
Gibby_2what is the mirobridge package name?01:11
Gibby_2I am getting this error on my backend when I open the control center: "Exception in captureState of plugin Mirobridgeconfig. Disabling Plugin." However I never installed the plugin01:17
tgm4883Gibby, IIRC, it's part of the mythbuntu-common package01:39
tgm4883rather, Gibby_2 ^01:40
Gibby_2hmm ok, i never installed it, but want to, however since it disables it, i can't01:55
tgm4883Gibby_2, launch mcc from the command line, it should print why it is getting disabled01:58
=== Twiggy is now known as Twiggy2cents
tgm4883Gibby, hmm02:18
tgm4883MiroBridge requiries an Internet connection02:18
Gibby_2well i have 1 lol02:18
tgm4883are you going through a proxy?02:18
* tgm4883 shrugs02:18
Gibby_2do you know how it tries to test?02:18
tgm4883maybe try in #mythtv-users02:18
tgm4883sec, let me look02:18
Gibby_2disregard i found it02:23
tgm4883Gibby_2, it tries to open google.com02:23
Gibby_2that is what i found too, tested and it works, so i tried again and got a new error it has to do with a NFS mount with permissions02:25
tgm4883Gibby, yea, i'm having a similar issue02:29
tgm4883actually, i fixed that one now apparently02:30
tgm4883Gibby_2, looks like the NFS mount needs to have the group as mythtv02:31
Gibby_2yep fixed it, thanks tgm488302:33
Gibby_2tgm4883: You there?04:35
tgm4883Gibby_2, yep04:35
Gibby_2n/m, I am following your Hulu Desktop guide and I don't have the /etc/lirc directory... well i don't have any remotes yet so that explains it I think04:37
Gibby_2ne1 got Hulu desktop working17:09
Gibby_2I did step 1 and 4 for http://www.mythbuntu.org/wiki/howto-huludesktop and still nothing17:10
Gibby_2Does Hulu Desktop have to be installed on the Frontend?17:15
Gibby_2ComradeHaz`: Insstall this http://www.mythbuntu.org/files/mythbuntu-repos.deb18:11
ComradeHaz`How does one install with ubuntu?18:12
ComradeHaz`I usually do things the Debian Way (tm)18:12
Gibby_2open a terminal and type wget http://www.mythbuntu.org/files/mythbuntu-repos.deb18:12
Gibby_2Almost the same in Ubuntu18:12
Gibby_2Ubuntu is based of of Debian18:12
ComradeHaz`I know.18:12
Gibby_2once download do a dpkg -i mythbuntu-repos.deb18:12
Gibby_2Then do: dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos18:13
Gibby_2Select 0.23.1, Select PPA and yes for fixes18:13
Gibby_2Actually it is yes for testing PPA18:14
ComradeHaz`Oh, awesome, thanks.18:15
Gibby_2then apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade, then lets see ifyou still have same issue with18:15
Gibby_2mythfronend was crashing right?18:15
ComradeHaz`Seems to be replacing just about everything myth related.18:17
Gibby_2yep it will18:17
ComradeHaz`120 odd megs of packages downloading.18:17
ComradeHaz`Hadn't really considered using further upsteam packages...18:18
Gibby_2anytime you have an issue, you will want to do a apt-get update then apt-get upgrade then see if the issues exists, you will not have 0.23.1 daily builds from the mythbuntu team18:18
ComradeHaz`It should have, I've ended up on debian unstable as I kept moving up to get fixes for things and ended up here :D18:18
Gibby_2o, you were on 0.24?18:19
ComradeHaz`No, no.18:19
ComradeHaz`Talking about my other machines.18:19
Gibby_2ahh ok, did you get the diskless going yet?18:19
ComradeHaz`Not yet.18:19
ComradeHaz`Gonna get this machine in and have a play with a test rig18:20
ComradeHaz`Did you write out the guide you were gonna put together?18:20
Gibby_2I have added some updates to that wiki, I used Oracle Virtual Box for testing the diskless18:20
ComradeHaz`Hmm? INteresting.18:20
ComradeHaz`I've no experience with diskless machines in any wayunder any os18:21
Gibby_2hopefully I didn't miss anything on it, should be painless18:21
ComradeHaz`'Mythbuntu diskless server'.....?18:22
