
dev001Anyone here use the QBzr eclipse plugin?  Using the recommended (http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/QBzrEclipse) update site, http://bazaar.canonical.com/releases/3rd-party/qbzr-eclipse, returns a "repository not available" in Eclipse.00:01
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
Noldorini see the following in my bzr log:13:58
NoldorinWARNING: "Key 'tfs+http://' already registered"13:58
Noldorinwhere do protocols actually get registered?13:58
jelmerNoldorin, they get registered when a plugin is loaded14:01
jelmerNoldorin, I've seen that particular error a couple of times when a plugin had syntax errors and was installed in two locations (system and user home)14:02
Noldorinjelmer, ah right14:02
Noldorinjelmer, problem is, the plugin is installed *nowhere* on my system14:02
Noldorinnot that i can find14:02
Noldorinyet it's still picking it up somehow14:02
jelmerNoldorin, it would be..14:03
jelmerNoldorin: this error suggests it's still installed *somewhere*14:04
Noldorini've checked all the usual places though14:04
Noldorinjelmer, anywhere you'd suggest to look now?14:04
jelmerNoldorin, have you checked /usr/local ?14:05
Noldorinjelmer, Windows. but yes, the equivalent14:05
Noldorinjelmer, ok, very strange. it wasn't showing in Windows Explorer, but another utility picked it up14:14
Noldorinoh well14:14
vilaNoldorin: ha, finally, the ghost get out of its hole... Tell us what you find as it may happen to someone else and I'd really like to understand what happened to you.14:34
knittlhow can i do a log on a file which was moved in an earlier revision?16:22
knittlbzr log -- $filename does not work16:22
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
mgzvila: this is the runtime problem with your leaks branch:16:55
mgzdone a great job of squashing leaks, but a fraction of them have turned from 100ms leaks to 5000ms hang timeouts16:56
mgzand some are even worse:16:57
mgzI'll poke around all that orange now.16:58
mgzokay, don't completely understand that orange, but the fix is easy17:28
mgzdon't store the real get_transport method on the test instance and close over self, just close over the real method17:28
jelmerhi mgz17:29
mgzhey jelmer.17:29
Noldorinvila, back. i certainly will. it's baffled me too!17:40
Noldorinvila, you there?17:43
mgzhe's probably having a nice non-work sunday afternoon now :)17:45
Noldorinheh, probably.17:45
Noldorinso was i, but this bzr stuff is haunting me :)17:46
=== Meths_ is now known as Meths
vilamgz: ha, yeah, sure, I know about them but I decided to ignore them for the time being. It should be possible to reduce the timeout though, I just haven't experimented with that18:38
mgzyeah, we did discuss them before, just didn't time the full test run previously18:39
vilamgz: I have still to see why you need to *avoid* the closures instead of breaking the cycles. 'closures' are too powerful to get rid of them unless there is really no other solution IMNSHO18:39
mgzquite often the cycle is accidental and redundant anyway - for instance, the change to get rid of that orange actually makes the code simpler18:40
vilaNoldorin, mgz: It's raining here. But not in movie theaters. 'Inception' is... one of my favourites from now on :0)18:40
mgzI'm off to cinema in an hour or so too.:)18:41
vilamgz: also, keep in mind that the get_transport trick is temporary, a better solution will be a hook.18:41
vilamgz: hehe, movie already chosen ?18:42
mgzscott pilgrim. which I have no idea whether I'll like or not, but hey.18:42
vilamgz: hmm, let us know ;-)18:43
vilaNoldorin: I won't stay long, it's dinner time for me18:44
Noldorinvila, sorry, had to disappear19:50
Noldorinanyway, seems the main problem was that the file was deleted from the directory index but was still on disk :S19:50
Noldorinor something like such19:50
Noldorinsince windows explorer wasn't listing it19:50
vilaNoldorin: even with a refresh (F5) ?19:51
vilaweird :(19:52
Noldorinvila, yes, it's strange. i think bzr/python is doing something strange (non-windows like) to list the plugins directory19:52
Noldorinvila, at least you know for future reference though :)19:53
vilabzr/python relies on the file system, if something is strange, it's there19:53
vilathat, or windows explorer...19:54
Noldorinvila, yeah, maybe it' just doing something "non-windows-like"19:54
Noldorinoh well19:54
Noldorinstill curious how i can get bzr-tfs set up on windows hmm19:54
vilaNoldorin: sry, I haven't look into this plugin, yet19:55
Noldorinthat's fine19:56
jelmerNoldorin: are the codeplex repositories available using tfs?19:56
Noldorinjelmer, absolutely. it's the 'primary' VCS for codeplex19:56
jelmerah, cool19:56
* jelmer updates the error message in codeplex to mention bzr-tfs19:58
mgzjelmer: it's my understanding that the xml stuff dead code on modern formats as well, but want someone who actually knows to say that.20:01
jelmermgz: In that case, consider it said :-)20:01
mgzokay, time for one more bug before I leave20:02
