hall monitor chews me out18:21
mickster04Fredrick: you could just wait until after work for emails...?18:21
IdleOne!paste | grayhane18:21
ubottugrayhane: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:21
IdleOnehello sebsebseb18:21
blackshellIdleOne:will it simulate clicking of buttons etc?18:21
sebsebsebhello IdleOne18:21
mickster04Fredrick: you don't have to set up your own there are plenty of prxy's and vpns out there18:21
ActionParsnipmickster04: does s/he want remote access to emails at home?18:21
Strife89Hello, I got a reply on the bug tracker, but I'm not exactly sure what the writer is suggesting I do. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/382806/comments/1718:21
mickster04ActionParsnip: no, aol18:22
jellowFredrick: but yes essentialy you set up a squid server on your home computer and at connect throught it at work to see your emails/18:22
IdleOneblackshell: well if you write a script but no.18:22
ActionParsnipmickster04: ah, I see18:22
blackshellIdleOne:shell script?18:22
ActionParsnipmickster04: ssh access to aol maybe, via putty etc18:22
IdleOneblackshell: yeah18:22
ActionParsnipmickster04: maybe..18:22
Fredrickhmm, remember being in school and they would have some sites blocked? and you could use a proxy server to get around that? my work has blocked most of them and i don't want to have to find a new one every day so i want my own18:22
grayhane!paste | grayhane18:22
ubottugrayhane, please see my private message18:22
mickster04!vpn | Fredrick18:23
ubottuFredrick: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN18:23
blackshellIdleOne:shell script can simulate clicks?any info on that?18:23
IdleOneblackshell: if I am correct you are looking for a macro application18:23
jellowFredrick: i would not use a public proxy for anything private18:23
ActionParsnipFredrick: if its aol chat you could use bitlbee to chat on aol via irssi using putty18:23
blackshellIdleOne:kind of18:24
IdleOneblackshell: take a look at g15macro it is in the repositories18:24
mickster04Fredrick: just go to an internet cafe at lunch?18:24
IdleOneblackshell: I have never used it.18:24
jellowJust compilied latest verion of ruby on jaunty , When i run gem i get this error http://pastebin.com/YFGbEp8318:24
Weust`hi, i run a ubuntu desktop at a mate's house to use mdadm, what is the config file to let the powerbutton init 0 ?18:25
grayhaneI have yet to get help with a question here, just a bunch of hall momitor bots. what a waste18:25
IdleOneblackshell: that might not be what you are looking for18:25
blackshellIdleOne:doesnt seem a good solution,18:25
blackshellIdleOne:anyway of doing it in shell script?18:26
IdleOneblackshell: I wouldn't know how sorry18:26
Scuniziwhen running 64 bit is the default Firefox also 64 bit or is it 32 bit running on top of 64 with the appropriate libraries?18:26
CarleasCan I remote install Ubuntu desktop from one Mac to another?18:26
aeon-ltdScunizi: depends which versio you installed :)18:26
mickster04Carleas: i dont think so18:26
ActionParsnipScunizi: yes the browser will be 64bit. You can install 32bit browsers in 64bit ubuntu18:26
Jordan_UScunizi: 64 bit, using nspluginwrapper for 32 bit only plugins like flash.18:27
Scuniziaeon-ltd: in Kubuntu there is a menu option to install FF but I don't know which version18:27
jellowJust compilied latest verion of ruby on jaunty , When i run gem i get this error http://pastebin.com/YFGbEp8318:27
ActionParsnipScunizi: you can use the 64bit flash ppa and install 64bit java manually to get native 64bit plugins rather than using nspluginwrapper18:27
ScuniziActionParsnip: Jordan_U  so the 32 bit version is available in the repos on a 64 bit machine?18:27
mickster04jellow: the lack of responce prolly means no18:27
ScuniziActionParsnip: are they stable?18:27
CarleasSo, to make a laptop run ubuntu desktop, I need either a DVD or a USB?18:28
ActionParsnipScunizi:yes its fine. The 64bit is 10.0 flash18:28
Nic_Finally, I am a mint user :D18:28
hellosugareeanybody had display issues with netbooks18:28
Nic_Bye Ubuntu!18:28
ScuniziActionParsnip: and Java.. the sun-java version in the repos for 64 bit *isn't* 64 bit?18:28
=== andri is now known as deltroy
ActionParsnipScunizi: if you install ia32-libs you can run firefox 32bit. I think there's also a guide or two online for firefox3218:28
mickster04Carleas: well yeah...how else is it gonna work?18:28
Oer!anyone | hellosugaree18:29
ashkais it possible to print with awk element $3 and all the others after $3 ?18:29
ubottuhellosugaree: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:29
mickster04Nic_: fail, mint is basede on ubuntu18:29
jellowmickster04: no harm in trying , I'd rather not re-compilie and waste another hour18:29
Nic_mickster04: I know :P18:29
ActionParsnipScunizi: no the repo uses 32bit. 64bit can be installed using the .run file at www.java.com18:29
ActionParsnip!find firefox3218:29
Carleasmickster04: Remotely?  Ethernet?  Can I install from another mac if I connect through USB?18:29
ubottuFile firefox32 found in openvas-plugins-dfsg18:29
Nic_mickster04: Still, I am no longer using ubuntu :318:29
ScuniziActionParsnip: ah.. ok.. that might be one of my issues with an online app I need for work..18:30
ActionParsnipScunizi: how do you mean?18:30
linuxRhi all, I'm trying a dist-upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04, but it says i have not enough disk space. I have a 3G root partition and a 15G /home partition, this was suggested by 9.10. Will it help if I clean some data on /home in order to gain some disk space?18:30
Weust`hi, i run a ubuntu desktop at a mate's house to use mdadm, what is the config file to let the powerbutton init 0 ?18:30
ScuniziActionParsnip: I have an online work app that uses java.. It loads and allows me to get to a certain point then crashes.18:31
aeon-ltdlinuxR: no / root is the problem18:31
ActionParsniplinuxR: remove ubuntu-docs and old kernels. Can save a tonne of space18:31
aafuenteshi, when i try to install iceweasel it says "Package iceweasel is not available, but is referred to by another package" how do i install it?18:31
linuxRaeon-ltd, but on / I have no personal data...and only 450 m of 3G free :(18:31
sebsebsebaafuentes: Why are you trying to install Iceweasel? Do you know about the differences between Iceweasel and Firefox?18:32
xanguaaafuentes: why not just use firefox¿18:32
ActionParsnipScunizi: try the native 64bit. Run the app. Copy the java folder to /opt then symlink the .so file to your browsers plugins folder18:32
dpthe wbar package in lucid seems to have a problem: http://pastebin.dp.cx/pastebin.php?show=294089 -- can anyone confirm?18:32
aafuentessebsebseb, and xangua, i like to have more than one browser installed... (besides, firefox is bloated with tabs now, and i cant barely open it)18:32
ScuniziActionParsnip: k.. I'll have to tackle that later but will give it a try.18:32
sebsebsebaafuentes: ok uhmm18:33
sebsebsebaafuentes: sounds like you don't quite understand what Iceweasel is then, so i'll explain :)18:33
Fredrickim having trouble installing squid, if extracted it to a folder in my desktop, and cd'd into that folder18:33
aafuentesits a firefox with the branded changed18:33
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest45033
ActionParsnipScunizi: it will also need to be manually updated but its no biggy, remove folder, remove link, repeat install process18:33
sebsebsebaafuentes: Ubuntu is based on Debian, but Firefox wasn't free software enough for them, since the branding and such, so they make Iceweasel18:33
aafuentesbut it used different folders, cant i have both installed?18:33
mickster04aafuentes: yes but it is jus as bloated18:34
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: there's icecat now which is what iceweasel has become18:34
GORE-Daddy_Can someone advise me on the following:  The upgrade manager says that "New distribution release '10.04.01 LTS is availbable"  and "Upgrade" in the radio button.  When I start the upgrade I get the message AMD fglrx driver not supported.  You will loose desktop quality, etc.  Is this a problem and should I go ahead and upgrade?:18:34
aafuentesmickster04, firefox is not bloated for me... its only bloated with tabs right now :)18:34
sebsebsebaafuentes: the code that makes Iceweasel is the same as Firefox, and then teh difference is the branding and I guess user agent string as well.  So Iceweasel is very nearly Firefox.  99% Firefox if you like18:34
sebsebsebActionParsnip: Iceweasel has been re named?18:34
mickster04GORE-Daddy_: yes go ahead, you can install new drivers once updated18:35
Fredrickim having trouble installing squid, if extracted it to a folder in my desktop, and cd'd into that folder18:35
mickster04Fredrick: you can sudo apt-0get squid18:35
sebsebsebaafuentes: as for FIrefox in Ubuntu uhmm yes, there can be slowness issues, Flash is a likely cause of that18:35
aafuentesu.U i cant install iceweasel anyway, can you? from the repositories?18:35
mickster04Fredrick: you can sudo apt-get squid18:35
ActionParsnipGORE-Daddy_: you will need to remove the driver. The xorg version in lucid with your video chip may not fly18:35
GORE-Daddy_Where do I get them?  Or will the system hunt them?18:35
Fredrickoh, sweet. thanks18:35
mickster04aafuentes: get chrome thats light :P18:35
linuxRhow can I get a list of currently installed packages with apt/synaptic?18:35
GuptanI'd a Wubi installation of 10.4. I updated latest security patches and software updates when system prompted me to do so. After reboot I'm ended up with Grub rescue screen. What should I do to get Ubuntu and Windows running?18:35
xanguaaafuentes: of you want firefox with no brand in ubuntu then install 'abrowser' ; you can also add a PPA to install icecat (the modified firefox that the FSF recomends)18:35
kthakoreI disabled the wifi in asus but I cannot reenable it now. Is therea software way to enable?18:35
mickster04GORE-Daddy_: the system will after you have inished updating18:36
mickster04kthakore: bios settings18:36
sebsebsebaafuentes: Firefox is great, but it doesnt' always work as well as it should in Ubuntu for various reasons, but there are quite a few other good browsers that can be used instead.  Or you could install Firefox directly from them, and it might work a bit better.18:36
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_IceCat18:36
aafuentessebsebseb, flash and not different process for each tab... when one tab crash.. (witch is quite often for me) the whole broser freezes... i beg for this to be changed for ff418:36
GORE-Daddy_Will teh upgrade remove the driver and revert to a generic one?18:36
sebsebsebaafuentes: oh right ok that18:36
aafuentesmickster04, ive got chrome just as bloated... i need a third browser installed18:36
Cinux`Hi, I want to install OpenGL on ubuntu. What are the Package I have to install? Is there a tool which can hel me to see what king of softs are installable?18:36
ActionParsnipaafuentes: that's how chrome works :)18:36
mickster04GORE-Daddy_: yes18:37
ActionParsnipCinux`: do you want to develop 3D models?18:37
mickster04aafuentes: chromium i meant18:37
sebsebsebaafuentes: I am on another distro, and the FIrefox I got here seems to have that feature :)  anyway on the subject of Firefox 418:37
Cinux`ActionParsnip: Yes18:37
aafuentesmickster04, ive got both, chromium and chrome installed... but i wanted iceweasel as well18:37
sebsebsebaafuentes: well its just a browser so it will be pretty stable really,  you can get the Firefox 4  beta from Mozilla, and use that, if you want18:37
GORE-Daddy_O.K., here goes nothing!18:37
dsfshow to tell if bytecode interpreter is compiled into xft?18:38
aafuentesnah sebsebseb ill wait for ff4 stable ;)18:38
ActionParsnipCinux`: blender is one solution18:38
sebsebsebaafuentes: and the feature where Firefox doesn't just mess up, when a plugin crahses, I think is already there18:38
mickster04aafuentes: well i find chromium nice indeed..better than ff but icecat wont be much better18:38
aafuentesim not in that hurry, besides, i think they didnt change the different process per tab as i want, so...18:38
sebsebsebaafuentes: as for Chromeium I  am not much of a fan, and there are other great browsers you can use instead :)18:38
Cinux`ActionParsnip: I want to try to build a tetris18:38
ActionParsnipaafuentes: you can install it from the mozilla ppa. It will be a seperate app so you can keep your current browser and have 4 as an option18:39
aafuentesu.u, i dont need a better browser18:39
aafuentesi dont really trust ppa ActionParsnip18:39
kthakoremickster04: there are no bios settigns for  wifi in asus18:39
sebsebsebaafuentes: Arora uses webkit like Chromium for disaplying pages and is quite good really.   Webkit is based on KHTML what Konqueror uses, Konqueror is nice, and I think it can use Webkit now.18:39
kthakorewhat is the software that disables and enable?18:39
aafuentesis there a way to install iceweasel from the repositories?18:39
adalalanyone knows why I can't get any cpufreq information on my computer? nor are the acpi utils working.. the comp is runnin on AMD18:39
ActionParsnipaafuentes: your call. Its pretty handy18:39
ActionParsnipkthakore: disables and enab les WHAT?18:40
mickster04kthakore: I use and asus eeepc and yes there is18:40
sebsebsebaafuentes: and Epiphany and Galeon are quite nice as well and so on, and no I don't think Iceweasel is in the Ubuntu repo since Firefox18:40
kthakoreActionParsnip: the wireless18:40
ActionParsnipadalal: less /proc/cpuinfo ,maybe18:40
mickster04Cinux`: what do you mean build a tetris?18:40
aafuentesActionParsnip, what assure you a ppa has not malicious code? nothing, thats what18:40
kthakoremickster04: ok Iwill try again18:40
ActionParsnipkthakore: you can rmmod and modprobe the module to turn it off and on (I believe)18:40
ActionParsnipaafuentes: I believe it is maintained by mozilla18:41
Cinux`mickster04: I'm learning programation with c++ and I want to try something like a tetris18:41
adalalActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/ewGte80f18:41
kthakoremickster04: ok I am in advanaced tab18:41
aafuentesActionParsnip, that would change things then ;)18:41
kthakoremickster04: no wireless18:41
mickster04Cinux`: try with something easier first i recon...look at code blocks for an IDE asx well18:41
ActionParsnipaafuentes: I've used it on slews of system and solved countless firefox issues on launchpad, simply by advising users add it18:41
mickster04kthakore: its under onboard devices18:41
GuptanAny help? Wubi installation got stuck at grub rescue screen after installing package grub-pc package?18:42
ActionParsnipaafuentes: you need to reduce your tinfoil hat collection dude18:42
sebsebsebGuptan: uhmm18:42
Cinux`mickster04: What is an IDE asx ?18:42
sebsebsebGuptan: did you have a working Wubi install, and then install Grub into it yourself?18:42
mickster04Cinux`: try with something easier first i recon...look at code blocks for an IDE as well18:42
LibertyZeroGuptan: Sounds like you encountered this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/609815 It says, that you have to "restore your MBR by a Windows Version again." I don't know, how to do that but eventually the people in ##windows can help you with that.18:42
kthakoremickster04: I have Main Advanced Security Boot Save & Exit18:42
=== DaZ^ is now known as DaZ
SardinianHI ALL18:43
mickster04kthakore: look in each of those for "onboard"18:43
Fredrickhow do i use squid? i cant get to the prompt in terminal18:43
sebsebsebGuptan: much better in the long run to use a proper partitioned install by the way of any Desktop Linux distro, be that Ubuntu, or something else18:43
Guptansebsebseb: Yes I'd a working wubi installation. Then software updates installed grub-pc along with it18:43
adalalanyone knows why I can't get any cpufreq information on my computer? nor are the acpi utils working.. the comp is runnin on AMD.. here's the output for /proc/cpuinfo .. http://pastebin.com/ewGte80f18:43
vigge_sWehow can I keep the content of the clipboard when closing the window I copied the text from?18:43
mickster04Fredrick: try a browser18:43
ActionParsnipaafuentes: jst because its maintained by them doesn't guaruntee its malicious code free in any way18:43
sebsebsebGuptan: so Grub got updated, and messed up?18:43
Guptansebsebseb: yeah i think so18:43
Cinux`mickster04: Okay. But I would like to try some stuffs on open GL ... :/18:44
aafuentesActionParsnip, is not a tinfoil hat... i just think there is no need not to playing safe18:44
VCooliovigge_sWe: don't know, but try a clipboard manager like parcellite18:44
sebsebsebGuptan: ok why were you doing Wubi?  rather than installing from a Live CD by the way?18:44
Guptansebsebseb: my cd writer was not working then :)18:44
trismashka: awk '{$1=$2=""; print $0}' seems to work18:44
mickster04Cinux`: well codeblocks will help you i think18:44
ActionParsnipaafuentes: true but if you play too safe you lose out on stuff. Like latest vlc, transmission etc18:44
kthakoremickster04: nope nothing ...18:45
sebsebsebGuptan: i'll look at the bug link that LibertyZero gave18:45
sebsebsebGuptan: hold on18:45
mickster04kthakore: well what asus do you have?18:45
adalalanyone knows why I can't get any cpufreq information on my computer? nor are the acpi utils working.. the comp is runnin on AMD.. here's the output for /proc/cpuinfo .. http://pastebin.com/ewGte80f18:45
aafuentesActionParsnip, and it changes a little if its mantained by them... at least i know some1 from the team (some1 that the teams has trust on) has checked the checksums for the code... thats not that big tinfoil hat, is it?18:45
ActionParsnipaafuentes: maybe, depends how paranoid you are18:45
ashkait works. thanks trism18:45
kthakoremickster04: asus g51jx-a118:45
ActionParsnipadalal: now you know your exact cpu make / model you may find guides18:46
aafuentesActionParsnip, there is no need to be on the edge on your main system really... plenty of things to play without doing so ;)18:46
Cinux`mickster04: I'll install it and try.. Thanks18:47
sebsebsebGuptan: ok I understand that, you probably don't quite just yet18:47
sebsebsebwow LibertyZero that bug sucks18:48
Guptansebsebseb: any chance to get it working again?18:48
sebsebsebGuptan: Have you got a Windows CD or DVD?18:48
Guptansebsebseb: seems like I will require windows installation CD18:48
mickster04kthakore: and the bios is up to date?18:48
Guptansebsebseb: Nope18:48
sebsebsebGuptan: ah18:48
iGOhi, how to edit screen resolution in ubuntu 10.4?18:49
Guptansebsebseb: any other work arounds?18:49
iGOcant find xorg.conf18:49
mickster04iGO: /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:49
sacarlsoniGO: you can change it in preference>monitors18:49
iGOit only gives me 1 resolution. and i cant find xorg.conf in folder X11 :s18:50
sacarlsoniGO:  did you try System>administation>hardware ?18:50
sebsebsebGuptan: right lets go pm,  since I will go a bit off topic,  and then if I can't help, you can ask here again18:50
mickster04iGO: could you pastebin the output of ls when in that folder?18:50
mgt_90iGO: That's because Ubuntu doesn't have xorg.conf by default anymore. You have to create it.18:50
Jordan_Umickster04: It's normal for there to be no xorg.conf18:51
iGOigo@xk001:/etc/X11$ ls18:51
iGOapp-defaults             rgb.txt             Xreset      Xsession.d18:51
iGOcursors                  X                   Xreset.d    Xsession.options18:51
iGOdefault-display-manager  xinit               Xresources  XvMCConfig18:51
iGOfonts                    xorg.conf.failsafe  Xsession    Xwrapper.config18:51
FloodBot3iGO: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
axisysI have a laptop with intel core 2 duo 2.4Ghz and 8GB ram and 750GB disk .. I like to install ubuntu 64bit w/ LVM.. anyone know of a url w/ howto ? i want to put multiple VMs on it and use as my private cloud and use hadoop .. any suggestions on how should I go by doing it? i am thinking install ubuntu desktop and then virtualbox and go that path18:52
sacarlsonmgt_90: and if you create that file does it function?  I thought it was just overwriten if hardware change.  but that's just a myth18:52
=== Weust` is now known as Weust`afk
X-Sleepy-XHi! I've got a question regarding CPU scaling. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 on my Eee PC 900 which has a Celeron processor. I've added the applet to control CPU scaling with to the panel and I've added p4-clockmod to /etc/modules. This has enabled me to select a certain frequency and use the Performance and the Powersave modes. However, I'm unable to select the Ondemand and the Conservative mode since it's only kicking back to Performan18:52
X-Sleepy-Xce mode whenever I try to do so. I've been searching Google for hours trying to find a solution but I haven't found one. Is there anyone here who knows what might be causing this or perhaps knows how to fix it?18:52
seekwillaxisys: Why vbox?18:52
kthakoremickster04: I think so I just got the laptop on monday18:52
kthakoremickster04: how do I check?18:52
seekwillaxisys: Just stick the DVD in, and click install :P18:52
mgt_90sacarlson: Haven't tried it myself, but it should work, albeit a bit easily.18:53
Jordan_Uaxisys: You need to use the alternate install CD for LVM, but it's pretty straightforward.18:53
axisysJordan_U: ok..18:53
kthakoreBIOS 20418:53
mgt_90sacarlson: *messily, not easily.18:53
axisysseekwill: i want to install multiple VMs .. vbox seems pretty easy18:53
axisysseekwill: should i rather go with kvm ?18:53
sacarlsonmgt_90: I see many that would like to boot a system with not so well suported video card.  is there a way to force vesa all the way into the x11 state?18:54
seekwillaxisys: KVM works a bit more efficient, if your CPU supports virtualization18:54
Jordan_Usacarlson: Add "xforcevesa" as a kernel parameter.18:54
cristican anyone help me with my laptop webcam? the image appears reversed, so i suspect it was mounted wrong18:54
axisysseekwill: it does support virtualization18:54
jendaaxisys: I don't know if it will fit your needs, but I use vbox to virtualize an XP machine for several Windows apps I need and it's perfect for that.18:54
dsfshow to tell if bytecode interpreter is compiled into xft?18:54
sacarlsonmgt_90: sorry I put you on that line.  wasn't ment to point at you.18:54
mgt_90axisys: KVM is a little harder to setup, but I'm reluctant to recommend installing a full GUI on a server.18:54
axisysseekwill: but i want to run in laptop with graphics18:54