ComradeHaz`Runs on what machine?18:22
Gibby_2i run it on my backend but it actually can be ran on any machine18:23
* ComradeHaz` points out he doesn't run ubuntu machines other than this mythbuntu box18:23
Gibby_2the trickiest part is editing your dhcp server18:23
Gibby_2what is your backend?18:23
ComradeHaz`One box for front and back18:23
ComradeHaz`want that to network boot off a Debian box.18:24
Gibby_2ok, do that procedure on the backend18:24
ComradeHaz`ie front and back are both running on the same machine.18:24
Gibby_2is that debian box your dhcp server also?18:25
Gibby_2why not run it on the backend box?18:26
ComradeHaz`:D You're not reading!18:27
Gibby_2I know :018:27
Gibby_2I should still work, what version of debian are you using i will test it18:28
Gibby_2or we can use teamviewer18:28
ComradeHaz`let's simplify this down. 2 machines in question: 1) My Debian server. (Contains my entire life on 6 1.5TB drives.) 2) Mythbuntu box that I want to network boot off 1).18:29
ComradeHaz`'Unstable'. Bar about 2 weeks.18:29
ComradeHaz`but go with testing18:29
ComradeHaz`package issues on unstable atm.18:29
Gibby_2you can not network your backend18:29
Gibby_2only frontends18:30
ComradeHaz`What do you mean?18:30
Gibby_2well that is wrong too actually, you could network boot your backend but I don't know why you would want to, since the backend is up all the time18:30
ComradeHaz`Well, yes, that's kind of the whole point18:31
ComradeHaz`I don;t want an HDD wherring away in my living room.18:31
Gibby_2Yep and when you backup the server that is your network boot server, it also backups all your frontends18:31
ComradeHaz`and the backend has to be in there for various reasons.18:31
Gibby_2the backend is in the living room also?18:32
ComradeHaz`Backend == frontend.18:32
Gibby_2ok, we can get this working :)18:32
ComradeHaz`The thing I couldn't see was how to make it so changes are written backl rather than it booting like a live cd.18:33
Gibby_2I think I understand your config now, you backend is also your frontend and it is in the living room and you don't want any hard drives in it right?18:33
Gibby_2The changes being saved are quite easy :)18:33
Gibby_2however, you current myth backend/frontend config will be whiped18:34
Gibby_2wiped i mean18:34
ComradeHaz`That's slightly saddening though not desperately so.18:34
Gibby_2hope you haven't gotten to far in the setup18:35
ComradeHaz`Looking good.18:35
ComradeHaz`(DVD playback)18:35
Gibby_2Your debian server, it runs DHCP right?18:35
Gibby_2A DHCP I mean18:35
ComradeHaz`dhcp3 running isc18:36
ComradeHaz`It seems my dinner is ready, which is kind of good and kind of irritating! :D18:37
Gibby_2i am going to stand up a debian test server and check the diskless setup on it18:37
ComradeHaz`I will be back as fast as I can politely be! :D18:38
ComradeHaz`OK. Meat not quite cooked :D18:42
ComradeHaz`Anything I can do?18:42
ComradeHaz`for example any of my configs you want to see?18:43
Gibby_2don't tink so18:43
ComradeHaz`Will any of this process modify (to the point of 'breaking') the current install on teh disk of my myth box or is it simply a case of copying files from it?18:45
ComradeHaz`Also, when I installed I noticed there was an option to install a vnc server. I think I did. What vnc server is it? I was expecting X11vnc...18:46
Gibby_2Ubuntu has a built in VNC, basically you just enabled it18:48
Gibby_2no it will not break the current install of myth but when you do the network boot, you will have to setup the backend/frontend again18:48
ComradeHaz`Hmm. I see.18:49
* ComradeHaz` grabs a random box and installs Mythbuntu18:49
ComradeHaz`hmm, pointing a vnc viewer at my mythbox draws a blank....18:50
ComradeHaz`OK, food done. biab18:50
Gibby_2hmm the debian install is not going so well, the kernel part of the install is failing of Vbox19:01
