
ScottKWould you please file a bug.00:00
* ScottK is out for a while.00:01
yofelScottK: bug 625586 - I'll leave the broken VM running for now, so ping me if you need something00:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 625586 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity killed by OOM killer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62558600:19
CIA-71[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100827232112-1sj03i3wx8fa0kum * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Add kubuntu_70_optimize_kratingspainter.diff to optimize the painting routine of KRatingPainter to not create so many unnecessary KIconEffect objects by using KIconEffect's static functions00:21
CIA-71[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100827232149-095d98g4lmycxmbz * debian/changelog Correct changelog00:21
JontheEchidnaapache2logger: turns out knewstuff's rating* classes are an exact duplicate of libnepomuk's, with the exception of not having 2 or 3 bugfix commits made over the last 5 months :P00:49
JontheEchidnadoing a quick port for kde 4.6 ;)00:51
ScottKyofel: Thanks.02:07
valoriedevelopers, is there a page with useful stuff we can test tomorrow, *buntu global jam?02:12
valoriefor instance, better to upgrade from Lucid to Mav02:12
valorieor install afresh?02:12
JontheEchidnaTesting the new installer would help: (Use virtualbox environments) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/02:46
JontheEchidnaAnd rekonq could always use stress testing02:46
valorieI'll try rekonq again in Mav02:54
valorieI just got fed up in lucid02:54
valorieoh, I've never done virtualbox02:54
valoriemav isn't ready for prime time?02:55
valorielucid beta was good02:55
JontheEchidnawell, installers really need to be tested in virtual settings02:56
JontheEchidnaunless you like toasting existing installs02:56
valorieI finally got a full backup of my /home and /usr02:56
valorieI was figuring on saying goodbye to Lucid tomorrow02:57
valorieunless it's so bad I have to reinstall02:57
valoriebut I guess learning to use a virtualbox would be good too02:57
valorieI guess I'll bum a blank CD off my hubby02:59
valorieI used my last one a few days ago and forgot to buy more02:59
valorieheh, connection must be great03:05
valorie1:55 remaining03:05
valorieok, how much memory should be assigned for an installer test in virtualbox?05:04
valoriemore than 512?05:04
* valorie is blogging about it, for others who might be interested in doing the same thing05:05
valorieah, I see that all of this can be adjusted as necessary05:28
valoriedamn good thing I didn't wait until tomorrow to dl that file06:07
valorieor that's all I could have accomplished on the library wireless06:07
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: and now we have a real example on why code copies are bad and software that does have them ought to be rejected from ubuntu on general principle unless there is good reason not to do so ;)08:43
CIA-71[marble] sitter * 1169039 * trunk/KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/bindings/python/README python bindings doc moved09:01
* apache2logger tries sippping09:12
debfxwhy does qtcreator use private Qt classes :/09:28
debfxit fails to start after upgrading qt to 4.7 rc1 ...09:31
apache2loggerdebfx: probably because it is an internal thing :P10:04
* apache2logger assumes it just needs a recompile due to abi changes10:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* apache2logger apparently just created his first cpp-python module10:07
apache2logger>>> from ubuntu_sso.kdegui import *10:11
apache2loggerTraceback (most recent call last):10:11
apache2logger  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>10:11
apache2loggerImportError: No module named kdegui10:11
debfxyeah recompiling fixes it10:12
debfxqt assistant still looks crappy :(10:14
* apache2logger is wondering why it works if he copies kdegui.so to pymodules10:14
apache2logger>>> Dialog10:14
apache2logger<class 'ubuntu_sso.kdegui.Dialog'>10:14
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100828092202-609wqesuge0r5udq * src/ (13 files in 3 dirs) add python sip foo10:22
