
ScottKHopsa: Why do you think all of Ubuntu server is my personal problem?00:00
ScottKI agree it's bad, just not that I'm required to be the one that fixes it.00:00
HopsaYou tried to defend "n0a1ias" and then you started talking to me.00:01
Hopsan0a1ias is at best a bot at worst a failed experiment to code a bot.00:02
n0a1iasim not a bot00:02
Hopsa1/3 = ?00:02
n0a1ias1 sec00:03
n0a1iasim sorry i was mean, but wow.00:04
Hopsa3,1592 ... is ?00:05
n0a1iasa number?00:05
n0a1iasidk the question00:05
Hopsa3.141592653589793... ?00:05
HopsaIts PI00:06
n0a1iasoh, the missing 4 threw me off00:06
n0a1iasso yea00:07
n0a1iasnot a bot00:07
HopsaIf you scroll up and explain why i could have thought you're then i can accept any outcome of this discussion :)00:08
n0a1iasyea i just did00:08
HopsaWhere in europe do you live, what country ?00:09
HopsaNorth or south ?00:11
HopsaSo what ive learned about #ubuntu-server so far is this: ScottK thinks dhcpd is: "It's not a package I personally pay a lot of attention to". n0alias likes the shiny shiny colors (joking) and the rest of the channel is out partying ?00:16
Hopsan0a1ias: Is it always this quiet here ?00:18
HopsaI feel that some shouldnt be here at all given that regard and respect it deserves. Do you require new staff ?00:21
HopsaIts very important to care. Am i right ?00:25
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
HopsaScottK: Correct me if im wrong, but arent you a member of ubuntu and you just said that you dont give a shit about servers in ubuntu but are located in #ubuntu-server ? /What kind of "member are you" ?00:58
Psi-JackAhhh.. Hopsa. A known troll.00:58
HopsaReally ? Please provide intel on this ?01:00
Psi-JackLets see.. moatbuilder, Dionysos, Manjula, Ballefjon, Jusfication, Melkerscrollan, even GayAnankePsi.01:01
HopsaWhat ?01:01
Psi-JackAlways coming from that VERY specific IP you're on now, plus ip-*-*-179-93.dialup.ice.net01:02
IdleOnePsi-Jack: you forgot bermanrules01:02
Hopsa[Hopsa] anthony.freenode.net :Irvine, CA, USA01:02
Hopsa* [Hopsa] is connecting from *@h156n2fls32o256.telia.com
Psi-JackIdleOne: I haven't logged that one yet apparently.01:02
Hopsapsi-jack: ?01:03
Psi-JackCut the crap, troll.01:03
HopsaThanks then i guess. How rude.01:04
Psi-JackI found an issue with Ubuntu 10.04's lsb/init-functions that might should be looked into. Basically when using status_of_proc -p PIDFILE DAEMON, it passes it to pidofproc which cares nothing for DAEMON if -p PIDFILE is given so if the PIDFILE doesn't exist it returns rc=4 instead of checking the pidof DAEMON and determining if it's actually running regardless of the pidfile.01:05
Psi-JackKinda breaks LSB a bit by returning rc=4 when it could in fact return 0 or 3 as expected.01:06
HopsaPIDFILE=`cat Location_Of_Pidfile` has worked the best and is the recommended aquireing of PIDS for programs01:08
Psi-JackHopsa: Shut it already.01:08
Psi-JackMy fix for it was to alter line 94 of lsb/init-functions to: if [ -x /bin/pidof -a -n "$1" ]; then  -- So if DAEMON is passed to it, it assumes since it's already shifted $OPTIN, that it at least has a daemon name.01:09
Psi-JackThat whole check for $specified is really kinda lame. ;)01:10
* Hopsa Has nothing to say and i bet your question will go unanswered.01:12
kuttan_Have a bad package entry in my systems apt database, and the name persists despite the removal  of the package . How can I get rid of this entry01:13
kuttan_synaptic show post_install script failure ..01:16
kuttan_Have a bad package entry in my systems apt database, and the name persists despite the removal  of the package . How can I get rid of this entry01:21
kuttan_synaptic show post_install script failure ..01:21
Psi-JackAnd.. Why... prey tell... Are you running synaptic on a server?01:22
kuttan_okay that was not required , but yet ..01:23
Psi-Jacksynaptic means you're running X, which means you're not running a server.01:23
Psi-JackOr, if you are, you're stupid crazy for running X on a server.01:24
Hopsapsi is trolling01:25
Psi-JackNo, Hopsa, you still are.01:25
kuttan_k thanks for you kind contribution01:25
Psi-Jackkuttan_: You need #ubuntu01:25
WitBierSmoked too much again Psi-Jack ?01:28
