
valorieadded my testing feedback from today at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MaverickMeerkat/Alpha3/Kubuntu/Feedback03:43
valoriepretty much a bust!03:43
valorieBUT one of my loco members reminded me that I have a spare HD for this lappy05:00
valorieso tomorrow, I'll try again05:00
valorieif it's a bust again, so be it05:00
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=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
apacheloggergood morning Kubuntu09:33
ulyssesgood morning apachelogger 09:34
apacheloggerhey ulysses, I think we can publish the August report tomorrow?09:34
apachelogger(great work again :))09:35
apacheloggervalorie: btw, you can use @SIG@ verbatim in the wiki, it is a macro that expands to a full signature09:37
valorieah, OK09:38
valoriereading the data page, I guess the difficulties we ran into were not new09:38
valorieI'm trying to figure out how to protect the data I have on this old spare HD now09:39
valorieso I can try again tomorrow09:39
valoriethis time without worry of messing up my laptop09:40
valoriebecause if it doesn't work, I'll just put my present HD back in09:40
apacheloggervalorie: just do not format it ;)09:40
ulyssessomething wrong with the window switcher, only the top left quarter appears09:40
valorieI'm using partionmanager, and trying to get it to shrink the partition to what is already there09:40
apacheloggervalorie: what file system?09:41
valorieit seems to be ok with moving it one way or the other09:41
valoriebut not shrinking09:41
valorieso I might have to sacrifice my old data09:42
apacheloggerthat is odd, ext4 should make no problems unless it is (or was) filled > 75%09:42
valorieI was hoping to have access to that music09:42
valorieit's about half full09:42
apacheloggerthat is odd then09:42
valorie149 gig09:42
apacheloggerwith very full or long living file systems fragmentation could become a problem with resizing, but...09:42
valorieso I would have about 70 gigs to play with09:42
apacheloggervery strange09:42
valorieit's not serious09:43
valoriemy new huge HD has a complete backup09:43
valorieknock on wood09:43
* apachelogger is wondering if his new laptop will arrive tomorrow09:55
valoriewhat does UPS tell you?10:02
valorieor are you counting on your countdown widget10:03
apacheloggervalorie: on friday UPS said friday, which seemed a bit impossible given that it was noon and the thing only was in frankfurt at the time10:15
apacheloggerthen they changed to monday10:15
apacheloggerand now nothing ^^10:15
valorienew laptops are fun!10:16
valorieI hope you get it tomorrow10:16
apacheloggerme too ^^10:18
* apachelogger is wondering why that silly gobject foo always crashes on him :(10:18
mfraz74if i launch konsole and type something into it, my desktop disappears and then i'm logged in again.10:44
mfraz74if i launch konsole a second time, it works ok10:44
mfraz74any ideas?10:48
mfraz74in syslog i see X server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly10:54
apacheloggermfraz74: sounds like a graphics driver problem11:00
mfraz74it only started happening after doing the updates11:00
mfraz74driver is intel i91511:02
apacheloggermfraz74: on lucid?11:05
mfraz74no maverick11:05
* apachelogger thinks that gobject's weird marshal stuff is causing his flipping segfaults -.-11:05
apacheloggermfraz74: IMHO intel drivers are all sorts of broken on mav11:05
apacheloggeror X11:05
apacheloggeror both11:05
mfraz74apachelogger: it must've been something that got upgraded yesterday as it was working fine before11:06
mfraz74anything i can do to track it down?11:06
apacheloggerlook at /var/log/dpkg.log or apt.log or both11:09
apacheloggerand ask in #ubuntu-x11:10
mfraz74looks like it might be related to bug #60289911:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 602899 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Maverick) "[gm45] Xserver crash" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60289911:15
apacheloggersomething is fishy about my pycallable11:40
* apachelogger hates it when things get fishy11:40
* jussi hands apachelogger a nice salmon slice11:56
apacheloggerthat reminds me11:59
apacheloggerI am hungry11:59
apacheloggeralready 111:59
apacheloggertime flies by when looking at pyth0rn segfaults12:00
* apachelogger goes cooking12:00
apacheloggeroh, so while I was almost cutting off my fingers I had an inspiration as to why my pyth0rn fails, actually pretty obvious ^^12:32
apacheloggercant wait to fix that12:32
* apachelogger returns to cooking12:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
sheytanWe now have a downloads center for Kubuntu http://www.webpagescreenshot.info/img/577448-829201030539PM :D13:25
JontheEchidnaso true13:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: iff user == developer14:02
apacheloggerthat said, I do not deem C less developer friendly than python14:02
