
holsteinprep: that PPA didnt do it?00:01
holsteinprep: do you have those 2 lines added?00:03
holsteinyou should run00:03
holsteinsudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 051D8B5800:04
holsteinthen sudo apt-get update00:04
holsteinthen sudo apt-get install buzztard00:04
holsteinyou added both ...00:05
holsteindeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gstreamer-developers/ppa/ubuntu lucid main00:05
holsteindeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/gstreamer-developers/ppa/ubuntu lucid main00:05
holsteinto your sources00:05
holsteinlooks like a good how-to here though00:11
holsteinif for some reason that doesnt work out00:11
* holstein gotta run again...00:11
prepI did that, it added the key, then nothing.02:43
prepsays it's still locked.02:45
holsteinprep: hmmm03:54
holsteincan you pastebin me the error sometime?03:54
prepHolstein, you on?14:39
=== david is now known as Guest75771
=== Guest75771 is now known as Davidmp
DavidmpHey what gdm is this? http://ubuntustudio.org/files/US3.png17:59
holsteinhey Davidmp17:59
* holstein looking17:59
holsteinthats just the ubuntu studio themeing18:00
holsteinapplied to the gnome login18:00
Davidmpdo i need to run a terminal command to get it?18:00
holsteini think there is a newer one now18:01
holsteinwith plymouth??18:01
holsteinwhatever the recent changes were18:01
Davidmpnewer :/18:01
Davidmplooked better lol18:01
holsteinDavidmp: there are 2 splash screen packages for ubuntustudio18:01
holsteinin the repos18:02
holsteinand one of them doesnt work anymore18:02
holsteinand i think thats the one18:02
Davidmpah ok18:02
holsteinim sure there is a way though18:02
Davidmpi can dig out another ubuntu studio gdm i guess18:02
holsteinyou could downgrade a bunch of stuff18:02
holsteinbut i wouldnt do that18:02
holsteinDavidmp: the themeing is really nice :)18:03
holsteinand yeah, that was slick18:03
Davidmpyeah i love ubuntu studio one of the best distros18:03
Davidmpsoftwares is the best18:03
Davidmpi have one more question why does my mouse keep moving on its own?18:04
holsteinthat aint good18:04
holsteini got a friend with an old thinkpad18:05
holsteinand the little stick in the middle of the keyboard is dying18:05
holsteinso he has to disable the hardware in the bios18:05
holsteinand use an external mouse18:05
holsteinDavidmp: sounds like hardware18:05
Davidmpmm odd18:05
holsteinis it a touchpad?18:05
Davidmpi have a external mouse to18:06
holsteinDavidmp: are you dual booting anything?18:06
Davidmpi use it for zooming etc.18:06
Davidmpyes windows and ubuntu studio18:06
holsteinis it funky in windows?18:06
holsteinDavidmp: i would try and isolate the problem18:06
holsteinto either the touchpad18:06
holsteinor the external mouse18:06
holsteinand start poking around about the drivers18:06
holsteincause that aint right18:07
Davidmpit seems to go to links which is really annoying18:07
holsteinyou get more options18:07
holsteinlike 2 and 3 finger taps18:07
holsteinand the middle mouse18:07
holsteinusually takes some tweaking18:07
holsteinor time to get used to it18:08
Davidmphow do i disable the thinkpad? O.o18:08
holsteini miss all that now18:08
holsteinwhen im in front of windows or OSX18:08
holsteinDavidmp: so you unpluf the external mouse18:08
holsteinand it still does it?18:08
holsteinwell, thats enough then18:09
holsteini would run lspci18:09
Davidmpthinkpad's shot?18:09
holsteini would think if the pad was bad18:09
holsteinit would do that in windows too18:09
Davidmpdo you think it might have something to do with compiz?18:10
holsteinyou can turn that off easy enough18:10
holsteinand tesxt18:10
holsteinbut i bet you need to blacklist a module or enable a backport18:10
holsteinor both18:10
holsteinthats one of those fiddly things18:10
holsteini got the same kind of thing going on18:11
holsteini got an older desktop18:11
Davidmpyeahh it still does it..18:11
holsteinim making a media center PC out of it18:11
Davidmplol nice18:11
holsteinand the sound card is not recognized18:11
holsteinim going to spend about 20 minutes on it18:11
holsteinthen im just going to disable it in the bios and get another card from my stack of spard parts :)18:12
Davidmpsounds fun18:12
holsteinthats the thing with linux18:12
holsteinyou can do anything with it you want18:12
holsteinbut figuring out how to do it can be challenging18:13
Davidmpits worth it18:13
holsteinif i was installing windows on it18:14
holsteini bet i could find all the drivers i need18:14
holsteinbut they totally wouldnt be 'in the kernel'18:14
holsteini mean, *usually* these days, everything is out-of-the-box18:14
holsteini just got some funky old hardware18:15
Davidmpso hard to choose usplash -.-18:17
holsteinjust remember how long you actually spend looking at it ;)18:17
holsteinthat was easy18:27
holsteinfor some reason the mute button was on after install :)18:28