Psi-JackTold ya.01:28
* Psi-Jack gets freenode staff.01:28
WitBierPlease try to behave sir01:28
Psi-Jack!ops WitBier and Hopsa == Known troll.01:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:32
kuttan_k some other time , thanks all01:34
Psi-Jackheh, so anyway. I only have a couple issues left to resolve with my pacemaker + drbd + dlm + clvmd + IPaddr2 + iSCSI stuff.01:46
biodegabrielHeyall, Does anybody know of a good tutorial on setting Postfix with Ubuntu 10.04? The ones at help.ubuntu.com are way way too wordy and complicated.01:50
Psi-Jackand, what exactly are you trying to do with postfix?01:51
Psi-Jackbiodegabriel: And https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix is too wordy and complicated?01:51
biodegabrielthx Hopsa!01:51
Hopsabiodegabriel: Np!01:51
biodegabrielPsi-Jack: I was using this one "https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/postfix.html" and it started explaining stuff about paying Certificate Authorities to certify you... I was like... WTF?!01:52
Psi-JackThat looks about the same thing.01:53
Psi-JackStill.. Not very complicated, compared to past documentation basic guides. :p01:53
biodegabrielPsi-Jack: Step 2 sends you to another page where they lecture you on certiifcates.01:54
Psi-JackWhich you don't have to follow that part. :p01:54
biodegabrielPsi-Jack: Yeah, but the "note"s come after the instructions. It's totally a-linear. Not what I need in instructions/tutorials.01:55
Psi-JackInstead, the alternative, creating a self-signed certficiate, or flat-out skipping the sections 2-401:55
biodegabrielPsi-Jack: Want to setup my Postfix install for me?01:55
Psi-JackI want you to RTFM and follow it as it's written because that guide is actually really fricken nice. :)01:56
biodegabrielPsi-Jack: Nice for people who've installed Postfix 12 times before. Not for n00bs like me.01:56
Psi-JackActually, it's exactly for "n00bs" like you.01:57
biodegabrielPsi-Jack: How many users pay for certified certificates?01:57
Psi-Jackbiodegabriel: Millions. However you don't need to get a certified certificate, or even follow the steps 2-4, as I've said already.01:58
biodegabrielPsi-Jack: If only you were sitting beside me ten minutes ago...01:58
Psi-JackYou wouldn't want that. ;)01:58
Psi-JackI uses a sheleighly on my students. ;)01:59
HopsaShenanigan ?02:00
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
uvirtbotNew bug: #623144 in chkrootkit (main) "chkutmp assert failure: *** stack smashing detected ***: ./chkutmp terminated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62314402:21
HopsaA very funny game i played --- Monkey Bubble --- Absolutely love it, check it out!02:21
Hopsauvirtbot: *__GI_abort () at abort.c:92 is not aborted properly you say ? ;)02:25
uvirtbotHopsa: Error: "*__GI_abort" is not a valid command.02:25
HopsaInterresting /yawn02:26
HopsaNow thats interresting, Married with children is on! :)02:26
biodegabrielHey all, How do i find out if I have have sendmail installed? (I'm not joking, i really don't know).02:33
gtpeacockI just installed 10.04 server.  One partition is mounted on installation as type ntfs in fstab.  Is there any reason not to use ntfs-3g?02:34
pmatulisbiodegabriel: use dpkg to query what's installed or just look for the sendmail binary02:37
biodegabrielpmatulis: thx02:37
pmatulisbiodegabriel: 'dpkg -l *sendmail*' or 'which sendmail'02:37
biodegabrielpmatulis: i was typing 'sendmail which'. LOL02:38
pmatulishmmm, a sendmail witch, nasty thing02:38
Hopsabiodegabriel: ls /usr/sbin/sendmail02:50
HopsaInstall sendmail-cf if you intend to use it.02:50
biodegabrielHopsa: cool02:51
WinstonSmithhi everybody. my server 8.04 wont reboot anymore. i give it a reboot or shutdown -r now and just nothing happens... i get the message that it will reboot but nothing03:37
dschuettanyone running squid on 10.04?03:38
WinstonSmithwhich log should i look at?03:38
progre55hi guys! anyone knows if "setfacl" works on ubuntu?03:39
HopsaWinstonSmith: I would urge you to upgrade because ive seen indications on that 8.04 isnt prioritized anymore. An odd decition, but nevertheless perhaps a fact.03:41
