
WinstonSmithjohn have a look here : http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/101/mount-a-samba-point/00:01
JohnWinstonSmith: well I should be more specific.  I have some experience with this.  I've been using this mount for a while now and it suddenly became ver very slow about 2 weeks ago00:03
Johnthis is the line in /etc/fstab for instance // /mnt/demigod cifs auto,file_perm=0666,dir_perm=0777,uid=1000,gid=1000,username=John,password=********,iocharset=utf8 0 000:04
Johnwoked fine for months00:04
WinstonSmithjohn if you mount it via CLI for testing do you have the same behavior?00:04
WinstonSmithor if you access the share with a windows client... just to see where the problem lies....00:05
Johnhrmmm yes i think so.  let me double check.  I did try it with smbclient cli and had the saem speed problems.  let me mount it using those instructions and see what happens00:05
Johnok will try with a windows client as well.00:06
fundaciondo sombody know a program to work php visual?00:10
JohnWinstonSmith: still with me?00:11
WinstonSmithjohn yep00:11
JohnWinstonSmith: on a windows client through explorer, copy ran at 4+ MB/s (wireless)00:11
JohnWinstonSmith: mounting with mout -t cifs, it runs at about 30 KB/s00:12
WinstonSmithjohn ouch00:12
JohnWinstonSmith: with cp from the ubuntu server box00:12
Johnand like i sadi, everything worked fin until about 2-3 weeks ago00:12
WinstonSmithjohn if you write on the share is it also slow?00:13
JohnWinstonSmith: heh... i dont think I have any large files on the ubuntu box... let me hunt around00:14
JohnWinstonSmith: um wow... no it was hella fast in fact00:15
JohnWinstonSmith: i copied a 1.5 MB file in a blink00:16
JohnWinstonSmith: will look for something bigger00:16
WinstonSmithjohn after doing some google-fu i found a lot of people with this error - reading is slow but writing ok ill look further00:16
JohnWinstonSmith: i've run into this before with OSX on one of my other machines, but I fixed that with... hrrrm I think I fixed it by changing some TCP wetting on the mac box00:19
JohnWinstonSmith: setting*00:19
JohnWinstonSmith: it was "sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack=0"  had to do with some disagreement between windows and macs about how to do tcp00:21
WinstonSmithjohn do you have the socket options  =  TCP_NODELAY  SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 in your smb.conf?00:21
JohnWinstonSmith: hah! that must be the linux way of doing that mac osx command. :-)  I will check00:22
WinstonSmithjohn im not sure00:22
WinstonSmithjohn just do a testparm and you will see right away00:22
Johnugh test parm is letting me know that it does not recognize a bunch of options.00:24
JohnWinstonSmith: one more moment please00:24
JohnWinstonSmith: it is there, but commented out00:25
WinstonSmithjohn well you could give it a try00:26
JohnWinstonSmith: will do.  right now in fact00:27
WinstonSmithjohn do you have a GUI on your linux box?00:28
WinstonSmithjohn you could also try to add rsize=4k to your mount options00:28
WinstonSmithas suggested here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121368800:29
WinstonSmithlook at post #500:30
JohnWinstonSmith: i will try that first... looks less intrusive :-)000:30
WinstonSmithjohn yes :P00:31
dominicdinadaugh need help finding a host by name ?00:31
JohnWinstonSmith: that made it slower by half :-(  now getting 15 KB/s00:33
WinstonSmithjohn did you use rsize=4096,wsize=4096?00:34
JohnWinstonSmith: yes00:34
WinstonSmithjohn eg you could try 16384 to see what happens00:34
JohnWinstonSmith: i was just thinking of doing that00:34
WinstonSmith16384 FTW !!!00:35
JohnWinstonSmith: lol00:35
JohnWinstonSmith: meh... 40ish KB/s  ima try editing smb.conf00:37
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: hmmm still cant block :O the eff is up with that00:38
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, i think you got something wrong there ;)00:38
WinstonSmithjohn, did you ask your question in #samba?00:39
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: yeah but i am trying to figure out who it is.... I tracked it etc. but still no aval... i wondered if it is to the ubuntu servers ? or something00:39
JohnWinstonSmith: thanks for all your help... i will try there next00:39
WinstonSmithJohn you are welcome :)00:40
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: maybe i need to rebuild my entire firewall blocking every single packet and connection then opening 1 by 1 because allows take presidance ? :/00:42
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, your were not discussing your problem with me :O00:42
dominicdinadathat no matter what i block i am getting suspicious connections even when i set iptables to drop packets from specified ports00:48
