
rodrigo_ajmitch, around?00:18
ajmitchrodrigo_: yes00:20
rodrigo_ajmitch, fixed it!00:21
rodrigo_ajmitch, pushing the branch for you to look at it00:21
ajmitchgreat, I hope by some sane method?00:21
rodrigo_ajmitch, looks so00:22
rodrigo_ajmitch, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/libubuntuone/fix-mono-bindings/+merge/3385100:23
ajmitchgood, because I would have been embarassed to have that hack uploaded :)00:23
* ajmitch wishes the merge diffs were generated faster :)00:23
rodrigo_ajmitch, it was plan B, if I had failed, I was going to merge it00:24
rodrigo_but don't tell anyone :)00:24
ajmitchI won't :)00:24
ajmitchthis looks far nicer00:24
rodrigo_why it stopped working, or why it worked before, it's a mistery to me00:24
ajmitchI think it was a fluke that it worked before, becuase it was ignoring the syncdaemondownload definition which wasn't needed00:25
rodrigo_the .sources.in file was wrong00:25
rodrigo_it had ubuntuone-sharp.dll, while it needs to have there the name of the lib it binds00:25
ajmitchbecause it only needs to bind the u1-music-store.* files?00:25
ajmitcheither way I'm glad to see it resolved without bloodshed00:27
rodrigo_ajmitch, yes, I guess it gets confused by the other .[ch]00:28
rodrigo_ajmitch, can you test it to double check?00:32
ajmitchI should probably try & build the banshee extensions against it too00:32
ajmitchcan you reject my merge proposal?00:33
ajmitchor I could just delete the MP00:34
rodrigo_ajmitch, yes00:41
rodrigo_ok, time for dinner00:42
rodrigo_ajmitch, ping me tomorrow if you find any problem, or comment on the merge proposal00:42
lalejandHi all :) Is there a possibility to tell U1 not to sync some special files ? I want to sync some folders that are SVNized, and I don't want the .svn files to be synced, because it makes sync last veeeeerrrry long00:44
beunolalejand, yes00:51
beunothere is an ignore file00:51
* beuno tries to remember where that file lives00:51
lalejandbeuno : great !! Where is it ?00:52
lalejand* beuno tries to remember where that file lives >>> ah sorry00:52
beunolalejand, /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf00:53
beunounder ignore.default00:53
lalejandthx !!!00:53
ajmitchit's only a system-wide default?00:55
beunoyes, AFAIK00:56
beunoI know, I know, you want bzr-style ignores00:57
beunoluckily, the client is open source  \o/00:57
ajmitchtrying to convince me to hack on it, are you? :)00:57
beunowhat? no...  you're imagining things while you fire up $favorite_editor to hack on it...00:58
ajmitchactually starting off with grep & less00:58
ajmitchbecause it should at least work in ~/.local, I think00:59
* ajmitch may have to look at it later :)01:01
lalejandbeuno : if I want to ignore .svn folders, I have to add a line like : \A\..*\.svn\Z ?01:06
lalejandbtw, .svn should be ignored by default no ?01:06
ajmitchit depends, some strange people might want to keep their checkouts in a U1 folder01:07
ajmitchit's sort of useful to do that with bzr branches01:07
lalejandif I want to ignore .svn folders, I have to add a line like : \A\..*\.svn\Z ?01:08
* ajmitch isn't sure what regex would be needed to match the directory, it'd depend on whether the ignore syntax worked on a full path or not01:11
lalejandalmitch : ahm. Someone can help me ?01:14
ajmitchbeuno probably knows more than me, but the ignore code looks to match on filenames, not directory names at the moment01:15
lalejandbeuno, ajmitch : I see that in the file : http://pastebin.com/FjtrbdKK01:16
ajmitchyes, that's the default list of regexes. From what I just looked at, that would match files matching that, not whole paths01:16
lalejandajmitch : "From what I just looked at, that would match files matching that, not whole paths" >>> it means that it's not good for what I want to do ?01:19
ajmitchI haven't tried it out to see if there's some other code to ignore directories, but that's what a 2-minute search tells me01:20
lalejanddo you see another solution for my synced .svn folders ?01:20
* ajmitch has to head out now, sorry I can't help more01:21
lalejandajmitch : okay thanks anyway01:23
lalejandbeuno : do you know how I would have to write the ignore line in order to get my .svn folders not to be synced ?01:24
lalejandor someone else ?01:29
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mujtabaI need some help any one alive ?!08:43