HopsaWinstonSmith: If you run servers and they work ok, then upgrading atm isnt a good option if you rely on a dhcp server as the one in Ubuntu Lucid isnt working as far as i can tell.03:43
WinstonSmithHopsa, thx for responding. the server belongs to a friend of mine and runs a website blog etc and he does not want to upgrade without me being there and thats 3000 km away :(03:43
Hopsahttpd is ok03:43
Hopsain Lucid03:43
WinstonSmithyes but can you tell me anything about my question plz?03:44
pmatulis8.04 server will receive security fixes and critical fixes until April 201303:44
WinstonSmithcause i just upgraded the kernel and then tried a "reboot" (uptime was 100 days) and it just doesnt reboot03:45
WinstonSmithwhich log this kind of command would be logged to?03:45
WinstonSmithyes 8.04 is LTS thats why we chose it03:45
HopsaWinstonSmith: I do know that one of my friends Ubuntu-8.04 Firefox stopped working. Perhaps due to an upgrade he did, but the result was he had no browser anymore. "ns_loginit()" problem, possibly due to different versions of xulrunnel.03:46
Hopsa"shutdown -h now" ?03:47
WinstonSmithHopsa, yes but im talking about a headless server no GUI or FF03:47
Hopsa"shutdown -r now" ?03:47
Hopsa-r     Requests  that  the system be rebooted after it has been brought03:47
Hopsa              down.03:47
WinstonSmithHopsa,  as i said above "shutdown -h now" or reboot produce the message that system is going down for reboot and then nothing happens03:48
WinstonSmithreboot just being an alias to  "shutdown -h now"03:48
Hopsaor ... -r now03:49
WinstonSmith i have no entry in dmesg or /var/log/messages related to my reboot try03:49
Hopsa-h means shut down or (halt)03:49
WinstonSmithoh yeah typo sry03:49
HopsaSo, nothing happens ?03:50
WinstonSmithis there any other log that i could look at ... this behavior is really strange03:50
Hopsaalso check /var/log/secure03:50
WinstonSmiththe machine had a load of 3x for weeks cause we had a runaway msql and a gameserver who ate all resources ... maybe related to that?03:51
WinstonSmithi have no /var/log/secure03:52
EvilPhoenixis there a way to see how you're doing on disc space on VPS systems in openvz?03:52
Hopsals /var/log03:52
WinstonSmithyes i just moved from portugal to germany so i wasnt really on top of things ... no internet03:52
Hopsasome dists call it "security" etc03:52
WinstonSmithyes i know03:52
Hopsareboot it and see if setjmp will work correctly then.03:53
WinstonSmithnothing with that name around03:53
dschuettdoes anyone run squid on ubuntu 10.0403:54
biodegabrielHey all, What do I do when a package I'm trying to install can't be found? Do I try another source? http://pastie.org/112177803:55
Hopsadschuett: squid-2.7STABLE703:57
dschuettHopsa: does it run ok?03:57
dschuetti can't stop start or reload, i get this: reload: Unknown instance:03:58
HopsaYes, but watch out for the switch to Squid 3. Then you must remove acl "all" because its been built in.03:58
HopsaFor some unknown reason.03:58
dschuettah, ok thanks for the heads up03:59
HopsaNp. Stop it then start it... ?03:59
dschuettHopsa: when i do a squid stop...i get: squid is already running!03:59
dschuettsame with start and reload03:59
HopsaHmm, hmm...04:00
Hopsakillall -9 squid04:00
dschuettif i do this: /etc/init.d/squid reload stop or start i get unknown instance04:00
Hopsait could have a lingering .lock file in /var/lock/squid.lock or so04:01
HopsaPerhaps due to a powerfailure or so04:01
dschuettHopsa: that killed it...i was able to start it, but on squid stop or reload it says "squid is already running!"04:02
dschuettare you on ubuntu 10.04?04:02
HopsaYes, i have one of those running beside me04:02
WinstonSmithanyone else an idea why shutdown -r now does not work anymore?04:02
dschuettdamn, i googled the error, and a lot of people are having this issue...but no solutions04:03
EvilPhoenixyou tried shutdown -h?04:03
EvilPhoenixah to restart04:04
EvilPhoenixone sec04:04
Hopsadschuett: Try to start and stop squid manually and see if its the scripts that call squid the wrong way.04:04
Hopsacall = try to start04:04
WinstonSmithEvilPhoenix, i have to reboot the server is offsite ~3000km away :|04:04
HopsaI wonder if winston could signal the init process to make a reboot somehow...04:05
