
Refraxxok, u want me to send u a screenshot? is that it?00:00
James147no... paste the text on to teh site linked (the first one) then paste the link here00:01
RefraxxOk, that blue thing related to internet usage-it showed up,but nothing happened after that.00:03
RefraxxConquer,I think its called00:03
ThePCKidIt's Konqueror00:04
ThePCKidI think00:04
RefraxxYeah, that thing. It bounced like it does to sow its working,but then nothing happens00:04
RefraxxI dont normally use that anyway. I go with Firefox00:05
James147Refraxx: then launch firefox and go to that page00:06
Refraxxok, I'm at that screen. What exactly do you want me to paste there?00:09
RefraxxWait, you wanted a url,right?00:11
RefraxxI think I have it.00:11
RefraxxDo you see it,James?00:13
James147Refraxx: paste the output of "aptitude show plasma-desktop" onto the site, submit it then paste the link of the page taht appears00:15
RefraxxJames, did you recieve it?00:22
James147Refraxx: you didnt paste a link ^^00:22
RefraxxI clicked on ur screenname & sent it there. On my side of the screen, it looks like a link. Dont work for you?00:23
ArGGu^^Refraxx paste url in this channel00:23
* James147 dosnt knotice pms often :)00:23
RefraxxOk, pasting on this chat00:24
drunkncrewhello everyone ;)00:24
RefraxxIs that what you wanted?00:25
RefraxxIt's the only thing I can think of that a URL would be.....00:25
drunkncrewI just did a fresh install of Kubuntu 10.04.1 and for some reason my bottom panel looks wierd. I uploaded a screenshot at http://yfrog.com/jterrorpanelp . For some reason, as you can see in the screenshot, half of the panel is showing a background and half the panel is not. I want the panel to look "normal". Any help is highly appreciated!00:26
ArGGu^^Refraxx what kubuntu version are you using? And how did you install it?00:27
James147drunkncrew: I remember someone having a similar problem... think they fixed it be shrinking the panel abit but I cant fully remember if that worked :)00:27
Torchdrunkncrew: known bug.00:27
Torchdrunkncrew: update to kde 4.5 or use compositing.00:27
drunkncrewtorch: how do I update to kde 4.5?00:28
Torchdrunkncrew: and as James147 (who is always right ;-)) shrinking the panel a bit helps.00:28
James147drunkncrew: see the topic00:28
RefraxxArGGu-I'm using vers. 9.0400:28
drunkncrewjames147: thanks I shrunk tha panel and voila00:29
drunkncrewthanks for the quick responses everyone00:29
RefraxxWhat do you mean: How did I install it?00:30
RefraxxI put the disk in the tray & my brother walked me through installation00:31
RefraxxOr did you mean something else?00:31
ArGGu^^Refraxx could you paste /etc/apt/sources.list into paste.ubuntu.com and paste the url00:31
drunkncrewwhat version of KDE is lucid configured with initially?00:31
James147drunkncrew: 4.4.200:32
Torchdrunkncrew: get 4.5. it's much better.00:32
* James147 agrees with Torch00:32
James147or at the very least 4.4.5 :)00:32
drunkncrewjames147: thanks. I've googled for a tutorial as to how to update to 4.5, but can't find one. Do you happen to know of a good tutorial, or is there a quick way to update to 4.5?00:33
James147drunkncrew: see the channel topic00:33
drunkncrewjames147: will do00:33
RefraxxI think something went wrong, I think I misunderstood you00:33
James147Refraxx: paste the contents of that file...00:34
RefraxxThat "etc/apt/resources" thing-where do I paste it at?00:34
Refraxxin konsole?00:35
ArGGu^^open /etc/apt/sources.list00:35
Refraxxin konsole? or a browser window?00:35
ArGGu^^cat /etc/apt/sources.list00:36
ArGGu^^run that in console00:36
ArGGu^^the copy paste the output into paste.ubuntu.com00:36
drunkncrewI'm a long time Gnome user, but have only used KDE for approximately 20mins so far and it's great. I extremely appreciate everyone's help in here. just wanted to thank you all.00:36
ArGGu^^drunkncrew I think that kubuntu backports has kde 4.500:36
drunkncrewArGGu: I just added the PPA, thanks00:37
RefraxxCame up with a bunch of lines00:38
RefraxxThat stuff makes no sense to me at all.00:39
James147Refraxx: it dosnt ahve to... thats why you pasted it, so we can look at it :)00:40
Refraxxoh, right. Good point.00:40
RefraxxDoes it help?00:41
ArGGu^^I just remembered that older kubuntu releases does not have plasma-desktop package00:42
James147ArGGu^^: then that would be why :) ... do they ahve the plasma-desktop exec?00:42
RefraxxWhat's my next step?00:42
Refraxxexec sounds familliar. How would I check?00:43
ArGGu^^Refraxx What was your problem?00:43
James147ArGGu^^: No desktop/panel but instead he seems to ahve a checkerboard background (or non at all)00:43
James147ArGGu^^: on a new user as well so not a config problem00:44
RefraxxMy home screen is a grey & white checkerboard. I never downloaded a pic looking like that. It just showed up that way one day,been that way ever since00:44
Refraxxabt 7 months ago00:44
RefraxxIs it some form of maleware,mabye?00:45
James147Refraxx: unlikly...00:46
RefraxxI go into settings & it wont let me change the screensaver anymore either.00:46
illunaticdon't think so00:46
illunatici think that is default if it can't access an img or osmething00:47
RefraxxI put everything back to factory default settings. Still the checkerboard crap.00:47
RefraxxIllunatic: Should I try to use a pic in pc to be a screensaver?00:48
ArGGu^^Refraxx open console and run aptitude update and sudo aptitude upgrade00:50
James147^^ "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade"00:50
ArGGu^^Refraxx by the way It might be good idea to install newer kubuntu, because 9.04 security updates ends in october00:53
drunkncrewdoes "sudo aptitude full-upgrade" update KDE as well? After adding the backports PPA?00:54
James147not to mention all the bugfixes in later kde version you ge with newer kubuntus00:54
James147drunkncrew: yes (assuming you ran sudo aptitude update or similar)00:54
RefraxxI try to update my pc, but it keeps coming up with error messages & tells me it couldn't finish. A problem I will need help with later00:54
drunkncrewjames147: thanks00:54
Refraxxone thing at a time.00:54
James147Refraxx: I think the broken updates is a larger problem then what we ahve been trying to fix.... since fixing that and updating properly will probally solve your issues00:56
Refraxxok, you saying we need to focus on THAT first,then?00:57
James147can you pastebin the error you get?00:57
Refraxxok.Should I start with something small? Or go ahead & try to upgrade everything all at once?00:58
James147Refraxx: upgrade enverything00:58
Refraxxyes, I will paste it.00:58
Refraxxok, starting now00:58
RefraxxDo I have to log out of this chatroom? I keep getting crash reports. That's new,even for me.01:01
RefraxxThe details part says: Executable: systemsettings PID: 5384 Signal: 11 (Segmentation fault)01:03
RefraxxI'll try loging out of the chat first & see if thats any better.01:03
TorchRefraxx: why would that help systemsettings crashes?01:04
RefraxxI dont know.....I'm grasping @ straws here. And it never crashed THAT soon before.01:05
RefraxxIts getting to the point where I sit in the chair a certain way & dont breathe for a while when it starts up01:05
RefraxxHoping that if I do that, everything will be fine & running smoothly that day....01:06
drunkncrewdoes kubuntu have a software source center similar to ubuntu, where you can browse different categories, etc?01:11
ArGGu^^Refraxx before the problem started did you do update to kde 4.3?01:12
