
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
kandarpkalsroot: around ?17:26
alsrootkandarpk: yup17:26
kandarpkalsroot: what is python-hippocanvas used for ?17:27
kandarpksetting canvas17:27
alsrootkandarpk: it is a pthon wrapper around UI lib http://live.gnome.org/HippoCanvas17:27
kandarpkalsroot: do all activities make use of it ?17:28
alsrootkandarpk: afaik, there were plans to not use it, at least in Vala rewriting of sugar-toolkit I didn't use hippocanvas17:28
alsroot..and use pure gtk17:28
kandarpkalsroot: ok, thanks.17:29
kandarpklfaraone: do we need to python-hippocanvas in CDBS_DEPENDS if the source doesn't import hippocanvas ?17:29
alsrootkandarpk: sugar still uses it, so we need it as dependency17:30
alsroot*sugar core17:30
alsroot..and some activities as well17:30
kandarpkalsroot: ok.17:30
kandarpkalsroot: the source didn't import it, so was a bit confused17:30
alsrootkandarpk: it could be imported from sugar-toolkit modules17:31
kandarpkalsroot: ok, got it.17:31
kandarpkalsroot: what is cjson used for ?17:32
alsrootkandarpk: it is python lib to support http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Json17:34
alsrooti.e. data format for IPC/RPC17:34
manusheelkandarpk: Hi Kandarp.17:54
kandarpkmanusheel sir: hello sir.17:54
manusheelkandarpk: How is the presentation on collaboration and activity coming along?18:05
manusheelkandarpk: Kindly send me your presentation on Tuesday. We have a presentation on Wednesday on activity dev and collaboration in Sugar.18:05
kandarpkmanusheel sir: trying to add collaboration to the activity.18:06
kandarpkmanusheel sir: OK.18:06
manusheelkandarpk: Great. Thanks Kandarp.18:06
kandarpkalsroot: can HBox be used in place of hippo.CanvasBox ?18:13
alsrootkandarpk: well, hippo.CanvasBox has much more features then just HBox, see hippo.CanvasBox docs18:15
alsrootkandarpk: nut if you need just to place widgets, use HBox/VBox18:15
kandarpkalsroot: I want to add a widget which can be used for sharing messages18:16
kandarpkalsroot: as hippo.CanvasBox is used in hello mesh18:17
alsrootkandarpk: use Box derivates then, for my own, I'm trying to not use hippo18:17
kandarpkalsroot: ok.18:19
kandarpkalsroot: what can to used to share messages ?18:20
kandarpkI want a textbox kind of widget18:20
alsrootkandarpk: you mean something like shared textbox?18:20
kandarpkalsroot: a simple textbox will do, like the one in chat activity18:21
alsrootkandarpk: well, one in chat is not simple text box :)18:22
kandarpkalsroot: :)18:22
alsrootkandarpk: if you need just to place widgets, use VBox/HBox18:22
alsroot..and other basic containers18:23
kandarpkalsroot: I'll browse through the chat activity and see if I can get any clue from there18:24
kandarpkishan_: hi18:27
alsrootkandarpk: btw there is also http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Summer_of_Code/2009/Groupthink, you can ask bemasc(author) and m_anish who uses it in Pippy18:27
ishan_kandarpk, hi18:27
kandarpkishan_: have you installed hello mesh ?18:28
ishan_kandarpk, yes sir18:28
kandarpkishan_: please share it, I wanted to see how it works.18:28
ishan_kandarpk, okay18:29
ishan_you mean to check collaboration on sugar18:29
kandarpkishan_: yes, but the activity to be more specific18:30
ishan_kandarpk, okay sir18:30
ishan_still trying to find you on neighbour hood view18:31
kandarpkishan_: I'll join in a minute18:31
kandarpkalsroot: thanks.18:33
kandarpkalsroot: GroupThink looks a bit complex/feature rich.18:34
ishan_kandarpk, ping me sir when you join18:34
kandarpkalsroot: I wanted to integrate somethink like chat so that users can communicate/pass messages18:35
kandarpkishan_: in 2 min. need to log into ubuntu for that.18:35
ishan_kandarpk, okay sir18:36
kandarpkit isn't working in debian.18:36
alsrootkandarpk: I extracted Chat's major widget to Speak, see chatbox.py and how it is used18:36
manusheelalsroot: Thank you. I'll communicate this to Kandarp.18:39
alsrootkandarpk: I extracted Chat's major widget to Speak, see chatbox.py and how it is used18:40
kandarpkalsroot: great idea. :)18:40
alsrootkandarpk: also, would be useful to have this widget in separate library (some time we can integrate it to the shell)18:40
alsroot..and to other activities18:41
ishan_kandarpk, i have invited you18:41
* alsroot thought about it but didn't have enough time18:41
kandarpkalsroot: ok.18:42
kandarpkishan_: sorry, can you invite me again18:43
ishan_kandarpk, sure18:44
=== ishan_ is now known as ishan
ishankandarpk, sir did you receive me message18:46
kandarpkishan: no :(18:46
ishankandarpk,were yoou able to join my activity18:47
ishandid you received my invitation18:47
kandarpkishan: didn't receive the invitation18:47
ishankandarpk, let me restart sugar18:48
ishankandarpk, joined your activity18:50
* ishan is away for 10mins19:17
* ishan is back19:27
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk

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