EvilPhoenixshutdown -r worked for me on both my servers04:06
dschuettHopsa: not sure how to do what you are asking04:06
EvilPhoenixnot sure if its just your system04:06
EvilPhoenixWinstonSmith:  ^04:06
HopsaInit should have a process id of "1". Does it have that winston ?04:07
WinstonSmithEvilPhoenix, the server is running fine for 2.5 years. every 2 month or so i make all the updates and reboot. never had a single problem wiith it rocksolid :)04:07
WinstonSmithhopsa 1 sec04:07
WinstonSmithyes it does04:08
Hopsadschuett: Your scripts try to start and stop servers one way, perhaps they are not doing it correctly. Try stopping squid and then starting it manually. "squid -k start" maybe (cant remeber atm)04:08
Hopsasquid -k reconfigure | rotate | shutdown | interrupt | kill | debug | check |04:10
Hopsa       parse04:10
Hopsasquid -k shutdown && squid04:11
dschuettk, did that04:11
Hopsasquid -k shutdown && squid || echo "I have failed to stop and start squid"04:11
HopsaWorked ok ?04:11
Hopsathen id suspect the sysinit script04:11
dschuettyeah, it killed it04:12
Hopsaand started ok ?04:12
dschuettjust try squid start?04:12
dschuettsays squid is already running04:12
dschuettany easy way to upgrade to 3.0?04:13
biodegabrielHopsa: Do you know what I'm doing wrong here? http://pastie.org/112180204:16
Hopsadschuett: use the debian versions04:17
Hopsaisnt itr libsasl ? ... use a "*" if unsure04:17
WinstonSmithbiodegabriel, do you have all the repos enabled?04:18
WinstonSmithcause my apt-cache gives me libgsasl7 - GNU SASL library04:18
biodegabrielWinstonSmith: here are my repos: http://pastie.org/112180804:19
pmatulisbiodegabriel: just what are you trying to do?04:22
WinstonSmithbiodegabriel, hmmm thats really strange because the package is in the universe repos which you have enabled04:22
biodegabrielpmatulis: install mailutils. i'm following this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto04:22
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
pmatulisbiodegabriel: your answer doesn't correspond to what you just pastebin'd04:24
biodegabrielpmatulis: i know, but when i try and install mailutils, it installs some other packages, one of which is libgsasl, and that's the one that fails.04:25
pmatulisbiodegabriel: did you provide that error output?04:25
biodegabrielpmatulis: yup http://pastie.org/112177804:26
pmatulisbiodegabriel: error shows astromirror.uchicago.edu but your system shows mirror.ne.gov04:28
HopsaINSTALL this first: http://altruistic.lbl.gov/mirrors/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gsasl/libgsasl7_1.4.4-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb04:28
WinstonSmithso does anybody else an idea on how to reboot a machine if reboot, shutdown -r and init 6 dont work?04:29
pmatulisWinstonSmith: try 'reboot'04:29
WinstonSmithpmatulis, please read my msg04:29
pmatulisWinstonSmith: oh04:30
pmatulis'shutdown -r now' ?04:30
pmatulisbiodegabriel: well?04:30
WinstonSmithpmatulis, in my msg i said : reboot, shutdown -r and init 6 dont work04:31
biodegabrielpmatulis: just a sec.04:31
pmatulisWinstonSmith: but not 'shutdown -r now'04:31
WinstonSmithyes but thats just the timer04:31
pmatulisWinstonSmith: try it then04:32
WinstonSmithi tried all that for quite some time now.... thats wjy im asking04:32
WinstonSmithif theres any other way to reboot04:32
pmatulisWinstonSmith: any output from these commands?04:33
WinstonSmithi give it a reboot or shutdown -r now and just nothing happens... i get the message that it will reboot but nothing04:33
WinstonSmithno entry in dmesg or /var/log/messages04:33
biodegabrielsorry pmatulis, i'm doing something wrong. is this the right command? http://pastie.org/112182404:33
pmatulisWinstonSmith: anything in the logs?04:33
WinstonSmithno entry in dmesg or /var/log/messages04:33
WinstonSmithis there any other log you could point me to?04:34
pmatulisbiodegabriel: your're thrashing, please stop04:34
pmatulisWinstonSmith: type 'dmesg'04:34
HopsaWinstonSmith: "reboot -f" ?04:35
WinstonSmithHopsa, ok will try that04:35
pmatulisbiodegabriel: answer my question re discrepency between your sources.list file and the error output04:35