RefraxxI dont remember if I did or not. Is there a way to check?01:12
RefraxxCrash info:      http://paste.ubuntu.com/484730/plain/01:13
RefraxxThis is the first time it has crashed this soon. I cant even see how many/what kind of updates I have to install...01:14
ArGGu^^Refraxx run in konsole systemsettings --version01:15
ArGGu^^it should so the kde4 version01:15
RefraxxIt's never crashed like this before-so I am gonna try to do it out of chat & see if that works.01:15
Refraxxok, I'll run that first01:15
Refraxx2 "--"? or just one?01:16
Refraxxok, it says:  KDE:4.3.2   Qt: 4.5.2    System Settings: 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2)01:18
RefraxxDoes that help ArGGu?01:21
ArGGu^^aptitude show kdebase-runtime01:22
ArGGu^^run that in konsole01:22
ArGGu^^what is the version01:22
RefraxxScrew that-I'm sending you the URL to that one. WAY too much to type  :-)01:24
illunaticsry Refraxx i don't know much about it :) hope you're on the right track01:25
RefraxxMe too Illunatic01:26
illunatici just recall coming across the gray checkerboard thing recently while copying system files from one partition to another01:26
ArGGu^^aptitude show systemsettings01:27
Refraxxok, here it is01:29
Refraxxillunatic: Did you ever fix that problem?01:31
illunaticit's wasn't making the desktop like that. it was what appeared when i was looking at splash or wallpaper img iirc01:31
ArGGu^^Refraxx You have kde 4.3 and kde 4.2 packages and that is bad :S01:32
illunatici don't know if it's related at all01:32
ArGGu^^Refraxx run ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/01:32
ArGGu^^paste the output01:32
RefraxxIts not running anything.01:34
RefraxxCorrection: It's not "outputting" anything01:34
lubun2is there a kde equivalent for audacious?01:35
lubun2sorry i mean audacity01:36
ArGGu^^lubun2 I think that no, but ofcourse you can use audacity in kde01:36
ArGGu^^Refraxx when you run "sudo aptitude upgrade" it gives error?01:37
drunkncrewI have dual 23" monitors and am trying to set them up on an nvidia graphics card. I open up nvidia-settings via terminal and whne it opens, it says "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server." So I type out (sudo nvidia-xconfig) in terminal and it says command not found. Is there a different command to accomplish01:37
drunkncrew this?01:37
lubun2audio editor/recorder in kubuntu?01:38
lubun2ArGGu^^, i would like to have a kde apps if possible01:39
RefraxxNo, ArGGu. I am konsoleing it now, Will paste.01:39
ArGGu^^Refraxx you have kde 4.3 but those packages are not in jaunty official repos and you have no other repos enabled :S01:39
RefraxxOk, So whats my next step?01:39
RefraxxCan I rectify this problem without spending money?01:41
ArGGu^^Refraxx run sudo aptitude upgrade01:47
RefraxxI think I found something that might be useful to you ArGGu. Sending URL in a few seconds01:47
RefraxxLook at the bottom part-past the resolving stuff01:47
RefraxxDoes that mean anything to you?01:48
RefraxxArGGu? You still online?01:53
ArGGu^^run sudo aptitude install kdebase-runtime=4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1.101:53
kawfishI can't connect to a hidden network (that I know is working). Any suggestions?01:54
RefraxxI just finished the sudo ap upgrade. Want the URL?01:54
RefraxxYou still want me to run the aptitude install thing?01:56
ArGGu^^yes run sudo aptitude install kdebase-runtime=4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1.01:56
ArGGu^^sudo aptitude install kdebase-runtime=4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1..01:56
ArGGu^^sudo aptitude install kdebase-runtime=4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1.101:56
ArGGu^^las one is correct01:56
Refraxx:-)   Got it01:56
ArGGu^^I need to goto sleep soon 4am already :S01:57
RefraxxI will do this quick01:57
ArGGu^^Refraxx The main problem is that we need to get all the package to kde 4.2 or kde 4.3 version01:58
ArGGu^^It is not meant to use packages from different version01:58
RefraxxIt is finished-lemmie put it into a URL. Gonna wanna see this01:58
RefraxxDo I tell it Yes or No?02:00
ArGGu^^let see what version it will install02:01
RefraxxIts working......02:01
ArGGu^^Refraxx after it done paste again02:02
RefraxxI will02:02
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
RefraxxOk, It's done. Still with me?02:04
RefraxxOk, here's the whole thing.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/484751/plain/02:05
ArGGu^^sudo aptitude install kdebase-runtime=4:4.2.2-0ubuntu102:08
ArGGu^^without the .1 at end02:09
ArGGu^^let see if there is that version02:09
ArGGu^^odd thing is that there should not be any kde 4.3 packages because you don't have any unoffical repos in use :S02:10
RefraxxWhy do I have ANYthing in here that isint compatable with the version I have?02:12
RefraxxOk, here we go:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/484752/plain/02:13
ArGGu^^I meant that sudo aptitude install kdebase-runtime=4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1.1 without .1 at end02:13
ArGGu^^so run sudo aptitude install kdebase-runtime=4:4.2.2-0ubuntu102:13
RefraxxHow do I aquire the missing packets (or whatever they are called)?02:16
ArGGu^^Refraxx run sudo aptitude update02:16
ArGGu^^those packages should be in the repos :S02:17
Refraxx I have to take the dog out--gimmie 2 minutes02:19
ArGGu^^Refraxx when you are back run sudo aptitude install kdebase-runtime=4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1.102:20
RefraxxStill here ArGGu?02:25
RefraxxRunning it now02:25
Refraxxok, here it comes02:26
ArGGu^^that is odd02:27
ArGGu^^apt-cache showpkg kdebase-runtime02:27
ArGGu^^I blind02:28
RefraxxSomething Wrong?02:28
ArGGu^^I looked like everything is okay with your repos02:28
ArGGu^^but you have karmic repos02:28
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Refraxxyes,I do.02:29
Refraxxstill want me 2 run the apt-cache?02:29
ArGGu^^but that reason why you have packages from two kde version02:29
RefraxxHow the heck did that happen?02:30
ArGGu^^run sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list02:30
ArGGu^^and replace karmic with jaunty02:30
ArGGu^^and then run sudo aptitude update02:31
ArGGu^^and then run sudo aptitude install kdebase-runtime=4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1.102:31
ArGGu^^and ofcourse save the file afte replace02:31
ArGGu^^and replace all karmic words02:31
RefraxxWhat the?02:32
ArGGu^^run sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list02:32
ArGGu^^press ctrl+r02:32
RefraxxI dont know what I'm doing here. You wanna do the rest of this 2moro?02:32
Refraxxso u can sleep?02:32
ArGGu^^okay lets continue later02:33
RefraxxWill you be here 2moro?02:33
ed__What is the green plus and green minus on KDE4?  I googled it but can't figure it out!02:33
Refraxxits 9:30 pm my time02:33
ArGGu^^here is 04:30 am02:34
RefraxxHow do I back out of this without damaging anything?02:34
ArGGu^^back out of what?02:35
Refraxxnvmd-its just kate02:35
RefraxxWhen will you be online 2moro?02:35
ArGGu^^yes but wait a moment02:36
RefraxxDo I jus type "exit" in konsole in the middle of the whatever it does??02:37
ArGGu^^If I are not at computer when you are02:38
ArGGu^^you can ask help from someone else02:38
ArGGu^^the problem is02:38
ArGGu^^karmic repos in jaunty need to change back to jaunty repos and downgrade kde4 to jaunty version02:38
