
Ichathi,  is there any information on when  or iff  thunar 1.1 will be add to  xubuntu 10.4 updates (or proposed) ...00:17
charlie-tcathunar 1.1 is not stable, it is still in development. It isn't even in maverick yet00:18
charlie-tcaWhen it gets into the latest version, we can look at backporting it.00:19
Ichatwell i thought  10.4 being an LTS and all i figured at least a mayor upgrade to the file manager  would have some priority?    so when said that it would be backported it is something that i dont understand..  i mean like a major (remote file system added to thunar) is a bigg deal. and 10.4 a big release.   not that i wouldn't  do the work of installing it from a dev ppa (or whatever way i...00:23
Ichat...can get my hands on).   i just wondered thats all00:23
Ichatfor now i installed it today after a really helpfull tip :P ubuntu rocks for getting tips.....   i dont have any problems (finaly :D)00:24
=== Malfermi1aKodo is now known as MalfermitaKodo
MerrittHaving a strange problem. Just got a new KVM, it is hooked up to a Ubuntu machine, and a Xubuntu machine. Manual states switching hotkey is Scroll Lock + Scroll Lock, but this does not work - googling reveals this to be a common problem with Unixes and this KVM, however many say Num Lock + Num Lock works, it works to switch from Ubuntu TO Xubuntu, however nothing so far will work to switch the other way. Any one have any insight?01:16
ds928Hello, I have a quick question, how do you change the login screen for 10.04 ?01:58
ds928lucid lynx01:58
ds928i want to customize the login screen01:59
monttyleNew xubuntu install.  After some updates, the broadcom-sta driver at least loaded.  But now, wifi-radar just shows "aquiring ip address" forever, and iwconfig doesn't even say it's associated.02:06
ds928why are you using sta?02:07
ds928what network card do you have?02:07
monttyleI'm using STA because I've got a broadcom card, and the open-source drivers have never worked for any hardware I've ever owned, at all, ever.  It's a BCM4322.02:08
ds928really, i'm using B43, i've had the reverse experience with sta02:09
ds928sta has never worked or worked really badly02:09
ds928i've found B43 to work really well02:09
ds928i'm using an inspiron E1505 (DELL)02:10
psycho_oreosmonttyle, the open drivers aren't available for that chipset because broadcom is an ignorant company02:10
ds928ya, uses fwcutter02:10
monttyleI'm no friend of theirs, believe me, but the broadcom driver in my experience *has* *worked*.02:10
ds928some laptops will actually have a function key or switch to turn off your wireless card02:11
ds928are you sure the wireless card is on?02:11
monttyleand the only cards supported by b43 pretty much aren't manufactured any more, I think.  Yep, it does, and it's not.02:11
monttyleWhat makes me scratch my head is why wifi radar is trying to get DHCP when it's not even associated.02:12
psycho_oreosumm no, b43 supports bcm4315 which is still manufactured02:12
monttyleI stand corrected then.02:12
ds928b43 supports bcm43xx02:12
psycho_oreosthat's untrue02:12
monttylenone of the N chipsets are supported.02:13
monttyleI'm not here to argue the technicalities though.  I'm just here to get wifi working.02:13
psycho_oreosb43 only supports a little more than a handful of broadcom chipsets, it doesn't support broadcom usb (rndis_wlan handles that) more information can be acquired here: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b4302:13
psycho_oreosyou should probably email broadcom for support :) afterall you're using their proprietary driver02:14
ds928man, you really can't change the login screen in 10.04 ?02:16
ds928i see it logged as an idea, why'd they remove that?02:16
ds928slim and gdm themes doesn't work.02:16
monttyleokay, so 'iwscan list' even returns invalid argument.  When that happens broadcom's usually been broken by a kernel upgrade...02:18
monttyle...okay, what the hell.  xubuntu can't even turn the machine off.02:22
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