underdog`Does the snort service start in NIDS mode or Inline IPS mode by default?18:55
ActionParsnipcristi: reversed in what way?18:55
majeszkoHi I'm new with ubuntu, I've got version 10.4.1, need root password, how can I get it, begin for help because I'm on it for couple hours and there is no useful advice on ubuntu site18:55
cristiActionParsnip: upside down18:55
Jordan_U!root | majeszko18:55
ubottumajeszko: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:55
sacarlsonJordan_U: I thought we tried that and failed.  but no prof that the problem was video so can't say that's not true18:55
axisysjenda: yep, i have been using vbox for about 2 yrs.. but since i have lot more horse power with this laptop.. i fig i ask around for any thing else18:55
ActionParsnipcristi: its a modprobe option. Your webcam is installed upsidedown. Let me get the option for you18:55
axisysmgt_90: it is my laptop.. so I can vbox is simplere then18:56
cristiActionParsnip: ok, thank you!18:56
axisysis there a channel specific to ubuntu based virtualization?18:56
mickster04kthakore: oh never mind if it's new....not sure then sorry18:56
seekwillaxisys: Ok, just do it :)18:56
sacarlsonany one can support that xforcevesa at kernel boot will force into X11 state vesa graphic mode?18:57
axisysseekwill: so kvm.. no one mentioned xen.. i guess not preferred ;-)18:57
mgt_90axisys: Don't get me wrong, I love Vbox, it's just I'd be reluctant to tie up a bunch of system resources with Ubuntu's bloated default GUI. Use a window manager instead if you have to.18:57
Jordan_Ucristi: It's funny, hardware manufacturers often work around hardware bugs in their software driver, but it's usually not so prominent / obvious :)18:57
seekwillaxisys: It all depends on what you need.18:57
seekwillaxisys: Why not use Fedora? RHEL? Arch Linux? All preferences...18:58
cristiJordan_U: :))18:58
Jordan_U!pm | majeszko18:58
ubottumajeszko: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:58
seekwillaxisys: They each have their pros and cons. You have to decide what fits best for you. I use vbox and love it. But I only used it because my CPU does't support virt18:58
ActionParsnipcristi: sec, web is slow when not on 3G speed.18:58
ActionParsnipcristi: http://swik.net/Ubuntu/Only+Ubuntu/How+to+fix+upside+down+webcam+image+in+ubuntu/cnw5h18:59
sacarlsonhow can we detect that xforcevesa will make a system at X11 state (graphic mode) be in vesa mode so I can test it?18:59
axisysseekwill: my cpu supports virt.. but kvm seems best fit for server setup.. while vbox is for gui..18:59
seekwillaxisys: Ok then!18:59
cristiActionParsnip: thanks, i was already looking over that, hope it works..18:59
ActionParsnipcristi: simply change the module name in the guide for the module YOUR cam uses. You need the vflip option at modprobe time to flip the image19:00
axisysseekwill: is it possible to install desktop + lvm + kvm ? or kvm only works with server ?19:00
Jordan_Usacarlson: You can tell from the lack of higher resolutions / acceleration. You can also look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.19:00
jelaxisys, lvm?  Logical Volume Manager?  It's unrelated to kvm19:00
ActionParsnipcristi: you can use conf files in /etc/modprobe.d to make the option permanent.19:01
axisysjel: i know19:01
seekwillaxisys: That one I don't know19:01
steelbakI have a linksys E3000 w/ 1.5 Seagate USB attached to it working but stalls out. A reboot of router, drive & sytems fixes (usually). Using 10.04. Sling files w/ Dolphin & Krusader. Can I refresh router from system? Any ideas?19:01
Jordan_Usacarlson: You may also need to disable KMS in certain circumstances with "modeset=0".19:01
John1412is there a chat room for CompTIA certifications?19:01
sacarlsonJordan_U: yes I think if you look in the Xorg.0.log it will show vesa as I recall when we had a working method19:01
seekwillaxisys: Yes, technically possible, but I don't know how ubuntu does it19:01
Jordan_Uaxisys: Yes, you can do that.19:01
axisysJordan_U: ok19:01
ActionParsnipJohn1412: ask in #freenode or consult the channel list19:02
axisysso is there a irc channel for ubuntu virtualization ?19:02
user01anyone going to OLF? :)19:02
user01this is going to be my first year19:02
sebsebsebaxisys: not exactly, but there's #vbox for Virtualbox19:02
ActionParsnip!ot | user0119:02
ubottuuser01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:02
user01ActionParsnip: ok thanks19:03
seekwillaxisys: You're thinking too much. Just install it.19:03
axisysseekwill: hehe..19:03
Jordan_Uaxisys: Just remember to grab the alternate install CD to install to LVM.19:03
cristiActionParsnip: where do i find udevinfo?19:03
axisyssebsebseb: i am pretty sure there is one.. i just remember what the channel name19:03
adalalActionParsnip: well, if were as simple as knowing exactly what CPUs they are.. and looking up on the internet, i'd have done it... :P... i dont see any documentation on it19:03
John1412ActionParsnip, thank you19:03
sacarlsonI'll try the Xorg.0.log method of detection of vesa mode with xforcevesa added at grub2 boot, unless someone else wants to try it for me.19:03
axisysJordan_U: just did.. burned in my usb drive19:03
xrootDesmantelado thank you19:03
Desmanteladoxroot: huahua19:04
CppIsWeirdwhy is the 64-bit version of the ubuntu desktop "not recommended for daily desktop usage"?19:04
xrootDesmantelado :)19:04
ActionParsnipcristi: its a terminal command. If you know the module name you can simply skip most of the guide19:04
CptWInky85I'm thinking about joining the Marines =)19:04
cristiActionParsnip: i know it's a terminal command but i don't have it19:04
sebsebseb!ot | CptWInky8519:04
ubottuCptWInky85: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:04
ActionParsnipCppIsWeird: 3rd parties still support 32bit more, brother and lexmark for example still only kick out 32bit drivers19:04
ActionParsnipcristi: then run: dpkg -S udevinfo19:05
flixilHello. I configured nvidia to have two different X window (one per monitor, they are in different rooms and have different resolution). But I don't understand it quite right. they are both in tty7, so I guess it's something virtual. How do you avoid when one monitor to open applications in the other monitor? How to you move the mouse from one monitor to the other? What about moving applications from one monitor to the other, is that19:05
flixil possible? Where can I read about it in a detailed way? Thanks19:05
ActionParsnipCppIsWeird: if you have more than 3gb ram then i'd shoot for 64bit (assuming your cpu is 64bit)19:05
FanshaweHey all. I'm using 10.04 and I keep getting suspend errors.19:05
CppIsWeirdis there a real world performance increase using 32-bit vs 64-bit assuming all the same software in their 32-bit and 64-bit versions accordingly?19:06
FanshaweCan anyone help?19:06
flixilCppIsWeird, only for 3d design or math computing19:06
ActionParsnipflixil: you can use devilspie to manage where and how app windows open19:06
CppIsWeirdinteresting. thanks!19:06
X-Sleepy-XHi! I've got a question regarding CPU scaling. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 on my Eee PC 900 which has a Celeron processor. I've added the applet to control CPU scaling with to the panel and I've added p4-clockmod to /etc/modules. This has enabled me to select a certain frequency and use the Performance and the Powersave modes. However, I'm unable to select the Ondemand and the Conservative mode since it's only kicking back to Performan19:07
X-Sleepy-Xce mode whenever I try to do so. I've been searching Google for hours trying to find a solution but I haven't found one. Is there anyone here who knows what might be causing this or perhaps knows how to fix it?19:07
ActionParsnipCppIsWeird: there is with audio and video encoding. Otherwise not really19:07
flixilCppIsWeird, and compilations for instance, or encoding19:07
flixilActionParsnip, thanks for the tip, I'm gonna cheack about devilspie.19:07
sacarlsonCppIsWeird: I have seen graphs that show some better performance in 64bit mode . but I am always on the side of 32bit due to my lack of need for that performance.19:08
BlinnyHardy 8.04.4 - I'm getting authentication errors from an i386 NIS slave to an AMD64 NIS master. I see google posts about this occurring back in the warty/feisty days, but it's stated as fixed. Anyone have experience with this?19:08
CppIsWeirdhmm, also interesting./19:08
sebsebseb!ask | Fanshawe19:08
ubottuFanshawe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:08
ActionParsnipflixil: there's a python app on google code or whatever its called to help you configure it as it is a cli based config19:08
sebsebsebFanshawe: oh ok you did, nevermind19:09
ActionParsnipflixil: its called gdevilspie (imaginitive I know). Just extract the file and run the executable file in the resulting folder19:09
FanshaweNo problem. To specify, the errors seem to occur even though the suspend works fine.19:09
FanshaweIt's more of an annoyance than a serious problem.19:10
flixilthanks ActionParsnip19:10
AzjoHardware: nvidia 260gtx and a EIZO crt "21 monitor > it refuses to run at 1600x1200 and i have tried to force 1600x1200 in nvidia settings: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/H045HTYz but it did not work. any suggestions?19:10
aeon-ltdsacarlson: +1 on sticking with 32bit, besides theres alternative ways to net speed gains19:10
madbuntu1984im having some issues with usb could anyone help with an error (on 10.04) "cat: /sys/kernel/debug/usbmon/0u: No such file or directory19:11
ActionParsnipmadbuntu1984: is it the port or just a specific device?19:12
madbuntu1984a usb male to male lead19:12
sacarlsonaeon-ltd:  I lived with 64 bit for 2 years to suffer the problems and workarounds.  I'm sure there will be a day for 64bit but I was on the side of too far forward.  now I find without 4gig ram little can be gained.19:12
flixilWhat about how to move the control from one monitor to the other?19:12
madbuntu1984* ActionParsnip a usb male to male lead19:13
FanshaweI've found a record of my error but no solution. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/8998319:13
FanshaweHow frustrating.19:13
ActionParsnipAzjo: try appending the refresh rate to the resolution. Like so: Modes "1024x768@60"19:13
EdwardIIIi'm on ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS. in gnome, the bluetooth manager shows my logitech keyboard as connected, but when i try and use the keyboard it doesn't actually work?19:13
ActionParsnipAzjo: if the @ fails, try replacing it with an underscore19:13
Azjoill give it a shot thanks :)19:14
flixilEdwardIII, don't you need to sync the keyboard with the bluetooth receiver?19:14
EdwardIIIflixil, it let me go through that bit OK19:14
ActionParsnipEdwardIII: if you run xev in a terminal, does it generate events when you press stuff?19:14
cristiActionParsnip: uhm problem, my webcam driver doesn't seem to have a vflip option19:15
EdwardIIIActionParsnip, nope19:15
EdwardIIIxev shows nothing when i press keys on the bluetooth keyboard19:15
ActionParsnipcristi: so when you modprobe with the vflip option its still the same?19:15
cristiActionParsnip: i get an error when i want to load the driver with the vflip option19:16
cristiso i don't get passed that19:16
avi_Hey, how can I set wine to use a different folder? Like instead of ~/.wine, have it be /media/external/drive/.wine19:16
seekwillMan, software-center keeps hanging :(19:16
ActionParsnipcristi: then you'll have to hunt round for the specifics of the driver used to see what option it needs to flip it19:16
ActionParsnipavi_: move the .wine folder to the location then make a symlink19:17
avi_ActionParsnip, Woah it's that simple? Hmmph. Will do!19:17
Azjohow do i know if it accepts @ or not? i have to restart and just try _ if it fails?19:17
ActionParsnipavi_: makes sense doesn't it ;)19:17
justamonkeyCan anyone here tell me why a brand new lucid/ltsp install has a tftp-hpa failure? The client "can't find files". I've seen stuff all over the net about this but nothing I've seen is the way this box is set up. It's all ubuntu's doing. What might fix this? Thx19:17
seekwillIn software-center, I get a "To show info... about this item, the software catalog needs updating". But I don't get the "Update Now" button.19:18
seekwillIs there a way to trigger an update?19:18
avi_ActionParsnip, Yeah much. But I thought that symlinks were like actual files that needed some brains on the program's side. Symlinks ftw! =)19:18
ActionParsnipAzjo: try both. You can always boot to root recovery mode to rename the file, reboot to desktop then re-rename the file back and try the other character19:18
sacarlsonavi_: I see alot of activity on wine. what is it you guys run on wine to go throught all that trouble if you don't mind me asking?19:18
=== simar__mohaar is now known as simar
Azjoalright, thanks :)19:19
jelseekwill, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:19
seekwilljel: That will update the catalog, or the system? (or both??)19:19
EdwardIIIany tips on where i need to look to fix a bluetooth keyboard being recognised and verified but not typing in any keys?19:19
avi_sacarlson, Not at all. I run two apps on their right now, Call of Duty 4, and Starcraft I. In the future, I plan to run Office (maybe) and Starcraft 2.19:19
EdwardIIIi can change the keyboard preferences on it and everything19:19
ActionParsnipavi_: they are like shortcuts in windows but a LOT more powerful. The OS will use the .wine in home but the filesystem actually manipulated will be the one on the device in /media (I'm guessing its an external)19:20
seekwilljel: I guess it doesn't hurt to just do it hehe19:20
jelseekwill, both, in that order.  sudo apt-get update for just the updated list of software, sudo apt-get upgrade to update whatever software can easily be upgraded19:20
ActionParsnipavi_: if the device is usb the performane will not be as good as on the internal storage19:20
avi_ActionParsnip, yeah, it is external. And you're right, i'm used to Mac/Windows shortcuts, which.. suck. lol19:20
jelseekwill, or hit reload in synaptic19:20
EdwardIIImaybe if i upgrade to the latest version instead of the LTS?19:20
seekwilljel: Hmm... your command works, but I still can't install the Lightning extension for THunderbird19:21
jelseekwill, to update the lists19:21
gizmobayI installed Google Talk. How do I start it?19:21
avi_ActionParsnip, Well, I stream 1080p video from it without issue so i think i'm fine. It's a USB2 drive.19:21
jelseekwill, can't?  Why?19:21
ActionParsnipavi_: symlinks are hugely powerful like that. Apps and such will just see a folder like it is now, but it has a. Secret ;)19:21
seekwilljel: It says the software catalog needs to be updated19:21
sacarlsonavi_: ok sound like games except for duty 4?  is that a game,  office not a game.  ok cool.  sorry just wondering.19:21
PiciEdwardIII: The latest version of Ubuntu is an LTS19:21
ActionParsnipavi_: I'm not sure what that is but ok19:21
madbuntu1984sudo mount -t debugfs none_debugs /sys/kernel/debug19:21
madbuntu1984mount: none_debugs already mounted or /sys/kernel/debug busy19:21
madbuntu1984mount: according to mtab, none is already mounted on /sys/kernel/debug19:21
madbuntu1984but5 still getting that error19:22
avi_sacarlson, Yeah, call of duty is a modern (2007) first-person shooter. It's like the most popular FPS for PC, i think :)19:22
avi_ActionParsnip, HD video.19:22
SomeDuncanGuyHaving an issue with my laptop, wondering i anybody can help. Freshly installed ubuntu, but it thinks my integrated wireless N is a bluetooth card (laptop doesn't even have a bluetooth card)19:22
jelseekwill, I can't find lightning in the repos.  Is it a PPA or something?19:22
SomeDuncanGuyim a total linux noob, dont even know where to start19:23
ashtonme 219:23
seekwilljel: I see it in the Ubuntu Software Center...19:23
EdwardIIItried removing it and adding it again, seems to work now. thanks!19:23
jelseekwill, do you get a more detailed error message?19:23
sacarlsonavi_:  I guess they run faster than like on virtualbox in wine?  I know I can't run sound stuff on virtualbox it's not always realtime tolerent.19:23
ActionParsnipavi_: I see.19:24
avi_sacarlson, Exactly. VirtualBox is great for lots of stuff, but anything graphically demanding really doesn't cut it.19:24
seekwilljel: Nope :(19:24
kikelahi, somebody use Lucid Lyns 64 on a Thinkpad T61 ?19:24
EdwardIIIcheers all19:24
jelseekwill, OK, what's the package called?19:24
sacarlsonavi_: ok and sound also ok got it thanks19:24
seekwilljel: That's a bit of a problem too. It doesn't show it like the others.19:25
brightsitesconsuhow do tyou open port 8080 using ubuntu server?19:25
ThinkTankkikela: i've been using it on my t61p19:25
jelseekwill :)19:25
seekwilljel: :)19:25
jelseekwill I think it's probably not available now.  Did you install it previously from a deb file or something?19:25
ActionParsnipavi_: top selling fps is Half-life: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_games?wasRedirected=true19:25
seekwilljel: No, I want to add it :)19:25
ActionParsnipbrightsitesconsu: its automatically open by default19:26
brightsitesconsuActionParsnip:  ah ok. So it's an issue with tomcat then19:26
ActionParsnipbrightsitesconsu: if you want access to it from the WWW you need to configure your router19:26
ashtonsee what?19:26
seekwilljel: http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/2847/screenshot2sg.png19:26
kikelaThinkTank: Ok, nice. This problem happened last week on my T61p. Ubuntu let the battery discharging too much, and after that i have a battery error.19:27
brightsitesconsuActionParsnip:  it's a remote server. I've installed tomcat, and started it. but can't access by  ip:808019:27
avi_ActionParsnip, No doubt. But HalfLife is like from 1998 or something.19:27
seekwilljel: http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/6430/screenshot1qn.png19:27
ashtonubuntu is good on my battey19:27
sainHas any one tried google talk? i cant get in onboard microphone to work19:27
ThinkTankkikela: I've never had that problem..19:27
jelseekwill: 64-bit?19:27
ashtongoogle talk works fine19:27
seekwilljel: yep19:28
ThinkTankkikela: what does acpi say ?19:28
seekwilljel: gah! Don't tell me it's because of that!19:28
ActionParsnipavi_: still sold more than any other fps19:28
avi_ActionParsnip, I just set up that symlink.. It's actually mind-bogglingly cool.. It's a portal to another universe!19:28
kikelaThinkTank: did you install extra packages for your Thinkpad or modify your acpi ?19:28
* seekwill hugs his extra 32bits19:28
sainhaving problem with microphone. any ideas how to trouble shoot?19:28
sacarlsonbrightsitesconsu: tomcat is that like apache2 or is it the same?19:28
ThinkTankkikela: I just ran standard19:28
ActionParsnipavi_: indeed. Very very useful. Let's you move stuff wherever19:28
ashtonmic problem:  call your manafacturer19:28
jelseekwill, I would suggest apt-get install thunderbird to update if necessary.  Download sunbird 64 bit from here: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/sunbird/download.html to your desktop, run thunderbird, install sunbird from the menu19:29
ActionParsnipavi_: some apps don't like symlinks but wine is ok with it19:29
KelyenI have a little problem with grub19:29
ThinkTankkikela: how old is your battery ?19:29
brightsitesconsusacarlson: it's java...runs seperately19:29
ashtonkikela: how old is your battery?19:29
seekwilljel: I have thunderbird installed already...19:29
ashtonseekwill:  good work19:29
sacarlsonbrightsitesconsu: so it's java that runs a web server like apache2 oh it runs under apache2?19:30
seekwillashton: I know huh!!! it was soooooo hard19:30
KelyenI just reinstall grub2 on my hard drive but when i put the computer on, the grub is only showing a window with "grub>" and i don't know what to do :19:30
jelseekwill, OK if it's up to date.  Also, seems they're calling the new sunbird lightning now? If so, download this instead https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/2313/19:30
ashtonseekwill:  just joking with ya dude19:30
brightsitesconsusacarlson:  not under apache19:30
seekwillashton: :P19:30
sinister-nationi have a question about kubuntu, I know this is Ubuntu channel but kubuntu channel no body talking over there19:30
sinister-nationcan someone tell me with Kubuntu 10.04 i386 install, is there a way to install amd64 over the i386 without doing a dvd iso download?19:30
seekwilljel: Cool, I'll try it, thanks!19:30
kikelaThinkTank: hum,  i'm not sure that Ubuntu manage very well the battery of my T61p but i'm not sure it's not a coincidence19:31
ashtonsinister-nation:  that sucks!!19:31
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
sinister-nationtell me about ashton19:31
cablopwell, i have a netbook with a weird audio output/input plugin... it detects the kind of device connected and then it enable or disable aoutput or microphone... i wonder if this is done via driver and if ubuntu will deal with it :(19:31
Take0nHello folks. Where can I find information about how to create applications for ubuntu? Like where the main app (.py file) have to be located, application icons, data (like preferences) etc.? Is there a manual or something that explains the structure and how it should be?19:31
KelyenPlease, could you help me ?19:31
ThinkTankkikela: ive been using ubuntu for all my laptops and have never had that problem. They have always gone to sleep way before the battery goes out19:31
KelyenI just reinstall grub2 on my hard drive but when i put the computer on, the grub is only showing a window with "grub>" and i don't know what to do :19:31
ashtonkikela:  ya, what kind of computer do you have?19:32
ashtonkikela: a pre-95 junkie19:32
sinister-nationi can download the amd64 dvd iso but it will take forever with this 1 meg connection, and was wondering if i can do thru command lines19:32
jelTake0n, "linux filesystem standard" on wikipedia will explain the basics.  Some of that (preferences) depends on your target desktop (assuming gnome, in .local, but use the gnome APIs in that case)19:32
KelyenI just reinstall grub2 on my hard drive but when i put the computer on, the grub is only showing a window with "grub>" and i don't know what to do :19:33
ashtonsinister-nation:  you need to get a faster connection bad, i pity you19:33
jelTake0n, best thing to do is pick a good, complete platform on top of linux, like GNOME or KDE, and target that, using its APIs and installers19:33
sacarlsonKelyen: well more than grub is needed on a system to make it work but I'm sure you just forgot to tell use what is under your grub.19:33