biodegabrielpmatulis: i was using another source cause i tried 4 other ones and they all said that the package couldn't be found. should i edit my sources list everytime i want to try a different source?04:37
pmatulisbiodegabriel: just stop thrashing like that.  use the official mirrors04:37
WinstonSmithHopsa, thats seems to have helped :D. i have to wait a bit now to see because it will fsck at boot and has over 2 TB so takes some time04:37
biodegabrielpmatulis: what are the official mirrors? i got my mirrors from this list https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors04:38
WinstonSmithHopsa, pmatulis thank you for your time & have a nice day (or night whereever you are)04:38
HopsaWinstonSmith: May the force be with you, always! ... Ill wait until it comes up, gotta go catch some shut eye myself :)04:38
WinstonSmithi am your father luke!!!04:39
HopsaHaha! :)04:39
WinstonSmithHopsa, since you ate still here... ;) do you have a clue what caused this kind of behavior?04:40
HopsaMaybe /dev/initctl was hosed by something. Its what i can come up with atm.04:41
pmatulisbiodegabriel: use archive.ubuntu.com for now04:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #625651 in krb5 (main) "package libkadm5clnt6 1.7dfsg~beta3-1ubuntu0.6 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62565104:42
pmatulisWinstonSmith: did dmesg command show anything?04:42
biodegabrielpmatulis: OK04:42
HopsaYou can test that later by removing it and trying to reboot. Perhaps some other device file could also do it.04:42
biodegabrielpmatulis: i had stopped using it cause it was taking hours to download packages....04:43
WinstonSmithpmatulis, no thats what i found really odd. it gave the : the system will reboot now! msg and then nothing... fell into the black hole04:43
pmatulisbiodegabriel: pastebin your edited file04:43
pmatulisWinstonSmith: odd, never seen that04:43
WinstonSmithpmatulis, me nether in all my linux life04:44
biodegabrielpmatulis: http://pastie.org/112183904:44
WinstonSmithpmatulis, i thought that it was related to the heavy load the machine had in the last weeks?04:44
pmatulisbiodegabriel: anything under /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?  if so, pastebin it's contents04:44
biodegabrielpmatulis: http://pastie.org/112184304:45
WinstonSmithsuccess : 04:45:36 up 9 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.21, 0.1904:46
Hopsamknod -m 622 /var/new-dist/dev/console c 5 104:46
Hopsamknod -m 666 /var/new-dist/dev/ptmx c 5 204:46
Hopsachown root:tty /var/new-dist/dev/{console,ptmx,tty}04:46
WinstonSmiththank you all for your time !04:46
pmatulisbiodegabriel: ok, now 'sudo apt-get clean'04:46
Hopsaswitch /var/new-dist for /dev/*04:46
biodegabrielpmatulis: done04:46
pmatulisnow 'sudo apt-get update'04:46
biodegabrielpmatulis: it fetched 24 packages04:47
WinstonSmithHopsa, wish u a good shut-eye & cya :D04:47
pmatulisnow 'sudo apt-get -f install'04:47
pmatulisbiodegabriel: ^^04:47
biodegabrielpmatulis: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 37 not upgraded."04:48
pmatulisbiodegabriel: now 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'04:48
biodegabrielpmatulis: working......04:49
biodegabrielpmatulis: 37 upgraded04:49
pmatulisbiodegabriel: now 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install mailutils'04:49
biodegabrielpmatulis: perfect! so changing my sources was messing everything up? is that what's called "thrashing"?04:50
pmatulisbiodegabriel: thrashing refers to trying anything in the hopes that it will work, going berzerk really04:51
biodegabrielpmatulis: you haven't seen me thrash then... :D04:51
pmatulisbiodegabriel: so you're all set?04:52
biodegabrielpmatulis: thanks for your help. i can keep on with my postfix setup now. what was i doing wrong, though, specifically?04:52
biodegabrielwrong source?04:52
pmatulisbiodegabriel: i don't know  :)  maybe didn't update your package index?04:53
biodegabrielpmatulis: you mean i needed to do "apt-get update"?04:54
pmatulisbiodegabriel: yes04:54
pmatulisbiodegabriel: but the other commands could have played a role too04:54
pmatulisbiodegabriel: (cleaning out your cache)04:55
pmatulisbiodegabriel: the general package upgrade04:55
