
robinsmidsrodare there any plans to allow upstart to start specific jobs as a specific user?13:43
robinsmidsrodhaving to use "su" to switch user and then running the command keeps a lot of su processes running, and the pid reported by upstart is actually the su process instead of the actual app13:45
ashbrobinsmidsrod: sudo instead of su might work slightly better, no?13:49
warlyHello, I have a simple question regarding writing upstart command. I would like to have a script run when entering runlevel 4, and run again when quitting runlevel 4, is there a way to do that with upstart ?13:55
ashbstats on runlevel[4]13:57
ashbor similar13:57
warlystats ?13:59
warlyYou may mean start. Actually starting the script on entering runlevel 4 is ok, but I cannot really manage to have it run again when leaving runlevel 414:00
ionstart on runlevel 414:01
ionstop on runlevel [!4]14:02
ionpost-start exec yourthing14:02
ionpre-stop exec yourthing14:02
warlyion: thanks I will try that!14:03
ionActually, maybe make that pre-start and post-stop.14:03
=== Stevee_ is now known as Stevee
fancybitmy ubuntu don't have the /etc/inittab file, so where should I start my reading of the script?16:01
fancybitI browsed the web of upstart, seems no manual but only blueprints 16:04
fancybitThat's the only way to study?16:04
warlyfancybit: have you looked at http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/ ?16:05
salmanHi. I'm trying to find some documentation on how to implement the equivalent of kb::kbrequest in an upstart script... could someone link me to the docs?17:40
salmantried a wiki search but nothing turned up17:40
=== Stevee_ is now known as Stevee

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