apacheloggerGlib however is less friendly :P14:02
apacheloggeroh dear14:03
apacheloggerI have to play intermediate callback handler between gobject and pyth0rn14:04
apacheloggerthis is going to be kill14:04
yofelwhy does that remind me of http://www.deimeke.net/dirk/blog/index.php?/archives/2310-Programmer-Hierarchy-....html ...14:08
* apachelogger gets some paper and a pen and starts drawing up a context14:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also the problemen defintion is the crap14:08
apacheloggeryofel: that made ruby == web language14:09
apacheloggeroh how I hate those rails users14:09
* apachelogger swings fist14:09
apacheloggervoid (*callback)(void*, int*, ...) = (void (*)(void*, int*, ...))voidPtr;14:11
apacheloggerany best on compilability of that? ^^14:11
sheytanAnd here it comes. Our new Social stuff page :D http://i.imgur.com/iiYPU.jpg14:30
ulyssesTranslation files of KDE 4.5.1 are imported, or will be imported?15:20
ulyssesIf I try to change the KWin effects, the whole X/KDE freezes, I have to restart kdm from tty115:58
ulyssesanyone noticed that?15:58
JontheEchidnayeah, on intel here16:01
JontheEchidnakilling kwin from tty1 works16:02
JontheEchidnabut then you have no wm and can't get one back due to focusing issues16:02
ulyssesI have also Intel, an Intel GMA4500MHD16:02
ulyssesI try to translate some KWin stuff, we are at the GlobalJam16:09
mgraesslinulysses and JontheEchidna: alt+shift+f12 should still work16:22
mgraesslinproblem is known16:22
ulyssesmgraesslin: yes, I can turn off/on the effects, but I need them to see in work to make a proper translation16:23
* apachelogger throws stones at gobject16:28
apachelogger(process:20839): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID: assertion `n_param_values == 1' failed16:28
apacheloggerI think I will just tear ubuntu-sso-client apart and insert non-gobject dependent non-python module using invocatoin of the GUI16:28
apacheloggerit is kind of perverted to have Qt hooked up with a C++ class that wraps a GObject and has a Python interface via SIP which tries to simulate the silly implications of the backend<->gui relation of the GTK+ UI 16:30
apacheloggerit is like QObject has a baby with GObject that is officially living with Python but is really living with SIP16:31
apacheloggerNightrose: regarding the baby business ^16:32
* apachelogger feels nukes the ugly stuff16:32
apacheloggerthat was a half way through writing change of mind16:32
apacheloggerI blame it all on the uglyness16:33
sheytancan i have a screenshot of the new kpk?16:34
sheytanulyssess in english please? :)16:35
sheytanit's for the wesite ;)16:35
ulysseshm, I have english language packs, but KPackageKit doesn't want to start in English:/16:39
sheytanulysses ok, i'll find one :)16:41
ari-tczewapachelogger: do you know, how can I get backtrace from kolourpaint4 issue?17:16
apacheloggerari-tczew: no crash -> no backtrace17:55
ari-tczewapachelogger: from #ubuntu-desktop: <kklimonda> ari-tczew: looks like gnome-settings-daemon crashes, do you have a stacktrace?17:58
apacheloggerwell then you need backtrace of that crash and not kolourpaint418:00
ari-tczewapachelogger: can you how do it?18:05
apacheloggerari-tczew: I don't know how one best gets a backtrace in GNOME, so better ask in #ubuntu-desktop18:05
apacheloggersupposedly apport should be coming up in your notification area and help you with that18:06
yofelif it does not check if there's a .crash file in /var/crash too18:09
apachelogger"Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad."18:16
apacheloggernow that is wrong... lunchpad *is* wrong18:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: lunchpad eating your head? :P18:16
apacheloggerlunchpad - it eatz your brainz away!18:16
apacheloggercant even clean a ppa without it going time out on you18:17
apacheloggerthere is still wine left18:18
* apachelogger pours Nightrose a glass18:18
apachelogger"Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad."18:19
apacheloggerthat reminds me of "computer says no" ^^18:19
ari-tczewapachelogger: I got it!18:54
ari-tczewapachelogger: gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()18:58
apacheloggerari-tczew: you need to tell that kklimonda18:59
apacheloggeralso that information alone is not useful (i.e. one needs a whole backtrace ;))18:59
ari-tczewapachelogger: bug 626379 (current private)19:03
ubottuBug 626379 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/626379 is private19:03
sheytanHey apachelogger20:48
sheytanWill u1 be included to maverick?20:48
sheytani mean out of the box20:48
apacheloggersheytan: not out of the box20:59
apacheloggercurrently it is even questionable if at all since upstream likes to introduce breakage21:00
sheytanapachelogger why not?21:00
apacheloggerbecause it is not ready and because upstream likes to introduce breakage21:00
