
=== apache2logger is now known as apachelogger
mhall119highvoltage: are there Maverick DVD images for Edubuntu yet?13:54
mhall119nevermind, I found them13:57
highvoltage /win 3314:25
mhall119only 33?14:36
mhall119uploaded screeshots for kmplot, kwordquiz and parley to screenshots.debian.net15:25
mhall119the should appear on the wiki pages I made yesterday as soon as the debian admins approve them15:26
mhall119they'll also appear in the Ubuntu Software Center too15:26
highvoltagemhall119: nice!15:40
* mhall119 be jammin15:45
mhall119I was surprised those were the only 3 missing a screenshot15:45
mhall119also, showed my son Marble, he thought it was awesome15:46

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