jelTake0n, or forget linux and treat the python standard as your platform, using egg files for installation perhaps19:33
ashtonjel: yes of course?  why wouldn't you have GNOME on top of linux?!!19:33
sinister-nationi will once i get my cable bill caught up. had to downgrade the connetion speed to do that19:33
Take0njel, I have already chosen gnome for that I just didn't know the main structure (folders etc.) differed between different desktops19:34
KelyenYes sacarlson, i have one hd0, and windows & ubuntu19:34
ashtonsinister-nation:  ah been there19:34
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kikelaThinkTank: ok thanks for these informations. Perhaps i'm not lucky but i came back with a battery error an impossible to charge it. I discharged the battery completly under linux and the battery won't charge anymore. Fortunately, after few days, i can charge it but i don't know why. Anyway...19:34
basix-how do i access my firewall settings on ubuntu?19:34
jelashton, I dunno... because there's also KDE, Enlightenment, Maemo, OpenGL, MGR, OpenWin... ;)19:34
Take0nI will be using (already have written some code) python targeting gnome =)19:34
TiKbasix-: ts in iptables or your router19:34
ashtonkikela:  PROBLEM SOLVED: get new battery19:34
Kelyensacarlson, but i forgot the first time to install linux in second time, so i had to reinstall the grub, and it shows nothing at startup except this "grub>"19:34
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ashtonjel:  true19:35
basix-TiK, how do i access iptables?19:35
Migi32help! I'm missing files in some of my directories on my RAID drive. Other directories have all their files overwritten with junk content. Is there any way to get my files back?19:35
jelbasix-, run "iptables" :)19:35
sacarlsonKelyen: well not sure what state your in but grub2 is not rocket sience http://paste.ubuntu.com/484461/19:35
TiKbasix-: iptables -L lists all firewall rules19:35
=== fatix is now known as xitaf
ashtonsacarlson: SCIENCE19:35
madbuntu1984/sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon to /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon :/19:35
madbuntu1984sudo ln -s /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon /sys/kernel/debug/usbmon19:36
madbuntu1984ln: creating symbolic link `/sys/kernel/debug/usbmon': Operation not permitted19:36
jelbasix: that was partly a joke.  Read man iptables to start with, then maybe the appropriate howto (linux firewall howto, I guess?)19:36
sacarlsonashton: see i'm not a sintist I didnt say I was sart.19:36
jelbasix-, and then learn about ferm :)19:36
ashtonsacarlson:  dont follow19:36
Migi32help! I'm missing files in some of my directories on my RAID drive. Other directories have all their files overwritten with junk content. Is there any way to get my files back?19:36
Migi32help! I'm missing files in some of my directories on my RAID drive. Other directories have all their files overwritten with junk content. Is there any way to get my files back?19:36
Migi32help! I'm missing files in some of my directories on my RAID drive. Other directories have all their files overwritten with junk content. Is there any way to get my files back?19:36
FloodBot3Migi32: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:36
basix-jel, K, learn about ferm?19:36
sacarlsonashton:  I'm telling you I'm not a good speller19:36
basix-what's ferm?19:37
ashtonmigi32:  ok don't copy and paste like that PLEASE19:37
jelbasix-, it's a small enhancement to iptables which makes things iptables much nicer to set up19:37
ashtonsacarlson:  gotcha19:37
droesdoes anyone know what components need to be installed for world of padman?19:37
basix-i've never set up a firewall with out a gui ;)19:37
ashtonsacarlson:  no prob i still have trouble with spelling sometimes19:37
jelbasix-, then read the howto :)19:38
sacarlsonashton: I still have PHD ask me questions as stupid as I am.19:38
Take0njel, thanks for helping me pal I will google everything you said and hopefully make it work19:39
ashtonsacarlson:just cause you can't spell, doesn't mean you're dumb19:39
sacarlsonashton: yes that's my point.  as long as they can understand and they get the info they need it doesn't mater.19:39
jelbasix-, main things to know: iptables is split into INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD chains.  You set default policies on each, usually REJECT or DROP on INPUT, ALLOW on OUTPUT, and REJECT or DROP on FORWARD, then add specific exception rules, like allowing connections for web stuff or mail.19:40
jelTake0n, np :)19:40
basix-ok :)19:40
flupke__hi, my laptop freezes when I try to hibernate (it's an asus u35jc, core i3 with intel IGP), what could I try to fix that ?19:40
ashtonjel: your wisdom is breathtaking19:40
basix-jel, thanks for your help19:40
basix-i have a real basic question now..19:41
basix-when reading the man, when i get to the end of the manual what do i press to exit the man?19:41
n0a1ias_how can you look at all devices on your network?19:41
jelashton, thanks :)  Been around here (actually, mostly debian) a while :)19:41
basix-i've always had this problem and never asked or looked it up19:41
ashtonjel: debian?  is that pretty cool?19:41
mikauGuys, I've just got my second Graphics Card, SLI activated and all is well with the world. Now that I want to connect my second monitor, I though I might aswell make use of the DVI port on the new card since the old one only has one DVi then a VGA. However if I want to set up the monitor using the nvidia-tool, I've only got the option of setting it up as a new x-session, not TwinView, which is what I want. Is there a way around19:41
mikau this or do I have to keep using the vga port on the first card for my second monitor?19:41
ashtonjel: im currently using linux19:42
jelashton, much the same.  ubuntu is prettier, debian is more reliable19:42
egertonm20basix :q will exit19:42
basix-thx egertonm2019:42
avi_Hey, does anyone know how to get compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported? There's some cool effects in there, but it's not in the Ubuntu repos for Lucid.19:42
jelashton, 99% of ubuntu is really debian.  They just made it look nice for new users mostly19:43
manoj_hi friends my sound was working fine with my sony vaio laptop. after i upgraded the patches my sound is not working anymore19:43
ashtonjel:  oh ok19:43
wweaselWhat is the function of the "search ..." line in a Grub2 menu entry? What is the consequence of removing it?19:43
timewriteris there a way to reinstall ubuntu without losing the /home folder ?19:43
ashtonweasel:bad stuff will occur19:44
venzilhow can i make a linux machine into an arcade machine19:44
wweaselashton: I'm pretty sure bad stuff will not occur, as I've commented it out and nothing odd happened. Do you know what in particular it does?19:44
ashtonwweasel:  not really19:44
jelwweasel, I would guess that it tells grub to look for your kernel on whichever drives it can see, instead of just trying to boot the first drive in the system or something like that.  Read the man page though to be sure19:44
sacarlsonvenzil: install some game software?19:44
=== marcu_y is now known as marcuy
Oeravi http://wiki.compiz.org/PluginsUnsupported19:45
Kelyensacarlson, i'm not very good at englishlol, but does a command exist in the "grub>" to launch one of my partition ?19:45
n0a1ias_so is a samba server, a secure print server?19:45
jellowvenzil: fun project , you can look at variosu emulators for snes and such19:45
venzilsacarlson: make a computer boot right into the emulator. is that possible?19:45
ashtonvenIl:yes it is19:45
soreauavi_: Can install -unsupported and more http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=1201219:46
sacarlsonKelyen: no not one but I think the gui setup will allow you to change the default start19:46
Kelyenthe gui setup ?19:46
KelyenIn your paste ?19:46
jelvenzil, disable keyboard errors in your bios, buy/build an arcade-style games cabinet and joystick, setup X to login automatically, and to run something like XMame19:46
Oeravi_, https://launchpad.net/~compiz/+archive/ppa19:46
ashtonsacarlson:it will allow you to19:46
linismanoj_: open up a terminal and hit 'alsamixer'19:46
soreauOer: I win19:46
jeljel: and hammer the computer inside the cabinet or something :)19:46
avi_thanks a ton soreau and Oer!19:47
ReddragonJust trying to learn xchat hello every one19:47
egertonm20n0a1ias_: no it's not secure but samba enables printing to a Windows hosted printer19:47
Oersoreau, +1 :-D19:47
soreauavi_: I wrote that script, please give it a try :) It is designed to work on ubuntu19:47
sacarlsonvenzil: I never tried.  you mean like virtualbox?19:47
linismanoj_: and see all the options are 00 and not MM19:47
sacarlsonashton: allow me to what?19:47
Milezim at my wits end tryin to get 5.1 audio passthrough hdmi workin on my Revo 1600 (ION/Nvidia).. all of my movies play with only the L and R channels, which usually means i cant hear anyone talking.  im running karmic, with alsa 1.0.23, nvidia 190, and xbmc 9.11.  I've gotten this working before on lucid, so i know the reciever, and TV work right.    Should i just go back to Lucid? or should i19:47
Mileztry 10.04 ??  im lost. :(19:47
jellowvenzil: you could install fluxbox or some very basic window manager and edit /etc/passwd to point to the emulator and not /bin/bash19:47
madbuntu1984sudo ln -s /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u /sys/kernel/debug/usbmon/0u19:48
madbuntu1984ln: creating symbolic link `/sys/kernel/debug/usbmon/0u': No such file or directory19:48
madbuntu1984 <--- any way to get round that?19:48
linismanoj_: press m to change from MM to 0019:48
jelvenzil, a lot of the tivo-style mediabox frontends support playing games, sometimes mame stuff.  That might be a good starting point, depending on how authentic you want it to be.19:48
ashtonsacarlson:  allow to change the default start for gui19:48
avi_soreau, Oh, well in that case, I must. What are the advantages of using your script over the PPA?19:48
linismanoj_: MM means muted19:48
manoj_ok will try that out19:48
sacarlsonashton: yes I sent him a file that told him the method to setup with a gui http://paste.ubuntu.com/484461/19:48
Azjohi, nvidia x server settings will not even accept 1024x768@60.. maybe there is something else wrong? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/5ua46PPW19:49
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soreauavi_: I do not know what ppa does what, I just know the script installs the five in -unsupported plus 15 more, if you so choose19:49
sacarlsonashton: can you fix the spelling in that and test and make sure that is correct?19:49
avi_soreau, Oh that's great then. I'll give it a shot!19:49
ashtonsacarlson:my bad sure19:50
manoj_linis my volume is at full and nothing was muted19:50
sacarlsonashton: oh was that a question?19:50
ashtonsacarlson:back in a sec19:50
linismanoj_: you tried alsamixer ??19:51
manoj_when i connect my headphone i can hear a very faint volume19:51
manoj_yes i did try alsamixer the CUI19:51
n0a1ias_waht packages do i need to set up home sharring?19:51
manoj_from the terminal i run alsamixer and checked19:51
trollboyfor some reason my eth0 shows unplugged even though its not, and when I reboot into a rescue/install disk, it works just fine19:51
jelmanoj_, what kind of headphones?  Simple ones with a jack, or usb ones?19:51
linismanoj_: ok, now try this http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2009/05/09/upgrade-alsa-1020-on-ubuntu-jaunty-904/19:52
trollboyIs there a way to fix this?19:52
manoj_just with the jack19:52
jelmanoj_, speakers are OK?19:52
Reddragonis any one here familiar with mail notifier for evolution in lucid lynx?19:52
madbuntu1984ubuntu fails19:52
madbuntu1984root@shaun-desktop:/home/shaun# mkdir /sys/kernal/debug/usbmon19:52
madbuntu1984mkdir: cannot create directory `/sys/kernal/debug/usbmon': No such file or directory19:52
manoj_yep the speakers are perfectly fine i was orking today too19:52
manoj_after the upgrade it stopped working19:53
jelmanoj_, dunno, unless it's just keeping different volume levels for when the headphones are plugged in.  Sounds like you've tried adjusting the volume with the headphones plugged though.19:53
avi_Does anyone here know when compiz 0.9 will be stable/ready for normal desktop use?19:54
jelmanoj_, this is the jack on your speakers, or on the PC?19:54
jelsorry, jack socket19:54
jelmadbuntu1984, you spelt kernel wrong19:55
manoj_let me try the method that linus specified19:55
manoj_cause i tried the same thing last time i compiled my own alsa drivers19:55
manoj_so this might work out19:55
dtSkullquestion how do I exit cmus on the terminal?19:55
manoj_the jack is with my laptop19:55
jeldtSkull, try Ctrl-D19:55
dtSkullok 1 sec19:55
trollboyanyone see my question?19:56
madbuntu1984jel im creating the dir19:56
trollboyfor some reason my eth0 shows unplugged even though its not, and when I reboot into a rescue/install disk, it works just fine19:56
cablopwell, i have a netbook with a weird audio output/input plugin... it detects the kind of device connected and then it enable or disable aoutput or microphone... i wonder if this is done via driver and if ubuntu will deal with it :(19:56
madbuntu1984so I should be able to spell it how ever, the point is, it wouldnt allow me to do it, "No such file or directory"19:56
avi_soreau, Dude, your script is totally awesome!19:56
Jordan_Utrollboy: Does "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" change anything?19:57
madbuntu1984root@shaun-desktop:/home/shaun# sudo ln -s /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u /sys/kernel/debug/usbmon/19:57
madbuntu1984ln: target `/sys/kernel/debug/usbmon/' is not a directory: No such file or directory19:57
madbuntu1984 @ jel19:57
jeldtSkull, oh, I was thinking of something else.  Never used cmus, but usually q, Ctrl-Q, Ctrl-X Ctrl-X, F10, escape.  Alternatively, ctrl-alt-f2, login, run pkill cmus :D19:57
trollboyJordan_U, nothing, just new line19:57
dtskullnop Crtl+D did not work to exit cmus19:58
jelmadbuntu1984, no, you can't spell it however, any more than you can drive on whatever side of the road you like.19:58
ubuntusacarlson, ok i have installed startupmanager but now it says that there no grub.cfg, it's normal because i'm on live cd, but how i can make startup manager start with the grub.cfg of my other HD ?19:58
madbuntu1984root@shaun-desktop:/home/shaun# sudo ln -s /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u /sys/kernel/debug/usbmon19:58
madbuntu1984ln: creating symbolic link `/sys/kernel/debug/usbmon': Operation not permitted19:58
Jordan_Utrollboy: It's expected that there would be no output. What program is showing the interface as not being connected?19:58
FFForeverDoes kubuntu use pulseaudio?19:58
madbuntu1984jel root@shaun-desktop:/home/shaun# sudo ln -s /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u /sys/kernel/debug/usbmon19:58
madbuntu1984ln: creating symbolic link `/sys/kernel/debug/usbmon': Operation not permitted19:58
madbuntu1984 got a way round that then?19:58
yeagsI have Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS with Samba 3.0 installed, i'd like to upgrade to Samba 3.5, is there a simple method? I tried apt-get upgrade samba and it didn't work19:59
jelFFForever, I think KDE 4.5 does, so if kubuntu is updated, it can, maybe not by default19:59
trollboyJordan_U, the network indicator in the upper right hand corner19:59
cablopcan ubuntu detect a mixed plug in a netbook? i men that king of connector that autodetects if you connected a microphone or a heaset or speakers... i don't want to damage my computer19:59
sacarlsonubuntu: wow well that proves that we can't use startupmanager from a live cd.19:59
trollboyJordan_U, also all applications including ping show no network connection19:59
cablopand it seems nobody knows if ubuntu can... and i don't want to hurt my system19:59
=== Abhijit is now known as Guest52488
FFForeverjel, how do I find out what audio system I am using right now?19:59
ubuntuok sacarlson :(19:59
ubuntuSo what can i do ?20:00
steelnwoolI've got a 10.4 server here, that just started going ape. In so much as SSH / https have becomevery unresponsive. I installed rng-tools , as i suspected low entropy, and its not helping.20:00
steelnwoolthe disks aren't thrashing20:00
ubuntuI have the "grub>" and it's still the same20:00
jelFFForever, it's been a while... go to the control panel/settings, look for Phonon.20:00
steelnwooland i have 3.6 gigs of ram fre.20:00
manoj_i have another doubt . i have a desktop running on windows 7 and i have shared folders i am able to access these folders from my laptop with windows 7 but when i try ti access it with ubuntu i am not able to access it20:00
=== ubuntu is now known as Kelyen
dtskullwhen I hit crtl+C on CMUS it tell me to type quit, but typing does nothing while running the program on the terminal. any ideas?20:00
sacarlsonubuntu so without being able to boot from where you plan to run seems you still have to mount and manualy edit grub configs on that drive20:00
jelsteelnwool, sounds like you're out of memory.  Install atop, run it, look for colored lines :)20:01
avi_soreau, Wow finished it. That was seriously the most awesome script ever. Loved the colors too :D20:01
dougb_freebsdIs there a way to stop my wi-fi connected light on my laptop to stop blinking when there is traffic on the link?20:01
steelnwooljel, i have 3.6 gigs of ram free.20:01
steelnwooland not hitting swap.20:01
jelsteelnwool, oh, fair enough then :)20:01
Kelyenyep sacarlson, but i can't because it says that i have no permissions to do that20:01
Jordan_UKelyen: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt ?20:01
Kelyenok Jordan_U20:01
sacarlsonubuntu seems you can still run the sudo grub-install /dev/sda from the live cd and most boots will be visible in boot. so after booting where you plan to stay you can install and run startupmanager and make you home permanent20:02
Jordan_Utrollboy: Does "sudo dhclient eth0" give you an ip address / allow you to ping?20:03
Kelyenyeah sacarlson i have already do that20:03
Kelyeni have already reinstall the grub20:03
jelsteelnwool, entropy sounds plausible then, depending on what the system's doing.  Also check DNS, interrupts, general hardware problems.20:03
majeszkoI've got ubuntu 10.4.1 In java games I can't open full screen, anyone know what problem can be?20:03
Kelyenby the way in os-prober, i see ubuntu and windows20:03
manoj_going for a restart20:04
jelsteelnwool, logs would be a good start :)20:04
KelyenJordan_U, no such file or directory :(20:04
sacarlsonKelyen:  so boot and hold the shift key to get into manual grub control and boot the kernel/partition you want as your home20:04
dougb_freebsdKelyen: I found this very helpful and easy to use:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows20:04
trollboyJordan_U, its running DHCPDISCOVER atm against, shouldn't it be
steelnwooljel its a VM, and other vm's on same hardare are working fine, so i'm less suspect of that.  looking up some logs now.20:04
Kelyenok i will try both, thanks sacarlson, dougb_freebsd20:04
Jordan_Utrollboy: No, the broadcast address is 255.20:04
cablopcan ubuntu use the netbook audio input thjing?20:05
trollboyJordan_U, No DHCPOFFERS received.20:05
cablopor will i burn my system just using ubuntu?20:05
jelsteelnwool, ahh.20:05
trollboyJordan_U, No working leases in persistent database - sleeping20:05
Jordan_UKelyen: Did you follow the directions exactly?20:05
=== jason is now known as Guest7188
Jordan_UKelyen: Since you're using 10.04, whose download directory is ~/Downloads, you want to run the second command "sudo bash ~/Downloads/boot_info_script*.sh20:07
Guest7188feck. Does anyone have a link or some information on setting up a distrubuted system on a collection of of old xboxs with linux installed? The objective being to create an xbox "supercomputer"20:07
Jordan_Utrollboy: Can you pastebin the output of "ifconfig"?20:07
trollboyJordan_U, how would I do that?20:07
Guest7188use piping jordan20:07
trollboylemme see if I can dump to txt, and then usb drive it over here20:08
Guest7188trollboy: ifconfig | nano20:10
Guest7188the output will be nano.save20:10
jimcooncathow do I tell (from terminal) what graphics driver is currently in use?20:10
Guest7188can anyone here help me setup a distrubuted system over some old networked xbox's?20:10
Jordan_Ujimcooncat: Look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log .20:11
jimcooncatthanks Jordan_U20:11
trollboyGuest7188, had you been listening, my networking is not working, how am I to pastebin anything20:11
Jordan_Ujimcooncat: You're welcome.20:11
sacarlsonjimcooncat:  well modprobe -l gives you all the drivers20:11
jelGuest7188, I think blender guys built a renderfarm on xboxes20:11
Guest7188really? interesting. Do you know where I can contact them?20:11
AndrewMCoh im sorry20:12
trollboyJordan_U, http://pastebin.ca/192706820:12
marcuy!hello | compatt20:12
ubottucompatt: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:12
compatthi everybody20:12
Kelyenok Jordan_U, i follow the steps20:12
Kelyenbut there's a little problem20:12
compattis this the channel where i can ask for help20:12
jelGuest7188, first thing to do is google blender xbox renderfarm and start reading20:12
sebsebsebcompatt: yes20:12
KelyenIt says that i havent the permissions to read core.img correctly Jordan_U :/20:12
Guest7188ah I see. Wonderful google. Thanks Jel20:12
yeagsIn a respositories statement, e.g. deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted20:13
deevzwhy a renderfarm on xboxes?20:13
avi_does anyone know how I can get the Evolution that will be in Maverick in Lucid?20:13
yeagswhat does restricted mean?20:13
jelGuest7188, also google linux cluster powerpc20:13
deevzkind of silly20:13
Guest7188because we can deevsz. because we can :)20:13
compattwell I'm new with ubuntu and I've got a little problem with commands, especially mouse20:13
deevzbut wouldnt it be cheaper to use pc's?20:13
madbuntu1984anyone got a solution?? root@shaun-desktop:/home/shaun# sudo ln -s /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u /sys/kernel/debug/usbmon20:13
sebsebseb!google | jel20:13
jelGuest7188, oh, wait, xbox360 is ppc, xbox is p320:13
ubottujel: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:13
Jordan_UKelyen: Could you pastebin the exact error message?20:13
secaCan you guys use amazon s3 as a networked drive?20:13