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100828092730-4m22r6ofcqp5a3ws * src/ (CMakeLists.txt Dialog.cpp Dialog.h InfoSet.h) make dialog ctor more like the GTK gui python one, I await QString vs. pystr :(... infoset tracks winid and loginOnly too10:28
=== apache2logger is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerI broke it \o/10:45
apacheloggerI fixed it \o/11:06
apacheloggersilly ubuntu-sso uses silly names though11:07
* apachelogger renames to silly11:07
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100828101042-c7wi5l41jimn135w * src/ (Dialog.cpp Dialog.h) rename to silly(tm) ... Dialog -> UbuntuSSOClientGUI ... dont feel like renaming the files, that is left for a day with better weather...11:11
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100828101128-nzqfsfn2zz2xthmj * src/ (main.cpp python/sip/Dialog.sip) move main and sip foo in line with silly rename(tm)11:11
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100828101141-tszhuyfr4lniq696 * src/python/CMakeLists.txt make sip foo work11:11
apacheloggerah, right, that needs a QApp11:12
apacheloggeroh dear oh dear11:12
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100828101402-k2b0ep0zjfuyta4p * src/ (Dialog.cpp Dialog.h main.cpp python/sip/Dialog.sip) revert silly rename(tm)... got a better idea11:14
mfraz74Anyone having problems with Kopete and this bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=248584 ?11:16
ubottuKDE bug 248584 in Jabber Plugin "Error message - Cannot start process googletalk-call Check your installation of Kopete" [Normal,Unconfirmed]11:16
ulyssesmfraz74: you have to install kopete-gcall package11:18
mfraz74ulysses: I did that last time I had the bug and it cured it, did an update this morning and it is back11:19
debfxmfraz74: bug #62555011:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 625550 in kdenetwork (Ubuntu) "kopete-gcall doesn't install /usr/bin/googletalk-call" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62555011:20
* apachelogger is wondering if that pyth0rn crap there makes any sense at all11:21
mfraz74debfx: thanks, that seems to be it11:21
* apachelogger expects mainloop fight \\o/11:23
mfraz74last changes seem to have been made by Jonathan Riddell11:25
debfxmfraz74: it's already fixed in our bzr branch, just not uploaded yet11:26
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100828102959-dxm4vx692w7a380p * src/ (5 files in 2 dirs) UbuntuSSOClientGUI - wrapper to construct kapp and kaboutdata and run dialog...11:30
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100828103102-72jgb5ktc3ll4798 * src/python/sip/UbuntuSSOClientGUI.sip add sip foo11:31
debfxapachelogger: what do you think about uploading this fix: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdenetwork/ubuntu/revision/10311:35
* apachelogger notes that shadeslayer will get the pokes when he gets back for not fixing kopete12:13
apacheloggerScottK: ^ exceptable?12:14
apacheloggerIIRC it breaks jabber sort of12:14
persia"acceptable" -> folks like it.  "exceptable" -> This may have issues (exceptions)12:14
apacheloggerpersia: I know exceptionable, but not exceptable (i.e. I thought to have made it up ^^)12:21
persiaEnglish allows made-up words with certain constructions.  "except-able" means roughly "Can be excepted", where "excepted" would be from the verb "except" which doesn't normally exist, but English (sadly) allows turning any part of speech (a preposition in this case) into a verb...12:23
* persia wishes the standard global language was less flexible, hard to spell, and prone to miscommunication12:23
apacheloggerwell, exceptable is meant to say whether that thing is exceptable from freeze in here :P12:27
apacheloggeroh my12:28
apacheloggerrekonq devs know next to enough about the stuff they work with12:28
* apachelogger shakes head and moves out to teach them a lesson12:29
apacheloggerNightrose: !12:57
Nightroseapachelogger: !12:57
debfxapachelogger: while you're at it, couldyou  fix rekonq not saving the show bookmark toolbar state :)12:57
apacheloggerNightrose: rantanplan!12:57
* apachelogger moves weirdly12:58
apacheloggerNightrose: do you think a gobject and a qobject can have babies?12:58
apacheloggerdebfx: I am not fixing no nothing there, the day I touch that ugly designed code I will have to sign myself up for a detox12:59