ComradeHaz`Well, what're you thinking?19:26
ComradeHaz`wonder if I can rig up a box you can drop onto19:26
ComradeHaz`Shall I try?19:26
ComradeHaz`Really only got one spare box though19:29
Gibby_2nah that is ok for now, it is installing now i think19:29
Gibby_2it is a net install so going to take awhile19:32
ComradeHaz`A'ight, no worries19:34
ComradeHaz`Just doing an install of Mythbuntu on an old box as I guess we'll be able to use that as our start point?19:35
ComradeHaz`Or at least as a test19:35
ComradeHaz`How do I use the vnc service?!19:36
* ComradeHaz` begins to wonder if he did install one19:36
Gibby_2open the myth control center19:37
ComradeHaz`Oh gash :D19:37
* ComradeHaz` plugs the monitor back in19:37
ComradeHaz`Uh.... then what19:40
* ComradeHaz` has just failed to figure it out on hs own!19:40
ComradeHaz`Got it.19:41
ComradeHaz`Oh, btw, Debian box is x6419:43
ComradeHaz`Not sure if it makes any odds.19:43
ZinnSorry I don't know about curse19:44
Gibby_2lol, so you got the VNC part?19:53
ComradeHaz`Aye, working now19:53
Gibby_2wish my internet was faster, going to be awhile on this debian install19:57
ComradeHaz`What speed is it?19:57
Gibby_25/1 but barely get 1 down19:58
Gibby_25down 1 up19:58
ComradeHaz`1 up is a lot :D19:58
ComradeHaz`5 down isn't :D19:58
Gibby_21 up is not alot, i had 10 down 10 up19:59
ComradeHaz`Well, yeah, we all went to uni once :D19:59
Gibby_2but my ISP is having a bandwidth issue19:59
ComradeHaz`10 u/d at home?!!19:59
Gibby_2so they made everyone go back to 5 down and 1 up, i get about 1down and .5 up19:59
ComradeHaz`Awesome :D19:59
Gibby_2Yep, I have fiber to my house20:00
ComradeHaz`Less awesome.20:00
ComradeHaz`Hmm, SC?20:01
Gibby_2Fiber1SC is the company, they SUCK20:02
ComradeHaz`Well, rather better than what I can get :d20:02
ComradeHaz`stick NR28 9LX into google earth :D20:02
Gibby_2don't have google earth :)20:04
ComradeHaz`google maps20:05
Gibby_2ahh, my dad is over there now working20:05
Gibby_2well cambridge20:05
ComradeHaz`Ahh, just down the road, really :D20:06
Gibby_2what do you have?20:07
ComradeHaz`Slightly worse than usual today as raining20:09
Gibby_2b/c it is raining?20:11
ComradeHaz`Yep :D20:11
ComradeHaz`Don't laugh! It's not funny!20:11
ComradeHaz`Mythbuntu installed on a test-rig20:12
ComradeHaz`Right, Gibby old thing, what now?! :D20:19
Gibby_2what is the purpose of mythbuntu on the test-rig?20:27
ComradeHaz`Use as either the source of the network boot files or at least a 'practice run'20:28
ComradeHaz`Assuming you didn't missunderstand me earlier when I said "Will any of this process modify (to the point of 'breaking') the current install on teh disk of my myth box or is it simply a case of copying files from it?"20:28
Gibby_2well no we can not just copy files, there are database things that would need to be copied and I am not a DB person. However try following that procedure for the diskless install20:32
ComradeHaz`which procedure?20:33
ComradeHaz`at the moment I am trying to decide if I want to risk resizing my LVM's on my server so I have a special place for the Mythbuntu system or if I want to just stick it on an existing file-system20:34
Gibby_2i would stick in on the existing file-system in its own directory but that would depend on how your LVM is setup20:36
ComradeHaz`On a RAID 5 :D20:37
Gibby_2You said you wanted to use it as a practice run for a network server20:37
ComradeHaz`Could end badly.20:37
ComradeHaz`I did?20:37
ComradeHaz`I think you missunderstoodified again!20:37
Gibby_2missunderstoodified? lol20:38
ComradeHaz`Yeah, we still thake the piss out of Bush :D20:38
ComradeHaz`Anyway. Should I be trying to do something, or am I essentially awaiting your pearls of Wisdom.20:39