ArGGu^^so I think someone else will understand from that what need to do02:38
Refraxxok,then. Thanks for all your help & patience02:39
RefraxxI have 2 go to the gas station b 4 it closes02:40
ArGGu^^ok I go to sleep now :)02:40
Refraxxok, thanx again02:40
Refraxxsry, wc02:41
ArGGu^^type /quit02:41
RefraxxYeah, thats what I meant 2 do  :-)02:41
illunatichaha i need to restore a /usr/ directory on another partition that i rm by mistake03:02
illunatic!info debugfs03:03
ubottuPackage debugfs does not exist in lucid03:03
illunaticany tips for restoring a rm dir and all it's files?03:05
illunatici know it hasn't been written over or anything03:05
SHJordancan anyone help me?03:15
illunaticwith what03:15
SHJordanSo, i got Ubuntu 10.04 installed via Wubi ok? I wish to test Kubuntu 10.10 alpha 3, got the iso, is there a way to install it directly on ubuntu?03:16
illunaticryan@RLap:~$ sudo adept03:24
illunaticsudo: must be setuid root[D03:24
SHJordanyou mean, i must use sudo adept, ok03:26
illunaticno i'm having my own probs :)03:26
illunatici can't use root03:26
illunatici just copied over my /usr/ dir from a backup on external HDD03:26
illunaticlost all permissions apparently03:26
SHJordanno help on my issue?03:27
SHJordanwhy not reset your passwd?03:27
SHJordanisn't it simple?03:27
illunaticis that all?03:27
SHJordani think so...03:28
SHJordani need help on my issue now =\03:28
SHJordani need help on my issue now =\03:31
drunkncrewI'm trying to setup dual monitors using nvidia-setttings manager and when I click "Save to xorg.config file" I get (Unable to open X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' for writing.)   I am opening nvidia-settings manager using sudo command, should I be using a different root command to opn nvidia-settings?03:31
SHJordanRecording: So, i got Ubuntu 10.04 installed via Wubi ok? I wish to test Kubuntu 10.10 alpha 3, got the iso, is there a way to install it directly on ubuntu?03:31
illunatici appear to be stuck in a paradox03:53
illunaticryan@RLap:~$ sudo su03:53
illunaticsudo: must be setuid root03:53
illunaticas you can see, i can no chmod /usr/bin/root03:53
illunaticnever mind got it03:55
Walzmynhow is the "show hidden icons" trey thingy supposed to work in 4.5?03:57
Freejack`What is the best way to run smuxi-server on boot? Haven't set up a script for this in a while.03:58
Freejack`using kubuntu03:58
zoskyhowdy yall. pretty quite in here compared to the ubuntu chan :)05:15
zoskyhow to get camera files via CL ? can get them from dolphin with the URL 'camera:/USB PTP Class Camera@usb:/' but i need to get to them from a bash script05:16
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rackITin hardy, I could specify a default file to open in ktimetracker... in lucid I have to pick my file every time I open it. Is there a config file or some way to specify a default ics?05:21
illunatici've identified lost data at block range 1,900,544 - 1,835,007. now to attempt recovery xD05:30
byakuyai dont know what the hell is that05:38
illunaticis it even possible to recover an entire directory?05:41
illunaticor only specific files?05:42
illunatichow do i install from a tar.gz file?06:09
illunatici did a tar -zxfv06:09
illunaticcan't figure out how to make or make install it06:09
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illunatic-zxvf rather06:10
well_laid_lawnit would have unpacked to a dir - is there a readme file?06:16
well_laid_lawnand what was the app?06:17
well_laid_lawnillunatic:  ^^06:17
illunatici got it :D06:18
illunatici am trying to recover /usr/ directory on another partition06:18
illunaticblock range 1,900,544 - 1,835,00706:18
dennisterneed some help: local laser conntected to lp0 isn't recognized06:18
dennisteralready checked in syslog; lp0 and parport working06:19
illunatichttp://linux.sys-con.com/node/117909?page=0,1 as per this tutorial, the dls command doesn't exist06:19
well_laid_lawnwhat a horrible ad ridden site that was06:20
well_laid_lawnI just shut my browser when the ads wouldn't stop coming06:21
illunaticwhy is dls and unknown request for debugfs? two tutorials have told me to use it06:22
illunatichttp://www.theavidcoder.com/?p=3 this one is not as bad06:22
dennisteri've had this hp 4L hooked up to this same 'puter dozens of times, works, but now...always see in the cups interface: "destination printer does not exist"06:23
illunaticdls tool from TSK < oh i guess i need tsk... w/e that is06:24
illunatic!info tsk06:25
ubottuPackage tsk does not exist in lucid06:25
dennisterchecked the cables, ...seems to be a hardware problem all of a sudden...printer just isn't detected on lp006:25
illunatici'm onto it http://www.sleuthkit.org/sleuthkit/man/blkls.html06:26
dennisteranyone got any ideas? another log to check?06:27
well_laid_lawndennister:  how is it hooked up? - usb?06:28
dennisterno...parallel cable...had it on other machine and just moved it to this one06:28
well_laid_lawnyou can check dmesg to see if there is anything about it06:29
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.06:30
dennisterwell_laid_lawn: yes, i know how to use dmesg and syslog....dmesg seems to have a lot of: "ppdev0: registered pardevice" followed immediately each time with: ppdev0: unregistered pardevice06:32
well_laid_lawndennister:  seems it might be the h/ware - tried it back where it came from/06:32
dennisteryes...sure it will work on other pc, but I need it working on this one :-( I only moved it Wed night06:33
well_laid_lawnI just meant to check it06:34
dennisterit's heavy :(06:34
well_laid_lawnheh :]06:34
dennisterI know I had printer working on this machine, and then for months had it elsewhere, so this time my troubleshooting earlier revealed that I'd disabled the parallel port in the bios...it's enabled again now, but...06:36
dennisterwhy does the pardev0 keep getting registered and then unregistered in dmesg? anyone know?06:37
dennisteror what this repeated line in dmesg means? audit(1282973679.051:17): type=1503 operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="a::" denied_mask="a::" name="/dev/tty" pid=13760 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" namespace="default"06:39
illunaticone sec dennister06:41
illunaticls -al /usr/sbin/cupsd06:44
illunatictell me what that says?06:44
illunaticfor dennister ^06:44
dennisterillunatic: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 383720 2010-06-18 11:15 /usr/sbin/cupsd06:45
illunatichttp://www.thewebhostinghero.com/tutorials/linux-file-permissions.html dennister take a look at this and see if all of the permissions match up to what you need06:50
illunaticif i'm correct, then your user is being denied write permissions06:51
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byakuyagood morning guys06:52
illunaticbut i couldn't be way out of line here.06:52
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dennisterillunatic: i realize you're trying to be helpful, and I really *do* appreciate it, but that file would take hours to read, learn, decipher, try to apply to this situation...06:55
well_laid_lawnthere might be something in the auth log06:55
dennisteri'm in the lp group, checked that, but the group doesn't seem to have the write permissions06:56
dennisterand now that I've done some updates, including a new kernel, so an important module in system settings isn't working..."user management"06:59
dennisterwill be back guys...gonna reboot into new kernel07:00
byakuyaya renot lucky at all dude07:00