holsteintoo easy18:28
maheanuuIaorana Ia Oe,  paradise is a frame of mind22:31
maheanuuAs usual, this noobs got a question22:32
holsteinmaheanuu: whats up?22:35
maheanuuI would very much like to be able to run "Studio" and have wifi enabled as my ethernet run is next to impossible to do, and I would also like to disable it if I am working in Sound.22:36
maheanuuHi mike, and thanks for the last help you provided I really appreciate your taking the time with me22:36
holsteinmaheanuu: i wouldnt worry about it22:37
holsteinif you got a prettty serious box22:37
holsteinthe network manager will probably be cool running along with JACK22:37
holsteinespecially if you have the network disabled while your tracking22:37
maheanuuI believe in thanking those who help22:38
holsteinmaheanuu: did you install the gnome network applet?22:38
maheanuuI cannot find network manager22:38
holsteinto get your wireless working?22:38
holsteinmaheanuu: well, you should know22:38
holsteinthere is a reason why its not included22:38
holsteinbut you can install it easy enough22:38
holsteinif your online22:38
maheanuuNo I think that I am TSTO these days22:38
holsteinyoucan search for nm-applet ??22:39
* holstein checking on that22:39
maheanuuYes and is saw that it interferes with the sound studio, but I want to disable that if I am using sound22:39
holsteini think you'll find all the packages you need in network-manager-gnome22:41
holsteinmaheanuu: its rather unlikely that it will interfere22:42
holsteinon a modern box22:42
holsteinwhats wrong with your current set-up maheanuu ?22:42
holsteinif your able to get online and all22:42
maheanuuit tells me that it is already running22:43
holsteinmaheanuu: its probably up there near the time22:43
holsteinmaheanuu: was this an upgrade?22:43
holsteinfrom vanilla?22:43
holsteinor maybe you added that package22:44
holsteineither way22:44
maheanuuonly thing there is the pulse audio applett22:44
holsteini wouldnt worry about it22:44
holsteinmaheanuu: what disc did you use to install?22:44
maheanuuYes, I was running 10.04 and changed to Studio 10.0422:44
maheanuuThe 64 bit one22:45
holsteinwell, i dont know where your applet went22:45
maheanuume either22:45
holsteini think its attached to some other stuff now22:45
holsteinin lucid22:45
maheanuuI am a rather old and in the way user, but trying like the devil to gain some knowledge and pass it on to people on this island so that they get a little further into the stream22:46
holsteinright on22:47
holsteindid you install all the themeing too?22:47
maheanuuI have a half dozen professors from the Lycee here who are very interested in forming a lug and teaching the kids/adults linux  including themselves...  we are just getting ready for our first meeting22:47
holsteinthat applet is running somewhere22:47
holsteinif you running nm-applet22:47
holsteinand its says its running22:47
holsteinits somewhere22:47
holsteinmaheanuu: NICE22:48
holsteini just sent an email out to my local LUG list :)22:48
maheanuuis there any way to find out where it is running22:48
maheanuuwhere are you mike22:48
maheanuuI think i asked you the other day but apparently forgot22:48
holsteinashveille north carolina US22:49
holsteinmaheanuu: some panel should be displaying it22:49
maheanuuI saw some of your posts in the forums...   Thats rite...   I cant remember my name thiese days22:49
maheanuuIs there a command to see where it might be running or to see what it is associated with?22:50
holsteinwell, its associated with network manager22:51
holsteinand its just always been there :/22:51
holsteinmaheanuu: laptop right?22:53
holsteinis the batter icon up there?22:53
maheanuuOk, I will look in networking and networks and see if I can find it in there...  If it is running, then it should be able to see my wifi router shouldn't it?22:54
maheanuuNo, there is no battery icon anywhere22:54
holsteinmaheanuu: OK22:56
holsteinright click on the panel22:56
holsteinand select 'add to panel'22:56
holsteinfind 'notification area'22:56
holsteinand add it22:56
maheanuuI click on add and nothing is happening or at least it isn't accepting the "add"22:58
holsteintry adding something else and make sure22:59
holsteinits probably up there22:59
holsteinyou might want to log out and back in22:59
holsteini see a bug report about it22:59
holsteinand several different soloutiongs22:59
holsteinbased on other variables23:00
maheanuuLog out of Ubuntu then back in?23:00
maheanuuI tried to select several others and nothing happens23:01
maheanuuOk bbiab23:01
holsteindid you do something funky to your panels?23:01
holsteingnome is expecting a panel23:01
holsteinto put those in23:01
maheanuuNo not to my knowledge, but that doesn't mean much23:01
holsteinmaheanuu: well, try that logout23:02
holsteinthat aint good :/23:18

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