
eivanovHi! Specs on wiki looks "mixed" with implemented and to be implemented things. Am I right? Then any other documentation?15:12
ionThe man pages15:37
eivanovWell I was looking for something like Remnant's blog posts.15:45
JanCwhich blog posts?16:45
JanCfor the current version, the manpages should document the "implemented things"16:46
eivanovJanC: e.g. http://www.netsplit.com/2006/12/14/upstart-0-3/17:22
eivanovIt's good to read about upstart in common.17:22
eivanovBut you're right, I missed man pages and they're really good.17:23
JanCeivanov: Upstart 0.3 is very old17:28
philI am currently trying to add a custom script to execute when switching to runlevel 017:28
eivanovJanC: yeah, but I have to work with it, at least now.17:28
JanCeivanov:  :-(17:28
phili can't seem to find an /etc/event.d , but rc?.d/ misses services, so i think i do have upstart installed, but where the heck? ubuntu 10.04 LTS17:29
JanCphil: upstart uses /etc/init/ now17:29
JanCas is documented in the manpage...17:31
philsorry, i see now17:32
phili'm familiar with the old style but didn't dig into linux that much since17:32
JanCif you need to change/add services, see 'man 5 init' for the new syntax17:33
philis there something like pre-stop?17:36
ionYes, pre-stop.17:36
philis a change to a script in effect instantly?17:45
eivanov0.3.5 man pages are really poor :(18:22
philhow can i make sure a script is executed very early in the shutdown process?19:19
phili asked first :P19:25
phili want to execute a custom script before a service shuts down19:26
philadded it to the service in pre-stop but that does not seem to do the trick, probably because dependencies are not met any more19:26
philso if  i could just do it first in a shutdown sequence it is solved19:27
philnow you :P19:27
ionpre-stop should be the right thing. What do you mean by dependencies not being met?19:28
philit's a python script, uses mysql db i.e.19:28
philso if mysql is shut down you know what happens19:29
ionThe job should have “stop on stopping mysql“ or however the mysql job is named.19:29
ion“stop on foo” causes the stopping of your job to block the foo event.19:36

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