
jpdspersia: They could of at least put: "This file left intentionally blank".00:00
persiaIt's from AT&T, not IBM00:00
persiageser, Erm.  Seems I broke it.  Sorry.  I'll try to sort that.00:04
geserpersia: the last working upload was done in feisty, I doubt that code still works without changes to keep up with graphviz development00:06
persiaIt doesn't.00:06
persiaOr rather, my patch didn't change that stuff: the failures come because the toolchain changed.00:07
persiaUpstream seems to have had a release 2007/01/12, which might help.00:08
geserif I remember myself it's not only the error about NULL, if it would be only that, I would have fixed it for lucid. Once this error gets fixed others appear which I didn't figure out how to fix00:08
* persia hunts for newer/better upstream stuff00:09
geserlooking at the version numbers of graphviz in feisty, they were also 2.8 (like graphviz-cairo)00:11
gesergraphviz in maverick is at 2.26.300:11
persiagraphviz-cairo source needs to be removed, based on graphviz 2.12-4 changelog.00:13
persiaSo other stuff probably needs adjusted build-deps00:14
gesernice, we could have dropped that package 3 years ago00:15
persiaOr not (`reverse-build-depends graphviz-cairo seems blank)00:15
persiaI wish I'd noticed this before uploading it.00:16
persiaWe probably ought to look more closely at any other main->universe demotions: I wonder how much cruft is about.00:16
geserpersia: if you have some time: could you try to figure out the cause of the build-dependency problem of libfvm?00:20
geserI tracked it once down to build-depending on two different libhdf5-*-dev package which conflict each other00:21
geserbut I didn't had time to check if Debian has the same problem (at least no bug is filed about it that I could find) and if Debian is not affected why then Ubuntu has this problem00:22
persiaI want to do a powerpc/armel obvious pass first, before digging too much (and have to do some plumbing (the stuff with water and pipes) today) :)00:25
geserok, have fun00:25
persiageser, just FYI, I can replicate the libfvm issue in sid.00:46
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geserbilalakhtar: Hi, could you merge nepenthes from Debian unstable? -6 fixes an license issue (RC bug in Debian)10:28
bilalakhtarThanks geser for notifying! of course I will!10:28
bilalakhtargeser: hehe, done on my local sys10:33
bilalakhtar_sorry, kernel panic10:45
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Rhondahuhm, wesnoth still in maverick, and wesnoth-1.8 still not synced? Was off for a week  %-/11:00
LaneyRhonda: beta freeze is probably stopping archive admin activities11:04
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bilalakhtarThanks geser !13:03
AnAntis it possible to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04.1 ?14:28
bilalakhtarAnAnt: Yes of course, the only difference between 10.04 and *.1 is that *.1 has slightly more recent packages14:30
blki'm trying to add an additional define to my rules file for a cdbs/CMake project but i can't seem to make it work. i've tried adding lines like "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS += -DFOO=BOOL:ON" or DEB_CMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS as well as DEB_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and others. ideas?14:31
RhondaLaney: Going to check the bugreports that I filed.14:50
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=== Gerfried is now known as Rhonda
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geserGiven a C header doing #include <endian.h> while a file "endian.h" exists in the upstream source and upstream code gets compiled with -I. Which header file will get included? the system one or the local one?22:24
Bachstelzegeser: the local one22:32
Bachstelze-I adds the path on top of the search list22:32
geseras I guessed, that explains http://launchpadlibrarian.net/49745563/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.uni2ascii_4.14-3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:33
geserhow to fix this? drop -I. from CFLAGS? rename the local endian.h?22:34
Bachstelzeif there are other header files needed in the source directory, it probably won't work without -I22:35
Bachstelzeprobably better to rename the upstream file22:36
Bachstelzeand report the name conflict as a bug upstream22:36
Bachstelzegeser: can you pastebin the contents of the upstream endian.h?22:41
geserBachstelze: http://paste.ubuntu.com/485603/22:42
Bachstelzeyeah, I guess there's no way around renaming it22:43
Bachstelzesince endian.h is non-standard, I don't think upstream will be willing to rename it themselves22:44
geserthanks, renaming the header file fixed the FTBFS22:46
ari-tczewhow can I use cmake's options in debhelper7 in smaller way? debian/rules now looks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/485606/22:52
ari-tczewI;m interested in one cmake option of these22:52
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Laneymake use of override_dh_auto_configure:23:45
ari-tczewLaney: yea, I looked on other packages for debhelper7. I found also override_dh_auto_build:23:47
Laneyyou can override any helper23:47

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