pmatulisbiodegabriel: i don't see anything  :)04:55
biodegabrielpmatulis: cool, thanks again. i nearly drowned there.04:56
pmatulisbiodegabriel: nice. keep on truckin' - and good night04:56
biodegabrielpmatulis: night04:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #625656 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.16.0.0', which is also in package mysql-cluster-client-5.1 0:7.0.9-1ubuntu7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62565605:01
Andre_Gondimhow may I change the hostname of my server?05:30
Andre_Gondimhmm I used hostname command05:31
WinstonSmithany experiences with upgrading 8.04 to 10.04 while SSH'ing into the box?05:31
WinstonSmithbecause do-release-upgrade throws a big fat warning that it shouldnt be done over SSH but how do you do it if the box is offsite?05:33
straxI got that warning, did it anyway05:42
strax9.10 to 10.0405:42
straxworked fine05:42
WinstonSmithstrax, no problems at all? did you had to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst ?05:44
straxNo, but again I was just doing one release to the next, not lts to lts05:45
WinstonSmithbecause the box is ~3000 km away a bit far to plug in a monitor and KB ;)05:45
WinstonSmithstrax, ok thank you . i think i will ponder that for some more time05:46
WinstonSmithyou know never change a running system etc  heheh05:46
straxApparently a second ssh connection is opened up on another port, just in case05:46
straxAlthough I don't see how that helps things05:47
WinstonSmithyes it said so but still ... at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades it says that you may have to edit the menu.lst etc. that would not be a problem but still if it MAY not run smoothly im done for it05:48
straxIs there a pressing reason to upgrade?05:49
WinstonSmithsry was afk. more ore less ... just to have a homogeneous environment05:56
Jordan_UWinstonSmith: Make sure you run it in screen, and be prepared to completely lose remote access to it if something goes wrong.05:57
WinstonSmithand since the new LTS is out...05:57
WinstonSmithJordan_U, thanks for the tip will do !05:57
Jordan_UWinstonSmith: You're welcome.05:57
WinstonSmithJordan_U, if i lose remote then does it reboot automatically at the end or do i gain remote again and reconnect to screen?05:58
Jordan_UWinstonSmith: I don't think it will reboot automatically.05:59
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
arvind_khadriHi, I am unable to see the statistics of a windows client. I get a message telling that -l parameters are missing and also Socket connection is being timed out.06:18
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=== Guest67660 is now known as crazygir
dulmandakhhello, I need help on virtualization+bridge07:54
dulmandakhseems bridge setup working fine, because I can ping to the IP07:57
dulmandakhit's static07:58
dulmandakhlibvirt bridge config is same as on official ubuntu documentation07:59
dulmandakhseems working, thanks08:12
qiyonghow to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.04.1 ?08:23
alex88morning..i've a updated ubuntu install, i have to let my friend download the updates from my pc instead of archived..cause we have atm slow internet.. apt-mirror when installed downloads the full repositories right?09:19
joschialex88: you're probably looking for something like apt-cacher or approx09:20
alex88joschi: what about just copy /var/cache/apt/archived?09:22
joschialex88: you could do that09:23
alex88nice..i think is the faster way..then when synaptic tryies to update find there the packages..or i have to do some cache refresh or something similar to make it find those?09:23
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uvirtbotNew bug: #625740 in quagga (main) "Sync quagga 0.99.17-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62574010:31
Nafallommmm quagga10:35
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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uvirtbotNew bug: #625798 in tickcount "Don't use int constants with a long data type." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62579813:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #624802 in authbind (main) "authbind port usage incorrect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62480214:08