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duanedesignmorning all09:32
lalejandHi all, in the /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf file, there is an ignore list. I want to ignore .svn folders, but I don't understand the syntax10:10
duanedesignhello lalejand10:11
lalejandHi duanedesign10:12
duanedesignlalejand: i think i did that once...let me look10:12
lalejandbtw, why is this conf file not in the home folder ?10:14
duanedesignlalejand: it is the system wide defaults10:15
duanedesigntheir is a syncdaemon.conf in your home10:15
lalejandduanedesign : ah ? And I can put an ignore list inside ?10:16
duanedesignwere you can adjust settings for specific users10:16
duanedesignlalejand: loooks like that ignore list uses regular experssion syntax10:18
duanedesignlalejand: what type of files are you wanting to ignore? It was SVN files wasn't it?10:19
lalejand.svn folders10:20
lalejandI mean all files and folders related to svn10:20
lalejandI think they are all in .svn folders10:20
lalejandI see that in the conf file : http://pastebin.com/tuaBKkPU but I don't know how I would have to write it10:21
duanedesignrye: ping10:25
duanedesigni have only started to learn reg ex. I am not quite sure the difference in                  \A.*\.swpx\Z \A\..*\.tmp\Z10:26
duanedesigni think we want something like: \A.*\.svn\Z10:27
lalejandduanedesign : ok thanks10:36
duanedesignlalejand: i am trying to test that now....10:36
lalejandah ok10:37
duanedesignlalejand: have to step away for a second...10:37
lalejandok, in order to test it, I have to quit and restart u1syncd ?10:37
duanedesignI added that line to the file http://pastebin.com/b5BSDJ8610:38
duanedesignlalejand: yeah. if you want to do it from the terminal.  u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c10:38
lalejandok i'll try10:38
duanedesigni created a folder .svn and put a blank file inside.10:39
duanedesignill check it when i get back, or if you have any success..or not, let me know10:39
duanedesignand maybe we can get a regular expression guru in here to help us :)10:39
lalejandok, "u1sdtool -c &" if I want to still use the terminal right ?10:40
duanedesignu1sdtool -c will return you to a prompt, so no need for the &10:41
lalejandor "restart" button in the U1 pref window does the same no ?10:41
lalejandah ok10:41
lalejandduanedesign : ahm, looks like it doesn't work. I have files like : 2010-08-27 11:45:43,407 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - Adding general inotify watch to '/home/lalejand/Documents/ODIGI/OdigiImmo/odigiImmoTotal/tests/.svn'10:46
lalejand"... lines like ..."10:48
lalejandduanedesign : maybe because some .svn folders where maybe already synced ?10:49
ryeduanedesign, hi, sorry for late reply, that regexp applies to file names only :(11:17
* ajmitch said that a few hours ago11:17
ajmitchbut good to get confirmation of it11:18
ryeajmitch, heh, my router dies during multicast traffic storms so that's why I was not able to read what you've said, but now the ISP turned multicast off on my port so I am back to stable internets11:19
* rye definitely needs to upgrade openwrt install on his router11:20
ajmitchouch :)11:20
* ajmitch is used to using irssi+ssh+screen, so things generally don't get lost that way :)11:21
lalejandrye, duanedesign : what do I have to write if I want to ignore .svn folders ?11:37
lalejanddoes someone know what I have to write if I want to ignore .svn folders ?11:59
duanedesignlalejand: i think from what rye was saying that ignore list is only for files12:01
lalejandduanedesign, rye : I thought he/she was talking about the line you wrote12:03
duanedesignbug 61704112:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 617041 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Stuck and 100% CPU usage (affects: 15) (dups: 2) (heat: 80)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61704112:06
ryelalejand, i am filing a bug about not being able to ignore the folders, well, searching for one if it exists..12:07
lalejandrye : :) thx12:10
lalejandrye : should I connect my self to some ppa repo for U1 (if it exists) ?12:13
lalejandrye : I filled this one bug 625194 this morning12:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 625194 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "Enhancement : graphical interface for ignore list (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62519412:14
