
djbeeniehello, any way to use my directtv remote with my usb-uirt2 transmitter?00:22
=== Gibby_afk is now known as Gibby
Pwenhi all. question about mythtv-backend and upstart. my backend won't start using upstart, but will if I manually run it from the commandline. when trying to start it using upstart/init.d it prints this to the log:06:20
Pwen2010-08-28 15:19:18.875 Using configuration directory = /.mythtv06:20
Pwen2010-08-28 15:19:18.886 Cannot locate your home directory. Please set the environment variable HOME06:20
Pwen2010-08-28 15:19:18.897 Failed to init MythContext.06:20
PwenI guess I could symlink /.mythtv to /home/mythtv/.mythtv, couldn't I?06:22
Pwenthat should work.06:22
Pwen... nope06:23
Gibbyhow do you start it?06:32
Pwensudo service mythtv-backend start06:32
Pwenor sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start06:33
Gibbyhmm ok, give me a second I saw this problem last week06:33
Gibbywhat is the userid you use to login with?06:33
Pwenits not mythtv, I changed the /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf to say user=owen (my username)06:34
Pwenand all the correct mythtv configs etc are in /home/owen/.mythtv/06:34
Gibbyopen a terminal and do id owen06:34
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:~$ id owen06:34
Pwenuid=1000(owen) gid=1000(owen) groups=1000(owen),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),44(video),46(plugdev),105(mythtv),113(admin),115(sambashare),118(lpadmin)06:34
Pwenso when I run mythtvbackend from a terminal in that username, it works fine06:35
Gibbychange it back to start with mythtv ID, no reason to start it as your ID06:35
Pwenit doesnt work with user mythtv either06:36
Gibbydid you do anything to the startup config's?06:37
Pwenaside from changing the username, nope06:37
Pwenits the most recent version, I updated just before06:38
Pwenbut my backend hasnt auto started since the switch to upstart06:38
Gibbydid it ever work?06:38
Pwenno it never has, I am just getting around to fixing it now :)06:38
Gibbyahhhhh ok06:38
Gibbyyour backend has a static IP right?06:40
Pwenyep of course06:40
Gibbycopy you /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend and put it in pastebin.org06:41
PwenIve been reading on the forums about it, they say the fix is to specify a --user, but it doesnt :(06:42
Gibbywhat version is the OS?06:45
Pwen10.04 I believe06:45
GibbyUse this for your /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend script06:46
GibbyYou shouldn't have to relink it to upstart since you aren't change the name06:46
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:~$ sudo service mythtv-backend start06:48
Pwenstart: Unknown job: mythtv-backend06:48
Gibbycd /etc/init.d06:48
Gibbyls -al|grep backend06:48
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ ls -al | grep backend06:48
Pwenlrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    21 2010-08-28 14:56 mythtv-backend -> /lib/init/upstart-job06:48
tgm4883Pwen, do you have a /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf06:50
GibbyPwen: /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf should look like this http://pastebin.org/79191006:52
* tgm4883 goes back to mythbuntu-bare06:53
GibbyPwen: After you check that and it still doesn't work do: cd /etc/init.d then sudo update-rc.d mythtv-backend defaults06:53
Gibbytgm4883: bare? like back?06:54
tgm4883Gibby, yep ;)06:54
tgm4883BAckup and REstore06:54
Gibbybecareful, don't want any baby myth's06:55
Gibbyhmm Guess i should backup... just in case06:55
tgm4883Gibby, won't get any, i'm just working with the backend right now ;)06:55
PwenGibby: yeah I pasted that in to mine06:55
Gibbylucky... mine does like it there06:55
Pwenstill prints an unknown job message after the rc.d update06:56
Gibbywhat is the out put of runlevel?06:59
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ runlevel06:59
PwenN 206:59
Gibbydpkg -l upstart07:00
Pwen... I guess that's not quite right?07:00
Gibbyno it is right....07:00
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ dpkg -l upstart07:00