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dennisterk, guys...i'm not getting the unregistered errors in dmesg anymore since reboot, but hp toolbox is still not able to detect a printer at lpt07:14
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:16
dennisteroops...syslog is still showing "unregisterd pardevice"07:17
dennisterwell_laid_lawn: thx, but I know that, but cups won't help if the printer isn't being detected by the hardware or kernel07:18
well_laid_lawnofc not07:18
dennisteractually, I don't think I'm in a new kernel after all, as while I downloaded it with adept, it's still the old one here....with a new one I'd have been faced with nvidia driver issue again for this new card07:19
well_laid_lawntry uname -a07:19
dennister2.6.24-28-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 2507:20
well_laid_lawnor it might not have updated grub to show the new kernel07:20
well_laid_lawn24? - which kubuntu are you using?07:21
dennisterchecked all the entries in /boot and /boot/grub already before I cam back to the room07:21
dennisterwell_laid_lawn: hardy on this one...jaunty on other two07:21
dennisterand it's based on hardy server...don't want to upgrade yet cause there's still a couple of years left on the LTS07:23
well_laid_lawnthat's fine :]07:24
well_laid_lawnI did the same with dapper07:24
dennisterack! someone who's not going to pressure me onto the upgrade treadmill! how lovely!07:25
well_laid_lawnheh :}07:25
dennisterwell folks, got go to bed...almost 3 am here, and if I can't get this going on this pc tomorrow I'll have to put it back on the other one07:29
dennisterthanks for trying to help07:29
well_laid_lawnluck :]07:29
dennisterwell_laid_lawn: ty again...'night07:29
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DarkriftXwhat is the name of the kde update manager? mine keeps closing itself every few weeks and i wanna try it via command line to see if there is an error or not08:11
NuclearStr1derHey, can you any of you help me quick?09:22
NuclearStr1derAny idea why I've been banned from the #ubuntu channel, despite the fact that I've never even used Freenode before today?09:22
Mamarok!ask | NuclearStr1der09:26
ubottuNuclearStr1der: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:26
MamarokNuclearStr1der: for bans please ask in #ubuntu-ops09:27
MamarokNuclearStr1der: please talk in here09:29
NuclearStr1der@Mamrok Sorry, brand new to IRC.09:33
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welehello, is there any packeg can make avi file work?10:10
well_laid_lawnwele:  try vlc10:16
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akssps011Is there a way to install packages in kubuntu without an Internet connection >11:04
akssps011I want to install build-essential11:06
akssps011When I boot my pc with kubuntu live cd, I get error related to bootarg (supply bootarg)11:08
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline11:11
akssps011well_laid_lawn: I iried but it doesn't include build-essential from my system. I tried reinstalling build-essential via apt-get but when I install it on my m/c without Internet connection it fails to find libc or something of that sort11:13
akssps011*iried = tried aptoncd11:13
well_laid_lawnseems it missed some dependencies then akssps01111:15
akssps011well_laid_lawn: any other way then ?11:15
well_laid_lawnakssps011:  I've never tried to install stuff without a net connection - aptoncd is the only way I know11:16
akssps011I have never too, but kubuntu hasn't detected my ethernet so I need to install a driver for that first11:17
akssps011well_laid_lawn: and for installing the driver I need build-esential11:17
well_laid_lawnakssps011:  what is the net card that needs a home built driver?11:18
akssps011well_laid_lawn: not a home built driver, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1505697 this is my exact problem11:20
akssps011well_laid_lawn:  the solution there requires build-essential and I am really stuck in getting it to work11:21
well_laid_lawnakssps011:  I see that - I don't know what else to suggest except maybe try in ubuntu for someone with experience with the driver or aptoncd sorry11:23
akssps011well_laid_lawn: ok...thanks11:24
well_laid_lawnluck :]11:24
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well_laid_lawn!away > jtheuer11:36
ubottujtheuer, please see my private message11:36
hsrIs it possible to disable plasma widgets for Desktop 1 and let it enabled for desktop 2?11:47
hsrIs it possible to disable plasma widgets for Desktop 1 and let it enabled for desktop 2 for same user?11:48
hsrAnyone acive here???????11:48
hsrIs it possible to disable plasma widgets for Desktop 1 and let it enabled for desktop 2?11:49
illunatichttp://paste.ubuntu.com/484899/ does any of this show why my mic does not work?11:53
mudassaranybody here can tell me if he knows about VHDL/FPGA/JTAG ???12:10
Vladiohi folks, I am new to linux, gave it a shot, installed kubuntu and love it so far. i have just ran into problems and can not solve them alone. Would anyone plase help me?12:14
Vladiocan anyone see me type?12:16
well_laid_lawnVladio:  yep12:16
Vladiocool :D12:17
VladioI wasnt sure if i am ignored or something :D12:17
well_laid_lawnit can be quiet here12:17
Vladiosince youre the one who answered me, lol, could you try to help me?12:18
well_laid_lawnit all depends12:18
Vladioi know12:18
Vladionot taking everything for granted12:18
Vladioi trie stuff for myself, but no luck12:18
Vladiook after installig kubuntu 1O .O4, on amd with nvidia everthing went well12:19
Vladioafter installing the updates and reboot, everything went well too12:20
Vladiothe nextday, i couldnt get my ethernet to work12:20
Vladiono idea why12:20
Vladioi have tried a command...12:21
well_laid_lawnifconfig  ?12:21
Vladiomore /etc/network/interfaces12:21
Vladiothat one12:21
Vladioand the result is...12:22
Vladiohold on, ill just punch it into the console12:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:22
Vladioi am getting auto lo, iface lo inet loopback12:23
well_laid_lawnno eth0 there12:23
Vladioi am on my netbook right in front of my kubuntu install, it takes a moment to rewrite it from screen12:23
Vladioo eth12:23
Vladiobefore there was internet12:24
Vladioeverything went well...12:24
well_laid_lawndoes it show in   lspci   ?12:24
Vladiolast thing i installed were programs to send data to support in case a program crashes12:24
Vladiolpsci says no command found12:24
Vladiolspci :D12:25
Vladioyes, it found the ethernet controller12:25
well_laid_lawnwhat sort of card is it ?12:26
Vladioit is a realtek semi... rtl8111 8168 pci express gigabit thernet controller rev 0112:27
Vladiobut it is onboard12:27
well_laid_lawnthat should be ok12:27
Vladioi thought su12:27
Vladioso myself12:27
Vladioit worked after install12:28
Vladiolike a charm12:28
well_laid_lawnthe update brought in a new kernel ?12:29
Vladionow when I go to the disconnected icon on the bottom panel it says network disconnected and rightclicking says not management disabled12:29
Vladiothis I do not now12:29
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Vladiohow do I tell?12:29
well_laid_lawnhave a look in /boot for more then one kernel12:30
Vladiook, will do...12:31
Vladioi have ľ.12:31
Vladioi have 2.6.32-24 generic12:32
Vladiothere is somethig  like abi and config in front of it12:32
Vladiothere is more, but on kernel only12:32
Vladioone kernel number12:32