Guest7188I can get old xboxs cheap.. it's a p3 700 processor self contained system20:14
compattat the begininng every is allright20:14
sebsebsebcompatt: mouse commands?20:14
jelFair enough sebsebseb :)20:14
jelGuest7188, very limited memory though, be careful it'll do what you need20:14
jel(it might)20:14
sebsebseb!details | compatt20:14
ubottucompatt: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:14
KelyenJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/VLM85c1N but i think it's because i can't access to the files in my /media/Linux20:14
Guest7188I wonder if I could setup a parallel xbox distributed system to circumvent the bandwidth bottleneck..20:15
jelwhat bandwidth?20:16
mrehsounds like a compulsive programmer project20:16
deevzthe google-fu?20:16
Jordan_UKelyen: I never told you to run grub-install, I asked you to run boot info script.20:16
ashtonjel:that's the problem20:16
sacarlsonGuest7188: I was trying to help someone that had xubuntu running on it wanted to get more but we found not much more he could do with ubuntu but gento sounded like it had hope.20:16
Jordan_UKelyen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129128020:16
Guest7188network bandwidth20:16
=== MichaelSOG is now known as micke-away
yeagsanyone able to help me understand how best to upgrade samba? I have 3.0 installed on 8.04 LTS, and apt-get upgrade samba isn't working20:17
kedarmDoes anyone know how I can create a Keyboard shortcut for taking screenshot of a particular area? (Print does entire screen, Alt+Print does the window with focus). Mac has a nice shortcut for this (Cmd+Shift+4)20:17
jimcooncatIf I wanted to keep simple graphics all the time, can I?: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:17
steelnwooldefine isn't owrking. is it on teh couch all day  with popcorn? not coming in to work? screwing the bosses girlfriend ?20:17
trollboyJordan_U, I'm going to go smoke a cigarette real quick (kinda stressed today with my main box being down) but did you see my pastebin?20:17
jelGuest7188, you want to use processing power of a distributed system to solve a network bandwidth problem?  Unless you're talking about some cool new compression system, that's not going to work20:17
Jordan_Utrollboy: Yes.20:18
trollboyok brb20:18
Guest7188lol I know jel20:18
Guest7188just musing out loud20:18
jelGuest7188: Hmm.   OK20:18
blt23anyone have any problems?20:18
jimcooncatblt23: sure, you want to help?20:19
blt23who likes chicken?20:19
blt23jimcooncat: sure20:19
jelGuest7188, a p2p-based distributed processing system might help :)20:19
jimcooncatblt23: If I wanted to keep simple graphics all the time, can I?: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:19
sacarlsonjimcooncat: simple like vesa graphic safe?  I'm looking for a solution for that.20:19
jelGuest7188, ie, borrow everyone's bandwidth :)20:19
blt23jimcooncat:yes you can20:20
jimcooncatsacarlson: yes, I can only get good video if I use the failsafe graphics mode20:20
xorwhyI'm looking for a open source alternative to Mathematica?20:20
blt23jel:how would that happen?20:20
jimcooncatthanks blt23. Now I'll have to help someone.20:21
jelblt23, think blender rendering over boink: everyone contributes some resources long-term, because they get a lot in a hurry when they occasionally need it.20:21
Guest7188If I could use netcat to redirect their traffic.. I need some way of bottlenecking it20:21
sacarlsonjimcooncat: failsafe?  how do you get into failsafe graphic mode.  I"m told that xforcevesa in grub2 boot will do that but I havn't tried it yet.20:21
blt23jel:what the...????20:21
jelGuest7188, trickle?20:21
Guest7188If I get caught I'm in big trouble, but that might do20:22
jimcooncatsacarlson: It's an option after you choose the recovery kernel from grub20:22
sacarlsonjimcooncat: and this option is........?20:22
blt23Guest7188:if you get caught DOING WHAT???20:22
larmewow Obama is suing SeaWord20:22
jelblt23: Guest7188: I was talking about something people volunteer for, not something you steal from people :)20:23
Guest7188blt23: hijacking network bandwidth ofcourse20:23
ispothello,how to set pppoe to support multiple adsl modemes?20:23
blt23larme:who cares?20:23
sacarlsonjimcooncat:  so just recovery asks you this or if forces vesa?20:23
blt23guest7188: lol ya whatever20:23
jimcooncatsacarlson: yes, recovery prompts for several options, one of which is failsafeX20:23
ratdogfirst how can i recover my freenode pass?20:23
trollboyJordan_U, I am back, any thoughts?20:23
ispothello,who knows how to set pppoe to support multiple adsl modemes?20:24
jimcooncatbtw, that copy command worked!20:24
sacarlsonjimcooncat: I thought recover didn't go to graphic mode at all20:24
ph8hi all, is ubuntu.com down?20:24
larmeblt: sorry didn't mean to dump my copy-paste buffer in here20:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:24
ph8ubuntuforums as well20:24
ph8i'm getting timeouts20:24
ThePCKidNo, it's not20:24
larmeblt23: sorry didn't mean to dump my copy-paste buffer in here20:24
blt23larme: no prob20:24
ThePCKidFor me20:24
blt23larme:youre a scream20:24
ratdogubuntu down for servicing20:24
sacarlsonjimcooncat: ok I think that requires more investigation by my studens20:25
ratdogfirst how can i recover my freenode pass?20:25
blt23larme:youre a scream20:25
Lenin_CatI am trying to install Ubuntu on my netbook but I dont have a flash drive avabile atm20:25
Jordan_Uratdog: Try asking in #freenode20:25
blt23ratdog:ubuntu down for servicing?20:25
Guest7188who was it looking to extract ifconfig output into a file?20:25
=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne
blt23has anyone ever cracked a network?20:26
ratdogblt23 the servers are being serviced20:26
Jordan_Utrollboy: No, sorry.20:26
ratdogi read it earlyer20:26
blt23ratdog: that doesn't affect me20:26
Guest7188blt23: exactly what do you mean by crack?20:26
ratdogok :)20:26
Guest7188this isn't a l33t chan20:26
corpsiclehi, i cant login to my gnome keyring anymore, what could be the problem ?20:26
corpsiclei havent set any other passwords20:26
blt23guest7188: get the key and infiltrate the network of course20:27
ratdogGuest7188 kThnx20:27
corpsiclecould i uninstall/reinstall gnome keyring ?20:27
sacarlsonblt23: network you mean wifi? yes my own.20:27
Piciblt23: This isn't the channel for that.20:27
jimcooncatsacarlson: I rebooted to see. It boots into a text-mode "dialog" menu, and failsafeX is there. After that, it will load X and then start asking troubleshooting questions, none of which helped on my box.20:27
blt23sacarlson: what encryption?20:27
blt23pici:for what?20:27
Guest7188you mean an encrypted network? mmm.. I've cracked the manulife netwrok20:28
Guest7188it was a joke20:28
Piciblt23: This is a support channel, but we do not condone or support cracking in any forms.20:28
sacarlsonblt23: yes wep encryption20:28
Guest7188they had an active wep server20:28
blt23pici:tell that to guest7188 as well then20:28
sacarlsonjimcooncat: ok thanks I will try this if not my students20:28
deevzwhats manulife20:28
Guest7188I mean, who uses WEP?20:28
corpsicleill just uninstall keyring then20:28
Guest7188an insurance company20:28
blt23guest7188 no me20:29
blt23the nail salon next door to moe's20:29
PiciGuest7188: Please mind your language here and also note that cracking is not supported here.  Additionally, this is not a discussion channel, only support.  General chatter belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic.20:29
Guest7188righto pico. Received 5 by 420:29
blt23pici:  sorry pic i got carried away20:30
Guest7188cracking = hacking these days.. sigh20:30
Guest7188no respect20:30
Guest7188it's cool blt23.. you're not banned :)20:30
=== geo is now known as geo05
jelispot, this might help: http://www.broadbandreports.com/forum/r20456553-MLPPP-Guide-on-Linux20:30
FurtanoWhy has my fresh ubuntu 10.4 installation has no boot menu entry for my windows 7, only for the ubuntu entrys?20:31
xorwhyPeople who use WEP, 90% of Verizon Fios users.20:31
ispotjel,thank you20:31
sacarlsonGuest7188: I call it security testing20:31
FurtanoWhy has my fresh ubuntu 10.4 installation has no boot menu entry for my windows 7?20:31
jelispot, np :)20:31
Guest7188true that sacarlson20:31
blt23guest7188: good hey for what its worth, it's not like you used any language you just gave the letters20:31
xorwhyPeople who also use WEP, 90% of those on Fios would "shouldn't be"20:31
Jordan_UFurtano: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?20:31
peacesin ubuntu, if i mv dir/* dir2/ and then rmdir dir/ ...it's not empty. i could be wrong but i thought most other distros include hidden files in *. how can i get ubuntu to include ALL files when i say mv *?20:31
FurtanoJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/sKuw3CRG20:31
blt23xorwhy:  what?20:32
tew88I'm trying to get my USB wireless adapter to work. lsusb shows it as a Ralink 3370. Can anyone help?20:32
trollboyis there a way to re-install ubuntu and just have it overwrite the system files and leave my userdir alone?20:32
FurtanoJordan_U, no result with os-prober20:32
blt23trollboy: yep ask sacarlson20:32
xorwhyI can't help but find it mildly entertaining that sudo and psuedo sound the same, it sounds like you're saying false this false that.20:32
larmetrollboy: I really hope this isn't your everyday name :p20:32
dougb_freebsdpeaces: hidden files should never be included in *, and I've never seen a version of Unix that did that20:32
trollboylarme, old college nickname, I'm rather large and scary20:32
jimcooncattrollboy: easy if you made a separate partition for /home20:33
peacesdougb_freebsd: ok, so how do i move the entire contents of one folder to another20:33
Guest7188paeces use ls -a to find those dastardly hidden files20:33
Hasanibrahimhello, is there any keyboard short to show destkop ? like on windows ( win + d )20:33
peacesmv * && mv .* ??20:33
trollboyblt23, is sacarlson a bot? if so how do I trigger this response20:33
trollboyjimcooncat, nope, 1 partition20:33
dougb_freebsdpeaces: mv dir dir2 should do what you want, if I understand what you're asking correctly20:33
Jordan_UFurtano: Did you delete any ntfs partitons?20:33
xorwhybit23 The WEP comment. Stated the fact that Verizon deploys WEP by default with its routers during installation, which users are prompted to use.20:33
blt23trollboy:  a bot i don't think so20:33
FurtanoJordan_U, yes my data ntfs partition20:33
scottjWhat's the command ubuntu tells you on first boot to run to print the passphrase for your encrypted home dir?20:33
blt23trollboy: sonds too inteligent20:34
Guest7188xorwhy that is f-ing hilarious20:34
Pici!ot | Guest7188 xorwhy20:34
jeltrollboy, if you installed with LVM, best way would be to resize your root partition, make a new home partition, move your files there, then reinstall to the root partition.  You could also boot a live cd and run debootstrap on the partition; might have to delete a lot of system files before debootstrap would run, but I don't think so.20:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:34
ubottuGuest7188 xorwhy: please see above20:34
trollboyso you're just messing with me or sacarlson then?20:34
Jordan_UFurtano: Unfortunately I think that was also being used as your windows "system" partition, without which windows cannot boot.20:34
peacesdougb_freebsd: what if dir2 isn't empty, and i just want to mv or cp everything in dir to dir2?20:34
jeltrollboy, it's all fairly technical though, a backup would be much simpler and safer20:34
jimcooncattrollboy: if you have a way to back up your home, that would be the starting point20:34
Guest7188pici you're a real buzzkil20:34
blt23trollboy:  i'm not messing with either of you20:34
ratdogkk, why does ubuntu software center stop auterising my password after a a few weeks of using ubuntu?20:34
larmetrollboy: ah20:34
macotrollboy: jel is wrong20:34
dougb_freebsdpeaces: back up dir2 first, then try it ... the best way to learn is by trying :)20:35
larmetrollboy: I just hope you don't use it on UseNet :P20:35
FurtanoJordan_U, oh thats ***, what can i do now ?20:35
macotrollboy: ubuntu's installer does not delete the contents of /home if you tell it to reinstall with the same partition20:35
ilovefairuzratdog: it shouldn't20:35
=== pbarros is now known as turt1e
blt23ratdog: what do you mean you have to type it in each time you open the software center20:35
guestMSDon't you have other things to do!!20:35
jelmaco: ahh, that's good to know :)20:35
macotrollboy: just choose the manual partition option, tell it to use the same partition, and set it not to format20:35
firstgearonewhen doing apt-get install package is there a way to find out the version in the command console before installing it?20:35
trollboymaco ok thanks20:35
Guest7188guestMS: work.. but I'm paid either way20:35
Jordan_UFurtano: I don't know, try asking in ##windows.20:35
majuk_Can anyone school me on the process of hotplugging network devices? I see it renames the unknown device from wlan0 to wlan#. Where does this happen?20:35
VCooliofirstgearone: apt-cache policy package20:35
firstgearoneVCoolio: thanks20:36
ratdogblt23 yes, then it just sits there an wont auth. then it crashes20:36
blt23sacarlson:  come on man20:36
FurtanoJordan_U, should format and reinstall windows and then windows solve the problem ?20:36
blt23sacarlson:  if he's a bot, maybe his battery died20:36
jelmaco: just curious... will it clear out system files that should exist in a fresh install, like /etc/cron.d, say?20:36
ilovefairuzmajuk_: check if it has an entry in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules20:37
majuk_ilovefairuz! Thanks.20:37
Guest7188Furtano: Holy f-ing christ. What windoze vers are you using?20:37
Lenin_CatI am trying to install Ubuntu on my netbook but I dont have a flash drive avabile atm20:37
macojel: i think it deletes everything that's not in /home20:37
ilovefairuz!language | Guest718820:37
ubottuGuest7188: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:37
FurtanoGuest7188, windows 7, why ?20:37
turt1eAnyone using the proprietary Nvidia drivers with compiz in ubuntu 10.04?  I've got it up and running but getting a lot of screen tearing compared to the ATI x1400 that I'm use to.  Thinkpad t61p laptop if it matters20:37
blt23ratdog:that is weird20:37
macojel: but ive never actually dug through to see if anything's left20:37
ratdogblt23 i have reinstalled it too20:37
blt23ratdog:backup your files and reinstalled ubuntu20:37
blt23ratdog:reinstall completely20:38
ratdogits happend b420:38
ratdogafter installing20:38
jeltrollboy, that's one thing to watch out for then... if you reinstall over an existing install, linux is quite file-based in its config, and might try to run things from the old setup still.20:38
blt23ratdog:  get a different version of ubuntu20:38
JoeJoe123that was very uncool20:38
jeltrollboy, but at least you'd know the basic files were good, and could maybe clean it up from there20:38
ratdogi have lucid20:38
blt23ratdog:  i have unr 10.0420:38
JoeJoe123Who was the dude with the prob with windoze 720:39
trollboyjel Yeah, I'm kinda without a lot of choices here20:39
macojel: default files would be overwritten, i just dont know about ones you add later20:39
=== Guest58787 is now known as LjL
ratdogthere got to be a fix20:39
Jordan_UFurtano: Yes, re-installing windows will work. You don't need to re-install Ubuntu (though if you want to anyway that will work). To just restore grub after windows clobbers it follow : http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide20:39
jelmaco: yep20:39
blt23ya i don't know20:39
frankbroIf I have pae enabled, I should be able to use more than 4gig of ram on a 32 bit right ?20:39
n0a1iashey, my netbook came with a webcam, how do i get that to work?20:39
jelmaco: I'm thinking a lot of additional packages might have files lying around, but not be officially installed any more20:39
trollboyI did a fresh wipe not long ago20:40
JoeJoe123IdleOne: you're a t Watt20:40
trollboyhalfway tempted to jsut do another20:40
trollboybeen having problems with X freezing tight as well20:40
jeltrollboy, why are you needing to reinstall twice in a short time?20:40
trollboybeen having problems with X freezing tight as well20:40
macojel: yeah i know what ya mean20:40
ilovefairuz!pae | frankbro20:40
ubottufrankbro: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info20:40
blt23n0alias: just get it set up with the software that came with it20:40
frankbroYea, my grub says pae enabled20:41
n0a1iasblt23, it came with windows 720:41
FurtanoJordan_U, ok thanks :)20:41
ilovefairuztrollboy: pastebing: lshw -C display20:41
indyyHello. I want to install PAE. Should I uninstall my old kernel(s)?20:41
Jordan_UFurtano: You're welcome.20:41
indyyJust for space issues.20:41
Colloguyanyone know of version control software that will follow symlinks?20:41
ilovefairuzindyy: kernels are exremely small20:41
blt23n0alias:  doesn't matter just set it up with the cd that came with it20:41
jelColloguy, follow?  Or track?20:42
trollboyilovefairuz, no networking atm I'm not pastebinning much20:42
Colloguyjel: follow, instead of version controlling the symlink itself20:42
indyyilovefairuz: but I could remove the package linux-foo-bar I currently have installed right20:42
indyy(my current kernel)20:42
jelColloguy, dunno.  Maybe some property you could set in svn or git, but I'd be looking at hardlinks for that20:42
ilovefairuzindyy: you COULD but it's not recommend20:42
indyyilovefairuz: ok20:43
KE1HAmaco:  I just did a quick test. If you set no format on /home and for/root (/) /home is left in tack as was, and all fies on the root partition are new.20:43
frankbroAnd is there any drawback to using lets say 6 gig of ram on a 32 bit pae enabled kernel compared to a 64 bit installation ?20:43
ilovefairuzColloguy: if you have symlinks in a repo, you're probably doing it wrong20:43
ilovefairuzColloguy: what are you trying to accomplish ?20:43
ratdogi modified authorisations20:43
Colloguyjel: darn, would prefer not using hardlinks20:43
sburjan`Colloguy : what you need it for ?20:43
basix][does anyone know where to get a good proxy for irc?20:43
KE1HAmaco:  so if he wants a new install basically, format /  and no format /home20:44
Colloguyilovefairuz: I just have files in several folders that are organized by topic, that are already symlinked to a folder of symlinks20:44
Migi32ok on my RAID drive, it appears that everywhere that files have disappeared, the "date modified" is the same, and where they are overwritten with junk they're also the same date (but different from the first). What could've caused this?20:44
sburjan`you want to create a repo locally ?20:44
blt23ratdog:  what's wrong with the camera?20:44
ColloguyI want to put that folder of symlinks into version control20:44
jelColloguy, there's a bug in git before version 1.6.1 that lets you do it :D  Also, mount bind is another option20:45
macoKE1HA: or from the live cd, manually delete /usr, /etc, and /var, then do a non-formatting reinstall20:45
ratdogblt2 remeber software sener will not auth20:45
dgc_have anyone had this error "quantize-pvt.c: In function ‘quantize_xrpow’:" while compiling a program from source code ? it says something else about memory not addressable.20:45
=== basix][ is now known as basix-
jelColloguy, oh, and are you aware that you can have submodules?20:45
macoKE1HA: the thing is that his /home isnt a separate partition20:45
blt23ratdog, why will it not authen?20:45
Colloguyjel: that's hundreds of mount --bind's20:45
blt23dgc_ nope20:45
jelColloguy, ahh :)20:45
dgc_google says it is a pretty common error but i didn't find any solution20:45
ilovefairuzColloguy: put the original folder in a repo, and make a shell script that checks out and rearranges them for you20:46
KE1HAmaco:  Hmmmm, well now that's an issue. I'll have to test that to see how it reacts.20:46
Colloguyjel: I'll check out submodules ... i.e. hundreds of submodules, each for a plaintext file?20:46
indyyFor PAE, I just have to install linux-generic-pae and linux-headers-generic-pae? Won't this ruin my current kernel (as in the nVidia proprietary card and other stuff)?20:46
cablopdo ubuntu works well with the the mixed audio connection of some netbooks?20:46
jelColloguy, you might be able to mount some pseudo-fs on top that would make them look like normal links...20:46
cablopdoes ubuntu work well with the the mixed audio connection of some netbooks?20:47
macoKE1HA: non-formatting reinstall to save /home has been an option for a few years now, but i dont know if anything is left behind. when devs mention this on ubuntu-devel mailing list, they said it as "doesnt delete /home" but they didnt mention whether everything *else* is deleted... and so now thats the question20:47
indyyAnd generally, is the PAE kernel unstable or does it have any issues?20:47
Migi32ok on my RAID drive, it appears that everywhere that files have disappeared, the "date modified" is the same, and where they are overwritten with junk they're also the same date (but different from the first). What could've caused this?20:47
jelColloguy, no, I was expecting that your symlinks were to link in shared code from a central directory, which submodules would do better.  You're obviously not doing that if you've hundreds of symlinks20:47
blt23ratdog why does your camera have to authen???20:47
majuk_ilovefairuz! So, I see where it has added entries for the device every time I un/replug it. So say I want every WLAN device to always get 'wlan1'. How would I accomplish this?20:47
ratdogblt23 its the software cebter20:48
blt23ratdog what about it?20:48
ilovefairuzmajuk_: delete the relevant rules and it will reset back to 120:48
jelMigi32, overwritten files (from corruption/deletion) don't necessarily have valid metadata20:48
Colloguyjel: I'll look into that pseudo-fs thing then :P20:48
KE1HAmaco:  yes, maybe that's something we should added to testing, will have a play in VM and see how things come out.20:48
majuk_ilovefairuz! Sure, but I want any device ever plugged into it to get that20:48
macoKE1HA: the lazier thing to do would be to read the installer's code20:49
jelMigi32, ie, the metadata can be corrupted too.20:49
majuk_ilovefairuz! Assuming 1 device at a time, of course.20:49
Migi32jel, yes I know this. That's why I find it so weird that they all have the same metadata (at least their "date modified")20:49
qwdHi I'm setting up Evolution on Ubuntu 10.04 for use with a Gmail account. It has all the right settings for connecting BUT it doesn't have any encryption chosen, why is this? Shouldn't it use encryption?20:49
