
GrueMastersigh.  Oem-config no longer prompts for system name.  Everything defaults to ubuntu-laptop.00:00
rsalvetiGrueMaster: <user>-laptop00:01
rsalvetiGrueMaster: fill a bug for that, we should fix it00:01
GrueMasterStill.  I now have four systems that think they are ubuntu-laptop.00:01
GrueMasterThank the gods for dhcpd config on mac address.00:02
dcordesI can't start anything on the display00:06
dcordesI am on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/20100827.1/maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img.gz00:06
rsalvetido you get at least a mouse pointer?00:06
dcordesI don't think so. although oem-config worked fine00:06
dcordesI see no errors in Xorg log about input00:06
rsalvetitry loading X and then some application by hand00:07
rsalvetijust X00:07
dcordesbrb (I only have one keyboard)00:07
dcordesshould setup usb net kernel..00:07
dcordesrsalveti: that worked. I started X and from another terminal ran DISPLAY=:0 netbook-launcher-efl00:09
rsalvetihm, so at least not a display problem00:09
dcordesand wow guys this interface is awesome00:10
rsalvetisomething is not calling nb-launcher-efl00:10
dcordescan't wait to shoot a video to show how good it looks on the HD2 !00:10
dcordesare there gdm logs ?00:10
GrueMasterI'm seeing the same thing on beagleboard now.00:14
dcordesGrueMaster: should we open a bug00:15
dcordesgrep -ri launcher-efl /etc/X11/00:15
GrueMasteryea, if we can figure out the cause.  Looking at .xsession-errors.00:15
dcordessomebody ate the corret session script ? :)00:15
GrueMasterSeems clutter is trying to run.00:17
* GrueMaster would rather be golfing.00:21
persiaThis is with a jasper-initialised system?  The session correction was in jasper last I checked.00:21
GrueMasterstill is.  Not sure what got foobarred.00:21
GrueMasterI ran the fix manually.  Will see what happens after reboot.00:22
GrueMasterwonderful.  reboot and it now can't find the root partition.00:26
dcordesWindow manager error: Unable to initialize Clutter.00:27
GrueMasterYea, that's what I said.00:27
GrueMasterTry running "sudo /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-set-default-session une-efl"00:28
dcordesGrueMaster: Just confirming ;)00:28
rsalvetilots of updates on clutter side00:28
rsalvetiprobably the cause00:28
GrueMasterOn the image after pre-inst?  Jasper should be overriding that.00:29
GrueMasterweird.  somehow the uuid for root changed.  That or jasper screwed up.00:31
rsalvetiGrueMaster: hm, it shoudn't00:31
rsalvetiotherwise you'll not be able to mount rootfs00:32
ubot2Factoid '625591' not found00:32
GrueMasterYea, I know.  But I am staring at a system that has a different uuid for rootfs as what is in boot.scr00:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 625591 in ubuntu "[ARM] ubuntu-netbook xsession broken (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]00:32
rsalvetidcordes: cool, thanks for reporting it00:33
* GrueMaster manually fixes uuid to proper goodness.00:33
rsalvetiI'm out now but will also debug the image later on00:34
dcordesrsalveti: heh it's time to repair my horrible karma on this channel00:34
dcordesI will try to help out as good as I can00:34
rsalvetithat's always nice :-)00:34
persiadcordes, Future note: syntax is like bug #300:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 3 in mono (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Custom information for each translation team (affects: 1) (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/300:34
rsalvetidcordes: please subscribe "armel" group at arm related issues :-)00:35
rsalvetithen we can quickly check it00:35
GrueMasterActually, add armel to the tags and subscribe ubuntu-armel-porters.00:36
rsalvetisure, forgot about htat00:36
dcordessorry, I have seen the tags but how to 'subscribe' ?00:36
persiaOn the right "subscribe someone else"00:37
persiaThe tag is more important, usually.00:37
persia(and would be auto-generated if you ran `ubuntu-bug ubuntu-netbook` to file the bug (replace "ubuntu-netbook" with another package if you know better))00:38
dcordesOk thanks a lot.00:38
dcordespersia: Ok next time I will use the ubuntu-bug program00:38
* persia finds it easier than remembering all the details about doing it manually in LP00:39
dcordesGrueMaster: So you think it is related to uuid or clutter problem ?00:41
