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glicksterhey can i use debian packages in ubuntu?06:59
lucidfoxvish, regarding the wallpaper: you aren't making the distribution for art critics, you're making it for a diverse community of mostly-casual users07:05
lucidfoxCritics might appreciate your delightful combination of orange and purple, praising you for the bold and unorthodox artistic choices.07:06
macoglickster: source packages, yes. binary ones...no guarantees07:07
lucidfoxAs it stands, the users' gut reaction is "ew", and asking them to go any more elaborate than that would be like asking a non-technical user to write kernel patches.07:07
glickstermaco, libapache2-mod-wsgi?07:08
* maco is not a dictionary07:08
persiaglickster, `apt-cache showsrc  libapache2-mod-wsgi`07:09
micahgglickster: if 3.3 has something we need, you should request a sync and provide a reason why it should get into maverick07:09
micahgglickster: to answer your original question, since it's sync'd in maverick, it'll probably work, but no guarantees07:11
glicksterbecause 2.8 is full of bugs?07:12
micahgglickster: maverick has 3.207:12
* micahg isn't sure what the backport policy is for apache modules07:14
micahgglickster: you can try requesting a backport from maverick07:15
glicksteri just downloaded it from debian sid, it appears to be working07:15
vishlucidfox: seriously, what is the bug about? ;)07:43
vishanyway , *i* dint make the wallpaper , so just saying it looks ugly is not a bug07:43
vishugliness lies in the eye of the beholder ;)07:43
micahgif a package has the i386 binary in main, is it ok to request the amd64 be promoted as well?08:41
lifelessthey should both be shouldn't they ?08:46
micahglifeless: I would think so, just wanted to be sure :)08:46
micahglifeless: so I should file an AA bug?08:49
micahgseems like an oversight will file new bug and reference MIT08:50
persiamicahg, Most of the time, you can get a binary promotion with an archive-admin request here, assuming the source is in main.09:24
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penguin42Hi yofel12:40
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Yaron-Heb_Hey Guys, does anyone know when is the translation deadline for Maverick?15:53
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c_kornYaron-Heb_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule16:00
Yaron-Heb_c_korn: thanks, you're awesome!16:00
micahgpersia: k, I filed the bug anyway, if there's no response by tomorrow morning my time, I'll ask in here16:16
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Gujshello guys18:06
Gujsi would like to rebuild lucid kernel in my ppa18:06
Gujsbut it always fails18:06
Gujsi just downloaded source with apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)18:06
Gujsand the patch it with one usb hid patch18:07
Gujsand change changelog18:07
Gujsand debuild -S18:07
Gujsand upload it18:07
Gujsis this ok18:07
Gujsbecause it fails to build18:08
penguin42what error does it give?18:09
Gujshere is my ppa https://launchpad.net/~gregor-fuis/+archive/xbmc-pvr/+packages18:10
penguin42Gujs: Well that is failing in usb/core/hcd.c so it looks like the change is broke18:11
Gujsstrange is that it is not the same for i386 and amd64 builds18:12
penguin42yeh that is weird18:13
Gujsbecasu I patch just these files hid-ids.h and hid-topseed.c18:14
GujsI would just like to add a path for BTC Remote18:15
Gujsthe one at the bottom https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/95481/18:15
penguin42Gujs: You'll have to find the line its actually giving the error about18:17
Gujs"/build/buildd/linux-2.6.32-24.41/kernel/power/snapshot.c:1546: error: expected expression before ';' token"18:20
Gujsthis is strange18:20
penguin42Gujs: Some of that code is ifdef'd (I've not got 2.6.32 in front of me) - in 2.6.35 CONFIG_ARCH_HIBERNATION_HEADER is set for x86_64 but not 3218:22
Gujsdebian build files in ubuntu kernel are to much for me for now, I just wanted to be sure if the I am doing it the right way18:27
Gujsmaybe I should try it with latest git 2.6.3218:27
penguin42Gujs: I'd try building it locally rather than ppaing it18:28
GujsI would like to ppa it because I have atom based net top which is running ubuntu i386 and I my desktop on which I am building it is running ubuntu amd6418:30
Gujscan I build i368 on amd64?18:31
penguin42I'm not sure18:34
penguin42I'm fairly you can do it for a kernel build, not sure how to do it for packages18:34
gesercan the archive admin, who rejected my uploaded rebuilds (haskell-{haskore,hjscript}) tell my why they got rejected?18:50
Gujsrunning debuild on local computer gives me the same error18:52
Gujsnow I am building it with AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs18:52
Laneygeser: presumably because I uploaded those ones too ;)18:53
penguin42Gujs: That makes it a lot easier to debug18:53
GujsI know18:54
Gujsbut it is strange that it gives build error, because it is source from ubuntu repo18:54
penguin42Gujs: Maybe built using older tools or a different config18:56
GujsI use all default tools and configs from 10.04, but I will keep trying this until I succeed19:00
GujsAUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs gives me the same error19:02
GujsI will try to get git now19:03
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* penguin42 is confused - how does Pulse get perms to open the sound card? the pulse user is a member of audio, but I'm not and the perms on /dev/snd/* are root:audio rw by user and group but not other; pa isn't setuid or setgid19:58
* penguin42 suspects some consolekit/policykit magic ?19:58
crimsun_it's via consolekit.20:02
crimsun_the active seat is automatically granted @audio permission20:02
geserpenguin42: getfacl /dev/snd/*20:03
crimsun_see ck-list-sessions and getfacl /dev/snd/*20:03
penguin42ooh, yes I see the user:dg:rw-20:04
crimsun_also, being a member of @audio is /bad/ as of 9.1020:04
crimsun_[for Ubuntu, that is]20:04
crimsun_it's bad for Kubuntu as of 10.1020:04
* penguin42 had tried lsattr which gave an error and didn't know getfacl20:05
penguin42crimsun_: SO why is the pulse user a member of audio ?20:06
crimsun_hysterical raisins20:06
crimsun_someone should probably remove that at some point, but it's more cosmetic than anything20:07
penguin42ok, that makes more sense20:07
penguin42crimsun_: I found this out trying to help someone who wasn't running gnome; but console-kit should still give them perms on those files shouldn't it? Would that only happen from gdm or would a non-X login also set that up?20:08
crimsun_penguin42: assuming "nome running GNOME" also implies "did not have PA installed", then said user isn't relying on ConsoleKit for @audio permissions20:09
penguin42crimsun_: Are PA and the use of consolekit related? i.e. if they aren't using PA should consolekit still add the user perms on it so that non-PA stuff works?20:10
crimsun_penguin42: in Ubuntu, PA requires ConsoleKit, yes.20:10
penguin42crimsun_: But what about the opposite? i.e. to use a non-gnome system without PA will CK still set perms up?20:11
crimsun_penguin42: not that I'm aware20:11
penguin42hmm actually thinking about it, his case was weirder than that - he had PA but PA couldn't open /dev/snd/* but he could do stuff as root, I wonder if his CK stuff was borked20:12
crimsun_that's a probable starting point. There is also a possible regression in lucid-updates' linux 2.6.32-24.* that doesn't seem restricted to audio.20:14
crimsun_David H (diwic) is chasing that one.20:15
penguin42ah ok20:16
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