KE1HAmaco:  Tthat hurt my head just thinking about it :-)20:49
jangellany good providers out there of newer mysql-server packages for LucidLynx ?20:50
indyyOoh, I have searched google and found that the PAE kernel is unstable and breaks stuff, is that true?20:50
jelMigi32, depends on what overwrote them, or recovered them.  If you write a raw photo, for instance, with a huge bank of one color, that's a lot of the same data being written to disk - a pattern.  If the dates look recent, rather than crazily random, most likely some recovery tool or recent access modified the dates20:50
Migi32jel, both dates are quite reasonable dates as to when the corruption could've happened. They're also fairly close together (10 days or so).20:50
mneptokjangell: considered MariaDB?20:51
Migi32(11 to be precise)20:51
jangellmneptok: Not really.  Don't know much about it.  I'm getting pissed off with RHEL 5 because it's so old and I've been having to use custom repos for newer packages.  I decided to look at the latest Ubuntu Server hoping for newer packages.  They're newer..but not as new as I'd like20:51
jelMigi32, maybe fsck "fixed" them on boot or something like that?  Dunno.20:51
mneptokjangell: http://askmonty.org/wiki/MariaDB:Download - http://kb.askmonty.org/v/mariadb-5149-release-notes20:52
trijntjeI have my /boot partition on an external usb-stick, and I want to create a clone of this stick. dd is not an option because the second stick is not the exact same size. What can I do to duplicate my /boot to another stick?20:52
Migi32jel, ok I just discovered that the dates appear to be the same, but the time isn't. They're all different, but within the same 2-hour(ish) period20:52
sburjan`jangell : why do you need newer ? If they are not in the default repo, I think they're not stable enough for production20:52
jelMigi32, yep, sounds like some tool did work to fix them and took a while.20:53
jangellsburjan`: I'd have to talk to the DBA.  But for example I need a newer spamassassin to support the latest services that Spamhaus provides20:53
Migi32jel, do these kinds of tools run in the background or are they the "checking disks" that happen occasionally at boot?20:54
Migi32jel, the latter never took longer than 2 minutes here20:54
jeltrijntje, something like ghost for linux (g4l) should do it20:54
sburjan`jangell : and the default from repo isn't new enough ?20:54
pr0xyda3m0nI'm having an issue when my netbook comes out of standby it prompts saying it didn't unlock correctly or something and asks for my password. I'd like to fix it so I can login without password prompts because family uses this laptop as well20:54
n0a1ias it was faster do do that20:55
ilovefairuzmajuk_: try this: don't delete the rule, move it to the end of the file and change the ATTR{address}=="*"  .. but that would affect both wired and wireless devices20:55
jelMigi32, no, it would (should) be fsck or something even more obvious.20:55
jangellsburjan`: actaully i'm retarded and was incorrectly reading showpkg output.  I'm not a Ubuntu expert.20:55
manoj_hey friends i need to access my windows share from ubuntu can someone give me a link or help me out to solve the issue20:55
jelMigi32, really shouldn't be doing that on you at all, so I'm thinking it must be a bad distro modification or something you've done manually without realising.20:55
trijntjejel, does that work for disks that are not the same size?20:55
majuk_ilovefairuz! Hmmm... That's not *ideal*, but it would work past the initial setup of the devices. I'll give it a shot. Thanks.20:55
jeltrijntje, I believe so20:55
Mr-Woofhi all20:56
sburjan`jangell : not saying that defaults from the repo are bleeding edge, but I'm sure there isnt any app that need the latest mysql. at least not the latest minor version20:56
Migi32jel, impossible. My memory isn't perfect but fsck hasn't ever taken more than 2 minutes, I am sure of that. Could it have been the upgrade of 9.04 to 9.10? That happened around that date.20:57
majuk_ilovefairuz! Can I specify it by the driver used? I'm really not grasping the context of this rules file.20:57
majuk_I'm reading about it, but it's slow going20:57
sburjan`jangell : latest from mysql.com is 5.1.50. not sure what is the ubuntu repo version, but sure it's 5 or more. so it should work20:57
ilovefairuzmajuk_: you can but do they all use the same driver?20:57
jangellsburjan`: 5.1.4120:57
jelMigi32, it was upgraded after the RAID failed?20:57
majuk_ilovefairuz! Yea.20:57
sburjan`jangell: so pretty new :)20:57
ratdogoop, certificate for key storeage was not in auto star, would that be a problem for authorizing ubutu software center?20:57
jelMigi32, an upgrade could definitely update the timestamps on lots of files, yes20:57
ilovefairuzmajuk_: great, then:  DRIVER=="example"20:58
majuk_ilovefairuz! I'm dealing with these little dongles that have a high failure rate, so I'm trying to cut out the step where when I replace one I have to update the configs for it.20:58
kimbi want to learn20:58
manoj_hey friends i need to access my windows share from ubuntu can someone give me a link or help me out to solve the issue20:58
ilovefairuzmajuk_: and still with a * for address20:58
jangellsburjan`: I'd really like to get away from having ot build my own packages which is what I've bene forced into on RHEL5.  RHEL's last major release was March 2007 and several things missed that date20:58
majuk_ilovefairuz! Very cool. Thanks man.20:58
leuzedevgoogle for smb manoj20:59
Migi32jel, yes... now that you mention it I think in 9.04 my RAID showed up as 2 disks and 9.10 correctly recognized them as RAID. But how could it be possible that I never noticed that ALL my files were corrupt/missing until now? o.O20:59
manoj_i already have samba installed in my system20:59
kimbthere is someone20:59
sburjan`jangell : with Ubuntu you don't have to manually build. You get the bin20:59
leuzedevthen whats the issue20:59
Stormx2Hi. An app has crashed an is now unkillable (stuck in an I/O wait). I can't unmount the fs it's trying to read, even if I force ("device is busy"). However, the mountpoint is now empty and I can't remount ("Transport endpoint is not connected"). What do?21:00
manoj_but how do i access the folder via ubuntu21:00
Stormx2I'm sick of rebooting to fix this problem.21:00
manoj_when i try to seee the system present it does not retrieve the list21:00
leuzedevwait, you need to connect to windows, or you need windows to connect to you21:01
manoj_need to  connect to windows share21:01
jelMigi32, I wonder if you RAID was warning you that it was degraded before, but has now completely failed and left you with one drive of bad data where you had two drives making up for each other before?  Dunno.  If you can, take a good look at each disk independently, in read-only mode, or using an image of the drive.21:01
leuzedevwhat version of windows?21:02
sburjan`jangell : just install it with apt and it's out of the box21:02
axisysanyone know of a gui based qr code generator pkg ?21:02
jelMigi32, what is your raid setup, and what's it's current state?21:02
jangellsburjan`: sure. that's fine and dandy until all the packages in the distribution get too old for what you must support21:02
Jordan_UStormx2: Do you basically just want to be able to use that mountpoint for a different FS? If so you can do a lazy unmount, but you may not be able to remount the filesystem after that untill a reboot.21:03
Colloguyjel: I know, I'll just place my home dir under version control, but add only the files I want to track by doing e.g. "git add $(readlink textfilesdir)"21:03
sburjan`jangell : the you will enable the repos of the next Ubuntu version, or upgrade-dist to the new version of ubuntu21:03
manoj__need to  connect to windows share21:04
familyhello all21:04
leuzedevwhat permissions are on your windows share?21:05
manoj__read only21:05
gauravhow do i share file on two ubuntu machine using samba21:05
imfedegaurang,  why samba and not sftp?21:05
jelColloguy, ahh, is that what you're doing?  Have you considered doing it the other way around -- keeping full files in a version controlled subdir, and linking from it to where apps expect your files to be?21:05
Migi32jel, I didn't touch any setup or settings. They're now in /dev/mapper/some_numbers_Volume01 and when I restart I have to mount them manually (using sudo)21:05
ilovefairuzgaurav: why samba? use ssh, places > connect to21:05
qwdHi I'm setting up Evolution on Ubuntu 10.04 for use with a Gmail account. It has all the right settings for connecting BUT it doesn't have any encryption chosen, why is this? Shouldn't it use encryption?21:06
imfedegaurang, with ssh you can't share files21:06
panfisti have a share mounted from an nfs server. files that i create on this share have a umask of 644. i'd like this to be 664. how do i change this?21:06
Colloguyjel: that's what I'm doing now, but I don't like it since I use the textfiledir as an index into my filesystem21:06
Jordan_UStormx2: What is the contents of /proc/<PID of unkillable process>/wchan ?21:06
ilovefairuzimfede: yes you can, openssh implements sftp21:06
gauravhow i use ssh21:06
gauravhelp me21:06
leuzedevssh --help21:07
ilovefairuzgaurav: sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:07
Colloguyjel: so given a link to a text file, I can get to the folder of supporting files by doing "reveal target folder"21:07
axisysi found qrencode .. but i am looking for a gui version21:07
Colloguyor whatever the OS's mechanism for showing where a symlink points21:07
familyWhat is the command to automatically mount a directory for example: /media/Movies ?21:07
trijntjejel, thanks for your help, looking into it now21:07
gauravinstalled ssh what to do next21:07
ilovefairuzgaurav: do this on each machine and then from the Places menu select "Connect to.." , then select SSH, and add the machine hostname and username and click connect21:08
jeltrijntje, np, good luck :)21:08
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familycan anybody help me ?21:08
ilovefairuzfamily: add an entry in /etc/fstab21:08
jelColloguy, http://www.rekk.de/bloggy/2008/versioning-symlinks-with-subversion-on-linux/21:08
familycan u be more specific please21:09
axisysfamily: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions21:09
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jelColloguy, oh, never mind, you're trying to commit it as a NON-link, right?21:10
josantonhola a todos21:10
panfisti have a share mounted from an nfs server. files that i create on this share have a umask of 644. i'd like this to be 664. how do i change this?21:11
Colloguyjel: yeah, the thing that the link is pointed to21:11
familyyeah i was there, it will take me couple of days till i find the solution reading all that , so i figured you might give me a quicky sort of :)21:11
Migi32jel, is it a bad indicator if I have to sudo-mount my drive every time?21:11
axisysfamily: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#Editing Ubuntu's filesystem table21:11
ilovefairuzfamily: ok, pastebin: sudo fdisk -l21:11
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familyi did that21:12
familyi did mount but the /dev21:12
jelMigi32, no, mount isn't a user-level command21:12
ilovefairuzfamily: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit21:12
familyi want to mount /media but i m really lost21:12
EbanSoulis there a web site that lists the ubuntu terminal commands and there uses. like a manuel ?21:12
EvilPhoenixEbanSoul:  like... what do you mean?21:13
Stormx2Jordan_U: do_exit21:13
familyok i ll do that21:13
familythen ?21:13
EvilPhoenixEbanSoul:  there's no direct MANUAL for EVERY command...21:13
Stormx2Jordan_U: I want the process to die21:13
KE1HAilovefairuz:  nice, gotta love CLI :-)21:13
nakhlawiEbanSoul: maybe you mean a reference card or a cheat sheet?21:13
EbanSoulyes that would help alot21:13
jelEbanSoul, you can search for commands using keywords with the apropos command.  Otherwise, search with aptitude, read a dos to linux introduction, or just read general linux tips.  Debian's package a day blog is useful21:14
jelEbanSoul, also, you can browse /usr/share/doc, run info and browse the manuals there, etc.21:14
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jelEbanSoul, there used to be a great local webserver package for debian... dhelp I think, which give you a website you could search for any kind of documentation.  Very handy.21:15
nakhlawiEbanSoul: http://www.cheat-sheets.org/saved-copy/shellscripcheatsheet.pdf21:16
jelEbanSoul, there's probably an online version now21:16
nakhlawiEbanSoul: try that link, it has a good cheat sheet21:16
familyilovefayrouz what is pastebinit for ?21:16
EbanSoulthanks for all the info . have alot of reading ahead of me i see21:16
thewanderer1hello, how would I go about using a bluetooth headset for voice communication in Ubuntu?21:17
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nakhlawiEbanSoul: another one: http://www.cheat-sheets.org/saved-copy/bash_ref.pdf21:17
tortoise7would anyone care to recommend  a Non-HP notebook utilizing AMD chips that would be happy running ubuntu?21:18
jelEbanSoul, dhelp is in ubuntu too it seems.  That'd be a great starting point.  Here's the debian page: http://packages.debian.org/sid/dhelp21:18
n0a1iasis there a channel for vnc?21:18
zerothisI'm having a problems with _some_ OpenGL apps crashing (that did not before). I'm on xubuntu karmic (because later versions do not work), using intel 2.4 drivers (because later versions...). <http://pastebin.com/T1dd68v7>21:18
thewanderer1tortoise7: bad luck, Intel is supported best.21:18
jelEbanSoul, install the suggested packages (info2www etc.) too21:18
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n0a1iasin trying to put openvnc on ubuntu and im lost21:18
ilovefairuzEbanSoul: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz i used this back in the day, must be outdated now ..21:19
Migi32does anyone know a place where I could have some (not much) free private ftp space?21:19
ilovefairuzfamily: to help you mount permanently21:19
panfistwhere do i set the umask for files created on an nfs share?21:19
tortoise7the wanderer1: how about a source for build it yourself components?21:19
ilovefairuz!tab | family21:19
ubottufamily: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:19
Migi32I like ubuntu 1 but I believe it doesn't support ftp21:20
ilovefairuzfamily: where's the pastebin?21:20
jelilovefairuz, Somehow I always thought rute was in german, and never looked at it :D21:20
gartralMigi32: what makes you belive that?21:20
thewanderer1Migi32: why FTP? it's insecure as hell and OLD. use SFTP...21:20
panfisthttp is old, why use it?21:21
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jk_Migi32, You can install proftpd and run a server; I've been doing it for years.21:21
ilovefairuzjel: it's great21:21
familyilovefairuz , tanks for your help but i m not sure what you mean, i m gonna read some more and come back21:21
thewanderer1panfist: because there's no alternative and it works reasonably well21:21
jelMigi32, FTP essentially started on Unix.  Linux supports it much better than windows,  but it's deprecated because it's insecure and not suitable for today's internet.  That's probably why you think it's unsupported21:21
Migi32jk_, I'd like to use this for online backup, so this is kind-of not a a solution :P21:21
familythanks for your response21:21
ilovefairuzfamily: did you execute the command i gave you? it should give you back a URL, paste it here21:21
familyit gave me nothing, just blank21:22
n0a1iasis samba cli?21:22
Migi32no jel and gartral, you misread my question. I said "ubuntu 1" as in "ubuntu one", not ubuntu in general21:22
thewanderer1n0a1ias: samba is a daemon, not CLI21:22
jk_Migi32, In that case you can use gFTP as a client, if you have a server to store your backup files at. I've done backups over FTP and they work, although they are a bit slow.21:23
n0a1iasthewanderer1, what is daemon?21:23
ilovefairuzfamily: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit .. give you blank ?21:23
Migi32jk_, hence my question "does anyone know a place where I could have some (not much) free private ftp space?"21:23
jelMigi32, setting up SFTP is easy.  Just install openssh-server, install scponly, add a new user with their home directory set to where you want them to have access to and /usr/bin/scponly as their shell, check file permissions, and you're done.  Best to change the ssh port too though21:23
familya second21:23
jeland make sure the user can't access other home dirs.21:23
thewanderer1n0a1ias: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_(computer_software)21:24
jelSetting up chroot for more security isn't much harder21:24
thewanderer1jel: chroot is NOT a security measure and has never been21:24
ilovefairuzthewanderer1 +21:24
m3lawreni'm having trouble with a fresh mysql server install on lucid. running 'service mysql start' as root doesn't seem to get it going, as 'ps fuax | grep mysql' turns up nothing21:24
jelthewanderer1, right :)21:24
amikropHello. I fresh installed Lucid on a computer with, as it seems, two sound cards. lspci gives 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)  and  01:00.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)  The result is I have no sound. Any help please?21:25
jelthewanderer1, well, security in the sense of the user not feeling insecure when they see lots of scary directories then :)21:25
ilovefairuzm3lawren: no output from at all ?21:25
familyok this gave me http://pastebin.com/JY3T6srt21:25
Migi32ok jel, sorry I will never ever split up questions into 2 lines again. But the question was "does anyone know a place where I could have some (not much) free private ftp space?" followed by "I like ubuntu 1 but I believe it doesn't support ftp" and it appears everyone reacts only to the latter21:25
m3lawrenilovefairuz: if i run 'service mysql status' it gives me 'mysql start/running', however there are no mysql processes running21:26
jelMigi32, :D21:26
seekwillUbuntu doesn't support ftp?!?!?!21:26
thewanderer1seekwill: the software present in Ubuntu does support FTP21:26
seekwillWho uses FTP?!!?!21:26
ilovefairuzfamily: ok, next which partition would you like to automount ?21:26
Migi32the memory of this IRC channel is literally 20 lines XD21:26
ilovefairuzm3lawren: did you check the logs?21:26
m3lawrenilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/8u4qeSXz <-- the log error21:26
familyok for exmaple i want :   /media/Movies21:26
nakhlawiMigi32: I think there are some free shell providers on the net which provide you some small space.21:26
m3lawrenilovefairuz: however i can't run mysql_upgrade because the server isn't running -.-21:27
sdk_awayHrm.. it amazes me that there is no way to have a login script that will open <some applications> in <some workspace> without globally restricting <some application> permanently to <some workspace>.  I.e. there's no way to open firefox on login in workspace 2 without permanently having it open in workspace2.21:27
mgrafquestion, anyone know how to put a computer into standby from the cli using ubuntu 10.04 and fluxbox?21:27
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sdk_awayIf anyone knows how to do that, please let me know.21:27
thewanderer1mgraf: standby or S3 suspend?21:27
ilovefairuzfamily: but which partition is it on hard disk? mount it from places menu .. and in a terminal type: mount | pastebinit21:27
jelsdk_away, that's because the window manager should handle that.  I think KDE's window manager does it.  Not sure.21:28
thewanderer1mgraf: "shutdown -h now"21:28
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thewanderer1mgraf: you would usually want to use sudo with that21:28
jelsdk, the tiling window managers often do stuff like that (tags)21:28
urthmoverI have a short bash script that will put my monitor into powersave.  Is ther a way to associate ctrl+alt+L so that it runs this script automatically?21:28
mgrafkk, ty for the help21:28
sdkjel: indeed.. I misspoke myself.. s/Ubuntu/Gnome/21:28
ilovefairuzm3lawren: what error does this return: mysql -u root21:28
m3lawrenilovefairuz: 'ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'21:29
familyit gave me : http://pastebin.com/hVUzL4m721:29
VCooliourthmover: system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts, or install and use xbindkeys21:29
sdkjel: yes, but in Gnome, its permanent, once set to workspace2, always workspace2 unless remove rule or edit rule.21:29
urthmoverVCoolio: awesome thanks21:30
jelurthmover, maybe check out autokey too21:30
urthmoverok thanks jel  I'll check there as well21:30
thewanderer1guys, what do I need in order to use a bluetooth headset as a mic and audio output? I want to use it the same way I use it with my cellphone.21:31
sdkI even went so far as to try mwctrl and devilspie, neithr of which work for different reasons.  mwctrl is jsut broken and devilspie does the same thing as 'places' in ccsm.21:31
jelsdk, if you can have it as a permanent setting in gnome, you can probably change the setting with gconftool or dbus as needed21:31
VCooliosdk: messy workaround would be to use devilspie, make a startup script that runs it, open firefox on 2, then close devilspie21:31
familyi wish they made it easier to know which directory on which harddisk21:31
Shadowwwhi, is there any channel specific for ubuntu 10.10 bugs/problems?21:32
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:32
RichardRaseleyHello all, I am looking to use Ubuntu server as a router connecting two VLANs that I have on my network and was wondering if anyone could point me to any resources to get that set up? It seems that most of what I have seen online relates to using Ubuntu as a gateway / router but I just want to route traffic between two LANs.21:32
jelthewanderer1, not much :)  It'll appear as a new soundcard, and you just need your software to allow you the choice (or recognise ALSA (or pulse?) settings from the environment)21:33
ilovefairuzfamily: gksu gedit /etc/fstab21:33
jelthewanderer1, most of the voip apps let you specify the card you want to use21:33
sdkVCoolio: Hrm.. tha's an idea.. somethign run from bashrc that loads devilspie, lets it do it's thing then unloads devilspie.. wow, kludge indeed.21:33
thewanderer1jel: new soundcard in what? ALSA? Pulseaudio? and what profiles are supported besides A2DP? this thing is not A2DP...21:33