dominicdinadayou know i thought it might be the core os communicating but googling the IP results almost no results.... so there is a flag. then when i whois the addy i get a hit for the provider but scanning and pinging the host fails00:49
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: ^^00:49
EvilPhoenixdominicdinada:  what ports are you getting these suspicious hits on?00:52
EvilPhoenixand in or outbound00:52
dominicdinadaudp 124900:52
dominicdinadareguardless something should not be going external like that behind 2 firewalls and a router. maybe ISPs changed there policies that they are breaking into computers to check what is there lol00:53
EvilPhoenixdominicdinada:  you could filter out all outbound traffic...00:53
EvilPhoenixbut i dont recommend it...00:53
EvilPhoenixyou could do...00:54
WinstonSmithdominicdinada,  netstat -vaup | grep 1249 gives you what?00:54
EvilPhoenixehh let WinstonSmith help you00:54
* EvilPhoenix checks on that port number00:54
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: since the machine in question was taking so many hits i shut it down. well not shut it down but pulled the hardline....00:54
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, im a bit confused here... i mean outbound means you are sending those packets ... explain plz00:55
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: The machine should not have any external connections let lone 10000 packets sending data outbound. Then I set the ruleset to block the IP via -j DROP I set it to Drop outbound udp and tcp and the connections still persist00:57
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, yes but did you find out which process was actually sending those packets?00:57
dominicdinadanoticed total network performance drop recently and checked and that is an active connection sending outbound00:57
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: ugh no i didnt maybe i will try once again00:58
WinstonSmithdominicdinada,  netstat -vaup | grep 1249 gives you what?00:58
EvilPhoenixi wonder what exactly you do on your server...00:58
EvilPhoenixbecause if its shells or something... it might be a rouge user00:58
dominicdinadaEvilPhoenix: just a local development server i never have fileshared or anything alike. I really would like to block every single external connection except updates00:59
dominicdinadaEvilPhoenix: i didnt see anything in the logs suggesting such let me go over to the machine and check brb00:59
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, well then dont give it a gateway & dns and there you are00:59
EvilPhoenixwhere'd i put my iptables manpages...00:59
EvilPhoenixdominicdinada:  you could always block the port itself on outbound...01:01
dominicdinadanetstat -vaup | grep 1249 returned nothing01:02
EvilPhoenixdominicdinada:  you could try adding two rules into OUTPUT...01:02
dominicdinadaliterally nothing just passed the command and returned to prompt no error01:02
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, that is strange ... is it sending right now?01:02
EvilPhoenixdominicdinada:  you could add these: iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 1249 -j DROP  and  iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 1249 -j DROP01:03
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, you could do just the netstat -vaup and look by hand01:03
dominicdinadaas soon as i plugged it in the links went haywire01:03
EvilPhoenixshould drop any traffic on that port01:03
EvilPhoenixnot 2 dports01:04
EvilPhoenixone of those should be sport01:04
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, because if its a legitimate process sending on port 1249 udp it should show up. or you may have something really fishy going on there01:05
EvilPhoenixmmm sounds fishy01:05
WinstonSmithyes it does... not showing on netstat .....01:05
* WinstonSmith hears it hacking somewhere01:06
EvilPhoenixcould always just add port blocking rules01:06
dominicdinadaof course it is WinstonSmith01:06
EvilPhoenixyou could*01:06
dominicdinadaNetstat vaup only returned 3 entries... one of being which is a bridge. also after blocking those ports now instead of 1249 the same ip is using 1279 and 112501:07
EvilPhoenixsounds like you have bad things01:08
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, did u try something like this : sudo apt-get -y install chkrootkit01:08
dominicdinadafunny how iptables doesnt drop all packets01:08
dominicdinadano i didnt lol why would i install a root kit01:08
EvilPhoenixdominicdinada:  you'd need to do iptables -P OUTPUT DROP or whatever it is01:08
EvilPhoenixdominicdinada:  someone could have hacked you and put it on there01:08
dominicdinadasince i specified to block everything from the dam IP01:08
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, check for rootkits01:08
