
jpds01:32:17 < Psi-Jack> !ops WitBier and Hopsa == Known troll.01:36
jpdsFlannel: IT isn't that strange actually.01:37
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuIn ubottu, maco said: !obfuscate is <reply> Obfuscated swearing is still swearing.  Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:14
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !mdollar is <reply> Ubuntu is spelled "Ubuntu". Microsoft Windows is spelled "Microsoft Windows". Call things by their true names, instead of making up puns that make you and our community look petty.06:39
bazhang!idle | kron|k06:45
ubottukron|k: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.06:45
ikonia!ops | kron|k again idle in the channel without being active09:02
ubottukron|k again idle in the channel without being active: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!09:02
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (kron|k again idle in the channel without being active)09:02
ikoniaI'll look for whatever is forwarding him here and turn it to a straight ban09:03
IdleOneikonia: I changed it to a straight ban09:06
ikoniathank you09:06
ikoniawas there a forward that got removed ?09:06
IdleOneCan someone please remove kron|k until he is ready to be return and discuss his ban09:07
IdleOneikonia: yes I removed the forward09:07
Mamarokhe is apparently idling since 16+ hours09:16
persiaBut has only been here for ~10 hours: there was some cycle that caused the forward to redirect here.09:17
Mamarokstill way too long IMHO09:19
Mamarokwow, 17 minutes since ops call...09:20
ikoniaplease remove him09:20
ikoniapersia: do you see Seeker`'s point from yesterday 17 minutes since an op call09:20
Mamarokapparently no ops active, and all teh active ones aren't ops here09:21
persiaI'd be more convinced if we had any supplicants needing handling in the meantime.09:21
ikoniapersia: really ?09:21
ikoniaso if a user is doing09:21
persiaBut as I said yesterday, I'm not opposed to more ops here, if there is a need for more coverage.09:21
Mamarokikonia: you will get banned :)09:21
IdleOnedoesn't look like it09:22
ikoniaas often happens09:22
ikoniaI won't09:22
ikoniano-one is here09:22
Mamarok20 minutes since op call...09:22
ikoniait's not urgent as the guy is doing no harm, however it does highlight Seeker`'s point09:22
persiaBut since we don't have any misbehaving users (except ikonia who is failing to provoke me, and on-topic with the pointless traffic, amusingly), and we don't have any business with which we'd prefer not to be interrupted, I'm just not sure how it matters.09:23
ikoniapersia: I'm not trying to provoke you09:23
persiaI agree that we've exposed a lack of coverage.  I'm just not sure that it doesn't happen to be OK this time.09:23
ikoniait's not an issue at this time09:24
Mamarokno, I don't see why there is no op reaction after a call, that's the point09:24
ikoniathere is no issue09:24
Mamarokurgent or not09:24
persiaOh.  I thought you wanted me to interrupt your09:24
ikoniahowever I called the ops and no-one responded to it09:24
ikoniaif that HAD have been an issue, it would still be going on09:24
Mamarok22 minutes...09:24
ikoniaI think we get the point, I'll stop the clock09:25
IdleOnethere is an issue, the issue is there is a no idling policy in this channel if we let this user idle then we may as well let everybody.09:25
persiacan't.  We all have logs of the op call.09:25
MamarokIdleOne: +109:25
ikoniaIdleOne: agreed, however it's actually causing an "issue"09:25
persia23 minutes is perhaps slow, but not extremely so, given regular levels of noise in the channel.09:26
Mamaroktopyli: thank you :)09:26
IdleOnethanks topyli09:26
NuclearStr1derI've been banned on #ubuntu , but I have no idea why. I haven't even used FreeNode before today.09:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:34
MamarokI don't see any bans, are you sure?09:38
IdleOneMamarok: 2748209:38
IdleOnethe ban seems to be a little to wide09:38
ikoniatime to remove that probably09:39
ikoniait's quite old09:39
Mamarokapparently yes09:39
IdleOneyou got it?09:39