Nightroseprobably - but it wouldn't be pretty would it?12:59
apacheloggerI will make them have babies now12:59
* apachelogger puts them both in a bag and waits12:59
apachelogger/usr/include/glib-2.0/gobject/gsignal.h:26: fatal error: gobject/gclosure.h: No such file or directory12:59
apacheloggercompilation terminated.12:59
apacheloggerthat does not sound good13:00
* apachelogger is worrid that the bag might break13:00
apacheloggerand just so we are clear, I am not ever going to work again with people who have no idea of how to seperate gui from backend13:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: ubuntu one giving issues again? :P13:03
apacheloggerwindows is giving issues13:04
apacheloggeru1 is different13:04
apacheloggerit causes pain13:04
* shadeslayer notes that u1 is broken in maverick13:04
apacheloggerit is like getting raped while having a car accident or so13:04
shadeslayerhmm.. my rekonq now has no icon :S13:05
debfxshadeslayer: rekonq doesn't save the show bookmarks toolbar state :(13:06
debfxalso I want an option to make it not share bookmarks with konqueror :P13:07
shadeslayer^ bookmark sharing is actually a feature :P13:07
shadeslayeri think there are plans to expand bookmark sharing with other browsers13:07
shadeslayerdebfx: and i dont understand the first problem13:08
* shadeslayer tries13:08
debfxwell I use konqueror as a file manager, not as a browser13:08
debfxshadeslayer: disable the bookmarks toolbar and restart rekonq13:08
* apachelogger wishes he could use plasma as a browser13:08
apacheloggerI can13:08
apacheloggerplasma is teh arrsome :D13:09
shadeslayerhehe :P13:09
shadeslayerdebfx: bookmarks toolbar?13:09
shadeslayeri dont even know what that is :P13:10
shadeslayerdebfx: what is it called in the Confgiure toolbars dialog?13:10
debfxshadeslayer: it's an entry in the main menu13:11
debfxnext to "History Panel"13:11
debfxdo kde/cdbs packages complain about not installed files?13:11
* shadeslayer delets rekonqrc13:11
shadeslayerwhere now?13:12
shadeslayertheres one entry called bookmarks and one called bookmarks panel13:13
apacheloggerNightrose: maybe I should just not do it ...13:13
apacheloggerthis is getting ugly13:13
apacheloggerdebfx: no they do not13:14
apacheloggerdebfx: unless the particular package wants to13:14
debfxshadeslayer: http://imagebin.ca/view/zZSAKKF.html13:15
debfxapachelogger: so how do I force it?13:16
* debfx hopes debian gets rid of cdbs for kde 4.5 packages13:16
apacheloggerdebfx: add --list-missing to DEB_DH_INSTALL_ARGS13:18
apacheloggeror --fail-missing13:18
apacheloggerdepending on what you want to archive13:18
apacheloggerdebfx: the list-missing hook is superior though13:18
shadeslayerdebfx: confirmed on git13:20
debfxapachelogger: does --list-missing work even though cdbs calls dh_install for each package separately?13:21
debfxhm the cdbs manual says I should call fakeroot debian/rules list-missing13:24
shadeslayervoid SettingsDialog::readConfig()13:28
shadeslayerdebfx: i think thats causing it ^13:28
apacheloggerI HATE THIS CRAP13:31
* apachelogger runs to Nightrose and starts crying13:31
* Nightrose huggles apachelogger13:31
shadeslayerdebfx: started discussion on rekonq AT kde DOT org13:32
shadeslayerim off to get some books for my exams 13:33
shadeslayerciao people13:33
debfxshadeslayer: thanks13:33
sheytanHey guys13:49
sheytanabout the installer13:49
sheytanin the slideshow, please make the icons smaller to fit whole icon into scree ;)13:49
mfraz74Using a fully updated Kubuntu 10.10, the first time I use Krunner by pressing Alt-F2 I'm forced out of my current session13:50
mfraz74next time I use it it works fine13:50
sheytanBtw, please remove the background from the slideshow. It will look way better without it ;)13:52
sheytanand use the Ubuntu new font ;D13:52
* apachelogger must be too stupid to construct a simple gobject instance13:55
mfraz74at least you know what that means!13:55
* debfx uploads kdelibs 4.5.1 to ninjas ppa :O14:36
* apachelogger is having a nervous break down from gobject14:37
sheytanHey, i've got a bug about the new installer. Where can i report it?14:51
ScottKapachelogger: That would be fine.15:28
CIA-71[kdenetwork] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100828154324-anakjx3pzjm00fpo * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu416:43