ryelalejand, well, since the fix has not yet been made there is no ppa that can be used12:14
lalejandrye : ok, but just in general, if some other bugs are fixed, is it a good idea to use the ppa ?12:14
ryebug #62524912:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 625249 in ubuntuone-client "Syncdaemon should support ignoring folders using regexp (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62524912:15
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ajmitchrye: you could still use the existing regular expression if it was matching on the whole path rather than splitting into dirname,filename12:22
ryeajmitch, that would require some compatibility layer to be created since already existing regexps are operating only on files, with \A meaning the beginning of the string containing the filename, not the folder name/path, etc12:23
ajmitchI guess it'd depend on what the current regexes are that people are using12:24
ajmitchbut I would like to have them match on the full path, it doesn't look to be too hard to add in12:24
* ajmitch might look at a patch for it tomorrow if noone gets to it12:27
ryeajmitch, no, it is not hard, full path - /home/ajmitch/Projects/.svn ? and match /.svn/ part ? or folder only?12:27
* ajmitch will think about it when it's not late evening :)12:29
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ryemaverick users, do not remove your ubuntuone token from the keyring - it won't work after that even if you reauthorize!13:42
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duanedesignrye: glad you said something. I was about to remove mine and reauthorize. I am getting AUTH_FAILED14:09
ryeduanedesign, have you removed the token from /account/machines too ?14:10
ryeduanedesign, well, it can't be worse than AUTH_FAILED though14:10
duanedesignrye: no i havent touched the tokens14:10
duanedesignrye: i just noticed this morning, after the latest update I did, that U1 was not connecting.14:11
duanedesignI launched U1 and got the new authorize your computer window. I clicked 'I already have an account' at the bottom and entered email and password14:12
ryeduanedesign, welcome to the club :(14:12
duanedesignok, ill hang tight while you guys do your magic :)14:13
ryeduanedesign, there needs to be some server-side support for Ubuntu SSO tokens - see them @ https://login.ubuntu.com/+applications and it is not there as far as I understand14:13
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newdsanrecibo  un mensaje de error al intentar arrancar ubuntu one: Authrization Error: OcurriĆ³ un error al mostrar el u...existe el archivo o directorio) alguien sabe que puedo hacer?16:21
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jdstrandrodrigo_: I don't think bug #623655 is fixed. seb128 marked it as fixed, I kicked it back down to confirmed with a reason why and then you marked it fixed again17:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 623655 in libubuntuone (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Error prevents enabling store plugin (affects: 8) (heat: 40)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62365517:23
jdstrandrodrigo_: I was using that version of libubuntuone when I contacted you the other day17:24
rodrigo_jdstrand, lunch now, bbiab and look at it17:26
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JoK3RHi all; Can some1 help me to install ubuntu One ? i can't find Add this Computer button18:21
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rodrigo_jdstrand, ok, back, looking now...19:41
rodrigo_jdstrand, the problem with "ImportError: No module named gtkwidgets" is indeed fixed19:42
rodrigo_jdstrand, does it say the same thing for you now with the latest updates?19:42
rodrigo_jdstrand, your traceback seems to be a different bug, let me find it19:43
rodrigo_jdstrand, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/+bug/62461619:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 624616 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store without icon (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:50
rodrigo_kklimonda, ping19:51
dobeyrodrigo_: ask in spanish. maybe you can get more info that way. :)20:02
