
doctormoAlanBell: The rationale with having it a week later is to allow for CDs and not conflict with a wedding.00:25
IdleOneWould be pretty cool if Canonical could get in touch with Disney and arrange that the group photo be taken in front of the castle with Mickey and friends.00:55
IdleOneMickey wearing an Ubuntu t-shirt of course00:55
doctormoDamn 27th build of xserver-xorg-input-wacom 1.8.6 has to be the lucky build.03:17
Pendulumstill building as Maverick?03:17
aragood morning all!11:27
dholbachhola ara!11:27
popeysummit.ubuntu.com says "We'll let you know whether or not your request has been accepted after March 26th." when you request sponsorship11:28
popeythat date should probably be changed11:28
czajkowskiPendulum: poked jono he knows11:38
czajkowskipopey: poke jono he knows and mailed jcastro11:38
czajkowskiara: dholbach how goes the UGJ over there12:09
araczajkowski, just starting slowly12:23
dholbachczajkowski, we're 9 right now12:25
vishdoctormo: https://twitter.com/michaelforrest/statuses/22433586462 . so, it does look like someone *is* working on the Free Culture Showcase.. :)14:35
czajkowskivish: your comment #17 on the wall paper bug is hillarious15:50
czajkowskianother daft bug  thats getting more attention for nothing thanks to omg and bens blog15:50
czajkowskicomment son bug :it's not nice isn't really helpful15:51
vishczajkowski: considering hitting send on a reply titled "OMG!Ubuntu a bane or a boon!'15:52
vishnot on the blog though , to the ayatana mailing list :)15:53
czajkowskiML and planet ubuntu springs to mind15:53
vishoh well , here goes nothing!16:24
AlanBellreally there was nothing wrong with the original OMG article about the wallpaper16:38
AlanBellit just explodes into crazyness in the comments16:38
AlanBelland then Ben consolidates the nastiest for his blog16:39
vish yeah , surprisingly the main blog was fine !16:43
czajkowskithe canonical deisng team blog comments were respectful16:43
AlanBelldoes disqus come with a croud of angry teenagers built in?16:44
* vish wonders if doctormo really drinks tea! :D 18:43
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