
flanJust one page left for the server. Yay.00:11
flan(But it's a big one and I'll have to write at least one support page to feed it information)00:11
godbykdaker: pong.00:42
godbykdaker: Is that from a TeX Live installation?  If so, you may want to try a different mirror.00:42
MuscovyDoes the Maverick writing freeze mean it's just editing from then on?01:08
godbykMuscovy: Basically, yeah.01:10
MuscovyI'd better get writing then.01:11
godbykYeah, I know. We don't have a lot of time. :)01:11
MuscovyYeah, let's not do this again for Natty.01:13
godbykIt's always a bit of a race since we're try to release the manual at the same time as Ubuntu is released.01:15
godbykAnd it's hard to start writing and taking screenshots until after the UI freeze.01:15
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thorwili wonder if a green-screening like approach could be applied to the wallpaper for screenshots14:47
nisshhthorwil: what do you mean>14:47
thorwilnisshh: suppose the default wallpaper will change before release, but we start taking screenshots now. could one switch to seldomly used solid color or a pattern as background, to later on replace all parts of it shining through with the final wallpaper?14:49
thorwilbut that was just a quick thought, partial transparency willmake that non-trivial14:50
nisshhthorwil: hmm, yea its doable, but that would take AGES since each one would most likely have to be done individually14:50
nisshhit would be different for each screenshot so its probably not automagical14:51
flanWell, a lot of screenshots won't expose any part of the wallpaper at all.15:49
flanSo we could define all of those on the Quickshot server once I finish its base implementation in a few hours and start capturing those.15:50
flanThen define the rest once we know what the final wallpaper will look like.15:50
flanstart capturing them*15:50
flanOr define everything and just keep the wallpaper-exposing ones disabled until we're ready for them.15:51
flanThe hold-up will be the QS client, which, though I'm sure it's getting close to being done, won't be available much before the freeze.15:52
flanI'll be switching focus to help Jenkins with it starting tomorrow.15:52
flanAny web-designer-types around right now?16:38
flan(Simple question related to DOM-ordering, 'cause my mind's not working right at the moment)16:39
thorwilflan: that's not my thing, but how about you just ask? :)16:40
flanBecause I'm not thinking right. =P16:40
flan<span id="x">Hello!</span> <!--How could I change the value of that element without innerHTML?-->16:41
flanI can't remember which node I need to tweak.16:41
flanAnd my code's not close enough to complete to just try it.16:41
flanOh. .data.16:43
flanIssue resolved.16:43
thorwilglad i could be of help ;)16:43
flanQuite. =P16:45
jenkinsflan: ping19:29
jenkinsnisshh ping19:44
jenkinshey flan can you have a look at lp:quickshot please19:46
flanWhat do you want me to look for?19:46
jenkinsquickly run does not work giving and error19:46
jenkinsbut the folder is there, i moved everything to do with the program to the "source" folder and now it will not run. I am not sure if it has something to do with a missing package in mavrick as I have jsut changed to it. I thought I had it working again19:48
jenkinsthat error comes form the quickshot file in the source/bin folder19:51
flanI realize that. But Python expected a .py, .pyc, or .pyc file to match the name of the provided module, unless working with C extensions or doing something low-level with the import engine.19:52
flanYou're going to be breaking that monolithic file into smaller pieces anyway, so you might as well start separating it now.19:53
flanI should be (effectively) done with the server in about two hours.19:53
jenkinsi am not following completly, that line (that is causing the error) worked before whats wrong with it?19:54
flanFrom what I can see of your paste, it's that it can't find a module named 'quickshot'.19:54
flanWhich is where it expects to find the class you defined.19:55
flanWhen the 'quickshot' executable file is run directly, its module-name is '__main__', not 'quickshot'.19:55
jenkinsI always read that line ( from quickshot import AboutQuickshotDialog ) to be from the folder quickshot import the file AboutQuickshotDialog19:56
flanFrom the file 'quickshot.py'.19:57
flan(Or pyc or pyo)19:57
flanIt expects to find it either in the current package or in the process's root path, by default.19:58
jenkinswell the file AboutQuickshotDialog is in a folder called "quickshot" :/ so has that bit of code always been screwed?19:58
flanimport sys; print sys.path to see its search targets and order.19:58
flanWhere's the file that holds the definition?19:59
jenkinsthe path is imported before the line from....19:59
jenkinshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/485549/ is the file20:00
flan...An insert into sys.path?20:00
flanDid you write that or was it Simon?20:01
jenkinsI don't know who wrote it may have been tommy20:01
jenkinshttp://imagebin.org/111924 is the file layout20:01
flanNot Tommy. But that code.20:01
flanLooks like this is gonna be a busy week.20:02
jenkinsyea I have to start learning stuff, I have reached my limit on knoledge20:03
flanThat import's going to fail because 'quickshot' isn't resolvable.20:03
flanFirst, you'll need to define an __init__.py in quickshot/ so Python will recognize the directory as a package.20:04
flanSecond, you'll need to make that "import quickshot.AboutQuickshotDialog as AboutQuickshotDialog", unless you're like me and prefer infrequently used references to be explicit.20:05
flanIn that case, you'd drop 'as' and refer to the full dotted path every time.20:05
jenkinsok I will have a go at the __inti.py20:06