well_laid_lawnthat's fine12:33
well_laid_lawnyou can try   sudo service networking restart    to see if it works again - I have to go out to dinner now sorry12:34
well_laid_lawnbye and luck12:34
Vladiook enjoy your lunch12:34
Vladio :D12:35
Vladiowould anyone else give a shot and try to help me get my eth up?12:36
Scherenhaendenhi everybody12:37
Vladiohow are ya?12:37
Scherenhaendenim ok...12:37
Scherenhaendenn u?12:37
Vladiogood, thanks for asking12:38
Vladiothese folks are asleep though12:38
Vladioare you german?12:38
Scherenhaendenim having a lot o troubls with my audio... always when my computer start up... i got to write sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=laptop12:38
Scherenhaenden to get audio12:38
Scherenhaendenwell im not german12:38
Scherenhaendenbut i live in germany12:38
Vladioaaah ok12:38
FloodBotK2Scherenhaenden: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:38
Scherenhaendenich komme aus venezuela12:39
ScherenhaendenFloodBotK2: thanks... sorry12:39
Vladiowie lange bist du Deutscher ann?12:39
Scherenhaendenich bin kein deutscher... ich wohne bloĂŸ hier12:39
Vladiotschuldigung :)12:40
Scherenhaendenkein problem12:40
Vladiohast du auch 10.04 installiert?12:40
Scherenhaendenim having a lot o troubls with my audio. always when my computer start up... i got to write sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=laptop to get audio12:40
Scherenhaendenalso.. jein12:40
Scherenhaendenich hattes... jetzt habe ich 10.1012:41
Vladiomit sound kann ich nix anfangen12:41
Vladiobin new im linux12:41
Vladiomein eth geht net mehr :D12:41
Scherenhaendenachso... wo kommst du her?12:41
Scherenhaendenwas muss du machen?12:41
Vladiomein netzwerk ist disabled12:42
Scherenhaendenslowakei?... bist du da grad? oder wohnst du auch in deutschland?12:42
Vladioich bin in der slowakei12:42
Scherenhaendenich kann dir helfen12:42
Vladiokennst du mein land?12:42
Scherenhaendendamit kenne ich mich ein biĂŸchen aus12:42
Scherenhaendenich war noch nicht da aber in der tschechei12:42
Vladiowir waren mal ein land12:42
Scherenhaendenwie kannst du so gut deutsch?12:43
Scherenhaendenein mal... wo ich kind war XD!!12:43
Vladiohab es in der schule irgentwo gelernt :D12:43
crunch2_Hello, im having a little trouble to install matlab in kubuntu. When i run the install script ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/484440/ ) in ubuntu it questions me if i want to run the aplication in the terminal and it starts the GUI for the install. In kubuntu if i execute the file through terminal it starts the text based install menu. With this last menu i dont manage to perform the installation. Any tips? thanks in advance12:43
Scherenhaendennur in der schule12:43
Scherenhaendennicht schlecht12:43
Vladiohi crunch, this is way over me12:43
Scherenhaendenhast du teamviewer?12:44
Vladiohabe auch fuer Dell und Oracle als manager gearbeitet12:44
Scherenhaendenmm ok12:44
Vladiofuer den DE oder At markt12:44
Scherenhaendenachso deswegen kannst du so gut deutsch...12:44
Scherenhaendennicht nur ind er schule12:44
Scherenhaendenich kann dir mit deinem komputer helfen12:44
crunch2_@vladio thanks anyway12:44
Vladioteamviewer geht nicht12:44
Vladiocrunch, no problem :D12:44
Scherenhaendenbei mir gehts immer12:45
VladioScheren ich bin an meinem netbook, vor meinem linux pc12:45
Scherenhaendenso helfer ich immer einem kumpel12:45
Vladioder hat keinen netz... dass ist das problem12:45
Scherenhaendensind 2 unterschiedliche komputers12:45
Vladioich kenne es auch12:45
Scherenhaendenmm ok12:45
Vladionetz war dort, nach einem tag war es dann offline12:45
Scherenhaendenmachen wir denn so... du hast kein Ă¼berhaupt keine eth?12:45
Scherenhaendendann komm zur konsole12:46
Scherenhaendensagt mal wenn du da bist12:46
Vladiobin da12:46
Scherenhaendengut... jetzt... ifconfig12:46
Scherenhaendenund sagt mir was du bekommst... ABER ĂœBER PASTE BIN12:46
Vladiolink encap :local loopback12:46
Vladiokann net pasten12:47
Scherenhaendennur das?12:47
Vladioist andere machine12:47
Scherenhaendenstimmt... bin ich blöd :S?12:47
Vladioes soll dhcp sein12:47
Scherenhaendenaber was noch12:47
FloodBotK2Scherenhaenden: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:47
Vladiolol kein problem :D12:47
Scherenhaendenaber bekommst du information von deinem eth0?12:48
Vladiorx bytes ist 1.5 mb12:48
Vladioaber in dem unteren panel ist es unmanaged12:49
Scherenhaendenwelche programm benutzt du?12:49
Vladioes ist eine realtek12:49
Scherenhaendenaber um dich zu verbinden12:49
Vladiokeine, seit der installation war netzwerk ok12:50
Vladiodhcp hat anngebissen und alles lief12:50
Vladioich habe dann critical updates installiert und nach einem tag war es futsch12:50
Scherenhaendenich kenne des12:50
Scherenhaendenok.. mach so...12:50
phoenix_hello everyone12:50
Vladiohello phoenix12:50
Scherenhaendenservice NetworkManager start12:51
Scherenhaendenin der konsole12:51
phoenix_anyone using creative soundblaster 5.1 cards12:51
Vladioi am12:51
Scherenhaendeni do... not XD12:51
Vladioscheren, es sagt unrecogniyed service12:51
Scherenhaendenok... kannst du dich von diesen komputer wo du grad bist, ein anderen programm herunterladen um installieren12:52
Scherenhaendenauch fĂ¼r netzt12:52
Vladioist ne xp maschine, aber ja12:52
Scherenhaendenalso, damit du mit diesen programm dich verbindest... solange der networkmanager bei dir nicht funktioniert12:52
Scherenhaendenich sagt dir welche moment mal, den name vergessen ich immer12:53
Vladiook, supi"12:53
Vladiophoenix, what is with zour card<12:54
Scherenhaendenwicd... soll ich dir den link geben?12:54
Vladiowicd, werde ich googeln12:54
Scherenhaendenich hab den linkl12:55
Scherenhaendenversuchs zu installieren... er wird dir sagen dass du noch einen oder 2 programme brauchst... aber funktioniert12:56
Scherenhaendenalso... ich habe in diesem komputer... kde, gnome, xfce und lxde... deswegen wenn in kde kein netzwerk hab... dann gehe ich zum lxde, oder gnome, oder xfce XD!!!12:57
Scherenhaendenalso... ich hab... kxglubuntu12:57
Vladiook ich habe es an einem flash stick12:57
Scherenhaendendann installieren und er wird dir sagen welche programme du noch dazu brauchst12:57
Vladiowenn  ich draufklicke, oeffnet sich die datei... ist es gut so<12:57
Scherenhaendeneh.... ist ne deb datei, ne?12:58
Scherenhaendenalso... so was wie... wicd.deb oder so was12:58
Vladione bloede frage, installiert man hier auch mit klik?12:58
Scherenhaendennaja... kann man schon... wenn ne deb datei ist... schon12:58
Vladionaich hab die wicd-1.7.0.tar.bz212:59
Vladioist die schlecht?12:59
Scherenhaendenja... nicht schlecht... aber schwer zu installieren12:59
Vladiook ich mach die von deinem link...12:59
Scherenhaendennimmt es von hir13:00
Scherenhaendenalso... tar.gz ist anders... du muss entpacken... dann i.wie ne datei suchen die ist i.wie so wie .configure oder so... und wenn du schon .deb installieren kannst... ist besser13:01
Vladiook die.deb ist runter13:01
Scherenhaendenweil tar.gz ist fast nur durch die konsole installiertbar13:01
Vladioeinfach draufklicken?13:01
Scherenhaendenjetz versuchst du zu installieren, und er wird dir sagen welche dateien du noch brauchst... diese suchst du auch in diesen link die ich dir geschickt hab... fĂ¼r deine version und fĂ¼r dienem pc13:02
Vladioes wollte andere packages vom netz ziehen....13:02
Scherenhaendensagt mal welche packete?13:02
Vladioich warte, es sagte nicht welche, es versucht die zu downloaden.... file 0 of 1813:03