Noldorinbzr push tfs+https://tfs.codeplex.com/ircdotnet/devel20:02
Noldorinjelmer, i am trying that but no luck20:02
Noldorinbzr: ERROR: exceptions.ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack20:02
vilamgz: consider it repeated :)20:02
Noldorinah, seems my url format is bad20:06
FryGuy-i had a bunch of problems getting bzr-tfs to work on our tfs 2010 server :(20:35
mgzokay cinema tomorrow evening instead20:37
lifelessmgz: enjoy20:39
mgzleft it too late for tonight (and the weather is kinda horrid even for driving into town)20:42
mgzlifeless: I've got some changes for pyjunitxml, do you want mps?20:44
mgzalso, aren't expectedfailure and unexpectedsuccess backwards?20:44
mgzthey get treated like a failure and a success respectively.20:44
lifelessgood catch20:47
mgzI'll switch them, and use... unittest.case._UnexpectedSuccess for the exception name?20:48
lifelessthats not very backwards compatible20:49
lifelessif its from testtools its ok20:49
lifeless(I think; does pyjunitxml use testtools already?)20:49
lifelesshmm, or is that just a string literal20:49
lifelessif its just a string literal thats ok with me.20:49
mgzright, string just for the xml attribute content20:49
lifelessits been a while since I opened that project ;)20:50
lifelessmgz: btw, the monkey patching xml stuff20:58
lifelessmgz: -huge- performance win20:58
mgzI can imagine, but is it still used?20:59
lifelessas jam says, in bundles20:59
lifelessI'm neutral on removing the optimisation20:59
lifelesslet me say that20:59
mgzah, not looked at mail again yet20:59
lifelessme, I closed the thread20:59
lifelessanyhow, I'm on the fence20:59
lifelesssome folk still have older format branches20:59
lifelessdunno what %; LP probably knows21:00
mgzhm, wonder if junit will fall over if a failure element has no content...21:00
mgzI can live with updating the hack, just didn't know how important it was and didn't get an answer on the bug, so figured sticking an mp up was a way to get people who cared to speak up21:05
lifelessfair 'nuff21:10
lifelessmgz: does my comment about LBYL make sense to you?21:14
lifelesswas possibly a bit opaque21:14
mgzlifeless: it does, two thoughts on it,21:37
mgzone, I'm not sure on the ideas of what is allowed to raise BzrCommandError so sticking it underneath a similar one for subunit absense seemed safe21:38
lifelessyou can raise a non BzrCommandError21:38
NoldorinFryGuy-, yeah, seems bzr-tfs doesn't like the codeplex servers either21:39
lifelessas long as internal=False, it will format the same21:39
mgzalso, wanted to always raise it, not silently let it pass if concurrency=121:39
NoldorinFryGuy-, from what i've seen...21:39
FryGuy-i made a bunch of hacks on mine to get it to work21:39
FryGuy-but then it stopped working21:39
lifelessmgz: that last bit isn't particularly compelling to me; I'm curious why it is to you ?21:39
mgzbut could move to bzrlib.tests.fork_decorator instead, which is a bit closer to the actual site21:39
lifelessyes, that would be better21:40
FryGuy-noldrin: do you want to try my version and see if it's any better?21:40
lifelessthe main point for me is that this is delegated reponsibility21:40
mgzbecause I'm on a 1 cpu machine and was very confused the other day when trying to repo --parallel things21:40
lifelessis there an optimisation to not fork if cpu count = 1? that would be a bug unless its in fork_decorator (because ec2 *has* to go to ec2 :P)21:41
mgzthere is, both the --parallel decorators do nothing if 121:41
lifelessmgz: there are three :)21:49
fullermdPah.  If it were REALLY parallel, it would create an arbitrary number of decorators on demand...21:51
lifelessmgz: the third is in a plugin21:52
lifelessmgz: bzr-ec2test21:52
mgzhm, I just hit 's' rather than 'e' in feed-pqm by mistake21:53
mgzwill that do bad things?21:53
lifelessit will use the API21:53
lifelesswhich pqm is not looking at now21:53
mgzwhat letter do I use for "disregard that, I'm an idiot"?21:54
mgzbut it's not in the list any more...21:55
lifelessrun with --show-queued or whatever the option is21:56
mgzah, ta.21:56
mgzark, now I understand why running the pyjunitxml test suite doesn't work on python 2.422:18
mgzit's the __main__  vs. unittest thing22:19
mgzget two different sets of classes so unittest.TestSuite instance is not a __main__.TestSuite22:20
mgzwhat's the normal hack around that?22:20
lifelessuse python 2.5 ?22:21
mgzalso fails on 2.522:21
lifelessuhm, sigh22:21
lifelessI forget22:21
mgzso, presume you need 2.6 at least.22:21
lifelessdoes python -m subunit.run pyjunitxml.test_suite work ?22:22
mgzthat's a package, not a module, so not for my 2.4 no22:23
lifelesspython /path/to/subunit/run.py pyjunitxml.test_suite22:24
mgzI think I tried using the testtools runner script directly the other day and that didn't work for some other reason22:24
mgzokay, nearly at the bug that actually started me on this crusade now...22:56

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