dobey(for the no icon bug)20:02
rodrigo_hola amigos, quiƩn puede ayudarme :)20:02
rodrigo_ah, ok20:02
jdstrandrodrigo_: sorry, missed your question20:06
dobeyoi, locas de espana20:06
rodrigo_jdstrand, :20:06
rodrigo_jdstrand, ok, back, looking now...20:06
rodrigo_ jdstrand, the problem with "ImportError: No module named gtkwidgets" is indeed fixed20:06
rodrigo_ jdstrand, does it say the same thing for you now with the latest updates?20:06
rodrigo_ jdstrand, your traceback seems to be a different bug, let me find it20:06
rodrigo_jdstrand, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/+bug/62461620:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 624616 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store without icon (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:06
dobeyrodrigo_: oh, right. it looks like maybe the plug-in API broke in an update of rhythmbox perhaps?20:07
rodrigo_hmm, it might be, works ok for me though20:08
rodrigo_and I'm up-to-date20:08
rodrigo_I think20:08
* rodrigo_ re-checks20:08
jdstrandrodrigo_: that looks like my bug indeed. the trace is the same except I only uhave ubuntuone and not all the stores7digital.com20:09
jdstrandrodrigo_: that isn't how I would describe it though20:09
jdstrandrodrigo_: I mean, yes, the icon is missing, but that suggests maybe there is something else I can do to get to it. it isn't in my list at all20:10
rodrigo_jdstrand, open a new one then, the bug we closed was about the plugin not finding the libu1 python bindings20:10
rodrigo_jdstrand, oh, yeah, the summary of the bug seems to be wrong20:10
jdstrandrodrigo_: I'm confused-- you want me to open a new bug for the trace that is the same for bug #624616 ?20:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 624616 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store without icon (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62461620:11
rodrigo_jdstrand, ah, no, if it's the same, just add any info to that one20:11
jdstrandI don't think I have anything new to add at this time20:12
jdstrandrodrigo_: thanks for looking at it20:12
rodrigo_jdstrand, ok, np20:12
rodrigo_jdstrand, you have latest rhythmbox, right?20:13
jdstrandrodrigo_: ^ checked LP, yes20:15
rodrigo_jdstrand, ok, still cheking here, inet connection here is horrible20:15
rodrigo_ok, I'm not up-to-date, updating now20:19
kklimondarodrigo_: pong20:43
rodrigo_kklimonda, nothing now, your branch is merged20:46
rodrigo_jdstrand, ok, I get the same error :(20:54
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ryeto whom it may concern22:33
apache2loggernessita: did I miss something or does ubuntu-sso-client not care whether the user actually wants to sign up for tips and updates?22:35
ryethe users that have created new mobile accounts (username/password) during last 7 days pair will not be able to use mobile contacts syncing. The reason is known but cannot be immediately fixed22:36
ryeSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status22:37
nessitaapache2logger: that's true :-)22:38
nessitaapache2logger: we can t fo anything with that right now22:38
nessitacan't do*22:38
apache2loggerI think the checkbox should be hidden then ;)22:38
apache2loggernessita: UI for the KDE platform is pretty much done btw22:40
nessitaapache2logger: awesome! need a review or something? I can take a look (next week, right now we're closing a very heavy sprint)22:41
apache2loggernessita: I still need to get it hooked up with the backend and give it a proper test run22:42
apache2loggerFTR: it is available at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/ubuntu-sso-client/kdeui22:43
nessitaapache2logger: perfect22:43
nessitaapache2logger: did you find out what the seg fault was?22:44
apache2loggernessita: yeah, temporary flux in libdbus22:44
nessitaapache2logger: bummer :-.22:44
apache2loggerand I installed ubuntu-desktop to see if it was something in KDE, now I am running gnome ;)22:44
apache2loggerKDE stuff doesnt look half bad in gnome actually ;) http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/011.png22:45
nessitalet's see...22:47
hallynlooking through bugs on launchpad, but not seeing this... since doing apt-get upgarde last night, ubuntu one isn't syncing... ?23:41

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