
lfaraonealsroot: agreed.01:27
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ishanlfaraone, hi14:31
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
dipankaralsroot, hi, goodmorning16:08
alsrootdipankar: hi16:08
dipankaralsroot, I am working on the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/61781316:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 617813 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "sugar freezes when register widget is clicked (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed]16:11
dipankaralsroot, the one on which I was working on yesterday too16:11
dipankaralsroot, I am unable to track down the code for register button and the actions related to it16:11
dipankaralsroot, could you guide me find the exact file16:12
alsrootdipankar: just find for substring "'Register'", it is favoritesview.py in sugar16:14
alsrootdipankar: its handle emit 'register-activate', so find for "connet.*register-activate" to find who process this signal16:15
dipankaralsroot, thanks a lot16:16
ishanlfaraone, hi16:17
dipankaralsroot, what I want to do is, remove that grey rectangle appearing there,16:20
alsrootdipankar: grey rectangle?16:21
dipankaralsroot, yeah, when I try to register, sugar freezes completely and a *gray rectangle is there in place of the right click menu16:22
alsrootdipankar: ah got it16:22
alsrootdipankar: the only way I see here is make process async16:23
dipankaralsroot, I was thinking of the same, this again leads to the gtk cycles, gio and all those components16:24
dipankaralsroot, http://paste.ubuntu.com/485013/ -- if I need to make it async, where do I need to change the code then?16:28
dipankarmanusheel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/485013/ -- I think the change for RegisterError here is required16:29
dipankaralsroot, manusheel, how can I edit RegisterError16:30
alsrootdipankar: the core issue here is that xmlrpclib is not async by itself (the code you posted is calling schoolserver.register_laptop, which calls xmlrpclib.ServerProxy.register)16:32
alsrootdipankar: btw, it uses default schoolserver url i.e. http://schoolserver:8080/16:33
alsrootof course it can't find it in ubunut case (there is no school servers run on users local host)16:34
dipankaralsroot, how can I track the methods called? I mean the way you told that schoolserver.register_laptop calls xmlrpclib.ServerProxy.register16:34
dipankaralsroot, yup. But we are targeting, jabber-servers for registrations.16:35
alsrootdipankar: use grep luke16:35
alsrootgrep for "def register_laptop"16:35
dipankargrep luke?16:35
alsrootdipankar: I meant, just find for method name in sugar sources :)16:36
dipankaralsroot, I have tried a lot of sites but I am unable to use grep properly. The one by which we can search a file by content.16:37
dipankaralsroot, please help in this a bit too16:37
alsrootdipankar: just call "grep 'def register_laptop' -R <path-to-start-from>"16:38
alsrootbut /me uses mc for all files related operations16:38
alsrootat the ends it is all up to particular user, to utilize tools he likes more16:39
alsrootyou just need a search, use what you prefer more16:39
kandarpkalsroot: can a custom button be added to the toolbar ?16:40
alsrootkandarpk: why not, what particular class(of toolbar) you mean16:41
kandarpkalsroot: I wanted to add a back button there16:42
alsrootkandarpk: I meant, toolbar class you are going to add button to, ActivityToolbar?16:43
kandarpkalsroot: other buttons are added in toolbar_box.toolbar16:44
kandarpkI would like to add it along with them16:44
alsrootkandarpk: toolbar_box.toolbar is regualr gtk.Toolbar, so you can use its methods16:44
alsrootdipankar: just fast hack, you can try to urlopen given to register_laptop() url, if it fails then given url is invalid -- but, if you are going to do it right (i.e. propose patch to upstream) and sure about particular implementation, ask people - send en eamil to sugar-devel@16:48
alsroots/and sure about particular/and *not* sure about particular/16:49
kandarpkalsroot: thanks.16:59
kandarpkalsroot: I added a toolbutton using17:01
kandarpkclass BackButton(ToolButton):17:01
kandarpk    def __init__(self, **kwargs):17:01
kandarpk        ToolButton.__init__(self, 'back', **kwargs)17:01
kandarpk        self.props.tooltip = _('Back')17:01
kandarpkalsroot: how do I run a command when it is clicked ?17:02
alsrootkandarpk: ToolButton(wich is at the end gtk.ToolButton) has clicked signal, http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/GtkToolButton.html#GtkToolButton-clicked17:04
alsrootkandarpk: connect to it from code that is intended to use something on click17:05
alsroot*do something17:05
dipankaralsroot, sure17:05
dipankaralsroot, I will send an e-mail to sugar-devel17:05
dipankaralsroot, I think by jabber server, you mean the one we set in the control panel settings right?17:06
dipankaralsroot, currently mine is set at : jabber.sugarlabs.org : working perfectly fine17:08
* dipankar is off to dinner17:09
kandarpkalsroot: how can I assign <Alt>Left Key to the back button ?17:18
alsrootkandarpk: set accelerator property value to "<Alt><Left>"17:20
kandarpkalsroot: thanks.17:20
kandarpkalsroot: '<Alt>Left' worked :)17:24
kandarpkalsroot: the activity isn't asking for the Journal entry on stopping17:44
alsrootkandarpk: Activity class calls write_file() on activity, see inline comments for sugar-toolkit/src/sugar/activity:Activity class17:46
kandarpkalsroot: can we add hyperlinks in sugar?18:27
alsrootkandarpk: you can add everything that gtk supports :)18:28
alsrootkandarpk: see pygtk-demo app, "Text Widget/Hypertext" example18:29
kandarpkalsroot: great :)18:29
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie

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