Vladiokeine namen....13:03
Scherenhaendennaja ohne netzt ist blöd13:03
Scherenhaendenmm lass mich kurz mal Ă¼berlegen13:03
Vladioich habe auch einen wifi usb adapter,der sollte dort laufen13:04
Scherenhaendenok... macht so... geht zu konnsole13:04
Scherenhaendenwo hast du diese packet rĂ¼ber kopiert?13:04
Scherenhaendenalso... wohin13:04
Vladionirgentwo, aus dem flash installiert\13:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:04
Scherenhaendenok... dann macht so... kopiert diese datei auf deinem desktop13:05
Scherenhaendenund in der konsole... schreib "ls".....13:05
Vladiohab dokummenten, musik.. desktop....13:06
Vladioes ist auf dem desktop13:06
Vladiobrb, sekunde ok?13:07
Scherenhaendendu muss zum desktop durch die konsole13:07
Vladiook bin wieder da13:09
Vladiook werde versuchen13:09
Vladiobin da13:09
Scherenhaendenmachst so13:10
Scherenhaendencd /namedeinesdesktops13:11
Vladiobin drinn13:11
Vladiohat den dollar hinterher, ist es ok?13:11
Scherenhaendendann macht ls13:12
Scherenhaendenoder... schreib ls13:12
Scherenhaendensiehst du die datei ?13:12
Scherenhaenden:S?... wie nix?13:12
Vladioweiss nicht.....13:12
Scherenhaendenaber du solltest die datei auf den desktop kopiert haben13:12
Vladioes schreibt nichts...13:12
Vladiodie ist dort13:13
Vladioich siehe sie13:13
Scherenhaenden:S... schreib nix... oder zeigt nix?13:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:13
Vladiohabe die dort geyogen13:13
Vladioes yeigt nix13:13
Vladioauf mein desktop13:13
v3nd3tta``in den desktop ordner oder direkt auf den desktop?13:13
Vladiohabe ich es vom schluessen gezogen13:13
Vladiodesktop... dort wo ich lande wenn ich starte...13:14
Vladiohabe ich mist gebaut?13:14
Scherenhaendenaber bist du in der konsole auf den desktop?13:14
Vladioja, denke schon13:14
Vladioes sagt>13:14
Scherenhaendenund es sagt?13:15
Vladiound das dollarzeichen13:16
Scherenhaendennur ne sekunde13:17
Scherenhaendenich schaue es bei mir selbst13:17
Scherenhaendenso was? vladio@ubuntu:~Desktop13:18
Scherenhaenden vladio@ubuntu:~/Desktop13:18
Scherenhaendenund dann schreib ls13:18
Vladioes macht nichts, schreibt nichts....als antwort...13:18
Vladiowarte ich schliesse und oeffne das terminal neu13:19
Vladiosagt nichts...13:20
Vladioich schreibe es 10 mal, es ist immer das vladio at ubuntu...13:20
Scherenhaendendann hast du diese datei auf deinem desktop nicht rĂ¼ber kopiert13:20
Scherenhaendenalso nicht hin kopiert13:21
Vladioich habe an meinem netbook ne webcam, fals du es siehen moechtest13:21
Scherenhaendenja aber wie ??13:21
Scherenhaendenmit skype?13:21
FloodBotK2Scherenhaenden: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:21
Scherenhaendenhast du skype?13:21
Vladiomuss es nur schnell instalieren'13:21
Scherenhaendenok... macht ma so... gibt mir 2 minuten13:21
Scherenhaendenok mach und dann13:21
Vladiook es wird runtergeladen... wie finde ich dich dort?13:25
Scherenhaendenich schreibe dich beim privat13:25
Vladiook, sehe das sschon13:25
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al_hi, did somebody installed 2.6.33 kernel from ubuntu site and found that nouveau.ko dissapeared ? I'm konfused now :P14:05
burguahi all!14:08
burguain kdm i have always "gnome-session" bydefault14:08
mfraz74hi burgua14:08
burguahow to switch it?14:09
illunatichttp://bayimg.com/eaoBoaacK well i found the simple solution to that mic problem14:12
adz21cHi, I am trying to get my metamodes for twinview set up correctly but I am not having much luck. I have a GTX 470 and plugged into it I have a 17" sony (DFP-0), 22" LG (CRT) and my TV which it is actually plugged in via my Denon AVR1610 av-receiver (DFP-1). What I generally want to do is have DFP-0+CRT as desktop systems but when when I am watching a DVD etc flick over to just DFP-1. I also want CRT to work by itself some times for14:20
adz21c the odd game I might play. The closest meta mode configuration I got to is in this xorg.conf with the xrandr output below it http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3XqNR18K . As you can see it has the desktop systems fine but seems to have no knowledge of my av-receiver. Any ideas?14:20
=== v3nd3tta`` is now known as v3n``afk
jakentanyone able to provide some insight into using a WG111v2... is the ndis route the only way to go?14:34
adz21carvind_khadri: does this look like yours? http://www.belkin.com/support/article/?lid=en&pid=f5d7230-4&aid=5999&scid=014:42
adz21cHi, I am trying to get my metamodes for twinview set up correctly but I am not having much luck. I have a GTX 470 and plugged into it I have a 17" sony (DFP-0), 22" LG (CRT) and my TV which it is actually plugged in via my Denon AVR1610 av-receiver (DFP-1). What I generally want to do is have DFP-0+CRT as desktop systems but when when I am watching a DVD etc flick over to just DFP-1. I also want CRT to work by itself some times for14:42
adz21c the odd game I might play. The closest meta mode configuration I got to is in this xorg.conf with the xrandr output below it http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3XqNR18K . As you can see it has the desktop systems fine but seems to have no knowledge of my av-receiver. Any ideas?14:42
FloodBotK2adz21c: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:42
Vladioadzc, twinview is making my head ache too14:42
Vladioit never remembers the settings14:43
adz21cwhat ya mean remember the settings? as in which mode you had selected when last logged in?14:43
adz21cyea i noticed that, stopped when i upgraded to 10.0414:43
Vladiothe second monitor is always disbled, untill I set it manually14:43
Vladioand i cannot save it to the xconf14:44
adz21ci think it picks your first metamode by default14:44
Vladioit states a parsing error of some kind14:44
Vladiois it something to what you experience?14:45
Vladiosomething simmilar14:45
adz21cif you pastebin your xorg.conf i can have a look14:45
=== v3n``afk is now known as v3nd3tta``
=== v3nd3tta`` is now known as v3n``afk
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Vladioadzc sure, i will post it here14:51
hamitwadap people14:55
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BluesKajadz21c, what kind of video connection to your receiver from the graphics card ?15:15
adz21cnvidia-settings can see it15:18
akSeyahey there ;)15:19
akSeyafolks... how to I set translucent windows like in here: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Dark-Translucent+window+QtCurve+config?content=128877 ?15:19
BluesKajadz21c, and the denon is connected by hdmi to the tv ?15:21
adz21ci can get it to work by fiddling with nvidia-settings15:21
BluesKajwhynot connect the graphics card directly to the tv?15:22
BluesKajgotta goo, bbiab15:22
adz21cbecause its easy to flick between sources using the av receiver15:22
adz21ccya :-)15:22
adz21cakSeya: based on the post and from i remember in a blog post you need to have the aurorae window decorator15:25
akSeyaadz21c, i have but i cand get the trasnaprecy effect on dolphin background15:26
adz21coh ok, i don't know then, i not tried it myself, I hate that effect personally :-)15:26
akSeyayou know.. notifications, kmenu and the Run command window are translucent already.. I may be missing something15:30
adz21ci think thats plasma15:30
adz21cmy devices inside system tray pops up very slightly translucent15:30
adz21csame with kmenu15:31
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zapperi have trouble win kwin compositing16:24