xmaxmexfala marciopanto ;)14:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #625812 in quagga (main) "Install needs to turn off Reverse Path Filtering" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62581214:56
marciopantoHi Claudemir14:56
Fabricio-Magalhahello word !!!14:56
RoyKhi all. if I install a VM using virt-manager, the host is running Lucid and so is the guest - will this be setup using paravirt or hwvirt?15:02
Patrickdkyou can do either15:06
RoyKPatrickdk: from virt-manager, how do I check if a VM is PV or not?15:08
Patrickdkdunno, I never use virt-manager15:09
RoyKok, from the command line, then?15:09
Patrickdkdunno I never use the command line15:09
PatrickdkI only do xen and esx vm's15:10
PatrickdkI assume your doing kvm based15:10
RoyKit is15:10
RoyKI gave up paravirtualizing ubuntu with xen15:10
Patrickdkall of my linux xen's are paravirtual15:16
RoyKPatrickdk: xen told me the .iso file didn't contain a known linux install - I asked around and couldn't find how to do things properly....15:18
Patrickdkxen? iso files?15:18
Patrickdknot sure how you did it15:18
RoyKubuntu-10.04 iso15:18
Patrickdkbut then again, I never installed a xen guest from an iso15:18
RoyKnever mind - kvm works well15:18
Patrickdkjust used deb builder15:19
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RoyKit's somehow quite understandable that ubuntu has and now redhat will move to kvm15:19
SpamapSRoyK: I believe maverick will be much more friendly to xen btw.15:54
RoyKSpamapS: doesn't really matter so long as kvm works well :)15:55
SpamapSRoyK: right, I agree. I think though, there is some desire to make it work better w/ xen because of some EC2 stuff.15:56
* SpamapS realizes he has wandered into completely unfamiliar territory at this point.15:59
RoyKoperating ubuntu is quite boring, really16:04
RoyKthere's lots of more action with certain other platforms16:05
JamesHarrisonHere's an interesting one: How the heck do I get the scst module into the kernel, preferably without doing the compile-from-source dance?16:12
RoyKJamesHarrison: a kernel module must be compiled for a compatible kernel - if you, say, download a redhat kernel module, it will probably use symbols not in the ubuntu kernel16:33
JamesHarrisonRoyK: I found https://launchpad.net/~ast/+archive/scst which is a precompiled pae kernel with the scst module, which has worked a treat now I've actually booted into it. :)16:33
RoyKI guess you've been there already, though :)16:34
JamesHarrisonyeah, that too- the fact that you reboot and ofc it doesn't boot into the new kernel confused me :)16:34
JamesHarrisonToo used to gentoo, heh :)16:35
RoyKrunning Lucid?16:35
RoyKwith grub2?16:35
JamesHarrisonUpdated /etc/defaults/grub.conf to have the correct default, now works fine16:35
RoyKgrub2 is a PITA imho16:35
JamesHarrisonBeats grub1/lilo :D16:35
RoyKgrub1 works well16:36
* Patrickdk hasn't had any issues with grub2, on >20 systems16:36
RoyKlilo is something that belongs in the ninetees16:36
RoyKPatrickdk: well, it works, but I find the configuration easier in old grub116:36
Patrickdkya, cause the old grub didn't do much, well actually didn't do anything :)16:37
Patrickdkgrub2 is a mini-os16:37
RoyKperhaps I'm just being overly conservative here :)16:38
* RoyK wants to bomb Oracle16:38
RoyKclosing down opensolaris was evil16:38
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bobnnHello.  I have a routing issue on server 8.04 - is this the right place?16:43
bobnnThe LARTC list seems to be gone :(16:45
arrrghhhhey all.  not really an ubuntu question, more of  a networking question... netmasks confuse me, if i just want the netmask to include one ip, do i set the mask to 0?16:55
arrrghhhso would just include that one IP?16:55
shaunoI think /32 would16:59
arrrghhhbecause that's how many bits are borrowed...?17:00
arrrghhhnetmasks confuse the hell out of me.17:00
shaunoI'm not sure /0 is a legal operand.  if you look at an IP as binary rather than decimal, you get something like 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111   .. the /n tells you how many bits of that aren't allowed to change17:00