flantouch __init__.py && bzr add __init__.py20:06
flanIt can be empty.20:06
jenkinso it turns out that is just a file :P20:06
jenkinsjust worked that out20:07
flanIt probably should be empty, until you're comfortable with writing packages as libraries.20:07
flan(We won't need to do that here, since you're writing application-level code)20:08
jenkinsadding the init file makes it all work again I wonder if I removed it accedently20:10
jenkinsyey got it working again fixed another problem20:19
nisshhjenkins: sorry, i was afk for a while, did you want something?20:21
jenkinshey nisshh I was just going to say i will try and finish my chapter off for the manual. I have been real busy with work lately20:21
nisshhjenkins: cool, i was going to do some work on the dev manual today, but i didnt get home till later so it didnt really work out20:22
jenkinsjust have to wait for another day then :)20:23
jenkinsflan: what would be the best way to make a spinner from http://imagebin.org/11192520:23
nisshhjenkins: anyway, im off to bed its nearly 4am here20:23
jenkinsI have the gkt spinner source code but it is not in python http://paste.ubuntu.com/485557/20:25
flanThat should be in pyGTK somewhere.20:26
jenkinsi can use it in pyhton but it gives an awful spinner that looks weedy20:27
flanCan you provide a screenshot?20:27
flanIt might not be bad as a placeholder.20:27
flanWe don't have much time left, and a spinner's less important than having a clean codebase.20:28
flanMaking that one work wouldn't be hard, but it'd take time that might be better spent elsehwree at this point.20:28
flan(It'd basically be a matter of loading the image, splitting it into pieces, and blitting those to a widget at regular intervals)20:29
jenkinsI will post a screenshot when I can make the spinner work again :) I lost the file with it in20:29
flanIf it's not hyper-critical, leave it aside and focus on functionality.20:30
flanWe can pack a widget into the box during the pre-Maverick cycle.20:30
flanWe'll be using that period as a buffer for testing and polish anyway. (unfortunately)20:30
flan(Stupid me-moving)20:30
flanLooks fine to me. Until we have time to do something better.20:33
flanBut that one has the advantage of improving authomatically.20:33
flanAs GTK gets better (or the user gets better themes for the engine), the spinner should look better, too.20:33
jenkinsI need to work out this whole inheritance thing. Can i use the inheritance thing to import a spinner and a text box into the space of the tables whilst the data is being downlaoded?20:34
flanRe-inventing the wheel (literally) may be counter-productive here.20:34
jenkinswell there is a better spinner in evolution and other programs20:34
flanY...es... but probabky not the way you're imagining it.20:34
flanYou'll probably want a library of UI eyecandy for that.20:35
flanWith functions you can call that return appropriate GTK objects to pack into boxes.20:35
flanData's going to download pretty fast now.20:35
jenkinsok I will leave them out for now20:36
flanThe whole bzr layer's gone and it's running in SQLite/filesystem stuff.20:36
flanIt should be no slower than the time it takes to ping, plus a millisecond or ten.20:36
flanhttp://flan.uguu.ca:5000/ump/10-04/en_CA/_progress However long it takes for you to download this is how long the user'd need to wait to get data from the network.20:37
jenkinscool that is fast so how do i get the data into the program?20:37
flanIt'll be faster once I turn off debug mode ont he server.20:39
flanJust create a session using one of the two profvided functions and then call query_progress().20:40
flanIt returns data in much the same way as the old system.20:40
flan(needed, pending, accepted)20:40
flanThe main difference is that you'll get both a localized friendly name and the internal system name.20:40
flanThe user needs to see the friendly name, while the server needs to get the system name in any upload/download requests.20:41
jenkinswhich provided functions?20:42
flanclient/__init__.py They're near the bottom.20:42
flanEverything's documented.20:42
flanPut client/ into a lib/ directory and import it as 'lib/client'.20:43
flanYou can rename it if you want.20:43
* flan eats keyboard.20:43
jenkinsok thanks I will have a read and paly20:44
flanUsage samples can be found in r142 on the server branch.20:44
flanIt'll provide details like screen resolution, too.20:45
flanIt's worth playing around with the library from an interpreter.20:45
jenkinswill do20:46
jenkinsnight all, thanks for you help flan21:28
* flan pushes support for rejecting screenshots.21:28
flanJust two more features left~21:28
flanAww... He left too quickly. :(21:29
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
flanQS server's effectively done. Yay.23:03
flanJust need to comment it all (hundreds of functions!) and get feedback from real users... which, unfortunately, won't happen until it's actually needed.23:04
flanHooray for moving!23:04
flangodbyk, it seems I have no trouble hosting it from home, and I still need to write a couple of support scripts and document how to host it on something common, like mod_wsgi, so I'll probably just run the site through this cycle. It'll make it easier to fix any bugs that might come up, too.23:08
flanIf hosting from home becomes an issue, I'll move it to my webhost or put it on one of my Debian boxes at work and bounce DNS from my host.23:10
flan(Or let you set up a DNS record for it)23:11
flan(Which we could also do for hosting from home, if you want things to look consistent)23:11
flan(Just cname against hamsterx.homelinux.org, since my home IP is technically dynamic)23:11

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