ScottKapachelogger: Accepted.  Thanks.17:22
apacheloggerScottK: thanks17:30
apachelogger(process:16535): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.14/gobject/gsignal.c:2924: signal id `2' is invalid for instance `0x97c7900'17:57
apacheloggerI think glib does this intentionally17:57
ari-tczewapachelogger: and what about kolourpaint-gnome issue? is it possible to do something in this case?18:00
apacheloggerI do not know the case18:00
apacheloggeralso it did not occur anymore 18:01
apacheloggerari-tczew: is it reproducible for you?18:02
ari-tczewapachelogger: always! 18:03
apacheloggerneed to take another look then18:03
apacheloggeroh noes!18:09
ari-tczewapachelogger: so still problem exist? ;-D18:10
apacheloggerother crash :P18:10
apacheloggerari-tczew: I did only stumble upon the theming issue by accident yesterday18:10
* apachelogger is working on other things 18:10
debfxis there a good reason to enable the Qt OpenVG module in maverick?18:13
debfxDebian enabled it but I guess we should wait until natty18:16
sheytanapachelogger hey ;D18:22
sheytandid you see that one http://madsheytan.blogspot.com/2010/07/kubuntu-orange-tapeta.html ?18:23
sheytanwell, take a look at them all here http://madsheytan.blogspot.com/search/label/gimp :)18:23
ari-tczewsheytan: huh, next contributor from Poland :)18:25
sheytanari-tczew Yep ;)18:25
sheytanI'm working on the new kubuntu website :D18:25
sheytanwhich is gonna rock ;D18:25
ari-tczewsheytan: kubuntu.org?18:26
sheytanyes ;)18:27
ari-tczewsheytan: current kubuntu.org is yours?18:27
sheytannope. It's ofir's. We now work together on the whole new design with cool features like screenshots galleries, screencasts and manuals for new users ;)18:27
sheytanwe have some stuff done so far. ;)18:28
ari-tczewnice, keep working18:31
apacheloggeroh oh oh18:34
apacheloggerI think I finally unstood GObject18:34
apacheloggercrash is gone \o/18:34
apacheloggermy signal stuff does not work though :/18:35
apacheloggermainloop issues, exactly as I thought18:36
apacheloggerman how I hate poorly designed code -.-18:36
johnfluxI'm using kde 4.5.0 backport in lucid, but everything crashes18:53
apacheloggerjohnflux: if you could pastebin a backtrace or two it would be very helpful18:54
johnfluxplasma-desktop: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/libkdeinit/libkdeinit4_plasma-desktop.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6Plasma6Corona12mapAnimationENS_8Animator9AnimationES2_18:56
johnfluxThis seems to be the cause18:56
johnfluxI'm trying to --reinstall various libraries, include libplasma318:56
apacheloggersheytan: the orange tapeta is very darky18:57
johnfluxis there any way to ask apt-get  to check my system?18:57
johnfluxlike, check if I have any dependencies broken, or even check if all the files exist and are correct18:58
apacheloggerapt-get check18:58
apacheloggerjohnflux: support is in #kubuntu btw18:58
apacheloggerjohnflux: and that crash is indeed coming from an outdated library18:58
johnfluxsorry, I was just told to come here from #ubuntu+1  because it's from backports18:58
johnfluxI guess my questions are going back and forth a bit18:58
apacheloggerjohnflux: no, I am sending you to #kubuntu which is different from #ubuntu+1 :P18:59
apacheloggerjohnflux: anyhow, it is some flux in your current installation that can only be resolved via support, nothing we can do in development about it ;)18:59
apacheloggerNightrose: qobject and gobject have babies now19:00
apacheloggerbut gobject is having an affair with python19:00
johnfluxapachelogger: well I'm worried that it might be a problem in backport packages themselves19:01
apacheloggerjust that python does not want to go all in with someone who is in a compiled relationship19:01
Nightroseapachelogger: Oo19:01
apacheloggervery twisted19:01
Nightroseapachelogger: btw - meeting in 2h19:01
apacheloggerjohnflux: unlikely since we did not change them lately and if there was breakage in such an essential library it would have been reported ^^19:01
apacheloggerNightrose: are you implying I should be preparing?19:02
Nightroseapachelogger: no - just be there19:02
johnfluxapachelogger: I found a long bug report from last week on this issue19:02