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ilovefairuzfamily: and add this line to the end: /dev/sda5    /media/Movies    fuseblk      rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions21:34
jelthewanderer1, if it doesn't work with bluez-alsa, I've no idea, sorry21:34
ilovefairuzfamily: save, unmount it from type desktop and then in a terminal type: sudo mount -a21:35
ilovefairuzfrom the *21:35
thewanderer1jel: I have no idea if it works with bluez-alsa, I can buy alternative hardware if I know something that's supported really well21:35
thewanderer1the Bluez wiki is gone now, anyway...21:36
sdkHrm.. thinking of just going back to E17.  Funny that E17 is now not as pretty but more functional than Gnome.,.21:36
kimbi need to  verify paypal21:36
sdkbrb, loading E.21:36
familyok does this mount it on boot time ?21:36
m3lawrenilovefairuz: i managed to make it work, had to do a remove --purge on mysql-common and reinstalled everything from scratch21:37
mcl0vinwhere ubuntu keep tty config files please21:37
familycan i use these line commands if i want to mount on application launcher?21:37
korbeni need to print a list of files of a folder in a text file but i want the whole pathname and without the dot at the beginning using the find command can someone help me?21:37
jimcooncatsetting up this laptop for autologin -- how do I avoid the keyring prompt?21:38
spunkhow do I list all connected disks?21:38
ilovefairuzm3lawren: it looks like a hard disk data corruption issue, perhaps a power cut?21:38
eliteHello guys. I have quite some problems which I will explain.21:39
jelthewanderer1, wikipedia says bluez supports all core bluetooth protocols, so you should be good if the headset is remotely normal21:39
m3lawrenilovefairuz: not sure what caused it, the machine hasn't restarted since i installed mysql (did the inital one about 1hr ago)21:39
RichardRaseleyCould someone give me advice on how to configure Ubuntu Server 10.04 is a simple LAN-LAN-LAN router?21:39
m3lawrenilovefairuz: but hey, it works now, so meh :)21:39
eliteI have a Qosmio the F60 series21:39
ilovefairuzfamily: an "application launcher" like what? these are commands for mounting a disk partition21:39
korbeni need to print a list of files of a folder in a text file but i want the whole pathname and without the dot at the beginning using the find command can someone help me?21:39
ilovefairuzelite: all on one line please21:39
jelRichardRaseley, set ipv4_forward to 1 in /etc/sysctl.conf, and setup three ethernet ports, each with IPs and routes on the lans.  It should handle the rest by default.21:40
thewanderer1jel, yeah, the other thing is, does ALSA support it :P21:41
jelRichardRaseley, net.ipv4.ip_forward even, just uncomment it, and re-run sysctl -p21:41
jelRichardRaseley, though a firewall would be very advisable21:42
ilovefairuzkorben: find `pwd`21:42
RichardRaseleyjel: So just make that the Ubuntu box can see machines on each of the LANs and then run those commands.21:42
RichardRaseleyjel: Seems pretty straight forward.21:42
jelRichardRaseley, yep :)21:42
Ardinok, anyone got a Radeon HD 4250? (laptop card.) how hard was it to deal with on ubuntu21:42
jimcooncatsetting up this laptop for autologin -- how do I avoid the keyring prompt?21:42
korben[ilovefairuz]: no, u didnt understand me21:42
RichardRaseleyjel: Only one of the NICs will have a default gateway on it, will it automatically forward traffic from the other two LANs out that gateway?21:42
jelRichardRaseley, and set the machines to use that linux box as their gateway to the other lans21:42
jelRichardRaseley, ie, give them routes through the router :)21:43
ilovefairuzkorben: did you try the command?21:43
familyilovefairuz: hmm i see , i get it , does the terminal recognize after saving this command : in terminal : mount /media/Movies /home/family/Desktop21:43
RichardRaseleyjel: Right, so the machines in each network will point towards the NIC of the router that exists in that network as their default gateway.21:43
jelRichardRaseley, yep, it'll just take packets from the lan, see they're supposed to go somewhere, and look up the normal routing tables to see where they should be sent21:43
sdkjimcooncat: Are you using teh keyring?  If not, under preferences startupa applications, you can disable it from startup.21:43
RichardRaseleyjel: But then what will determine which nic the router uses to forward traffic out to the internet?21:44
korben[ilovefairuz]: i want to make a file where i list all the files of a folder with full pathname without the dot at the beginning21:44
jimcooncatsdk -- yes, it's storing the wireless connection password, if I understand correctly21:44
ilovefairuzkorben: find `pwd` > list.txt21:44
korben[ilovefairuz]: i once did it with find command but i don't remember how21:44
sdkjimcooncat: Hrm.. lemme think.21:44
sdkjimcooncat: well, try it and see, is the most straightforward answer I can give.  If it fails, we can move from there.21:45
sain_Can some one help trouble shoot my onboard microphone please?21:46
ilovefairuzfamily: you won't need to do this, it will be automatically mounted next reboot, make sure that /media/Movies exists after you umount: sudo mkdir /media/Movies21:46
jimcooncatsdk I'm guessing I have to tell seahorse the password so it automatically unlocks?21:46
VCooliosdk: did you check the new efenniht theme in e17? then you'll realize your statement about gnome having more eyecandy was a big joke :D21:46
familyilovefairuz: does the terminal execute after what i have saved in fstat; this command  in terminal : mount /media/Movies /home/family/Desktop21:46
eliteOkay, I have a Qosmio F60 series. I installed Ubuntu 9.04 via side by side installation. The problem is that if I suspend/restart, if I recover the PC from a sleep, the PC freezes on a black screen and the fans runs at full speed abruptly. Whereas in a restart, Ubuntu exists successfully, but again a black screen with the fan running at full speed. Additional info, when I first placed the live CD prior to the installation of Ubuntu (the 21:46
elite, the PC enters into the Windows boot loader, and shows me the option to only boot to windows 7. I pressed escape, and the same symptoms (black screen & fan at full speed). The only way to reuse the PC is via holding the shutdown button, then powering the PC again.21:46
n0a1iasis there a channel for wine?21:46
ilovefairuzfamily: you don't need to run any terminal commands, reboot your computer and you'll find it mounted21:46
rwwn0a1ias: #winehq21:46
familyi m just asking so i could use this command in launcher if i want21:47
sain_having trouble with onboard microphone. please help21:47
jelRichardRaseley, the routes on the machine, as normal.  Two of the three will probably just have local routes for  the lans its on, whereas one will be a default route to the net.  It might work automagically if you set up the main (internet) interface first.  Otherwise, just control it from /etc/network/interfaces21:47
spunkWhat are the pros and cons regarding xfs vs ext4?21:47
sdkVCoolio: I did a checkout day before yesteday, but for some reaason I couldn't get efenniht to load.  E kept telling me it was not a valid theme.21:47
ilovefairuzfamily: assume it's already mounted, no need to add it to the launcher21:47
indy_Hello, I have a fresh install of Lucid and I have no sound. Any help please?21:47
sdkBut a couple of the other folks in #e were running it.21:47
indy_00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)21:48
indy_01:00.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)21:48
RichardRaseleyjel: OK, that makes sense. So on the router I will have 3 NICs, 2 of them will only have IP & SN Mask, one will have IP, SN Mask, and Default GW. That is a good start - I appreciate your help.21:48
indy_Is given by lspci21:48
eliteilovefairuz: I posted up my problem.21:48
jelspunk: ext4 is the standard and safe, xfs is fast and scary in powercuts/sudden crashes.  IMHO, XFS is not designed for desktops that don't have redundant PSUs, RAID, etc.21:48
sdkspunk: google is an excellent research tool.21:48
syslqskeptic: coz it indexes the internet ?21:49
jelRichardRaseley, yep, that should do it :)21:49
ilovefairuzelite: sleep/resume is often problematic especially if proprietary drivers are involved, i usually avoid it21:49
familyilovefairuz : yes it is indead, thanks alot for your help, you r a prince :)21:49
spunkjel, ok, thanks21:49
ilovefairuzindy_: pastebin: lshw21:49
eliteWell then what about the restart?21:49
familyilovefairuz : is your name Mahmoud ?21:50
VCooliosdk: they changed theme setup, you did a complete e checkout or just efenniht?21:50
ilovefairuzelite: pastebin: lshw -C display21:50
ilovefairuz!paste | elite21:50
ubottuelite: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:50
indy_ilovefairuz, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/AE9fiqtq21:50
jimcooncatsdk -- maybe pam isn't talking to seahorse21:50
ilovefairuz!ot | family, no, it's not21:50
ubottufamily, no, it's not: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:50
zoZohey I am running a customized version of ubuntu 8.10 with kde3.5, after a dirty shutdown I now have all the apps trying to start back up every time I boot up(just an annoyance really) any ideas?21:50
familyok ubottu you bad bot21:51
sebsebseb!8.10 | zoZo21:51
ubottuzoZo: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.21:51
familythanks again :)21:51
sebsebsebzoZo: Ubuntu 8.10 :) and KDE 3 :)21:51
=== boborjan9904x is now known as devil-m
familybye bye and take care all21:51
zoZoubottu> right I am running bt421:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:52
kimbi need to upgrad from ubuntu 8.10 to 10.0421:52
u_mebye family21:52
sdkVCoolio: doing another co now, lets see what breaks.. :)21:52
sebsebsebzoZo: however 8.10 is no longer supported :(, and KDE 3 is sadly on the verge of dieing :(21:52
u_mei want to use ubuntu now on21:52
u_meem gonna try today21:52
indy_ilovefairuz, did you receive the URL?21:52
SomeOneOrNoOnecan you get marked as a proxy if you seed *legal* torrents?21:52
u_meany suggestions people21:52
jelzoZo, you should have a session file somewhere that you can delete/modify, or an option to save running programs in your session in the control panel21:52
sdkjimcooncat: sorry, got distracted by my own question..one sec.21:52
jimcooncatsdk np21:52
jelzoZo, (sorry, kde 3.5 was a long time ago)21:52
SomeOneOrNoOne...like tor?21:52
n0a1iaskim__, the grub is switched from 1 to grub 2, this will cause complications...21:52
sebsebsebzoZo: some other distros still do KDE 3 though21:53
ilovefairuzindy_: yes, looking21:53
kimbbut the problem is then i would to upgrad th 9. is only what i could21:53
indy_ilovefairuz, ok21:53
ArdinzoZo: your answer lies in your .kde folder i believe, although i cant remember what file it is.21:53
zoZo<sebsebseb> like I admitted I am running Backtrack-Linux 4 Final built from 8.1021:53
eliteilovefairuz: I am currently on Windows.21:53
SomeOneOrNoOneBT is all I use21:54
zoZojel: thanks21:54
jelSomeOneOrNoOne, "proxies" are not a bad thing.  Do you mean an illegal file sharer?  Yes, plenty of innocent people get accused21:54
ilovefairuzindy_:  sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic  .... and reboot21:54
sebsebsebzoZo: oh well in that case,  well 8.10 is off topic in here now support for it,  since that release is no longer supported, but Backtrack is even more off topic.  By the way backtrack isn't really a Desktop  OS, its for security testing and such21:54
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
ilovefairuzelite: then we can't help you much21:54
sdkjimcooncat: You did the libpam-keyring and edited gdm thing already?21:54
SomeOneOrNoOneNo, i mean legal files and being banned from IRCS, like tor relays21:54
sebsebsebzoZo: and it would be insecure by default, because of how it runs root by default21:54
sebsebsebzoZo: so that it can be used for what it was designed for, security stuff21:55
eliteilovefairuz: I will reboot into Ubuntu. Please don't leave channel. :)21:55
n0a1iashow do i make my ubuntu an anonymous proxy server, like freeproxyserver.com?21:55
sebsebseb!backtrack | zoZo21:55
ubottuzoZo: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:55
indy_ilovefairuz, Hmm, since I am interested in installing the PAE kernel, should I first install it and then issue your command?21:55
jimcooncatsdk -- no. I do see that libpam-gnome-keyring isn't installed21:55
SomeOneOrNoOneI'm seeding the Ubuntu alpha 10.10, so that's why I wanted to know. :)21:55
zoZo<sebsebseb> yeah i know but with some modofications and sudo it runs quite well and secure21:56
jelSomeOneOrNoOne, that probably happens because tor gets abused to send spam etc., and so the IPs running them get blacklisted on abuse trackers.21:56
sdkn0a1ias: introduce them, tell them someting they hvae in common and give them both drinks.. thats an excellent way to get thing to like one another.21:56
ilovefairuzindy_: for pae kernels add -pae, so it would be linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic-pae21:56
n0a1iasskd, ....21:56
n0a1iasany real advice out there?21:56
SomeOneOrNoOnejel: right, but does that SAME thing happen with torrents?21:56
indy_ilovefairuz, thanks, I did it and I am rebooting...21:56
rwwSomeOneOrNoOne: no21:56
ilovefairuzindy_: install both if you're going to switch between the two kernels21:56
SomeOneOrNoOnerww: thanks both of you!21:57
sdkjimcooncat:  try this: http://johnny.chadda.se/article/unlock-the-gnome-keyring-upon-login/21:57
well_laid_lawnn0a1ias:  if noone here knows someone in #ubuntu-server might21:57
sebsebsebzoZo: maybe so21:57
n0a1iaswell_laid_lawn, thanks21:57
sgs1990# join ubuntu-nl21:57
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ilovefairuzsgs1990: /join21:58
jimcooncatthanks sdk, apparently I was on the right track21:58
sgs1990thanks ilovefairuz21:58
sgs1990got it21:59
zoZo<sebsebseb> not perfectly but not exposed to the internet either21:59
jeln0a1ias, install squid and junkbuster, configure junkbuster to allow anonymous access and to filter personal information.  Note that this would be quite imperfect, and very stupid.  But it'd be a start.  You'd need a better privacy filter (like tor) and some sort of access control if you intend to have paying customers using it rather than random peadophiles and russian hackers.21:59
ilovefairuz!squid | n0a1ias21:59
ubottun0a1ias: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org21:59
raul__alquien de bolivia21:59
sebsebsebzoZo: oh right well thats ok then using unsupported software, if not on The Internet with it21:59
raul__partner from bolivia22:00
n0a1iasjel, i really only ont it for school22:00
jeln0a1ias, then you probably want an authenticating socks4 or socks5 to access remotely.  But this is abuse of your school network.22:01
mickster04n0a1ias: what you doing with your server then?22:01
amikropilovefairuz, I installed bothe the PAE and the normal and it didn't work :S22:01
n0a1iasdoes anyone have any experience with squid? and jel, would i install sock4 with squid?22:01
amikrop* both22:02
elite999ilovefairuz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484656/22:02
amikropilovefairuz, maybe I should just get rid of the PAE kernel altogether, because it breaks my sound system?22:02
ilovefairuzamikrop: what didn't work, you don't see it as an option in grub ?22:02
jeln0a1ias, look at the dante-server package, for instance22:02
n0a1iasmickster04, vpn, samba, but thats complicated and i want the proxi serverby school so im compromising22:02
amikropilovefairuz, no, I don't have sound22:03
=== u_me is now known as u_me{away}
amikropilovefairuz, I installed the -pae package you told me, and I am using the pae kernel, but still not sound22:03
=== elite999 is now known as elite
mickster04n0a1ias: well vpn is harder than proxy imo22:03
ilovefairuzamikrop: uname -a22:03
jeln0a1ias, also socks4-server, tsocks, etc.  apt-cache search socks will help too.22:03
egertonm20n0a1ias: I use squid as an inline proxy -- very good too22:03
panfisti was in here asking about umasks for nfs shares, and i guess the general answer is that the system umask applies to local and nfs file systems22:03
panfistin general, i want an nfs share where all users on my network can collaborate, regardless of group membership22:03
amikropilovefairuz, Linux optiplex 2.6.32-24-generic-pae #41-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 19 02:43:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux22:03
n0a1iasmickster04, yea so im starting here and moving up later22:04
panfistbut, i don't want to change the umask of each system that will compromise a user's own files22:04
ilovefairuz!sound | amikrop22:04
ubottuamikrop: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.22:04
panfistso what's the correct (or a good) practice in ubuntu for creating a shared network space where any users are free to read/write each other's files, just in that one space and not in general?22:04
ilovefairuzamikrop: are the settings in the applet fine?22:04
mickster04n0a1ias: fairynuff... i'm not sure a proxy will work depending on how your school does internet access. it's likely that they have a white list rather than a black list, that is sites they allow rather than sites they don't, meaning your proxy may not work...22:05
eliteilovefairuz: Did you read my paste bin?22:05
ilovefairuzelite: sudo lshw -C22:05
amikropilovefairuz, yes, but now I have two devices in Hardware, one HDMI and one Inernal, which should I choose?22:05
amikropilovefairuz, And there are as options in Output22:06
ilovefairuzamikrop: try both and see what works?22:06
n0a1iasmickster04, i dont think so, they used to have the ubuntufourms, then i went there alot and they blocked it22:06
mickster04is it possible (in ububntu) to take two seperate hard drives and make them appear as one? or is that a hardware level thing22:06
DoubleStringhey all22:07
sdkamikrop: The HDMI is only used if you've got somethig connected via HDMI, such as a TV.22:07
mickster04n0a1ias: hmmm then using your proxy alot wlil get that blocke too22:07
ilovefairuzmickster04: look up "clusterfs"22:07
mickster04ilovefairuz: cheers22:07
amikropilovefairuz, neither worked :S22:07
eliteilovefairuz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484660/22:07
amikropsdk, ok so I will disable it, but the other one does not work either22:07
=== `Abhi` is now known as `Abhijit
atulam using Sony VIAO with Ubunut 10.04 with wireless and found Internet is very slow than windows any idea why is it so?22:08
n0a1iasyea, but ill use it for emergencies, like my sis is at tech, so if theres a shooting, or something like that happens22:08
amikropilovefairuz, my system is using the nVidia or the Intel audio card?22:08
amikrophow can i find out?22:08
n0a1iasplus i wont tell anyone about it22:08
lax_hey guys does anyone know how to successfully install vmware or virtualbox on ubuntu to run itunes?22:09
mickster04atul: you can check the speed of the connection by right clicking and checking the connection onfo22:09
mickster04lax_: get wine and run it thru there? research playonlinux22:09
lax_mickster84 wine doesnt work well with itunes22:09
ilovefairuzamikrop: i think it should be using the intel card22:09
mickster04n0a1ias: if your sister is in trouble im sure your school will tell you22:10
n0a1iasjunkbuster is a .zip, will that work22:10
amikropilovefairuz, maybe that's the problem?22:10
mickster04!tab | lax_:22:10
ubottulax_:: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:10
mickster04lax_: have you tried playonlinux22:10
lax_mickster04, ok22:10
lax_mickster04, no22:10
n0a1iasmickster04, prolly not, its public.22:10
mickster04lax_: it can set up wine properly for various apps22:10
mickster04n0a1ias: no they would22:11
lax_mickster04, even the latest version of iTunes?22:11
ilovefairuzmickster04: also check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceph22:11
jimcooncatsdk - I had forgotten, had to enable wireless connection for all users. Not an obvious fix, for sure.22:11
mickster04lax_: what version of wine are you using22:11
n0a1iasjel, is it cool to pm you?22:11
lax_mickster04, im using the latest stable versio22:11
mickster04lax_: that 1.3 isnt it?22:11
eliteilovefairuz: please check my latest paste bin. I am sorry for repeating the same post, but I guess the huge load of posters may distract you.22:11
n0a1iasthat way i can keep your advice straight22:11
jeln0a1ias, you can install junkbuster (sorry, it's called privoxy now) with ubuntu's package manager.  Might need to enable universe repositories22:11
lax_mickster04, yes22:11
ilovefairuzamikrop: what's selected in the output tab?22:12
amikropilovefairuz, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/hb4RaNpW22:12
ilovefairuzelite: sorry, my fault, it's sudo lshw -C display22:12
jeln0a1ias, normally I wouldn't mind much, but I'm leaving now anyway.  Few things to finish up for tomorrow.22:12
n0a1iasits cool22:12
amikropilovefairuz, internal audio analog stereo22:12
n0a1iasgood luck22:12
jimcooncatwhere to edit grub to reduce timeout from 9 seconds to 2?22:13
n0a1iasmickster04, what about you? you up for pm?22:13
sdkjimcooncat: congrats man..  :)22:13
eliteilovefairuz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484662/22:13
ilovefairuzelite: it basically says your nvidia card is not used!22:13
mickster04n0a1ias: what for? i won't be much specific help for you sorry...22:14
sdkVCoolio: Why is it so viscerally pleasing to see E build without errors?  Oh, wait, I know why.. because it's so rare.  :->22:14
TouristMuh sound won work, gimme codez.22:14
n0a1iasmickster04, o nm then hah22:14
ilovefairuzelite: sudo lshw  ... the whole thing22:14
atulmickster04, thanks, its showing 54 Mb/s22:14
ilovefairuzamikrop: and connector? try the last one22:14
H1n1$ rhythmbox -d (22:11:52) [0x99a0028] [rb_debug_init_match] rb-debug.c:213: Debugging enabled (22:11:52) [0x99a0028] [main] main.c:177: initializing Rhythmbox 0.12.8 (22:11:52) [0x99a0028] [rb_threads_init] rb-util.c:482: GMutex isn't recursive (22:11:52) [0x99a0028] [main] main.c:185: going to create DBus object (22:11:52) [0x99a0028] [main] main.c:352: THE END22:15
jimcooncatI think I found it: /etc/default/grub, GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 -- is that right?22:15
mickster04atul: then maybe it's the browser? which are you using22:15
H1n1whats wrong with rhythmbox?22:15
atulmickster04, oh is it, am using firefox22:15
amikropilovefairuz, i ve tried both analog speakers and analog output with no luck22:15