Pwen| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend07:00
Pwen|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)07:00
Pwen||/ Name                               Version                            Description07:00
Gibbyjust the last line07:00
Pwenii  upstart                            0.6.5-7                            event-based init daemon07:01
Gibbydpkg -l mythtv-backend07:01
Pwenii  mythtv-backend                     0.24.0~trunk25893-0ubuntu0~mythbun A personal video recorder application (server)07:01
Gibbywhat happens if you run /etc/inti.d/mythtv-backend start?07:02
Pwensame thing: that is, nothing, but same error message in the log07:02
Gibbyand you verified with ps -ef that it is not running?07:02
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart07:04
PwenRather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)07:04
Pwenutility, e.g. service mythtv-backend restart07:04
PwenSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an07:04
PwenUpstart job, you may also use the restart(8) utility, e.g. restart mythtv-backend07:04
Pwenmythtv-backend start/running, process 430207:04
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ sudo ps -ef | grep 430207:04
Pwenowen      4325  2422  0 16:04 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto 430207:04
Gibbyps -ef|grep back07:05
Gibbydpkg -l ureadahead07:05
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ ps -ef|grep back07:06
Pwenowen      4334  2422  0 16:06 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto back07:06
Pwenii  ureadahead                         0.100.0-4.1.3                      Read required files in advance07:07
Gibbyare any other upstart jobs failing?07:07
Pwendont think so, heaps of the init.d scripts were linked to upstart when the changeover happened07:07
Pwenand the system works fine aside from autostarting the myth backend07:08
Gibbycat /etc/lsb-release07:08
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ cat /etc/lsb-release07:08
PwenDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS"07:08
tgm4883Pwen, can you pastebin your /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend07:11
Pwenso ... that looks exactly like the stuff I put into /etc/init/mythtv-backend before, for upstart07:13
PwenI have since changed that back btw07:13
tgm4883out of curiosity, what does this return07:15
tgm4883service mythtv-backend stop07:15
tgm4883service mythtv-backend status07:15
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ sudo service mythtv-backend stop07:16
Pwenstop: Unknown instance:07:16
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ service mythtv-backend status07:16
Pwenmythtv-backend stop/waiting07:16
tgm4883well thats at least semi-better07:16
Pwenwhen I 'start', it says its started and gives a PID, but ps ax | grep <pid> doesnt turn anything up07:16
tgm4883so start says that it starts07:17
tgm4883anything in the backend log?07:17
Pwen2010-08-28 16:04:08.794 mythbackend version: trunk [25893] www.mythtv.org07:18
Pwen2010-08-28 16:04:08.794 Using runtime prefix = /usr07:18
Pwen2010-08-28 16:04:08.798 Using configuration directory = /.mythtv07:18
Pwen2010-08-28 16:04:08.809 Cannot locate your home directory. Please set the environment variable HOME07:18
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] MythTV, Open Source DVR07:18
Pwen2010-08-28 16:04:08.820 Failed to init MythContext.07:18
Pwenits starting as the wrong user, like it is ignoring the --user=$USER part of the upstart script07:19
tgm4883and you have a /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf file and it sets the USER?07:20
Pwenthats my file07:21
Pwenno matter what user I specify, by it mythtv or owen, the result is the same07:22
Pwentho when I run mythbackend from a console in the user owen, it works fine07:22
tgm4883thats cause the issue isn't the user you are setting07:23
tgm4883Pwen, what about "echo $LANG"07:23
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ echo $LANG07:24
tgm4883ok, try this07:25