ikoniahowever there are ISP's that are used for serious issues/attacks09:39
ikoniamaybe worth checking it's not one of them09:39
IdleOneor shall I09:39
ikoniajust doing a little research first09:39
persiaI'm not sure that NuclearStr1der ever understood that the query was being investigated09:42
IdleOneikonia: search padza in BT09:43
IdleOnealso padxa09:43
IdleOnemany many ban evasions09:43
bazhangthe link dilberto posted is quite offensive09:52
elkypersia, someone will contact him when a resolution is made09:52
bazhangalso his quit message09:52
persiaAh cool.  I'm glad procedure covers that.09:58
bazhangthis is the gnaa troll quit message: Haiti=Mierda09:59
elkybazhang, dilberto?10:00
bazhangelky, yes10:00
topylii have it in pm, he claims he doesn't know how to set a quit message10:01
bazhangguess we have to wait til he quits again to ban forward here10:01
topylimakes you wonder how he set it in the first place10:02
bazhanghe's lying10:02
topyliof course10:03
bazhangMichealH, hi10:06
bazhangMichealH, something you needed help with?10:07
MichealHThere was something last night10:09
MichealHI came in here10:10
bazhangMichealH, right, -youth?10:10
bazhangMichealH, wrong channel. try #ubuntu-irc10:10
MichealHThanks fro the help10:11
bazhangMichealH, welcome10:11
bazhang* [ramnepal] (~prabinmet@ prabinmetals  how can he get past that ban every time?10:13
elkybecause you're puting "prabinmet" in the wrong place?10:21
bazhang*!*prabinmet@*  and *prabinmet!* are two other examples I see in the ban list10:23
elkyfind a staffer then I guess10:26
bazhangwell both seem to be in use, just experiment I guess10:26
=== apache2logger is now known as apachelogger
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Akaruz)13:12
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (seekalana)13:38
* marienz isn't sure what to make of seekalana13:40
Seeker`no idea13:41
Seeker`as far as I can work out, they were silent for ages, then just went pop13:41
ikoniahello MichealH14:28
ikoniahow can we help you ?14:28
MichealHI am not too sure about asking in IRC personally14:28
ikoniaasking what ?14:29
bazhangMichealH, about -youth?14:29
MichealHhere are people who were involved last night in there and I dont want them to know14:29
MichealHbazhang: Yes14:29
ikoniaam I missing something ?14:29
bazhangMichealH, its #ubuntu-irc not here.14:29
bazhangikonia, he has the wrong channel14:29
ikoniayou told him that earlier though didn't you ?14:29
bazhangMichealH, I told you this earlier. this channel has nothing to do with that14:30
MichealHIts just there are people in there who I dont want to know14:30
bazhangMichealH, #ubuntu-irc please, not here14:30
MichealHCan it be done via PM in there?14:30
bazhangMichealH, up to you.14:30
Seeker`MichealH: who do you not wish to talk to?14:30
ikoniaMichealH: talk in the channel, once an operator responds, ask them to talk in a pm14:30
MichealHOkay Thanks14:30
MichealHSeeker`: The people involved... I dont want them to see14:31
Seeker`Well, they are the ops of -youth?14:31
bazhangikonia, yes, he's been told 3 times now14:31
MichealHI will be going now14:31
Seeker`they kinda have to be involved if you are looking towards being unbanned14:31
MichealHThanks anyway14:31
Seeker`how does he think he will be unbanned without the -youth ops knowing?14:32
bazhangno idea14:32
bazhang-irc is where things are worked out though, not here.14:32
ikoniaoooo jungli ?14:43
bazhangikonia, looked like it was jungli14:56
ikoniait did to me14:56
marienzoh dear14:57
ikoniain #ubuntu14:57
ikoniabut not %10014:57
jussimarienz: could I have a momant of your time?14:57
elkywait, the guy who started -youth is now banned from it?14:57
ikoniathat doesn't make sense14:57
marienzjussi: sure14:58
bazhangseems tyrannical but not our issue14:58
jussiI thought lhavelund started -youth...14:58
ikoniathis looks a tricky situation14:58
ikoniajussi: acctually, you're right,14:58
jussimichealh isnt a bad guy, just a youngun. (12 or so last time I remember him saying)14:59
ikoniaI don't think (from what I'm reading) anyone is saying he's a bad guy, but he won't follow instruction14:59