amikropilovefairuz, that's strange, I never had problems with sound in ubuntu, and that's a brand new computer22:15
mickster04atul: yeah I find chrome rather fast..but thats possibly opinion22:16
jimcooncatnope, that didn't work22:16
amikropilovefairuz, btw, how can I remove PAE completely? removing just the packages didn't work22:16
eliteilovefairuz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484664/22:16
Sunderphonis it possible to take a screenshot of your screensaver?22:16
jimcooncatdo I have to run some grub update program after editing /etc/defaults/grub?22:16
ilovefairuzamikrop: i don't think it's the issue but you could press shift at reboot and select a non pae kernel22:17
amikropilovefairuz, i ll try that22:17
n0a1iaswho was the one who uses squid?22:17
ilovefairuzelite: lspci22:18
jimcooncatgot my grub working, never mind22:19
n0a1iasegertonm20, are you still here?22:19
eliteilovefairuz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/484666/22:20
=== Nighty8888 is now known as Nighty
ilovefairuzelite: in system > administration > hardware drivers, do you see an entry for the card?22:22
=== indy_ is now known as indy__
indy__ilovefairuz, I am amikrop (the guy with the sound problem). pressing shift during boot did not let me choose kernel22:22
eliteilovefairuz: No22:22
scottmaccalhello all22:22
indy__ilovefairuz, I feel very frustrated, as a home system without sound is almost unusable22:22
indy__ilovefairuz, I mean, I have to fix it :/22:23
ilovefairuzindy__: you're supposed to hold down shift and wait for the menu to appear22:23
TenPhilhow do I undo this: http://maketecheasier.com/unlock-gnome-panel-in-ubuntu-netbook-edition-une/2010/04/25? so I get the normal unity desktop?22:24
indy__ilovefairuz, btw, when I run audacious with an mp3, and got to sound preferences, in the Applications tab I can see audacious using the system. is that of any help?22:24
=== WinstonSmith_ is now known as WinstonSmith
lax_mickster04, any ideas how to get itues 9.2.1 on ubuntu?22:25
pyropheliaI need some hep understanding file system clustering.  Lets say I have 4 servers all with 1 TB of storage all connected to a 1Gbps ethernet connection.  I cluster them to for a 4TB cluster.  when a client access the server will they be reading writting to all of the servers at once like a raid 0, or is only 1 active at a time?22:25
=== Ichat_ is now known as Ichat
ilovefairuzindy__: does it produce sound?22:25
well_laid_lawn!itunes | lax_22:26
ubottulax_: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee22:26
WinstonSmithhi ppl :) jusy installed hamachi beta 2.11 on 8.04 and it gets stuck on "logging in..."22:26
lax_well_laid_lawn, i know but i need itunes to sync my iphone and add songs etc22:26
lax_should i use virutalbox or vmware to get itunes?22:26
WinstonSmithlax_, use rythmbox22:26
eliteilovefairuz: What should I do?22:26
lax_rythmbox can add songs to my iphone?22:27
WinstonSmithlax_, yes22:27
indy__ilovefairuz, no22:27
mkanyicylax_, yes22:27
debnixsay my name please?  color check22:27
Milezwhere'd digg.com's video section go ?22:27
indy__ilovefairuz, let me try my non pae kernel...22:27
sdkVCoolio: You're not kidding.. efenniht is indeed gorgeous, talk about subtle.  Very dark tho.. just a shade lighter.. may hafta play around a bit.22:28
ilovefairuzelite: it's the card, there are a few forum threads and i'm trying to grok them, but i honestly despise nvidia and proprietary stuff in general22:28
VCooliosdk: I'm into dark right now, so I don't mind; haven't checked if it works with much pics, would be easy to edit; .edc files are a pain if you ask me22:30
jimcooncatjust to know, what good graphics card does not need proprietary drivers?22:30
ubuntuhello, whats thecommmand to get into the grub2 boot menu? I held down shift and it did nothing. I recompiled my kernel and it did not boot I just get a ban screen after bios.22:30
TenPhilcan someone please give me a hint on how to restore the unity interface?22:30
indy__ilovefairuz, neither the nonPAE worked (no sound)22:30
ilovefairuzindy__: you didn't install the -generic only package22:30
ubuntuhello, whats thecommmand to get into the grub2 boot menu? I held down shift and it did nothing. I recompiled my kernel and it did not boot I just get a blank screen after bios. :(22:30
=== ubuntu is now known as TiK_
indy__ilovefairuz, OK, I will boot from an Ubuntu CD, won't change anything and try to produce a sound22:31
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:31
indy__ilovefairuz, what's the easiest way to produce a sound? download an .ogg?22:31
WinstonSmithjust installed hamachi beta 2.11 on 8.04 and it gets stuck on "logging in..."  in the log it stops on "resolving hamachi-dc.logmein-gateway.com" which is crap because i can ping that adress22:31
ilovefairuzindy__: won't likely help because you need to install the backported alsa drivers22:31
indy__ilovefairuz, the -generic only package for what?22:31
ilovefairuzindy__: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic22:32
sdkVCoolio: Heh, you and I both.  I think the pinnacle of beauty was still AbsolutE-Blue in 16.  Uber clean, simple, low profile.. spartan on the outside, thermonuclear on the inside.22:32
indy__ilovefairuz, i installed the -ape too22:32
janickois there any possible way to get webcam working on flash site?22:32
lahwransdk, what are you talking about? I am interested if it has to do with themes22:32
indy__ilovefairuz, but since now I am on non-pae and still no sound, that wouldn't matter22:32
ilovefairuzindy__: for non pae kernels, you need the one without -pae22:32
sdklahwran: enlightenment.org22:32
TiK_hello, whats thecommmand to get into the grub2 boot menu? I held down shift and it did nothing. I recompiled my kernel and it did not boot I just get a blank screen after bios. :(22:32
indy__ilovefairuz, I booted the non pae and still no sound, so that isn't the matter :S22:33
sdklahwran: It's an entirely different way of approaching UIs.22:33
lahwranTiK, isn't it escape? it was in grub legacy22:33
ilovefairuzindy__: you don't have the NON-pae drivers installed22:33
TiK_lahwran: grub222:33
pushpopcan someone point me to a howto on how to install perl on ubuntu 6422:33
indy__ilovefairuz, but if the live CD plays sound, won't that help us get what's going on?22:33
lahwranTiK_, I figured.22:33
indy__ilovefairuz, I have both drivers installed22:33
lahwransdk, I've used it. I had no idea how to do anything and had to ctrl+alt+backspace to logout ..22:34
TiK_pushpop: apt-cache search pearl22:34
ilovefairuzindy__: you installed both packages?22:34
ilovefairuzindy__: together or just now?22:34
indy__ilovefairuz, right now, both are installed22:34
trollboyis it normal for the installer to hang at 5% on creating the ext4 file system?22:34
lahwranpushpop, make that apt-cache search perl22:34
ilovefairuzindy__: reboot22:34
sdkpushpop: it is installed by default, iirc.. is on mine.22:34
indy__ilovefairuz, I have done it22:34
lahwranTiK_, pearl != perl22:35
indy__ilovefairuz, with both installed, but no sound22:35
trollboyI still have disk activity light, but the onscreen progress bar is not moving22:35
pushpopsdk where is the perl root then?22:35
sdklahwran: trick is to click on the desktop.  :)22:35
trollboyoh never mind 15% and climbing22:35
lahwransdk, interesting ...22:35
ActionParsniptrollboy: if you open a terminal and run:22:35
TenPhilanybody got the heart to help me out?22:35
ActionParsniptrollboy: top22:35
ActionParsniptrollboy: you can see the running processes. My suggestion is to let it do its thing22:35
sdkpushpop: all I ever use perl for is one liners..22:35
ilovefairuzindy__: check alsamixer in a terminal, all maxed up and unmuted ?22:36
olskolircwhat is the format for 12 hour time please?22:36
Milezthat's not going to impress any ladies...22:36
TiK_lahwran: i ment perl.. the programming language22:36
lahwranTiK_, right. I figured.22:36
jclark5093so will a 10.04 alternate install (the Debian ncurses installer) be the same if I don't add any extra pkgs as a basic Debian?  i.e. **Will I have ROOT? or will it still be rootless ubuntu??***22:36
sdklahwran: the packages are REALLY old, btw, we're talking about the CVS build.  If you want to see how E works, get an ELIVE cd.22:36
TiK_lahwran: apt-cache search perl22:36
ActionParsnipjclark5093: you won't have root, but the first user you make will have sudo rights. Ubuntu neither condones nor supports having root22:37
macojclark5093: it'll be a normal ubuntu install22:37
jimcooncatok, here's a strange deal. I have firefox with an url loaded as a startup application. When I close firefox then reboot, fine. But when I just reboot without closing, it opens two tabs of the url22:37
macojclark5093: if you want debian, use debian22:37
lahwransdk, oh. I see.22:37
indy__ilovefairuz, yes22:37
sdklahwran: actually there's a video.. one sec..22:37
scooterNew to linux is there a way to make a memory stick part of the memory with the 512 in the computer22:37
ActionParsnipscooter: you can use as swap space22:37
indy__ilovefairuz, if i boot the lucid live cd and see that I have sound, or that I don't have sound, won't we make some conclusions?22:37
macoscooter: you can make it be treated as swap, sure22:37
winmutthow do i get 3 monitors with 2 nvidia cards working?22:37
lahwranjclark5093, these guys don't like you having root, but I'll help you a bit if you want22:37
edbianscooter, O man like that silly option in windows 7?22:38
ilovefairuzindy__: aren't you running lucid?22:38
ActionParsnipwinmutt: install the proprietary driver, you can use nvidia-settings to configure it as you wish22:38
jpdssdk: Most of your stuff must be really big one lines...22:38
edbianscooter, You might be able to mount it as swap space (which is the same thing)22:38
indy__ilovefairuz, yes, I mean boot a live CD?22:38
jclark5093maco: can't get netinstaller to work right, and I'm not downloading 6 DVDs :-/22:38
* maco would contend that if you cant figure out how to set a root password, you probably shouldn't have one22:38
ilovefairuzindy__: i don't think it would, but you could try22:38
winmuttive got it to where the third monitor on the second card comes up but the kde desktop does not stretch across it22:38
lahwranjclark5093, if you want a more selective install of ubuntu, download and burn the server 32bit installer. it's super minimalistic22:38
scooterhow do do that in command line22:38
indy__ilovefairuz, ok22:38
ActionParsnipscooter: ram is ridiculously cheap now, why not grab some, you can get a 1Gb stick for the price of a pack of smokes22:38
winmuttActionParsnip: whenever xinerama is turned on X will not start22:39
jclark5093lahwran: what, make a user called "root" and pretend it's a root act? (lol)22:39
rwwand if you can figure out how to set a root password, you still shouldn't have one.22:39
edbianscooter, If you're talking to me please begin the line with my name like I'm doing for you.22:39
macoActionParsnip: you smoke expensive cigs!22:39
jimcooncatSo if I reboot, it kills firefox instead of closing it first?22:39
edbianscooter, mount /swap /dev/<device>22:39
CaleHey, my new machine doesn't have a CD/DVD drive, and I don't have a USB Flash drive handy, but I do have an external USB drive. Is there an easy way to put the Ubuntu LiveCD/Installer on the external HDD and use that to install Ubuntu on the internal drive in my new machine?22:39
edbianscooter, Do you know how to give the device name?22:39
lahwranjclark5093, all linux systems have a root account, ubuntu included. ubuntu just disables the root account; it's still very much there22:39
macojimcooncat: yep, and then your tabs get restored! yay!22:39
ZykoticK9winmutt, TwinView is nvidia's version of xinerama22:39
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ActionParsnipmaco: only the best but its just to highlight the cheapness22:39
janickoso is there any solution to get working webcam for flash sites? Any at all?22:39
lahwranjclark5093, beware, what I'm telling you will make it easier for you to break your system22:39
winmuttZykoticK9: yes but i need to go across three monitors22:39
jimcooncatmaco, is there a way I can load just one of the url I want at startup?22:40
macoActionParsnip: well ive never seen $5 for 1GB of RAM22:40
scooterI think not sure though22:40
winmuttthere is an optin in nvidia-settings to turn on xinerama22:40
jclark5093lahwran: I am aware of root dangers ;-) (or is this like a hack that will kill my ubuntu?)22:40
macojclark5093: 6 DVDs?? um installing Debian takes 1 CD22:40
ActionParsnipscooter: you will need to make a partition on the device and format it to swapfs. You can then run: sudo blkid   and get its UUID. You can then add the device in /etc/fstab and the OS will use it as swap22:40
lahwranjclark5093, so do you have a ubuntu system already? no it's just simply adding a password to the root account22:40
macojclark5093: the rest of the CDs/DVDs is just for if you want to have offline copies of the entire repositories22:40
lahwranjclark5093, actually, it is possible to make CDs of the ubuntu repositories if you want to22:41
macojimcooncat: if you run:  firefox http://yahoo.com            <--- for example, thatd just open yahoo.com22:41
d3vic3janicko: yep, i have a solution handy, just 1 minute plz :)22:41
lahwranjclark5093, but let's stay on task, shall we? do you have a ubuntu system you want root added to?22:41
ActionParsnipmaco: still pretty cheap, could probably find some on t'ebay22:41
janickod3vic3: cool22:41
jimcooncatmaco: I have firefox with an url loaded as a startup application. When I close firefox then reboot, fine. But when I just reboot without closing, it opens two tabs of the url22:41
jclark5093lahwran: yes. 10.04 32 bit (the one that came in the mail :-D)22:42
ActionParsnipjimcooncat: do you tell gnome to remember the open apps?22:42
macojimcooncat: oh....umm lemme check firefox's command line options22:42
d3vic3janicko: go to this page and there you can choose which sites can access your cam -> http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager06.html22:42
lahwranjclark5093, OK then, open a terminal and run 'sudo passwd'. this will let you change the root password. it's that easy.22:42
ZykoticK9lahwran, jclark5093 if you're gonna give directions on setting root password, could you move it to PM please.  See !noroot factoid.  Too late...22:42
jimcooncatActionParsnip: No, unless it's somewhere else than I'm used to. This is a spanking new install of lucid22:42
scooterI will give it a try not that great in command line it least I know it can be done.22:43
jclark5093lahwran: then I can Ctrl+Alt+F6 and log in as root?22:43
lahwranZykoticK9, am I not allowed to do it in here because it's unofficial for ubuntu?22:43
ZykoticK9!noroot | lahwran22:43
ubottulahwran: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.22:43
tanknspankCan someone tell me why my laptop freezes while compiling a rom for an android phone? I get to the part where it is syncing the tree and checking files and around there it freezes.22:43
jclark5093ZykoticK9: oops.  Sowwy :-/22:43
lahwranZykoticK9, >.> I know that. that's why I'm helping him and you're not.22:43
* lahwran takes it to a PM22:44
macojimcooncat: dont know. i dont see a command line flag for that22:44
ilovefairuzelite: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147082222:44
janickod3vic3: ok, but taht doesn't work with me either, anythink else?22:44
n0a1iasanybody ever use squid proxy?22:44
rwwI liked the old phrasing of !noroot. "Don't suggest a root password unless you're going to be here 24/7 to help with problems that result."22:44
ZykoticK9rww, i guess that version wasn't "official sounding" enough - but it's pretty good i must say - i never saw it :(22:45
jimcooncatmaco, me neither. maybe I have to play with profiles, or find a way to actually close firefox nicely on logout22:45
d3vic3janicko: what's your cam?22:46
macojimcooncat: maybe something in about:config to turn off tab restore?22:46
janickod3vic3: its technika, don't know the model22:46
gogetawhers my money22:46
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macojimcooncat: edit -> preferences -> when firefox starts:   is it set to "show my home page" or "show my windows and tabs from last time"?22:48
macojimcooncat: oh thats something you could do too22:48
ilovefairuzjimcooncat: it's the session restore feature22:48
jimcooncatmaco, just home page22:48
ilovefairuzjimcooncat: turn it off in edit > preferences22:48
d3vic3janicko: external i think!22:48
macojimcooncat: just set that url as your homepage and then dont set it to automatically open a url22:48
janickod3vic3: yes, external22:49
jimcooncatilovefairuz: I don't see how to turn that off22:49
jimcooncatmaco, I'll try that22:49
=== indy_ is now known as indy__
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d3vic3janicko: what "lsusb" gives?22:49
d3vic3janicko: use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ to post results22:50
janickod3vic3: http://pastebin.com/DkqNnfR722:50
indy__ilovefairuz, OK, two things: 1) I booted the live CD and tried to play an example file with Totem (without changing anything) and didn't work (then tried some things from sound preferences but still nothing). 2) I plugged the wire into my laptop (with luicd as well, upgraded from previous ubuntu version) and it worked, which means the wires of speakers and subwoofer are connected correctly22:51
melikanyone here use crunchbang?22:51
ActionParsnipmelik: crunchbang is offtopic here22:51
indy__ilovefairuz, so, Lucid can't handle the hardware of my computer, or my new computer just has a broken sound system22:51
ilovefairuzjimcooncat: when you reboot without closing, firefox may think it crashed so when it starts it reopens the tabs that were open in addition to the one passed on the command line... can't find in preferences.. it's in about:config ... browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash22:52
dan_shi. I think I have multiple partitions of ubuntu on my system. The wrong one boots up and all my files are on the other one Help?22:52
well_laid_lawnmelik:  there is #crunchbang22:52
melikyeah i know well_laid_lawn, that channel is dead :(22:52
ZykoticK9melik, sounds like a good reason to use Ubuntu over Cruchbang...22:53
ActionParsnipmelik: doesn't matter, this is ubuntu support only, #ubuntu-offtopic MAY indulge you but i wouldn't hold your breath22:53
n0a1iasanybody ever use squid proxy?22:53
jimcooncatilovefairuz, maco: thanks, set the home page and took out the url from the startup line -- now works the way I need it to.22:53
TiKok shift got me into the grub2 menu thank god22:53
d3vic3janicko: do you get an image using cheese?22:53
jimcooncatI suppose that if I wanted the home page as something else, it would still be an issue22:53
ilovefairuzindy__: your laptop is probably has different hardware22:53
janickod3vic3: i do, even on skype22:54
ilovefairuzindy__: i think you should tinker more with the volume applet22:54
jclark5093melik: find my pm?22:55
d3vic3janicko: when you open firefox addons manager window and go to plugins tab, what version of flash player installed if available?22:56
jclark5093How can I use a Live CD to check an hdd for bad blocks? (or other hardware failures on a new drive)22:56
TiKwhat is he trying to do with his cam?22:56
TiKim an expert on cams22:56
ActionParsnipjclark5093: sure, its a great way as the partitions will all be unmounted22:56
TiKjclark5093: is the hdd SMART ?22:57
n0a1iasanybody ever use squid proxy?22:57
TiKjclark5093: I use parted magic myself.. wrks great22:57
TiKjclark5093: or seatools22:57
jclark5093It's a WD Caviar Green 1TB OEM just got it, so i think it's S.M.A.R.T....22:57
TiKjclark5093: I recommend parted magic it uses openbox and loads into ram and is built for that sort of thing22:58
ilovefairuzjclark5093: check smart status is palimpsest22:58
janicko d3vic3: shockwave flash22:58
ilovefairuzjclark5093: in *22:58
LinuxGuy2009Hey guys I figured out how to install the Nvidia 256.44 non-free driver by simply removing the xserver-xorg-video-nouveau package from the system first. I installed nvidia-settings package but it doesnt show a launcher for it in the menu. Why? Maybe I need to reset the panel or something simple like that?22:58
TiKjanicko: 10something? and what are you trying to do?22:58
d3vic3janicko: which version?22:59
janickod3vic3: 10.1 r 5322:59
TiKjanicko: what are you trying to do with yor cam?23:00
TiKjanicko: I know all23:00
janickoTiK: get webcam work on flash sites23:00
ZykoticK9LinuxGuy2009, "killall gnome-panel" will refresh the menu23:00
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smokieconnect irc.rizon.net23:00
d3vic3janicko: even with 10.1 r82 i get some flash crashes so i think it's better to upgrade23:00
TiKjanicko: did you set the cam for always allow instead of ask in the flash settings manager?23:00
LinuxGuy2009ZykoticK9: K Ill try that.23:00
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janickoTiK: yep23:01
TiKjanicko: what site my cam works on stickam and tinychat23:01
LinuxGuy2009ZykoticK9: Woohoo perfect thanks.23:01
outer_spacehow can I remote into windows 7 home premium from ubuntu?23:01
d3vic3janicko: check this page https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/23:01
janickoTiK: any site23:02
ZykoticK9outer_space, rdesktop?23:02
dan_show do I check for partitions on a windows/ubuntu system. I think I have two linux partitions and I want to only mount one...23:02
TiKjanicko: I use flash 10.1.8223:02
rch88873hi dan!23:02
ZykoticK9dan_s, "sudo fdisk -l" will list all partitions23:02
ActionParsnipdan_s: sudo parted -l23:03
ElectricXtnanybody have tips on getting sound working for Realtek HD on-board audio?23:03
ElectricXtnEverything else is working great, but I still have no sound :-(23:03
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, your parted version takes a long time on my system23:04
d3vic3janicko: i have to go, good luck and keep trying with the adobe flash manager cause it solved mine :)23:04
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: my parted version?23:04
ActionParsnipdidn't know i had one?23:04
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, "sudo parted -l" vs "sudo fdisk -l"23:04
outer_spacewindows 7 premium has remote desktop disabled, I have to install something to make it work23:05
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: ahh, i see. parted tends to show the filesystem as ext3 / ext4 etc rather than just "linux"23:05
