
=== mrjazzcat is now known as mrjazzcat-afk
=== daker_ is now known as daker
godbykWhee! Just got my copy of the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.02:36
godbyk(It's okay, I realize no one but me will be excited by this.)  :)02:37
flanI'd be marginally excited if I subscribed to that editorial style.05:11
godbykflan: I don't agree with all their choices, but it's a decent foundation.05:26
godbykIf I were working on text in the UK, I would probably not use Chicago style either.05:26
flanYay~ I was mistaken for a Brit~05:29
flanActually, I just haven't ever taken a serious look at any current mainstream style-guides.05:30
flanSo I don't subscribe to any of them.05:30
godbykAh, gotcha.05:49
thorwilgood morning!08:18
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
dakergodbyk, ping14:13
dakergodbyk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/484959/14:19
dakergodbyk, a lot of them are 40414:30
flanJust two pages left before the QS server is functionally complete. Yay!19:03
flan(Screenshot-details-translation, which I expect will almost never be used, and the actual page for approving screenshots)19:04
* jenkins is running mavrick21:07
* flan fears Maverick.21:52
* flan is still running KArmic on his main development system.21:52
flanMain non-Debian development system*21:52
flanLucid's on the laptops and VMs, though.21:53
MuscovyI got over my fear of Maverick.21:59
jenkinsevening again everyone22:03
jenkinshey Muscovy hows things22:10
jenkinsthats nice then :)22:14

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