GrueMasterNot sure what the uuid problem is.  Could be just a plbkac issue (I'm juggling 3 images on 4 systems atm).00:42
GrueMasterSomething that would help for testing & reporting issues.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/BugWorkflow00:43
dcordesThanks that's a useful wiki page00:43
GrueMasterIt's a little dated, but most of it is accurate.00:43
dcordesHow can I make the bug affect a package after reporting ?00:45
GrueMastersudo /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-set-default-session une-efl seems to have fixed my gdm default session.00:45
GrueMasterThe easiest way is to use ubuntu-bug <packagename>.  After, it is up to members of bug control to triage.00:46
dcordesAlso I can't subscribe to someone else 'ubuntu-armel-porters' LP says it expects a LP id or email address.00:46
dcordesYeah I will use that in future. But now that I created this bug manually already it would be nice to fix it.00:46
GrueMasterWell, since I'm now on bug control, I can do that.  :P00:47
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
Baybali can remember running linuxes on my long time dead hp470000:49
Baybali wonder if DanaG1 uses ubuntu or android00:50
adcomp'llo ..00:51
GrueMasterdcordes: Fixed data & confirmed bug 62559100:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 625591 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu) "[ARM] ubuntu-netbook xsession broken (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62559100:51
dcordesBaybal: I bet the 1 is only an extension to the nickname in case the original nickname is in use and does not represent t-mobile g100:51
Baybalby the way, g1 seem to be a great place to deploy desktop distro on...00:51
dcordesBaybal: I am working on a phone distro for the G1 :)00:52
GrueMasterUpdated title to be a little more detailed.  bug 62559100:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 625591 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu) "[ARM] ubuntu-netbook defaults to 3D session even after "fix" by jasper-initramfs (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62559100:52
dcordesBaybal: the htcdream (g1) display resolution is not large enough for a full desktop like gnome or so00:53
persiaUbuntu isn't a "desktop distro", it's just a distro, with lots of flavours.  I wouldn't put any of the -desktop packages on a phone, but there are slighter-weight solutions around.00:53
Baybalfbpanel + matchbox although worked quite well00:53
dcordesGrueMaster: thanks a lot !00:53
Baybalhp4700 had vga screen00:53
GrueMasterHeh, no problem.  We all have to start somewhere.  And the more eyes we have on the arm stuff, the better it will be in the end.00:54
dcordesBaybal: many recent smart phones have wvga00:55
Baybalone toshiba pda had it back in 2004 though00:56
dcordesBaybal: Yeah, the mobile makret has been there. Also see Sharp Zaurus family (VGA touchscreens)00:57
* GrueMaster drools over the Droid X. HDMI out.00:58
GrueMasterWell, my eyes are starting to bug out, and it is a nice afternoon/evening.  Cutting out and heading to the links.01:00
dcordesGrueMaster: Enjoy ! And thanks for the help01:01
Baybalthey have 5" xga in their recent model01:01
DanaGBaybal: I don't have a smartphone right now.01:19
DanaGOh, and that Toshiba AC100 seems interesting... a bummer they phail by using a smartphone OS, without the smartphone apps store, on it.01:20
ogra2D session fix uploaded, we should have only one panel with the right applets now (still need to figure out how to get the shutdown applet there, but given that shutdown hangs anyway on bringing down usb0 ...)10:17
ograwas just a copy paste job :)10:18
ogra(less than 10min including testing, i just couldnt do it without working session)10:18
* ogra vanishes again10:18
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=== kmargar is now known as markos_
* dcordes needs to find a way to have onboard popup when text input is expected and have it appear afterwards17:06
dcordesis it expected no input help appears in oem-config ? I am missing the possibility to show keyboard17:06
GrueMasterdcordes: I don't think the image is geared towards touch screens yet.   It is mainly derived from the x86 Netbook image.  While we are working on multitouch in a different group, I don't think it will make Maverick, and I know it won't be tested on arm very much.17:11