ActionParsnipouter_space: ask in ##windows for windows support23:05
kill3r3khi, I need help with update-grub please23:06
ActionParsnip!details | kill3r3k23:07
ubottukill3r3k: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:07
=== thielmann is now known as MarkusT
indy__ilovefairuz, sorry, if you said smth i didnt see it because my system hand and i rebooted23:09
indy__ilovefairuz, everything froze apart from the mou pointer23:09
ilovefairuzindy__: you should tinker more in the volume applet23:09
pushpopwhere is the cgi-bin folder in ubuntu23:09
indy__ilovefairuz, anyway, did you see my 2 conclusions with the laptop and the live cd? :)23:09
Tom7777Hi, how do I get the room list in empathy (irc)?23:09
TiKjanicko: any luck?23:09
ilovefairuzindy__: yes and that's what i said23:10
janickoTiK: no23:10
TiKdid you upgrade flash?23:10
kill3r3kubottu: I'm running ubuntu server 10.4.1 on VirtualBox I modified /etc/default/grub, added vga=ask as parameter to kernel, it's no longer supported so my ubuntu wont start. I edited /etc/default/grub again, but now I need to update-grub but don't know how to do it. I booted up from ubuntu server cd23:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:10
TiKtrychrome.. hats what I use23:10
dan_sOkay..I get 5 partitions and two are linux one is very small though. The problem is I've lost my main account and am stuck in some other acccount23:10
MarkusTI'm trying to backport mavericks CouchDB to hardy. While Erlang was no problem, couchdb-bin fails to build and I have no clue why. I went through the log numerous times, but I can't figure it out. Would someone be willing to have a log at the log (tinyurl.com/buildcouch) and be able to give me a hint where to look?23:11
indy__ilovefairuz, ok, in Hardware I have HDA (HDMI) set to Profile: Off and Internal Audio to Analog Stereo Output23:11
dan_sone says Extended?23:11
ZykoticK9kill3r3k, see the !grub2 factoid for chroot directions - chroot then run the grub-update command.23:11
ilovefairuz!screenshot > indy__23:11
ubottuindy__, please see my private message23:11
ActionParsnipkill3r3k: you can hold shift at boot and access recovery mode, you should be able to do it from there, or boot to livecd. chroot to the nistalled system and run it there23:11
TiKjanicko: did you update flash to 82 ?23:11
indy__ilovefairuz, and in Output I have Analog Output23:12
indy__ilovefairuz, just that, I don't think theres reason for screenshot, I told you my settings :-)23:12
janicko TiK: i did23:12
indy__ilovefairuz, but if you need, i can send you23:12
dan_s<ZykoticK9>One account has the gui and this one is only a terminal. One has all my files, this one has nada.23:12
bibousalut a tous !23:13
ZykoticK9dan_s, sorry - i have no idea...23:13
Tom7777How do I get the irc roomlist in empathy?23:14
kill3r3kZykoticK9, I did run chroot /home/hd update-grub but i get /dev/sbin/grub-probe: error cannot find a device for /23:14
barritocan some one help me23:14
ZykoticK9kill3r3k, you need to follow the directions!  there are a 2 other mounts you need to successfully run grub-update23:14
ZykoticK9!grub2 > kill3r3k23:14
ubottukill3r3k, please see my private message23:14
ActionParsnipTom7777: https://bugs.launchpad.net/telepathy-idle/+bug/42679523:15
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Tom7777thank you23:15
barritocan someone help me?23:15
ZykoticK9Tom7777, empathy = fail for IRC...23:15
imanchey how can i get a flaming mouse cursor in 10.4?  And what other mad/cool effects can I get?  I have compiz wobbly windows 'n other stuff already23:15
ActionParsnipbarrito: not if you don't ask23:15
bibouqui pouurait m'aidé23:15
ActionParsnipimanc: i'd ask in #compiz23:16
ActionParsnip!fr | bibou23:16
ZykoticK9!fr | bibou23:16
ubottubibou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:16
imancActionParsnip: cheers23:16
kill3r3kActionParsnip, I cant use recovery mode because I added vga=ask to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX and it affects recovery mode as well :/23:16
barritowell i have this problem not being able to use wifi23:16
ActionParsnipkill3r3k: then you'll need the desktop cd (or another live cd distro) to chroot to the installed OS23:16
ovyhey youtube is great and already displays my movie on its search although only an hour passed. see me using ubuntu to do a prank, seach for this prank "CON PRANK (pranking windows 7 with an ubuntu CD)" and don't laugh i know my english stinks23:17
ZykoticK9!ot | ovy23:17
ubottuovy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:17
barritosooo can anyone help?23:17
ZykoticK9!ask | barrito23:17
ubottubarrito: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:17
ovyok ZyoticK9 sry about that23:18
ZykoticK9!tab > ovy23:18
ubottuovy, please see my private message23:18
kimbhow tu use line command23:18
discozohanHey! Can anyone say, should i also create swap partition on raid, that will hold only /home directory ?23:18
ActionParsnipbarrito: currently, no we cannot help. If you explain your issue then somebody MAY be able to help23:19
kimbi don't know how23:19
ZykoticK9barrito, sorry - i see you did ask (wireless) perhaps giving more details would help23:19
ActionParsnipkimb: depends what you want to achieve...23:19
ovyZykoticK9, thanks about that tab thing, i didn't know that23:19
ilovefairuz!terminal | kimb23:19
ubottukimb: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:19
castdiscozohan: raid1 presumably?23:19
ZykoticK9ovy, glad to help :)23:19
barritowell i go to connect to my wireless net work and nothing shows up and i can't get it to connect what do i do23:19
kimbbut i would to learn bases23:20
ActionParsnipbarrito: if yuo run: sudo lshw -C network    you will see the wireless chip. You can websearch that to find guides23:20
discozohancast: raid1 for full system, raid 10 for /home only23:20
ActionParsnipbarrito: if you run: sudo iwlist scan    do you see access points?23:20
barritoyeah i did that and i can't find anything23:20
ilovefairuzbarrito: in a terminal: iwlist scan... any networks shown?23:20
discozohancast: so, i created swap for system raid, and want to know, should i also create it for second raid ;)23:21
ActionParsnipilovefairuz: iwlist needs sudo dude23:21
andaluzHello, When I start firefox, my cpu usage runs to 100% because of some scripts somehow got in an infinite loop. Is this familiar?23:21
basix-what is the difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server?23:21
ilovefairuzActionParsnip: no it doesn't... try without it23:21
andaluzI'm using karmic23:21
KruyKazehey ubuntuers , how do I migrate my PPA's to a new release of ubuntu?23:21
ActionParsnipbasix-: desktop comes with a gui, server doesnt23:21
ZykoticK9basix-, server doesn't have a GUI23:21
menzowI just installed Linux xUbunto for the first time :D , How can i install my audio card?23:21
opuubuntu can not detect my modem even using usb-modswitch23:21
n0a1iasbasix, server is cli and has stuff for servers installed23:22
ilovefairuzbarrito: pastebin: lshw -C network23:22
barritoit say interface doesn't support scanning23:22
ilovefairuz!paste | barrito23:22
ubottubarrito: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:22
ActionParsnipilovefairuz: would love to, just need my lady to power on my server....23:22
basix-so i need to be very well with the terminal before i decide to install ubuntu server?23:22
castdiscozohan: nah, you don't really need swap at all, so 1 swap volume should be plenty23:23
ActionParsnipbasix-: pretty much. you can install all the server stuff on the desktop system too23:23
ZykoticK9basix-, you can use Desktop as a server (you don't need the server version)23:23
kill3r3kZykoticK9, I dont understand your instructions, thus cant follow it. What are 2 more mount I need, before chrooting?23:23
opuhow to use a desktop as a server?23:23
basix-okay, well what are some key features server has opposed to desktop that i can install?23:23
ZykoticK9kill3r3k, see the link in !grub223:23
discozohancast: ok, i'll try it out. Question appeared cause of my unsuccessfull previous install, so i just supposed the reason was about swap23:24
basix-like sshd, httpd, ftpd, etc?23:24
andaluzbasix-: it's just the software what makes a pc act as a service23:24
barritook so i tried the scan command and it came back saying that the interface doesn't support scanning23:24
ilovefairuzbasix-: no graphical interface and some preinstalled stuff23:24
ActionParsnipbasix-: sure, they can all be installed on the desktop system23:24
basix-ok makes sense, thanks everyone23:24
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, +PAE by default - just to muddy the waters further ;)23:25
andaluzwindows is GUI, but it can act as a server with software like IIS for example.23:25
* ilovefairuz loves ubuntu server 23:25
castbleh @ PAE, just run 64bit already23:25
andaluzserver has nothing to do with GUI or not, it's the type of softwsre you running.23:25
* ActionParsnip misses his old gentoo fileserver23:25
rwwZykoticK9: Ubuntu Desktop installs PAE if it detects you need it now.23:26
ActionParsnipcast: not if you have a brother printer ;)23:26
andaluzbut it's normal a server runs without gui.23:26
ZykoticK9rww, that's true23:26
KruyKazecan anyone tell me how to use my lucid PPAs after a frsh install of Maveric?23:26
barritoso no one has anything for me23:26
menzowHow do i install my soundcard? o_o im new to linux : Running Xubuntu 9.x23:26
ilovefairuzKruyKaze: change the sources.list relevant file/line to point to maveric instead of lucid (usually the very last word)23:27
barritois the BCM4322 net card supported?23:27
menzowHow do i install my soundcard? o_o im new to linux : Running Xubuntu 9.x23:27
KruyKazeilovefairuz, for every single ppa?23:27
n0a1iashow do i turn my ubuntu into a proxy server, like freeproxyserver.com?23:28
ilovefairuzmenzow: it should be automatically installed. open a terminal and pastebin: sudo lshw23:28
KruyKazeilovefairuz, there's no script to automate this?23:28
n0a1iasone that makes you anonymous23:28
ilovefairuz!paste | menzow23:28
ubottumenzow: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:28
=== micke-away is now known as MichaelSOG
ilovefairuzKruyKaze: do you have  THAT many PPAs?23:28
KruyKazearound 2023:28
barritoi really need help23:29
ilovefairuzKruyKaze: well it's not even guaranteed that the PPAs provide maverick builds for each package23:29
barritoi don't want to be tied to a cable all day23:29
n0a1iasbarrito, just ask your question23:29
barritoi did23:29
ilovefairuzKruyKaze: you should do one by one manually and sudo an apt-get update after each23:30
KruyKazeilovefairuz, that's understood23:30
barritomultiple times23:30
n0a1iasbarrito, o sorry23:30
kill3r3kZykoticK9, thank you very much it worked, but still I dont get what mount --bind does exactly23:30
ilovefairuzbarrito: sudo apt-get install patebinit && sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit23:30
ispirtohey, anyone with experience at red5?23:30
KruyKazeilovefairuz, i use very populat ppas so they will work on Mav23:30
ZykoticK9kill3r3k, sorry i couldn't explain that...  glad it worked though :)23:30
ilovefairuzbarrito: type: sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:30
panpanshhi all23:31
=== indy_ is now known as indy__
coz_barrito,  hold on  I am reading some reports on that card23:31
indy__ilovefairuz, http://imagebin.org/11168423:31
panpanshanyone can help me to redirect https://*binsh.fr/xxxxx to https://www.binsh.fr/xxxxx on apache ?23:31
ratdogUbuntu software center willnot autorisze my password.. any ideers anyone?23:31
coz_barrito,   http://markmail.org/message/tqqvm5dazgcixkhf  seems to have a temporary workaround23:32
ZykoticK9ratdog, from a terminal can you successfully run "sudo ls"?23:32
indy__ilovefairuz, http://imagebin.org/11168923:32
ilovefairuzindy__: checking23:32
ratdogZykoticK9 how i do that?23:32
=== CalgaryToad is now known as ve6sky
indy__ilovefairuz, ok :)23:32
ZykoticK9ratdog, open a terminal (Application / Accessories / Terminal) and type "sudo ls" and type your password23:33
ratdogit logged into some stuff ZykoticK923:34
barritouh coz: that didn't work and ilovefairuz that also didn't work23:34
jjlavaHi there, need some help w/video sound in Lucid Lynx23:34
coz_barrito,  mm ok  let me do more searching23:34
ntr0pyHow can i mount a udf dvd iso image which contains executable files?23:34
ZykoticK9ratdog, so you password worked there?23:34
ilovefairuzbarrito: what didn't work? the command should install a tool, then so: sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit - ... and paste address here23:34
ZykoticK9ratdog, sorry i have no idea what it would fail in Ubuntu Software Center then - it should work the same???23:34
ratdogamsn_received     login     Pictures23:35
ratdogDesktop     MCity-Carved-1.0.tar.gz     Public23:35
ratdogDocuments     MCity-MardiGrasDeux.tar.gz      Templates23:35
ratdogDownloads     Music     Ubuntu One23:35
ratdogexamples.desktop     netscape-navigator-      Videos23:35
ratdoghs_err_pid23036.log  netscape-navigator-  windowborderthemes23:35
FloodBot3ratdog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:35
castntr0py: no luck with mount -o loop?23:35
ratdogall logged in23:35
barritoilovefaiuz:sorry i typed the command wrong...what tool does it install23:35
n0a1iasdoes ChanServ give out op status often?23:36
Prodegoonly when asked23:36
coz_barrito,  also found the driver here    http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php and the link that was posted about it    I am afraid this is all I know   http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/redhat-fedora-linux-help/141432-broadcom-bcm4322-wireless-card.html23:36
n0a1iasChanServ, will you give me op status please?23:37
coz_barrito,  ignore that third link23:37
jjlavaHi, would anyone be able to answer a question about a sound problem I am having?23:37
ratdogph33r >:) wake U23:37
ilovefairuzbarrito: sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:37
barritoi did that fruit what does it install though23:38
well_laid_lawn!info pastebinit23:38
ilovefairuzbarrito: a tool to paste the output of a command to a pastebin: next: sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit -23:38
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (lucid), package size 22 kB, installed size 404 kB23:38
undifinedcoz_, all ok now ?23:39
n0a1iashow do i turn my ubuntu into an anonymous proxy server, like freeproxyserver.com?23:39
barritofair it said that it find the pastebinit23:40
undifinedn0a1ias, you don't want to do that ... :p23:40
ilovefairuz!tab | barrito23:40
ubottubarrito: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:40
ilovefairuzbarrito: says what?23:40
wentorany1 knows where i could found a driver for my idt sound card?23:40
n0a1iasundifined, why?23:40
blockheadNeed a bit of help, has anyone used Windows Programs on Ubuntu with success?23:40
undifinedn0a1ias, crackers will take advantage of you23:40
ilovefairuzindy__: try setting the second one to off and enable the first one23:41
n0a1iasblockhead, try /join winehq23:41
blockheadthanks n0a1ias23:41
n0a1iasundifined, im not gonna have anything on that computer23:41
ilovefairuzwentor: pastebin: sudo lshw -C multimedia23:41
n0a1iasi just one one that i can trust23:41
pseudosmartMy speakers don't work, but my headphones do in 10.0423:41
pseudosmartany suggestions?23:41
ntr0pycast: yes it mounts but the files have not executable rights and the mounted fs is read only23:42
indy__ilovefairuz, no need to reboot right?23:42
ilovefairuzindy__: no23:42
ActionParsnippseudosmart: run: alsamixer in a terminal and make sure all levels are cranked and unmuted23:42
pseudosmartI have done that, and everything is set to 100%23:43
indy__ilovefairuz, nothing :-(23:43
wentorit is an nvidia: MCP72XE/MCP72P/MCP78U/MCP78S High Definition Audio23:43
n0a1iasundifined, still though, do you know how to do it?23:43
barritostill not working23:44
ntr0pycast: how can i mount the files in the iso with executable rights?23:44
barritoit said command not found23:44
ActionParsnip!sound | pseudosmart23:44
ubottupseudosmart: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:44
undifinedn0a1ias, I don't want another spamming server online23:44
indy__ilovefairuz, So, what can I do? Install a different operating system? I don't know...23:45
ilovefairuzbarrito: copy and paste to a pastebin23:45
ilovefairuz!paste > barrito23:45
ubottubarrito, please see my private message23:45
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)23:45
ActionParsnippseudosmart: you could also try the alsa ppa to get the latest alsa: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/unstable23:45
ilovefairuzbarrito: what version of ubuntu are you running?23:45
indy__ilovefairuz, I bought that computer very expensive :(23:45
barritothe latest23:45
nakhlawintr0py: you can use the exec option in mount23:45
n0a1iasundifined, how would that spam anyone? i just want one to check my email and get on web based irc clients from school23:45
ilovefairuzbarrito: what command isn't found? lshw ?23:46
barritoilovefairuz: also pastebin? kinda a n00b soo23:46
unogamehello I'm trying to set up a centralized log-on scheme in a cs lab at my school using ldap our domain consists of dc=cs,dc=school,dc=edu, if I leave the dc=cs out then I have no problems with the setup but if I do then complains about dc naming23:46
undifinedn0a1ias, then do not use an anonymous proxy server23:46
undifinedn0a1ias, use proper authorised users23:46
unogameis there a reason why I have problems having cs a part of my domain?23:47
ilovefairuzbarrito: yes pastebin23:47
n0a1iasundifined, my school has those blocked23:47
barritoilovefairuz: ok the terminal window linked me now what23:48
ilovefairuzbarrito: paste the link here23:48
rooksunogame, ssh to some school server, look at their ldap.conf23:48
n0a1iasundifined, are you cool with a pm?23:48
rooksunogame, i don that recently and it was win23:48
welecan any one help me please with the effectes, sometime they work and sometime not work23:49
ActionParsnip!broadcom | barrito23:49
ubottubarrito: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:49
ntr0pynakhlawi: "sudo mount /src.iso /dst -t udf -o loop,exec"  does not work23:49
ActionParsnipwele: when they don't, if you press ALT+F2 and run: compiz --replace   do they work?23:49
ilovefairuzbarrito: in system > administration > hardware drivers, enable the card23:49
barritook thanks23:50
weleActionParsnip: no23:50
lahwranwhat is a good screencap wrapper so my friend doesn't have to use the ffmpeg command line to capture video from the screen?23:50
nakhlawintr0py: why? what happened. when you type: mount what do you see?23:50
johnny_Does anyone know the IRC port number, and is it still needed to function XChat?23:51
barritothank you for the help guys i'm off23:51
lahwranjohnny_, 6667 is the default23:51
ilovefairuz!info recordmydesktop | lahwran23:51
ubottulahwran: recordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 54 kB, installed size 152 kB23:51
jb12hi everyone23:51
jb12can anyone help here23:51
jb12getting this erro23:51
ntr0pynakhlawi: it mounts without complaining but the mounted files are not executable23:51
jb12Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/dists/lucid/Release .23:51
ratdogaha, PolicyKit Authentication Agent" in System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications was pointing to "/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1" o.O23:51
ratdogI'm using ubuntu and it's very strange option. So I changed it to "/usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1" then restarted session. All works now :)23:51
nakhlawintr0py: it looks like you have to mount with "su" to activate executable access23:52
unogamerooks, the problem is that ubuntu 10.04 doesn't have ldap.conf anymore and the documentation for the new ldap is not helping23:52
jb12Unable to find expected entry  partner”/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)23:52
johnny_@lahwran  Thanks!23:52
ratdogrelogin time23:52
rooksunogame, i used /etc/ldap.conf from fedora maintained by my schools admin, i added it to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf i also moved directly /etc/ldap.conf so i can use nss23:53
ilovefairuzjb12: sudo apt-get update23:53
ActionParsnipwele: ok, run it in a terminal instead, the output may help. Also check in /var/log/Xorg.0.log    for why the video drivers arent loading right23:53
ntr0pynakhlawi: nope the files are "-r--r--r--"23:53
hiku!codecs : hiku23:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:54
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hiku!codecs > hiku23:54
ubottuhiku, please see my private message23:54
andaluzDoes anyone know a good opensource downloader voor mp3 songs?23:54
ActionParsnipandaluz: wget23:54
hikurip your cd23:54
weleActionParsnip: what i write in the terminal23:54
andaluzActionParsnip: wget is just a tool to download from web. I need something like bittorrent or Limewire...23:55
ActionParsnip!torrent | andaluz23:55
ubottuandaluz: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P23:55
ilovefairuzandaluz: a downloader like what application ?23:55
hikutransmission is a linux bittorrent23:55
rooksandaluz, transmission23:55
ActionParsnip!limewire | andaluz23:55
ubottuandaluz: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !Java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.23:55
LetsGo67How do I use my Telus Huawei E182E Mobile Internet Key in Ubuntu 10.04 please?  It doesn't show up in my network list, even after entering the network manually!23:55
andaluzmp3 for north african music called Rai23:56
nakhlawintr0py: is the mount point executable?23:56
rooksgnutella network was full of freaks and that was like 4 years ago23:56
ntr0pynakhlawi: yes23:56
weleActionParsnip: i get this msg, WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!23:56
ActionParsnipandaluz: torrent clients also download from the web, just using differernt protocols. If you are more specific with your question you wil get better answers23:57
ActionParsnipwele: i'd ask in #compiz . They may know a thing or 323:58
rwwActionParsnip: Torrent clients download from the Internet. The web uses HTTP.23:59
andaluzActionParsnip: what I want is an app where I type in artist-name and song-title and than the app search for it and download it.23:59
andaluzrww: that's what I tried to tell ActionParsnip23:59
ActionParsniprww: exactly, the question was not precise so I went with good old wget :)23:59

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