dominicdinadasearch chroot ?01:08
dominicdinadachrootkit ?01:09
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, its a script that checks for rootkits01:09
dominicdinadamake sure i dont have it ?01:09
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, yes01:09
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, cause you seem to have a hidden process around there ergo rootkit01:10
dominicdinadaok and to EvilPhoenix idea about removing the gateway ? hmmm that is an idea but i would rather block all packets except from local ips, etc01:10
EvilPhoenixyou mean outbound>01:10
EvilPhoenixor inbound01:10
EvilPhoenixif you want outbound traffic to local net ips01:11
dominicdinadaUgh brb phone i will check and report back01:11
EvilPhoenixyou can allow it to those destination local net ips01:11
EvilPhoenixspeaking of which01:11
EvilPhoenixWinstonSmith:  you did me a favor and reminded me to run a routine check on my servers for rootkits x]01:11
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, blocking traffic doesnt help if the box is still infected no? so you have to clean or reinstall it01:11
WinstonSmithEvilPhoenix, hehehe01:12
EvilPhoenixyay i'm clean!01:12
* EvilPhoenix kicks his ssh for failing though01:12
* EvilPhoenix will return01:12
EvilPhoenixokay restarting my internet helped x]01:13
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, so will you try the sudo apt-get -y install chkrootkit ?01:16
dominicdinadaok chkroot is not installed01:39
dominicdinadanow that ip is using another network addy instead of .192 it is trying to connect via port 4314 from .19601:39
dominicdinadanetstat -vaup | grep 4314 returns nothing and i pulled the plug01:40
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, obviously you have to install  chkrootkit and then run it01:42
dominicdinadai asked if i should or should not have it you said not. I guess communication error about how i asked  and you answered01:42
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, well sry i thought that was obvious since i gave you a apt-get install line01:45
dominicdinadait scrolls to fast but it is picking up an xrl autoreg something or other and thats it :O01:46
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/.path /usr/lib/xulrunner-
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/.path /usr/lib/xulrunner-
WinstonSmithdominicdinada, but did you get any positives?02:16
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: yes what i posted showed positive as suspicious so i removed the package. now it is showing pymodules/.path as positive02:17
dominicdinadaso i nano'd all the contents out02:18
WinstonSmithwell sledgehammer02:18
dominicdinadasledgehammer ?02:19
WinstonSmithzeroing out i mean02:20
WinstonSmithmaybe its a false positive02:20
dominicdinadaWinstonSmith: true.02:21
RoyK^does fsck check the contents of the filesystem  or just its metadata?02:36
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WinstonSmithRoyK, explain plz02:43
HopsaRoyK: Filesystem checks does as many checks as they possibly can unless the user wants it to go --faster or so and then it skips some tests.02:59
HopsaMost do header or db checks againt the files present on the media.03:00
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Jordan_URoyK: Just the metadata, most filesystems don't store checksums of the data and without those you can't confirm the integrity of the data.04:05
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DustyHey all! Quick question!08:52
DustyIf.. Anyone has a moment?08:52
DustyHmm ,well simply.. If your hardware does not support hardware virtualization.. Does that mean you can't use virtual machines? That might sound like a dumb question but none of the guides clarify yes or no really..08:54
Dusty"kvm-ok" A message will be printed informing you if your CPU does or does not support hardware virtualization. - On most computer whose processor supports virtualization, it is necessary to activate an option in the BIOS to enable it.  - ...08:55
pwnguin# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists09:17
pwnguinif [ -d ~/bin ] ; then09:17
pwnguin    PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"09:17
lifelessDusty: qemu can run non hardware virtualised vms09:18
lifelessbut its a lot slower09:18
pwnguini have a ~/bin, and yet PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games09:19
pwnguini guess gnome / X fixes PATH for me helpfully09:24
lifelessit will be rc vs profile, I suspectr09:25
pwnguinit is09:25
pwnguinbut im wondering09:25
DustyThat's cool. Thanks lifeless.09:25
Dusty>.< Not seeing many guides for 10.09 server however. most are for 9.1009:25
pwnguinwhy is there supposed to be a 10.09?09:26
DustySorry, 10.0409:26
DustyBeen a long day.09:26