johnfluxapachelogger: but it looked like it was fixed for other people19:03
apacheloggerNightrose: thanks for the reminder then ... because I wanted to prepare a bit ^^19:03
apacheloggerjohnflux: got the url?19:03
apacheloggerNightrose: first I feel like making amarok less scary though... that new configure mass storage stuff is all sorts of horrible19:04
* apachelogger will probably fail at the load of amarok code though19:04
* apachelogger actually feels like removing it19:05
apacheloggerthose icons there on the Elements collection are next to useless19:06
apacheloggera) they are cluttering b) they are out of context c) they have no tooltips d) they are inconsistent with the locale collaction entry19:06
* apachelogger does not find where that stuff is done19:25
* apachelogger gives up19:26
sheytanapachelogger: well, some people like dark walls ;)19:29
sheytanbtw is there in german or english a word 'tapeta' ? :D19:30
sheytanwith my 9 years german knowledge i didn't hear that :D19:30
yofelI didn't hear that either, and I'm german, if anything I can think of 'Tapete' but not 'tapeta'19:31
sheytanwell, tapeta in polish means wallpaper :D19:31
ari-tczewsheytan: wallpaper19:31
sheytanyep ;D19:31
ari-tczewsheytan: http://translate.google.com19:32
sheytanmaybe apachelogger just used it from my blog post ;D19:32
apacheloggerthe realation between tapete and tepeta is pretty obvious :P19:32
yofelsheytan: well, it means that in croation too, but not in german :P19:32
apacheloggersheytan: I am a language borg :P19:32
apacheloggerassimilating every bit of language I can get hold of ;)19:32
sheytanoh :D19:32
apacheloggerNightrose: aint that right? ;)19:32
sheytanso now you speak a bit of polish :D19:32
Nightroseyes yes yes19:32
yofelhm, desktoptapete...19:33
sheytanwell, germans use lots of english words. While watching some tv i hear that :D19:35
sheytandantti: hey. I have something to tell you about kpk, but i forget. Give me a sec :D19:36
danttisheytan: remembered?19:41
sheytandantti: just a second ;)19:42
sheytani have to make a list of such things :D19:42
danttiwow it's that big?19:42
sheytannope, but when i have lots of things todo, i forgot some ;D19:43
danttii see19:43
sheytandantti: ive got it :D Please dont' put '>>' on the 'details' button :D19:45
danttisheytan: well that't not me, It'd kdelibs19:46
sheytandantti: but you can fix it, right? :)19:46
dantti*that's not me, it's kdelibs :P19:46
danttithe problem is that if I do so I'll break strings again19:46
danttiafter 0.6.1 I can do that since I'll have to break strings anyway to do the application installer thing19:48
sheytanok :D19:48
apacheloggersheytan: when I have lots of things to do I forget them all and when I have few things to do I forgot most of them ;)19:48
apacheloggerwe should de->> kdelibs I say!19:49
danttiapachelogger: that's good practice :)19:49
sheytanapachelogger try yellow notes :D Helps me :D But well, sometimes i forget to write what i should remember :D19:49
apacheloggerdantti: keeps me at a healthy rate of trying to remember things and watching tv series ;)19:49
* sheytan back to work on kubuntu site19:52
sheytanbtw we now have Core technologies in Kubuntu subpage :D19:52
sheytanwill be more about KDE and Linux19:52
sheytanHey Kubuntu devs20:16
shadeslayersheytan: ssup20:16
sheytanwill this be ok if you were looking for IDE's http://a.imageshack.us/img375/4467/development.jpg 20:16
shadeslayerseems good to me20:17
shadeslayeradd eclipse20:18
sheytanOf course the text info is changable ;)20:18
shadeslayeridk if anyone uses that, but the techbase lists it20:18
sheytanwell, i would remove one of already there20:18
sheytanwe only can have 5 things there20:18
shadeslayerid say kate :P20:19
shadeslayerits not a proper dev env20:19
sheytanshadeslayer, well, i'll remember to change it :)20:19
shadeslayersheytan: get a second opinion as well :P20:20
sheytanshadeslayer i already did and someone mentioned kate :D20:20
sheytani think it was Riddell20:20
sheytanthat's why it's on the list20:20
shadeslayerisnt Riddell off?20:20
shadeslayeri mean.. hes gone till monday20:20
sheytanyep, but i asked two days ago :D20:20
yofelremove either kate or emacs, eclipse is at least recommended by the java folks in my old university 20:21