ikoniawhich no matter what his age is, if it causes a disruption to the channel will end in tears15:00
Seeker`sounds like someone from #kubuntu15:01
Seeker`cant remember the name though15:02
bazhangdon't think its our issue15:03
Seeker`no, but will contiunute with bickering until it is sorted15:03
ikoniathat's not good when an op is swearing at people15:13
bazhangindeed not15:13
Seeker`I wonder what the average age of op in -youth is15:14
ikonianot enough  I'm guessing15:15
Seeker`could probably do with some weighting towards the right side of 1215:16
Seeker`anyone else want to lend some thoughts in -irc?15:18
ikoniaSeeker`: just pondering15:19
ikoniaI don't think the banning op is in a position to be able to ban people15:19
ikoniabut clearly don't want to say that15:20
Seeker`I dont think he deserved a ban for what he did15:20
Seeker`sounds like he has been irritiating, but not actually done anything to warrant a ban15:20
Seeker`I reckon lift the ban in 48 hours, on the condition that michealH realises that he may not get assigned all of the projects he wants15:21
bazhangseems like their issue to resolve as none of us are ops in there15:22
Seeker`bazhang: yes, it is15:22
Seeker`but they are kids, and will just go on bickering from here to eternity15:22
Seeker`we are trying to guide them in a sensible direction15:22
ikoniaif members are leaving due to this guy being in the channel, there is clearly more than meets the eye15:30
Seeker`-14:32:38- Seeker`: I haven't seen any examples of behaviour that would warrent people leaving the project15:34
Seeker`-14:32:55- zkriesse: Ok first ever meeting of the team.15:35
Seeker`-14:33:26- zkriesse: Micheal got mad as people were discussing his attitude and he starting kick banning people15:35
ikoniahe's an op ???15:35
Seeker`he was, apparently15:35
Seeker`not for a while Ithink15:35
bazhangany reason to post that here?15:35
ikoniawe where discussing it15:35
Seeker`so ikonia could see it, and any other op that may be interested15:36
bazhangdidn't know that -youth was a core channel15:36
ikoniait's not, we are just discussing it15:36
Seeker`a) It isn't interrupting any ongoing discussion b) They are clearly struggling, some of us here have quite a lot of experience as ops, and want to try and help them15:36
Tm_Tit's our duty to help them IMO15:37
bazhangsure. in -irc15:37
bazhangxzil0 wants instructions to break his machine?15:40
Seeker`buffre overflow isn't really "breaking"15:42
bazhang Invalid target: ^^MoYzY^^  strange error when trying to remove that nick15:56
ikoniahi Gerry__16:19
Gerry__hi ikonia16:22
ikoniahow can we help you16:22
Gerry__i just came in to thank you guys16:22
ikoniafor what ?16:22
Gerry__for changing my life16:22
ikoniawhat are you talking about ?16:23
Gerry__i used to be a well known troll16:23
Gerry__but now i am a valued member of the dutch ubuntu community16:23
ikoniayes, we know fujisan16:23
ikoniado you need anything form us ?16:23
ikoniayou are well known16:23
Gerry__may i leave no16:23
Gerry__and have a nice day16:23
Gerry__bu bye :)16:23
elkyO.... Kay...17:30
Mamarokhm, I have some difficulties to believe Gerry...18:05
ikoniano-one does18:05
Mamarokhe has been trolling as Fujisan not so long ago in the KDE channels18:06
Mamarokand apparently is ban-evading, unless somebody lifted the ban on his presence in Freenode18:06
ikoniahe was klined go knows how many times18:07
ikoniahe's got a perm ban in the ubuntu channels18:07
Mamarokditto for the KDE ones AFAIK18:07
ikoniaand he's certainly not a part of ubuntu-nl18:07
Mamarokand of course in #amarok, where he was stalking18:07
Seeker`Nece228: hi, how can we help you?18:36
Nece228Hi i want to talk with funkyHat, but as i see he's away18:37
lhavelundjussi: I did.18:45
IdleOne!idle | Nece22818:51
ubottuNece228: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.18:51
Nece228IdleOne: thats why i am here. Ill be back, now i need to make some apple juice18:58
Nece228Hi funkyHat, can i be unbanned?19:39
ikoniawhere are you banned ?19:57
ikoniaI see lots of bans/kicks in the logs19:58
ikoniawhy are you constantly getting banned/kicked ?19:58