pwnguinlifeless: i'm trying to figure out the difference between a login shell and every other one, and my best guess right now is that login(1) has to call bash, and that gdm/X doesn't do that09:28
pwnguinwhich raises a small annoyance09:30
pwnguinthe above excerpt comes from .bash_profile09:31
pwnguinso that it only runs and tacks onto PATH once09:31
pwnguinanyways, this is server unrelated now, since it involves desktops09:32
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gasbakidwhat is the entry password for the root16:27
Patrickdknone :)16:28
Patrickdkunless you set one16:28
Patrickdkyou can't login as root, ever16:28
gasbakidso how could i do for accessing16:31
gasbakidnn the first time16:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #626317 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.16.0.0', which is also in package mysql-cluster-client-5.1 0:7.0.9-1ubuntu7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62631716:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #626334 in php5 (main) "package php5-cli 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 failed to install/upgrade: beroendeproblem - lämnar okonfigurerad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62633417:16
reisiis there a common way to use a "normal" smtp account for all administration (mdadm, cron, smartd, etc.) mails generated by a server installation?18:04
reisinormal as in username/login and single From: address18:04
Thornany guides/tips on installing ubuntu server as a kvm host? I'd like as minimal install as possible18:04
Patrickdkthorn, I like to do pxe/net installs, they are pretty basic18:05
Thornwell I did manage to find a 7 year old blank cd and burn the iso to it :)18:06
Thorndo I need X in the host for example?18:07
pmatulisThorn: no18:14
dev001I'm migrating a bunch of Xen DomUs to 10.04.1 LTS Server.  I've easily found & DL'd the .iso.  Where online can I find downloadable vmlinuz/initrd for DomU booting?  Iiuc, Ubuntu has pvops-enabled kernels, so I don't need xen-specific imgs -- just the 'normal' kernel/initrd will do.18:40
WinstonSmithhi all :) what command do i use to tell a certain service to start at boot ? thx19:15
RoyKif the service is using upstart, "start service" wiill do19:17
WinstonSmithRoyK, i know but at boot?19:17
RoyKif not,  use the script in /etc/init.d19:17
RoyKmake a symlink in /etc/rc2.d to the script19:17
RoyKcd /etc/rc2.d; ln -s ../init.d/somescript S99somescript19:18
WinstonSmithRoyK, cause i just upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04 and now a lot of servies just wont start at boot anymore eg apache & webmin19:19
WinstonSmithRoyK, but  i have the S99apache2 in rc.2 :(19:20
RoyKWinstonSmith: do you have their init scripts woring?19:20
WinstonSmithRoyK, plz explain?19:20
RoyKdoes it work to start them with their init scripts?19:20
RoyK/etc/init.d/apache2 start19:21
WinstonSmithRoyK, yes sure .... the services are ok eg if i service start webmin it comes up but not at boot anymore19:21
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guntbertWinstonSmith: you do know that webmin is not supported on ubuntu?19:22
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.19:22
WinstonSmithRoyK, its really weird ... the link in rc.2 points to the right file too19:23
guntbertalthough ebox is in no way a replacement ....19:23
WinstonSmithroyk thx for the info but thats another issue... what about all the other services i have not booting?19:23
WinstonSmithguntbert, and i have a vbox control made in webmin which i would be missing VERY much :(19:24
guntbertWinstonSmith: I know those feelings - just a word of warning - webmin *can* break your system19:25
WinstonSmithguntbert, i will disable it sniff ... but any idea why the apache for example doesnt start if i ls the link in rc2.d it gives S99apache2 -> /etc/init.d/apache2 which is right no?19:26
george_I need to somehow connect users form google apps standard edition to the unix users system ? any ideas ?19:27
guntbertWinstonSmith: sorry, I sort of lost track of the numerous ways how to start different services (upstart vs runlevels vs ??)19:27
WinstonSmithguntbert, saved myself ==> update-rc.d -f apache2 remove && update-rc.d apache2 defaults did the trick19:38
WinstonSmithguntbert, ths for your help anyway have a nice day :D19:39
WinstonSmithRoyK, thx too :)19:39
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guntbertWinstonSmith: I didn't really give any help, but thx for reporting back  - I'll try to remember  :-)19:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #626416 in openbsd-inetd (main) "package openbsd-inetd 0.20080125-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo novo script pre-installation retornou estado de saída de erro 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62641620:01