shadeslayerid rather say kate than emacs20:22
* shadeslayer fears wrath of emacs lovers20:22
yofelhm, remove kate, emacs is an ide of some sort, right20:22
yofelhi shadeslayer :P20:22
* shadeslayer waves to yofel 20:22
sheytanbut, yeah, say it's the best looking web sites with IDE's :D20:23
yofelI don't care about hate of emacs lovers, I'm a vim guy *evil grin*20:23
* shadeslayer uses qtcreator...20:24
superflysheytan: I would suggest you ask a native English speaker to just make sure all the English is right, but for look and layout and things, that looks really good20:25
sheytansuperfly i will, trust me :D20:26
sheytanand thank you :)20:26
apacheloggerwhere is emacs?20:26
* apachelogger gets his gun20:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: here : http://a.imageshack.us/img375/4467/development.jpg20:27
* shadeslayer runs as far as possible20:27
shadeslayeralso.. rekonq 0.5.82 is going to be released with faster urlbar specially for you apachelogger 20:28
apacheloggerOH MY LORD20:28
apacheloggerYOU GOT TO BE KIDDING20:28
* apachelogger throws rotten tomatos after sheytan20:28
apacheloggervim is supreme!!!!!!!!20:28
apacheloggernot to mention that jr is like the only emacs user in here anyway20:29
shadeslayerwell..not actually released... adjam just pushed it into git repo20:29
* yofel pats apachelogger on the shoulder20:29
yofelnot everyone understands us20:29
sheytancome down, come down :D20:29
sheytanit's all changable ;D20:29
sheytanplease don't kill me ;D20:29
apacheloggervery well20:30
sheytanapachelogger what should i put there? :D20:30
apacheloggersheytan: I shall excuse that error in judgment this one time20:30
apacheloggersheytan: quite frankly I would leave it at kdevelop, creator and kate20:31
apacheloggereveryone who would wish to use vim or emacs is a long time geek anyway and knows about that foo20:31
sheytanapachelogger i need 5 things there ;)20:31
apacheloggerand I do not see no need to explcitly advertise it20:31
apacheloggersheytan: why dont you add something one could use for webdevelopment 20:31
apacheloggerwhatever one uses for that20:31
sheytanapachelogger is quanta alive?20:32
apacheloggermilian is/did revie(d) it20:32
apacheloggersheytan: question is more, should we advertise it ;)20:32
sheytanapachelogger do you know any other cool app for KDE? :D20:33
sheytani mean webdev app20:33
apacheloggeremacs is not kde either :P20:33
apacheloggeralso plasmate will not be ready for 10.1020:33
apacheloggerso that ought to go as well20:33
sheytanyeah, but well, i don't know devs tools so good, so i asked, and got that ;D20:33
apacheloggerpeople were playing tricks on you, I see :P20:34
sheytanin plasmate case we can write it's not ready yet :D20:34
sheytanahahahha :D20:34
sheytanyou think? :D20:34
apacheloggerit is not even available20:34
apacheloggerthere is no point in having it listed20:34
sheytanthis sucks ;D20:34
sheytanwhat tools are you using? :D20:34
apacheloggerquite frankly I would leave it at kdevelop, qtcreator and kate20:34
apacheloggersince those are about anything you will need20:34
superflyThere's also Eric for PyQt/PyKDE20:35
apacheloggerdont get me started on eric20:35
superflyit's a little... different20:35
apacheloggeremacs is terrific compared with eric20:35
apacheloggersheytan: you could list Qt Assistant for API documentation browsing thingy20:35
superflyeric starts off as overkill, I usually hide almost all the toolbars when I start20:36
sheytanapachelogger, ok, one more :D20:36
apacheloggersheytan: also doxygen can generaete qt assistant files which enables it to get documentation on projects written in just about every programming language there is20:36
ari-tczewhmm, has Debian got kde 4.5 now?20:36
sheytanapachelogger so lets add  those two for doc. stuff20:37
ari-tczewI'm asking due to this change: debian/control: Build-Depends on libqt4-webkit-dev due to QtWebKit is no longer part of libqt4-dev20:37
apacheloggersheytan: you should not list doxygen :P20:37
apacheloggerbut maybe use it in the description of assitant20:37
apacheloggeras addtional bonus point to use qt assitant20:37
sheytanapachelogger well is qt assistant only online?20:37
apacheloggerno, offline documentation browsing20:38
apacheloggerit is like khelpcenter, just working and for API documentation20:38