zapperscreen edges dont work correctly to activate anyu effect16:24
zapperthe only one that works properly is the bottom-right corner16:24
zapperon the other corners i have to retry lots of times until the effect gets activated16:25
zapperit seems as if the activation area of those corners was out of screen16:26
zapperdoes anyone know how can i solve that?16:26
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BluesKajzapper, look in system settings / desktop effects16:26
zapperi googled about that and i couldnt find any answer16:27
zapperthats why i come here to ask16:27
zapperits my last option16:28
zapperi already looked in the system settings and cant find anything related to the problem16:29
zapperand of course i have all the corneers with the same efect activated16:30
BluesKajzapper, sounds like your screen resolution is too low16:31
zappernope, actually its at the maximum that my screen can handle16:32
zapperit used to work well on hardy16:33
zapperwhen i switched to jaunty the top left corner started failing16:33
zapperand now in lucid only the bottom right corner works16:34
BluesKajzapper try the top left16:37
rethushow can i save a "Activity" for kde desktop?16:43
BluesKajrethus, which "activity" ?16:58
rethusright mouse on desctop >> activities16:58
BluesKajyes but which one ?17:00
rethusdoen't matter... how can i save any activity?17:02
rethusor how cani rename one17:02
rethusall what i know how to delete one17:02
BluesKajdesktop wallpaper, or...?there aren't many options17:05
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roberto_como funciona esta cosa17:39
poseidon2010que cosa ?17:39
roberto_es primera vez que utilizo Qyassel IRC17:41
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roberto_Quassel IRC17:42
poseidon2010ohhhhhh pues and a file---Networks----Configure networks17:43
poseidon2010eso ya lo debes de ternc ofnirgurado17:44
poseidon2010el tema es que si quiees meteerte a otros canales17:44
poseidon2010tendras que hacer un /JOIN <Nombre_Canal>17:45
poseidon2010o algo asi :P17:45
roberto_si. gracias, estoy revisando17:45
poseidon2010eso es lo normal en cualquier IRC17:45
poseidon2010y claro.....17:45
poseidon2010siendo un canal en Ingles...... pues deberiamos  hablar en Ingles por respeto a los demas17:45
roberto_bueno, es que entré como usuario de KUbuntu17:45
poseidon2010thats fine robert17:46
DexterFin 9.04 there is no printer config in system settings - why? what can I do here?17:46
roberto_I'm sory17:46
ArGGu^^DexterF there should be printer configuration in kubuntu 9.04 in system settings17:59
DexterFArGGu^^: that's what I thought17:59
DexterFbut it aint ther17:59
DexterFill try to talk the guy through the cups browser interface17:59
ArGGu^^have check the advanched tab18:00
ArGGu^^*have you18:00
ArGGu^^it might be in there18:01
DexterFthanks, there18:03
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surunverihi is there way to make midis playable for kubuntu18:19
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DexterFsurunveri: check out timidity and rosegarden18:33
DexterFor instaed of timidity fluidsynth18:34
DexterFfluid and timi are backends, rosegarden fronteend18:34
draikI have 2 printers, HP DeskJet 5800 and HP DeskJet F4180. None of these will do landscape printing, just portrait. Any way to resolve this?18:34
surunverii dont really know what's the difference between backend and frontend18:36
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DexterFdraik: in cups (browser at localhost:631) generate two new entries for each printer with landscape orientation set and use those printers if you want to print LS. quick and dirty but works18:38
DexterFbut the print dialogues should offer you SL perfectly, still18:38
draikDexterF: Generate 2 new entries?18:40
surunveribut im isntallin rosegarden with aptitude18:40
surunveriso let's see once it's completed :D18:41
DexterFdraik: well, add the 2 printers as new again, buit conf them as landsacpe. give them according names18:41
DexterFso you have 4 printers in print dialogues18:42
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surunveriok i installed rosegarden but18:54
surunverithere's no sound18:54
surunveriwhen playing a midifile18:55
FloodBotK2surunveri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:55
surunverianyone know what might be the problem :<18:58
SHJordanis there a wayto backup my applications packages downloaded from the updater? if yes, how can i restore them?19:10
DaskreecHSHJordan: They are in the /var/cache/apt/archives directory19:11
johnfluxIs there a way to reinstall all my kde packages? :)19:11
SHJordanDaskreecH: how can i copy back to this directory? seems protected or something19:11
DaskreecHSHJordan: it19:12
johnfluxWhen I run plasma-desktop it crashes plasma-desktop: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/libkdeinit/libkdeinit4_plasma-desktop.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6Plasma6Corona12mapAnimationENS_8Animator9AnimationES2_19:12
SHJordanDaskreecH: any way to copy back so?19:12
johnfluxThis is with KDE4.519:12
DaskreecHit's root owned. Only user that can change that directory19:12
johnfluxin backports19:12
DaskreecHjohnflux: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?19:12
johnfluxDaskreecH: that won't reinstall them19:12
SHJordanDaskreecH: any chmod trick?19:13
DaskreecH--reinstall at the end?19:13
DaskreecHSHJordan: nope just sudo the copy19:13
SHJordanDaskreecH: kinda learning, how can i do it via Konsole?19:13
SHJordanmy backed-up folder is on /media/disk-1/Downloads/DO UBUNTU/archives/19:14
DaskreecHSHJordan: sudo cp /media/disk-1/Dowloads/DOUBUNTU/archives/* /var/cache/apt/archives19:16
johnfluxSHJordan: what's the point in backing up that folder?19:16
SHJordanjohnflux: no need to re-download all packages19:16
DaskreecHjohnflux: You can update multiple computers on a single download19:17
johnfluxSHJordan: I don't think you're doing what you think you're doing19:18
johnfluxSHJordan: and that is what you're trying to do ?  update multiple computers?19:19
johnfluxiirc, isn't there a caching server specifically for this task?19:19
DaskreecHYep but one step at a time ;)19:20
glaucousWhat package contains the uic (user interface compiler) version 4.5? I have qt4 libraries, but only 3.5 of UIC.19:20
SHJordanXDaskreecH: my bad... it copied... but ommited something, don't know what...19:21
cwh1finally - found this IRC19:21
buntunubhowdy all -- running Lucid here and I recently upgraded to KDE4.5 via backports and when I did so, I lost my kubuntu shutdown splash screen. How can I put it back19:21
johnfluxglaucous: libqt4-dev19:21
buntunubdoes libqt4-dev have anything to do with a shutdown splash screen/19:22
glaucousjohnflux: Got it, then I just have to set uic to use qt4 uic (which I found), instead of qt319:22
glaucousWhich actually was called uic-qt419:23
glaucousbuntunub: No it does not. :)19:24
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surunverianynoe could helpme out with making midi files playable with kubuntu19:37
surunverii followed someone's advice and gotthis program named rosegarden19:37
surunveriwhich seems to open the midi files and play them19:37
surunveribut no sound is produced19:37
surunveriso idk19:37
v3nd3tta``doesn't amarok play midi files?19:38
ubottuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo19:39