Mp3hi guys and gals20:30
Mp3im having some issues with a new server install and i cant find any helpful things on the forums... so i figured i might be able to ask here20:31
Mp3for some reason, i can access my server over the LAN just fine, and DNS works great.. but it apparently cant connect to anything outside of the lan.20:31
Mp3it was working fine just after install, and after i setup my wireless card with ndiswrapper, i get to it this morning and nothing as far as internet works.20:32
Mp3any ideas?20:32
ThornMp3: ping, tcpdump, tracepath, dmesg, ip route. find where the packets die and why20:34
Mp3ping gets no replies back, (resolves the host just fine as stated) just tried tracepath (was trying to install traceroute heh) and it gets to my router, twice... and then no reply20:36
Mp3everything looks fine in ip route20:37
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CrankygeekI have just done a fresh install of egroupware 1.6. I have Apache2 installed, and I am using Postgresql for my database. I have completed all the configurations and built the database. All checks are passing....But I am getting an error when I try and load the site..."Fatal Error: It appears that you have not created the database tables for eGroupWare.  Click here to run setup." I have searched high and low for a resolution w22:05
Crankygeekith no luck.....I am hoping someone here can help.22:05
CrankygeekI have just done a fresh install of egroupware 1.6. I have Apache2 installed, and I am using Postgresql for my database. I have completed all the configurations and built the database. All checks are passing....But I am getting an error when I try and load the site..."Fatal Error: It appears that you have not created the database tables for eGroupWare.  Click here to run setup." I have searched high and low for a resolution,22:15
CrankygeekI am hoping someone here can help?22:15
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CrankygeekI have just done a fresh install of egroupware 1.6. I have Apache2 installed, and I am using Postgresql for my database. I have completed all the configurations and built the database. All checks are passing....But I am getting an error when I try and load the site..."Fatal Error: It appears that you have not created the database tables for eGroupWare.  Click here to run setup." I have searched high and low for a resolution,22:21
CrankygeekI am hoping someone can help22:21
kklimonda!weekend | Crankygeek22:35
ubottuCrankygeek: It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week.22:35
stlsaintkklimonda: that doesnt make sense really when there are 268 nicks in the room...22:37
kklimondastlsaint: why? most people just never turn off their irc client22:39
stlsaintkklimonda: meh, idling doesnt make sense to me regardless22:40
stlsaintif your not at your system why just waste resources?22:40
kklimondastlsaint: to make it possible for others to ping you and keep a scrollback of all channels you are on.22:40
kklimondait's usefel to be able to take a look back at what the discussion is about before you join it ;)22:41
stlsaintkklimonda: but if you are not at your machine how is it possible for someone to ping you and get a response?22:41
kklimondastlsaint: you'll be able to get back to him once you read it22:41
stlsaintkklimonda: yea that makes sense, but then again thats where there is the /memo function22:42
kklimondastlsaint: no one uses it22:42
stlsaintkklimonda: haha, well thats a whole different issue22:42
stlsaintkklimonda: im also wondering about the ubuntu-server wiki not being touched since last year22:43
stlsaintkklimonda: and how the mentoring process doesnt actually work (or it seems it doesnt)22:43
kklimondamentoring process?22:45
stlsaintkklimonda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Mentoring22:48
stlsaintkklimonda: ^^ untouched since 200822:48
kklimondawell, we obviously could use a spare hand to update it ;)22:50
stlsaintkklimonda: undertandable but its not seeming like a updated process to get involved with the team...22:55
stlsaintkklimonda: this is my third go-round at joining the team...i finally just went ahead and tried joining lp team22:55
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CrankygeekI have just done a fresh install of egroupware 1.6. I have Apache2 installed, and I am using Postgresql for my database. I have completed all the configurations and built the database. All checks are passing....But I am getting an error when I try and load the site..."Fatal Error: It appears that you have not created the database tables for eGroupWare.  Click here to run setup." I have searched high and low for a resolution w23:27
Crankygeekith no luck.....I am hoping someone here can help.23:27
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