Gibby_2well i am confused then what the new mythtbuntu install you did is for20:40
ComradeHaz`Me too.20:40
ComradeHaz`Forget it!20:40
Gibby_2lol ok, why not use it as the backend and then just have frontend in the living room20:41
ComradeHaz`not powerful enough20:41
ComradeHaz`barely enough power to turn on :d20:41
Gibby_2hmmmmmmmm ok20:41
ComradeHaz`(and I have nough machines running, any more and we won;t be able to pay our electric!)20:41
Gibby_2lol, that is 1 problem of having a lot of computers20:42
ComradeHaz`Yeah, further that witht eh fact I am cursed when it comes to HDD failurs and the less machines relying on individual drives I have the better.20:43
Gibby_2as far as I can tell ifyou want to network boot your frontend/backend you will have to start all over on your backend configs20:46
ComradeHaz`to repeat and clarify. 2 boxes. My server (MUST NOT F*** UP) providing box in living room with a netwwork bootable Mythbuntu.20:46
Gibby_2and the living room will be both frontend/backend?20:47
ComradeHaz`Startig over is not a problem.20:47
Gibby_2ok, so yeah you will have to wait until i test making debian a network boot server with mythbuntu image or you can try20:47
ComradeHaz`Well, I am happy to try things (carefully)20:48
ComradeHaz`but I have no idea where to start!20:48
Gibby_2does debian recognize apt-get? or just dpkg?20:48
ComradeHaz`well, I use aptitude, but yeah, essentially most of that sort of thing seems to be same as Ubuntu.20:49
ComradeHaz`but you can of course just tell me to install X and allow me to interperate.20:49
ComradeHaz`I'm not a total noob20:49
ComradeHaz`just totally noob to this aspect of things!20:49
Gibby_2ok, well you need a tftpd server on your debian server and the mythbuntu-diskless package20:50
ComradeHaz`Right. The latter I will of course have to deal with manually/20:50
Gibby_2well getting the deb manually20:50
ComradeHaz`Will have to find that....20:50
ComradeHaz`Isn't mythbuntu-diskless just a frontend though?20:54
Gibby_2it is bascially a mythbuntu image, you can add any packages you want20:56
Gibby_2how much recording and commericial removing are you going to do?20:56
ComradeHaz`I see. And it's possible for changes to be written back so it doesn't just run like a live cd?20:56
ComradeHaz`Later potentially a fair bit of recording20:56
ComradeHaz`As for commercial removing, I've not played with things enough to even know what that entails)20:57
Gibby_2what kind of network do you have from your server to your livinig room? wireless/100mb/1000mb?20:57
ComradeHaz`getting about 90MB/s read and write.20:57
Gibby_2ok good, 100bm or even wireless might cause a bottleneck for the backend20:57
Gibby_2nice, i have gigbit but don't get that have played with the settings enough yet20:58
Gibby_2haven't i meant20:58
ComradeHaz`Well, that's probably because the server is a raid520:58
ComradeHaz`each HDD is probably doign about 30MB/s read/write20:59
ComradeHaz`but as it's essentially reading from 4 at once it ends up a bit faster20:59
Gibby_2true i am still in a raid 1 under LVM, going to raid1+0 when my other HD's show up20:59
ComradeHaz`Aye, I just ran ghost for a while21:00
ComradeHaz`but seemed to make sense to go this way when I wanted to up the storage.21:00
ComradeHaz`having twice the storage for redundancyfelt too expensive21:01
ComradeHaz`no 'spare drives' atm, but might change that soonish.21:01
ComradeHaz`Hmm,  mythbuntu-diskless-server is tiny21:02
ComradeHaz`was expecting a large package....21:02
Gibby_2nope not that large, at the point you biuld your image it downloads mythbuntu21:03
ComradeHaz`Ah, I see.21:04
Gibby_2do you have any other frontends you are going to network boot?21:04
ComradeHaz`Not at the moment21:05
Gibby_2ok, i have the deb's just got to figure out where to put them so you can grab them21:05