arrrghhhoh i see17:01
arrrghhhso /32 would say no bits can change basically.17:01
shaunoso /8 covers every IP under the first quad, /16 everything under the first and second, etc17:01
shaunoyeah.  /32 would allow no bits to vary from what you gave17:01
arrrghhhi had that backwards then.17:01
shaunoin theory; never tried it because that's a very odd use for netmasks :)17:02
arrrghhhso would /24 work for that...?17:02
arrrghhhi'm trying to do QoS on my dd-wrt router.17:02
shauno/24 would give you 192.168.0.*17:02
arrrghhheven if i specify the mask starting at
shaunoI believe so, because 24 (3*8) is the first three quads17:03
arrrghhhi took a class that was supposed to teach me this stuff.  blargh.17:04
arrrghhhit helped me with understanding how it pieces together at a high level, but building netmasks still confuses me.17:04
shaunoafter that, every 1 you add halves the space, so /25 would give you xxx.xxx.xxx.0-127 and xxx.xxx.xxx.128-25517:05
arrrghhhi see.17:05
shauno/26 would be 0-65, 64-127, 128-19... something.  191?17:05
arrrghhhperhaps i should change my dhcp range to match the netmask.17:05
shaunonetmasks make complete sense when you look at it as being 4 8bit binary numbers, rather than just 4 decimal numbers.  it's going between the two that confuses everyone :)17:06
arrrghhhthat's exactly the problem.  the conversion in my head gets lost somewhere.17:07
shaunoI dunno if it's just me, but taking the first 4 bits off 11111111 is much easier to picture, than taking the first 4 bits off 25517:08
shaunobut just halving the available addresses every time /n increments seems a pretty usable shortcut17:09
arrrghhh_well hopefully my QoS works right now.17:11
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arrrghhhthat's better.17:12
arrrghhhsweet!  QoS appears to be working.  hopefully the router doesn't freak out again.17:14
arrrghhhlast time i set this up based on port numbers, and the router couldn't handle it.  kept resetting and freakin out, had to turn it off entirely.17:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #623798 in samba (main) "hook /usr/share/apport/package-hooks//source_samba.py crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62379817:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #625214 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-source 2:8.3.7-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: drbd8 kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62521418:07
Psi-JackHmmm. By chance there any pacemaker people here that might could help me?19:27
ruben23hi guys are there programs can recover deletd files on ubuntu-server .?19:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #625953 in autofs5 (main) "autofs5 configuration files in wrong location" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62595319:51
IdleOne!recover | ruben2319:51
ubotturuben23: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel19:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #625955 in vsftpd (main) "vsftpd installation fails if there's a user name starting with "ftp"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62595520:02
dominicdinadakeep getting problems with apache2 and fqdn and i followed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP21:07
dominicdinadaInvalid command 'diab', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration                                                                         [fail]21:08
shaunowhere does 'diab' appear in your config?  the term doesn't appear on that page21:21
shaunoah, he's already left, nm21:22
jca1981Please help me with system recovery, tried to upgrade to lucid via ssh and my connection died, now it wont boot. i can get in via install cd and run dpkg --configure -a but if fails with "could not find image (/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-server"21:23
cloakablejca1981: apt-get -f install22:31
Johnhello there.  I am looking for someone who can help me with mounting windows vista shares with cifs  (they are very slow for some reason)  I'm using jaunty server23:58

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