
holsteininternalkernel: i got sidetracked on a network issue at my parents00:06
holsteinlet me know what you do with those links00:07
holsteinand i'll work more on it after my gig tonite00:07
internalkernelholstein: I got stuck in an elevator...01:17
Penduluminternalkernel: aww, that sucks01:56
moisoI want to help with translations02:14
akgranerThank you!!02:15
moisojust tell me :)02:15
akgranerAre you on a translation team now?02:15
moisonope, I'm kind of a noob here02:16
moisoa guy told me you can guide me02:16
akgranermoiso, thank you again!  And I am looking forward to working with you on so more items02:52
akgranerThanks for your time tonight!!02:52
moisoThank you akgraner!02:55
akgranermoiso, thank you  - I'll email you a checklist of sorts02:55
akgranerHave a great weekend and I should be back online on Sunday afternoon sometime02:56
holsteininternalkernel: D'oh03:53
holsteini think we still got some time03:54
holsteini'll try and get some things up there tonite03:54
holsteininternalkernel: you around?20:04
holsteinakgraner: ive been slacking on grabbing stuff from that page21:08
holsteinBUT im in town tomorrow nite21:08
holsteinand around all afternoon tomorrow21:09
holsteinmaybe we can buckle down on it then?21:09
internalkernelholstein: that's about the time frame I'm thinking as well - I have to much stuff going on right now.21:43
internalkernelI'll be free towards tomorrow evening... I have to build a closet :/21:43
holsteininternalkernel: let me know if you need help21:45
holsteini'll come over and hold your beer for you21:45
internalkernelholstein: awesome... but it'll probably some Tequila... and you're welcome to come over of course - we can work on rolling an ISO too22:08
holsteininternalkernel: yeah22:16
holsteini gotta get with you on that22:16

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