ComradeHaz`That, presumably, would require another image/21:05
ComradeHaz`debs for what?21:05
ComradeHaz`OK, Gibby_2, mythbuntu-diskless-server installed and hopefully all dependancies satisfied!21:10
Gibby_2Ahh ok, on your debian server?21:10
Gibby_2ok next install tftpd-hpa21:11
Gibby_2Perfect, follow the howto from there21:14
Gibby_2Stop at Configure the DHCP server21:14
ComradeHaz`Could you link me again?21:16
ComradeHaz`Thanks pal21:21
ComradeHaz`By the way, did you notice my server is 64 bit?21:22
ComradeHaz`Does that matter?21:22
Gibby_2it shouldn't21:23
Gibby_2what is your front/back end?21:24
ComradeHaz`TFTP_DIRECTORY="/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386" <--- will that not make it store the mythbuntu image in that location?21:24
ComradeHaz`As far as I know mythbuntu is only available as 32 bit.21:24
* ComradeHaz` tentatively pokes Gibby_221:30
ComradeHaz`wb :)21:33
ComradeHaz`Did you fall asleep!?21:33
Gibby_2was eating dinner21:33
ComradeHaz`Ah, furry :)21:33
Gibby_2that will be fine21:34
ComradeHaz`Where will it stick the bulk of the fiels/21:34
Gibby_2/opt/ltsp is where the orignal image will be, any changes will be saved in /var/cache/mythbuntu-diskless21:35
ComradeHaz`I don't have a /opt partition....21:35
ComradeHaz`bit I do have such a directory on root....21:36
ComradeHaz`Nothign in it.21:36
ComradeHaz`Can that be configured?21:37
ComradeHaz`My /root isn't huge.21:37
ComradeHaz`Gibby_2, not that comfortable with line: sudo ltsp-build-client --mythbuntu --mythbuntu-user-credentials="your-user-id-here:your-password-here"21:44
ComradeHaz`What password?21:44
ComradeHaz`or am I specifying the user and password the setup will create?21:45
Gibby_2yep you specify the userid and the password21:46
Gibby_2pick whatever you want just don't use mythtv21:46
Gibby_2Also you can make /opt its own FS if you want to21:46
Gibby_2What time is it there?21:47
ComradeHaz`Hmm, I can't trivially do that without messing with my lvm's21:47
Gibby_2yes I know military time, very well... Trying to get ahold of my dad, we rent some servers and are changing21:47
ComradeHaz`how much space will this use in /opt?21:48
Gibby_2Sure you can21:48
Gibby_2give it 5Gigs21:48
Gibby_2do you have any free space on your LVM?21:48
Gibby_2you can make a symbolic link also21:49
ComradeHaz`$b$b /dev/mapper/vg00-root            5.0G  487M  4.2G  11% /21:49
ComradeHaz`Gonna have to.21:49
Gibby_2hold on21:49
ComradeHaz`Daren't risk resizing now. I am notoriously bad at it!21:50
ComradeHaz`My friends teaze me for making catastophic cock-ups when configuring my machines!21:50
Gibby_2my /opt/ltsp direcotyr is only 2.1G so I would say make it 2.5G21:50
Gibby_2well all you would have to do is shrink a logical volume by 3 or 4 gis21:51
Gibby_2granted you will have to take it offline since you can only grow online21:51
ComradeHaz`Meh, I wanted to shrink home, but both my parents are working, so can't21:54
ComradeHaz`How would I go about making it a symbolic link?21:54
ComradeHaz`Bugger it. 2.1Gig you reckon? Let's try it.21:56
Gibby_2is it ext4?22:00
ComradeHaz`and I think there is an error at: sudo ltsp-build-client --mythbuntu --mythbuntu-user-credentials="your-user-id-here:your-password-here"22:00
Gibby_2let me get my procedure for it22:00
ComradeHaz`It seems one can specify the destination with --base22:01
Gibby_2so ltsp-build-client failed?22:02
ComradeHaz`I think that command is missing an option.22:02
Gibby_2use pastebin and put the error there22:03
superm1tgm4883, i knew about that.  it's supposed to be NA if the backend config file (/etc/default/mythtv-backend) isn't modified because it should be removed on upgrade22:04
ComradeHaz`unrecognized option mythbuntu and mythbuntu-user-cred.... etc22:04
ComradeHaz`they're not options, they're values of options.22:04