tgm4883edit that script, and replace '--user $USER' with '--user mythtv'07:25
tgm4883that way it won't try to use the variable07:25
Pwensame result - w/ user "mythtv" or "owen"07:26
tgm4883ok, then instead replace $ARGS with the full ARGS list '--logfile /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log --user mythtv'07:27
tgm4883that way only the last line matters07:28
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ ps ax | grep 4775 4775 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/sh -e /proc/self/fd/12 4800 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto 477507:29
Pwennow there is a process with that id07:29
tgm4883service mythtv-backend status07:29
Pwenowen@owen-htpc:/etc/init.d$ service mythtv-backend status07:29
Pwenmythtv-backend start/running, process 477507:29
tgm4883ok sec07:29
tgm4883what language/locale settings did you pick during installation?07:30
PwenI cant remember, that was a long time ago07:31
Pwenbut I would assume I picked English/Australia07:31
Pwenor Brisbane/Australia07:31
tgm4883ok, let me try to reproduce here07:32
tgm4883hmm, no australia keyboard layout07:33
Pwenfor keyboard I pick standard US 104 key07:33
tgm4883I chose an AU timezone, so hopefully it will set it to that07:34
tgm4883almost done installing07:39
Gibbysorry i am back, Pwen: what was the fix?07:40
tgm4883Gibby, we basically bypassed the variables in the backend conf07:40
tgm4883so now i'm trying to reproduce it07:40
Gibbywhere the permissions correct on the file?07:40
Gibbyand was the init script properly calling the conf file?07:41
tgm4883I think it might be a language thing07:41
GibbyPwen: Did you upgrade from 9.04 or 9.10?07:41
tgm4883booting up now07:43
GibbyI read there were alot of issues with upstart and mythbackend upgrading from 9 to 1007:44
Pwenyeah :/07:46
tgm4883well not causing issues out of the box, let me upgrade to trunk07:46
* tgm4883 shrugs07:47
tgm4883idk, that is odd07:47
tgm4883it will probably break on upgrades though07:47
Pwencopying over my custom file on each update wont be as annoying as manually starting it every reboot07:49
Pwenit'll get fixed eventually I'm sure :p07:49
tgm4883superm1, thoughts on why the backend upstart script doesn't like variables on an upgrade from 9.10?07:49
Pwenjust going to reboot to try it out, brb07:49
tgm4883he better hurry back, i'm falling asleep here07:52
Pwenyeap works fine now07:53
Pwenafter a reboot07:53
Gibby5hr energy... no 2pm feeling later07:53
tgm4883Gibby, but what does that say about 2AM?07:54
Gibbylol... i took 1 2hrs agos07:54
yardleydobonEvery once in a while the sound in a new recording gets screwed up, but will be fine again at the next recording. Does this bug sound familiar to anyone?07:54
tgm4883yardleydobon, you are using a ivtv tuner aren't you. Like the PVR-15007:55
yardleydobontgm4883: one of the hauppauges.07:55
Pwenoh yeah while I'm here, another question or two... what's this all about?07:55
tgm4883yardleydobon, and you are using composite in?07:55
PwenThe following packages will be upgraded: mythtv-common07:55
Pwendpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mythtv-common_0.24.0~trunk25893-0ubuntu0~mythbuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/mythtv/mythconverg_backup.pl', which is also in package mythtv-database 2:0.24.0~trunk-24111-0ubuntu107:56
yardleydobontgm4883: yep07:56
tgm4883yardleydobon, yep, I know that issue07:56
tgm4883Pwen, yea, thats my bad, although i'm not sure why07:56
yardleydobontgm4883: homed in on that one like a laser. know a fix?07:56
tgm4883yardleydobon, yea, there is a channel channel change script that you need to know. It's a workaround, not a fix07:57
tgm4883Pwen, i'll check the packaging in a sec07:57
tgm4883Gibby, so much for bed ;)07:57
tgm4883yardleydobon, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Ivtv_Channel_changer07:58
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Ivtv Channel changer - MythTV07:58
tgm4883you need to use that to change channels07:59
Pwentgm4883: also, is it just because I am running trunk that sometimes this happens?08:00
