
chrisccoulsonwow, appmenu-gtk also makes nm-applet crash too, so it's not just firefox00:06
chrisccoulsonb'ah, must remember to run gdb on a separate console when debugging a crash that occurs with an open menu00:09
=== gavin_ is now known as gavin
bobby_Has anyone tried searching anything from the awesome bar in 4.0b5pre recently?04:27
bobby_All I get is: The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded04:28
bobby_Okay, nevermind I'm an idiot... should have installed the google search addon eh? Doesn't come already installed :s04:36
gavinmozilla distributed builds certainly come with google by default04:37
bobby_Nope. Firefox 4.0b5pre didn't have it.04:37
bobby_I did a clean install yesterday, and didn't work until I just installed the Google search addon04:37
gavinwhat build are you using, exactly?04:37
gavinwhere did you get it?04:37
bobby_Whatever the current daily ppa build is.04:38
gavinI don't know what ppa builds are04:38
gavinthey're not mozilla-distributed, though04:38
bobby_The Mozilla daily repository...04:38
gavinso potentially an issue with distro builds post-mozilla bug 58682104:39
ubot2Mozilla bug 586821 in Search "Add affiliate URL queries to location bar search" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58682104:39
bobby_Yeah, looks like that is it04:39
bobby_It just gave me suggestions for engines04:39
bobby_I was freaking out for a bit there...04:39
gavinwhat gave you suggestions?04:40
bobby_Not the Awesome bar, but the engine search bar to the right of it04:41
bobby_Only when I was on Wikipedia and YouTube though, it gave me suggestions to use those engines04:41
gavinhmm, no micahg/asac in scrollback04:41
gavinnormally I would ask them04:41
* gavin knows mozilla, not so much ubuntu :)04:42
bobby_... Hence you are in the UBUNTU Mozilla daily server?04:42
bobby_This is strange though, as previous builds have not had this issue before...04:43
gavinI'm here because I can help with mozilla stuff04:43
gavinthat bug landed on the 14th04:44
bobby_THAT would be why...04:45
bobby_I did a clean install yesterday...04:45
bobby_I kind of miss the 3.7 alphas...04:45
bobby_Is 4.0 still on track for November?04:46
bobby_Hey, will Firefox 4.0 for Linux contain any soft of hardware acceleration?04:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== TannerF is now known as TafkF
BUGabundoanyone know how to export all extensions of a chromium / chrome browser ?18:57
ftanice, seems my bnc is working20:26
chrisccoulsonfta - cool!20:31
ftai just need to be sure that i don't miss messages when i reconnect20:32
chrisccoulsonfta - is that pretty easy to set up?20:33
ftasupposed to, but i hit a bug with the md5 passwords, i had to trick it20:33
chrisccoulsonah, ok. where are you running the software too?20:34
ftaon a server at work20:34
chrisccoulsoncool! i'm actually thinking about renting some virtual server space from my ISP, for other reasons20:34
chrisccoulsonbut i might set up something like bnc there too ;)20:34
ftathe bnc runs on a remote server, but only locally, then i have an ssh tunnel from home. and my xchat client just connects to the local end of that tunnel, hence it's private & secure, no need to open yet another port on the server20:35
ftai do the same for evolution and my smtp & imap servers20:36
ftaso this server just has ssh and strong keys20:37
ftaof course, if you don't care about security/privacy, you can run the bnc like any irc server, no need for ssh20:39
ftanow, what i need is a terminal mixing xterm+ssh+tmux21:01

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