dcordesGrueMaster: utouch I have seen it. very interesting17:12
dcordesGrueMaster: I even have a touchscreen driver with multitouch support17:12
GrueMasterDrivers exist, yes.  Hardware, not so much.17:12
dcordesWell I got both17:12
dcordesMaybe I can help testing17:12
GrueMasterOne thing you can do is file a bug against oem-config for adding touch screen support.  Make sure the bug report is as detailed as possible.  Add me to the subscribers list, and I can triage it and tweak as needed.17:14
dcordesGrueMaster: Awesome, will do that.17:15
dcordesI am also a bit worried about evtouch screen rotation. A bug exists for a while but it's not solved yet17:16
GrueMasterLack of hardware for developers to work with.  I have a Motorola Droid, which is the same base hw as the beagleboard, but I really don't want to sacrifice my cell phone for development yet.  These cost a lot of $$$.17:17
dcordesThat's what I'm doing htc hd2 is my day to day and development phone :)17:19
dcordesAwesome now I have working backlight control in ubuntu :)17:44
dcordesany Utouch contributors present ?19:22
devilhornshmm, when setting up an arm environment for qemu via: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch , is it normal for the process to stall a very long time w/ libbonoboui2-common ?21:56
looldevilhorns: probably not22:48
devilhornslool, yea, turns out my image was too small for everything22:53
devilhornsgot it sorted out now tho, thanks22:53
dcordesdevilhorns: stumbled across same problem few times with first rootstock attempts22:55
devilhornsdcordes, hehe :)22:55
dcordesdevilhorns: be aware it is currently impossible to rootstock a full ubuntu image. it will fail installing mono22:55
devilhornsdcordes, that's ok, just doing arm netbook stuff :) don't need a full desktop image :)22:55
dcordesdevilhorns: I am not sure but I think ubuntu-netbook will install mono as well22:56
devilhornsugg, I hope not :)22:57
dcordesdevilhorns: The savest thing is to roostock ubuntu-minimal and do anything else natively22:57
dcordesdevilhorns: That's what I did22:57
devilhornsdcordes, ok, thanks for the tip :) Seems to be working so far tho...we'll see22:57
dcordesdevilhorns: good read23:00
devilhornsdcordes, k, yea first one is of little use to me, but the Known Issues is good to know, thanks23:01
devilhornsall this rootfs stuff is a little new for me ... not normally a *buntu user23:02
dcordesOk don't hesitate to ask if you got any questitions23:04
devilhornsthx :)23:05
dcordesquestions even23:05
persiadcordes, You ought be able to get onboard to do the right thing: investigate under the accessibility menu.23:12
dcordespersia: Is it expected to autohide ?23:35
persiaI believe so, as it can take up a chunk of the screen.23:36
* persia enables to check23:36
persiait doesn&t autohide for me, but there is a mismatch between the onboard display layout and the keypresses sent to my irc client '*23:40
persiaSeems to use a US layout internally, for some reason.23:40
* persia files a bug23:40
dcordespersia: You think I should file an improvement bug for the autohide ?23:44
dcordespersia: As an option I thought about using a tiling window manager like matchbox. But that will cut good screen area permanently and I only have 800x48023:45
persiaI'd recommend getting in touch with upstream to make sure they are happy with using it also as a touchscreen base.23:47
persiaThey're active folks, but concentrated on accessibility, which may have different driving requirements.23:48
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Projects/onBoard/ seems to document some of the ideas they've had to date.  I don't seem to find their mailing list offhand, but you might with a bit of digging.23:50
dcordespersia: Ok I will contact them. One big improvement over previous versions is the new layout. And in case they really don't aim for touchscreen use, it is still the best option I found so far23:52
persiaYeah, although the modeswitch buttons are a bit confusing23:56
persiaAnd I can't think of any good reasons why we shouldn't be collaborating between touchscreen and accessibility stuff: both groups have similar needs (can't use a real keyboard).23:57
persiaAnd high pixel densitys map well to poor motor control (e.g. using a wand in one's mouth)23:57

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