Pwenii  mythvideo                          0.24.0~trunk25854-0ubuntu0~mythbun A generic video player frontend module for MythTV08:00
Pwenii  mythtv-backend                     0.24.0~trunk25893-0ubuntu0~mythbun A personal video recorder application (server)08:00
tgm4883Pwen, you mean different versions?08:00
Pwen(different trunk versions, even tho everything is "up to date")08:00
tgm4883yea pretty much. Upstream will do a commit or move something around that breaks a build. Takes us a day or so usually to fix it08:01
PwenIm going to blame that situation on my LCD working every other update as well in that case ;-P08:02
Pwentgm4883: sorry, last question: ETA for mythtv-common file conflict fix?08:03
tgm4883Pwen, sec, looking at it now08:03
tgm4883IIRC, if you do the update twice it works08:03
Pwennah Ive tried a few times08:04
tgm4883wait, you had the avenard repos didn't you08:05
yardleydobontgm4883: thanks!08:05
tgm4883yardleydobon, yw08:05
Pwentgm4883: I *did*, but I dont think I do anymore since 9.10/0.2408:06
Pwenerr 10.0408:06
tgm4883yea you do, your mythtv database package is from there08:06
tgm4883you have a few packages left over anyway08:06
tgm4883mythtv-database 2:0.24.0~trunk-24111-0ubuntu108:07
tgm4883I thought that version number looked funny08:07
Pwenrighto. should I fix that somehow?08:07
tgm4883IIRC, his website has info on how to go back to mythbuntu packages.08:08
tgm4883i'd have to check that08:08
Pwenhmmm ok Im having a look08:12
tgm4883Pwen, I can't find it. I would think it is probably a remove then reinstall of the mythtv-database package08:12
tgm4883i'd also have a look and see what other packages you have laying around from his repo08:12
Pwenif I remove mythtv-database, it will remove the mythtv metapackage and everything else along with it08:13
Pwenif I do that, I can reinstall and all my config/databases will still exist, right?08:13
tgm4883all of your configs should be fine. Thats kept in the db and it's not removing mysql08:14
tgm4883and I don't think it would touch config.xml08:14
tgm4883of course, you could probably also fire up synaptic and force a specific version08:14
tgm4883which is probably the better choice08:14
PwenI did not know you could do that08:15
Pwenso I have the options of08:17
Pwenthe last is what I currently have08:18
PwenI guess the first is the 0.24 of mythbuntu, what you guys do08:18
Pwenand 0.23 is obviously the stable release08:18
Pwenthere are lots of packages in here that are wrong08:19
Pwengoing to force version them all08:19
* Pwen crosses fingers08:20
Pwenthe F1 quali is on in a few hours, and I have a dinner date, hope stuff doesnt break ;-P08:20
Pwenok, no more 24111 packages08:26
Pwenrebooting time08:26
Zinn[www.news.com.au] Man severs privates at airport to avoid extradition - reports |  News.com.au08:33
Pwenok so now I have the correct backend version08:33
Pwenit does start up properly08:33
PwenI can watch live tv08:33
Pwenbut all my plugins are the wrong version08:33
Pwenpresumably that will be fixed in a few days08:33
Pwenwhy cut your man jewels, and not something else?08:34
Pwengod what a crazy man08:34
Gibbyi know lol08:39
Pwenok well all my stuff is at the proper latest versions now08:50
Pwenthanks for your help guys08:50
=== hpeter_ is now known as hpeter
=== mvetketel is now known as bogus-
Twiggy2centsMatt, You awake?15:41
klucasHi All, anyone else have all their videos show up in the 'Watch Recordings' menu after they went from 9.xx to 10.xx?22:09
tgm4883klucas, you mean everything from mythvideo?22:10
klucasHumm, in 9.xx only the items that I'd recorded off the antena were in there now all the videos show up there.22:10
klucastgm4883: yes.  mythvideo has apparently taken over :)22:11
tgm4883klucas, what is the output of 'dpkg -l mythtv-frontend mythvideo'22:11
klucason the frontend or backend?22:11
klucasone sec22:12
tgm4883I just need to last two lines of each22:12
tgm4883the part that shows the version number22:12
klucastgm4883: cool one sec22:12