apacheloggerthat said20:38
sheytanok, thank you :)20:38
apacheloggersheytan: unless you want to list installable applications you could add the KDE TechBase20:38
apacheloggeras reference point, since they have loads of great tutorials and foo over there20:39
sheytanapachelogger can i make this as 'Need help? Read KDE's tutorials to get started'20:39
sheytanlinked to teach base20:40
apacheloggersheytan: more generic maybe ... "Need Help? Check out KDE's brilliant website for developers"20:41
apacheloggerit is not just tutorials ;)20:41
sheytanok, thank you :)20:42
* sheytan still looks for an app Kubuntu devs are using and it's not kdevelop, qt creator, plasmate, kate, vim or emacs :D20:42
apacheloggerno such app :P20:43
shadeslayertrue ^ :P20:43
apacheloggerwell, there is kwrite, but it essentially is just kate trimmed down for one document at a time20:43
apacheloggernot sure if it worth mentioning20:43
shadeslayeroh boy.. i requested a rekonq build 2 weeks ago and its still not built20:44
apacheloggeryou could mention lokalize as the transltors tool to translate 20:44
apacheloggerafter all, any app developer likes a well localized application so that users pay him loads and loads of money20:44
apacheloggeror other services.... ;)20:44
sheytanapachelogger so the list will be: kdevelop, qtcreator, kate, localize, and quanta(or qt assistant) :D20:45
yofelshadeslayer: someone complained about the same thing in #launchpad today iirc20:45
apacheloggerlunchpad - we eat your builds20:46
shadeslayeryofel: even the google maps stuff isnt working20:46
yofelyep, and then it times out while it goes fetching replacements :P20:46
shadeslayeri get the error20:46
yofelshadeslayer: right, the #lp topic says they're working on it20:47
shadeslayeryofel: the daily builds are the last ones to be processed, and lp buildd was pretty overloaded for the past week20:47
shadeslayerso i guess thats sort of normal20:48
* shadeslayer actually finds lp better on rekonq than chromium20:49
shadeslayergmail looks better on chromium tho20:49
yofelwell, I'll go doing something useful for now after breaking my lucid machine twice today20:50
* yofel goes into hiding20:50
shadeslayeryofel: how can you break it twice?20:51
shadeslayerits a LTS... its supposed to break once...20:51
yofelshadeslayer: intentionally breaking grub to gather information for bug 441941 :P20:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441941 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "grub fails after running Windows" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44194120:52
sheytanapachelogger shadeslayer and the rest http://a.imageshack.us/img411/4467/development.jpg :D21:15
txwikingerwhere are the iso-testing on iso.qa.ubuntu.com?21:48
txwikingerfor maverick21:48
apacheloggersheytan: much better21:53
sheytanapachelogger thank you :D21:54
* apachelogger hands Nightrose a glass of wine22:26
Nightrosehmmmm wine22:26
apacheloggerlook at the color :O22:26
apacheloggerthat is ruby red22:27
apacheloggermost beautiful22:27
apacheloggeroh dear22:27
* apachelogger is in love with this wine22:27
apacheloggersheytan: that new website design is very terrific btw22:31
sheytanapachelogger why?22:32
apacheloggersheytan: way too beauitful22:32
apacheloggermakes me feel that we need ot polish kubuntu a bit more to make it fit the website ^^22:33
sheytanapachelogger well, i would recomend to replace the qucikaccess plasmoid with folder view one :D22:34
sheytanand btw, we have just fnished one of download pages terrific22:34
sheytanah, sorry22:34
sheytanand this is not a mockup :D22:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ^ can you remove quickacces? ;)22:35
sheytanThe point is, that it even doesn't have that cool animations others have :)22:35
sheytanbtw german wine is cool :D22:36
sheytanOk guys :) It's time for me22:36
sheytangoing to sleep22:36
apacheloggero/ sheytan22:36
sheytanSee  you tomorrow :)22:36
sheytanGood night everyone :)22:36
* apachelogger tunes in seven deadly sins by flogging molly and takes Nightrose for a dance22:38
apachelogger"Ensure this value has at most 1000 characters (it has 1195)."23:03
apacheloggerseems I was too verbose again23:04

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