cwh1I am working on a a PC with VM Virtual Box and kubuntu installed. Is there a way to minimize the windows so they do not take up the entire screen?19:42
cwh1I am working on a a PC with VM Virtual Box and kubuntu installed. Is there a way to minimize the windows so they do not take up the entire screen within kubuntu?19:45
glaucousWhat is the command that is run when using "Run Command" with Alt+F2? Trying to start plasma-desktop, which doesn't seem to work when making a script with "plasma-desktop"19:49
surunverigah why is this midi thing so complicated 8D19:50
glaucous(glaucous) Never mind what I said.19:51
surunverii did just about what the guide said and midi files still dont work19:57
surunveriseriously after using experience with kubuntu i cant help but think that linux is the antithesis of a userfriendly OS :D19:58
surunveriwhich is equal to complaining but i just dont understand why this thing also had to be so hard when i cant even imagine that achieving a goal like "play audio file of type X" could ever become complicated using windows D:19:58
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surunveriok i got it playing now but not from rosegardern or amarok but isntead from terminal by typing timidity20:01
surunveriwhich is completely useless considering i have this html midifile library that you can open with browser and open each midi file from the library separately and if they cant be opened that way it's the same as nothing when considering teh purpose of the library ::::|20:02
surunveriso anyone got any idea how to make those midi files playable using 'open with program....' and selecting the correct program then?20:03
ArGGu^^surunveri http://theubuntunews.blogspot.com/2010/08/kmid2-alternative-to-vanbasco-on-ubuntu.html20:07
ArGGu^^I think you can configure kmid to use timidity20:07
JohnFluxBah, someone help me please, my system is oh so screwed up :-/20:08
Ahmuckgot a bit of a problem.  did a cdrom upgrade from 9.10 to 10.4 and now i have no desktop except notifications20:11
Ahmuckany idea how to bring my taskbar, menu, etc. back?20:11
ArGGu^^Ahmuck you could erase all you kde config20:12
Ahmuckwhat are the implications of this?20:12
ArGGu^^Not sure will it help20:12
surunverikk thx arggu it works20:12
Ahmuckwhat do i loose by erasing kde config?20:12
AhmuckArGGu^^: r u talking about .kde ?20:13
Ahmuckk, i'll have to backup some apps, such as konverstation logs, etc.20:13
Ahmuckls -a20:13
ArGGu^^Ahmuck you can also create new user and login with it20:15
ArGGu^^If it works then the problem is in config20:15
Ahmucki dumped the config, but now i have nothing ...20:19
Ahmuckjust a black screen20:19
Ahmuckdesktop wallpaper is black20:19
DaskreecHAhmuck: how did you do it? easiest way is open a konsole and type kquitapp plasma-desktop && sleep 5 &&  mv ~/.kde ~/kdeconfig.bak && plasma-desktop20:20
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AhmuckDaskreecH: rm -rf .kde20:29
Ahmuckbut it's a mute point now20:29
Ahmucki went to feel the heatsink, hit the thermaltake fan, and broke the proc fan.  now it's vibrating so bad that i'm going to have to order a new fan20:29
DaskreecHAhmuck: Umm that has all your mail20:30
DaskreecHProbably should be a little less drastic in future :) renaming works20:30
KageHow do I get it so dragon can play DVDs?20:33
Ahmuckonly if i used kmail, correct20:33
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now1da13Got Ubuntu 10.04 today, and like it so far.21:16
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Matt___Good Afternoon21:19
Matt___I have a question about VNC Server if anyone can help21:20
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da186Just ask the question , don't ask to ask a question.21:23
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MichealH!ask | Matt___21:25
ubottuMatt___: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:25
MichealHToolate :/21:25
KingRollocan anyone help with my Kubuntu please... when I press Alt-Tab to switch between windows they are displayed in the left corner of the screen, not like they should be, centered...21:38
oracleAre KDE3 apps still compliable?21:55
KingRollommh, the quit buck ;D21:58
KingRolloof 2 new horizons21:59
bloodsmithis there anyone that could reccomend some actual good games for kubuntu? I've got the standard card/minesweeper lot, but I want something to catch my attention22:49
bloodsmithgot globulation2 as well...22:49
bloodsmithgot globulation2 as well...22:49
apacheloggerbouncy ball ;)22:51
* apachelogger is wondering if we actually have that in kubuntu22:51
al_Overgrowth or Penumbra22:51
bloodsmithi keep looking on google too, but the internet is a vast place, and you know how google is, just crams everything at you at once. on top of that, im not sure what kind of game i really want... thanks for the suggestions though, im checking them out now. keep them coming!22:53
bloodsmithal: downloadable through adept or package manager? or do I have to download off of sourceforge and set it up22:55
apacheloggeroh, we doo have bouncy ball :D22:56
bloodsmithquestion: should i download the .deb, .rpm, or .tar? I dont know diddly squat on how to install those anyways, tried and failed on other things before...23:09
apacheloggerbloodsmith: deb23:11
apacheloggerbloodsmith: if you click on the deb an application should popup that helps you with installing it23:11
bloodsmithhmm... lemme try, thanks23:11
bloodsmithah, there it goes23:13
chrit_everithings good23:13
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04.1 released: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-and-kubuntu-netbook-10041 | KDE SC 4.5: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu+1
bloodsmithwoOoOow... my computer sucks... la-a-a-a-gg-g-g-g-ging the game like hell...23:15
bloodsmithok, lets try this then. I have a laptop, a satellite to be specific, and ive got kubuntu 10 running on it. now that thats out of the way, how about some games that wont eat performance like a fat kid on a happymeal. any suggestions now? lol23:18
apacheloggerany good game will require good hardware ;)23:20
bloodsmithyes, this i know. I, however, am a cheap bastard, and dont have the money to blow anyways. one day I shall, but i need a new job, blah blah blah. in the meantime, i just want something to kill freetime. porn only does so much for so long, you see.23:23
DarthFrogGames of a previous generation will be less demanding of resources.23:23
* DarthFrog recommends Frozen Bubble.23:24
bloodsmithindeed. again, my problem lies in the fact that im a console gamer for the most part. have that already, put in 10 hrs or so on gameplay, got bored with it23:25
bloodsmithhmm... wonder if it would be worth running wine to get ahold of some windows games... prolly not...23:26
HeadshotDanielHi! :D23:27
DarthFrogCiv 4 runs great under wine.23:27
HeadshotDanielI haven't got many of my Windows Programs to work. :(23:27
HeadshotDanielHow can I get better... Ummm, theres really no word for this except to sound stupid...23:28
HeadshotDanielHow can I get more programs comaptible under Wine under Linux?23:28
HeadshotDanielGod dam.n it!23:29
DarthFrog!wine | HeadshotDaniel23:29
ubottuHeadshotDaniel: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:30
bloodsmithah, well thanks guys, im just gonna try World of Goo in wine and see if it will work with my comp. Appreciate the help23:34

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