ikoniado you understand why you are getting kicked/banned all the time ?19:59
ikoniaNece228: hello ?20:01
Nece228yes i do20:01
ikoniaok - so why do you keep doing it ?20:01
Nece228i got two or three kicks in total, and one ban20:01
ikoniayou have more kicks20:01
ikoniaand it's not about the numbers - more the intent20:01
ikoniawhy do you keep doing it ?20:01
Nece228i was joking20:02
ikoniabut you keep getting kicked for it and told to stop20:02
ikoniawhy do you keep "joking"20:02
Nece228but people accept my jokes as trolling20:02
Nece228its partially true20:02
ikoniaok - so why do you keep doing it20:02
Nece228ah, i actually never thought that those jokes can lead to ban, i mean i thinked i wont get ban because this message wont be very bad20:03
ikoniayou've been kicked/warned enough time20:03
ikoniadid that not give you a clue you're not welcome with those "jokes"20:03
Nece228you see, it was hard to understand all the kicks, because sometimes i even had no serious clue why i was kicked20:04
ikoniayet you've just told me you know/understand why you get kicked20:04
ikoniathat's a direct contradiction20:04
Nece228now i understand20:04
Nece228in past i didnt20:04
ikoniaafter what20:04
ikoniawhat made you understand ?20:05
Nece228while ubuntu-offtopic is offtopic channel, but i still need to have all the rules in my mind20:06
ikoniathis may seem a pointless discussion but I'm reading through the logs of your behaviour and I see nothing positive in it at all20:06
ikoniaI see you adding no value to the channel or discussions, just making stupid comments to try to provoke people then getting kicked20:06
ikoniaI don't see a reason to allow you to participate in that channel20:06
Nece228yes i understand that my comments were stupid and kinda provoked a kick20:07
Nece228and i apologise for that20:07
ikoniaI'll leave the ban to funkyhat, but I see no reason to allow you back into the channel as you have a history of these comments, and I don't see a reason to waste the channels time with more of the same20:07
Nece228listen we all do foults until some serious problems happen, but after that lots of people are good20:08
ikoniayes, however you do a lot of these issues20:08
Nece228but i do regret20:10
Nece228come on :(20:10
ikoniayou should have regretted a lot sooner20:10
ikoniaI'll leave the ban to funkyHat - if it was more straight forward or more an obvious minor issue I'd remove it,20:11
Nece228when someone gets a ban, its definitely not a minor issue20:11
ikoniahowever as you have a history of persistantly being an issue in that channel and my view of the log is that you ad no value and just troll the channel with stupid comments, I won't act while funkyHat's not here20:11
Nece228funkyhat said he might unban me in this week ending20:12
ikoniayes, I've read the comment20:12
Nece228you read private messages?20:13
ikoniano, there is a note in our ban system saying the same thing20:13
Nece228funkyhat is still away :/20:14
ikoniayes, it looks that way20:15
ikoniaNece228: I suggest you come back later when funkyHat is available20:36
Nece228yeah i know20:36
IdleOnewell if you know, please part20:36
Nece228oh, so i cant be in this channel without reason?20:39
Nece228then sorry20:40
topylihrm. bantracker items for the sailor above is depressing reading22:07
ubottuIn #ubuntu, veryhappy said: ubottu: the problem is "init: ureadahead-other main process (1025)&(1026) terminated with status 4" whats this what can i do?22:40
veryhappycan you please help me?22:42
veryhappyim sorry22:43
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))22:48
jribwhat are you bots talking about...22:49
Flanneljrib: probably the m m m m m mm m m m m22:49
jribyeah but he quieted and blocked unidentified users for that :/22:50
FlannelJust letting us know so we can look into it incase it was part of something larger I imagine22:50
ubottudominicdinada called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:51
jribFlannel: just seemed weird that the floodbot didn't just quiet the guy until he shutup22:54

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