ComradeHaz`That said, I cannot see what options those values might apply to22:06
ComradeHaz`I am wondering if ltsp is 'customized' towards debian or ubuntu depending on who package it.22:07
Gibby_2what is the output of ltsp-build-client --extra-help22:07
ComradeHaz`A lot. One sec.22:07
Gibby_2use pastebin22:07
Gibby_2and the output of dpkg -l ltsp-server22:10
Gibby_2you need ubuntu's version of ltsp-server22:13
ComradeHaz`Hmm, that could get messy, couldn't it?22:14
ComradeHaz`In terms of my package manager?22:14
Gibby_2you won't install from package manager, install from the deb22:14
ComradeHaz`A'ight. Let me try to find the ubuntu version22:15
ComradeHaz`Which version?22:17
ComradeHaz`Gah, there's no deb available.22:18
Gibby_2i will get you the deb hold on22:19
ComradeHaz`Hmm, I am being warned off installing the ubuntu version of ltsp by the debian guru's :S22:24
Gibby_2Why? you don't need it for anything else22:28
ComradeHaz`Well, I can't make an informed decision as I don't understand how it works....22:30
Gibby_2hmm well we are stuck then22:31
ComradeHaz`Can you shed light on how it works and what you might see as potential risks22:31
ComradeHaz`From what I have seen of that guys chatting before he seems knowledgable22:32
ComradeHaz`though he is refusing to assist on this as he claims it's not a debian issue even though the base system is debian.....22:32
Gibby_2how what works ltsp? No clue really, I know we need it to build the boot image22:33
Gibby_2should have been installed with the mythbuntu-diskless package22:34
ComradeHaz`Could we build the boot image elsewhere and import it?22:34
Gibby_2maybe ........ but I don't know enough about it22:34
ComradeHaz`Could I, for example, do it on the mythbuntu box.22:35
Gibby_2yes, but i wouldn't know how to port it to your debian box22:35
ComradeHaz`Well, what actually happens after it's been built. Presumably it just sits somehere until something calls on it?22:36
ComradeHaz`what is that something and where does it feature in your guide?22:37
Gibby_2tftp calls it22:37
ComradeHaz`At what point?22:38
ComradeHaz`Does it call the program ltsp, or just the files created by it?22:38
ComradeHaz`I'm trying to make sense of the latter part of your guide but failing.22:38
Gibby_2not ltsp22:39
Gibby_2but you need ltsp to update/upgrade the image22:39
Gibby_2or to save any changes22:39
ComradeHaz`Gash :/22:40
ComradeHaz`Virtual machine maybe?22:40
Gibby_2yes that would work22:40
ComradeHaz`Hmm, suggestions on best way to do that?22:41
Gibby_2xen probably22:41
ComradeHaz`OK, let's explore this avenue verbally.22:42
ComradeHaz`What are the downsides?22:42
Gibby_2... none really22:42
ComradeHaz`1) permanently running a copy of ubuntu on top of my usual server chores <---- no biggy, hardly stress the system.22:43
Gibby_2yep and xen is this best i hear22:43
ComradeHaz`2) is the virtual layer 'visible enough' to the network to actually respond to the netboot request?22:43
ComradeHaz`3) have I got enough tea left in my pot to make progress with this tonight?22:44
Gibby_2yes, but i can't help with the xen part22:44
Gibby_2shouldn't that be pot in the tea...... like grandma's boy22:45
ComradeHaz`Nope, never touch it.22:45
ComradeHaz`My brain's too slow already!22:45
ComradeHaz`I am tempted to be lazy and use something like virtual-box22:47
Gibby_2oracle VB?22:47
ComradeHaz`is that a bad idea?22:48
Gibby_2no, i use it, however it doesn't support auto boot22:48
ComradeHaz`as in boot the virtual box on system reboot?22:49
ComradeHaz`Surely a little script could see to that?22:49
ComradeHaz`I say Gibby_2 old bean! Are you still around?23:28
ComradeHaz`Do I need concern myself as what user I run the virtual machine?23:28
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