apacheloggerif it gets included out of the box we need to be sure that it works in the next version and the one to come and the one after that...21:01
sheytanwhat about 11.04?21:01
apacheloggernot unless either canonical devotes a developer to the KDE version or someone takes over maintainership who is willing and has time to actually make the ubuntuone team do proper free software development and not just open source stuff21:02
apacheloggersheytan: what I would like to see is owncloud support though, which will probably also still take some time21:02
apacheloggerNightrose: btw, is it just me or is the default KDE background not very vibrant?21:03
apacheloggerin fact I would go as far as calling it cold21:03
Nightroseapachelogger: honestly? i never see it :D21:03
* apachelogger only noticed recently because he watched his mom play with windows 7's desktop theme stuff which has truely good packages available21:04
apacheloggerand putting aside an off-the-shelf theme of windows 7 and KDE's default makes KDE look like GNOME default looks to KDE21:04
* apachelogger probably should talk with nuno about this some day21:05
apacheloggeralso I need to get someone do things with kubuntu 10.0421:05
apacheloggeryou would not believe the things you come to notice when watching someone who does not have much clue of the backgrounds interact with a system21:06
apacheloggerfor example the fact that you can drag windows in 4.5 by issuing a drag on free space of the window is simply awesome since the regular person does not know about window decoration/borders it is sort of difficult to teach the concept of drag-your-window-bar-to-the-top-to-maximize21:08
apacheloggerso instead it becomes dragy-your-window-to-the-top-to-maximize, which naturally will make people try to drag unused space21:09
apacheloggerin oxygen that of course applies even more so since the window decoration and the window appear truely as a whole21:09
* apachelogger hugs Nightrose21:09
Nightroseapachelogger: can you make the 10 remaining gsoc students send me a summary for the dot?21:10
apacheloggerwho would these nice persons be?21:10
apacheloggershould I visit them personally?21:10
Nightrosei think that is appropriate by now - i've just sent them the 3rd email21:11
apacheloggerif so I need to get a hair cut to look more intimidating21:11
apacheloggerNightrose: from that I gather they are not IRCing?21:11
apacheloggerNightrose: well, you know, if it helps I can send a mail too ;)21:11
apacheloggerand if that not helps we can always send nakkid pics of nixternal and threaten to not stop unless they send you a summary21:12
Nightrosei like that idea21:12
apacheloggerNightrose: also you can have a summary from me in case that helps ;)21:12
Nightroseit does not unfortunately :D21:12
apacheloggeron that note, apparently ubuntuone-kde is perceived as very attracting21:12
apacheloggerso it indeed paied of that I shot the lead snapshot of my blog post like 30 times21:13
* apachelogger likes how the colors of sheytan's wallpaper with the orangy ubuntu icon and the plasma theme form a beauty of snapshot21:14
* sheytan wonders if apachelogger will share a screenshot :D21:15
apacheloggersee blog post :P21:15
nixternalnekkid pics of me is not a good idea. will cause uncontrollable vomiting21:15
apacheloggerNightrose: well, just tell me how I can help21:15
apacheloggermeanwhile I am getting drunk :P21:15
* apachelogger pours glass of white wine21:15
* apachelogger also pours one for Nightrose21:16
nixternali am at an ubuntu global jam right now. though i am not doing anything. i am as useless at the jam as I am here with kubuntu :)21:16
Nightrosenixternal: can i make you write a dot story?21:16
Nightroseabout the 4.5 release parties?21:16
apacheloggerI never thought that I would say that but this is one of the few enjoyable gruener veltiners21:16
Nightroseor at least email all the organizers?21:16
* apachelogger has a lucky hand with wines ^^21:16
Nightroseasking them for a short summary and pics and links to blog posts21:17
apacheloggernixternal: as useless as you might be you are still part of the family *hug*21:17
Nightroseapachelogger: nooooo! not before he sends emails 21:17
* Nightrose goes back to writing the gsoc dot story21:18
* apachelogger notes that right now a lot of people are useless since KDE 4.5.1 is not yet packaged :P21:18
* apachelogger thinks that ninjas need love21:18
nixternali am the bastard child of the family :)21:18
apacheloggerI agree :P21:19
nixternalNightrose: I won't be able to do anything for the dot today. i am doing this jam thing for a few more minutes then I have to head home and get ready for my bike ride 21:19
apacheloggerXand3r_: pingy21:19
Nightroseanyone else?21:19
valorienixternal: we only did kubuntu at our Jam yesterday21:20
=== Xand3r_ is now known as Xand3r
Xand3rapachelogger: jarp?21:20