klucas0.23.0+fixes24104-0ubuntu2 on the frontend / slave backend for both mythtv-frontend and mythvideo22:14
klucastgm4883:  let me just ssh over to the master backend and try it there.22:14
klucastgm4883: the master backend is running opensuse and doesn't seem to have a provider for dpkg installed give me a sec I'm trying to find something that'll get you the version #22:16
tgm4883klucas, rpm -qa packagename22:17
tgm4883probably ^22:17
klucastgm4883: :)  ya or yast-->versions :)  it's 0.23-2 64 bit22:19
klucastgm4883: I think it may have something to do with the directories it's looking for it's files in.22:19
tgm4883klucas, could be, although that would all be handled by the backend22:20
tgm4883not by the frontend22:20
tgm4883go into watch recordings, and hit M and see if changing your group filter fixes it22:20
klucasI've got the myth (myth/videos, myth/default, myth/livetv, etc) mounted as an NFS share on the frontend machine.22:20
klucastgm4883: okay let me see what's in there.22:21
klucastgm4883: I've not used filters in here before so please bear with me.  I've got 5 options in there: 'All Porgrams 11877 items', ----Groups---, Default 11877 items, ----Categories----, and Miro 11877 items.22:23
klucastgm4883: not sure what do do in here22:23
tgm4883hold fsck22:24
tgm488311877 is a lot22:24
tgm4883ok, on your Ubuntu frontend, what is the output of22:24
tgm4883dpkg -l mythtv-backend22:25
klucastgm4883: well it does take a bit to load which is why i'm after getting them out of the recordings menu :)22:25
klucasii  mythtv-backend                    0.23.0+fixes24158-0ubuntu2        A personal video recorder application (server)22:25
tgm4883klucas, ok, so we are getting somewhere22:26
tgm4883so your Ubuntu frontend has a backend as well, probably going to be an issue with storage groups22:26
tgm4883on your ubuntu frontend, go into mythtv-setup and look at the videos storage group. What are the directories listed?22:27
klucastgm4883: yes the tuner card is in the 'front-end' machine so I've got it configured as a slave backend as well22:27
klucastgm4883: default is /media/myth/default22:29
klucastgm4883: the others are /media/myth/<whateverelse> livetv, music, db_backups, etc.22:30
klucastgm4883 /media/myth is a mounted NFS share from the server22:30
tgm4883klucas, ok22:31
tgm4883so what is the output of22:31
tgm4883or rather22:31
tgm4883do you see your videos when you do22:31
tgm4883ls /media/myth/default22:31
klucastgm4883 I see several files with names like 9999_20100822060342.avi and 9999_20100822060342.avi.png (presumably for the screenshots) but not all the videos that are under /media/myth/videos22:33
klucastgm4883: Indeed :)22:35
tgm4883klucas, that looks like a mirobridge file22:36
klucastgm4883: googling microbridge....22:37
tgm4883mirobridge, it's your shows from miro22:37
klucasmirobridge: huh, I setup miro when I installed 10.xx of mythbuntu but havne't played around with it yet.22:38
tgm4883hmm ok22:39
klucastgm4883: interesting22:39
tgm4883can you play that file then and see if it is a show or a video?22:39
klucastgm4883:  Give me a few minutes to fire up the mythfrontend.  (there's another issue where the front end tries to mount all the partitions on the backend machine and it has to wait until each times out before I get the interface22:39
tgm4883klucas, whats the output of  ls -R /media/myth/default | wc -l22:40
klucastgm4883:  "no kidding failed to mount /dev/sde!"22:40
klucastgm4883:  one sec22:40
klucastmg4883: 1522:41
tgm4883klucas, ok, can you do that on your backend as well?22:42
klucastgm4883: sure one sec22:42
klucastgm4883: same 1522:42
klucastgm4883:  which I think makes sense as they're looking at the same dir22:43
tgm4883yea it does, just wanted to make sure there weren't any subdirs over there22:43
klucastgm4883:  cool cool :)22:43
tgm4883so it is definitly something with the mythtv config22:43
klucastgm4883: Ya, specifically with the Miro config section if my hunch is correct22:44
klucastgm4883:  well your hunch :)22:44
