
WalexOK, thanks for that. For Mercurial the equivalwent is the Mozilla central repo.10:10
bzrboyhi guys, how do i set a bidirectional mirror between a git repo and a bzr repo11:59
jelmerhi bzrboy12:09
jelmerbzrboy: I'm not sure that's possible yet.12:13
jelmerIt might be possible with fastexport/fastimport somehow12:13
jelmerbzr-git has some preliminary support but that's explicitly disabled in the code at the moment.12:13
bzrboyjelmer: thanks13:06
bzrboysorry for the delay, i was trying to figure it out13:06
HamledIs it possible to convert a lightweight checkout into a heavy checkout?13:52
=== Meths_ is now known as Meths
spivHamled: IIRC 'bzr reconfigure --checkout' will do that13:58
Noldorinhi. i've deleted a certain plugin from my plugins directory, but every time i run bzr it still complains about loading it as if it were there.18:04
Noldorinhow can i resolve this?18:04
vilaNoldorin: 'bzr plugins -v' should tell you where bzr finds it18:07
Noldorinvila, it's not listed there i'm afraid, only the error18:07
NoldorinUnable to load plugin u'tfs' from u'C:/Program Files/Bazaar/plugins'18:07
vilaTry to have a look at .bzr.log18:08
mgzvila: was about to tell you I'd worked out why maverick wasn't showing results, but... the most recent run didn't fail18:35
mgzdid you poke pyjunitxml already?18:35
SilasleWhat does this mean? http://paste.ubuntu.com/485080/19:19
SilasleOr an better question what's the problem? It has worked before but then i removed all my settings (~/.*) and since then it doesn't work.19:22
cody-somervilleSilasle, you probably need to do bzr launchpad-login <your-lp-id>19:22
cody-somervillereplacing '<your-lp-id>' with your launchpad id19:22
cody-somervilleand oh my19:22
cody-somervilleyou did rm -rf ~/.*?19:22
SilasleI have done that19:22
cody-somervilleyou probably deleted your ssh key!19:23
SilasleAnd where is this saved?19:23
cody-somervilleyou'll need to generate a new one (or if you already did that), upload it to launchpad19:23
SilasleThat was the problem, i just had to copy my old one from the backup.19:24
SilasleThanks cody-somerville!19:24
cody-somervilleSilasle, No problem! :)19:24
SilasleAnd then the next problem: bzr: ERROR: Working tree "/home/silas/Dropbox/python/player/" has uncommitted changes (See bzr status). Use --no-strict to force the push.19:28
SilasleOh, not that19:29
SilasleThat one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/485086/19:29
cody-somervilleYour branches have diverged.19:31
cody-somervilleYou probably need to merge in changes someone else has made.19:31
cody-somervilleSee "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information.19:32
SilasleI have looked at that19:32
SilasleOk, now i solved the problem by just downloading it again and replacing the modified file.19:34
hnoIs there anyone looking into bzr on Python 2.7?20:14
mgzI've filed a bunch of bugs, which I'm gradually working through.20:22
mgzsee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bugs?field.tag=python2.720:22
hnomgz: Thanks. Already know that list.20:23
mgzis there anything else you're concered about?20:24
hnomgz: Not really, besides having to support bzr on Python2.7..  Anything I can do to help?20:26
mgzwell, mostly things just need descisions about how to resolve version compat issues20:28
mgzbut actually the top bug that you've already commented on might be an interesting one to tackel20:29
mgz...I can't spell this evening20:31
hnoYes, was thinking the same. Just wanted to check first as I do not know xmlrpclib at all, and not entirely fluient in python in general.20:31
hnothe second one is beyond me. can't judge what implications changes there may have on bzr.20:32
mgzyeah, I'm not sure either, I'll probably just put up a mp to pull out the hacks entirely and see if anyone squeaks20:35
vilamgz: huh ? What job are you referring to ?20:36
mgzthe first should just be case of comparing the code in bzrlib.transport.http._urllib2_wrappers with the 2.7 changes20:36
mgzvila: http://babune.ladeuil.net:24842/job/selftest-maverick/26/ - but after I looked at it again I think it might be because of this: http://babune.ladeuil.net:24842/job/selftest-maverick/26/testReport/junit/bzrlib.tests.test_conflicts/TestResolvePathConflict/test_res________________________________________/20:36
mgzso, the whole thing died off before the test that was breaking the xml generation was reported or something maybe?20:37
* vila on phone20:39
mgznot urgent, and I'll probably be eating soonish20:39
vilamgz: hmm, possibly20:42
mgzanyway, I'll fix pyjunitxml to not break (it's yet another not-handling-unicode-properly issue)20:43
vilamgz: but selftest-maverick is for bzr.dev, not your branch nor your testtools branch either...20:43
vilamgz: ha great !20:44
mgzit could actually break on not python 2.7 as well, but depends on the test failure output20:45
vilaI'm expermienting some weird random failures on gentoo, things like 'lost connection while parsing test success' or something, that may be related20:46
vilaexpermienting... sounds like pippermint, that gives a pleasant taste to the experiment ;)20:48
mgzoo, I remember something else I wanted you for vila20:52
mgzcan you confirm bug 625594 for me?20:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 625594 in Bazaar "selftest --parallel test case timings incorrect (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62559420:53
mgzI think it will also be wrong with --parallel=fork but might be mistaken20:53
hnoHow do I add/checkout a workingtree in an existing branch pushed to me?20:54
mgz`bzr reconfigure --tree` I think20:55
hnoThanks. Seems to work. What is needed to update the tree in future after next push?20:56
vilamgz: I'm pretty sure i've never seen any correct timing there but it never itch enough either20:56
mgzthanks vila, just wanted to check it wasn't something I'd screwed up locally20:57
vilamgz: it would be nice if you're write since it may explain why all tests timings are 0 on babune, which I thought was hudson related20:57
vilas/write/right/ (how the hell did I make this typo... English is *not* my native language....)20:57
mgzjust be glad you don't have to see my french spelling20:58
mgzhno: I don't quite understand what you mean, trees should just stick around, push only affects branch creation20:59
mgzokay, food for me now, I'll be back again a little later20:59
hnomgz: Thanks. Thought push didn't update the tree.20:59
vilahno: it doesn't update the remote tree (unless "remote" is on a local filesystem)21:00
hnoright. bzr update does.21:00
hnoall good. Thanks.21:01
hnomgz: The first one seems to be a case of pathing around urllib2 to make it behave for bzr use rather than fixing it proper.21:58

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