KE1HAJust FYI, I had the same issue, BCM4312 in my HP-2133 netbook. Tried the B43XX, no joy, selected STA, which specifically called out the 4312 Card, fired right up, added my WPA info, and it connected.STA02:45
psycho_oreosyou meant bcm4315 (bcm4312 lp-phy) and you need b43 (which comes as per standard in linux kernel as of 2.6.26). For it to work you need the proprietary firmware to be extracted into the right place and be using at the very least 10.04 (use linux-backports would be beneficial as well).. and possibly you need some kernel hacks such as enabling PIO mode02:55
psycho_oreosalas this isn't the fault of b43 its the broadcom's fault.. had they decided to play nice with the linux community, none of you broadcrap owners have to suffer but no they decided to be blatantly ignorant despite the various projects which were targeting against them. What made it worse was users's stubborn-ness.. once you have broadcrap chipset which is unsupported under linux most of you wouldn't even bother switching/selling so instead you're support02:59
psycho_oreosing broadcom and its ignorant decisions in hindsight02:59
=== hatake_kakashi is now known as psycho_oreos
=== Malfermi1aKodo is now known as MalfermitaKodo
=== Guest67660 is now known as crazygir
kangarooowhats the name of xubuntu login promt window?12:32
kangaroooi hav bug in it12:34
kangarooofor xubuntu whitch comes asking witvch user i want to log in12:35
kangaroooits called gdm ? so i ubuntu-bug gdm?12:35
Sysilogin window used in xubuntu is gdm12:35
kangaroooaah ok then im reporting bug for gdm12:36
Sysiubottu, you sometimes just suck12:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:36
kangaroooah is bug 235 info ubotu posting working again>?12:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235 in Baz (deprecated) "The test framework's copy_tree doesn't work with set-v on." [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23512:36
drbatmanhay españoles en el canal?14:55
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:55
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
zerothisso, I fix all my opengl problems by running the latest meekrat kernel. no I can't see my X cursor. any game or app with its own cursor works. I currently have neko chasing my invisible cursor. this is not very accurate however.16:01
zerothisI'm running karmic16:02
bazhangzerothis, thats not supported16:03
Sysikarmic EOL isn't yet afaik?16:04
charlie-tcaKarmic is eol 11.0416:04
bazhangmeerkat and karmic is not supported like that16:04
bazhang10.10 kernel in karmic16:05
charlie-tca9.10 with the merkat kernel is probably an issue by itself16:05
charlie-tcabazhang is correct.16:05
zerothischarlie: it was one of the suggestions to fix opengl problems when using an intel 855G card16:05
zerothisits in the ubuntu documentation16:06
bazhanggot a link?16:06
charlie-tcaHave you tried changing the themes or cursor?16:07
charlie-tcaSometimes the theme makes a difference.16:07
zerothischanged themes, changed cursors, individually installed and tried every karmic package that does anything to cursors. I can only assume they work and the different cursors are all invisible16:08
zerothisits there because xeyes and oneko and such all follow it16:09
Sysihave you thought updating to 10.04?16:10
zerothissysi: yes, I've considered it. if I can't get a reasonable cursor I'll image my drive and install meekrat, gut the daily iso all ready to burn16:16
zerothissysi: yes, I'm trying not to trigger bots to scold me about #ubuntu+116:18
bazhangwe're not bots.16:18
bazhangI only noticed because you crossposted.16:19
Sysii have 2.6.35 kernel working nicely on two lucid machines16:19
zerothissysi: oh, update to _10.04_, no. 10.04 won't install or boot, because of my 855 card it seems.16:27
Sysioh, "great"16:28
SysiIMO keeping 2.6.32 kernel is a bit stupid16:28
zerothisstranger still, through VNC I can see my cursor, including the fancy theme cursors16:32
zerothissysi: what's wrong with .32 ?16:35
Sysiintel drivers :D16:36
zerothisah, well in that case I'll have to agree with you16:36
twigis any one familiar with large samba file transfers having issues?17:20

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