klucastgm4883: it would make sense, you said they look like miro files and that wasn't in 9.xx which didn't have the issue22:45
tgm4883klucas, can you play that file outside of mythtv?22:45
klucastgm4883:  one sec I'm still waiting for the mount points to time out22:45
tgm4883klucas, that issue sounds like you have a flash media reader in your frontend (ie a 21-in-1 reader)22:46
tgm4883and that you have enabled watch inserted media22:46
tgm4883klucas, out of curiosity, do you have a frontend on your suse box?22:47
klucastgm4883: I do.22:47
tgm4883does your frontend over there show the same number of recordings?22:47
klucastgm4883: vlc doesn't like the 9999_201008...avi file at least not through ssh -X22:48
klucastgm4883:  um hang on I'll check.22:48
tgm4883I thought the dir was an nfs mount? can't you just open up thunar, browse to that dir and play it?22:48
tgm4883or open up vlc, and play the file?22:48
tgm4883not over ssh22:48
klucastgm4883: yep the frontend on the suse box has the same number 1187722:49
klucastgm4883: yes but the front end runs headless22:50
tgm4883the ubuntu one/22:50
klucastgm4883:  I'm on a laptop talking to you ssh'ed into the mythbox and the master backend with a vnc console open to the frontend as well22:51
klucastgm4883: Okay I've got the frontend started I'm going to try playing one of those files in the 'watch recordings' menu22:52
klucastgm4883:  nope they don't play with the mythfrontend22:53
tgm4883klucas, can you check the size of one of them?22:53
klucastgm4883:  sure ... interesting.  Looks like they're symlinks to the corrisponding /media/myth/video files22:54
klucastgm4883:  for example, lrwxrwxrwx 1 klucas klucas   68 2010-08-22 06:03 9999_20100822060403.avi -> /home/klucas/myth/videos/Star_Trek/S02E02 Who Mourns for Adonais.avi22:54
klucastgm4883: odd that they don't play.22:55
tgm4883klucas, ok, now we are getting somewhere ;)22:55
klucastgm4883:  let me try plaing that file in mythvideo22:55
tgm4883now, was /home/klucas/myth/videos/Star_Trek/S02E02 Who Mourns for Adonais.avi a rip, or a recording?22:55
klucastgm4883: interesting, doesn't play in mythvideo either. :\  It's a rip22:56
tgm4883ok sec22:57
klucastgm4883: brb22:59
klucastgm4883: Okay a bit more info here.  The video does play on the suse box via mythfront end thorugh the 'watch videos' interface but not throught the 'watch recordings' inteface.  Additionally, the symlinks on the suse box indicate that the target of the link is missing.23:02
klucastgm4883: the link is looking for the file in /home/klucas/myth/videos/Star_Trek rather than /media/myth/videos/Star_Trek.23:03
klucastgm4883: /home/klucas/myth is the place I had originally mounted the NFS share when I installed 10.xx23:03
klucastgm4883:  on the front end23:04
klucastgm4883:  which suggests that somehow it got stuck in a config file somewhere23:04
klucastgm4883:  with that dir for the link.23:04
klucastgm4883: question is where and which one. :)_23:04
klucastgm4883: and perhaps more over, why is it looking for it in the recordings in the first place?23:05
tgm4883klucas, ok, so ls -R /media/myth/default | wc -l returns 1523:05
tgm4883klucas, does 'ls /media/myth/default' return more than 15?23:06
klucastgm4883:  on both frontend/slave backend and master backend23:06
klucastgm4883:  checking23:06
klucas15 files are returned on both23:07
tgm4883klucas, any of them symlinks?23:07
klucasor more specifically filenames :)  yes all of the .avi files are simlinks.  The colour coding on the susebox suggests that they're broken23:08
klucasthe ubuntu box doesn't think they're broken23:08
klucasat least as near as I can tell.23:09
tgm4883ok, on your suse backend, in mythtv setup, what do you have listed for the default SG?23:09
klucastgm4883:  /media/myth/default but I'll double check23:09
tgm4883yea double check that it is the same as on the ubuntu frontend23:10
klucastgm4883:  yes /media/myth/default I'll double check the frontend23:11
tgm4883klucas, ok and in watch recordings, you actually have 11000+ items listed? (not 15)23:12
klucastgm4883: yes /media/myth/default is set on the front end.23:13