apacheloggerXand3r: how would you like to become super duper ninja?21:21
nixternali am doing nothing except enjoying a bagle and drink from starbucks21:21
apacheloggernixternal: is that the meaning of jamming?21:22
Xand3rapachelogger: ninjas are cool21:22
* apachelogger never got the meaning21:22
apacheloggerXand3r: but?21:22
nixternalapachelogger: I guess it could be the meaning. i am using cream cheese instead of jam though :)21:22
apacheloggeryou americans prefer cream cheese in the bagle dont you?21:23
Xand3rapachelogger: but what kind of ninja do you want i have to become21:23
apacheloggerXand3r: a packaging ninja?21:23
apacheloggeror a promo ninja21:23
apacheloggeror a fanboi ninja21:23
apacheloggerany ninja you want21:23
Xand3rlong time ago that i packaged something21:24
Xand3rhmm why not21:24
Xand3rwhat have i to do?21:24
apacheloggerpackage KDE 4.5.1? :D21:25
apacheloggerXand3r: seriously!21:25
Xand3ri will package kde 5.321:25
apacheloggerXand3r: I can ship you a source tarball and you make it into a 4.5.1 package21:26
apacheloggersomething easy for starters, say kdewebdev?21:26
Xand3rapachelogger: you know, packaging makes no fun with 45kb/s down stream and a 1,6 GHz Celron M core21:27
apacheloggerwell, I did do packaging on a netbook :P21:27
apacheloggerQt to be exact :P21:27
apacheloggerXand3r: but maybe you want to try yourself on something else?21:28
apacheloggerpromotion maybe?21:28
Xand3rmaybe but you're a pro.21:28
Xand3rpromotion? i cant write without faults21:29
apacheloggerwe always proof read each other's stuff21:29
apacheloggeralso promotion is not just about writing21:30
apacheloggeryou could also create a plan on how we should and could improve our public image21:30
apacheloggerhow we should and could communicate our greatness to the public21:30
Xand3rthats not so easy21:31
apacheloggerXand3r: how so?21:32
Xand3rhmmm, maybe i will find something, but right now my head is full of my problems withe my moving to jena and giving away my ferrets.21:33
apacheloggerXand3r: you are ferretsless? :O you are moving to jena? :O21:34
* apachelogger is clearly not up to speed with what is going on in the family, oh dear21:34
Xand3ryarp thats the sad but best plan i have21:35
Xand3rapachelogger:  i am family for you? you are so sweet^^21:35
* Xand3r afk21:36
* apachelogger considers everyone in Kubuntu family :)21:36
Tm_Tapachelogger: yes, son21:38
* apachelogger hugs mom21:39
debfxapachelogger: do we still have that trigger to highlight all ninjas on irc?21:40
sheytanis it possible to remove all config files from apps that are not installed anymore?21:43
Tm_Tatleast synaptic has such package group, "residual config" or so21:44
* valorie hugs all the grandkids here21:45
valorieXand3r: sorry to hear about your ferrets21:45
valorieI used to have them, and really loved them21:45
valoriesuch sweeties21:45
Quintasandamn awerty21:55
Xand3rvalorie: true thing21:56
ubottuHelp! apachelogger, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, Lex79, Quintasan, neversfelde, maco, rgreening22:08
apacheloggertime for KDE 4.5.1!!!!22:08
ari-tczewapachelogger: stable release?22:08
apacheloggerjussi: ^ it is dated out very much ... do you think we could hook that up with the launchpad team?22:08
apacheloggerdebfx: ^22:09
apacheloggerari-tczew: yes22:09
* Quintasan is heading back home tomorrow22:12
ari-tczewQuintasan: 1 September is coming, are you afraid? ;-D22:12
Quintasanot really22:14
QuintasanTBH I wanted to go to school22:14
ari-tczeware you f*ckin' kiddin' me? :D22:14
QuintasanThe second half of August is getting boring22:15
QuintasanI have great classmates so it is not boring for me to go to school22:15
valorieI love school22:15
Quintasan</3 awerty22:16
yofelschool is nice, be happy as long as you're there, after that life gets hard :P22:16
ari-tczewhearing "shut up donkey!" or "are you lazy, go to work!" omg ;p22:16
QuintasanWell. I do not hear that very often, unless I'n trying to make someone angry22:17
QuintasanVERY angry22:17
ari-tczewto make his/her a rageman?22:18
Quintasanoh yes22:18
QuintasanTroll is a art22:19
Quintasan(mistakes intended)22:19
stanosstan online22:30
stanosfreeze is on 4 buz ,i am right?22:32
stanosno buz here i will quit ,another day22:33
valoriewow, patient person22:39
ScottKapachelogger: Can't go in the archive until after Thursday thought (4.5.1)22:48
apacheloggerScottK: yes, but the longer it takes to package it the less time we can spend on QA, the less time we spend on QA the worse the quality, the worse the quality the more users will be annoyed, the more users are annoyed the harder it is to turn them into contributors22:50
ScottKapachelogger: Sure.  I agree with all that.  Just making sure it was all clear.23:06
apacheloggerScottK: it feels way too cold for uploads anyway ^^23:12

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