
BryansteinHey any of your guys know "where" UDS is being held in Orlando?00:19
BryansteinI'm in Florida...people are asking me and I have no clue and there is nothing online00:20
Bryansteinmneptok, you got a clue?00:20
IdleOneBryanstein: http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/03/02/announcing-the-10-10-ubuntu-developer-summit/00:20
knomeIdleOne, umm, too old?00:21
IdleOneoops lol00:21
persiaNo, that was for Brussels00:21
persiaBryanstein, Best hunt cjohnston about it : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/UDS-N is empty so far, mostly.00:21
knomemust be that ;)00:21
knomeThe Caribe Royal, Orlando, Florida, USA – 25th – 29th October 201000:22
Bryansteinlol nothing was there when I checked previously...wtf now its there00:22
knomemagic touch00:23
* knome blows on his finger00:23
* Bryanstein gazes on in amazement 00:23
Bryansteinthanks guys00:24
* apachelogger proposed to sabdfl that we should make a field trip to disney world, no reply though :(00:36
persiaSeveral private groups are organising such trips already.00:38
persia(typically the weekend before/after : opinions differ)00:38
knomeapachelogger, ;)00:50
apacheloggerpersia: I am not going unless I get promised a field trip :P00:50
apacheloggerat akademy one always gets a fancy field trip ;)00:51
knomeapachelogger, that's because akademy is for kids and uds is for grown-ups ;)00:56
apacheloggergrownup* -> aka boring01:01
knomehihi ;)01:01
apacheloggerso I am expected to go to a city I am not even sure where it exactly is in the middle of tornado season to see bunch of old geezers and get bored while getting up way to early for a whole week? :P01:01
apacheloggerknome: remote attendance it is then :P01:04
knomeheh :)01:04
knomethat's what i thought ;)01:04
ubottuIn ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !blackscreen is Please see http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html if you system boots to a black screen01:16
persiaUm, there's usually a field trip on Wednesday afternoon/evening.01:17
persiaAnd ages usually range from ~16 to ~6001:18
ubottuIn ubottu, ZykoticK9 said: !torrents is appears the links are both broken01:18
knomepersia, you mean 6-16? :)01:18
persiaNo, I mean 16-60, as typical apparent ages at UDS.  Median seems late 20s01:20
* persia doesn't usually ask how old folks are01:20
knomepersia, yeah yeah, i know ;)01:21
* charlie-tca will be considered "elderly"?01:23
ilovefairuzcheck out n0a1ias in #ubuntu01:44
gnomefreakthe meeting is still tomorrow at 1800UTC right?02:39
ubottuIn #ubuntu, danielsavage said: ubottu: this is one internal drive with 3 partitions03:14
rwwMornin'. If durarara/aliceinwire drops by here to deal with their ban in #ubuntu (for a forkbomb in their /quit), I'd appreciate someone poking me about it afterwards. They're in #ubuntu-women also, and I just asked them to change it and then come here to get everything straightened out.12:23
rwwty. hopefully it'll all get figured out and I won't have to +b them from -women too. I think there might be a language issue involved, not sure.12:25
ubottuDaekdroom called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:21
IdleOneI think we should change the !best factoid15:58
IdleOneubottu: best is <reply> Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel.15:58
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, IdleOne said: ubottu: best is <reply> Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel.15:58
IdleOneljl is not sure exactly when bestbot will be back online15:59
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:24
nhandlerIdleOne: ljl said not until sometime in September in -bots the other day (I updated the /topic in there)16:25
IdleOneyeah but the factoid points users to ask BestBot and we know how many users actually read topics16:26
ubottuPaavi2_0 called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()16:28
IdleOnetimpster banned and removed from #u, PM me he is sorry then joined -ot and did the same thing16:29
elkysometimes I think "sorry" means something completely different to many people16:37
IdleOneyeah, sorry (i got caught)16:38
elkyyea, that one16:42
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:51
ilovefairuzcheck magistr on #ubuntu17:57
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu (magistr)17:57
ubottuaeon-ltd called the ops in #ubuntu (magistr)17:58
nhandlerQuieted and PMed17:59
ubottumadf0x called the ops in #ubuntu (Frostic)18:05
oCean_hi, please notice <Frostic> in #u18:08
ilovefairuzsomeone check #ubuntu, please?18:09
ubottumadf0x called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:11
IdleOneIRCC meeting in 20 minutes or so?18:37
* gnomefreak might make one :)18:38
jussisomething like that..18:41
MamarokIs there a chance to have the Metabot stop freaking out?22:39
IdleOnewhere is it freaking out?22:48
Mamarokin #ubuntu-meta23:11
Mamarokit doesn't work since quite some time now, rejoining every other minute23:11
IdleOneMamarok: LjL won't be able to fix it for another week or so23:29

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