klucastgm4883:  let me fire up the front end again.  I've disabled the monitor external media so we'll see if this is faster ;)  If nothing else you'll have helped me on that.23:14
klucastgm4883:  nicely done on the disable monitoring of external inputs :)23:16
klucastgm4883:  in answer to your question...23:16
klucastgm4883:  I can't confirm that there are 11 thousand some odd files but there are certainally more than 1523:17
klucastgm4883: sorry 'bout that duity called23:22
tgm4883klucas, odd. Setup looks to be correct, directories look to be correct. Maybe an issue with the database23:24
klucastgm4883:  the only thing I can think of is to remove miro and see if it continues to be an issue23:26
klucasthen reenable miro and look at that23:27
tgm4883klucas, i'm going to send you to #mythtv-users and ask if there is an updated script to check recordings against what is in the database since myth.rebuilddatabase.pl and myth.find_orphans.pl have been deprecated23:27
tgm4883klucas, doesn't look to be a mirobridge issue23:27
tgm4883but something made that symlink, and IDK where the other 11000+ entries are coming from23:27
tgm4883klucas, is it safe to assume you don't have 11000 videos?23:27
klucastgm4883: I didn't think so but it may be up there23:28
klucasI have been using handbrake a lot to convert my dvd collection23:28
tgm4883as have I, i only have 111 though23:28
tgm488311000 is seriously alot23:28
klucastgm4883: ya no kidding :)23:29
klucastgm4883:  thanks for your help23:29
klucastgm4883: whoever says open source programs don't have support is full of it!\23:30
tgm4883klucas, out of curiosity23:32
tgm4883ls -R /media/myth/videos | wc -l returns 123:32
tgm4883ls -R /media/myth/videos | wc -l23:32
klucastgm4883:  looks like there aren't any updates ot those scripts I see in #mythtv-users a good effort though23:33
tgm4883yep, looks like it's going to be something for 0.2423:34
klucastgm4883:  ya not a prob23:34
klucastgm4883:  it's not like it's a huge deal to find the recordings I'm after I just found it odd.23:34
tgm4883klucas, how many recorded shows should you have?23:34
klucastgm4883:  well none now that I've gone and deleted the old recordings.23:35
klucastgm4883:  since In instaled 10.xx my tuner card hasn't been playing nicely.23:35
tgm4883klucas, ok, so you should have zero shows23:35
tgm4883hmm, we might be able to blow away the rest of the recorded shows then23:35
tgm4883"recorded" shows23:35
klucastgm4883:  I've got it now so that it'll show live tv so I'm waiting a day to see if it records the shows in the next daily cycle23:35
tgm4883the 11,000+ number23:35
klucastgm4883:  ya I don't really fancy sitting here blasting through all the recorded entries deleting them one by one23:37
klucastgm4883:  after the upgrade it kept creating enteries for the recordings it was susposed to have made but when i'd try to play them back it would say that it couldn't find the file to play23:38
klucastgm4883: I'd been waiting for a chance to check this out and when I did the first thing I tried was playing live TV and when that failed I figured that was the source of the trouble23:38
tgm4883klucas, ok, we'll need to run an SQL query on the db. Unless you are pretty good with SQL give me a minute to find the query23:39
tgm4883klucas, you don't happen to have phpmyadmin installed on your backend do you?23:40
klucastgm4883:  one sec I'm monitoring mythtv-users.  Let me fire up the mysql client to the backend23:40
klucastgm4883:  I don't typically I use webmin to deal with mysql23:41
tgm4883lets see if wagnerrp has a better solution, otherwise you can see if you can truncate that table23:41
klucasI can send through sql via that interface23:42
tgm4883klucas, ok, so try sphery's suggestion, if they are still listed after that, then make a python script and run wagnerrp's23:46
klucassounds good I'll give it a go23:46
klucasthanks tgm4883 I hope I haven't been the typical clueless user23:53
tgm4883nope, your issue is strange23:54

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